WorkSource Spokane - Spokane Area Workforce Development
WorkSource Spokane - Spokane Area Workforce Development
Memorandum of Understanding Spokane Workforce Development Area WorkSource Service Delivery System July 2012- June 2015 1. Purpose of the Agreement This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Spokane Area Workforce Development Council, hereafter referred to as the “SAWDC,” and the One-Stop Delivery System signatory partners, hereafter referred to as “WorkSource partners” or “partners,” describes how services are to be provided and resources shared through the Spokane WorkSource System, and how job seekers and business customers are to be referred among WorkSource partners for appropriate services and support. The Spokane Workforce Development Area (Spokane County) currently has one comprehensive one-stop center (WorkSource Spokane); four Affiliate Sites (Spokane Community College, Spokane Falls Community College, Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest, and Next Generation Zone); and one Connection Site (Spokane Public Library – Downtown Branch). The purpose of this agreement is to establish the framework for a collaborative and mutually beneficial relationship among the partners of the Spokane WorkSource System in order to reduce redundancy, increase cost efficiency, and continuously improve services to our customers. Quality customer service is based on a "no wrong door" service delivery structure, wherein every entry point leads to services relevant to a business and job seeker customer. Collaboration among service providers and the integration of services to the fullest extent possible are the priorities of this system. This agreement is intended to identify the roles and responsibilities of the partners for planning and implementation of a functional, integrated service delivery system throughout the Spokane Workforce Development Area. 2. Signatory Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding The signatory parties to this agreement include AARP Foundation, Career Path Services, Community Colleges of Spokane, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Division of Community Services, NorthEast Washington Educational Service District 101, Washington State Employment Security Department, Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest, Greater Spokane Incorporated, Job Corps, Spokane Public Library – Downtown Branch, Spokane Area Workforce Development Council, Chase Youth Commission, Spokane Regional Labor Council, and Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. 1 Partner participation in the local workforce development system takes place at two levels: 1. SAWDC Level: Member’s and/or required partner’s signature to this Memorandum of Understanding indicates (1) the organization’s willingness to accept lead responsibility for specific goals identified in this MOU as well as in the SAWDC Strategic Plan, and (2) to use their resources to achieve these goals. 2. Operations Level: This level consists of partners and service delivery points that have agreed to be part of the workforce system. Examples of this level of participation include WorkSource Affiliate Sites, WorkSource Connection Sites, and other related programs (e.g., Job Corps, AARP Foundation, etc.). 3. General System Design Features The WorkSource Spokane System will be comprised of at least one WorkSource Center offering all Core services and required programs, and at the discretion of the SAWDC, will include WorkSource Affiliates and Connection Sites. Each location will adhere to the following standards: Incorporation of the WorkSource Spokane name and logo as common identifier. This applies to all locations, subcontractors, partners and affiliated locations as well as forms, communications, and publicity media. The "no wrong door" service strategy and one-stop design promotes a service model where everyone who contacts the WorkSource System in any manner is considered a "shared" customer. Staffing patterns, customer flow and scheduling are to incorporate this philosophy into functional, integrated resource coordination at each site. 4. Strategic Vision The partners agree to support the mission, vision, and goals of the SAWDC through the design and implementation of responsive service delivery model that engages the business community in planning workforce needs, increases employment, and enhances job/career progression for area workers. Mission: Lead a dynamic, demand-driven workforce system. Vision: Innovate workforce solutions for the Spokane Region. Goals: Closing the skills gap Supporting job creation Increasing wages Improving productivity Reducing poverty Developing a highly responsive and effective workforce system 5. Guiding Principles Customer-focused Service We will consider everyone who contacts our WorkSource System a customer and deserving of a quality response and/or service. Our primary customers are 2 employers, job seekers, and incumbent workers in need of services. Meeting their needs will continue to be the focus of every transaction. Functional Integration of Service Delivery We will plan, coordinate, and provide services to maximize the utilization of resources, and we will continuously enhance our integrated delivery system. This will result in a seamless system where there is no wrong door and everyone who contacts the WorkSource System in any manner is considered a "shared" customer. Each partner will maintain appropriate managerial control of their programs and responsibility for staff performance. As the work environment transforms to one with multiple partners serving common customers within the framework of functionally integrated teams, it is anticipated that functional supervision of staff will occur to facilitate enhanced customer flow and improve outcomes. Enhanced Business Services We will embrace business as a primary customer and as such will focus on the development and implementation of innovative strategies to meet business workforce needs. The Business Solutions Team (BST) at WorkSource Spokane is comprised of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and Employment Security Department (ESD) funded staff and interfaces with a larger network of community partners engaged in serving business. Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Quality Improvement We will continue to measure customer satisfaction and continuously improve services to our customers. Commitment to Partnership The strength of the local workforce system is founded upon the collaborative synergies achieved by the participating partners and it is implicit that all partners will coordinate their service delivery efforts with each other to the extent that they are aligned with their own organization’s policies, directives, and obligations. 6. Partner Roles and Responsibilities It is understood that the development and implementation of this system will require mutual trust and teamwork between all involved parties. It is further acknowledged that the system, because it is driven by local needs, will evolve over time, as employer and individual customer needs change. In consideration of the mutual aims and desires of the partners participating in this agreement, and in recognition of the public benefit to be derived from the effective implementation of the programs involved, the partners agree that their respective responsibilities under this agreement will be as follows: a. Spokane Area Workforce Development Council will: Assist the Local Elected Officials in fulfilling the requirements of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220). Develop policies and oversee the quality and design of the local workforce development system. 3 Certify and oversee the WorkSource System within the Spokane Workforce Development Area. Define training priorities based on employer needs analysis. Establish skills standards. Ensure customer satisfaction is measured and continuous quality improvement activities are in place. Collaborate with economic development efforts. Address youth-related issues. Educate the community about critical workforce issues. Craft and implement the area’s Strategic Plan and Local Operations Plan for workforce development. Award contracts for WIA Title I-B services which are consistent with the principles and goals of the WorkSource System. Certify eligible training providers. Establish and maintain the local Demand/Decline Occupations List. Work with the WorkSource Spokane’s Business Solutions Team to coordinate Rapid Response events. Not have an overlap in the staff to the board and the staff that directly performs the functions of a One-Stop Operator or of a Workforce Investment Act Title I-B Core/Intensive service provider. Ensure service delivery organizations are selected using an open and competitive Request For Proposal (RFP) process to provide Core and Intensive services as specified in Section 134 of the WIA of 20 CFR of 663.155 and 663.200. b. The Partners agree to: Support the provision of Core, Intensive, and Training services through the WorkSource System. Act as an integrated system of programs that share common goals, yet are delivered by various partners. Create a delivery system that is responsive to employers and prioritize services to respond to high demand occupations and critical job needs of targeted industry clusters. Focus workforce efforts on outcomes and make investments in programs and services accordingly. Align goals and initiatives with economic development, labor and education partners. Regularly review program and service performance for quality improvement. Participate in implementation of the Spokane Strategic Plan for Workforce Development. Participate in the WorkSource System and its required operating systems, including customer tracking and accountability though the Services, Knowledge and Information Exchange System (SKIES), and continuous quality improvement (required for WorkSource Spokane and Affiliates); Promote the WorkSource Spokane System. Support functional integration of services within WorkSource Spokane and Next Generation Zone. Work with the Operators’ Consortium to develop cross-referral protocols 4 and coordination of other services as appropriate. Refer customers within the system and to other providers that may best meet their needs. Agree to the level of confidentiality between partners. Support voluntary co-location where practical and integration of services. Provide financial support or in-kind services as negotiated in the Resource Sharing Agreement (MOU for Next Generation Zone partners). Provide financial support for the system by utilizing their organization resources to achieve lead organization goals of the Spokane Area Strategic Plan for Workforce Development. The following organizations and/or program services must be made available in the Spokane WorkSource System: Workforce Investment Act Title I-B Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Job Corps Migrant & Seasonal Farm Worker Native American programs Wagner-Peyser Act Veteran’s Programs Adult education and literacy activities authorized under Title II Vocational Rehabilitation Unemployment Compensation Trade Act Older Worker Programs in Title V Post-secondary Vocational Education Community Services Block Grant – Employment & Training Housing and Urban Development – Employment & Training c. Services are available to WorkSource system customers as follows: CORE SERVICES Core services available at WorkSource Spokane and Affiliate Sites consist of but are not limited to the following: Outreach, intake, orientation Eligibility determination for programs including WIA Title I-B Initial assessment, either self-service or one-an-one Career counseling Job search and placement assistance Labor market information and access to job listings Translation services Information about the performance and cost of education and training providers in the area Information and referral to community resources Information relating to the availability of supportive services such as childcare and transportation Information on filing for unemployment compensation Follow-up services 5 INTENSIVE SERVICES Intensive services available at WorkSource Spokane consist of but are not limited to the following: Comprehensive assessment, either for WorkSource generically or for a specific program Individual counseling Case management for individuals participating in training Group counseling Instruction in literacy, adult basic education, GED preparation, English as a Second Language Short term pre-vocational counseling and assistance including the development of learning skills, communication skills, interviewing, punctuality, personal maintenance skills and professional conduct Short term computer skills training for basic employment competency Other training modules not categorized as Core service, e.g., Intensive Job Hunter modules Out-of-area job search expenses, relocation expenses Work experience Placement assistance Job retention assistance Wage progression assistance Supportive services Development of Individual Employment Plans TRAINING SERVICES Training services available at WorkSource Spokane consist of but are not limited to the following: Skill upgrading and retraining On-the-Job Training Occupational skills training including training for non-traditional employment Apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs Training that provides workplace training with related instruction which may include cooperative education programs Customized training Self-employment/entrepreneurial training Job readiness training not described above d. WorkSource Operations The SAWDC has approved the Spokane Workforce Consortium and its signatory partners as the WorkSource Operators’ Consortium through June 30, 2013 (see current One-Stop Operator agreement for details: These entities are NorthEast Washington Educational Service District 101 (NEWESD 101), Career Path Services (CPS), Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD), and Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest (Goodwill). Under the Operators’ Consortium model, these agencies serve together as the Spokane Workforce Consortium (Consortium) to design a unified governance structure for WorkSource Spokane and the Next Generation Zone. Services will be provided in an integrated, team-based model. Within the comprehensive one6 stop environment, WIA Title I-B and Wagner-Peyser funded staff will be members of functionally integrated teams. The Consortium is required to maintain an operating structure in which members have equity in discussions affecting program or service delivery. The Consortium assume shared and lead oversight roles for program and site management functions to assure consistent service delivery and integration of services to employers, job seekers and community partners. Should a dispute arise among Consortium members, it is required that the SAWDC Dispute Resolution Policy #806 be followed (available at Duties assigned to the Consortium as the One-Stop Operator, per WorkSource Service Delivery System Policy 1008, Revision 1, include but are not limited to: Performing the responsibilities designated by the SAWDC in carrying out the local WIA/Wagner-Peyser Operations Plan, the Integration Framework, Washington Works and any other integration initiatives. Fostering partnerships within WorkSource Spokane and the Spokane WorkSource System, creating a multi-agency team environment. Managing and staffing the day-to-day operations of WorkSource Spokane. Determining the extent to which Services, Knowledge & Information Exchange System (SKIES) is being used as the case management system by authorized partner staffs with state authorization to use SKIES for recording and reporting information on services provided. Implementing federal, state, and local policies, including implementation of Washington State WorkSource System Policies that operationalize Local WIA – Wagner-Peyser Plans and Memoranda of Understanding partner agreements to further integration efforts. Encouraging partner collaboration which continuously strives to achieve shared ownership for success of the customer and the system. Developing WorkSource Spokane policies and/or procedures. Coordinating Resource Sharing Agreements. Assisting in the development and execution of a Memorandum of Understanding. Program and performance management. Process improvement, performance analysis and management information system protocols and practices. Staff training, including SKIES training, and maintaining training records, as per Washington State WorkSource System Policies. Partnering with the SAWDC to implement new funding streams as such opportunities arise. Maintaining regular communication with the SAWDC about the status of projects, collected workforce intelligence, integration, and system activities. Continuous quality improvement and customer satisfaction. Marketing WorkSource System services. Recruiting additional WorkSource System partners. Assuring Equal Opportunity requirements are met. 7 Reporting to the SAWDC on progress made towards meeting expectations. Although the Consortium will be operating “as one,” key agency roles within the team have been identified as follows: Employment Security Department is responsible for: Lead coordinating role for One-Stop Operator responsibilities. Operating the Unemployment Insurance, Veterans, Offender Services, WorkFirst, Wagner-Peyser and Trade Adjustment Act programs. Performing the tasks associated with the management of the WorkSource site and associated systems, and provides supervision of all ESD employees. Overseeing the delivery of Business Services. Applying for and maintaining Site Certification. Coordinating the WorkSource Resource Sharing Agreement (RSA). Functionally supporting the Comprehensive Service Teams. Providing highly qualified personnel. Staffing and functionally supporting WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs with highly qualified personnel. Assuring Equal Opportunity requirements are met within WorkSource Spokane. Managing non-WIA inventory for WorkSource Spokane. Continuous Quality Improvement and customer satisfaction for WorkSource Spokane. Career Path Services is responsible for: Lead coordinating role for WIA Title I-B program operations. Operating WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs. Providing highly qualified personnel. Overseeing financial management of program services. Overseeing financial management of additional funds/programs. implementation, as appropriate and in concurrence with the Consortium. Managing WIA inventory within WorkSource Spokane and Next Generation Zone. Providing program analysis and improvement, and administrative support including managing accounts payable, vouchers and payroll functions for WIA programs. Functionally supporting the WIA Youth Program Manager. Developing WIA-related procedures consistent with federal, state, and local rules and regulations. Maintaining hard copy and electronic files of job registrant records which partners can access as appropriate and allowable. Maintaining high quality administrative, fiscal, and personnel systems for WIA funds consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and government requirements. Assuring all staffing positions supported by WIA I-B dollars have their primary place of work at the WorkSource Spokane Center or Next Generation Zone (exceptions may be established by mutual consent). 8 SKIES database tracking and SKIES caseload database management. Staff training, including SKIES training, and maintaining training records, as per Washington State WorkSource System Policies. Continuous Quality Improvement and customer satisfaction for WIA programs. Managing and staffing the day-to-day operations of WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth program, and management of the Next Generation Zone. Developing WIA and Next Generation Zone policies and/or procedures. Marketing WIA services. Assuring Equal Opportunity requirements are met. Participating in the WorkSource Resource Sharing Agreement. NorthEast Washington Educational Service District 101 is responsible for: Lead coordinating role for Next Generation Zone site management. Overseeing the daily operations of the Next Generation Zone. Providing highly qualified personnel. Applying for and maintaining Affiliate Site Certification for Next Generation Zone. Managing the day-to-day operations of the WIA Youth Program and Next Generation Zone. Actively contributing to the strategic direction of program operations. Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest is responsible for: Providing highly qualified personnel to support the operation of the WIA Youth Program. Providing fiscal report information to consortium partners. Actively contributing to the strategic direction of program operations. 7. Services to be Provided Through WorkSource System Services Available Available services will vary based on customer need as well as current funding. WorkSource Spokane will maintain an up-to-date list of services for job seeker and business customers on their website at: WorkSource System partners providing direct services to job seekers and business customers will maintain up-to-date information on the following site: Customer Flow and Job Seeker Points-of-Contact Front End Services (FES) is the first point of contact for most customers entering the WorkSource Spokane and the FES staff performs the initial triage in order to identify customers’ current needs and determine the most appropriate next step. Initial triage consists of greeting the customer, receiving/providing information, conducting short SKIES registration, providing information regarding WorkSource Services, explaining Priority of Service to Veterans, and assisting with Unemployment Insurance (UI), and connecting customers to other community resources, the UI Telecenter, and Computer Resource Room. FES will also explain the Pathway to Employment (PTE) and the Self-Service option in order to help customers determine which option they wish to pursue. Customers wishing to participate in the Pathway to Employment process and/or seeking additional 9 information regarding services will be directed to the next scheduled Introduction to WorkSource Services Workshop (Mod 1) or an alternate Intro on the time/day of their choice. Customers choosing to use the Self-Service options will receive information and assistance getting started. Customers new to WorkSource will be given a Welcome Packet consisting of Next Steps, PTE information, SelfService Options, Code of Conduct, Dress Guidelines, Employment & Community Resources List, and Workshop Schedule. Providing quality customer service and a positive customer experience so that customers will want to come back and use our services is the number one goal of the initial triage function. is available for job seekers to directly contact WorkSource Spokane with any inquiries and requests for service via email. The Administration Unit staff monitors the website throughout each day. Incoming emails are reviewed and assessed and then forwarded to the appropriate supervisor for response. The supervisor will respond to the job seeker or assign the task to an appropriate staff person for response. A current list of common issues with the correlating contact person (supervisor/staff) is utilized to ensure the correct point of contact is identified for timely response. This list is updated as necessary. Intake, Enrollment, and Assessment After attending the Introduction to WorkSource Services Workshop, customers are provided appointments to meet with employment specialists to have a quality initial assessment conducted, and for Pathway participants, begin the customerdirected Service Plan. The Service Plan activity is determined by the customer and documented by staff. For non-PTE customers, the initial assessment is a requirement for providing quality job referrals and assistance to various self service options. Identification of training needs can occur at any phase, at which time, customers would be provided information and or packets based on the program being referred to. Intake, enrollment, assessment processes, and services are provided by program specific staff. Program/partner staff provide all follow-up. Seamless Client Flow between Programs Seamless services are based on quality data in SKIES. This quality services begins with an initial assessment, which is the foundation on providing service to any customer. A quality management team reviews the information recorded in SKIES to assuring highly beneficial services to the customer. Additionally, WorkSource Spokane has developed strategic partnerships with local community resources to assist in serving participants. Currently WorkSource Spokane staff coordinates a Partnership Presentation which includes Community Colleges of Spokane, Workforce Investment Act, Goodwill Industries, Division of Child Support, Consumer Credit Counseling, Center for Justice and Spokane Neighborhood Action Program, Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). a. WorkSource System Operations and Partner Roles In addition to the duties of the Operators’ Consortium described above for operating WorkSource Spokane and the Next Generation Zone, the following partners agree to provide services within WorkSource Spokane, WorkSource 10 Affiliate Sites, WorkSource Connection Sites, or the larger WorkSource System as described below: Community Colleges of Spokane are responsible for: Providing staff at WorkSource Spokane. Participating in the WorkSource Resource Sharing Agreement. GED preparation and testing for youth at the Next Generation Zone. Providing financial aid information. CASAS testing and interpretation for WorkFirst customers. Providing Worker Retraining program assistance. Performing roles in support of integrated functional teams in alignment with their funded responsibilities. Maintaining Affiliate Sites at Spokane Community College and Spokane Falls Community College. Department of Social and Health Services will provide employment and training services to Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) clients. This will be accomplished by: Offering DVR Orientation sessions at WorkSource Assessing clients for eligibility for DVR services. Enrolling eligible clients in DVR programs. Developing an employability plan. Providing on-going case management. Labor and Industries (LNI) will provide direct services to injured workers within WorkSource Spokane. In this role LNI will be responsible for: Assessing the needs of injured workers for receiving Labor and Industries vocational services. Designing training programs for injured workers, including working with schools to develop formal training. Collaborating and coordinating with the Business Solutions Team to develop on-the-job training opportunities. Providing information about employment opportunities to workers found able to work or completing vocational retraining plans. Assisting injured workers to return to work with the employer of record Serving on WorkSource Center committees. Participating in the WorkSource Resource Sharing Agreement. Performing roles in support of integrated functional teams in alignment with their funded responsibilities. Goodwill Industries of the Inland Northwest - In addition to being a Consortium partner, Goodwill is also responsible for: Maintaining an Affiliate Site at Goodwill’s administrative office. Working in partnership with the Spokane Public Library to provide staff for the Library’s WorkSource Connection Site. Under contract with the SAWDC, offering WorkKeys testing and facility space. 11 AARP Foundation will: Access Senior Community Service Employment Program funding to provide training to AARP Foundation participants within WorkSource Spokane. Continue to use WorkSource Spokane as a training placement site. Provide and accept direct referrals to and from WorkSource Spokane. Collaborate with the WorkSource System to identify new funding and work opportunities for older workers in Spokane County. Spokane Public Library is responsible for: Providing a WorkSource Connection Site at the library’s Downtown Branch. Working in partnership with Goodwill to provide staff for the Connection Site. Job Corps is located on the WorkSource Campus and is responsible for: Offering a comprehensive array of career development services to at-risk young women and men, ages 16 to 24, to prepare them for successful careers. Greater Spokane Incorporated is responsible for: Supporting the Spokane Area Strategic Plan for Workforce Development. Partnering with the SAWDC and WorkSource Spokane to coordinate services to business, as appropriate. Regional Labor Council will: Provide labor market information in order to assist the WorkSource System with better understanding the skilled trades, apprenticeship programs, and needs of labor organizations. Chase Youth Commission, located at the Next Generation Zone, is responsible for: Providing staff to support Chase Youth Commission programs within the Next Generation Zone. Hosting youth-focused activities within the Next Generation Zone. Partnering with Next Generation Zone on grants and activities, as appropriate. 8. System Communication Fostering the partnership is vital to the dynamic evolution of WorkSource Spokane and the workforce development system. A Consortium Leadership Team comprised of managers of ESD, Career Path Services, Goodwill and NEWESD 101 meet bi-weekly with the SAWDC to identify, discuss, and problem solve any operational issues. Larger system-wide meetings (previously known as GMAP) occur monthly at WorkSource Spokane, which are open to all WorkSource System partners. Meetings are topic-based, and are intended to assure that all partners have access to timely and relevant workforce information. 12 Monthly WorkSource System Meetings (previously known as Affiliate Meetings) are scheduled to occur on a monthly basis, and are intended to ensure consistent customer service-focused information is communicated across the WorkSource System, including sharing of best practices and problem solving issues that arise. These meetings include representation from WorkSource Spokane, Affiliates, and Connection Sites. 9. Systematic Referral Process for WorkSource Center Customers It is agreed that the WorkSource Partners of this signed MOU will conduct referral for services with the express goal of optimal utilization of all partner and community resources to achieve mutually shared outcomes of participants who receive services by multiple partners. Referrals will be logged into the SKIES system in order to enable tracking and facilitate process improvement; and Common intake procedures and data sharing among system partners will be an integral element of service delivery and support this referral process. 10. Co-Enrollment of Participants A variety of federal, state, local, and grant-funded programs serve customers in this workforce development area. In the interest of leveraging resources wherever possible to help job seeker customers reach their career goals, coenrollment strategies have been adopted between programs which share eligible participants. These programs and strategies include: Co-enrollment of qualified TAA and NAFTA-TAA certified workers into the WIA Title I-B Dislocated Worker program. Most workers certified as eligible for the TAA and NAFTA-TAA programs will also meet the WIA definition of dislocated workers. To determine dislocated worker eligibility, case managers will enter a case note that references the co-enrollment in the Washington State SKIES database, and will identify the dislocated worker eligibility criteria described in 663.115(b) of the WIA regulations, consistent with WIA section 101(9). No further collection of registration information is required in order to determine eligibility. Co-enrollment of qualified WorkFirst participants into the WIA Title I-B Adult program. The procedures which govern referral and co-enrollment will be included in the functional service delivery model design. Co-enrollment of Worker Retraining participants into the WIA Title I-B Dislocated Worker Program. 11. Funding of Services and Operating Costs It is agreed that the program services and activities provided through WorkSource Spokane will be funded by partners located in the building. Each partner that receives WIA Title I-B funds will be located at WorkSource Spokane or the Next Generation Zone, unless other arrangements with the SAWDC are made. All partners will contribute staff to Core, Intensive, and Training services via the integrated service delivery model. In addition, a Resource Sharing Agreement will be developed for WorkSource Spokane using an agreed upon methodology with the SAWDC and will include shared costs for facilities and related items among all partners. Shared costs may be offset by negotiated in-kind services on a caseby-case basis. 13 12. Term of Memorandum of Understanding This Memorandum of Understanding commences on July 9, 2012 or the day it is signed by all signatory parties, whichever is sooner, and is on-going unless terminated earlier upon ninety days written notice to all parties. This agreement shall remain in effect until June 30, 2015, and may be reviewed and modified annually, as needed, and as per SAWDC Policy #807: Memorandum of Understanding (can be found at Signatory partners to this MOU will be notified of policy updates and public comment periods. Updates to the policy will not require modification to this MOU. The addition of WorkSource Connection Sites does not require this MOU to be updated. Partners will be notified of additional WorkSource Connection Sites via e-mail. 13. Dispute Resolution The WorkSource Service Delivery System will function by consensus under the direction of the SAWDC and its WorkSource Partners. When consensus cannot be reached and the functioning of the system is impaired, those who are parties to the dispute will adhere to the SAWDC Policy #806: Dispute Resolution. Signatory partners to this MOU will be notified of policy updates and public comment periods. 14. Customer Complaints The WorkSource Service Delivery System must provide immediate and consistent processing of any customer complaint to assure its resolution. All WorkSource System staff must be able to assist customers interested in filing a complaint. For further information on compliance with this process, refer to the SAWDC Policy #803: Customer Complaint (can be found at Signatory partners to this MOU will be notified of policy updates and public comment periods. 15. Amendments and Modifications This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended or modified with review and consent of all parties. All signatories to this document may bring forward recommendations to amend the Memorandum of Understanding. Recommended changes must be sent in writing to the SAWDC administrative office. The SAWDC will engage in open, inclusive discussions with system partners regarding the suggested changes. The SAWDC will provide at least 60 days for discussion, which could include an agenda item at the SAWDC meeting. In instances of a significant or emerging project requiring immediate partner collaboration and coordination, the SAWDC will convene a meeting at their initiative or a partner's request of the WorkSource partners to decide on a course of action. A specific project lead may be pre-determined by program, state or federal guidelines; otherwise, decisions on roles of partners will be locally driven. If the project requires a change to the MOU, the lead partner or SAWDC will suggest a change or modification to the MOU, and this policy will be followed. Additions of WorkSource Connections sites will not require modification to this document as they will serve as information portals only. Oral amendments or modifications shall have no effect. If any provision of this Memorandum of Understanding is held invalid, the remainder of the Memorandum of Understanding shall not be affected. 14 16. Governance The ultimate accountability and responsibility for the Spokane WorkSource System organization and accomplishments rests with the Spokane Area Workforce Development Council. Pursuant to the Workforce Investment Act at Section 117(d)(4), the local Spokane Area Workforce Development Council shall conduct oversight with respect to the one-stop delivery system. The SAWDC will promote and support the total integration of workforce development services of all system partners, promote customer choice and satisfaction for internal and external customers of the system, remove external barriers which impede progress and performance, approve annual and long-range performance standards and goals for the system, review and approve cost allocation plans for each one-stop center, establish an evaluation system for measuring customer satisfaction and performance, and communicate with the community regarding the WorkSource System. 15