NORMANDIE BAKERY 1984 EAST MURRAY-HOLLADAY ROAD • HOLLADAY • UTAH • 84117 FOR LEASE DEMOGRAPHICS • Size: 3,100 SF • Base Rent: $25.00 PSF • Rare Available Restaurant Property in the Holladay Trade Area • Just Signed a Lease with Pig in a Jelly Jar Next Door HOUSEHOLDS PROPERTY SPECS CONTACT: JOE MILLS [email protected] direct 801.578.5590 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES POPULATION 2016 ESTIMATED POPULATION 14,727 126,365 287,581 2021 PROJECTED POPULATION 15,455 132,174 300,991 5,840 49,966 111,509 2016 ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLDS 2021 PROJECTED HOUSEHOLDS 6,126 52,273 116,810 2016 EST. AVERAGE HH INCOME $90,528 $86,668 $82,431 2016 EST. MEDIAN HH INCOME $59,890 $60,881 $59,707 2016 EST. PER CAPITA INCOME $36,472 $34,644 $32,370 SHAYDON WOOD [email protected] direct 801.456.8810 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable. NORMANDIE BAKERY 1984 EAST MURRAY-HOLLADAY ROAD • HOLLADAY • UTAH • 84117 19,87 5 car Holladay Veterinary Clinic s/day Dance Arts Theatre High land Salon Lydia Drive The School 8,2 L.A. Nails 70 car s/d ay Murray-Holladay Road 23,905 cars/day Pig in a Jelly Jar 15 65 gh ,3 Hi rs nd ca la JOE MILLS [email protected] direct 801.578.5590 ay CONTACT: Proposed Residential Development /d le rc Ci Neil’s Halibut Proposed SHAYDON WOOD [email protected] direct 801.456.8810 Imagery ©2016 , DigitalGlobe, State of Utah, USDA Farm Service Agency 376 East 400 South, Suite City,0Utah 0 120 l Salt 0 .0Lake 5 .1 84111 Miles Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 376 East 400 South, Suite 120 l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Office 801.456.8800 l Fax 801.578.5500 l The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources deemed reliable Map Data and/or Imagery Courtesy of Google, UDOT (2014) This statement with the information it contains is given with the understanding that all negotiations relating to the purchase, renting or leasing of the property described above shall be conducted through this office. The above information while not guaranteed has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable.
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Imagery ©2016 , DigitalGlobe, State of Utah, USDA Farm Service Agency