bamboo for Europe
bamboo for Europe
Aus dem Institut für Pflanzenbau und Grünlandwirtschaft Anne-Marie Korte Wolfgang Bacher Gerhard Sauerbeck Scientific Leader: Nasir El-Bassam Final individual report - FAIR-CT-96-1747 Bamboo for Europe Participant no. 3: Determination of water requirement and water use efficiency as well as plant adaptation in Northern Germany Manuskript, zu finden in Braunschweig Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL) 2001 Final individual Report – FAIR CT 96-1747 01.07.1997 – 30.04.2000 Bamboo for Europe Participant n° 3 Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) Institute of Crop and Grassland Science Bundesallee 50 D-38116 Braunschweig Tel: 0049 (0)531/596-600 Fax: -365 e-mail: [email protected] Scientific Team: Dr. Anne-Marie Korte, Dr. Wolfgang Bacher, Dr. Gerhard Sauerbeck, Scientific Leader: Dr. Nasir El Bassam Contributions - Eco-physiological research, determining water use efficiency of bamboo Development of plantation under climatic conditions of northern Germany Final individual Report 01.07.1997 – 30.04.2000 Bamboo for Europe - FAIR CT 96 1747 Participant n° 3 Determination of water requirement and water use efficiency as well as plant adaptation in northern Germany Type of contract: Shared – cost research project Total cost: 1.237.000 ECU Participant no. 3: EU contribution: 830.000 ECU and as 67% of the total cost Federal Research Centre for Agriculture (FAL) Institute of Crop and Grassland Science Bundesallee 50 D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 531/596-600 email:[email protected] Total cost: 112.000 ECU EU contribution:112.000 ECU and as 100% of the total cost Commencement date: 1.12.1996 Duration: 42 months EC contact: DG VI / F.II.3 fax : 32 – 2 – 2963069 Coordinator: COBELGAL Portugal Tel: 351 – 83 – 623309 fax: 351 – 83 – 623308 Email: cobelgal@[email protected] 2 Final individual Report 01.07.1997 – 30.04.2000 Bamboo for Europe - FAIR CT 96 1747 Content Page 4 1 Summary 2 Introduction 7 3 Materials and Methods 9 3.1 Research area, soil and weather conditions 9 3.2 Plant material and water requirement experiments 10 3.3 Field experiments and plant adaptation 16 3.4 Contribution to other parts of the research network 18 4 Results 20 4.1 Water requirement experiments 20 4.2 Water use efficiency under experimental conditions 30 4.3 Plant development under field conditions 32 5 Discussion 34 6 Conclusions 39 7 Acknowledgement 40 8 References 40 9 Appendix 43 3 Final individual Report, Participant no. 3 Bamboo for Europe Determination of water requirement and water use efficiency as well as plant adaptation in northern Germany 1 Summary: The native growth areas of Bamboo on earth are located roughly between the northern and southern 40° latitude with dominating tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean climate conditions. Nevertheless several bamboo genotypes do exist, which can stand colder climate and frost temperatures. In Europe, bamboo genotypes have been introduced since 200 years and planted in botanical gardens. The interest in bamboo cultivation in tropic and subtropic countries increased in the past decades because of good technological qualities and high potential for industrial use, construction, paper production, furniture and food. Bamboo could also have high ecological advantages. This perennial plant could influence climatic conditions and has potential for CO2 neutral production and use. The root system with high amount of rhizomes could be used for protection of soil and riverbank erosion. For Europe new market niches such as bio-energy and renewable industrial resources might be an interesting, forward-looking research field for bamboo cultivation. Agricultural plant cultivation cycles could be widened and give new economical chances and income for rural populations. In this context the Institute of Crop and Grassland Science at the Federal Agricultural Research Centre in Braunschweig, Germany, began in 1990 to investigate Bamboo genotypes for introduction into agricultural production systems under climatic conditions of northern Germany. This report reflects the activities and results of the research work carried out by the Institute of Crop and Grassland Science within the European Research Network “Bamboo for Europe” in the period 1997 – 2000. Two major aspects are considered, the adaptability of species under field conditions in Germany and the assessment of effects of water stress on bamboo genotype growth. 4 Therefore water use efficiency as an important physiological growth parameter was calculated for several major bamboo genotypes. At the Institute a method has been developed to determine water consumption and water use efficiency under controlled climatic conditions and adapted to Bamboo cultivation. During the research period also assistance was given for other European research groups in the network during installation of research fields and partners were advised in cultivation management and harvesting technology. Ten Bamboo genotypes (Bambusa multiplex, Dendrocalamus asper, Phyllostachys aureosulcata “Spectabilis“, Phyllostachys aurea, Phyllostachys praecox, Phyllostachys vivax, Phyllostachys viridis, Sasa palmata, Pseudosasa japonica and Sasa tsuboiana) were tested for water consumption and efficiency under controlled water potential as well as for growth development under controlled and field conditions. Water stress conditions at defined water potential of ψ = -300 hPa (medium-dry soil conditions) were simulated in pot experiments containing loamy loess soil with an subsurface irrigation system with borrowed ceramic irrigation candles and a controlled water supply. The reaction of the plants were compared with conditions under nearly unlimited water supply at a potential of ψ = -100 hPa (moist soil conditions). The method for water requirement and water use efficiency investigations could be used for estimation transpiration coefficient for bamboo genotypes for periods until 1-2 years. Some changes in the type of irrigation tubes would provide an improvement of the maintenance during experimental periods. Bamboo growth and shoot development was reduced under water stress conditions. Some Bamboo genotypes such as Bambusa multiplex, Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Phyllostachys vivax showed a high water efficiency also under higher water potential (medium-dry moisture conditions) in the soil. Other genotypes showed only minor differences in transpiration coefficients during the experiments but higher water consumption per kg dry matter produced. Plant development and growth in pot and field experiments were dependent on propagation method, genotype and height when planted in the fields. Shoot growth showed dependencies on the genotype as taller plants had fewer shoots than smaller plant genotypes. Highest plant growth was obtained for Bambusa 5 multiplex and Dendrocalamus asper under controlled conditions and for Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Phyllostachys vivax with more than 2.5 m height under field conditions. All planted genotypes were able to stand climatic conditions in northern Germany although weather conditions during the research period were warmer and dryer than the long-term average. Plant growth and shoot development in the fields indicated for Phyllostachys aureosulcata, Phyllostachys vivax, Phyllostachys aurea and Phyllostachys viridis sufficient high biomass production. Bamboo genotypes grown under climatic conditions of northern Germany and showed high potential for use for energy, pulp and paper production. Harvested biomass material reached until 7 t/ha DM yield, contained more than 40% cellulose and had an energy content about 17 kJ/kg DM. The material could be used for solid fuel combustion or gazeification, a thermal treatment in presence of controlled oxygen. Harvesting technology and management should be further investigated as only little knowledge in Germany exist. As stem diameter after 5 years of growth did not exceed 2 cm in diameter mechanical harvest may be possible. Sympodial Phyllostachys genotypes would facilitate harvesting process after 3 years of plant growth but needs carefully managed in order to preserve vitality of the plantation. Further experiments are necessary to evaluate regeneration after partly harvest of the population. For the first time, the water uptake and water demand of various Bamboo cultivars could be determined and evaluated. This was possible due to incorporating the method of measurement of water uptake under defined soil water potential, which had been developed by the Institute. The physiological investigations in this project indicated that some bamboo cultivars have a high water use efficiency: i.e they have relative low water demand for biomass production. This finding is essential for considering of bamboo introduction in Europe and elsewhere. The water use efficiency of bamboo is comparable with those of some C4-plant species. 6 2 Introduction and objectives Bamboos are a group of giant woody perennial grasses that have naturally habitats roughly between the 40° southern and northern latitudes, excluding Europe (Figure 1). More than 1300 species with different herbaceous and woody growth are mainly described for tropical, subtropical and mild temperate zones of the world. Important genus are Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, Pseudosasa and Sasa, which can also stand frost conditions as low as <25 °C. Bamboos are used as important source for industrial production, construction, furniture’s, food and energy in countries such as Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia along with other Asian countries. Figure 1: Native bamboo regions in the world Bamboo was introduced into Europe about 200 years ago. More than 400 of different bamboo varieties have been developed, mainly for horticultural use under European conditions although Europe is the only one continent, where bamboo is not indigenous (Eberts, 1991; Gielis, 1995). The characteristics of bamboo plants is their long life cycle mostly ending with flowering after 15 – 120 years with an average falling after about 30 years, a large growth rate of 40-90 cm per day under favourable climatic conditions (207 30 °C and 1000-2000 mm annually) and its ability of quick recovery after logging (El Bassam, 1998). The sprout and later trunk of natural undisturbed Bamboo grows within months to its final length and the plant develops only further twigs with leaves in the following years (Eberts, 1991). There is no secondary growth in diameter of the stem. Bamboo favours soils with high content of organic matter, good soil ventilation and water availability and sufficient nutrient supply. Soils with high content of clay or sand as well as waterlogged and flooded soils should be avoided for bamboo plantations. There are two different Bamboo root systems, which also affects the features of plantation. Monopodial roots spread as a horizontal rhizomes having shoots and roots at intervals of distance. The cultivation looks like planted in rows. Sympodial roots, which is the typical root system of tropical genotypes, spread in clumps. Temperate bamboos can be of either category. The dry matter yield is dependent on soil conditions, water supply and size of the genotype and varies between 5-15 t DM/ha (Meise, 1995). The wood can carry high loads and has high stability, hardness compared to its low weight (Liese, 1985). It consists of a high amount of long fibres, has a high cellulose content of more than 40% until 70% and is used for pulp and paper production in Asian countries (Elberts, 1991). The interest in bamboos has increased worldwide. Major research was carried out on Bamboo resources, cultivation, propagation methods, industrial utilisation and sozio-economical questions (Rao et al.; 1985, Nair & Sastry; 1991, Meise, 1995, INBAR, 1998; Liese, 1999). Also demonstration projects such as the bamboo pavilion of the ZERI organisation on the EXPO 2000 world exhibition area in Hanover, Germany, were carried out and proved to stand European weather conditions. In this context the Institute of Crop and Grassland Science of the Federal Research Centre for Agriculture in Braunschweig, Germany, started in 1990 activities concerning collection and evaluation of several bamboo genotypes in order to study the performance under the predominating climate conditions. Of great importance in northern Europe is the ability of various bamboo genotypes to tolerate frost temperatures, the potential of fast growth rates and the excellent chemical and physical characteristics. 8 Plant physiological methods as for examination and assessment of the transpiration coefficient of plants under controlled conditions have been developed at the Institute (Sommer, 1978, 1980) and could be used for evaluation of Bamboo genotypes. Bamboo cultivation methods, processing and utilisation possibilities have to be determined for European regions with their wide range of different conditions. It is suggested that these plant species can be developed as a new alternative crop for the production of raw materials for industry and energy uses (El Bassam & Dambroth, 1991; El Bassam, 1993). In this context the use of bamboos as an energy and biofuel source has been researched (El Bassam et al., 1999). The objectives of this research project were the determination of water use and water use efficiency under controlled growth conditions. Additionally plant genotypes were tested under field conditions for bamboos introduction in northern Germany. During the research period scientific assistance was given for the development of plantation experiments in Portugal and Spain (Task IV) as well as with reports on existing harvesting techniques for energy crops (Task VI) and on quality aspects of harvested energy crops (Task VII). 3 Materials and Methods 3.1 Research area, soil and weather conditions The field experiments were carried out at the agricultural research centre (FAL) near Braunschweig. The altitude of the experimental area was 81 m and the soil of the field trials was a loamy sand with low organic matter content (FAO soil type: Dystric Cambisol) over sand and a depth to the groundwater table between 7 – 10 m. For laboratory experiments a loamy loess soil was used. Table 1: Description of soil properties of the field trials at the FAL, Braunschweig Horizon Ah/Ap Depth cm 0 – 30 Soil type uS Bv 30 – 60 uS - S C 60 – 90 S Sand % 63.9 Silt % 30.3 Clay % 5.8 64.7 29.4 5.9 Porosity % 43.8 37.8 40.3 9 The weather conditions during the period 1997 to 1999 are described in Table 2: Table 2: Weather conditions in the years 1997 – 1999 No. of Frost days (Minimum < 0°C) No. of Ice days (Maximum < 0°C) Solar radiation total J/cm2 Temperature °C Rainfall mm Climatic water balance mm 1997 69 16 1067 9,5 587 -37 1998 60 21 930 9,7 732 215 1999 59 9 1085 10,4 536 -153 Average 63 15 1027 9,9 618 The long-term climatic data (1951 – 1980) are for temperature 8,8 °C and rainfall 619 mm. During the research years a warmer and dryer climate predominated than measured in the long-term average. A negative climatic water balance was calculated for the years 1997 and 1999 (a very warm and dry year during summer). In 1998 higher rainfall and wet weather conditions were observed. 3.2 Plant material and water requirement experiments - Plant material Table 3: Bamboo genotypes used in the phytosolarium (water requirement experiments) and for field plantation (after OPRINS Plant N.V.) Genotype Lab. Lab. Tolerance of Frost until - 12 °C - 10 °C Plant height Maximum > 6 - 10 m >6m Lab. / Field - 35°C >6-8m Lab. / Field Lab. / Field - 35 °C - 30 °C > 6 - 10 m 0,5 – 3 m Pseudosasa japonica Field - 25 °C 3–6m Phyllostachys aurea Field - 25 °C 4->6m Sasa tsuboiana Field - 25 °C 1 – 1,5 m Phyllostachys praecox Phyllostachys viridis Field Field - 25 °C - 30 °C >6–9m >6m Bambusa multiplex Dendrocalamus asper Phyllostachys aureosulcata (“Spectabilis”) Phyllostachys vivax Sasa palmata Used in Remarks Giant, clumps Giant, clumps Medium, runners Giant, runners Small, many runners Medium, some runners Dense clumps Very invasive Small, many runners Giant runners Giant runners 10 Ten different bamboo genotypes were selected for the water requirement experiments and for field experiments (Table 3, page 7). These genotypes were delivered by the company OPRINS PLANT in Belgium. - Method of cultivation and used technique in water requirement experiments A method has been developed at the institute, which enables the determination of the actual water consumption of plant species at different water supply levels (Sommer, 1978, 1980) (Figure 2). The water uptake per plant can be daily measured during an entire vegetation period under controlled climatic conditions using an automatic device. Also plant development and growth can be monitored and biomass productivity and water use efficiency can be assessed. The system for maintaining constant water potential in experimental pots is described in Figure 2. Figure 2: System for supplying greenhouse pots with water based on soil water potential regulation 1 pump; 2 vacuum vessel; 3 and 7 vacuum meter; 4 electronic control; 5 electromagnetic valve; 6 vacuum bottle; 8 water supply bottle (2.5 l); 9 air collection flask; 10 irrigation candle ø = 4 cm, l = 32 cm; 11 PVC container with soil; 12 tensiometer with tensiograph; 11 A vacuum pump maintains a certain pressure, which must be higher than the maximum soil water potential (absolute value of ψ) needed in the vacuum vessel, regulated by a vacuum meter and an electronic control. By means of an unit A, several containers (11), which are connected in series will be supplied with a certain water potential ψi . Such a unit A consists of an electronic valve, a vacuum bottle and a regulating vacuum meter, which is adjusted to the ψi wanted. Water storage bottles are connected to the ceramic cell by means of water filled flexible tubes of 6 mm inside diameter. An air-collecting bottle is interconnected to prevent interruptions of the water supply. Whenever the equilibrium between the vacuum in the upper part of the storage bottle and the absolute value of the soil water potential is impaired by water uptake of the plant, water will flow into the soil continuously. The amount of water supply to the soil can be measured by means of a scale on the storage bottle. The soil water potential can be controlled by recording tensiometers. The water uptake by the plants was measured daily. The bamboo genotypes were planted in PVC containers (40 cm diameter, 40 cm height) filled with 69,5 kg loamy loess soil. The soil was tuned on 45% pore volume. Each container was supplemented with mineral fertilisers in the same amount of 120 g Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4 *7 H2O) (10% Mg), 20 g Phosphate-potassium fertiliser (Thomaskali: 10% P2O5, 20% K2O) and 300 g Ammonium-depot fertiliser (solid granules: 10% N) once in the beginning of the whole period of the experiment. No chemical protection of plants was necessary in spring 1999. Plant protection against mites (Tetranychus urticae) was successful with the predator Phytoseiolus persimilis. The design of the experimental pots in the phytosolarium is given in Figure 3. Three ceramic irrigation tubes were installed in each container to guarantee a defined water potential in the soil and for the continuous measurement of the water consumption of the growing plants (Figure 3). The water potential was constantly held at ψ = -100 hPa (moist treatment) and ψ = -300 hPa (medium dry treatment) during the whole year 1998 and January 1999. From the beginning of February 1999 the sucking tension was taken away from the ceramic cells. 12 1 2 3 4 tube to vaccum pump water storage bottle air collecting bottle ceramic irrigation tubes (diameter: 4 cm, length: 32 cm) 5 Nitrogendepot granules 6 PVC container with loess soil 3 1 4 2 5 6 Figure 3: Part of the System for supplying greenhouse pots with water based on soil water potential regulation 13 The containers were placed in a greenhouse (phytosolarium) under controlled climatic conditions (Photo 1). Climatic conditions like temperature and humidity was automatically regulated in the phytosolarium while daylight was used for photosynthesis. Day/night-temperatures were ranging between 26 ° and 29 °C respectively 21 ° and 23 °C in summer and approximately 4-5 °C less during winter time. The relative humidity in the greenhouse ranged between 65 % and 75 %. Air collection bottle PVC container Water storage bottle Photo 1: Bamboo genotypes in the phytosolarium and parts of the system for water potential regulation The experimental design of the trials with pot numbers and plant genotypes are given in Figure 4 (page 11). 14 20 Sasa palmata 15 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" 10 Sasa palmata Dendrocalamus asper 14 4 Sasa palmata 5 19 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Bambusa multiplex 9 Phyllostachys vivax 18 13 8 3 Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 17 Bambusa multiplex 12 Sasa palmata 7 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" 2 16 11 Dendrocalamus asper Phyllostachys vivax 6 Bambusa multiplex moist (ψ = -100 hPa) Phyllostachys vivax 1 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" medium-dry (ψ = -300 hPa) Entrance Figure 4: Experimental design and pot number in the greenhouse (phytosolarium) 15 3.3 Field experiments and plant adaptation The field experiments for the assumption for introducing a successful bamboo production were carried out under natural conditions with eight different genotypes (Figure 5). Of special interest were the reaction on low temperatures during winter time and the regeneration in spring under climatic conditions of northern Germany. The bamboo genotypes were planted in May 1997 and each plant received 5g of a solid nitrogen fertiliser as deposit adjacent to the plant root. This fertilisation was repeated in 1998 (Bacher, 1997). 1m 2m 3m Figure 5: Plantation diagram of bamboo genotypes in the field 16 Photo 2: View to Bamboo plantations after 10 years of growth at the field side of the Institute Photo 3: View to the field plantation of different Bamboo genotypes in 1998 17 3.4 Contribution to other parts of the research network For bamboo introduction in Europe there are only little information about crop management, planting density, fertilisation and regeneration rate. Therefore an evaluation system was proposed by the Institute of Crop Science and Grassland Cultivation and later installed from project partners in Portugal and Spain (Figure 6). Figure 6: Proposed spacing trail with a “Nelder-design” installed in research trials in Portugal and Spain This spacing trail is used to investigate the interaction between spacing, fertilisation and growth of bamboo. Four cycles were proposed to be set up in the “Nelder-design” corresponding with four replications. Each “Nelder” field is divided into 8 plots with 8 rows and contains four bamboo genotypes at two levels of nitrogen supply (Figure 6). The bamboo plants were planted in concentric circles. Each circle contains the same number of plants. The spacing increases between the circle as well as the distance between the plants within the row. 18 During the vegetation periods growth data, establishment and biomass production of the four bamboo genotypes were recorded in dependence on spacing and fertilisation in order to identify any significant differences on adaptability and productivity. In addition, the bamboo material could be analysed for nutrient content to get information related to mineral nutrient requirements and utilisation efficiencies of bamboo. For harvesting procedure it was proposed to determine appropriate time of harvesting and kind of harvested plant portion, type of used machines as well as adequate regeneration rates for different regions and bamboo genotypes. 19 4 4.1 Results Water requirement experiments During the vegetation period 1997 and 1998 and until January 1999 the water potential was constantly adjusted to -100 hPa (moist treatment) and -300 hPa (middle – dry treatment). Higher sucking tensions influenced the growing of bamboo negatively. The water uptake of bamboo was measured once every week. The cumulative water uptake of the different genotypes were continually recorded until week 131 in October 1999, when the plants were harvested and dried. Data are given for pots with high water potential (ψ = -300 hPa, medium dry) and low potential (ψ = -100 hPa, moist) for the years 1997 (Figure 7), 1998 (Figure 8) and 1999 (Figure 9). Due to differences in growth and replanting actions during the start phase of the experiment each pot was monitored individually and is represented in the figures with its pot number. Because of technical problems water potential in the medium – dry variant was changed to – 100 hPa but this had only little effect on the results at the end of the experiment (Figure 9). Tables of collected water consumption data are given in the appendix. The used genotypes showed large differences in growth and water consumption. High water potential (-300 hPa, medium – dry) led to lower water consumption of maximum 340 l (Bambusa multiplex) compared with 578 l (Phyllostachys aureosulcata “Spectabilis”) in pots with low potential at –100 hPa (moist). The water consumption decreased in the order Bambusa multiplex > Phyllostachys aureosulcata > Phyllostachys vivax > Sasa palmata = Dendrocalamus asper under high water potential and Phyllostachys aureosucata > Bambusa multiplex > Dendrocalamus asper = Sasa palmata = Phyllostachys vivax under low potential with nearly unlimited water supply. Further details are given in the appendix (Appendix 1). 20 60 Water uptake (l) from medium moisture content soil 1997 50 2 3 40 6 30 1 20 start 10 8 5 4 7 9 10 0 20 60 30 40 60 Week 50 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectab ilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bamb usa multiplex Sasa palmata Water uptake (l) from high moisture content soil 1997 14 50 40 15 20 30 19 20 18 16 12 17 11 13 start 10 0 20 30 40 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 50 60 Week Sasa palmata Figure 7: Cummulative water uptake from bamboo genotypes under different water potential (ψ = -300 hPa: medium – dry and ψ = -100 hPa: high moisture) in 1997 (represented as pot numbers and genotype planted) 21 400 Water uptake (l) from medium moisture content soil 300 200 100 0 1 400 11 21 31 41 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 51 Sasa palmata Water uptake (l) from high moisture content soil 1998 300 15 200 20 19 14 17 100 13 11 12 16 18 0 1 11 21 31 41 Phyl lostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyl lostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 51 Week Sasa palmata Figure 8: Cummulative water uptake from bamboo genotypes under different water potential (ψ = -300 hPa: medium – dry and ψ = -100 hPa: high moisture) in 1998 (pot number 3, 7 and 15 problems with water supply) (represented as pot numbers and genotype planted) 22 600 Water uptake (l) from medium moisture content soil 1999 3 500 7 400 300 5 200 10 100 6 28 4 1 9 0 1 600 11 21 31 41 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 51 Week Sasa palmata Water uptake (l) from high moisture content soil 1999 15 19 20 500 400 14 11 17 13 300 200 12 100 16* 18* 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 Week Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex Sasa palmata Figure 9: Cummulative water uptake from bamboo genotypes under different water potential (ψ = -300 hPa: medium – dry and ψ = -100 hPa: high moisture) in 1999 (pot number 3, 7 and 15 problems with water supply, plants died back in pot 16, 18) (represented as pot numbers and genotype planted) 23 The actual weekly water requirement of the plants varied during the vegetation period, with higher amounts during the growth of new shoots as an example for the year 1998 shows (Figure 10). For the other years 1997 and 1999 figures 11 and 12 are given in the following pages. Water uptake (l) from medium moisture content soil 40 30 20 10 0 -10 53 16 63 73 83 93 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 103 113 Sasa palmata Water uptake (l) from high moisture content soil 1998 14 15 12 10 8 20 6 19 13 14 18 17 4 2 11 12 16 0 -2 53 63 73 83 93 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 103 113 Week Sasa palmata Figure 10: Weekly water requirement of bamboo genotypes per pot 1998 (ψ = -300 hPa: medium – dry and ψ = -100 hPa: high) (some peaks pot No. 3 are caused by broken irrigation needles) 24 Water uptake (l) from medium moisture content soil 5 1997 4 3 start 2 3 6 2 5 47 8 9 1 0 1 10 -1 -2 20 4 30 40 60 Week 50 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectab ilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bamb usa multiplex Sasa palmata Water uptake (l) from high moisture content soil 1997 start 3 14 15 2 19 1 20 17 0 11 18 12 16 13 -1 -2 20 30 40 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 50 60 Week Sasa palmata Figure 11: Real water consumption per pot and week measured in 1997 at water potential (ψ = -300 hPa, medium and ψ = -100 hPa high moisture content) 25 14 Water uptake (l) from medium moisture content soil 1999 12 3 10 5 8 6 6 7 4 8 2 9 1 10 4 2 0 106 12 111 116 121 126 131 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 136 Week Sasa palmata Water uptake (l) from high moisture content soil 1999 10 19 20 11 8 6 15 4 14 2 16 18* 0 13 12 17 * plants dead 106 111 116 121 126 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 131 136 Week Sasa palmata Figure 12: Real water consumption per pot and week measured in 1999 at water potential (ψ = -300 hPa, medium and ψ = -100 hPa high moisture content) The biomass production of the bamboo-genotypes used in this experiment was measured as shoot length. Additionally number of shoots were counted once every month (Figure 13). Although the root space was limited in the pots, differences in shoot development between genotypes and water potential were observed. Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Bambusa multiplex showed the most 26 vigorous growth potential compared to other genotypes with little differences in all variants. The plants of both genotypes were from tissue cultures. Lower water potential (-100 hPa) promoted shoot development during the first years 1997 – 1998 especially for Phyllostachys aureosulcata (Figure 13). 250 number of shoots Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Dendrocalamus asper Phyllostachys vivax Bambusa multiplex Sasa palmata 200 150 100 50 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Mar May Aug Nov Oct Nov Dec Jan Mar May Aug Nov 1997 1997 1998 Medium – dry (ψ –300 hPa) 1998 Moist (ψ – 100 hPa) number of shoots Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Sasa palmata 400 Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 300 200 100 0 Mar May Jun Aug Sep Oct Medium – dry ((ψ –300 hPa) Mar May Jun Aug Sep Oct Moist (ψ – 100 hPa) Figure 13: Total number of shoots of different bamboo genotypes in the years 1997 – 1999 The shoot length was influenced by the plant height, when delivered from OPRINS. Effects caused by the soil water potential were uncertain (Figure 14). 27 The plant growth culminated at 2.07 m height (Dendrocalamus asper) in 1999. Shoot length of Phyllostachys aureosulcata indicated increased plant growth under low water potential conditions. Plant growth rates generally decreased in the order Dendrocalamus asper = Bambusa multiplex > Sasa palmata > Phyllostachys vivax = Phyllostachys aureosulcata (Figure 14). 180 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Phyllostachys vivax Sasa palmata Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ct O ec D n Ja M 1997 ar M ay A ug ov N 1998 ec D n Ja M 1997 Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Sasa palmata 250 ct O ar M ay A ug ov N 1998 Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 200 150 100 50 0 ar M ay M n Ju g Au p Se 1999 medium – dry (ψ –300 hPa) ct O ar M ay M n Ju g Au p Se ct O 1999 moist (ψ –100 hPa) Figure 14: Plant growth in cm (maximum shoot length) of bamboo in the phytosolarium 28 After 131 weeks bamboo genotypes were harvested in order to gain biomass yield and to assess dry matter content and water efficiency. Biomass increased under moist soil conditions conditions for Phyllostachys vivax and Phyllostachys aureosulcata but little effects were observed for Sasa palmata and Dendrocalamus asper (Figure 15). Lower biomass yield under high water supply indicated limited soil air conditions for pots planted with Bambusa multiplex but these pots contained also plants with many shoots of low height. 1200 Dry matter yield [g/ container] Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis" Sasa palmata Phyllostachys vivax Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex 1000 800 600 400 200 0 medium – dry (ψ –300 hPa) moist (ψ –100 hPa) Figure 15: Average dry matter yield from bamboo plant harvested in the phytosolarium The dry matter content was only slightly higher in pots with low water potential conditions. Highest dry matter content was measured in plant material of Bambusa multiplex (60% DM) lowest content was 45% DM in material of Phyllostachys vivax. The average content was 50% DM. Further details are illustrated in the appendix (Appendix 2). 29 4.2 Water use efficiency under experimental conditions With data material of dry matter yields and water consumption water use efficiency can be calculated for bamboo genotypes (Figure 16). Water uptake [l/pot] 1200 DM Yield [g/plant] 1000 800 600 400 200 Ph p a Sa l m sa at a B m am ul bu ti p sa le x Ph yl lo st. vi va x yl " S l o st pe . a ct u re ab o i l i su s" l c . 0 Medium – dry treatment (ψ = -300 hPa) 1000 Water uptake [l/pot] DM Yield [g/plant] 800 600 400 200 0 Sasa palmata Bambusa multiplex Phyllostachys aureosulcata Moist treatment (ψ = -100 hPa) Figure 16: Dry matter yield and water consumption per pot (transpiration + evaporation) of Bamboo dependent on the moisture content of the soil during the period 1997-1999 30 During the experiments high water consumption per pot was measured for Phyllostachys aureosulcata, Phyllostachys vivax and Sasa palmata, when compared with their dry matter production. Only Bambusa multiplex indicated water efficiency. Relatively high water use was detected for the other bamboo genotypes (see also Appendix 3). Under high water potential (ψ = -300 hPa) water consumption was lowest for Phyllostachys aureosulcata but increased a lot under nearly unlimited water supply conditions at ψ = -100 hPa. It was suggested that water consumption was affected also by some evaporation of the soil. Therefore water consumption was corrected with a supposed evaporation rate of 50 l and 100 l for water potential conditions of ψ = -300 hPa (dry-medium) and ψ = - 100 hPa (moist). Under this assumption the corrected transpiration coefficient for Bambusa multiplex could be 293 l/kg DM (at ψ = 300 hPa) and 327 l/kg DM (at ψ = -100 hPa) (Figure 17). 1400 1200 Water uptake [l/plant] Water uptake [l/plant] DM Yield [g/plant] DM Yield [g/plant] medium moisture content of soil high moisture content of soil 1000 800 600 400 p a Sa lm s a at a B m am ul bu ti p s le a x 0 Ph "S au r yll pe eo o s ct s u t. a b lc ili . s" 200 Figure 17: Dry matter yield and corrected water uptake (assumption: evaporation 50 l (medium moisture)/ 100 l high moisture) per pot of Bamboo dependent on the moisture content of the soil during the period 1997-1999 31 4.3 Plant development under field conditions Also under field conditions plant development and growth was dependent on plant height in the beginning of the experiment. Growth rate was highest for Phyllostachys vivax followed by Phyllostachys viridis, Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Phyllostachys aurea while shorter plant genotypes developed more shoots like Sasa tsuboiana (Table 4 and 5 and Appendix 4 and 5): Table 4: Average shoot number per plant of Bamboo genotypes in the field Genotype Sasa palmata Pseudosasa japonica Phyllostachys aurea Phyllostachys vivax Sasa tsuboiana Phyllostachys praecox Phyll. aureosulcata Phyllostachys viridis 1997 1998 1999 Difference 10 18 8 4 24 8 10 7 15 31 13 7 66 13 21 10 26 47 15 7 119 13 24 12 16 29 7 3 95 5 14 5 Table 5: Plant height of Bamboo genotypes in the field during 1997-1999 in cm Genotype 1997 1998 1999 Difference Sasa palmata Pseudosasa japonica Phyllostachys aurea Phyllostachys vivax Sasa tsuboiana Phyllostachys praecox Phyll. aureosulcata Phyllostachys viridis 40 66 151 141 21 166 191 139 52 50 192 205 35 174 202 166 56 101 214 223 47 174 255 211 16 35 63 82 26 8 64 72 Under field conditions Phyllostachys aureosulcata “Spectablis” reached a height of more than 250 cm (average of the longest shoots) (Figure 18). 32 300 length of shoots number of shoots 150 250 100 length [cm] 200 150 50 100 50 0 . ul " a a a x a is s t n o ilis re ic a id va a i e r u i n i r v a v o lm bo t. au ctab t. t. u ap pa s . j s s t . s t lo st llo llo sa os Spe yl sa a l o y y a l l h a s l " S P hy Ph Ph os hy Sa P d P eu s P ox c ae pr 0 Figure 18: Growth height and total number of shoots of different bamboo genotypes under field conditions in 1999 33 5 Discussion Plant development and growth of bamboo species have been researched for 10 years at the Institute of Crop and Grassland Science. The research was carried out in field experiments with questions about plant adaptability to colder climate conditions in northern Europe. Further experiments under controlled conditions have been started to assess water use efficiency, as bamboo growth might be limited under limited water supply in the soil as well as lower precipitation rate than under native conditions. In this context a method was developed, which allowed calculation of transpiration coefficients also under water stress conditions and adapted to bamboo cultivation (Sommer, 1978, 1980). This method has been used also for assessment of water use efficiency of other cultivated plant species results and can be compared with results obtained in the bamboo research network. Also earlier research reports for the bamboo research network will be considered (Korte & El Bassam, 1997; Korte & El Bassam, 1998 a and b; Bacher & El Bassam, 1999; Bacher, 2000). The plant development and growth of three Bamboo genotypes Phyllostachys aureosulcata, Phyllostachys vivax and Sasa palmata could be compared with regard to controlled and field conditions. For Phyllostachys aureosulcata “Spectablis” there was about 100 % more length observed than this genotype reached in the water treatments in the phytosolarium but less than 50 % of the number of shoots. The growth of Sasa palmata was comparable between phytosolarium and field grown plants, even the number of shoots was higher of field grown Sasa palmata. Shoot length and shoot number were mostly reduced in pot experiments than under field conditions. It might be possible that plant development was influenced by the pot size because of the sympodial root growth of the bamboo species used. The type of propagation could influence further plant growth as the most vigorous genotypes Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Bambus multiplex in the pot experiments were from tissue culture (Gielis, 1995, Gielis & Oprins, 1998). However the slow growth rate was comparable between both experimental conditions. In the field dry weather conditions during the research period together with limited soil water availability might have reduced plant growth of some genotypes. 34 In the field the smaller bamboo genotypes such as Sasa palmata, Sasa japonica and Sasa tsuboiana produced more shoots than taller genotypes like Phyllosachys vivax or Phyllostachys aureosulcata. This was also observed in other experiments (Table 5). Table 5: Some morphological features of 6 Bamboo genotypes after 5 years of growth Bamboo genotype Fargesia murielae Phyllostachys aureosulcata Phyllostachys praecox Phyllostachys vivax Pseudosasa japonica Phyllostachys humilis Fargesia nitida “Nymphenburg” Phyllostachys “Zwijnenburg” Plant height cm Longest shoot cm Shoot number 100 128 70 104 40 115 170 178 130 163 135 117 73 185 223 217 144 19 6 22 60 10 256 286 (after El Bassam & Jakob, 1996) The bamboo grew after planting only up to 82 cm further in height within three years. Maximum height for taller bamboo plants are lower than in southern regions and under tropic and subtropic climate but until 3 m to 10 m height are reported (Recht et al., 1994; El Bassam & Jakob, 1996). The method of SOMMER (1978, 1980) can be used for different plant species. For sugar beets transpiration coefficients of 240 l/kg DM and 229 l/kg DM were calculated after 12 weeks of growth under a water potential of -50 hPa respective –600 hPa (Sommer & Bramm, 1978). HÖPPNER (1997) reported about experiments with root vegetable (chicory, Cichorium intybus) and investigated water consumption as well as dry matter yield under water potential of ψ = -60 hPa (moist) and –600 hPa (dry) in the soil. During the experiments high water potential of ψ = -500 hPa were tried but led to reduced growth of bamboo and later death of the plants. 35 Water efficiency of the used Bamboo genotypes was low for Bambusa multiplex with 245 l/kg DM under a water potential of ψ = -300 hPa. Sasa palmata, Phyllostachys vivax and Phyllostachys aureosulcata showed in these experiments higher water consumption also under medium-dry soil moisture conditions (ψ = -300 hPa) after three years of growth. Table 6: Transpiration coefficients (TK) in l/kg DM for bamboo genotypes measured at water potential of Ψ = - 60 hPa and –100 hPa (moist soil conditions) Bamboo genotype Water consumption [in l] TK [l/kg DM] Period in Months Phyllostachys vivax Phyllostachys aureosulcata Phyllostachys pnopingna 39.7 47.6 35.8 331 297 256 9 9 9 Bambusa multiplex 274 327 33 (after El Bassam & Jacob, 1996) In other experiments carried out under a water potential of ψ –60 hPa transpiration coefficients of 297 respective 331 l/kg DM were calculated for Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Phyllostachys vivax after a shorter period of 9 months (El Bassam & Jakob, 1996) (Table 6). For Bambusa multiplex under similar moisture conditions 327 l/kg DM was calculated although the period was much longer. Higher water potential (medium-dry soil conditions) led to reduced biomass production but showed only little effect on water use efficiency although water consumption was reduced. These results are similar of those reported from cultivated species (Sommer & Bramm (1978) and Höppner (1997)). Compared with transpiration coefficients of other agricultural C3-plant species (grain crops and rape with transpiration coefficients between 400 and 700 l/kg DM) the calculations for bamboo showed high water efficiency for some genotypes, which could be very interesting for future crop management. The dry matter content of the biomass harvested in the phytosolarium was dependent on the genotype but with 50% on average lower than data of earlier 36 experiments with younger plants (El Bassam & Jakob, 1996) and seemed to be affected by the culm age (Liese & Weiner, 1996). Under field conditions dry matter contents of 83% can be reached also under climatic conditions in northern Germany (El Bassam et al., 1999) Biomass yield from other Bamboo field trials were calculated up to 7 t DM per year for the research area (El Bassam & Jakob, 1996). No data are available from the field experiments described in this report. The shoot development and height in the field experiment indicated that Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Phyllostachys vivax could produce highest biomass yield although the number of shoots of these giant genotypes is much less than of smaller genotypes like Sasa tsuboiana and Pseudosas japonica. Bamboo plant genotypes under northern European climate showed potential for sufficient high biomass yield but stem diameter not more than 20 mm were observed in the fields. This material could be mechanically harvested and used for paper industry or energy. Harvest may be influenced by the type of shoot spreading of Bamboo genotypes. Sympodial growing genotypes might make harvesting easier. Results of Phyllostachys plantation management in the USA could be copied for European conditions (Meise, 1995; Turtle, 1998). Clear cutting of the whole plantation for sympodial species is not recommended because then vitality of the plants might be reduced (Meise, 1995). At the end of the research period of the water requirement experiments plants were cut down and harvested. The highest amount of biomass yield was obtained from Phyllostachys aureosulcata, Bambusa multiplex and Dendrocalamus asper. Afterwards a recovery of the plants was monitored and showed for some sympodial genotypes (Dendrocalamus asper) a reduced number of shoots in the pots. These effects should be further investigated also in the field experiment. Bamboo genotypes planted in other field experiments similar to the trial reported in this report and harvested under the same climatic conditions of northern Germany showed an energy content of 17.1 kJ/kg DM and a cellulose content about 40.9 % (El Bassam et al., 1999). As the fibre content could be 37 influenced by maturation in the first two years first harvest is recommended after three years of plantation (Liese, 1995). An incorporation into the design of an energy farm (El Bassam & Dambroth, 1991) should be further investigated. Some problems occurred during the water requirement experiments as several irrigation candles broke down. This was mainly caused by the high root pressure in the pots. Future pot trials with plant types which develop rhizomes should be carried out with ceramic irrigation plates installed on the bottom of the pots. 38 6 Conclusions The experiments showed that all genotypes planted in the field grew under climatic conditions of northern Germany. Only few plants died back partly caused by flowering. Although there warm years predominated during the research period it could be suspected that Phyllostachys genotypes could survive longer frost periods and produce acceptable biomass yields. The development of bamboo plantation is dependent on the type of root systems. Sympodial genotypes should be used to facilitate mechanical harvest under climate conditions in northern Europe. Plant growth of bamboo genotypes was dependent on the propagation method and plant height at the time of planting and type of genotype. Smaller genotypes reached only about 50 to 100 cm height. The tallest plant genotypes were 2.5 m high. Small genotypes produced a greater number of shoots than taller plant genotypes with less shoot numbers. The method for water requirement and water use efficiency investigations could be used for estimation transpiration coefficient for bamboo genotypes for periods until 1-2 years. Some changes in the type of irrigation tubes would provide an improvement of the maintenance during experimental periods. Some bamboo genotypes Bambusa multiplex, Phyllostachys aureosulcata and Phyllostachys vivax showed very high water efficiency also under water stress conditions. Other genotypes showed only minor differences in transpiration coefficients during the experiments but higher water consumption per kg DM produced. Bamboo genotypes have a high potential as source for industrial and energy raw material. Furthermore the long lifecycle of this plant genus and high production of rhizomes runners could be used for soil erosion and protection of water ways. Also possible positive effects on climate development and reduction of harmful gasses such as CO2 should be investigated. 39 7 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Anja Voges and Helmut Klöpper for their valuable technical assistance. 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(edrs.): Research on Bamboos Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, October 1985 Hangzhou, China Liese, W.; 1995: Anatomy and Utilisation of Bamboos European Bamboo Society Journal, Vol.6, pp. 5-12 Liese, W.; Weiner, G.; 1996: Ageing of bamboo culms. A review Wood Science and Technology 30, pp. 77-89 41 Liese, W.; 1999: Bamboo: Past – Present – Future American Bamboo Society, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 1-7 Meise, 1995: Devos, J.; Gielis, J. (edrs.): Report on the Bamboo Workshop held at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium on March 11, 1995, 14 p. Nair, C. T. S.; Sastry, C.; 1991 (edrs.): Bamboo in Asia and the Pacific Proceedings 4th International Bamboo Workshop Technical Document GCP/RAS/134/ASB FORSPA Publication 6 FAO, Bangkok, Thailand Rao, A. N.; Dhanarajan, G.; Sastry, C. B. (edrs.); 1985: Research on Bamboos Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, October 1985 Hangzhou, China Recht, Ch., Wetterwald, M. F., Simon, W.; 1994: Bambus Ulmer, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-8001-6556-2 Sommer, C.; 1978: Eine Methode zur kontinuierlichen Wasserversorgung von Vegetationsgefäßen nach dem Bodenwasserpotential Landbauforschung Völkenrode 18/1: pp. 17-20 Sommer C., Bramm A.; 1978: Wasserverbrauch und Pflanzenwachstum bei Zuckerrüben in Abhängigkeit von der Wasserversorgung Landbauforschung Völkenrode, vol 28, pp. 151-158 Sommer, C.; 1980: A method for investigating the influence of soil water potential on water consumption, development and yield of plants Soil & Tillage Research 1 (1980/81): pp. 163-172 Turtle, A.; 1998: Feasibility of Bamboo plantation in the cooler parts of warm temperate climates In: INBAR, 1998: V International Bamboo Congress, VI International Bamboo Workshop, Abstracts p. 48 42 Appendix 43 Appendix 1: Data of actual water requirement per pot and genotype Medium 1997 Phyllostachys Phyll. Aureosulcata vivax Week-No. pot no. 1 2 29 2,3324 1,8802 30 2,6656 1,8088 31 -0,6575 -1,0234 32 1,8564 2,0944 33 0,4938 0,7467 34 -0,6191 -0,271 35 0,3126 0,5417 36 0,0594 0,4878 37 0,5087 1,1364 38 0,7765 1,7492 39 1,1034 2,1925 40 0,6633 1,7546 41 0,7622 2,14 42 0,8743 2,2696 43 1,3145 3,2661 44 1,0515 2,5561 45 0,9311 2,1865 46 1,2376 2,6894 47 1,3712 3,1385 48 1,1155 2,1773 49 1,2167 2,2728 50 1,5946 2,9039 51 1,9218 3,0226 52 2,2401 3,3676 Sum 25,1266 45,0883 Medium 1997 Phyll. Phyll.vivax aureosulcata 44 Bambusa multiplex Sasa Palmata Dendrocal. asper Bambusa multiplex Phyllo. aureosulcata Dendrocal. Asper Phyll. vivax Sasa palmata 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2,142 2,5942 2,1033 2,0973 1,9278 1,8326 1,9516 2,2074 2,3324 3,0464 2,0706 2,4038 2,261 1,666 2,1896 2,4276 -0,9044 -0,9996 -0,9044 -1,1361 -1,0441 -1,3328 -0,7556 -0,9282 1,9992 1,5797 1,8326 1,666 1,5975 1,8326 1,8564 1,6749 0,5087 0,3421 0,4849 0,4967 0,3332 0,4135 0,3808 0,351 -0,4614 -0,9904 -0,6458 -0,6518 -0,726 -0,6696 -0,5715 -0,5895 0,2561 0,3553 0,1399 0,3186 0,1161 0,0746 0,1133 -0,0413 0,1784 -0,4743 -0,1012 0,3063 -0,1637 -0,2529 -0,0834 -0,1936 0,6604 0,3094 0,3421 0,946 0,2618 0,2022 0,2796 0,2825 1,0828 0,5531 0,5741 1,5826 0,4938 0,4135 0,4878 0,2423 1,4398 0,6931 0,6842 2,0795 0,5652 0,3837 0,589 0,5293 1,1929 0,4551 0,583 1,6153 0,3986 0,351 0,345 1,0114 1,4939 0,636 0,6983 2,1618 0,6716 0,5434 0,7605 0,2045 1,627 0,6125 0,675 2,0999 0,5293 0,3447 0,3447 0,1959 2,6235 0,7794 0,9368 2,9538 0,7464 0,4729 0,5471 0,5113 2,1753 0,8187 0,849 -0,6042 0,6434 0,2491 0,2643 0,6793 1,8859 0,5919 0,9013 1,9961 0,6544 0,4551 0,5205 0,2764 2,5466 0,952 1,2614 2,3086 0,8806 0,714 0,6902 0,7378 2,9182 0,8419 1,0799 2,4898 0,9222 0,583 0,7496 0,6306 2,686 0,6005 0,8385 1,8383 0,6214 0,3212 0,4402 0,3714 2,8529 0,5325 0,8568 1,904 0,6039 0,357 0,4849 0,3361 3,6804 0,5775 0,9821 2,142 0,7083 0,4046 0,476 0,3217 3,7931 0,6128 0,833 1,9961 0,6188 0,3659 0,4284 0,4224 4,1309 0,6693 0,9787 2,0944 0,708 0,3897 0,4938 0,3926 42,8406 15,6891 18,0541 35,1048 14,3295 10,115 12,9828 12,0538 Bambusa Sasa Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyllo. Dendrocal. Phyll. vivax Sasa multiplex palmata asper multiplex aureosulcata asper palmata Moist 1997 Phyll. Vivax Week-No 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Sum Moist 1997 45 Sasa palmata Dendrocal. Asper Bambusa multiplex Phyllost. Aureosulc Dendrocal. asper Bambusa multiplex Phyll. Vivax pot no. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2,4276 1,9754 2,3413 2,3175 2,0944 2,3324 2,4692 2,3324 2,9036 1,8802 2,9036 2,6894 2,4276 2,856 2,7846 2,5942 -0,7825 -1,19 -0,833 -0,6039 -0,5296 -0,714 -0,6842 -0,6604 1,6184 1,8891 1,4756 1,9218 1,9516 1,5559 1,6927 2,0497 0,3094 0,5087 0,3748 0,7229 0,9133 0,4849 0,2707 0,5712 -0,7587 -0,4763 -0,8869 -0,1961 -0,1282 -0,7083 -0,6102 -0,4436 0,0241 0,2323 0,0241 0,8476 0,7886 0,25 0,0241 0,1907 -0,1609 0,0089 -0,2589 0,8597 0,702 -0,1399 -0,2174 0,0921 0,1606 0,4729 0,2111 1,1249 1,2227 0,3897 0,3123 0,5265 0,3837 0,6128 0,351 1,8028 1,4349 0,4224 0,3272 0,7734 0,4373 0,7556 0,3837 2,2252 1,5946 0,5979 0,3837 0,7465 0,1457 0,3788 0,1614 1,6391 1,2167 0,3272 0,6076 0,4172 0,6283 0,952 0,7854 2,4491 1,9424 0,7951 0,4551 0,9996 0,714 0,7616 0,714 2,46 1,5946 0,714 0,476 0,7616 0,5652 0,9311 0,6842 3,6265 2,1687 0,714 0,595 1,0174 0,5058 0,8063 0,4582 3,2428 1,8386 0,6664 0,4522 0,7854 0,476 0,6693 0,5414 2,5733 1,7403 0,6902 0,589 0,7705 0,833 0,952 0,8806 3,2368 2,0468 0,9282 0,833 1,3804 1,0234 1,2078 1,1989 3,2219 2,4276 1,3804 1,0085 1,2554 0,4224 0,6842 0,5652 2,4067 1,7225 0,6871 0,4373 0,7318 0,476 0,595 0,5236 2,618 1,9129 0,595 0,5236 0,6664 0,4284 0,595 0,476 3,0226 2,142 0,7854 0,476 0,6664 0,3837 0,595 0,4046 2,4961 2,1331 0,2856 0,4284 0,5236 0,3332 0,5087 0,3986 2,6685 2,4692 0,7943 0,4849 0,6515 13,4977 16,3064 13,8785 49,3732 37,8273 16,6899 14,1193 19,3999 pot no. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Phyll. Vivax Sasa palmata Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyllost. Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyll. Vivax asper multiplex Aureosulcata asper multiplex Phyll. Sasa palmata Aureosulcata 19 20 2,3324 2,2134 2,856 2,8084 -0,2707 -0,5176 1,5083 2,3264 0,4849 1,19 -0,5864 0,3387 0,2621 0,9345 0,1159 0,9339 0,5265 1,3446 0,8121 1,6867 1,0174 1,892 0,5511 1,3368 1,19 1,9485 0,9698 1,6184 1,3328 2,2163 1,0948 1,785 1,071 1,2881 1,3566 2,0706 1,904 1,8326 1,0977 0,8686 1,1424 0,7854 1,2376 0,9044 1,1246 0,7616 1,2614 0,8181 24,3923 33,3854 19 20 Phyll. Sasa palmata Aureosulcata Medium 1998 Phyll. Phyll.vivax Bambusa Sasa Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyllo. Dendrocal. Phyll. vivax Sasa aureosulcata multiplex palmata asper multiplex aureosulcata asper palmata pot number Week-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 27,0867 47,9527 48,3077 16,3076 18,8631 36,8894 14,9006 10,4568 13,396 12,3866 2 2,8262 0,8121 4,9418 3,7931 0,2558 2,5971 0,8181 0,5563 0,5087 0,326 3 2,7287 3,9626 5,4437 0,9787 0,2558 2,5168 0,1784 0,3748 -0,0298 0,3094 4 1,3319 2,9071 4,7867 0,6738 0,8642 2,1925 0,5488 0,4046 0,4224 0,3748 5 2,2312 2,5595 3,9508 1,6184 1,6422 2,8351 1,455 1,2227 0,9549 1,1929 6 1,5886 1,9186 5,0574 0,3094 0,4284 1,9129 0,1901 0,0178 0,0892 0,1844 7 1,904 1,9963 4,7718 0,827 0,9044 2,1687 0,6366 0,1279 0,0505 -0,1637 8 1,8117 1,7552 4,6023 0,7854 0,9073 2,0081 0,6188 0,2082 0,8835 0,6753 9 1,8177 1,9694 4,754 1,2279 0,9907 2,1598 0,7937 0,3272 -0,2139 -0,25 10 1,9218 2,0021 5,3995 0,792 1,0888 2,1598 0,5597 0,2945 0,3447 0,1219 11 1,8162 2,0646 6,1849 1,0174 1,1275 2,3814 0,6521 0,7209 1,0455 0,9646 12 1,547 1,4547 4,1263 0,6753 0,8984 1,9218 0,7616 0,357 0 0,0178 13 2,0944 2,3353 7,3582 1,2345 1,1037 3,0493 1,0888 0,595 0,714 0,476 14 1,9694 2,2252 6,8312 1,428 1,3268 2,9303 1,3087 0,833 0,714 0,6664 15 1,6153 1,588 7,9695 0,5916 0,907 2,5939 0,589 0,5027 0,053 0,1368 16 1,9218 1,7581 6,8452 1,0441 1,1066 2,9154 1,0412 0,7854 0,4373 0,351 17 2,499 2,7101 9,0913 1,6927 1,3982 3,7246 1,4458 1,2227 0,6039 0,6303 18 1,309 1,1281 6,9617 0,872 0,8184 2,0798 0,241 0,6962 0,2113 0,2561 19 1,6898 1,9485 4,4684 1,5261 1,2078 2,9303 1,2703 1,0085 0,4224 0,4046 20 1,5499 2,0557 8,4132 2,1598 1,3655 3,2038 1,6511 1,4042 0,3808 0,3094 21 1,1186 1,4636 5,9558 1,7879 0,9698 2,2788 1,2465 1,2078 0,3123 0,3748 22 1,4375 1,4209 6,8885 1,9438 1,2058 2,9432 1,5238 1,336 0,17 0,0837 23 1,2852 1,4994 6,0481 2,1687 1,2138 2,637 1,4636 1,3804 0,2618 0,238 24 0,952 1,6451 6,2058 2,4841 1,19 2,5644 1,7225 1,7612 2,9274 0,3183 25 1,19 1,6511 6,5688 2,6358 1,3566 2,856 1,9307 2,142 3,689 0,2945 26 0,9521 1,297 4,861 2,0853 1,0054 2,2817 1,6927 1,5439 2,0706 0,113 27 0,8568 1,2554 4,9355 1,3744 0,9609 2,261 1,9694 1,785 3,4986 0,2469 28 1,2732 1,7552 7,491 3,0582 1,6927 3,3587 2,8916 2,5644 -3,1654 0,4611 29 1,4458 2,0704 7,5653 3,3765 1,7105 3,2962 3,6056 2,7399 0,1159 0,3183 30 1,5708 2,2372 7,7468 4,272 1,6749 3,5253 4,3732 3,2308 6,0928 6,1404 31 1,3417 1,9605 7,0299 3,9597 1,666 3,2368 4,2364 3,1505 4,1174 4,4744 46 Medium 1998 Phyll. Phyll.vivax Aureosulc. pot number Week-No. 1 2 32 1,3506 1,9307 33 1,4547 2,1954 34 1,1751 2,0884 35 0,714 0,8551 36 1,1364 1,7194 37 0,8508 1,2078 38 0,9609 1,8177 39 0,8746 1,4636 40 0,8746 1,5648 41 0,8746 1,1393 42 0,9133 1,3893 43 0,8419 1,654 44 0,4224 0,8359 45 0,5474 0,7229 46 0,4938 0,821 47 0,6604 1,2078 48 1,1929 2,1687 49 1,0888 2,4721 50 1,1989 2,5019 51 1,2078 2,3442 52 1,1751 2,4276 53 1,303 2,3502 Sum 97,996 142,2375 Medium 1998 Phyll. Phyll.vivax aureosulcata 47 Bambusa multiplex Sasa palmata Dendrocal. asper Bambusa multiplex Phyllo. aureosulcata Dendrocal. asper Phyll. vivax Sasa Palmata 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,4914 3,4628 1,779 3,1445 4,1441 3,1594 0 0 7,2499 4,1083 1,8504 3,3676 4,986 3,4717 2,261 2,4067 4,8879 2,8827 1,422 2,6358 4,0251 2,6596 0,119 0,952 3,9164 2,1672 1,1275 2,2174 3,1637 2,2587 1,3655 0,8568 4,6172 2,4276 1,2792 2,38 3,7604 2,493 1,1424 3,3796 3,5938 1,7254 1,0888 2,0437 2,5942 2,1836 0,2142 0,3094 4,5398 2,4603 1,4756 2,5168 3,5907 2,9125 0,0714 0,0476 3,9775 2,4156 1,2167 2,2312 3,3051 2,2639 1,9278 2,3324 3,4152 2,3978 1,3417 2,1449 3,1118 2,3978 3,1892 3,9746 3,3587 1,9129 1,2465 2,017 2,8738 2,255 2,618 2,7608 3,8169 2,255 1,5499 2,136 3,2457 2,4603 3,332 3,8169 3,8258 2,6269 1,8088 2,3264 3,3498 2,8262 3,4034 4,046 1,7076 0,8359 0,827 1,0888 1,1037 1,4696 2,2848 2,7846 1,9843 0,946 1,0948 1,3179 1,4458 1,422 2,1658 1,7374 2,4692 0,9609 1,2078 1,5172 1,4607 1,9456 2,6596 3,5224 3,5878 1,4934 1,6838 1,9069 2,3502 2,1122 2,5406 2,6269 5,7209 2,4692 2,731 3,0077 4,6023 3,207 3,4123 3,7604 5,7298 2,5555 2,9274 3,5253 4,6261 3,1832 3,3082 2,4603 5,5632 2,606 3,3051 2,2074 5,6584 3,1921 2,7072 4,2542 5,4293 2,4454 3,3022 3,1445 5,7863 3,3022 3,094 3,5551 5,4353 2,2461 3,5462 3,1892 5,9678 3,3885 3,451 4,046 5,3252 2,374 3,3409 3,1029 6,182 3,0969 2,8084 2,499 328,2052 118,4761 93,2593 169,579 138,7391 102,6193 89,1546 88,5631 Bambusa Sasa palmata Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyllo. Dendrocal. Phyll. vivax Sasa multiplex asper multiplex aureosulcata asper palmata Moist 1998 Phyll. Vivax Week-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 48 pot no.11 13,7593 0,4284 -1,1424 -0,0445 1,547 0,595 0,359 0,5325 0,2618 0,2856 0,9044 0,238 0,595 0,476 0,4522 0,5712 0,7438 0,476 0,4522 0,595 0,476 3,332 0,0711 0 0,2856 0,4849 0,476 0,9609 0,8568 1,0948 0,952 Sasa palmata Dendrocal. asper 12 16,806 0,6337 0,1009 0,4522 0,5236 0,476 0,4284 0,2856 0,4046 0,3183 0,8634 0,3332 0,595 0,476 0,4284 0,6486 0,8181 0,476 0,5712 0,6902 0,5474 2,975 0,0445 0,0476 0,6902 0,595 0,6426 0,952 0,714 1,2376 0,6902 13 14,2115 0,5623 0,3659 0,357 0,2142 0,1993 0,2945 0,2767 0,2856 0,1904 0,7888 0,119 0,3094 0,4284 0,3332 0,4195 0,6664 0,3094 0,3094 0,5236 0,357 2,9274 0,0445 2,5704 5,355 4,76 4,4506 -1,5946 0,4849 1,3328 0,9996 Bambusa multiplex Phyllost. Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyll. Vivax Phyll. Sasa Aureosulcata asper multiplex Aureosulcata palmata 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 51,6816 39,9215 17,1182 14,4761 19,9413 25,4244 34,0515 3,3647 2,9988 0,7496 0,6188 0,7378 1,6987 1,19 3,332 3,3257 0,2142 0,1666 0,1904 1,8564 1,5648 2,8024 2,5736 0,4998 0,4938 0,5414 1,4756 0,9996 2,5942 2,4276 0,5236 0,4373 0,4998 1,6273 0,9044 3,3885 3,2933 0,476 0,4284 0,4998 2,142 1,3982 2,9928 3,3974 0,476 0,5147 0,476 2,2074 1,3804 2,7757 3,2606 0,2618 0,4284 0,2856 2,023 1,4696 2,8798 3,7217 0,3808 0,6039 0,4611 2,38 1,7076 2,618 3,8258 0,3332 0,6515 0,357 2,5882 1,4607 3,1029 4,5874 0,357 0,6426 0,3748 3,2368 1,779 2,2877 3,7633 0,357 0,5741 0,595 2,7548 1,3357 3,9924 6,414 0,4224 0,8508 0,4462 4,7302 2,6269 3,3796 6,3099 0,357 0,7616 0,4998 4,8879 2,4276 2,9985 5,435 0,4313 0,7673 0,4015 4,6407 1,6003 3,3796 6,6729 0,476 0,952 0,4938 5,6406 2,2639 4,3107 9,4303 0,7585 1,5737 0,6366 9,6895 3,4969 1,9726 7,4614 0,0923 0,8063 0,369 6,6165 1,309 2,2873 4,8076 0,3837 1,4696 0,3123 4,3792 3,1029 3,6414 8,6573 0,476 1,2078 0,4671 8,0146 4,629 2,5257 6,2801 0,952 1,1215 0,9787 5,5007 3,9924 3,2055 7,6899 2,7909 3,7733 2,5862 7,2066 6,0544 2,8529 6,5212 0,0533 2,499 0,0445 5,712 4,8314 2,856 7,2321 0,0178 3,4986 0,0089 6,3159 5,831 3,2368 7,5208 0,119 4,0162 0,238 7,2114 6,1642 2,3978 6,3515 0,357 3,1683 0,3421 5,8637 5,3341 2,618 7,1578 0,5236 3,2308 0,476 6,3813 6,2712 3,8169 9,2583 0,714 4,7689 0,7407 8,8477 7,7617 4,0549 3,2998 0,5236 4,7867 0,476 6,325 8,1187 4,2126 1,8742 0,827 5,1824 0,7616 4,8492 10,2518 4,0073 1,666 0,357 4,5785 0,357 4,284 9,6717 Moist 1998 Phyll. Vivax Week-No. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Sum Moist 1998 49 Sasa palmata Dendrocal. asper pot no.11 12 13 1,0561 0,9282 1,5946 1,2227 0,8508 1,904 4,8076 0,6902 1,309 0,8657 0,5236 1,4369 0,9282 0,595 1,4994 0,7318 0,476 1,2614 1,0234 0,6991 1,9843 1,1186 0,4998 1,5946 0,9282 0,6128 1,9456 0,9044 0,6245 1,4845 1,0561 0,6426 1,904 1,0948 0,8092 2,4127 0,351 0,9282 1,1989 0,476 0,2618 1,19 0,3808 0,2618 1,4369 0,7467 0,4522 1,6838 1,4131 0,714 3,094 1,4994 0,8806 3,2546 1,547 0,7229 3,5075 1,6124 0,6753 3,9775 1,7136 0,714 4,4982 1,8653 0,7318 4,1619 58,4185 49,7599 91,1864 Phyll. Vivax Sasa Dendrocal. palmata asper pot no.11 12 13 Bambusa multiplex Phyllost. Aureosulcata 14 15 3,8258 2,142 4,1739 3,0464 3,1743 2,5704 2,6269 2,1658 2,8322 2,0944 2,2877 2,1417 3,0315 2,261 2,4692 1,7136 2,3502 2,0973 2,2461 2,0944 2,4841 2,0081 2,618 2,856 1,1691 1,666 1,428 2,0468 1,6511 2,0468 2,0021 2,5704 3,2219 4,6172 3,1743 6,426 3,3111 9,1868 3,4777 12,5902 3,4748 13,7326 3,445 12,001 206,0418 291,2117 Bambusa Phyllost. multiplex Aureosulcata 14 15 Dendrocal. asper Bambusa multiplex Phyll. Vivax 16 17 18 0,5236 4,1977 0,4849 0,5563 4,5137 0,5474 0,3808 3,5075 0,4938 0,4938 2,8322 0,3421 0,3808 3,0702 0,3897 0,238 2,499 0,2945 0,8806 3,2933 0,3183 0,3748 2,6031 0,357 0,4611 2,2134 0,389 0,3986 2,3175 0,3332 0,3897 2,6269 0,4075 0,3094 2,6894 0,2856 0,1517 1,2554 0,1517 0,1904 1,5946 0,119 0,0952 1,5797 0,1844 0,2231 2,017 0,1993 0,3808 3,57 0,3094 0,5087 3,7693 0,5087 0,3332 3,3438 0,3183 0,3659 3,6741 0,2618 0,833 4,2929 0,3808 0 3,1505 3,183 40,8491 133,6607 45,8554 Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyll. Vivax asper multiplex 16 17 18 Phyll. Sasa Aureosulcata palmata 19 20 3,7604 8,199 3,5224 9,7191 3,0464 6,7294 2,7548 8,4341 3,0702 6,1522 2,3562 4,1768 3,1029 6,0421 2,6418 5,5451 2,6745 4,8188 2,5079 3,8556 2,856 4,76 2,9988 4,8314 1,184 1,6184 1,428 0,9074 1,3804 1,5946 2,023 2,3026 3,2606 3,5967 3,0791 3,1385 3,4688 3,9121 3,4986 3,7128 3,9359 3,2457 5,0396 4,3167 230,1016 246,5897 Phyll. Sasa Aureosulcata palmata 19 20 Medium 1999 Phyll. Phyll.vivax Bambusa Sasa Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyllo. Dendrocal. Phyll. vivax Sasa aureosulcata multiplex palmata asper multiplex aureosulcata asper Palmata pot number Week-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 100,588 144,2461 328,5295 120,6451 96,1193 172,2942 144,9721 105,1516 91,0763 89,6902 2 0,9996 2,2134 5,4502 2,011 3,213 2,8767 5,6076 2,7608 3,0702 3,4361 3 1,6511 2,951 6,8306 3,2695 3,7128 3,4212 8,4548 3,3796 3,4272 3,3558 4 1,4934 2,8738 6,8068 3,2695 3,5938 3,5313 8,7464 3,3974 3,1416 3,3082 5 1,7552 3,802 7,7319 4,4357 4,4684 4,1352 9,9751 4,7153 3,6652 3,451 6 1,9278 4,1412 7,9194 4,5547 4,3405 4,284 9,2671 5,1408 2,9274 3,1505 7 1,785 3,7128 7,1162 3,9597 3,8556 4,403 8,4252 4,5458 2,7608 3,3082 8 1,547 3,6176 6,8544 3,6652 3,808 4,5934 8,2199 4,4982 2,8322 3,332 9 1,785 3,808 6,9198 3,7128 3,927 4,6648 8,2675 4,5934 2,8084 3,1981 10 1,5946 3,57 6,5628 3,6503 3,8734 4,4446 7,6725 4,4744 2,6507 3,1178 11 5,117 7,3631 12,5544 7,729 7,735 4,522 8,5947 4,7004 2,9274 3,3082 12 1,666 3,808 2,7226 3,5462 3,7366 4,4833 7,4672 4,284 2,3562 3,0464 13 1,6422 3,4688 3,9508 3,9061 3,4212 4,3792 6,7443 3,8556 2,6894 3,4688 14 1,6898 3,4034 3,8794 3,3558 3,5938 3,808 5,6882 3,451 2,499 3,0464 15 1,3566 3,689 4,4744 3,2844 3,7842 3,9746 5,9024 3,7604 2,6894 1,666 16 1,7612 3,9508 4,9504 3,5938 3,8318 4,3316 7,021 3,8556 2,8798 1,7136 17 1,4994 3,7366 4,9266 3,2368 3,7128 3,8794 5,95 3,7128 1,5946 2,9274 18 1,9992 4,284 6,2118 3,9032 4,165 4,5696 7,3155 4,1888 0,1666 2,975 19 1,4042 3,1892 6,9734 2,6418 3,451 3,7128 4,6172 3,5224 0,1428 2,856 20 1,4042 4,0698 5,5661 3,689 4,1412 4,4922 5,7536 4,5696 2,4422 2,142 21 1,785 3,8556 5,7358 3,332 3,8794 4,1412 6,307 4,403 0,5474 1,2376 22 1,5946 3,7128 4,9504 3,0702 7,5446 3,808 5,593 3,9984 0,3332 0,0238 23 1,4994 3,3796 4,284 3,0226 3,4986 2,6149 5,0872 4,1025 0,5858 0,1755 24 1,7136 4,0222 5,2122 3,9032 3,689 7,9968 6,069 4,165 1,3153 0,2945 25 1,666 3,7366 4,7362 3,4272 3,451 3,927 6,1404 4,1174 2,1002 0,1993 26 1,3328 2,975 3,7366 2,9274 3,1892 3,57 5,1408 3,7128 1,2376 0,0714 27 1,2852 2,1896 2,4752 2,0944 2,2372 2,023 3,5075 2,4752 1,666 0,1279 28 1,7374 3,6176 4,4982 3,9032 3,5224 4,4506 6,9315 4,0311 3,3796 0,226 29 1,9456 4,3167 4,8133 4,1263 4,1263 4,6172 7,8001 4,6499 2,9988 0,1961 30 1,3417 2,5079 2,5793 1,8177 2,4365 2,8322 4,3167 2,8649 1,0948 0,0803 31 1,6422 3,5224 3,8556 3,332 3,4986 4,2364 6,7592 4,0162 0,833 0,0981 50 Medium 1999 Phyll. Phyll.vivax aureosulcata pot number Week-No. 1 2 32 1,666 2,8084 33 1,4994 2,7608 34 1,8802 3,1178 35 1,666 3,0226 36 1,8326 3,5224 37 1,5232 2,856 38 1,7136 2,9988 39 1,7136 2,9036 40 1,8564 2,7846 41 1,547 2,2134 42 1,3804 2,38 43 0,6188 0,595 44 1,2376 1,428 45 1,2614 1,2376 46 1,19 0,9282 47 1,19 1,4042 48 1,19 1,19 49 1,2614 1,2614 50 1,2376 1,6927 51 1,2852 1,666 52 1,2852 1,6184 Sum 182,2456 298,1245 Medium1999 Phyll. Phyll. Aureosulcata Vivax 1 2 51 Bambusa multiplex Sasa palmata Dendrocal. asper Bambusa multiplex Phyllo. aureosulcata Dendrocal. asper Phyll. vivax Sasa palmata 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3,0702 2,618 3,0702 3,4272 5,3074 3,4599 0,113 0,6395 2,9512 2,3324 3,0226 3,2606 5,2836 3,213 0,2825 0,2142 3,689 2,8322 6,069 3,9032 6,9496 3,7604 1,0234 0,2142 3,3082 2,5942 3,213 3,6414 6,545 3,6652 2,38 1,5232 3,7604 3,1178 3,5938 3,9746 6,9258 3,8318 2,4276 3,9508 3,1416 2,6656 3,2606 3,5938 5,2122 3,6176 2,2134 2,7846 3,1654 1,9754 3,2219 3,6176 5,4264 3,3796 1,9754 1,8802 3,4748 2,7608 3,2368 3,6414 5,8548 3,7604 0,3094 0,714 3,4986 2,6418 3,332 3,5462 5,7834 3,8318 0,4284 0,238 2,737 2,1182 2,856 3,0702 4,9028 3,2844 1,213 0,3094 2,9036 2,38 3,1892 3,332 5,7358 3,7604 0,9996 0,8806 0,714 0,595 0,9758 0,9996 0,9996 0,9282 0,7616 0,714 1,4994 1,4994 1,7374 2,2134 1,785 1,6749 0,5503 0,119 1,4756 1,4756 1,7374 2,1658 1,8802 1,7374 0,119 0,1428 1,2138 0,8568 1,4994 1,5232 1,904 1,2792 0,4046 0 1,3804 1,6184 1,428 1,8564 2,7608 1,1424 0,2618 0,0238 1,4042 1,2376 1,309 1,547 3,7366 1,1186 0,4046 0 1,309 1,0948 1,2614 1,2376 4,879 1,1424 0,5382 0,0952 1,547 1,6422 1,8088 2,3324 5,2836 1,3566 1,0234 0,119 1,2376 1,2138 1,5232 1,7136 5,7834 1,1424 2,8798 3,189 1,3804 0,952 1,309 2,3324 5,4264 1,2376 2,2134 1,0234 542,6697 267,2378 266,2117 351,948 446,6801 277,4185 177,3615 168,0031 Bambusa Sasa Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyllo. Dendrocal. Phyll. vivax Sasa multiplex palmata Asper multiplex aureosulcata asper Palmata 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Moist 1999 Phyll. Vivax Week-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 52 pot no.11 60,4899 1,7701 2,9839 3,3409 4,879 4,873 4,998 5,8815 6,3962 6,5688 7,9432 7,7826 6,8811 6,4498 7,2828 8,0444 7,616 9,8375 5,9024 7,8331 8,2348 7,021 6,4974 7,9016 7,9968 6,4498 4,2602 7,5208 8,4966 4,403 6,4736 Sasa palmata Dendrocal. asper 12 49,968 0,595 0,9996 1,1662 3,57 3,5551 3,8556 3,5224 3,6592 3,4748 3,4748 3,3736 3,7366 3,213 3,3558 3,3082 3,213 3,2844 3,0226 3,7604 3,1178 3,5224 2,9036 3,4034 2,764 2,7846 2,0795 3,1892 3,3498 2,3978 2,856 13 94,9405 4,1203 4,7064 4,7302 5,3788 5,6346 4,8314 5,5692 5,6019 5,236 5,4978 4,998 3,9448 3,6176 4,403 4,4268 3,9508 4,998 3,9032 4,5785 4,4744 4,2364 3,8794 4,4982 4,165 3,4272 2,38 4,3316 4,9622 4,403 4,5665 Bambusa multiplex Phyllost. Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyll. Vivax Phyll. Sasa Aureosulcata asper multiplex Aureosulcata palmata 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 209,8896 295,6949 41,0243 137,7954 43,3478 234,2987 251,4499 3,207 7,4732 0,3332 3,2219 0,2796 4,5398 2,3978 4,0578 8,7108 0,3808 6,0452 0,4522 7,491 5,0307 4,1828 8,1396 0,4998 4,1828 0,476 8,0146 5,0158 4,6588 7,7112 2,7132 4,3018 3,094 8,8238 5,8875 4,641 7,4732 2,2848 4,5872 3,9359 9,2433 6,4349 4,5934 7,378 2,1138 4,3316 3,094 9,163 6,783 4,284 6,9941 0,8806 4,3792 3,7128 8,6959 5,7923 4,2066 7,491 3,207 3,9746 1,7374 9,4188 6,2594 4,2602 7,2441 1,6184 4,3316 9,4426 6,4587 4,5458 8,1396 1,5946 4,5934 10,6951 7,5208 4,1263 7,372 1,3656 4,3405 9,1808 6,4736 3,5224 6,1344 2,0081 3,808 7,7528 6,0392 3,1416 5,8548 1,7136 3,4748 8,0682 5,8548 3,4748 6,2594 1,3328 3,8318 8,4252 5,6168 3,808 7,1162 1,2852 4,046 9,044 6,3784 3,451 6,0214 1,0948 4,046 7,5446 5,5454 4,1888 7,0686 1,5946 4,7362 9,4084 7,497 3,2368 4,9504 2,0944 3,5938 5,4502 3,689 3,8556 6,182 2,9988 4,4595 7,4018 5,1408 3,9746 6,4498 3,1416 4,403 8,1634 5,6406 3,4986 5,4026 2,9036 3,9984 6,6402 5,355 3,4748 5,2449 2,5704 3,927 6,307 4,6172 3,8318 5,8072 2,856 2,4514 7,1876 6,2118 3,57 5,6168 2,6418 4,284 7,8064 9,52 3,0226 4,0844 2,3324 3,7604 6,4229 5,4026 2,0706 2,99979 1,9516 2,2848 3,8556 3,9984 3,6652 5,5792 3,9984 4,284 8,3538 8,3062 4,2184 6,1344 5,1497 8,9488 9,1183 2,5435 3,6027 3,2308 4,76 4,516 3,5938 5,1675 4,046 7,4256 8,3062 Moist 1999 Phyll. Vivax Week-No. pot no.11 Sasa palmata Dendrocal. asper 12 13 3,808 2,856 3,99984 4,8552 2,4038 3,57 5,95 2,9274 4,3316 5,7596 2,0706 4,2304 6,9198 2,7132 4,3792 5,593 2,4752 3,9032 5,7923 2,5555 3,6979 7,0686 2,618 4,1174 7,3066 2,7608 3,8794 6,7116 1,9754 3,3796 7,378 4,522 3,332 1,9278 3,6414 2,2848 2,2134 2,3324 1,904 1,6184 1,7374 1,785 0,9282 1,0472 1,3655 2,1896 2,0468 1,2614 1,547 1,5708 1,19 1,3328 1,2614 1,19 3,2933 2,3324 1,309 1,547 1,547 1,071 2,0468 1,1424 1,19 Sum 338,7968 189,0135 287,76294 Moist 1999 Phyll. Vivax Sasa Dendrocal. palmata aspers Pot number 11 12 13 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Bambusa multiplex Phyllost. Aureosulcata 14 15 2,9125 3,6652 2,7846 3,7693 3,3558 4,76 2,9988 4,522 3,4212 4,6975 2,9274 3,927 2,9274 4,3316 2,9512 4,3078 3,0702 4,2126 2,5704 3,332 4,403 4,3316 4,0222 0,8568 1,6898 0,7556 1,309 0,5712 1,4518 0,7229 1,3804 1,428 1,3566 1,7612 1,3328 2,3086 1,666 2,0944 1,428 2,2848 1,19 2,1658 373,9453 546,30409 Bambusa Phyllost. multiplex Aureosulcata 14 15 Dendrocal. asper 16 dead Bambusa multiplex Phyll. Vivax 17 18 4,3748 dead 3,2606 3,9032 3,7604 4,046 3,57 3,0553 3,6414 3,6652 3,0226 3,8318 1,9516 1,785 1,785 1,2614 1,4994 1,2376 0,952 1,4518 1,1186 0,9996 94,4 314,0741 60,1 Dendrocal. Bambusa Phyll. Vivax asper multiplex 16 17 18 Phyll. Sasa Aureosulcata palmata 19 20 5,7834 5,4026 4,6886 5,0694 6,9734 6,426 6,5212 6,307 7,0686 7,5116 5,4502 6,1404 5,5692 5,2062 6,069 5,6406 6,1642 5,4502 4,6172 3,8794 6,5688 6,3784 3,3082 2,7132 0,9282 1,4934 0,7616 1,071 0,7854 0,9758 0,8806 0,9044 1,6898 0,833 3,1416 0,692 3,927 0,9044 4,1412 0,7378 3,808 0,6902 556,8193 506,6851 Phyll. Sasa Aureosulcata palmata 19 20 Appendix 2: DM yield of bamboo genotypes planted in experimental pots after 3 years of growth (Harvest on 18.10.1999) Genotype pot number FM total g/pot DM total g/pot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 382,4 488,6 1961,1 393,8 821,5 1415,8 710,3 1214,5 165,4 28,2 192,2 243,9 1262,1 205,1 399,8 799,3 349,4 631,7 74,1 14,5 DM Shoot DM Leaves % DM total %DM Shoot g g Medium-dry Phyllostachys aureosulcata Phyllostachys vivax Bambusa multiplex Sasa palmata Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex Phyllostachys aureosulcata Dendrocalamus asper Phyllostachys vivax Sasa palmata 54 87,9 69,9 1087,6 64,1 286,3 573,4 95,8 440,1 40,7 5,5 104,3 174 174,6 141 113,5 225,9 253,6 191,6 33,4 9 53 51 61 51 48 58 53 52 47 52 51 51 69 47 52 62 56 54 42 50 Appendix 2: DM yield of bamboo genotypes planted in experimental pots after 3 years of growth (Harvest on 18.10.1999) Genotype pot number FM total g/pot DM total g/pot 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 721,3 62,9 1012,6 1349,3 852 1283,9 848 940,5 20,1 610,3 328,5 32,1 545,2 837,7 471,3 729,7 471,6 508,9 8,9 350,4 DM Shoot DM Leaves % DM total %DM Shoot g g Moist Phyllostachys vivax Sasa palmata Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex Phyllostachys aureosulcata Dendrocalamus asper Bambusa multiplex Phyllostachys vivax Phyllostachys aureosulcata Sasa palmata 55 80,6 11,2 412,3 649,6 258,3 582 183,2 194,7 3,3 276,4 248 20,9 132,9 188,2 213 147,7 288,4 314,2 5,6 74 49 51 52 62 59 56 59 54 45 56 49 47 57 67 61 61 63 52 46 61 Appendix 3: Water consumption, dry matter yield and calculation of transpiration coefficients for bamboo genotypes grown under medium-dry and moist soil conditions (Harvest in Oktober 1999) Plant Genotype pot number Water use L / pot DM-yield g TK Evaporation l / kg DM L / pot Corr. TK l/ kg DM 1 7 Calculation 182,2 446,7 182 192,2 349,4 192 948 50 688 2 9 Calculation 298,1 177,4 238 243,9 74,1 244 974 50 769 3 6 Calculation 542,7 351,9 352 1262,1 799,3 1031 342 50 293 4 10 Calculation 267,2 168 168 205,1 14,5 205 820 50 576 5 8 Calculation 266,2 277,4 277 399,8 631,7 632 438 50 359 Medium-dry soil conditions Phyllostachys aureosulcata Phyllostachys vivax Bambusa multiplex Sasa palmata Dendrocalamus asper 56 Appendix 3: Water consumption, dry matter yield and calculation of transpiration coefficients for bamboo genotypes grown under medium-dry and moist soil conditions (Harvest in Oktober 1999) Plant Genotype pot number Water use L / pot DM-yield g TK Evaporation l / kg DM In l / pot Corr. TK l/ kg DM 15 19 Calculation 546,3 556,8 546 471,3 8,9 471 1159 100 947 11 18 Calculation 338,8 60,1 339 328,5 508,9 419 809 100 570 14 17 Calculation 373,9 314,1 374 837,7 471,6 838 446 100 327 12 20 Calculation 189 506,7 348 32,1 350,4 350 994 100 709 13 16 Calculation 287,8 94,4 288 545,2 582 545 528 100 345 Moist soil conditions Phyllostachys aureosulcata Phyllostachys vivax Bambusa multiplex Sasa palmata Dendrocalamus asper 57 Appendix 4: Plant growth in cm of bamboo genotypes at the field site of the institute Genotype Sasa palmata Pseudosasa japonica Phyllostachys aurea Phyllostachys vivax Harvest on 04.11.97 Plant no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 29 38 40 32 45 49 35 53 36 39,7 7,9 65 65 60 65 74 50 70 78 66 65,9 8,1 135 174 140 174 170 167 130 140 130 151,1 19,5 200 150 100 150 160 180 110 110 110 141,1 35,5 05.08.98 09.07.99 Growth height in cm 53 64 61 56 50 51 46 41 46 52,0 7,4 39 62 60 40 72 49 37 43 52 50,4 12,1 141 200 250 196 168 200 175 210 191 192,3 30,2 212 221 253 247 230 153 194 229 108 205,2 47,2 45 42 43 72 54 87 63 19 78 55,9 21,2 65 125 114 105 134 118 57 106 88 101,3 26,4 194 220 240 205 200 249 176 224 219 214,1 22,9 210 245 261 245 287 151 242 254 110 222,8 57,0 02.06.00 55 48 52 64 55 83 75 0 82 57,1 25,1 91 132 118 103 122 122 70 98 87 104,8 20,2 207 237 256 212 200 255 175 248 234 224,9 27,9 211 239 274 256 289 105 247 211 119 216,8 64,8 58 Appendix 4: Plant growth in cm of bamboo genotypes at the field site of the institute Genotype Harvest on Plant no. Sasa tsuboiana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. Phyllostachys praecox 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. Pyllostachys aureosulcata 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. Phyllostachys viridis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 04.11.97 20 24 18 23 23 22 18 22 19 21,0 2,3 185 143 130 163 230 150 180 180 150 167,9 29,9 200 200 190 200 160 150 200 210 210 191,1 21,5 190 100 85 125 190 190 170 110 90 138,9 45,6 05.08.98 09.07.99 Growth height in cm 39 40 37 34 35 32 32 33 30 34,7 3,4 172 177 196 176 200 160 186 155 148 174,4 17,9 250 167 180 220 210 200 197 200 196 202,2 23,6 145 163 207 215 176 116 90 222 157 165,7 44,9 44 44 45 51 62 46 47 42 39 46,7 6,6 223 251 120 188 210 90 215 150 115 173,6 56,5 225 235 273 270 252 276 293 227 240 254,6 24,4 189 281 209 211 310 155 145 233 163 210,7 56,4 02.06.00 50 46 49 62 53 43 55 40 52 50,0 6,6 265 240 117 204 213 191 295 193 128 205,1 58,1 251 247 275 260 279 309 297 267 265 272,2 20,4 276 278 208 205 308 198 150 272 167 229,1 55,6 59 Appendix 5: Development of shoot number of bamboo genotypes at the field site of the institute Genotype Sasa palmata Pseudosasa japonica Phyllostachys aurea Phyllostachys vivax Harvest on Plant no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 10.11.97 8 9 18 6 7 6 9 5 18 10 5 23 15 19 15 28 17 19 11 12 18 5 8 8 7 7 13 6 9 8 8 8 2 7 2 2 5 2 6 6 4 4 4 2 05.08.98 09.07.99 Shoot number 18 5 22 9 9 18 24 13 18 15 6 31 43 43 17 30 38 17 25 36 31 10 17 11 12 18 17 15 5 13 12 13 4 6 6 12 7 8 4 5 8 3 7 3 31 12 31 35 29 39 28 2 25 26 12 43 61 65 25 58 51 36 53 31 47 14 21 14 15 14 16 22 5 16 13 15 5 3 6 10 12 11 3 5 10 4 7 4 02.06.00 30 14 30 26 36 42 29 0 21 25 12 59 93 86 51 87 81 55 63 52 70 17 21 16 21 19 21 26 9 24 17 19 5 5 14 9 12 12 1 8 15 2 9 5 60 Appendix 5: Development of shoot number of bamboo genotypes at the field site of the institute Genotype Harvest on Plant no. Sasa tsuboiana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. Phyllostachys praecox 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. Pyllostachys aureosulcata 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. Phyllostachys viridis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Average Stand. dev. 10.11.97 21 25 19 27 24 20 29 22 31 24 4 9 4 13 4 7 14 6 9 3 8 4 14 13 7 13 12 9 13 7 5 10 3 9 6 4 10 6 2 4 8 12 7 3 05.08.98 09.07.99 Shoot number 56 42 46 78 85 63 97 60 65 66 18 11 9 8 15 13 8 7 24 26 13 7 21 26 28 21 25 19 13 26 13 21 6 7 17 15 10 11 9 11 4 3 10 5 115 93 76 157 198 123 124 84 98 119 39 9 11 3 14 9 8 7 26 27 13 8 25 29 31 17 42 26 16 21 13 24 9 9 21 17 18 15 11 7 5 8 12 6 02.06.00 148 135 122 251 227 157 192 152 131 168 45 14 17 2 23 10 11 14 30 32 17 10 38 38 35 29 54 30 19 29 21 33 10 8 16 30 23 17 15 12 8 13 16 7 61