sunspots - Sunburst Corvette Club of Crystal Lake, IL
sunspots - Sunburst Corvette Club of Crystal Lake, IL
SUNSPOTS The Official Newsletter of the Sunburst Corvette Club STRUT YOUR STUFF CAR SHOW Strut Your Stuff Car Show JULY 2015 Sunburst Corvette Club Meetings at 7:00pm 1st Thursday of every month except January Cary Country Club 2400 Grove Land Cary, IL 847-639-3161 Membership Dues – Effective 9/1/14 thru 9/1/15 New Member Single $67.00 / Couple $90.00 SUNSPOTS IS A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SSUNBURST CORVETTE CLUB POX 433, CRYSTAL LAKE, IL 60039 PRESIDENT – MIKE STEVENS SECRETARY- AL HIGGINS GOVERNOR- BILL HOAk SUNBURST 2015 OFFICERS 847-277-9302 VICE PRESIDENT- RON GLIOT 847-387-2739 630-240-8607 TREASURER- DEE ROSENDAHL 847-334-4368 815-385-3197 PAST PRESIDENT- GARY GEMBALA 815-728-1095 APPAREL – KATHY SAMUEL CHARITY- JULIE THOMAS CAROL MACCABE PUBLIC RELATIONS – MEMBERSHIP – BILL MUMFORD SPONSORSHIP- STEVE WEGER HISTORIAN – GARY GEMBALA 2015 COMMITTEE CHAIRS 847-741-1455 CAR SHOW- GARY GEMBALA 815-728-1095 847-438-0091 CRUISE DIRECTOR – RON GLIOT 847-387-2736 847-963-1919 GOOD WILL- KAREN BAIRD 815-578-1935 NEWSLETTER – KRIS JENSEN 847-854-1745 847-658-6446 WEBMASTER- MIKE SMOSNA 847-458-8745 847-540-9082 SERGEANT AT ARMS–DAVE THOMAS 847-438-0091 815-728-1095 2 Greetings Fellow Sunbursters, The month of June is almost “in the books” and it proved to be a very busy month. Most notable was our annual car show on May 31st. Gary Gembala and host of others put together another fun and profitable event. With the exception of gale force winds, the weather cooperated perated and our participant turnout was just a little lighter than last year. Barring any unforeseen mishaps, it looks like our five designated charities will receive a nice contribution from us in December. The weather has not been kind to local Cruise night, however. The rain has really put a damper on those opportunities to get together. There still is a lot of summer left, so keep those Vettes shined up and ready to go. Sunburst Corvette Club is a member of National Council of Corvette Clubs For more information on NCCC or upcoming sanctioned events call Bill Hoak at 815-385-3197 or go to www.sunburstcorvetteclub,co m or the NCCC Midwest Region website at Sunburst is about to solo host it’s first autocross event on Saturday, August 8th, right here in Crystal Lake. Appropriately called “ “THE SEAT OF OUR PANTS AUTOCROSS”, AUTOCROSS because of the last minute planning involved, it can be another source of revenue for Sunburst. Those funds can be used to support Sunburst operations and support our designated Charities. We will only be able to pull this off with the help of Club members to work the corners, wave flags, help with registration and parking. Your help will be greatly appreciated. We are at a crossroads with our relationship with Cary Country Club. The meeting space they provide for us, every month, comes free of charge as long as we have enough members take part in the buffet dinner. The cost of the room without any dinning is $300. For Cary CC to offer the room free of charge we ne need 50 diners. Mike Rosendahl has been in conversation with the staff at Cary CC to improve the quality and variety of the offerings. Again we need your help or we need to find another suitable location for our large group. Looking ahead, a committee has been formed to explore ways for Sunburst to celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2017. Mike & Dee Rosendahl, Rich Orr & Kris Jensen, Forrest & Marilyn Robers and Elly Palmer have stepped up to look at all of ways for us to celebrate a milestone in Club history. ory. Join them or share your ideas with them. Sunburst’s Mission To encourage planned trips, events and social activities for the members of the club. The month of July holds a number of events and activities for Sunburst members: two parades, autocrossing, a trip around Lake Michigan and a cruise night almost every night of the week. Get that Vette out and join your Sunburst buddies for some good ol’ summertime fun. To provide and regulate events and exhibitions for Corvette Owners. To encourage careful and skillful driving Mike Stevens 3 SUNBURST CORVETTE CLUB MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES June 4, 2015 Thursday Cary Country Club, Cary, IL Mike Stevens, President: - Opened the club meeting at 7:01 pm. Greeters for this month meeting were, Cathy and Gary Gembala , Thanks for the help! Introduction of guests and visitors: Bill Mumford – New Members: Scott Hoak – is a Corvette Enthusiast from Martin Chevrolet, Guest: Janet Brandsen – Chicago Corvette Club New Corvette additions: No new additions this month! Approval of Minutes: Mike Stevens entertained a motion to accept the minutes of the April meeting be approved, Julie Thomas moved, Jim Downing , seconded. All in favor, with no Nays. Minutes approved! Officers Reports President – Mike Stevens – First we have the Fickle Finger of Fate Award to present tonight. Mark and Patty DelBello were the last recipients of the award for a Pimple on their tire. The new recipient of the award goes to Bill Hoak for a problem he experienced at Rantoul when a connecting rod went thru the side of the block. Pictures are available for viewing - LOL. So Bill will be installing a New Upgraded Motor. Then on Sunday, Mike Rosendahl qualified for the “FFOFA” as his battery died just before judging started at the car show and had to put a new battery in it! Will have a gust speaker from the Chicago Corvette Club who would like to talk about their upcoming Corvette Car Show : Janet Brandsen – Chicago Corvette Club will be hosting their yearly car show on Fathers Day June 22nd at MCD in Oak Brook in support of the Ronald MCD House. Last yr. they had over 400 spectators, and over 75 cars and brought in $ 3,500 for RMH. Mike gave a shout out to all the members who participated in the car show as well as those who worked the show. There was a group of Camaro’s attending our car show. They are running the Waconda Cruise nights which and are on the third Tuesday night of the month in downtown Wauconda. June 16th will be the first cruse night. Forrest Roberts – Has a really neat opportunity for Corvette Owners to showcase their cars. Forest found a company that can take your picture and turn it into a 3-dimential image. Those images are the Sun Catcher 5x7 which can be hung in a window , or back lit. A 3 ½ x 2 ½ Night Light, or a Light Box (10x6 ½ x 4 ½ ) with the same Sun Catcher mounted within the box! For additional information flyers for there products are available on the back table! Vice President – Ron Gliot - Nothing Specific to report! Secretary – Al Higgins – Nothing to report! Governor – Bill Hoak - Nothing to report! Treasurer – Dee Rosendahl Beginning Balance - $3,300 Revenue - $ 1,500 Expenses - $ 900 Ending Balance - $ 3964 After making deposits, paying expenses, Post Car Show Balance $ 7,480 (Still have a few deposits to make!) Standing Committee Reports Apparel – Kathy Samuel- Kathy and Jeane Mumford are planning a drive out to HS June 20th and will be posting on line as where to meet, etc. Also, there will be new choices for club logos. Charity – Julie Thomas & Carol McCabe – Two of our charities did attend the car show. ACT, and Child Services were present. Back to School. We have a list in the back of those items for Back to School items, and did send out a Yahoo blast. Need the items brought in at next month’s meeting. Julie and Carol will in turn bring the items over to SA the following week! 4 Cruise Director – Ron Gliot – Looking at the club calendar, there are loads of events to go to! A couple of highlights for the month of June: This Saturday - Super Car Saturday - At The Glenn – In Glenview, at the Glenn Town Center, - Monday Night the 8th – McHenry County Cruise Night – Vet Night! Two nights later, it’s Cary Cruise Night in downtown Cary. Need to get there NLT 5 PM., June 19th, is Rolling Meadows, will couple the cruise night with a local festival and close down some of the surrounding streets. June 27th VFW Woodstock – Remember our veterans. Car Show Gary Gembala- Would like to thank everyone that was involved with putting this yrs car show! Not only Sunday, but all the work and preparation that went on during the year! The one good thing about the car show this yr. is that it’s over!!! A special thanks was extended to Tom Palmer with Registration. Thirty three people preregistered this yr. Mike Stevens for Judging, Shirts, Trophies and Drivers Meeting Agenda. Bill Mumford for running the Silent Auction, and Jean Mumford for running the 50/50 Auction. Nancy Pipp for promotions. Saturday was a rainy cold day. Stuffing of the Goody Bags were done quickly, and there was one lonely Corvette that showed up to be technically inspected! Sunday was Cold and Windy, and we were struggling to get the tents set up! Sun broke out late in the morning and it didn’t get close to the 72 degrees Gary predicted! As the electrical on the light pole was inoperative the parking plan was quickly revised. Gregg Erikson did a fly-by during the Car Show, and Martin Chevrolet took some pictures from the roof of the building. Pre Registered cars – 33, Registered Cars – 36, for a total of 69 cars Budget $2,500 Registration T Shirts Silent Auction Raffle 50/50 Total Revenue $ 1,660 $ 976 $ 2,391 $ 221 $ 245 $ 5,493 Expenses Awards Flyers Shirts SA Credit Card Usage Charge Registration Printing Coffee & Donuts Total Expenses $ 1,235.00 $ 195.00 $ 871.62 $ 18.13 $ 43.00 $ 93.55 $ 98.84 $ 2,555.99 Car Show Income $ 2, 937.01 Car Show Post Mortem (Gary Gembala) was conducted at the conclusion of the show, followed by dinner. Carol MacCabe was gracious and took notes of the Post Mortem for next years car show committee use. Official Raffle Report – Jim Downing - The City of Crystal Lake requires the club notify club members what we took in at the car show. Took in a total of $490 for the 50 / 50 raffle, which $ 245 went out in prize money that went out to a club member and $245 to the club. Good Will Ambassador Karen Baird -Karen introduced those club members who had Birthday’s and Anniversaries this month! Membership – Bill Mumford- Bill was happy to report we have 143 members. News Letter Publisher -Mike Stevens – Let out a large sigh of relief when announcing that Kris Jensen would be assuming the duties of newletter editor. Thank the Lord!!!!!! Public Relations – Nancy Pipp- Not present. Did a fabulous job of getting the word out! Sergeant at Arms – Dave Thomas- Nothing! Sponsorship – Steve Weger– Nothing to report. Webmaster – Mike Smosna - Nothing to report. 5 Ad Hoc Committees: Cary CC Liaisons – Mike Rosendahl - Mike once again asked all club members to please respond to the Yahoo blast he sends out if club members are planning on eating at CCC before the General Meeting! Also CCC is having an all you can eat fish fry on Fridays for $11.99. …………………………………. Break ……………………….. Old Business Judging Clinic – New Judges and former judges showed up to assist with the car show. We had a team of 16 judges , and were able to judge the 36 cars in less than 2 hours! Auto Crossing in Rantoul - on the 23rd and 24th. Green Street Car Show – Had a number of members attend the event and passed out car show flyers. Woodstock Memorial day parade – Ron Gilot – Had 17 cars, weather wasn’t really cooperative at first. But turned out to b a nice day. Every one has happy with Nicko’s service for 35 people attending for dinner. New Business Auto Cross – August 8th – Was approved by the board. Will be a full NCCC Sanctioned Event and will be advertised across all of NCCC. The event will be held at Old Oak Industries in the East parking lot! The event needs helpers to support this event. A signup sheet will be available at next months meeting! Auto Cross - August 9th –Auto Cross at the Rockford Speedway which is a banked oval. Asking club members to volunteer for registration, corner workers, staging, etc. 40th Club Anniversary Committee – Sunburst was founded in 1977 and we are about 18 month from our 40th yr. anniversary. Mike asked if there were any volunteers that would be willing to undertake the challenge of sitting on a committee and looking into what the club could do to celebrate the 40th Anniversary. • • • • • • • • • • Upcoming Events! Auto Cross – Quincy – June 6th and 7th It’s held on a go cart track. Several members are planning on attending! Corvette Adventures – June – 11 th - 13th Auto Crossing - Milwaukee – WI – Will be held at the University of WI. June 13th and 14th. East Troy, WI – Rally on June 20th - Several club members will be attending! Badger State Car Show - West Allis, WI – June 28th and it’s an indoor car show Cary Cruse Night – June 10th - Be there NLT 5 PM to get spot on the street! Wonder Lake 4th of July Parade – (Mike Stevens) Updated! We will meet at 11:30 at Happy Jacks and eat. Parade kick-off is at 1:30 PM,. Will be meeting first at happy Jacks on Rt 120, at 12:30 we’ll drive over to the staging area in Wonder Lake, with the parade stepping off at 1:30 pm. At 3:30 parade participants will be going over to Oberwise Dairy for some ice-cream! Corvette Adventures June 11-13 – (Mike Stevens), Although not a club sponsored event, several club members are planning on attending. For further information refer to the Corvette Adventures Web Site. There are eighteen different driving tours throughout Wisconsin. June 7th - Trip N’ On LSD (Updated) (Ron Gliot) Will be meeting at the Dunkin Donuts at 6 AM at the corner of Rt 72 and 59 in front of Target! The plan is to be rolling by 6:15 AM and hit the southern portion of LSD at 7 AM. Will take 90 – 55 – over to McCormick Place, to LSD, then up Sheridan Rd. past all the majestic homes, and end up eating at Egg Shell Café in Deerfield sometime after 9 AM. There will be 17 cars (35 people) for breakfast! Surf and Turf” around Lake Michigan July 16-19 - (Gary Gembala) Twenty two couples are signed up right now. The event will be a 4 days starting up the western shores of Lake Michigan up to Green Bay, cross Lake Michigan , and drive back via the east side of Lake Michigan. The cost of the USS Bagger for 2 members + car is $187, seniors is $ 181. Event flier will be made available at next months meeting. August 2nd - Great Chevy Round-up! - Albaugh Chevy Car Collection, IA – (Ron Gliot) Better know as “The Great Chevy Round-Up” Is a private 150 car collection. The main theme of the collection is, they owns all the prime Chevy Convertibles from the beginning up to and including current date! Minus 2. It’s a private collection, not open to the public. They are willing to let Sunburst come in and see their private collection! The tour has to be on a week day. We will depart from Brunch Cafe in Huntley Sunday Aug 2nd. Meander the back roads and make some fun stops along the way! The next morning, have breakfast we’ll be at the museum by 9 AM, spend a few hours there and then have a casual drive back. Ron has already blocked 30 hotel rooms the Ankeny Marriott Courtyard 800.992.2694 at their rate of $104. Ten cars have already signed up! 6 • California Dreamin – Gary Gembala – Between 6 -7 couples have committed to the California Dreamin road tour from San Francisco – to Chicago trip via Route 66 in September. The group met last Saturday to talk about the trip and discuss. On suggestion was to open it up to other clubs. Stay tune-in for further details as they become available!! Transport will be an open trailer and handle nine cars! • Bloomington Gold June 25th – June 27th Will be in Indianapolis IN at the Brick yard. It’s a long one day trip but doable. Would be a great overnight! NCCC Convention in Lake Harmony, PA - Aug 22nd – 27th Lake Harmony, PA - Bill Hoak attending Corvette’s at Carlisle PA, it’s a longer trip – Aug 28th – 30th Mid America Fun Fest is Sept 17th – Sept 20th Fall Corvette Adventures - Chula Vista Sept 18th – Sept 20th Fall Color Run by Suburban Corvettes of MN Potential Club Events: • • • • • Announcements: Apparel Raffle was $ 40 - Ed Richards wasn’t present to collect their monies. 50/50 Raffle was $ 82 and won by Joani Downing Greeters for the next general membership meeting will be Joani and Jim Downing Next Board Meeting on Wednesday, June 9th - Dinner at 6 pm meeting to start with a quorum Next General Membership Meeting will be held on July 2nd - Dinner at 6pm, meeting starts at 7pm Mike entertained a motion to adjourn, Mike Rosendahl moved to adjourn the meeting, Julie Thomas seconded the motion. All were in favor with no Nays. Meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm. Respectively, AL Higgins DON’T MISS THE ALGONQUIN FOUNDER’S DAY PARADE SATURDAY, JULY 25TH • 8:00 AM – MEET IN THE STRIP MALL PARKING LOT ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE MCDONLDS ON RTE 62 IN ALGONQUIN • 9:00 AM – LEAVE FOR THE STAGING AREA • 10:00 AM – PARADE STEPS OFF – BRING CANDY TO TOSS TO THE KIDS. • NOON – HEAD TO BANDITO BARNEYS IN WEST DUNDEE FOR LUNCH, ADULT BEVERAGES AND A GOOD TIME. 7 From Your Gov, Wow! This summer is flying by fast! So many events and so little time! Autocrossing in June at a new venue in Milwaukee hosted by Kettle Morraine and Wisconsin Corvette Club was a blast except for the rain and fog on both mornings. Corvette Adventures, in and around the Dells, at Chula Vista. The cruise night season is upon us too. Events coming up in the end of June and July that are sanctioned by NCCC Midwest Region: June 28 Concours and People’s Choice Car Show, West Allis, Wisconsin July 4 and 5 Autocross at Rantoul, Illinois July 11 and 12 Autocross at Milwaukee, Wisconsin July 18 and 19 Autocross at Crete, Illinois July 26 Autocross at Davenport, Iowa Our car show was pretty well attended by clubs other than ours. Windy City Corvettes, the Camaro Club, as well as, just individuals not belonging to any club. As a matter of fact the winner of the Dealers Award from martin Chevy is not a member of any club. Mr. Johnson won with his 2013 ZO6 Anniversary Corvette. The topic this month is changes to the insurance from NCCC. Several changes were made by Legacy Insurance to the FAQ’s the following changes were noted: FAQ #12 on Page 5. Wording was changed to the last sentence. “If a club does acquire their own insurance coverage, it has no affiliation or responsibilities tied to NCCC Insurance for any part of that coverage.” FAQ#37 on page 10. What Coverage does NCCC provide regarding remote control vehicles, i.e. drones, airplanes, car, etc? “ If an incident occurs, the person operating and/or owning the item that caused damage or injury will be solely responsible for any liability.” FAQ page 18. “ Claim Submission: ALL Accident Claim forms must be submitted to Legacy Insurance WITHIN 72 HOURS of the incident or the claim may not be honored.” There is still time to sign up for the convention this year. It will be held in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, August 22 thru August 27, 2015. The Hoak’s and Douglas’ are planning on attending. Have fun this summer and try to include your Corvette-America’s Sports Car! Save the Wave! We joined for the car. We stay for the people! Sincerely, Bill Hoak, Governor 8 SUNBURST EVENTS CALENDAR NCCC Midwest Region Events in RED July 2d – Membership Meeting 4th – Wonder Lake Parade 4-5 – Auto X Rantoul 8th – Board Meeting 11-12 – Auto X Milwaukee WI 16-19 –Surf & Turf 18-19 – Auto X Crete 25th Algonquin FD Parade 26th – Auto X Davenport IA August 2-3 –Great Chevy Round Up 6th – Membership Meeting 8th – Auto X Crystal Lake 9th – Auto X Rockford 12th – Board Meeting 15th- Sunburst Poker Run 16th – Car Show Tinley Park 21-9/7- West Coast & Rte 66 22-27 – NCCC Convention September 3rd – Membership Meeting 5-6 – Auto X Loves Park 9th –Board Meeting 26th – Avie Fest Car Show –East Troy October 1 – Membership Meeting 3-4 – Auto X Rantoul 14th Board Meeting 17th – Auto X South Bend st November 5th – Membership Meeting 11th – Board Meeting December 3rd – Membership Meeting 5th – Sunburst Holiday Party 9th – Board Meeting 9 2400 Grove Ln, Cary, IL 60013 847-639 847 639-3161 SUNBURST CELEBRATION CELEBRATIONS JULY BIRTHDAYS RTHDAYS JULY ANNIVERSARIES 5TH 10 TH 11 TH 19 TH 22 ND 26 TH MIKE & RISA MURPHY JR & KAREN HOTTENROTT RON & COLETTE MAJCHROWSKI LEE & MEHLINAE DOUGLAS DAVE & JULIE THOMAS DAVE & MIA BERNA ED & BEV ARMATYS BILL & JO HOAK STEVE & BETH WEGER 1ST RON MAJCHROWSKI 21ST VERN CHAPMAN 2ND RON BIEDA 22ND ED MILLS 7TH KRIS JENSEN 23RD JOHN PIPP 8TH MIKE SMOSNA 24TH JOSE LARA 11TH MARGE BACHNER 25TH JIM DOWNING 12TH DON ELLIOTT 26TH JR HOTTENROTT 20TH RICH ORR 29TH NOLAN & KAREN BAIRD DON’T FORGET TO SUPPORT OUR LOCAL FOOD PANTRIES WITH YOUR DONATION OF CANNED GOODS, PAPER GOODS, BOXED OXED FOOD PRODUCTS & CLEANING SUPPLIES. YOUR DONATIONS CAN BE BROUGHT TO OUR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETING. ANY QUESTIONS CONTACT CAROL MACCABE OR JULIE THOMAS 10 Strut Your Stuff 2015 Car Show 11 12 TRIPPIN’ ON LSD JUNE 7TH 13 McHenry County Salvation Army Back to School -2015 Backpacks #2 pencils Erasers Pencil Box Pencil Sharpener Glue Sticks Blue & Black Pens 4oz bottle Glue Hightlighters Crayons Sprial Notebooks Markers /Broad & Narrow tip Loose Leaf Paper Colored Pencils Red Pens 2 Pocket Folders 3 Ring Binders 12 in Ruler Composition Books Index Cards Poointed Scissors Please remember to bring your school supplies to the July 2nd membership meeting 14 CORVETTE ADVENTURES 15 Jo i n t h e su n b u r st Co r v e t t e Cl u b At t h e 4t h Wo n d er La k e o f j u l y Pa r a d e N o o n –M e e t a t H a p p y Ja c k s 4 9 1 1 W e s t E l m S t (R T e 1 2 0 ) M c Hen r y , IL 12:30 – D r i v e t o t h e s t a g i n g a r e a in w o n d er La k e 1:30 – P a r a d e St e p s O f f B R I N G C AN D Y T O T O SS T O THE KIDS 3:30 – H e a d o f f t o Ob er w eiss D a ir y in M c h en r y f o r a c o o l t r ea t SI G N U P A T T H E JU N E O R JU L Y M E M B E R SH I P M EET IN G . FO R FU R T H ER IN FO R M AT IO N C O N T A C T : M I K E ST E V E N S 847- 277- 9302 16 17 GREAT CHEVY ROUND UP Over the winter some of us SCC’ers have stumbled on what looks to be one incredible collection of (150) convertible Chevy’s from the first until 1975 in Ankeny, IA, the Albaugh Collection. This collection is a private collection but working with the curator of this collection, Sunburst Corvette Club has been invited to visit. This will be a (1) night trip, leaving the McHenry Co area on 8/2 after breakfast at Brunch Café Huntley, visiting the collection on 8/3 and returning the same day. (30) rooms have been blocked at the Courtyard Inn, in Ankeny, IA at the Albaugh, Inc, business rate of $104 per night. Currently we are working on all the details and meals to make this a fun overnight excursion! If you plan on attending, you will need to make your reservation at: Book your group rate for Sunburst Corvette Club Or call Courtyard by Marriott 515.422.5555 18 Sunburst Sponsors 19 Sunburst Sponsors 20 Nulla sed mauris quis elit. Ut pharetra, diam in consequat vulputate, leo turpis consequat dui, vel sodales risus odio non turpis. 855-366-1903 1903 W Rte 120, McHenry IL 60051 Sunburst Sponsors 21 “Aliquam ullamcorper nonummy metus. Duis dapibus lectus vitae odio.” - Lorem Ipsum 22 Sunburst Sponsor 23