PAHO - Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
PAHO - Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
Zika virus epidemic: Challenges and the road ahead Regional research priorities on Zika virus infection Ludovic Reveiz MD, MSc, PhD, Knowledge Management, Bioethics and Research Pan American Health Organization Organización Panamericana de la Salud – 111 años de salud pública Outline PAHO Regional research priorities PAHO platform on Zika research Harmonization, key protocols and tools PAHO PAHO regional research priorities PAHO PAHO regional research priorities Relevance of the issue (Median) Time of implementation Effectiveness of vector control measures on the transmission of ZIKV Critical Short-term Effectiveness of Dengue, urban yellow fever and Chikungunya vector control What vectors are responsible for most human transmission (Culex, Mansonia and Anopheles genuses)? Very important Very important Very important Relevance and implementation by subtopic: Virus vectors and reservoirs Screening of viral strains in mosquito vectors Short-term Short-term Medium-term Epidemiology What is the absolute risk of congenital malformation by gestational week Critical Short-term Perinatal transmission and trans-placental transmission Critical Short-term Characterization of clinical and subclinical ZIKV infections n pregnant women Critical Short-term Diagnostic tools: Effective methodologies and validation of new process and platforms for serology, antigenic and molecular detection Critical Short-term Sensitivity/specificity/predictive value of serum ZIKVIgM Critical Short-term Biological plausibility for maternal-fetal transmission Including incident cases, birth defects, development of an epidemic curve Is it possible to detect ZIKVRNA in an infant or child who had the ZIKV infection in utero if the period of viremia has passed? Potential of individuals with previous history of infection from other flaviviruses (especially dengue, yellow fever and West Nile) to cross-react in tests PAHO Very important Less important Less important Short-term Short-term Short-term Less important Short-term Performance of ultrasound and other imaging tests to detect brain abnormalities in prenatal and postnatal period Less important Short-term Influence of co-infections and super-infections of ZIKV and other cocirculating (CHIKV, DENV, YFV) arbovirusesas well as pre-existing immunity / vaccination against other Flaviviruses Less important Medium-term Use of modelling to understand the rate of infection and to understand what is the role of natural immunity particularly in the regions with previous ZIKV outbreaks Less important Medium-term Spatial distribution of ZIKV, dengue and Chikungunya Are there clusters? Less important Medium-term Characterization of the natural history of disease; ratio clinical to subclinical incidence SGB and others neurological complications; rare severe complications; mortality, dynamics of immune response Less important Medium-term PAHO regional research priorities Disease Pathogenesis and Consequences of ZIKV infection What types of samples are needed and how should they be collected and transported? Critical ZIKV Infection teratogenic effect in function of the gestational age Critical Very important Less important Less important Shortterm Shortterm Shortterm Shortterm Effect of infection by the ZIKV (with and without microcephaly) in the neurological, cognitive and motor development child mother with infection Less important Mediumterm What is the mechanism that makes IgM antibodies against ZIKV, dengue viruses, and other flaviviruses have strong cross-reactivity which may generate false positive results in serological tests? May this cross reactivity be involved in some kind of pathogenesis mediated by immune enhancement? Less important Mediumterm Flavivirus effects (including viral persistence and viral load) on neural tissues, placental barrier transfer and teratogenic Less important Mediumterm Animal models of teratogenic infection Not important Mediumterm ZIKV infection pathogenesis to the fetus Association / risk factors between ZIKV infection and autoimmune syndromes Sexual and body fluids transmission PAHO Shortterm PAHO regional research priorities Public health interventions and clinical management Critical Strategies to prevent congenital infections Critical Interventions for the protection from mosquito bites in endemic areas (including the application of selective indoor residual insecticide spraying, in houses and around them, source reduction and larviciding application, with their corresponding evaluation) Critical Shortterm Less important Less important Less important Shortterm Mediumterm Mediumterm To implement the systematic insecticide resistance surveillance for Aedes aegypti, for insecticides used in each country. These results must be used for the judicious management of insecticides and decision making at local level. Less important Mediumterm Evaluation of the current prevention and vector control activities by the countries, including the impact of countries current prevention strategies Less important Mediumterm Need to understand the routinely activities women do at home and at working places, which are their priorities and how to intervene to avoid human-vector contact Not important Mediumterm To describe clinical manifestation across a broad age of age and countries of ZIKV infection with a common standardized protocol Registries to understand complications of congenital birth defects Evaluation of the impact of public health recommendations PAHO Shortterm Shortterm Prevention strategies and risk communication PAHO regional research priorities Health Systems and Services response Efficient financing mechanisms for addressing outbreaks ZIKV Critical Shortterm Mechanisms to ensure the provision of health services for patients with complications from ZIKV infection Critical Shortterm Effective mechanisms to ensure the availability of trained human resources in the clinical management and complications of ZIKV Critical Mediumterm Equity in risk of disease and in access to contraception, access for managing children and adults with complications and disabilities Less important Mediumterm Research and Development of Products PAHO Development of serologic, blood, and urine tests Critical Validation and field testing of kits for the serological diagnosis of ZIKV Critical Construction of a panel (of samples) from arbovirus endemic areas for validation of kits and to be used as reference in the standardization of laboratory methodologies Critical Assurance of reliable, accurate, and standardized testing Critical Shortterm Shortterm Shortterm Vaccine development Very important Shortterm Mediumterm Development of critical reagents: ZIKV Monoclonal antibodies, usefulness of NS1 antigen, recombinant antigen and antigenic peptides Less important Shortterm Less important Less important Mediumterm Longterm Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of screening test for ZIKV Using Wolbachia as mosquito population replacement strategy Some challenges Enhancing Coordination to Respond to ZIKV Epidemic PAHO Laboratory capacity (Infrastructure) Training of researchers (Infrastructure) Having a minimum core standardize protocol to harmonize definitions, data collection sample collection and analysis Harmonized guidelines available for collection and transportation of samples Diagnostic tests in epidemiological studies Coordination of efforts to avoid duplication Strengthening mechanisms for implementing a collaborative international research response Mechanisms to identify all published and ongoing research Need to periodically update research priorities Open access, sharing data Dissemination of preliminary findings Ensuring quality of research Development of bio-banks Preparation for emergency response Networks of research institutions and researchers Country collaboration on zika Publications 2014 PAHO The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of PAHO concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries, The information was taken directly from Pubmed, using the following search (zika virus [mh] OR zika,). Country collaboration on zika Publications 2014-15 PAHO Country collaboration on zika Publications 2014-16 PAHO Country collaboration on zika Publications 2014-16 PAHO Bastian M., Heymann S., Jacomy M. (2009). Gephi: an open source software for exploring and manipulating networks.International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. PAHO platform on Zika research PAHO PAHO platform on Zika research Virus, Vectors and Reservoirs (2) - Other (1)* -Pregnant and children (1) PAHO - Brazil (1)* - Colombia (1) Epidemiology (17) Disease Pathogenesis and Consequences of Zika infection (7) -General population (6) - General population (1) -Children (4) - Pregnant and child (4) -Pregnant and child (10) - Children (4) - Pregnant and children (3) - GBS (2) - GBS (2) - GB (1) - Reproductive age woman (1) -Military and their families (1) Causality (15) -Brazil (12) -Colombia (1) -Multicenter (2) - Brazil (14) - France (2) - Zambia (1) - Brazil (6) - France (1) PAHO platform on Zika research Clinical Management (22) Public Health Interventions (4) Health Systems and Services response (1) - General population (4) - Pregnant and children (5) - Children (9) - General population (4) Research and development of products (2) General population (2) - GBS (1) - GBS (3) - Unclear (1) - Brazil (1) -United State (1) PAHO - Brazil (20) - Brazil (2) - Colombia (2) - Colombia (2) - Colombia (1) - Diagnosis -Therapy PAHO platform on Zika research Summary (72) Causality, Strength of association(15) PAHO Virus, Vectors and Reservoirs (2) General population (17) Epidemiology (17) [2] Pregnant and children (24) Disease Pathogenesis and Consequences of Zika infection (7) Children (17) Clinical Management (22) [1] Public Health Interventions (4) Reproductive age woman (1) Health Systems and Services response (1) Military and their families (1) Research and development of products (2) N/A (2) Unclear (1) Ethic (1) GBS (9) Unclear (1) Brazil (57) Colombia (8) France (3) Zambia (1) Multicenter Latin America [5](1) Multicenter Latin America [3](1) United State (1) PAHO platform on Zika research Cohort (13) Case-control (9) Brazil (4) - MERG (2) (1 Children and 1 Child-pregnant) Brazil (7) - Faculdade de Medicina de Jundia (1 Child-pregnant) - MERG (1 Children) Hosp. Universitário Cassiano Antônio Moraes (1 Child-Preg) - Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Brasília (2) (1 Children and 1 GBS) Colombia (4, child-pregnant) - MINSALUD (2) - Universidad Libre de Cali (1) - University of Cordoba (1) - Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Recife (1 Children) - Laboratorio Sabin De Analises Clinicas LTDA, Brasília (1 Child-pregnant) - Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico em Saúde (1 Children) - Instituto para o Desenvolvimento da Educação LtdaIPADE/Faculdade Christus, Fortaleza (1, Child- pregnant) Francia (3) - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Fort (1 Gen popul.) - Centre d’Investigation Clinique (1 Child-pregnant) PAHO - ZIFAG Clinical Study (1 Military) Colombia (1 Gen. Population) - MINSALUD Multicenter (2) (1 Child-pregnant) - International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management and Surveillance - TBD countries (Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico) Zambia (1 Women in reproductive period) - University of Zambia School of Veterinary Medicine Harmonization, protocols and tools Methods Recommendation Objective 1. Clear definitions: Descriptive or analytic study. Prevalence or Incidence. Associated or causal factors. Effective of treatments Population Risk/ advantage Feasibility 2. Design: According to the objectives. Internal validity 1. Clear definition: Definition of type of population, geographical location and risk characteristics (Use the international definitions or the most technical appropriate definition). Selection bias Pregnant woman and newborn, Newborn, Children, General population, Symptomatic infections, Asymptomatic infections External comparability 2. Population-based vs. Hospital-based, Primary care based Describe setting and locations PAHO 1. Exposed and non-exposed cohorts or case / control will be recruited from the same population. Selection bias 2. Describe details population risk groups in ecological study. 1. Sample size calculation to evaluate the main hypothesis. Power Sample size 2. Estimation of recruitment time, considering that the epidemic peak possibly Feasibility was over and the epidemiology pattern of ZIKV infection is unknown. Costs 3. Considering multicenter studies. Harmonization, protocols and tools PREGNANT WOMEN 1 Trimester 2 Trimester Asymptomatic 3 Trimester Symptomatic BIRTH OUTCOMES Lab ZIKV + PAHO Lab ZIKV - Suspected Probable Confirmed case case case Rash Suspected + + 2 or more other syntoms Zika IgM antibodies Suspected + Lab confirmation Relative risk of malformations Harmonization, protocols and tools Methods Recommendation Recruitment and Follow up Simultaneously recruitment and follow-up in exposed and non-exposed cohort or case and control. Selection bias Confusion bias 1. Similar follow-up time in exposed and non-exposed cohort. Information bias Follow up Risk/ advantage 2. Enough time to evaluate psychomotor development in children. 3. Appropriate instruments to collect the information. External comparability 1. Clear definition: Standardized definition. 2. Collection of the same samples in exposed and non-exposed cohort or case and control (Blood, urine, CRL, saliva samples and others). 3. Using the same test to confirm/discard ZIKV infection in exposed and non-exposed cohort or case and control. Exposition PAHO Information bias 4. ZIKV infection confirmed by laboratory vs. clinical diagnosis (suspected, probable and Confirmed) . 5. Diagnosis tests of ZIKV infection depending of the phase (acute or convalescence phase): RT-PCR, serology diagnosis, culture, and others. 6. Diagnosis tests of ZIKV infection in asymptomatic infections (paired serum samples?). 7. Differential diagnosis with other locally circulating flaviviruses. External comparability Harmonization, protocols and tools Methods Recommendation Risk/ advantage 1. Clear definition: Standardized definition (primary, secondary and tertiary outcomes). 2. Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study in exposed and non-exposed cohort. Outcomes Information bias 3. Same measures in exposed and non-exposed cohort or case and control. 4. Standard: scales, images (USG-TF, MR, CT), physical examination, samples and other measures. External comparability 5. Same schedule of measures in exposed and non-exposed cohort or case and control. Other variables PAHO 1. Other possible confusion factors should be evaluated. Other infections: STORCHS diagnosis. Gestational age. Other exposition factors (environmental factors or individual factors). Confusion bias Information bias 2. Using the same schedule and instruments to do the measure in exposed and non-exposed cohort or case and control. Health Care 1. Counseling and psychological support to affected mothers. 2. Definition of management algorithms. 3. Absence of evidence about the impact of ZIKV infection on psychomotor development of children with microcephaly and other complications Autonomy and beneficence Harmonization, key protocols and tools Methods Recommendation 1. Shared information with the surveillance local system. Information management Risk/ advantage Update and consolidate 2. Data sharing. Ethics and Legislation PAHO 1. Local legislation about interruption of pregnancy. 2. Gestational age for interruption of pregnancy considering that intrauterine lesions are detected late. 3. Use of CT in children 4. Pregnant women treatment and vaccines Feasibility