Good afternoon GMS parents: CCSD 46`s Music Education Program
Good afternoon GMS parents: CCSD 46`s Music Education Program
! ! Good afternoon GMS parents: CCSD 46's Music Education Program Receives National Recognition Our outstanding music educators and music program have received an award from the NAMM Foundation for its commitment to music education. We are one of only eight districts in Illinois to achieve this honor! Please be sure to read all about this honor on our D46 website. Grayslake Middle School Band to Make Second Appearance at SuperState Festival The Grayslake Middle School Wind Ensemble will be traveling to the University of Illinois for the second year in a row. The group was selected as one of nine middle schools to perform at the SuperState Concert Festival on May 6th. This is one of the highest achievements in concert music by educators in Illinois. Please be sure to read all about this honor on our D46 website. The 2016 Illinois SuperState Concert Band Festival invites the finest middle school and high school bands from the state to perform. This year over 400 middle schools submitted recordings to apply for this prestigious event. Congrats to our fine GMS musicians! Another great way our students show off our great school and community. Please take a look at the D46 website to find out more information about the celebrations above and while you're there, please take a look at the GMS PTO tab as there is much great information there as well. Have a great rest of your day. Tomorrow, we will be updating you about our upcoming St. Baldrick's event that takes place next Friday. We have some great raffles and a "we'll pay you" fundraiser coming out. We've just passed the $12,000 mark on our fundraising page. We're closing in on that $20,000 mark. Thank you for your support. Take care. Marcus and Karen ! TALENT SHOW EXTRAVAGANZA CCSD 46 – Frederick School | Grayslake Middle School FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2016 Doors open 6:30PM, Showtime 7:00PM Grayslake Middle School, 440 N. Barron Blvd. Grayslake, IL Salutes Community Consolidated School District 46 for Outstanding Support of Music Education Enriching(the(Lives(of(Children(and( Advancing(Student(Achievement( ! CCSD!46!has!been!honored!with!the!Best!Communities! for!Music!Education!designation!from!the!NAMM! Foundation!for!its!outstanding!commitment!to!music! education.!! ! CCSD!46!joins!476!districts!across!the!country!in!receiving! this!prestigious!award!for!2016.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Congratulations,to,our,Outstanding,Music,Educators:, Megan!Ames........................................... Park%Campus! Kristy!Burch ............. Meadowview/Woodview%School! Kathleen!Davis ...................................Frederick%School! Rebecca!Gundlach ........................ Avon%Center%School! Jeanette!Krier ...... Frederick/Grayslake%Middle%School! Jakub!Luba .......................... Prairieview/Park%Campus! Aaron!Mulder ....................................Frederick%School! Karen!Novack........................Grayslake%Middle%School! Eric!Rivera..........................................Frederick%School! Steven!Thomas .....................Grayslake%Middle%School! Julie!Tiojanco .......................................... Park%Campus! ! ! ! ! ! Community Consolidated School District 46 District Office: 565 Frederick Road, Grayslake, IL 60030 Visit us on the web! Community(Consolidated( School(District(46( ( ( New(( Late(Start( School(Days( Mark%Your%Calendar!% Starting(with(the(201602017(school(year,(every( second(Wednesday(of(the(month(students(will( start(school(80(minutes(later(than(their(normal( start(time.( Half0day(Kindergarten(will(also(have(a(modified( schedule(on(those(days.(( ! LATE!START!DAYS:! ( ( ( ( ( September(14( October(12( November(9( December(14( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( January(11( February(8( March(8( April(12( May(10( LATE!START!TIMES:! Avon(Center(School ....................................9:20AM( Meadowview(School ..................................9:20AM( Prairieview(School......................................9:20AM( Woodview(School .......................................9:20AM( Frederick(School.......................................10:05AM( Grayslake(Middle(School.......................10:05AM( Park(Campus ..............................................10:05AM( ! ! KINDERGARTEN!START/END!TIMES:! AV,$MV,$PV,$WV$ AM((9:20011:20( PM((12:1502:15( Community Consolidated School District 46 District Office: 565 Frederick Road, Grayslake, IL 60030 Visit us on the web! Park$Campus$ AM((10:05012:05( PM((1:0503:10( Community)Consolidated) School)District)46) ) ) Nuevo)) comienzo) tarde)del) día)escolar) ¡Marque(su(calendario!( Comenzando)en)el)año)escolar)201632017,)cada) segundo)miércoles)del)mes,)los)estudiantes) comenzaran)clases)80)minutos)más)tarde)que)la) hora)de)inicio)normal.)) ) Medio)día)de)kindergarten)tendrá)un)horario) modificado)en)esos)días.)Por)favor)vea)abajo)para) más)información.) ! DIAS!DE!COMIENZO!TARDE!SERAN!LOS! SIGUIENTES:! ) ) ) ) ) el)14)de)septiembre)) el)12)de)octubre)) ) el)9)de)noviembre)) el)14)de)diciembre) ) ) ) ) el)11)de)enero) el)8)de)febrero)) el)8)de)marzo)) el)12)de)abril)) el)10)de)mayo) LA!HORA!DE!COMIENZO!DEL!DIA:! Avon)Center)School ....................................9:20AM) Meadowview)School ..................................9:20AM) Prairieview)School......................................9:20AM) Woodview)School .......................................9:20AM) Frederick)School.......................................10:05AM) Grayslake)Middle)School.......................10:05AM) Park)Campus ..............................................10:05AM) ! ! LA!HORA!DE!COMIENZO!Y!FIN!DEL!DIA! PARA!KINDERGARTEN:! AV,$MV,$PV,$WV$ AM))9:20311:20) PM))12:1532:15) Community Consolidated School District 46 District Office: 565 Frederick Road, Grayslake, IL 60030 Visit us on the web! Park$Campus$ AM))10:05312:05) PM))1:0533:10) Helping Hands CCSD$46$Resource$Group$ Community)Consolidated)School)District)46)is)looking)for) some)helping)hands)–)parents,)community)members,) D46)staff)members)–)to)assist)us)in)spreading)the)word) about)all)of)the)great)events)and)excellent)stories)in)the) CCSD)46)school)community.) We’d$like$to$enlist$your$help$in$distributing$flyers,$ newsletters,$or$other$promotional$materials$around$the$ CCSD$46$community.$Stopping$at$a$neighborhood$coffee$ shop?$Put$up$a$flyer!$Have$a$pediatrician$appointment$in$ town?$Leave$some$newsletters$in$the$waiting$area.$It’s$just$ that$simple.$$ If$you’d$like$to$join$the$Helping$Hands$group,$just$email$us$ [email protected].$We’ll$put$you$on$the$ Resource$Group$list$and$let$you$know$when$we$have$ something$to$distribute.$$ Bonus!$If$you$send$us$a$selfie$of$you$posting$a$flyer$in$ the$location$you’re$dropping$off,$we’ll$enter$you$in$a$ drawing$for$a$$10$gift$card$to$somewhere$wonderful$in$ town.$Drawings$will$be$held$monthly,$so$every$photo$you$ send$us$will$be$another$chance$to$win!$$ Help us spread the word about our outstanding schools and events! Community)Consolidated)School)District)46) District!Office:!565!Frederick!Road,!Grayslake,!IL!60030! ! Visit%us%on%the%web! ! Grayslake%Community%Third%Annual% Cut & Shave For St. Baldrick’s Foundation at Grayslake Middle School Help%us%reach%our%goal:%$20,000% and%30%hair%donations! Save!! the!Date!! 4/15/16% Last%year,%Grayslake% Middle%School%had%more% than%100%students%&% community%members%cut%or%shave.% We%raised%$17,345%for%the%St.% Baldrick’s%Foundation%and%donated% 14%individual%bags%of%hair%to%the% Pantene%Beautiful%Lengths% organization.% % THIS%YEAR%we’re%counting%on%the% entire%community%to%join%in%and% help%us%raise%$20,000.%All%CCSD46% schools%are%encouraged%to%create% teams%for%the%3rd%annual%Cut%&% Shave%event.%Join%Grayslake%Central% High%School%and%other%municipal% groups%at%our%April%15th%event.! The%GMS%student%assembly%starts%in% the%morning,%but%the%Grayslake% community%can%feel%free%to%support%all% afternoon%and%evening!% Don’t&forget&to&check&out&the&great&raffle&items&too!& Grayslake%Middle%School%–%440%N.%Barron%Blvd.,%Grayslake,%IL% % Visit%our%event%page%to%sign%up%or%make%a%donation:% ! CCSD 46 Summer Academy June 7 – June 30 at Frederick School NO SCHOOL on Fridays Summer Academy 2016 Grayslake School District 46 Grades – Pre-K through current 8th grade. Dates - Classes will begin on Tuesday, June 7th – Thursday, June 30th with no school on Fridays. Times - 1st period 8:15-9:25, 2nd period 9:30-10:40, 3rd period 10:45-11:55 Eligibility - The program is open to all District 46 students who could benefit from remedial courses or who wish to participate in enrichment courses. Transportation - Transportation is the responsibility of the parent(s). Bus service is not available for the Summer Academy. Attendance Policy - Consistent attendance is recommended throughout the summer academy program. Teachers will plan activities and prepare materials based on enrollment. Attendance will be taken just as during the regular school year. Course Cancellation - District 46 reserves the right to cancel any course that does not meet minimum enrollment requirements. Confirmation - Students and parents will receive course confirmation around the first week of June. Registration - Early registration is encouraged. Classes will be filled in the order in which the registrations are received. Registrations can be mailed or delivered through your child’s school to Prairieview School, 103 E. Belvidere Rd., Hainesville, IL 60030 c/o Stephanie Timm (Possehl). No phone registrations will be accepted. A student’s current grade level is used to register for Summer Academy. Tuition - There is a tuition fee of $85.00 for each class. $80.00 per class if received by April 22nd. Refunds- There will be no refunds given after June 9, 2016. Information- For additional information, please contact Stephanie Timm ([email protected]) or Amanda Kurzeja ([email protected]). 2 Second Helping Classes Second Helping Reading: Students will continue to develop and improve their basic reading, comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-8 Time 8:15-9:25 Time 8:15-9:25 Time 8:15-9:25 Time 10:45-11:55 Roop Wahlberg Tarasiuk Tarasiuk Second Helping Math: Students will continue to develop and improve their basic math skills through the use of manipulatives, games, and activities. 1. 2. 3. 4. Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-8 Time 9:30-10:40 Time 10:45-11:55 Time 10:45-11:55 Time 8:15-9:25 Letts Lanas Sloan Letts 8:15-9:25 Enrichment Classes Pre-K: Kindergarten Readiness Cunningham Kindergarten readiness class is designed for children who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall. We will be using many fun activities to strengthen and develop basic skills such as number sense, letter and sound recognition, and fine motor control. Come join the fun and prepare for the best days of your life. K: First Grade Readiness Wilson This class will include beginning reading, writing, and math skills that are necessary for first grade preparation! We’ll play games, read stories and practice routines so when August comes around…the new first graders will be ready! K-3: Sunny Day Sports Besler Who wants to play fun sports that you can play everyday? Every week we will be focusing on one sport. These games and activities will include flag football, floor hockey, baseball, volleyball and more! Each player will learn skills, strategies and participate in daily fun competitions! 2-3: Six Traits of Writing Anderson In this class, students will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of writing and explore their writing style as authors. The main project students will center on is writing an autobiography! As students progress through the writing process, they will be taught minilessons which will focus on the 6 Traits of Writing: ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions. Each day there will be time for free writing, too! 3 2-4: Where in the World? Faubert We will explore the world using hands on activities! Students will learn mapping skills while experiencing the music, arts, dance and food of our world’s cultures. **Allergy Alert** 2-5: Art Explorations Griffin Delve into the lives and work of prominent historical artists as you gain inspiration to create your own original artwork. We’ll explore fundamental elements of drawing, painting, and design through the use of watercolor, paint and mixed media. Basic art concepts such as color, shape, texture and lie will also be explored. 3-4: Lego Math Feldman We will use our favorite toys to practice our math skills: LEGOS! We will be hands-on and interactive while reviewing and introducing math skills. We’ll be working on projects, activities, games and more! 3-4: Hands-On Activities with Recycled Materials Traiforos This class will allow you to be creative while addressing challenges! For example: How can you turn a cardboard box into a jump to launch a Hot Wheels Car? This class encourages cooperative learning and problem solving. Start saving all of your recycle materials because we will need them for this class! (For example: boxes, toilet paper/paper towel rolls, bottles, cartons, containers…really, anything!) 3-5: Soccer Johnson Run, shoot, score!! Get ready to lace up for this fast-paced, action-packed game! Learn and practice the basics and techniques of this great team sport. During this course, you will learn to develop your agility, coordination, balance and teamwork skills, all while having fun and scrimmaging with other players. All experience levels are welcome! Get excited to take your soccer skills to the next level this summer! 3-6: Natural Disasters Millstone Have you ever wondered what causes an earthquake, or why lightning strikes? In this class students will learn about natural disasters, what causes them and their impact to the environment and people. Some natural disasters we will learn about are earthquakes, volcanoes, forest fires, tsunamis and more! 4-5: Science Experiments Lanas Would you like to learn more about Science using a hands-on approach? In this course, students will learn about plants, matter and chemical reactions. We will conduct several experiments to make learning both fun and educational! 4 4-6: Making Games with Gamestar Mechanic Layne Have you ever wanted to create your own game? In this course we will be using the online program called Gamestar Mechanic to play and build your own game and game levels. Play through the quests and earn characters, enemies and game blocks to use in crafting your own unique game. Each student will be given a premium account which will be able to be used long after the class is over! Do you want to platform or have an adventure game? You will be playing these types of games in order to learn how to build them. You can even submit your completed game to the STEM challenge that is available every year during the school year. So come, learn and play. 5-6: Lights, Camera, Action! Schwarzbach Join us in the magical world of movies! This hands on class will introduce students to narrative storytelling. The class is designed for students to write, shoot, edit and present mini-movies! 5-8: Drawing Meets 3D Sketch Up! Crane Students will learn how to use the computer program “Sketch Up,” to make 3D looking houses and interiors. Make your DREAM house become a 3D reality! 5-8: Math Works Sloan You might not realize how much math you use when you work on a project! If you like building or creating, you will enjoy this course and... guess what? You will practice math. Use skills with fractions, decimals, percents, measurement and statistics without even realizing it! Each week we will have a new project. We will create airplanes, mini golf course holes, make snacks and build structures. Sign up and see how math is used for creative projects. 6-8: Coding with Dash, Dots and Lego Bots Innes Students will learn to use computer programming and code using various online resources. Using the knowledge gained through these online resources, students will then build and program Lego Robots and Dash and Dot Robots using their coding skills. We will focus on a different aspect of coding each week, building on the knowledge gained in the prior week. We will start with to learn the basics of computer programming. We will then move on to coding with Scratch. Programmers will start with the programming basics learned during week one to create their own sprites and complete a challenge using Scratch. Programmers will then have the opportunity to work with partners to create a storyboard blueprint and then program an animated story or game as a team. Students will train their Dash and Dot robots to follow their programming commands and build simple Lego robots and bring them to life. ***This class is possible because of equipment purchased with a Foundation46 Impact Grant.*** 5 9:30-10:40 Enrichment Classes Pre-K-1: Exploring Math through Art Anderson Have you ever wanted to try making origami? Are you the next Picasso? In this class, students will be exploring math concepts while creating pieces of art. The main areas of focus will include counting, measuring and geometry. Students will have the hands on experience of using math within each art project. In addition to making art, students will learn about different artists who have incorporated math into their artwork. K: Who is Ready for First Grade Math? Cunningham Students will play games and have fun practicing the math skills taught in kindergarten to help prepare them for their upcoming year! Number recognition, counting, counting on, using ten frames, basic addition and subtraction skills and more will be used to solidify math skills! K: Kindergarten Word Study Roggensack Students will be practicing sight words with interactive games, spelling and fun lessons! They will be working on sounding out words, spelling words and writing words. We will practice comparing words by similar sounds, spellings and types of words. The students will keep a log of their progress in a notebook. We will combine a great learning experience with fun! K-1: Math Games Wilson Counting, place value, math facts and more! Students will play a variety of fun and challenging math games! Whether students need extra practice or enjoy a good math challenge, this is a great way to maintain math skills over the long summer break! 1-2: Hands-On Activities with Recycled Materials Traiforos This class will allow you to be creative while addressing challenges! For example: How can you turn a cardboard box into a jump to launch a Hot Wheels Car? This class encourages cooperative learning and problem solving. Start saving all of your recycle materials because we will need them for this class! (For example: boxes, toilet paper/paper towel rolls, bottles, cartons, containers…really, anything!) 1-2: Be An Author Workshop Roop Do you love writing? Come join us as we explore multiple genres such as fiction, personal narratives, expository essays, poetry and the like. Students will be guided through the writing process by engaging in prewriting activities (brainstorming and graphic organizers), peer and teacher conferencing, revising, editing, publishing and sharing of their stories. 1-3: LEGOS go to the Movies Schwarzbach Come build Lego movie sets and write movie scripts about your set! Learn the basics on screenplay and how to write a script – all while playing and building with Legos! 2-4: Our Great 50 States Feldman Let’s travel around our great 50 states! We will use songs, videos, research and hands-on activities to learn about each individual state and its unique trait. Grab your boarding pass because off we go… 6 2-5: Travel Through Art Griffin Celebrate different cultures through art! Create aboriginal dot art while exploring the art of Australia, cherry blossom paintings while exploring the art of Japan, make Aztec suns while exploring the art of Mexico, explore the art of Central America by weaving and more! Have a fun summer creating connections between art and world cultures. 3-4: Math Works Sloan You might not realize how much math you use when you work on a project! If you like building or creating, you will enjoy this course and... guess what? You will practice math. Use skills with fractions, decimals, percents, measurement and statistics without even realizing it! Each week we will have a new project. We will create airplanes, mini golf course holes, make snacks and build structures. Sign up and see how math is used for creative projects. 3-4: Time for Kids! Lanas Explore the world of history, inventions and current events in Time for Kids Magazine! This class will also be allowed to share other non-fiction texts including, (but not limited to) geography, reptiles, insects and space exploration! 3-5: Our National Wonders: 100 Years of the National Park Service Wahlberg Using Google Earth and National Park Service resources, we will study some of the most incredible natural wonders in various national parks throughout our nation! • Learn why we protect our lands and waters (Environmental Stewardship) • Learn more about our nation’s incredible wildlife, like grizzlies, wolves and bison • We’ll do some webquests and conduct short research projects using print and digital sources and then follow it up with some creative and persuasive writing 3-5: Let’s Have a VolleyBALL! Faubert Have a BALL while learning about volleyBALL! Throughout the four weeks, we will develop our volleyball knowledge while learning what it takes to be on a team. All skill levels are welcome! We will work on the basic skills and fundamentals of the sport. Athletic shoes and kneepads are required. 3-5: Coding with Dash, Dots and Lego Bots Innes Students will learn to use computer programming and code using various online resources. Using the knowledge gained through these online resources, students will then build and program Lego Robots and Dash and Dot Robots using their coding skills. We will focus on a different aspect of coding each week, building on the knowledge gained in the prior week. We will start with to learn the basics of computer programming. We will then move on to coding with Scratch. Programmers will start with the programming basics learned during week one to create their own sprites and complete a challenge using Scratch. Programmers will then have the opportunity to work with partners to create a storyboard blueprint and then program an animated story or game as a team. Students will train their Dash and Dot robots to follow their programming commands and build simple Lego robots and bring them to life. ***This class is possible because of equipment purchased with a Foundation46 Impact Grant.*** 7 4-5: Sunny Day Sports Besler Who wants to play fun sports that you can play everyday? Every week we will be focusing on one sport. These games and activities will include flag football, floor hockey, baseball, volleyball and more! Each player will learn skills, strategies and participate in daily fun competitions! 4-8: Forensic Science Millstone Are you interested in forensic science? In this class students will learn forensic science skills and use them to solve a mystery. Students will learn and apply science process skills as they investigate forensic science techniques including crime scene investigations, how to analyze print and trace evidence, including fingerprints, blood, DNA and handwriting. 5-8: Sculpture World Crane Students will discover a variety of cool ways to create 3d sculptures. Many different types of art materials, such as wood, plaster, wire, cardboard tile, plastic, and led lights, will be used to achieve different 3d artwork! 5-8: Creative Writing Tarasiuk In this dynamic writing class, students will learn how to write creatively through crafting and revising their own unique writing pieces. Through the writing of poetry, short stories and articles, students will explore and develop their own author-style. 5-8: Team Building Johnson Let your teamwork skills shine! Work together with peers to creatively solve exciting and challenging team activities, all while making new friends. Learn about the different roles within a team, develop social skills and see how efficient teamwork sills are needed in everyday life! Team building activties will include trust falls, ropes courses, scavenger hunts and many, many more fun and rewarding group activities. Put on your thinking cap and get ready to have some fun and challenge yourself! 5-8: Minecraft: Creation, Coding and Redstone Layne This course will use a variety of fun elements of Minecraftedu. We will create sites from historical time periods and have creative building contests where we will vote on your creations. You will learn how to code with Minecraft turtles. Program your turtles to help build structures, dig tunnels and locate rare minerals. We will also work with Redstone to create circuits and automate your creations. Join us in the world of Minecraft. 8 10:45-11:55 Enrichment Classes Pre-K-K: Story Time Adventures Letts Come along this summer for a story time adventure! This enrichment class is based around four popular book series: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, The Hungry Caterpillar, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and Pete the Cat. Each week as we read a story the students will do center based activities around the books. We will practice rhyming, letter recognition, counting and so much more. Come along on this story time adventure! K: Reading, Writing, Sight Words – Oh My! Cunningham Students will practice letters and sounds and use their knowledge to express themselves through writing. Students will work to strengthen their writing and sight word recognition skills to prepare them for first grade. We will also read books together and explore some well-loved literature. K-1: Mad Science Wilson Become junior scientists as you experiment with items like Pop-Rocks, balloons, marshmallows, baking soda and so much more! Can’t wait for you to join this exciting scientific adventure! ***Allergy Alert*** K-2: Fairy Tales Roop Let’s explore the unique characteristics of fairy tales! Students will have the opportunity to read many different fairy tales. Read-alouds, art projects, drama and creative writing will also be used to learn about this literary genre! 1: 1st Grade Spelling Roggensack Through interactive lessons, individualized work and games, we will explore spelling words at the student’s personal levels. Kids will be required to complete daily work to help them understand and continue to expand not only their vocabulary, but also their spelling abilities. The students will be recording their progress in a journal throughout Summer Academy. We will combine a great learning experience with fun! 1-2: Coding with Dash, Dots and Lego Bots Innes Students will learn to use computer programming and code using various online resources. Using the knowledge gained through these online resources, students will then build and program Lego Robots and Dash and Dot Robots using their coding skills. We will focus on a different aspect of coding each week, building on the knowledge gained in the prior week. We will start with to learn the basics of computer programming. We will then move on to coding with Scratch. Programmers will start with the programming basics learned during week one to create their own sprites and complete a challenge using Scratch. Programmers will then have the opportunity to work with partners to create a storyboard blueprint and then program an animated story or game as a team. Students will train their Dash and Dot robots to follow their programming commands and build simple Lego robots and bring them to life. ***This class is possible because of equipment purchased with a Foundation46 Impact Grant.*** 9 1-2: Lego Math Feldman We will use our favorite toys to practice our math skills: LEGOS! We will be hands-on and interactive while reviewing and introducing math skills. We’ll be working on projects, activities, games and more! 2-3: Mad Science Traiforos Become junior scientists as you experiment with items like Pop Rocks, balloons, baking soda and more! Hope you can join in on the fun! ***Allergy Alert*** 2-5: Wonderful Watercolors Griffin Explore the exciting possibilities while experimenting with liquid watercolor. From creating oil pastel resists and marbling paper using shaving cream, to using salt, glue and tape, students will learn various watercolor techniques and will create unique pieces of watercolor art. 3-5: Minecraft: Build & Create Layne This course will take us on a trip through time and space and build a variety of historical and fictional locations and buildings. Are you up to the task of creating places like the White House, Diagon Alley old style English castles, the rebel base on Hoth, or a Jedi Temple? Come and join us and we will choose locations that you are interested in building. You will be able to use all your Minecraft skills and learn new ones! 3-5: STEMing Our Imaginations Faubert In this course, students will deepen their problem solving skills by creating STEM projects based on fun stories. These hands-on activities will have students integrate math, science and technology while building and creating! 4-8: Genetics Millstone Have you ever wondered why your eyes are blue or why your hair is curly? If so, this is the class for you! In this class students will learn about DNA and how traits are passed from generation to generation. Students will have the opportunity to build a DNA model and design a new species using their new knowledge of genetics. 4-8: Everything Clay Crane Students will create ceramic art pieces that can be used in a variety of different ways! Examples: piggy banks, phone holder, jewelry box, appetizer dishes, etc. 6-8: Bump, Set, Spike! Volleyball Fun! Besler Volleyball is a great team sport that promotes cooperation while having fun! This class will focus on the ground rules of the game. Everyday we will build on the basic skills of serving, passing, setting, spiking and blocking the ball. In addition, this class will cover court layout, defensive and offensive plays, as well as scoring and an appreciation for a lifetime activity! 6-8: Soccer Johnson Run, shoot, score!! Get ready to lace up for this fast-paced, action-packed game! Learn and practice the basics and techniques of this great team sport. During this course, you will learn to develop your agility, coordination, balance and teamwork skills, all while having fun and scrimmaging with other players. All experience levels are welcome! Get excited to take your soccer skills to the next level this summer! 10 Activity Camp 11:55-3:00 K-4 Activity Camp Participating students will take part in a variety of fun athletic activities that will build not only your child’s athletic skills, but also his/her sportsmanship skills as well. Children in Activity Camp that are enrolled in morning classes should bring a sack lunch. THIS CLASS HAS A COST OF $190.00 before April 22nd or $200.00 after. 5-8 Activity Camp Participating students will take part in a variety of fun athletic activities that will build not only your child’s athletic skills, but also his/her sportsmanship skills as well. Children in Activity Camp that are enrolled in morning classes should bring a sack lunch. THIS CLASS HAS A COST OF $190.00 before April 22nd or $200.00 after. 11 StudentRegistrationSummerAcademy2016 Enrollmentisbasedonthedateregistrationisreceived.Allclasseshaveaminimum numberofstudentsrequiredandmaybecanceledifminimumenrollmentisnotmet. MakingaSecondChoiceisImportant.Studentsmaysignupfor1,2or3concurrent courses. Studentname____________________________________________Currentgrade________________________ School________________________________________ Parentname___________________________Email_____________________________________________________ Phone________________________________Emergencyphone________________________________________ Pleaseaddanyadditionalinformationthatappliestoyourchild(examples:IEP,foodallergies) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ClassTime FirstChoice SecondChoice(essential) 8:15-9:25_________________________________________________________________________________ 9:30-10:40_________________________________________________________________________________ 10:45-11:55________________________________________ ________________________________________ 12:00-3:00 ActivityCampGradelevel_________________________ Fees(Classes$80.00eachandActivityCamp$190ifreceivedbeforeApril22,2016) Numberofclasses______________X$85.00=________________________ ActivityCamp $200.00=______________________ Totalamountenclosed $_________________________ MakecheckspayabletoSchoolDistrict46. Parentsignature____________________________________________________________________________________ Sendcompletedformandpaymenttoyourchild’sschoolormailto: PrairieviewSchoolAttn:StephanieTimm(Possehl) 103E.BelvidereRd. Hainesville,IL60030 12
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