DIVUSDOMUS. Passt immer.
DIVUSDOMUS. Passt immer.
DIVUSDOMUS. Passt immer. Fits always. Piace sempre. SECURITY AIR CONTROL VIDEO WEB KITCHEN WELLNESS DINNING ROOM LIVING ROOM 09 CATALOG Building Automation DIVUSDOMUS. Passt immer. Fits always. Piace sempre Mit DIVUSDOMUS haben wir einen PC für die Gebäudetechnik geschaffen, der 2 wichtige Aufgaben zu erfüllen hat: 1) Der diskless und fanless PC überzeugt durch seine moderne PC Architektur und ist absolut geräuschlos und wartungsfrei. Ein Zusammenspiel von Industriekompo nenten, Perfomance und Qualität, ausgerichtet auf Lang zeitverfügbarkeit. 2) DIVUSDOMUS soll an der Wand wie ein Bild Ihr Ambiente verschönern und dabei nützliche Aufgaben erfüllen. Die verschiedenen Farben der Rahmen aus Plexiglas, Glas und Aluminium geben dem Bauherr die Möglichkeit, seinen persönlichen Geschmack zu treffen und gegebenenfalls zu ändern, wenn er mal einen Tapetenwechsel will. With DIVUSDOMUS we have developed a PC which is used in Building Automation and supports 2 important tasks: 1) The diskless and fan less PC convinces with a modern PC architecture, is totally silent and maintenance free. A mixture of industrial components, performance and quality, aligned for long term availability. 2) DIVUSDOMUS should be a picture on the wall and decorate your ambience and offer a lot of useful functions. The selection of various coloured design frames in different materials, like Perspex, glass or aluminium, will give the building owner the possibility to define his individual interior or interchange it anytime, if his mood asks for. Con DIVUSDOMUS abbiamo creato un PC per l'automazione degli edifici che soddisfa due delle esigenze più importanti: 1) L'assenza di parti rotanti e di ventole rende il compu ter assolutamente silenzioso e senza manutenzione. In oltre l'utlilizzo di componenti industriali danno al compu ter performance e qualità assicurate. 2) DIVUSDOMUS viene incassato nella parete e oltre ad abbellire l'ambiente ne gestisce l'intero impianto elettri co. I diversi colori delle sue cornici in plexliglas, vetro o al luminio danno al proprietario la piena libertà di scegliere il colore preferito e, se necessario, anche di cambiarlo. PC TOUCH Inhalt / Index / Indice DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol Produktübersicht/Products/Prodotti........................................................................... 22 ETS Projekt/Project/Progetto...................................................................................... 24 Beschreibung/Description/Descrizione....................................................................... 26 Anwendungsbeispiel/Application Example/Esempio applicativo................................. 27 KNXserver.................................................................................................................... 28 KNXclient..................................................................................................................... 29 CONTROL AUDIO DIVUSDOMUS MONITOR................................................................................................. 20 DDxx-Monitor................................................................................................................ 21 KNX DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch VIDEOPHONE ................................................................................................................ 8 Produktübersicht/Products/Prodotti........................................................................... 12 PCtouch XP EMBEDDED............................................................................................... 14 PCtouch Anwendungsbeispiele/Application Examples/Esempi applicativi.................. 15 DDxx-2-XPe................................................................................................................... 16 DDxx-3-XPe................................................................................................................... 17 PCtouch Windows CE.................................................................................................... 18 DDxx-1-CE..................................................................................................................... 19 MONITOR DIVUSDOMUS Außen variabel / Variable outside / Variabile fuori........................................................ 4 Innen variabel / Variable inside / Variabile dentro......................................................... 6 DIVUSDOMUS AUDIO...................................................................................................... 31 DIVUSDOMUS FRAMES Beschreibung/Description/Descrizione....................................................................... 32 FRxx-x........................................................................................................................... 33 FRAMES DIVUSDOMUS TablePC.................................................................................................... 30 DIVUS Industrial Automation............................................................................................ 38 MUxx DIVUSDOMUS MUxx........................................................................................................ 34 Headquarter DIVUS · Pillhof 51 · I-39057 Eppan/Appiano (BZ) Tel. +39 0471 633662 · Fax +39 0471 631829 www.divus-domus.eu · [email protected] DIVUS · Heubergstraße 21 · D-72631 Aichtal Tel. +49 7127 9606730 · Fax +49 7127 960269 Außen variabel Variable outside Variabile fuori 15˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, smoke-green WELLNESS SUN BLIND LIGHT CONTROL TV/DVD RADIO/CD SECURITY LIGHTS OFF AIR CONDITION 6,5˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, ultramarine-blue 15˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, frost red 10,4˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, silver metallic 4 15˝, ALU GLASS, aluminium anodized, glass insert - black www.divus-domus.eu DIVUSDOMUS passt sich jeder Innenraumsituation perfekt an. Je nach Wunsch des Planers oder Bauherrn kann er sich so gut wie unsichtbar machen, aber auch lebendige, far bige Akzente setzen, die zum Interieur passen. Und weil die Design-Wechselrahmen nicht nur gut aussehen, sondern auch blitzschnell mit nur einem „Klick“ auszu wechseln sind, kann sich jeder seinen Rahmen je nach der momentanen Stimmungslage aussuchen. DIVUSDOMUS fits perfectly with every interior design. According to the wishes of the planners or builders, DIVUSDOMUS can be either invisible, but it can also become a significant component in the interior design. And since the design frames not only look good, but can also be replaced with just one “click“, everyone can choose his/her frame according to the actual mood. DIVUSDOMUS è sempre perfettamente in sintonia con qualsiasi tipo di interno. A seconda dei desideri del progettista o del committente, DIVUSDOMUS può essere praticamente invisibile oppure creare vivaci accenti cromatici in sintonia con gli interni. Inoltre, poiché le cornici intercambiabili di alto design non sono solo belle ma si possono anche sostituire in un lampo con un semplice «clic», ognuno può scegliere la cornice più adatta allo stato d’animo del momento. At the moment DIVUSDOMUS is available in 15 colors and in different materials like Perspex, glass and anodized aluminium. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 19˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, antracite DIVUSDOMUS is available in four display size: 6,5˝, 10,4˝, 15˝ and 19”. For each size the different colors and materials are available. www.divus-domus.eu 5 Die wahren Talente von DIVUSDOMUS zeigen sich erst dem Fachmann. Die offene Systemarchitektur mit dem vorinstallierten Betriebssystem Windows® Embedded lässt das Herz jedes Technikbegeisterten höher schlagen. Denn damit ist er an kein System eines Herstellers gebunden und kann so echte Zukunftssicherheit garantieren. Eigene und fremde Software kann problemlos integriert und aktualisiert werden. DIVUSDOMUS wird mit aktueller PC-Performance und idealem Speicherausbau geliefert. Wunschkonfigurationen für individuelle Anwendungen sind problemlos möglich. Durch das optionale LON- oder KNX-Interface kann DIVUSDOMUS darüber hinaus ganz auf spezifische Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten werden. So sieht wahre Unabhängigkeit aus! So einfach ist der Einbau: Einbaubox einpassen, DIVUSDOMUS einsetzen, Design-Wechselrahmen aufstecken, fertig. The mounting is so simple: mounting the in-wall box, fitting DIVUSDOMUS and adding the frame. Ready! L’installazione è semplicissima: installare la scatola da incasso, inserire DIVUSDOMUS, applicare la cornice intercambiabile. Finito! 6 www.divus-domus.eu Innen variabel Variable inside Variabile dentro The true talents of DIVUSDOMUS, appreciated particularly by the experts. The open system architecture with the pre-installed operating system Windows® Embedded lets the heart of each expert beat faster. Own and foreign software can easily be integrated and updated. DIVUSDOMUS is delivered with up-to-date PC-Performance and ideal storage solution. Wish configurations for individual applications are easily integrable. Due to the option of a LON or KNX-Interface, DIVUSDOMUS can be completely customized for specific needs. That is real independence! I veri talenti di DIVUSDOMUS si rivelano soprattutto all’esperto. 10,4˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Nightblack L’architettura di sistema aperta con sistema operativo preinstallato Windows® Embedded incanterà chiunque sia appassionato di tecnologia. Questa soluzione non vincola infatti a nessun particolare sistema di un produttore, garantendo così un’autentica sicurezza per il futuro. Consente di integrare e aggiornare software proprio o di terzi senza alcun problema. DIVUSDOMUS viene fornito con performance PC attuale ed espansione di memoria ideale. È possibile realizzare senza problemi configurazioni a piacere per applicazioni individuali. Inoltre, con l’interfaccia opzionale LON o KNX, DIVUSDOMUS può essere completamente personalizzato a misura delle esigenze specifiche. Questa sì che è vera indipendenza! The brilliant in wall mounting furthermore takes care that DIVUSDOMUS rises max. 25 mm from the wall. Mounting dimensions (W x H x D): 212 mm x 192 mm x 80 mm (6,5”) 313 mm x 258 mm x 80 mm (10,4“) 399 mm x 336 mm x 90 mm (15“) 472 mm x 410 mm x 90 mm (19“) The sophisticated system design does not need any moveable components or fans. In this way the PC works completely silent and maintenance-free. www.divus-domus.eu 7 Die innovative Kommunikation zu Ihrer Türsprechanlage L’innovativa comunicazione con il Vs. videocitofono The innovative intercom communication MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS DIVUSHOME Mit VIDEOPHONE präsentiert Ihnen DIVUS die Lösung, Ihre Video-Gegensprechanlage bequem über Ihren DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME zu bedienen. Dank Nutzung modernster VoIP-Technologie haben Sie Zugriff auf sämtliche Intercom-Funktionen, entweder über die personalisierbare Oberfläche unserer VIDEOPHONE -Software oder – dank Unterstützung von UDP-Telegrammen – auch direkt über Ihre UDP-fähige Visualisierung! Folgende Vorteile bietet Ihnen VIDEOPHONE: • Kompatibilität mit allen gängigen, a/b fähigen Videosprechanlagen, wie z.B. GIRA, Siedle, Elcom, Ritto, bpt, sks und vielen mehr über die separat erhältliche VIDEOPHONE-BOX • Integration von bis zu 10 Außeneinheiten möglich, auf Wunsch erweiterbar • Bis zu 20 Client-PCs konfigurierbar, auf Wunsch erweiterbar • Interphone-Funktion zur Kommunikation zwischen den einzelnen Client-PCs (nur Audio) • Erweiterte Intercom-Funktionen wie z.B. Entgegennehmen/Ablehnen, Videobild Ein-/Ausblenden, Lautstärkeregelung inklusive Mute-Funktion, Aufnahmefunktion, Kurzwahl, Tastenfeld, Zusatztasten,… • Personalisierbare Schaltflächen zur Versendung von DTMF-Tönen • Statusanzeige mit Informationen zu Anrufer und Server-Status • Personalisierbare grafische Oberfläche • Freie Wahl des Klingeltons • Automatisches Einblenden der grafischen Oberfläche in Gegenwart von Anrufen • Ausgezeichnete Audio- und Videoqualität dank leistungsstarker Hardware • Alle Funktionen auch via UDP ansprechbar und somit auch mit Systemen wie z.B. GIRA HomeServer oder Elvis nutzbar Und das Beste kommt immer zum Schluss: die VIDEOPHONE-Software ist ab sofort auf jedem DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME PCTouch XP embedded mit Multimedia-Option standardmäßig installiert, ohne zusätzliche Kosten! 8 www.divus-domus.eu TOUCH CONTROL MONITOR PC And since the best always comes at the end: the VIDEOPHONE software from now on is installed per default on each DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME PCTouch XPembedded with multimedia option, without additional costs! www.divus-domus.eu 9 FRAMES VIDEOPHONE offers you the following advantages: • Compatibility with all common intercom supporting a/b signals, like e.g. GIRA, Siedle, Elcom, Ritto, bpt, sks and many more, connecting them over the separately available VIDEOPHONE-BOX • Possibility to integrate up to 10 external intercom units, expandable on request • Up to 20 client PC’s configurable, expandable on request • Interphone functionality for communication between client PC’s (audio only) • Extended support of intercom functions, like e.g. accept / reject call, show / hide video signal, volume regulati on with mute function, audio recording, quick dial buttons, full num-pad, additional buttons • Configurable buttons for sending DTMF tones • Status bar with system information (server state, caller ID) • Graphical interface fully customizable • Free ring-tone selection • Interface automatically pops up in front of an incoming call • Outstanding audio and video quality thanks to powerful hardware • All functions controllable over UDP telegrams and therefore usable with systems like e.g. GIRA HomeServer or Elvis MUxx DIVUS is proud to present VIDEOPHONE, the solution that allows you to control your video intercom comfortably over your DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME. Thanks to the usage of modern VoIP technology, you have access to all intercom functions, either over the customizable interface of our VIDEOPHONE software or - due to the support of UDP telegrams - also directly from within your UDP-ready visualization software! AUDIO TABLE PC KNX Con VIDEOPHONE, DIVUS Vi presenta la soluzione ideale per poter comandare il Vs. sistema video-citofonico co modamente dal Vs. DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME. Grazie all’uso di tecnologia VoIP, avete accesso a tutte le funzio ni citofoniche attraverso la superficie grafica personalizzabile del software VIDEOPHONE oppure - grazie al supporto di telegrammi UDP - anche direttamente attraverso il Vs. software SCADA! VIDEOPHONE Vi offre i seguenti vantaggi: • Compatibilità con tutti i video-citofoni di ultima generazione con supporto a/b, come p.e. GIRA, Siedle, Elcom, Ritto, bpt, sks e tanti altri attraverso il ns. VIDEOPHONE-BOX separatamente disponibile • Possibilità di integrare fino a 10 postazioni esterne citofoniche, estendibile su richiesta • Fino a 20 postazioni client configurabili, estendibile su richiesta • Funzionalità “interphone” che abilita chiamate tra le postazioni client (solo audio) • Supporto esteso delle funzioni intercom, come p.e. accetta / rifiuta chiamata, mostra / nascondi segnale video, regolazione volume con funzione mute, registrazione audio, chiamata veloce, tastiera, tasti aggiuntivi • Tasti configurabili per l’invio di toni DTMF • Barra di stato con informazioni sul software (stato registrazione, ID chiamante) • Interfaccia grafica personalizzabile • Scelta libera della suoneria • Apertura automatica del software di fronte a una chiamata • Ottima qualità audio e video grazie all’uso di hardware performante • Tutte le funzioni chiamabili via telegrammi UDP e quindi utilizzabili con sistemi come p.e. GIRA HomeServer o Elvis E siccome il meglio arriva sempre alla fine: il software VIDEOPHONE a partire da adesso sarà installato automatica mente su ogni DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME PCTouch XPembedded con opzione multimedia, senza costi aggiuntivi! Um die volle Funktionalität von VIDEOPHONE zu nutzen, bietet Ihnen DIVUS die VIDEOPHONE-BOX! Die se einmalige Box erlaubt es Ihnen, sich an jede beliebige Videogegensprechanlage über ein a/b – Signal und ein analoges Videosignal anzukoppeln. Die VIDEOPHONE-BOX digitalisiert die Signale und erlaubt es Ihnen, diese auf Ihrem DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME VIDEOPHONE zu verwalten. Per poter sfruttare la piena funzionalità di VIDEOPHONE, DIVUS Vi offre il VIDEOPHONE-BOX! Questo box speciale Vi permette di interfacciarVi con ogni video-citofono attraverso segnale a/b e segnale video analogico. Il VIDEOPHONE-BOX digitalizza i segnali e permette la loro amministrazione sul Vs. DIVUSDO MUS / DIVUSHOME VIDEOPHONE. In order to use the full functionality of VIDEOPHONE, DIVUS offers you the VIDEOPHONE-BOX! This unique box allows you to interface your DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME to any video intercom using an a/b - signal and a analogous video signal. The VIDEOPHONE -BOX digitizes the signals and allows their administration on your DIVUSDOMUS / DIVUSHOME VIDEOPHONE. Folgendes Bild zeigt Ihnen das Anschlussschema der VIDEOPHONE-BOX: La seguente immagine mostra lo schema di collegamento del VIDEOPHONE-BOX: The following image shows the connection scheme of the VIDEOPHONE-BOX: MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH VIDEOPHONE-BOX 10 www.divus-domus.eu Technical Data VIDEOPHONE-BOX Power Supply 2 x 5VDC over external 110 – 240VAC power supplies Power consumption max. 10W Guarantee 24 Months Interfaces LAN outputs 2 x 10/100Mbps (1 for converted video signal, 1 for audio signal) Phone inputs 2 x RJ11 (1 for intercom a/b, 1 for additional phone) Video Inputs 4 x video input for analogue camera signal Ambient conditions Vibration / Shock resistance 15G / 50G EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081 Operating Temperature 0°C to +45°C max. Storage Temp. -25º to +85ºC Relative humidity 10% to 90% at 25°C (no humidity/condense) Authorization CE 178x105x36 MUxx FRAMES Outside dimensions [mm] AUDIO Dimensions MONITOR • 4 video inputs for multi - video source from different area • supports round-robin - see 4 video signals in screen output • motion detection • resolution - true 640x480, 352x288, 320x240, 176x144 • quality: low, high, medium, clarity, motion • colour setup: brightness, contrast, hue and saturation • video screen: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 • supports ActiveX control • built in JPEG decoder • configuration and maintenance via web interface CONTROL Video-Controller TABLE PC • intercom support • simultaneous ringing • voice encoding according to G.711 (64kbit/s) • echo cancellation (G.165) • configuration and maintenance via web interface (local or remote) PC VoIP-Controller TOUCH ultra compact embedded system for audio / video digitalization General characteristics KNX Type of design www.divus-domus.eu 11 PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch Produktübersicht/Products/prodotti MUxx W-Lan 2 3 Resolution Processor DOM RAM Power Rotating supply parts 24 VDC No 90-260 VAC No 90-260 VAC No 90-260 VAC No 24 VDC No 90-260 VAC No AMD Geode AMD Geode Via Eden Via Eden AMD Geode Intel Celeron M ULV Intel Celeron M ULV Intel Atom Intel Atom Intel Celeron M ULV Intel Atom 64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 2GB 2GB 128MB 128MB 128MB 128MB 1GB 1GB 2GB 1GB 90-260 VAC No 2GB 2GB 2GB 1GB 1GB 1GB 90-260 VAC 90-260 VAC 90-260 VAC No No No 2GB 1GB 90-260 VAC No Intel Celeron M ULV 2GB 1GB 90-260 VAC No DD06-1-CE DD10-1-CE DD15-1-CE DD19-1-CE DD06-2-XPe DD10-2-XPe 6,5” VGA (640x480) 10,4” SVGA (800x600) 15” XGA (1024x768) 19” SXGA (1280x1024) 6,5” VGA (640x480) 10,4” SVGA (800x600) DD10-2-XPe-XGA 10,4” XGA (1024x768) DD10-3-XPe DD10-3-XPe-XGA DD15-2-XPe 10,4” 10,4” 15” SVGA (800x600) XGA (1024x768) XGA (1024x768) DD15-3-XPe 15” DD19-2-XPe 19” 15” LED backlight Display XGA (1024x768) LOW consumption display SXGA (1280x1024) DD19-3-XPe 19” SXGA (1280x1024) Intel Atom 2GB 1GB 90-260 VAC No DD10-MonitorXGA 10,4” XGA (1024x768) - - - 90-260 VAC No DD15-Monitor 15” XGA (1024x768) - - - 90-260 VAC No DD19-Monitor 19” SXGA (1280x1024) - - - 90-260 VAC No DDxx-x-M DD-Wlan Tested with1 Movicon CE, zenOn CE Gira HomeServer, Elvis, Facility Pilot, B-CON, zenOn, Movicon, EisBär, FIAVis, IPAS, Berker IP-Control Gira HomeServer, Elvis, Facility Pilot, B-CON, zenOn, Movicon, EisBär, FIAVis, IPAS, Berker IP-Control Gira HomeServer, zenOn, Movicon, Berker IP-Control Gira HomeServer, Elvis, Facility Pilot, B-CON, zenOn, Movicon, FIAVis, IPAS, Berker IP-Control - option: speaker and microphone integrated in the front. Your order code: Add ”M” on the end of the product code you chose. Now with free VIDEOPHONE software included. NEW! note: option not available with Windows CE option: W-Lan IEEE 802.11g. PCI extention card plus antenna. Available for XP embedded Systems in 15 and 19 inch models. KNX 1 DS KNX-Interface option: KNX-Interface to allow you to connect to the KNX world with the software you want Wall mount box FRAMES AUDIO Audio DIVUSDOMUS MONITOR TABLE PC KNX CONTROL DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch XPE MUI3 MONITOR DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch CE Product MU06 (MU06T) MU10 (MU10T) MU15 (MU15T) MU15A MU19 (MU19T) in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD06 in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD10 in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD15 wall mount box for on wall mounting, fits all versions of DD15 in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD19 Take care: some applications may require a special hardware configuration or pre-installation by DIVUS All prices are in Euro, net, errors and changes excepted. Multilangue Operating System. Choose between one of the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish. NEWS: • Multilanguage XP embedded: Operating system delivered in 7 languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish • DD10 with XGA resolution: High details with high resolution. Discover the new XGA version of DD10-3-XPe • WLan extention integrated: Available as an option on 15 and 19 inch models with XPembedded • Free upgrade: We double the memory and the storage in each DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch XPE MUI for free • Dual Display: Dual Display capability of all DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch XPE MUI. Use the free VGA Port to connect a second monitor 12 www.divus-domus.eu EXCLUSIVE 10,4” 15” 19” 16 roughly, varnishing of the client aluminium FR06-16 FR10-16 FR15-16 FR19-16 5 aluminium anodised aluminium FR06-5 FR10-5 FR15-5 FR19-5 8 bronze aluminium FR06-8 FR10-8 FR15-8 FR19-8 9 antique RAL 8025 aluminium FR06-9 FR10-9 FR15-9 FR19-9 1 silvermetallic Perspex FR06-1 FR10-1 FR15-1 FR19-1 3 smoke-green Perspex FR06-3 FR10-3 FR15-3 FR19-3 4 anthracite Perspex FR06-4 FR10-4 FR15-4 FR19-4 15 milk-white Perspex FR06-15 FR10-15 FR15-15 FR19-15 2 night-black Perspex FR06-2 FR10-2 FR15-2 FR19-2 10 frost-red Perspex FR06-10 FR10-10 FR15-10 FR19-10 11 zinc-yellow Perspex FR06-11 FR10-11 FR15-11 FR19-11 12 black-green Perspex FR06-12 FR10-12 FR15-12 FR19-12 13 black-blue Perspex FR06-13 FR10-13 FR15-13 FR19-13 14 ultramarine-blue Perspex FR06-14 FR10-14 FR15-14 FR19-14 ALU + GLASS GLASS Design Frames TOP HOME 6,5” FRxx-xx-M white glass FRg06-W FRg10-W FRg15-W FRg19-W black glass FRg06-B FRg10-B FRg15-B FRg19-B mint-green glass FRg06-G FRg10-G FRg15-G FRg19-G wide white alu+glass wide black alu+glass wide mint-green alu+glass The frames are in 16:9 design applicable on the 15 inch screen MONITOR CODE CONTROL Material FRgw15-W FRgw15-B FRgw15-G option: Speaker and microphone integrated in the front. Your order code: Add “M” on the end of the product code you choosed. ex: FR15-3-M TABLE PC Color1 PC No KNX Line TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch Produktübersicht/Products/prodotti RAL varnishing of FRxx-16 on client request extra charge +100,00 € net 15˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, frost red 6,5˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, ultramarine-blue 10,4˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, silver metallic 19˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, antracite 15˝, ALU GLASS, aluminium anodized, glass insert - black AUDIO Please check the availability before order. All prices are in Euro, net, errors and changes excepted. FRAMES 2 MUxx 1 www.divus-domus.eu 13 KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS XP EMBEDDED DIVUS bietet die Produktfamilie DIVUSDOMUS in unterschiedlichen Produktvarianten an. Mit DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch haben Sie alle Vorteile der DIVUSDOMUS Reihe und die grenzenlose Freiheit eigene Softwareideen zu verwirklichen. Mit dem Betriebssystem XPembedded nutzen Sie alle Vorteile eines embedded Betriebssystems und wir haben dafür gesorgt, dass das System bei minimalem Speicherbedarf schnell, sicher und zuverläs sig ist. Damit ist die Applikation für Ihre Gebäudevisualisierung und -steuerung sicher und läuft. Tag für Tag, Nacht für Nacht, das ganze Jahr! Wichtige Informationen über XPembedded erhalten Sie auf Anfrage. DIVUS offers various products with the product family DIVUSDOMUS. With DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch you will have all advantages of the DIVUSDOMUS product range and the boundary-less freedom to integrate your own software ideas. With the operating system XPembedded you will have all features of an embedded System and we have taken care for a minimum of storage volume for a system which is fast, secure and robust. Your visualization and control application for the building and facilities will be save. All day, all night, the whole year! La linea PCtouch di DIVUS riunisce i vantaggi della serie DIVUSDOMUS con la totale libertà di integrazione del proprio software. Il sistema operativo XP Embedded offre il vantaggio di un sistema operativo embedded, che richiede un quantitativo minimo di spazio di memoria, offrendo un sistema veloce, sicuro e affidabile. In tal modo le applicazioni di visualizzazione e controllo all’interno della casa saranno sempre al sicuro. Per tutto il giorno, per tutta la notte, per tutto l'anno! Ulteriori informazioni sul sistema XPembedded sono disponibili su richiesta. MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC Important specifications of XPembedded are supported on demand. 14 www.divus-domus.eu FacilityServer / HomeServer 3 (auch mit QuadClient) PC PCtouch + TOUCH PCtouch Anwendungsbeispiele/Applications Example/Esempi applicativi DD15-3-M DD10-2 MONITOR KNX host client client LAN CONTROL client KNX KNX DD06-2-M Facility-Pilot / EISBÄR / / AUDIO / DD19-3-M / DD15-3 KNX host client client client MUxx LAN FRAMES Elvis / PCtouch + TABLE PC Berker IP-Control PCtouch + DD10-2 DD10-2-M www.divus-domus.eu 15 New! April 2009 DDxx-2-XPe MONITOR PC TOUCH more performance same price embedded PC for wall mount Technical Data: DD06-2-XPe DD15-2-XPe DD19-2-XPe Type of design ultra compact embedded PC for wall mount; noiseless and without any rotating part Front Unit 6,5” 10,4” 10,4” 15” 19” Luminosity 400 cd/m² Contrast 450:1 230 cd/m² 400 cd/m² 430 cd/m² 300 cd/m² 500:1 1.200:1 450:1 1000:1 Resolution (in Pixel) MTBF backlight tubes VGA 640x480 SVGA 800x600 XGA 1024x768 XGA 1024x768 SXGA 1280x1024 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h Method of operating resistive touch screen with USB touch controller 4-wire technology Rating DD10-2-XPe DD10-2-XPe-XGA 6-wire technology IP20 according EN 60529 AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL General characteristics Processor AMDGeode500MHz Ultra LOW Voltage Intel Celeron M 600 MHz (>1,5GHz VIA C7), 512K L2 Cache Memory 1GB DDR SDRAM 1GB DDR SDRAM 400 MHz Free expansion slots type II CF (int), PCMCIA (ext) - Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded (English, German, French , Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish) Power Supply 24 VDC Power consumption max. 20 W Guarantee 24 Months - 1PCI-Slot 90-260VAC auto range fanless max. 30 W max. 30 W max. 40 W max. 60 W * Drives Storage medium high speed DOM 2GB (550 MB available on system / 970 MB on secondary partition) Interfaces LAN/Ethernet 1 x 10/100Mbps (ext) 2 x 10/100Mbps (ext) USB (Universal Serial Bus) 3 x USB2.0(1 x front) 5 x USB 2.0 (1 x internal, 2 x external, 2 front accessible) Serial Interface 2 x RS-232 (ext) 4 x RS232 (3 x external, 1 x internal) Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2 external 2 x PS/2 external Multimedia Realtek AC97 (int) Audio I/O jacks (3 x ext), configurable for 6 channel audio 1 free VGA port (dual display architecture), AC’97 audio Watchdog Functions CPU Temperature surveillance onboard RAMKI Ambient Conditions Vibration/Shock resistance 15G / 50G EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081 Temperature +0°C to +30°C max. Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense) Authorization CE Dimensions Cut-Out MUxx [mm] 214x194x80 313x258x80 313x258x80 399x336x90 472x410x90 Outside with Frame [mm] 230x210x15 340x285x20 340x285x20 425x365x25 497x435x25 Weight ca 5 kg ca 7 kg ca 7 kg ca 9 kg ca 11 kg MUxx Mechanical Characteristics Front alloy anodised, to use with the wall mount box (MUxx) and cover(FR-xx) PC Unit high-grade steel, EMC proofed * warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted. NOTE: Internal connections are intended as inside the box unit, normally on pin header, external ones as outside the box. Nevertheless, once mounted in the wall, only connections described as “front accessible” will be reachable for the customer. 16 www.divus-domus.eu New! April 2009 DDxx-3-XPe DD10-3-XPe-XGA DD15-3-XPe DD19-3-XPe Type of design ultra compact embedded PC for wall mount; noiseless and without any rotating part extra HIGH performance, ultra LOW power requirements Front Unit 10,4” 10,4” 15” LED backlight Display 19” Luminosity 230 cd/m² 400 cd/m² 350 cd/m² 300 cd/m² Contrast 500:1 1.200:1 700:1 1000:1 Resolution (in Pixel) SVGA 800x600 or XGA 1024x768 if ordered XGA 1024x768 XGA 1024x768 LOW consumption display SXGA 1280x1024 MTBF backlight tubes 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h Method of operating resistive touch screen, 6-wire technology with USB touch controller Rating IP20 according EN 60529 MONITOR DD10-3-XPe PC Technical Data: TOUCH more performance same price embedded PC for wall mount Intel Atom Processor N270 - 1,6 GHz, 533 MHz, 512K L2 Cache Chipset Intel 945GSE + Intel ICH7M Memory 1GB DDR2 SDRAM Free expansion slots 1 x PCI-Slot Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP embedded (English, German, French , Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish) Power Supply 90-260VAC auto range fanless Power consumption max. 20 W Guarantee 24 Months max. 20 W max. 20 W max. 50 W * TABLE PC Drives Storage medium high speed DOM 2GB (550 MB available on system / 970 MB on secondary partition) Interfaces 2 x Realtek PCIe 10/100/1000 Mbit controller USB (Universal Serial Bus) 5 x USB 2.0 (1 x int, 2 x ext, 2 front accessible) Serial Interface 5 x RS232 (2 x ext, 3 x int), 1 x RS232/422/485 (1 x ext) Keyboard/Mouse 2 x PS/2 Multimedia HDTV resolution up to 1080i capable DUAL Display architecture onboard AC’97 audio OPTIONAL TV-Card Graphic Ports 1 x free VGA port AUDIO LAN/Ethernet Watchdog Functions CPU Temperature KNX Processor CONTROL General characteristics surveillance onboard, WDT integrated Vibration/Shock resistance 15G / 50G EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081 Temperature +0°C to +30°C max. Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense) Authorization CE FRAMES Ambient Conditions Cut-Out MUxx [mm] 313x258x80 313x258x80 399x336x90 472x410x90 Outside with Frame [mm] 340x285x20 340x285x20 425x365x25 497x435x25 Weight ca 7 kg ca 7 kg ca 9 kg ca 11 kg Mechanical Characteristics Front alloy anodised, to use with the wall mount box (MUxx) and cover(FR-xx) PC Unit high-grade steel, EMC proofed * warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted. NOTE: Internal connections are intended as inside the box unit, normally on pin header, external ones as outside the box. Nevertheless, once mounted in the wall, only connections described as “front accessible” will be reachable for the customer. www.divus-domus.eu 17 MUxx Dimensions Mit dem Echtzeitbetriebssystem Microsoft Windows CE können PC-basierende Produkte für die Gebäude- und Industrieautomatisierung bereitgestellt werden. Dadurch entsteht eine überaus stabile und verlässliche Echtzeit-Plattform für unterschiedliche Anwendungen. Mit DIVUSDOMUS CE bieten wir eine Produktreihe für den Einsatz als WEB client und Thin client. In Verbindung mit kompatiblen Visualisierungssystemen, Windows Server Applikationen oder WEB basierenden Visualisierungs-Programmen bieten wir dazu die ideale Plattform - lüfterlos, geräuschlos, temperatursicher. With the realtime operating system Microsoft Windows CE we offer PC based products for the building and industrial automation. With this technology a reliable and stable real time platform for various applications is created. With DIVUSDOMUS PCtouch and Windows CE we offer products for the use as a WEB client and Thin client. In combination with CE compatible visualisation software, Windows server applications or WEB based visualisation tools, you will have an optimized platform - fanless, silent and temperature protected. Con il sistema operativo Microsoft Windows CE offriamo sistemi basati su PC sia per la domotica delle abitazioni che per l’industria. Da questa tecnologia deriva una piattaforma efficace e stabile, adatta alle più svariate applicazioni. I PCtouch DIVUSDOMUS con Windows CE sono ideali per applicazioni WEB e Thin client. In combinazione con software di visualizzazione compatibile con CE, con applicazioni Windows Server o con sistemi di visualizzazione basati sul WEB, vi offriamo una piattaforma ideale: silenziosa, leggera, resistente alle temperature. MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS Windows CE 18 www.divus-domus.eu DDxx-1-CE DD15-1-CE DD19-1-CE 6,5” 10,4” 15” 19” 400 cd/m² 230 cd/m² 430 cd/m² 300 cd/m² Contrast 450:1 500:1 450:1 1000:1 Resolution (in Pixel) VGA 640x480 SVGA 800x600 XGA 1024x768 SXGA 1280x1024 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h MTBF backlight tubes 50.000 h Method of operating resistive touch screen with USB touch controller Rating IP20 according EN 60529 4-wire technology 6-wire technology General characteristics Processor onboard AMD Geode 500MHz (LX800) VIA Eden 533 MHz fanless Memory ≥128 MB DDR SO-DIMM 128 MB SDRAM Free expansion slots - 1 PCI Operating systems Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Power Supply 24 VDC 90-260VAC auto range fanless max. 25 W Power consumption max. 20 W Surveillance 1xPower LED, 1xRESET Button Guarantee 24 Months* max. 40 W max. 60 W - MONITOR Front Unit Luminosity CONTROL DD10-1-CE PC DD06-1-CE ultra compact embedded PC for wall mount; noiseless and without any rotating part KNX Technical Data: Type of design TOUCH embedded PC for wall mount Drives high speed DOM 64 MB ( 30 MB available on system partition ) Additional drives type II CF (int), PCMCIA (ext) - Video VGA connector (ext) onboard LAN/Ethernet 10/100Mbps (ext) USB (Universal Serial Bus) 1 x internal on pin header, 2 front accessible Serial Interface 2 x RS-232 (ext) 1 x RS232 (ext) Parallel Interface 1 x LPT header on board 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP) (ext) Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2 for KB and Mouse (ext) 2 x PS/2 (ext) Multimedia DIVUS audio extension multimedia kit (DDxx-x-M) not available for Windows CE Ambient Conditions Vibration/Shock resistance 15G / 50G EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081 Temperature +0°C to +30°C max. Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense) Authorization CE Dimensions Cut-Out MUxx [mm] 214x194x80 313x258x80 399x336x90 472x410x90 Outside with Frame [mm] 230x210x15 340x285x20 425x365x25 497x435x25 Weight ca 5 kg ca 7 kg ca 9 kg ca 11 kg FRAMES Interfaces AUDIO TABLE PC Storage medium Mechanical Characteristics alloy anodised, to use with the wall mount box (MUxx) and cover(FR-xx) PC Unit high-grade steel, EMC proofed MUxx Front * warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted. NOTE: Internal connections are intended as inside the box unit, normally on pin header, external ones as outside the box. Nevertheless, once mounted in the wall, only connections described as “front accessible” will be reachable for the customer. www.divus-domus.eu 19 Das DIVUSDOMUS Design überzeugt Sie? Der Einbau und die einfache Montagetechnik fasziniert? Der Austausch und die Modifikation unterschiedlichster Designwechselrahmen ist genial? ....aber Sie haben schon einen Gebäude-PC? Kein Problem mit DIVUSDOMUS Monitor brauchen Sie auf nichts verzichten. Nicht mal auf einen Touch Screen! Die Standardschnittstellen für Grafiksignale und Touch Screen sind in DIVUSDOMUS Monitor integriert und machen den Anschluss an jeden PC, Server, oder Gebäudekontroller möglich. The DIVUSDOMUS design convinces you? The assembly and easy installation is fascinating? The interchange of various design frames is a brilliant invention? But you are already using a building controller? That’s not a problem, with DIVUSDOMUS Monitor you haven’t to abstain for it! Not even for the Touch Screen! The graphic and touch screen interface allows you to connect the DIVUSDOMUS Monitor to any PC, building server or any kind of controller. Il design DIVUSDOMUS ti convince? L'installazione ed il semplice montaggio ti affascinano? Le diverse possibilità di combinazione degli accessori ti sembrano geniali?....Ma nella tua casa c'é già un PC ? Nessun problema, con il monitor DIVUSDOMUS non dovrai rinunciare a niente….nemmeno al tuo touch screen! L'interfaccia grafica ed il touch screen sono parte integrante del monitor DIVUSDOMUS e possono essere collegati a qualsiasi PC, Server, con qualsiasi tipologia di controller. MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS MONITOR 20 www.divus-domus.eu DDxx-Monitor Compact wall mount monitor with touchscreen DD15-1-Monitor DD19-1-Monitor Front Unit 10,4" 15” 19” Luminosity 400 cd/m² 430 cd/m² 300 cd/m² Contrast 1.200:1 450:1 1000:1 Resolution (in Pixel) XGA 1024x768 XGA 1024x768 SXGA 1280x1024 MTBF backlight tubes 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h Method of operating Resistive Touchscreen, 6-wire technology with USB Touchcontroller Rating IP20 according EN 60529 General characteristics Power Supply 90-260 VAC autorange Power consumption max. 20 W Guarantee 24 Months* max. 30 W MONITOR DD10-Monitor-XGA Type of design PC Technical Data: TOUCH embedded Monitor for wall mount max. 50 W Connect with the VGA-Output of your box PC, 3m VGA cable furnished DVI Included Touch Connect with the USB Port of your box PC, 5m USB cable furnished OPTIONAL: Choose DVI instead of VGA for digital signal transmission TABLE PC compatible with: Windows Vista Windows 9X / Me Windows NT4.0 Windows 2000 / XP Windows CE.Net (4.x / 5.0) Windows CE 6.0 Windows Embedded Dos KNX VGA CONTROL Interfaces Mac OS 9.x Mac OS X Leopard Mac OS X Leopard (Intel CPU) Linux QNX Neutrino RTOS V6.3 AUDIO Ambient Conditions Vibration resistance 0,67G (5-500Mhz) Shock resistance 300G/2ms EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081 Temperature +0°C to +30°C max. Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense) Authorization CE 313x258x80 399x336x90 472x410x90 Outside with Frame [mm] 340x285x20 425x365x25 497x435x25 Weight ca 7 kg ca 5 kg ca 7 kg Mechanical Characteristics Front Alloy anodised, to use with the wall mount box (MUxx) and cover(FR-xx) PC Unit High-grade steel, EMC proofed * warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted. NOTE: Internal connections are intended as inside the box unit, normally on pin header, external ones as outside the box. Nevertheless, once mounted in the wall, only connections described as “front accessible” will be reachable for the customer. www.divus-domus.eu 21 MUxx Cut-Out MUxx [mm] FRAMES Dimensions AUDIO Wall mount box TABLE PC Additional modules Audio KNX CONTROL Client DIVUSDOMUS MONITOR Host PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol Produktübersicht/Products/prodotti Description DD-KNXserver1 embedded BoxPC - with supervision software for max. 500 address groups and KNX interface 7 - 20 VDC/100-240 VAC - may be purchased only in combination with a DDxx-KNXclient DD-KNXserver2 embedded BoxPC - with supervision software for max. 1500 address groups and KNX interface 7 - 20 VDC/100-240 VAC - may be purchased only in combination with a DDxx-KNXclient DD-KNXserver3 embedded BoxPC - with supervision software for more than 1500 address groups and KNX interface 7 - 20 VDC/100-240 VAC - may be purchased only in combination with a DDxx-KNXclient DD06-client embedded wall mount PC - TFT 6,5” - 24VDC, operating system Microsoft Windows XPembedded configured to be used as KNX web client - may be purchased only in combination with a KNXhost product DD10-client embedded wall mount PC - TFT 10,4” - 90-260VAC, operating system Microsoft Windows XPembedded con figured to be used as KNX web client - may be purchased only in combination with a KNXhost product DD10-client-XGA embedded wall mount PC - TFT 10,4”- XGA - 90-260VAC, operating system Microsoft Windows XPembedded configured to be used as KNX web client - may be purchased only in combination with a KNXhost product DD15-client embedded wall mount PC - TFT 15” - 90-260VAC, operating system Microsoft Windows XPembedded config ured to be used as KNX web client - may be purchased only in combination with a KNXhost product DD19-client embedded wall mount PC - TFT 19” - 90-260VAC, operating system Microsoft Windows XPembedded config ured to be used as KNX web client - may be purchased only in combination with a KNXhost product DDxx-xxx-M option: Speaker and microphone integrated in the front. Your order code: Add “M” on the end of the product code you choosed. ex: DD15-KNX-M MO-KNX1 DataLog: data logging software to store, export and display data of connected KNX devices MO-KNX2 VideoServer: video server with software module to connect up to 4 analog cameras MO-KNX3 SMS: GSM modem with software to receive and send short messages (status, alerts, commands) deliv ered without SIM-card MO-KNX4 MediaCenter: This SW enables you to control/command KNX-applications on Vista Media Center PCs over network MO-KNX5 only with DD-KNXserver Intercom: Video and audio adapter be connected to external intercoms. It is required an analog video and telephone signal as input. In addition to normal intercom functions, this module can even be used for VOIP communications between DDxx-x-M devices. MU06 (MU06T) MU10 (MU10T) MU15 (MU15T) MU15A MU19 (MU19T) in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD06 in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD10 in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD15 wall mount box for on wall mounting, fits all versions of DD15 in wall mount box for walls (mortarless constructions and wooden structures); fits all versions of DD19 All prices are in Euro, net, errors and changes excepted. KNXcontrol, das Automatisierungspaket für Nutz- und Privatgebäude. FRAMES 1 Order code Touchpanel, Visualisierungssoftware und KNX Interface in einem. Jetzt testen! LiveCD anfragen und loslegen!! KNXcontrol, the automatization package for private habitations. Touch panel, visualization software and KNX interface in one product. Try it out now! Request the LiveCD and start evaluation! MUxx KNXcontrol, il pacchetto di automatizzazione per le abitazioni private. Touchpanel, software di visualizzazione e interfaccia KNX tutto in uno! Richiedi il LiveCD e provalo subito! 22 www.divus-domus.eu 19" aluminium FR10-16 FR15-16 FR19-16 5 aluminium anodised aluminium FR10-5 FR15-5 FR19-5 8 bronze aluminium FR10-8 FR15-8 FR19-8 9 antique RAL 8025 aluminium FR10-9 FR15-9 FR19-9 1 silvermetallic Perspex FR10-1 FR15-1 FR19-1 3 smoke-green Perspex FR10-3 FR15-3 FR19-3 4 anthracite Perspex FR10-4 FR15-4 FR19-4 15 milk-white Perspex FR10-15 FR15-15 FR19-15 2 night-black Perspex FR10-2 FR15-2 FR19-2 10 frost-red Perspex FR10-10 FR15-10 FR19-10 11 zinc-yellow Perspex FR10-11 FR15-11 FR19-11 12 black-green Perspex FR10-12 FR15-12 FR19-12 13 black-blue Perspex FR10-13 FR15-13 FR19-13 14 ultramarine-blue Perspex FR10-14 FR15-14 FR19-14 white glass FRg10-W FRg15-W FRg19-W black glass FRg10-B FRg15-B FRg19-B mint-green glass FRg10-G FRg15-G FRg19-G wide white alu+glass alu+glass wide mint-green alu+glass The frames are in 16:9 design applicable on the 15 inch screen FRgw15-W wide black FRxx-xx-M FRgw15-B FRgw15-G option: Speaker and microphone integrated in the front. Your order code: Add “M” on the end of the product code you choosed. ex: FR15-3-M MONITOR 15" roughly, varnishing of the client CONTROL 10,4" 16 ALU + GLASS Audio CODE TABLE PC Material PC Color2 KNX EXCLUSIVE No. GLASS Design Frames TOP HOME Line TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol Produktübersicht/Products/prodotti 2 All prices are in Euro, net, errors and changes excepted. Please check the availability before order. 6,5˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, ultramarine-blue 15˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, frost red 10,4˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, silver metallic 15˝, ALU GLASS, aluminium anodized, glass 19˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, antracite FRAMES 1 AUDIO RAL varnishing of FRxx-16 on client request extra charge +100,00 € net MUxx insert - black www.divus-domus.eu 23 1 Vom ETS-Projekt zur einsatzfähigen Visualisierung...in nur 4 Schritten!!! From the ETS project to a fully operable system...in 4 simple steps!!! Dal progetto ETS alla supervisione completa...in solamente 4 passi!!! Der Ausgangspunkt: Ihr ETS-Projekt The starting point: your ETS project Il punto di partenza: il Vs. progetto ETS Der Startpunkt für die Erstellung Ihrer KNX Visualisierung mit Hilfe von DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol ist Ihr ETS-Projekt. Ihre ETS Datenbank enthält bereits alle Daten, die KNXcontrol benötigt. MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL The starting point for your KNX supervision system based on KNXcontrol is your ETS project. Your ETS database already contains all the information that KNXcontrol needs to operate with your system. Il primo passo nella creazione della Vs. visualizzazione KNX su KNXcontrol lo avete già fatto creando il Vs. progetto ETS. KNXcontrol è in grado di estrarre tutte le informazioni necessarie dal Vs. database ETS. 2 Export der ETS-Projektdaten Export of the ETS project data Esportazione dei dati del progetto ETS Zusammen mit KNXcontrol erhalten Sie die Software „ETS to KNXcontrol“, welche auf dem PC, der Ihre ETS-Datenbank enthält, installiert werden muss. Hiermit können Sie Ihre Datenbank und Ihr Projekt auswählen und über einen Klick in eine Datei exportieren, welche von KNXcontrol weiterverarbeitet werden kann. Together with KNXcontrol you will receive a tool called “ETS to KNXcontrol” which has to be installed on the PC with the ETS database. Using this program you can select your ETS database and the contained project and export it into a single file, which afterwards can be imported in KNXcontrol. KNXcontrol viene fornito con il software “ETS to KNXcontrol”, il quale deve essere installato sul PC che contiene il database ETS. Di seguito con questo programma è possibile selezionare il proprio database e quindi il progetto desiderato. Con un semplice click sul pulsante “Esporta” il software eseguirà l'esportazione del Vs. progetto in un formato compatibile con KNXcontrol! KNXcontrol 24 www.divus-domus.eu 4 Der Feinschliff: Visualisierung nach Wunsch! The final touch: customizing the interface! Il tocco finale: la visualizzazione su misura! Als letzten Schritt können Sie Ihre ganz persönliche Visualisierung erstellen: importieren Sie Ihre eigenen Hintergründe (z.B. Fotos, Grundrisse, usw.), platzieren Sie die KNX-Objekte nach Wahl und erstellen Sie bei Bedarf zusätzliche Funktionen. Neben verschiedenen Ansichten und unzähligen vordefinierten Elementen steht Ihnen noch eine breite Palette an Optionen zur Verfügung, sodass keines Ihrer Projekte dem anderen gleichen wird! As last step you can create your own, personal supervision interface: import your background images (photos, layouts, plans,…), place the KNX objects wherever you want and – if necessary – create even more objects using the functions of v. Beside the availability of different view modes and various preconfigured elements, a rich amount of configurable options makes sure that all of your projects will look different and individually customized! Come ultimo passo potete creare la Vs. supervisione personalizzata: importate i Vs. sfondi (foto, planimetrie, ecc.), piazzate gli oggetti KNX dove volete e – se necessario – create ulteriori oggetti usando le funzioni di KNXcontrol. In aggiunta alle diverse modalità di visualizzazione sono disponibili inoltre tanti elementi preconfigurati, che – insieme alle numerose possibilità di opzioni configurabili – assicurano che nessuno dei Vs. progetti assomigli ad un altro! www.divus-domus.eu 25 TOUCH MONITOR CONTROL TABLE PC Nel menu di configurazione di KNXcontrol troverete un wizard che Vi aiuterà ad importare i Vs. dati ETS. E' sufficiente scegliere il file appena esportato, seguire le istruzioni a video e in pochi istanti il Vs. progetto viene trasferito sul PC. E la cosa migliore è: il PC comunica già con l’impianto KNX. AUDIO In the configuration menu of KNXcontrol you can find a wizard which will guide you through the import process of your ETS data. Simply select the file exported before and follow the on-screen instructions; in a few moments your whole project will be transferred to KNXcontrol. And the best is: the PC is already operating with the devices on the KNX bus. FRAMES Im Konfigurationsmenü des KNXcontrol finden Sie einen Wizard, welcher Sie durch den ImportVorgang Ihrer ETS-Daten führt. Einfach die eben erstellte ETS to KNXcontrol - Datei auswählen und die Anweisungen am Bildschirm befolgen und in wenigen Augenblicken haben Sie Ihr gesamtes Projekt auf dem PC. Und das Beste ist: der PC kommuniziert bereits mit Ihrem KNX System! MUxx Import der Daten in den DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol Import wizard of DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol Importazione dei dati nel DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol PC 3 Vom ETS-Projekt zur einsatzfähigen Visualisierung...in nur 4 Schritten!!! From the ETS project to a fully operable system...in 4 simple steps!!! Dal progetto ETS alla supervisione completa...in solamente 4 passi!!! KNX DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol ist ein einzigartiges System für die Building Automation mit integrierter Visualisierungssoftware und KNX Schnittstelle. Es ist unglaublich vielseitig, denn es kombiniert gleich mehrere Vorteile miteinander. • Einfach: Nur ETS Projekt importieren und Funktionen parametrieren. • Schnell: Verknüpfung der ETS Funktionen mit dem erstellten Raumbild oder Grundriss. • Leicht zu verstehen: Keine aufwendigen Spezialkurse notwendig. Sofort Projekt umsetzen und Kundenwünsche erfüllen. Das Herzstück des DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol ist der DIVUSDOMUS KNXserver, welcher die Software enthält und die Anlage steuert. Wir liefern den KNXserver passend für die Größe Ihres Projektes in 3 unterschiedlichen Ausführungen. Für die Visualisierung und Steuerung im ganzen Haus können Sie das System mit uneingeschränkter Anzahl von DIVUSDOMUS KNXclient und DIVUSDOMUS TablePC erweitern. DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol – the unique system for building control with integrated visualization and KNX interface. This system is multifunctional! The KNX visualization is generated quickly and easily: • Easy: import ETS project and configure functions • Quick: linking of ETS functions with plan view or room picture • Easy to understand: immediate project realization and customer satisfaction The core of DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol is the DIVUSDOMUS KNXserver, which contains the automation software. We deliver KNXserver in 3 different versions to allow you to choose the one which mostly fits the size of your project. To be viewed and controlled in every room of your home you can extend the system with an unrestricted number of DIVUSDOMUS KNXclient and DIVUSDOMUS TablePC. DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol – l’unico PC per il controllo degli edifici con software di visualizzazione ed interfaccia KNX integrati. Un sistema multifunzionale! La visualizzazione KNX viene generata velocemente e facilmente: • Facile: importazione progetto ETS e parametrizzazione delle funzioni • Rapido: collegamento alle funzioni ETS tramite l’utilizzo di planimetrie o immagini dei locali • Semplice da capire: realizzazione immediata dei progetti e soddisfazione del cliente. La centrale di comando di DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol è il DIVUSDOMUS KNXserver che contiene il software di automazione. DIVUSDOMUS KNXserver viene fornito in 3 versioni a seconda delle dimensioni del vostro progetto. Per la visualizzazione ed il controllo in tutta la casa è possibile completare il sistema con un numero illimitato di DIVUSDOMUS KNXclient e DIVUSDOMUS TablePC. 26 www.divus-domus.eu KNXcontrol Anwendungsbeispiel/Application Example/Esempio applicativo PC TOUCH DD-KNXserver KNX Living room Personal Computer MONITOR LAN DD15 - client-M Kitchen Gym Intranet remote access IPGar den IPPanorama Garage MO-1 Datalog IPPlayroom MO-3 SMS MO-5 Intercom Software & Hardware MO-4 Mediacenter MO-6 Intercom Software AUDIO MO-2 Videoserver Videosurveillance TABLE PC IP- KNX DD10 - client-M CONTROL DD19 - client-M Multiroom Solutions Intercom over IP solutions FRAMES Optional modules LAN INTERNET (with optional speaker/ mic hardware) Remote access / assistance over Internet Mail notifications (alarms, messages, ...) Internet functions PDA, Tablet PC, ... www.divus-domus.eu MUxx VOIP-Function 27 embedded box PC PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS KNXserver Technical Data: DD-KNXserver1 DD-KNXserver2 DD-KNXserver3 Type of design ultra compact embedded box PC with integrated KNX visualisation software and interface; KNXserver needs one or more DIVUSDOMUS KNXclient to work with MONITOR General characteristics CPU fanless low consumption CPU Operating system Linux with included KNX visualisation software Software Basic Professional Unlimited2 Group Adresses up to 500 up to 1500 > 1500 Power Supply 7 - 20 VDC / 100-240 VAC fanless external Power consumption max. 6 W Guarantee 24 Months1 Drives CONTROL Storage medium compact flash card KNX Interfaces LAN/Ethernet 2 x 10/100Mbps (ext) USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2 x USB 2.0 (ext) Seriel Ports 1 x RS-232 (ext) KNX 1 x externally accessible Watchdog Functions TABLE PC CPU Temperature surveillance onboard Ambient Conditions Vibration/Shock resistance 15G / 50G EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081 Temperature +0°C to +50°C max. Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense) Authorization CE Outside dimensions [mm] 158x155x28 1 warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted. on request 2 MUxx FRAMES AUDIO Dimensions 28 www.divus-domus.eu DD06-CLIENT DD10-CLIENT DD15-CLIENT DD19-CLIENT Type of design ultra compact embedded PC for wall mount; noiseless and without any rotating part KNXclient needs a host like DIVUSDOMUS KNXcontrol or KNXserver to work with Front Unit 6,5” 10,4” 15” 19” Luminosity 400 cd/m² 230 cd/m² 430 cd/m² 300 cd/m² Contrast 450:1 500:1 450:1 1000:1 Resolution (in Pixel) VGA 640x480 SVGA 800x600 or XGA 1024x768 XGA 1024x768 SXGA 1280x1024 MTBF backlight tubes 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h 50.000 h Method of operating resistive touch screen, 6-wire technology with USB touch controller Rating IP20 according EN 60529 MONITOR Technical Data: PC embedded PC for wall mount TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS KNXclient fanless low consumption CPU Free expansion slots Type II CF (int) Operating systems Microsoft Windows XPembedded configured to be used as KNX web client - Power Supply 24 VDC 90-260VAC fanless Power consumption Max. 20 W max. 30 W Guarantee 24 Months* KNX CPU 1 PCI-Slot max. 40 W CONTROL General characteristics max. 60 W Storage medium high speed DOM 2GB (550 MB available on system / 970 MB on secondary partition) Interfaces LAN/Ethernet 10/100Mbps (ext) USB (Universal Serial Bus) 3 x USB 2.0 (1 x internal, 2 front accessible) Serial Interface 2 x RS232 1 x RS232 (1 x external), 1 x LPT1 (EPP/ECP/SPP) Keyboard/Mouse 1 x PS/2 2 x PS/2 Multimedia speaker and microphone included only in multimedia version TABLE PC Drives Watchdog Functions AUDIO surveillance onboard Ambient Conditions Vibration/Shock resistance 15G / 50G EMC EN 55011, 55022, 500081 Temperature +0°C to +30°C max. Relative humidity 5% to 80% at 25°C (no humidity/condense) Authorization CE Dimensions Cut-Out MUxx [mm] 214x194x80 313x258x80 399x336x90 472x410x90 Outside with Frame [mm] 230x210x15 340x285x20 425x365x25 497x435x25 Weight ca 5 kg ca 7 kg ca 9 kg ca 11 kg FRAMES CPU Temperature Front alloy anodised, to use with the wall mount box (MUxx) and cover(FR-xx) PC Unit high-grade steel, EMC proofed * warranty ex works, normally 24 months, fixed at order. All data refer on print date, errors and changes excepted. NOTE: Internal connections are intended as inside the box unit, normally on pin header, external ones as outside the box. Nevertheless, once mounted in the wall, only connections described as “front accessible” will be reachable for the customer. www.divus-domus.eu 29 MUxx Mechanical Characteristics DIVUSDOMUS TablePC bringt die zahlreichen Funktionen der DIVUSDOMUS Serie an die richtige Stelle. Ob als stilvoller Tisch-PC für den Einsatz auf Ihrem Wohnzimmertisch oder jeder beliebigen, waagrechten Fläche oder als tragbarer PC, welcher Sie an jede gewünschte Stelle begleiten kann: mit DIVUSDOMUS TablePC haben Sie Ihre Anlage jederzeit und überall unter Kontrolle! Für genauere Informationen zu den unterschiedlichen Modellen wenden Sie Sich bitte an unsere Vertriebspartner. KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS TablePC DIVUSDOMUS TablePC porta le innumerevoli funzionalità della serie DIVUSDOMUS al posto giusto. Sia come PC da tavolo per l'uso su qualsiasi superficie orizzontale che come PC portatile che Vi accompagna in qualsiasi posto desiderato: con DIVUSDOMUS TablePC avete sotto controllo il Vs. sistema in ogni momento ed in ogni posto! Per ulteriori informazioni sui modelli disponibili rivolgeteVi alla nostra rete di vendita. MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC DIVUSDOMUS TablePC brings the numerous functions of the DIVUSDOMUS series to the right place. Whether as stylish table PC for the use on any plane surface like your living room table, or as portable PC which will accompany you to any desired place: with DIVUSDOMUS TablePC you can control your system at any time and place! For further information regarding the different models please contact our sales partners. 30 www.divus-domus.eu Il kit multimedia è stato progettato per implementare le seguenti funzionalità: • funzioni VOIP • segnali acustici (es.: allarmi, avvisi,..) • registrazione e riproduzione comandi vocali Installazione Il kit multimedia è stato integrato da DIVUS nell’unità frontale della linea DIVUSDOMUS. Si raccomanda di fare attenzione al codice d’ordine del prodotto (es.: DD15-2-M, FR15-5-M. IMPORTANTE: Configurazioni esistenti non possono essere aggiornate. General characteristics Output S.P.L 78+- 3dB at 1m 1W Micro Sensitivity -60 ± 2dB Double echo cancellation ambiental and vocal echo is deleted, for a noise-free usage Echo attenuation typically 35dB for background rumours Constant rumour cancellation 17dB for background rumour and 40dB for single tones CONTROL MONITOR PC MUxx Speaker TABLE PC Installation The Multimedia-KIT is already integrated into the front panel of compatible DIVUSDOMUS configurations. Please note that the order code changes (ex: DD15-2-M, FR15-5-M). IMPORTANT: Existing configurations can not be upgraded. AUDIO The Multimedia-KIT has been designed to equip the DIVUSDOMUS with the following functions: • VOIP function • acoustic signals (ex: warnings, messages, …) • voice registration and playback FRAMES Installation Das Multimedia-Kit wird bereits von DIVUS in die Frontunit der kompatiblen DIVUSDOMUS Ausführungen integriert. Bitte den abweichenden Bestellcode beachten ( Bsp.: DD15-2-M, FR15-5-M). WICHTIG: Kann nicht nachgerüstet werden. KNX Das Multimedia-Kit wurde für folgende Funktionen ausgelegt: • VOIP Funktion • akustische Signale (Bsp.: Warnungen, Benachrichtigungen,..) • Aufnahme- und Wiedergabefunktion TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS AUDIO www.divus-domus.eu 31 PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS FRAMES Die farbigen Design-Wechselrahmen sehen nicht nur gut aus, sondern sind auch blitzschnell wechselbar. Deshalb kann sich jeder seinen Rahmen je nach Ambiente oder Raumsituation aussuchen. Die Rahmen sind aus hochwertigem Plexiglas, Glas oder eloxiertem Aluminium gefertigt. Ob glänzend oder matt, die Oberflächen sind veredelt und für jahrelangen Einsatz gerüstet. Home Color* Material 16 roughly, varnishing of the client anodized aluminium 5 aluminium anodised anodized aluminium 8 bronze anodized aluminium 9 antique RAL 8025 anodized aluminium 1 silvermetallic Perspex 3 smoke-green Perspex 4 anthracite Perspex 15 milk-white Perspex 2 night-black Perspex 10 frost-red Perspex 11 zinc-yellow Perspex 12 black-green Perspex 13 black-blue Perspex 14 ultramarine-blue Perspex Alu + Glass Exclusive Nr. wide white anodized aluminium + glass wide black anodized aluminium + glass wide mint-green anodized aluminium + glass Glass TABLE PC KNX CONTROL Top MONITOR Line white glass black glass mint-green glass AUDIO The colourful design frames are looking really beautiful. And they can be changed in a moment! For that reason, everybody can select his own frame for its ambient or its individual room situation. The design frame is made of high quality Perspex, glass or anodized aluminium. Even polished or matt, the surfaces are refined and prepared for a long term usage. FRAMES * Please check the availability before order. Le cornici colorate hanno un design davvero unico. E per sostituirle basta un attimo! La vasta scelta di colori consente un perfetto abbinamento a qualsiasi tipologia di ambiente o arredamento. I materiali utilizzati, plexiglas di altissima qualità, vetro o alluminio anodizzato, con finitura lucida o opaca, sono progettati per durare a lungo nel tempo. 15˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, zinc-yellow MUxx 6,5˝, EXCLUSIVE LINE, Perspex, black-blue 10,4˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, silver metallic 32 www.divus-domus.eu DIVUSDOMUS FRxx-x PC TOUCH Design-Frames Models FR06 Frame for DD06 – 6,5“ FR10 Frame for DD10 – 10,4“ FR15 Frame for DD15 – 15“ FR19 Frame for DD19 – 19“ 6,5” 230x210 mm 10,4" 340x285 mm 15” 425x365 mm 15" wide 530x360 mm 19” 497x435 mm Montage / Installation instructions / Installazione Die Frontblende ist mit 4 Clips versehen, die zur Befestigung an DIVUSDOMUS dienen. Bei der Montage wird der Wechselrahmen mit leichtem, gleichmäßigen Druck aufgesteckt. Sollten Sie die Frontblende entfernen wollen, ziehen Sie diese horizontal aus der Halterung heraus. Einseitiges Ziehen oder schräges Anbringen kann die Haltevorrichtung beschädigen. Lagern Sie das Frame nach dem Transport für mindestens 24 Stunden bei Raumtemperatur, bevor Sie es montieren. The frame is equipped with 4 clips needed for the connection with DIVUSDOMUS. To install the frame, put it up with easy, even pressure. If you need to remove the design frame, extract it from the mounting horizontally. One-sided traction or slanted installing can damage the frame. After transportation make sure to store the frame for at least 24 hours at room temperature before mounting it. La cornice è dotata di 4 clips che permettono il fissaggio a DIVUSDOMUS. Per installare la cornice, posizionarla e quindi fissarla esercitando una leggera pressione. In caso di necessità la cornice può essere smontata, facendola scivolare orizzontalmente. Una trazione unidirezionale può danneggiare la cornice. Prima del montaggio della cornice dopo il suo trasporto, è necessario mantenerla per almeno 24 ore a temperatura ambiente. CONTROL Dimensions TABLE PC to choose* KNX Materials and colors MONITOR Technical Data Handhabung und Pflege / Handling and care / Cura e manutenzione In order to prevent any damage of the design frame, use a clean, wet cloth to clean it. Don’t use any abrasive and aggressive detergents. Per la pulizia della cornice si consiglia l’utilizzo di un panno pulito e asciutto. Non usare detersivi abrasivi e/o aggressivi. For technical reasons the color may differ from one frame to the next FRAMES * AUDIO Um den Wechselrahmen nicht zu beschädigen, benutzen Sie zum Putzen bitte ein sauberes, feuchtes Tuch. Verwenden Sie keine abrasiven und aggressiven Reinigungsmittel. 19˝, TOP LINE, Perspex, antracite 15˝, GLASS LINE, Glass, white MUxx 15˝, ALU LINE 16:9 design, aluminium + wide black www.divus-domus.eu 33 Die Unterputzeinbaudose MU nimmt alle DIVUSDOMUS Produkte auf. Der Wandeinbau sorgt dafür, dass DIVUSDOMUS nur maximal 25 mm aus der Wand herausragt. Auf diese Weise sieht das Bedienelement aus wie ein Bilderrahmen. DIVUSDOMUS gibt es in vier verschiedenen Varianten: Mit den Bildschirmdiagonalen 6,5”, 10,4”, 15” und 19” passt er in jede Wand und zu jeder Anforderung. The installation box MU integrates all DIVUSDOMUS products. The wall mounting guarantees that the DIVUSDOMUS will have a maximum distance of 25 mm to the surface of the wall. This gives the DIVUSDOMUS the look of a picture on the wall. DIVUSDOMUS is available in the following screen sizes: 6,5”, 10,4”, 15” and 19”. So it fits to each application. Il box di installazione MU è pensato per l’intera gamma DIVUSDOMUS. L’installazione incassata nella parete assicura all’apparecchio una sporgenza non superiore a 25 mm; la centrale di comando sembrerà quindi uno splendido quadro. DIVUSDOMUS è disponibile in quattro grandezze display: 6,5”, 10,4”, 15” e 19” adattandosi ad ogni situazione. MUxx FRAMES AUDIO TABLE PC KNX CONTROL MONITOR PC TOUCH DIVUSDOMUS MUxx 34 www.divus-domus.eu DIVUSDOMUS MUxx for DD06 – 6,5“ MU06 MU06T - for DD10 – 10,4“ MU10 MU10T - for DD15 – 15“ MU15 MU15T MU15A for DD19 – 19“ MU19 MU19T - Technical Data Type of design compact, stable and flat wall mount box compact mounting kit for mortar less constructions compact, stable wall mount box for on wall mounting on VESA 75/100 Dimensions [mm] Cut-Out/fixing kit 6,5” MU06 214x194x80 MU06T 185x165x80 / 240x220 - Cut-Out/fixing kit 10,4” MU10 313x258x80 MU10T 285x230x80 / 340x285 - Cut-Out/fixing kit 15” MU15 399x336x90 MU15T 370x310x90 / 430x365 No Cut-Out necessary Cut-Out/fixing kit 19” MU19 472x410x90 MU19T 445x380x90 / 500x435 - Weight ca. 4kg ca. 2kg ca. 5kg Wall mount box powder coated metal with cover for clean installation steel plate with pattern for easy installation powder coated metal Cable access 2xtop, 2xbottom, 2xleft, 2xright on the back through VESA cutout on the back and in the bottom Grounding in addition to the DIVUSDOMUS even the MUxx needs to be professionally grounded Die Unterputzdose und das Trockenbaukit MUxx können in einem Ausschnitt in der Wand oder in einem bis zu 1,5 cm dünnen Möbelstück, sowie in einem Trockenbau befestigt werden. Der Ausschnitt muss den in den technischen Details spezifizierten Maßen entsprechen und beim Wandeinbau mindestens 9 cm tief sein. Im Wandausschnitt wird die Unterputzdose eingemauert, während sie im Möbelstück angeschraubt werden kann. Es ist wichtig, dass die vordere Kante der MUxx plan und waagrecht zur Oberfläche der Wand oder des Möbelstückes ist. The wall mount box an the mounting kit may be installed in a cut out in the wall, in a wooden structure thick at least 1,5 cm or in a dry mortarless construction. The cut out has to respect the sizes specified in the technical data and has to be at least 9 cm deep. In the wall cut out, the box can become build in while it can be screwed on in a piece of furniture. It is important that the fore edge of the MUxx is flat and horizontally to the surface of the wall or the piece of furniture. FRAMES Montage / Installation instructions / Installazione AUDIO TABLE PC Mechanical Characteristics MONITOR on wall mount box CONTROL in mortarless mount kit PC in wall mount box KNX Types TOUCH Wall mount box Il box di installazione ed il kit di montaggio possono essere incassati o montati a muro, in un pannello di legno di spessore minimo di 1,5 cm o in un muro di cartongesso. Le dimensioni di taglio sono quelle espresse nella tabella tecnica, la profondità minima è di 9 MUxx cm. Verificare a mezzo di una livella che il MUxx venga fissato in posizione orizzontale ed in modo complanare al muro o alla superficie di montaggio. www.divus-domus.eu 35 DIVUSDOMUS 15˝, DESIGN FRAME, glass, mint-green Was hier wie ein Bild in einem schönen Rahmen an der Wand hängt, ist in Wirklichkeit ein neuartiger PC für Building Automation. DIVUSDOMUS ist unglaublich vielseitig, denn er kombiniert gleich drei Vorteile miteinander: Erstens die leicht austauschbaren Design-Wechselrahmen, die sich an jedes Intereur anpassen. Zweitens die offene Systemarchitektur mit Windows® Embedded und einem zusätzlichen Steckplatz, die Systemintegratoren alle Freiheiten lässt. Drittens der durchdachte Unterputzeinbau, durch den der DIVUSDOMUS maximal 25 mm aus der Wand herausragt, dabei aber weder Lüfter noch Festplatte benötigt und so völlig geräuschlos und wartungsfrei ist. 36 www.divus-domus.eu lässt Ihnen alle Freiheiten gives you all the oppurtunities lascia piena libertà 15˝, ALU GLASS, aluminium anodized, glass insert - black SECURITY AIR CONTROL VIDEO CONTROL LIVINGROOM DINING ROOM BATHROOM Der Touchscreen bietet einfachste Bedienung. So schön kann die Schaltzentrale eines Gebäudes sein. The touch screen offers simplest handling. A central unit in building automation can be this beautiful. KITCHEN WELLNESS Il touch screen offre la massima semplicità di utilizzo. La centrale di comando di un edificio può essere davvero elegante. What hangs at the wall like a picture in a beautiful frame, is actually a new PC for the Building Automation. DIVUSDOMUS is incredibly versatile, because it combines three advantages together: Firstly the easily exchangeable design-frames, adaptable to each interior. Secondly the open system architecture with Windows® Embedded and an additional extension slot, giving herewith all opportunities to the system integrators. Thirdly the sophisticated in wall-mounting, through which the DIVUSDOMUS rises out of the wall with a maximum of 25 mm, but requires neither fans nor hard disks, and therefore is completely soundless and maintenance-free. Ciò che vedete appeso alla parete come un quadro dall’elegante cornice è in realtà un innovativo PC per building automation. DIVUSDOMUS è incredibilmente versatile poichè combina insieme ben tre vantaggi: primo, le cornici di alto design intercambiabili che si intonano con qualsiasi arredamento; secondo, l’architettura di sistema aperta con Windows® Embedded e con uno slot supplementare che lascia piena libertà agli integratori di sistema; terzo, la semplice installazione a parete grazie alla quale DIVUSDOMUS sporge dal muro non più di 25 mm e non richiede né ventole né disco rigido, risultando così assolutamente silenzioso e senza necessità di manutenzione. www.divus-domus.eu 37 Industrial Automation Customized IPC Solutions Industrie PCs für den branchenübergreifenden Industrieeinsatz oder Schaltschrankbau bieten wir mit unserer Baureihe "Industrial Automation" an. Ob als reiner Monitor oder Touchpanel von 6,5“ bis 21“ oder als Box PC in unterschiedlichen Leistungsgruppen, liefern wir eine breite Palette an Produkten aus hochwertigen Komponenten. Auch freikonfigurierbare Rack PCs finden Sie in unserem Sortiment. Für kundenspezifische Lösungen in den verschiedensten Anwendungsbereichen stehen wir Ihnen mit kompetenter Beratung zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie zuverlässige PC Technologie suchen, ist DIVUS für Sie die richtige Adresse. With the product range "Industrial Automation" we offer IPCs for industrial automation tasks or control cabinets. As industrial monitor or touchpanel from 6,5 up to 21“ or BOX PC with various performance, we supply a wide range of products with high quality components. You will also find individual configured Rack PCs at DIVUS. Customized solutions for different applications will be discussed with our customer on a high competence and know how level. OPAL Embedded Systems Monitor Box PC 38 www.divus.eu Industrial Automation Rack PC Box PC La famiglia DIVUS comprende anche una linea completa di PC per l’automazione industriale e quadri di controllo. Dal monitor industriale o pannello touch, disponibili da 6,5“ a 21“, fino al Box PC con varie performance, DIVUS dispone di una vasta scelta di PC industriali assemblati con componentistica di alta qualità. La stessa libertà di configurazione caratterizza anche la nostra linea di PC rack. Tutte le esigenze del cliente vengono discusse sempre con la massima competenza e professionalità. Catalog/Brochure Customized IPC Solutions www.divus.eu 39 Über das DIVUS von DIVUSDOMUS DIVUS ist ein PC-Spezialist für professionelle Anwendungen und robustes Systemengineering. Durch jahrelange Erfahrung in Konstruktion und Bau von Industrie-PCs kennen wir die Anforderungen der Techniker und Planer ganz genau. Qualität, Performance und Zukunftssicherheit stehen bei uns an erster Stelle. Und durch eine schnelle und flexible Produktion haben wir immer das richtige Produkt für Sie. Vergleichen Sie selbst! About the DIVUS in DIVUSDOMUS DIVUS is a PC-Specialist for professional applications and system engineering. Due to the many years of experience in engineering and construction of Industrial-PCs we know exactly the needs and requests of the engineers and planners. Quality, performance and future-proof security are our main priorities. With our fast and flexible production, we always have the right product for you. Compare us yourself! L’esperienza DIVUS crea DIVUSDOMUS DIVUS è uno specialista di PC per applicazioni professionali ed engineering di sistemi robusti e affidabili. Grazie alla lunga esperienza nella progettazione e costruzione di PC industriali e conoscendo la Building Automation, DIVUS conosce esattamente le esigenze di tecnici e progettisti. Qualità, performance e sicurezza vengono per DIVUS sempre al primo posto. Inoltre, la produzione rapida e flessibile consente di avere sempre il prodotto giusto per ogni situazione. Confrontate con i vostri occhi! Headquarter DIVUS · Pillhof 51 · I-39057 Eppan/Appiano (BZ) Tel. +39 0471 633662 · Fax +39 0471 631829 www.divus-domus.eu · [email protected] DIVUS · Heubergstraße 21 · D-72631 Aichtal Tel. +49 7127 9606730 · Fax +49 7127 960269
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