POINT to POINT - ChicagoCop.com


POINT to POINT - ChicagoCop.com
An official publication of the Chicago Police Department
Volume 30, No.1.
A Message from the Superintendent
“…the Star magazine
keeps us in touch with our
extended police family.”
Superintendent Terry G. Hillard
world! Continue to perform your
jobs well and strive to be the very
I wish you, your family and
loved ones a very blessed holiday
season. Have a safe and healthy New
Year. May God bless you all!
Star M
moments with family and loved
ones, the rebirth of the Star magazine will again allow us to begin
sharing news about our extended
police family. Welcome back Star,
you have been truly missed!
As we soon approach the close
of another year, I want to tell each
and every member how proud I am
of your accomplishments and contributions made in 1998.Thank you
for all of your efforts and support!
Because of your commitment and
willingness to serve and protect our
beautiful city, we have earned the
reputation as one of the finest law
enforcement organizations in the
Chicago Police Star magazine is back
in circulation after a long absence of
eight years. Established in 1960, the
Star magazine has responsibly
documented the heroic efforts,
contributions and personal accomplishments made by the dedicated
men and women of this fine
Written exclusively by Department members, the Star magazine
keeps us in touch with members of
our extended police family. I feel
the resurrection of the Star comes at
a most appropriate time, the holiday
season. A time to share special
CChhiiccaaggoo PP
I am excited and pleased that
3 0 0 t h Is s
A Star is Reborn!
e Star M
Volume 30, No. 1, 1999
Officers who have come on the job since 1991
Chhiiccaaggoo PP
Magazine celebrates release of 300th issue
will find this publication new and intriguing. To
every other officer, it is the return of an old friend.
3 0 0 t h I ss u
This is not the magazine’s inaugural issue, but rather
its 300th edition.
Over the years, it has suffered through production problems, budget
restraints, and long periods of absence. But like a
determined prizefighter, it keeps coming back.
The main reason it continues to endure is because
the patrol officer would not want it any other way.
The roots of the Police Star go back to the
mid-1960s and the appointment of O.W.Wilson,
the innovative superintendent with the conservative suits and ever-present cigarette. It was important to Wilson that the officers have their own
magazine—and not just another Department
periodical filled with orders and directives, but a
The Original Star
distinct publication specifically “by and for”
Volume 1, Number 1, 1960
Department members.
The publication was launched and, for
decades thereafter, was a welcome companion to
Chicago officers in squad cars and roll-call rooms.
It was a magazine that officers brought home to
share with their families.The magazine served as
a link between active Department members and
the hundreds of retired Chicago officers across the
Wilson established the magazine with the
officers’ best interests in mind. Now, another great
superintendent has resurrected the tradition.
— Dennis Bingham
Richard M.
Terry G.
Jeanne Clark, Deputy Superintendent
Bureau of Staff Services
Editorial Star Team
Dennis Bingham, Star Consultant
Russell Schultz, Star Creative Director
Rochelle O’Neal, Star Editor
Mike Haas, Star Assistant Editor
Photographs provided by Bob Funamura and
Darryl Moore, members of the CPD Graphic
Arts Section. Unit reporters are listed in the
Blue Light Section.
Comments, questions, and suggestions can
be sent to Star Editor Rochelle O’Neal at
312-746-8310 x 333.
Table of Contents
1990 - The 299th Issue
Point to Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover
A Star is Reborn! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CAGE Team Draws Straws. . . . . . . . . 3
In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Fallen Stars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
The Blue Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Counseling Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Implementation of CAPS . . . . . . . . . 16
Pax 501 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Computer Lingo Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . 18
Vantage Point on High . . . . . . . . . . 19
District 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
CAGE Team draws straws in Cook County
The Chicago Anti-Gun
Enforcement (CAGE)
Program is defined by
Organized Crime Division
Special Order #98-01.
The CAGE Team is
assigned to the Gang
Investigation Section
(GIS), Unit 156, of the
CPD and conducts the
enforcement activities
of the CAGE Program.
The Criminal Enterprise
Investigation Group
(Unit 188) is responsible for the pre-enforcement activities and
initiates inquiries of
firearms recovered in the
city of Chicago.
These guns are submitted by recovering unit personnel, through the inventory
process, to the Firearms Unit of the
Criminalistic Division. Specific identifiers
are submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) and the
firearms traced to the gun shop which sold
the guns. In cases where these guns are
traced back to residents of the city of
Chicago, a query via the Firearm Transfer
Inquiry Program (FTIP) is made through
the Illinois State Police to determine when
the purchaser sought approval to purchase
firearms and the Federal Firearms Licensee
(FFL) involved in the transfer. Copies of
distributors.This undercover investigation into
the practices of firearms
dealers in the metropolitan Chicago area
was assigned to the
CAGE Team.
In August 1998,
undercover officers began
purchasing firearms from
fourteen different gun
shops in the metropolitan area of Chicago.
These gun shops had
been selected because,
as indicated in the
BATF database, of the
number of crime guns
of “Operation Gunsmoke” appear at a news conference
recovered by the CPD
with weapons purchased undercover.
that were traced back to
forms (BATF 4473’s) completed at the them as the point of purchase.
time of purchase are requested through
Three undercover officers utilizing
BATF. These forms indicate the firearms covert Illinois drivers licenses and Firearm
purchased by the subject. The guns are Owner’s Identification (FOID) cards posed
checked through Gun Registration and as a street gang member, a biker, and a
LEADS.These files are then made available camouflaged-dressed survivalist. The offito CAGE Team members to investigate.
cers posing as a street gang member and a
The CAGE Team members conduct a biker, worked with additional, similarly
follow-up investigation and when appro- dressed officers and attempted to make
priate, locate the subject and conduct an multiple and straw purchases, buying
interview relative to the whereabouts of everything from derringers to high capacithe firearms purchased. If the purchaser ty semi-auto pistols and rifles in various
cannot produce the firearms or proof that gun shops. The third officer concentrated
the weapons have been sold or legally on large caliber/high capacity firearms as
disposed of, the purchaser is placed into well as assault-type weapons. All of the
custody. Additional information regarding officers sought out concealable handguns.
the whereabouts of the firearms is a primary
A straw purchase is defined as the
concern. Gun running is a primary acquisition of a firearm by an individual
concern addressed in these investigations.
(the “straw”) from a federally licensed
The Chicago Police Department dealer with the intention of concealing the
recently conducted “Operation Gunsmoke” identity of the true intended receiver of the
in conjunction with the city’s Department firearm. In most of the gun shops investiof Law in support of proposed litigation gated, while the undercover officer with
against firearm manufacturers, dealers and the covert FOID card was signing and
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
completing the necessary paperwork, the
other was not only selecting, handling and
making payment for the firearms, in several
instances, he would be handed the receipt
as he walked out the door with them.
During some of these purchases gun
shop personnel directed undercover officers
as to how to keep from getting caught with
the firearms or what to tell law enforcement personnel if questioned about the
purchase. In other cases, gun shop personnel instructed the undercover officers as to
how to separate firearm purchases so they
could evade detection by BATF or local
law enforcement. Although one purchaser
can unknowingly come under law enforcement scrutiny by activating multiple purchase safeguards presently in force within
the system, another purchaser, well aware of
the existing loopholes within present procedures, can theoretically purchase fifteen
firearms a month without raising any flags
at all.
The initial thrust of “Operation Gunsmoke” was to provide a basis for civil litigation. However, because of straw purchases, banned assault weapon purchases and
other incidents which occurred during this
operation, the focus has expanded. Due to
loopholes in current legislation and firearm
marketing procedures, new state and
federal laws, or amendments to current
laws, are being proposed. Each case is being
reviewed by the State’s Attorney for possible indictment, and BATF is reviewing the
actions of gun shop personnel for possible
federal violations.
“Operation Gunsmoke” confirmed
suspicions that subjects with Chicago
identification were able to enter some
suburban gun shops and make straw
purchases or buy assault weapons that were
not only banned in the city of Chicago but
also in Cook County since 1994.
In 62 working days the three undercover officers and the plainclothes officers
were able to purchase 170 firearms. These
included: sixteen TEN-9 & AB-10 semiauto pistols, one five-shot .410 gauge
revolver, three banned UZIs, two AK-47
type assault rifles with 30 round magazines,
one banned Thompson semi-auto rifle
which included a drum magazine, one
banned Colt AR-15 assault rifle with four
30 round magazines, one 100 round, 22 cal.
semi-auto pistol, one 100 round, 9 mm
semi-auto rifle, two .223 cal. semi-auto pistols with 30 round magazines, and one .308
cal. pistol.
A Training Bulletin regarding the
CAGE Team, firearm(s) tracing, FTIPs and
firearms related charges will be produced in
the near future.
Gang Specialist George E. Klinger is a member
of the CAGE Team/Gang Investigation Section
of the Chicago Police Department.
170 firearms were purchased in only 62 working days.
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
Fallen Stars
Police Officer Patrick O’Meara
Star #92 — 1st Precinct
On Monday, 5 August 1872, Police Officer Patrick O’Meara, along
with his partner, entered a tavern to serve an arrest warrant on a
wanted gang leader. When confronted, the offender fired a shot
that struck O’Meara in the chest and exited above the shoulder
blade.The officer died within minutes. O’Meara, born in Ireland
in 1834, became a Chicago Police Officer in 1860. O’Meara is represented by the first star in the Superintendent’s Honored Star Case
in the lobby of Police Headquarters.
Police Officer Michael A. Ceriale
Star #17429 — 2nd District
On Saturday, 15 August 1998, Police Officer Michael A. Ceriale, along with his partner, was conducting a narcotics surveillance. The officers, while undercover, were spotted by the
offenders. One offender fired a shot, striking Ceriale just below
his safety vest. He was rushed to a hospital where he died on 21
August 1998. Ceriale, 26, was appointed to the Department on
5 May 1997. His star was the latest to be placed in the Superintendent’s Honored Star Case.
In Memoriam
The following officers died in the month
of October, 1998 with the following years
of service. We express our condolences to
their families and friends.
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
P.O. Ronald Motykiewicz
27 years
P.O. Michael Stepkowicz
29 years
P.O. Kenneth Kolerich
33 years
P.O. Samuel Flex
7 years
P.O. John O’Callaghan
12 years
P.O. Richard Hull
32 years
The Blue Light
District/Unit News
— 001 —
Dispatches from the Fightin’ First District…Congratulations on the resurrection
of the Police Star! Best Wishes for the
Holiday Season to our respected and
beloved Commander, Pat “I pipe my
troops into battle” McNulty. Under his
guidance, the troopers of the First have
become an effective force (Can I stay on
days now?)…Congratulations to newly
anointed Lt.s, Don O’Neill, Dennis
McGuire, Gary Szparkowski and Joe
Craig. And a hearty welcome to Lt. Joe
Hartford! We gladly welcome Matthew
McMahon, P.O. Michelle McMahon’s
bouncing baby boy, who at three months
appears happy and healthy and weighs in
already at 17 strapping pounds. P.O.
Colleen McGuire is waiting for a Christmas gift on or around the holiday. Is it
easier to wrap a boy or a girl? Our sincerest condolences to the McBride family on
the recent passing of Terry. He was well
liked, one of our own, and he will be
missed…Welcome back to Tony “Pegleg”
Pacelli and his new hi-tech hip and Peter
Botzek…Sgt.Vince Walsh and Greg Doig
have made the leap from 001 to other
units. P.O.s Roberto Garcia and Marce
Kavalauskas have also elected to follow
their career stars in other directions, and
we wish them the best of luck…Our
heartiest congratulations to newly minted
Lt.s: Jimmy Paoletti and Mike Wick. Congrats also to Detectives John Keane, Bob
Brannigan, Alain Elizondo, Maria Viti and
Tony “Mongolian Beef ” Ruggiero…and
to the newest Youth Officers, Roz
LaMantia, Kathleen Bransfield, James
Gonzalez and Dave Koziol.You will be
missed…Neighborhood Relations, having
lost most of its staff to promotions, is
looking for help. It is often noted that
N/R P.O. Ron Trepac has needed
help…for a long time. N/R Sgt. Fritz is
looking for a few good men and
women…well, maybe just warm
ones…Construction efforts on the palatial, new home of the Fightin’ First progresses at an impressive rate. Optimists
think maybe April or May for the move;
realists think next year. Merry Christmas,
and as Tiny Tim observed, “God Bless Us
J. Olsen CR
— 002 —
002 would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Congratulations to all the newlyweds of
1998! Good Luck! They say that champions are born and bred in the 002 District...Flag Football Stats: 002 defeated
Public Housing South 14 to 12 in the first
playoff game; beat the Dolphin Mortgage
Company 26 to 20 in the second; and
dropped the 007 District 14 to 0 for the
championship. I salute the 002 as Flag
Football Champions of 1998!
R. Jordan
— 003 —
Great tidings of joy is the 003rd District’s
wish to you and yours for 1999! Heads up
as we welcome Commander Robert E.
Walker.Welcome Aboard to Area 2
Deputy Chief of Patrol, Charles E. Smith.
Congratulations to our newly promoted
Lieutenants: Alberta Raymond,William
Kushner, Eugene Brown, Patrick Darcy
and Kenneth Johnson…Farewell to R.
Moran, E. Hicks, G. Hamilton, R. Barnes,
M. Perez, K. Perry, M. Chappel, E. Gosa, J.
Kenner, E. Goldsmith, J. Carter and M.
Tate.The Annual Christmas/Retirement
Party was held honoring: former Commander James Polk, Captain James Weyforth III, Sgt.s Forrest Johnson, Jerry Garmon, Paul Eaglin; P.Os Evan Thomas,
Robert Ford, John Anderson, Phyllis
Townsend, Leslie Buckles; and Administrative Assistant Joan Nash, Police Aide Jean
Jones and Crossing Guard Gloria Bled-
soe…Beats 322 and 332 hosted an Appreciation Awards Ceremony for “CAPS”
participants. Deputy Chief Charles E.
Smith, Captain Merritt and Alderman
Holt were the presenters. Did you know
that Officer K.Wilson also wears a
“Chef ’s” hat? Please!!!! Will you make us a
gourmet dish? What footman goes by the
name of “Big Daddy?”Welcome back to
Lawrence Terry and Yolanda RobinsonCox…Service is at its best in the Domestic Violence Unit.The office has a full staff
now! P.O.s Joe Adams III and Gwen Marshall are teaching DARE/GREAT classes.
Many thanks from this reporter to Lulu
Mays and Charles Hight; they have been
invaluable to my training…Under the
direction of Officer Stephanie Reid and
Advisor Dee Chalupa, 21 District Explorers marched proudly in the recent District
Sub-Committee Parade.
P.O.Yolanda Robinson-Cox
— 006 —
In the spirit of the Holiday season, the
Steering Committee hosted its 15th
Annual Seniors Christmas Dinner. On 05
Dec 98, Superintendent Terry Hillard,
Commander Mark Davis and the N/R
Staff served over 300 senior citizens at the
Providence Annex, 8424 S. Ashland…As
1998 comes to an end, the “Sixers” find
themselves bidding farewell to the following retirees: Capt. Robert Burns, Lt.
Hosea Crossley, P.O. Ronald Davis and
Police Aide Carleen Clay…Congratulations are in order for the following officers that made Detective: E. Derail, M.
Swain, S. Kennedy, M. Fraiser, P. Hill, C.
Chapman and E. Jackson…We would also
like to welcome the following to our
family: Lt.s D. O’Callaghhan, R. Johnson,
C.White; Sgt.s J. Shine, J. Jeffries, E. Davis,
C. Fletcher,W. Moss, G. Davis, G. Dwyer,
V. Ellis, Orlando, Pickering, Bennett, Blanco, Boffo and Higgins.
P.O.Vertreasa Hunt
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
— 008 —
Greetings and salutations from Chicago
Lawn. James Molloy is our new Commander. Harley Schinker now serves as
Commander of the Electronic and Motor
Maintenance Division.We wish both men
the best in their new assignments…Congrats to the recent 008 promotees: Daniel
Duffy, Nancy Mulligan, David Sivicek and
Gary Wisniewski to D-2; Frank Battaglia,
Jerome Casey, Carson Ernest,Timothy
Gerich, Kevin Glover, Anthony Golczak,
John Graeber and Terry McMahon to
Sergeant; and Patrick Kellam and Ellyn
Schmitz to Lieutenant.Welcome to all the
new Lt.s, Sgt.s, P.O.s and recruits that have
been recently assigned to 008…We
recently celebrated our 3rd Annual Holiday and Retirement Party on 1 Dec. Over
400 people enjoyed the food and spirits of
the holiday season. Crazy Joe Diamond
provided the entertainment as we honored
the following retirees: Sgt.s Edward
Barkowski and Charles Salvatore; P.O.s
Ray Augle, Ray Burns, Larry Canterbury,
Ino Diaz, Joe Jugovich, Rich Kalecki, John
Kulik, Gerald Levins, Jim Lonergan, Stanley Mendrala, John Nugent, Rich Shore,
Eugene Storino,Tom White and Tom
Wiggins; Civilians Dominic Caparelli,
Margaret Jaktsys and Winifred O’Shea. Ed
Barkowski wasted no time in enjoying his
retirement. He recently returned from a
honeymoon in the Caribbean with his
beautiful new bride.Tom Wiggins is now
working harder in retirement than he did
on Tac as the proud new owner of a local
008 District restaurant. Dom Capparelli is
pondering numerous offers on how to
acquire yet another government pension
since having retired first as a P.O. and now
as the Crossing Guard Supervisor…P.O.
Andre Van Vegten, who was catastrophically injured in an on duty traffic crash,
recently wrote us to thank everyone who
has helped him during his ordeal of the
past two years.
Sgt. John Andrews
— 011 —
Happy holidays to all, especially to our
fearless leader, Commander Claudell
Ervin, who is currently at home recuperating.We wish you a speedy recovery and
hope to see you soon! 011 has recently
been a recipient of Mayor Daley’s new
Alley Light Improvement Program…The
Fillmore Foxes hosted their annual Christmas Celebration extravaganza on Friday,
18 Dec 98…In closing, we would like to
wish everyone in 011 a safe and happy
holiday season.
P.O.s Harold Peete & Matthew Jackson
— 012 —
Best wishes and congratulations to our
1998 retirees: Lt.William Pigott, Sgt. Carlos Vallejo, P.O.s George Cadogan, James
Rine,Thomas Flynn, Albert Giannoni,
Fred Haupt, Stanley Mrozowski,Thomas
Prendergast, Roger Sowinski, Alexander
Stinites, Steve Yezo, Michael Kolinski and
Crossing Guards Amorette Paige and
Ruby Greer.They were all honored at the
Annual Retirement and Holiday Celebration on 12 Dec 98…Goodbye to those
promoted to detective! A good time was
had by all at their farewell party at everyone’s favorite place on Madison…We
welcome all the new Lt.s, Sgt.s and P.O.s.
We are saddened by the loss of P.O. Roger
Silvas and retired Capt. Richard A.
Kraft…Civilian Tish Parker jumped ship
and is now a supervisor in Personnel; we
miss you!
P.O. Barbara Jotautas
— 013 —
We welcome Helen DeWitte as the new
Commander of the “Mighty 13th.” Also a
warm welcome is extended to: Lieutenants Guy DeSalvo, Richard Elmer and
Michael Patton; Sgt. Juan Rios; and P.O.s
David Garcia,Thomas Povsner and
Michelle Rubino…Congratulations and
Best Wishes to N/R Sgt. Janice Robarts
on her promotion to Lieutenant of the
“Promised Land,” 016; Sgt. Russell
Mueller transferred to 014; P.O. Glenn
Johnson to Narcotics; and P.O. Bill
Spenser to Airport North. Keep in touch!
Many sleepless days and nights are ahead
for P.O. Arthur Clafford and his wife as
they joined the 013 District’s “Proud Par-
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
ents Club” with the birth of their new
twins! Congratulations! Until next
time…Happy Holidays!
P.O. Tim Jordan
— 014 —
Salutations! The retirement party was running smoothly, that is, until one of the
retirees had to be called at home and
reminded to come; maybe he should have
retired a lot earlier…Thanks to D. Olsen,
K. Penkala, B. Ranieri and D.Woldeit for
making it a big success…Congrats
to P.O.W. Jaconetti who was honored as
the Police Officer of the Year by the Italian-American Police Association. He was
the proud recipient of the Lambert Tree,
the Carter Harrison Award, the Award of
Valor, the Silver Star Award for bravery
and numerous other awards. It is no wonder that P.O. Jaconetti is the highest honored Italian-American police officer in the
United States! Once again our annual
S.T.U.D. football games have returned…
P.O. J. Zamacona will run the marathon in
Anchorage, Alaska next June for the
Leukemia Society of America…J. Zuniga’s
brother has a form of cancer and needs
Type O blood. Anyone wishing to donate,
please contact P.O. Zuniga at 744- 8290—
it would be greatly appreciated…After 11
years of a “driving hiatus” P.O. B. Signoretti has finally gotten behind the
wheel of a squad car—and an unmarked
car at that! We want to wish his partner
well. Speaking about carrying items
around the station, P.O.T. Napolitano has
been spotted carrying a yellow, donut
shaped cushion, hmmmm…hope he’s
feeling better…What P.O. on the 1st
Watch has his picture displayed on a riverboat casino holding a $10,000 check?
Someone had a lucky day! 014 is deeply
saddened by the sudden death of P.O.
Michael Stepkowicz. He was a friend to
all and will be greatly missed, especially
during the annual fishing trips the “boys”
take. “Steps,” we’ll miss you!!! Our congrats go out to all the Sergeants and
Detectives that were promoted this year,
and a special congratulations to the newly
promoted Lieutenants, E. Lenti and J.
Blas…Has anybody ever seen the Secret
Agent Man and his partner, the Secret
P.O. G. Gonzalez-Brennan
— 015 —
Our Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon was a
success with about 250 seniors in attendance. Our Christmas/Retirement party
was held on 06 Dec 98…Congrats to the
newly promoted Lt. Calhoun and the following Detectives: Bodie-Peals, Minnifield, Casper, Midlowski, McInenrney,
Glover, Cox, Adams, Cruz, Penaherrera…We welcome the new arrivals: Lt.s
Issac, Earth, Finocchio, Schweiger, Disselhorst, Sappanos, Riccio,Williams, and
Walsh. Congrats also to P.O.s Arthur and
Maribeth Young on the birth of their son,
Arthur Thomas, on 30 Nov 98…Our
condolences to P.O.s Thomas, Crump and
Little on the death of loved ones.
P.O. Carolyn Brown
from 016: Dean Angelo, Bob Fischer,
Mario Gonzales, Greg Granadon, Matt
Pilolli, George Pinkiewicz, Joe Szelag and
Andy Wallace…We welcome P.O.s
Robert Melone, Mike McInerney and
Harold Tarr…Good luck in your new
assignments to: Lt. Bob Fine, Sgt. Dennis
O’Connor, Sgt.Tom Boyce, P.O.s Susan
Brohlin, Karen McCullough and Dennis
Snieg…Has anyone seen Sgt. Jim Peterson? They keep asking…Tom Ferguson—
the D.C. would like to take this space to
publicly thank you for naming him your
beneficiary—100,000 thank yous.Tom
Bagnell’s idea to reduce crime is to erect a
six foot fence around the entire district
(gates extra of course)…A big thank you
to P.O. George Hardison. Not only can he
nab bank robbers, but George is the most
cheerful and helpful officer when he
works the desk.
P.O. Ellen McDermott
— 018 —
— 016 —
Hello Everyone!!! We wish you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year! Our
Christmas/Retirement party was held on
11 Dec 98, and if we said a good time was
had by all, it could be taken as an understatement.Wishing a long, happy and
healthy retirement to all our 1998 retirees:
Lt. Don DeFranza, Lt. John Culloton,
P.O.s Paul Alberti, Ken Dienethal,Tony
Elliot, Ray Evans, Dermott Kavanaugh,
Vic Petrenko, Dave Seibel, Jim Schaeffer,
Bob Ustaszewski and Greg Zaucha…
Many thanks to all the generous members
of the 016 District who helped make
Christmas for our special people at St.
Mary of Providence a happy one…Congratulations to all the newly promoted,
especially our own former Neighborhood
Relations Sgt. and now Lt., John Szmyd,
now assigned to 024.We’re darn proud of
you! We welcome Sgt. John Gargul as the
new Neighborhood Relations Sgt.We also
welcome our other new Lt.s: Kevin
Anderson, Frank Gross,Wayne Micek,
Thomas Northfell, Jan Robarts-Dillon
and Tom Libert. Congrats to the newly
promoted Detectives and Youth Officers
Season’s Greetings! A big welcome for all
who have just arrived in 018. On a sad
note, 018 has been hit hard by the passing
of Officers Steven Spano, Samuel Flex,
Robert Hanson and Dennis Hansen.
Condolences to all those who have lost
their loved ones in 1998…018 was beautifully decorated by the Kids, Cops and
Kindness event. Adults and children from
the neighborhoods, with the help of
Commander DiVito, Sgt. McLaughlin, the
N/R staff and P.O. Moss put up decorations to help celebrate the Christmas and
Chanukah season.We will continue to
make this an annual event…018 is also
hosting a Christmas party for 175 children
from Cabrini-Green who will receive a
new toy, clothing and enjoy a movie.The
seniors were also treated to a luncheon
where the cooking talents of Sgt.
McLaughlin’s over roasted turkey and P.O.
Roland Brown’s world famous corn bread
stuffing were featured…Our Christmas
party was a big hit! Commander DiVito
and his wife wowed us with their line
dancing! Keith and Marilyn Mayo can
really cut a rug when it comes to “jitterbugging”! Good luck to civilian Sandra
Taylor on her recent marriage and promotion to EMMD; you are missed…
Besides returning to 018 with an extra bar
on his uniform, Lt. Zawis has added some
extra muscle—must be lifting them bars!
Congratulations to the newly weds: P.O.s
Carol Nelson, Larry Conway, Don DeVito and Allison Christian. All the best to
the new dads: Dave Eshoo, Joseph
Schachelmeyer and JosephTokarski…
Happy 25th to our “Ski Patrol,” Nick
Kitowski and Mitch Masalski…In closing,
have a Happy and Healthy New Year!
P.O.s Joseph Tokarski and
Maja Ramirez.
— 019 —
Thanks to all who supported P.O.
Monique Giannoni for her participation
in the Hawaii Marathon.The money
Monique collects, supports the Leukemia
Foundation. Donations are still being
accepted by the 019 District N/R
Office…Congratulations and welcome to
the newly promoted Lieutenants: Jeanette
Baran,Thomas Becker,Thomas Byrne,
Carl Leidy and Michael Wick.Their
arrival was well received by all the troops.
Congrats also to all the newly promoted
D- 2s from 019; we were lucky enough to
keep many of them in A/3…Hip, hip,
hooray for the 019 District Volleyball
Team; they took 2nd Place in the CPD
League…Wedding bells rang for Tim and
Sally Berg and Joseph and Kellee
Siemienkiewicz (whew!)! A good time
was had by all at our Christmas/Retirement party which was held 20 Nov 98,
and we wish our retirees a long and
healthy retirement. 019 will also be holding Christmas parties for district children
and seniors. So have yourself a merry little
Christmas, and remember, “It’s always better to give than to receive.”
P.O. Kellee Smith
— 020 —
A hearty welcome to: new Lt.s Michael
Berti, Robert Biebel and James Bonk;
new Sgt.s Edward Brennan,William Calabrese, Kevin Hill, Dan Kivel, Beth Russell, Charles Pusateri and David Omuro;
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
new Neighborhood Relations personnel
Louis Belpedio, Angelo Martinez, Fred
Sparano and Tony Amelio; Jake Jordan to
2nd watch Lockup; and newly assigned
Sgt.s Tom Rosenbusch, Bruce Rapa and
Jeffrey Sacks…Congratulations to Sgt.s
Dan O’Brien,Tom Earth, Bob Stevens
and Mike Fitzgerald on your promotions
to Lieutenant; John Healy, Karen Dial,
Eddie Perez and Ruth Mazeika who
made Sgt. Likewise to Dave Hudspeth on
his promotion to Gang Specialist; Helen
Zemek and Ross Takaki on their promotions toYouth Investigators; and new
Detectives Lorraine Dominguez, Phil
Cappitelli, Mark Czworniak and Fred
Sparano…A big welcome back to Lt. Bob
Becker—hope you’re feeling better…A
fond farewell to P.O.s Bruno Harbut, “the
most senior patrolman in the CPD,” after
43 years of service; Ed Pyrcioch after 32;
and Sgt. Billy Conklin after 26.You will
be missed! From the Stork Dept: a baby
girl, Stephanie Marie, to Charles and
Antoinette Lamberty; a baby boy, Jacob, to
James and Christina Jorgensen; and a baby
girl, Angelique Pauline, to Carlo and
Michele Zyrkowski.The water in 020
needs to be tested.We have 2 more pregnancies, Irma Coutinho and Regina Hannah Porter…Congratulations to Dennis
DeBoer on his recent marriage to Diane,
Beth Russell to Mike from 018 and Mike
Ogliore to Mia Perrone.
Sue Jurevis
— 021 —
Kudos are in order for a number of 021st
District personnel. Eleven from the District were promoted to D-2: Pat Barrins,
Rodney Blisset, John Henry, Deandre
Redd, and Chris Suber made Detective;
Marie Biggane, Dave Brandt, Al Krok,
Tom McInerney and John Villa made
Youth Officer; and Karen Williams made
Gang Specialist…We miss but are proud
of the officers from 021 who were promoted to Sergeant: James Ade, Duane
Bennett, Cheryl Greer,William Lange,
Robert Pet, Harrison Speakes, Joseph
Shine and Daniel Sopcak…We also welcomed 3 newly promoted Lieutenants,
Peter Dignan,Walter Green and Stan Zaborac and 12 new Sergeants, Robert Konrath, Jerome Casey, Frank Battaglia,
Robert Bozinovich, Bernard Ryan, Kathleen O’Malley, Betty Woods, Kevin
Glover, Joel Howard,Terrance McGuire,
David McNaughton and Richard
Rochowicz Jr….Welcome to Sgt. James
Cummings and Sgt. Eric Penney who
recently transferred into the District…On
08 Dec 98 at the District Christmas/
Retirement party, two retirees were honored: Sgt. Earl Giles for his 30 years of
service and P.O.William Coffey for his 33
years of service.We wish them loads of
health and happiness in the coming
years…Congratulations and wishes of
marital bliss for P.O.Ward Hull, Sgt. Donald Barry, P.O. Paul Clisham, P.O. Karen
Potts, P.O. Lionel Rockymore, P.O. Carol
Midona and Sgt.Terrance McGuire…Best
wishes and hopefully few sleepless nights
for babies born to P.O. Mike Dahill, P.O.
Brian Reidy, P.O.’s Colleen and Michael
Burnette, and P.O. John Stapleton. Congratulations to P.O. Al Anderson and P.O.
Stan Zablocki on their 60th Birthdays.
D/M Margo Mansfield
— 022 —
Happy Holidays! Our Christmas/
Retirement party was a huge success.
Congratulations and farewell to all our
1998 retirees: Sgt. J. Gallivan and P.O.s J.
Crotty, J. Haugh, K. Golab, L. Kelly and G.
Shannon…Thanks to our already overworked N/R Sgt.Wayne Grobarcik for
organizing another great party…Congrats
to Lt. Ivory, new boss of A/2/ PC; newly
made Lt.s, E. Daly and W. Kushner; new
Lts.T.Tansey, P. Kellam, and J. Paoletti;
new Sgt.s, P. Paluch, E.Watkins,V. Ellis,W.
Moss, M. Davis, J. Matishak, J. Sullivan and
K. Graff; newly arriving Sgt.s, L. Caesar,
G. Carroll,T. McMahon,T. McNicholas,
R. O’Neil, D. Simon and S.Williams.Welcome home to Sgt.s Marianovich,
McSharry, Riggenbach. Good luck to
Sgt.s P. Bauer,T. Conroy, M. Richards and
R. Scott in their new assignments…And
congrats to all the new D-2s: D. Crnjak,
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
W. Conley, J Dougherty, E. Heffernan, D.
Kettering, K. Docherty, K. Chaplin,T.
Davy, R. Henderson and N. Maas…Welcome newly elected Beat Delegates: Maribeth McCarthy, Renee Neely, Lisa Pattera,
Jimmie Crutchfield, Lavelle Hands, Sharon
Snelling, Carl Uqdah, Marvin Randolph,
Benford Ward and Jeffrey Burt. Commander Logue extends his welcome to all of
you and looks forward to your enthusiasm
and fresh ideas to keep CAPS in 022
energized. Get well wishes and prayers
from all of us for Kathleen Sebek, CAPS
Outreach Worker, who was severely
injured by a hit and run driver.
P.O. Larry Janiszewski
— 023 —
Congratulations and welcome to our new
DC, Richard Guerrero.We hope the transition is smooth and his tenure here
rewarding…Wishing a speedy recovery to
Capt. Corcoran, Lt. Shields, Sgt.T. Staples,
Officers R. Boso, C. Kujawa, L. Porter, D.
Syfczak and R.Valencia. Lots of promotional changes in 023 including Sgt. Joe
Drasutis to Lt.Welcome to the newly promoted: Lt.s Joe Fitzsimmons, Hiram Grau
and Ron Sodini; Sgt.s Matt Brady, Mike
Chevalier, Gene Dembowski, Pat Gillespie, Roberto Gonzalez,Tim Kusinski,
Rich Mancha, Sarah McDermott, Mary
O’Toole and Linda Turek; D-2s Jan Barney, Joe Barrera, Manuel DeLaTorre, Mike
Dyra, Mark Howe, Jim Gillespie, Leslie
Mann- Freels, Dave Merriam, Myrna
Muniz, Phil O’Reilly, George Pontarelli
and Luigi Riggio.Wedding bells rang for
Jay Walsh and his new bride and Brian
Campbell and his new bride; many wishes
for a long and loving life
together…Speaking of weddings, Josie
Losczyk’s daughter recently
married…Wondering why Steve Qualls
and Jorge Gonzalez have those dark circles
under their eyes lately? They can thank
those new additions to their families.
Linda Turek
— 024 —
Seasons Greetings! Commander Boggs, it’s
good to have you here. Deputy Byrne,
congratulations on your promotion and
happy 50th birthday. P.O. Brad Bertram
recently married Anita, and P.O. Pat Purdy
married Gina…Congrats to Katherine
Pryst and her husband Joseph who celebrated their 30th anniversary…Thanks to
P.O.s Berg and Green for the annual flu
shots…Good luck to P.O. Ron Huberman
who requested a leave of absence to
attend the University of Chicago on a fellowship; we want to see your report card.
P.O.s Rhoden, Nader, and Khoushaba
made their debut on the “Assyrian Night
Star” live radio show.They discussed
CAPS, gangs and drugs.We’re sorry to see
ETs Tom Slowinski, Ella Greene and
Bridget Cronin working out of the area;
stop by and see us sometime. First Watch
Officers get an excellent review in the
local paper for their 5 day mission resulting in the arrest of a commercial burglar…Officer Dawn Rhoden and her husband Ralph were vacationing in Hawaii.
Don Bertini and his wife Fran were also
in Hawaii…And what happened to the
newly promoted detectives? Ruck went to
A/4,Tanaka to Auto Theft and Defalco to
Gang Investigations…Happy New Year to
P.O. Athena Mullen
— O’Hare Law/Unit 050 —
Greetings from under the friendly skies
and the capable leadership of Commander
Thomas Spanos. 050 is thriving and about
to move into new quarters…Congrats and
welcome to Deputy Chief John Richardson who now heads Special Functions.
Congrats to the recently promoted: Lt.s
Tom Becker; J. Frugoli,T. McIntire, P.Carbone and K. Krofel; we’ll miss you…Welcome also to new arrivals: Sgt.s O. Kelly
and J.Winsberg; P.O.s C. Scramuzzo, J.
Larson, F. Skorek, K. Belluomini,T. Bolger,
D. Sneig, R. Kelly,W. Spencer and R.
Stampnick. A new grandchild for J. Stenson, and K. Pang added a daughter
Jamie…The Annual Retirement party
honored Sgt.s Felde and Rich and P.O.s
Grenlie, Leipert, Pascente, Pena, Rodgers
and Walsh.Vito, you outdid yourself again.
Thank You!
P.O. Mike Mulvihill
— Area 2 Youth/Unit 072 —
Welcome to our 27 new Youth Investigators.Though their names are too numerous to mention here, they can rest assured
that they will be acknowledged in a future
issue…We bid adieu to the newly promoted detectives: Campion, Jeleniewski,
Scanlon, McDermott, Dytryk, Spagnola,
Pustay and Golden. Good luck, but you’ll
be missed…Recent retirees are all hale
and hearty. Bobby Cox is doing fine after
eye surgery and is keeping the riverboat
casinos in business. Medical retiree Larry
Hinkle is enjoying the good life near
Kentucky Lake, keeping his fingers crossed
in hopes that he sells his Chicago residence. Cub fan Dan Grzyh recently
returned from the Phoenix area after closing on his new spread near Marty Novak
and his beloved Cubs. Carol Kilgore just
returned from putting the final touches on
her new chateau in Las Vegas.Your
reporter,Tim Hardy, recently returned
from a visit with his two older daughters
in California and Arizona respectfully.
Anticipating trips to Las Vegas to check
out home and job sites are Denise Fagan
and her new hubby Luke. Sgt. Jack Gibbons is making big plans for a trip out
West with his wife and son…Lastly, congrats to newly promoted Lt. Mary GlynnJohnson and her husband Lt. Bob Johnson. Mary, you are sadly missed…Till next
time, enjoy the holidays.
Y/I Tim Hardy
— Area 5 Youth/Unit 075 —
Congratulations and welcome to the 28
“brand-spanking new” Youth Investigators! The veteran investigators are not
going to know how to act with all this
help.We also would like to say thank you
and good luck to all of the departing
Investigators who moved on to other
assignments. As the new C/O of A/5/YI,
I’d just like to say “hi” to everyone. I
inherited a smooth running operation
from Lt.Yvonne Sutor, and I hope I can
do as good of a job. I am looking forward
to the challenges here, and already know
that I have the most important ingredients
for success: good, dedicated people…Santa
came early this year for Sgt. Nelson Barreto. Santa left him a beautiful baby
granddaughter, Riley Marie, under the
Christmas tree (don’t worry Nelson, we
won’t notify the hotline)…Investigator Joe
Agosta got an early 4th of July present.
Little Kathryn Marie couldn’t wait to
make her entrance at Lutheran General
Hospital. She was born “in transit” with
the help of the Park Ridge FD. Mother
and baby are doing fine, and baby Kathryn
has a nice scrapbook of newspaper articles
that cover her arrival.
Lt. Dolores Deloughery
- Juvenile Ct. Group/Unit 079 Greetings:We all had a grand time at the
annual retirement party.We honored Sgt.s
Al Anderson, Mary Dahl and Marty
O’Malley…Congrats to Peggy O’Connor,
Gene Jaglowski and Carlton Flagg on
receiving Department Commendations.
Also congrats and best wishes to newly
promoted: Lt. Jack Schultz and Sgt. Jack
Connelly.We also warmly welcome Sgt.
Debbie Chiczewski. A big welcome also
to Rose Sullivan who recently transferred
to the Police Room from A/4/Y. Linda
Reiter has been designated official unit
foot chaser after her recent successful foot
surgery. Al Havlicek celebrated 30 years
with the CPD…Lt. Hargesheimer, Sgt.
Chiczewski, Peggy O’Connor and Carol
Mroczkowski recently assisted in training
the new D-2 class.We welcome all the
new Youth Investigators. Happy Holidays
from all of us to all of you.
Carol Mroczkowski
— Supt.’s. Office/Unit 111 —
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Lauri Sanders, Director of News
Affairs.Welcome to new staff members
P.O. Pat Morley and P.O. Joe Skala (Legal
Affairs) and to the 3 P.O.s in News
Affairs.They are Eddie Alonzo, Cesar
Guzman and Cynthia Lance…Donna
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
Giambarberee (Superintendent’s Office)
has put her best foot forward, but unfortunately she is limping on it…Also, get
well wishes are extended to P.O. Rita
Austin (Chaplains Unit) and Sgt. Marjorie
O’Dea (Superintendent’s Office)…Caroline Mufarreh (Legal Affairs) and her husband are the proud parents of their new
daughter, Alexis Elizabeth. P.O. Debbie
Pascua (Legal Affairs) became the proud
foster parent of Rebecca in August. Congratulations to P.O. Bob Flores (Legal
Affairs) and his new bride Maria.They
were wed on October 20…We wish
everyone a happy and healthy Christmas
and New Year.
Donna Killen
— I.A.D./Unit 121 —
Get well soon to J.Webb, R. Madjer, F.
Herr, P. Dale and W. Graham…Congrats
to D. Ringo on her recent nuptials…Happy December Birthdays to L.Webb, P.
Cain, R. Martin and L. BradyRhodes…Congratulations also to M.
Pease, P. Adamovitz, J.Wheaton, E. Healey
and D. Burdine on their recent retirements…M. Carroll, the Advocate Section
will miss you. Enjoy your new assignment…Did you know that we boast of
our very own “tap dance kid,” R. Russell.
Evelyn D. White
- Training Division/Unit 124 Seasons Greetings to one and all! Congrats to Marty Foley, Frank Limon, Carmen Torres and Bob Rawa on receiving
their Masters Degrees…and to those staff
members recently promoted: Frank Limon
and Matt Tobias on making Lieutenant;
Linda Turek, Lolita Parham-Sanders,
Cookie Bradshaw, Howard Lodding and
Mary Boyle to Sergeant; Charles Morris,
Sadia Griffin, Bill Smith and Marty Tully
who made D-2…Sgt.s Tina Skahill and
John Doty recently spent 5 weeks on
assignment in South Africa for the Justice
Department…Goodbye to the 35th St.
police gymnasium which closed on 27
Oct 98 after 20 plus years of faithful service.The new police gymnasium opened
on 28 Oct 98 at Homan Square, 3340 W.
Fillmore.The gym, located on the 3rd
floor, has a state of the art rubberized
asphalt track.The Bally Corporation
donated over $2 million worth of fitness
equipment to the CPD…Gus Tero retired
on 18 Aug 98 after 20 years of dedicated
service. An inspiration and role model for
thousands of recruits, Gus worked in the
Physical Training Unit for 12 years…The
Range recently assisted FOP Lodge # 7
and members of the Chicago Police
Marine Corp Reserves with the
First/Annual Toys for Tots Pistol Match.
Happy Holidays!
Mike Haas, Pete Wenger, Jim Peck
- Aud. & Int. Control/Unit 126 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to
everyone! Commander Curtin extends his
appreciation to unit personnel for the
hard work and dedication displayed during the past year.Welcome aboard to:
Inspectors Mike Drozdek, Joe Maratto,
Jim Solava, Bill Sutherland,Wayne
Thompson and Mike Zefeldt; P.O.s Tom
Cadogan, Carol Kelnosky, Mike Koszola
and Shirley Paluch; and PCO II Laura
Mendoza.Thanks to INSPs Ed Augle,
Toby Burton, Pat Gunnell, Jean Pfeiffer
and Bill Whelehan who served as FTOs to
the new guys and to Sgt. Randy Pikowski
for the excellent administrative assistance
he provided to the new guys…Celebrating birthdays are INSPs Wayne Thompson, Mike Koszola and DEO Omerzo.
Congratulations to P.O. Mike Koszola for
an outstanding on-view felony arrest of an
offender for burglary to auto. Congrats to
Peggy Schulte on her promotion to Sgt.
Thanks to our own Ron (Mr. Computer)
Harper for all his computer advice and
expertise…Mike Drozdek and his wife
Linda had an outstanding time during
their vacation to Niagara Falls…Pat Gunnell and wife Nancy are the proud parents
of P.O. Brian Gunnell (Hazel Crest PD)
who recently graduated from the Illinois
State Police Academy…Which unit P.O.
won the Probationary Police Officer Academic Award in 1973? TNUL ENIRROC…
Insp. Joseph Maratto
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
- Research & Development/Unit 127 Holiday greetings to all! Proving that it
takes one good Gene to replace another,
Sergeant Gene Vann took over as Administrative Sergeant from former Sergent
Gene Roy, who has gone on to greater
glory as a lieutenant in 012. Other new
Division supervisors are ace designer Russell Schultz, Manager of the Communications Section, and numbers czar Erik
Glass, who heads Research and Analysis.
Russell is on leave from his P.O. position—but once a cop, always a cop,
right?…Sgt. Ellen (a.k.a. Eileen) Moran
traded a life of uniforms, equipment and
supplies, and weapons of mass destruction
for midnights in 004. Former P. O. Marty
Ryczek, Mr. PDT to many, accepted an
assignment as Gang Specialist. Former P.
O. and Hollywood superstar Johnny
O'Donnell is now an Investigator in the
Youth Investigations Division. No kidding—Johnny is a real actor with Holywood movies to his credit…Several members of the Unit responded to Chuck
Ramsey's call, and took positions in the
Metropolitan Police Department,Washington D.C. Nola Joyce and Margaret
Poethig are working on organizational
development; Kevin Morison heads communications;Walter Collier is designing a
Washington version of CPD’s award-winning ICAM program; and Kaylin Junge is
Webmaster. Remember, guys, you learned
it all in Chicago…Grants Manager Ann
Cibulskis made a contribution to the next
generation of CPD members with son
Harold, born June 24 of this year. And
speaking of Hollywood superstars, Kathleen Turner—who happens to be the sister
of Grants Research Specialist Susan Turner—paid R & D a visit in November.
Richard Glasser
— Staff Services/Unit 130 —
Congratulations to P.O. Angela Brown
who became a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Lamda Alpha Omega
Grad Chapter on 22 Nov 98…Congratulations to Pete Martine on his promotion
to Youth Investigator…P.O. Edwin Silva
also left us to become the Traffic Safety
Officer for the Department.We wish Ed
and Pete the best success in their new
assignments…P.O. Ron Rufo is detailed
away as part of the 1999 Ambassador Program that seeks to recruit new officers for
the Department. Congratulations to P.O.
Eugene Mullins on obtaining his Masters
Degree in Public Administration from
Roosevelt U. He plans to pursue his Doctorate at the U of I. His ultimate goal is to
“lead the Department” into the
future…Congrats to:Vanessa Wedgbury,
daughter of Commander Richard Wedgbury, on her wedding to Matt Ueltzen;
and to Meredith Nauer, the daughter of
Sgt. Donnie Nauer, on her wedding to
Sean Duggan, the son of Detective Dick
Duggan, on 3 Oct 98.Well, it’s confirmed,
John Brink became a grandfather during
Thanksgiving Week.The new addition to
the Brink family is a bouncing baby boy
named Ellias…Good luck to Sgt. Doug
Ellis who has taken a leave of abscence for
a year to work in Bosnia.We eagerly await
his safe return to the Department. Happy
Holidays to all!
Sgt. Sidney Kelly
— Special Events/Unit 140 —
Special Events welcomes back the Star
Magazine and especially the Blue
Light…The unit had a productive year
working on the Grant Park and neighborhood fests, parades, motorcades, funerals,
races, walks, movies and
commercials…Greetings to Sgt. Rohloff
who recently transferred in to replace Sgt.
Bielfeldt. Commander John Flanagan just
returned from a short vacation with family and friends in Florida…Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a bright and
prosperous New Year.
P.O. Dennis “Bullfrog” McKenna
- Special Operations/Unit 141 We finally made the move to Homan
Square…We welcome Lt. Ann Hayes,
Sgt.s Pena, Eldridge, Freeman, Lee and
Barry…Good luck to Sgt. Pat Gordon on
his new assignment in the School Patrol.
Congrats to:Tom Northfell, Kevin Ryan
and Mike Ryan on being promoted to
Lieutenant; and to Baio, Cummings,
Donovan, Gall, Gann, Michaels, Martinez,
Nolan, Ortiz, Johnson, Pellegrini, Riordan, Reed, Richards, Smith and Sanchez
who made D-2…Our Christmas/Retirement/Promotion party honored Retiree
Ned Hladczuk (30 years), along with the
recent promotees…Among the proud parents are:Tom and Julie Crain on the birth
of their daughter Amanda; Dave and Susan
Doyle on the birth of Maeve Margarett;
and Xavier and Julie Delgado on the birth
of Matthew Xavier…Condolences to
Diane Tamberlin, Anna Gall and Andy
Churma on the death of their loved ones.
We were also saddened by the untimely
death of Lonnie Segroves who retired
only last year.
Sgt. Jerry Saternus
- Gang Investigations/Unit 156 We congratulate and welcome the following Gang Specialists: L. Bielecki, M.
Bocardo, J. Capparelli, J. Carey, K. Carney,
C. DeFalco, M. Dyra, C. Dornan, J.
Dougherty,W. Galvan, K. Glover, S. Haras,
J. Kohles, D. Hudspeth,T. Johnson, K. Krofel, A. Martinez, K. O’Brien, P. O’Reilly,
B. Ortiz, G. Pinkiewicz, G. Pontarelli, J.
Riordan, M. Ryczek, F. Skroch,W. Smith,
K.Williams, S.Wolf and E.Yoshimura.We
also welcome the following Sgt.s: A.
Boehmer, S. Caluris, J. Jackson, M. Nunez,
M. Shields, J. Spratte and T.Williams.We
congratulate the following new Lt.s: J.
Darling, H. Grau, D. Kuchar, A. Parra, J.
Risley and L.Thompson.We also congratulate the following Gang Specialists who
were promoted to Sgt.: B. Daly, J. Gorman, D. Jarmusz, and E. Urbikas.The following Gang Specialists made Detective:
S. Bocconcelli, E. Curran, K. Hagemann,
D. Judge, L. Minor, R. Murphy and J.
Schober…We were saddened this year by
the deaths of Gang Specialist James Washington and retired Gang Specialist James
Learn. Our deepest condolences to their
families.They will be missed. Good luck
in retirement: Sgt. L. Cull, Sgt. J. Linzy, GS
T. Anderson, GS I. Hampton, GS J. Howe,
GS J. Jurek and Civilian Janet Moore…GS
G. Figueroa is recovering at home after a
recent illness.We send George our best
wishes for a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Sgt.Terry Williams and his wife
Marilyn on the birth of their daughter.
Rachel was born on 24 Nov 98…Seasons
greetings to everyone!
GS John Guzman
— Records Proc./Unit 164 —
Congratulations to: Dennis Diamond on
your promotion to Supervisor of Police
Records Processing, Unit164; to Johnnie
Sales on your promotion to Supervising
Clerk of Police Records Processing; and
to Administrative Assistant Emerald Buries
on the birth of her healthy new grandson,
Jaleel Tynier Reliford…Michelle Grace
Keel, the daughter of Martha L. Keel, Sr.
Data Entry Operator, was united in Holy
Matrimony to Kevin Roger Jones on 5
Dec 98.
Emerald Buries
- Equip. & Supply/Unit 172 Greetings! We welcome our new C/O,
Donald Sobczak, to our happy home on
14th Place.We welcomed Siddiga Khan
back from Tucson, Arizona where she
spent her vacation hiking, biking and visiting her daughter.We also welcome P.O.
Raul Gutierrez who is being trained as
Department Armorer to replace P.O. John
Leehy when he retires…P.O. Bill Haiman
is home recovering from back surgery.
P.O. Nick Pagliaro is back to work after
surgery.Welcome back Nick! Linda
Montes-Shippey had surgery on her wrist
so that she could finally do some real
work. Just kidding Linda! Dan McKernan
was seen at the Technical Services Christmas party. Larry Lowrey is attending
Chicago State U to possibly pursue a second career as a teacher…Until next time
P.O. Cathy Morrison
- Elec. & Mtr. Mnt./Unit 173 Welcome aboard to Machinist Otis Tubbs,
Garage Attendant Raymond Rogers, Electrical Mechanic James Brown and Secretary Sandra Crawford. Congrats to the
following people on their promotions to
Garage Attendant In Charge: Lester
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
Demonte,William Cade and Daniel King;
and to Arnold Ommundson on his promotion to Foreman of Electrical Mechanics…Garage 3 would also like to welcome
back Mark Kennedy; we missed you!
Congratulations to Dennis and Elemtrica
Holman as they celebrated 18 years of
wedded bliss on 06 Dec 98. Mike and
Sharon Zygadlo unwrapped their bundle
of joy on 20 Oct 98, a beautiful baby girl
they named Ann Michelle.The stork had
a mouthful when he dropped off twins,
Charlotte Mary and Lindsey Barbara on
01 Dec 98 to proud parents Richard and
Jennifer Graham.The proud grandparents
are Victor and Mary Jendras.
Sandra Crawford
- Forensic Services/Unit 177 The former CPD Crime Lab has been
absorbed by the Illinois State Police
Forensic Services.The ISP Lab also took
many of our Technicians. Now known as
Forensic Services, our Division consists of
the following units: Crime Scene Processing-Mobile Unit Forensic Investigators,
ETs, Firearms Identification, Photography,
Polygraph, Latent Fingerprint Development, and Evidence Evaluation/Data
Entry…Welcome to all the new Supervisors and ETs assigned to this Division.
Congratulations to Commander Thomas
Cronin and good luck to him and his
staff…Have a happy and healthy retirement to the following: Sgt.s Ed McCarthy
and Gus Lett, Criminalist Bernadette
Kwak,Technician Geraldine Karlic, P.O.s
Dick Drott and Harry Schmuel (Photography), Firearm Tech Rich Fournier,
Forensic Investigators Harold Fujara, Ron
Ferrari,Tim McKeogh, Sig Majewski,
Jimmy Sanders, John Carey, John Butler,
Bob Baikie, Bob Dieringer, Frank DeMarco, Ron Salter and Tom Kelly…We are
saddened by the deaths of co-workers
Pearl Ko, Ernie Warner,Tom Clinton,Tom
Bachelder and Bob Reese; and also by the
losses in the families of Lt. Huels, P.O.
Walter Young and FIs Dennis Veneigh and
Victor Rivera.Welcome to the new personnel: Felicia Graves and Nicole Willis in
Data Entry; ET Dennis Prowicz in Pho-
tography and P.O. Dan Gainer in Firearms
Identification. Happy Holidays!
FI John Stout
— Prop. Mgt./Unit 178 —
Congrats to Engineer Richard Enault
who was promoted to Assistant Chief
Operating Engineer at OEC.We welcome
back Assistant Chief Operating Engineer
Joseph Cantore who came back to us on
01 Dec 98.We also would like to welcome Michael Gin.We honored 30
employees who retired this past year at the
annual Christmas party held by Technical
Services on 05 Dec 98. A good time was
had by all. Retired Chief Operating Engineer Robert Soprych would like to say
hello to everyone from Arizona where he
now resides.We also wish everyone a safe
and happy holiday season.
Eng. Gregory Gulbransen
— Vice Control/Unit 192 —
Greetings! We have settled in our new
home at Homan Square…Congratulations
to all our newly promoted: Lt.s Jim Carroll and Ernestine Dowell, Detectives Joe
Avila, Kathy Clepp, Sharon Lorenz and
George Romero;Youth Officers Ron
Huss and Ron Shogren…We would also
like to bid a fond farewell to our retirees:
Sgt.s Joe Mucharski, Leroy Almanza and
Tom Chandler and P.O.s Albert Krueger
and Ophair Williams.Your contributions
to the Department will be long remembered and your friendship cherished.We
also extend best wishes to our members
serving in the DEA, P.O.s Glenn White
and Sam Flores. Glenn, we wish you and
your wife every happiness with the “new
arrival.” A big welcome to newly assigned
personnel: Sgt. Ralph Ford to A/5 Licensing and Civilian Esther Knight to the
SAM program. Commander Chiczewski
extends his heartfelt wishes of a truly joyous holiday season to the finest unit in the
Department and their families and friends.
Sgt. Ronni Samanas
— School Patrol/Unit 284 —
Our annual Christmas/Retirement party
was held at the FOP Hall on 18 Dec 98.
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
Among those honored were: P.O.s Robert
Baker, Reginald Chisolm,Theodore
Smith, John Higgins, Robert McIntyre
(deceased), James Kingsley, Stanley Martinkus, Griffin Smith, John Sreniawski,
Arthell Goodwin; Sgt.s William Stevens
and Valerie Wolff. Officers in the School
Patrol were studying very hard this year.
We had several promotions: James Bonk
to Lt.;Theresa Williams, Kevin Hill and
Willie Long made Sgt.; Brian Garrity and
Patrick Garrity made Youth Officer;
Robert Jellen and James Rider made
Detective; and Charles Smith was detailed
to the Ambassador Program.Your hard
work did not go unrecognized! We wish
everyone and their families a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
P.O. Lynette Hopkins
— ETs North/Unit 377 —
We welcome the following Sgt.s to 377:
Kenneth Angarone, Robert Chernick,
William Frapolly,William Kempert, Donald Labresh and Michael Williamson…We
are happy to report that the following
decided not to retire after being assigned
to our new unit: James Amatore, Andrew
Mack, James McKenna, John Foley, Joseph
Andruzzi, Frank Kroll, Donald Letrich,
Gregory Horkavy, Roy Foundron,
Lawrence Oppik and Babette Held.We
are waiting with bated breath for the new
ETs…ET Bob Mitzner just missed the
record book but has an over 300 lb. deer
to dine on…Happy Holidays!
ET L. Barnes
— ETs South/Unit 477 —
The race is on for Unit Rep. It’s going
hot and heavy on the south side with ETs
Kathy Gahagan (1st Watch), Sidney Davis
(2nd Watch) and Jim Duffy (3rd Watch) all
in the running. Speaking of energy, which
ET wants to do foot patrol? Jenkins? We
think our new unit is the greatest.The
service we provide to the Department and
the public is a reflection of our pride.To
our former units we say farewell.The ETs
have a new home.Welcome also to the
new Sgt.s: J. O’Connell,T. Dishman, L.
Vasquez, M. Gibson, G. Gulan and W.
ET Joanna Johnson
- Det. Admn./Units 601 & 606 Everyone here is excited about the rebirth
of the CPD’s Star Magazine. Congratulations to the following promotions: Mike
Harris to Gang Specialist and Mary Ann
Jankowski to Youth Investigator.We wish
you the best of luck in your new units.
Get well wishes to Sgt. Chuck Padgurskis
and Detective Linda Flores…D/C John
Frangella’s retirement party will be held
15 Jan 99.Tickets are available at all areas
as well as at Detective HQ…Happy birthday to our December babies: Lt. Mike
McCotter, Sgt. Chuck Padgurskis and
Det. Frank Luera. Congratulations to all
our new detectives. A special thanks to
everyone who helped in the training of
the new Detectives, Gang Specialists and
Youth Investigators. Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year to you all!
Karen Huels
— Auto Theft/Unit 602 —
Seasons Greetings from Commander Jose
Velez of C.A.T. (Chicago Auto Theft).
This years Annual Christmas and Retirement Party was well attended. Honored
retirees present were John Burke,Tim
Maloney, Sgt. Felix “Tony” Olivieri, and
Bob Smith. Jim Sesso, though not in
attendance, was honored and ceremoniously roasted in his absence…Congratulations to all the new Detectives! Auto
Theft welcomes Detectives Stanley Colon,
Daniel Crnjak, Neil Francis Jr., Robert
Hehl, Paul Howard, Michael Mancuso,
Steve Tanaka, Daniel Varallo and Herman
Wallace…Detective Leon Putyrski returns
to Auto Theft after a brief stint in Area 3.
Good luck and best wishes to Detectives
Bob Carillo and Christine Nere who
transferred to Area 5, and also to Detectives Frank Goff,Wally Smith and Ron
Romano who transferred out to Area 3.
They will be missed. Happy Birthday to
Jack the “Bull Dick” McAllister, Pete
Newman, Laura Suarez and to Bob Smith.
We wish Frank Nolan a speedy recovery
from his I.O.D. A special Thank You to the
Christmas Party Committee for an outstanding job.We are looking forward to
the Annual Coffee Club Party, the June
Golf Outing and the August Picnic! F.Y.I.:
In November of this year there were
2,572 vehicle thefts (Ramis 6 Dec 98) and
2,254 vehicles recovered in Chicago.
Det. Gordon Barnhill
— Bomb & Arson/Unit 603 —
In case you’ve been looking for us, we’re
at our new location in the Homan Square
Facility…Congratulations and welcome to
our new Detectives: Dean Angelo, Ronnie
Edmond, Mark Flynn,Thomas Fuller,
Mary Jelenewski, George Romero, Stanley
Shier, Cecilia Simmons, Maria Viti and
James Zurawik.We also welcome successful bidder Roman Tapowski.We’ll miss
Detective Giselle Pikor who’s in 630
now…Congrats also to recently promoted
Lt. Irene Jones. Condolences go to Det.
Allecia Williams on the loss of a loved
one…A fond farewell and best wishes to
our 1998 retirees: Leon DeMars, Harlan
Rothgeb, John Teretta and Jeffrey
Kumorek; all of whom were honored at
our annual Christmas and Retirement
party on 17 Dec 98. Happy Holidays and
a prosperous New Year to all!
Det. Linda Boose
- Area 2 Detectives/Unit 620 Season’s Greeting! Welcome to the following: Lt. James Ivory, Sgt.s John Kolb and
Collis Tate (Property Crimes); Sgt.s
William Dunn, Roy Kwilos, Raymond
Madigan, Stanley Salabura, Dennis Walsh
and Clarence Williams (Violent Crimes).
We received 53 new Detectives this period. Congratulations and welcome! Congratulations also to the newly promoted
Lt.s: Ernie Brown, Richard Kobel, Kenneth Mann and Thomas Tansey.We’ll miss
you. High Five to Shavonna Hunter, high
school All-American, one of the top
seniors in the nation and the daughter of
Detective Stan Hunter. Shavonna received
a 4 year scholarship to U of I in Champaign…Wedding bells rang out for Detective Darletta Lewis (nee Meyers) in
November…Sgt. Pat Walsh’s niece, Erica
Hubbard, is the host of a local television
show which broadcasts on Channel 50 on
Sundays at 8am. One episode featured
segments which highlighted the Bicycle
Unit and Police Academy Recruit Training. In an effort to help the administrative
office work at “peak efficiency,” Summary
Detective Jimmy Lotito will bid for the
vacancy created by the retirement of Ed
Higgins…Have a blessed and peaceful
Tanya Y. Carter
- Area 3 Detectives/Unit 630 Welcome to our newest arrivals: Lt.
Yvonne Sutor (our new Property Crimes
C/O); Sgt. Anthony Deleonardis (Mission
Team); and Det. Robert Browne. A fond
farewell to Detectives Lee Putyrski (to
Autos), Jack Boock (to A/4), Frank Patzke
(to A/5), Ray Kaminski (to A/4), and
Mona Majeed and Dan Kowakski (to Personnel)…A warm welcome to all 29 of
our recently arrived detectives: John Allan,
Lorraine Ambriz, Reno Baiocchi, Russell
Barganski, Steve Barrientos, Steven Bocconcelli, Philip Cappitelli, Pat Casey, Kenneth Charles, Mark Czworniak, Debra
Diana, Lorraine Dominguez, James Duckhorn, Robert Fischer, Kathleen Hayes,
Mark Howe, Robert Jellen, Betty Keating,
Joseph Kostuchowski,Thomas Manaher,
Jude Martinez, John Modelski, Patricia
Mooney,Tracy Moore, Cecil Murray, Joan
Pridgeon, Joseph Schober, Cynthia Schumann and Andrew Wallace; and new transfers Frank Goff, Charleen Lyman, Giselle
Pikor, Ronald Romano,Walter Smith and
Michael Stiscak…Congratulations to RTO
Frehiwot “Fria”Tewolde on her October
31 marriage to Hailoslassie Kahsay.
Det. Cathy Fitzgibbon
- Area 4 Detectives/Unit 640 Area 4 would like to welcome new Lieutenant John Wolanski and new Sergeants
Maria Maher, Juan Morado and Robert
Stasch. Lieutenant John Wolanski comes to
Area 4 by way of the 018th District,
Maria Maher from Area 4 Youth and Juan
Morado and Robert Stasch from the 012
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
District.We all look forward to working
with you. Also, welcome to successful bidders: Detectives Edward Cunningham
from 610, Raymond Kaminski and Jack
Boock (welcome back Jack!) from 630
and Walter Perkins and Anthony
Carothers from 650…This years retirees
include Detectives Daniel Centracchio,
Thomas Lahm, James Pubins, Al
Rutkowski, James Griffin, Ronald Lindstrom, Jerome Rusnak and John
Smith…The medical roll for this month
includes John Bibiesca, Chuck Freed,Tom
McGreal,Vic Breska and Jim Rohrlack.
Get well soon guys! Sincere condolences
this month to Sgt. Juan Morado on the
loss of his brother Frank and Detective Al
Bautista on the loss of his father Miguel.
Detective Tom Skol
Help Is Just a Phone Call Away
Life is full of good and bad, of happiness and sorrow. But when you
are feeling “down” for more than a few weeks or you have difficulty
functioning in daily life, you may be suffering from a common, yet
serious medical illness—clinical depression.
1. Have you lost confidence in your abilities?
2. Do you stare at the walls for hours on end,
unable to focus on your work?
3. Do you miss days of work because of vague
medical complaints?
4. Do you find yourself becoming irritable with
- Area 5 Detectives/Unit 650 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Our annual Christmas and Retirement
party was a wonderful evening of laughter, camaraderie and good food.We had
20 retirees leave us this year: Sgt. Francis
Lee and Detectives Phillip Boyle, Noel
Copperas, Hugh Conwell, Richard Curley,Thomas Flynn, Sam Greco, Joan Halloran, Francis Healy, Michael Herigodt,
Michael Hourihane, Patrick Keane,
Andrew Kouchoukos, Raymond Krull,
Michael Plavonich, John Santopadre,
Phillip Schlenbecker, David Sokolnicki,
James Troken and Richard Weber.We
wish them all the best of luck.We will
miss them, their talents and the contributions they made to Area 5…Congratulations on the following promotions: to Lt.s
Robert Biebel, Frank Gross, Sharon
Guiffra, Michael Patton and Anthony
Riccio; to Sgt.s Wayne Delahanty, Gene
Dembowski, Neal Jack, John McMurray,
John Riordan and Michael Tantilla.We
wish them continued success in their new
endeavors.We would also like to congratulate all the new Detectives,Youth Officers and Gang Specialists.
Det. Tom Chester
5. Have you lost interest in your work for no
apparent reason?
6. Are you too exhausted to get your work done,
or to get to work at all?
7. Do you have thoughts of death or suicide?
If you have any of the feelings mentioned above, please call our anonymous screening program at our toll free number.
24 Hour Hotline Number
By calling this number you can find out if your symptoms are consistent
with depression. If so, you will be given a number to call where you can
make an appointment for a follow-up.
Article by John O’Ryan, who serves as the alcoholism/addictions counselor with Counseling
Service/Employee Assistance Program.
A special thank you to all unit
reporters for your contributions. Have
a Merry Christmas and a safe New
Year! — Mike Haas
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
24 Hour Hotline 1-800-900-7401
Counseling Office/Employee Assistance Program
BELL 747-5492 or PAX 0578
Chaplain’s Unit BELL 746-8458
FOP/St. Michael’s House (312) 850-1099
Behind the scenes implementation of CAPS
e n fo rc e m e n
co m
they can benefit by becoming active
The Chicago Police Department
established the CAPS Implementation
Office in 1995 to develop programs and
techniques that would assist officers in the
City’s transition to a community policing
strategy. The primary purpose of the office
is to foster a partnership among community residents, police and other City agencies
to address crime and disorder problems. In
addition, the staff promotes the tools that
are essential to CAPS, such as hiring and
city se
Ridge Avenue had a problem. A large
apartment building had gone to seed. The
faulty wiring, dilapidated porch and broken
windows made it an accident waiting to
happen. Even worse, the decaying structure
provided shelter to drug dealers and prostitutes. Fires, gunfights and disturbances were
not uncommon.The building was dragging
the neighborhood down. Police made
arrests and community organizations
pleaded with the owner to put things in
order, but nothing worked.
Prior to the introduction of the
Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy,
neighborhood residents and police did
not have a structure in which they could
work together to solve such a problem.
However, CAPS enabled everyone concerned with the building on Ridge
Avenue to find a solution. Police and
neighborhood residents got together
and developed a plan of attack.With the
City’s Law Department, they held the
owner strictly accountable for the
building’s condition. Squatters moved,
garbage was cleared away, lighting and
fences were installed and a maintenance
man was hired. The owner was fined.
The improvements energized and
empowered the people who made it
happen. It was a triumph of community
The Ridge Avenue building is but one
example of how community policing
works in Chicago. But implementing a
community policing strategy is an awesome undertaking for any police department—regardless of its size. Not only is it
necessary to educate sworn personnel and
other municipal employees regarding the
techniques of the new strategy, but it’s also
essential to inform residents about how
community policing works and the ways
Residents of the 5800 block of North
training community residents who organize block clubs and neighborhood associations and educate other residents about
community policing.
The office also provides information
about other City programs that complement the Police Department’s efforts, such
as the Clean and Green and Adopt-AStreet programs, where neighbors avail
themselves to services and equipment provided by the City’s Department of Streets
and Sanitation and work together to clean
up their communities.
The point of these projects is to enable
residents to work with beat officers and
other personnel to ensure neighborhood
safety. Many Chicagoans who have participated in these programs have subsequently
encouraged their neighbors to get involved
in beat meetings and have greatly increased
community participation in CAPS.
Another way the CAPS office strives
to get residents working with police is
through a marketing campaign which
communicates the benefits of community
policing. For example, the staff, in conjunction with a local production company,
writes and edits TV, radio and newspaper advertisements which encourage
people to attend beat meetings and
become partners with the police. The
problem-solving message of these campaigns boosts beat meeting attendance.
This leads to increase cooperation with
police, and results in the reduction or
prevention of crime.“Both the advertising campaign and the community organizing effort are critical to informing
Chicagoans about what the Department
is doing and how residents can benefit
from getting actively involved with their
beat officers,” said Theodore O’Keefe,
the CAPS project manager.
Examples of police/community partnership successes are presented on Chicago
CrimeWatch, the Department’s bi-weekly,
half-hour television series. The program,
which appears on the City’s cable channels
has, since November, also been broadcast
on NBC Channel 5. Roughly 90,000
households tuned to Channel 5’s first
episode on November 29, marking a
huge increase in CrimeWatch’s weekly
audience. The TV series is an excellent
forum to display the innovative, effective
efforts of the Police Department.
A recent survey by a team of independent evaluators revealed that more than 80
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
percent of all Chicagoans had heard of
CAPS, which suggests that the advertising
and public relations efforts have been
successful. Because of the high level of
public recognition, O’Keefe is putting an
even stronger emphasis on the community
organizing abilities of the CAPS Implementation Office.The mission of community organizers is to mobilize residents
through the community policing strategy.
This entails educating them on the purpose and structure of beat meetings and
helping them to understand how they can
work with police and other City departments to make their neighborhoods better
and stronger.
“The public education is critical in
getting residents involved in community
policing,” said 20th District Neighborhood
Relations Sergeant Stan Pasko. “And once
they get involved, we need to keep them
One of the ways CAPS organizers
have done that is through neighborhood
marches. Last summer, residents and police
officers participated in about 100 marches
in neighborhoods throughout the city.
The marches, which typically concentrate
on neighborhood hot spots, serve a variety
of purposes. First, they energize people
who regularly attend beat meetings.There’s
nothing like walking down a street with a
bunch of your friends and police officers to
restore confidence in a community.
Second, the marches send a message to
criminals that neighbors are organized and
motivated and will not tolerate illegal
behavior. Finally, they are an effective and
highly visible way to enlist new members
Gordon Walek works as the Special Projects
Coordinator for the CAPS Implementation
PAX 501
Terry G. Hillard, Superintendent of Police
As Superintendent, I have personally felt the sadness and
pain associated with a Chicago Police Officer killed in the
line of duty.The pain was buffered by the knowledge that
he gave his life serving others.This thought consoles me, as
it does the officer’s family. However, the untimely loss of
any family member is hard to bear.
Unfortunately, this year I have experienced another
type of tragedy. One which involves officers taking their
own lives. Tragically, four members of our police family
committed this fatal act. I am wondering if anyone recognized the internal suffering these officers were experiencing and what steps were taken to reach out and intervene.
I am personally concerned about protecting members
of our extended police family, and their loved ones, who
may feel troubled.As your superintendent, I am asking you
to reach out and pay attention to your fellow officers. If
you notice someone having a difficult time, pull that
person aside, engage the person in conversation and do not
feel afraid to ask questions. Offer the person your ear,
encourage the person to seek help and guidance.
Remember, regardless of how bad a situation might
appear, there is always more than one solution to a
problem. Let others help you figure out your alternatives.
We must keep our minds strong, so that we are alert,
vibrant, happy, and content when performing our duties.
Working together can make a difference. I want to
encourage you to pay attention to your co-workers.We are
family.We must look out for one another. May God bless
you all.
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
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Submitted by: Carmen Torres, Computer Training Unit
Hot Desk
Quattro Pro
System Unit
Windows 95
Zip Drive
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
From a vantage point on high
furloughs and
weekends off, pass drug
screening tests; have an
excellent work history, disciplinary record, and appropriate appearance.
All horses are geldings
(male).The ages of the horses vary from the youngest
being five years old to the
oldest in his mid-twenties.
The average weight of the
Sgt. Kluth with Officers Joseph Blay, Paul Devenport, Larry Campbell and Charles Wickramasekera
horses is 1200 pounds. All
keep a watchful eye over shoppers on Michigan Avenue.
horses are bay (brown) in
color with variations from
n an effort to help provide citizens with a parades and block parties. When they are almost black to reddish-brown (chestnut).
safe environment during this hectic time of not assigned to a specific event, they patrol The most important characteristics of the
year, the Mounted Patrol Unit assigns its the lakefront parks, Buckingham Fountain horses are big, strong, healthy, and that they
members (both human and horse) to the or the new Museum Campus on Lake have a quiet disposition. The horses are
Magnificent Mile along Michigan Avenue Shore Drive.
trained to the sights, sounds and smells of
and throughout the Loop. A police officer
the city such as flashing lights, crowds of
on horseback sitting several feet above the
people, sirens, construction noise and firecrowd has a unique vantage point in which
to observe illegal activity, such as the pickLieutenant Tim Gainer, the original
pockets or purse-snatchers stalking disCommanding Officer of the unit, retired in
tracted holiday shoppers.
1998 after twenty eight years of dedicated
The mounted police officer is highly
service. Lieutenant Joseph F. Gandurski, the
visible to citizens and to potential thieves as
current Commanding Officer served in the
well. While providing assurance to citizens
unit as both a mounted patrol officer and
that the watchful eyes of the police are
sergeant in the 1980’s.
nearby, the officers weave through the
“I love this assignment for the chalstreets and alleys of their beats to serve as
lenges it brings,” relates Lieutenant Gandeterrent to crime.
durski. “With the help of the capable
Of course, these are not the only
sergeants assigned to the unit, Chuck OlivOfficer Marlon Harvey conducts traffic.
duties of the Mounted Patrol. During the
er, Frank Gurgone, Bill Kluth, and Greg
summer months, the officers utilize their
Fischer, along with the trainers and other
horses to assist in crowd management
A police officer considering Mounted dedicated men and women of the unit, we
efforts and preventive patrol at large festi- Patrol duty must possess the physical agili- seek to maintain our highest priority,
vals, such as the Taste of Chicago,Venetian ty and stamina to withstand a rigorous which is to provide the community and the
Night, the Air and Water Show, and the fourteen week training program. Among Department with the excellent service they
Third of July Fireworks celebration. The other requirements, the officer must have deserve.”
Mounted Patrol also demonstrates its effec- the psychological capacity and riding skill __________________________________
tiveness at other major shows and sports necessary to perform crowd management This article was written by Sergeant Roger Bay,
events in the city. Routinely, one can find a techniques in dense crowds. In addition, who works in the Administrative Office of the
mounted officer in a Chicago neighbor- they must have a minimum of three years Special Functions Group.
hood greeting wide-eyed children at continuous service; be willing to forego
Chicago Police Star — 30th Volume — 300th Issue
Happy Holidays from the
Chicago Police Department
Christmas and CAPS
in the 14th District
14th District police officers in partnership with community residents decorated 12 Christmas trees to represent each beat in the district.
Located at 2150 North California Avenue, the 14th District was praised for their holiday spirit and dedication to the community
on two local television news channels.
Chicago Police Department
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