2015-2016 Annual Report - British Columbia Real Estate Association
2015-2016 Annual Report - British Columbia Real Estate Association
ANNUAL REPORT I 2015–2016 ENSURING THE CONTINUED VALUE OF REALTORS® IN BC PRINT PRESIDENT'S REPORT BOA RD OF CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS D IREC TOR S 2015-2016 Board of Directors Back row (left to right): Gary McInnis, Jim Stewart, David Kearney, Dick Pemberton, Anthony Ariganello, James Palanio Front row (left to right): Robert Laing, Deanna Horn, Scott Russell, Jake Moldowan, Rosario Setticasi 2015-2016 BCREA Officers (left to right): Chief Executive Officer Robert Laing, President-Elect Deanna Horn, President Scott Russell, Past President Jake Moldowan BCREA STAFF BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT TA BLE OF CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF CONT E NTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inside cover PRESIDENT'S REPORT ...................................................... 2 CEO'S REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ...................................................... 3 CORE PURPOSE Ensuring the continued value of REALTORS® in BC CORE VALUES • Member board vitality STRATEGIC PLAN • REALTOR® success ▸ Innovation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 • REALTOR® professionalism ▸ Professionalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 • Quality of Life ▸ Consumer Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ▸ Ensuring economic vitality ▸ Core Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ▸ Providing housing opportunities FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 MEMBER BOARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 BCREA STAFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ▸ Preserving the environment ▸ Protecting property owners ▸ Building better communities • Public trust BOARD OF DIRECTORS CEO'S REPORT PRE SIDE NT ’S Scott Russell President 2 STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF RE P OR T This was the first year of our new five-year Strategic Plan, which outlines three major strategic goals for the Association: a new structure for the real estate profession in the province to better create value; new projects that support both REALTORS® and consumers during their decision-making process and transactions; and continuing to deliver our valued core services. BCREA has wholeheartedly supported the work undertaken by a dedicated group of member board Presidents, staff and external experts to examine the current state of organized real estate in BC and explore options for what a new structure might look like. This work has been intense and exciting as we take tangible steps to transform what the future of organized real estate will be in the province. A major focus for the Association this year was about the best structure for the real estate profession in the province. What does that mean? It’s about how we use the resources we have in the best way possible. It’s about helping REALTORS® be innovative and creative in serving our clients. It’s ultimately about ensuring the continued value of REALTORS® to consumers. By building the best structure we can, we are also providing a strong foundation upon which to launch the other strategic projects in our plan. I’m proud to have been President during this period of discussion, reflection and planning. I’m also proud of all that the Association has been able to accomplish at the same time. Thank you to the Board of Directors for their hard work and insights, as well as to the Association staff for working tirelessly behind the scenes. British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 The coming year holds many changes for both the Association and our broader community. I’m excited to see what will come out of the seeds that have been planted this past year. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF CHIEF E XECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT The past year has seen significant resources invested in launching our Strategic Plan and facilitating discussions around the future of organized real estate in the province. Whatever the results of those discussion, we are entering a period of significant change, which will be our normal state as we evolve our organization (both operationally and strategically) to meet REALTOR® and consumer needs. At the same time, we worked hard at delivering on the key elements of our Strategic Plan. We initiated a number of new projects in 2015, including a refresh of our standard forms which will roll out in 2016. We also initiated discussions with BC Assessment to renew our data sharing agreement on behalf of our members. Education continues to be an important focus, especially the launch of our new Applied Practice Course (APC) and expanding our Professional Development Program. The hard work and collaboration with the Real Estate Council resulted in an international award for the APC from the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials. Our technology investments also paid dividends in helping deliver the APC, as well as reducing meeting costs for our Board of Directors. Our advocacy efforts continue to focus on key issues such as reducing the negative impact of the Property Transfer Tax on housing affordability, the need for updated floodplain maps, changes to the Strata Property Act and the need for a consistent, centralized process for disclosure of drug operations and their remediation. We have also worked hard to build and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders, with Association staff and Directors involved in a number of board positions, task forces, working groups and advisory councils. This speaks to the credibility and expertise that BCREA is able to provide, increasing credibility for organized real estate as a whole. 1 Robert Laing Chief Executive Officer I’m confident that organized real estate has a bright future ahead. British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT S T R AT E G I C P L A N FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF ▶ INNOVATION Through research and engagement in 2015, BCREA developed a new five-year strategic plan. This Strategic Plan is structured around innovation, professionalism and the consumer experience, with objectives aimed at enabling quick response to change, focusing resources and expediting decision making. BCREA will begin implementing a number of changes prioritized by brokers and REALTORS® in the near future, following the initiation of several projects in 2015, such as: a Youth Leadership Pipeline, revised standard forms and a provincial MLS® system. The Strategic Plan recognizes three strategic goals: Aimed at mentoring young people to become leaders in the real estate profession, the Youth Leadership Pipeline Task Force conducted an environmental survey to discover the ways in which BCREA can build a strong mentorship program that will support the development of young leaders. 1. Create a new structure for organized real estate in British Columbia that will enhance REALTOR® professionalism and reputation. 2. Develop projects aimed at supporting both REALTORS® and consumers in the transaction and decision-making process. 3. Provide continued valued core services to members. In 2015, each of these areas included projects to further these goals. Through meetings and discussion with representatives from across the province, environmental surveys and market research, project plans went from conception to development. With a new structure at the forefront of BCREA’s approach to these projects, the Association is poised to adapt. From an operational standpoint, BCREA and its member boards analyzed options to streamline structure, and BCREA is positioning itself to be responsive to evolving REALTOR® needs, and adapting to the changing landscape of organized real estate in the province. 4 British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 In preparation for negotiations with BC Assessment, a BCREA task force was struck to prepare for a renewed data exchange contract. A task force began the process of assessing a single MLS® System in the province. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN ▶ PROFESSIONALISM The Association continued to deliver on Professional Development Program commitments and innovations outlined in the 2014-2016 Education Plan, Memorandum of Understanding with member boards, and Strategic Plan. Through cooperative and collaborative effort in 2015, BCREA strengthened its relationships with the Land Title and Survey Authority Advisory Committee, BC Assessment Board, Notaries Board, CREA task forces and working groups, REvia: The Real Estate Knowledge Network, and the provincial Economic Forecast Council, demonstrating the expertise that BCREA offers to other organizations and increasing the credibility of organized real estate within the provincial structure. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF ▶ CONSUMER EXPERIENCE To improve the way that REALTORS®navigate WEBForms® and find the standard forms they need, BCREA has made changes to form titles, as well as categories. These comprehensive changes shorten titles and rearrange keywords, making forms easier to find. Several titles have been changed on the physical forms, while some only changed on WEBForms®. Standard forms are integral to real estate transactions and, for REALTORS® to best serve their clients, it is crucial that these forms are easily accessible. REALTOR® satisfaction with BCREA services When asked about satisfaction with BCREA services, members are most satisfied with standard forms, with 68.9% rating it as a 4 or 5 out of 5. – 2015 BCREA Member Board Survey 2015 REALTOR® Survey British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 5 ▶ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF Advocacy As it has for many years, the Quality of Life approach provides the framework for BCREA’s advocacy efforts. Using Quality of Life, BCREA aligns its goals with those of the government and the public, establishes alliances with other organizations, supports positions and recommendations with solid research and seeks balance among the following five principles: • Ensuring economic vitality • Providing housing opportunities • Preserving the environment • Protecting property owners • Building better communities Positive working relationships with member boards, elected officials, government staff and stakeholders are the foundation of an effective government relations program, and continued to prove invaluable in 2015. Invitations to participate in meetings and collaborate on projects, particularly related to issues on which BCREA places the highest priority, indicate the Association is considered to be an important voice, laying the groundwork for future influence on public policy. Housing affordability was a hot topic in the media in 2015. This aligned well with BCREA’s extensive consultations with member boards and REALTORS® regarding the Property Transfer Tax, in an effort to examine alternative structures to balance the provincial government’s need for revenue with fairness and affordability for buyers. Policy influence: The 2016 provincial budget provided for a PTT exemption for new homes used as principal residences for properties priced up to $750,000. On the other hand, the budget also added a third tier to the tax, applying 3% to the fair market value above $2 million. For REALTORS®, the most important issue for the provincial government to address is minimizing the negative impact of the Property Transfer Tax. As a result, BCREA’s influence was evident throughout the year, as recommendations were reflected in government policy and positions taken by stakeholders on several issues. 2015 REALTOR® Survey 6 British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF During Government Liaison Days in April 2015, 75 delegates met with 56 Members of the Legislative Assembly to discuss the need to improve disclosure and remediation processes for properties used in drug operations. BCREA also held a meeting to discuss remediation with a wide variety of stakeholders, including representatives from financial institutions, the insurance industry and the property inspection sector. Implementation of BCREA’s Floodplain Maps Action Plan continued in 2015 with the publication of the BC Floodplain Map Inventory Report and an updated Floodplain Mapping Funding Guidebook for BC Local Governments. BCREA continues to enjoy support for its work on this initiative from a wide variety of stakeholders, including the Fraser Basin Council, Adaptation to Climate Change Team at Simon Fraser University, Okanagan Basin Water Board, Urban Development Institute, Insurance Bureau of Canada and professional engineers. BCREA President Jake Moldowan (centre) presents the BCREA Government Relations Award to Neil Woodrow, Darrell Paysen, Janice Stromar, Jason Finlayson, Margo Hoffman and Bill Benoit of the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board Policy influence: The federal government launched the National Disaster Mitigation Program, which funded floodplain maps; the governments and BC and Canada added emergency preparedness portfolios to their cabinets; the federal government began a project to create national guidelines for floodplain mapping; BC’s Climate Leadership Team recommended mapping all climate related hazards by 2020; Insurance Bureau of Canada called for a national flood program, including floodplain mapping. Strata properties are an increasingly popular and important housing type for British Columbians. In 2015, through a REALTOR® focus group, stakeholder meetings and legal research, BCREA examined the challenges REALTORS® face in obtaining documents during strata transactions. As a result, and after further stakeholder consultations, BCREA anticipates making new policy recommendations in 2016. Policy influence: The Strata Property Act was amended to make it easier to terminate a strata corporation, and planning for the Civil Resolution Tribunal continued throughout 2015, with full implementation expected in 2016. From the comments of the MLAs, they consider [Government Liaison Days] to be a good opportunity to hear about our concerns, and they take them to heart. – 2015 Government Liaison Days delegate survey respondent British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 7 ▶ ▶ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF ▶ Advocacy On a daily basis, BCREA continued to address issues of importance to REALTORS®, real estate and the province. Energy efficiency of existing homes, changes to the Real Estate Services Act, First Nations home ownership, manufactured homes and electrical safety, water governance, land remediation and the new Societies Act were among the many public policy issues with which BCREA engaged in 2015. Six member boards received funding from BCREA to carry out federal election projects, including sponsorship of all-candidate forums, recording of a candidate forum to expand access, and the use of social media to connect candidates with voters. The Vancouver Island Real Estate Board received BCREA’s Government Relations Award for its successful No Vote, No Voice election website, which featured candidate information to encourage informed voting. 2015 REALTOR® Survey Communications In 2015, BCREA continued the implementation of its strategic communications plan, more fully integrating the use of social media to deliver its messaging to members, stakeholders, community groups and the media. The Association maintained its delivery of engaging and relevant content on Real Talk, an interactive website developed and maintained in collaboration with the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. In 2015, the team developed a monthly email update to alert members of new content on the site and focus conversations to a portal that allows for open discussion around issues that affect REALTORS®and their businesses. BCREA distributed both print and online newsletters throughout the governance year, including publishing printed issues of The Bulletin quarterly, Connections online quarterly, Legally Speaking online eight times and BCREA eBulletin online monthly. The Association also continues to distribute regular statistics releases, housing market updates, and economics podcasts, incorporating the use of video to engage its membership and deliver important market updates. 8 British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN ▶ Economics BCREA continued its efforts to enhance the REALTOR® brand, fortify organized real estate as a provincial voice and partner with member boards for the success of REALTORS® across the province. The Economics Department strives to be at the leading edge of real estate market forecasting, knowledge and issue/public policy analysis in British Columbia. In 2015, BCREA participated in a series of housing affordability webinars for BC Housing, sharing its preliminary results on long-term housing demand in the province and its three largest urban centres: Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna. The department also tackled the controversial topic of foreign investment in residential real estate and released a report highlighting the available data, international examples and the structural drivers behind housing prices in Vancouver. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF The Economics Department provides information, analysis and presentations to communicate market dynamics and bolster the knowledge base for REALTORS®, industry stakeholders and the government. Regularly engaging with member boards to communicate the impacts of policy and the macroeconomic environment on local market conditions, and providing analysis and commentary on regional statistical trends, the Economics Department is the “go-to” source for housing information. Further, through analysis and modelling of the economic impacts of proposed policy changes, the department supports BCREA's government relations activities. Due to its reputation for objective and credible analysis, frequent media interviews, as well as informational requests, are directed to the Economics Department. In 2015, the Housing Forecast was adapted to incorporate a more regional focus and provide specific local information to REALTORS®. This ongoing support from BCREA’s widely-renowned economists, who consult for the International Monetary Fund, provide macro-economic forecasts to the Philadelphia Federal Reserve, and participate on the BC Government Economic Forecast Council helps provide REALTORS® in BC with the information they need to remain relevant to their clients. British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 9 ▶ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT Education CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF ▶ PDP BCREA continues to transform REALTOR® education and deliver on the Professional Development Program (PDP) commitments and innovations outlined in the 2014-2016 Education Plan, Memorandum of Understanding with member boards and represented in BCREA’s Strategic Plan. Learning Paths 2.0 BCREA continues to enhance the quality, diversity and access of PDP learning opportunities for REALTORS® as Emerging Professionals, Career Builders and Seasoned Professionals. For residential and commercial practitioners, and for brokers, BCREA added new PDP learning options that provide value to a REALTOR®’s business and their clients. BCREA's PDP On Demand course Broker FINTRAC Audit Experiences demonstrates to learners how to navigate FINTRAC PDP Online Learning Options British Columbia REALTORS® now have more options for how they can fulfill their PDP requirements: by completing their credits online, in the classroom, or combining the two. New and improved online courses cover current issues in the industry, legal and legislative changes, and topics that are not being covered in other PDP classroom-based courses. In partnership with REvia: The Real Estate Knowledge Network, BCREA offers national real-estate specific courses related to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation Financial Transactions and Report Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), and competition law, as well as other BCREA-developed PDP online courses. With the UBC Sauder School of Business, BCREA offers the mandatory Legal Update course online, as well as a roster of other PDP-accredited commercial and residential courses. For more information about the new online learning options for all PDP Learning Paths, see www.bcrea.bc.ca/realtor-education/new-pdp/online-learning. BCREA course Strata Fundamentals provides learners with the how-to on transactions involving stratas 10 British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS Innovations in Strata Education The complicated, risky and ever-changing nature of strata transactions in BC has warranted new and innovative investments in strata education for BC REALTORS® In 2015, BCREA launched two new PDP strata course options: the new Strata Fundamentals course and the online PDP On Demand episode Strata Depreciation Reports for REALTORS®. Strata Fundamentals is also the PDP’s first blended course, where part of the course is completed online and a hands-on, interactive component is completed in the classroom. This 12-credit course is the only fundamentals course in the province geared towards the role of the REALTOR® in the strata transaction. Course attendees have provided strong positive feedback on the comprehensive nature and value of this course for any REALTOR® involved in strata transactions, and that they are utilizing the checklists and other resources provided in the course in their daily operations. Strata Depreciation Reports for REALTORS® is the first episode in BCREA’s online PDP On Demand Strata Talks series. This course offers information on REALTOR®responsibilities when working with clients and strata depreciation reports. MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF From 18,000 course evaluations for all new PDP classroom courses since launch, course content, instruction, materials and relevance achieved consistent median of 5/5 (very satisfied or excellent). 2015 REALTOR® Survey British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 11 ▶ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT Education CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS ▶ PDP Growth and Expansion of Category C Member board education events and courses continue to grow and deliver timely, regional learning opportunities. In 2015, BCREA member boards offered over 30 Category C education events or courses. In the 2015 Category C Impact Report, BCREA’s member boards reported that Category C is delivering strong value to REALTORS®. In cooperation with its member boards, BCREA completed an Industry Events Category C Expansion research project in 2015, and ran Category C pilots for a number of industry-related events, such as the CREA Commercial Conference, the Asian Real Estate Association Vancouver Summit and the Vancouver Leasing Forum. Education by the Numbers MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF In 2015, 88% of BCREA’s member boards’ senior staff and Directors were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with PDP goals, performance objectives and measures. – 2015 BCREA Member Board Survey Number of PDP course seats offered in 2015 Top 5 PDP Courses 2015 Course Statistics 12 British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 APC learners in session at the UBC Robson Square campus ▶ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT ▶ Education CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF ▶ APC BCREA achieved two milestones in 2015 with the Residential and Commercial Trading Services Applied Practice Course (APC). The completely redesigned residential course launched in January and the commercial course launched in March. The redesign of the APC transformed the course from a five-day, ten-unit, lecture-based format to a six-month blended learning experience that includes online, in-class, role-play and inbrokerage components. The new course content focuses on core competencies for regulatory compliance: agency, disclosure and standard forms and contracts. It delivers greatly-improved practice and application experiences for new licensees. BCREA and Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia staff accept the Education Award in the Post-Licensing/ Continuing Education Course category from ARELLO® The APC Wins Education Award Developed and operated on behalf of the Real Estate Council of British Columbia, the course won an Education Award in the Post-Licensing / Continuing Education Course category from the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO®) in September. The Council is extremely pleased that the new Applied Practice Course has been recognized by ARELLO®. The course is the culmination of outstanding work and collaboration by many wonderful individuals and sets an excellent standard for education in the real estate industry. – Robert Fawcett RECBC Executive Officer Demonstrating that great things can be produced when the Real Estate Council and BCREA collaborate to enhance professionalism – this award is good news for both consumers and real estate licensees in BC. – Robert Laing BCREA Chief Executive Officer British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 13 ▶ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT Education CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF ▶ ▶ APC According to 2015 course evaluations, interviews and focus groups: • While there is no substitute for experience, learners who complete the new course report feeling better prepared to meet the challenges of a career in real estate. • Managing brokers report that new licensees are better equipped to begin working in the brokerage. 2015 APC at a Glance This year, over 1,650 learners started or completed the new course. In 2015, the greatest number of Applied Practice Course learners came from Vancouver (355), Surrey (276) and Richmond (172). 2416 1916 2276 2125 Based on 344 evaluations of Component Two, learners have greater confidence in their ability to list a property and represent a buyer in an agency relationship. Competencies related to drafting and understanding contracts remain a top-of-mind challenge for APC learners, and they value the opportunities for practice provided in the new course format: 2049 1789 1837 1681 1298 1481 1042 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Residential and Commercial Trading Services Applied Practice Course enrolment 14 In an online evaluation, 617 learners rated their understanding of the core concepts of agency, disclosure and contracts, before and after completing Component One of the new APC. British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 • In Component One, over half of all learners were required to make corrections after submitting a Contract of Purchase and Sale for marking. • The majority of learners find the drafting of the Contract of Purchase and Sale and the other practice/role-play opportunities in Component Two to be “engaging, relevant and useful.” • In the final survey submitted at the end of the four-and-a-half-month in-brokerage component of the course (Component Three), learners rank drafting the Contract of Purchase and Sale as “still challenging.” ▶ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF ▶ Te c h n o l o gy Technology was a key deliverable to meet contractual scope for the Applied Practice Course with the Real Estate Council of British Columbia (RECBC). Since beginning to transform education, it was anticipated that this ambitious plan would require new IT solutions. For the APC, Wavelength was the only administrative platform that could sustainably offer the new blended model. Its success is unprecedented in organized real estate in BC. The benefit of the platform is two-fold: 1. Supports sophisticated tracking of licensees who now have the opportunity to apply and practice their new competencies, and 2. Allows BCREA and RECBC to use data to support decisions on how to further improve course content and administration. In 2015, Wavelength provided BCREA the ability to visualize data, bringing key stakeholders into the conversation. Now, BCREA can identify where APC learners are from and the frequency of their visits, removing scheduling and availability issues, and allowing close to real-time validated datadriven decisions. Further, simple metrics are now being tracked; for example, demonstrating that average age is lowering. This will allow BCREA to shape future initiatives according to evidence. BCREA can now make programming and administrative decisions with accurate framing and validation. The ability to track trends of learners informs the prioritization of resources and presents information in a way that BCREA’s stakeholders can trust. The IT Department also expanded the use of video conferencing technology for the BCREA Boardroom, allowing cost savings around meetings of the Board of Directors and others. Simply put, we did not know who our learners were before Wavelength. We now know who they are and how they are performing. – Robert Laing BCREA Chief Executive Officer ▶ Finance & Administration The BCREA Finance and Administration Department continued to implement improvements to BCREA’s financial processes and analysis in 2015. The department gained the capacity to perform complex financial modeling and analysis to better inform decision makers. Further, BCREA was nominated for an award from Altus Dynamics for using its system to increase the effectiveness of the information and the efficiency of processes. British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 15 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This excerpt from BCREA’s 2015 Audited Financial Statements includes the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Operations. BCREA STAFF (excerpt) The complete 2015 Audited Financial Statements, including notes, are available on BCREA’s REALTOR Link® homepage (www.realtorlink.ca) or by contacting the BCREA office by phone at 604.683.7702. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION DECEMBER 31 Current Assets Cash (Note 3) Investments (Note 4(a)) Restricted cash (Note 7(b)) Accounts receivable Due from BWC (Note 7(b)) Dues from (to) other funds Grants receivable (Note 11) Inventories Prepaid expenses OPERATING FUND $ Total Current Assets Investments (Note 4(b)) Capital assets, net (Note 5) Intangible assets, net (Note 6) Investment in joint arrangement (Note 7(a)) 2,810,419 1,643,651 49,508 203,480 1,374 (84,731) 50,000 504 92,457 APPLIED PRACTICE COURSE $ Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Restricted conference funds payable (Note 7(b)) Total Current Liabilities $ Deferred capital contributions (Note 8) Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Invested in capital and intangible assets Internally restricted (Note 9) Externally restricted reserves (Note 10) Total Net Assets $ 1,965,587 1,764,745 203,295 136,533 99,879 6,282 116,096 5,455,755 4,292,417 203,679 627,504 244,376 2,461 - 244,376 206,140 627,504 255,613 689,105 - 381,800 $ 935,930 531,007 $ 2,000 533,007 362,965 182,875 49,508 182,875 203,295 201,391 580,515 $ 184,875 $ $ 6,915,575 187,780 5,979,645 765,390 $ $ 5,424,915 767,651 90,042 - 90,042 100,000 670,557 184,875 855,432 867,651 1,996,551 831,182 2,481,355 - 2,461 748,594 1,996,551 833,643 2,481,355 748,594 633,371 944,718 2,456,355 522,820 5,309,088 $ 3,414,282 1,643,651 49,508 203,480 1,374 50,000 504 92,956 689,093 49,508 - Deferred revenue $ 2014 4,766,662 381,800 $ 603,863 84,731 499 2015 5,979,645 751,055 $ 935,930 6,060,143 $ 6,915,575 4,557,264 $ 5,424,915 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For the year ended December 31 OPERATING FUND APPLIED PRACTICE COURSE 2015 2014 Revenue Members’ assessments Members’ initiation fees Applied Practice Course administration fees Course fees Other income Event revenue Investment income, net (Note 4) Grant income $ $ 4,531,875 761,175 1,041,481 19,969 3,500 151,956 50,724 $ 1,573,943 433 4,527 - $ 4,531,875 761,175 2,615,424 20,402 3,500 156,483 50,724 $ 4,370,146 214,604 148,100 1,978,698 4,524 83,324 198,122 229,603 6,560,680 $ 1,578,903 $ 8,139,583 $ 7,227,121 Expenses (Schedule 1) Education Course development and production Salaries, benefits and training Cost of sales course material Consulting fees Travel and meetings Revenue-sharing Instructor fees and training Applied Practice Course administration fees Collaboration platforms General department expenses Communications Government relations Economics Operations Governance Journey of Discovery (Note 13) Strategic Plan (Note 14) Banff Western Connection, net (Note 7(b)) Administration and overhead costs Amortization of capital assets Amortization of intangible assets Audit and accounting Salaries, benefits and training Rent Legal Travel and meetings Other overhead costs Applied Practice Course overhead allocation Excess of revenue over expenses for the year $ 93,544 495,036 158,441 42,627 67,646 61,306 4,718 126,500 89,238 547,605 403,030 312,797 464,784 406,369 419,742 14,616 7,772 271,667 5,651 102,597 246,113 46,125 202,350 135,579 - 101,316 766,703 158,441 48,278 170,243 61,306 250,831 46,125 328,850 224,817 547,605 403,030 312,797 464,784 406,369 419,742 14,616 298,044 727,205 150,020 79,627 162,478 48,368 171,988 185,125 357,225 256,086 506,004 484,111 317,416 470,847 338,390 403,993 160,158 23,933 125,423 152,993 21,204 898,648 194,695 59,478 102,395 306,724 5,569,559 1,641 20,295 27,355 1,067,145 127,064 152,993 21,204 898,648 214,990 59,478 102,395 334,079 6,636,704 113,854 20,370 82,369 825,044 213,171 65,087 65,779 236,282 6,762,974 287,624 (287,624) - - 1,502,879 $ 464,147 1,278,745 $ 224,134 $ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF VOLUNTEERS & HONOURARY MEMBERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ COMMITTEES FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Dick Pemberton, Chair Jim Stewart, Chair Deanna Horn, Chair Scott Russell (Ex Officio), Anthony Ariganello (BCREA), Scott Russell (Ex Officio) , Sharon Bryan (BCREA), Scott Russell (Ex Officio), Sharon Bryan (BCREA), Nav Gill (Facet Advisors LLP), David Kearney (BCREA), Deanna Horn (BCREA), Dick Pemberton (BCREA) Rosario Setticasi (BCREA) Rob Philipp (FVREB) NOMINATING COMMITTEE Jake Moldowan, Chair Scott Russell (Ex Officio), David Kearney (BCREA), Sally Kilburg (SOREB), Gary McInnis (BCREA), Kevin Skipworth (REBGV) WORKING GROUP PRESIDENTS’ WORKING GROUP Barry Benson (KREB), Garry Gratton (SOREB), Travis Heppner (CADREB), Margo Hoffman (VIREB), Deanna Horn (BCREA), William Lacy (BCNREB), Jorda Maisey (FVREB), Darcy McLeod (REBGV), Christopher Miller (OMREB), Jake Moldowan (BCREA), Wendy Moreton (VREB), Scott Russell (BCREA), Katherine Rutherford (KADREA) 18 British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 HONOURARY MEMBERS H.P. (Henry) Bell-Irving (deceased), Tommy Cantell (deceased), Eric Charman, Stanley W. Hamilton, Pip Holmes (deceased), Ken MacKenzie, Bob Melanson, Dermot Murphy (deceased), Gerry Neely BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS BCREA STAFF OPERATIONAL COMMITTEES ARBITRATION COMMITTEE BC COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Rosario Setticasi, Chair Cathy Boer (KADREA), Marianne Bond (KREB), EDUCATION OPERATIONS COMMITTEE James Adam (CADREB), John Barbisan (FVREB), Nora Cserny (VIREB), Eileen Day (REBGV), Charlene Barrell (CADREB), Cathy Boer (KADREA), Rosemary Barnes (REBGV), Barry Benson (KREB), Alexandra Goseltine (BCNREB), Terri Brown (OMREB), Francesca Buono (REBGV), Sandra Benz (FVREB), David Blishen (KREB), Karen Henderson (OMREB), Denise Hogue (VREB), Linda Duchesne (VREB), Denise Johnson (FVREB), Cyndi Crossley (KADREA), Guy Crozier (VREB), Steve Lerigny (CADREB), Dawn Lysholt (SOREB), Richard Joy (REBGV), Joelle Lavack (KREB), John Evans (BCNREB), Frank Fairley (VIREB), Craig Munn (REBGV), Darrell Paysen (VIREB), Steve Lerigny (CADREB), Jennifer Lynch (VIREB), Judy Klassen (SOREB), Kathy Koch (VIREB), Carmen Wright (FVREB), Debbie Jay (FVREB)*, Dawn Lysholt (SOREB), Kim Mantle (VREB) Wendy Moreton (VREB), Satnam Sidhu (REBGV), Harriet Permut (REBGV)* Lori Nelson (BCNREB), Patti Wenman (VIREB), Jake Siemens (CADREB) Jake Zaikow (PRSCREB), Caroline Allen (Council)* Mark Andersen (CADREB), Robert Gieselman (KADREA), GOVERNMENT RELATIONS STAFF GROUP PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Gisela Janzen (BCNREB), Sally Kilburg (SOREB), Cathy Boer (KADREA), Marianne Bond (KREB), Debra Formo (SOREB), Tom Garvey (REBGV), Gary McInnis (VREB), Douglas Miller (REBGV), Alexandra Goseltine (BCNREB), Robert Gieselman (KADREA), Cathy Graham (KREB), Donald Mussenden (REBGV), Darrell Paysen (VREB), Denise Hogue (VREB), Debbie Jay (FVREB), Michael Hofer (REBGV), Jennifer Lynch (VIREB), Harriet Permut (REBGV), Leon Prescesky (REBGV), Lynette Keyowski (OMREB), Steve Lerigny (CADREB/ Don McClintock (VIREB), Wendy Moreton (VREB), Rachel Darcy Reddicopp (FVREB) PRSCREB), Dawn Lysholt (SOREB), Pasemko (OMREB), Ron Plowright (CADREB), Darrell Paysen (VIREB), Harriet Permut (REBGV) Ray Werger (FVREB), Charles Wiebe (FVREB) GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE STANDARD FORMS COMMITTEE Angie MacDonald (NAI Commercial), Jim McCaughan (FVREB), Rob Shaw (OMREB), Kim Spencer (REBGV), Scott Wallace (KREB), Dennis Wilson (FVREB), Edward Wilson (Lawson Lundell), Larry Buttress (Council)*, Leslie Howatt (Real Estate E&O Insurance Corporation)*, Bruce Woolley (Stikeman Elliot LLP)* *Indicates an individual’s role as a committee observer. British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 19 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT MEMBE R CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN BOA RDS 1 10 BCREA STAFF 2015 PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1 BC Northern Real Estate Board David Black Alexandra Goseltine 363 $ 1,115,431 4,214 2 Chilliwack and District Real Estate Board Travis Heppner Steve Lerigny 277 $ 1,054,366 3,138 3 Fraser Valley Real Estate Board Jorda Maisey Rob Philipp 2,934 $ 11,581,896 20,055 4 Kamloops & District Real Estate Association Cyndi Crossley Cathy Boer 258 $ 840,149 2,574 5 Kootenay Real Estate Board David Blishen Marianne Bond 315 $ 688,096 2,499 6 Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board Christopher Miller Lynette Keyowski 1,095 $ 3,262,249 7,988 7 Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board Neil Frost Steve Lerigny 28 $ 93,989 381 8 Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver Darcy McLeod Brad Scott 12,402 $ 38,951,370 43,145 9 South Okanagan Real Estate Board Sally Kilburg Dawn Lysholt 271 $ 746,095 2,335 10 Vancouver Island Real Estate Board Jason Finlayson Bill Benoit 947 $ 2,827,426 8,320 11 Victoria Real Estate Board Guy Crozier David Corey 1,234 $ 4,104,078 7,868 20,124 $ 65,265,145 102,517 4 8 6 5 2 3 11 20 VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS BOARD Total 7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 9 NUMBER OF TOTAL MLS® TOTAL MLS® MEMBERS DOLLAR UNIT SALES VOLUME SALES ($000s) BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT'S REPORT BCRE A CEO'S REPORT STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOLUNTEERS & HON. MEMBERS MEMBER BOARDS S TA F F ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION Robert Laing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Executive Officer Marla Gerein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Education Melinda Entwistle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Operating Officer Karen Dawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operations Manager, Education Deborah Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Special Projects Alex Suchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education Programming Manager Diane Pfingsttag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Assistant Monica Morris . . . . . . . . . . . Instructor and Learner Engagement Manager Sandra Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Assistant III, Applied Course COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Damian Stathonikos . . . . . . Director of Communications and Public Affairs Norma Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manager of Government Relations Janie Cranfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multimedia Coordinator Lindsay Macmillan . . . . . . . . Communications Coordinator (Maternity Leave) Katie Burrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Communications Coordinator (as of May 2015) Bobbie Malo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Assistant Valerie Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Assistant III, PDP Laura Homan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education Media Assistant Gosia Nowoszewska . . . . . . . . . . . Program and Administrative Assistant, Education (Maternity Leave) Bryndis Ogmundson . . . . . . . . . . . Program and Administrative Assistant, Education (as of June 2015) FINANCE Corinne Caldwell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Finance and Administration ECONOMICS Cameron Muir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Economist Ben Waterer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finance Manager Subhashni Prasad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finance Assistant Angela Polymenakos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting & Payroll Administrator TECHNOLOGY Jonas Plouffe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT Manager Anthony Jung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Technical Analyst (as of October 2015) British Columbia Real Estate Association Annual Report 2015—2016 21 1420 – 701 Georgia Street West PO Box 10123, Pacific Centre Vancouver, BC V7Y 1C6 Phone: 604.683.7702 Fax: 604.683.8601 Email: [email protected] www.bcrea.bc.ca This annual report is printed on Lenza PC100 paper, which is produced using biogas and is processed chlorine-free. It is FSC-certified and contains 100% recycled fibre.