MARKETPLACE AT 18TH MARKETPLACE AT 18TH 14,990 cars/day 27,720 cars/day 1300 South 1846 SOUTH 300 WEST • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH • 84115 1300 South Station Ballpark 1846 SOUTH 300 WEST • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH • 84115 t Wes 0 0 3 25,330 cars/day Jerry Seiner 15 Enclave Apartments • 210 Units • Summer 2015 • 1,000+ Full-Time Residents 16,025 cars/day 245,310 cars/day Warehouse Main Street EXIT #305C 15 1300 South 80 10,545 cars/day State Street WORLD’S LARGEST COSTCO West Temple 13,780 cars/day 1700 South PROPERTY SPECS Tepanyaki Japanese Steakhouse #1 LOCATION EXIT #305B 15 2100 South 2100 South 2100 South Station Central Pointe 268,370 cars/day 201 300 West 22,045 cars/day CONTACT: FOR LEASE • • • • • 1,165 – 1,685 SF Available Strong Surrounding Anchor Mix Monument & Pylon Signage Available Immediate Access to I-15 & I-80 Costco & Sam’s Club Shadow Anchored Center CURRENT TENANTS: NEARBY ANCHORS: DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2016 ESTIMATED POPULATION 7,611 137,088 343,776 2021 PROJECTED POPULATION 8,016 144,865 361,085 3,386 55,443 133,377 HOUSEHOLDS 2016 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 2021 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 3,565 58,899 140,446 2016 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $39,943 $56,886 $66,346 2016 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $27,546 $41,723 $47,368 2016 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $17,904 $24,110 $26,414 22,032 187,974 346,622 EMPLOYMENT 2016 ESTIMATED EMPLOYEES ANDY MOFFITT CONTACT: [email protected] direct 801.456.8811 View Profile 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the inform ation it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. ANDY MOFFITT [email protected] direct 801.456.8811 View Profile 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the inform ation it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. MARKETPLACE AT 18TH 1846 SOUTH 300 WEST • SALT LAKE CITY • UTAH • 84115 AVAILABLE AVAILABLE B A La Bombe E 1,685 SF 1,165 SF D Maximized Living F Nails 4U Sunny Massage 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable.
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