Product range - Kakkis Agrifuture Products LTD


Product range - Kakkis Agrifuture Products LTD
Product range
I nnovative potato, beet and vegetable technology
N o claims can be raised in respect of text s, illustrations, technical specifications, dimensions and weights, eq uipment as well as performance specifications.
They are approxi mate and non-binding. C hanges in the course of technical enhancement are possible at any time.
G rimme L andmaschinenfabrik G mbH & C o. K G
H unteburger Straß e 3 2 · 4 9 4 01 Damme · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 54 9 1 666-0 · F ax + 4 9 54 9 1 666-229 8
grimme@ ·
G EN .00283
09 /13 /5000
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Potato technology
P lanting
Soil cultivation
H arvest
H andling
eq uipment
P a g e 4 – 5
P a g e 6– 9
P a g e 1 0– 1 1
P a g e 1 2– 1 3
P a g e 1 4 – 1 9
P a g e 20 – 23
P a g e 24 – 27
Beet technology
L oading/cleaning technology
B iogas-beet
P a g e 29 – 3 1
P a g e 3 2– 3 5
P a g e 3 6
P a g e 3 7
Vegetable technology
C arrot
O nion
L eek
C abbage
O ther harvesting
P a g e 3 9
P a g e 4 0
P a g e 4 1
P a g e 4 1
P a g e 4 2– 4 3
The company
G rimme
G rimme
G rimme
G rimme
P a g e 4 4
P a g e 4 5
P a g e 4 6– 4 7
P a g e 4 8 – 4 9
P a g e 5 0– 5 1
Separating is the basic for high q uality
of clods and stones in 3 phases –
are clearly less damage to the potatoes
potato growing on stony and cloddy
forming, separating and planting
caused by stones and clods, a drastic
grounds. U sers benefit from the
using the bed cultivation method.
reduction of the picking costs and a
advantages of an effective separation
The advantages during harvesting
clearly increased output.
C Ss e r ie s
The second step is an optimum
soil separation. The separator picks
up the soil from the previously shaped
bed and sieves the soil. The stones
are placed in between the beds
via a cross conveyor. The C S series
is available in 3 variants for
various conditions.
Bed former
B F 200
This machine forms 2 beds per
passage and is suitable for bed
widths from 1.80 m. Depending on
soil conditions, different plough
bodies are available. All machines
of the B F series can for instance
be eq uipped with an automatic
hydraulic stone protection.
M A X I B e d m e th o d
1 .8 m
B F 4 00 / 600
1 .8 m
1 .8 m
5 .4 m
The B F 4 00 or B F 600 are
forming 3 or 4 beds and can
also be eq uipped with different
plough bodies. The particularly
robust, foldable frame permits
a trouble-free road transport.
These machines can among
others be eq uipped with
feeler wheels for an accurate
depth control.
2. 7 m
W ith the MAX I B ed method, the 1.8 m
wide bed is substituted by a 2.7 m wide
bed into which three rows of potatoes
are planted. F or this new method,
G rimme has developed a matching
bed former, separator and elevator
harvester. All these machines are
approved for road traffic.
During practical application, this
method causes an increase in the
hectare output per machine by up to
50 % , resulting from the 1.5 times
wider bed. B y reducing the tracks
compared to the conventional method,
up to 10 % more useful net acreage
is available per hectare, in particular
in vegetable cultivation.
2. 7 m
5 .4 m
Bed planter
The separating technology at a glance: B ed former B F 200, separator C S 150
and the 2-row potato planter G L 3 2 B in use in a field in England.
B e d p la n te r s
F or the third step – planting into
separated beds – cup planters
(trailed or mounted) (1) or belt
planters (trailed or mounted) (2)
are available, depending on
the respective req uirements.
Depending on the machine type,
2-, 3 -, 4 - or 6-row machines
can be provided.
The basic for a successful harvest is
range. Depending on the customer’ s
attachments, fertilize r boxe s, G P S
laid in spring. G rimme offer 2-, 3 -, 4 -, 6-
req uirements many useful options such
control systems, granulate sprayers
and 8-row cup planters as well as 2-, 3 -
as moving floors for chitted seeds,
and several more are available.
and 4 -row belt planters in their product
different shaping boards, seed dressing
C o m b in e d s o lu tio n s
The very compact 4 -row rotary hiller/
potato planter G L 4 20 Exa cta (1)
is the right choice for a three-point
linkage. The 4 -row trailed potato
planter G L 4 3 0 can be combined
with a cultivator. P ower harrow or full
width rotary hiller (2) are optionally
available for this.
Cup planter
M o u n te d c u p p la n te r s
The mounted potato planters are
eq uipped with large covering discs
to provide enough soil to shape
large-volume ridges. Another feature
is the trailed furrow opener in the
parallelogram, which guarantees a
planting depth that is optimised at all
times, irrespective of soil conditions
or machine weight.
T r a ile d , fo ld in g
c u p p la n te r
The 8-row G L 860 C ompacta (3 ) is
the first foldable potato planter built
by G rimme that is approved for road
traffic. The innovative C ompacta
folding mechanism permits a q uick
ex tension and retraction of the outer
wings to a dimension (4 ) that is
approved for road traffic. Thus, the
G L 860 C ompacta with its 6-ton
bunker counts among the most
powerful and efficient potato
planters in the market.
T r a ile d c u p p la n te r
The trailed 4 -, 6-, or 8-row cup planters are true all-rounder. Depending on the req uirements,
they can be eq uipped with a fertilize r box, seed dressing attachments, deep bunker, steering axl e,
various shaping boards, rotary hillers or cultivators and many more.
F r o n t f e r t i l i ze r b o x
a n d fr o n t c u ltiv a to r
The 2-row fertilize r box (5) was
especially developed for planting into
beds with a 2-row machine. The box
that holds 4 50 kg can be ext ended
by means of a funnel-shaped
ex tension, which increases the
capacity by 200 kg.
The 2- or 4 -row front cultivator (6)
shapes the ridges already ahead
of the tractor.
Belt planter
M o u n te d
b e lt p la n te r
The 2-row G B 215 is a very
compact potato planter, which is
suitable for small fields. The
machine unites all the advantages
of the trailed version and is
eq uipped with a 1.5-ton bunker.
The G B 215 is designed both
for conventional planting and
for planting in beds.
3 -ro w
tr a ile d b e lt p la n te r
C ontrary to the 2-row bed method,
it is possible to plant more potatoes
per sq uare metre with the 3 -row trailed
G rimme belt planter G B 3 3 0. At the
same time, the planting elements have
retained the proven shape and
dimension of the 2-row machines.
The result is an even growth of the
tubers and thus an increased q uota
of marketable commodities.
Make the comparison yourself:
three rows on the left, two rows
in the bed on the right
T r a ile d b e lt p la n te r
fo r s e p a ra te d b e d s
The 2-row bed planter G B 23 0 is
eq uipped with a DL G awarded
flow board, which allows for a
constant planting depth of the
potatoes in relation to the upper
edge of the finished ridge.
I n addition, the machine can
by req uest be eq uipped with
automatic levelling at slopes.
The bunker has a capacity
of 3 tons.
4 -ro w
tr a ile d b e lt p la n te r
The trailed, ext remely compact
4 -row G B 4 3 0 can among others
be optionally eq uipped with ridging
bodies, shaping board, cage roller,
seed dressing attachment and fertilize r
box, steering drawbar and state-ofthe-art operator terminals. The bunker
has a capacity of 3 tons.
Soil cultivation
Depending on the soil conditions, rotary
implements ensure there are less
the effort req uired for clod separation
hillers or ridging hillers can be used for
weeds, as germ tubes are cut across
during digging. All machines are
ridge maintenance to achieve an as
the entire surface of the ridge.
designed for a long service life and
finely tilled soil as possible and bulbous
I n addition, bothering clods are broken
sturdiness to be able to persist even
ridges. I n addition, the maintenance
up by rotary hillers, thus minimising
under difficult conditions of use.
Rotary hiller in rows
G F s e r ie s
The easy to trail 2-, 4 -, 6- or 8-row
rotary hillers of the G F series are
available with 75 cm or 9 0 cm row
width. O ptionally available are among
others spraying track levers, different
kinds of tines and shaping boards,
sliding axl e for accurate row guiding
as well as feeler wheels for
depth control.
Ridging hiller
s e r ie s
The ridging hillers of the G H series
are available as 2-, 4 -, 6- or 8-row
machine (1), the 6- and 8-row
machine also being available as
foldable version (2). Depending on
the req uirements, it is possible
to fit ridging bodies, discs or tines
of different size s.
Full-width rotary hiller
G F s e r ie s
D y k e r
The G rimme dyker (3 ) digs small holes
into the soil for a better irrigation.
This option ensures a better water
supply in the potato ridges and avoids
soil erosion under heavy rain.
E c o -r id g in g h ille r
N ot only ideal for organic farmers,
who would like to combine mechanical
weed control and ridge shaping
in one machine (4 ).
s in g le r o w
s h a p e r
The 2-, 4 -, 6- or 8-row single row shaper is mounted onto the
same sturdy frame as the ridging hiller. The single row shapers
are also particularly suited for fields with emerged crop.
The spring-loaded single row shaper moves soil safely onto
the ridge without damaging the emerged crop.
Without dyker
As preparation for potato planting
or as seed bed preparation for e.g.
vegetables, the rotary hiller can also
be used for full-width soil cultivation.
With dyker
Rota Tilla
3 00
The R ota Tilla G R 3 00 has been
specially designed for heavy soils.
This very sturdy machine tills the soil,
thus preparing an ideal planting bed
for the potatoes. The G R 3 00 can be
optionally operated as rear or front
attachment and in combination with
a potato planter.
Harvest preparation
H aulm toppers do not only allow an
important step towards a successful
processing or seed potatoes:
easier harvesting but also guarantee
harvest. I t influences the yield, the
haulm cutting is an essential
a more efficient harvest. H aulm cutting
q uality and the storability of the
part of the campaign.
several weeks before harvesting is one
potatoes. W hether it is for table,
Haulm topper
The compact windrower W H 200
is fully mounted on the tractor 3 -point
linkage which makes it ext remely
manoeuvrable. An infinitely adj ustable crop cross conveyor is available
as option for side discharge of
the potatoes.
K Ss e r ie s
The 2-, 4 - or 6-row haulm toppers
are designed for the toughest of
applications. W ith a few easy steps,
the haulm topper can be converted
from rear to front attachment. The flail
blades setting suit the rows. H aulm
deflector plates guide the haulm
between the rows. Another option
is the cross conveyor which is
available on some models.
R L 4 00
The sturdy and easy to pull 4 -row
R L 4 00 is the first digitally controlled
windrower ever to be built. The
standard VC 50 touch screen
terminal gives the operator the
high comfort similar to that offered
by modern potato harvesters.
The R L 4 00 can be eq uipped with
either a centre or a side discharge.
The 2-row, high-performance
W R 200 has been developed for
many various req uirements. I ts
intake unit originates from the
time-tested 2-row bunker harvester
SE 150-60. The W R 200 is
available in five different variants,
so that the right eq uipment is
available for every application and
purpose. The picture shows the
variant for 2-phase methods
with centre deposit.
U sing a 2-phase method, the W R 200 digs up two rows of
potatoes and places them between the neighbouring rows.
The four rows are dug by a 2-row potato harvester.
Trailed harvester
The tractor-trailed potato harvesters
harvesters are available as 1- and
harvesters are available as 2-, 3 -
are basically subdivided into bunker
2-row machines with 2 to 7.5-ton
or 4 -row variant.
and elevator harvesters. The bunker
bunker capacity. The elevator
SE 7 5 - 5 5
W ith a 5.5-ton bunker capacity, this
machine is by far one of the most
powerful 1-row harvesters. H ere too,
a 75 cm or 85 cm wide intake channel
is optionally available. An absolute
novelty is the digital technology,
which guarantees a high degree of
operating comfort.
1-row bunker harvester
SE 7 5 - 20
This single row off-set trailed potato
harvester is eq uipped with a 2-ton
bunker (optional 2.3 tons). Due to
its low and compact design, this
machine is particularly suited for
smaller to medium-size d cultivated
areas. The manoeuvrability is
increased by an optionally available
hydraulic axl e steering.
SE 1 4 0
The SE 14 0 is a very compact yet powerful harvester with 4 -ton bunker.
The machine is optionally available with 75 cm or 85 cm wide intake channel.
As with all harvesters of the SE series, the patented unit consisting of deviner
web and second main web provides for optimum sieving, haulm separation
and gentle conveying of the potatoes.
2-row bunker harvester
1 5 0
This centrally trailed two-row
harvester with 4 .5-ton bunker capacity
is a proven, sturdy and very easy
to operate machine. Among others,
the B R 150 can be optionally eq uipped
with automatic levelling and
drawbar adj ustment.
SE 260
The 2-row, off-set trailed SE 260 with
6-ton bunker, G rimme supplements
its very successful SE 150-60 series
and with that is able to enter the
performance dimension of 2-row
bunkers at an attractive price.
The digging technology is based on a
combination of the powerful yet gently
harvesting elements of the 2-row
SE 150-60 and the easy harvest flow
of the single-row SE 75-55. The
machines’ compact design makes
them highly manoeuvrable which
offers many benefits especially
at row ends. The low weight of
9 .2 tons and the wide tyres with
their dimension up to 800/4 5-3 0.5
are very gentle on the soil.
The SE 260 is suited for tractors
from 110 H P onwards.
SE 1 5 0- 60
This machine is the top-selling 2-row
off-set trailed bunker harvester
worldwide and convinces with a high
output combined with gentle harvest
handling. Apart from the 6-ton
standard bunker, a 7.5-ton large
bunker as well as a 5.8-ton unloading
bunker are available. H ydraulic axl e
steering and convenient digital
control come as a standard.
SV 260
The 2-row bunker harvester SV 260
has been developed for very heavy
harvesting conditions. The proven
technology of the SE 150-60 bunker
harvester is the basis for the intake
and bunker variants (5.8-ton overloading, 6-ton standard and 7.5-ton
large bunker). A special feature is
the high degree of variability offered
for the selection and combination of
the high-performance separators.
Double MultiSep, MultiSep with roller
separator or roller separator and/or
MultiSep with fine haulm elevator are
available in the lower and upper deck.
2-row elevator harvester
4-row elevator harvester
G T 1 7 0
G V 3 000
The multi-talented 2-row elevator
harvester G T 170 can be fitted with
various options for a variety of
req uirements. The G T 170 S is
eq uipped with an additional intake
web for heavy conditions and
increased output. The G T 170 M
is the ideal harvester for loose soil.
The compact elevator harvester
convinces with its clear arrangement
and manoeuvrability.
The G V 3 000 is a very powerful
trailed 4 -row elevator harvester with
an ex tensive standard eq uipment such
as ridge pressure control, innovative
intake with large disc coulters and
a hydraulically adj ustable drawbar.
Depending on the soil conditions,
the machine can be eq uipped with
MultiSep, R oller Separator or
Vario-R S separator. C omfortable
operation, compact, open design and
a clear arrangement additionally
support the technical performance.
3-row elevator harvester
G T 3 00
The 3 -row G T 3 00 is based on the G T 170 and
increases the output by more than 50 % compared
to conventional 2-row machines. As an option,
the G T 3 00 and the G T 170 are also available
with the I SO B U S-compatible control terminal
C C I 200, the control concept of which
was awarded the DL G gold medal
at the Agritechnica 2009 .
Self-propelled harvester
Already in 19 69 , G rimme introduced the
Today, a total of six different 2- or 4 -row
harvesters count among the most
world-wide first single row self-propelled
self-propelled bunker and elevator
complex agricultural machines
harvester, only five years later the
harvesters are available to users all
worldwide and have to meet the
two-row harvester with 3 .5-ton bunker.
over the world. Self-propelled potato
high req uirements.
The 2-row self-propelled harvester
VAR I TR O N 200 is designed as pure
overloading machine. Depending
on the harvesting conditions, the
VAR I TR O N series can be eq uipped
with different separators. As an option,
the VAR I TR O N 200 can be eq uipped
with a 3 26 H P instead of a 280 H P
Mercedes-B enz engine and a rubber
track that is gentle on the soil.
2-row self-propelled harvester
SF 1 5 0- 60
This 2-row self-propelled harvester (1)
has been developed on the basis of
the trailed SE 150-60 and is eq uipped
with a 280 H P or optionally 3 26 H P
Mercedes-B enz engine. This 12 m
long, 3 .3 m wide and 4 m high
machine is eq uipped with the
comfortable C laas VistaC ab cabin.
Among others, the SF 150-60 is
optionally available with narrow
wheels, stone box and haulm topper.
The standard video system (2)
provides an optimum panoramic
view at all times.
As overloading machine, the
VAR I TR O N 220 is designed with
a 2-ton buffer bunker to ensure that
no time is lost even during turning
manoeuvres or while exch anging
the transport vehicle. Due to the new
length-flow principle, the drop step
from the picking web into the bunker
and when unloading the bunker during
digging remains constantly small
due to the fact that no dump cone
is moved sideways.
27 0
The VAR I TR O N 270 is eq uipped with an innovative 7-ton bunker that
has been designed for an as gentle as possible harvest handling.
All VAR I TR O N self-propelled harvesters are as a standard
eq uipped with two C C I 200 terminals, the control concept of
which was awarded the gold medal at the Agritechnica 2009 .
4-row self-propelled harvester
4 7 0
The 4 -row self-propelled potato
harvester VAR I TR O N 4 70 is
eq uipped with a 7-ton bunker.
The 4 9 0 H P self-propelled
harvester is available both as
machine that is purely eq uipped
with wheels or optionally with
two rubber tracks that are
gentle on the soil.
4 1 5
The TEC TR O N 4 15 is eq uipped
with a 15-ton large bunker. The
potatoes are gently conveyed via
the 2 m wide cart elevator without
change in direction onto the bunker
filling web, which is able to deeply
dip into the bunker with little impact
on the product. The bunker can also
be emptied while digging is onging.
The TEC TR O N 4 15 counts among the most powerful and innovative self-propelled
harvesters at all. Despite its length of 12 m, the harvester only has an inner
turning radius of 1.2 m. The “ machine of the year 2002” that has been
awarded the DL G gold medal is eq uipped with a 4 9 0 H P Mercedes-B enz
motor and comes as a standard with two C C I 200 terminals.
Handling equipment
Since 19 9 9 G rimme has included
characterise the storage technology.
to a high output, tremendous sturdiness
storage technology in its product range.
N o matter whether receiving hopper,
as well as lowest impact crop treatment.
Many innovative ideas and a large
conveyors, box filler or store loaders –
number of technical novelties
we always attach greatest importance
Receiving hopper
The intake-side, large volume bunker
of the TH series is directly coupled to
the receiving hopper of the R H series
and takes in the potatoes coming off
the transport vehicle. The subseq uent
storing line is loaded constantly so
that optimum use can be made of the
system’ s high capacity. W aiting times
of transport units are drastically
reduced and these can thus be made
available for the logistic process
much faster.
Receiving hopper
s e r ie s
R eceiving hoppers of the robust
R H series receive the harvested
potatoes from the transport vehicle.
They provide for an additional
gentle cleaning of the potatoes of
trash and are separating over- and
undersize d potatoes. U niq ue are
the highly flexi ble electro-hydraulic
drive as well as the soft, wear-resistant
P U spiral rollers, for very gentle
crop transfer and increased output.
Depending on the req uirements,
machines with a hopper volume from
4 m3 to 21 m3 are available.
Combined picking and grading unit
R H -C o m b i
The combination of receiving hoppers and picking units of the R H -C ombi series enables
a powerful yet gentle intake, soil separation, pre-grading and manual picking of potatoes.
s e r ie s
SC / T C
s e r ie s
B oth the single conveyors of the
SC series and the telescoping
conveyors of the TC series are
characterised by a particularly sturdy
and durable design. The high-q uality
workmanship is reflected in many
innovative detail solutions: the crop
transfer that is particularly gentle
thanks to airbag landing has received
a DL G award. H ydraulic steering
and drive are optionally available
for the TC series. The TC conveyors
are available in a 13 m or 16 m long
variant and the SC conveyors in a
7 m, 9 m or 12 m long variant.
Store loader
Web grader
SL s e r i e s
The store loaders of the SL series
are available in three variants with
65 cm, 80 cm or 110 cm wide belt.
The ext ended length varies from 12 m
to 25 m. O n all machines, the electrohydraulic drive permits the infinite
adj ustment of the belt and the speed.
A touchscreen control terminal VC 50,
a radio remote control and different
filling functions are optionally available.
The speed of the sturdy web
grader W G 9 00 can be adj usted
in infinitely variable steps and
makes it possible to achieve an
optimum separating result as well
as the most gentle treatment of
the crop. The W G 9 00 is available
both as single unit or as module
in conj unction with the R H -C ombi.
Box filler
The G B F alternatively fills two
potato boxe s fully automatically.
O nce one of the boxe s is optimally
filled, the conveyor belt
automatically changes direction
and repeats the process
on the other side.
9 00
Roller grader
u n it
The SG units can be integrated
as pre-assembled modules into
an already exi sting processing line.
To make the necessary adoptions
possible, the SG unit comes
without chutes, cross conveyors
and frames. This unit is eq uipped
with P U spiral rollers and an
electro-hydraulic drive.
Beet technology
At the Agritechnica 2003 G rimme
few years, two further self-
company. Thanks to the
launched the self-propelled beet
propelled harvesters, a trailed
supplements from the K leine
harvester, the MAX TR O N
beet harvester, defoliator, leaf
product range with their additional
and started in a new field next to
topper as well as special systems
loading technology, G rimme
potato and vegetable technology.
for storing and processing biogas
can now offer a full line of
The uniq ue digging and drive
beet were added. At the end
beet technology.
concept inspired the professional
of 2012, G rimme integrated
visitors straight away. W ithin a
the K leine enterprise into the
Trailed beet harvesting systems
2- p h a s e : you prepare your harvest
from the leaves and scalp it with the
perfectly with the high performance
front topper. O r you can choose the
defoliator B M 3 00/3 3 0. After the clean re-
much discussed defoliating of your beet
moval of the beet leaves, the optional, hy-
and decide on the F M 3 00. The
draulically driven disc scalper performs the
precise topping cut. 1 - p h a s e : it is your
subseq uently carries out the digging,
choice whether you use the F T 3 00 to
cleaning and unloading of the beet
separate the beet in the classical way
from all three models.
604 harvester will
H arvesting with the 2-phase system:
D e f o l i a t o r B M 3 00/ 3 3 0 and
R O O T ST E R 604 .
C an be used with at least 2 standard tractors
for the trailer and for the defoliator
B M 3 00/3 3 0 and 1 medium class tractor
for the R O O TSTER 604 .
3 00 / 3 3 0
F T 3 00
H arvesting with the 1-phase system:
F r o n t t o p p e r F T 3 00 in the front hydraulics
and R O O T ST E R 604 attached to the rear.
C an be used with at least 1 standard
tractor for the trailer and 1 top class
tractor to trail the front topper F T 3 00
and the R O O TSTER 604 .
H arvesting with the 1-phase system:
F r o n t m u l c h e r F M 3 00 in the front hydraulics
and R O O T ST E R 604 attached to the rear.
C an be used with at least 1 standard
tractor for the trailer and 1 top class
tractor to trail the front mulcher F M 3 00
and the R O O TSTER 604 .
3 00
6-row defoliator
6-row inline front topper
D e fo lia to r
F T 3 00
The defoliator B M 3 00/3 3 0 chops
and removes the beet leaves across
the entire machine width. Eq uipped
with a durable steel flail shaft, as well
as two non-wear cleaning rubber flail
shafts. O ptionally, a disc scalper
is available which ensures a precise
contour guidance. W orking widths
between 4 5 cm and 56 cm available
for the B M 3 00/3 3 0.
The 6-row inline front topper F T 3 00
with its patented leaf discharge reliably
avoids irritating blocking in the scalper
area. I n addition, this system ensures
an optimum distribution of the chopped
leaf mass, thus providing the best
conditions for a reduced soil cultivation.
The F T 3 00 can be flexi bly adj usted
from 4 5 to 50 cm row widths
Trailed harvester
6-row inline front mulcher
Simple and robust, this is the formula
for the development of the trailed
6-row beet harvester R O O TSTER with
4 -ton overloading bunker. All machine
functions can be conveniently
controlled via an operator terminal.
All other drives are mechanical and
of low-maintenance design. This does
not only make it easier to carry out
repairs, but also reduces the req uired
power (from 110 kW / 150 H P ).
3 00
The 6-row inline front mulcher F M 3 00
has an ext remely compact design and
defoliates the beet in a particularly
gentle manner. The F M 3 00 is
eq uipped with patented, counterrotating
multi- and cleaner shafts. W ith the
F M 3 00 it is possible to dig the whole
beet, thus achieving clearly higher
volume yields than with the
conventional scalping method.
The optional R ootR unner steering system
will take control of the steering giving
automatic tracking of the tractor by means
of an electric motor that is switched on
at the steering wheel or directly via the
I SO B U S interface on the tractor. This
provides lasting relief for the driver.
3 0
3 1
Self-propelled harvester
The self-propelled 6-row beet harvesters
machines. The comfortable large cab
the online data management system
guarantees relaxe d and non-fatiguing
working. The machines are eq uipped
The 4 28 H P strong K leine brand
with a front mulcher F M 3 00 (option),
with two I SO B U S-compatible C C I
B eetliner C ompact completes the range
an inline front topper (standard) or
terminals, the control concept of
of self-propelled 6-row beet harvesters
a multi topper (option). The proven
which was awarded a DL G
in the lower range.
intake unit with hydraulically driven
Especially for applications in
O ppel wheels is fitted in all these
cooperation with other enterprises,
620, R EX O R
620 and
63 0 can be optionally eq uipped
gold medal.
is available by req uest.
6-row self-propelled harvester
The 6-row, 53 0 H P strong R EX O R 620
is a 2-axl e beet harvester with
22 ton (3 3 m³ ) large bunker. The
chassis concept with the dog-legged
left and right hand side positioning
of the wheels for lifting enables the
machine to roll over the entire soil
surface. The combination of intelligent
drive technology, perfectly matched
hydraulic and cooling system, automotive driving in the speed range
between 1150 and 1500 r.p.m. as
well as enhanced motor control
(exh aust gas standard TI ER 4 )
turn the R EXO R 620 into the most
economical self-propelled beet
harvester of its class.
6-row self-propelled harvester
Thanks to its uniq ue chassis concept
with rubber tracks and rear steering
head, the 6-row MAX TR O N 620
is worldwide the most manoeuvrable
beet harvester, which at the same
time causes the least impact on the
soil. This exce llent design permits
an effective and gentle cleaning of
the beet across the full width
without bottleneck of the crop flow.
The 22-ton (3 3 m³ ) bunker is eq uipped
with a 1.8 m wide powerful unloading
web which makes it possible to create
up to 10 m wide clamps.
7 .5 m
3 2
F ast turning manoeuvres in the
smallest spaces: the split main frame
is eq uipped with an articulated j oint
with ± 3 5° turning angle. This, together
with the four-wheel steering makes
it possible to achieve an inner turning
radius of only 7.5 m (1).
The new ergonomic and clearly laid
out control desk (2) offers the driver
fast and intuitive access to all essential
functions via the ride lever or control
elements integrated in the armrest.
I t is a constituent of the new ErgoC ab
of the R EX O R 620 and 63 0.
3 3
6-row self-propelled harvester
63 0
The 6-row, 625 H P strong
R EX O R 63 0 is a 3 -axl e beet
harvester with 3 0 ton (4 5 m³ )
large bunker. O bligatory features
are dog-legged left and right hand
side positioning of the wheels and a
narrow turning circle of 7.5 m, which
lends a machine of this size a high
unimagined agility. Thanks to its
intelligent drive technology, combined
with the latest in engine technology
(automotive driving in the speed range
between 1150 and 1500 r.p.m.,
exh aust gas standard TI ER 4 ), the
R EX O R 63 0 is very fuel-efficient.
3 4
6-row self-propelled harvester
B e e tlin e r C o m p a c t
The B eetliner C ompact has a bunker
capacity of 12 tons (18 m³) and is
eq uipped with a combi topper, which
can change between inline leaf
deposit and leaf deflection. W alking
shares units dig the beet and transfer
them onto the cleaning turbine. The
short wheel base in conj unction with
two steering axl es lends the machine
an exce llent manoeuvrability.
3 5
Loading and
cleaning technology
Technology for
biogas plants
W ith the K leine brand C leanliner C lassic
wide field edge clamps. W ith the Mega
F or operators of biogas power plants
beet in biogas production. The system
and C leanliner Mega, G rimme has
it is possible to take in up to 10 m wide
who use beet as energy source with the
is designed for a minimum exp enditure
included two self-propelled harvester
clamps. I n addition, it is possible to
need to store using very little manpower,
of work and maxi mum productivity and
for cleaning and loading beet in its range.
optionally eq uip the machine with
G rimme has developed the B eetL oader.
is characterised by good cleaning
The C lassic is the entry-level model
a clamp divider, so that it is possible
W ith the B eetB eater, G rimme offers the
properties, which has a significant
offering sturdy technology for up to 8 m
to take in wider clamps too.
appropriate solution for the all-season
effect on the economic efficiency.
dry and stone-free preparation of energy
C le a n lin e r C la s s ic
As a standard, the C lassic is
eq uipped with a 8 m wide intake table,
an on-board computer and three
high-resolution infrared cameras. The
cameras supply pictures from the
depth control monitoring system of the
intake table and from vehicle loading
onto the split screen colour monitor
in the cabin. W eighing eq uipment is
optionally available. This facilitates a
gentle and clean loading of the beet.
The simple and sturdy configuration
contributes to a high degree
of operational safety and
ease of maintenance.
C le a n lin e r M e g a
The Mega model is eq uipped with
a 10 m wide intake table in the
well-proven V-shape, as well as
a 15 m long unloading section.
O ptionally, an intake table with
clamp divider is available. I n road
mode, the roller tables are folded
behind the lowered cabin, thus
providing a very clear view.
3 6
B e e tB e a te r
The B eetB eater collects fresh beet
and stored beet from a clamp in its
20 m³ bunker. A roller table ensures
the final beet cleaning of soil and
other trash. The stones are separated
from the beet by the patented
K Einstein (meaning no-stones)
system. A crumble rotor cuts the beet
into small matchbox size d chips,
thus allowing a fast processing in
the biogas plant W ith the aid of this
system, the B eetB eater is ideally
eq uipped to ensure that the biogas
plant can be fed with energy beet
all the year round.
B e e tL o a d e r
The B eetL oader is a combination of
receiving hopper, cleaning roller and
conveyor belt to take in freshly
harvested beet, to clean them and
to store them in clamps up to 9 x 3 2 m
(height x width). The B eetL oader has
an hourly output up to 150 tons.
3 3 73
Vegetable technology
Carrot harvest technology
F or more than 4 0 years,
carrot seed bed preparation,
special and tailored to the
ASA-L I F T and G rimme have
top-lifting digging technology
customer. W e therefore do
been developing efficient, gentle
on trailed and self-propelled
not offer any standard products
handling and ground protecting
harvesters for 2 to 6 rows as
but develop these j ointly with
machines for the vegetable
well as self-propelled harvesters
the customer.
technology. The wide product
for silver onions. The req uire-
range comprises rotary hillers for
ments in this field are very
C arrots
O nions
R ed beet
P arsnip
C hicory
F lower bulbs
Silver onions
C elery
1 000
The light-weight three-point linkage
mounted top-lifting harvester is
available in many configurations to
suit individual req uirements. Elevator
loading, box filling and big bag filling
are all available along with a 55 cm
wide share lifting section and a wide
choice of cleaners.
G arlic
T s e r ie s
The trailed 1-, 2-, 3 - or 4 -row
harvester range is eq uipped with an
elevator to load directly into trailers
with a bunker option available on
1 and 2 row harvesters with capacities
of up to 6 tons. F eatures of the
T series include the improved 2013
design lift arms rails and the gear
driven “ Super-K nife” topping
system. Agitators, root cleaners
and hedgehog belts can all be
specified along with versions
especially for processing carrots.
T R Ss e r ie s
The trailed share lifter with intake
widths of 13 5 cm, 150 cm, 170 cm
and 19 0 cm offers supreme
harvesting and cleaning capacity
though the sq uare web, agitators,
hedgehog belt, cleaning table and
wide elevator. L arge diameter, low
ground pressure tyres and powerful
wheel drive system mean the
harvester can operate in the
heaviest and wettest conditions,
harvesting carrots and parsnips.
3 8
3 9
Onion harvester
Leek harvester
O T s e r ie s
P O - Se r i e s
The O T series of onion toppers
comprises of machines for 150 cm,
180 cm, 200 cm and 225 cm bed
widths. The O T series can be either
front or rear mounted on a three point
linkage and a 3 bed trailed version
is available to provide higher outputs
for the larger grower.
The machines of the P O range are
available as a 1 row mounted
harvester or as a 1 or 2 row trailed
machines. G entle lifting section
with soft belts along with efficient
root cleaners allow for fast harvesting
and a choice of box filling options
are available which include a fully
automatic version. The P O range
is also suitable for bunching carrots
and spring onions.
Se l f - p r o p e l l e d P O - Se r i e s
The W R series of windrowers are an
efficient, reliable and low maintenance
solution to windrowing onions, bulbs
or potatoes. Available in working
widths of 13 5 cm, 150 cm, 180 cm and
23 5 cm; and a trailed 3 bed version
is available for high outputs. Sq uare
bar intakes, rubber paddle intakes and
cross conveyors can all be specified.
All self propelled leek harvesters
are built according to the individual
customers req uirements. Technology
from the well proven P O range
is included on all self propelled
harvesters with additional functions
and cleaning units fitted. Automatic
box filling and a box carrying platform
are available and a specially
developed cab is used giving the
operator an optimal view of the
harvesting operation.
Cabbage harvester
in o n io n s
The 2-row self-propelled harvester
VAR I TR O N q ualifies itself for
vegetable harvesting if a high
separating and sieving
performance is needed.
4 0
M K /T K
s e r ie s
The mounted MK range is available
as a 1 row harvester and attached
by a three point linkage. The trailed
TK range is available in either 1 or
2 rows along with a bunker version.
U niq ue features include the gentle
intake web which guides the stork
into the cutting knives and the
cabbage is then taken onto a sorting
table. These harvesters can be
specified for cabbages destined for
fresh market, long term storage or
processing use.
4 1
Chives harvester
Red beet harvester
P U - Se r i e s
G T 3 00 i n r e d b e e t
The P U range of mounted, trailed and
self propelled harvesters have been
developed by ASA-L I F T to harvest
and chop chives ready for packaging.
W ith the use of innovative technology
and working closely with customers,
specialist machines have been
developed to optimize their
harvesting operation.
The G T 3 00 is a particularly
easy to trail elevator harvester,
with a variety of separators and
an intake unit up to 2.7 m width.
The combination with the
G rimme haulm topper enables
1-phase harvesting.
Celery harvester
Handling equipment
5 0
R e c e iv in g h o p p e r
A fully mounted, light-weight and
versatile celery harvester which is also
suitable for harvesting salads and
chinese cabbage. The SC 50 includes
a sorting table which leads onto
box filler with options including a
folding 3 box magazi ne with
automatic box discharge.
Depending on the respective
req uirements, the receiving
hoppers can be eq uipped with
different cleaning and grading units.
Singe or twin conveyors and store
loaders can be used without problems.
And same as for the potatoes,
the gentle crop handling is always
the main focus.
in s ilv e r o n io n s
The flagship TEC TR O N 4 15 convinces with a high separating and
sieving output, as shown here while digging pearl onions. The
ground protective chassis system enables direct harvesting.
Thanks to the large 15-ton overloading bunker, even
long field offer no problem.
4 2
4 3
High-tech for the field
Y ou will find more detailed information
about G rimme i-systems under!
Already in 19 9 4 , F ranz G rimme, as one
working on state-of-the-art operating,
of the first manufacturers of agricultural
assistance and data systems. Another
technology, decided to develop the entire
important field of activity of G rimme
electronic system req uired to operate and
i-systems is research and development,
control the machines himself. The first
so the company will be able to continue
digitally controlled potato harvester was
offering practical, innovative and powerful
introduced as early as 19 9 5. Today, more
solutions in the future.
Systematically approaching success
Specifically for the markets of the R ussian F ederation
Y ou consider optimising your exi sting
process chain or are planning an
entirely new proj ect? I n both cases,
G rimme Solutions is your competent
contact. W e exa ctly know the highly
complex processes you req uire,
ranging from storage to the processing
of potatoes, onions, carrots and other
field crops.
than 70 highly q ualified employees are
1 . C o n tro l s y s te m s
Due to the ever more complex
agricultural machines, intelligent
control terminals are gaining in
importance. An intuitive and
I SO B U S-capable control terminal
from G rimme i-systems allows you
to keep track even if several
adj ustments need to be made at once
in the middle of a work process.
C u s to m e r r e q u ir e m e n t:
The successful harvest is to be profitably
transferred into a marketable state.
To enable successful acting on the
market, G rimme Solutions will
purposefully optimise your processes
by combining independent consulting,
competent planning, sustainable
implementation and long-term support.
I n this manner you are provided with
a cost-effective and powerful system
concept that is accurately tailored
to your req uirements.
2. A s s i s t a n c e s y s t e m s
W orking in modern agriculture
means that mostly you have to
remember countless things at once
and coordinate numerous work steps.
This is why G rimme has developed
i-systems assistants, such as e.g.
automatic steering systems or
which support you in your work.
In d iv id u a l s o lu tio n :
3 . D a ta s y s te m s
The larger the tasks, the more
important become data management
and documentation. W ith O P TI P L AN ,
I SO L O G and C C I .C ontrolMobile,
G rimme i-systems offer you
comprehensive solutions to reduce
the time you spend on administration
and for req uirement- and
exp enditure-optimised planning.
C ustomised, coordinated and economical –
a system concept with powerful system
components from all over the world
G oal-oriented and spanning all
manufacturers to provide the
best solution for you.
2. P r o j e c t p l a n n i n g
C onsistent, worldwide linking of different
well-known manufacturers.
4 . R e s e a r c h /d e v e lo p m e n t
R esearch in close cooperation with
colleges and universities plays an
important role for G rimme i-systems.
As source of innovative product ideas
and to safeguard the technological
lead it is indispensable to actively
participate in research proj ects of
different research institutions with
varying regional reference.
4 4
1 . P r o je c t c o n s u ltin g
3 . P r o je c t im p le m e n ta tio n
Y ou are given one contact person
during the entire implementation
phase up to the turn-key handover.
4 . P r o je c t s u p p o r t
Even after completion of the machine,
we are still there for you and will organise
the desired service and maintenance
work both at home and abroad.
4 5
Service makes the difference!
G r i m m e Se r v i c e
P a rtn e r
O ur sales partners receive an
intensive and comprehensive
theoretical and practical training
so that, if needed, they are able
to provide fast support. F or this
purpose, we have founded the
G rimme Academy with locations
in Damme and C appeln.
O ur local partner must not only be a
competent contact partner when it
comes to consulting and selling, but
must also offer the best solution for
the customer when it comes to
service, G rimme O riginal P arts and
retail machine marketing. This is
guaranteed by the choosen G rimme
P remium P artner, who meet these
req uirements and maintain a close
contact to the factory in Damme
at all times.
G r im m e O r ig in a l P a r ts
The close contact between
customer, sales partner and factory
representative is very important
to G rimme. This is the basis for
the development of innovative
and efficient products.
O nly the original part guarantees
uniq ue q uality, accuracy of fit and
long service life. B ut that is not all:
The function warranty guarantees
in the true sense of the word the
function of all the components and
not only of one special part. G rimme
develops and produces the most
important parts at its own factory and
supplies excl usively original
eq uipment manufacturer q uality.
4 6
G r im m e P r e m iu m
4 7
Potato technology from the USA
The company Spudnik located in
I n 2003 , the G rimme G roup took over
B lackfoot, I daho (U SA) was established
the company, which today employs more
as family business in 19 58. The first
than 24 0 employees and thus counts
machines were machines for potato
among the largest manufacturers of
storing and loading. I n the course of the
potato technology. Today, Spudnik
years, the company developed into the
offers powerful potato planters,
market leader in N orth America. C apable
cultivators, harvesters, transport and
sales partners, first-class service and a
storage eq uipment specially designed
prompt and well organised parts supply
for the N orth American, R ussian and
form the basis of Spudnik’ s good image.
Asian market.
4 -r o w e le v a to r
h a r v e s te r s in a c tio n
The Spudnik machines are
characterised by a high degree
of sturdiness, intuitive operation
and high output.
1 9 5 8 Development of the first storage technology machines
1 9 8 7 I ntroduction of the 3 D-C AD technology
1 9 9 8 Entry into the potato harvesting technology
2003 Takeover by the G rimme G roup
Sp u d n i k i n
B l a c k f o o t / I d a h o ( U SA )
After ext ensive building activities,
Spudnik today counts among the most
up-to-date manufacturers for potato
technology world-wide.
9 x 6= 5 4 ro w s
N ine 6-row Spudnik potato planters
combined plant a total of 54 rows
at one go.
Sp u d n i k p r o d u c t i o n
I n cooperation with the employees
at G rimme L andmaschinenfabrik,
processes were optimised and
production was modernised.
4 8
4 9
The Grimme Group
at a glance
The family company was founded in
group in over 110 countries worldwide.
1861 as forge in the town of Damme,
The company is in 4 th generation
L ower Saxo ny, G ermany and for more
managed by the owner, Mr. F ranz
than 70 years the name G rimme has
G rimme. W ith G rimme, G rimme
stood for innovative potato harvesting
Solutions, K leine, ASA-L I F T, Spudnik,
technology. W ithin the space of a few
R icon and I nternorm, seven brands make
years, the product range has been
up the G rimme G roup. O wn sales and
exp anded from approx. 20 to more than
service agencies have been founded
150 machine types for the potato, beet
in the U SA, England, F rance, the
and vegetable sectors. Today, more than
N etherlands, C hina, R ussia, Denmark,
2,200 employees work for the G rimme
P oland, Turkey and B elgium.
Kleine – A brand of the
Grimme Group
The internationally active company that was founded in 1874
develops and produces well-proven beet harvesting, loading and
cleaning technology at its headq uarter in Salzko tten.
F o u n d i n g y e a r : 1874
Salzko ttener Maschinenbau G mbH
F erdinand-H enze -Straß e 6 – 10
3 3 154 Salzko tten · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 5258 9 73 -0
F ax
+ 4 9 5258 9 73 -214
info@ franz-
I n order to consolidate its range in vegetable technology, G rimme
L andmaschinenfabrik has taken over the maj ority share of the
Danish company ASA-L I F T, an enterprise with a long tradition
that counts among the largest manufacturers in this sector.
F or more than 75 years, ASA-L I F T has been producing leading
technology for the harvest of carrots, onions, leek and cabbage.
F o u n d i n g y e a r : 19 3 6
Metalvej 2 · 4 180 Sorø · Denmark
P hone + 4 5 5786 0700
F ax
+ 4 5 5786 0707
H unteburger Straß e 3 2
4 9 4 01 Damme · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 54 9 1 666-0
F ax + 4 9 54 9 1 666-229 8
L ü neburger Straß e 1 – 2
4 9 59 7 R ieste · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 54 9 1 666-0
F ax + 4 9 54 9 1 666-229 8
Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik
GmbH & Co. KG, Damme, Factory I
Spudnik Equipment
Company LLC, Blackfoot
H eadq uarters and production site for potato, beet and
vegetable technology for the international market
H eadq uarter and production site of N orth American
potato technology for the international market
Subsidiaries and service agencies in U SA, England, F rance,
the N etherlands, C hina, R ussia, Denmark (for Scandinavia),
P oland, Turkey and B elgium
Spudnik shops in H eyburn (I daho), P resq ue I sle (Maine),
P asco (W ashington) and G rafton (N orth Dakota)
F o u n d i n g y e a r : 1861
F o u n d i n g y e a r : 19 58 (since 2003 100 %
of the G rimme G roup)
Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik
GmbH & Co. KG, Rieste, Factory ll
Ricon Vertriebsgesellschaft,
I n 2012, a large modern machine production and a main web
production, each ext ending over approx. 10.000 m2, have been
built at the N iedersachsenpark, 10 km away from the parent
plant. The total area amounts to 24 hectare.
P arts sales of crucial operation parts in the potato,
beet and vegetable sector
F o u n d i n g y e a r : 2009
Grimme Solutions
G rimme Solutions G mbH is a company of the G rimme G roup
that was founded in 2009 .
R icon Sieb- und F ö rdertechnik G mbH
Turmweg 3 · 4 9 4 01 Damme · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 54 9 1 9 69 2-55
F ax
+ 4 9 54 9 1 9 69 2-50
H unteburger Straß e 3 2
4 9 4 01 Damme · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 54 9 1 666-0
F ax + 4 9 54 9 1 666-229 8
Spudnik Eq uipment C ompany L L C
P .O . B ox 104 5 · 584 W est 100 N orth
B lackfoot, I daho 83 221 · U SA
P hone + 1 208 785-04 80
F ax
+ 1 208 785-14 9 7
P urposeful process optimisation by combining independent
consulting, competent planning, sustainable implementation
and long-term support especially for the markets of the
R ussian F ederation.
F o u n d i n g y e a r : 2009
Internorm Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Damme
P roduction site for cylinders, rollers, inj ection-moulded parts
and cast parts made of polyurethane
F o u n d i n g y e a r : 19 87
I nternorm K unststofftechnik G mbH
R obert-B osch-Straß e 5
4 9 4 01 Damme · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 54 9 1 9 69 1-0
F ax
+ 4 9 54 9 1 9 69 1-10
Product range
I nnovative potato, beet and vegetable technology
N o claims can be raised in respect of text s, illustrations, technical specifications, dimensions and weights, eq uipment as well as performance specifications.
They are approxi mate and non-binding. C hanges in the course of technical enhancement are possible at any time.
G rimme L andmaschinenfabrik G mbH & C o. K G
H unteburger Straß e 3 2 · 4 9 4 01 Damme · G ermany
P hone + 4 9 54 9 1 666-0 · F ax + 4 9 54 9 1 666-229 8
grimme@ ·
G EN .00283
09 /13 /5000
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