October 2011 - Rottweiler Club of SA Inc
October 2011 - Rottweiler Club of SA Inc
The official publication of the Rottweiler Club of South Australia Inc ABN 85297075909 Affiliated Club of the National Rottweiler Council (Aust) Contents Office Bearers Page 3 President Message Page 4 Merchandise Page 5 Merchandise Order Form Page 6 Membership Form Page 7 Obedience Results July Page 8 Obedience Results August Page 9 Obedience Results September Page 10 Obedience Results October Page 11 Invitation Christmas Break Up Page 12 AGM Notice Page 13 Postal Votes Page 14 2010 AGM Minutes Page15 & 16 Dogs SA Open Day Photos Page 17 Herding Page 18 Point Scores 1 & 2 Page 19 Point Scores 4 & 5 Page 20 Point Scores 6 Page 21 Point Scores 7/SA Champshow Results Page 22 & 23 Victoria Champshow Results Page 24 & 25 Sieger/Siegerin Competition 2011 Page 26 & 27 Nationals WA Page 28 & 29 Royal Adelaide Show Breeders Team Class Page 30 jGwG hGjGh G~GwSGGiGwGGqGtGt G Z_GjGzGvGYWXXG jvunyh{|sh{pvuzGG iSGqGGrGTGiGGzG Rottweiler Review October 2011 2 ROTTWEILER CLUB OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC ABN 85297075909 GPO BOX 324, ADELAIDE SA 5001 PATRONS Jan Creek OFFICE BEARERS 2011 PRESIDENT National Delegate VIC HOLDER 0422 227 359 [email protected] SECRETARY Public Officer, Sponsorship / Fundraising & Merchandise Officer JOSIE EIFFE 8332 6933 0409 093 309 [email protected] TREASURER Point Score Officer BRIGETTA PALMER 0412 242 394 [email protected] COMMITTEE MEMBER Catering Manager LEEZA HOLDER 0412 841 332 [email protected] COMMITTEE MEMBER Editor, Website Manager TANIA MITCHELL 0419 833 828 [email protected] COMMITTEE MEMBER Trophy Officer JULIE BOOTS COMMITTEE MEMBER National Delegate DENNIS GATEHOUSE COMMITTEE MEMBER Obedience Records NOLA HENDER 0433 818 757 [email protected] COMMITTEE MEMBER JENNIE GIBSON 0400 400 948 [email protected] 0401 302 862 [email protected] 08 8536 3197 [email protected] LIFE MEMBERS: Jan Creek, Josie Eiffe, Robyn Rogers All correspondence to both the Rottweiler Club of SA Inc (R.C.S.A) and National Rottweiler Council(Aust) [N.R.C. (A)] should be addressed to: The Secretary GPO Box 324, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Rottweiler Review October 2011 3 For those of you who have devoted time and effort through out the year I applaud you. For those of you who have whinged and whined I have ignored you. For those of you who can see a bright future I adore you. And for those of you who produce negativity, please find another breed. This year has been a real eye opener for me. My first year on the committee and here I stand as president. The Rottweiler is the most dedicated friend I have and for he I shall Commit. I can only hope this next year is as successful as any other and that the members are as passionate about their dogs as they have been in past years. I wish every Rottweiler the best for Christmas and the upcoming new year and may they be cared for in the manner they deserve. We are their guardians and guard we must. Vic Holder Rottweiler Review October 2011 4 Mens Polo Black / Gold Sizes: M, L, XL Womens Polo Black / Gold Sizes: 14 - 20 Contrast Polar Fleece Black / Gold Sizes: M, L, XL Fleece Hoodie Black Sizes: M, L, XL Sun Visor Black Rottweiler Review October 2011 5 ROTTWEILER CLUB OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC ABN 85 297 075 909 GPO Box 324 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Name: Address: Contact Number: Email: Product Qty Total Price Mens Polo $35 M x L x XL x Womens Polo 14 x $35 16 x 18 x Contrast Polar Fleece M x L x 20 x $55 XL x Fleece Hoodie M x Total Price $60 L x Sun Visor XL x $15 Total Please make cheques payable to: The Rottweiler Club of SA Inc DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL Rottweiler Review October 2011 6 The Rottweiler Club of SA Inc ABN: 85 297 075 909 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP - 2012 (due 21 days after the AGM every year) Send to: RCSA Membership Secretary GPO Box 324 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Telephone 0417 870 784 Name(s): Mr; Mrs; Ms; Miss …………………………………………………………………… Address:……………………………………………………………………………P/C……………. Contact Number:………………………Email………………………………………………..……. SACA Member: YES/NO Membership No(s):……………………………….. Registered Breeders Kennel Prefix: ……………………………………………………………... Breed of Dog …………………………………………………………………………………………. I/We hereby apply to The Rottweiler Club of South Australia Inc for membership, for the 2012 financial year. NEW RENEWAL FROM LAST YEAR PREVIOUS TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE Single Membership: (incl GST) $30.00 (Rottweiler owners only) Covering any one person of 17 years or above Double Membership: (incl GST) $35.00 (Rottweiler owners only) Covering any two people of 17 years or above, from one family, residing at the same address OR Any two people who are partners in the conduct of a Kennel, having Kennel Prefix in their joint names registered with SACA each being entitled to vote. (Both signatures are required on this application) Junior Membership: (incl GST) $16.50 (Rottweiler owners only) Covering any one person less than 17 years of age. (Juniors do not have voting rights) Additional Junior Member: (incl GST) $5.50 (Rottweiler owners only) Covering subsequent junior members in the same family. (Juniors do not have voting rights) *Associate Membership: (incl GST) $25.00 (*Non Pure Bred Rottweiler owners only*) Covering any person (Associate Members do not have voting rights and limited membership benefits but are entitled to receive a quarterly magazine) Family Membership: (incl GST) $40.00 (Rottweiler owners only) (2 ADULTS & 2 CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS) Breeder referal membership (inc GST) $10.00 (Rottweiler owners only) Covering any person, this membership has no voting rights, no right to Trophy Awards, Breeder must be current RCSA financial member. Breeder Signature…………………… New Memberships paid in the last 5 months of the year – HALF price ** MEMBERSHIPS DUE BY 21/12/2011 & Valid until 31/10/2012** Please find enclosed a Cheque/Money Order to the value of $…………… Make cheques payable to The Rottweiler Club of SA Inc. DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL I/We agree to be bound by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Rottweiler Club of SA Inc and to adhere to the Club’s Code of Ethics as My/Our contribution to the Rottweiler breed, and to be party only to honourable dealings which will reflect favourably on the breed and the Club. SIGNATURE (S):…………………………/…………………………… DATE:……………………. (Please enclose a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope) Office Use Only: Date Received Receipt Number Obedience Y/N Handbook R’cd Authorised by (initials) JULY GRADUATIONS 2011 Dog Of The Month: Dog Of The Month: Grade 4 Graduation: Grade 1 Graduation: Happiest Worker Award: Encouragement Award: Loukia Tomlinson & Mia Jenny Kuhl & Tilly Jenny Kuhl & Tilly Caitlin Whitehead & Halo Kelly Radcliffe & Bodie Michelle McDonald & Chief TOP DOGS FOR 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Nola Hender & Stella Russell Turner & Jet Jennie Gibson & Jethro James Jezukaitis & Kaycee Loukia Thomlinson & Mia Tania Mitchell & Bender Marco & Debra Grimaldi & Gucci Andy Tiver & Hachi Jenny Kuhl & Tilly Emilie Buchanan & Stanley Narelle Medlicott & Taeger Gina Squire & Fabio Loukia Thomlinson & Jake Christina Frigo & Ruby Brigetta Palmer & Scud Michael McDonald & Chief Brigetta Palmer & Kito Beverly Chapman & Hugo Dave Segneri & Thunder Julie Chapman & Pumpkin Brigetta Palmer & Precious Julie Chapman & Arnie Charmaine Lubrig & Razzee Others 5 Points and under 28 Points 24 Points 23 Points 23 Points 23 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 19 Points 18 Points 17 Points 17 Points 17 Points 15 Points 12 Points 11 Points 11 Points 9 Points 9 Points 8 Points 8 Points 6 Points 6 Points POINTS ARE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS Attendance Graduation Encouragement Award Happiest Worker Dog of the Month Rottweiler Review October 2011 1 1 2 1 3 Point Point Points Point Points 8 AUGUST GRADUATIONS 2011 Dog Of The Month: Grade 3 Graduation: Happiest Worker Award: Encouragement Award: Loukia Tomlinson & Jake Loukia Tomlinson & Jake Evie Read & Cooper Michelle McDonald & Chief TOP DOGS FOR 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Nola Hender & Stella Jennie Gibson & Jethro Loukia Thomlinson & Mia James Jezukaitis & Kaycee Russell Turner & Jet Andy Tiver & Hachi Loukia Thomlinson & Jake Emilie Buchanan & Stanley Jenny Kuhl & Tilly Marco & Debra Grimaldi & Gucci Tania Mitchell & Bender Narelle Medlicott & Taeger Gina Squire & Fabio Christina Frigo & Ruby Michael McDonald & Chief Brigetta Palmer & Kito Brigetta Palmer & Scud Beverly Chapman & Hugo Dave Segneri & Thunder Julie Chapman & Pumpkin Brigetta Palmer & Precious Charmaine Lubrig & Razzee Kelly Radcliffe & Bodie Julie Chapman & Arnie Others 5 Points and under 31 Points 26 Points 26 Points 25 Points 25 Points 23 Points 23 Points 22 Points 22 Points 21 Points 21 Points 19 Points 18 Points 15 Points 15 Points 15 Points 12 Points 9 Points 9 Points 8 Points 8 Points 8 Points 6 Points 6 Points POINTS ARE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS Attendance Graduation Encouragement Award Happiest Worker Dog of the Month Rottweiler Review October 2011 1 1 2 1 3 Point Point Points Point Points 9 SEPTEMBER GRADUATIONS 2011 Dog Of The Month: Grade 4 Graduation: Grade 4 Graduation Grade 1 Graduation: Happiest Worker Award: Encouragement Award: Andy Tiver & Hachi Andy Tiver & Hachi James Jezukaitis & Kaycee Trish Osterman & Chucky Evie Read & Cooper Emilie Buchanan & Stanley TOP DOGS FOR 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Nola Hender & Stella Jennie Gibson & Jethro James Jezukaitis & Kaycee Andy Tiver & Hachi Loukia Thomlinson & Mia Russell Turner & Jet Emilie Buchanan & Stanley Loukia Thomlinson & Jake Jenny Kuhl & Tilly Marco & Debra Grimaldi & Gucci Tania Mitchell & Bender Narelle Medlicott & Taeger Gina Squire & Fabio Christina Frigo & Ruby Michael McDonald & Chief Brigetta Palmer & Kito Brigetta Palmer & Scud Beverly Chapman & Hugo Dave Segneri & Thunder Evie Read & Cooper Kelly Radcliffe & Bodie Julie Chapman & Pumpkin Brigetta Palmer & Precious Charmaine Lubrig & Razzee Caitlin Whitehead & Halo Narelle Medlicott & Arley Julie Chapman & Arnie Others 5 Points and under 35 Points 30 Points 30 Points 29 Points 29 Points 28 Points 27 Points 26 Points 26 Points 24 Points 23 Points 21 Points 19 Points 16 Points 16 Points 16 Points 12 Points 9 Points 9 Points 9 Points 9 Points 8 Points 8 Points 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 6 Points POINTS ARE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS Attendance Graduation Encouragement Award Happiest Worker Dog of the Month Rottweiler Review October 2011 1 1 2 1 3 Point Point Points Point Points 10 OCTOBER GRADUATIONS 2011 Grade 1 Graduation: Grade 1 Graduation Kelly Redcliffe & Bodie Evie Read & Cooper TOP DOGS FOR 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 17. Nola Hender & Stella James Jezukaitis & Kaycee Andy Tiver & Hachi Loukia Thomlinson & Mia Jennie Gibson & Jethro Russell Turner & Jet Loukia Thomlinson & Jake Emilie Buchanan & Stanley Jenny Kuhl & Tilly Tania Mitchell & Bender Marco & Debra Grimaldi & Gucci Narelle Medlicott & Taeger Gina Squire & Fabio Christina Frigo & Ruby Michael McDonald & Chief Brigetta Palmer & Kito Evie Read & Cooper Brigetta Palmer & Scud Kelly Radcliffe & Bodie Charmaine Lubrig & Razzee Beverly Chapman & Hugo Dave Segneri & Thunder Julie Chapman & Pumpkin Brigetta Palmer & Precious Caitlin Whitehead & Halo Narelle Medlicott & Arley Brigetta Palmer & Chucky Julie Chapman & Arnie Others 5 Points and under 38 Points 32 Points 31 Points 31 Points 30 Points 29 Points 28 Points 27 Points 26 Points 25 Points 24 Points 22 Points 19 Points 16 Points 16 Points 16 Points 13 Points 12 Points 12 Points 10 Points 9 Points 9 Points 8 Points 8 Points 8 Points 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points POINTS ARE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS Attendance Graduation Encouragement Award Happiest Worker Dog of the Month Rottweiler Review October 2011 1 1 2 1 3 Point Point Points Point Points 11 May the Joy and Peace of Christmas Be with you throughout the year! Best wishes from The President & Committee of The Rottweiler Club of SA Inc ~~~ I N V I T A T I O N ~~~ Thursday 15th December 2011 Everyone please come to our Christmas Breakup Event All Members and their family are invited to come and share a sausage sizzle and get together. TIME: PLACE: Please come 7 – 7.30 pm Oval 25, SA Cricket Assoc. – Port Road, Thebarton Western Parklands, ext. of North Terrace, opposite Police Barracks Adelaide ** Please bring a chair or picnic rug and mosquito repellant! ** This is our end of year Obedience and Conformation Trophy Presentation *** Please bring a donation by way of goods or money to help the Animal Welfare League*** PS: Please let the Club Secretary know if you will be bringing Children to the Xmas Breakup, so that we can make sure that Santa has enough to share around!! Rottweiler Review October 2011 12 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ROTTWEILER CLUB OF SA INC TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 29th November 2011 AT 7.30 PM At the South Australian Canine Assoc. Cromwell Road, Kilburn WE WILL BE TAKING POSTAL NOMINATIONS ON THE ATTACHED PRESCRIBED FORM NOT LATER THAN TUESDAY 8TH NOVEMBER 2011. All Nominations to be addressed to the Secretary GPO Box 324 Adelaide SA 5001 AGENDA Meeting Opens Present – as per list Apologies Minutes of previous meeting Business Arising Motions on Notice: Proposed: All In Favour: Committee Present Presidents Update Secretary Report Treasurer Report Obedience Report Election of Officers and Committee Election of National Delegates Appointment of Auditor Election of Public Officer Meeting Closed NB: No further Business shall be dealt with at this meeting Please come and support your Club, we need some young new minds to carry on into the future Rottweiler Review October 2011 13 Rottweiler Club of SA Inc ABN: 8529 707 5909 Notice of Nomination Position Nominated:__________________ Nominee Name: __________________Nominee Signature:_________________ Nominator:_________________________ Signature:________________________ Seconded By:_______________________ Signature:________________________ All Nominations to received by the 8th November 2010, Addressed to The Secretary GPO BOX 324, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Rottweiler Club of SA Inc ABN: 8529 707 5909 Notice of Nomination Position Nominated:__________________ Nominee Name: __________________Nominee Signature:_________________ Nominator:__________________________ Signature:_______________________ Seconded By:________________________ Signature:_______________________ All Nominations to received by the 8th November 2010, Addressed to The Secretary GPO BOX 324, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Rottweiler Club of SA Inc ABN: 8529 707 5909 Notice of Nomination Position Nominated:__________________ Nominee Name: __________________Nominee Signature:_________________ Nominator:__________________________ Signature:_______________________ Seconded By:________________________ Signature:_______________________ All Nominations to received by the 8th November 2010, Addressed to The Secretary GPO BOX 324, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Rottweiler Club of SA Inc ABN: 8529 707 5909 Notice of Nomination Position Nominated:__________________ Nominee Name: __________________Nominee Signature:_________________ Nominator:__________________________ Signature:_______________________ Seconded By:________________________ Signature:_______________________ All Nominations to received by the 8th November 2010, Addressed to The Secretary GPO BOX 324, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Rottweiler Review October 2011 14 ROTTWEILER CLUB OF SA INC A.G.M. MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 30th November 2010 AT 7.30 PM S.A.C.A., Cromwell Road, Kilburn 1 Opening : 7.38pm 2 Present – As per list 3 Apologies – Jason King, David Palmer 4 5 Minutes of Previous AGM M) B Chapman (S) C Parsons Carried Business arising from previous AGM Nil 6 Motion: Proposed: N Medlicott All In Favour: Committee present 06/09/10. To remove current constitution rule of advertising General/Special meetings in the Saturday Advertiser “Dogs Section” 30 days prior to such meeting. To be replaced with “General/Special Meetings to be advertised by way of either print (e.g. Letter, Club Magazine, Canine Journal) or electronic means (e.g. Email, SMS, Website) at least 30 days prior to such meeting (m) D Bermingham 7 8 9 Carried (s) V Palmer President Update Report Presented and is on File Carried Secretary Report Report Presented and was reported in the October Journal Carried Treasurer Report Statement of Income & Expenses provided for the Financial Year. Report as per attached. Carried Investment Account $ - As per report Presented (m) D Bermingham 9 (s) T Osterman Obedience Report As per notes within Secretary Report and Trish spoke about The Obedience year. 10 Election of Officers & Committee. 2 Nominations from the Floor B Chapman & N Medlicott Ballot vote undertaken with N Medlicott 12 Votes & B Chapman 8 Votes President: Narelle Medlicott (m) N Hann (s) J Grundy Carried Vice President: Bev Chapman (m) D Gatehouse (s) L Holder Carried Secretary: Dannielle Bermingham (m) K Osborne Carried Rottweiler Review October 2011 (s) B Palmer 15 10 Election of Officers & Committee. Cont. Assistant Secretary: Josie Eiffe (m) D Gatehouse (s) V Holder Carried Treasurer: Brigetta Palmer (m) K Osborne (s) G Squire Carried Committee: 1) Vic Holder (m) B Chapman (s) D Gatehouse 2) Leeza Holder (m) V Holder Carried (s) J Boots Carried 3) Tania Mitchell (m) B Palmer (s) J Grundy Carried 4) Catherine Henderson (m) C Parsons (s) T Osterman 5) Julie Boots (m) B Chapman (s) D Gatehouse 6) Gina Squire (m) V Holder (s) D Gatehouse (written acceptance – carried) Carried Carried 7) Dennis Gatehouse (m) B Chapman (s) J Boots Carried 8) Jeannette Attwell (m) C Parsons (s) J Grundy Carried 9) Nola Hender (m) T Osterman (s) B Palmer 10) Jennie Gibson (m) V Holder (s) G Squire Carried Carried 11 Election of National Delegates Vic Holder (m) B Chapman (s) G Squire D Gatehouse (m) B Chapman (s) L Holder 12 Election of Auditor Currently Leanne Hall Tel: 0400 831 744 Work: 8281 7777 Email: [email protected] 13 Carried Carried Carried Election of Public Officer Josie Eiffe (m) G Squire (s) B Chapman Carried Meeting Closed 8.33pm 1st Meeting date: 7 days following the AGM All elected persons must become financial members of SACA within 21 days of the AGM SACA must be notified within 14 days of the changes to committee, complete with names and addresses and possible SACA Membership Numbers. All State Clubs must be notified of all changes with complete names, addresses, telephone and email addresses. Rottweiler Review October 2011 16 Rottweiler Review October 2011 17 NRCA CH/Dual CH (T) Goodiesway Basko CDX TSDX ET HT PT HSAsd Chris & Tony White Polo gained his Herding Started A Course for Ducks & won the ring on one pass. Kanberchic Emperor Arley HT Kanberchic Ataeger Baby HT Arley and Taeger are the First Rottweilers in SA to achieve a Herding Title. Proudly Owned, Trained and Loved by Narelle Medlicott Rottweiler Review October 2011 18 Point Score Show Results 2011 POINT SCORE 1 All Breeds Dog Club of SA Inc Sunday 21st November 2010 Mrs N. Clarke (Ireland) Class Dog Bitch Baby Alchemy Chuck Norris 2 Entered, 1 Absent Ubersein Top Model 2 Entered, 1 Absent Minor Nil Entered Nil Entered Puppy 1 Entered - Absent Westobri Gemdru Fendi 4 Entered, 3 Absent Junior Kanberchic Emperor Arley Kanberchic Ataeger Baby Schwartzhund Aramis Ch. Alchemy War Pigs 3 Entered. 1 Absent Ch. Alchemy Digital Bitch Kassben What a Dazzler Alchemy Johnny Blade Westobri Herda Pentastar 5 Entered, 2 Absent 3 Entered, 3 Absent 2 Entered - Absent 2 Entered, 2 Scratched Intermediate Aus. Bred Open Challenge Dog: Schwartzhund Aramis Reserve Challenge Dog: Kassben What a Dazzler Challenge Bitch: Alchemy Digital Bitch Reserve Challenge Bitch: Westobri Gemdru Fendi Best of Breed: Schwartzhund Aramis Runner Up Best Of Breed: Kassben What a Dazzler POINT SCORE 2 Adelaide Hills Kennel Club Inc Saturday 29th January 2011 Mr K Johansson (Sweden) Class Baby Minor Puppy Junior Intermediate Aus. Bred Open Neutered Dog Nil Entered Alchemy Chuck Norris 1 Entered Blakesims Great Ballz o Fire 1 Entered Kanberchic Amigo Bender Kanberchic Emperor Arley Oscelly Stars N Stripes 3 Entered Ch. Schwartzhund Aramis Ch. Alchemy War Pigs Willemstadt Cos Rivalli 3 Entered Kassben What a Dazzler Westobri Herda Pentastar 2 Entered Gr. Ch. Westobri Zaja Drum Alchemy Johnny Blade Rottgennesis Kanyemba Von Quebex Ch. Brodmuir Game On At Blackcombe 4 Entered Nil Entered Challenge Dog: Ch. Schwartzhund Aramis Reserve Challenge Dog: Gr. Ch. Westobri Zaja Drum Challenge Bitch: Westobri Gemdru Fendi Reserve Challenge Bitch: Kiromar Acacia Best of Breed: Ch. Schwartzhund Aramis Runner up Best Of Breed: Gr. Ch. Westobri Zaja Drum Rottweiler Review October 2011 Bitch Blacksims Add A Little Magik Westobri Herci Ari 2 Entered Ubersein Top Model 1 Entered Kormeister Indy 2 Entered, 1 Scratched Westobri Gemdru Fendi Kanberchic Ataeger Baby 2 Entered Vonelka Maya Ch. Alchemy Digital Bitch 2 Entered Westobri Hurum Gigi 1 Entered Kiromar Acacia Ch. Blackcombe Kira Ch. Blackcombe Violette 4 Entered, 1 Scratched Vonelka Little Chica CCD Alchemy Evil Imola 2 Entered Challenge Bitch Neutered: Vonelka Little Chica CCD Neutered Of Breed: Vonelka Little Chica CCD Runner-up Neutered of Breed: Alchemy Evil Imola Runner Up In Group: Ch. Schwartzhund Aramis Intermediate In Group: Ch. Schwartzund Aramis 19 Point Score Show Results 2011 POINT SCORE 4 Marion Kennel Club Inc Sunday 24th July 2011 Mrs C Haller (Canada) Class Baby Nil Entered Bitch 1. Westobri Herva Zuri Minor Nil Entered Nil Entered Puppy Nil Entered Junior Intermediate Dog Vonstrath Bree 1. Alchemy Chuck Norris 3 Entered, 1 Scratched 1. Westobri Gemdru Brin 2. Ubersein Top Model (AI) 1. Vonelka Murdock 2. CH. Alchemy War Pigs 3. Kanberchic Emperor Arley 1. Vonelka Maya 2. CH. Alchemy Digital Bitch Aus. Bred 1. CH. Westobri Herda Penstar 2. Kanberchic Amigo Bender 3. Kassben What A Dazzler 2 Entered, 1 Scratched 1. Kanberchic Ataeger Baby Open 1. GR CH Westobri Zaja Drum 2. Alchemy Jonny Blade Nil Entered Neutered Nil Entered 1. Vonelka Little Chica CD Challenge Dog: CH. Westobri Herda Penstar Reserve Challenge Dog: GR CH Westobri Zaja Drum Challenge Bitch: Vonelka Maya Reserve Challenge Bitch: Kanberchic Ataeger Baby Best of Breed: Vonelka Maya Runner up Best of Breed: CH. Westobri Herda Penstar Neutered of Breed: Vonelka Little Chica CD Point Score Show Results 2011 POINT SCORE 5 Dogs SA Winter International Saturday 6th August 2011 Ms L Bateman (Canada) Class Baby Westobri Cidru Yash Minor Nil Entered Puppy Nil Entered Junior Intermediate Aus. Bred Open Dog Bitch 1. Westobri Cidru Yanni 2. Westobri Gorva Zuri Nil Entered 1. Blackcombe Fall From Grace 2. Vonstrath Bree 1. Alchemy Chuck Norris 1. Blackcombe Villiers Breteneau 2. Westobri Gemdru Brin 3. Ubersein Top Model (AI) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. CH. Alchemy War Pigs Vonelka Murdock Kanberchic Emperor Arley CH. Westobri Herda Penstar Kassben What A Dazzler Kanberchic Amigo Bender Blackcombe Dardanelles Alchemy Jonny Blade GR CH Westobri Zaja Drum Kormeister Indy CH. Alchemy Digital Bitch Vonelka Maya CH Blackcombe Violette Kanberchic Ataeger Baby CH Westobri Hurum Gigi CH. Blackcombe Lise Challenge Dog: CH. Alchemy War Pigs Reserve Challenge Dog: Blackcombe Dardanelles Challenge Bitch: Blackcombe Villiers Breteneau Reserve Challenge Bitch: CH. Blackcombe Lise Best of Breed: CH. Alchemy War Pigs Runner up Best of Breed: Blackcombe Dardanelles Baby Puppy of Breed: Westobri Gorva Zuri Baby Puppy In Group: Westobri Gorva Zuri Puppy Of Breed: Blackcombe Fall From Grace Rottweiler Review October 2011 20 Point Score Show Results 2011 POINT SCORE 6 Royal Adelaide Show 7th September 2011 Mrs F Somerfield (England) Dog Class Bitch Baby N/A N/A Minor N/A N/A Puppy Nil Entered Junior Blackcombe Darndanelles Comac Don’t Call Me Boris Alchemy Chuck Noris Ubersein Top Model Blackcombe Villiers Bretonneau Intermediate Ch Schwartzhund Aramis Ch Alchemy War Pigs Kanberchic Amigo Bender Kanberchic Emperor Arley Ch Westobri Hurum Gigi Colmac Dazzlin Blacksilk Kormiester Indy Westobri Gemdru Fendi Ch Alchemy Digital Bitch Lowenstark Lishka Aus. Bred Open Ch Kongreb Mister Oistin Ch Westobri Chiru Bono CCD Ch Westobri Herda Penta Star Ch Westobri Jachi Zammo Kassben What A Dazzler 3 Entered, 1 Scatched Gr Ch Westobri Zaja Drum Alchemy Johnny Blade 4 Entered, 1 Scratched Blackcombe Fall From Grace Sahne Onyx N Caviar Imp NZL Westobri Herci Annie 4 Entered, 1 Scratched Ch Blackcombe Violette Vonessen Annika Storm Kanberchic Ataeger Baby HT 3 Entered, 1 Scratched Ch Blackcombe Kira Ch Blackcombe Lise Challenge Dog: Ch Schwartzhund Aramis Reserve Challenge Dog: Ch Alchemy War Pigs Challenge Bitch: Ch Blackcombe Kira Reserve Challenge Bitch: Ch Blackcombe Violette Best of Breed: Ch Schwartzhund Aramis Runner Up Best Of Breed: Ch Blackcombe Kira Puppy of Breed: Blackcombe Fall From Grace The World's Smartest Dog? As a butcher is shooing a dog from his shop, he sees £10 and a note in his mouth, reading: "10 lamb chops, please." Amazed, he takes the money, puts a bag of chops in the dog's mouth, and quickly closes the shop. He follows the dog and watches him wait for a green light, look both ways, and trot across the road to a bus stop. The dog checks the timetable and sits on the bench. When a bus arrives, he walks around to the front and looks at the number, then boards the bus. The butcher follows, dumbstruck. As the bus travels out into the suburbs, the dog takes in the scenery. After a while he stands on his back paws to push the "stop" button, then the butcher follows him off. The dog runs up to a house and drops his bag on the step. He goes back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself -Whap!- against the door. He does this again and again. No answer. So he jumps on a wall, walks around the garden, beats his head against a window, jumps off, and waits at the front door. A big guy opens it and yells at the dog. The butcher runs up screams at the guy: "What in the world are you doing? This dog's a genius!" The owner responds, "Genius? I don't think so. It's the second time this week he's forgotten his key!" Rottweiler Review October 2011 21 Point Score Show 7 Results Rottweiler Club of SA Inc 38th Championship Show Date 15th October 2011 Judges Mrs. Maggie Murray Class Dog Bitch Baby P1 Westobri Cidru Yash P2 Sennendorf Lots of Whispers P3 Alchemy Walker Texas Ranger (3 entered, 1 scratched) VP1 Westobri Cidru Yachi VP2 Alchemy Bride Of Chucky Minor VP1 Ubersein Dynamite (AI) VP1 Ubersein Drop Dead Gorgeous (AI) VP2 Westobri Herva Zuri Puppy Nil Entered VP1 Vonstrath Bree Junior (4 Entered, 1 Scratched) SG1 Kiahbel Paco SG2 Clomac Don’t Call Me Boris SG3 Alchemy Chuck Noris (4 entered, 1 scratched) SG1 Ubersein Sempur Venia SG2 Ubersein Whole Lotta Love (AI) SG3 Ubersein Top Model (AI) Intermediate (5 entered, 1 scratched) V1 Aust Ch Alchemy War Pigs V2 Kermaren Kasper SG3 Kanberchic Emperor Arley HT G4 Valstam Jettas Eldorado (7 entered, 1 scratched) SG1 Clyzan Saphiras Arya SG2 Kormeister Indy SG3 Aust Ch Khingsahl Nicos Nemesis SG4 Aust Ch Alchemy Digital Bitch SG5 Bailiamina Im A Tuff Chic Aust Bred (9 entered, 1 scratched, 1 withdrawn) V1 Alchemy Johnny Blade V2 Aust ChUbersein Vaturbos Legacy V3 Aust Ch Schwatzhund Aramis V4 Aust Ch Westobri Jachi Zammo SG5 Zessinhuf Zwei Aldrik ET SG6 Kanberchic Amigo Bender SG Aust Ch Dellahar Double Deal V1 Clomac Dazzlin Blacklace V2 Aust Ch Dellahar Celito V2 NRC(A) Ch, Aust Ch & NZ Ch Ubersein Tough T Tease (AI) ET SG4 Sennendorf Just Celine SG5 Valstam Yushkas Gucci SG6 Kanberchic Ataeger Baby HT Open V1 Dual Ch (T) Ubersein Veni Vidi Vici TSD V2 NRC(A) Ch Ubersein Strong Persuader SG3 Vonelka Murdock SG4 Kiahbel Mookie SG5 Blackcombe Darndanelles (7 entered, 1 scratched) V1 NRC(A) & Aust Ch Ubersein Va Va Voom CCD V2 NRC(A) & Aust Ch Dellahar Imme V3 Willemstadt Elite Love HT ET V4 Vonelka Maya SG5 Vonzennith Taiga SG6 Willemstadt Jade Veteran V1 Aust Gr Ch Westobri Zaja Drum (3 entered, 1 scratched) V1 NRCA Ch & Aust Ch Ludendorf Ellah V2 Aust Ch Westobri Zaja Ella Rottweiler Review October 2011 22 Point Score Show 7 Results Rottweiler Club of SA Inc 38th Championship Show Best In Show Aust Ch Alchemy War Pigs R/Up Best In Show NRC(A) & Aust Ch Ubersein Va Va Voom CCD Challenge Dog Aust Ch Alchemy War Pigs Res Challenge Dog Dual Ch (T) Ubersein Veni Vidi Vici TSD Challenge Bitch NRC(A) & Aust Ch Ubersein Va Va Voom CCD Res Challenge Bitch NRC(A) & Aust Ch Dellahar Imme Baby in Show Westobri Cidru Yachi Opp Baby in Show Westobri Cidru Yash Minor in Show Ubersein Drop Dead Gorgeous (AI) Opp Minor in Show Ubersein Dynamite (AI) Puppy in Show Vonstrath Bree Opp Puppy in Show N/A Junior in Show Ubersein Sempur Venia Opp Junior in Show Kiahbel Paco Intermediate in Show Aust Ch Alchemy War Pigs Opp Intermediate in Show Clyzan Saphiras Arya Aus Bred in Show Clomac Dazzlin Blacklace Opp Aus Bred in Show Alchemy Johnny Blade Open in Show NRC(A) & Aust Ch Ubersein Va Va Voom CCD Opp Open in Show Dual Ch (T) Ubersein Veni Vidi Vici TSD Veteran in Show Aust Gr Ch Westobri Zaja Drum Opp Veteran in Show NRCA Ch & Aust Ch Ludendorf Ellah Rottweiler Review October 2011 23 Baby Puppy Dog VP1 3 entered 1 shown Sennendorf Lots of Whispers Minor Puppy Dog 11 entered 10 shown Baby Puppy Bitch 5 entered 3 shown VP1 Alchemy Bride of Chucky (AI) VP2 Westobri Cidru Yachi VP3 Karlstein Evie Minor Puppy Bitch 17 entered 13 shown VP1 Ubersein Demolition Man (AI) VP1 Ubersein Drop Dead Gorgeous (AI) VP2 Ubersein Domination (AI) VP2 Staratraxn Imogen VP3 Ubersein Don’t Stop Me Now (AI) VP3 Rakaaz Premonition (AI) VP4 Ubersein Don’t Do Me Like That (AI) VP4 Rakaaz Private Idaho (AI) VP5 Rakaaz Point Blank (AI) VP5 Mondallin What A Girl Wants P6 Paratus Crusader VP6 Liebschaft Charidy Puppy Dog 8 entered 6 shown Puppy Bitch 11 entered 11 shown VP1 Blickscharf The Scoundrel VP1 Blickscharf Sascha VP2 Ubersein Dynamite (AI) VP2 Ubersein Dream Catch Me (AI) VP3 Meretseger Serpents Fortune P3 Russellglen Lady Matilda P4 Rosarott Bounty Hunter P4 Vonstrath Bree P5 Rosarott Basko’s Pride P5 Stolzsein Follow Your Dreams P6 Rosarott Boots N All HT Junior Dog 15 entered 12 shown Junior Bitch 22 entered 21 shown V1 Svawill Quade V1 Svawill Questra V2 Luthcridhe Invicctus (AI) V2 Ubersein Top Model (AI) V3 Ubersein Top that (AI) V3 Stolzsein Ets A River Ofdreams (AI) V4 Ubersein Top Notch (AI) V4 Ubersein Sempur Venia V5 Alchemy Chuck Noris (AI) V5 Darksupreme Flirtatious V6 Rosarott Black Rock V6 Ubersein Sempur Veneratio Intermediate 17 entered 15 shown Intermediate Bitch 24 entered 19 shown V1 Ch Alchemy War Pigs V1 Svawill Orti V2 Rottisliebe Electric Blue V2 Rottisliebe Endless Love V3 Stolzhammer Gran Torino V3 Connalpie Moet Chandon V4 Oscelly Star Attraction V4 Oscelly Khe Sanh V5 Oscelly Star Magic V5 Svawill Oli V6 Hegestrauch Morris V6 Rakaaz Now Or Never TD Rottweiler Review October 2011 24 Australian Bred Dog 17 entered 13 shown Australian Bred Bitch 22 entered 19 shown V1 Ch Dellahar Double Deal V1 NRCA Ch&Ch Ubersein Va Va Voom CCD V2 Ch Schwartzhund Aramis V2 NRCA Ch&Ch Rakaaz Listen Up ET V3 Oscelly Stone Cold V3 NRCA Ch&Ch Dellahar Celito V4 Ch Ubersein Vaturbo’s Legacy V4 Stolzhammer Von Der Tann (AI) V5 Westobri Jachi Zammo V5 NRCA Ch&Ch Rottzennith Phinesse V6 Ch Ubersein Yabba Dabba Doo V6 NRCA Ch&Ch Sarayda Drama Queen TD Open Dog 17 entered 11 shown Open Bitch 21 entered 18 shown V1 Dual Ch (T) Ubersein Veni Vidi Vici TSD V1 NRCA Ch&Ch Dellahar Imme V2 V3 NRCA Ch&Ch Oberschoen Black Ash Sanduka I Did It My Way V2 V3 NRCA Ch NZ Ch&Ch Ubersein Tough T Tease (AI) ET Hiljashijy Cant Tell Secrets V4 NRCA Ch&Ch Ubersein Strong Persuader V4 NRCA Ch&Ch Ubersein Tough At The Top (AI) V5 Ch Karlstein Ahlerich V5 Vonzennith Wispa V6 Dellkarn Donny Darko V6 NRCA Ch&Ch Rakaaz Leading Edge Veteran Dogs 5 entered 4 shown Veteran Bitches 8 entered 6 shown V1 V1 Blickscharf Franzie V2 NRCA Ch&Dual Ch (T) Slv Ch Wenno of Nichoas Lion IPOI (Imp Croatia) NRCA Ch & Dual Ch (T) Sandzena Magic Trix PT V2 Ch Oscelly Super Star V3 Ch Jahzorn Goodbye Mr Blue V3 NRCA Ch Allgemein Halle V4 NRCA Ch Ludendorf Frodo (AI) V4 NRCA Ch&Ch Ludendorf Ellah V5 NRCA Ch Willemstadt Natalia V6 NRCA Ch&Ch Willemstadt Slic Chic (AI) Challenge Dog Challenge Bitch Dual Ch (T) Ubersein Veni Vidi Vici TSD NRCA Ch&Ch Ubersein Va Va Voom CCD Reserve Challenge Dog Reserve Challenge Bitch NRCA Ch&Ch Oberschoen Black Ash NRCA Ch&Ch Dellahar Imme BEST IN SHOW DUAL CH (T) UBERSEIN VENI VIDI VICI TSD RUNNER UP IN SHOW NRC(A) CH & CH OBERSCHOEN BLACK ASH BREEDER IN SHOW & BREEDER OF BEST IN SHOW AWARD UBERSEIN KENNELS (Louise Russell) BEST IN TRIAL WINNER: NRC(A) CH & DUAL CH (T) DELLAHAR ULTRA BUSY CDX ET TSD Rottweiler Review October 2011 25 RCSA & RCV Southern Region Sieger/Siegerin Competition 2011 Feb June Oct Oct RCV RCSA RCSA RCV Pts Pts Pts Pts T Osterman & B Palmer Ch Alchemy War Pigs 7 6 9 7 29 K Mather Dual Ch (T) Ubersein Veni Vidi Vici 9 1 8 9 27 J & S Baird NRC(A)Ch, Dual Ch (T) & Slv Ch Wenno of Nicolas Lion IPOI (Imp Croatia) 8 6 7 21 BA&BM Lindner Ch Dellahar Double Deal 4 9 7 20 E Linklater & S Whitely Ubersein Strong Persuader 3 6 6 4 19 K Williamson 6 1 6 4 17 T Osteman & J Attwell Alchemy Johnny Blade 7 2 7 M&C McMahon NC(A) Ch Ludendorf Frodo (AI) 5 7 4 16 A & C White NRC(A) Ch, Dual Ch (T) Sandzena Magic Trix HT 6 4 6 16 B M Chapman Vonelka Murdock 8 4 12 B Osler Kiahbell Mookie 7 3 10 NK Hann Ch Schwartzhund Aramis 4 4 8 C Kennedy & M Paez Zessinhuf Zwei Aldrick 1 5 2 8 V & L Holder Valstam Jettas Eldorado 4 3 7 Kermaren Kennels Kermaren Kasper 1 6 7 Westobri Kennels Aust Gr Ch Westobri Zaja Drum 7 7 Westobri Kennels Aust Ch Westobri Jachi Zammo 4 7 K Green Hegestrauch Morris 6 6 A & C White NRC(A) Ch, Dual Ch (T) Goodiesway Basko (AI) TSDX CDX HT PT HAS's ET 6 6 OWNER/S DOGS Ch Ubersein Vaturbo's Legacy 3 16 T Mitchell/N Medlicott Kanberchic Amigo Bender 5 C Wills Kassben What A Dazzler 6 S Lingwood Ch Ubersein Pegasus 5 5 V & L Holder Vonzennith Dante ET 5 5 R & M Lawler NRC(A) Ch & Ch Just Ask Kurt ET (Imp Sweden) 4 4 N Medlicott Kanberchic Emperor Arley HT D & J Boyce Zessinhuf Zwei Archard Rottweiler Review October 2011 1 Points 6 4 1 1 6 4 2 26 RCSA & RCV Southern Region Sieger/Siegerin Competition 2011 Feb June Oct Oct RCV RCSA RCSA RCV Pts Pts Pts Pts Points OWNER/S BITCHES Westobri Kennels NRCA Ch&Ch Dellahar Imme 7 1 7 8 23 B Osler NRC(A) Ch & Ch Ludendorf Ellah 5 6 7 4 22 A Slavin NRCA & AUST CH Ubersein Va Va Voom CCD 1 9 9 19 A Mitchell Rakaaz Listen Up 5 7 6 18 T Osterman Ch Alchemy Digital Bitch 4 4 3 11 B M Chapman Vonelka Maya 7 4 11 T Finn & L Russell Ch Khinsahl Nicos Nemisis 6 4 10 J Buller Ch Cabulla Maddison 9 V & L Holder Vonzennith Taiga 7 R Rogers Blickscharf Hart To Hart 9 V & L Holder Valstam Yushkas Gucci 6 S Fisher NRC(A) Ch & Ch Ubersein Running On Faith ET 7 7 A & C White NRC(A) Ch & Dual Ch (T) Rakaaz Grenache TSDX 7 7 Westobri Kennels Dellahar Celito P & K Herz NRC(A) Ch Willemstadt Natalia 6 S McCarthy Blitzkrieg Sahara 4 V & L Holder Valstam Noras Harka D Gatehouse Clyzan Saphiras Arya Westobri Kennels Aust Ch Westobri Zaja Ella D Bermingham 9 2 1 9 9 2 6 8 5 12 3 9 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Kormeister Indy 5 5 L Russell Ubersein Tough T Tease 5 5 P & C Jabke Willemstade Elite Love HT ET 1 5 5 L Russell NRC(A) Ch & Dual Ch (T) Ubersein On A Promise CDX 4 4 A & C White Dual Ch (T) Cabulla Baskoville HT PT HAS's 4 4 B Osler Kiahbel Annika B B Vidovic Sennendorf Just Celine N Medlicott Kanberchic Ataeger Baby HT B B Vidovic 4 4 4 3 3 1 2 Bailiamina Im A Tuff Chic 2 2 B B Vidovic Willemstadt Jade 1 1 L Russell NTCA & Aust Ch Ubersein Tough At The Top 1 1 J & D Boyce Zessinhuf Ari 1 1 B B Vidovic Willemstadt Saffron Dust 1 1 1 Congratulations Sieger Winner Aust Ch Alchemy War Pigs Siergerin Winner NRCA Ch&Ch Dellahar Imme Rottweiler Review October 2011 27 WEST COAST ROTTWEILER CLUB OF W.A Inc. Proudly presents 22nd National Rottweiler Championship Show Restricted Obedience Trial & NRC( A ) Breed Survey Fri 1st, Sat 2nd, Sun 3rd, Mon 4th June 2012 Dogs West Grounds, Southern River WA CONFORMATION JUDGE: MR JOSEF MRAVIK (Slovakia) (FCI) OBEDIENCE JUDGE: Mrs Ann Lacy-Herbert (W.A) Entry Fees:- All entries $35.00 Baby Puppies $20.00 Obedience Entry:- $20.00 per dog. Classes Eligible for highest In Trial CCD, CD, CDX, UD UDX Qualifying scores will override non qualifying scores for Highest In Trial Breed Survey:- $25.00 per dog on separate entry form. Photocopies of all NRC (A) certified paperwork must be sent with entries and ALL ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES TO BE PRESENT ON THE DAY. Only fully completed forms signed by the owner/s together with self addressed/stamped envelope for acknowledgement of entries will be accepted. Please show any ANKC recognised titles. Entries Close:- (To Be Announced) Entries To: - Show Secretary, PO Box 4154, Canning Vale East, Western Australia Catalogue:- $25.00 pre paid Critique Books:- $20.00 pre paid Classes:- 1,2,3,4,5,10,11/Veteran Dog ~ 1a,2a,3a,4a,5a,10a,11a/Veteran Bitch Special Classes: Sire &Progeny; Dam & Progeny (No less than 2, no more than 5 progeny. All progeny must be entered in normal classes.) To be judged after General Specials. Veterans Parade:- Held on lunchtime SATURDAY. Exhibits must be 7 years and older, a resume must be included with entry for commentary. Must be 25 words or less. This class is non-competitive and exhibits need NOT be entire. Rottweiler Review October 2011 28 Order of Judging: Friday 1st - 9:30 am Opening Ceremony Obedience Vetting 10:30 - 10:45 am. Obedience Judging starts 11 am. Conformation judging, Classes 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3a (Immediately after Obedience Trial) Sausage Sizzle available during Obedience Trial. Saturday 2nd Start Time:-9 am Classes 4,5,10,11 Dog CC & RCC Dog Lunch Break:- Veteran Parade Dinner/entertainment to be held on grounds $25.00 per person pre paid with entries. Sunday 3rd Start Time:- 8.30am Classes 4a,5a,10a,11a Bitch CC & RCC Bitch, General Specials, Sire & Progeny, Dam & Progeny NRC (A) Presentation Presentation awards Monday 4th 9.30am check in for N.R.C.(A) Breed Survey Trophies and Sashes:- All Class and Opposite Class Winners. NRC(A) medallions awards to the first six (6) places. CC Dog/CC Bitch, Res Dog/Res Bitch, Sire & Progeny, Dam & Progeny Obedience. 1st to 3rd place NRC(A) medallions. Highest in Trial, RU in Trial Sash & Trophy:- Breeder of the Best Exhibit In Show. NRC(A) token trophy re Muriel Freeman Award. Refreshments:- Available each day Advertising:- $100.00 per page. All artwork must be sent in high resolution. Rottweiler Review October 2011 29 Entrants were encouraged to dress in their dogs country of origin. Rottweiler Review October 2011 30