Membership Application - Congregation Sha`ar Zahav
Membership Application - Congregation Sha`ar Zahav
Congregation Sha’ar Zahav AN INNOVATIVE, ENGAGED COMMUNITY Membership Application 290 Dolores Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | (415) 861-6932 | v a h a Z r a ’ a n Sh o i t a g e r g n o C NNO AN I VA G , EN TIVE AGE D MU COM NITY in our ership b m e sider m to con u o y e of ite e rang d i y, I inv t w i n a u , omm l e have Shalom ahav c ity. W ce where al . Z n r u ’a m a a h l m S p o c e a e w do th ly be half of l family. and ho We aim to f everything e , ing e b v i n s O na ts. t of be clu to o s r i fi n e i t a e r a , p e n g g t e s e i n n b and i lcomi Congr liness ritual he spi s: is a we rs of all ages d where ho t v h a t i h a a w n e Z de you enefits such Sha’ar s for memb (respect), a i v o r p m od v wi l l gible b progra ed with kav r Zaha ncludes tan ’a t a a h e S r t i are ber of t also a mem unity, and i g n i es Becom our comm servic of y t a r d a i l p a ram igh Ho h prog ng s for H a i t l v e e z s k t i c n i • T d cou ’nei M care an l and B l o s a t o r n h o e c t s cle ev • Pas gious r lifecy ur reli o o f t n r i o t p llmen • Sup for el r enro o f y nities t d trav i u l e t l i r b i y o g g p i • El r cler ial op ities fo nd soc n a e u l c t i a r t r s o u cial ju l, cult • Opp ia l t in so ationa c n e u financ d m e ’s e hich , e v l p u i o g h v o s stem w . nag • In wor y y s f s s o r e y u u a o d r ns oad ar all ages ility of embership of their mea r b i b s n A o • m of s sp ers of red re (fair share) o, regardles assessment as c a s memb e t h s t based itmen re in t ay do hones we sha h a tzedakah articipate m ill make an akah comm , d n e t d ber w es to p ds tha he tze throug Towar nd security n who wish at each mem to think of t as a whole. wi l l a so r th ty pe you o health that any per is our trust ach membe e communi h e e s th and w ould like ensure to the system ute. We ask to sustain unity m or w m n o b i l i c a stions our e r u Centr lity to contr hip, entered o q f y d bi ve an ns ll hol their a ntal relatio ear wi me if you ha y s i h a t n what ntact a cove about el free to co d e t i c x e ef ee We ar t of it. Pleas n. r a t p a m io be a l infor a n o i t addi ely, Sincer t esiden we, Pr o L a r Lau haarz ent@s presid 290 2 ree es St r o l o D t, San Fran | (41 103 4 9 A ,C cisco 1-69 5) 86 ww 32 | arz w.sha ahav. org Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, Congregation of the Golden Gate, is a progressive Reform synagogue, established in 1977, that honors and maintains our LGBTQ culture and history. We are an innovative, diverse and participatory community that welcomes everyone who wants to create a Judaism that reflects our lives. Congregation Sha’ar Zahav is a blend of many strands of Judaism. While we hail from a variety of backgrounds and knowledge, we join together to practice Judaism. We are united in the belief that modern Reform Judaism, which encompasses the spirit of justice and egalitarianism, includes all of us. Congregation Sha’ar Zahav has a strong tradition of lay leadership. In addition to our clergy, many members lead services and deliver sermons. Our prayer book, Siddur Sha’ar Zahav, reflects our diversity. It respects the original Hebrew texts, traditions and sources and includes contemporary writings, alternative interpretations, translations, acknowledgment of the importance of women in Jewish tradition and gender-neutral God language. At Congregation Sha’ar Zahav: — We create a — We are Judaism that speaks to our lives. collaborative and participatory, cultivating a sense of ownership and inclusiveness. deeply rooted in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer sensibilities. — We are — We’re queer in all the most interesting ways, bringing pride, passion, play and laughter to everything we do. — We value — We are — We l’dor vador – generation to generation. egalitarian. welcome the “other,” seeing the face of God, b’tselem Elohim, in everyone. do not conform. — We — We are — We — We are engaged in — We are — We value — We are haimish kehilla kedosha, a welcoming holy community. transform ourselves and the world around us. repairing the world. leaders. civil discussion of disparate views. responsible for each other. 3 Congregation Sha’ar Zahav – Key Information Location: 290 Dolores Street, San Francisco 94103 | (415) 861-6932 | Office hours: 9 AM to 5:30 PM – Monday to Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM – Friday Standard Service Times: Friday evening at 7:30 PM Saturday morning at 10:15 AM Individual contacts: Rabbi Camille Shira Angel | (415) 861-6932 x301 | [email protected] Cantor Sharon Bernstein | (415) 861-6932 x308 | [email protected] Director of Children’s and Family Education Rebecca Weiner | (415) 861-6932 x 302 | [email protected] President Laura Lowe | [email protected] Administrator Regina Wurst | (415) 861-6932 x303 | [email protected] Membership Co-Chairs Ruth Bernstein and Nancy Levin | [email protected] Congregation Sha’ar Zahav is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), and the San Francisco Organizing Project (SFOP). Rabbi Camille Shira Angel has been the spiritual leader of Congregation Sha’ar Zahav since August 2000. She was ordained in 1995 from the New York campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Cantor Sharon Bernstein joined Congregation Sha’ar Zahav in 2007. A graduate of the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at the Jewish Theological Seminary, she is also an accomplished teacher, composer and performer. Updated May 2013, please refer to website for the most current information 4 Membership Application Congregation Sha’ar Zahav AN INNOVATIVE, ENGAGED COMMUNITY ADULTS Adult Member (1) name (first/last) preferred name gender/preferred pronoun d.o.b. occupation employer work phone cell phone hebrew name email Preferred phone number Include my contact info in the membership directory* Home Yes Cell No Work Adult Member (2) name (first/last) preferred name gender/preferred pronoun d.o.b. occupation employer work phone cell phone hebrew name email Preferred phone number Include my contact info in the membership directory* Home Yes Cell No Work home address city state zip code home phone number *Sha’ar Zahav maintains its membership data for official synagogue use. Members may choose to be included in the social membership directory which is distributed to congregants only. 5 Yahrzeit(s) — Remembering the anniversary of a death. If you would like to be reminded of the passing of loved ones each year, please list below: name relationship date of death (m/d/y) name relationship date of death name relationship date of death name relationship date of death name relationship date of death name (first/last) preferred name hebrew name date of birth current grade CHILDREN 1 home address (if different from member) zip code home phone number name (first/last) preferred name hebrew name date of birth current grade city state 2 home address (if different from member) zip code home phone number name (first/last) preferred name hebrew name date of birth current grade city state 3 home address (if different from member) city 6 state zip code home phone number ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Adult Member (1) Jewish Non-Jewish Your religious background: Were you ever a member of CSZ? ______________ Applying as*: Member of the congregation Affiliate of the congregation Adult Member (2) Jewish Non-Jewish Your religious background: Were you ever a member of CSZ? ______________ Applying as*: Member of the congregation Affiliate of the congregation *Any person who accepts the purposes of this congregation who is not an adherent of another faith, is eligible to join as a MEMBER OF THE CONGREGATION. If a person is an adherent of another faith and wishes to support the goals of Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, that person may do so by becoming an AFFILIATE OF THE CONGREGATION. Please direct questions and completed materials to: Regina Wurst, Administrator (415) 861-6932 x303 | 290 Dolores Street, San Francisco CA 94103 | [email protected] 7 Congregation Sha’ar Zahav July 2014 – June 2015 Confidential Annual Commitment Form For New Members member(s) CSZ members are expected to make an annual Membership Commitment based on a Fair Share Policy. The chart below shows the various income groups and the corresponding financial commitment. Your membership and contributions to CSZ are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you in advance for your continued support of Sha’ar Zahav. Note: In calculating Gross Annual Income (GAI), please combine the income for all members in the family, whether from employment or investments. For more information please see the FAQ sheet available on our website GROSS ANNUAL INCOME MULTIPLIER Check the box that applies FAIR SHARE RATE GAI x Multiplier Up to $20,000 0.55% $20,001 – $35,000 1.10% $35,001 – $45,000 1.65% $45,001 – $70,000 1.75% $70,001 – $210,000 2.00% $210,001 and above $4200 My/Our Gross Annual Income is: $____________ x ____________ = Membership Commitment: $___________ Additional Commitment: $___________ Optional Membership Levels – Students and Long-distance members may join at the regular membership fair-share levels or at the levels below. Youth/Student Membership (under 26 yrs.): $54 per year $___________ Out-of-Town Membership: $360 with HHD tickets; $180 without HHD tickets $___________ Total Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Commitment: $___________ I / We will honor this annual commitment as follows: In Full 2 Installments 4 Quarterly Payments 12 Monthly Payments signature date signaturedate Please make checks out to “Sha’ar Zahav.” Registration for our religious school, Beit Sefer Phyllis Minser, is separate and registration materials are available every spring for Fall enrollment. 8