No Immunity for Negligent Hiring of Truckers
No Immunity for Negligent Hiring of Truckers
4 o THE LEGAL.I}ITELLIGEN9ER M O N D A Y ,J U N E 5 , 2 0 Q 6 N E-.Sfl,S ,i Nolmmunity for"N,egligent Hiringof,Trueker' BYMICHAELBOOT}I tractor tliat did so," she continued. New York's Camacho Mauro Mulholland, The court unanimously reversed lorver 'deblinescomment, courtrulings that dismissedBFI-NY on sumThe Puckreins were killed on June 22, hile there is generally no vicari: mary judgment, saying the cotrrts had mis1998, in North Plainfield, NJ., when their ous liability-foi indepehdentcon- read a piecedential niling thdt sets out the car wds Struckby a tractor-tniler containing ttactors' acts, a priricipal may be "incompetent contractdr" exception .to' the crushedglasswith a grossweight of 79,000 liable in New Jerseyfor negligent hiring ifit. geneial ininunity rule. pounds,which went through a'red light. A ' fails to makesurea truck it engagesis regisPaul Brandes,the lawyer for the estatesof statepoliceengineerlater determinedthattlie tered,inspected,insuredand driVenproperly; Kevin and Alecia Puckrein. said the court truck had, at most, 54 percentof the lequlred the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled last braking capacity week. The tractor-trailer was owned by -AII rhe justices, ii Puckrein v..ATI Transport Inc., a t-.{ewYork subsidiary of PaUl BfAndeS, IAWyef Vhe ?anipoft Inc,, held that Bro'wning-Ferris.Industries of World Carting Co., also of New York. BFI? Newyorkrnc.,aproviiterJ;il;;;r"- - fo, the estatesof Keuin NY had retained'World Carting to transport . . I . ment,recyclingan{sanitationservices,may .... I rt waste from New York Cify @ a Newarl< rl | f%C?feln' SAXL be heldliablefor thedearhsof a Somersei AnA.flrcCtt incinerator,Amdrican Ref-Fuel.' c"""'Y'T.r":*Pt I.a csllision witha the court chsed a hoohole The tractor-trailer was uninswed and t waste-nauung lrucK lt nao nrreo. , unregistered.The driver, Gaizka ldoeta, was "tet "o*n"nr whose cp,re-purpose is the- - --- thAt hAd AllOWed issued numerous tickets and was charged i tr"' " iollection and transpoitAtion of materidls on with manslaughter,for which he was acquitthc highwayshas a duty to usereasonable ted. The owner of World Carting and AII COfnPAnigS tO inSUlAte care in the hiring of an independent trucker Transport, John Stangle, pleaded guilty to a themSglUeS. includinga duty to makean inquiryinio tliat chargeof creatinga risk of widespreadinjury trucker's ability to travel legally on the high.or damage. i! ways," Justice Vrginia Long wrote for the A wrongftrl death suit. against multiple ': court.' . . closeda loophole.thathad-allowedcomila- defendantSfoltowed iir Somerset.County,but '"'At "The ruling said SuperiorCourt JudgeYolandaCicconegtanta minimum, BFI-NY was reqirired nies tciiirsulatethemselves, just io inquire wheiher its haulers had proper Oit Uig companiescan't hire gypsy ed summaryjudgment dismissing BFI-NY as 'dbfendants goods," arid registration because withtruckers carry their defaultto said Brandi:s,' a party, and the rest of the -instrance out thgse items-the hauler.had no right to of Marltori, NJ.'s Villari Brandes& Klihe. ed before the casecameto a ve_rdict.The $ I .7 be on the roa4. Just as BFI-NY its.ef ."It's one of the-first, if not the first, ruling million jutlgment was thus fe4flgred uncol. could,not have. transportedproducts in'..thdtbodifiestheqorqmontawgnthisissue.of,lectible. i . '. , , , Ciccsne, asd the'Appelgfe Division ri"nregistefbdand rininsiirbd tnicks; it was;r, liabiiity.:' .'."- ;':'r , :". i' :' ;: I , ,. ' ':'BFI+IrI-Y'S I iiot free to engage-dn independent con--, lawyer, ChristopheiMauro, oii TrucAernntinueJon 6 ALM . i ' But Lirng iuia tlut the lower courts'had iead Mavrikidis too narrowly. Iir that case, tlre principal hired a subbiinlractorto paVea contirudfrm 4 road. The plaintiff was noi iniured during the paving job bui during the traiisport of equippanel that affi.rmed, relied on Mavrikidis y. ment and piciductsto the job site; which was Petulo,inwhichtheeourtsaidthat"topre- peripheralto iiie paving funition. iTerice, vail against thd principal for 'hiring an ..r.therewasno evideircefrorti which the princi. incompetent contractor, a plaintiff must pal should have concludedthat the subconshow that the contractor was, in fact, tractor was incompetentio do th" work for incompetentor unskilled to perform thejob which it washired,Long observed. "By contraSt,.thevery job that BFI-I'ry. for which he/shewas hired, thai the harm that resulted arose out of that incompe- ,.hired,WcjrldCarting/ATl tci do'was to haul tence,and that the principal knew or -slrould. waste and recyclables.dcrossstate'.1iires," have known of dis, trrinsportation wasnot peripherdlto tlie BFI-NYAVprld to sur4maryjudgment, Long sdid. ,,At the carting contract,it wasthe coiitiact.Hadthat very ieast,thereasonableness ofits inquiry to been the cdse in Mavrikidisl we have no World Czirtingwai; a jury issde,'ishewrote. doubt tlatthe iesult would have beendiffer- . "Even ii ii Jodti bo proved that bFI-Ny ent." ftade reasonableincjuiry of Woiid Carting at Trucker Long ddded, "Urilike the clairirs in the time of its original retenrion, its duty did Mavrikidis,' licensirig, registration, and ' not end there." insurance are, under our law, the sine qda Pidiirtfrr lawyer Braades iiid he witl seek ndd to the transport of goods on the roadcompedsatory and punitivri dimages frcim - Allied Waste Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz., the ways." Thus, the only question was "whether BFIcountry's second-largestwaste-hauler, which NY violated its duty to' use reasonable care in bought Browningferris in 1999. selecting g trucker zind whether itknew or This ariicle.originally appeared in rhe -. shorild have knowri bf World Carting'q . New Jersey Law Jorirnal; a publication of '.A,LM: ,; incoinpetence," and BFI-NY was not dntitled