File - LakeVille Community Schools
File - LakeVille Community Schools
The LakeVille Official Publication of LakeVille Community Schools Columbiaville • Otter Lake • Otisville A Preferred School of Choice OUTLOOK Home of the Falcons LakeVille Community Schools We’re Falcon Proud! Two of our own staff members will be presenting at state educational conferences. See page 2. Fourth graders visit state capitol in Lansing. Turn to page 5. Learning Today - Building Tomorrow LakeVille girls run to Regional Championship The LakeVille girls Cross Country team captured the Regional Championship Friday, October 30th at Algonac High School. Finishing 3 points ahead of Marlette, the girls were led by sophomore runner Kailyn Allmon who finished 2nd overall running a 20:39. Following Kailyn was Eva Chmielewski (junior). Eva finished 7th overall running (Continued on Page 14) LakeVille sophomore writes her way to a scholarship in essay contest. Meet her on page 7. No less than 24 new members were inducted into the National Honor Society at LakeVille Memorial High School. See who they are on page 7. Lauren Weiss to continue basketball career at collegiate level. Turn to page 8. Nearly 500 students achieve perfect attendance for month of September. Is your student on that list? Turn to page 15 and find out. Stay in Touch! There is a lot going on in your LakeVille Community Schools between editions of The Outlook. Get regular email updates by sending your email address to: outlook@ Members of the girls cross country team with their Regional Championship trophy. Marching Band selected for Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit, Independence Day in Washington, D.C. Otter Lake Elementary sets its annual Christmas Bazaar for December 4. Get the details on page 4. Let’s not forget our sponsors. These local businesses make it possible to bring you the OUTLOOK and if you enjoy receiving news about your LakeVille Schools and the entire community stop by these businesses listed on page 11 and let them know. Volume 12, No. 14 November 2015 Homecoming Royalty was crowned at halftime of the football game. King Jalen French and Queen Grace Campbell are all smiles as they pose for photographs. Meet more Falcon royalty and see more from Homecoming 2015 on page 16. Strike up the band! Yes, the LakeVille Falcon Marching Band is on the move. The band will be marching in America’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit. It will be the only band from either Genesee or Lapeer to be selected for that honor. Falcon Pride in the streets of Detroit! But, that is just the beginning for this renowned group of musicians. The district has received official con- December 3 at 6:00 Community input sought for new strategic plan Whether an alumnus, district resident, student or taxpayer, LakeVille Community Schools is seeking your input to help shape the future. It was just five years ago that community members along with students, staff, parents and the Board of Education discussed their hopes and dreams for the school district as well as the greater community as part of developing the district’s first strategic plan. As a result of that plan, LakeVille established three goals that our Board of Education approved as the foundation of that plan. That strategic plan has driven board decisions for the past five years, but it is time for us to revisit that document. We want to hear from you as we plan for the future of the district. We ask that you attend a commu- nity forum to help us guide the future direction of LakeVille Community Schools and provide input on program priorities for Lakeville students. That meeting will be held on Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the Dorothy Collins Media Center located in the High School. The evening will start with light refreshments and a brief introduction and overview of the process. Those attending will then be broken into small groups where input, ideas and suggestions will be gathered. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to Lisa Hendrickson, superintendent’s secretary, at (810) 591-3980. You may also call that number with any questions. Yearbook Fundraiser: If you didn’t purchase your yearbook while attending LakeVille High School, well you can get it now. We are currently selling yearbooks from 2000-2012 for just $25. You can pick up your copy at LakeVille Middle School by contacting Dawn Cousins @ (810) 591-3917 or emailing her at [email protected]. Hurry and get yours while supplies last. firmation that the LakeVille Marching Band has been selected to perform in the Independence Day Parade in Washington D.C. this coming July. Efforts are underway to raise funds to ensure that every one of the 122 high school band members has the opportunity to participate in this once in a lifetime experience. Details are inside as well as on the district website and Facebook page. Falcon Pride! Riutta returns as interim Superintendent; Board studying various options A familiar hand is back at the helm of LakeVille Community Schools, at least on an interim basis. Tom Riutta was selected to serve as interim Superintendent while the Board of Education studies options for filling the position on a permanent basis. Tom Riutta The opening was created when Vicki Luoma retired from that post at the end of October, though she says she is still a still a staunch supporter and believer in LakeVille. At the same time, Riutta is no stranger to LakeVille, having served as interim superintendent prior to the district hiring Luoma. He noted he is also familiar with several of the Board members, having worked well Vickie Luoma with them in the past. LakeVille Community Schools 11107 Washburn Road Otisville, MI 48463 Postal Patron Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 5 Otisville, MI 48463 Page 2 The LakeVille OUTLOOK The LakeVille OUTLOOK BOARD OF EDUCATION Holly Selesky, President Chad Carriero, Vice President Gary Peterson, Secretary Kelly Zudell, Treasurer Jim Baier, Trustee Gerry Fuller, Trustee Joe Krapohl, Trustee INTERIM SUPERINTENDENT TOM RIUTTA Typist Amy Smith Design & Layout Craig Media Associates The Outlook is published quarterly by the LakeVille Board of Education and distributed, without charge, to each household in the LakeVille Community School District through the local post office rural route system. The Outlook can be mailed to LakeVille Alumni, community members or retirees living outside the district. Cost is $1.00 per issue. Articles of interest may be submitted for publication. All articles are reviewed for information that may be valuable to the majority of citizens in the school district. Articles may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the LakeVille Outlook. Helpful tips for submitting information to be published: • If you have digital pictures, e-mail them to amysmith@ include a caption for the picture or a list of people in the picture. Pictures printed by a computer cannot be used. Original photographs can be used. Please use either .jpeg or .tiff format when e-mailing photos. • Text or other documents may also be e-mailed. Please save the documents in Word. • You can drop off, fax or mail information to the Administration Office. Please note your name and telephone number on the information in case we have any questions. Please address correspondence or calls to: LakeVille Outlook Amy Smith 11107 Washburn Rd. Otisville, MI 48463 E-MAIL: [email protected]. PH: 810-591-3983 FAX: 810-591-6538 Questions or Comments? Need Help Solving a Problem? You are encouraged to contact any of the following individuals to assist you in answering your schoolrelated questions or to assist you in resolving problems. We are always open to your suggestions and ideas for improving LakeVille Schools. Please feel free to clip this list of telephone numbers and save it in the front of your telephone book or place it on the front of your refrigerator for future reference. ADMINISTRATION: Tom Riutta Interim Superintendent 810-591/538-3980 [email protected] Drew Johnson Athletic Director 810-591/538-4039 [email protected] Carrie Strait Director of Operations 810-591/538-3939 [email protected] Robin Mitchell Counselor 810-591-3930 [email protected] COLUMBIAVILLE ELEMENTARY Margaret Allen-Quaderer Principal 810-591/538-3460 [email protected] OTISVILLE ELEMENTARY Robert Hetherton Special Services Director 810-591/538-3357 [email protected] Stephanie Stiles Principal 810-591/538-3985 [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL OTTER LAKE ELEMENTARY Mary Haslinger Principal 810-591-4050 [email protected] Stacey Marble Counselor 810-591-4013 [email protected] Karlene Vogt Counselor 810-591-4060 [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL Kelli-Ann Fazer Principal 810-591-3948 [email protected] Stephanie Stiles Principal 810-591/538-3640 [email protected] BUILDING OFFICE NUMBERS: (Lapeer county residents may dial 538 to reach all buildings at no extra charge.) Columbiaville 810-591/538-3430 Otisville 810-591/538-3985 Otter Lake 810-591/538-3640 Middle School 810-591/538-3948 High School 810-591/538-4050 District Mission Statement In partnership, our communities and quality staff will deliver an excellent education preparing all students to succeed in our rapidly changing society. Check our website often as it is continually being updated November 2015 Funding effort underway to help send Falcon Band to National Independence Day Parade in Washington, D.C. The LakeVille High School Band has received an invitation to be an Official Representative of the State of Michigan in the 2016 National Independence Day Parade in Washington D.C. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our students. In addition to marching in the parade, our students have an opportunity to tour area monuments and museums. They will also attend the July 4th celebration on the Capitol Lawn, featuring the National Symphony concert and invited guest artists followed by fireworks. While this is a great honor for our community and our students, there is no financial support attached to the invitation. The estimated $696 per student cost is more than most of our families can manage. We will be sponsoring many fundraising activities to offset the cost of the trip because we are determined to make sure our students have this opportunity. We are reaching out to you to ask for your assistance. You can donate to this effort by visiting Go Fund Me at this web address: v48bvpsc Students collaborate to take on muckraker articles and issues Students in Mr. Huggler and Mrs. Keen’s class collaborated with the expertise of Mike Petty in their US History classes to assist the students who were working on Muckraker projects that i n v o l v e d research and technology. T h e project sheds light on a social injustice that plagues our society from a student perspective. Through social media, primarily a blog, students will provide readers with a form of journalism that relies on their own investigation as they work to expose social ills such as corporate and political corruption. S o m e muckraker article topics researched by students are: school nutrition, school transportation safety, stealing India’s drinking water-cola industry, gun control, and the fracking industry. Below is a link to a great example of a blog our freshman US History students created on how the media sensationalized the water crisis in Flint: media-corrupts-flint-city-water-media.html LV pair present at educational conferences Mr. Petty and Mr. Gentry were selected to be presenters at the following conferences this fall with the goal of inspiring teachers to try big ideas and learn from the experience along with their students: miGoogle 2015 - The Michigan Google Education Summit, November 3rd in Brighton, Michigan. Michigan State College of Education Technology Conference - November 7th at the MSU campus. Their session is called “The Way of the Google Drive” and they are focusing on how simple tech tools like Google apps can help us learn and create in school like never before. Each of them will present a few concrete examples from the classroom: •Inquiry and project based learning •Creative Comics using Google Slides or Google Drawings •Original music videos •10 tools to share any project beyond the classroom. Below is the link for the trailer promoting their session. Take a look at what our staff members are teaching others. watch?v=cvGIhqo6n8M On Wednesday, October 28, instructors from the Genesee Career Institute (GCI), formerly named Skill Center, visited the high school to explain the many educational opportunities being offered through the institute. Students heard from instructors in the Technology, Welding, and Heavy Machinery programs, and also were informed of the many other programs available at the GCI. Tenth graders will have an opportunity to visit the GCI to get a close up look at the many programs in action. Students who have earned enough credits toward graduation may attend the GCI for one or two years during their junior and senior years of high school. Genesee Career Institute explains programs to all 10th graders High School Yearbook Sponsorship Page(s) Available: If interested in sponsoring a page in the high school yearbook for $50, please contact Dawn Cousins @ (810) 591-3917, email her at dcousins@ or go to The page sponsorship will include a message at the bottom of the page that says: “Page sponsored by”: your name or business name/phone number. November 2015 The LakeVille OUTLOOK O T I S V I L LE Principal’s Corner Stephanie Stiles School may have begun a little later this year (on September 8th), but we are off to our usual terrific and very busy start! The students adjusted to new routines and teachers very well. The school year began with open houses held at Otisville on September 2nd and Otter Lake on September 3rd. The awesome staff of both buildings put in many hours before school began to prepare their classrooms, offices and buildings for the open houses. Their extra time and dedication in preparing for the students was greatly appreciated! It was truly a team effort. We are happy to extend congratulations to Ms. Collins, Otisville-Otter Lake special education teacher and Mr. Kephart, Otter Lake physical education teacher! Ms. Collins was awarded a grant for the second year in a row! The funding bought a bumpy seat, wiggle foot bands for chairs and other items to help create a sensory room at Otter Lake Elementary. Mr. Kephart received his third MAHPERD Shape Michigan grant! He wrote the grant to purchase yoga mats, yoga posters and a yoga CD for use in his P.E. classes. He will be attending a state wide conference in November to receive his award and the grant monies. We are proud of their accomplishments! & Page 3 O TTER L AK E E L EMEN TA RY Reptiles Visit Otisville! During the Reading with Reptiles event, a For-Mar Naturalist read stories about reptiles, and children learned how to classify them. Each kindergarten class received a book for their classroom. Fire Safety Field Trip in Otisville September Highlights • Otisville and Otter Lake students participated in online Fall NWEA reading and math assessments. These assessments are taken three times during the school year and are a tool for measuring yearly academic progress in reading and math. • Otter Lake and Otisville Parent Groups (Continued on Page 4) Good “Bee”Havior Awarded Otisville Elementary has been rewarding students for going above and beyond with good “bee”havior during the school day. If a student has been exceptionally good, helpful or safety conscious, a staff member will award them a paper “bee”havior award which is then placed in a hat in the office. Each Friday one student in each classroom is recognized with a special prize from the Good “Bee”Havior Treasure Chest. Student names will be placed in the hat each week and we will select the winners every Friday there is school. Perfect Attendance 1st Marking Period Mrs. Burkhardt’s class: Hubert, Sophia Newbery, Mia Strong, Stormy Celebrating Halloween at Otisville Elementary Mrs. Cobb’s class: Delmage, Joel Jr. Gomez, Brooklynn Mrs. Pack’s class: Barry, Austin Miller, Arianna Attention Parents: Free Preschool for your Child Head Start and Early Head Start have openings for this school year. Apply NOW! Your child (birth to 5 years old) may be Eligible for a FREE educational program. Head Start and Early Head Start offers a free, family focused center or home based program designed to provide positive learning experiences for the entire family. Call today: (810) 235-5613 Otisville Elementary 2015-2016 Upcoming Scheduled Events November 24.............................. Friendship Feast, 2:45-3:15 p.m. January 28............................................................ ½ Day Students November 25-27.......................Thanksgiving Break-NO SCHOOL January 29................................ 1st Semester Ends, NO SCHOOL December 1..................... Project Safe Campus, Gym, 10:00 a.m. February 1....................................................2nd Semester Begins December 3.....................................................PTG Mtg, 9:00 a.m. February 4.......................................................PTG Mtg, 9:00 a.m. December 4............................................................Popcorn Friday February 5..............................................................Popcorn Friday December 5................................................. Lunch with Santa, HS February 12......................................Valentine’s Parties, 2:00 p.m. December 7-11........................................................ Santa Shoppe February 15 .................................Mid-Winter Break/NO SCHOOL December 8............... Kindergarten Mini-Concert, Gym, 2:30 p.m. February 18...................................Mother Goose Night, 6:00 p.m. December 18.................................................................Santa Visit March 3............................................................PTG Mtg, 9:00 a.m. December 21............................ Christmas Parties, 2:00-3:00 p.m. March 4...................................................................Popcorn Friday December 22..........................Last Day in Session, Holiday Break March 10................................Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences January 4.............................................................Classes Resume March 16................................... Kindergarten Round-Up, 6:00 p.m January 7.........................................................PTG Mtg, 9:00 a.m. ......................... Cobb/Burkhardt Field Trip, Longway Planetarium January 8................................................................Popcorn Friday March 17.............................Pack Field Trip, Longway Planetarium January 11-14.......................................................... NWEA Testing .......................................Kindergarten Registration, Media Center January 18.............. Professional Development Day/NO SCHOOL ............................................. 9:00 am-12:15 pm & 12:45-3:30 pm January 27............................................................ ½ Day Students March 24...................................................... NHS Easter Egg Hunt March 25..............................................Good Friday, NO SCHOOL Page 4 The LakeVille OUTLOOK O T I S V I L LE Principal’s Corner (Continued from Page 3) began their yearly schedule of monthly meetings in September. • We practiced our first fire drills of the year this month. October Highlights • Otisville and Otter Lake students participated in dress up day activities for Homecoming Spirit Week. The homecoming parade was held in Otisville this year with many of our students participating in the parade. & November 2015 O TTER L AK E E L EMEN TA RY Technology in the classroom Awesome Animals bring students, schools together in joint lesson Mrs. Wright’s first grade class participated in an Interactive TV activity called Awesome Animals. They partnered with a first grade classroom from Pleasanton, NE. Each class researched an animal and created a presentation of clues. They had to guess each other’s animal. The school in Pleasanton researched bats. Mrs. Wright’s class researched and presented the white tail deer. They created a digital book for the other class to see. You can view this book on the LakeVille Schools website under the Otter Lake Elementary School page. • The Otter Lake and Otisville Fire Departments hosted fire prevention programs for students in each school’s respective town. Students learned about fire safety, squirted a fire hose and received fire safety “goodies” to take home. We are very appreciative of the time that volunteers of both fire departments gave to host the fire department visits and teach our students about fire safety. • Otter Lake Parent Group sponsored a successful Scholastic Book Fair! They raised $4,200.00 which will be used to purchase classroom magazines and books. Students at Otter Lake had a great time spending lunch with their grandparents in October • Otisville Parent Group sponsored a successful Scholastic Book Fair! They raised $2,700.00 which will be used to purchase classroom books for the school and monthly educational magazines for the classrooms. • The Otter Lake PTS Yankee Candle/Brax fundraisers were a success as well. We profited approximately $3,868.00. The following students were the top sellers and will be awarded lunch with Mrs. Stiles: Mia-Rae Diffin-Gatica, Kelsey Bowen, Zoe Swank, Rylee Streichert, Halen Green, and Damian Bazely. • Students in both buildings practiced lockdown and evacuation drills during October. Thanks to Dave VanAmburg, Otter Lake Fire Chief and Matt Grovesteen, Otisville Chief of Police for assisting and monitoring us in our drills. • Kindergarten students enjoyed a Reading with Reptiles presentation from FORMAR Nature Center. Students had hands on experiences with a variety of reptiles and also learned many facts about their eating habits and habitats. • Both Otisville and Otter Lake hosted grandparent luncheons. Each grandma received a carnation flower and each school’s Parent Group took individual pictures of grandparents with their grandchild. • Mrs. Wright’s first grade class did an ITV reciprocal presentation with a Nebraska first grade class. Each class chose an animal to write and illustrate clues about. Each class listened and watched (through our interactive T.V. system) as clues were provided by students, to guess what animal the clues were describing. The students enjoyed the presentations and exchanging information via the ITV system. • Otisville and Otter Lake students celebrated Halloween with costume parades followed by classroom parties. Thanks to Otisville Police Chief, Matt Grovesteen and the Otisville Department of Public Works, for monitoring our Otisville parade route and ensuring the safety of all of our students during the Otisville parade. Thank you to our Parent Groups and many volunteers for the support you provide Otisville and Otter Lake. We appreciate all of you! We look forward to sharing our November highlights and upcoming activities with everyone in the next Outlook issue! Sincerely, Stephanie Stiles, Principal Otter Lake and Otisville Elementary Schools Otter Lake Elementary 4th Annual Christmas Bazaar December 4, 2015 • 5p.m.-8p.m. Free Admission Santa’s Secret Shop (all items $1.50), NEW games and NEW crafts for kids, bake sale, pizza and raffle (Crossroads Village tickets, family movie night baskets, fishing pole, and much more). Santa will be visiting us also! Bring your own cameras. Looking for crafters/vendors for table rentals. $10.00 donation for 6ft table space Please contact [email protected] for more information. Sponsored by Otter Lake P.T.S. LakeVille Kindergarten Round-Up When: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m. Where: Otisville Elementary Why:Parents of children who will turn five (5) by September 1, 2016 or who are planning to complete a waiver are invited to attend with their child, an informational/interactive session to be held at Otisville Elementary. Session will include an introductory message from the principal and short sessions with the teachers. • Learn about the kindergarten expectations • Meet the all-star Otisville Staff • Children participate in special activities Registration packets may be picked up at any of the district school buildings or the administration office beginning March 1 and brought with you when you attend on March 16th. You can also download the registration materials on the right hand side of the district’s main web page ( If you are unable to attend Round-Up Night, you may register your child on March 17th from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. A copy of your child’s birth certificate and proof of residency must be provided at registration. If you have any questions, please call Daune Bellant in the Otisville office at 810-591-3985 (Genesee County) or 810-538-3985 (Lapeer County). November 2015 The LakeVille OUTLOOK Page 5 C OL UM BIAVILLE E LEM ENTA RY Principal’s Corner Margaret Allen-Quaderer The students and staff at Columbiaville Elementary have been very busy over the past nine weeks. We began the school year by completing the Measures of Academic Progress. Our fall MAP outcomes show that most of our students improved in reading and math since the fall of 2014. However, the rate of individual academic growth varies greatly between grade levels and students. According to the 2015 NWEA Measures of Academic Progress Normative Data, the rate of academic growth is related to a student’s starting status on the measurement scale. Typically, students starting out at a lower level tend to grow more. Our Title I paraprofessionals (Mrs. Rappuhn, Mrs. McTaggart, and Mrs. Horne) and intervention specialist, Ms. Kennedy, have begun targeting those students who are in need of additional assistance with their academics. October ushered in spirit week, book fair, grandparents’ lunches, and fire safety. Over 90% of our students participated in spirit week for Homecoming. They enjoyed celebrating Homecoming by wearing their pajamas, camouflage, crazy hats/hair, and black/ gold. The high school cheerleaders, dance team, and football players led our students in several cheers. Aligning the book fair and grandparents’ day is always great for the school and students. The funds and/or points generated from the purchase of books through Scholastic go directly to our Parent-Student-Teacher organization. Columbiaville Elementary recognized our Veterans on November 11th. This year our National Anthem was sung by Elizabeth Huggler. In addition to the National Anthem, every grade level sang “God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood, Armed Forces Medley, and “Thank You Brave Veterans” by Gary Francis. The monies generated by the Penny Drive go directly to support our local Veterans. Staff is looking forward to a very busy second marking period. We are encouraging all of our students to be working on their multiplication tables and reading. Sincerely, Margaret Allen-Quaderer, Principal Columbiaville Elementary Fourth graders tour State Capitol, Supreme Court, more in Lansing On October 1st, all of the 4th graders went to Lansing for the day. They toured the Capitol, Supreme Court Learning Center and the Michigan Historical Museum. Students collaborate with New Jersey class via GenNet Falcon runners met weekly Here is the Columbiaville Falcon Flyers running club, which met twice a week for a month. The kids did a great job! Mrs. Wilcox’s 3rd/4th grade class recently collaborated via GenNet Lab with Ms. Kristine Muha’s 3rd Grade class from Cold Spring School in Gloucester City Public School District, Gloucester City, NJ. Each class divided into groups and created creatures and directions for the other class to replicate. On October 28th, the classes met digitally and compared and contrasted the creations. When they were finished discussing the process, they compared their schools and lifestyles. It was a great experience for all! Join the fun LakeVille Cub Scouts Pack 133 Open for boys grades 1-5 Call Cubmaster Abby Johnson 810-631-6720 Like us on Facebook: Lakeville CubScouts Page 6 The LakeVille OUTLOOK November 2015 L A KE V ILLE M EM O RIAL H IG H S C HOOL Students GEARukp2LEAD On October 2, Ms. Haslinger and six high school students attended the GEARup2LEAD Conference at The Whiting, thanks to Mike Buckel from Sonitrol, who sponsored our LakeVille students. Our students were able to interact with more than 1,200 other youth and adults from Flint, Genesee County, and beyond to develop into heroic leaders, and to build and strengthen their heroic leadership skills. The students listened to keynote speakers including Chris McDougall (Award winning author of Born to Run and Natural Born Heroes), Dr. Russell Jones (Lead Psychologist at Virginia Tech), Emily Sutton (Heroic Storm Chaser), and more, who are making a difference in Flint and the surrounding areas. Each student attended two breakout sessions led by individuals who are committed to inspiring and educating youth to become heroic leaders. This conference was a community effort to help students develop a Growth Mindset, engage Empathy, take Action, and accept Responsibility (G.E.A.R.). Event has all seniors applying to college All LakeVille Memorial High School Seniors took time to apply to at least one college, university, or trade school during College Application Week. Many colleges waived their application fee for students who applied to college during College Application Week. After completing an application, students signed the banner, received an “I applied” sticker and chose from a variety of gifts, including sunglasses which are being modeled above, as a thank you for applying. Spanish classes plan trip to Costa Rica The Spanish III and IV students are planning a trip to Costa Rica. The trip dates are from June 16-June 22. All students who have taken at least Spanish III are Creative writing students to publish invited to come. The trip will include a tour book illustrated by art students of a coffee plantation, Students in Lisa Harris’ Creative Writing visiting a volcano, class are in a jungle canopy the process tour, cooking class, of writing horseback riding, children’s books and a boat tour. We which will be will experience local illustrated by cuisine and culture students in on our week long Erin Johnson’s trip. We need to have art classes. at least six students The authors to commit in order will then share to experience this these books with fantastic opportunity. e l e m e n t a r y For more information, students before please contact Adam the holiday Lucas at the High break. School. Chemistry students mark Mole Day John Crane and Donald McKay, students in Mr. Hillis’ Chemistry class, pay tribute to Avagadro and his number 6.02 x 1023, on Mole Day which was October 23, 2015. Students were encouraged to talk to their teachers about Avagadro throughout the day. Attention Parents of Seniors: Yearbook will be selling 1/8 page baby/message space this year for $25. We are asking that you submit a picture of your senior from earlier years with a brief message to be placed in the yearbook. Please purchase ads @ Jostens. com and then email a picture and message to dcousins@, or pick up a form in the high school office. Falcon Marching Band performs Fall Review The LakeVille Falcon Marching Band held its Fall Review on a chilly evening with a full moon creating a beautiful backdrop for the event. Mr. Russell recognized all of the senior members of the band along with their parents and/or guardians, and awarded a Most Improved and Most Valuable marching band member at each grade level. The crowd was entertained by the band performing all the music from the marching season, along with performances by the flag corps and baton twirler. It was another great marching band season. The next big event for the LakeVille Falcon Marching Band is marching in Detroit’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We’d love to see you in Detroit to support your Falcons. Kikta named to MSU Marching Band LakeVille Memorial High School alumnus Connor Kikta is a new member of the Michigan State Marching Band. As a freshman in the Michigan State Band, Connor is currently rated the 26th trumpeter out of 60, a great ranking for a newcomer to the band. Connor loves being a member of the Spartan band, and he is looking forward to traveling internationally with the band at the end of the football season. Mr. Brouillet ran into Connor as the band was preparing to enter Spartan Stadium on October 24, 2015. Country one of themed football nights LakeVille High School students came dressed for “Country Night” at the football game posing with Freddie the Falcon. Students organized a student section for all home and away games this year, and each home game the students came dressed in a different theme. Students: ‘See you at the pole’ Students and teachers gather around the flag pole in prayer and celebration of “See You at the Pole” Day. Students organized the event, which took place before school began on September 23rd. See You at the Pole Day is celebrated at 7:00 am local time. All around the globe, in every time zone, students gather at their flag poles, praying for their schools, friends, families, churches and communities. November 2015 The LakeVille OUTLOOK Page 7 L A KE V I LLE M EM O RIAL H IG H S C HOOL LakeVille Quiz Bowl team is Back in Action Mr. Johnson and Mr. Huggler are reestablishing the LakeVille High School Quiz Bowl Team. We have close to a dozen members who were in training for the first meet November 5th. At the high school level, quiz bowl is a competitive, academic, interscholastic activity for which players attend periodic practices and then represent their school at varsity and junior varsity tournaments. Quiz bowl Kailyn Allmon writes her way to a scholarship The Flint Journal in conjunction with the Flint Jewish Federation hosted its third annual essay contest honoring Daniel Pearl. Pearl was a Wall Street journalist who was reporting overseas in 2002 when he was taken captive and killed in Pakistan. Area students were asked to write an essay in 500 words or less in response to this prompt: “Given the potential dangers as shown by current events and the story of Daniel Pearl, why do you think journalists overseas continue to risk their lives to report news in areas of questions range over the entire spectrum of the high school curriculum and also include a certain amount of current events, sports, and popular culture. The matches feature a blend of individual competition and team collaboration, since no individual player is likely to be an expert in all subject areas. Quiz bowl can reinforce classroom lessons and also encourage players to go beyond their assignments to master other areas as well. conflict and push for freedom of the press?” Kailyn Allmon wrote her essay in Mrs. Newcombe’s AP English class. She was notified that she was one of the three finalists who would win either the $500 first prize, $350 second prize or $150 third prize. Kailyn was invited to attend a celebration at the MacArthur Recital Hall at the Flint Institute of Music on Sunday, October 18 to receive her scholarship. In addition to journalism, Pearl was also an avid musician, so the venue was in honor of both of his passions. Musicians from all over the country performed. Kailyn was pleased to learn of her second place scholarship and grateful for the $350. Congratulations to Kailyn Allmon for a job well-done. Inquiry Based Learning in Action Mr. Gentry recently tried an experiment with his Geometry classes. Working with Mr. Petty, our Instructional Technology Coordinator, they developed a learning activity where students would research and discover completely on their own, without any direct teaching. This method of instruction, sometimes called inquiry-based learning, requires teachers to ask the right questions that guide students through the learning. “I worked with Mr. Gentry on a Geometry project at the end of last year,” says Mr. Petty. “We both agreed the next step was to let students take more responsibility in the process of finding and organizing information.” Mr. Gentry asked students the guiding question: “How do you find the area of a shape?” From there, they used online sources like online textbooks, videos and interactive lessons to explore all the related concepts that emerge when answering such a question. Did it work? Mr. Gentry had a lot of good to say about the results. “By day three of the inquiry-based learning unit, I think it was an overwhelming ‘yes’.” Students were given a survey at the end of the activity, so they could express their opinions and reflect on the experience. Their comments were positive. Mr. Petty said, “I had a bigger goal in this, beyond just the Geometry. I wanted students to realize the power of technology for their own learning. When we looked at the survey results, we saw that’s what happened for many of them. That insight o p e n e d doors of opportunity for their future.” Here are a few notable comments from students: •“After doing this, I now feel like I can learn a lot more by myself than I thought I could.” •“Now I will be more confident about my abilities to do research by myself.” •“Because of this first experience, I now know how to do this for the future.” Over 70% of the 83 students who completed the survey agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. “I can learn a tremendous amount on my own by exploring online tools such as search engines, videos and interactive websites.” Chamber gives lesson on social media responsibility The Chamber of Commerce visited on October 6, 7, 8 to present information on the responsible use of social media, and business etiquette to our 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. Students will document the experience as a career planning activity in the Educational Development Plan (EDP). Student Council Blood Drive Dec 9th National Honor Society Inducts 24 New Members On October 29, the high school recognized those juniors and seniors who have earned the distinction of membership in the National Honor Society. This prestigious society inducted three new members from the Class of 2016 and 21 new members from the Class of 2017. Our esteemed band director and mentor to many of the inductees – Mr. Jason Russell – delivered an inspiring message as the featured guest speaker. The National Honor Society is sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Its purpose is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to render service to school and community, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of the nation’s secondary schools. To be inducted into the LakeVille chapter of the National Honor Society, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4 at the end of his or her sophomore or junior year, is an active participant in school and extracurricular activities, and must exhibit the finest qualities of character. In fulfilling its mission of leadership, scholarship, service, and character, the LakeVille chapter of the National Honor Society organizes and participates in numerous activities. They volunteer in the community and within the schools, sponsor the high school winter dance, and organize an Easter egg hunt at Otisville Elementary. Another primary service project for the members is offering to tutor other students. National Honor Society tutors are available for all subjects. In addition to tutoring, they serve as ushers for school events and help out in any way they can. Truly, these students are the leaders and foundation of our student body. New members inducted for the 2015-2016 school year are: Class of 2016: Amy Hubert, Alexandria Lichtenfelt, Matthew Mohr Class of 2017: Anna Bronson, Tiffany Brown Amanda Carls, Katelyn Carriero, Eva Chmielewski, Hannah Clark, Maegan Clark, Jewell Colley, Kyle English, Randi-May Fuller, Taylor Granger, Katherine Guzowski, Hannah Houston, Kaylee Jaksa, Jaclyn Komar, Allie Richard, Sara Scott, Benjamin Selesky, Lindsay Smith, Sequoia West, Nathaniel Wilson. NHS advisor is Erin Johnson. Page 8 The LakeVille OUTLOOK November 2015 Santa Lunch Saturday, December 5th 11:00 – 1:00 Free Admission LakeVille High School Café Games ~ Prizes ~ Food ~ Fun Attention Seniors: LakeVille will again be publishing the 2016 senior section of the yearbook in color. Below you will find our specifications. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact yearbook advisor Mrs. Dawn Cousins at the high school (810)591-3917 or by email ([email protected]). • The deadline for submitting senior pictures is Fri. December 11, 2016 • Pictures may be submitted on CD, or e-mailed as a jpeg file at 300 DPI or higher. • If hard copy pictures are submitted, please provide a color print on photo paper, TRIMMED to 2 inches wide by 2 ½ inches tall (or the yearbook staff will trim the photo at our discretion.) • Recommended head size is between 1 and 1 ½ inches from tip of the chin to hairline. • We recommend a head and shoulders pose. • Ladies’ tops should NOT be sleeveless or show any cleavage. • All students should conform to the LakeVille dress code. • Best pictures do not include hands or props in the pose. Busy in the Woodshop Students in Mr. Grady’s woodshop classes have completed all their safety testing and are busy at work creating individual projects. Students may choose a design created by Mr. Grady or they must submit a scale drawing design of their project to Mr. Grady for approval before beginning work. Advanced students m a y design their own projects or follow the plans of a project they found through research. All students are working toward the goal of entering the Michigan Industrial and Technology Education Society’s (MITES) annual competition in the spring. Art students working on color theory Students in Mrs. Johnson’s art classes are working on color theory studies in the art room. So far this semester, the students have learned about the Creative Process, and through Project Based Learning researched and taught about different ways to create a Text Mask and Layer Mask using various editing programs that they found. Then, they chose a program and created 2 of their own pieces that incorporated text and imagery to communicate a message of their choice to the viewer. This year, art students will once again be creating a mural for Otter Lake as well! They will create a piece for the VFW in town. This is a link to this semester’s digital photography student blogs. They will be frequently updated with new projects: This is a link to our new class – New Mediums in Art – blogs: Lauren Weiss signs to play basketball at Rochester College With her family and teammates present, LakeVille Memorial High School senior Lauren Weiss signed her letter of intent to attend and play basketball for Rochester College in a brief ceremony Monday morning. Here, Lauren is flanked by her LakeVille coach Jim Vanitvelt (right) and Rochester College head coach Eric Sims. Coach Sims said he is excited to sign Lauren, who is the first recruit he has signed for the 2016-2017 class. He also said he likes to sign girls early so they can concentrate on classroom work during their senior year. For her part, Lauren, the daughter of Ron and Katy Weiss, hopes to earn a general business degree and then follow in her father’s footsteps and become a police officer. Falcons, Hornets ‘Dig Pink’ LakeVille and Kearsley High Schools played a “Dig Pink” volleyball game to help raise money for breast cancer awareness this October. The teams wore pink uniforms during the match while several fundraisers were run throughout the evening with all proceeds going toward researching a cure for breast cancer. LakeVille students are shown supporting their Falcons and supporting the cause by wearing pink. Equestrian team makes 2nd straight trip to Regionals Congratulations to the LakeVille Equestrian Team for making it to Regionals for the second year in a row! Way to go Alicia Bice, Sara Scott and Heather Bice! We would also like to thank all the sponsors who help us go: •Mike Cowell Columbiaville, MI •Margie’s Hair Design - Columbiaville, MI •Lamrock & Co Recycling - Otisville, MI •Otisville Glass & Auto Parts - Otisville, MI •Churches & Sons Auto Supply - Otisville, MI •Video Vault - Columbiaville, MI •A V Connections, LLC - Otisville, MI Please contact Dianna Bice for information about joining or sponsoring the team at 810-614-7979 November 2015 The LakeVille OUTLOOK Page 9 L A K E V ILLE M IDDLE S CHOOL Principal’s Corner Kelli-Ann Fazer The Middle School has been a very busy place since school kicked off on September 8th. Earlier this month, many of our 7th and 8th graders traveled to Washington D.C. Students were able to visit many historical places and monuments during this exciting trip. Thank you to everyone who helped our students to participate in this hands-on learning experience. As we enter November, we wrap up the end of this first marking period. We have also wrapped up Fall sports and are beginning sign-ups and try outs for the winter sports season. In addition to sports, nearly half the students participate in band. The student council has held two dances, which help raise money for school activities. If you would like to chaperone a dance or help with other student council activities, please contact Laura Hebekeuser at 5913932. We have completed many safety drills, and with each drill the students get progressively better. You can see the dates and times of our completed drills on the District website at The Middle School has a Facebook page, please ‘like’ this page to follow us and stay informed regarding upcoming events and other information. Many teachers also post information on ParentVUE. If you do not have access, you can request a passcode on the District Website under Parent Links. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher at 591-3945 or via email. 2015-2016 JUNIOR HIGH WRESTLING SCHEDULE Practices M-F 2:30-4:00, Meets start at 4:30 TH Nov. 12.............................................. @Home T Nov 24 ................................................. @Home T Dec 1 ..............................................@Millington T Dec 8 .......................................... @ Swan Valley T Dec 15 . ........................................ @ Chesaning F or S Dec 18/19 TVC Tournament . ............ @ NB Head Coach: Dan Huggler Assistant Coaches: Ken Young, Caleb Norris Practice & Game Schedules available on Athletic website The winter practice schedules for both the high school and middle school are posted under the Falcons HQ tab of the athletic website. Please refer to these calendars for weekly practice information and gym times. All winter sports schedules have been updated on our athletic website. Several dates and game times were changed for the boys and girls basketball schedule. Please make sure you have an updated version by logging onto www. and searching through the individual sports pages. Falcon boys 6th at X-country regionals The Lakeville boys cross country team finished 6th at the Algonac Regional. Leading the way for the Falcons was junior Kyle English running his best time ever at 18:50 to finish 19th overall. He was followed by senior Wyatt Horton in 18:59 (28th), sophomore Henry Baxter (19:09) (30th), senior Bailey Lincoln 19:15 (31st), junior Alex Skaggs 20:22(43rd) and Junior J o s h Hutchinson 21:20(54th). A LakeVille Tradition 7th and 8th graders take trip to Washington D.C. Middle School once again participating in the Blueberry Ambassador Program These LakeVille Middle School students are among the some 1,000 throughout Genesee County who will be part of the Blueberry Ambassadors program for 2015, dedicated to improving their area with one good deed at a time. The students — along with some parents, teachers, and principals — attended a kickoff party in October at Riverfront Banquet Center in Flint where they enjoyed pizza and listened to speakers to get excited about the campaign. There are going to be 1st and 2nd place winners again this year, along with $17,000 in scholarships (allocation TBA), in addition to a one year FREE RIDE to U of M Flint for the BEST individual story! That’s the spirit! LakeVille Middle School students showed their Falcon Pride during homecoming week! Page 10 The LakeVille OUTLOOK November 2015 O UR C O M M UNITY LakeVille Community Soccer News Yet another fall soccer season closed on a cold and cloudy day in Columbiaville. But that didn’t stop the athletes from running their hardest! Thanks to Bill and Becky Stapp, the President of the soccer league and his wife, concessions remained up and running with each batch of popcorn meticulously watched under Gigi’s eyes. The infamous Craig Haggedone was seen on occasion working in the kitchen (which his wife said she would also like to see him do at home!) The concessions couldn’t run without the help of all the volunteers, including students. Well done, team! First year referees got their work out on the first and second grade field while varsity soccer player’s ref’d for 5th/6th and 7th/8th. The traveling 7th/8th grade team continued their rivalry with North Branch, beating them twice at home. Parents from North Branch complimented LakeVille’s coach on the good sportsmanship and behavior of the LakeVille players. Good job, athletes! The high school is excited to see you move up next year to play varsity soccer. Each grade level on the soccer fields had four teams, which was great to see after a couple of years struggling for numbers. Perhaps the presence at the soccer complex of varsity wrestling coach Dan Huggler and varsity football coach Drew Johnson had something to do with larger crowds. Even Jeremy Wheeler, former President and many-times-over-coach, was observed walking the fields in the coach’s coat which he made famous. The community soccer fields were lined and nets maintained thanks to President Bill Stapp and his many volunteers. Bathrooms were cleaned courtesy of the Stapp family and more of their wonderful volunteers! One News from... Otisville Museum We are just finishing our 4th year at the museum. We hoped you had a chance to visit us and see our displays. If not, you still have two more days to do so. On December 5th and 6th from noon to 4 p.m. will be our Christmas Open House with a visit from Santa. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. We will update our displays during the winter, please watch for our April reopening. We are located east of the light in Otisville. of their volunteers was none other than Ryan Stanbaugh (not to be confused with his son, Tyler, as did the ref coordinator). Ryan was diagnosed last year with cancer but is well on his way to winning that battle with the support of his family and all of the community members who have contributed to the various fundraising efforts on his behalf. Keep the faith, Ryan! Although soccer families were ready to say goodbye to the cold weather, they already look forward to a hopefully warmer spring season. Rest up now, for March is just around the corner! Community Meetings • C.O.O.L. (Citizens of Otter Lake) meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in St. John’s Episcopal Church. meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Otisville Masonic Center, 10246 State Road, Otisville. • Columbiaville Historical Society meets the third Monday of each • Otisville American Legion Post #321 meets every 4th Thursday at month at 7:00 p.m. in the museum. 7:00 p.m. in the American Legion Building on Main Street in Otisville. • LakeVille Athletic Booster meeting, first Tuesday of the month, LakeVille High School, 7:00 p.m. • LakeVille Music Booster meeting, second Monday of the month, LakeVille High School, 6:00 p.m. • Nourmahal Chapter #282, Order of the Eastern Star, • Otisville Bethel #63 of the international Order of Job’s Daughters meets the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Otisville Masonic Center at 10246 State Rd. • Otisville Lions Club meets the first and third Thursdays of the month 7:00 p.m. at the Lions Clubhouse located at the corner of M-15 and Vienna Rd. • Otisville Lioness Club meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month (February – November – No meeting in July), 7:00 p.m. in the Lions Clubhouse located at the corner of M-15 and Vienna Rd. • Otisville Masonic Lodge #401 meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Otisville Masonic Center, 10246 State Rd. • Otter Lake American Legion, Post 504, meetings every 2nd Saturday, 11 a.m. in the new building located at Benson and 11th St. • Otter Lake Lions Club meetings are every 2nd and 5th Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the VFW Hall. • Otter Lake Literary Club meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (April through December); once a month (Jan-Mar). For more information, call 810-793-4545. • Otter Lake VFW meetings are every 1st Thursday, 7 p.m. If you would like your community meeting listed, call Amy Smith at 810591-3983 To our parents, students, staff, volunteers, car & bike enthusiasts and community members involved in our 2015 Kick Off: Forest Township Library Friends The Forest Township Library Friends wish to thank all who have donated books or patronized our book sales. Your generosity helps us fund elementary school reading programs, GISD summer reading programs purchase of additional periodical subscriptions, new computer stations, shelves, furniture and supplies that are beyond the county library budget. All library patrons benefit from your support. We do accept gently used books for our sales. Our next book sale is January 30, 2016. We look forward to seeing you there. Any questions, please call the library at 810631-6330. WANTED: Hats & Mittens The Forest Township Area Senior Center is collecting hats and mittens for LakeVille Community Schools. In December, they will be putting up their collection tree for the hats, mittens, gloves and scarves. If you are crafty and would like to make some items to donate, that would be great! If you are not, store bought items are welcome too! . . . for all of your hard work in providing promotions, gifts, games, information, food, raffles, and most of all FUN . This event happens because of YOU and for YOU! We hope you had as much fun as we did! See you next year! November 2015 Outlook Contributing Sponsors OUTLOOK CO N T RIBU T IN G S P ONS OR S The LakeVille OUTLOOK Dustin E. Mumford Otisville Lions Club Page 11 Mohamedally Health Plaza Mohamedally Health Plaza 387 North State Rd, Suite A Manager-Director Mumford-Hudson Funeral Home, Inc. Otisville, MI 48463 Designated a medical home provider P.O. Box 66, 116 Grove Street Otisville, MI 48463-0066 Phone: (810) 631-2525 Fax: (810) 631-8325 Otisville Glass & Auto Parts Monday – Thursday 8:30 - 4:30 387 N. State Rd. 8:30 • Otisville, Friday - 2:00 MI 48463 (810) 631-4060 ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! Hrs: Mon-Fri • 9 am - 5 pm Phone: (810) 631-4060 By Appointment or walk in emergencies Fax: (810) 631-4101 Pro Hardware 120 North State Street • Otisville, MI 631-4581 • 631-2515 Terry Lapeer Frank Worvie CHURCH & SONS AUTO PARTS & REPAIR 9531 N. State Rd. • Otisville, MI Winter Hours Mon-Fri 8 am - 5 pm Summer Hours Mon-Fri 8 am - 6 pm Sat 9 am - 3 pm Closed Sunday Jeff Conlee (810) 686-5600 12076 N. Linden Rd. • Clio MI 48420 Managers: Mike Church Rick Church Terry Church 631-4544 • 631-2886 • 631-4969 MARK MARTIN & SON’S, INC. 13295 N. State Rd. Otisville, MI 48463 Stone - Gravel - Top Soil - Sand Producers (810) 631-DIRT (3478) (800) 450-DIRT(3478) Fax: (810) 631-3419 Email: [email protected] Website: STAN LORANG, D.D.S. Office Hours By Appointment (810) 793-6255 4469 Fifth St. Columbiaville, MI 48421 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! James ames J. Fehrman, D.D.S D.M James H. Ford, D. M.D. Pastor Kay Leitelt Church 810-631-2911 Parsonage 810-631-8395 Sunday Worship 11:15 p.m. 200 West Main Street, Otisville Evening & Saturday Appointments Available! 24 Hr. Emergency Service 12265 N. State Road Otisville, MI 48463 Comprehensive Family Dental Care Invisalign, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry Call to schedule an appointment today! (810) 631-4573 Store Hours: Daily 9 am - 9 pm Sunday 10 am - 6 pm Otisville Next to Citizens Bank North Branch 4032 Huron St. Millington 8529 State Vassar M-15 50% Off Greeting Cards Everyday Outlook Needs Outlook Needs Community Sponsor Assistance Community Sponsor Assistance The LakeVille Outlook school and community newsletter is inviting individuals and businesses in our community to be part of our continuing The LakeVille Outlook school and community effort to provide a news source that newsletter inviting individualsSchool and businesses reaches allisof the LakeVille District in our community to be part of community. The Outlookouriscontinuing mailed effort to provide a news source that reaches all of to approximately 7,000 boxholders, the LakeVille School District community. The businesses and agencies throughout is mailedeach to approximately 7,000 theOutlook community issue. Companies boxholders, businesses and agencies and individuals doing businessthroughout in our the community eachcontributing issue. Companies community and to and the individuals doing business in our Outlook community are and district support of the contributing tointhe district support of the Outlook recognized each issue. Privateare recognized contributions are also in each issue. gratefully accepted. Thegratefully Outlookaccepted. prints Private contributions are also news from prints and about community The Outlook news from and aboutpeople, commuservice groups, villages, townships and nity people, service groups, villages, townships community activities in addition to school and community activities in addition to school news. news. To sponsor a space in the ToOutlook, sponsor acall space in the Outlook, Amy Smith at call Amy Smith at 810-591-3983 810-591-3983 Alumni & Faculty News We print information about the successes of LakeVille alumni, staff and community members. Examples include graduation from college, vocational training programs and training in any branch of the armed services. Any information on a graduate’s success in life is greatly appreciated. We ask families and friends to let the Outlook know by calling 810591-3983, e-mailing [email protected], or by sending information to the Outlook at 11107 Washburn Rd., Otisville, MI 48463. Alumni Notes Jennifer Price, a 2011 LakeVille graduate, was named to the Dean’s list at Aquinas College for asked it, you semesters, got it!!! It’s time to join your friends for a LakeVille High class reunion you won’t soon forget. theYou Fall andfor Spring maintaining a 3.6 GPA. Jennifer is all pursuing a bachelor’s degree in It is a 5 day Eastern Caribbean cruise leaving Miami March 28, 2016. Visiting ports of: Miami, Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay, Athletic Training with a minor in psychology. Jennifer was also named to the Psychology DepartNassau,Honor and then back to Miami. There 50 cabinsinblocked off. Prices as follows: inside cabin $546 ocean ment’s Society. Jennifer willare graduate December 2015.areJennifer is the daughter of pp, Mike view $616 pp, and balcony $776 pp. and Mary Ann Price of Millington. Please contact Jerry & Barb Roach for more info. [email protected] • 810-793-2468 or 800-582-0793 Scott Powell, graduate of LakeVille Highnamed School, has beenofsingled amonginall professors at Beth Hughes Latchana, Class of ’91, has been 2015 Lawyer the Yearout in Lansing, thethe area of ERISA law, the 23 campuses of the California State University for his innovative use of technology two times in and is listed in the Best Lawyers in America 2013-15 for ERISA law. Beth is a shareholder at The Fraser Law Firm in the last three a noteMark of congratulations, Students of California Lansing. She is years. married In to Judge Latchana. They liveAssociated in Davison with their three children. Maritime Academy President Mitchell Kobayashi said, “your dedication to being on the cutting of Electronic Grace Carey, Class of 2011, will be heading to Princeton University to begin on her PHD inedge Anthropology. She has Navigation as well as your personal investment into classroom technology has greatly earned a large scholarship amounting to what can be considered a full ride. Ms. Carey was a band improved member forthe eight Marine Transportation as a whole.” Congratulations, years. She was, and is, an program extremely focused hard working individual whoScott! has earned everything she has been given. Congratulations to her and her family on this next exciting step in her life journey. The LakeVille OUTLOOK • 15 Page 12 The LakeVille OUTLOOK November 2015 Cross Country teams and supporters run WiLd In THe WooDs! On October 1, 2015 the LakeVille Track and Cross Country Teams held their annual fundraisers WiLd In THe WooDs! 5k Trail Run/Walk and Student Walk -a -thon fundraiser. We raised over $1620 dollars, which will be used to buy equipment, and warm-ups. We would like to thank our sponsors GOLD $500 SPONSOR - Subway of Otisville SILVER $250 SPONSOR - Christa Simmonds @ Cason Homes Loans SPONSOR - Chmielewski Family BRONZE $100 SPONSOR - LakeVille Tang Soo Do. - Masters Ben & Kathy Erwin SPONSOR - The Taube Family SPONSOR - Dr. Jean Driscoll - Orthodontist SPONSOR - The Swantek Family SPONSOR - Chimmy Without their help this would not have been possible. The coaches, athletes, and parents really appreciate all you do for us. We would like to thank all those volunteers who helped. Thank you to the Superintendent, all principals and gym teachers, parents and coaches for their involvement in the 6th Annual LakeVille Student walk-a-thon. Patti Chmielewski Southwest Elementary - 8254 Gale Rd., Otisville, MI 48463 Fall of 2015 Public Welcome New headquarters of LakeVille youth football and cheer 2015-2016 OFFICIAL SPONSORS FALCONS WRESTLING Forest Twp Fire Department Hilltop Dentistry RPM World Class Tire Afterglow Farms RPM AUTO RJ Farms Otisville Subway Otisville Gun Barn Columbiaville Family Dentistry Progressive Cabinets Jaksa Heating & Cooling Otisville Baseball & Softball Church’s Auto Coach Schunot & Family In Memory of Coach Schabel In Memory of Coach Pickens Fairway Discount Stores Home of Otisville little league Indoor batting cages available for rental Seasonal hitting leagues for all ages Pitching tunnels Tee stations Baseball/softball private instruction Playground for youth Indoor/outdoor basketball hoops Classroom rental available GAIN: Confidence Flexibility Self Esteem STUDENTS will LEARN: Self Control Self Defense Self Discipline CERTIFIED INSTRUCTORS GREAT FAMILY ACTIVITY Sr. Master Instructor Ben Erwin Contact Lakeville athletic director for information on rental/facility use Drew johnson [email protected] 810 - 591- 4039 Instructors Ashley Acre Brendan Acre Jordan Harger Master Instructor Kathy Erwin go to for updates and information Follow your favorite Falcon athletes and teams on our website: It's always a good time to START!!! 7:00p.m. – 8:15 p.m. First TWO classes Are always FREE Family Discount Available All you need to do is come to class at 6:50pm to sign up you can also follow us on Facebook Tuesday and Thursday Nights LakeVille High School Cafe Any Questions please call Master Kathy Erwin 810-614-6160 Regular Price $30/month. Offered through LakeVille Community Education revised 10/30/2015 kje November 2015 The LakeVille OUTLOOK Page 13 LakeVille Community Schools enshrines first class into Hall of Honor More than a few LakeVille Community Schools alumni and/or staff have gone on to achieve great things, contribute to the district and bring honor to not only themselves but to LakeVille Community Schools and the entire community. This year, the district established a Hall of Honor where some of these individuals, groups and teams will be permanently enshrined. A dinner and induction ceremony for this first class going into the LakeVille Community Schools Hall of Honor was held during Homecoming Week. Members of this First Class of Hall of Honor Inductees include: • Darrel Morton – LakeVille Alumnus, Teacher, Coach, Athletic Director and Volunteer • Karen (Tljonick) Church – LakeVille Alumnus, CEO ELGA Credit Union, Community Leader and Supporter • Orrin Woodward – LakeVille Alumnus, Athlete, Entrepreneur, Guinness World Record Holder, Holder of Four U.S. Patents, LakeVille Supporter • Jason W. Ford LakeVille Alumnus, Air Force Academy Graduate, Decorated Jet Fighter Pilot, Flight Instructor • James H. Ford, DMD – LakeVille Alumnus, Dentist, Volunteer, Community and District Supporter • 1991 Girls Track Team – State Championship Athletic Team, Three–Time League Champions, Two-Time Regional Champions • Garth Yorton – LakeVille Alumnus, Athlete (earned 5 varsity letters at LakeVille), College Football Player, Award Winner, LakeVille’s most prestigious athletic award is named in his honor • Jim Fuller – LakeVille Alumnus, Athlete, High School and College Coach, Major League Baseball Envoy Coach, Inducted to Michigan High School Coaches Hall of Fame, LakeVille Supporter and Volunteer The inaugural class inducted into the newly created LakeVille Community School Hall of Honor during Homecoming Week consisted of Darrel Morton, Karen (Taljonick) Church, Orrin Woodward, Jason W. Ford, James H. Ford, DMD, the 1991 Girls Track Team, Garth Yorton, and Jim Fuller. Here, the recipients and/or their representatives show off their awards after the ceremony. Make LakeVille YOUR School of Choice WhyYour We Child Are Help Falcon Soar to aProud Great Future... • More than 64% of our graduates this year received scholarships. • LakeVille Community Schools Help Your Why We Child Are Falcon Soar to aProud Great Future... • More than 64% of our graduates this year received scholarships. Nearly 1/3 of our graduates earned college credit while in high school. • Nearly 1/3 of our graduates earned college credit while in high school. • Thanks to support for a bond from the community, recent upgrades to facilities include an Applied Science lab, video and audio recording studios, interactive learning labs, and a redesign of the media center with the inclusion of project based learning and presentation areas and a school store. • Thanks to support for a bond from the community, recent upgrades to facilities include an Applied Science lab, video and audio recording studios, interactive learning labs, and a redesign of the media center with the inclusion of project based learning and presentation areas and a school store. • Completed a total renovation of the High School Weight Room with the sponsorship and support of alumnus Mr. Orrin Woodward. • Completed a total renovation of the High School Weight Room with the sponsorship and support of alumnus Mr. Orrin Woodward. • In 2014-15 Falcon student-athletes qualified for state finals in track and wrestling, won a District Championship in Baseball, and earned muiltiple Academic All State Honors. Several have signed to continue to play at college level. • In 2014-15 Falcon student-athletes qualified for state finals in track and wrestling, won a District Championship in Baseball, and earned muiltiple Academic All State Honors. Several have signed to continue to play at college level. • The Falcon Band - Our students received all 1’s at State Band Festival this spring and 7 LakeVille Memorial High School students were selected to participate in the Small Town Values Michigan Lions All State Band, performed in Hawaii this summer and our band direcState of the Art Education tor was selected to be the new Director of A World the Lions Band. of Opportunities • The Falcon Band - Our students received all 1’s at State Band Festival this spring and 7 LakeVille Memorial High School students were selected to participate in the Small Town Values Michigan Lions All State Band, performed in Hawaii this summer and our band direcState of the Art Education tor was selected to be the new Director of A World the Lions Band. of Opportunities • Our Staff - A group of highly trained, caring and supportive individuals working as a team to help our Falcons achieve - from the nest to the time they soar on their own. 11107 Washburn Rd., Otisville, MI 48463 The Choice is Yours: The Choice is Yours: • LakeVille Community Schools (810) 591-3980 Our Staff - A group of highly trained, caring and supportive individuals working as a team to help our Falcons achieve - from the nest to the time they soar on their own. Picture Yourself A Falcon...It’s Your Choice (810) 591-3980 Picture Yourself LakeVille Community Schools (810) 591-3980 Page 14 The LakeVille OUTLOOK November 2015 Conlee Oil, Exxon Mobil fund math and science programs with $500 donation Door decorating contest brings Halloween Spirit into High School The high school student council sponsored a Door Decorating Contest between seminars this year. Students were encouraged to express their creativity while celebrating Halloween. The seminar with the winning doors received a treat on Friday October 30th. Jeff Conlee of Conlee Oil, with a station in Otisville, presents a $500 check to LakeVille Middle School Principal Kelli-Ann Fazer. The check is a grant from the Exxon Mobil Educational Alliance which Conlee sought and is earmarked for math and science. COST: $5.00 per class (You can purchase a Zumba punch card for $30.00) PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO LAKEVILLE COMMUNITY EDUCATION – 12455 Wilson Rd, OTISVILLE, 48463 • • • • This is a 27 WEEK Program, instructed by Heather Zovishlack, Will be held in the High School Cafeteria. NO SCHOOL – NO CLASS Drop in basis (pay as you go) If you have any questions, please contact Community Ed at 810-591-4032. How it works: We take the “work out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and highintensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you’ll see why Zumba Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective! Super fun! Benefits: A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. Girls cross country wins regionals (Continued from Page 1) a time of 21:16. Then the drama began as senior runner Alexis Elling fought off two Marlette runners at the finish line, passing the second one on her last two strides. Alexis finished 12th overall running a 22:11 followed by Jewell Colley who finished 18th with a 22:54. The victory was not completed until Lauren Weiss, who came in 20th overall, ran a personal best of 23:09 and finished ahead of the next Marlette runner. Rounding out the Lady Falcons were Kristen Knickerbocker (senior) running a 23:15 for 22nd overall and Amanda Carls (junior) finishing 33rd with a 24:36. The girls will be going to the State Finals for the 2nd year in a row. Last year the team received Academic All-State Honors by earning a team GPA of 3.5 and finishing in the top 20 in the State. The team is proudly coached by Mike Brouillet and Brian Fritz. Special thanks to our traveling parents: Mike and Patti Chmielewski, Cindy Richard, and Tammy Carls. November 2015 The LakeVille OUTLOOK Page 15 Student attendance is early warning sign 484 achieve perfect attendance Attendance Matters Good Luck Students! A new study from the Baltimore Education Research Consortium shows that absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance patterns throughout the year, providing an early warning sign for parents and educators to intervene and put students back on track. Why September Matters: Improving Student Attendance, by Linda S. Olson, examines attendance in the Baltimore City Public Schools for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students in September and throughout the rest of the 2012-13 school year. The study found: Students who missed fewer than 2 days in September typically had good attendance rates for the entire year. Half the students who missed 2-4 days in September went on to miss a month or more of school, which is known as chronic absence. Nearly 9 out of 10 students who missed more than 4 days in September were chronically absent that year. High school students are having a weekly class competition, until end of semester, for highest attendance percentage. High school students are also working toward a Voucher Incentive at end of the semester for perfect and excellent attendance. Middle school students are having marking period and semester incentives given out for perfect attendance. Elementary school students are having “Day- to- Day” classroom perfect attendance incentives. It’s a “surprise” the day that we choose to catch a class having a perfect attendance classroom! CONGRATULATIONS “September” Perfect Attendance Students!!!!! WOW nice job students on having Perfect Attendance throughout the month of September. Perfect means Perfect. No tardies, no "September" medical Perfect Attendance Totals absences, no excused absences, no suspensions. Each student re141 ceived a certificate and a small in123 123 centive. 111 109 111 Thanks for making school attendance a priority in your busy 75 77 schedules. Now the challenge is to continue 34 this attandance pattern through- 30 out the school year! Here are the 484 students who Otisville Otter Lake Columbiaville Middle School High School 2014 2015 had perfect attendance for the month of September: As important as perfecct attendance is, we cannot overlook an achievement like that and unfortunately we did just that back in the June edition of The Outlook when Addison Wilson was left out. Here is a reprint of that photo and a list of prize winners as it should have appeared with Addison included. We regret the eerror. Jayden Roney – Bike winner! Brionna Gibson – Free SUBWAY coupon! Cathryn-Grace Maclach- lan - Free SUBWAY coupon! Addison Willson – Free SUBWAY coupon! Dalton Blandford - Free SUBWAY coupon! Lance Peterson – Free SUBWAY coupon! Kindergarten Last Name First Name Melany G. Abke Barry Austin K. Benard Robert J. Bentoski Ashlyn M. Carlisle Charles D. Clark Kelsi E. Coleman Ana S. Damm Logan W. Delmage Joel J. Falk James A. Gomez Brooklynn G. Harvey Gage M. Hubert Sophia R. Jordan Ryleigh R. Layman Jackson N. Machinski Kenna M. Mancour Katlyn R. Mead Liliana T. Miller Arianna E. Mohr Bentley K. Newbery Mia R. Norris Allie R. Olender Aeris L. Logan M. Parks Parsons Triton T. Peruski Colin J. Richardson Emma R. Sabisch Annabelle B. Schisler Kloe L. Shaw Kyla E. Smith Irelan E. Strong Stormy L. Wooster Isabelle G. Aubrey L. Yost First Grade Abke Ethan B. Andersen Alexis L. Anderson Alivia M. Avery Jayden B. Bazely Damian R. Blogg Braden G. Blogg Mackenzie D. Burcar Christopher C. Clemons Nicklas S. Dinsmoore Ashton D. Doty Brooke I. Engberg Hunter M. Gitre Logan J. Guyton Cole Harper Monika L. Harris Blake D. Heusted Lillian R. Linson Wyatt C. Margrif Gavin T. Mead Cole A. Nevadomski Austin J. Patterson Brady B. Starr P. Periso Preston Harmonie A. Roberts Benjamin L. Rock Desiree N. Cross Preston J. Diamond Cole R. Gauthier Esabella M. Nicholas P. Gillies Girlish Jasmine J. Greenwald Brenden M. Harcek Katheryn E. Grant M. Hayes Jackson Garett W. Johnson Kaylynn M. Kilburn Matthew J. Lawson Nina J. Lloyd Zane R. Arianna N. Long Maclachlan Cathryn-Grace J. Marenic Joel N. McMullin Jacob K. Andrew L. Morey Oliver Charlize C. Kyle M. Price Richardson Charles D. Richmond Mason A. Soye Destini K. Strother Brady M. Thompson II Daniel M. Tyler Danielle R. Upthegrove Brendan E. Waterman Rylie E. Wells Gage M. Lacey P. Wood Seventh Grade Allen Joel W. Baldermann David J. Baldermann Micah D. Barton Isaiah D. Bush-Heller Emma M. Craig Sadie N. Cummings Jessica L. Foster Chase T. Ethan M. Goad Griffith Dakota C. Gage M. Griffith Griswold Caleb L. Huggler Calvin P. Lalonde Breanna L. Lehman Elizabeth J. Macsuga Brianna M. McLaren II Brian R. Meek Jacob M. Newton Isabel C. Selesky Samuel T. Skinner Allison L. Smith Marissa B. Spencer Abbigael J. Sturgill Allyssa M. Tebbe Devin A. Thomas Chance B. West Breonna R. White Jacob Q. Williams Karley R. Woolley Leighann M. Wooster Trinity E. Austin M. Miller Christopher A. Mims Morey Grace E. Morey Karalynn M. Taylor N. Moss Newton Madaline T. PooleChristopher Privett Mackenzie R. Stanbaugh Tyler Stevens Preston Adara E. West Williams Scott A. Young Zachary P. Zak Emily A. Tenth Grade Allendorfer Bradley Amy Nicklas D. Ashby Angelica J. Trenton Basner Baxter Henry J. Burgett Hunter Cargill Alexis N. Chamberlain Shannon Christ-Carpenter Charity Duckert Jacob Dunkley Zachary W. Egan Devon M. Elling Blade M. Engelmann Khloe L. Frisch Noah V. Gamelin Cody Giuliani Cody M. Green David Hanje Dylan M. Zachary T. Hanna Hiltz Michalyn N. Hook II Jason J. Leddick Marcus D. Lehman Dakota S. Leix Ryan S. Linson Joseph R. Main Jacob A. Mooney Kailee M. Morris Samantha A. Olmstead Trevor J. Nathanial C. Phelps Rzepecki Daneil K. Caleb S. Shann Swantek Hannah J. Ward Cheyenne M. Wells Breanna M. Westendorf Brooklynn M. Wheeler Kody R. Eleventh Grade Athey Eric J. Avendt Sarenia E. Bradley Jenna M. Bronson Anna B. Burgett IV Vadice F. Cain Kali R. Carls Amanda N. Carlson Kyle P. Per Building 160 140 Number of students 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Rogers Emma G. Schmidt Arnold J. Schneider Gavin T. Schubert Lauryn E. Shannon Elijah L. Smith Caleb L. Tebbe Alyssa A. Terwilliger Drake J. Wallington Sara A. Wilson Rohnin V. Second Grade Abke Cheryl A. Wendy S. Abke Addison Madilyn M. Sierra R. Arnold Avery Brooke E. Bush Alexandria E. Chase Alisa J. Clason Aubree A. Dinsmoore Abigail S. Eason Keaton D. Eaton Noah N. Anna C. Egan Chase A. Egan Garcia Isabella M. Seth A. Glover Guyton Christopher D. Hall Mya E. Samantha P. Hecht Hiltz Aaron J. Jenner Caleb M. Jobson Addison R. Jones Bailey E. Jones Christian N. Lanter Evan C. Tyler M. Leach Lutze Joel M. McKuen Riley A. Morey Dakota S. Nelson Konner A. Newbery Anabell R. Reinhardt Michelle A. Rives Victoria L. Roberts Jack L. Sabisch Nicholas R. Shann Kelton F. Swank Zoe A. Talbot Kaylee M. Thompson Cole A. Wilson Madeline R. Wooster Madison J. York Leona M. Third Grade Banyas Tyler J. Barron Gabriel R. Alison I. Barry Bowen Colin M. Christ Dylan M. Conley Rylee J. DeBoer Nicholas E. Raigan M. Dillon Dowdy Cason M. Eaton Christopher M. Falk Alainea M. Jacob R. Fluty Frantom Audrey G. Frantom Isaac C. Glover Nora R. Lillian R. Gray Heatwole Thomas S. Heusted Madelyn S. Holbrook Jo Ellen M. Jordan Kassidy K. Kennedy Connor D. Brooklyn L. Krouse Langworthy Maggie J. Miranda A. Long Trevon L. Love Margrif Taylor M. Nevadomski Mallorie R. Nicholes Gabriel J. Periso Kylie M. Peterson Brady D. Rohlman Ava L. Sonday Elizabeth R. Sonday Rebecca E. Thomas Cheyenne R. Kady N. Treutle White Ashton M. Keira S. Wilson Fourth Grade Aikens Bryant A. Alexander Kiera E. Bell Lucas W. Birchmeier Devyn J. Coleman Nicholas J. Delmage Allison G. Evan T. Egan Foster Taran L. Furtado Karlie E. Gibson Larissa M. Hall Kadence O. Heatwole Morgan R. Hennessy Dylan M. Holbrook Katherine I. Huggler Jonathan A. Krasher Sophie R. Lash Natalie E. Lee Caden W. Lopez-Luna Luis E. Lutze Joshua L. Lyons Lucas D. Marshall Turon D. McDowell Declan J. McLeod Kenadi G. Newbery Brooke M. Elijah Nolen Norris Ryan L. Parsons Tyler A. Ramoie Jacob A. Roney Jayden J. Noelle P. Rood Schisler Parker R. Schmidt Bradley J. Schubert Kaylynn M. Smith Lillian M. Stanley Marissa M. Tebbe Kaitlynn L. Thomas Laredo J. Thompson Anthony C. Tucker Emily M. Venable Brynn K. Weir Jessica A. West Ella M. Wirick Harley J. Wirick Rick A. Wooster Kira R. Fifth Grade Abke Edward M. Ashby Ellie M. Baldermann Katie M. Barron Corbin A. Church Jazman E. Davidson-Edmond Thomas J. Duckert Caleb M. George Olivia K. Gibson Colton C. Girlish Destiny D. Hawley Bryce J. Hecht Nathan D. Hennessy Devon M. Jarrell Kaylee M. Kampfer Asher V. Kampfer Elijah D. Kampfer Nevan T. Ladd Hannah M. Lambing Madison E. Long Kristopher A. McDowell Alexander D. Miller Rylea A. Neminski Benjamin W. Nolen Walter S. Parsons Joe L. Parsons Trinity B. Peterson Lance D. Pike Emily C. Brett R. Raible Raible Emily A. Rankin Sebastian C. Reinhardt Kayla M. Roney Ethan R. Schmidt Ethan B. Soye Faythe L. Sutton Brenden L. Torrance Jazlyn R. Vickery Kayden L. Wallington Autumn C. Wright Kendall S. Sixth Grade Alexander Caden L. Barritt Jodi L. Baxter Christopher S. Blandford Dalton P. Alexander R. Brock Burgett Marissa J. Chavez Elizabeth M. Chudy III Mark E. Cooper Cy A. Crampton Abby L. At Columbiaville Elementary Perfect attendance earns prizes Wright Aiden C. Young Nathan M. Eighth Grade AllendorferKarsten R. Allmon Jacob A. Abraham D. Baxter Brown Madison M. Buckel Alexander T. Campbell Abigail Abigail N. Cross Davis Sean M. Duckwitz Ashley J. Egan Dylan J. Finn Kaytlin A. Fyfe Abigail I. Gillies Natalie N. Goodman Aleasa Harmon Aurora M. Scott D. Hatch Jackson Samuel T. Jobson Kohl M. Johnson Brianna N. Kiekens Isabella S. Knickerbocker Kory E. Leggewie Madison E. Leland Mason R. Maples Elih L. McPherson Marley C. Merkle Andrew S. Newcombe Isaac A. Nicholes Chloe J. Rzepecki Emily C. Smith Tristin T. Hunter M. Sorge Valls Joslyn M. Vaughter LaTa’Vius M. Vines Zakia L. Weigandt Molly M. Wheeler Kinsley M. WhiteheadMina R. Williams Alissa A. Ninth Grade Anderson David M. Barton Alexandra L. Black Quinton T. Campbell Taylor J. Coleman Emily M. Craft Hailey N. Cypher Raini A. Depew Emily M. Deschner Henry J. English Courtney C. Fournier III John Hilliard Isabelle G. Ihrke Eric A. Jarosz Logan J. Jarrell Jeremy J. Sean R. Jorrey Rubi G. June Lambert Alexander J. Layman James C. Martin Savannah R. McConnell Quinlan K. Hannah L. Clark Coe Bethany R. Colley Jewell D. Coultas Andrea N. English Kyle R. Evans Abigail E. Fuller Randi-May E. Garcia Maria A. Goodman Brittany Gottschalk Shelle L. Cody T. Griffith Guzowski Katherine M. Houston Hannah J. Jackson Taylor M. Kettler Ashton B. Key Seana A. Lundquist Nicholas M. Marrero Gabriel K. McConnell Duncan W. Morrisette Olivia L. Newton Gabriel N. Ousnamer Jenna M. Scott Sara E. Simons Josef R. Smith Lindsay E. Stanbaugh Nicole E. Waterman Garrett L. West Sequoia T. Wilson Nathaniel R. Twelvth Grade AllendorferEmily R. Bartlett Brandon J. Bice Alicia M. Cain Shelby A. Carll Logan D. Clark Karly J. Coleman Alexander W. Ford Cheyenne L. Griswold Jacob L. Haggadone Cody J. Hallwood Cole G. Hashley Brandi Horton Wyatt A. Hubert Amy R. Kaylee A. Ihrke Knickerbocker Kristin Lauria Emily Lincoln Bailey M. Marsh Jason T. Mata Mariah R. Mohr Matthew R. Mozader Joseph P. Nitz Aerolyn S. Raible Brooke E. Rini Sarah J. Smith Austin D. Szikszay Brandon T. Taylor Christion Warden Lyndsie E. Wietecha James M. Wilson Matthew M. Page 16 The LakeVille OUTLOOK November 2015 Falcon Homecoming 2015 This year’s theme was “Decades” with the classes coming up with floats that brought together football and a specific decade, whether it is Pac Man from the 80’s or Rollerblading under a Disco Ball from the 70’s. Those who don’t know better call it Powder Puff Seniors Casey Abbasspour & Josh Hutchison A special thanks to the 2014 Homecoming Queen Ms. Callie Auten & King Mr. Geno Mersino Seniors Grace Campbell & Joey Mozader Freshmen Princess Amani West & Prince Nathan Athey Seniors Abigail Neminski & Austin Zudell Homecoming Royalty Seniors Alexa Papak & Bailey Lincoln Sophomore Princess Kirstyn Brown & Prince David Green Seniors Whitney Wright & Jalen French Junior Princess Meagan Clark & Prince Joey McCray The student council would like to thank all those who helped make this homecoming special.
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