September 2015 - Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce
PREMIER SPONSOR September 2015 Network Tri-Cities Membership Luncheon Program: State of the Ports Speaker: Commissioner Don Barnes, Port of Kennewick AM & PM FLIGHTS Monday, September 14, 2015 Meadow Springs Country Club ¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾ $850 $215 TEAM OF 4 PER PLAYER Helicopter Ball Drop More than $10,000 in Prizes! BBQ Lunch on the Driving Range Awards Dinner Build Business Relationships and Have Fun! BOOK NOW! Call Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator @ 509.491.3234 Commissioner Robert Larson, Port of Benton Commissioner Ron Reimann, Port of Pasco Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Place: Red Lion Hotel — Kennewick 1101 N. Columbia Center Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336 Time: 11:30 am – 12 pm Registration & Networking 12 – 1:30 pm Lunch & Program Cost: $20 Pre-registered members RSVP prior to Friday, September 18 $30 Non-members or RSVP after Friday, September 18 RSVP: Three ways to RSVP! • Call 509.491.3234 • Online at • Email [email protected] by Friday, September 18 Luncheon Sponsor: Register now to guarantee your seat! All debit cards, VISA and MasterCard accepted. ***Cancellations after September 18 and “no-shows” will be invoiced*** EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair – Ron Boninger, TiLite Past Chair – Rene Vasquez, Ennis Fine Furniture Chair Elect – Marty Conger, Battelle Treasurer – Kevin Sullivan, Sullivan Sullutions Melissa Garrard, Washington River Protection Solutions Eric Martuscelli, Cascade Natural Gas Dean Moody, Intermountain West Insulation Derrick Stricker, NAI Tri-Cities Tony Umek, AKU Enterprises John Ziobro, Telquist Ziobro Mcmillen BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave Barr, Dave Barr CLU Annie Bixler, HAPO Community Credit Union Paul Carlisle, elevate John Crook, Paragon Corporate Housing Sean Flaherty, Tri-City Herald Shae Frichette, Frichette Winery Nick Gonzales, Bouten Construction Rick Jansons, Habitat for Humanity Russ Keefer, Trios Health Carlos Martinez, Dura-Shine Clean Company Milke McWhorter, PayneWest Insurance Karen Miller, Benton PUD Mike Miller, Moon Security Services, Inc. Vicki Monteagudo, Century 21 Tri-Cities Ian Napier, Red Lion Hotels Dr. Lee Ostler, The Center for Dental Health Scott Oxenford, Bechtel National Inc. Scott Parnell, Washington Closure Hanford Gary Ransom, AgriNorthwest Bill Robertson, Bill Robertson Nissan Cheryl Salomone, Townsquare Media Khurshed Sharifov, Century Securities Associates, Inc. Bill Shibley, Northwest Farm Credit Services Steve Simmons, Country Gentleman Restaurant & Catering Brett Spooner, Gravis Law, PLLC Ted Vause, MetLife Auto & Home Rae Weil, Mission Support Alliance STAFF Lori Mattson, President & CEO Ashley Coronado, PTAC Business Counselor Lisa Nelson, Event Director Elisabeth Holt, Marketing & Membership Director Austin Neilson, Government & Economic Affairs Director Chad Utecht, Sales Manager DiAnne Voegtle, Administration Manager Melinda Hoffman, Accounting Coordinator Brandan Eckhardt, Communications Coordinator Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator 1 Chair’s Message What do the city of Boulder, Colorado and the Tri-Cities have in common? Before you quickly assume the answer is not much, let’s take a closer look. Brad Feld, a successful entrepreneur, author and venture capitalist wrote a book titled, “Startup Communities - Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in your City.” It is a well written and organized book that I would recommend to anyone interested in learning how to create a high performance economy driven by entrepreneurial success. The story is about the incredible Boulder, Colorado economy, driven by its ability to create new companies. Ron Boninger Board Chair What Boulder and the Tri-Cities have in common is the foundation for entrepreneurial success. Boulder has already built on its foundation to create an ecosystem that churns out new companies; the Tri-Cities have the potential to do the same. Mr. Feld describes some of the components needed to create a successful startup community, such as a national lab, a major research university and a highly educated population. Sounds like the Tri-Cities. The Manhattan Project and our community’s history created an unprecedented demand for PhD’s, engineers and business leaders in our community. WSU Tri-Cities, under the leadership of H. Keith Moo-Young, is transforming itself to be a key driver of economic and business formation success in our region. PNNL, as a world class lab, has for years been fostering talent and creating opportunities for innovation. Add these components to our leadership in the wine and agricultural sectors and the development opportunities that exist along the riverfront and town centers, and you can see that the Tri-Cities are ripe for innovation. We have what it takes to create the type of entrepreneurial ecosystem that Mr. Feld describes and was created in Boulder. A group of young entrepreneurs is making great progress in developing this startup ecosystem like they have in Boulder, Colorado. These entrepreneurs have created Fuse, a coworking community in Richland, they’ve conducted several Start-up Weekends and offered the first ever Tri-Cities Launch University, a multi-week program for individuals with an idea for starting a business. For the past five years, many of these people have been putting on TriConf, a self-organized event featuring entrepreneurship, art, culture and activism. Brad Feld writes in his book that a start-up community takes years to develop, is entrepreneurial led, all-inclusive and engaging. Moving forward, these innovative leaders and the businesses they create will need mentors, banking and financial services, potential investors, educated employees, business support services, etc. Therefore, all of us can be part of developing the Tri-Cities “start-up community.” This is energizing and of course when successful, will create tremendous economic rewards for our region. As I have said many times, it is an exciting time in the Tri-Cities. Ron Boninger 2015 Board Chair Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce The Tri-City Regional Chamber Board, volunteers and staff are focused on delivering value to our members. Every Chamber strategy, program and service is created specifically to provide positive results and bring credit to our region. Here’s a look into recent activities, plans and results. B enton PUD recently renewed their Visionary level membership and the City of Richland and Trios Health recently renewed their Director level memberships. T he Chamber signed a letter opposing the Department G overnor Jay Inslee signed the statewide transportation reforms and investment package into law on July 15, 2015. The Regional Chamber was the leading organization advocating for passage of the package and the inc lusion of TriCities project. In all, six TriCities projects received funding, including all five of the Regional Chamber’s priori ty projects for regional economic develop ment. of Labor’s proposed fiduciary rules that would raise the cost for small businesses to seek personal investment advice. W We received a record number of 67 applications D uring the months of June O ur Membership staff and Ambassadors dropped in at 71 member companies during July to provide information about Chamber programs and events and learn more about their businesses. T wenty businesses joined the Chamber during the month of July! and July, our Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) Counselor assisted small businesses in obtaining government contracts totaling $7,297,514! for the Small Business Incentive Program which is funded by Washington River Protection Solutions and provides money for equipment, software, websites and other necessary resources for W e’ve added nearly 400 new Facebook likes between January and July! small businesses. Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | September 2015 Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 2 Welcome New Members The Regional Chamber encourages members to conduct business with one another. Those listed below have recently made an important investment in their business and their professional career by joining the Regional Chamber. Please consider them for your personal and professional needs. When you do, let them know you learned of their business through the Tri-City Regional Chamber! Ashley Furniture Homestore Jerry Tillery — 509-736-6628 1340 Tapteal Dr. Richland, WA 99352 Paintmaster Services Inc Jonathan Duarte — 509-588-6421 1212 Columbia Park Trail Richland, WA 99352 Buffalo Wild Wings Matt Sprecher — 509-735-6892 8551 W. Gage Blvd. Kennewick , WA 99336 Marla June’s Clothing Co Marla Barnhart — 509-783-0606 5215 W Clearwater Ave., Suite 101 Kennewick, WA 99336 Victory Medical Solutions, LLC Rosa Ouren — 509-202-4292 1846 Termial Way Richland, WA 99352 360 Automotive & Repair Robert LaLonde — 509-572-2769 6200 W. Clearwater Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 Liberty Tax Service Sandy Compher — 509-946-7383 1381 George Washington Way Richland WA, 99354 DazzNew, LLC Enrick Francisco — 509-205-4398 Baja Fresh Jamie Coastman — 509-586-1433 4998 W. Hildebrand Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99338 Mai House Seafood Grill & Bar Kyle Walker — 509-491-1304 3617 Plaza Way, Suite B Kennewick, WA 99338 4D GeoViz, LLC John Smoot — 509-539-7117 RX Pharmacy Randy Johnson — 509-713-7444 800 Swift Blvd., Suite 140 Richland, WA 99352 Center for Sharing Shasta Meyers — 509-546-5999 3525 E. A Street Pasco, WA 99301 The Center for Sharing collaborates with individuals, organizations, and nonprofits to facilitate the practices of Servant leadership which enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a heathier world. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform superiorly. Wysocki Accounting & Tax Carol Wysocki — 509.412.4434 8382 W. Gage Blvd., Suite E Kennewick, WA 99336 Carol Wysocki, Ph.D., CPA, CMA at Wysocki Accounting and Tax is now offering accounting and tax services at her Kennewick office. Hire an experienced CPA to guide you in making strategic decisions with integrity. See or email [email protected] or call/text 509.412.4434 for a free consultation. ■■Advertise Here 3 Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting & Groundbreaking Ceremonies A Benefit of Membership – Ribbon cutting and groundbreaking ceremonies are a benefit of membership and offer the opportunity to become acquainted with fellow members while showcasing your business. To find out more about hosting your ribbon cutting or groundbreaking, contact Elisabeth Holt at 509.491.3237 or [email protected] Benton Franklin Transit Groundbreaking Nomad Kitchen & Lounge Dickey's Barbecue Pit Edith Bishel Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired Fieldstone Memory Care Kennewick Jason G. Lundvall Insurance Agency Kennewick Marla June's Clothing Company Kennewick Tri-Cities Licensing Benton PUD Solar Project Servepro of Tri-Cities West Oil Can Henry's Papa John's Pizza Tucannon Cellars Benton City Kennewick Richland Richland Richland Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | September 2015 Kennewick Kennewick Kennewick Pasco Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 4 5 Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Business Guest Editorial Benton PUD, Your Trusted Energy Partner Thursday, September 10, 2015 4 - 6 pm | Free to Members | Bring a Friend! by: Chad Bartram, General Manager Hosted by: If you are like me, when you flip on a light switch, you don’t think twice about it….the light will turn on. We have learned to expect reliable electric service. Yet we rarely think of the magnificent energy grid that generates and delivers the electricity that powers our lives. 3045 Duportail Street • Richland, WA 99352 Many people may not realize that the fundamental aspects of our nation’s energy grid, consisting of centralized power stations, transmission towers, substations, and distribution systems, have not changed for decades. Certainly, there have been improvements in generating technologies and reliability enhancements, but at a fundamental level, the energy grid and the utility business model have stayed the same. But now, the electric utility business model is beginning to change in a very big way. Parkview Estates Senior Living Community Join us Thursday, September 10, 2015 from 4-6 at Parkview Estates Senior Living Community for the September Business After Hours! Enjoy a live band, tours, and sample food & drink while networking with colleagues. Parkview is fortunate to have a home-like setting along with private apartments. Their number one priority being the quality of life for their residents, so that family members are able to just enjoy the time with loved ones & let Parkview take care of the rest. Interested in hosting Business After Hours next year? Contact Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator at [email protected] or 509.491.3234 for more information. Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | September 2015 So what’s different? In a word, technology. Within the next few years, solar panels and electric vehicles will likely reach price points that make them affordable in many parts of the country. Energy storage will follow. Energy efficiency improvements will continue to drive down energy use. Using new technologies, non-utility providers will begin to present options to customers thereby impacting the way utilities charge for their services. By way of comparison, some of us are old enough to remember the phone monopolies of the past: land lines, party lines, and long distance phone charges. Back then, none of us could have imagined how phone communications would change. But change they did, and over the next 10-20 years, the electric utility business will change as well. Here in the Northwest, bolstered by our vast hydroelectric resources, we have enjoyed some of cleanest, most sustainable energy in the world. We also have some of the least expensive energy. Because of these advantages, Northwest utility customers may see change happen more slowly than the rest of the country. Nonetheless, there is little doubt that change will happen. At Benton PUD, we will continue in our efforts to manage our small part of the magnificent energy grid to the benefit of our customers. We are also prepared to adapt with our changing industry. Our first step was the Ely Community Solar Project, the areas first. This project has been highly successful and will unlock generous state incentives for project participants. There are more changes ahead. As we move into the future together, we want to be Your Trusted Energy Partner. Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 6 R U O Y E V R E S ! RE Y A D O T T O P S #TCRCC OCTOBER 28, 2015 TRAC CENTER, PASCO, WA Join the Tri-Cities business leaders at BIZCON - a one day forum of sessions, discussions and resources PREMIER SPONSOR: A Fresh Approach to the B2B Convention BECOME AN EXHIBITOR AT THE Resource Marketplace 10x10 booth $300 10x20 booth $500 Want to put your business directly in front of hundreds of local professionals and leaders? REGISTER NOW! Contact Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator at 509.491.3234 7 by Register your booth September 30th in to be entered to w ts! e k ic T s k w a h a e S Two Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce DON'T MISS THIS FULL-DAY EVENT! TRI-CITIES BIZCON EVENT SCHEDULE Morning Session 9:00 – 9:50 am Network Tri-Cities Luncheon $60/Person 12:00 – 1:30 pm Business Ethics – Building a Culture of Ethical Decision Making Ken Fincher, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Advancement and Community Engagement, Washington State University 10:00 – 10:50 am Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time Featuring Keynote Speaker: Aimee Windmiller-Wood, Fierce Inc. $20/member $30/nonmember Coworking, Not Just a Desk Justin Kasparek, President Erin Schmidt, Vice President Brett Spooner, Board Member Jackie Sharpe, Executive Director Fuse The Starting Point for Managing & Leading Successful Teams Diana Welch, SPHR Human Resources and Management Solutions 11:00 – 11:50 am How to Take Charge of Your Online Brand and Maximize you ROI on Social Media Digital Marketing Experts Tri-City Herald Burning Bright without Burning Out Paul Casey Growing Forward Services Reserve your booth now and grab one of the best spots on the floor! Resource Marketplace 1:30 – 5:30 pm FRE E TO T AT END! ■■ U.S. Cellular E-lounge (Relax and Recharge!) ■■ Awards and Prizes (Vote for BIZCON’s best booth awards and win door prizes) ■■ 25 24 23 22 21 110 111 112 113 109 108 107 106 90 91 92 93 94 89 88 17 116 117 118 103 102 101 97 98 82 81 19 27 CAREER CENTER 114 115 105 104 15 16 119 14 120 99 28 OPEN 29 Choose 1 box for a 10x10 Choose 2 boxes for a 10x20 10x10 - $300 10x20 - $500 Please list 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices for booth locations on registration form! 13 12 11 87 86 95 85 10 Stage Bar 34 72 73 74 75 76 71 70 69 68 67 52 53 54 55 56 51 50 49 48 47 35 36 37 79 60 59 43 38 2 3 6 4 5 ENTRANCE BizBash (After hours networking party) #tcrcc Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | September 2015 18 20 EXHIBITOR 30 Career Center (One stop shop for Exhibitor's job postings, resume feedback and interviewing tips) Sign up now and get the best spot on the floor! 26 31 ■■ Marketplace Mix- Up (Don't miss this 30 minute speed networking event!) To verify availability call 509.491.3235 33 ■■ Resource Marketplace 32 #tcbizcon Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 8 September Business Development University GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING WORKSHOPS Are you looking for trainings related to government contracting? The Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce is a Washington Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) sub-center that offers monthly government contracting workshops. Monthly workshops will resume in December 2015, but in the meantime visit events to view the statewide calendar of numerous workshops and partner events offered – most of which are free! Sample of upcoming workshops: Women in Government Contracting Sept. 10, 2015 9 am – 3 pm Green River Community College, Kent, WA Cost: $49 (includes coffee and lunch) GSA Multiple Award Schedules Sept. 23, 2015 9:30 am – 11:30 am Bates Technical College, Tacoma, WA Cost: Free U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District Industry Day Oct. 23, 2015 9 am – 4 pm The Walla Walla District Headquarters Building, Walla Walla, WA Cost: Free LEADERSHIP IN ACTION: INCREASE YOUR LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS! Presented by: Christy Lambert, Lambert Coaching Leadership is a critical factor for business success, impacting employee well-being and company growth. Managing people, projects and deadlines while motivating yourself and others requires excellent leadership skills. Successful leadership is defined in the intangibles and there isn’t a cookie cutter approach that works for everyone. Join us for an interactive workshop to help fine tune your skills and put leadership into action! You’ll leave with a strong sense of true leadership and how to seamlessly integrate those skills into your business life. In this session you will: Learn how to inspire and motivate teams to strive for excellence using full cooperation vs. forced cooperation Explore your natural leadership talents and where you’re getting in your own way Gain confidence in leading in difficult situations and challenging conversations Learn three key leadership principles to boost your leadership effectiveness Attend this interactive workshop to enhance your leadership skills and build confidence in your ability to lead! Date: Time: Location: For more information or to register for any of these events, visit Cost: RSVP: Thursday, September 24, 2015 1:00 - 3:00 pm Tri-Cities Business & Visitor Center Bechtel Board Room 7130 W. Grandridge Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336 $25 Members/$35 Non-Members RSVP by Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Online or by phone 509.736.0510 Light refreshments will be served. Sponsor by: Tri-City Regional Chamber Likes: 2,240 9 Tri-City Regional Chamber @tricitychamber Followers: 3,288 @tricitychamber @tricityregionalchamber Followers: 149 Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce @tricityregionalchamber 12th Annual Tri-Cities Day with the Seattle Seahawks Only a limited number of tickets available! SEATTLE SEAHAWKS VS. CAROLINA PANTHERS Sunday, October 18th @ 1:05pm, Section 325 - $215/ticket Tri-Cities fans are... Bolder. Brighter. Better. LOUDER! Contact Jillian Marquez, Event Coordinator at 509.491.3234 or [email protected]. Benefits of advertising in MOMENTUM: MOMENTUM Advertising Sales Have Begun! Include your business advertisement in the upcoming Regional Chamber MOMENTUM Annual Publication! This professional, high-quality publication is used to promote the Tri-Cities Region and Regional Chamber Members. Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | September 2015 ✓✓ Reach over 1,500 businesses ✓✓ Create visibility for your company ✓✓ Support community growth ✓✓ Inform visitors and new residents of your company’s products and services ADVERTISING SPACE IS LIMITED! Deadline: December 4, 2015 Chad Utecht, Sales Manager, at 509.491.3242 or [email protected] to reserve your space today! Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 10 Government Affairs 2015 Elected Leaders Reception SAVE THE DATE Thursday, November 12, 2015 4:30 to 6:30 PM MORE DETAILS TO COME! Presented by: LAND FOR SALE 1.5 Acres with frontage on Broadmoor Blvd., Pasco for $8.75 PSF. Zoned CR. 25 Plus Commercial Acres on Kingsgate Way and Hwy 240 Richland asking $1,500,000.00. Bank Owned. Turn Key office at 7409 W. Grandridge #101 Kennewick for $1,500.00 per month (utilities included) for 1,200 SF. Professional Office space with 2 suites available at 636 N. Colorado St., Kennewick. 2,176 SF and 3,800 SF or combine for $14.00 PSF Gross. Medical/Office space at 4403 W. Court St., Pasco with 6,684 SF available. Great owner/user building with income. Call Dirk or Derrick or go to to view more information on these listings and others. 11 5.25 Commercial Acres zoned C3 on 135 Reata Rd., Richland for $675,000.00. High Growth Area. Derrick Stricker, CCIM Cell: 509-430-8533 [email protected] Dirk Stricker, Managing Broker Cell: 509-430-8535 [email protected] Creating A Better Community One Transaction At A Time. Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Thank You for Renewing Your Membership 26-36 Years As Members 4-9 Years As Members 9 Sprague Pest Solutions Entrepreneur YRSMEMBER LEVEL 9 Account Sense PLLC Entrepreneur 29 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Visionary 8 Cameo Heights Mansion Business 29 Hawthorne Court Retirement Community Entrepreneur 8 Total Office Concepts Business 28 Costco Wholesale Corporation Affiliate 8 Barrett Business Services, Inc. Entrepreneur 28 Bank of the West Business 8 Liberty Christian School Entrepreneur 27 Chan Chiropractic Clinic Entrepreneur 8 Garrison's Home Applicance Center - Kennewick Business 27 Brookdale Richland Business 7 Crazy Moose Casino Business 7 Columbia Park Marina, LLC Entrepreneur 21-25 Years As Members 7 D and D Excavating Entrepreneur 7 Tri-Cities Prep Entrepreneur 25 Arlene's Flowers Entrepreneur 5 Mission Support Alliance Director 24 Conover Insurance Affiliate 5 AT&T Mobility Corporate 24 Harrington's Trophies Entrepreneur 5 NAI Tri-Cities Commerical Real Estate Services Business 24 Rhodes Heating & Air Conditioning Entrepreneur 5 Heartlinks Hospice & Palliative Care Business 23 Columbia Center Mall Business 5 J & J Security and Transport Entrepreneur 22 Energy Northwest Executive 4Aerotek Entrepreneur 22 Cherry Creek Radio Business 4 Frost Me Sweet Entrepreneur 21 TCT Computer Solutions Entrepreneur 4 Hamilton Cellars Entrepreneur 4 Hukari Ascendent Entrepreneur 16-20 Years As Members 4 Lydig Construction Entrepreneur 4 Tri-Cities Property Management Entrepreneur 20 Chenowith House Entrepreneur 4 Soulfound Entertainment Entrepreneur 20 Spencer Carlson Unlimited Entrepreneur 20 Tri-Cities Licensing Entrepreneur 3 Years As Members 19 Brookdale Canyon Lakes Business 18 Broadmoor R. V. Superstore Entrepreneur 3 Pahlish Homes, Inc. Business 18 Tippett Company of Washington Entrepreneur 3 Arbor Healthcare for Women Entrepreneur 18 Teddy Bear Home Daycare & Preschool Entrepreneur 3 Clean Image Carpet & Restoration Entrepreneur 18 Northwest Pacific Mortgage Corp. Entrepreneur 3 Gesa Power House Theatre Entrepreneur 16 MEIER Architecture Engineeering Business 3 Inland Bath & Kithcen Entrepreneur 16 Atomic Body Shop, Inc. Entrepreneur 3 J & J Kelly Construction Entrepreneur 16 Blackbox Network Services Entrepreneur 3 Smooth Moves, LLC Entrepreneur 16 Second Harvest Entrepreneur 3 UW - Consulting & Business Development Center Entrepreneur 16 Vista Park Mini Storage Entrepreneur 16 Academy of Children's Theatre Entrepreneur 2 Years As Members 16 Habitat for Humanity Entrepreneur 2 Columbia Sun RV Resort Business 16 Nouveau Day Spa Entrepreneur 2 Apple Valley Dental and Braces Entrepreneur 16 Shari's Restaurant Entrepreneur 2 BrandCraft Media Entrepreneur 16 Swire Seven-Up/Dr. Pepper Entrepreneur 2 High Desert Surgery Center Entrepreneur 10-15 Years As Members 2 Fit For Me Entrepreneur 15 14 14 13 13 10 10 10 Greenbrier Rail Services Victoria's Academy of Cosmetology KIE Supply Corp. Canon Solutions America Penford Food Ingredients Co. Future Link Communications Noel Communications, Inc. State Farm Insurance - Hall Affiliate Entrepreneur Affiliate Business Affiliate Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | September 2015 1 Year As Members 1 1 1 1 1 1 Amazon Customer Service Synergy MedAesthetics Cinder's Formal and Costume Closet Frederic's Arms and Smiths LLC Minuteman Press Ovarian Cancer Together! Inc. Printed and designed by: Corporate Business Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur BETTENDORF’S 12 JULY 2015 WIN A GETAWAY FOR TWO Pictured left to right: Lori Mattson, President & CEO, Tri-City Regional Chamber; Rich Breshears, Mary-Ann Breshears, Laura Smith, Breshears Photography; Ron Boninger, Board Chair, Tri-City Regional Chamber. REGIONAL OUTSTANDING MEMBER OF CHAMBER THE MONTH The Tri-City Regional Chamber is pleased to announce Breshears Photography as the July “Outstanding Member of the Month.” Rich and Mary Ann Breshears have owned and operated Breshears Professional Photography for 15 years. In that time, they’ve received numerous awards and accolades, including Washington’s Wedding Photographer of the Year. They are passionate about their work and love to teach others the art and business of photography which lead to the opening of Forte Studios; a co-op studio for other photographers to learn and develop their skills. Rich Breshears is the president of the Professional Photographers of Washington and has served in several capacities in that organization. He is also past school director for Evergreen School of Professional Photography. This year, our local Red Cross named Rich Breshears, Humanitarian Hero for his work volunteering as part of the organization “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep”. They are a wonderful example of successful entrepreneurship, and mentorship. Thank you, Breshears photography for your generous support of the Tri-Cities community. We are proud to recognize you as the July Outstanding Member of the Month. 13 - 2 Night Stay - 2 Rounds of Golf - Breakfast & Dinner Credit $5/ticket Purchase your ticket at the Regional Chamber. Drawing to be held September 14, 2015 at the 25th Annual Golf Classic! Need not be present to win. Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Maybe you could be the next... To Do: ✓✓ Foster wellness in the workplace and participate in the Good Health is Good Business program! ✓✓ Register your golf team for the 25th Annual Golf Classic at Meadow Springs Country Club! ✓✓ Join us for Business After Hours at Parkview Estates Senior Living Community on September 10! ✓✓ Reserve your spot now at BIZCON and grab one of the best spots on the floor! Member of the Day CALENDAR OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER After Hours – Parkview Estates Senior Living Community 10 Business 14 25th Annual Golf Classic Network Tri-Cities Membership Luncheon 23 September Development University – “Leadership in Action” 24 Business Health is Good Business Fall Program Launch 28 Good OCTOBER After Hours - Castle Event Catering & Anthology Event Venue 8 Business Development University – 22 Business “Labor Law Landmines” 28 BIZCON THANK YOU July NTC Door prizes: Country Gentleman Restaurant & Catering Paragon Corporate Housing TCT Computer Solutions August NTC Sponsor: MacKay Sposito August Business After Hours: NAI Tri-Cities Commercial and Real Estate Services Monthly V.O.I.C.E. of Business | September 2015 Check our facebook page to see amazing local businesses, like this one, featured daily! YOUR BUSINESS COULD BE NEXT! Printed and designed by: BETTENDORF’S 14 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PASCO, WA PERMIT NO. 361 Commercial Real Estate Sales & Leasing | Professional Property Management | Residential Real Estate FOR SALE @ QUEENSGATE NEW PRICE! Building G: Professional NEW PRICE! Building I: Retail/Tasting Office with luxury residence above. Room Space. Fun, classy place to gather. FOR LEASE Class A office on Columbia Point Dr. with exceptional views of golf course. Quality finishes, multiple privates and stunning common area conference room with patio. Real Estate is our business. Relationships are our focus. Gayle Stack CCIM, CPM® Designated Broker Commercial Realtor FOR LEASE Available soon in Vista Field area: professional office suite and retail salon. FOR LEASE Class A Office Located one block off Gage Blvd. and Steptoe. Build to suit small suite. 509-308-7310 1920 N. Pittsburgh Street | Suite A | Kennewick, WA 99336 | 509.735.4042 |
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