MAY / JUNE Life`s Lottery
MAY / JUNE Life`s Lottery
THE GEPPO A publication of the Ogden Buddhist Temple 155 North Street Ogden, UT 84404 P.O. Box 3248 Ogden, UT 84409 Supervising Reverend: Rev. Jerry Hirano Rev. Hirano contact info: Office – 801-363-4742 Home – 801-299-8727 Emergency – 801-819-2648 NEW Web Site: Temple E-mail: [email protected] May/June 2016 Issue 801/392-7132 Temple President: Thomas F. Minister’s Assistant: Annette K. Annette’s Emergency Contact – (omitted for online version) Minister’s Assistant: Geoffrey R. Minister’s Assistant: James A. Junior Minister’s Assistant: Charles A. Life’s Lottery ~ As written by Reverend Jerry K. Hirano in the February 2016 issue of Buddhist Thoughts Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can. ~Dalai Lama O ne billion six hundred million dollars $1,600,000,000.00, how many of you bought the lottery ticket? Rev. Marvin Harada and I bought ours and discussed how we would save Jodo Shinshu in America with the H and H foundation. We even worried about maybe having too many people wanting to become BCA ministers because of the wonderful benefits we would be able to provide. It was really fun to imagine all the ups and downs of what we would do with all this money. It was definitely worth the cost of twenty dollars’ worth of lottery tickets. My daughter Kacie was also excited about buying her first Powerball ticket. We discussed how she would spend the money. She discussed about how her life would be so different if she were to win. I asked her, if you had terminal illness and were told you can have a cure for 1.6 billion dollars, would you buy it? “Of course!” she said. “Than your life is worth over a billion dollars.” All of us have this precious human life and have hit Life’s lottery. However, it is often difficult for us to decide what to do with the winnings of this lottery. The odds given for winning the Powerball was 1 in 292.2 million. However, there is a Buddhist description of the odds of being born into human life. In the story, it is said there is a large tortoise that is swimming throughout the oceans of the world. This is a Buddhist and Magic tortoise so it can do a lot of amazing things. It can hold its breath for 100 years. Once every 100 years, this tortoise must come to the surface of the ocean to take a breath. At the same time this tortoise is swimming in the ocean, there is a large wooden collar floating in the ocean. The collar is like a modern life preserver, which is probably easier to imagine. Well the odds of being born into human life, is like the odds of this tortoise coming up every 100 years and on this particular occasion, this collar just happens to be floating at the exact spot the tortoise is coming up and as the tortoise raises its head for a breath, it pokes its head through the collar. I’m not sure what the odds are for that, but given the size of the ocean, I imagine it is more than 292.2 million to one. So it is really hard to be born into human life or as our new service book says rare and wonderful is it to be born into human life. Reverend Hirano’s article continued on next page. Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue Although there are a number of if, ands and buts to the question of trading my winning Powerball ticket for life. Such as how long do I have to live or would my family be better off with the 1.6 billion dollars, that having me hanging around with a terminal illness etc. For the sake of this article, I would also say that time has a big part of the story. Most of us live our lives thinking we will live forever. However, I believe that living a long life is not the key element here. Living a happy life is the key. What is a happy life, I believe that what Buddhism is trying to emphasize in happiness is gratitude. To live a happy life, one must live a grateful life. There is a book I recently read called, When Breath Becomes Air, by Dr. Paul Kalanithi. It is the autobiography of a young neurosurgeon who just as he is finishing his residency at Stanford Medical School, is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Up until this time, his life was all about the future and how he had lived through the present without real awareness totally focused upon a goal in the future. He would find happiness in the future. “But even if I had the energy, I prefer a more tortoise like approach. I plod, I ponder, some days I simply persist. Everyone succumbs to finitude. I suspect I am not the only one who reaches this pluperfect state. Most ambitions are either achieved or abandoned; either way, they belong to the past. The future, instead of the ladder toward the goals of life, flattens out into a perpetual present. Money, status, all the vanities the preacher of Ecclesiastes described, hold so little interest: a chasing after wind, indeed.” Whether we win the lottery or live to be one hundred years old. A life of happiness is to be found in a life of gratitude. It cannot be found in the past or future only in the present, where all three live. Buddhism’s goal is to help us find that happiness in life. Paul Kalanithi found it in his daughter, Cady. That message is simple: When you come to one of the many moments in life when you must give an account of yourself, provide a ledger of what you have been, and done, and meant to the world, do not, I pray, discount that you filled a dying man’s days with a sated joy, a joy unknown to me in all my prior years, a joy that does not hunger for more and more, but rests, satisfied. In this time, right now, that is an enormous thing. ~Paul Kalanithi To find joy in life is the meaning of Namo Amida Butsu. It is what each of us search for. Although Paul Kalanithi was not Buddhist, it is a very Buddhist Book. We will be reading this book When Breath becomes Air for our March Book Club. I hope you will join us at 7:00 pm March 7 in the west building. The books are for sale in Lumbini’s Garden at a discount for members. ANNUAL BWA SUSHI SALE IS COMING MAY 15, 2016 The annual BWA Sushi Sale will be on May 15, 2016 following Gotan-E Service. All information and a pre-order form is available at the end of this GEPPO. Please remember that all proceeds will go to the Ogden Buddhist Church! GEPPO ~ Page 2 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello, I hope that everyone is well. Shauna R. and I attended the National Council Meeting. Items that were passed were: (1) Assessment for FY 2016/17 is $114.23 a rise from $109.39. (2) Bishop Umezu was voted in for another 4-year term. Ad Hoc Committee on the Jodo Shinshu Center (JSC) Financing and the Endowment Foundation has made a new $4 million loan between the BCA and the Endowment Foundation. This replaces the previous loan that expired in June, 2014. The Committee has launched a 1000 people x $1000 x 4 years fundraising project which will help us replenish the funds used to make this loan. Please find donation form in this GEPPO. Also Included in this GEPPO is a donation form for “Be a Friend of the Institute of Buddhist Studies”. Please donate to support our student Ministers. The board is already planning our Obon fund raiser. Please support this fund raiser and Sunday Service. In Gassho, Thomas F. BWA NEWS Greetings from the Ogden BWA … The BWA had their annual Membership Party February 28th. We started with lunch at the Greenery Restaurant followed by a short service and a fun game of bingo. This event is always fun. We welcomed six new members. It is always so fun to get together to visit with new and old friends. On April 16th the BWA had their annual Spaghetti Fundraiser Dinner to benefit the temple. As always the food was delicious. Thank you to all the ladies that donated food and prizes for the raffle. I would like to give a special THANK YOU to Jani H. and Mae M. and their restaurant, GriDeli’s, for ordering the “secret ingredient” sauce for us. We could not have this fund raiser without their help! All the donations received helps reduce the costs and gives more funds directly to the temple! Thanks to Ruth S. for the entertainment. Her accordion music adds so much to the evening. Thank you for all the support. We will be having our annual Sushi Sale May 15th, the same day as Gotan-E Service. Preparation will be Saturday May 14th starting at 10:00am and May 15th at 10:00am also. To order please see the enclosed form. Each plate is $10.00 and will be ready for pick-up following the service. Believe it or not we need to start planning for Obon already. We will be preparing and making Manju to sell during Obon. The days we will be making the manju are July 2nd (Yaki) at 9:00am and July 10th (Fukashi and Mochi) at 10:00am. Any help would be appreciated. The annual BWA Wendover Bus Trip with be Sunday, June 26th. To reserve a seat contact Ellen Kato at 801-698-2449. Next meeting will be May 22nd, 11:00am. As always thank you for all for the support. GEPPO – Page 3 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue BWA DONATIONS Omitted for Online Version 2016 Membership: Linda E.-R., Kathy W., Tomoko S., and Lola Y. BWA’s Newest Members: Candice F., Stephanie H., Kelli B., Alice S., Debbie K. and Tena M. (not pictured) with BWA President, Tami H. and Minister’s Assistant Annette K. It’s time to bring your stuff to The Ogden Buddhist Church! We are having a Yard Sale Garage Sale Junk Sale Patio Sale Estate Sale Moving Sale …whatever kind of sale you want to call it … on June 4, 2016 8:00 am If you need a pick-up, please call Steve K. at (Omitted for Online Version). GEPPO ~ Page 4 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue DHARMA SCHOOL NEWS Superintendent Message We are proud of the terrific Hanamatsuri performances by our Dharma School students on April 3rd to help celebrate Buddha’s birthday. A shout out to Bryson H., Colton H., Kobe H., Kyra H., Andrew K. and Madison Y.! They wowed the audience, dancing to “Soran Bushi” and played “Ashira” on the Taiko drums. They all did a great job! We appreciate the team of Ellen K., Lorraine S. and Geniel S. for planning and organizing the Hanamatsuri luncheon. Thanks to all the members who contributed salads for the celebration. Lorraine S. also provided the treat bags given to our performers. Our thanks to Robyn H. and Justine H. for organizing the Dharma School bake sale. We are grateful to those who contributed items to help fund the Dharma School Lagoon Day lunch. And, last but not least, I would like to recognize Stan H., Mike K., Betty Y., and Kirk Y. for all the behind-thescene help they provided so the performance could go on, from coaching the kids to running to Radio Shack to get missing audio hardware just prior to the performance. On March 20th, the Dharma School sponsored a luncheon to honor our Keirokai members in conjunction with our Ohigan service. The luncheon and service was well-attended. We would like to recognize Robyn H. and Justine H. for planning and preparing the delicious meal. Thanks to all who helped with the preparation and clean-up. Our Hatsumairi (infant presentation) will be held in conjunction with Gotan-E on May 15th. Please let us know if you have any temple family members with babies born within the last year who would like to participate in the presentation. On June 12th, we will be honoring our high school and college graduates, along with Dharma School student attendance awards at our last day of Dharma School prior to our summer break. The Dharma School Lagoon Day will be held on June 5th. Tickets will be available in May. The Ogden Dharma School families will be furnishing musubi/onigiri and salads to go with the chicken provided by the Dharma School. The Salt Lake Dharma School will be furnishing desserts. In Gassho, LaVerne K. Dharma School Donations Omitted for Online Version More Dharma School news continued on next page. GEPPO ~ Page 5 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue Dharma School’s APRIL Birthday’s! Bryson H. Trenton Y. Makenzie H. Not pictured: KayLene Y. June 5, 2016 Buy tickets in advance from Betty Y., Kris Y., or Tami H.! GEPPO ~ Page 6 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue Summer Lawn Mowing Schedule Thank you to everybody who pitches in every summer to help keep our temple grounds looking fantastic! Date June 12, 2016 June 19, 2016 June 26, 2016 July 3, 2016 July 10, 2016 July 17, 2016 July 24, 2016 July 31, 2016 August 7, 2016 August 14, 2016 August 21, 2016 August 28, 2016 September 4, 2016 September 11, 2016 September 18, 2016 Scheduled People Last day of Dharma School – Mow lawn after service Mike K., Ernie K., Andrew K. Kirk Y., Trenton Y., Steve Y. Tom F., Stan H., Alex H. Obon Outdoor Clean-Up – Everybody pitch in! Obon Service – Mow lawn after service James A., Charles A., Geoff R. Mike K., Todd H., Roland S. Steve K., Blaine Y., Bart H. Kirk Y., Trenton Y., Steve Y. Tom F., Stan H., Alex H. James A., Charles A., Geoff R. Mike K., Ernie K., Andrew K. Steve K., Blaine Y., Bart H. Dharma School Begins – Mow lawn after service BWA Wendover Bus Trip The Ogden Buddhist Church BWA is hosting their annual WENDOVER BUS TRIP June 26, 2016 $22.00 For more information and to make a reservation, please contact Ellen K. at (Omitted for Online Version) SEE THE GEPPO IN FULL COLOR ON OUR NEW WEB SITE GEPPO ~ Page 7 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to EVERYBODY who contributed to our Nihon Matsuri Food Booth! Nihon Matsuri is a GREAT event to raise public awareness about our Japanese Ancestry and to raise funds for our temples. Our booth was very successful and it is because of YOU! You helped plan our booth, you brought items to donate, and YOU gave the best gift of all, your time! The board would like to thank YOU! We would like to especially thank all the temple members that donated rice, money, soda, and water to this event. HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY! Kuni K. We hope all your birthday wishes come true! If you know of any special recognitions, please let any board member know! MEMORAIL DAY CEMETERY SERVICE SCHEDULE Memorial Day Cemetery Service will be as follows: 9:30 am at Syracuse Cemetery 10:00 am at Washington Heights Cemetery 10:30 am at Ogden Cemetery GEPPO ~ Page 8 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue GOTAN-E May Shotsuki Hoyo Hatsumairi Sunday, May 15, 2016 Service at 1:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Bhante Madawala Seelawimala After entering the monastery at the age of nine, he began his studies after graduating from University in Sri Lanka, his teacher who was a friend of Bishop Kenryu Tsuji suggested he come to the United States to live and teach Buddhism. He has been a professor of Buddhism at IBS for over 25 years. He has founded temples in Sacramento and other areas. This service is to celebrate the birth of Shinran Shonin (1173-1262), the founder of our sect. It is also called Fujimatsuri in reference to the Wisteria flower which represents our sect. Unlike other flowers which seem to stand up straight and tall when in full blossom, the wisteria hangs down, when in full bloom, as if in humility. This teaches us that a true and real human being does not stand up in arrogance at their accomplishments, but rather realizes that they have so much for which to be grateful. In connection with this very special observance, we hold Shosanshiki also know as Hatsumairi (First visit ceremony) or Infant Presentation service. This service is held for all children born into our Sangha over the past year. It is a day to present the child to Buddha and to the Sangha, and to celebrate their first step upon following the Dharma. JUNE SHOTSUKI HOYO Sunday, June 12, 2016 Service at 1:30 p.m. GEPPO ~ Page 9 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue May & June Shotsuki Hoyo May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May Shotsuki Hoyo June Shotsuki Hoyo May 15, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. June 12, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. 16 17 1 10 24 26 31 20 29 10 10 1 25 28 4 1 24 8 24 17 31 16 19 19 4 3 16 1 29 6 22 16 16 20 6 26 30 20 27 1 2006 1963 1973 2009 1969 1965 2011 2014 1969 1960 2013 1968 1995 2002 1954 1926 1991 1979 1974 1986 1961 1973 2009 1969 2013 1972 1970 1987 1996 1999 2001 1993 1991 1970 1972 2012 2006 2005 2001 2008 Etsuko Fujimoto Zentaro Higashiyama Tomene Higashiyama Leo Sumio Iseki Tsunayoshi Iseki Shujiro Kakushi Fumi Ota Kamigaki Dale Kano Buichi Kataoka Tome Kawaguchi Kim Kawashima Keitaro Kikuraku Sumiko Koga Shigeko Koga Kaihei Kosaiku Ruby Kosaiku Tsugi Miyagishima Sakujiro Moriyama Shinayo Nakano Hana Nishihara Tsurukichi Omori Suga Omori Henry E. Riley Ginichi Shigei Kerry Mamoru Shimada Tomeyo Shimada Mike Maseo Shimizu Naka Shiramizu Hisako Teramoto Harry Hisao Teramoto Kiyoshi Kay Watari Yoshiye Yamaguchi Kamesaburo Yamasaki Shigenori Yano Toriko Yei James Yonemura Daiiche Yoshimura Sumiye M. Yoshimura Masaji Roy Yoshinaga Helen Fujiko Yoshinaga June 28 June 12 June 16 June 16 June 7 June 28 June 23 June 30 June 24 June 23 June 25 June 24 June 6 June 3 June 6 June 26 June 11 2005 1998 1998 1969 1977 1985 1965 1965 2001 1994 1965 1998 2000 2014 2002 1976 1993 Haruye K. Endo Yoshiyuki George Hirabayashi Shizue Kano Shegejiro Kawaguchi Kanichi Kawaguchi Kiku Kudo Uji Miya James Jusuburo Murakami Hichiro Jim Nakano Mine Ogata Kakutaro Okawa Masao Okuda Kimiko Tsukamoto Misuko June Shimada Joe Yamashita Suga Yano Tome Yoshimura For those years not having a specific memorial service such as 2nd, 4th, 5th, etc. the temple is holding these monthly Shotsuki Hoyo. During these services, the temple will list the names of those members who have died during the month in the preceding years. The families then attend that monthly service in memory of their loved one. These services are not meant to replace the specific memorial services. Please contact Rev. Hirano to make arrangements for those services. Rev. Hirano contact information: Office: 363-4742, Home: 299-8727, Emergency: 819-2648. 2016 Memorial Service Schedule for those who passes away in: 2015 – 1 year 2004 – 13 year 1982 – 33 year 2014 – 3 year 2000 – 17 year 1967 – 50 year 2010 – 7 year 1992 – 25 year 1917 – 100 year Corrections/Additions to the Shotsuki Hoyo list, please contact Ruth Schriock, 801-292-6042 GEPPO – Page 10 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue May 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 8 9 Wednesday Friday Saturday 3 4 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 5 6 7 10 11 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 12 13 14 10:00 am Sushi Prep Discussion Group – 12:30 pm Dharma School – 12:45 pm Family Service – 1:30 pm Discussion Group – 12:30 pm Dharma School – 12:45 pm Family Service – 1:30 pm Thursday 7:30 pm OBC Board Meeting 15 16 17 18 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NO Buddha’s Round Table 26 27 28 29 NO Service – Memorial Day Service on Monday 30 Memorial Day Cemetery Services 31 BWA Sushi Prep – 10:00 am Discussion Group – 12:30 pm Dharma School – 12:45 pm 1:30 pm: Gotan-E / Hatsumairi Service Shotsuki Hoyo BWA Sushi Sale BWA Meeting – 11:00 am Discussion Group – 12:30 pm Dharma School – 12:45 pm Family Service – 1:30 pm Toban Cleaning Group: Geoff & Linda R. (Toban Cleaning Leader) Lorraine S. Shauna R. MEMORAIL DAY CEMETERY SERVICE SCHEDULE Memorial Day Cemetery Service will be as follows: 9:30 am at Syracuse Cemetery 10:00 am at Washington Heights Cemetery 10:30 am at Ogden Cemetery GEPPO – Page 14 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue June 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 2 Friday Saturday 3 6:00 pm Yard Sale Set-up 4 8:00 am Yard Sale 5 6 7 8 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 9 10 11 12 13 14 OBC Board Meeting 15 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 16 17 GEPPO Articles Due 18 19 20 21 22 NO Buddha’s Round Table 23 24 25 26 27 7:00 p.m. Obon Dance Practice 28 29 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 7:00 p.m. Obon Dance Practice 30 Dharma School LAGOON Day! Lunch at 11:30 am Last Day of Dharma School Lunch and Party – 12:00 pm Discussion Group – 12:30 pm Family Service – 1:30 pm Shotsuki Hoyo BWA Wendover Bus Trip Thursday Toban Cleaning Group: Mike & Annette K. (Toban Cleaning Leader) Maya C. Brenda K. Julia F. GEPPO – Page 15 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue **Because there is SO much activity going on in the month of July – a TENTATIVE calendar is included this time. Please note that other events may be added later. ** Sunday July 2016 Monday 3 10 9:00 am – Obon Yard Clean-Up 10:00 am – BWA Manju Making Tuesday 4 11 7:00 p.m. Obon Dance Practice Wednesday 5 12 7:30 pm OBC Board Meeting Thursday 6 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 7:00 p.m. Obon Dance Practice 7 13 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 7:00 p.m. Obon Dance Practice 14 6:00 pm Obon Prep Friday Saturday 1 7:00 p.m. Obon Dance Practice 9:00 am BWA Manju making 8 7:00 p.m. Obon Dance Practice Salt Lake Obon Festival 15 6:00 pm Obon Prep 2 9 16 Ogden OBON Festival (Prep at 9:00 am) 17 18 19 20 10:00 a.m. Buddha’s Round Table 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NO Buddha’s Round Table 28 29 30 Syracuse Cemetery – 10:30 am Washington Heights Cemetery – 11:00am Ogden Cemetery – 11:30 am Obon Lunch – 12:00 pm Obon Service – 1:30 pm 31 GEPPO – Page 16 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue BWA SUSHI FUND RAISER $10.00 per plate Available for pick-up following Gotan-E Servcie on May 15th. All proceeds will go to the Ogden Buddhist Church. BWA SUSHI FUND RAISER Thank you for your support! Sushi plates will be ready for pick-up on the Sunday of Gotan-E Service ~ May 15, 2016 Your Name: _________________________________________________________________________ # of plates ordered ____________________ x $10.00 each = $___________________ total due Please make checks payable to: The Ogden Buddhist Church Order forms need to be completed and given to any BWA member. GEPPO – Page 17 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue The information that follows is included in the GEPPO as a courtesy of the Interfaith Works and the Buddhist Churches of America GEPPO – Page 18 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue Ministerial Candidates are waiting for your support! Be a Friend of the Institute of the Buddhist Studies this year. The Institute of Buddhist Studies’ (IBS) Ministerial Scholarship program in starting its third year of fundraising. The IBS would like to thank the Friends of IBS who continue to support ministerial students who will serve as Kaikyoshi Ministers in the Buddhist Churches of America temples/churches with great loyalty. The IBS has a long waitlist of students who wish to become Buddhist ministers, but require financial assistance to achieve their dream. Currently, we have a total of 13 ministerial students studying at IBS. There is one student in the Masters of Divinity program, 4 students in the Masters of Buddhist Studies program, and 8 students in the Kyoshi Certificate program. In 2015, with the generous support of our Friends of IBS, we were able to raise $87,770.00. Our annual goal is $100,000 this year for 2016. We ask for your support in achieving our annual goal to support the education of our ministerial students. Gassho, Seigen Yamaoka, Vice-President for Institutional Development **************************************************************************************** Yes! Please count me in as a Friend of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. Checks can be made payable to the Institute of Buddhist Studies, and please write “Friends of IBS MSF” on the memo line. Send to 2140 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704. Your generous contributions to the Institute of Buddhist Studies are tax deductible. Ask for a copy of the form below to enclose with your donation. Name (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev.) Special dedication (in memory of, in honor of) Address City Phone ( State ) Zip code E-mail Temple Affiliation GEPPO – Page 19 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue GEPPO – Page 20 Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO May/June 2016 Issue GEPPO – Page 21