2012 1st Q JanuaryMa.. - Mile High Rottweiler Club
2012 1st Q JanuaryMa.. - Mile High Rottweiler Club
Newsletter published by and for the Mile High Rottweiler Club Of Greater Denver, Colorado January-March 2012 Tcbrotts is proud to introduce BOS CH Skywinds Langley V Leehaus Mile High Rottweiler Club www.MileHighRotties.org Tcbrotts is proud to introduce “Jet” Index Page Advertisers BOS CH Skywinds Langley V Leehaus Finishing BOW and BOS in Cheyenne DOB: 2/13/2006 OFA hips: RO68928G25F-PI Elbows grade 1 Cerf: RO-6379/2008-25 Heart: RO-CA3286/24F/C-PI Sire: CH Darkstarr's Silver Vondietrich CD RN WS03874805 Dam: SIN-CYR'S-OUT-FOR-JUSTICE WR03267904 Fountain Front Cover Holt & Deal Back Cover Hernandez Owner: Brenda Haskin & Shannon Fountain Breeders: Brenda & Glenn Haskin TCBROTTS.COM 6 Haynes 8-9 Looker 15 Temperament Test 7 Offspring Sire: Multi BIS/BISS Select 1 CH Carter’s Noble Shaka Zulu CHIC # 16328 ELBOW: Degenerative Joint Disease I Unilateral Right HIPS # RO-64061G24M-PI CERF # RO-4821 CARDIAC # RO-CA1495/24M/C-PI UKC/CH Tcbrotts Shaka Bogus CHIC# 77844 Tcb’s Shaka Sarabi Tcb’sShaka Vitani CHIC#77843 UKC/CH TCB Skywind’s Shaka Nahla CHIC# 77845 Tcb’s Amahle V Shaka Zulu Sire: Am. Can. CH Marlo’s Bello Soldato TT, CGC CHIC# 53295 CERF# RO-5902 HIPS # RO-68560G44M-VPI CARDIAC # RO-CA3438/41M/P-PI Club Information Tcb’s Lord of the Ring Lord Sauron TCB Skywind Arwen’s Fallen Angel Tcb's Rosie Cotton True Love Tcb's Pipin Curly Tcbrotts Strider Tcb's Frodo Baggins The Ring Bearer Tcb's Samewise Gamgee Thewisefriend 2012 April Carting Test 10 2012 Schedule 11 Membership 11 Membership list 12-13 President’s Message 5 Secretary’s Notes 4 Treasurer’s Report 14 Officers of the Mile High Rottweiler Club President Charlie Catto Vice President Bill Garner 303-841-4912 [email protected] 303-805-8764 [email protected] Available Covers Secretary Randi Garske 303-663-6382 [email protected] Back Covers Treasurer Janna Morgan 303-745-0222 [email protected] “April-June 2012“ Directors Ellen O'Connell 303-841-3866 [email protected] Bernie McDowell 303-526-7520 [email protected] Teresa Williams 303-840-8909 [email protected] Dean Thomas 303-758-7877 [email protected] Jill Hehr 303-808-7112 [email protected] Next Deadline: June 15, 2012 Committees ARC/AKC-Legislative Liaison Breeder Referral Membership 2 Newsletter Editor Randi Garske 303-663-6382 [email protected] Geula Resnick 303-588-5588 [email protected] Teresa Williams 303-840-8909 [email protected] Michal Deal 308-436-9118 [email protected] BRAGS Am/Can CH Evrmor's Westwind V Maplemor CD,RN,HSAsc,HIAs,CIst,STDc,HTDs,HRDs, Can HT,TT,CGC Congratulations Patty and " Zephyr" on making the #9 spot with ARC 2nd Quarter Herding Stats. Debbie Haynes Maplemor's first Champion Tracker/MACH 3 !!!!!! CT MACH 3 Maplemor's Be Vewy Quiet v Evrmor VST,OF,MX,MXJ,CGC - Congratulations Cindy and " Little Miss Maggie " MACH 4 is just around the corner now............. Debbie Haynes Maplemor's youngest Champion Tracker ( we believe the youngest Rottweiler in AKC ) at 18 months of age - CT Maplemor Danishalberta Clipper VST,OA,OAJ - WOW!!!!! Cindy and " Clipper Roo ". Clipper also made #4 spot in ARC 3rd Quarter Open Jumpers and #10 in Open Standard.......... Debbie Haynes Am/Can CH Maplemor Bring it on to Evrmor Am/Can CD, RE, Can RA, HSAs, Can HS, Can SDS, JHD, CIst, TDX, Can TD, MX, MXJ, XF, Can AGX, AGXJ, TT, CGC - "Brita" made ARC 3rd Quarter #8 Excellent Standard and picked up 2 more double Q's toward her MACH title and completed her 750 points that are also needed at the end of January YIPPEE!!!! Debbie Haynes Advertising Rates and Policies Front Cover $50.00 Back Cover $40.00 Full Page w/Photo(s) $30.00 Upcoming Litter (1/4 page) $5.00 Bragging Free Rescue Listings Free Commercial rates available for qualifying advertisers. Front Cover is limited to MHRC members; except for BOB at our Specialty. Cover Rottweiler must have one of the following; AKC Championship, any working title, BIS/BISS, Group Placement, BOB/BOS/BOW at a Specialty, High in Trial or major pointed, Award of Merit or other Achievement Award. One cover per member per year, first paid first reserved. "MHRC is a Code of Ethics club. This requires that for any upcoming breeding, litter or at stud announcement, both the sire and dam must have passed hips and eyes. The OFA # for hips and CERF # for eyes must be included in the announcement." All ads should be camera ready. A camera ready ad is one that will be used AS IS. Non-camera ready ads are $30 additional. Please Print your ad in Black & White before sending your ad in so you know what it will look like in the newsletter. Brags should be no more than a couple lines. And they are Free. 3 Secretary’s Notes Board meeting – Thursday, January 19, 2012. Essential Pets, Parker, CO Meeting called to order at 7:15 by President Charlie Catto Members present: Charlie Catto, Randi Garske, Jill Hehr, Teresa Williams, Ellen O’Connell, Bill Garner, Janna Morgan, Dean Thomas, Bernie McDowell Guests: Jayne Catto Quorum: yes Reading of previous meeting minutes waived no additions or corrections. Minutes stand as read Treasurer’s report: $3,034.89.; Secretary’s report: Judges are set for September (see below for more info)) Committees: Membership: No changes to membership. Unfinished Business: O2 Masks: J. Hehr – working with the Weld County 4-H for assistance with this project. Jill to contact Terry All for space for a fund raiser Tracking Test: C. Soloway to chair; L. Kaemmemmer (Denver Foothills) to secretary. The test will be the 3 rd weekend in October. Denver Foothills has agreed to assist with guidance and support. Code of Ethics: E. O’Connell is working through the COE. The easiest way to revise is to reference the ARC (American Rottweiler Club) Mandatory Practices September Specialty: Trophies: J. Catto & B. McDowell; Judges: Sweeps: Vickie Harris (Dobermans), Conformation: Eva Berg (Don Carmody passed away); Obedience & Rally: Sharing judges with the Berner Club – Carol Evans for Obedience and Karen Lamb for Rally; Looking for another company for ribbons (E. O’Connell) Herding Test/Trial: Scheduled for 3rd weekend in June. B. McDowell chair. Working on hiring judges. Trial to be held at Cappy Pruett’s location. ATTS: B. Garner has scheduled the TT for July 14 at Boulder County Fairgrounds. Testers have been selected. Fliers have been posted. Carting Test: 2 tests in one day – April 28 at Boulder County Fairgrounds; J. Hehr – Chair; Secretary – E. O’Connell; Judges – Laura Wright-Smith, Geula Resnick. J. Hehr is donating a perpetual trophy to carting. Day of entries will be allowed for test 2. Standing Rules: The Board is putting together a list of standing rules, based on action taken by the Board and membership over the past several years. New Business: Nominating Committee: T. Williams to chair Obedience Trial: Discussion about the club hosting an obedience/rally trial in 2013. Tabled until next meeting. No further business. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 Thomas, Bernie McDowell Guests: Jayne Catto Quorum: yes Reading of previous meeting minutes waived no additions or corrections. Minutes stand as read Treasurer’s report: $2,290.13 Secretary’s report: The club received a thank from Paula Swartz for the flowers Committees: Membership: Membership list has been uploaded to AKC. No changes to membership. Meeting set for Terry-All. Looking at dates in May and June for the annual meeting. Short discussion on changing membership application process. If a new member is sponsored, they may join as a regular member. If a new member is not sponsored, they are an associate member for the first year. Unfinished Business: O2 Masks: J. Hehr – Terry-All charges $50 for booth space at the show. We will not be setting up a booth for the O2 mask project. Code of Ethics: E. O’Connell is working through the COE. The easiest way to revise is to reference the ARC (American Rottweiler Club) Mandatory Practices Carting Test: Test is on track. Premium list has been published to the yahoo groups and to the MHRC website. Jill to send premium list to the President of Canyon State Rottweiler Club. Herding Test/Trial: Jim Hartnagle has been hired to judge. Waiting to hear back from John Holman. Sheep and ducks this year, no cattle as Cappy Pruett has not been able to find a source of cattle. Tracking Test: Scheduled for Oct 21. Paperwork has been submitted to AKC and the event has been approved. J. Morgan to fill out insurance paperwork. DFTA is holding at tracklyaing seminar on April 28 (same day as the carting test). R. Garske to ask DFTA if they will hold a seminar for the club. September Specialty: D. Garnett has given the ribbons left over from Nationals to J. Catto. E. O’Connell to work on finding another company to supply the ribbons. Event is approved. J. Morgan to send in request for insurance and to send EKC the deposit check for the specialty. ATTS: B. Garner received the packet from ATTS for the temperament test. He is checking on sources for equipment. Standing Rules: The Board is putting together a list of standing rules, based on action taken by the Board and membership over the past several years. Nominating Committee: T. Williams, K. Gilden and L. Wright -Smith are the committee. They are working on the list of nominees New Business: Obedience Trial: Discussion about the club hosting an obedience/rally trial in 2013. Tabled until next meeting. Yahoo group: J. Morgan moved and B. Garner seconded to put a member of the yahoo group on moderation until further notice. Board meeting – Thursday, March 15, 2012. Essential Pets, No further business. Parker, CO Meeting adjourned at 9:30 Meeting called to order at 7:15 by President Charlie Catto Members present: Charlie Catto, Randi Garske, Jill Hehr, Teresa Williams, Ellen O’Connell, Bill Garner, Janna Morgan, Dean 4 Message from the Board of Directors A few weeks ago, a family member was in court in Fort Lupton for a minor traffic offense. As outlined in the letter below, the judge made a negative comment about Rottweilers concerning a separate case. I felt compelled to defend our wonderful breed with a letter to the judge. Fort Lupton already has BSL in place for Pit Bulls. While I live outside city limits near Fort Lupton, this BSL attitude is still unacceptable to me. Below is the body of the letter. When writing such a letter, it is easy for us to become emotional and defensive when speaking for our voiceless companions, but I urge you to use language that is professional, polite, concise, and fact-filled. No one wants hate mail – rather, use logic and facts to open their closed minds. The content I used in paragraphs 3-5 are taken directly from ARC’s website (www.amrottclub.org) and two great sites that help fight against BSL every day: www.blessthebullys.com and www.defendingdog.com. These sites are great resources to help stop BSL and educate closed minds. The pen is mightier than the sword…use it! Dear Honorable [judge’s name], On March 14, 2012 a family member was in your court for a traffic violation. During this time, there was also a court appearance by a dog owner whose dog bit a person when said person reached his hand over the dog owner’s property fence (my family does not know the plaintiff or defendant in this case). The dog in question is a Rottweiler and you stated that Rottweilers are a “dangerous breed.” No one breed as a whole is bad, the same as no one race of humans is bad. It is important to recognize that a dog, any breed of dog, is the result of his training, socialization, and the environment he has been placed in. The Rottweiler is an ancient breed of German origin that has served man nobly for centuries, primarily as a herding and carting dog. In more recent times, the dog has been used for therapy work, tracking, herding, police work, and primarily as a companion animal. It is only within recent years that the Rottweiler has emerged as the "guard dog of the moment", and experienced the overpopulation that comes with this recognition. The answer to dangerous dogs can be found in generic Dangerous Dog Laws (and not breed-specific legislation) which address the underlying cause of most dog-related deaths and injuries – irresponsible dog ownership. Any dog can bite – Any dog can be made aggressive and be trained to attack. Despite all the studies on dog bites, the American Veterinary Medical Association has found that no single breed is more dangerous than another. Rather, studies show the most popular breeds at any given time tend to top the list because, of course, there are more of those dogs in the general population. It may seem to the general public, who is constantly bombarded with disturbing reports on dog attacks by so-called “dangerous breeds,” that these breeds harm humans with any great regularity. However, the fact remains that some dog breeds are hot news items. Dogs of all breeds and mixes bite and attack people all the time, but it is mainly the bites from so-called “dangerous breeds” that get sensationalized. Any dog, regardless of its breed, is only as dangerous as its owner allows it to be. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Jill Hehr 5 Off to a Great Start! Majestc Huckleberry Finn V Ironstone, CGC ‘Finn’ Best of Winners - Major Win - Peak to Peak Working Dog Show 2/16/12 – 1st show @ 8 months old Thanks to Judge Lew Olson for this recognition and to Roxanne Denboer for her expert handling Congratulations to owners Karen Hart & Rob MacDonald & breeders Mary Ann Hernandez, Donna Dolezal & Roxanne Denboer MajestcRottweilers Mary A. Hernandez, [email protected], 970-217-8956 Dam: ‘Berry’ Multi-BOS, SG1, Multi V-1 Rated AM/UKC/UCI CH MajestcHuckle Bears Point RE,RO1,HT,PT,JHD,CGC,TT,CS(ARC #2 2008),CI (ARC #3 2010),DD,NAP,NJP,OJP CHIC # 58966 passing Sire: ‘Mick’ BISS, Multi V1, UCI, AM GCH, Multi Group 3, Multi BOB & BOSVom Broz's Mick V RamzesCD, BH, CGC, HIC 2010BISS – MHRC Specialty 2010 CHIC # 52637 passing 6 AMERICAN TEMPERAMENT TEST SOCIETY, INC. (ATTS) © 1994 PO Box 800130 · Balch Springs, TX 75180 · (972) 557-2887 · AMERICAN TEMPERAMENT TEST SOCIETY, INC. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERN THIS TEMPERAMENT TEST EVALLATION ALL-BREED TEMPERAMENT TEST (LICENSED BY THE AMERICAN TEMPERAMENT TEST SOCIETY, INC.) HOSTED BY Friends of Mile High Rottweiler Club Of Greater Denver DATE: July 14, 2012 Time: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. LOCATION: Boulder County Fairgrounds. DIRECTIONS: I-25 exit #240, CO 119 West towards Longmont, right at Nelson Rd, then West on Nelson Rd to 9595 Nelson Rd, Fairgrounds on your right. PRE-ENTRIES BY: July 1st, 2012. Will take day of Test entries up to maximum of 45 entries. Minimum Age = 18 months. ENTRY FEE: $40.00 (U.S) / $45.00 DAY OF SHOW. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: MHRC SEND ENTRIES TO: William Garner 11229 Jordan Ct Parker, CO 80134 DOGS PASSING THE TEMPERAMENT TEST WILL BE ISSUED A “TT”-NUMBER AND A CERTIFICATE FROM THE AMERICAN TEMPERAMENT TEST SOCIETY Permission for holding this event, according to the rules and regulations of the American Temperament Test Society, has been granted by the American Temperament Test Society, Inc. A SOUND MIND IN A SOUND BODY COPYRIGHT 1994, AMERICAN TEMPERAMENT TEST SOCIETY, INC. 7 Belgium Jr Winner, AKC CH Am/Can AOM CH Hugo v.h. Falconsnest Quickfire Calln All Divas v Maplemor CERF # RO-7453 CD, RA, CGC, TT, TDI CERF # RO-7288 HIPS #RO-71233G24M-VPI HIPS #RO-70345G24F-VPI CHIC #70225 CHIC #66927 “Hugo” PUPPIES DUE: MARCH 23 COI:1.1% 8 “Ava” 9 2012 April Carting Test April 28, 2012 Boulder County Fairgrounds Longmont, CO Judges: Geula Resnick - AM Test Laura Wright-Smith - PM Test Day-of entries allowed for PM test Move-ups are allowed in the PM test Test Committee: Test Chair: Jill Hehr Test Secretary: Ellen O'Connell Premium List is posted on the MHRC website and Yahoo! group 10 MHRC Schedule 2012 Board Meetings, General Membership & Events Board meetings - 7 to 9 at Essential Pets, Parker CO (unless otherwise indicated) on Thursdays May 15 July 19 September 20 November 15 General Meetings - 7 to 9 - Location: Essential Pets, 17920 Cottonwood Drive, Parker, CO 80134 Sunday April 15 in the Red Cross building at the TerryAll showgrounds, 30 minutes after Rottweiler judging. May 17 August 16 October 20 Carting Test April 28 2 tests in one day – at Boulder County Fairgrounds Herding Test/Trial June 23 & 24 Chair: Bernie McDowell Tracking Test October 20 & 21 Events Membership New Membership: "As per MHRC Bylaws, any comments regarding any application for membership shall be made in writing and submitted to the Secretary within 45 days of the publication of this newsletter and will be reviewed by the board which will be charged with making the final decision regarding membership." Family membership: SECTION 2. Dues. Individual membership dues shall be $25.00 per year. Family membership dues shall be $30.00 per year. Junior membership dues and Associate membership dues shall be $20.00 per year. All dues shall be payable on or before the first day of June of each year. No member may vote whose dues are not paid for the current year. During the month of April, the membership chairman shall send to each member a statement of his dues for the ensuing year. 11 Members of the Mile High Rottweiler Club of Greater Denver 12 Barcus Barlow Brownstein Bruinsma Budd Burke Callahan Carr Carter Terry Colleen Tonya Dede & Mark Sharon Elizabeth & David Teresa Ann Valerie & Michael Paula Denver Centennial Albuquerque Strasburg Denver Pensacola Tijeras Pine Junction Aurora CO CO NM CO CO FL NM CO CO 80239 80122 87122 80136 80220 32507 87059 80470 80015 Catto Christie Cochran Consentino Costanzo Craig Cruz Cyr Deal Dinetz Jayne & Charles Theresa Joanne Maria Diana & Frank David Karon Dodie Susan & Michal Greg & Wendy Parker Strasburg Aurora Highlands Ranch New City Sterling Edgewater Strasburg Gering Lone Tree CO CO CO CO NY CO CO CO NE CO 80134-6347 80136-8916 80011 80130 10956 80751-3016 80214-1102 80136 69341 80124 Dolezal Fountain Garner Garnett Garske Gilden Girard Gruenerwald Haskin Donna Shannon William G & Barbara Diane Randi Karen Susan Dorothea Brenda Loveland Aurora Parker Aurora Castle Rock LaSalle Morrison Colorado Springs Aurora CO CO CO C0 CO CO CO CO CO 80537 80010 80134-7662 80016 81091 80645 80465 80960 80015 Haynes Hazlitt Hehr (Pellis) Hernandez Holt Hooper Hunter Kellgren Deborah Patti Jill Mary Ann Kristin Kathy Michael & Gerri Carol Calgary Thornton Brighton Loveland Elizabeth Riverton Pueblo Fort Collins AB CO CO CO CO WY CO CO T2J 0G1 80241 80603 80538 80107 82501 81007 80524 Members of the Mile High Rottweiler Club of Greater Denver Lane Looker Malotaux Marsell Maurer McDowell McGinty Moenning Morgan Kim Marie Jeanne Annick Jason & Ami Ann Bernie Susan & Mark Philip Janna Longmont Fort Lupton Castle Rock Denver Manitou Springs Golden Aurora Estes Park Aurora CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 80501-6609 80621 80109 80205 80829-2054 80401 80011-7504 80517 80014-1726 Novak DVM O'Connell Peterson Resnick Reynolds Robinson Rogers Scherk Schneidmiller Soloway Raven Ellen Heather & Jim Geula Sandy Marth Sherry Paula Patty Cindy Cheyenne Parker Littleton Denver Lakewood Westminster Tijeras Fort Lupton Fort Collins Elizabeth WY CO CO CO CO CO NM CO CO CO 82009 80138 80127 80206 80215-1718 80031-2038 87059 80621-4126 80521 80107 Suarez Swartz Thomas Voorhees White Williams Williams-Weinberger Wright-Smith Zipp Vickie & Zoilo Paula Dean & Julie Shelley Penelope Teresa Shanna Chuck & Laura Joe & Becki Colorado Springs Brighton Denver Centennial Englewood Parker Centennial New Castle Platteville CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 80915 80602-5655 80210 80121-3234 80113-6841 80134 80121 81647 80651 13 14 Brush Creek Rottweilers and I’Deal Rottweilers present the Plato x Keira repeat breeding Brush Creeks Minute of Angle “Ember” Brush Creeks I’Deal Gatekeeper “Sunny” The Lookers and Deals are thrilled that our babies are having success their first times out at the matches and shows. We were excited that Ember took a Best of Breed Puppy under breeder judge Bill Lee at the CKC shows, and congratulations to the Dassels for Sunny’s Best of Opposite win. Not to be outdone, Xerxes, Nani, and Rio have also taken placements, Best Puppy at matches, and Group placements. Big Kudos to Grady for taking Winners Dog and points four weeks later in Garden City!! With Keira’s working drive and Plato’s steadiness, all six are showing great work ethics. Four of the six are tracking regularly with their housemates and all have had forays into carting. 15 Introducing Brush Creek’s Chances Are I’Deal “Grady” Grady took his first 2 points at 6 months young at his first show! Thanks to Jeanne Looker and Susan Deal for letting me share my life with this beautiful boy. Thank you Janine for spoiling him rotten and showing him so nicely. Owners: Kristin Holt and Susan Deal - I’Deal Rottweilers Breeder: Jeanne Looker – Brush Creek Rottweilers Sire: Multi-V1, Multi BOB, BOS, UKC, Int’l, AKC CH Eigenstate’s Great I’Deal CGC, RN, CS, CSt 16 Dam: AKC Pointed, BOB, BOS Dark Luck V Galecrest RE, TT, CS, CSt, CI, HT, JHD