Your Fast Track to Online Metal Buildings
Your Fast Track to Online Metal Buildings
F l e x i b l e D e s i g n | Fa s t e r D e l i v e r y | EASY T O O R D ER | B e t t e r B u i l d i n g So l u t i o n s Your Fast Track to Online Metal Buildings Metal Buildings Are Just A Click Away If you need a low-complexity building quickly, look no further than ExpressPlus . Our advanced web-based system greatly simplifies the ordering process, allowing you to generate a metal building quote based on your specifications in a matter of minutes. ExpressPlus significantly reduces the amount of time it takes to detail and design projects by automating core functions. Configure and Price Your Structure in Minutes Using Our Web-Based System. It’s Fast, Easy and Incredibly Economical. Best of all, ExpressPlus offers an impressive variety of options and accessories when it comes to the design of your metal building. You can Choose from a wide array of features, including: • Gabled and single slope buildings • Numerous bay spacing options • Small and large size framed opening options • Miscellaneous factory located framed openings including trim 70’ Endwall Width: 71’ • Canopies and purlin extensions up to 5’-0” wide 72’ 73’ 74’ 75’ 76’ 77’ 78’ 79 • PBR and PBA exterior panel profiles and interior liner panels • Roof slopes in increments from 1/2:12 to 4:12 WIDTH (ENDWALL) *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. Next Once you have logged in at, Express prompts you to answer several simple questions about your metal building. Plus Width: 50’ 70’ Endwall Width: 71’ Through each stage of the ordering process, a graphical rendering illustrates which components you have specified. As selections are made, a red line appears on the building schematic, clarifying your preferences visually so you can feel confident about your decisions. WIDTH (ENDWALL) *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. is not drawn to scale. Choose Your Endwall Width & Frame Type Width: 50’ Sidewall Length: 100’ 88’ Bay90’ 3 Bay 4 96’ 100’ Example demonstrates a 4120’ bay building Bay 1 ENDWALL 50’ Next 1 Sidewall Length: 100’ 30’ 36 40’ 44’ 48’ 50’ 54’ 60’ 66’ Bays: 4:4 Bays at 25 ft. Width: 50’ Length: 100’ Height: 10’ LENGTH (SIDEWALL) 72’ *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed 4:4 Bays at 25 ft. 75’ * T h e e x a m p l e b e l o w d e m o n s t r a t e s a f o uillustration r bay building opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the 5:5 Bays at 20 ft. 80’ 72’ 73’ 74’ 75’ 76’ 77’ 78’ 79 2 Next Bay 2 SIDEWALL LENGTH 100’ Choose Sidewall Length *The Your illustration above is for reference use only. The framed shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration & Girtopening is Condition not drawn to scale. T h e P o we r o f F l e x i b l e 30’ 36 40’ 44’ 48’ 50’ 54’ 60’ 66’ Width: 50’ *Codes and loads can be site specific or changed by local building officials. Buyers must check and verify codes for the accuracy of each site. Width: 50’ Length: 100’ Length: 100’ Next Eave Height: 10’ Height: 10’ 10’ 11’ 12’ 13’ 14’ 15’ Bays: 16’ 4 HEIGHT Roof Pitch Ordering Your Metal Building Is Easier Than Ever! 70’ Endwall Width: 71’ 72’ 73’ 74’ 75’ 76’ 77’ 78’ 79 Width: 50’ Length: 100’ Height: 10’ Bays: WIDTH (ENDWALL) 4:4 Bays at 25 ft. 5:5 Bays at 20 ft. *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. Bay 1 70’ Bay 3 Bay 2 Bay 4 Endwall Width: 71’ ENDWALL 50’ 72’ Example demonstrates a 473’ bay building 74’ 75’ SIDEWALL LENGTH 76’ 100’ 77’ *The illustration above is for reference 78’use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration 79 is not drawn to scale. Next Width: 50’ 4:4 Bays at 25 ft. *The example below demonstrates a four bay building Sidewall Length: 100’ Width: 50’ Length: 100’ Height: 10’ Bays: WIDTH (ENDWALL) 30’ 36 40’ 44’ 48’ 50’ 54’ 60’ 66’ LENGTH (SIDEWALL) 72’ *The illustration above is for reference use only. 75’The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration 80’ is not drawn to scale. 88’ 90’ Next 96’ 70’ Endwall Width: 71’ 100’ 120’ 72’ 73’ 74’ 75’ 76’ 77’ 78’ 79 4:4 Bays at 25 ft. 4:4 Bays at 25 ft. 5:5 Bays at 20 ft. *The example below demonstrates a four bay building Nextreference use only. The framed *The illustration above is for opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. Bay 1 Bay 2 Bay 3 Bay 4 ENDWALL 50’ Next Example demonstrates a 4 bay building Plus Thanks to Mesco Express ™, your next small building order will be as easy as point, click and ship! Width: 50’ Width: 50’ Width: 50’ Width: 50’ Eave Height: 10’ Next ENDWALL WIDTH 50’ Choose Your Eave Height SIDEWALL LENGTH 100’ 3:12 2:12 1:12 *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. Next Width: 50’ Bay 2 Next Next Bay 3 Length: 100’ Height: 10’ Bays: 4 Roof Pitch: 88’ 5:5 Bays at 20 ft. 90’ 96’ Bay 4 100’ 1:12 1:12 2:12 3:12 4:12 1:12 - roof rises 1” for every 12” from eave to peak opening is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not shown drawn above to scale. 80’ 4:4 Bays at 25 ft. is not drawn to scale. 4:12 3:12 2:12 1:12 120’ Example demonstrates a 4 bay building 10 SIDEWALL LENGTH 100’ ENDWALL WIDTH 50’ *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. Width: 50’ Next 3 1:12 1:12 2:12 3:12 4:12 4:12Length: 100’ Sidewall ENDWALL 50’ Sidewall Length: 100’ 30’ 36 40’ 44’ 48’ 50’ 54’ 60’ 66’ LENGTH (SIDEWALL) 72’ *The illustration above is for reference use only. 75’The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration 80’ is not drawn to scale. 88’ 90’ Next 96’ 100’ 120’ Roof Pitch: 30’ 36 40’ 44’ 10 48’ 50’ 54’ 60’ ENDWALL WIDTH 50’ 66’ LENGTH (SIDEWALL) 72’ The framed *The illustration above is for reference use only. Length: 100’ Height: 10’ Additionally, Bays: 4:4 illustration Bays at 25 ft. *The illustration isisfor reference use only. The framed opening shownabove above optional. 75’the Bay 1 HEIGHT *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. Width: 50’ Bays: 4 *The example below demonstrates a four bay building *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed 10’ opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. 11’ 12’ 13’ 14’ 15’ 16’ 17’ 18’ Height: 10’ 1:12 - roof rises 1” for every 12” from eave to peak WIDTH (ENDWALL) Length: 100’ Length: 100’ 4 Length: 100’ Next *The illustration above is for reference use only. The framed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration is not drawn to scale. Eave Height: 10’ 10’ 11’ 12’ HEIGHT 13’ 14’ 15’ 16’ 17’ Pitch: 1:12 ENDWALL 10’ WIDTH 50’ Length: 100’ Height: Bays: 4 Roof 18’ 1:12 *The illustration is for forevery reference useeave only. 1:12 - roofabove rises 1” 12” from to The peakframed opening shown above is optional. Additionally, the illustration 2:12 is not drawn to scale. 3:12 4:12 3:12 4:12 Choose Your Bays Next 5 Choose Your Roof Pitch Des i g n i S I n Yo u r H a n d s Width: 50’ 2:12 Next 1:12 10 Mesco ExpressPlus ™ is Your Fastest Route to Metal Building Excellence Many Accessories to Choose From • Purlin and Canopy Roof Extensions • Gutters and Downspouts • Framed Opening Flashing • Interior Wall Liner Panel • Light Transmitting Panel • Multiple Base Trim Options • Walkdoors • Windows • Vents • Roll-up Doors • Roof Jacks Exceptional Signature® 200 and Signature® 300 Color Options Signature® 200 Signature® 300 HAWAIIAN BLUE MEDIUM BRONZE CRIMSON RED SNOW WHITE FERN GREEN SLATE GRAY BURNISHED SLATE ALMOND ASH GRAY CLASSIC GREEN SADDLE TAN BROWNSTONE DESERT SAND BRITE RED KOKO BROWN HARBOR BLUE Building Specifications GABLED single slopes Width: 30’ to 100’ feet in 1’ increments Width: 30’ to 60’ in 1’ increments Length: 30’ to 200’ in 4’, 5’ or 6’ increments Length: 30’ to 200’ in 4’, 5’ or 6’ increments Eave Height: 10’ to 20’ in 1’ increments Eave Height: 10’ to 16’ (lowside) Sidewall Bays: Equal bays required, but several combinations available on longer buildings CHARCOAL GRAY POLAR WHITE RUSTIC RED LIGHT STONE Endwall Bays: Adjustable based on width GALLERY BLUE Preview your building in color online before making your final selection! Roof Slope: 1 /2 :12, 1:12, 2:12, 3:12, 4:12 Frame Types: Non-Expandable Bearing Frame, Half-Load Non-Expandable Rigid Frame, Full-Load Expandable Frame Shape: Tapered or Straight Column Roof Panel: PBR - 24 Gauge or 26 Gauge Wall Panel: PBR or PBA 24 Gauge or 26 Gauge Girt Condition: Bypass or Flush Order your building online today! Go to the 214.687.9999 | TOLL FREE page at 5244 Bear Creek Ct. | Irving, TX 75061 800.556.3726 | Fax 214.687.9736 | Help? Call 800.556.3726 or email [email protected]