President of the Cambridge-Isanti Hockey Association, 440 Ashland
President of the Cambridge-Isanti Hockey Association, 440 Ashland
Cambridge City Council Meeting Minutes Monday, July 18, 2016 A regular meeting of the Cambridge City Council was held on Monday, July 18, 2016, at Cambridge City Hall Council Chambers, 300 3rd Avenue NE, Cambridge, Minnesota, 55008. Members Present: Mayor Marlys Palmer; Council Members Lisa Iverson, Howard Lewis and Joe Morin. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Administrator Woulfe, Community Development Director Westover, Economic Development Director Gustafson, Deputy Fire Chief Pennings, Public Works- Utilities Director Schwab and Engineer Blank. Call to Order& Pledge of Allegiance Palmer called the meeting to order at 6: 01 pm and led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance. Citizens Forum Council heard from several city residents regarding the proposed ice rink. Jeremy Reinhardt, President of the Cambridge- Isanti Hockey Association, 440 Ashland St. N, vowed the rink will be used by numerous groups in Cambridge and not limited to just hockey. Rich Brown, 342 Cypress St S., explained that community members have been working on this project for a number of years and thanked the Council for continued support. Robert Nelson, 2645 Oak Circle, clarified that he supported an aquatic center and had told Council members this at the recently held MN Design Team dinner and he does not support the ice rink proposaL Palmer stated the Council would be addressing the ice rink proposal on the agenda later in the meeting so additional people would be able to speak at that time. Approval of the Agenda Morin moved, seconded by Lewis, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda Iverson moved, seconded by Morin, to approve consent agenda Items A- F. A. Regular and Summary City Council Minutes for July 5, 2016 B. Warrants#- # C. D. E. and ACH/ Wire items totaling$ 1, 319, 658. 46 Resolution R16- 051 Certify Delinquent Amounts to Tax Roll LMCIT Liability Coverage Waiver Resolution R16- 052 Application for Payment# 3 from A- 1 Excavating Inc. for 2016 Street Improvements July 18, 2016 F. Resolution R16- 053 Accepting Donation from Mystic Riders Snowmobile Club to Fire Department for trailer purchase Upon call of the roll, Palmer, Morin, Lewis and Iverson voted aye, no nays. Motion carried unanimously. Work Session No work session business. Unfinished Business Ice Rink Project Woulfe explained Council had adopted as one of its priorities the construction of refrigerated ice rinks back in 2013. Woulfe reminded Council this is the number one priority from the Cambridge Parks, Trails, and Recreation Commission according to their respective park project priorities. At the April 18, 2016 City Council meeting, the Council authorized staff to seek bids for the refrigerated ri n ks. Mike McDevitt and Chris Schneider, Minnesota Ice LLC introduced themselves to Council as the proposed ice rink contractors. McDevitt explained that he builds hockey rinks all around the country that are all sizes and in a variety of locations. McDevitt stated this often opens doors for other recreational opportunities within a community. Steve Borer, Zero Zone Inc. indicated they build the ice rink chiller system and he lives in Isanti County and is an active part of the CI Youth Hockey Program. The following people spoke in favor of moving forward with the ice rink project and authorizing the construction of refrigerated ice rinks: Jared Ziebarth, CI Youth Hockey Association President; Corey Bustrom, Varsity Girls Hockey Coach; Aiden Brown, Cambridge resident and CI Hockey Association participant; Beth Brown, Cambridge resident and hockey mom; Jake Brown, Cambridge resident and CI Hockey Association participant; Jared Knutson, Cambridge area resident, CI Girls coach. Those who spoke recognized benefits such as providing exercise opportunity, giving families a winter activity, kids not having to travel as much for ice time, longer skating season and a place for broomball, ice skating and hockey. Councilmember Iverson spoke in support stating this isn' t just for hockey kids; it' s for kids to get out and get moving and it can be used for broomball, figure skating. Iverson reminded that the rinks will be used in the summer time for alternate things like pickle ball, tennis court etc. Chad Caza, Mike Bandfield, Robert Nelson, Cambridge residents, indicated they were not in favor of moving forward with construction of the refrigerated rinks and did not want their tax dollars spent on this venture. They desire to have a community center, such as a YMCA, and with Cambridge' s already high tax rate they oppose building something not everyone would use. Lewis indicated there is another way we can build a library, hockey rink and an outdoor pool. Lewis suggested modification of the current referendum question to$ 12 million and pay for it with the .005 July 18, 2016 cent sales tax that all the people will pay. Lewis asserted this option would work for everyone, the community working together, all with the same goal and helping each other. Iverson moved, seconded by Morin, to award proposal for refrigerated ice rinks to Minnesota Ice, the purchase of dasher boards from Becker Arena Products, and a lighting lease from Musco Lighting Systems as outlined in the staff report contingent on preparation and execution of a contract. Morin, Iverson and Palmer aye; Lewis Nay. Motion carried 3/ 1. Yuasa eudget Morin presented that 12 people are coming from Yuasa, Japan ranging in age from 57 to 81 from August 22 through August 27, 2016. Morin stated this year is the 30t" anniversary of the sister city relationship. by Palmer, to approve request for additional $ 1000 for the costs of Yuasa Sister City visit August 22- August 27, 2016 for a total of$ 2500.00 and directed staff to prepare a budget adjustment to accommodate the additional expense. Motion carried unanimously. Iverson moved, seconded Proposal from Community Collaborations Todd Streeter presented a proposal from Community Collaborations. Streeter is the principal of Community Collaborations and was a member of the City' s recent Minnesota Design Team visit. Streeter explained, he realizes the Minnesota Design Team process dumped an awful lot of information on the City and wanted to come back and provide support to help usher in downtown revitalization. Streeter stated the challenge is to try to get everyone to think about the future and not stuck on the past. Streeter maintained that this is a different process that will create ownership and a culture of movement within the business community. Lewis acknowledged Community Collaborations has shown they have the expertise and it is exciting to think about what can be done downtown. The following people spoke in favor of Community Collaborations working with the city: Jeremy Ellingson, Downtown Council Member; Bob Roby, Chair of the Downtown Task Force, and Eric Champion, President of the North 65 Chamber of Commerce. lewis moved, seconded by Morin, to accept the proposal from Community Collaborations and appoint two Councilmembers to work with this group as it moves forward. Iverson asked for an amendment to the motion to include a 60 day termination clause in the contract but she hopes will not have to be used. Lewis amended his motion to establish a contract with Community Collaborations and to require a progress update from Community Collaborations at the October 17 City Council meeting. Morin amended the second. Motion carried 4/ 0. Morin moved, seconded by Lewis, to take a ten minute break at 8: 25 pm. Motion carried 4/ 0. Council reconvened at 8: 35 pm. July 18, 2016 New Business Public Hearing Grandview Christian Home Refinancing Resolution 16- 054A— A Resolution Consenting To The Issuance Of Revenue Bonds By The Cities Of Milaca And Bethel Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, for a Bond Refunding and for a Combination Housing Program, All Undertaken By Grandview Christian Home, a Minnesota Nonpro t Corporation, or an Affiliate, and Approving the Combination Housing Program Woulfe presented that in 2013 the City of Cambridge assisted Grandview Christian Homes conduit debt financing related to its property in Cambridge. With the upcoming project the conduit financing will be done by the cities of Milaca and Bethel. Woulfe stated the City of Cambridge is certifying the type of project being financed in Resolution 16- 054A. Woulfe stated the City Council is required by law to hold a public hearing on this matter. Palmer opened the public hearing at 8: 41 PM. No one hearing regarding Grandview Christian Home Refinancing. At 8: 42 pm, Council closed the public hearing. Morin moved, seconded by Iverson to approve Resolution R16054 as presented without deletions related to the Grandview Christian Home Refinancing. Motion appeared to speak at the public carried 4/ 0. Ordinance No. 625— An Ordinance Approving A Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development Amendment Scenic River II District Redevelopment of a Previously Built Site Resolution No. R16- 055 Granting a Variance for Building Height Grace Pointe Crossing Resolution No. R16- 056 Granting a Variance- PUD Tier Density Transfers Scenic Rum River Grace Pointe Crossing Resolution No. R16- 057 Approving the Vacation of Public Streets (Grandview West Plat) Resolution No. R16- 058 Approving the Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easements ( Grandview West Plat) Resolution No. R16- 059 Approving a Preliminary Plat for Grace Pointe Crossing Resolution No. R16- 060 Approving a Final Plat for Grace Pointe Crossing Steve Nornes, Project Developer, Presbyterian Homes Council provided an overview of the proposed 51 million project. Nornes described features such as a Town Center that will be a space to bring people together, an auditorium and chapel that will hold at least 100 people, memory care, independent living, and nursing home facility. Nornes explained the project would begin construction in October of 2016. Morin moved, seconded by Iverson to approve Ordinance No. 625, Resolution No. R16- 055, Resolution No. R16- 056, Resolution No. R16- 057, Resolution No. R16- 058, Resolution No. R16- 059 and Resolution No. R16- 060 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. July 18, 2016 City-County-School District Meeting Iverson reported at last Cambridge Isanti Communications Advisory Task Force Meeting, Mark Ziebarth discussed the past practice of holding City- County-School District meetings to discuss future activities taking place at both entities. Council expressed interest and Council member Iverson will follow up with information. No further action was taken. Request from Cambridge Township for Maintenance Dollars for 329`h Avenue Staff met with Dale Anderson, Cambridge Township Chairman to discuss a project that Cambridge Township has proposed for 329th Avenue NE ( Airport Road). The project would run from Spirit River Drive ( County Road 70) west to the Springvale Township line. The scope of the project would include milling the existing pavement, widening the existing road to a 22' top, and repaving the road. Cambridge Township has solicited bids to have the project completed in 2016. One bid was received for the project from Knife River in the amount of$ 152, 239. 25. The City shares 329th Avenue NE with Cambridge Township as a town line road in the section of road that abuts the airport property. The town line section represents approximately 18% of the total Township is requesting$ 27, 403 or 18% of the total project 27, 403 would be paid in two equal payments to the township in 2017 and 2018. project ROW. Cambridge cost. The Iverson moved, seconded by Morin, to authorize staff to give verbal commitment to Cambridge Township for the participation in the resurfacing project on 329th Avenue NE in the amount of 27, 403 to be paid in two equal payments in 2017 & 2018 and to authorize staff to draft maintenance agreements for all the sections of town line road shared with Cambridge Township. Motion carried 4/ 0. City Council Vacancy Appointment Process Woulfe stated the Council needs to determine how to fill the vacancy as a result of Councilmember Kafer' s resignation until the results of the special election are known. Woulfe clarified, the Minnesota Attorney General has opined that the vacancy shall be filled, not may be filled, so appointing someone to the vacancy is required. Council discussed options of filling the vacant position. Lewis reminded in a previous situation, Council had an application process and asked questions. Lewis stated Council should do that again considering those who have participated in an election before and received support of the people. Lewis moved, seconded by Iverson, to make an application available until 3: 00 pm on July 27 to fill vacated position by Tiffany Kafer, with a decision to be made at August 1 Council meeting. Motion carried 4/ 0. July 18, 2016 Update 2016 Councilmember Committee Appointments Woulfe inquired if City Council wanted to make temporary appointments to cover Kafer' s former committees. Council decided to wait until the new person was appointed. Mayors Report Palmer provided an update on meetings attended and upcoming meetings/ events. Council Concerns Lewis reported the Rotary club will make a donation presentation July 28 at 9: 45 am at the City Park in front of the new bathrooms. City Attorney' s Report There was no City Attorney' s Report. City Administrator' s Report Woulfe stated that the Council asked for an informational handout that Councilmembers and City staff can share on the local option sales tax referendum question. Woulfe has asked the City Attorney to review the handout and if approved, it will be shared with the public. Woulfe has said she is getting questions on the street and has responded that she is not allowed to lobby for or against pursuant to the Minnesota Fair Campaign Finance Act, but can provide people the information sheet to answer their technical questions. Adjournment of Council Meeting Being no further business before the City Council, Morin moved, seconded by Lewis, to adjourn the regular meeting at 9: 49 pm. Motion carried 4/ 0. Marlys A. ATTEST: 1. Lynda July 18, 2016 oulfe, City ministrator alme , Mayor E chibit A Agenda Item 4B CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 18, 2016 BILLS LIST Submitted For Check# Date Disbursement Type: s Approval Prepaid Checks 6/ 15/ 2016 102991 - 103054 113, 677. 52 Prepaid Checks 6/ 22/ 2016 103055- 103109 212, 648. 64 Prepaid Checks 6/ 29/ 2016 03110- 103146 122, 320. 03 Prepaid Checks 7/ 6/ 2016 103147- 103231 397, 832. 60 Prepaid Checks 7/ 7/ 2016 103232 276. 92 846, 755. 71 Total Checks PAID THROUGH ACH or WIRE May 2016: 197, 962. 22 Payroll 62, 503. 54 Federal Payroll Tax State Payroll Tax Withholding Withholding 11, 893. 88 49, 451. 90 PERA Withholdings Deferred Comp 3, 010. 00 Premiums 84•77 Liquor Store Machine Lease Payment Self Insurance& 6, 217. 86 Flex 42, 139.23 ECE Sales& Use Tax Payments to State of 83, 290.00 MN 3, 132. 92 Centerpoint Wright Express( City wide fuel 5, 750. 91 cards) Connexus 1, 766. 3 8 Midcontinent 5, 176.26 Reliance Life Insurance ACH 522• gg AFLAC Total Paid through ACH or 472, 902. 75 Wire 1, 319,658. 46 TOTAL SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL 10 City Payment Approval Report- Cambridge of Page: Bills List Net Description Vendor Name Vendor Invoice Amount 165 Allina Health Health 165 Allina Health Health 165 Allina Health 165 Allina Health 165 Allina Health History, Physical, Questionnaire - Street History, Physical, Questionnaire- Parks Health History, Physical, Questionnaire- Water Health History, Physical, Questionnaire - WW S Health History, Physical, Questionnaire- Liquor American Test Center ARC irrigation, LLC Artisan Beer 130. 00 130. 00 160. 00 450. 00 Comm Labor- Heritage Greens 120. 00 120. 00 Totai 306: 319 130. 00 450.00 Bucket Truck tested Total 211: 306 355. 00 905. 00 Total 165: 211 Company 41. 25 Liquor Store Merchandise 41. 25 Totai 319: 341 Aspen Mills Uniform Allowance- T. Schuster 98. 85 341 Aspen Mills Uniform Allowance- Police Dept 140. 55 239. 40 Total 341: 521 521 Bellboy Corporation Bellboy Corporation Liquor Store Merchandise 1, 794. 20 Liquor Store Merchandise 60. 00 1, 854. 20 Total 521: Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 337. 75 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 3, 703. 80 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 408. 00 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 191. 50 551 4, 641. 05 Total 551: 555 Bertleson One Source 113. 60 Chronicle Paper 113. 60 Total 555: 620 Bodell, Jason Refund for Over Payment of Final Water Bill 1- 1 814 Caliber Homes, Inc. Escrow Refund - 892 Elin' s Lake Rd SE Caliber Homes, Inc. Escrow Refund- 892 Elin' s Lake Rd SE Crystal Springs Ice 1, 000. 00 50. 00- 950. 00 Total 814: 1336 102. 30 102. 30 Total 620: 814 Liquor Store Merchandise 11 1 Jun 15, 2016 02: 49PM Report dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2016 205. 68 City of Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge Description Vendor Name Vendor Net Invoice Amount 1336 160. 86 Liquor Store Merchandise Crystal Springs Ice 366. 54 Total 1336: 1385 Refund for Over Payment Cyprexx Services LLC of Final Water 8i11 1- 1 40. 90 40. 90 Total 1385: Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC Liquor Store Merchandise 84. 00 1396 Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC Liquor Store Merchandise 14, 024. 42 1396 Dahiheimer Beverage, LLC Liquor Store Merchandise 240.00 1396 14, 348. 42 Total 1396: 1506 Register/ Title- Deputy Registrar# 90 1, 954. 49 16 Ford 1, 954. 49 Totai 1506: 1586 Door Service 1586 Door Service Company , Company , Inc Padlocks and Inc Padlocks and Retaining Steei Chairs including Retaining Steel Chairs including 1681 Liquor Store ECM Publishers, Inc. Advertising - ECM Publishers, Inc. Legal Notice- 2015 Annual TIF Disclosure Fastenal 326. 00 1, 493.40 37. 05 1, 530.45 Total 1681: 1891 326. 00 652. 00 Total 1586: 1681 Company 52•79 Repair& Maint- Plant 52• 9 Total 1891: 1921 Ferguson Waterworks Meters & Repairs 1, 305. 84 1921 Ferguson Waterworks Meters & Repairs 1, 169. 91 2 475. 75 Total 1921: 1949 First Advantage Pre- Employment 1949 First Advantage Pre- Employment 1949 First Advantage Pre- Employment 1949 First Advantage 1949 First Advantage Drug Test- Streets Test- Parks Drug Drug Test- Water Pre- Employment Drug Test- WWTF Pre- Employment Drug Test- LS Forged Flail Blade Flail- Master Franklin Outdoor 53. 00 53. 00 53. 00 53. 00 242. 00 242. 00 Total 1976: 2011 159. 00 371. 00 Total 1949: 1976 Advertising July Advertising - 12 2 Jun 15, 2016 02: 49PM Report dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2016 Northbound Liquor 437. 09 City Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Vendor Net Description Vendor Name Invoice Amount i I 437. 09 Total 2011: 65. 89 Rentals- LS 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Rug 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform, 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rentals- Parks 6. 79 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rental- Maintenance 2. 49 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rentals- Parks 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform, 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Rug Rug, and Rug, and Towel Rentals- Street Dept 296. 58 181. 34 Repair& Maint- Plant Grainger 181. 34 2250 Guidance Homes, Inc. Escrow Refund- 551 Elin' s Lake Rd SE 2250 Guidance Homes, Inc. Escrow Refund- 551 Elin' s Lake Rd SE 2250 Guidance Homes, Inc. Escrow Refund - 579 Taft 2250 Guidance Homes, Inc. Escrow Refund - 579 Taft Loop S Loop S 6, 000. 00 50. 006, 000. 00 50. 0011, 900. 00 Total 2250: Refund for OVer Payment Hart, Melanie of Final Water Bill 1- 6 8. 02 8• 02 Total 2313: 2341 101. 35 17. 43 Rentals Total 2166: 2313 96. 34 6. 29 Towel Rentals - Water/Wast Total 2046: 2166 2, 019. 40 Chemicals Hawkins, Inc. 2, 019. 40 Total 2341: 2469 Huckell, Scott Refund for Over Payment of Final Water Bill 1- 1 5. 83 2469 Huckell, Scott Refund for Over Payment of Final Water Bill 1- 1 12. 83 18. 66 Total 2469: 2486 Union Dues- June IBEW Local 110 2776 JJ Taylor Dist. of Minn. Liquor Store Mercha n d ise 2796 1 577. 80 1, 577. 80 Total 2776: 2796 350. 00 350. 00 Total 2486: Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 13 3 Jun 15, 2016 02: 49PM Report dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2016 3, 620. 30 47. 38 2, 156. 40 63. 84 2, 981. 89 28•79 City Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Report dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2016 Vendor Description Vendor Name Page: Net Invoice Amount 272. 80 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 38. 00 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 21. 99 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 40. 00- 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 88. 00- 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit- Freight 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit- Freight 3. 54 300. 00 10. 64 1, 132. 60 1. 52- Chg 216. 009. 12- Chg 10, 323. 53 Total 2796: 2961 Knife River Corp Repairs & Maint Infrastructure 3056 Lake Su P erior Laund rY Inc. 11. 34 Fire Dept Rugs 11. 34 Totai 3056: 3086 Landworks Construction, Inc. Remainder City Park Restroom 3306 539. 00 Union Dues- June LELS iTotal 539. 00 3176: Lynn Peavey Company 81. 00 Crime Scene Supplies 81. 00 Total 3306: 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 10, 645. 00 10, 645. 00 Total 3086: 3176 437. 00 437. 00 Total 2961: Distributing Company Distributing Company Distributing Company 9, 844. 30 Liquor Store Merchandise Credit Liquor Merchandise 58. 16- Credit Liquor Merchandise 282. 259, 503. 89 Total 3461: 3521 Menards Chemicals- VWVTP 3521 Menards Misc 3521 Menards Small Tools- Streets 3521 Menards Misc 3521 Menards Small Tools- Streets Operating Operating 17. 34 Supplies- Water 26. 20 47. 23 Supplies- Water Misc 42. 14 17. 98 Supplies- Parks 46. 54 Menards Operating Misc Operating Supplies - 3521 Menards Repair& Maint- Storm Sewer 3521 Menards Small Tools- Streets 46. 58 3521 Menards Repair& Maint- Plant 55. 16 3521 3521 Menards 14 Streets 4 Jun 15, 2016 02: 49PM 26. 08 419. 70 City Report dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2016 Net Invoice Amount 3521 Menards Misc 45. 03 Supplies- Streets Operating 789. 98 Total 3521: 3542 Metro Payroll Inc. eKlock 323. 00 Enterprise- June 323. 00 Total 3542: 3659 Minnesota BCA Users Conference- J. Pepin 115. 00 3659 Minnesota BCA Users Conference- T. Johnson 115. 00 230. 00 Total 3659: 3666 Minnesota Child Support Payment 132. 44 Child Support Withholdings 132. 44 Total 3666: 3676 MCSI Minnesota Computer Syste Contract base rate chg and overage charge - To Minnesota/ VNisconsin Playground 1, 146. 64 Playground Border 1, 146. 64 Total 3784: 3862 MN Home Spot Inc Refund Over Payment of Final Water Bill 1- 136 MWOA MWOA Section Mtg - T. Schwab, R. Bredeson, New France Wine 60. 00 60. 00 Total 4006: 4091 91. 88 9• 88 Total 3862: 4006 14. 39 14. 39 Total 3676: 3784 Liquor Store Merchandise 368. 00 368. 00 Total 4091: 4126 NMN, Inc. Liquor- Merchandise 4126 NMN, Inc. Freight Charge 211. 50 17. 00 228. 50 Total 4126: 150. 00 4301 Olsen Fire Inspection, Inc. Annual Fire Sprinkler Test- Street Dept 4301 Olsen Fire Inspection, Inc. Annual Fire Sprinkler Test - Water Treatment F 150. 00 4301 Oisen Fire Inspection, Inc. Annual Fire Sprinkler Test - Water Treatment F 225. 00 4301 Olsen Fire Inspection, Inc. Annual Fire Sprinkler Test- LS 225. 00 750. 00 Total 4301: 4426 4426 Paustis Wine Company Paustis Wine Company Liquor Store Merchandise Freight Chg 15 5 Jun 15, 2016 02: 49PM Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of 1, 334. 73 20. 00 City Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Report dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2Q16 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount 1, 354. 73 Totaf 4426: 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 4641 8$ 1, 599. 61 36. 48 2, 796. 86 Misc Qualification Targets Operating Supplies- PD 274. 46 274. 46 Total 4641: 4916 1, 141. 89 1$ Total 4476: Ski Trail Rum River Ski Association Grooming 4956 Sandstone 4956 Sandstone 1, 687. 50 1, 687. 50 Total 4916: Distributing Company Distributing Company Liquor Store Merchandise Freight Charge 305. 60 5. 75 311. 35 Total 4956: 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise 4, 664.42 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise 1, 000. 00 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Freight Charge- Liquor Store 5251 Advertising Star Liquor Store Phone Service- Airport TDS Metrocom Thorpe Distributing Company Liquor Store Merchandise 5816 Viking Viking Bottling Co Liquor Store Merchandise 279. 75 Coca- Cola Bottling Co Liquor Store Merchandise 353. 00 Coca- Cola 632. 75 Total 5816: 5831 5831 1, 321. 16 1, 321. 16 Total 5516: 5816 54. 29 54. 29 Total 5421: 5516 278. 00 278. 00 Total 5251: 5421 25. 32 5, 689. 74 Total 5181: Vinocopia Liquor Store Merchandise Vinocopia Freight Charge 898•75 16. 50 915. 25 Total 5831: 16 6 Jun 15, 2016 02:49PM City Payment Approvai Report- Bilis List Cambridge of Report dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount 5886 Misc Watson Co., Inc. Operating Supplies- LS 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Misc 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Freight Charge Operating Supplies- 13. 89 3, 537. 27 LS 179 89 6. 00 3, 737. 05 Total 5886: 9, 068. 88 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 130. 50 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 594. 00 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5995 WiMac Tel Payphone Advantage Service WiMacTel Inc. 6001 Wine Merchants Liquor Store Merchandise 6001 Wine Merchants Freight Charge and Repair Service and Maint Supplies- Streets Treasurer: 1. 52 750. 65 113, 677. 52 Grand Totals: City 30. 00 750.65 Total 6076: Dated: 60. 00 31. 52 Total 6001: Zep Sales 10. 35 60. 00 Totai 5995: 6076 62. 86 9, 866. 59 Total 5891: SiJ vVr ~ 17 7 Jun 15, 2016 02: 49PM City ot Page: Summary Report Check Register- Cambridge Check GL Account Payee Vendor Number Amount GL Period Check Issue Date Check Number 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 102991 165 Allina Health 101- 20100 905. 00 O6/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 102992 211 American Test Center 101- 20100 450. 00 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 102993 306 ARC Irrigation, LLC 101- 20100 120. 00 O6/ 16 O6/ 15l2016 102994 319 Artisan 610- 20100 41. 25 O6/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 102995 341 Aspen Mills 101- 20100 239. 40 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 102996 521 Bellboy Corporation 610- 20100 1, 854. 20 Bertleson One Source 101- 20100 113. 60 Jason Bodell 601- 20100 102. 30 610- 20100 9, 866. 59 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 102997 555 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 102998 620 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 102999 5891 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103000 814 Caliber Homes, Inc. 101- 20100 950. 00 O6/ 16 06l15/ 2016 103001 551 BemiCk' s 610- 20100 4, 641. 05 O6/ 16 06l15/ 2016 103002 1336 Crystal Springs Ice 610- 20100 366. 54 40. 90 Breakthru Beverage MN Wine& Spirits I O6/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103003 1385 Cyprebc Services LLC 601- 20100 06116 06/ 15/ 2016 103004 1396 Dahiheimer Beverage, LLC 610- 20100 14, 348. 42 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103005 1506 DeputyRegistrar# 90 602- 20100 1, 954. 49 06l16 06/ 15I2016 103006 1586 Door Service 602- 20100 652. 00 ECM Publishers, InC. 101- 20100 1, 530. 45 Company, Inc 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103007 1681 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103008 1891 Fastenai 602- 20100 52. 79 O6/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103009 1921 Ferguson Watenvorks# 2516 601- 20100 2, 475. 75 O6116 06/ 15/ 2016 103010 1949 FirstAdvantage 601- 20100 371. 00 06116 06/ 15/ 2016 103011 1976 Flail- Master 101- 20100 242. 00 06116 06/ 15/ 2016 103012 2011 Franklin Outdoor 610- 20100 437. 09 06116 06/ 15/ 2016 103013 2046 G& 101- 20100 296. 58 06116 06/ 15/ 2016 103014 2166 Grainger 601- 20100 181. 34 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103015 2250 Guidance Homes, Inc. 101- 20100 11, 900. 00 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103016 2313 Melanie Hart 601- 20100 8. 02 Hawkins, Inc. 601- 20100 2, 019.40 Company Advertising K Services, Inc. 06/ 16 06/ 15f2016 103017 2341 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 10301 S 2469 Scott Huckeil 602- 20100 18. 66 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103019 2486 IBEW LOCaI 110 101- 20100 350. 00 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103020 2776 JJ Taylor Dist. 06l16 06/ 15/ 2016 103021 2796 Johnson Bros- 06116 06/ 15/ 2016 103022 2961 Knife River 101- 20100 11. 34 Minn. 610- 20100 1, 577. 80 St Paul 610- 20100 10, 323. 53 101- 20100 437. 00 of Corp O6/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103023 3056 Lake Superior Laundry Inc. 06/ 16 O6115/ 2016 103024 3086 Landworks Construction, Inc. 415- 20100 10, 645. 00 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103025 3176 LELS 101- 20100 539. 00 06l16 06115l2016 103026 3306 Lynn O6/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103027 3461 McDonald 06/ 16 06115/ 2016 103028 3676 MCSI Minnesota Computer Systems Inc 101- 20100 14. 39 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103029 3521 Menards 101- 20100 789. 98 O6/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103030 3542 Metro Payroll Inc. 101- 20100 323. 00 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103031 3659 Minnesota BCA 101- 20100 230. 00 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103032 3666 Minnesota Child Support Payment 101- 20100 132. 44 3784 Minnesota/ Wisconsin Playground 101- 20100 1, 146. 64 91. 88 Peavey Company Distributing Company 101- 20100 81. 00 610- 20100 9, 503. 89 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103033 06/ 16 06115/ 2016 103034 3862 MN Home Spot Inc 601- 20100 O6/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103035 4006 MWOA 602- 20100 60. 00 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103036 4091 New France Wine 610- 20100 368. 00 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103037 4126 NMN, Inc. 610- 20100 228. 50 06116 06/ 15/ 2016 103038 4301 Olsen Fire Inspection, Inc. 610- 20100 750. 00 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103039 4426 Paustis Wine 610- 20100 1, 354. 73 06/ 16 06115/ 2016 103040 4476 Phillips St Paul 610- 20100 2, 796. 86 06/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103041 4641 Qualification Targets 101- 20100 274.46 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103042 4916 Rum River Ski Association 101- 20100 1, 687. 50 06116 06/ 15I2016 103043 4956 Sandstone 610- 20100 311. 35 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103044 5181 Southern Wine 8 Spirits of Minnesota 610- 20100 5, 689.74 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103045 5251 Star 610- 20100 278. 00 06/ 16 O6I15f2016 103046 5421 TDS 211- 20100 54. 29 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103047 5516 Thorpe 610- 20100 1, 321. 16 Company Distributing Company Distributing Company M= Manuai Check, V= Void Check 18 1 Jun 15, 2016 02: 58PM Check Issue Dates: 6/ 15/ 2016- 6/ 15/ 2016 Ciry of Gheck Register- Cambridge Summary Page: Report Check GL Account Payee Vendor Number Amount GL Period Check Issue Date Check Number O6/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103048 5816 Viking Coca- Cola Bottling O6/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103049 5831 Vinocopia 610-20100 915. 25 O6116 06l15/ 2016 103051 5886 Watson Co., Inc. 610- 20100 3, 737. 05 06/ 16 06/ 15/ 2016 103052 5995 WiMacTei lnc. 211- 20100 60. 00 O6/ 16 O6/ 15/ 2016 103053 6001 Wine Merchants 610-20100 31. 52 101- 20100 750. 65 06/ 16 Q6( 15( 2016 103054 6076 Zep Sales and Service Co 610- 20100 632. 75 113,677. 52 Grand Totals: M= Manual Check, V= Void Check 19 2 Jun 15, 2016 02:58PM Check Issue Dates: 6I15I2016- 6I15I2016 City Description Vendor Name Net Invoice Amount Artisan Beer 319 Company 64. 00 Liquor Store Merchandise 64. 00 Total 319: Aspen Mills 341 Uniform Allowance - J. VanHatten Law Enforcement ATOM Training - Giese Bellboy Bellboy Bellboy 521 521 475. 00 475. 00 Total 371: 521 48. 95 48. 95 Total 341: 371 Corporation Credit Liquor Merchandise 138. 00- Corporation Liquor Store Merchandise 1, 793. 40 Corporation Liquor Store Merchandise 225. 00 1, 880.40 Total 521: 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 101. 87 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 3, 127. 60 3' 229' 4 Total 551: 555 Bertleson One Source Maintenance Supplies- 555 Bertleson One Source Maintenance Supplies- 555 Bertleson One Source Office Supplies 555 Bertleson One Source Copy City Hall City Hall 170. 63 Boyle, Eugene G. Electrical 6, 311. 20 Billing 6, 311. 20 Council 8 74 Meeting Meals Meeting Meals Meeting Meals 969 Cardmember Service 969 Cardmember Service Council 969 Cardmember Service Council 969 Cardmember Service 969 Cardmember Service Credit for Lunch for PW Garden Workers at City Plan Steering Committee Meeting Meals 2. 6 29. 34 Comp of 20. 00192. 38 213. 13 Total 969: City 7• 82 67. 02 Paper Total 661: 1156 30. 00 2. 79 Total 555: 661 Mpls Receivables APS Transaction Fee- May 218. 70 218. 70 Total 1156: 67. 22 1336 Crystal Springs Ice Liquor Store Merchandise 1336 Crystal Springs Ice Liquor Store Merchandise 31. 26 1336 Crystal Springs Ice Liquor Store Merchandise 352. 68 20 1 Jun 22, 2016 02: 32PM Report dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 Vendor Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of I City of Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge Net Description Vendor Name Vendor Invoice Amount 1, 061. 16 Total 1336: 180. 00- Return 1396 Dahiheimer Beverage, LLC Keg 1396 Li G uor Store Merchandise 1396 Da hl he imer Bevera g e, LLC Dahlheim er Bevera g e, LLC 1396 Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC Liquor Store Merchandise 18, 985. 11 240. 80 Li q uo r Store Merchandise 960. 00 20, 005. 91 Total 1396: 207. 20 Directory Listing - Liquor Store Dex Media 1531 207. 20 Total 1531: 1556 Display Sales Company 330. 00 Nylon Flags 330. 00 Total 1556: East Central Sanitation 1661 Trash Removai- City 524. 45 Services 524. 45 Total 1661: ECM Publishers, inc. 1681 15. 67 Legal Notice- City Council Meeting 15. 67 Total 1681: 1686 Ecolab Pest Elimination Div. Air Quality Program and Pest Control - LS EnviroBate Metro 205. 75 205. 75 Total 1686: 1776 Asbestos Removal for Training - 323 4th Ave N 800. 00 800. 00 Total 1776: 186. 50 1791 Epic Products, Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 1791 Epic Products, Inc. Freight Charge 1791 Epic Products, Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 146. 50 1791 Epic Products, Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 52. 00 58. 80 443. 80 Total 1791: 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Rug & Towel Rentals- LS Rug Rentals- LS Uniform, Rug, and Towel Rentals- 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rentals- G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rental - Maintenance 2046 G & K Services, Inc. G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rentals- Parks 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Rug 2046 G & K Services, Inc. 2046 G & K Services, Inc. 2046 2046 Uniform, Rug, Rentals 21 114. 47 65. 89 Street Dept Parks and 2 Jun 22, 2016 02: 32PM Report dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 Towel Rentals - Water/ Wast 113.47 6•79 2• 49 6. 29 101. 35 14. 43 City Payment Approval Report- Bilis List Cambridge of Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: 3 Jun 22, 2016 02: 32PM Report dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 Net Invoice Amount 425. 18 Total 2046: Green Barn Garden Center 2196 Assorted Annuais- Downtown Pots 250. 00 Total 2196: 5, 809. 17 Chemicals Hawkins, Inc. 2341 5, 809. 17 Total 2341: Maintenance Supplies- Hillyard Inc. 2411 250.00 City Hall 96. 08 96' a$ Total 2411: 2776 JJ Taylor Dist. of Minn. Liquor Store Merchandise 2776 JJ Taylor Dist. of Mmn. D elive ry Char g e 142. 20 3. 00 145.20 Total 2776: Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 38. 58 2796 2796 Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Johnson Brothers Liquor Co 15, 285. 90 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Johnson Brothers Liquor Co 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Johnson Brothers Li q uor Co 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Johnson Brothers Liquor Co 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 52. 40- 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 192. 00- 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit- Freight Ch g 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit- 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 396. 00 Freight Charge 130. 73 Liquor Store Merchandise Knife River Corporation Marco Inc 3, 061. 79 153. 93 2, 570. 39 46. 24 Liquor Store Merchandise 136. 00 6. 08 3. 0452. 001. 52- Chg 9. 00- 29, 082. 41 City 1, 193. 02 Hall Drainage 1, 193. 02 Total 2961: 3371 2, 422. 88 95. 01 Total 2796: 2961 246. 00 20. 19 Liquor Store Merchandise Freight 4, 782. 65 Copier Rental- 22 Sharp MX2300N Copier 260. 00 City of Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge Report dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: 4 Jun 22, 2016 02: 32PM Net Invoice Amount 260. 00 Total 3371: 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald Distributing Distributing Distributing Distributing Distributing Distributing Company Company Company Company Liquor Store Merchandise 14, 609. 38 Liquor Store Merchandise 1, 216. 00 Liquor Store Merchandise 163. 00 Liquor Store Merchandise 18. 00 Company Company Credit Liquor Merchandise 29. 45- Credit Liquor Merchandise 6. 75- 15, 970. 18 Total 3461: Med- Tech Resource Inc. 3498 Exam G oves and Hand Sanitizer- Fire Dept 95. 13 Total 3498: 7• 97 Small Tools- WWTP Menards 3521 3521 Menards Misc 3521 Menards City 3521 Menards Repair& Maint- Operating Supplies- Streets Operating Supplies - Streets Misc 3521 Menards Repair& Maint- 3521 Menards Small Tools- Streets 3521 Menards Small Tools- Water 3521 Menards Small Tools - WWTP 3521 Menards Misc 3521 Menards Misc Operating Operating 91. 94 Plant Menards Plant 58. 63 58. 61 58.61 Supplies- Streets 59•98 Supplies- WWTP 39. 96 621. 99 3659 Minnesota BCA 3659 Minnesota BCA 3659 Minnesota BCA Training - K. Gunter Training - J. VanHatten Training - J. Harvey 250. 00 250. 00 315. 00 815.00 Total 3659: North Central Laboratories 648.45 Lab Supplies 648.45 Total 4066: Ole' s Window 14. 39 179. 91 Total 3521: 4286 7. 45 34. 54 Park Restrooms 3521 4066 95. 13 Cleaning Window Cleaning - Liquor Store 138. 94 138. 94 Total 4286: 4296 Olsen Chain & Cable, Inc. Hoist Annual Inspection 550. 00 550. 00 Total 4296: 4426 Paustis Wine 4426 Paustis Wine Company Company Liquor Store Merchandise Freight Chg 23 511. 24 10. 50 City of Payment Approval Report- Bills List Report dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 Cambridge Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: 5 Jun 22, 2016 02: 32PM Net Invoice Amount 521. 74 Total 4426: 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit Liquor Merchandise 22•25' 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit Liquor Merchandise 56. 00- 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit- Freight 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit Liquor Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit- Freight 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit Liquor Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit- Freight 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 4476 1. 52- Chg 1. 52- Chg 35. 861. 52- Chg 1, 162. 31 33. 44 975.65 13. 68 149. 50 7. 60 66. 75 2, 243. 76 Tota14476: Red Bull Distribution 4749 46. 50- Company, In Liquor Store Merchandise 212. 50 212. 50 Total 4749: 4834 Rebuilt RPZ- RJ Mechanical, Inc. Fire Hall/ City Hall 308.69 308. 69 Total 4834: 4956 Sandstone 4956 Sandstone Distributing Company Distributing Company Liquor Store Merchandise 196. 60 5. 75 Freight Charge 202. 35 Total 4956: 5048 Seasonal Property Services, LLC Mowing Abatement- 1210 Carriage Hills Dr 45. 00 45. 00 Total 5048: 12, 310. 00 4,419. 50 5116 Short, Elliot, Hendrickson Inc CAMBR Airport MP/ ALP 5116 Short, Elliot, Hendrickson Inc CAMBR CAMBR 2016 Streets Const 51, 721. 31 5116 Short, Elliot, Hendrickson Inc CAMBR VWVTF Improv CA 5116 Short, Elliot, Hendrickson Inc Short, Elliot, Hendrickson Inc 12, 351. 00 5116 5116 Short, Elliot, Hendrickson Inc CAMBR Trans Plan Update City Eng. Services CAMBR TH 95 PreDesign Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise Minnes Freight Charge- Liquor Store 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes 5181 Southem Wine & Spirits 380. 25 90, 128. 89 Total 5116: 5181 8, 946. 83 of of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise Freight Charge- Liquor Store 24 3, 841. 24 25. 55 1, 012. 00 25. 20 City of Page: Payment Approval Report- BiNs List Report dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 Cambridge Net Description Vendor Name Vendor 6 Jun 22, 2016 02: 32PM Invoice Amount 4, 903. 99 Total 5181: State 5286 of Minnesota Detachment 1, 886. 75 Hearing Costs- City Share 1, 886.75 Total 5286: Strandlund Refrigeration 5311 315. 00 Repair& Maint- LS 315. 00 Total 5311: Tactical Solutions 5392 Certification of Radar Units & Tuning Forks and 487. 00 487. 00 Total 5392: The American Bottling Company 5446 137. 30 Liquor Store Merchandise 137. 30 Total 5446: 5661 True Brands Liquor Store Merchandise 5661 True Brands Freight Charge 547. 00 65.64 612. 64 Total 5661: 5751 US Internet 5751 US Internet 5751 US Internet 5751 US Internet Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 36. 90 Internet FeesInternet Internet Internet July Fees- July Fees- July Fees- July 36. 85 36. 85 36. 85 147. 45 Total 5751: 17. 49 5801 Verizon Wireless wireless phone service- Maintenance Dept 5801 Verizon Wireless wireless phone service- PD wireless phone service- Fire Dept 35. 01 wireless phone service- LS 35. 01 Verizon Wireless 5801 Verizon Wireless 5801 833. 81 921. 32 Total 5801: 5816 Viking Coca- Cola Bottling Co 122. 50 Liquor Store Merchandise 122. 50 Total 5816: 5861 5861 5861 5861 Community Card Waimart Community Card Walmart Community Card Comp Plan Steering Walma rt Communi y Card Office Supplies- LS Walmart Misc Operating Committee Supplies- Meeting Police Dept Supplies CPD Sponsored SFST Training Meals 14. 54 19. 68 38. 25 45. 67 118. 14 Total 5861: 5886 Watson Co., Inc. 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Operating Credit- Operating Credit- 25 Supplies 13. 50- Supplies 13. 50- City Payment Approval Report- Bilis List Cambridge of Report dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount 5886 Credit- Watson Co., Inc. Operating Supplies 5886 Watson Co., inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Misc 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Freight Charge Operating Suppiies- 10. 232, 970.46 LS 191. 92 6. 00 3, 131. 15 Total 5886: 11, 106. 38 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 55. 40 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 544. 00 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5891 5891 5891 6001 Wine Merchants Liquor Store Merchandise 6001 Wine Merchants Freight Charge 15. 52 2 015. 00 48. 64 2, 063.64 Total 6001: 212,648.64 Grand Totals: 2Z Dated: City Treasurer: 111. 36 11, 832. 66 Total 5891: l0 0 26 7 Jun 22, 2016 02: 32PM City of Page: Check Register- Summary Report Cambridge Check GL Account Payee Amount GL Period C heck Issue Date Check Number Vendor Number 06/ 16 06/ 22I2016 103055 319 Artisan 610- 20100 O6/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103056 341 Aspen Miils 101- 20100 48. 95 101- 20100 475. 00 610- 20100 1, 880.40 Training Officers MN 64. 00 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103057 371 Association 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103058 521 Bellboy O6116 06/ 22/ 2016 103059 555 Bertleson One Source 101- 20100 170. 63 Eugene G. Boyle 101- 20100 6, 311. 20 610- 20100 11, 832. 66 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103060 661 06116 06/ 22l2016 103061 5891 06/ 22l2016 103062 969 O6/ 16 of of Corporation Spirits I Breakthru Beverage MN Wine& Cardmember Service 101- 20100 213. 13 Bernick' s 610- 20100 3, 229. 47 O6/ 16 O6/ 22/ 2016 103063 551 06116 0612212016 103064 1156 Minneapolis Finance Department 101- 20100 218.70 06/ 16 06/ 22l2016 103065 1336 Crystal Springs Ice 610- 20100 1, 061. 16 06/ 16 06/ 22I2016 103066 1396 Dahiheimer Beverage, LLC 610- 20100 20,005. 91 Dex Media 610- 20100 207. 20 101- 20100 330. 00 524. 45 06/ 16 O6/ 22/ 2016 103067 1531 Display East Central Sanitation 101- 20100 1681 ECM Publishers, Inc. 101- 20100 15. 67 610- 20100 20575 06f16 O6/ 22I2016 1D3068 1556 06l16 06/ 22/ 2016 103069 1661 06/ 16 O6/ 22/ 2016 103070 Sales Company 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103071 1686 Ecolab Pest Elimination Div. 06/ 16 06/ 22f2016 103072 1776 EnviroBate Metro 101- 20100 800. 00 610- 20t00 443. 80 101- 20100 425. 18 06116 06l22l2016 103073 179t Epic Products, Inc. 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103074 2046 G& 06/ 22/ 2016 2196 Green Barn Garden Center 101- 20100 250. 00 06/ 16 103075 O6/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103076 2341 Hawkins, Inc. 602- 20100 5, 809. 17 O6/ 22/ 2016 103077 2411 Hillyard/ Minneapolis 101- 20100 86. 08 O6/ 16 610- 20100 145. 20 K Services, Inc. 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103078 2776 JJ Taylor Dist. of Minn. O6116 06/ 22/ 2016 103079 2796 Johnson Bros- St Paul 610- 20100 29, 082.41 06l22/ 2016 103080 2961 Knife River Corporation 101- 20100 1, 193. 02 06/ 16 101- 20100 260. 00 610- 20100 15, 970. 18 06/ 22l2016 103082 3371 Marco Inc 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103083 3461 McDonald 06/ 22/ 2016 103084 3498 Med- Tech Resource Inc. 101- 20100 95. 13 06/ 16 602- 20100 621. 99 06116 Distributing Company 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103085 3521 Menards 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103086 3659 Minnesota BCA Ina of Wisconsin, 101- 20100 815. 00 602- 20100 648. 45 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103087 4066 NCL 06I22I2016 103088 4286 01e' s Window Cleaning 610-20100 138. 94 06 16 06/ 22/ 2016 4296 Olsen Chain& Cable, Inc. 602- 20100 550. 00 06/ 16 103089 103090 4426 Paustis Wine Company 610- 20100 521. 74 06/ 16 06l22/ 2016 2, 243. 76 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103091 4476 Phillips St Paul 610- 20100 06/ 22/ 2016 103093 4749 Red Bull Distribution Company, Inc. 610- 20100 212. 50 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103094 4834 RJ Mechanicai, Inc. 101- 20100 308. 69 Distributing Company 610- 20100 202. 35 Services, LLC 101- 20100 45. 00 101- 20100 90, 128. 89 610- 20100 4, 903. 98 101- 20100 1, 886. 75 06/ 16 06/ 16 06/ 16 06l22/ 2016 06/ 22/ 2016 103095 4956 103096 5048 Seasonai Short, Elliot, Hendrickson Inc Southern Wine& Spfrits 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103097 5116 06l16 O6l22l2016 103098 5181 06116 O6/ 16 06/ 16 06/ 16 06l22/ 2016 Sandstone 103099 Property esota Minnesota State 610- 20100 315. 00 101- 20100 487. 00 of O6/ 22/ 2016 103100 5311 06/ 22/ 2016 103101 5392 Tactical Solutions 103102 Mi 5286 Strandlund Refrigeration 06/ 22/ 2016 of Bottling Company 610- 20100 137. 30 612. 64 5446 The American 610- 20100 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103103 5661 True Brands 06/ 22/ 2016 103104 5751 US Internet 602- 20100 147. 45 O6/ 16 610- 20100 921. 32 610- 20100 122. 50 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103105 5801 Verizon Wireless O6116 O6/ 22/ 2016 103106 5816 Viking 06116 O6/ 22/ 2016 103107 5861 Walmart 06/ 16 06/ 22/ 2016 103108 5886 06116 06/ 22/ 2016 103109 6001 Coca- Cola Bottling Co 101- 20100 118. 14 Watson Co., Inc. 610- 20100 3, 131. 15 Wine Merchants 610- 20100 2, 063. 64 Community/ RFCSLLC 212,648. 64 Grand Totals: M= Manuai Check, V= Void Check 27 1 Jun 22, 2016 02: 49PM Check Issue Dates: 6/ 22/ 2016- 6/ 22/ 2016 City Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Net Description Vendor Name Vendor Invoice Amount 319 Artisan Beer Company 64. 00 Liquor Store Merchandise 64. 00 Total 319: Aspen Mills 341 119. 50 Uniform Allowance- A. Rackow 119. 50 Total 341: 521 Bellbo Y C or p ora t i o n Li q uor Store Merchandise 1, 080. 10 521 Corporation Liquor Store Merchandise 395. 71 Bellboy 1, 475. 81 Total 521: Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 226. 90 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 1, 981. 80 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Credit Liquor Merchandise 551 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. 238. 002, 760. 00 Liquor Store Merchandise 4, 730. 70 Total 551: 969 Cardmember Service Lithium Batteries - Defibriilators 19. 05 57. 14 969 Cardmember Service Lithium Batteries - Defibriilators 969 Cardmember Service Uniform Aliowance- C. Saelens 969 Cardmember Service Digital Camera 969 Cardmember Service Lodging for Class- K. Gunter, J. VanHatten 969 Cardmember Service Lithium Batteries - Defibrillators and 90. 44 248. 95 Access - PD Crea Foster Care 163. 58 19. 05 598. 21 Total 969: 1319 500. 00 Zoll AED Plus CPR Defibrillator 500. 00 Total 1319: 1336 Crystal Springs Ice Liquor Store Merchandise 419. 48 1336 Crystal Springs Ice Liquor Store Merchandise 326. 20 745.68 Total 1336: 1396 Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC Liquor Store Merchandise 24, 568. 07 1396 Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC Liquor Store Merchandise 74. 00 24,642A7 Total 1396: 1481 Department of Human Services Janitor Service- 1481 Department of Human Services Lawn Care- Liquor Store- Liquor Store- 225. 00 May 37. 00 May 262. 00 Total 1481: 1681 ECM Publishers, Inc. Legal Notice- 28 Planning 1 Jun 29, 2016 12: 46PM Report dates: 6/ 29/ 2016- 6/ 29/ 2016 Commission Meeting 28. 50 City of Page: Payment Approval Report- Bilis List Cambridge Jun 29, 2016 12: 46PM Report dates: 6/ 29/ 2016- 6/ 29/ 2016 Net Description Vendor Name Vendor Invoice Amount 28. 50 Tota 1681: 2046 G & K Services, Inc. 2046 G & K Services, Inc. 2046 G & K Services, Inc. 65. 89 Rug Rentals - LS Rug Rentals- City Hall Rug Rentals - Police Dept 20. 16 19• 92 105. 97 Tota12046: 2676 2676 Isanti Isanti County County Mortgage Recorder pocument A459035 Satisfaction Recorder pocument A459080 Quit Claim Deed of 46. 00 46. 00 92. 00 Total 2676: 2776 JJ Taylor Dist. of Minn. 2776 JJ Tayior Dist. of Minn. Liquor Store Merchandise Delivery 4, 048. 75 3. 00 Charge 4, 051. 75 Total 2776: 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 3, 060. 00 46. 12 1, 440. 20 50. 16 1, 724. 20 16. 22 1, 360. 50 44. 08 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 131. 94 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 150. 84 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2. 2$ 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 8, 097. 58 Lake Superior Laundry Inc. 11. 34 Fire Dept Rugs 11. 34 Total 3056: 3253 3253 3253 3253 Liu' s Real Estate Development LL Liu' s Real Estate Development L Liu' s Real Estate Development LL Liu' s Real Estate Development LL Escrow Refund - 1027 Taft St S Escrow Refund - 1027 Taft St S Escrow Refund- 1611 . lefferson St S Escrow Refund - 1611 Jefferson St S Marco Technologies LLC Camera Repair- Liquor Store McDonald 50. 00- 12, 325. 00 100. 00- 437. 50 437. 50 Total 3376: 3461 12, 325. 00 24, 500. 00 Total 3253: 3376 68. 00 3. 04 Total 2796: 3056 Distributing Company Liquor Store Merchandise 29 2 23, 747. 80 City Payment Approval Report- Bilis List Report dates: 6/ 29/ 2016- 6/ 29/ 2016 Cambridge of Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount McDonald 3461 Distributing Company Credit Liquor Merchandise 3666 Minnesota Child Support Payment Child Support Withholdings- 3946 Motorola Solutions Inc. 800 MHz Radio Batteries 3946 Motorola Solutions Inc. Radio Ant 456. 00 76. 52 Whip 532. 52 Total 3946: Group NCPERS Minnesota Voi Life Ins- PERA 4091 368. 00 368. 00 Total 4071: 4091 132. 44 132. 44 Total 3666: 4071 120. 3023, 627. 50 Total 3461: New France Wine Liquor Store Merchandise 800. 00 New France Wine Liquor Store Merchandise 128. 00 928. 00 Total 4091: 4426 Paustis Wine 4426 Paustis Wine Liquor Store Merchandise Company Company Freight 975. 00 12. 50 Chg 987. 50 Total 4426: 3, 117. 20 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 60. 04 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 34. 50 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 4476 3. 04 4506 Pitney 4, 268. 34 Rental Charges- Bowes Mailing System Robert C. 594. 00 594. 00 Total 4506: 4844 1, 020. 88 32. 68 Total 4476: Hearing Officer Services Roby 150. 00 150. 00 Total 4844: 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Freight Charge- Liquor Store 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Freight Charge- Liquor Store 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise Freight Charge- Liquor Store 30 3 Jun 29, 2016 12: 46PM 2, 42$•9 25. 83 133. 08 2• 80 1, 358. 34 28•70 City Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Report dates: 6/ 29/2016- 6/ 29/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount 3, 977. 72 Total 5181: 5247 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Comp Plan Consulting Services 5446 The American Bottling Company 172. 60 Liquor Store Merchandise 172. 60 Total 5446: 5491 The Wine 5491 The Wine Company Company 356. 00 Liquor Store Merchandise Freight 20. 00 charge 376. 00 Total 5491: 5516 Thorpe 5, 390. 50 5, 390. 50 Total 5247: Distributing Company 474. 95 Liquor Store Merchandise 474. 95 Total 5516: 5686 U. S. Postal Service Standard Mail Permit# 25 107. 50 5686 U. S. Postal Service Standard Mail Permit# 25 107. 50 215. 00 Total 5686: 5816 Viking Coca- Cola Bottling Co 332. 50 Liquor Store Merchandise 332. 50 Total 5816: 5831 Vinocopia Liquor Store Merchandise 5831 Vinoco P ia Frei 9 ht Char 9 e 573. 25 12. 00 585.25 Total 5831: Supplies Watson Co., Inc. Credit- 5886 Watson Co., inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Misc 5886 Watson Co., inc. Freight Charge 5886 Operating Operating Supplies- 13. 502, 803. 65 LS 263. 79 6. 00 3, 059. 94 Total 5886: 3, 789. 01 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 130. 50 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 61. 83 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Credit Liquor Merchandise 31 4 Jun 29, 2016 12: 46PM 30. 87 1, 700. 00 23. 00 3. 45 54. 00- City of Payment Approval Report- Biils List Cambridge Report dates: 6/ 29/ 2016- 6/ 29/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount 5, 684.66 Total 5891: 122, 320. 03 Grand Totals: Dated: t City Treasurer: 1'" 32 5 Jun 29, 2016 12: 46PM City of Page: Summary Report Check Register- Cambridge Check Gl Account Payee Amount GL Period Check Issue Date Check Number Vendor Number 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103110 318 Artisan 610- 20100 64. 00 O6/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103111 341 Aspen Mills 101- 20100 119. 50 06/ 16 06I29/ 2016 103112 521 Bellboy O6/ 16 06129/ 2016 103113 5891 06/ 16 O6/ 29/ 2016 103114 969 Corporation Breakthru Beverage MN Wine& Spirits I 61040100 1, 475. 81 610- 20100 5, 684. 66 Cardmember Service 101- 20100 598. 21 Bernick' s 610- 20100 4, 730.70 500. 00 O6116 06129/ 2016 103115 551 06/ 16 06129/ 2016 103116 1319 Crea Foster Care 101- 20100 06l16 06129/ 2016 103117 1336 Crystal Springs Ice 610- 20100 745. 68 24, 642. 07 262. 00 06/ 16 Os129/ 2016 103118 1396 Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC 610-20100 06/ 16 06129/ 2016 103119 1481 Department of Human Services 610-20100 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103120 1681 ECM Publishers, Inc. 101- 20100 28. 50 101- 20100 105. 97 K SeNices, InC. 06/ 16 O6/ 29/ 2016 103121 2046 G& 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103122 2676 Isanti JJ Taylor Dist. 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103123 2776 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103124 2796 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 County Recorder 101- 20100 92. 00 Minn. 610- 20100 4, 051. 75 Johnson Bros- St Paul 610- 20100 8, 097. 58 of Laundry Inc. 101- 20100 11. 34 24, 500. 00 103125 3056 Lake Superior Liu' s Real Estate Development LLC 101- 20100 Marco Technologies LLC 610- 20100 437. 50 610-20100 23, 627. 50 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103126 3253 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103127 3376 Distributing Company 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103128 3461 McDonald 06/ 29/ 2016 103129 3666 Minnesota Child Support Payment 101- 20100 132. 44 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 3946 Motorola Solutions Inc. 101- 20100 532. 52 O6/ 16 103130 06/ 29/ 2016 103131 4071 NCPERS Minnesota 101- 20100 368. 00 06/ 16 103132 4091 New France Wine 610- 20100 928. 00 Paustis Wine 6129/ 2 16 06l16 Company 06/ 16 O6129/ 2016 103133 4426 O6/ 16 O6129/ 2016 103134 4476 Phillips St Paul O6/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103135 4506 Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services 610- 20100 987. 50 610-20100 4, 268. 34 101- 20100 594. 00 101- 20100 150. 00 610- 20100 3, 977. 72 5, 390. 50 06/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103136 4844 Robert C. Roby O6116 06/ 29/ 2016 103137 5181 Southern Wine& Spirits of Minnesota 06i29/ 2016 103138 5247 Stantec Cons{ ting Services Inc. 101- 20100 06116 The American Bottling Company 610- 20100 172. 60 610- 20100 376. 00 610- 20100 474. 95 602- 20100 215. 00 610- 20100 332. 50 O6/ 16 O6l29/ 2016 103139 5446 O6/ 16 06/ 29/ 2016 103140 5491 The Wine 06/ 16 O6129/ 2016 103141 5516 Thorpe Distributing U. S. Postal Service 06/ 16 O6/ 16 06116 O6/ 16 06/ 29/ 20 16 103142 5686 06/ 29/ 2016 103143 5816 O6/ 29/ 2016 06/ 29/ 2016 103144 103146 5831 5886 Viking Company Coca- Cola Company Bottling Co Vinocopia Watson Co., Inc. 610- 20100 585. 25 610- 20100 3, 059. 94 122, 320. 03 Grand Totais: M= Manual Check, V= Void Check 33 1 Jun 29, 2016 12: 53PM Check Issue Dates: 6129/ 2016- 6/ 29/ 2016 City Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Net Description Vendor Name Vendor Invoice Amount Alex Air Apparatus, Inc. 141 730. 00 Annual Compressor Service 730. 00 Total 141: Pressure Washer Repair- MnDOT American Pressure Inc 204 Bldg 381 Auto Value Cambridge Repair& Maint Labor- Police Dept 381 Auto Value Cambridge Repair& Bldg Dept Basta, 105. 00 Beliboy Corporation Bellboy Corporation 521 Liquor Store Merchandise 2, 213. 35 Liquor Store Merchandise 120. 00 2, 333. 35 Total 521: Chas A. Bernick Inc. 551 Liquor Store Merchandise 134. 75 2, 999. 40 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 551 Chas A. Bernick Inc. Credit Liquor Merchandise Liquor Store Merchandise Chas A. Bernick Inc. 551 26. 30 Office Supplies Be tleson One Source 26. 30 Total 555: 586 586 Bjorklund Companies LLC Bjorklund Companies LLC 67. 75 Washed Rock 446. 00 Class 5 Gravel 513. 75 Total 586: 651 Repair& Maint Supplies- Wastewater Boyer Trucks Bright ' N' Clean Awning Maintena Power Wash Building, Awnings, Walkways, Sho Bureau of Crim. Apprehension CJDN Connection & Oper Unit North 65 Chamber 270. 00 270. 00 Total 766: 826 529. 03 529. 03 Total 701: 766 515. 64 515. 64 Total 651: 701 44. 982, 082. 00 5, 171. 17 Total 551: 555 8• 9$ 105. 00 PC Mtgs - 2nd Qtr 2016 Shirley Total 446: 521 72. 00 153. 98 Total 381: 446 410. 75 410. 75 Total 204: Maint Supplies- of Commerce Membership 34 1 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 investment- Liquor Store 414. 00 City Page: Payment Approval Report- Bilis List Cambridge of Net Description Vendor Name Vendor Invoice Amount 826 North 65 Chamber of Commerce Promote, Advertise, Improve 826 North 65 Chamber of Commerce Chamber Cup Golf Outing or Hole Develop Econo Sponsorship 493. 00 150. 00 1, 057. 00 Total 826: 831 Cambridge Automotive Services Repair& Maint Supplies - Vehicle 49. 89 831 Cambridge Automotive Services Repair& Maint Labor- Vehicle 39. 95 89•84 Total 831: Civic Systems LLC 1171 Semi Annual Support Fee- 07/ 01/ 16- 12/ 31/ 16 Commissioner of Transportation Material Testing & Inspection 1279 795. 49 795. 49 Total 1246: 1279 6, 904. 00 6, 904. 00 Total 1171: 1246 CompView Inc. CompView Inc. Service Call for the Wiliimas Sound Voice Lift S Service Call for the Willimas Sound Voice Lift S 114. 00 669. 00 783. 00 Total 1279: 1336 Crystal Springs Ice Liquor Store Merchandise 381. 64 1336 Crystal Springs Ice Liquor Store Merchandise 688. 28 1, 069. 92 Total 1336: 1341 Crysteel Truck Equipment Repair& Maint Supplies - Streets Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC 36, 164. 65 Liquor Store Merchandise 36, 164. 65 Total 1396: 1556 Display Sales Company Flags for City 330. 50 Hali 330. 50 Total 1556: 1666 East Central Solid Waste Commis 15. 00 Non- Recycled Mattress 15. 00 Total 1666: 1681 1681 ECM Publishers, Inc. Advertising - ECM Publishers, Inc. Legal Notice- Emergency 1, 630. 80 Liquor Store City Council Meeting 21. 37 1, 652. 17 Total 1681: 1756 302. 39 302. 39 Total 1341: 1396 Apparatus Maintenan Welding - Fire Dept 35 2 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 2, 944.42 City Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Description Vendor Name Vendor 3 Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Net Invoice Amount 2 944. 42 Total 1756: 1804 Erickson, Robert( Bob) 70. 00 PC Mtgs- 2nd Qtr 2016 70. 00 Total 1804: 1891 Fastenal Misc 1891 Fastenal Misc Company Company Fastenal Company Fastenal Company 1891 1891 Operating Operating Supplies - Shop Supplies- Street Dept Small Tools- Streets Misc Operating Supplies - Street Dept 160. 65 32. 08 542. 33 Tota 1891: 2044 49. 20 300.40 Fuhol Jennifer Parks, Trails & Rec Comm Mtgs- 2nd Qtr 2016 35. 00 35. 00 Total 2044: Towel Rentals- Street Dept 95. 95 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform, 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rentals - Parks 6• 79 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform Rental - Maintenance 2. 49 2046 G & K Services, inc. Uniform Rentals- Parks Rug, 2046 G & K Services, Inc. Uniform, 2 04 6 G & K S e rv i c e s, I n c. R u g R e n ta l s Rug, and and 7owel Rentals - Water/ Wast 1 7. 4 3 230. 30 Total 2046: 2111 Godfrey, 6. 29 101. 35 Jim PC Mtgs - 2nd Qtr 2016 80. 00 80. 00 Total 2111: 2146 Gopher State One- Call Inc. FTP Tickets 141. 75 2146 Gopher State One- Call Inc. FTP Tickets 141. 75 283. 50 Total 2146: 2166 Grainger Repair& Maint- Plant 2, 097. 80 Total 2166: 2182 Grape Beginnings, Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 2182 Grape Beginnings, Inc. Freight Gratitude Farms 78 Animal Control Services Hach Company 5 585. 00 585. 00 Total 2188: 2271 772. 00 15. 75 Total 2182: 2188 2, 097. 80 Wastewater Lab Supplies 36 553. 82 City Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount 553. 82 Total 2271: 2341 Hawkins, lnc. Chemicals 659. 00 2341 Hawkins, inc. Chemicals 4,253.63 2341 Hawkins, Inc. Repair& Maint- Plant 259•24 Hawkins, Inc. Chemicals 763. 00 2341 5, 934. 87 Total 2341: 2346 Hayford Ford Repair& Maint Supplies 2376 Henry' s Waterworks Inc. Repair& Maint- Water System Minnesota Equipment 317. 05 317. 05 Total 2376: 2636 99 98 99 98 Total 2346: Misc Operating Supplies - Parks 337. 65 337. 65 Total 2636: iquor Store Merchandise 784. 00 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 34. 96 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 32. 25 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2. 92 952. 20 22. 80 2, 034. 05 1. 52 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 1, 251. 00 41. 80 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 736. 40 24. 32 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 246. 00 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 13, 742. 54 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 155. 62 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 410. 00 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Freight Charge Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Liquor Store Merchandise Johnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 58. 15- 2796 , lohnson Brothers Liquor Co Credit Liquor Merchandise 121. 00- 2796 2796 2796 Johnson Brothers Liquor Co 6. 08 Credit- Freight Kirvida Fire, Inc. 4,484. 55 165. 70 Chg 43. 98 1. 5225, 115. 93 Total 2796: 2941 109. 35 4. 56 iquor Store Merchandise Pump Test - Engine# 1 37 4 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM 367. 29 City Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of Net Description Vendor Name Vendor Invoice Amount 2941 Kirvida Fire, Inc. 2941 Kirvida Fire, Inc. 2941 Kirvida Fire, Inc. 367. 29 Pump Test - Engine# 2 Pump Test - Engine# 3 Pump Test - Ladder# 1 367. 29 367. 29 1, 469. 16 Total 2941: 110. 00 PC Mtgs- 2nd Qtr 2016 Klossner, John D 2951 110. 00 Tatal 2951: 2952 Parks, Trails & Rec Comm Mtgs- 2nd Qtr 2016 Klossner, Kelli Knife River Corporation 205. 21 Repairs & Maint Infrastructure 205. 21 Total 2961: 3123 Lauseng, Tire Repair Steve' s Tire- Tar Buck on Tire Property l.indberg Law Office Acquisition - 105 Cypress St S Parks, Trails, & Rec Comm Mtgs- 2nd Qtr 2016 Lowman, Thea M & G Trailer Sales Service ftent Aluminum Trailer- Fire Dept McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonald 3461 McDonaid 3461 McDonald Distributing Distributing Distributing Distributing Distributing Distributing Company Company Company Company Company Company 31. 60- Credit Liquor Merchandise Liquor Store Merchandise 21, 280. 00 Liquor Store Merchandise 15, 434. 95 Liquor Store Merchandise 918. 55 Credit Liquor Merchandise 36. 30- Credit Liquor Merchandise 197. 6037, 368. 00 Total 3461: 43. 95 Menards Operating Supplies- Parks Misc Operating Supplies- WWTP Menards Chemicals - W1NTP 2_ 29 3521 Menards 3521 3521 Misc Supplies - Parks Menards Misc 3521 Menards Chemicals - WWTP 3521 Menards Misc 3521 Menards Repair& Maint- 3521 Menards Misc 3521 2, 883. 91 2, 883. 91 Total 3300: 3461 35. 00 35. 00 Total 3282: 3300 128, 127. 26 128, 127. 26 Total 3228: 3282 30. 00 30. 00 Total 3123: 3228 40. 00 40. 00 Total 2952: 2961 Operating Operating Operating 38 Supplies- 5 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Report dates: 7/ 5l2016- 7/ 6l2016 20. 64 10. 95 125. 66 Parks Plant Supplies - Parks 4• 95 9 99 3. 46 City Net Description Vendor Name Invoice Amount 3521 Menards Maintenance Supplies- 3521 Menards MNDot Misc City 29. 14 Hall 8. 29 Bldg Operating Costs Operating Supplies- Water 47. 76 3521 Menards 3521 Menards Repair& Maint- Lift Stations 3521 Menards Misc 3521 Menards Misc Operating Operating Supplies- Parks 24. 98 3521 Menards Repair& Maint Supplies - Parks 68. 10 Menards Repair& Maint Supplies - Parks 96. 13 Menards Repair& Maint- Plant 3521 3521 Supplies- 189. 99 14. 99 Parks 4. 98 725. 25 Total 3521: 3686 Minnesota Department of Health 1300002 Community Water Suppiy Service Minnesota Works vLocPro2 3727 Minnesota Pump Works vLocPro2 Pump Config B002 Kit 5 Watt Config B002 Kit 5 Watt MVTL Laboratories Inc. National Industrial & Safety Suppl Misc Operating Supplies- Wastewater Nelson, Robert PC Mtgs - 2nd Qtr 2016 Northern Business Products, Inc. Name Plate- J. Nelson 4171 Northern Business Products, Inc. Office Supplies- Bldg Dept Northern Technologies, LLC 2016 Street Improvements Cleaning Window Cleaning - Liquor Store 8, 066. 50 O' Reilly Automotive Inc. Repair& Maint Supplies - Street Dept 207. 94 207. 94 Total 4321: Phillips Wine & Spirits 138. 94 138. 94 Total 4286: 4476 7. 62 8, 066. 50 Total 4186: 4321 11. 00 18. 62 Total 4171: Ole' s Window 105. 00 105. 00 4171 4286 299. 00 299. 00 Total 4088: 4186 1, 950. 00 86. 00 Tota140 4 3: 4088 1, 950. 00 86. 00 Testing Total 4001: 4043 4 380. 00 3, 900. 00 Total 3727: 4001 Con 4, 380. 00 Total 3686: 3727 Liquor Store Merchandise 39 6 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 Vendor Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge of 6, 362. 65 City of Page: Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge Vendor Net Description Vendor Name Invoice Amount Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 118. 57 4476 Phillips Wine& Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 218. 50 4476 Phillips Wine& Spirits Freight Charge 4476 9• 2 1, 412. 50 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 54. 73 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 44. 50 264. 00 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Liquor Store Merchandise 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Freight Charge 4476 Phillips Wine & Spirits Credit Liquor Merchandise 4. 56 28. 008, 461. 13 Total 4476: 4836 RJM 255. 77 Liquor Store Merchandise Distributing, Inc. 255. 77 Total 4836: 4919 Rupp, Anderson, Squires, & May 4, 584. 79 Legal Expense 4, 584. 79 Total 4919: 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes 1. 63 Freight Charge- Liquor Store 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Freight Charge- Liquor Store 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Liquor Store Merchandise 5181 Southern Wine & Spirits of Minnes Freight Charge- Liquor Store 5, 468. 18 70. 35 2, 010. 30 40. 60 7, 591. 06 Total 5181: 1, 267. 00- SPEW Health Plan Credit Health Insurance Premium forApril - R. SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 1, 359. 00 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 2, 718. 00 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 4, 077. 00 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 4, 077. 00 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 679. 50 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 21, 744. 00 5191 SPEW Health Plan Neaith Insurance Premium - August 1, 359. 00 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 11, 768. 94 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 2, 718. 00 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 4, 294. 44 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 7, 039. 62 5191 SPEW Health Plan Health Insurance Premium - August 5, 436. 00 5191 5191 5191 5191 66, 003. 50 Total 5191: 5256 Star 95 Car Wash & Detailing 7. 50 Squad Car Washes 7. 50 Total 5256: 5301 Steve' s Tire Inc Repairs and Maint Supplies- Streets Maint Supplies- 5301 Steve' s Tire Inc Repairs 5301 Steve' s Tire Inc Repair and Maint Labor- PD and 40 7 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 PD 60. 90 469.44 144. 95 City Payment Approval Report- Cambridge of Bills List Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Net Invoice Amount 675. 29 Total 5301: Strandlund Refrigeration 5311 Repair& Maint- Walk In Cooler 5324 Struss, Chad 105. 00 PC Mtgs- 2nd Qtr 2016 105. 00 Total 5324: 5336 Sunshine 5336 Sunshine Printing Printing Door Hangers - Street Dept Dept of Inspection - Correction Notices Titan Machinery Titan Machinery 5541 Repair& Maint Repair& Maint Supp- Vehicles Supp- Vehicles 5601 TR Computer Sales LLC 5601 TR Computer Sales LLC 5601 TR Computer Sales LLC 5601 TR Computer Sales LLC Consulting - Finance Computer Consulting - Planning Repairs and Maint Labor- City Hall Computer Consulting - Police Dept Computer 5656 Trucks and Toys LTD 5656 Trucks and Toys LTD Repair& Maint Supplies - Veh/ Equip- Water Repair& Maint Supplies - Veh/ Equip- WWTP TruGreen Commercial Garage Door Install LiftmasterCommercial Hoist Operator Verizon Wireless wireless phone service- WWTP Viking Coca- Cola Bottling Co Walter E. Olson & Son, Inc. 1, 682. 00 99. 69 99 69 Liquor Store Merchandise 495. 50 495. 50 Total 5816: 5876 90. 00 280. 00 1, 682. 00 Total 5801: 5816 776. 25 187. 02 Total 5675: 5801 67. 50 145. 00 187. 02 Vegetation Control - LS Total 5666: City 891. 25 370. 00 Total 5656: Twin 956. 87 203. 34 1, 880. 00 Total 5601: 5675 43. 75 1, 160. 21 Total 5541: 5666 21025 254. 00 Total 5336: 5541 315. 00 315. 00 Total 5311: Backhoe- Sandquist Farm 41 8 4, 590. 00 City Report dates: 7/ 5/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 Net Invoice Amount 4, 590. 00 Total 5876: 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Liquor Store Merchandise 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Misc 5886 Watson Co., Inc. Freight Charge Operating Supplies - LS Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Freight Charge 5891 Breakthru Beverage Minnesota Liquor Store Merchandise Wendorf, Barry Parks, Trails & Rec Comm Mtgs - 2nd Qtr 2016 6. 00 5, 500. 61 63. 25 349. 99 8. 05 130. 50 6001 Wine Merchants Liquor Store Merchandise 6001 Wine Merchants Freight Charge 1, 023. 20 15. 96 1, 039. 16 Total 6001: Ziebart h, Mark N 35. 00 35. 00 Total 5922: 6082 199. 88 6, 052. 40 Total 5891: 5922 3, 613. 58 3, 819. 46 Total 5886: 5891 Parks Trails, & Rec Comm Mtgs - 2nd Qtr 2016 35. 00 35. 00 Total 6082: 397, 832. 60 Grand Totals: Dated: City Treasurer: 42 9 Jul 06, 2016 09: 32AM Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Payment Approval Repo t- Bilis List Cambridge of City of Page: Check Register- Summary Report Cambridge Check GL Account Payee Vendor Number Amount GL Period Check Issue Date Check Number 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103147 141 Alex Air Apparatus, Inc. 101- 20100 730. 00 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103148 204 American Pressure Inc 101- 20100 410. 75 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103149 381 Auto Value Cambridge 101- 20100 153. 98 07/ 16 07I06/ 2016 103150 446 Shirley 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103151 521 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103152 101- 20100 105. 00 Bellboy Corporation 610- 20100 2, 333. 35 555 Bertleson One Source 101- 20100 26. 30 101- 20100 513.75 Basta 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103153 586 Bjorklund Companies LLC 07116 07/ O6/ 2016 103154 651 Boyer Trucks 602- 20100 515. 64 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103155 5891 Breakthru Beverage MN Wine & Spirits I 610- 20100 6, 052.40 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103156 701 Bright' N' Clean Maintenance LL 610- 20100 529. 03 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103157 766 Bureau 101- 20100 270. 00 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103158 831 Cambridge Automotive Services 101- 20100 89. 84 Bernick' s 610- 20100 5, 171. 17 Krause, LLP 101- 20100 6, 904. 00 Transportation 424- 20100 795. 49 Awning Crim. Apprehension of 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103159 551 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103160 1171 Baker 07l16 07/ 06/ 2016 103161 1246 Commissioner 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103162 1279 Compview Inc. 101- 20100 783. 00 07/ 16 07/ O6/ 2016 103163 1336 Crystal Springs Ice 610- 20100 1, 069. 92 07116 07/ O6/ 2016 103164 1341 Crysteel Truck Equipment 101- 20100 302. 39 07116 07/ 06l2016 103165 1396 Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC 610- 20100 36, 164. 65 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103166 1556 Display Company 101- 20100 330. 50 07/ 16 07I06/ 2016 103167 1666 East Central Solid Waste Commission 101- 20100 15. 00 07/ 16 07/ 06I2016 103168 1681 ECM Publishers, Inc. 101- 20100 1, 652. 17 07l16 07/ 06/ 2016 103169 1756 EmergencyApparatus Maintenance Inc 101- 20100 2, 944. 42 Robert( Bob) Erickson 101- 20100 70. 00 101- 20100 542. 33 Tiily Virchow Sales 07116 07/ O6/ 2016 103170 1804 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103171 1891 Fastenal 07116 07/ O6/ 2016 103172 2044 Jennifer Fuhol of Company 101- 20100 35. 00 101- 20100 230. 30 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103173 2046 G& K Services, Inc. 07/ 16 07I06/ 2016 103174 2111 Jim Godfrey 101- 20100 80. 00 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103175 2' 146 Gopher State One Call 602- 20100 283. 50 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103176 2166 Grainger 601- 20100 2, 097. 80 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103177 2182 Grape Beginnings, Inc. 610- 20100 787. 75 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103178 2188 Gratitude Farms 101- 20100 585. 00 602- 20100 553. 82 5, 934. 87 07/ 16 07/ O6/ 2016 103179 2271 Hach 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103180 2341 Hawkins, Inc. 602- 20100 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103181 2346 Hayford Ford 602- 20100 99. 98 601- 20100 317. 05 Company Waterworks Inc. 07/ 16 07l06/ 2016 103182 2376 Henry' s 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103183 2796 Johnson Bros- St Paul 610- 20100 25, 115. 93 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103184 2941 Kirvida Fire, Inc. 101- 20100 1, 469. 16 07/ 16 07/ O6/ 2016 103185 2951 John D Klossner 101- 20100 110. 00 101- 20100 40. 00 101- 20100 205. 21 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103186 2952 Kelli Klossner 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103187 2961 KnifeRiverCorporation 07/ 16 07I06I2016 103189 3123 Buck Lauseng Law Office 07/ 16 07/ 06I2016 103190 3228 Lindberg 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103191 3282 Thea Lowman 07116 07I06/ 2016 103192 3300 M& 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103193 3461 McDonald Menards G Trailer Sales Service Rental Distributing Company 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103195 3521 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103196 3686 Minnesota Department 07/ 16 07/ O6/ 2016 103197 2636 Minnesota Equipment of Health Works 07/ 16 07/ 06I2016 103198 3727 Minnesota 07/ 16 07I06/ 2016 103199 4001 Minnesota Valley Testing Labs 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103200 4043 National Industrial& 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103201 4088 Robert Nelson 826 North 65 Chamber North 65 Chamber Pump 101- 20100 30. 00 221- 20100 128, 127. 26 101- 20100 35. 00 101- 20100 2, 883. 91 610- 20100 37, 368. 00 602- 20100 725. 25 601- 20100 4, 380. 00 101- 20100 337. 65 602- 20100 3, 900. 00 602- 20100 86. 00 Safety Supply 602- 20100 299. 00 101- 20100 105. 00 of Commerce 610- 20100 564. 00 oi 493. 00 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103202 07/ 16 07/ 06I2016 103203 826 Commerce 101- 20100 07/ 16 07/ O6/ 2016 103204 4171 Northern Business Products, Inc. 101- 20100 18. 62 07/ 06/ 2016 103205 4186 Northern Technologies, LLC 424- 20100 8, 066. 50 07/ 16 M= Manual Check, V= Void Check 43 1 Jul 06, 2016 09: 39AM Check Issue Dates: 7I6/ 2016- 7/ 6/ 2016 City of Check Register- Cambridge Summary Page: Report GL Period Check Issue Date Check Number Vendor Number Check GL Account Payee Amount 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103206 4286 Ole' s Window 610- 20100 138. 94 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103207 4321 0' ReiilyAuto Parts 101- 20100 207. 94 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103208 4476 Phillips St Paul 610- 20100 8, 461. 13 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103209 4836 RJM 07116 07/ O6/ 2016 103210 4919 Rupp, 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103212 5181 Southern Wine& Spirits 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103213 5191 SPEW Health Plan 07116 07I06/ 2016 103214 5256 Star 95 Car Wash& 101- 20100 7. 50 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103215 5301 Steve' s Tire Inc 101- 20100 675. 29 07/ 16 07/ O6l2016 103216 5311 Strandlund Refrigeration 610- 20100 315. 00 07116 07/ O6/ 2016 1D3217 5324 Chad Struss 101- 20100 105. 00 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103218 5336 Sunshine 101- 20100 254. 00 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103220 5541 Titan 101- 20100 1, 160. 21 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103221 5601 TR Computer Sales LLC 101- 20100 1, 880. 00 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103222 5656 Trucks 602- 20100 370. 00 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103223 5666 TruGreen 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103224 5675 Twin 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103225 5801 Verizon Wireless 602- 20100 99. 69 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103226 5816 Viking Coca- Cola Bottling Co 610- 20100 495. 50 07116 07/ 06/ 2016 103227 5876 Walter E. Olson& 101- 20100 4, 590. 00 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103228 5886 Watson Co., Inc. 610- 20100 3, 819. 46 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103229 5922 Barry Wendorf 101- 20100 35. 00 610- 20100 1, 039. 16 101- 20100 35. 00 Cleaning Distributing, Inc. Anderson, Squires,& of Minnesota Detailing Printing Machinery and Toys LTD Processing Center City Garage Door 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103230 6001 Wine Merchants 07/ 16 07/ 06/ 2016 103231 6082 Mark N Ziebarth Son, Inc. 610- 20100 255. 77 101- 20100 4, 584. 79 610- 20100 7, 591. 06 610- 20100 66, 003. 50 610- 20100 187. 02 601- 20100 1, 682. 00 397, 832. 60 Grand Totals: M= Manual Check, V= Void Check 44 2 Jul 06, 2016 09: 39AM Check Issue Dates: 7/ 6/ 2016- 7l6/ 2016 City of Payment Approval Report- Bills List Cambridge Report dates: 7/ 7/ 2016- 7/ 7/ 2016 Description Vendor Name Vendor Page: Net Invoice Amount 969 Cardmember Service 969 Cardmember Service Sandblasting Supplies City Hall Landscape Fiowers 89. 02 187. 90 Total 969: 276•92 Grand Totals: 276•92 Dated: I /' City Treasurer: 45 1 Jul 06, 2016 01: 28PM City of Check Register- Cambridge Summary Check Issue Dates: 7/ 7/ 2016- GL Period Check Issue Date Check Number Vendor Number 07/ 16 07/ 07/ 2016 103232 969 Payee Cardmember Service Page: Report Check GL Account 101- 20100 Amount 276. 92 2 6• 92 Grand Totals: M= Manual Check, V= Void Check 46 1 Jul O8, 2016 01: 31 PM 7/ 7/ 2016
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