October 2015 - Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce
iness s u b s e i t i C i r T y forum e a d h e t n o n i a Jo CON resources! Z I B t a s r e lead , discussions and s of session PREMIER SPONSOR: #TCRCC OCTOBER 28, 2015 See page 7 for full day event schedule TRAC CENTER, PASCO, WA A Fresh Approach to the B2B Convention Want to put your business directly in front of hundreds of local professionals and leaders? Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time Featuring Keynote Speaker: Aimee Windmiller-Wood, Fierce Inc. BECOME AN EXHIBITOR AT THE Resource Marketplace 10x10 booth $300 10x20 booth $500 November 2015 Network Tri-Cities Membership Luncheon Program: Fierce Conversations: Achieving Place: TRAC Center — Pasco 6600 Burden Blvd. Pasco, WA 99301 Time: 11:30 am – Noon Registration & Networking Noon – 1:30 pm Lunch & Program Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time Speaker: Aimee Windmiller-Wood, Fierce Inc. Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Cost: $20 Pre-registered members RSVP by Thursday, October 22 $30 Non-members or RSVP by Thursday, October 22 RSVP: 509.736.0510 or email [email protected] by Thursday, October 22 *Cancellations made after October 22nd and “no-shows” will be invoiced. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair – Ron Boninger Past Chair – Rene Vasquez, Ennis Fine Furniture Chair Elect – Marty Conger, Battelle Treasurer – Kevin Sullivan, Sullivan Sullutions Melissa Garrard, Washington River Protection Solutions Eric Martuscelli, Cascade Natural Gas Dean Moody, Intermountain West Insulation Derrick Stricker, NAI Tri-Cities Tony Umek, AKU Enterprises John Ziobro, Telquist Ziobro Mcmillen BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave Barr, Dave Barr CLU Annie Bixler, HAPO Community Credit Union Paul Carlisle, elevate John Crook, Paragon Corporate Housing Sean Flaherty, Tri-City Herald Shae Frichette, Frichette Winery Nick Gonzales, Bouten Construction Rick Jansons, Habitat for Humanity Russ Keefer, Trios Health Carlos Martinez, Dura-Shine Clean Company Milke McWhorter, PayneWest Insurance Karen Miller, Benton PUD Mike Miller, Moon Security Services, Inc. Vicki Monteagudo, Century 21 Tri-Cities Ian Napier, Red Lion Hotels Dr. Lee Ostler, The Center for Dental Health Scott Oxenford, Bechtel National Inc. Scott Parnell, Washington Closure Hanford Gary Ransom, AgriNorthwest Bill Robertson, Bill Robertson Nissan Cheryl Salomone, Townsquare Media Khurshed Sharifov, Century Securities Associates, Inc. Bill Shibley, Northwest Farm Credit Services Steve Simmons, Country Gentleman Restaurant & Catering Brett Spooner, Gravis Law, PLLC Ted Vause, MetLife Auto & Home Rae Weil, Mission Support Alliance STAFF Lori Mattson, President & CEO Ashley Coronado, PTAC Business Counselor Lisa Nelson, Event Director Elisabeth Holt, Marketing & Membership Director Austin Neilson, Government & Economic Affairs Director Chad Utecht, Sales Manager DiAnne Voegtle, Administration Manager Brandan Eckhardt, Communications Coordinator Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator 1 Chair’s Message Business, government, and community working together is what we need more of as we face the many challenges that confront us. I was reminded of a significant success we had in that area when I attended an event our Chamber co-hosted with Inland Northwest AGC. The event was to celebrate the passage of the 2015 Statewide Transportation Package. It was well attended by business, government and community leaders because all of them worked together to support the transportation package. The passage of this legislation was not a simple task, requiring a revenue increase, much needed reforms and a balanced approach to the allocation of the dollars and resources that would become available. However, it was accomplished by all of us working together. Ron Boninger Board Chair After years of frustration, the Tri-Cities business, civic and political leaders, formed a strong enough base to assist with passage of the legislation, to fund much needed projects in our region. Projects like the Lewis Street Bridge in Pasco, Red Mountain I-82 Interchange in West Richland, the Duportail Bridge in Richland and the U. S. Hwy. 395/Ridgeline Drive in Kennewick, among others. These projects represent a $285 million investment in the Tri-Cities – an investment that will generate even greater revenues for our region and state through new development and growth as businesses thrive. As the speakers at the Transportation event would say, an accomplishment that was done with teamwork and mutual support. Unfortunately, my example of our success is often the exception these days. Politics are divisive. Gridlock and partisan rancor are the norm. I know that I personally crave more leadership that brings us together like we did with our transportation package. Lori Mattson, the leader of our Chamber, has shared a report with the Board of Directors created by the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives. It is an excellent report that provides forward thinking and visionary actions about the future of Chambers, just like ours. It also highlights that this craving for leadership in the public sector of politics is a place for Chambers to step in. “Chambers will embody the ‘sane middle’ pragmatism and reason over dogma. They will help cut through the noise of extremist politics as they have for hundreds of years. Chambers will take the high road, and build coalitions to support the right things for their communities, regions and members. ” All of us can build on the success of the Transportation bill and be involved with government and politics to help define and find the “sane middle” so we can all continue working together to make our region, our state, and our country great. Now more than ever, it’s important for our local business community to get engaged in the public discourse. As a business community we can solve problems. We’re consensus builders because we have this great diversity of people and ideas. To get involved or to learn more about important issues that face us, please contact the Regional Chamber. Finally, the Chamber’s big event this month is BIZCON. I encourage you to make a special effort to attend and participate in this excellent event. Listen to our keynote speaker discuss “Fierce Conversations”, learn about Fuse and coworking, understand how to “Burn Bright, Without Burning Out”, go to the Biz Bash and many other great sessions. Thank you for being a part of our Chamber and I will see you all there. Ron Boninger 2015 Board Chair Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce The Tri-City Regional Chamber Board, volunteers and staff are focused on delivering value to our members. Every Chamber strategy, program and service is created specifically to provide positive results and bring credit to our region. Here’s a look into recent activities, plans and results. T yson Foods and Richland School District recently renewed their Affiliate level memberships with the Chamber. O ur Congressional Update luncheon featuring Congressman Dan Newhouse had 377 business leaders in attendance. W e provided support to the bi-partisan Regulatory Accountability Act which would force federal agencies to do a co st-benefit analysis and adopt the least costly or most cost-effective approac h when a proposed rule carries an eco nomic impact over $1 billion annu ally. W W A 19 e recently launched our new Bolder – Brighter – Better website reflecting the new Tri-Cities brand! s a service to our members, Tri-Cities businesses and residents, we have created a Candidate Questionnaire. All candidates for contested City Council races in Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, and West Richland were given the opportunity to participate. Their responses are posted on our website in the Government Affairs tab. Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | October 2015 e partnered with Inland Northwest Association of General Contractors to host Transportation Reception to thank our area legislators and community for supporting our region and investing in our future. Printed and designed by: businesses joined the Chamber in August! BETTENDORF’S 2 Welcome New Members The Regional Chamber encourages members to conduct business with one another. Those listed below have recently made an important investment in their business and their professional career by joining the Regional Chamber. Please consider them for your personal and professional needs. When you do, let them know you learned of their business through the Tri-City Regional Chamber! zPizza Lenora Boyd — 509-735-3557 4101 W. 27th Place, Ste. B110 Kennewick, WA 99338 www.zpizza.com Fatbeam Dawn Schafer — 509-344-1008 2065 W. Riverstone Drive, Ste. 105 Coeur d’ Alene, ID 83814 www.fatbeam.com Ethos Trattoria Scot Newell — 509-942-8417 800 Dalton Richland, WA 99352 CFO Selections, LLC Kevin Krieger — 509-949-2681 5808 Summitview Avenue, Ste. A-285 Yakima, WA 98908 www.cfoselections.com/locations/ eastern-washington University of Washington, Spokane Center Catherine Brazil — 509-838-4689 201 W. Main Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 www.washington.edu Country Financial Melissa Baker — 509-783-8370 8479 W. Clearwater, Ste. A Kennewick WA, 99336 www.countryfinancial.com/robert.haun MetLife Auto & Home Connie Rutz — 509-737-6052 7500 W. Clearwater Avenue, Ste. A Kennewick, WA 99336 www.connierutz.metlife.com Simmons Insurance Group Darin Oman — 509-545-8783 PO Box 2501 Pasco, WA 99302 http://simmons-insurance.com/pasco-insurance/ Gaslight Bar & Grill Travis Summers — 509-943-9789 99 Lee Boulevard Richland, WA 99352 Lash Envy Andrea Heinen — 509-572-2775 118 N. Keene Road Richland, WA 99352 https://www.facebook.com/LashEnvy509 Bank of the Cascades Gil Alvarez — 509-735-5062 1030 N. Center Parkway, Ste. 309 Kennewick, WA 99336 www.botc.com Girls on the Run Southeast WA Sarah McMenamin — 509-713-7014 1177 Jadwin Ave., Ste. 101 Richland, WA 99352 www.gotrsewa.org 360 Automotive & Repair Robert LaLonde — 509-572-2769 6200 W. Clearwater Avenue Kennewick, WA 99336 www.360autoandrepair.com At 360 Automotive & Repair, they believe in being fair, honest and reliable. Their commitment to quality auto repair, services and customer satisfaction is paramount to their continued success. Therefore, the “customer-centric” promise to you is twofold: first, they evaluate your vehicle thoroughly in response to your request and observations. In other words, they will professionally fix the problems you came to see them about. Secondly, they will always check your vehicle for overall safety and reliability. This means they will inform you of the potential problems that may occur down the road and what indicators to look out for to prevent a potential break down. Ideal Dentistry Liz Barker — 509-737-8700 1408 N. Louisiana Street, Ste. 101 Kennewick, WA 99336 www.idealdentistry.biz Edward Jones – Financial Advisor Jay Freeman — 509-783-2041 16 W. Kennewick Avenue, Ste. 101 Kennewick, WA 99336 www.edwardjones.com ■■Advertise Here 3 Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting & Groundbreaking Ceremonies A Benefit of Membership – Ribbon cutting and groundbreaking ceremonies are a benefit of membership and offer the opportunity to become acquainted with fellow members while showcasing your business. To find out more about hosting your ribbon cutting or groundbreaking, contact Elisabeth Holt at 509.491.3237 or [email protected] Mai House Seafood Bar & Grill Kennewick Baja Fresh Steptoe Street Extension Phase 3 Kennewick Kennewick Kennewick Kennewick zPizza Eastgate Elementary School Tri-Cities Airport Expansion Phase 1 Great Floors Crosswalk at Southridge Papa Johns Pizza Pasco Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | October 2015 Kennewick Kennewick Kennewick Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 4 ANDY STIRLING, CHAIR | US BANK BILL WALTHER | GESA CREDIT UNION JIM CAREY | CRUISE HOLIDAYS SHERI STRONG | SMOOTH MOVES DAVID FETTO | GUILD MORTGAGE COMPANY ANGELA FETTO | PAYNWEST INSURANCE RYAN LEE | NATIONAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS MIKE MCWHORTER | PAYNEWEST INSURANCE JOE PETERSON | JOE PETERSON INSURANCE CINDY FREDRICKSON | SERVPRO OF TRI-CITIES WEST MATT SWEEZEA | PIMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES AL THIEMENS | BAKER BOYER BANK WALTER TIMMONS | US BANK TRACEY TAYLOR | US BANK ASHLEY RUBON | WINDERMERE GROUP ONE ANGIE BROTHERTON | GESA CREDIT UNION THANK YOU 2015 GOLF CLASSIC RAFFLE PRIZE DONORS Burges Carpet Care Intermountain West Insulation Meier Architecture Engineering Tri-City Area Journal Of Business Sportspage Bar & Grill D’lor Salon & Spa: Kimmy Lozono Ron Swanby Ranch & Home Dickey’s Bbq Pit Frichette Winery Dayco Heating & Air Fit For Me Gym Frank Prior 5 Rbc Wealth Management Nouveau Skin Care & Day Spa Vibe Music Center Hop Jacks Restaurant My Place Hotel — Pasco Sterling’s Restaurant Bookwalter Winery Joker’s Comedy Club Papa John’s Rollarena Skating Center The Ups Store—PASCO Visit Tri-Cities Perfection Tire D’lor Salon & Spa: Natalie Alma’s Day Spa Bliss Salon & Spa: Monica Combs Essence Belledame Center For Dental Health, Dr. Lee Ostler Servpro Of Tri-Cities West Kennewick Flower Shop Heritage Landscaping Autobahn Auto Care Edible Arrangements Wildhorse Resort & Casino Animal House Self Service Country Gentleman Restaurant El Sazon Restaurant Texas Roadhouse American Rock Products Meadow Springs Country Club Skamania Lodge & Resort Tri-City Dust Devils Baseball Tri-City Americans Hockey Servpro Of Tri-Cities West Frost Me Sweet Cruise Holidays Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Upgrading your membership is a great way to access additional Regional Chamber programs, save money on advertising, improve your visibility throughout the community and more. Upgrade your membership today to receive extended benefits such as: 2 0 15 T C R C C G O L F T O U R N A M E N T W I N N E R S : 1st Place Team U.S. Bank 2nd Place Team Gesa Credit Union 3rd Place Team PayneWest Insurance Highest Score Bechtel National Longest Drive - Men Kelly Akridge Longest Drive - Women Cindy Fredrickson Crazy 7’s - Men Blaine Wren Crazy 7’s - Women Michelle Clary Big Ticket Raffle Winner Derek Brownson Scratch Card Game Glen Marshall Fireball Game American Rock Products Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | October 2015 • 50% discount or complimentary newsletter inserts • Additional location listings • Additional category listings • Participation in a LEARN group • Business description and logo on the Regional Chamber’s website • Invites to exclusive Regional Chamber meetings • Even More Value! To learn more about maximizing your membership contact Chad Utecht at [email protected] or call 509.491.3242. Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 6 OCTOBER 28, 2015 TRAC CENTER, PASCO, WA PREMIER SPONSOR: #TCRCC #TCBIZCON BIZCON IS THE Business-to-Business EVENT FOR 2015 Resource Marketplace Standard 10x10 booth $300 Premium 10x20 booth $500 Connect with hundreds of business attendees, exhibitors sponsors! •• Four hours devoted to exhibits without competing with session workshops •• Breakout sessions that will provide tangible information to support and improve you business and career •• Over 1,000 attendees! Make sure your company is represented! Reserve your booth now and grab one of the best spots on the floor! REGISTER NOW! Contact Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator at 509.491.3234 #tcrcc 7 #tcbizcon *Visit the BIZCON website for the most updated map and schedule. Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Full-Day Event Schedule Morning Session $60/Person 9:00 - 9:50 am Business Ethics - Building a Culture of Ethical Decision Making Ken Fincher, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Advancement and Community Engagement, Washington State University MarCom Planning - Crafting Your Roadmap to Success Andrei Mylroie, Partner, DH Emily Easley, Account Director, DH 10:00 - 10:50 am Coworking, Not Just a Desk Justin Kasparek, President, Fuse Eric Schmidt, Vice President, Fuse Brett Spooner, Board Member, Fuse Jackie Sharpe, Executive Director, Fuse The Starting Point for Managing & Leading Successful Teams Diana Welch, SPHR, Human Resources and Management Solutions 11:00 - 11:50 am How to Take Charge of Your Online Brand and Maximize Your ROI on Social Media Digital Marketing Experts, Tri-City Herald Burning Bright without Burning Out Paul Casey, Growing Forward Services Network Tri-Cities Luncheon 12:00 – 1:30 pm $20/person Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time JANUARY 27, 2016 | TRAC CENTER Toby Bouchey 2015 ATHENA Leadership Award Recipient Shae Frichette 2015 ATHENA Young Professional Award Recipient Now Accepting ATHENA Award Nominations! Deadline for submissions: November 27, 2015 The ATHENA Leadership Award® Featuring Keynote Speaker: Aimee Windmiller-Wood, Fierce Inc. Resource Marketplace 1:30 – 5:30 pm FRE E TO ATTEND! ■■ Marketplace Mix- Up (Don't miss this 30 minute speed networking event!) ■■ Career Center (One stop shop for Exhibitor's job postings, resume feedback and interviewing tips) ■■ U.S. Cellular E-lounge (Relax and Recharge!) ■■ Awards and Prizes (Vote for BIZCON’s best booth awards and win door prizes) ■■ BizBash 3:30 - 5:30 pm (After hours networking party) Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | October 2015 ¾¾ Presented to a woman who has achieved the highest level of professional excellence The ATHENA Young Professional Award® ¾¾ Presented to an emerging woman leader (under age 40) * For a full list of ATHENA Award criteria and 2015 nomination forms, visit: www.tricityregionalchamber.com For event information, contact Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator, at 509.491.3234 or [email protected] Sponsorships Available Now! Join early to maximize your marketing dollars! For sponsorship information, contact Lisa Nelson, Event Director, at 509.491.3236 or [email protected] Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 8 FIND, BID, WIN! GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING ASSISTANCE FOR WASHINGTON BUSINESSES The Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce is a Washington Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) sub-center equipped with a full-time PTAC Government Contracting Assistance Specialist to help guide your business through the entire process of competing for and fulfilling government contracts at no cost! From helping determine what kind of products and services government agencies buy, to certifications, registrations, bidding and more, Washington PTAC is ready to assist you. In addition, we support government agencies and prime contractors by connecting them with the suppliers and subcontractors they need. Some key areas we can assist you with: Who in the government marketplace buys what you sell and how do they procure it? October Business Development University NETWORKING FOR INTROVERTS Presented by: Paul Casey, Growing Forward Services Get a little queasy or uncomfortable on the way to a networking event, or maybe you decide to bail on it altogether--because you are an introvert or shy? You know you need to make new contacts because they are your pipeline to profit. No worries; you just need a strategy and some practice! And, when you reframe networking as an opportunity to give instead of take, you will get more at ease and released to be your authentic self in new situations In this seminar, you will hear suggestions on: Making a workable, step-by-step plan for mastering a networking event How to do business with the Department of Energy and the Hanford Primes as well as other federal, state or local agencies Entering and exiting conversations Helping you obtain federal, state and local certifications that may increase your competitive advantage Ensuring complete, maximized registration in various government online systems Creating a customized marketing strategy for your government customers Ensuring that your proposals are complete and correct – being responsive to government needs is vital to long-term success Visit www.washingtonptac.org to view the statewide calendar of workshops offered. Tri-City Regional Chamber Likes: 2,289 9 Following up after making a new contact Social media networking strategies Can’t you just feel your confidence starting to grow? Register now to strengthen a key skill in getting your service/product to the world! Date: Time: Place: Cost: RSVP: Thursday, October 22, 2015 1:00 – 3:00pm Tri-Cities Business & Visitor Center Bechtel Board Room 730 W. Grandridge Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336 $25 Members/$35 Non-Members Deadline to register – October 21, 2015 @tricitychamber Followers: 3,288 Sponsored by: @tricityregionalchamber Followers: 149 Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Tri-City Regional Chamber @tricitychamber @tricityregionalchamber Business Thursday, October 8, 2015 4 - 6 pm | Free to Members | Bring a Friend! 608 Williams Blvd. • Richland, WA 99337 Hosted by: Castle Event Catering & Anthology Event Venue Castle Event Catering has been serving the Eastern Washington and Northeast Oregon areas since 1996, and has since become a premiere catering company in the region. From wedding receptions to parties to corporate events, every custom menu is prepared to complement the individual ambiance of each client’s vision. Castle uses the finest and freshest ingredients in every dish — often from local farms and our own onsite garden. We have experience working with every type of budget from spare-no-expense to a modest set-in-stone. Our Catering Coordinators ensure every detail is addressed to guarantee the flawless execution of your catering experience. Stop by The Tri-City Regional Chamber’s October Business After Hours, hosted by Castle Event Catering & Anthology Event Venue to join us for an afternoon of networking, door prizes and refreshments! We are now accepting applications for Business After Hours 2016. If you are interested in hosting a future Business After Hours, please contact Jillian Marquez at 509.491.3234 or email [email protected]. Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | October 2015 Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 10 Government Affairs R egister by calling 509.736.0510. Cost is $25 per person through November 6th. Reservations after November 5th are $35 and must be made via phone. Join us and help thank our state, regional and local elected leaders for their service to our community! 13TH ANNUAL ELECTED LEADERS RECEPTION You’re Invited to the 13th Annual Elected Leaders Reception THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 4:30 TO 6:30 PM PASCO RED LION 2525 N. 20TH AVE. PASCO, WA 99301 LAND FOR SALE 5.25 Acres fronting Reata Rd. Richland for $525,000 and zoned C3. Flat and Level. Pad Lot in front of Fred Meyers in Richland for $399,000.00. High Traffic and Visibility. Medical Building with income at 948 Stevens Dr. Richland for $1,150,000.00. Call for details. Former Medical Building with 9,246 SF available for $1,495,000.00 at 4403 W. Court St. Pasco. Move in Ready. Medical/Office Space available for lease at $23.50 PSF Gross and offering TI’s of $55.00 PSF. 6802 W. Rio Grande Kennewick. Call Dirk or Derrick or go to www.StrickerCRE.com to view more information on these listings and others. 11 Commercial Acres on Tapteal Drive in Richland. Can divide 1.5 acres and up for $10.00 PSF. Derrick Stricker, CCIM Cell: 509-430-8533 [email protected] Dirk Stricker, Managing Broker Cell: 509-430-8535 [email protected] Creating A Better Community One Transaction At A Time. Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Thank You for Renewing Your Membership 26-36 YEARS AS MEMBERS 4-9 YEARS AS MEMBERS YRSMEMBER LEVEL YRSMEMBER LEVEL 29 Key Bank - Kennewick Business 7 Mid-Columbia Engineering, Inc. Business 29 U.S. Bank - Clearwater Branch Business 7 14 Hands Winery Entrepreneur 29 Center Vision - Contact Lens Entrepreneur 7 Chukar Cherries Entrepreneur 29 Kennewick Housing Authority Entrepreneur 7 Heaven's Best Carpet Cleaning Entrepreneur 28 Richland School District Affiliate 7 Heartland Payment Systems Entrepreneur 28 Perfection Miller Paint Entrepreneur 6 Design West Architects Business 27 Farmers Exchange Entrepreneur 6 Spectrum Business Business 27 Henderson & Associates Entrepreneur 6 Mid-Columbia Mastersingers Entrepreneur 6 Paine Hamblen LLP Entrepreneur 21-25 YEARS AS MEMBERS 6 Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Entrepreneur 5 Seattle Children's Hospital - Tri Cities Clinic Business 25 Allstate Insurance - Terry Johnson Business 5 Ameriprise Financial Entrepreneur 24 Twin City Foods Business 5 Tri-Cities Wine Society Entrepreneur 24 KFFX Fox 11 Entrepreneur 4 Tri-City Orthopaedic Clinic Business 23Images Entrepreneur 4 Atomic Ale Brewpub & Eatery Entrepreneur 21 Walmart - Kennewick Corporate 4 Curves of Richland Entrepreneur 21 Heritage Landscaping Entrepreneur 4 Franklin County Commissioners Entrepreneur 4 Hi-Land Garage Entrepreneur 16-20 YEARS AS MEMBERS 4 Monterosso's Italian Restaurant Entrepreneur 20 Tyson Foods Affiliate 4 Positive Life Radio Entrepreneur 19 Hampton Inn Business 3 YEARS AS MEMBERS 19 Paragon Corporate Housing Business 18 Aho Construction Entrepreneur 3 Inland Northwest AGC Business 17 Legends Casino Corporate 3 Versatile Design Studios Business 17 Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Entrepreneur 3 Fidelitas Wines Entrepreneur 17 HandWorks Northwest, PLLC Entrepreneur 3 Rattlesnake Mountain Harley Davidson Entrepreneur 16 The Bouchey Group at Windermere Group One Business 3 The Richland Players Entrepreneur 16 Atomic Screen Printing Entrepreneur 16 Irrigation Specialists Inc. Entrepreneur 2 YEARS AS MEMBERS 10-15 YEARS AS MEMBERS 2 Corporate Allocation Services, Inc. Business 2 Haskins Steel Co., Inc. Business 14 City of Richland Director 14 Cerium Networks Entrepreneur 2 Kennewick Suites Business 13 BioMat USA, Inc. Entrepreneur 2 Castle Megastore Group, Inc. Entrepreneur 13 Dispute Resolution Center of Tri-Cities Entrepreneur 2 Essential Healing LLC Entrepreneur 13 Stellar Industrial Supply, Inc. Entrepreneur 2 Hedges Family Estate Entrepreneur 13 The Trophy Shoppe Entrepreneur 2 Senior Benefit Solutions Entrepreneur 12 Nuxall & Associates Real Estate Services Entrepreneur 2 Support, Advocacy & Resource Center (SARC) Entrepreneur 12 Raymond James Financial Services Entrepreneur 2 The Speech Pathology Learning Center Entrepreneur 12 Yoke's Fresh Market Entrepreneur 2 The UPS Store - Pasco Entrepreneur 11 Steptoe Car Wash & Mini Storage Entrepreneur 10 Columbia Center Heights Executive Suites Entrepreneur 1 YEAR AS MEMBERS 10 Parsec Computer Corporation Entrepreneur 1 Critical Nurse Staffing Business 4-9 YEARS AS MEMBERS 1 Secret Print Source Business 1 American Family Insurance - Hogue Entrepreneur 9 Lourdes Health Network Executive 1 Benton REA Entrepreneur 9 Columbia Basin Consulting Group Entrepreneur 1 Crown Moving Company Entrepreneur 9 Cruise Holidays Entrepreneur 8 Columbia Shores Comprehensive Obstetrics Entrepreneur 1 The Glass Punty Entrepreneur and Gynecology, PLLC 1 Tri-Cities Life Entrepreneur 7 Cascade Fire Protection Business 1 WinSome, Inc. Entrepreneur Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | October 2015 Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 12 AUGUST 2015 Pictured left to right: Lori Mattson, President & CEO, Tri-City Regional Chamber; Preston House, Papa Johns Pizza; Ron Boninger, Board Chair, Tri-City Regional Chamber. REGIONAL OUTSTANDING MEMBER OF CHAMBER THE MONTH The Tri-City Regional Chamber is pleased to announce Papa John’s Tri-Cities as the August “Outstanding Member of the Month.” Owner and Operator, Preston House, moved to the Tri-Cities 5 years ago with his wife and children to re-open a failing store. Preston now has four locations and over 60 employees. Preston is a wonderful example of entrepreneurship and professionalism – working hard not only to grow successfully, but to give back to the Tri-Cities Community. One of his current projects, Feed Our Hungry, donates pizza to local citizens in need. For every pizza sold online at www.yourpapajohns.com, the local stores will feed one hungry person. In the past 5 years Papa John’s Tri-Cities has helped over 50 nonprofits including Habitat for Humanity, DECA, Tri-Cities Cancer Center and area schools. Preston also sits on the Salvation Army board, mentors for Ignite Youth Mentoring and volunteers with numerous organizations. The Regional Chamber is proud to recognize Papa John’s TriCities as the Member of the Month! We thank you for setting an excellent example of a successful local business and for the reminder of how important and impactful it is to give back to the community. 13 Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce To Do: ✓✓ Welcome new members by attending their ribbon cuttings during the month of October! ✓✓ Join us for Business After Hours at Castle Event Catering & Anthology Event Venue on October 8th! ✓✓ Place your business in front of hundreds of Tri-Cities professional and join the prestigious group of BIZCON sponsors! ✓✓ Strengthen visibility by placing an ad in our annual MOMENTUM Region Chamber publication! CALENDAR OF EVENTS OCTOBER 8 22 28 28 Business After Hours - Castle Event Catering & Anthology Event Venue Business Development University – “Networking for Introverts” BIZCON Network Tri-Cities Membership Luncheon – Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time NOVEMBER 5 Business After Hours – WSU Tri-Cities 18 19 November Network Tri-Cities Membership Luncheon Business Development University – “Build Confidence and Successfully Conquer Public Speaking!” THANK YOU August NTC Door prizes: Just Roses, Flowers & More Bookwalter Winery MacKay Sposito September NTC Sponsor: Bouten Construction September Business After Hours: Parkview Estates Senior Living Community Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | October 2015 MOMENTUM Advertising Sales Have Begun! Include your business advertisement in the upcoming Regional Chamber MOMENTUM Annual Publication! This professional, high-quality publication is used to promote the Tri-Cities Region and Regional Chamber Members. Benefits of advertising in MOMENTUM: ✓✓ Reach over 1,500 businesses ✓✓ Create visibility for your company ✓✓ Support community growth ✓✓ Inform visitors and new residents of your company’s products and services ADVERTISING SPACE IS LIMITED! Deadline: December 4, 2015 Chad Utecht, Sales Manager, at 509.491.3242 or [email protected] to reserve your space today! Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 14 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PASCO, WA PERMIT NO. 361 Commercial Real Estate Sales & Leasing | Professional Property Management | Residential Real Estate FOR SALE @ QUEENSGATE NEW PRICE! Building G: Professional NEW PRICE! Building I: Retail/Tasting Office with luxury residence above. Room Space. Fun, classy place to gather. FOR LEASE Class A office on Columbia Point Dr. with exceptional views of golf course. Quality finishes, multiple privates and stunning common area conference room with patio. Real Estate is our business. Relationships are our focus. Gayle Stack CCIM, CPM® Designated Broker Commercial Realtor FOR LEASE Available soon in Vista Field area: professional office suite and retail salon. FOR LEASE Class A Office Located one block off Gage Blvd. and Steptoe. Build to suit small suite. 509-308-7310 1920 N. Pittsburgh Street | Suite A | Kennewick, WA 99336 | 509.735.4042 | www.EverStarRealty.com
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