Specialist engineering, manufacture and servicing
Specialist engineering, manufacture and servicing
Specialist engineering, manufacture and servicing Supporting the construction industry Skanska’s Bentley Works Design, manufacture, repair, test and certification in support of the construction industry The engineering and manufacturing workshops at our Bentley Works use a variety of techniques and machinery to transform raw and recycled materials into tools and equipment for the construction industry. Originally established to service and maintain our own plant and heavy machinery, the workshops have evolved to meet the specific needs of our clients as well. Our team of experts listens to your requirements, so we can understand your needs and apply the best solution, within your budget and timescale. Our experts use the latest technology, like computer numerical controlled (CNC) machines, to produce intricate and bespoke designs Manufacturing precise components to specific client requirements, using the latest technology, as well as traditional techniques, here we have produced bespoke male and female continuous flight auger end couplings for the piling industry Repair maintenance We repair and maintain a wide range of machinery. A team of expert field service engineers attend to emergency breakdowns and carry out routine inspections and maintenance. Ours is a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week service, supporting clients across the UK and Ireland. Damaged, worn and dirty parts and material are delivered to our workshops for the team to clean, repair or transform into an efficient product for use in the construction industry Geotechnical systems We offer a comprehensive instrumentation and monitoring service to support construction projects. Experienced technicians install, monitor and maintain a wide range of structural and geotechnical systems used in the construction industry. Keeping the client well informed: our experienced technicians use specialist equipment to assess and monitor site conditions, earthworks and foundation construction, helping to avoid any risk to people or equipment All deliveries and lifting of large parts and materials are accommodated easily using an overhead gantry and mobile cranes Our credentials Our workshops have been established in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, for almost a century. We employ a multi-skilled workforce of mechanical and civil engineers, fully trained in areas like fabrication, welding, electrical engineering, hydraulics and computer numerical control (CNC) specialised machining. All work is certified to industry standards ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004 and BS OHSAS 18001: 2007. Today’s technology Better solutions – case study Whether the job is small or large, from the design of an idea through to finding the right solution, the team works with the latest technology and equipment, all located on site, to deliver each individual requirement. A valued client approached the team with a project to manufacture over 3,000 cable tunnel brackets. Using its design and manufacturing skills, the team was able to offer an alternative product that not only reduced costs by £50,000 but also cut the delivery time by four weeks. Stairs and platform made off site and delivered to St Botolphs in London, saving time and costs National Grid benefits from our innovative approach to producing cable brackets for the London Power Tunnels Sustainability: investing in the future •Skanska was named greenest company in the UK (all categories) by the ’Sunday Times’ in 2011 •60 per cent of our rigs are multi-use, providing a flexible fleet with a wide range of capabilities, which helps to cut travel, miles, carbon and cost •We use plant with more economical tier-three and tierfour engines, which cut our fuel usage by 25 per cent, saving 513 tonnes of CO2 and £125,000 in 2012 •We’ve doubled the use we get from our biodegradable hydraulic oils through reuse and recycling Investing in the future: we only use biodegradable oil and the most efficient engines in our plant to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future Contact us We are well connected, with easy access to the M1 and the East Coast Main Line. To find out more about how we can work together, call us on 01302 820888 or contact a member of the team. Steve Joynson Manager, Bentley Works [email protected] Dave Buxton Senior plant engineer [email protected] Michael Holland Workshops manager [email protected] Kevin Arnold Machine/fabrication supervisor [email protected] Fast, efficient and cost-effective: our in-house mechanical, electrical and hydraulic technicians and fitters maintain and repair a wide range of mechanical plant – here our technician is repairing a Liebherr piling rig rotary table Cementation Skanska www.skanska.co.uk/piling-foundations Bentley Works Pipering Lane Doncaster South Yorkshire DN5 9NB Tel: 01302 820888 Produced by Skanska UK’s communications team