Intelligent Video Surveillance Gatekeeper Software v5.00


Intelligent Video Surveillance Gatekeeper Software v5.00
3xLogic Inc
Intelligent Video Surveillance Gatekeeper Software
User’s Guide
October 2007
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................3 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................................4 3 GATEKEEPER OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................5 4 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................6 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 SPECIAL WINDOWS INSTALLATION NOTICE .....................................................................................................6 INSTALLING GATEKEEPER SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................7 UNINSTALLING GATEKEEPER SOFTWARE .......................................................................................................7 OPERATION .....................................................................................................................................................8 5.1 GATEKEEPER MATRIX SWITCH LOGIN ............................................................................................................8 5.2 GATEKEEPER MAIN SCREEN .........................................................................................................................9 5.2.1 Map Icons............................................................................................................................................9 5.3 TOOLBAR FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................................10 5.3.1 Maps Buttons ....................................................................................................................................10 5.3.2 Live Buttons ......................................................................................................................................10 5.3.3 Playback Buttons ..............................................................................................................................11 5.3.4 Monitor Button ...................................................................................................................................12 5.3.5 Cameras Buttons ..............................................................................................................................12 5.3.6 Macro Button .....................................................................................................................................12 5.3.7 Browse Button ...................................................................................................................................13 5.3.8 CM9760 Button .................................................................................................................................14 5.3.9 External Application Button ...............................................................................................................14 5.3.10 Settings Button ..................................................................................................................................14 5.3.11 Log Off, Minimize, and Exit Buttons ..................................................................................................15 5.4 USING GATEKEEPER ...................................................................................................................................16 5.4.1 Footage Parameters .........................................................................................................................16 5.4.2 Playback Controls .............................................................................................................................17 5.4.3 Using Playback Markers ...................................................................................................................17 5.4.4 Other Buttons ....................................................................................................................................17 5.4.5 Save Video Clip or Still Image ..........................................................................................................19 5.5 SETUP .......................................................................................................................................................21 5.5.1 Matrix Controller Settings..................................................................................................................21 5.5.2 DVR Settings ....................................................................................................................................22 5.5.3 Monitors ............................................................................................................................................24 5.5.4 Macros ..............................................................................................................................................25 5.5.5 Destinations ......................................................................................................................................26 5.5.6 Misc ...................................................................................................................................................27 5.5.7 Passthru Mode ..................................................................................................................................28 5.5.8 Transcoders ......................................................................................................................................29 5.5.9 IP Cameras .......................................................................................................................................30 5.5.10 Playback............................................................................................................................................31 6 SITE MAP DESIGNER ....................................................................................................................................32 6.1 6.2 SITE MAP DESIGNER ICONS AND BUTTONS ..................................................................................................33 SITE MAP/HOT SPOT PROPERTIES ..............................................................................................................34 7 WIRING DIAGRAM – PELCO CM9740/60/70................................................................................................35 8 CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................37 3xLogic’s Gatekeeper Software - User’s Guide
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1 Introduction
This guide describes the installation and operation of 3xLogic’s Gatekeeper software. This version
of User’s Guide is current to Version 5.00 of Gatekeeper.
Gatekeeper is a powerful and easy to use software package for controlling live and playback of
cameras utilizing a Pelco video matrix switch and Vigil Digital Video Recorders. Gatekeeper
provides an easy-to-use touch screen graphical interface to quickly access cameras in live or
playback modes. Use the on-screen joystick, or use the attached USB joystick to control
pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) cameras. Playback video from a Vigil Server system at the touch of a button,
using the on-screen controls to playback directly to one or many of the analog monitors attached
to the Matrix Switch.
3xLogic ( produces enterprise class DVRs and state-of-the-art surveillance
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2 System Requirements
The following table outlines the minimum and recommended platforms for running Gatekeeper:
Recommended PC Requirements:
Intel Pentium 4 with 2GHz minimum processor speed
AGP VGA card with minimum 64MB video RAM (non-shared memory),
1024x768 display resolution, and DirectX 8.1 application programming
Operating System
Windows 2000 SP4 or newer, DirectX 8.1 or newer
Additional Requirements:
LAN/WAN Connectivity
Gatekeeper must have LAN/WAN connectivity to the Vigil Server
Systems for playback functionality
Touch Screen Monitor
Additional Hardware:
Video Matrix Switch
The following video matrix switch models are supported: Pelco CM9740,
CM9760, CM9770, and CM9780
Digital Video Recorder
The following digital video recorder models are supported: Sanyo DSRM800, DSR-M810, and DSR-M814
Video Transcoder
The following video transcoders are supported: ACTi SED-3200
Vigil DVR System Additional Requirements:
Video Card with
Analog Monitor Output
Gatekeeper playback features require analog monitor output from the
Vigil Server DVR video cards
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3 Gatekeeper Overview
The Gatekeeper software package runs in conjunction with a video matrix switch and Vigil Server
DVR systems.
Sample Gatekeeper Installation Block Drawing:
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4 Installation
4.1 Special Windows Installation Notice
Warning: During the installation you may get a Windows File Protection and/or a
Windows Logo testing notice. Please follow the following instructions when this happens.
Failure to do so can result in a non-functioning software installation.
Click “Continue Anyway”
Click “Cancel”
Click “Yes”
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Click “Yes”
4.2 Installing Gatekeeper Software
If you downloaded your install kit for Gatekeeper, simply double-click the EXE file that you
downloaded to run it. If you are installing from CD, load it in your CD-ROM drive and run the EXE
on it.
After installation, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Before you run Gatekeeper for the first time…
• Gatekeeper Setup – Gatekeeper must be configured before you can properly use the
program. Please see Section 5.5 for specific details on the Gatekeeper configuration and
o Set video matrix switch COM port parameters and PIN codes
o Configure all Vigil or Sanyo DVRs
o Set up local export destinations
o Enable passthru mode if required
o Set up any attached video transcoders if required
o Add any IP cameras if required
• Site Maps – Create or set up a site map using the Site Map Designer program. Please see
Section 6 for specific details.
• Run Gatekeeper – The login code is set on the video matrix switch. Be sure to have this
ready before you can use Gatekeeper.
4.3 Uninstalling Gatekeeper Software
To uninstall Gatekeeper, go to “Add/Remove Programs” (Start Menu | Settings | Control Panel |
Add/Remove Programs), and click “Remove” by the entry “Gatekeeper”. Follow the prompts to
perform the removal process.
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5 Operation
5.1 Gatekeeper Matrix Switch Login
The following is for Passthru mode disabled:
When Gatekeeper is launched, click the Log
On button or the main screen to display the
login screen. Automatic login can be
configured in the Settings screen.
The Gatekeeper login screen is used to
log into the Pelco Video Matrix Switch.
The user logins must be programmed
on the Pelco Video Matrix Switch first.
Please reference the Pelco Video Matrix
Switch manual for details.
Once a valid login has been entered, the
Detecting Monitors screen is displayed. Only
the monitors which the user has access to
will be detected. Pelco Matrix Switch users
have access rights to specific monitors and
cameras. These access rights are set up on
the Pelco Video Matrix Switch. The user
must have access to at least one monitor
and at least one camera for Gatekeeper to
function. Please reference the Pelco Video
Matrix Switch manual for details.
When Passthru mode is enabled, the logon PIN must be entered through the attached Pelco
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5.2 Gatekeeper Main Screen
Here is the main window of Gatekeeper. In this window, the “Home” map is displayed with links
to other available maps and cameras.
Map Icons
This icon is a link to another map.
Clicking this icon will change the currently selected monitor to display the output from
a pan-tilt-zoom camera.
Clicking this icon will change the currently selected monitor to display the output from
a fixed camera.
A camera with an asterisk in the corner is a camera that is available for Live View only
and is not connected to a Vigil Digital Video Recorder.
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5.3 Toolbar Functions
Maps Buttons
Click the Back button to return to the last map you viewed.
Click the Home button to go to the Home Map. If there is more than one “home”
map, a list of available home maps is displayed, click on the desired home map to
open it.
Click the Forward button to view a map that you viewed before clicking the Back
Live Buttons
To view live video of an available camera/matrix input on the currently displayed site map, use
the Live buttons. A group of sub buttons will pop up which enable further actions available for the
live watch mode. Please see Section 5.4.4 for more specific details on using the live watch mode
The Live button allows a user to view live footage from various cameras. Upon
clicking it will open the Live sub buttons described below. Click it again to close
the submenu. Select a camera on the site map to open the live feed of that
camera to the current display.
The Input #… sub button will open a prompt to select a matrix input. Once an
input has been selected, it will open the live feed of that matrix input to the
current display.
The Stream Active sub button will open a window that displays the live feed of the
currently selected matrix input within the Gatekeeper application.
The Steam Input #… sub button opens a prompt to select a matrix input. Once an
input has been selected, it will open the live feed of that matrix input into a
window within the Gatekeeper application.
Snapshot allows you to record a picture of the currently selected matrix input.
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5.3.3 Playback Buttons
To view previously recorded videos from the currently displayed site map, use the Playback
buttons. A group of sub buttons will open which enable further actions for the playback watch
mode. Please see Section 5.4.1 through 5.4.3 for more specific details on using the playback
watch mode buttons.
Use the Playback button to view previously recorded video from various cameras.
Upon clicking, it will open the Playback sub buttons described below. Clicking
again will close the submenu. Select a camera from the site map and it will open
the playback window for that selected camera.
Click the Active sub button to open the playback window for the currently active
camera/matrix input.
The Input #… sub button will prompt for a matrix input and then open the
playback window for selected matrix input.
The Resume sub button will open the playback window that was previously
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Monitor Button
Changes the currently selected output monitor. Upon clicking, brings up a prompt
to change the currently selected monitor. Clicking cancel will make no changes.
Passthru mode disabled
Passthru mode enabled
Cameras Buttons
On the currently selected monitor, display the previously available camera. Note:
This button is only available when Passthru mode is disabled.
On the currently selected monitor, display the next available camera. Note: This
button is only available when Passthru mode is disabled.
Macro Button
Click on the Macro button to execute programmed Macros. Select the Macro Group
and then select the desired Macro. Note: This button is only available when
Passthru mode is disabled.
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Browse Button
Opens a window that allows you to play previously saved video and open saved
image files.
Select the destination you wish you browse for files. This will open available items in the righthand pane. Select the desired file and press the Load button. An image will be viewed using the
Windows default image program and a video clip will be opened with the DV Player program. If
no destinations are defined, you will be presented with your entire file system. You can delete
files using the Delete button
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CM9760 Button
Opens a window that emulates a Pelco CM9760 keyboard and joystick.
Note: This button is only available when Passthru mode is disabled.
The Gatekeeper CM9760 on-screen keyboard has the functionality of a Pelco CM9760-KBD
keyboard. Please refer to the Pelco CM9760-KBD keyboard manual for details.
External Application Button
Click to launch a configured external application. This is set up in the Settings
5.3.10 Settings Button
Click to open the settings window. Allows for configuration of Gatekeeper. See
Section 5.5 for details.
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5.3.11 Log Off, Minimize, and Exit Buttons
Click to log off of Gatekeeper or to log in as a different user. Note: This button is
only available when Passthru mode is disabled. If enabled, the Minimize button is
Click to minimize the Gatekeeper application. Note: This button is only available
when Passthru mode is enabled. If disabled, the Log Off button is available.
Opens a prompt asking if you wish to close the Gatekeeper application.
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5.4 Using Gatekeeper
Footage Parameters
Use the from/to date/time choosers to select the desired window of video footage to retrieve.
Click on the date or time to display a number entry box, or use the arrows
to increase or
decrease the value. Playback time defaults to the previous 5 minutes. Repeated clicks of the
button will automatically set From and To times to the past 10, 15, 30, 60 and back to 5 minutes.
to set the To time to the most current footage and the from time will be adjusted
Click reset
according to the
button setting.
Play button to begin footage playback.
Once the footage parameters have been set, click the
The last frame of the selected footage will be displayed and the playback controls may be used to
navigate and playback the footage.
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Playback Controls
Skips to the very beginning/very end of the video clip.
Click the fast backward or fast forward button to playback the video
quickly either forwards or backwards. Each click increases the speed
by up to 512x.
If clicked while playing the clip, skips one 10th of the clip.
If clicked while playback is paused or stopped, it will skip the video
frame by frame either forwards or backwards.
Plays and pauses the video clip.
Using Playback Markers
Footage Markers are used to select a sub-section of video footage within the displayed footage.
“Start Marker”, then navigate to the
Select the frame where the marker will start and click
frame where the marker will end and click
“End Marker”. When saving video footage, only the
marked section is exported. Use the Markers feature
“Zoom Timeline” button to view only the
marked footage. Click the
“Clear” button to remove any set markers.
Other Buttons
Clicking the View Monitor button will open a window that will prompt you to
change which monitors are currently being used to display the playback of
video footage.
This button allows for saving of video or images of the current playback video.
Clicking the View Live button will open a window on the Gatekeeper display
that shows the current live video from the current matrix input.
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This is the Live viewing window that enables a user to view live footage from the selected
matrix input on the same display as the Gatekeeper application. This window itself is movable
by clicking anywhere on the viewing window and dragging it around. The Playback button will
open the playback window (if the playback window is already open, it will not do anything).
The Toggle Size button will expand and centre the playback overlay window. Double clicking
the Live viewing window will expand the window just like the Toggle Size button. The Display
HD button will open the Live viewing window onto a secondary high-resolution screen. If there
is already a window on the secondary screen, clicking Display HD will replace that window and
move the previous view window to the main display. The Close button will close the local Live
view window. Multiple Live view windows can be open at the same time.
Clicking this button (which is displayed as a preview of the playback footage)
will open a Playback window on the Gatekeeper display that shows the video
playback file from current input matrix.
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This is the Playback window that enables a user to view the playback footage on the same
display as the Gatekeeper software. The playback buttons operate the same was as described
above. This window itself is movable by clicking anywhere on the overlay and dragging it
around. The Toggle Size button will expand and centre the playback overlay window. Double
clicking the Playback window will expand the window just like the Toggle Size button. The
Display HD button will open the Playback window onto a secondary high-resolution screen. If
there is already a window on the secondary screen, clicking Display HD will replace that window
and move the previous view window to the main display. The Close button will close the local
playback overlay window. The Dock Video button will perform the same function as the Close
Save Video Clip or Still Image
To save a video clip or still image, follow these steps:
1. Search and play footage as previously described in Footage Parameters and Using Playback
Markers. When saving a still image, pause the video footage first before clicking Export.
This paused frame will become the still image.
2. Click the Export button to save the current playback footage or the currently paused video
3. Select the export file type you wish to save. Click the Video button to save the currently
selected video or click either the Bitmap or JPEG button to save a single frame of the
currently selected video. If you selected JPEG, you will be prompted to select what
compression level to use for the image. The default level is 80.
4. An on-screen keyboard will display asking the user to input some audit information that
will be tagged with the file. Some fields are optional. Clicking Cancel will return you to
the playback window without saving any information. Once you have completed entering
the audit information, click OK. Note: If the Export Auditing feature is not enabled in Vigil
Server, this screen will not be displayed.
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5. You will be prompted to select a destination where the saved video or still image will be
located. Select your destination and press OK. You can create a new folder by using the
New Folder button near the bottom. A check mark on the folder icon designates where a
copy of the export will be sent. You can send to multiple export locations.
6. Enter a filename to complete the exporting process. To find saved files more easily, it may
be useful to enter the date as part of the filename (i.e., 2006-05-09 Front Door Camera).
Once you have completed entering the filename, click OK.
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5.5 Setup
Matrix Controller Settings
Security Details:
PIN Code – the PIN code used to log into Gatekeeper and the video matrix controller when auto
logon is selected. Note: This PIN code must be set up within the Pelco video matrix switch.
Auto Logon – Tick the Auto Logon option to automatically log into Gatekeeper and the Pelco
video matrix switch when Gatekeeper is launched using the specified PIN Code.
Browse files PIN – Enter the PIN code to be used when accessing the Browse files screen. Note:
This PIN is stored in Gatekeeper.
Preset define PIN – the PIN code used to access define presets options. Note: This PIN is stored
in Gatekeeper.
Settings PIN – the PIN code used to access the settings screen Note: This PIN is stored in
COM Port Settings:
COM Port – Select the COM Port to be used by Gatekeeper to connect to the Pelco Video Matrix
Switch. Use the dropdown lists to select the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity. Please
refer to the Section 7 for wiring details.
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DVR Settings
DVR Settings must be set up correctly for the Gatekeeper playback features to function properly.
A “DVR Server” in this context is a DVR PC running Vigil Server software. You can add new
servers or view, edit, or delete existing ones.
Add - To add a server, click “Add” and follow the steps in the “DVR Settings details” section
Edit - To edit a server, click the server name then click “Edit”, and follow the steps in the “DVR
Settings details” section below.
Delete - To delete a server, click on the server name then click “Delete”.
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Server Type – Allows for selection of either a Vigil DVR or a Sanyo DSR.
IP Address – The IP Address or DNS name of the server.
DVR Matrix Input – The matrix input to which the video output of the server is connected.
User Name – The user name used to log into Vigil Server. Note: Please refer to the Vigil Server™
Users Guide for details.
Password – The password used to log into Vigil Server. Note: Please refer to the Vigil Server™
Users Guide for details.
Cameras – All of the cameras enabled on the DVR should be listed here along with the logical
matrix input associated with the camera feed.
Add – Click to add a DVR input and logical matrix input
Edit – Select an entry and then click edit to edit the DVR input and logical matrix input numbers.
Delete – Select an entry and then click delete to remove the entry.
Use Transcoder – Select if you are using a video transcoder.
TCP/IP Ports – For the Gatekeeper software to connect properly to the Vigil Server, the TCP/IP
Ports in the Gatekeeper software must match the TCP/IP Ports on the Vigil Server. To change the
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TCP/IP Ports, select a preset number from the dropdown list, or enter the ports in manually. Note:
Please refer to the Vigil Server Users Guide for details.
Use the Monitors Settings screen to associate names with monitors. Monitor names are displayed
under the Monitor number in the Select Monitor screen.
Add – Click to add a monitor number and name to the list.
Edit – Select an entry and then click edit to edit the monitor
number, name, and to assign an alternate monitor.
Delete – Select an entry and then click delete to remove the
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Macros must first be configured within the Pelco Matrix Controller. Please refer to the Pelco users
manual for details.
Add – Click to add a macro group to the list.
Edit – Select an entry and then click “Edit” to edit the macro group.
Delete – Select an entry and then click “Delete” to remove the entry.
Group Name – Each macro group has
a group name used to identify the
macro group.
Add – Click to add a macro to the list.
Edit – Select an entry and then click
“Edit” to edit the macro.
Delete – Select an entry and then click
“Delete” to remove the entry.
Macro Name – The macro name is
used to easily identify the macro.
Matrix Macro – The macro number
used by the Pelco Matrix Switch.
Function Key – Enter a function key
(the F# buttons on the CM9760 screen)
to assign a function key to this macro.
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Destinations are predefined video and still image storage locations. Destinations are used to save
video footage and still images.
Add – Click to add a destination
Edit – Select a destination then click “Edit” to change the destination properties
Delete – Select a destination then click “Delete” to permanently delete the destination. Note:
Deleting a destination will not delete the Windows folder or the files contained in the destination.
Move Up/Down – Change the order of the selected destination that it will appear in Browse
Name – The name of the destination
Path – Enter a file path for the destination, or click the
button to browse to a folder.
Silent – When enabled, all footage and still images that
are saved are silently sent to this destination as well.
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External App Location/Caption – The location of an external application that can be opened
using the main screen menu. The caption will be the text on the button itself.
Top Level Maps Location – The location of the top level maps.
Joystick Parameters – Use the number entry sections or the arrows to adjust the Dead Zone for
X, Y and Z. Use the checkbox to enable or disable the Reverse Z Axis option.
Configure Buttons - Allows you to configure which buttons on the joystick perform application
Enable Mouse Pointer – Enables the displaying of the mouse pointer on the touch screen.
Show Splash Screen – Enables or disables the startup splash screen upon application load.
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Passthru Mode
Enable Passthru Mode – When enabled, will allow the locally attached Pelco CM9760-KBD
keyboard to be used
CM9760-KBD COM Settings – Select the COM Port that is being used by Pelco CM9760-KBD
keyboard. Use the dropdown lists to select the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity.
Playback Macro – Defines the function key that opens the playback window.
Keyboard Detach Macro – Defines the function key that detaches the CM9760-KBD keyboard to
allow use for camera control.
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Add – Click to add an MPEG video transcoder
Edit – Select a video transcoder then click “Edit” to change the selected video transcoder
Delete – Select a video transcoder then click “Delete” to permanently delete the video
IP – The IP address or domain name of the video
Matrix Input – The matrix input number that the
video transcoder can be selected by.
Register, Video Control, and Streaming Port –
The port addresses that will be used by the video
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IP Cameras
Monitor – Select which non-primary PC monitor to display the live IP camera feeds from. Note:
This is unavailable if only one monitor is attached to the PC.
Add – Click to add an IP camera
Edit – Select an IP camera then click “Edit” to change the IP camera properties
Delete – Select an IP camera then click “Delete” to permanently delete the IP camera.
Type – The type of the IP camera
IP/Port – The IP and port used by
the IP camera.
IPS – The number of images per
second to be displayed by the camera.
Username – The account name used
to log into the camera.
Password – The password for the
account used to log into the camera.
Virtual Matrix Input – The matrix
input number that the IP camera can
be selected by.
Description – A short description for
the IP camera.
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5.5.10 Playback
Cue to beginning – When the playback window is opened, the video footage will start from the
beginning of the time period.
Cue to end – Starts the playback video at the end of the time period
Cut to X seconds from end – Starts the playback video X amount of seconds from the end of
the time period.
Pause clip – The video playback window will start paused when opened.
Play forwards – The video playback window will start playing forwards when opened.
Play in reverse – The video playback window will start playing in reverse when opened.
Include DV Player with video exports to CD/DVD – DV Player software will be added to any
CD/DVD exports. This allows the exported footage to be played on any computer, even if it
doesn’t have the correct video player installed.
Overlay date/time on still shots exports – Overlays the date and time in small text for BMP
and JPG exports.
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6 Site Map Designer
The Site Map Designer is a utility that allows the user to configure graphical displays of the site
with associated cameras.
To open the Site Map Designer, from the Start Menu: “Programs | Vigil | Site Map Designer”.
Creating a New Site Map
1. Before beginning a new site map, create an image (JPG or BMP) file. This file will be
used as a background picture for the site map.
2. Click the “Image” button on the toolbar or select “File | Load Background Image” from
the menu.
Opening an Existing Site Map
1. Click the “Open” button on the toolbar or select “File | Open” from the menu.
Saving a Site Map
1. To save a site map, click the “Save” button from the toolbar or select “File | Save As…”
from menu. Site map files are normally stored in the “C:\Program Files\Vigil\Client”
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6.1 Site Map Designer Icons and Buttons
Hot Spot Icon – With this icon selected, drag a box on the site map to
define a new hot spot. To delete a hot spot, select the hot spot you wish
to remove and press the “Delete” key.
Fixed Camera Icons – Select an existing hot spot on the sitemap and
then click the icon or drag a box with the icon selected to place a fixed
camera on the site map. When setting up these cameras, specify the
appropriate remote host and camera number in the control settings.
Dome (PTZ) Camera Icon – Select an existing hot spot on the sitemap
and then click the icon or drag a box with the icon selected to place a
pan/tilt/zoom camera on the site map. When setting up these cameras,
specify the appropriate remote host and camera number in the control
Multi-Camera Grid Icons – Select an existing hot spot on the sitemap
and then click the icon or drag a box with the icon selected to place an icon
to link to 4, 9, or 16 camera grid on the server Live screen. When setting
up these cameras, specify the appropriate remote host and set the camera
number to 0 in the control settings.
Map Link Icon – Select an existing hot spot on the sitemap and then click
the icon or drag a box with the icon selected to place a map link icon.
Directional Icons – Select an existing hot spot on the sitemap and then
click the icon or drag a box with the icon selected to place a directional
icon on the site map. For example, can be used to provide directional links
to adjacent maps.
Relay – Select an existing hot spot on the sitemap and then click the icon
or drag a box with the icon selected to place a relay on the site map. It
provides a toggle for relays on the site map. It is also polled every 5
seconds for it’s current state.
Alignment Buttons – Select a hot spot and then use a combination of the
horizontal and vertical alignments to move the icon into any position within
the hot spot.
Colour Buttons – Use these buttons to change the default colours of the
hot spot borders for each state (normal, mouse over, mouse click). Note:
These changes affect all hot spots on the site map.
Preview Button - Click the Preview button to view the site map in
runtime mode.
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6.2 Site Map/Hot Spot Properties
Note: Press the “Tab” key or select a different input box after each setting has been made to
make sure the changes occur.
Sitemap Properties
Top Level Map
A brief description of the site map.
Top Level Maps are listed as a home map in Gatekeeper.
Hotspot Properties
Hot Spot Types
Default – Select Default for a PTZ or a fixed camera hotspot.
Live Only – Select Live Only for camera hotspots that link to a
camera that is connected to the Matrix Switch but not to a Vigil
Server DVR.
Link – Select Link for a hotspot that links to another map.
Relay – Select Relay
The text that is displayed when the mouse is moved over the
Use the tag section to make any notes about this camera. This
information is not displayed in the site map.
Matrix Input
Link Map
Size and position of the hot spot in pixels.
For Live Only cameras; the Matrix Input number of the camera.
For Link hot spots, the location of the site map where the link leads
Remote Host
The IP Address or DNS Name of the Vigil Server DVR.
The data port of the Vigil Server DVR.
Enable this option if the connection to the Vigil Server DVR is a
dialup connection.
Dialup Entry
For dialup connections only; the dialup entry of the dialup
Camera Number
The DVR camera number of the selected camera.
For controllable cameras, enter a preset number for the camera to
go to this preset when the hotspot is clicked.
The number of the relay switch that will be toggled when the hotspot
is clicked.
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7 Wiring Diagram – Pelco CM9740/60/70
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8 Contact Information
3xLogic has offices in Victoria BC, Canada and in Westminster Colorado, USA. Please visit our
3xLogic web site at Please contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
(technical support), or using the following contact information:
3xLogic Technical Support:
Toll Free:
(877) 3XLOGIC
(877) 395-6442
[email protected]
3xLogic Corporate Headquarters
16-6782 Veyaness Road
Victoria, BC V8M 2C2
3xLogic USA Main Office
6510 West 91st Avenue
Westminster, CO 80031
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