Heath SB-610 Monitor Scope Modifications
Heath SB-610 Monitor Scope Modifications
Ian A . Webb K6SDE 432 R osario Dr. Santa Barbara, Calif. 93105 Heathkit SB-610 Monitor Scope Modi ications Proper optimum operation of single sideband transmitters is most easily achieved by oscilloscope monitoring. As a result, the H eathkit SB-61O Monitor Scope' is appearing in more and more amateur shacks as a vital piece of equipment. As originally designed, this eq uip ment is a versatile p iece of gear. T here arc a couple of modifications, h oweve r, that make this an even more versatile instrument. I will describe two modifications that I have made to my SB-61O. Neither modification requires new front panel h oles or mechanical changes to affect the resale value of the SIl-6 1O. Most owners of th e SB-61O sho u ld consider at least the first m odification. Those who have yet to acquire an SB-610 may wis h to incorp orate the modifi cations when they construct the kit. >< inch "hutch plug" Lever knob" Control knob split bush ing' " -----t. Jlounting Brackett In this mod ification, the p resen t 100 K linear vertical ga in con trol, which is in th e lower center of the front panel, is rep laced wi th a 100 K linear concentric potentiometer. A H eath kit lever knob, match ing the present SB-6 I O knobs, is put on this new p otcntiome ter. T h is leaves a h ole throu gh the center of th e vertical gai n control in wh ich to run 28 0 V HORIZ. POSlTlON ~ RY, 53000HIliIS, 4.1MA / II Transmitter attenuation switch This modificat ion moves the transmitter attenua tion switch from its p resent p osition in the center of th e rear a pron of th e SB610 to the Irorit panel. T he control becomes concentric with the p resent vertical gai n control. \ Vith the transmitter attenuation control 011 the front panel, it is no longer necessary to reach behind the SR-61 0 to change the transmitting pattern height when changing power levels or making band changes, T his is especially useful when one changes hands frequently or where a linear amplifier is often switch ed on or off, Paris required: Concentric potentiometer element (outer unit ) and shaft asscmblv . , 100 K linear (IR C-CT S CF 13 or equivalent, see text) Potentiometer mounting bracket (Sec F ig. 1) Non-conducting shaft O'iG inch diameter b y 10 inches approx.) jr" Hf'a t hkit ~ B· 6 10 :\lo n itor (l)('t'l'I lI!J('r ]9 (6 ), 5 4, 42 SCOllP," 73 JI a a aZhl t , /'iJ, /"'"J,/ L _ - ' _....I --' , • ,- (SEE TEXT) • 15 K (S EE TEXT ) 1 , VI8 f, -- - "j ''--w_._---<.--.v.._ ';];,0' Sl-C J /odification Schematic the insulated shaft which controls the transmitter attenuation switch which is remounted on a new bracket facing forward , The choke of concen tric potentiometer is not critical and by browsing in your local parts house stock of replacement type conshould find a "make vour own trols vou • • pot" selection enabling you to assemble the "outside" portion of a dual potentiome ter. (I used an lHC-CTS CF-13 unit with a panel bushing about % inch long and a shaft about " Ordt> r H vuf hkit n umbe r s 4 55 ·11 S plit Bu ahlng $ .1 0 and ·Hi~· 19,) Lever- knob $ .5 0 ( po- tpaid) from : H e a t h C umpnn y, Benton H arbor, Micbigan 4 9 0~3 . 13 MAGAZINE • % inch lon g which I cut to exactly fit the Heathkit lever knob.) Remove all three wires to the lugs of the old vertical gain control (AJ in the 5B-6IO man ual ) a nd remove the old control a nd knobs keepin g the wires in order so the y may be soldered to the n ew con trol. Before mou nti ng the new pot, b e sure th at th e knob shaft will extend just far e nough to allow yo u to m ou nt the new lever knob on it. Do a ny cutti ng of th e shaft b efore mounting the potentiometer to p revent d amage to the front panel of the 5B-610. M ou nt the new control and resolder the wires to the corresponding lugs of the new control. Fabricate a bracket as shown in Fig. 1 a nd refer to the p hotos to sec mounti ng details. (If you are lucky as I was, you r junk box will yield a su ita b le b racke t.) U nsolder th e wire fro m the coaxial connecto r to th e lug 4 of swi tch BD, the t ra n sm itter attenuation switch, a nd unsold er th e capacitor which run s from terminal strip G, lug 5 to term inal 5 of switch BD. You can now remove the switch from the hack apron. If you wish, fill the empty hole in the back apron with a "hutch plug." . Mount the new moun ting b racke t in line wit h the old hole in which the switch was mo unted. Allow eno ug h room fo r the switch to bc re mounted b e tween th e new bracket a nd the h ack apron. Mount the switch an d reattach the w ire fro m the coaxial con nector to terminal 4 and the capacitor to termin al 5 of the remounted switch . Orient the switch so this can he accomplished with the least difficulty. Be certain that no components stick lip far enough to interfere with the case when it is replaced over t he M onitor Scope. Attach the shaft coupler to the switch shaft a nd insert the 3/16 inch non-conductin g shaft extens ion from the fron t pa nel into th e hole through the vertical gain cont rol runn in g it b ack to th e shaft co upler. Ca re fully move any parts that interfere with the shaft. The large .25 mfd capacitor n ear the shaft coupler between the tub e socke t (\'3) and the terminal strip G may need to be relocated to provide suffi cie nt clearance. A metallic shaft extension is not recommended due to the possibility of accidental contact wit h pa rts on the chassis. When the shaft h as b ee n properly mated, mak e a small sh im from a piece of scrap or tin can to red uce the ~ inch co up ler on the sw itch to accep t the :;lg inch shaft extension. \ Vit h the shaft in place measure APRIL 1969 32 inch beyond the leve r knob mounted on the vertical gain control and re move and cut the shaft at this point. M ount the shaft firm ly, tightening the co up ler. Use the new split b us h ing inside the original knob removed from the vertical gain control to fi rmly fasten the knob on to the sh aft ex ten sion Hush with th e lever kn ob. The 5B-6IO will n ow operate exactly as it di d origina lly. It is now p ossible to select th e vertical gain when monitoring a received signa l using the leve r knob a nd to change the transmitter a ttenuat ion usin g the la rge original knob. It is no longer necessary to reach behind the 5B-61O each time the linear is tu rned on or off or each time you n eed atten ua tion changes w hen swi tching b anos. Clamp Modification This modification sho uld appeal to . those p eople, m yself incl uded , who b el ieve th at the main virtue of th e SB-610 is th e monitori ng of one's transmitted envelope usin g the intern al sweep. If you use the interna l Top V i t'IV sweep icithout also monitorin g received signals d u rin g standby periods, the trace of the 5B-6IO will re main a static baseline of h igh intensity since the clamp circuit is inoperative in this mode. This can cause a burned scop e face if the in tensit y is h igh enough for good m onitorin g of p eaks in a brigh tly illuminated room. I decided that I would like to remove the trace from the scope face :m loma ticalIv when th e transmitter is turned to standby. -T his could b e d on e using the relays tha t switch the rig from transmit to receive, bu t since m y ri g is a transceiver 43 that I also use whe n mobile, this wo uld involve addi tional connections to attach and remove each time I switched from b ase station to mobile operation. Xl y modification accom plishes the clamping of the t race with no additional connections to the transmitter or rece iver. Parts required: Ca pacitor, .05 rnfd, 50 volts Hesistors: 33K, ~ watt and resistor in series with relay coil (see text) Sensitive plate rela y, DPST, N. O., (Lafaye tte Radio 99H6093, DPDT, 5300 ohm, 4.1 mn ., 4 oz., shipping weight, $2.95, Lafayette Haclio, 11 1 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, L.T. , N.Y. 11791 ) Sec text for details. The relay I used, was from my junk box. Lackin g a suitab le relay, the one listed in the list above is suggested. It may req uire ingenuity to moun t some relays, but a small bit of epoxy will do wo nders if properly applied. Fig. 4 shows the circuit mod ifica tions to be made. The d ark portions of the circuit are addi tiona l components or modifications. The clamp tube, VlB, is turn ed into a relay amplifier. Relay contacts are used to pull th e trace off th e screen b y shorting the horizontal position control through a 33 K res istor. A second set of contacts grounds th e grid of V3A to stop the sweep. If the sweep is not disabled, th e left portion of the trace will still be on the screen. Pins 1 and 2 of th e front panel sweep control are jumpered so th at the "p ull for clamp" control will work in the internal sweep position of the sweep control as we ll as in the other sweep positions. When this modification is made, the SH-6IO will operate as origina lly designed in t he RTTY and rf Trap positions of the sweep switch. T he clamp will a lso work in th e internal (In t.) position of th e sweep control when the "p ull for clamp" control is pulled ou t. The d amp switch may he pushed in so th at received signals may also be m onitored as ori g inall y design ed. The .2 microfarad capacitor on terminal strip H adjacen t to tube socket VI is cha nged to .05 microfarads to allow 1 to 2 seconds before the trace leaves th e screen. This capacitor need not be changed, hut the time for the trace to leave th e screen w ill be in excess of ten seconds if it is not changed. Remove the capacitor from str ip H and replace it with th e .05 m fd capacitor if you desire th is change. 44 • Bottom View The left hand lug of terminal strip U, near the chassis edge was originally unused. Remove the blue wire at pin 7 of VI and solder it to this unused lug of terminal str ip U. On the back of the front panel, solder a jumper wire between lugs 1 and " of the sweep switch. Mount the pla te relay in the space bet ween the tube socket VI , terminal strip U and the edge of the chassis. If your relay can he mounted with screws as could my junk box rela y, th at is fine ; otherwise you may have to use some ingenuity and p erhaps some epoxy to mount th e relay. F rom one set of relay con tac ts (closed when the relay is operated) nm a wire to a convenient ground point such as the mounting lug of terminal strip U. From the other contact of the set, connect the 33 K resistor to the blue wire which you soldered to the previously unused lug of terminal strip U ncar the outside of the ch assis. From the second set of contacts (also closed when th e relay is operated) run a w ire to ground. From the other contact of this set. run a w ire to pin 9 of tube socke t V3A which is the tube socket ncar the shaft extension. This set of contac ts w ill now ground the grid of tube V3A when the relay is closed and stop the sweep. Run a wire from one end of the relay coil to the 280 volt bus. I ran the wire to the junction of the 40 mfd capaci tor; is K, 1 \V resistor; 1 K, J \V resistor; and 20 mfd capa citor. This is ncar the center of the chassis on capacitor K, pin 3. T emporarily, attac h the remainin g end of the relay coil to pin 7 of VI through a res istor. (T his resistor sho uld he nominally ]5 K oh ms for th e relay in th e parts list. ) The resistor should be selected so that th e rel ay used just pulls in reliably when the 73 MAGAZINE • clamp sw itch is pulled out, the SB-61O turned on, and no rf signal is ap plied . In any even t, the plate d issipation of the 6BN8 relay amplifier should not exceed the maximum rating of 1.7 w atts. The total resistance of th e rel ay co il plu s series resistor should be at least 10 K. (If you use a junk b ox relay, measure th e voltage from cathode to p late. and the current th rou gh the t ube w hen the relay is pulled) in. The p roduct of the voltage and current- in amperes-sho uld no t exceed 1.7.) T hi s completes the wiring of the modificatio n. Check the wiring against the schematic in Fig. 4. Carefully plug the SB-61O in w ith it still ou t of the case and let it wa rm up. Check to see if the relay opera tes when the "p ull to clamp" switch is p ulled out and the sweep switch is in any p osition . If the relay d oes not opera te, first recheck the wiring to make su re it is correct. If the wiring is correct and th e relay will still not pull. in, reduce th e v alue of the resistor from the relay coil to pin 7 of VI u ntil the relay reliably p ulls in. This will ass ure that min imum plate dissipation occu rs in t ube VI. \ Vhen this va lue is fou nd, solder in the resistor permanently. When th e "pull to clamp" switch is pushed in, the rela y should d rop out. The tra ce will then appear on the face of the SB-6 1O and it should operate normally. Set the sweep switch to Inl. and ap ply a small amou nt of transmitter rf to the connector at the rear of the SIl-6IO while the "pull to clamp" switch is ou t , The relay shou ld release and the trace should appear to allow normal transmitted signal monitorin g. If the trace does not appea r and the relay drop out, incr ease the rf sig nal. When th e rf is removed by turning off th e tra nsmitter, the trace should di sappear after 1 to 2 seconds . If the trace has not moved completely off the scope face, it may be necessa ry to decrease the value of the 33 K resistor. If the sweep still continues w hen the tr ace is off screen, th e grid of t ube V3A (pin 9) is not bei ng shorted to ground through the relay. I have operated my SB-6IO 24 hours a day fo r days at a tim e and experienced no d ifficulties. You must now remember to tu rn off the power switch after operating, for yo u no longer sec the green trace on the screen to rem ind you that the 5B-6IO is on. . .. 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