TFNN,i - Lennard AG
TFNN,i - Lennard AG
TFNN,i MI ffiJ+\tzl tb DzafuAr Trucking Cotr PanY Driver ' ,'a' 0 i other r [-: -r3i r .7,,]h* ilt1.L.i \ jtN( BILL, (., ' i. P()# .,:j It 1t' 6! 3 u5529 Delivens: Aprpt Tinr:: t; :; r5 I Darte: Lopcl *l: :tl :] 11 ]I In,joiice t'o: P.p. Box 36r9 Spl"ingdale; r\R Phirne: (B00) 64 l6 o$lGlN: AIVI HOWE mpany,(.. Cohf #: ii'rrery D l. EiE:LL- i\Sf li .i | ,l r) Mr\l-,tlv: ,\PpLEOr'1 h: (f 1 {l) 5 :r: t: tCrustonrer: )O LLr. CAN4PREI-L SOUF, ltq 130 t30x 9193 (::)AN4DE:N, MA 0l20tt ) f1 rclerecl S r pped ,lC LLC 1 D,eseripiion Weight l:lus;set . bulk USA, . . Lt-D - I) AVOIDI REJ JIIEF TRI\I MUIS This insk instructecl, specilled under district TRUCKEFT re the face the driver at the Truckrlr informatio n reason ol contract is; inspectjor I . corlstitlrtes :r 'rren ShiFl is I , ii,Itly ar ( at tlre specil.i such others ari I ent over direct ii !c ver delaled for rc:: itri contri Dr',Ct Ont) fHES] rrarlts.th_ath: r. ,rt slnappar arxl will fLll. r clu ring rr. ).tme,plilr . L . L lruckei lva .aii|: ihi, ftrt :arries Ca ]e Ot Unload fll r r jt ( ,nl. n notation hin 30 days i ,r,: nl thc I :crfl:d in [iri. ] .opi. 'r I LJCI< i0 bt: s SUcf i-- Trucker rnay Delay of deli, )ry may leSUll I Trucker shall rnmediately nirl reached ot rf fucKqr ts Llna:i "Condition" a result of in F:ailure to r--aeiver - t, i :rlt pll r .ille t(l I 'ter or { age related i. tsit delav. C ,: aVatla rl f(l iecetV | 'iKet lo ASSU TE contact is I :s al danr, Jr cf tne p' jull;:,oned I acting on his own ay the charges lrropefly conveyed k) I essential sbps for .RE E:SSE:NTIAL PR I sound condition an J )rotec:tion ancl care of rmtsers to respect r Insurance which is ,ecifyrng the natur€ rvery recetpt. SHlpp , tne driver, and also normal rgent.tor hi-s tleco vcr) and frucker lor t.]e haul of "oxemot,, specfled. ||tc hauting service prov ded by I rLcher will tulfill wfltng, trltc.fe ilte deoarture of the tru(;k from shrDpinq Doif ervrcrng o'e(luiprrent,tnd for ooservanr;e of ru:jateri stSridar CUSI-( 45 AND FIULES ) dnver, siloNS roao VET S for aimed 'fo iOKEll- Truck Brokef ) or delay, and lf recovery cran be rsurance proceeds fcrr I Truc;ker is negligent Jeterrnine if cr receivet, Tfucker )ach either shipper of terver may result in a Juce v/hich may have )ont i own ih proofofthe allege,l F-THrs coN-fRr\cr FoR TRUCKritc pnopr.ldr the r€rcluirernents lor the haul olrth,s load, that the driv( o rnat ne w,lt ma(e all in transit reports as Instfucted. Driver r of ur rnspec.ton inspec.ion or o[ Ine the pfoduce tletore before untr)adinq, unt,tadinq.;;ol;r;;;; and/or oavrr In r rorce rhrolt,Jhout the period of this haut. ttCI'nf NOI'ATlON, tC>tl, ttie Ttie I mage charg_eilble to the the.Trucker, Tr'lcker, Futly.s Fully sJpportrird Jpportl:rd claim ctaim for ssr 11S^u^,?l-u'-!,j)ltl" ) possr0le )nc,cliV3 an(l imrned,ate Settiern,3nl C,f mo.jt claims rceiver an(t l'ruch_ Brokt;r. No respons.bility atta :nei tJsnipi )re ror payrncnt ol a ctaim on th,S load orr.y undr:r hisi seoaia )re, becoryre rnatt.lrs ot facr to lle proven i^,ith ajeq:at;"Jsir to Insurat.t(;c. Tru(;ker s,ill iclentify io the Inr;u.arrce 'a;;p;;; jount. DEt.AY. A'ry detay in tr.rns;t snould Oe o,omotiv 6ooi 0T rr oeirvery uvrvcr y shitlt r;r rilr be pnma facie oo prima li)cte evjdence evldence o.'Trur;kei's o" I IU(;ker's neo]iqe should be ot)tain()d tf availitbrc. lf an aqfeelneIt w,ill !ftrdent rnan .ii o'rtern inlnsr' lgil::r:t^::^l:l:labrv slall nc\/ertheless coniinlte to qilernt,t to i::ont;ct either "condition"damdqe rrue{rn ol or Fro!tng Fro!ing condttton tamdge shali sflait lie v/;th v/;[h llte ilre receir receiv cnang.ed.n tran!;rt l)y feasqn of frucker,s far,u-e to properlv r equariy rirJt)star'trar pfoof df U'lUteat lo:;s. I \l Jrf, tlrc pr rkcd, cor he iruck nabte properlv descr ined and destined as orl.iion Ees tc, be paici, r I I c rjar.t olr il ra Ji:l ii- .ri Dir (er, nante herein, if the terms and cr back hereof, which ), wherel SH IPPEIR t(l carry E ns of ihis ' if an1r. A..M P,M. CON{:ilcNE::E DA-I[::: P.M.