Sentinel 2015 - The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation


Sentinel 2015 - The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
President’s Notes page 4
Director’s Update page 10
A Year in Photos page 16
Our Contributors page 21
Annual Awards Program
page 8
winter 2014-15
3 Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
Mission and Vision
4 President’s Notes
6 Principal Manager, Construction
Projects Notes
7 Chairman’s Notes
8 2014 Foundation Awardees Honored
10 Museum Director’s Update
12 State of Marine Corps History, Updated
13 Create Your Legacy
14 Educational Outreach at the Museum
16 A Year in Photos
18 Marine Corps History Division
19 Museum Interns
20 Taps
21 Our Contributors
29 Corporate Circle Members
30 2013 Financial Report
31 2014 Financial Report
winter 2014-15 3
Statement of Mission and Vision
The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3)
organization, was established in 1979. The Foundation directly
supports the historical programs of the Marine Corps in ways
that might not otherwise be available through appropriated funds.
To fulfill this purpose, the Foundation vigorously seeks financial
support to complete the National Museum of the Marine Corps and
Heritage Center and to promote and endow the Marine Corps’ long
term historical research and educational activities.
The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation preserves and promulgates
the history, traditions and culture of the Marine Corps and educates
all Americans in its virtues.
The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation will honor the trust
of its supporters by:
Planning and funding the completion of the National Museum
of the Marine Corps and Heritage Center.
Growing an endowment fund that supports and expands
programs focused on the culture, history and values of the
Marine Corps.
Continuing to set an example through our leadership, strategic
direction and financial oversight of this effort because Marines,
their families and all Americans deserve no less.
Officers and Directors of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
Board of Directors
chairman of the board
General Walter E. Boomer, USMC (Ret)
vice chairman
Mr. David R. Parker
Maj Edgar D. Aronson, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Patrick T. Brent
Mr. George P. Caulkins, III
Mr. William P. Collatos
Mr. Harry L. Crisp, III, Treasurer
Mr. Edward Cuccio
Mr. John M. Dowd, Counsel
Mr. B. Thomas Frana, Jr.
Capt John K. French
Col Fred Haden, USMC (Ret), Counsel Emeritus
Mr. Don Hall
Mr. Paul Kalsbeek
Mr. Thomas Kane
Mr. Peter E. Kump
Ms. Angela C. Morgan
Mr. James R. Moriarty, Esq.
Mr. James E. Nevels
Mr. J. Stephen Penner
Mr. Stanley Sklar
Mr. Richard V. Spencer, Secretary
Mr. Lloyd T. Whitaker, Esq.
foundation staff
LtGen Robert R. Blackman Jr., USMC (Ret)
President and Chief Executive Officer
BGen Gerald L. McKay, USMC (Ret)
Principal Manager, Construction Projects
CDR Neal Armstrong, USCG (Ret)
Chief Financial Officer
Mrs. Susan L. Hodges
Vice President for Administration
Ms. Jennifer M. Vanderveld
Vice President for Marketing and Development
4 sentinel
he Marine
Corps Heritage
together with our
partners at the
National Museum
of the Marine
Corps and generous individual
and corporate supporters
nationwide, has continued
to build momentum for our
campaign to complete
the National Museum of the
Marine Corps.
LtGen Robert R. Blackman Jr., USMC (Ret)
In 2013, we broke ground on the Timothy T.
Day Overlook in Semper Fidelis Memorial
Park, and that project was completed at the
end of 2014. Production has begun on the
destination film focusing on today’s Marine
Corps that will be shown in the Museum’s
future state-of-the-art giant-screen theater.
To date, we have raised $59 million toward
our goal for completing the National
Museum of the Marine Corps and Marine
Corps Heritage Center, which includes
constructing galleries that will tell the stories
of those Marines who served from 1976
through today. The Foundation will break
ground on the Museum’s expansion this
spring and complete construction in 2017.
As we have taken these tremendous
steps forward on the Museum campaign,
the Foundation has remained committed
to our broader mission of preserving and
promulgating the history, traditions and
culture of our Corps. Over four million
visitors have toured the Museum’s galleries
since 2006. In 2014 alone, the Museum
welcomed more than 52,000 students from
29 states, the District of Columbia, Canada,
Thailand, Australia, Argentina and Brazil.
Last winter our speaker series events
featured General John R. Allen, USMC
(Ret), Former Commander, International
Security Assistance Force–Afghanistan,
discussing cultural
preparation of the force for
conflict; and Dr. Richard
H. Shultz, Jr., Director,
International Security
Studies Program and
Professor of International
Politics at The Fletcher
School, Tufts University,
speaking on his latest book,
“The Marines Take Anbar:
The Four-Year Fight Against
al Qaeda.” Most recently,
we welcomed former FBI
Director, Robert S. Mueller,
III, speaking on “The FBI–
Safeguarding our National
Security.” The 2014 Annual
Awards recognized Senator
John Glenn, whom we were honored to
have speak at our awards ceremony. The
Foundation and Museum also proudly
continued many of our ongoing events,
including Family Days and the very popular
Summer Concert Series.
Our Foundation is extremely grateful
for the ongoing support of Marines,
corporations and Americans nationwide,
and I look forward to our continued unified
effort to complete a Marine Corps
Heritage Center that honors the service
of every Marine.
Thank you. We look forward to another
great year in 2015.
Semper Fidelis,
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Marine Barracks Washington Evening Parade–
Guests of Honor–LtGen and Mrs. Blackman, General
Boomer, LtGen and Mrs. Glueck–August 7, 2014
U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon
performing at the National Museum
of the Marine Corps for our Summer
Concert Series–July 17, 2014
winter 2014-15 5
Guest speaker FBI Director Bob Mueller and his wife Ann
and LtGen Blackman at our Speaker Series program–October 30, 2014
4 millionth visitor–David Hiteshew, a retired Middletown,
Ohio teacher–November 7, 2014
Cornell University’s Major Richard J. Gannon, II
Tribute–with Brian Drum, President Skorton,
Cornell University, Mrs. Sally Gannon, A’ndrea
Van Schoick, President Cornell Club
of Washington, Assistant Commandant
of the Marine Corps General Paxton,
LtGen Blackman–March 30, 2014
Summer Concert Series with
U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle
Corps–July 17, 2014
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
6 sentinel
BGen Gerald L. McKay, USMC (Ret)
n the last issue
of the Sentinel
we reported
the anticipated
start of several
I am pleased to report that the Timothy
T. Day Overlook is complete and the
extension of Heritage Center Parkway will
be completed in the summer of 2015. Our
next major project, the completion of the
National Museum of the Marine Corps,
is well underway. We have concluded
the planning phase and our architect is
preparing the construction drawings.
This final phase of construction will add
126,000 square feet of exhibit space for
two additional galleries depicting Marine
Corps history from 1976 through the
present day, a giant screen movie theater,
expanded education suite, Marine Sports
Gallery and Marine Corps Combat Art
Gallery. The signature film for the theater
is in production and we anticipate it
will be completed by the time we finish
construction. We expect to break ground
on the Museum’s expansion this spring and
complete construction in 2017. As you visit
the Museum in 2015 and 2016, you will
encounter construction activities ongoing
both inside and outside the existing facility.
We will do everything possible to minimize
the inconvenience to your visit during
this period.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
winter 2014-15 7
General Walter E. Boomer, USMC (Ret)
he Marine Corps Heritage
Foundation has been fortunate
to count our 35th Commandant of
the Marine Corps, General James F.
Amos, among the list of committed
individuals dedicated to our mission.
Semper Fidelis,
We were saddened to hear news last year about the loss of long time
supporters of the Foundation, General Carl Mundy, Jr. USMC (Ret),
the 30th Commandant of the Marine Corps, and Colonel Joseph
Alexander USMC (Ret). General Mundy was as committed to the
health and success of our beloved Corps as anyone who has worn the
uniform. He believed strongly in the importance of preserving the
history, traditions and culture of our Corps as did Col Joe Alexander.
The namesake for one of the Foundation’s awards, Col Alexander
was a Marine, military historian and author of six books. We are
grateful for their service to our Country and the Marine Corps.
On October 17th of last year, the Marine family said farewell
to General Jim Amos and welcomed General Joe Dunford as our
36th Commandant in a traditional and time-honored ceremony at
Marine Barracks, Washington. General Amos was unwavering in his
dedication to and involvement with the Foundation. He never missed
an opportunity at the Museum to wave our flag and voice his support
for telling the story of every man and woman who has worn the
uniform of the U.S. Marine Corps at our National Museum. I know
that General Dunford will be equally enthusiastic in his support for
preserving and promulgating the history, traditions and culture of
our Corps and the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation.
At the Foundation’s 2014 Annual Awards ceremony, General
Amos recounted some of the recent ceremonies he had the honor
of attending to commemorate the anniversaries of historic Marine
Corps battles, including Belleau Wood and Iwo Jima. Despite
generations having passed since these battles made their mark on
Marine Corps history, General Amos asserted that we continue to
remember these events, as Marines never forget those who came
before us.
General Amos’ words ring true with our Foundation, and I
would extend his sentiment further to assert that we should also
remember Marines who have fought in more recent times. Those
of us who served in the Vietnam War, to include General Mundy
and Col Alexander, and those who served years prior have had the
privilege of seeing our generation’s contribution to Marine Corps
history included in the National Museum of the Marine Corps.
Unfortunately, the Marines who followed us do not see their service
honored in its halls. When today’s generation of Marines come to the
Museum, they do not have a gallery to walk through to show their
family and friends the Marine Corps history that was made during
their time in uniform. There is no record of the men and women they
served with, or what they accomplished together. No matter how old
or young, we as Marines have a clearly defined mission…complete
our Nation’s tribute to our Corps. Marines have always honored
each other’s service. I look forward to the day when our completed
Museum stands as proof to that timeless esprit de corps.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
8 sentinel
Preserving Marine Corps History,
Traditions, Culture and Service
The 2014 Awards Program was a Huge Success
by Ms. Angie Morgan
awa r d s c o m m i t t e e c ha i r
he Marine Corps Heritage Foundation’s Annual Awards Ceremony
on April 26, 2014, was attended by Marines and friends of
the Corps for a celebratory evening to recognize those who have
contributed significantly to the Corps’ history.
first American to orbit the Earth and his
commitment to public service as a Senator
representing Ohio for more than 20 years.
As the qualifications for the award state,
he epitomizes the core values of honor,
courage and commitment, and practices the
leadership traits and principles ascribed to
by the United States Marine Corps. Senator
Glenn, who traveled from Columbus, Ohio,
with his wife Annie to receive the award,
said that the Lejeune award meant more
than most because it was a recognition given
by Marines to Marines.
The Colonel Joseph Alexander Award
Biography or autobiography
Mr. Scott Laidig, co-founder of eHistory, the
Award recipients traveled from around the
world to be presented awards for accurately
and powerfully portraying Marine Corps
history, culture and selfless service through
their work in educating all Americans and
those abroad in its virtues.
A highlight for many was the
presentation of the Lieutenant General
John A. Lejeune Recognition for
Exemplary Leadership to the Honorable
John Glenn, retired United States Senator,
NASA Astronaut and Marine Colonel,
for his demonstrated leadership as the
Mr. Charles C. Scianna, Jr., President
of Sim-Tex, L.P., received the Heritage
Award for his long-standing support of the
Foundation and its mission.
The evening closed with General Amos
offering remarks that reflected on Marine
Corps service and history, as well as
messages about the importance of preserving
the Marine Corps’ legacy...and the service of
individual Marines.
The 2014 award recipients’ work has
been experienced across diverse mediums,
such as movie screens, in regional and
national publications, and via social media.
2014 Award Winners
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
winter 2014-15 9
T H A N K Y O U T O O U R 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L AW A R D S D I N N E R S P O N S O R S . W E A P P R E C I AT E Y O U R S U P P O R T !
online historical database at The Ohio State
University, for Al Gray, Marine–The Early
Years 1950-1967.
The Sergeant Major Dan Daly Award
Photography, album
Mr. Martin Specht, for “Marjah Marines,”
a collection of photos documenting Marines
in Marjah, Afghanistan.
officer during the Korean War. He wrote a
dozen books including three on women in
the Marines: “Years of Grace, Days of Glory:
The Legacy of Germaine Laville,” “Women
Marines: The World War II Era,” and
“Women Marines in the Korea Era.”
Feature documentary
Mr. Matt Patron, for “Collecting Sgt. Dan,”
Major David R. Dixon USMC, for “Call in
the Air,” a collection of battlefield poems.
The General Roy S. Geiger Award
Published aviation article
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Randy Gaddo
USMC (Ret), for “Living Their History:
VMFAT-501 Marines Document F-35B
Flying and Maintenance Experiences,”
Leatherneck Magazine, January 2013.
The article documents the groundbreaking
process the Marine Corps employed
to transition the F-35B into the
operating forces.
The Brigadier General
Edwin Simmons-Henry I. Shaw Award
The Honorable John Glenn accepting the
Lieutenant General John A. Lejeune Recognition
for Exemplary Leadership
a documentary about his brother, Marine
Corps EOD Tech Sgt Daniel James Patron,
killed in action Aug. 6, 2011.
The history division’s superior
historical scholarship
Senior Historian at the Marine Corps
History Division, Mr. Charles D. Melson,
for his book Knight’s Move, a study of the
German Army’s World War II airborne
attempt to capture Yugoslavian leader Josip
Broz, “Marshal Tito.”
The General Oliver P. Smith Award
The Colonel Robert D. Heinl, Jr. Award
Sponsored by the Women Marines
Association for furthering the
recognition of the history
of Women Marines
This award was given posthumously to Dr.
Peter Soderbergh, who served as a Marine
Exhibits or displays
Base One Europe–Beech Hill Camp
Museum & Woodland Trails, Londonderry,
Northern Ireland. The small museum,
created by a voluntary organization, tells
the story of the U.S. Naval Operating Base
and U.S. Marine Corps in Derry, Northern
Ireland, from 1941-45.
Reporting on Marines abroad
Mr. Matthieu Aikins, for “Enemy Inside
the Wire: The Untold Story of the Battle
of Bastion,” GQ Magazine, September
2013, giving an account of the violent
confrontation following a security breach of
one of the largest air bases in Afghanistan.
The General Wallace M. Greene, Jr. Award
The Colonel Julia E. Hamblet Award
The Colonel John H. Magruder Award
The Major Megan McClung Award
The Sergeant William Genaust Award
Non-fiction writing
Mr. Bill Ardolino for “Fallujah Awakens:
Marines, Sheikhs and the Battle
Against al Qaeda.”
Photography, single
Sergeant Christopher Stone USMC, for
“Osprey at Night,” a photo of an MV-22B
Osprey on the flight deck of the USS
Kearsarge (LHD 3) during the 26th Marine
Expeditionary Unit’s 2013 deployment.
The Major Norman Hatch Award
The Robert A. Gannon Award
Corporal Bryce Burton USMC, for
“Commitment of Sgt Isaac Gallegos,” who
was a scout with 3rd LAR before being
wounded by an IED attack in 2006.
The Sergeant Major Bradley Kasal Award
Feature writing
Major Robert T. Jordan USMC (Ret),
senior faculty member at the Defense
Information School’s Public Affairs
Leadership Department, Fort George G.
Meade, Md., for “Urgent Fury–Grenada
30 Years Later. A Squad Leaders Story.”
Local news reporting
San Diego Union-Tribune journalist,
Ms. Gretel Kovach, for her articles “Belated
Honors for the Khe Sanh War Heroes,”
“Miramar Air Show Cancellation Series”
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Continued on page 29
Museum Director’s Update
by Ms. Lin Ezell
d i r e c to r , nat i o na l m u s e u m o f t h e ma r i n e c o r p s
o much of the heavy lifting for any exhibition takes place well in
advance of the ribbon cutting. And, as with most tasks, if you don’t
get the concept right, the end product won’t go well. For the Final
Phase core team, 2014 was all about concept—four years in advance
of opening our new galleries.
The interdisciplinary team, led by Deputy
Director Charlie Grow and Exhibits Chief
Chuck Girbovan, tasked creative consultants
at Eisterhold Associates in Kansas City to
fill in the gaps in our in-house creative line.
But perhaps our most important consultants
were not those we had a contract with,
but those many stakeholders who have
lived and bled through the past 40 years of
Marine Corps history. Charlie and his team
listened to Marines across the spectrum
of specialties; we heard what enlisted and
officers had to say; families told us of their
pride and sacrifices; recovering warfighters
taught us about their journeys home. We
took all these ideas about topics, battles,
artifacts, culture, and technology, along with
a stack of lessons learned over the past eight
years of operations and progressed from a
big bundle of good ideas to a completed
concept design. We have our road map for
the new exhibitions in hand.
With map in hand, we visited many
Marine Corps leadership offices at the
Pentagon during the summer, with our
last stop being the Assistant Commandant
and his executive steering committee.
Our goal was to validate the Federal
funding requirements we had previously
identified that would see us through
completion of the exhibitions in 2020 and
to get a “slap on the table” that our exhibit
concept was acceptable. We did both.
But more importantly along the way, we
heard repeatedly from Marines who are
enormously proud of their Museum and
supportive of our mission.
The new galleries pick up the story
of the Marine Corps after the war in
Gunnery Sergeant Gary Porter, Jr. poses next to his Life-Cast Figure in the museum’s
Montford Point-Defense Battalion exhibit
Vietnam and take it through the long wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq. 9/11 is the event
that divides the two new galleries into
distinct spaces. From concept work, the team
has morphed into design development tasks,
adding layers of detail to each exhibit unit,
fine tuning the focus and identifying specific
artifacts, photographs and media for each.
This process will require two more years of
effort, culminating in a series of fabrication
drawings and plans—keeping pace with
the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation’s
construction schedule for the addition to the
building itself. The close of 2014 found both
partners in perfect harmony.
One of the gems that emerged from
recent years’ concept work is a children’s
gallery, or activity area, which will give
families a place to explore Marine Corps
history just outside the classrooms on the
first deck. The education suite, along with a
permanent art gallery on the second deck,
opens in 2017. Art curators are planning at
least two shows per year, with the inaugural
exhibition showcasing works from Beirut
to Afghanistan. Visitors leaving the new
giant-screen theater will be drawn to the
gallery’s entrance. We are excited about
sharing the very rich combat art collection
with our visitors.
Meanwhile the Museum team continued
to deliver a full range of exhibition updates,
new temporary shows like “War & Peace,”
and even a new sneak peak at what lies
ahead. School students continue to be our
fastest growing visitor group. Museum
educators offered more teaching trunks,
homeschool programs, family day activities,
and teacher workshops than ever. Behind
the scenes, the collections team worked
furiously to gain more ground on the longstanding artifact cataloguing project and
add new objects to the collection that will
provide content and meaning to the new
galleries. Balancing ongoing routine daily
requirements and the final phase of the
Museum will be our challenge for the next
several years, and we’re excited to be juggling
so many balls at the same time. H
10 s e n t i n e l
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 11
Eight large vehicles provide visual anchors within the two galleries: M198 Howitzer,
M60A1 tank, Humvee, AAVP-7, FA-18, MATV (MRAP), LAV-25, and UH-1 Huey.
Many smaller artifacts will be used throughout in exhibit cases that will give us the
flexibility to regularly change and refresh the galleries economically.
The Fallujah immersive will replicate the urban fight. On the first deck, visitors will
pass through parts of the city, interacting with media pieces that will personalize
the war. From the second deck, the focus shifts to the rooftops.
By using media and special effects, the Desert Shield/Desert Storm immersive
exhibit will bring the power of the desert battlefield to the visitors.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
12 s e n t i n e l
State of Marine Corps
History, Updated
by Dr. Charles P. Neimeyer
d i r e c to r , u s m c h i s to ry / g r ay r e s e a rc h c e n t e r
his past year has been one of continued progress for
the Marine Corps History Division. Most importantly,
the construction of the Brigadier General Edwin
Simmons Center is well underway to include that of the
Senator John L. Warner Academic Support facility. Both
buildings should be completed sometime in early 2015
and the History Division will be making its third (and hopefully its last)
physical move to its new location adjacent to the Gray Research Center
aboard the Quantico Marine Base.
Reference Branch Head, Colonel Peter
Ferraro, USMC (Ret), and Dr. Tom Baugh
are well on their way to completing a longterm digitization project for the Division’s
film archives. Thanks to assistance from
the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation,
it appears that this part of our overall
digitization effort will be completed in
about 18 more months. It is laborious work
but once completed, the effort will pay
dividends for Marine Corps history and
researchers alike. Digitization of all our
paper records remains our long march but
at our present rate of progress (which is not
inconsequential) we expect this process to be
completed in about five more years.
The Division’s editing and design shop
has been quite busy as well. Beginning next
year, the Division intends to transition its
long-standing news bulletin Fortitudine and
turn it into a new Marine Corps History
magazine. The new magazine will feature
more scholarly articles related to Marine
Corps history and will de-emphasize the
newsletter aspect of Fortitudine which will
be published for the last time in early 2015.
Our first Vietnam commemorative history,
Path to War, by Colonel George Hofmann,
USMC (Ret) is now in print. A superb job
was done on this manuscript by the Editing
and Design shop. More histories on the
Vietnam conflict will soon follow. Added
to this effort are a number of
histories being
produced to cover
the centennial
of U.S. Marines
in World War
I. Reference
Historian Annette
Amerman is leading
this effort while
senior historian
Mike Miller is
researching and
writing the threevolume definitive
history of the
Marines in “the Great
War” and has the
division lead for all
things WWI. Thanks
to the efforts of a
number of History Division employees,
approximately 90 percent of all our
published historical material is now available
in electronic form. Those interested in seeing
this material electronically (and available to
be downloaded) should access the USMC
History Division’s website at www.history. Click on publications.
The History Division writing branch
under Chief Historian Chuck Melson has
been very active this past year. His battle
study, Knight’s Move, has been highly
acclaimed and won the 2014 Marine Corps
Heritage Foundation’s Simmons-Shaw
award for the best history by a federal
historian. Historian Doug Nash is rapidly
developing into the Division’s expert on
amphibious warfare and his historical
assistance for the final phase development
of the National
Museum of the
Marine Corps
has proven
invaluable. Dr.
Nick Schlosser
continues his high
rate of production
and he is closing
in on completing
his editing work
related to the
General Wallace
Greene papers
at Quantico.
Mr. Paul
the Division’s
definitive history on Desert Storm titled
Liberating Kuwait. It is now in print and can
also be found on the Division’s website.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 13
Jerry Willis enlisted
For Jerry, the gift is also personal. He added,
in the Marine Corps
“This gift honors the memory of Marines
in 1965 and received
lost in all wars–especially the friends that
his training at Parris
I lost in Vietnam–I think about my Marine
Island. Although
buddies every single day. There’s a wonderful
his family’s military
saying—You will never be forgotten as long
service dates to
as there is a person alive to remember you.
the American Revolution, Jerry was the
To all my Vietnam brothers, you will always
first to join the Marines. He was honorably
be with me. Our Museum will ensure that
discharged on 6 June 1971.
all future generations remember, too.”
Jerry and his wife, Millie, named the MCHF as
Semper Fi!
a beneficiary of their estate. They said, “We
want the Museum to thrive so it can continue
to educate visitors about the proud history of
the Marine Corps. So many kids today know
very little about
military history.
The Museum opens
young people’s eyes
to what the Marine
Corps is all about. In
addition, it educates
all visitors about
the sacrifices that
Marines have made
throughout history.”
In sum, the Marine Corps History
Division continues to produce a tremendous
amount of material with fairly limited
resources. As Director, I am proud of our
highly productive team. Special thanks
is given to the Marine Corps Heritage
Foundation for its continued research
support for the Vietnam and World War I
commemoration efforts as well as its longstanding support of historical research and
scholarship of all things related to Marine
Corps history. H
If you would like information about ways to include the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
in your estate plans, contact Gayle Union, Manager, Planned Giving, at 703-586-7463
or [email protected]. If you have already included the Foundation in your plans,
please let us know so we can acknowledge your gift. Thank you.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
14 s e n t i n e l
ducating the American public is at the core of the National
Museum of the Marine Corps mission. In concert with the
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, the Museum provides a major
educational resource for local, national and virtual audiences.
Below are some highlights.
The traveling “Teaching Trunk” program
served over 8,935 K-12 students during the
2013/2014 school year. Trunk programs
cover Virginia Standards of Learning
curriculum in addition to the History
of the United States Marine Corps for
elementary, middle and high school levels.
The elementary program covers aspects of
Colonial Revolutionary War eras, while at
the middle and high school levels, trunk
programs cover the Revolutionary War, Civil
War, World War I, World War II and Cold
War (Korea-Vietnam) eras.
Homeschool Day, a special
bi-annual event focusing on the needs
of homeschooled children, hosted over
1,000 K-12 homeschooled students for
the 2013/2014 school year. Each event
focused on a different aspect of Marine
Corps History ranging from Marine Corps
traditions to technology and geography.
The Education Department is developing
programs and special educational tours to
serve the special needs student population.
In the spring, the Teacher-in-Residence
(TIR), Jim Bish, provided special needs
tours to 30 students from Lake Ridge
Middle School and 25 students from
Brentsville High School. The Education
Department and TIR plan to continue
working with special education teachers
to increase our outreach for special needs
students visiting the Museum.
Family Days at the Museum were
conducted with historical and community
themes including: Revolutionary War, Civil
War Candle Making, Iwo Jima Topographic
Map Making, Robotics, Appreciation of
the Military Child, and the Halloween and
Christmas holidays. More than 7,100 people
were served in 2013-2014.
Forty-five children attended the fullybooked 2014 Semper Fun Summer History
Camp. Designed to teach campers the
history of the Marine Corps from the
Revolutionary War to World War II
to Today’s Marine, activities include
map-reading skills, history related crafts,
and gallery scavenger hunts. This year an
additional week of camp was added to
accommodate more children. (Photo with
Over 1200 Boy and Girl Scouts visited
the Museum in 2013–14.
The Museum continued its sponsorship
of the Region 5 History Day event at Mount
Vernon High School in March 2014. Two
students earned top three placements for
their projects on Marine Corps history.
Joshua Abreu, locally from Prince William
County, won the Marine Corps Heritage
Foundation History Day Award with
his website on Montford Point Marines.
Joshua went on to win the Naval History
Award sponsored by the National Capitol
Commander of the Naval Order of the
Teacher-in-Residence Jim Bish, is putting to use the Teaching Trunk with students from
a local middle school.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 15
Trombonist Isaac Johnson of Pine Island,
Minn., won the Marine Band 2014 Concerto
National History Day winner,
Joshua Abreu
United States for the best project that
documents and analyzes any aspect of Naval
History at the Virginia State History Day
competition. He later won the United States
Marine Corps History Prize sponsored by
the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation at
the National History Day competition in
June 2014.
Trombonist Isaac Johnson of Pine
Island, Minn., won the Marine Band’s 2014
Concerto Competition with his performance
of the Andante et Scherzo from Henri
Tomasi’s Trombone Concerto during the
competition’s final round on February 22
in John Philip Sousa Band Hall at the
Marine Barracks Washington. As winner,
Johnson received a $2,500 cash prize from
the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
and appeared as soloist in concert with
the Marine Band on April 27 at Northern
Virginia Community College’s Rachel M.
Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center
in Alexandria, Virginia. We look forward to
announcing our 2015 winner soon!
n Teacher Professional Content and
Leadership workshops – The topics for
Professional Content workshops for Prince
William and Stafford County teachers were
“Iwo Jima – The Battle and Flag Raisings”
and “The Cold War (Korea and Vietnam)”.
Fifty-six teachers attended these sessions.
A special Teacher Educator Leadership
Workshop was developed in which 30
teachers each day attended from Occoquan
Elementary School.
Career Day – The TIR represented the
Museum for a Career Day event at Mayfield
Intermediate School in Manassas. The
TIR discussed the Museum, Marine Corps
history, museum careers and presented
various trunk display items.
Student Leadership Workshops – This
outreach program reaches both students
who are trying to find programs to help
them as they assume leadership roles in
their schools and prepare for college as
well as “at-risk” students, many of whom
come from socioeconomic disadvantaged
households with absentee parents.
Participants in this program, both students
and their chaperones, have raved about
this program and we are now seeing repeat
participation from groups in the region as
this program continues to expand. Last
year five workshops were provided to over
150 students and plans are in place for
conducting even more this school year.
Prince William County Schools
Elementary Day, Secondary Day and The
Virginia Conference of Social Studies in
Roanoke, VA – At these three conferences
for teachers, the TIR gave presentations
about the educational benefits of our trunk
programs and field trips to the Museum. H
16 s e n t i n e l
U.S. Marine Drum and
Bugle Corps and Silent
Drill Platoon performed
as part of the MCHF’s
Annual Summer Concert
Series. Here they mingle
with families afterwards–
July 17, 2014
The FDNY Marine Corps Association dedicated its FDNY
9/11 Memorial in Semper Fidelis Memorial Park this past fall.
The memorial honors the 17 FDNY firefighters who were also
U.S. Marines killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001. The
memorial has two pieces of steel from
the World Trade Center–October 5 , 2014
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 17
LtGen and Mrs. Robert Blackman, Jr. and General
Walter Boomer were the Guests of Honor at the
Washington Marine Barracks Evening Parade hosted
by LtGen and Mrs. Kenneth Glueck, Jr., Commanding
General, MCCDC–August 7, 2014
An Iwo Jima snow sculpture, work of Gunnery Sgt. Tim
Lewis and Sgt. Derek Reynolds, stands outside of the
National Museum of the Marine Corps–Feb. 14, 2014
Fall 2014 aerial shot of the National Museum of the
Marine Corps, photo by Cpl Patrick H. Owens
18 s e n t i n e l
Supporting the Marine Corps
History Division
By Mr. Paul J. Weber
d e p u t y d i r e c to r , ma r i n e c o r p s h i s to ry d i v i s i o n
he Marine Corps Heritage Foundation supported 7,415 hours of
intern work during calendar year 2014. In addition to supporting
intern hours, the Foundation continues to fund a full-time intern to aid
in the digitization of Reference Branch’s internal working files.
This effort, by itself now over 1066 hours
this year, enables branch historians to
quickly consult a digital file to answer
questions, provide copies or make a CD
of the information to send to the patron.
It is easier to e-mail an electronic file to
a patron, providing better service at less
cost of labor, materials and postage to the
government. Updated Adobe programs
allow the historians to redact sensitive
information to protect the subject’s privacy.
The Reference Branch will continue to
maintain the paper copies, as it turns out
that the best, most permanent record is the
printed page.
Interns contribute to the mission across
all branches of the division; in Editing and
Design, aiding in actual editing, selecting
photographs and sorting through doctoral
dissertations and master’s theses; in
Histories, working on writing projects and
assisting with research; in the Audio Visual
Information Repository, sorting through and
digitizing the thousands of film and other
visual products stored there over the years.
The Foundation’s support of the History
Division interns materially aids in the
advancement of the Division’s mission and
in the preservation and presentation of
Marine Corps history.
The Shaw Fellowship Program completes
its third year, with Carlyn Woodward
Emily Cunningham (Ohio State) working with the photograph collection.
making a major contribution to the
reorganization of the extensive photo
collection. Her efforts will make it easier
to fill customer requests for particular
photographs and as the work progresses,
will improve the photograph
finding aids.
The Master’s Thesis and Doctoral
Dissertation Programs continue apace,
with six dissertation applications submitted
during 2014; the Foundation generously
supported three. Foundation support also
extends to the writing program, at this
time focusing on both the upcoming 50th
anniversary of Marine Corps involvement
in Vietnam and supporting research for the
World War I Centennial Commemoration.
The Foundation’s generous support
allows History Division to better and more
completely report the history of our Corps
and make that history available as a study
and learning resource. H
Mark Folse (University of Alabama doctoral candidate) working through
microfilm to establish an order of battle for the Dominican Republic 1916–1924.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 19
Visitor Services Intern John Murphy wears flight gear
in a uniforms demonstration to campers
at Semper Fun History Camp 2014.
Restoration interns David Dutton, Ike Copperthite and
Brian Van Olst pose in front of the SBD Dive bomber
which they worked on extensively during
their internship.
Education Intern Ryan Hogan prepares crafts for the
Education Department’s first Preschool Day.
Allison Ramsey cleans a Fairchild
F-56 camera.
Restoration interns David Dutton, Ike Copperthite, Brian Van
Olst and NMMC staff help off-load the Boeing FB5 which is
slated to be installed in Gallery 9 (Changing Gallery) in 2020.
20 s e n t i n e l
Taps Since the last issue of Sentinel was published, the Foundation
has been notified of the passing of the following members. The Foundation
staff extends its sincerest condolences to their families and friends.
Mr. Ralph W. Gause USMC (Ret),Fishers, IN
Harold Glaser,Cuba, MO
BGen Bryghte D. Godbold USMC (Ret),Dallas, TX
Mr. Patrick Donovan Goldsworthy,Seattle, WA
LtGen D’Wayne Gray USMC (Ret),Falls Church, VA
CWO4 George J. Green USMC (Ret),
Webster Groves, MO
Mrs. Mary B. Hale,Camarillo, CA
1ST Sgt and Mrs. Jack L. Hansen (Ret),Hemet, CA
Christopher Harlan, Corpus Christi, TX
Mr. John M. Hiltzer,Fort Pierce, FL
Mr. Lawrence W. O. Holmes,Brookings, SD
Maj Bruce H. Hooper,Fayetteville, PA
Harry M. Horton,Madison, WI
Mr. Delbert T. Imel,Greensburg, IN
Mr. Robert E. Jackson,Bloomfield Hills, MI
Mr. Claude Jenkins,Oak Ridge, TN
Mr. Russell L. Jones,Pinehurst, NC
Reeves C. Jungkind,Llano, TX
Mr. Charles J. Kaczinski,Pasadena, CA
Maj Edmund P. Karam USMCR (Ret),Henderson, NV
Col Edward C. Kicklighter USMC (Ret),
Alexandria, VA
Mr. Leland S. Kolb,Rohnert Park, CA
MGySgt James G. Kyser, III, USMC (Ret),Dumfries, VA
Mr. Edward F. Lannigan,Asheville, NC
Mr. Leland D. Larson,Denver, CO
Maj Kurt Chew-Een Lee USMC (Ret),Washington, DC
Mr. Frank A. Lee,Dunnellon, FL
Mr. Fred R. Leenerts,Colorado Springs, CO
Mr. Ralph P. Lipenski,Glendale, WI
Mrs. Joan Lee Livingston, Burke, VA
Mr. Janus S. Luth,Uncasville, CT
SgtMaj Philip K. Mackert USMC (Ret),Jacksonville, FL
Mr. Paul A. Mattio,Knoxville, TN
Mr. Paul F. McBain,Alachua, FL
Mr. David E. McHugh,Dunwoody, GA
Mrs. Gloria Mettler,Oceanside, CA
Mr. John Meyer Jr.,Manasquan, NJ
Capt Frederick Moeller USMCR (Ret),
Bloomfield Hills, MI
General Carl E. Mundy, Jr. USMC (Ret),Alexandria, VA
Mr. Peter M. Murphy,Alexandria, VA
Mr. Homer D. Musselman,Matthews, NC
Mr. Gregory L. Muthersbaugh USA (RET),
Bellevue, WA
Mr. Tom Neasham, Seattle, WA
LtCol Frank J. O’Hara, Sterling, VA
Mr. Richard H. Olsen,Warwick, RI
Mrs. Kathleen E. Otting,Clifton Park, NY
Mrs. Marjorie Painter,Staunton, VA
G. J. Parsons,Branson, MO
Capt Clyde J. Perrere USMC (Ret),Houston, TX
Col R. D. Peterson USMC (Ret),Polson, MT
Mrs. Suzzane D. Picard,Easthampton, MA
Mr. Otis G. Pike,Vero Beach, FL
Mr. Lyle R. Radeleff,Laguna Hills, CA
Mr. Donald J. Rankin,Tonawanda, NY
Col Walter E. Reynolds, Jr. USMC (Ret),Austin, TX
Mr. Charles C. Rheude,Jacksonville, FL
Maj John E. Rich USMC (Ret),Washington, DC
LtGen Wallace H. Robinson, Jr. USMC (Ret),
Washington, DC
Mr. Harvey C. Sack,Barrington, NJ
Col J. Shelton Scales USMCR (Ret),Martinsville, VA
MTSgt Gilbert C. Schaber USMC (Ret), Louisville, KY
MajGen Wilbur F. Simlik USMC (Ret),Fullerton, CA
Cpl Vincent S. Spitale,Amite, LA
Mr. James L. Stoops,Lakewood, CA
Dr. Bill D. Stout,Crossville, TN
Mr. Samuel Y. Stroh,Pittsburgh, PA
Col Robert T. Sweeney,San Mateo, CA
Mr. Alvan A. Taylor,Clayton, NY
Mr. Robert H. Taylor,New Berlin, WI
Mr. James Thompson, Sr.,Plant City, FL
Mr. Albert J. Torretta,Walla Walla, WA
Mr. John O. Tramontine,New York, NY
Mr. Elliott Troop, Manchester, NJ
Mr. James B. Van Orden,Leonia, NJ
Col Walter R. Walsh USMC (Ret),Arlington, VA
Col Charles H. Waterhouse USMC (Ret),
Toms River, NJ
Cpl Edwin S. Wojcik,Prescott, AZ
Mr. Bill C. Wrinkle,Rankin, TX
Mr. Emil P. Wroblicky,Pacific Palisades, CA
Mr. Albin H. Zielinski,Holland, PA
Col Joseph H. Alexander USMC (Ret),Asheville, NC
Glen W. Allen, Fort Mojave, AZ
Philip Bruce Anderson,Orange, CA
Mr. Norbert A. Arnold,Saint Mary’s, PA
Charles L. Atkins,Fredericksburg, VA
Mr. Dennis A. Bachmann,Lyndhurst, NJ
Mr. James E. Bald,San Antonio, TX
Mr. Fred W. Ballantine,Hinsdale, IL
Mr. Charles C. Bandelier,New Haven, IN
John W. Bartsch, F
rederick, MD
1LT Charles E. Beard USMC (Ret),Portsmouth, VA
BGen Vincente T. Blaz USMC (Ret),Fairfax, VA
Mr. David L. Bole,Northglenn, CO
Col James T. Breckinridge USMC (Ret),Hubert, NC
Mr. Thomas W. Buchanan,Carrollton, GA
SSgt Philip G. Buttaro USMC (Ret),Barstow, CA
Mr. Jesse Carroll,Arab, AL
Sgt Joseph Ciccarelli,Midlothian, VA
Tom Clancy,Huntington, MD
Mrs. Ellen M. Coile,San Jose, CA
Mrs. Judith J. Collier,Sewickley, PA
Mr. Alfred Crawford, Jr.,Lancaster, PA
Capt George H. Crittenden USN (RET),
Great Falls, VA
Col James M. Cummings USMC (Ret),Fort Belvoir, VA
Mr. Vincent P. Daly,Lawrenceville, NJ
Mr. Robert E. Danforth,Walla Walla, WA
Ms. Mary Des Jardines,Danielsville, GA
Sgt Robert C. Desrosiers,Ludlow, MA
Mr. Thomas Deveny,Minneapolis, MN
Mr. William J. Ellis,Augusta, GA
Mr. James E. Ewing, Pinson, AL
CWO4 Edmond G. Farah,Plainview, NY
William C. Faulkner,Elburn, IL
Sgt Albert L. Fisher,Fairhaven, MA
Mr. Morgan L. Fitch Jr.,Kalamazoo, MI
Mr. James Seawright Florence, Jr.,Marietta, GA
Mr. David J. Flynn,Saratoga Springs, NY
SSgt Terrance Stephen Forgacs,Ravenna, OH
Col James L. Fowler USMCR (Ret),Alexandria, VA
MSgt Louis C. Frank USMC (Ret),Fairfax, VA
MSgt Walter F. Frehe USMC (Ret),Ormond Beach, FL
MGySgt Richard S. Gandy USMC (Ret),Havelock, NC
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 21
Contributors We gratefully acknowledge our donors for their vital role
in the Foundation’s success. We also thank those not listed here due to space
limitations for their generosity and unwavering commitment. Thank you!
and commandant’s
circle members $100,000
2d Battalion, 4th Marines Association
5th SBC of 1951
A Grateful Citizen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ackerman
Akin Gump Strauss
Hauer & Feld, LLP
The Alfiero Family Foundation
Arthur L. Allen
AM General
James H. Amos, Jr.
Walter Anderson
Anheuser-Busch InBev
Michael S. Ansari
Cpl Reverge Anselmo, USMC
Edgar D. Aronson
Capt Arthur W. Arundel, USMC
AT&T Corporation
BAE Systems North America
Bud and Suzanne Baker
H. Furlong Baldwin
Bank of America Corporation
Basic Officer Class 1-69
Basic Officer Class 3-57
James E. Bassett III
Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.
Bell Helicopter–a Textron Company
John H. Bell and Connor Davis Bell
Col Roy L. Belli, USMC
and Mrs. Sara C. Belli
Walter C. Bladstrom
Cpl Samuel R. Blount
Robert Blum
The Boeing Company
General and Mrs. Walter E. Boomer
Patrick T. Brent
The Brink’s Company
Macon F. Brock, Jr.
Austin Brockenbrough, III
J. Stewart Bryan, III
Robert N. Burt
Robert E. Bush
The C. E. and S. Foundation
C.D. Spangler Foundation, Inc.
Col Marshall N. Carter, USMCR
China Marine Association
Mr. and Mrs. William Chittenden
Barbara Christie
LtGen Ron and Sherry Christmas
Commonwealth of Virginia
ConocoPhillips, Inc.
Capt F.M. Mike Corrigan, USMC
MGen and Mrs. John T. Coyne
Carlton B. Crenshaw, USMC
Cpl Harry L. and Rosemary Crisp, II
Harry Lee Crisp, III
Edward A. Cuccio
William T. Curran
Capt John R. Cusack MC, USN
Lawrence A. Darr Trust
The Maj John
W. Davenport, Sr. Family
MajGen and Mrs. Hollis E. Davison
Capt Timothy T. Day, USMCR
Dominion Foundation
William H. Donaldson
Capt Percy S. Douglas, USMCR
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dowd
Archie and Linda Dunham
DynCorp International
Ambassador Richard J. Egan, USMCR
Stephen Elms
Richard T. Farmer
FedEx Corporation
Fentress Architects, Ltd.
Curtis W. Fentress, FAIA, RIBA
Ronald I. Fields
First Horizon National Corporation
Nancy Faith Fisher
Tom and Karen Frana
Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold
John K. and Elaine French
Major Richard J. Gannon, II, USMC
Mrs. Doris Gaudette
General Dynamics
General Electric Company
General Motors Company
Alan Gerry
Capt Robert H. and Sue A. Gersky
Glock, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Gordon
Bruce and Nancy Gottwald
Capt Tone N. Grant, USMC
John August Guilbert
Col William
R. Hackney, III, USMCR
Donald L. Hall
Col G.F. Robert Hanke, USMC
Earl C. Hargrove, Jr.
Richard C. Hartnack
Health Management Associates, Inc.
The William Randolph
Hearst Foundation
Desmond J. Heathwood
Dr. E. Bruce Heilman
W. J. Hindman
Bruce and Eileen Hooper
LtGen Jefferson D. and Janel Howell
David H. Hugel
Robert J. Hugin
Humana Foundation
G. Watts Humphrey, Jr.
Capt George M. Humphrey, II, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. David Humphreys
ITT Corporation
Bert A. Jakobson Estate
Clyde and Toni Johnston
David and Betty Jones
Michael R. Jones
Richard C. Jones, Jr.
S. Michael Joseph
Paul D. Kalsbeek
Thomas F. Kane
Ki Ho Kang
Major Edmund P. Karam, USMCR
Capt Frederick E. Karl, USMC
Robert R. Keadle
LtCol John and Eileen Kern
General and Mrs. Paul X. Kelley
LtGen William M. Keys, USMC
Kim, Chol-i
James D. and Susan King
Donald and Ellie Knauss
Ted Kolankiewicz
Eddie M. Kramer
The Kresge Foundation
A.B. Krongard
The Krongard Foundation, Inc
General Charles C. Krulak, USMC
LtGen Victor “Brute” Krulak, USMC
Cdr Victor H. Krulak, Jr. USN (RET)
The Kump Family
Alfred and Norma Lerner
Randolph D. Lerner
Leupold & Stevens
Richard B. Lieb
Lipper Family Charitable
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.
Robert A. Lutz
ManTech International Corporation
Marine Corps Scholarship
Marine Federal Credit Union
Kenneth Brian Marlin
Edmund and Maureen
Matricardi, Jr.
The T. B. McClelland, Jr., Family
Martin G. McGuinn
Media General, Inc.
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Service Foundation
Pfc Lester S. Miller, Jr.
A. Malachi Mixon, III
Thomas S. Monaghan
The Robert S. Morrison Family
Motiva Enterprises LLC
The Moxley Marines
General and Mrs. Carl E. Mundy, Jr.
Thomas G.
Murdough, Jr., Capt, USMCR
Sgt Joseph M. Murphy
Navy Federal Credit Union
PFC Russell W. and Brenda Necaise
MGen Douglas V. O’Dell and Family
Curtis O’Hara Foundation
LtCol Nelson M. Olf, USMC
Oshkosh Defense
Rosewell Page, III
David R. and Nancy C. Parker
Patricio Enterprises
George J. and Marilyn A. Pedersen
Cpl J. Stephen and Mercedes B. Penner
PepsiCo, Inc.
The Ross Perot Family
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Pfizer, Inc.
Capt Charles E. Phillips, Jr.,
USMC (Ret)
The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer
Foundation, Inc.
Pinch A Penny Pool-Patio-Spa
Pratt and Whitney
Prince William County Government
James N. Pritzker
Karen C. Radley
Raytheon Company
Frederick Brant Rentschler
The Rice Family
Paul A. Rivas
Cpl Joseph E. Robert, III, USMC
William “B.J.” and Mary Jo Robison
LtGen Terry and Cathe Robling
Edward J. Robson
James C. Roddey
Rolls-Royce North America, Inc.
Michael J. Ross
George Rumelt
Col Robert W. Rust, USMCR
Terry and Trish Ryan
Skip and Gail Sack
MajGen C. Dean
and Velda Sangalis, USMCR
The John A. Scarsella, Jr., Family
The William J. Schoen Family
John B. Schulze
Charles and Rita Scianna
Steve and Paula Scianna
Science Applications
International Corporation
Continued on page 22
The following Marine Corps Heritage
Foundation Founders and Commandant’s
Circle Members have passed.
Capt Arthur W. Arundel, USMC
Robert E. Bush, C. M. H.
Allison S. Cowles
Mr. Lawrence A. Darr
Capt Percy S. Douglas, USMCR
Ambassador Richard J.
Col James L. Fowler, USMCR (Ret)
John August Guilbert
Capt George
M. Humphrey, II, USMC
Capt Frederick E. Karl, USMC
Alfred Lerner
Sherman R. Lewis, Jr.
Maureen Matricardi
Samuel Williams Meek, Jr.
General and Mrs. Carl E. Mundy, Jr.
Frederick Brant Rentschler
Paul A. Rivas
Cpl Joseph E. Robert III, USMC
Capt James H. Stone, USMCR
Michael R. Spak, USMC
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
Patrick F. Taylor
Maj Edward J. Toohey, USMCR
Steven Wallace
MajGen Mitchell J. Waters, USMC
General Louis H. Wilson, USMC
22 s e n t i n e l
Shell Oil Company
The Honorable George P. Shultz
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
Hardwick Simmons
Stanley “Buddy” Sklar
Col Alois A. Slepicka, USMC (Ret)
The Sloan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Snead
Robert Sook
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Spadafora
Micheal R. Spak, USMC
Richard V. Spencer
Robert B. Starke, Jr.
Stone Energy Corporation
Capt James H. Stone, USMCR
Robert D. Storey
Capt William J. and Lydia J. Strickland
David L. Stulb
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
and Allison S. Cowles
The Patrick F. Taylor Foundation
Textron, Inc
Mr. Fred A. Thomas
Timothy T. Day Foundation, Inc.
Maj Edward J. Toohey, USMCR
Carlton O. Tronvold
Vulcan Materials Company
Wells Fargo & Company
Wachovia Corporation
Mahlon B. Wallace, III
Steven Wallace
MajGen and Mrs. Mitchell
J. Waters, USMCR
Col Allen E. Weh, USMCR
Wetland Solutions/Peterson Companies
Lloyd T. and Mary Ann
Baker Whitaker
Burke W. Whitman
LtCol Richard R. Willich,
USMC (Ret)
General Louis H. Wilson, USMC
Ronald J. Zaczek
Michael J. Zak
friends of the
museum $5,000–$99,999
19th Rifle Company-USMCR
A. P. Kirby, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Lt Vincent J. Aceste, USMC
Mr. William J. Ahlgren
Cpl David B. Akers
Mr. Kenneth R. Allbaugh
Mr. Jack L. Anderson
MGySgt Robert W. Appleton, Jr., USMC
MGySgt Johnny N. Asbery, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Christopher B. Asplundh
LtCol C. B. Atwater, USMC (Ret)
Col Nicholas E. Augustine, USMCR
MSgt Ralph J. Austin, USMC (Ret)
Balfour Beatty Construction
MSgt Lauren P. Bands, Sr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Larry Bangs
Mr. Mark Banks, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Barker
Col Roger H. Barnard, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Arthur L. Baron
Ms. Patricia A. Barrett
Mr. Timothy M. Bastyr
Col Gordon D. Batcheller, USMC (Ret)
Col William D. Bauer, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Beatrice
Mr. John E. Beck, Jr.
CSM Andrejs Bedelis, USA (Ret)
Mr. John J. Belsito
Mr. Bernard E. Berlinger, Jr.
D. Bradley Berry M.D.
LtCol William Douglas
Berry, USMC (Ret)
Sgt O. J. Betz, III, USMC (Ret)
Cpl Michael A. Bilyk
Mr. William K. Blanchet
Mr. Frank H. Blatz, Jr.
Mr. Richard Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Blyleven
Ms. Julie Boersma
Mr. Jeffery O. Boggs
Arthur A. Bohn, MSgt, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Harper Bohr, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Nicholas J. Bomicino
Capt Frank L. Boushee, USN (RET)
Mr. Eugene Nelson Bowes
Mr. Russel P. Brandes
LtCol William R. Brignon, USMC (Ret)
Capt Webster B. Brockelman, Jr., USMC
Mr. William C. Brodie
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
P. Brooks, USMCR (Ret)
Capt Edward R. Browder, USMC
Mr. Thomas Brown
Sgt and Mrs. Gerald Buckland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Buckley
Col Eugene G. Buglewicz, USMCR (Ret)
SgtMaj James A. Butler, USMC (Ret)
Mr. John C. Butner
Mr. Thomas Leroy Cain
LtCol and Mrs. Gregory R. Caldwell
Mr. David J. Callard
Mr. Robert F. Campbell
Mr. Michael J. Cancelliere
PFC Armand J. Cantafio
Mr. Ralph Carruthers
Mr. Nicholas T. Carton
Col and Mrs. Conwill
R. Casey, USMC (Ret)
SSgt Thurman S. Cash, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Casteel
Mr. George P. Caulkins, III
Sgt Cecil L. Caviezel, USMC (Ret)
Cpl Ronald Stanley Cease
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
M. Chaconas, USMC
LtCol and Mrs. Paige L. Chandler
Sgt Dan R. Cheatham, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Keith A. Cheshire
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Clark
Col Robert M. Clark, Jr., USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Robert Lee Clark
Cpl David Reid Clark
Mr. Walter H. Clemens
Mr. Thomas R. Clevenger
Capt Edward Lull
Cochrane, Jr., USN (RET)
2 0 1 3
Robert Connally, Sr., USMC
Mr. Lawrence S. Connolly
Mr. Thomas G. Connor, Jr.
Mr. Dennis J. Conroy
Col Kevin A. Conry, USMC (Ret)
MajGen Louis J. Conti, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Conway
GySgt Robert J. Corbett, USMC (Ret)
Cpl Joseph R. Correa
Mr. John B. Corso
LtCol Norris G. Cotton, USMC (Ret)
and Ms. Tracy Mancini
Mr. Richard G. Coutant
Dr. C. W. Cowles
W. R. Crim
Mr. Joseph D. Cronin
Mr. Donald L. Crosby
Mrs. Nancy B. Crutchfield
LCpl Joe H. Cruz, USMC (Ret)
TSgt Foster K. Cummings, USMC
LtCol Dennis
M. Cunningham, USMC (Ret)
General John R. Dailey, USMC (Ret)
Mr. D. Weston Darby, Jr.
Ms. Jody Davids
Mr. Joseph K. Davis
LtCol D. L. Davis Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Kent R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Day
Mrs. Lucretia E. DeGroote
Mr. Paschal B. DeJohn
Capt Frank Delfino, USMCR
Mr. Anthony E. Denis
Col Chester P. Dereng, USMC (Ret)
Capt Homer D. Detrich, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Phillip W. Deuser
SSgt Canio J. Di Gerardo
Mr. John C. Di Maio
Ronald P. Diaz, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Dickey, Jr.
LtCol William H. Disher, USMC (Ret)
1stSgt John Doherty, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Jeffrey T. Dorn
Mrs. Leslie Smith Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Douglas, III
Col Dennis E. Drew
Mr. Daniel J. Driscoll
LtCol Milton
D. Drummond, Jr., USMC (Ret)
LtCol Carl H. Dubac, USMC (Ret)
LtGen Leo J. Dulacki, USMC (Ret)
Capt George T. Eastment, III, USMC
LtCol and Mrs. Ronald
R. Eckert, USMC (Ret)
Col George J. Edelmann, USMC (Ret)
Capt Richard Edmunds
Maj John M. Elliott, USMC (Ret)
Col and Mrs. Dick
Elsworth, USMC (Ret)
LtCol David W. Elwing, USMC (Ret)
Capt George
W. Evans, Jr. CHC, USN (RET)
Col Robert W. Falkenbach, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Farren
Maj Norman C. Farrington, Jr.
Col Joseph M. Favor, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Wayne L. Feakes
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
2 0 1 4
Capt Roy M. Feher, USMCR
Mr. Michael K. Ferris
Mr. Ronald I. Fields
Mrs. Joan S. Firehammer
Mr. George L. Firehammer
Mr. Tony Fletcher
Mr. Kim Foley
LtCol David W. Fox, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Morgan C. France
Mr. Ralph C. Franklin
Maj and Mrs. Calvin
C. Frantz, USMC (Ret)
SgtMaj Herbert
G. Fulenwider, USMC (Ret)
MSgt and Mrs. Thomas
A. Gafford, USMC (Ret)
Mr. George J. Garabedian
Col Michael R. Gardner
MajGen Donald
R. Gardner, USMC (Ret)
GySgt Richard L. Garrepy, USMC (Ret)
Capt R. E. Garris, USMC (Ret)
LtCol and Mrs. Kenneth
E. Gaskill, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Damon E. Gates
Maj George J. Geiser, USMC (Ret)
Col George H. Gentry, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Michael L. George
Terry A. and Connie L. Gerba
Mr. Frederick W. Gerbracht
MSgt and Mrs. Richmond C. Gipple
Mr. Sid S. Glassner
Col Paul W. Glover, Jr., USMC (Ret)
TSgt Cleveland W. Glover
SMSgt Jesus Godinez
Mr. Phillips J. Goodenough
Truman Goodwin, USMC
Ms. Susan H. Graham
MSgt James L. Graver, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Dean W. Graves
General Alfred M. Gray, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Patrick W. Greenlee
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Greer, Jr.
SSgt Kevin G. Grewe, USMC
Mr. and Ms. Paul J. Guercio, Jr.
Sgt Norman L. Gulley, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Richard A. Hadler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Hahn
LtCol and Mrs. Edward
A. Hall, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Daniel S. Halpern
and Mrs. Tracy L Halpern
Col Willard J. Harnden, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. C. Michael Harper
MSgt Leonard Harper (Ret)
LtCol and Mrs. William
F. Harrah, USMC (Ret)
Sgt John E. Harrison, Jr., USMC (Ret)
LtCol John G. Hart, III, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Kenneth A. Hartmann
Mr. Robert W. Harvey
MajGen Albert C. Harvey, USMC (Ret)
Maj Scott G. Hasler, Sr.
Capt Donald B. Hauler, USN (RET)
Ms. Joanne S. Hayes
BGen J. M. Hayes, USMC (Ret)
Capt Donald R. Hayes, USMC (Ret)
Heckler & Koch, Inc.
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 23
Mr. Melvin Heckt
Mr. Arthur Heggen
Col Donald H. Hering
James T. Herron, Jr.
Mr. Roger Hertog
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Hess
LtCol David A. Higley, USMC (Ret)
MGySgt Nathan E. Hiler, USMC (Ret)
Col and Mrs. Peter
L. Hilgartner, USMC (Ret)
Col J. Jack W. Hilgers, USMC (Ret)
Capt James E. Hill, Jr., USMCR
Sgt L. Mark Hinton
Capt Walter
A. Hiskett CHC, USN (RET)
Mrs. Bernice L. Hogan
Mr. Edward R. Holcomb
Col Randall Wm. Holm
Col William
R. Holzapfel, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hopper
Russ Hostetler
SSgt Charles E. Howdyshell, Jr.
LtCol William C. Howey, USMC (Ret)
LtCol John Z. Hoy, USAR (Ret)
James W. Hubbard and Sally F. Hubbard
Dr. Gene K. Huddleston
LtGen Steven A. Hummer, USMC
Mr. John T. Hydek
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Iandolo, Jr.
Major W. D. Isenhour
Mr. Jerry Iverson
Mr. Kenneth R. Jackson
Mr. Doug E. Jackson
Col Gordon W. Jacobson, USMCR (Ret)
Maj Donald W. James, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Edwin Charles Jennings 3rd 1883 187, USMC (Ret)
Capt S. G. Johndroe, III, USMCR
Mr. Lonn Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Johnston
LtCol and Mrs. David S. Jonas, USMC
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Jordan
BGen James R. Joy, USMC (Ret)
LtCol and Mrs. William
W. Kaenzig, Sr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Waverly M. Kain, Jr.
LCDR William
E. Karlson, USNR (RET)
Mr. Howard Katz
MGySgt James Kay, USMC (Ret)
MGySgt James L. Keely, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Wallace A. Kelley
Mrs. Pat Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kemp
Capt Donald G. Kempf, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Capt Eugene B. Kenny, USMC
Col James J. Kent
Karen D. Kern
LtCol George H. Kerr, USMC (Ret)
David Kesler
Mr. T. Wayland Kidd
CWO4 and Mrs. Henry C. Kimmey
Dr. H. James Knuppe
Mr. Wayne Korson
LTC Mark W. Kramer
SSgt John H. Krisko, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Krupp, Jr.
The Honorable James E. Kulp
Teacher-in-Residence workshop with Col Dick Camp, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Demetrious Lampropoulos
Ms. Nana Lampton
Maj Carlton E. Land, USMC (Ret)
SgtMaj Morton S. Landy, USMC (Ret)
SgtMaj Robert E. Laramie
LCpl John D. Lawrence, USMC (Ret)
Maj Jerome F. Lawson, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Howard V. Lee, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Glenn P. Lefkovitz
Col Andrew J. Ley, USMCR (Ret)
LtCol Richard
D. Lightbourn, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Jeffrey A. Lipps
Ms. Irene R. Lombardi
Mr. Don J. Long
Mr. William C. Lortz
Mrs. Carol L. Loss
HMC George A. Lottes
Mr. Gerald A. Louie
Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Luna
Mr. Ralph M. Lund
Col Scott E. Lystad, USMCR
Mr. James W. Lystlund
General and
Mrs. Robert Magnus, USMC (Ret)
Maj Will D. Magruder
SSgt Ronald F. Marmon, USMC
Mr. Christopher G. Marquis
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Marrone
Mr. James H. Martin
LtCol and Mrs. Robert
J. Martin, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Robert N. Massaro
SgtMaj Robert
Matthews, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Dennis Maxam
LtCol Donald F. Mayer, USMC (Ret)
Capt Arthur R. McCamey, Jr.
Mr. Kerry McCan
Mr. C. James McCarthy, III
Col Alexander
McClinchie, III, USMC (Ret)
LtGen Fred McCorkle, USMC (Ret)
Capt Tom McCreless, USMC
Col Robert L. McElroy, USMC (Ret)
Capt John P. McEvilly, Jr.
Capt James P. McInerney
Mr. Robert F. McKeon
Michael L. R. Meade
MGySgt Larry P. Meagher (Ret)
1ST Sgt Raymond W. Meaney, USMC
SgtMaj Howard
J. Memmer, USMC (Ret)
Col Jonathan De Sola
Mendes, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Charles W. Meyer
Mr. David T. Mickey
Sgt Howard C. Miller
LtCol and Ms. Anthony
D. Miller, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Milzcik
Mr. Morgan C. Mitchell
Mr. John F. Mitchell
Mr. Stephen C. Moore
Mrs. Angela C. Morgan
General Thomas
R. Morgan, USMC (Ret)
Mr. George W. Morgan
James R. Moriarty, Esq.
Mr. Bruce L. Morton
Mr. Dirk P. D. Mosis, III
Maj Kurt E. Muller, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Charlie G. Mullins
LtCol Dillard O. Myers, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Brenda Necaise
MSgt and Mrs. Reginald
D. Nelson, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Anne L. Neville
Ms. Cathy Nordlund
Robert W. Norton, Capt., USMCR
LCpl Leonard L. Nowak, USMC (Ret)
Col Raymond L. Nymeyer
MSgt Kenneth R. Oberlin, USMC (Ret)
LtGen and Mrs. Stephen
G. Olmstead, USMC (Ret)
Ms. Sydney J. Olson
Capt John M. O’Neill, Jr.
Mr. Mark L. Oppenheim
LtCol Arnold J. Orr, USMC (Ret)
Maj Edward
M. O’Shaughnessy, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. John Oughton, III
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Mr. Ralph L. Pangonis
1LT and Mrs. Byron
R. Parrish, USMC (Ret)
Col Tom D. Parsons, USMC (Ret)
Col and Mrs. Michael
L. Patrow, USMC (Ret)
BGen Terry L. Paul, USMC (Ret)
MajGen Eugene Gray
Payne, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Col Robert R. Peebles, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Lee D. Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Penny, Jr.
LtCol and Mrs. Stephen
Percy, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Robert S. Perkin, USN (RET)
Capt and Mrs. Louis
N. Pernokas, USNR (RET)
Capt Robert J. Peterman
Maj William G. Peters, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Eric Peterson
Mr. Ralph G. Phipps
Mr. Robert M. Pickle
Col and Mrs. Eric N. Piper
Col and Mrs. John Pipta, USMC (Ret)
Col A. J. Ponnwitz
Sgt Warren A. Potter
Mr. Kenneth S. Prehodka
Col Sara J. Pritchett, USMC (Ret)
Mr. R. M. Proudfoot
Col John G. Rader
Mr. H. Nicholas Ragland, III
Col Ronald I. Reagan
John and Sallyanne Reidenhour
Mr. Samuel J. Revak
Col Claude Lewis
Reynolds, USMCR (Ret)
Cpl Mark A. Richards, USMC (Ret)
Mr. John D. Richardson
Mr. Robert W. Riordan
Mr. A. Harrell Roberts
George and Jo Rodgers
Mr. Robert Roehm, III
Mr. Arthur L. Roesch
Mr. L. Dale Rogers
D. E. “Gyp” and Marion Rogers
Mr. Chris Rooney
Col Paul F. Roques, Jr., USMC
Mr. Peter J. Rose
Ms. Muriel Ross
Maj Jack A. Ruffer, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Jens P. Rummler
Mr. Richard L. Rumpf
SSgt John J. Ryan, USMC (Ret)
Capt Theodore A. Samolik
Mr. George L. Sandstrom
Cpl Michael L. Saner
MSgt and Mrs. George
L. Schaudel, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schenkel
Col Howard P. Schick, USMC (Ret)
Mr. William Dudley Schleier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schneider
CWO4 Earl W. Schuette, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schulte
Mr. G. Radcliffe Schultz
Capt Joseph Schvimmer, USMC (Ret)
Col Roger F. Scott, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Continued on page 24
24 s e n t i n e l
Capt Jesse H. Terpstra, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Joan L. Theisen
Mrs. Ann Thomas
Mr. Landon Thomas
Mr. Thomas M. Thompson
Dr. John W. Tisdale
Col Frederic L. Tolleson, USMC (Ret)
Mr. John R. Towers
Mr. David S. Traitel, II
Mrs. Patricia Trowbridge
Mr. William G. Tull
Col Robert R. Tyler, USMC (Ret)
US Marine Corps Advisors Association
Col and Mrs. Foster
G. Ulrich, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Chris Vacketta
Mr. John W. Vagnetti
Mr. Thomas M. Valente
Cpl Kenneth Van
Remmen, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Darrell M. Wilkins
Mr. Henry K. Willard, II
Mr. Jim A. Willingham
Cpl and Mrs. Jerry A. Willis
The Honorable Pete Wilson
CWO5 and Mrs. Patrick J. Woellhof
MSgt Martin E. Wojcik, USMC (Ret)
Maj Richard A. Wolfe
Mr. Alfred K. W. Won
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Woodard
Capt and Mrs. Robert
L. Woodruff, USMC (Ret)
Cmdr Charles R. Woodward, USN (RET)
Col Jerry C. Wulf, USMC (Ret)
and Ms. Patricia Wulf
Mr. Norman T. Wyatt
Mr. Reynolds Young
SgtMaj Frank J. Zadell, Jr., USMC (Ret)
General and Mrs. Anthony
C. Zinni, USMC (Ret)
Col Lawrence R. Zinser, USMC (Ret)
semper fi raider $2,500
Mr. John W. Demetropoulos
Capt Gerard R. Lear, USMC
Mr. Dominic Pugliani
semper fi bulldog $1,000
2014 award winner Matt Patron with award namesake
Major Norman Hatch
Capt Wesley F. Spence
Mr. Kevin M. Spence
Capt and Mrs. Sidney
L. Spurgeon, USMC (Ret)
Ms. Donna C. Stanton
Sgt and Mrs. Edward
J. Stark, USMC
Mr. Mark A. Sternheimer, Sr.
Capt and Mrs. Wallace
Stettinius, USMC (Ret)
Mr. L. E. Stevenson
Capt Tommy C. Stewart, USN
Mr. Dean J. Stoker
Dennis and Roxanne Straw
Mr. M. R. Sudzina
Ms. Janet M. Sutherlin
Col O. Ivar Svenson, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Dennis D. Swanson
Sgt Stender Sweeney, USMC (Ret)
TBS 1-57
Col Robert L. Talbert, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Michael A. Tallarico, III
LtCol Timothy M. Taylor, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Terpning
LtGen and Mrs. Paul
K. Van Riper, USMC (Ret)
Maj and Mrs. Anthony R. Vanchieri
Mr. Armand Ventura
Maj Alton F. Vergote (Ret)
Mr. Dennis W. Voge
Mr. James C. Volkert
Col Rudy Joseph Wadle, USMCR (Ret)
Chad and Kimberly Wagner
Capt Robert H. Waldruff
LtCol Robert J. Walker
Mr. Robert Wallach
LtCol Thomas H. Walsh, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Dennis F. Warner
Col Dwight D. Weber, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Weick
LtCol and Mrs. Philip
S. Weigand, USMC (Ret)
BGen William Weise, USMC (Ret)
Maj Richard C. Wells (Ret)
General and Mrs. Joseph
J. Went, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Neil J. Werthmann
LtCol Richard T. White, Jr.
Mr. John J. Aglialoro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Alderson
Mr. H. E. Bailey, Jr.
Mr. Dallas O. Berry
Mr. Bruce A. Biggs
Col Michael S. Bohn
Col James A. Bracken, USMC (Ret)
Dr. James Price Brock
Mr. Richard W. Buck
Mr. Bill Burlison
Mr. John P. Carr
Mr. C. Dan Chenoweth
Col Edward J. Clarkson, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Joseph A. Como, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Willard Cummings
Col J. Walt Davis, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Gerald Dock
Mr. Arthur S. Doerner
Mr. Roddey Dowd, Jr.
Mr. John M. ( Jack) Drummond
Mr. Michael P. Esposito, Jr.
Mr. James M. Fitzsimmons
Mr. Thomas J. French, USMC
Sgt Rocco J. Gatta
Mr. Joseph S. Gest
Mr. Grant L. Graeber
John A. Greene Ph.D.
Mr. Clyde H. Greene
Mr. Roger Hagans, Jr.
Mr. E. Ross Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey O. Hartzler
Mr. Salah Hassanein
Capt Raymond F. Jacobsen, USMC (Ret)
Mr. James B. Jaqua
MajGen James A. Kessler, USMC (Ret)
Col Edwin K. Kiefner, USMCR (Ret)
Francis Koudelka
LtCol and Mrs. Steve Linder
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Capt and Mrs. Llewellyn
W. Lord, USMC, (Ret)
Mrs. Charlotte S. Martin
Mr. Noel J. Mc Donald
Mr. Vincent J. McGuinness
Capt Hugh
F. McIntyre, II, USMCR (Ret)
SSgt Jess O. Mulkey, USMC
Mr. John F. Neighoff, Sr.
Cpl Ronald J. Nelson, USMC
Mr. John Oughton, III
Col H. Phil Pearce, USMCR (Ret)
1st Lt Richard K. Peksens, USMCR
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Presley
Col Richard C. Raines
Ms. Yolanda E. Reyes
Capt Kevin J. Rochford, USMC
Mr. Michael D. Scott
Mr. Jeff Shaara
Mr. Gary W. Shaffer
Maj Carl B. Sherertz, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. J. Duncan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Steiner
Mr. Steve Stock
Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Roxanne Straw
Col and Mrs. Jon W. Stull, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Anita L. Throwe
Maj Mike Tivnan, USMC (Ret)
and Mrs. Barbara Tivnan
Capt Eugene
M. Trippleton, USMC (Ret)
Col and Mrs. Richard
L. Upchurch, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Richard J. Valencia
Mr. Joseph V. Vumbacco
Kenneth R. Wade
Ms. Deborah L. Waggoner
Col John J. Ward, USMC
Mr. David S. Watkins
Mr. Josiah J. Willard
Mr. Andy Yeo
semper fi
leatherneck $500
Mr. A. Robert Abboud
SgtMaj John F. Abel (Ret)
Capt John C. Adams, USMC
MSgt Richard M. Agler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Aichele
Col and Mrs. Anthony
C. Akstin, USMC (Ret)
Col Ray A. Alberigi
Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Alff
Mr. Ronald E. Alford
Mr. Jack L. Allen
Mr. Richard M. Allen
LtCol Charles
R. Allen, Jr., USMCR (Ret)
LtCol and Mrs. Charles
R. Allison, III, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Salvatore V. Ambrosino M.D.
Ms. Jerome T. Amerman
Mr. Carlos M. Amieva
Mr. Michael J. Amigoni
Maj Don Amiotte (Ret)
Col R. D. Ammon, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Jerry L. Amo, USMC (Ret)
Maj and Mrs. Bernard
K. Severin, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Shaw
MGySgt Mark
J. Sherman, USMCR (Ret)
MSgt William W. Shirley, USMC (Ret)
LtGen and Mrs. Philip
D. Shutler, USMC (Ret)
CWO4 Warren A. Singer, USMC (Ret)
BGen Frederick E. Sisley, USMC (Ret)
Maj Thomas D. Sizemore (Ret)
LtCol Frank M. Slovik, USMC (Ret)
Col Judy Gail Smith, USMCR (Ret)
Capt Charles W. Smith, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Alan B. Smith
SgtMaj Halsey
W. Smith, Jr., USMCR (Ret)
LtCol John F. Spangler
LtCol and Mrs. Donald
R. Sparks, USMC (Ret)
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 25
Mr. Michael W. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Anderson
Ms. Julie A. Anderson
Chris D. Andrews
Mr. Larry G. Apple
Mr. Richard Arbaugh
Maj James A. Ardaiolo, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Daniel
T. Armstrong, USMCR (Ret)
Col John Bond Atkinson, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Atkinson, Jr.
Mr. James Audet
Mr. Ross Ausburn
Mr. Samuel W. Austin
Col Issac Joseph Ayala, USA (Ret)
CAPT and Mrs.
C. Richard Bagshaw, USNR (RET)
Col and Mrs. George
H. Baldwin, Jr., USMCR (Ret)
LtCol David W. Baldwin, USMC (Ret)
Mr. John Balenko
Mrs. Betty P. Ball
LtCol Thomas M. Bane, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Eugene L. Banks
Mr. John C. Barghusen
Capt William V. Barnts, USMC
Col H. C. Barnum, USMC (Ret)
BGen George L. Bartlett, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Philip F. Bartus
Dr. Harold R. Bass
SgtMaj John B. Bates, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Charles W. Batts
MGySgt and Mrs. Clifford
R. Baughn, USMC (Ret)
Dr. Walter Ewing
Beasley, III, USN (RET)
Mr. Bill Beck
Mr. Barry N. Beck
Capt Robert
W. Bedingfield, CHC, USN (RET)
LtCol David E. Belatti, USMC (Ret)
Mr. William E. Bennett
MGySgt Eugene J. Benson, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Berick
Mr. Larry K. Berry
Mr. Richard Bertea
Mr. William D. Betz
Mr. Robert L. Beulin
Col and Mrs. William
H. Beyer, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. David Bird
Mr. George W. Birmingham
Mr. Richard J. Blanchfield
Mr. David M. Blatchford
Mr. Stephen P. Bliss
Mr. Walter F. Boehme
Mr. and Mrs. Olin H. Bond
Mr. Michael C. Born
LtCol John D. Boswell
Ms. Winnie Bousfield
John J. Bouvier M.D.
Mr. Harold J. Bowen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Bradfield
CAPT Ronald W. Branch, USCG (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Breaux
Mr. Peter Brockett
Mr. William C. Brodie
Mr. George A. Brooks
BGen Donald H. Brooks, USMC (Ret)
Sgt Frederic A. Brossy, Jr.
Mrs. W. Brown
LtCol Herman C. Brown, USMC (Ret)
LtCol and Mrs. Guy
Larry Brown, USMC (Ret)
LCpl Lynn E. Brown
CAPT Howard S. Browne, USN (RET)
Mr. Charles R. Broyles
Mrs. Constance J. Bruce
Mr. William Bruckner
Mr. Ronald Brunken
Ambassador (Ret) J. R. Bullington
Mr. Charles B. Bullion
Capt Verle E. Burch, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Richard K. Burchnall, USMC (Ret)
Col Robert N. Burhans, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Bill M. Burks
CWO2 Scott Burns, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Anthony Castro
Mr. Paul R. Catalogne
Ms. Carolann C. Catalogne
Mr. Gregory V. Ceci
Mr. Alexander J. Cekala, Jr.
Mrs. Lynne W. Chancey
Mr. and Mrs. C. Carl Chandler
MGySgt Roberto Chang (Ret)
Mr. James Thomas Chirurg
LtCol Alexander J. Chotkowski, USMCR
Mr. Samuel Anthony Cicero
Mrs. Patricia A. Clark
Mr. Theodore W. Clark
Mr. Thomas H. Clary, II
SSgt Donald B. Clem, USMC
MGySgt George G.
Cleveland, USMC (Ret)
MSgt Robert A. Click, USMC (Ret)
Mr. James C. Coffey, III
Museum Intern Amy Benjamin performs basic conservation on an Officer’s
Dress Blue Cap that belonged to Second Lieutenant Walter V. Brown.
Dr. Marvin R. Burt and Mrs. Joy L. Burt
Mr. Charles Burt, Jr.
Mr. Steve Allen Bush
Sgt and Mrs. Thomas Bush
Mr. Steven V. Bush
Ms. Martha Cade
Mr. John Calhoun
Mr. Wallace E. Camp, Sr.
Maj Paul L. Campbell, USMC (Ret)
Clay and Fern Campbell
Mr. Woodrow Campbell
Mr. and Dr. Thomas G. Cannon
J. F. Cantore
Mr. John P. Capellupo
Mr. Manuel Carazo
Mr. John A. Carl
Mr. Joseph P. Carleton
Mr. James D. Carolus
Mr. James L. Carr, Jr.
Mr. William J. Carroll
Sgt Bruce E. Carson, USMC
Mr. James F. Carter M.D.
Mr. Jay Cassell
1LT Ronald D. Castille, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Barbara J. Cole, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Mace T. Coleman
CAPT Therese V. Colford, USN (RET)
Ms. Michelle Collier
Robert Collins
Ms. Cheryl Colmery
Mr. James L. Colucci
Maj Leslie Conklin
Mr. Bill Connelly
Dr. Mark B. Constantian
Dr. Thomas R. Cook, III
Mr. Jon S. Cook
Mr. Richard H. Cooke, Sr.
Mr. John J. Cooney
Col Thomas M. Cooper
Dr. Richard T. Cooper, USMC
GySgt Victor D. Corson
Col and Mrs. Robert S. Coulter
Mrs. Summer Craig
Ms. Theresa Croghan
Mr. James Crossen
Mr. Jack Crosthwait
Mr. L. William Crotty
LtCol and Mrs. Douglas C. Crouch
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Mr. Daniel J. Culnen
Sgt Tom Cunningham, USMCR
Mr. John B. Curcio
GySgt Daniel A. Cushman, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Edward
J. Dahy, III, USMCR (Ret)
LtCol and Mrs. John J. David, USMC
Mr. Ralph L. Davis
Mr. Hershel B. Davis, USN (RET)
Mr. Scott Davis
MajGen Andrew
B. Davis, USMCR (Ret)
Maj. W. H. Day, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Cynthia O. Decker
Mr. David Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr.
Capt Philip J. De Groot, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Rogelio G. Delgado
Mr. John P. Deodati
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Derga, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Dickerson
Mr. David R. Dilda, Jr.
Mr. Joseph E. Dillon
Mrs. Margaret Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. A. King Dixon, II
CWO4 Charles R. Dodd, USN (RET)
Mr. David A. Doehrman
Mr. John B. Doherty
Mr. William R. Donati
WO James
F. Doner, Gunner, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Matthew B. Donohoe
Mr. William C. Donohue
Mr. Ronald C. Doran
Mr. David S. Doty
MSgt Warren H. Downs, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Robert M. Draughon
Mr. Wallace Draves
LtCol Christian F. Dubia, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Stephen J. Dubois, USMC
Mr. G. Richard Duffy
SSgt Trent DuFour
Mr. Raymond T. Duncan
Mrs. Ann H. Dunk
Mr. Robert Dunphy
Dr. Arthur J. Durham
Mr. William J. Durkin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Durland
Mr. Victor J. Dutka
LtCol and Mrs. Joseph
J. Dzielski, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Kenneth Edwards
Mr. Donald P. Edwards
Thomas A. Edwards M.D.
LtCol Robert F. Edwards, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Anthony D. Elia
Mr. Robert L. Engel
Mrs. Eugena A. Engh
CAPT E. Erpelding, USN (RET)
1stSgt Melvin R. Espinosa
Col Robert V. Evans, Jr., USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Jerome D. Fagel, Jr.
Ms. Lisa A. M. Faleskie
Dr. Mark T. Fallon
Mr. John A. Farrall
Mr. Thomas F. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Farrell
Continued on page 26
Maj Gerald D. Fassler, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Faust
Mr. Michael Fegan
CAPT Thomas L. Fehrle, USN (RET)
LtCol and Mrs. William J. Feind
Mr. Bob Ferguson
Maj Roger Fetterly, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Lawrence D. Fetz, Sr.
Mr. Fred H. Field
Mrs. Carol Figas
SSgt James R. Finn, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fischer
CWO4 Clyde L. Fisher, USMC (Ret)
Maj Robert Alan Fitch, USA (Ret)
SSgt Donald W. Fligge
Col and Mrs. James C. Flynn, USMC (Ret)
Mr. John T. Fogarty
Mr. Thomas A. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Foley
Maj Chad G. Foley, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey C. Fore, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. F. David Fowler
Mr. Albert M. Fox
Maj Woodrow G. Franklin, USMC
Mr. Douglas L. Frazier
Mr. William Jerry Frear
Col Samuel J. Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jack Gabriel
Mr. William N. Gadol
Mr. and Mrs. Harry John Gaffney
Mr. C. D. Galey
Ms. Phyllis M. Gallaway
Ms. Judith A. Galvach
Mr. Kenneth G. Gamble
The Honorable H. Lawerence
Garrett, III, USN (RET)
Mr. D. Harry W. Garschagen
Mr. Robert W. Garthwait, Sr.
Sr. Chief Irvin H. Gatlin
Mr. Laurence P. Gaudino
Mr. William Gaynor
Mr. Robert G. Gehrig
Mr. Frank W. Geiger, III
Mr. Karl F. Gengler
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin K. Gensinger
Mrs. Anna S. Gentry
Mr. Boyd L. George
LtCol Howard Lawrence
Gerlach, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Michael A. Gianetti, Jr.
Mr. Bryan Gigous
CDR and Mrs. Warren
S. Gilbert, USN (RET)
Keener Gill
Mr. Robert Gilligan
Mr. William A. Glaser
Mr. Raymond D. Godeke
Mr. Walter Goggin
Mr. Robert Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Goodyear
Mr. Michael M. Gorman
Mr. Roy L. Gould, Jr.
Mr. L. Michael Gracik, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurens
B. Grandy, USMC (Ret)
Dr. Kathy Grant
Jim and Judy Gratke
Richard M. Graven, USMC
Mr. M. Merrill Greer
Col and Mrs. Joseph
L. Gregorcyk, USMC (Ret)
Mr. William F. Griffiths
Dr. Elizabeth Sykes Grizzard
Mr. Robert A. Guerin, Jr.
1LT Alfred H. Guhl, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Dolly Gullo
Mr. Joseph F. Gunther
Mr. Philip C. Gutzman
Mr. William E. Haase
Col Joseph E. Haddad, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Frank E. Hadley
Col Robert G. Haggard, USMC (Ret)
LtCol Charles A. Haislip, USMC
Mr. David M. Halik
MGySgt Esko E. Hallila, USMCR (Ret)
MSgt William W. Hamby, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Peter J. Hamel
Mr. William D. Hamill
Mr. Paul R. Hamilton, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Handley
John E. Hanna M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Hanse
Mr. Steven Harb
Col James C. Hardee
LCDR Jeffrey Taft Hardy, USN (RET)
Col Phillip L. Harrington
Mr. Ronald L. Hart
Mr. Ray H. Hart
LtCol Robert H. Harter, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Edward E. Hartman, Jr.
Mr. Charles Hartman
Mr. Robert W. Harvey
Mr. Bruce A. Hasley
Mr. Michael E. Hastings
Col Boyette S. Hasty, USMC
SSgt Robert G. Hatch, USMC
Mr. Larry Haven
Mr. James S. Haviland
Mr. Dudley Hawkins
Dr. and Mrs. Allen
A. Hayes, Capt., USMC
Ms. Myrna S. Hayes
Mr. Thomas M. Haythe
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Hayward
MSgt J. G. Heimerl, USMC (Ret)
and Kelli Heimerl
Mr. Kenneth A. Heimes
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Helmuth
Mr. Marlon Helton
Mr. Stan Hemphill
Mr. Michael E. Hennessy, Esq.
Mr. Joseph F. Herbert
GySgt Conrad T. Heslin
Mr. Ronald B. Heslop
Mr. Helmut W. Heyde
MSgt John T. Hicks, USMC (Ret)
LCpl Michael E. Higham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hilbert
LtCol David C. Hill, USMCR (Ret)
Col Marlin D. Hilton
Ms. Sandra L. Hines
Mr. C. W. Hintz
Mr. Gary B. Hirsch
Col William W. Hobbs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hoch
Mr. Joe Hogan
MSgt Sidney Holland, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Russell T. Holloway
B. Holmes, DC, USN (RET)
CAPT Frank C. Holmes, USN (RET)
Mr. Edward J. Holton
Col James A. Homan
Mr. Donald F. Hook, Jr.
Mr. William G. Horn
Cpl Sam W. Horner
Russ Hostetler
Mr. Harry C. Howard
Mr. Robert W. Howe
Reverend Nelson C. Howe
Capt M. P. Hudson, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Douglas Huether
Mr. Lawrence P. Hughes
Mr. Mark M. Hughes
Sgt Donald R. Hull, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Randy Hunt
Mr. Joseph C. Hunter
Capt and Mrs. Graeme Hunter, USMCR
Mr. Charles F. Hurchalla
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hurst
Leon Hyman M.D.
Capt Richard L. Hyre, USMCR
Mr. William F. Igoe, Jr.
Mrs. Della Ingrando
Joseph and Gayle Ioia
Raymond Irwin
LtCol Christian A. Isham
Mr. Lawrence C. Isham
Mr. Anthony Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jackson
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
LtCol and Mrs. Earl
E. Jacobson, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Aileen A. Jaczko
LtCol William C. Jaeck, USMC (Ret)
Col Michael
A. Janovicz, USA (Ret), USMC
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jaquay
RADM Richard R. Jeffries, USN (RET)
SSgt Geo R. Jenkins, USMC
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Jennings
Mr. Andrew MacAoidh Jergens
Maj Clyde A. Jesse, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Lewis E. Johnson
Mrs. Laurel Inman Johnson
Mr. Jerry H. Jones
Sgt Ralph E. Joy, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kanarian
Mr. Joseph D. Karbonit
LCpl David Karpel
Mr. Paul Kaufman
Mr. Robert H. Kavka
Mr. Raymond J. Kayal, Sr.
Mr. Donald J. Keehan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Keeler
LtCol Thomas A. Keene, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Arthur J. Keener
GySgt Michael J. Kelliher
Mr. Michael P. Kelly
Mr. John Kelly
Maj Thomas E. J. Kelly, USMC (Ret)
Maj Thomas
J. Kennedy, Sr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kenny
LtCol Thomas Keogh
Dr. Phillip Kerz
Mr. Craig A. Keyes
Mr. Richard H. Kimberly
Mr. John W. King
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene James Kirkwood, Sr.
Maj Thomas P. Kirland, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Rudolph J. Klock
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Knapp
Mr. Vincent P. Knoll
Mr. Norman D. Koan
Mr. Gene W. Koch
Maj and Mrs. M. A. Koebig
Mr. Mark P. Korsgaard
Capt and Mrs. Rudolph
J. Kosits, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Steven A. Kovacs
Mr. John J. Kowatch
SSgt John H. Krisko, III
Ms. Alyce M. Krusemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton M. Lake
Maj and Mrs. Michael R. Lamb
Maj Walter D. Lamon, III, USMCR
Mrs. Margaret W. Laun
CAPT John Lavra, USN (RET)
Mr. Thomas R. Lawler
Mr. Robert A. Lawrence
Ms. Lilly F. Lawrence
G. D. Lawrence
Mr. David B. Le Fevre
Mr. Charles H. Leaird
LtCol Hon K. Lee, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. David Lee
Mr. John R. Leeman
Mr. Peter A. Lehman
Mr. Peter H. LeJeune
26 s e n t i n e l
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 27
Mr. Nicholas Lekas
Mr. Daniel J. Lennon
Geno Lenyk
Cpl John F. Lesinszki, USMC
Mrs. Doris M. Lewis
Col Chester Liddle, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Brenda S. Likens
Col John R. Lilley, II, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Harry O. Lindback
Capt Charles S. Lindberg
Maj Philip A. Lindeman
Mr. Ralph E. Linder
Cpl Edward F. Lindsay
Mr. J. DeWayne Littlejohn
Mr. Charles F. Lloyd
Maj Walter Lobo
LtCol George P. Lombardo, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Neil L. Looker
Dr. James C. Lorentzen
Mr. Robert C. Lorish
Capt Charles R. Love
Col Paul A. Lucey, USMCR (Ret)
Capt Malcolm Mac Gruer
Dr. Elizabeth H. Macintyre
Maj Patrick J. Mackrell
Col Joseph M. Magaldi, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Walter S. Malinowski
Col Thomas E. Manion
Col Michele Manning, USMC (Ret)
Mr. John K. March
ENCS (SW) Tim A. Marl, USN (RET)
Mr. Gerard J. Maroney
Mr. and Mrs. G. Leamon Martin, Jr.
GySgt R. James Martin, USMC
Mr. David P. Martin
Mr. Edward D. Martin
Mr. James L. Martin
Lt George W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Martin
Mr. Frank J. Martorana
GySgt Patrick M. Mason, USMC (Ret)
Cpl Philip E. Mason
VADM Walter
B. Massenburg, USN (RET)
Mr. Owen S. Matthews
Mr. Dean O. Maxwell
CWO4 and Mrs. William L. Mazourek
Capt Edmund J. Mazzei, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Peter P. Mazzella, Jr.
Mr. Arthur N. Mc Cauley
Mr. E. Thomas Mc Farlan
Mr. John H. Mc Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. McVane
Yutaka McAlpine
Mr. J. C. McCamic
BGen William
L. McCulloch, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. William M. McCune
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. McCurdy
Mr. Charlie G. McDaniel
Mr. Michael G. McDonald
Mr. Ron McDougal
Mr. James McGaw
Mr. Donald H. McGlothlin
Mr. James A. McGrath
Mr. Robert J. McGregor
Mrs. Diane Draper McGuire
Mrs. Jackie Z. McKnight
Mr. John J. McKnight
Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin
Col and Mrs. James
C. McRoberts, USMCR (Ret)
Karin and John McTigue
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Meadows
SSgt Joseph M. Mealey, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Mechling
Mr. Thomas J. Meehan
LCpl Claude A. Mefford, III
Mr. Michael Meisner
Mrs. Edith L. Meyer
Mr. Lawrence A. Meyer
Mr. Michael Mickaliger
Mr. David R. Middaugh
Col George Milburn
Maj Ashby R. Miller, USMC
Mr. Donald G. Minch
Mr. Stanley N. Minor
Mr. Clarence E. Mitchell
Mrs. Frances Robinson-Mitchell
CAPT Robert
E. Mitchell MC, USN (RET)
Mr. Dennis G. Mittleider
Mr. Lawrence E. Mock, Jr.
Mr. Lester R. Mohler
Mr. Charles B. Moncrief
Sgt Paul T. Mondry
CAPT and Mrs. Lawrence
E. Moore, III, USN (RET)
Capt Richard L. Morris, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Harry C. Morris
Mr. Bill M. Moser
Mr. Paul Mueller
Capt Paul H. Mueller, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Kurt E. Muller, Jr.
Capt Roger T. Mullins
and Col Caroline Simkins-Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Murphy
Capt John P. Murphy
LtCol M. W. Murray, USMCR
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Musoff
Mr. Donald G. Naugle
Mrs. Eleanor S. Neal
General Richard I. Neal, USMC (Ret)
Mr. George Nealon
Mrs. Sylvia R. Nelson
Capt David Ernest Nelson, USMC (Ret)
Dr. Timothy K. Nenninger
Maj Roger L. Nesslage, USMC (Ret)
Sgt Arnold A. Nettekoven
Mr. Richard A. Newell
Mr. James R. Newlin
Mr. Harry J. Newman
Mr. John J. Newton
Donald Nielsen
LCpl John E. Nieuwenhuis
Mr. Charles Niziol
Mr. Robert S. Nocek
Mr. Martin B. O’Connell
CAPT and Mrs. Jeremiah
P. O’Connor, USNR (RET)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. O’Connor, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. O’Donnell
Brendan P. O’Donnell
LtCol Raymond J. O’Leary, USMC (Ret)
Mr. John C. O’Mara
Mr. Daniel J. O’Mara
Capt Stephen J. O’Neill, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. O’Roark
LtCol J. M. O’Rourke, USMC (Ret)
Col Don J. Ogden (Ret)
Sgt Scott J. Oggeri, USMC
LCDR Floyd Okada M.D.
GySgt Michael
E. Oldehaver, USMC (Ret)
MSgt Anthony C. Olenick, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Edmund C. Olson
Mr. Frano Ostoja
1stSgt and Mrs. Anthony
Oszmianski, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. James A. Ottignon
Mark A. Ouimette Ph.D.
GySgt Keith Ouzts, USMC (Ret)
Don and Nina Paight
Mr. Melvin Pankuch
Mr. Laurence V. Parker
Ms. Heather Parra
Mr. Steven N. Passerine
Mr. Thomas T. Patton
Mr. Kenneth P. Pawlowicz
Mrs. Barbara L. Peery
Mr. Andrew Pekary
Sgt Donald L. Penfold
Mr. Jose M. Perez
Mr. Timothy L. Perry
Maj Jimmy Perry
Maj Herbert H. Persky, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Mr. Ivan Pesante
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pescosolido
Mr. Ralph R. Pesqueira
LtCol Daniel J. Peters, USMC (Ret)
and Mrs. Mai L. Peters
Maj and Mrs. George
E. Peterson, USMC (Ret)
LtCol David M. Pirnie, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Paul Pollack
Mr. Hans D. Pomeroy
Mr. Joseph J. Poptic
Mr. and Mrs. David Porcher
Mr. Charles A. Portman
Mr. Frank Pottmeyer
MGySgt Anthony
C. Powers, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Walter R. Powers
Mr. John A. Pratt, Jr.
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Mr. John R. Prins
Mr. William C. Prout
Mr. Lorenzo Provencio
Mr. Charles E. Pugh
Roger and Catherine Qualheim
Mr. Edwin P. Quall
Kathleen M. Ramsey
Mr. Edward V. Randall, Jr.
LtCol Larry D. Rannals, USMC (Ret)
Mr. James T. Ratliff
Ms. Suzanne Ray
Mr. Richard L. Reader
Mr. Thomas N. Reddington
Ms. Nancy B. Reed
Capt Sandra L. Reed
Mr. Jon H. Regnier, USMCR
D. R. Reid
Capt Staci L. Reidinger, USMC
Mr. Walter R. Reifel, Jr.
Ms. Linda C. Remus
Mr. Robert Reveley
Mr. James M. Revie
Mr. William T. Revis
Mr. Kenton D. Rexford
SSgt Ricardo Reyes
Mr. Earl E. Rickard
Ms. Jennifer L. Riddle
Mr. Manfred A. Rietsch
Mr. Charles F. Riffle
Mr. Charles N. Riley
Mr. Edward W. Riley, III
Mr. Clay V. Ring
Mrs. Jean A. Rinn
Mr. Arturo Rivera
Mr. Richard Rivers
Col and Mrs. John
F. Rivers, USMC (Ret)
Richard Roberts
LCpl and Mrs. Nathan
J. Robfogel, USMC
Mr. Harry G. Robinson
Col Glenn W. Rodney, USMC (Ret)
Continued on page 28
28 s e n t i n e l
semper fi leatherneck
Cpl Albert Rodriguez
Mr. Joseph Rogers
MGySgt James W. Rogers, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Joseph E. Rondeau
Col and Mrs. John P. Roos
Dr. Jose N. Rosales-Salas
CDR Donald
H. Rosenbaum, USN (RET)
MGySgt Samuel M. Rosenbaum, USMC
Mr. Thomas Roukey
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Russell
LtCol Glenn W. Russell, USMC (Ret)
Col Gerald Joseph Ryan, USMC (Ret)
Col Charles W. Sampson
1LT Rex P. Sand
Mr. Richard C. Sanders
Mr. Michael A. Sandifer
Mrs. Deborah Schade
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schaeffer
Mr. Charles E. Scharlau
Mr. Matthew Schettler
Maj Bret Schomaker, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Michael Schroeder
Mr. William J. Schuler
Neale Jay Schuman
Col Anthony F. Schuster, USMC (Ret)
Mr. James P. Schwartz, Sr.
LtCol Michael A. Schwarzkopf, USMCR
Mr. Peter Scolaro
Mr. Jonathan J. Seagle
LTC Walter C. Service, III, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Theodore P. Shannon
Mr. William P. Shearman
Mr. Mark Sheehan
Mr. James T. Sheppard
Col Nicholas J. Sheppard
Ms. Mary M. Sherron
Capt and Mrs. Jeffrey Siegel
Mr. Arthur B. Siegmann, USMC
Col John Simich
Mr. Richard Simon
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Simonelli
Mr. Michael Simpson
Capt Mark R. Sitter, USMC
Mr. Mark E. Sitterle
Mr. Stephen Slater
Col Clyde H. Slick, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Thomas S. Smith
Mr. Julius C. Smith
GySgt and Mrs. Vance
M. Smith, Sr., USMC
Mr. Larry D. Smith
Mr. Wendell P. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Michael B. Smith
Mr. Robert G. Smith
Mr. Norman E. Smith
Col Malcolm E. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Michael F. Smith
Col Ray G. Snyder, USMC (Ret)
Col Thomas J. Solak, USMC (Ret)
Ms. Kathy Jo Sommer
Col William A. Speary, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Robert M. Spence
Mr. Ronald B. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Spicer, Sr.
Mr. James D. Spinka
Capt Bernard M. Spooner
Mr. R. Wendell Spragins
Mr. Duane St. John
Ms. Margaret Weed St. John
LtGen and Mrs. Henry
C. Stackpole, III, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Leo S. Stacy
LtCol Robert D. Staples, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Brian E. Starr
Mr. John D. Staschiak
Mr. William D. Stegbauer
Mr. Charles Steininger
Michael F. Stewart MD
Mr. Sheldon K. Stock
Mr. Jack A. Stodghill
Mr. Richard Stoff
Mr. John E. Stower
Daniel and Karen Straub
Mr. Steven R. Stuckwisch
Mr. Roger P. Stucky
Mr. Ramond F. Sullivan, USN (RET)
Mr. Trent T. Sutherland
MSgt Alvin E. Sutton, Jr.
Col and Mrs. Richard
A. Swedberg, USMC (Ret)
Col Robert E. Switzer, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Allen R. Syring
Mr. Ron Szpond
Col Robert W. Szymczak, USA (Ret)
Mr. Jim R. Tafoya
SSgt Rallie E. Taylor, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Randall R. Teasley
Mr. William L. Tenney
Ms. Claudia Teran-Carazo
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Thackara
Mr. Francis Scott Thomas
Col and Mrs. Robert D. Thomas
Col John C. Thomas
Mrs. Lydia D. Thomas
LtCol and Mrs. Ronald E. Thompson
Mr. David J. Thompson
Col Dennis C. Thompson, USMC
Mr. Don Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Tibbetts
John and Dorothy Tierney
LtCol Coulter D. Tillett, USMC (Ret)
Mr. McLane Tilton IV
GySgt Henry A. Tireman, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Michael P. Togneri
Maj John A. Toolan, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Toole
Reverend and Mrs. Rick S. Trader
LtGen Bernard E. Trainor, USMC (Ret)
LtCol and Mrs. Andrew
F. Traynor, Jr., USMCR (Ret)
Mr. John A. Trinder
Mr. Robert E. Trumbull
Cpl Harlin D. Trupp
Reverend M. Vince Turner
LCpl Donald and Nancee Turnwall
Mr. William L. Twitty
Mr. Gary G. Uhlemeyer, USN (RET)
Col Joseph E. Underwood
Col John G. Upton, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Carolyn T. Urgo
SSgt John C. Usry, USMC (Ret)
SgtMaj Eugene J. Vaillancourt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Valiton
LtCol Duane Van Fleet, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Michael F. Van Houtte
Mrs. Gayle T. Vigeant
Mr. Carr Vincent
Mr. Robert C. Vincent
Mr. David Joseph Vogel
Mr. John A. Vollmer
LtCol and Mrs. William
R. Von Harten, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Agostino Von Hassell, USMC
Mr. Jack Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wainwright
GySgt Michael W. Waldron
LtCol William E. Walker, II
Mr. and Mrs. Bill L. Walker
Mr. Jack W. Walker
Mr. Brian D. Wallace
Col Philip J. Walsh, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Edward Walsh, Jr.
Mr. John J. Walsh, Jr.
Mr. Ted V. Wannenwetsch
Mrs. Sharon S. Wantuck
Mr. Timothy S. Ward
Ambassador George F. Ward, Jr.
James B. Warner, USMCR
Mr. Stephen R. Wartalski
Mr. John Wasdi
Mrs. Lucinda F. Waters
Ms. Daisy H. Watkins
Mr. John W. Weaner
Mr. Randall Webb
Mr. Herbert J. Weiner
Mr. Howard R. Weiss
Mr. Paul Weitz
Mr. Van S. Welch, II
LtCol Robert E. Welch, USMCR (Ret)
LtCol James E. Wells, USMC (Ret)
Sgt Keith T. Wenda
Mr. and Mrs. Earle R. West
Capt Barry F. Westfall, USMC (Ret)
Col Marvin A. Westphal, USMC (Ret)
Maj Joshua O. Whamond, USMC
Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Whitman, Jr.
Mr. Edward H. Whitman
MGySgt Thomas
J. Whittard, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Barry F. Wiksten
Mr. George Kevin Wilcutt
Col Raymond E. Wilder, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Donald W. Wilke
LtCol and Mrs. James
B. Wilkinson, USMC (Ret)
Ms. Katherine Ann Willers
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben L. Willhite
1LT James L. Williams
Col Charles T. Williamson, USMC (Ret)
Mr. William L. Wilson
Mr. Dorian J. Wilson
Col Lynn W. Wilson, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Witherspoon
Mr. Carl R. Withey
Mr. Leonard A. Witkowski
LtCol R. C. Wittenberg, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark William Wood
Mr. Charles A. Wood
Mr. Mark Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Wood
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
Mr. Larry N. Woody
Mr. Ernest L. Wyne
Ms. Shirley Xavier
Mr. Wayne P. Yannetelle
HMCS Allen M. Young
MGySgt Richard J. Zahn, USMC
Cpl Dominic C. Zappia
1LT Joseph E. Zaytoun (Ret)
MSgt T. B. Zelinske (Ret)
1stSgt Joseph S. Zembroski (Ret)
Mr. Ronald J. Zink
1775 society
Dr. Robert E. Ackerman, Ph.D.
Mr. James R. Allen
Sgt Robert J. Atwater
Mr. Carl J. Austrian, Jr.
Mr. Thomas M. Banholzer
Mr. Timothy M. Bastyr
GySgt Richard H. Behrens, USMC (Ret)
Capt Matthew L. Blakely, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Robert Blum
Mrs. Deborah Cahaskie
Mr. Felix A. Cartolaro
Mr. Nicholas T. Carton
Mr. Paul H. Casebolt
Sgt Samuel M. Cassidy, III, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Alexander Chang
Sgt Dan R. Cheatham, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Barbara A. Christie
LtGen Ronald Christmas, USMC (Ret)
Cpl Earl Boyce Clark, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Sherman Collins
LtCol James J. Connolly, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Philip W. Conroy
GySgt Robert J. Corbett, USMC (Ret)
GySgt Victor D. Corson
Senator John E. Courson
Mr. Daniel Clement
Crawford, USN (RET)
Mr. Darien Croce
Mrs. Nancy B. Crutchfield
Mr. Edward Cuccio
Mr. John R. Currell
Mr. Joseph K. Davis
LtCol Herbert W. De Groft
SSgt Canio J. Di Gerardo
Mr. Jack E. Dufour
Mr. Michael L. Emerson
Mrs. Violet Etherington
Mr. Gordon E. Evans
Mr. Kevin John Fallis
Mr. Ronald I. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. George Firehammer
Capt Weiner F. Fischer, Jr., USMCR
CMSgt John F. Forgette, USAF (Ret)
Maj and Mrs. Calvin
C. Frantz, USMC (Ret)
Mr. James R. Freels, Jr.
Mr. William M. French
Cpl Charlie R. Frey, USMC
LtCol Grant V. Frey, USMC (Ret)
Mr. William B. Fulmer
Col James E. Garner, USMC (Ret)
GySgt Richard L. Garrepy, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Laurence Gaudino
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 29
Mr. Frank W. Geiger, III
Mr. James W. Gerwig, Sr.
Mr. Tony H. Gilenson
SSgt Tom Goldsberry
Mr. Phillips J. Goodenough
Sgt Robert P. Gray
Mr. Philip Wm. Grella
SSgt Kevin G. Grewe, USMC
Col Peter Grimes, USMCR (Ret)
PFC Eric A. Grinell, USMC (Ret)
Sgt Norman L. Gulley, USMC (Ret)
Col G. F. Robert Hanke, USMCR (Ret)
Mr. Zeddie L. Harmon
Mr. Colin A. Harrison
Capt Donald R. Hayes, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Melvin D. Heckt
Dr. E. Bruce Heilman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henning
LtCol David A. Higley, USMC (Ret)
Col J. Jack W. Hilgers, USMC (Ret)
Mr. David Hugel
Maj James Boyce Hunter, Jr.
Mr. Thomas H. Jackson
GySgt Douglas B. Johnson, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Martin W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnston
Mr. Richard C. Jones, Jr.
Mr. H. Edward Karls
Maj Robert R. Keadle, USMCR
Mr. Jack Kennedy
Mr. William E. Kent
Gen Charles C. Krulak, USMC (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Krupp, Jr.
Mr. Peter E. Kump
Mr. George LaFrazia
Mrs. Carol Lassell
Mr. Francis A. Lay
Sgt David Lee
Mr. Nicholas Lekas
Ms. Sabrina Marguerite Lemons
LtCol Louis R. Lepore, USMCR (Ret)
SSgt Richard R. Lew
LtCol Richard Lightbourn, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Michael S. Lupfer
LtCol Frank W. Martino, USMC (Ret)
GySgt Patrick
M. Mason, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Veronica M. Mato
Mr. Edmund A. Matricardi, Jr.
Mr. Theodore A. Mayberry
MSgt Robert A. McCrocklin
Sgt John W. McGinty, Jr.
Mr. Robert McKeon
Mr. George W. Morgan
MSgt Reginald D. Nelson, USMC (Ret)
Capt Harry C. Niemann, III
LtCol Nelson M. Olf, USMC (Ret)
Maj Edward
M. O’Shaughnessy, Jr., USMC (Ret)
Ms. Janice C. Parrott
Mr. John T. Pasquini
Mr. J. Stephen Penner
Mr. Louis P. Perullo
Mr. Ronald L. Peters
Mr. Ronald C. Plusch
Mr. Robert A. Portenier
Mr. Douglas R. Pricer
Col Sara J. Pritchett, USMC (Ret)
Col Walter S. Pullar, Jr., USMC
Mr. J. Riojas
Capt Everett A. Robinson, III
GySgt Darwin E. Rogers, USMC (Ret)
Dr. Peter C. Rollins
Col John P. Roos
LtCol David L. Ross
Sgt George L. Rumelt, USMCR
Mr. James A. Sable
MSgt Norman
G. Schwartz, USMC (Ret)
Mr. George L. Scott, Jr.
Mr. Martin A. Sekulski
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Seymour
Mr. Robert S. Shaw
CWO4 Warren
A. Singer, USMC (Ret)
PFC Daniel E. Smith
SgtMaj Halsey
W. Smith, Jr., USMC (Ret)
LCpl Mark A. Smith
Mr. Mel Snitz
Sgt Michael J. Sowicz, Jr. USMCR
Capt Winfield
A. Spear, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Richard V. Spencer
Mr. Lynn Terry
Sgt Harold J. Thompson
Col Robert R. Tyler, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Armand Ventura
Sgt Bryan R. Vickery
Mr. Brian David Wallace
Sgt Michael R. Walter
Mr. Stephen R. Wartalski
Mr. Matthew A. Weick
MSgt Bradley
A. Westerdahl, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Lloyd Whitaker
Mr. James E. White
LtCol Richard T. White, Jr. Esq.
Col Robert D. White, USMC (Ret)
Cpl Jerry A. Willis
Capt Leon
Wirtenberg, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Carl R. Withey
Ms. Carol S. Zinsmeister
from page 9
Awards Program
and ”The Reawakening Comes
to Camp Pendleton.”
The Colonel John
W. Thomason, Jr., Award
Sergeant Sarah Rothschild,
USMC, for “What happens
there doesn’t stay there.” A
veteran of the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, Sarah found the
inspiration for her charcoal
self-portrait in the lasting effects
of war.
The James Webb Award
Fiction writing
Critically acclaimed novelist
and author Ms. Roxana
Robinson, for her novel
“Sparta.” Ms. Robinson has
authored nine books, received
fellowships from the National
Education Association and the
Guggenheim Foundation, and
serves as the current President
of the Authors Guild. H
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation Corporate Circle Members
The Marine Corps Heritage
Foundation salutes our
Corporate Circle members.
Their leadership and
generosity to our campaign
have provided meaningful
support to the National
Museum of the Marine Corps
and its growing
programmatic outreach.
To learn more, please contact the Vice President of Development.
Balfour Beatty Construction
Officers Equipment Company
Harris Corporation
Pratt & Whitney
Innovative Reasoning
Rolls Royce North America
J. F. Fick, Inc.
Susan Davis International
m a r i n e c o r p s h e r i t a g e f o u n d at i o n
30 s e n t i n e l
2013 Audited Financial Statement
as of December 31, 2013
Total Current and Fixed Assets
Total Capitalized Construction Costs
Total Investments
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Total Current and Fixed Assets
Total Inventory
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Total Liabilities
$ 14,199,801
Investment Income
Event Revenue
Royalties and Other Income
Total Revenue
Program Costs
Marketing / Advertising
Heritage Center Support
Education / Teacher-in-Residence
NMMC Support
Special Events
Internship Programs (NMMC and HD)
MCU History Division Support
Program Grants
Awards Program
US Marine Band Support
Other Expenses
Fundraising 2,046,114
Salaries, Taxes and Benefits
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Korean War exhibit, Leatherneck Gallery
Museum Store Sales
Mail Order Sales
Special Events
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
Cost of Sales
Salaries, Taxes and Benefits
Other Expenses
Total Expense
Change in Net Assets
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
w i n t e r 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 31
2014 Unaudited Financial Report
as of December 31, 2014
Total Current and Fixed Assets
Total Capitalized Construction Costs
Total Investments
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Total Current and Fixed Assets
Total Inventory
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Total Liabilities
$ 15,275,422
Investment Income
Event Revenue
Royalties and Other Income
Total Revenue
Program Costs
Marketing / Advertising
Heritage Center Support
Education / Teacher-in-Residence
Special Events
NMMC Support
MCU History Division Support
Internship Programs (NMMC and HD)
Awards Program
Program Grants
US Marine Band Support
Other Expenses
Accounting Adjustment
Salaries, Taxes and Benefits
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Semper Fidelis Memorial Chapel
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Museum Store Sales
Mail Order Sales
Special Events
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
Cost of Sales
Salaries, Taxes and Benefits
Other Expenses
Total Expense
Change in Net Assets
marine corps heritage foundation
3800 fettler park drive
dumfries, va 22025
suite 104
winter 2014–15
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