Youth - the Shire of Chittering
Youth - the Shire of Chittering
1 Wheatbelt Youth Services Directory 2013 2 Wheatbelt Youth Services Directory The Wheatbelt Youth Services Directory is a comprehensive guide to services and opportunities available to Wheatbelt young people, designed to assist them to understand which organisations to approach according to their needs. As well as being a printed guide to services and opportunities available to Wheatbelt young people, this directory will be a live document that can be updated as needed so that the information is always current, with an updated copy being available from the Regional Development Australia (RDA) Wheatbelt website. Please feel free to send any information that you require to be updated to RDA Wheatbelt’s Youth Connections Project Officer Michelle Blackhurst on email [email protected] or telephone (08) 9622 8700. Disclaimer Whilst every effort is made to ensure this information is correct at the time of printing in February 2013, Regional Development Australia Wheatbelt Inc. accepts no responsibility for outcomes and actions resulting from use of information presented in this directory. 3 Regional Development Australia Wheatbelt Inc. Regional Development Australia is a partnership between the Australian, State and Local Governments that aims to develop, strengthen and ensure the long-term sustainability of Australia’s regions. RDA Wheatbelt is one of 55 RDA committees representing regional areas across the country. The key role of RDA Wheatbelt is to build strong and effective partnerships between governments, regional development organisations, industry, local businesses, community groups and key regional stakeholders to provide strategic and targeted responses to economic, environmental and social issues affecting the region. Regional Information We distribute information about programs and initiatives that may be of interest or benefit to Wheatbelt communities through our monthly e-newsletters, email networks and attendance at meetings and events throughout the region. Grant Funding We can assist you in identifying funding opportunities to support community or regionally focused projects and initiatives. We also have some great resources to assist you in preparing your grant application, including a grant writing guide that you can download from our website. Youth Our Youth Connections team works with 13-19 year olds at risk of not achieving year 12 and assists in identifying education, training and/or employment options that will best suit the individual. The Wheatbelt Youth Leadership Development (WYLD) Team and Network is a regional youth initiative that aims to inspire and build the capacity of Wheatbelt young people aged 12 to 19. Economic Development We promote the region as a great place to live, work and invest. We support initiatives that will promote the development of new industry and job creation in the Wheatbelt. Our Vision for the Region The Wheatbelt is a ‘possibility belt’ that grows as a result of vibrant and diverse people, industry and environment (built and natural). Services 4 Employment, Training and Education Accommodation and Homeless Services Anglicare WA - Narrogin 09 Avon Youth Community and Family Services 10 Active After-school Communities 08 Department for Child Protection (foster care) 14 Apprenticentre 09 Department of Family, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Foster Care) 15 Emergency Accommodation Assistance 18 CCI Apprenticeship Solutions 11 C Y O’Connor Institute 14 Life Without Barriers Department of Education, Employment and Work24 place Relations 15 Share and Care Community Services Group 32 Directions 17 Wheatbelt GP Network 36 Essential Personnel 18 Alcohol and Other Drugs Max Employment 25 Northam PCYC 28 Alcohol and Drug Information Service 09 Partnership Brokers - Wheatbelt 29 Alcoholics Anonymous 09 School Drug Education and Road Aware 31 Community Drug Services Team (CDST) 13 Wheatbelt Education Region Local Education Office 22 Wheatbelt Participation Teams 24 Wheatbelt Regional Education Office 28 Wheatbelt Schools 29 Workforce Development Centre 30 Youth Connections 30 Holyoake Local Drug Action Group (LDAG) Parent Drug Information Service Poisons Information Centre Quit Now Salvation Army 36 37 38 38 40 40 School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) Family Services Roadwise 31 Wheatbelt Community Drug Service 35 Avon Youth Community and Family Services Central Agcare Family Counselling Service Disability and Carers Activ Foundation Inc 08 Association for the Blind of WA 10 Disability Services Commission 17 Essential Personnel 18 Forrest Personnel Hotham Personnel 10 12 Children of Parents with Mental Health 12 Commonwealth Respite and Carelink 12 Community Drug Services Team (CDST) 13 Compassionate Friends 13 Department for Child Protection 14 Department for Communities – Parenting WA 20 Wheatbelt 22 Djookanka Women’s Refuge – Narrogin Life Without Barriers 24 Domestic Violence Prevention Unit Wheatbelt Individual and Family Support Association Family Assistance Office Inc. 36 Family Court Counselling 15 17 18 19 19 Family Helpline 19 Family Planning WA 19 Family Relationships 19 Ngala 27 Pregnancy Problem House 29 5 Legal Services Relationships Australia 30 Share and Care Community Services Group 32 Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA) 08 Waminda House Women’s Refuge 35 Family Court Counselling 19 Wheatbelt Agcare Community Support 35 Legal Aid - Domestic Violence Legal Unit 23 General Health Aboriginal Medical and Health Service 08 Cancer Helpline 11 WA Community Legal Centres 34 Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre 35 Connect Groups Personal Support and Counselling 13 Services Department for Human Services 15 Anglicare WA 09 Department of Health 15 Avon Youth Community and Family Services 10 Diabetes Australia WA 17 Central Agcare Family Counselling Service 12 School Health Nurses 31 Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre 12 The Regional Men’s Health Initiative 34 Community Drug Services Team 13 Wheatbelt Health Promotion Network 36 Crisis Care Centre 13 Wheatbelt Hospitals 36 Department for Human Services 15 Wheatbelt Mental Health Service 37 Djookanka Women’s Refuge - Narrogin 17 Indigenous Services Family Helpline 19 Family Planning WA 19 08 Gay and Lesbian Community Service of WA Inc. 08 HALO 21 09 Headspace Kids Helpline 22 15 Lifeline WA 24 Health Direct 22 Mensline WA 25 Indigenous Youth Leadership Program 23 Mens Shed 25 KEEDAC 23 Mental Health Emergency Response Line 25 Make a Wish Australia 24 Parent Drug Information Services Team 28 Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA) Aboriginal Medical and Health Service AMA Indigenous Initiatives Department of Family, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Foster Care) 21 23 Pregnancy Lifeline 29 Leadership and Involvement Pregnancy Problem House 29 Opportunities Relationships Australia 30 10 Samaritans Crisis Line 10 Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) 31 16 Share and Care Community Services Group 20 Southern Ag Care Rural Counselling 32 21 Suicide Prevention Telephone Support 26 Waminda House Women’s Refuge 33 35 School Drug Education and Road Aware 28 Wheatbelt Agcare Community Support 31 Wheatbelt Community Drug Services Team Small Business Centre 32 WA Federation of Rural Youth 34 Avon Valley Arts Society (AVAS) Avon Youth Community and Family Services Department of Sport and Recreation Foundation for Young Australians HAY Youth Group Southern Cross Moora Youth Group Northam PCYC Wheatbelt Youth Leadership Development (WYLD) Network 39 31 33 35 35 Services 6 Youth Grants Wheatbelt Men’s Health Inc. 37 Youth Connections 40 Act Belong Commit Sexual Health and Sexuality 08 Coles Junior Landcare Grants 12 Community Arts Network of WA 13 AIDS Line 09 Country Arts WA 13 Department for Health 15 Department for Communities 15 Department of Human Services 15 Department of Family and Community Servicers and Indigenous Affairs 15 19 Department of Justice 16 21 Department of Local Government and Regional 29 Development Grants Directory 16 29 Department of Sport and Recreation 16 Family Planning WA Gay and Lesbian Community Service of WA Inc. Pregnancy Lifeline Pregnancy Problem House Sexual Health Helpline Women’s Information Service 31 Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal 40 Healthway Useful Websites 20 22 Lotterywest 24 McDonalds Grants 25 Apprenticentre 09 Myer Foundation Australian Jobsearch 10 NAB Schools First 27 11 National Community Crime Prevention Programme 27 11 Office for Children and Youth 28 Beyond Blue Career One Centrelink 27 28 Defence Jobs 12 Office of Multicultural Interests 14 Our Community Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations 15 SGIO Community Grants 32 Enough is Enough 18 Family Planning WA 19 Graduate Careers 21 My Career 26 My Future 26 Reach Out 30 Seek 31 Student Edge 33 The Good Universities Guide 33 Volunteering WA 34 Year 12 - What Next? 40 28 Telstra Foundation Community Development Fund 33 Woolworths Fresh Food Kids - Grant 40 Art and Culture Avon Valley Arts Society (AVAS) 10 Community Arts Network of WA 13 Country Arts WA 13 Culture Infusion 14 Film and Television Institute of WA 19 James Foley - Cartoon Drawing 23 Leslie King - Community Art Projects 23 Michelle Murfit - Community Art Projects 26 Northam Link Theatre 27 Spare Parts 33 Visual Arts Foundation 34 WA State Literature Centre - Creative Writing 35 7 Community Commissioner for Children and Young People Michelle Scott 12 Volunteering WA 34 Wheatbelt Youth Leadership Development Network 39 Music Didgeridoo Breath 17 Drum Beat 18 Funky Harmony 20 Personal Development and Support Dave Gunter - Youth Mentor 14 Share and Care Community Services Group (Homemaker Project) 32 Teamworks Development Australia 33 True Blue Dreaming 34 Physical ASP Xtreme - Scooter tricks 10 Freestyle Now - BMX / Skateboard Coaching and Workshops 20 GKR Karate Club 21 Go Kart Club 21 Jo Laird - Bully Workshops and Self Defence for Women and Young People 23 Masters of Hip Hop 25 Northam PCYC 28 PCYC Armadale - Climbing Wall 29 Skadada Youth Runaway Circus 32 Suitcase Circus 33 Teamworks Development Australia 33 Workforce Development Centre 40 Information 8 Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALS) This is a service providing free legal support, representation in civil, criminal and family law for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Western Australia. The Wheatbelt office is based in Northam and is open from 8.30am to 5.00pm. P: E: W: 1800 442 015 [email protected] Aboriginal Medical and Health Service (AMHS) This network delivers culturally appropriate health care and health related services to the Aboriginal community throughout Western Australia. The Wheatbelt office “Wheatbelt Aboriginal Health” is based in Northam and it covers all areas of the Wheatbelt region. P: E: W: (08) 9690 2888 [email protected] Act Belong Commit Act Belong Commit promote the message that keeping mentally healthy is just as important as keeping physically healthy and it is as easy as ABC. Act - Be physically, socially and mentally active Belong - Keep up friendships, join clubs and community events Commit - Support a good cause and help others Act Belong Commit has an awesome website to help you to work out where to start if you want to get involved in something. P: E: W: (08) 9266 1709 [email protected] Active After-school Communities AASC can deliver a free coaching course to young people who wish to gain casual employment coaching primary school aged children. P: E: (08) 9690 2440 [email protected] Activ Foundation Inc Activ is one of WA’s leading community benefit organisations and has been providing services and support to people with disabilities since 1951. The purpose of Activ is to provide a range of services for people with disability enabling them and their families to pursue a better life. Services provided for people with disabilities may include respite and home and community care support, employment services, accredited training, skills development, transport to the workplace and holiday experiences. A Activ's services are provided in the Wheatbelt communities of Kellerberrin and Narrogin. P: E: W: (08) 9387 0555 [email protected] 9 AIDSline AIDSline is a confidential and anonymous telephone service provided by the WA AIDS Council to the community. The service provides information, education and referral on a range of issues including HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs), STI and BBV (Blood Borne Virus) testing, Safer Sex information and equipment and information about sexuality. AIDSline does not offer medical advice or provide counselling. P: E: W: (08) 9482 0044 [email protected] Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) Alcohol and Drug Information Service is the clinical services directorate of the Drug and Alcohol Office. It provides assessment and treatment services for people experiencing problems associated with their alcohol and other drug use, and support for their families. ADIS is a confidential, statewide, 24-hour, 7 days a week telephone counselling, information, referral and consultancy service, Services include outpatient withdrawal, opiate and alcohol pharmacotherapy, clinical psychology, case management, counselling and a drug and alcohol youth service. P: E: W: (08) 9442 5000 / 1800 198 024 [email protected] Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a group that assists both men and women to share their experiences and support each other to manage issues related to alcohol use with support meetings organised across regional WA. P: E: W: Helpline: 1300 22 22 22 [email protected] AMA WA Indigenous Initiatives The aim of AMA WA Indigenous Initiatives is to give individuals self-esteem, inspiration, strength and confidence, in conjunction with the support of a structured training and employment pathway to see them succeed in seeking, obtaining and maintaining long term sustainable employment. Our experienced Indigenous Consultants provide one on one or group outreach training, delivered at a grass roots level, tailored specifically to meet individual need. P: E: W: (08) 9273 3033 [email protected] Anglicare WA Have a number of youth services addressing the needs of at risk and homeless young people. Some of their services include assisting with employment, counselling and training. Anglicare WA have a number of locations throughout Western Australia with one being based in the Wheatbelt community of Narrogin specialising in supported housing. This is for young people aged 15 to 20 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and they offer short term accommodation. P: E: W: (08) 9881 6926 [email protected] Apprenticentre Apprenticentre registers training contracts and gives advice and support to employers, apprentices, trainees and parents/guardians through every stage of the apprenticeship or traineeship process. 10 It is part of the Department of Training and Workforce Development with staff that helps with all aspects of apprenticeships and traineeships including your rights and obligations, training options, problem solving, counselling and help with disputes, managing contracts including registering, changing, extending, suspending and cancelling contracts and issuing trade certificates at the completion of apprenticeships. P: W: 13 19 54 ASP Xtreme Action Sports Promotions (ASP) can offer you professional extreme sports entertainment at very affordable prices. Specializing in portable Freestyle Moto Cross (FMX), skateboarding and BMX demonstrations, ASP have the most up to date certified engineered equipment. P: 0407 993 720 E: [email protected] W: Association for the Blind The Services help people to minimize the effects of vision loss and remain independent; achieve the highest level of participation in daily life consistent with their expectations, abilities and desires and bring about change in society that promotes this level of participation. P: E: W: 1800 847 466 or 1800 VISION [email protected] Australian Jobsearch JobSearch is Australia's largest free online jobs website. It is funded and operated by the Australian Government as a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff. Job Services Australia providers and public employers upload their job vacancies to JobSearch and search for potentially suitable staff. Job seekers can search for jobs via the map on the homepage by choosing their state, local area and occupation category. The advanced search function includes more detail in searching criteria. It’s free to register and take advantage of the complete range of services. P: E: W: 13 62 68 Direct email via website Avon Valley Arts Society (AVAS) Located in Northam, the Avon Valley Arts Society is the Wheatbelt's premier arts organisation. It caters to a large cross-section of the community and offers a wide range of arts activities. AVAS conducts a number of annual events including the Northam Art Prize, the Festival of Arts Eisteddfod and Youth Arts Week. P: E: W: (08) 9622 2245 [email protected] Avon Youth Community and Family Services Avon Youth Community & Family Services Inc. (AYCFS Inc.) is a non-government, not-for-profit, community based organisation, established in 1985 initially as 'Northam Youth Outreach' operating as a drop-in-centre. Since those early days it has expanded to provide a diverse range of services to youth aged between 12 11 and 24 years in the Avon Valley region, Western Australia. In addition, we supply support services for those at risk of homelessness and much more. Youth Support - Young people aged 12-25 experiencing crisis such as drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, bullying, low self-esteem, barriers to employment and education, homelessness, sexuality issues, anti-social, / criminal behaviours, disconnection, mental health problems and a range of other issues that may affect the lives of young people and their families. Youth Development Programs: These are designed to assist young people in planning and shaping their lives. Programs include Drop in, Leadership and Holiday programs. These change and are added to all the time so check the website for more details. National Affordable Housing Agreement funds Avon Youth to provide supported accommodation. This allows young people to develop independent living skills, whilst being guided by a team of personnel who assist clients to develop a skills base in all facets of their lives, e.g. budgeting, cooking, conflict resolution, cleaning, legal documents, rights and responsibilities etc. SHAP—Supported Housing Assistance supports families through referrals from the Department for Housing to develop skills to live independently and assists them to remedy areas where they may be breaching their current tenancies. PTSS—Public Tenancy Support Service, supports families in Department of Housing accommodation whose tenancy may be at risk due to short term issues. We offer advocacy, and practical help. It’s voluntary and clients can self-refer. P: E: W: (08) 9622 2612 [email protected] Beyond Blue Beyond Blue is an organisation that can provide free resources about depression, anxiety and related issues. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, jump onto their website and all the information that you need is right there to help you decide what to do. P: W: 1300 22 4636 Cancer Helpline (Cancer Council WA) The Cancer Council Western Australia aims to minimise the incidence and impact of cancer on our community through advocacy, research, education and by providing people affected by cancer with support to enhance their quality of life. Examples of services available include the helpline, education services, support and information services, professional development for health professionals and support for cancer research. P: P: W: (08) 9212 4333 (08) 9690 1603 (Northam) [email protected] Career One One stop shop for career information and resources. Service or resource links available online include preparing a resume, job search, career advice and training courses. P: E: W: 1800 555 010 Email direct via website CCI Apprenticeship Solutions CCI Apprenticeships Solutions is an Australian Apprenticeship Centre, operated by CCI to assist companies looking to take on an apprentice or trainee. CCI Apprenticeship Solutions does not actually employ any apprentices or trainees, but rather, it is the organisation you can use when you have found an employer to assist with the official side of your apprenticeship or traineeship. P: E: W: (08) 9365 7400 [email protected] B 12 Central Agcare Family Counselling Service Central Agcare is a mobile counselling service that can provide assistance with personal relationship and family needs (including financial counselling), and the stresses relating to rural living. Sometimes people just need to talk! P: (08) 9063 2037 (Corrigin) Centrelink The Centrelink program delivers a range of payments and services for retirees, the unemployed, families, carers, parents, people with disabilities, Indigenous Australians, and people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and provides services at times of major change. E: W: Email direct via website Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) COPMI provide information for family members across Australia where a parent has a mental illness and for people who care for and work with them. The COPMI initiative is being undertaken by the Australian Infant Child Adolescent and Family Mental Health Association (AICAFMHA) with funding from the Australian Government. The overall aim of the Australian COPMI initiative is to promote better mental health outcomes for children (0 - 18 years) of parents with a mental health problem or disorder. P: W: (08) 8367 0888 Coles Junior Landcare Grants The Coles School Garden Grants Program launched in conjunction with Junior Landcare in 2008. Successful grant recipients are to help establish a community garden and learn more about the environment. Schools, kindergartens, day care centres and youth groups looking to start their own garden program can apply. P: E: W: 1800 151 105 [email protected] Commissioner for Children and Young People The Commissioner Michelle Scott works to provide a voice for all children and young people under 18 years of age and to promote their participation in communities and decision making. The Commissioner has a fantastic website and encourages children and young people to check it out and leave as much feedback about your communities so that she can help you to make a difference. P: E: W: C 1800 072 444 Via website ‘contact us’ Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres are information centres for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia. P: E: W: 1800 052 222 [email protected] 13 Community Arts Network of Western Australia Community Arts Network Australia (CAN WA) is the peak body for community arts and cultural development in Western Australia. We inspire and mobilise communities to explore and express their own unique culture through art production, cultural programs, skills development and funding opportunities. CAN WA provide state wide funding opportunities, youth arts and culture programs, training and skills development, local government partnerships, and special projects. With two regional offices, one in Kellerberrin, and one in Narrogin, CAN WA works in partnership with many Wheatbelt communities. P: W: 1800 618 021 Community Drug Services Team (CDST) There are several community drug services located across metropolitan and regional Western Australia that provide counselling for individuals, couples and families experiencing drug and alcohol issues; information and referrals to other support services; case management and education and outreach services. P: E: W: 1800 447 172 [email protected] Compassionate Friends Compassionate Friends of WA Inc is a self-help group open to bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents. The Compassionate Friends has no religious or political affiliation, and is a worldwide organisation run by volunteers, which aims to support families with the grief following the death of a child. P: E: W: 1800 628 118 / 9486 8711 [email protected] Connect Groups Connect Groups – Support Groups Association WA is a unique not-for-profit, community-based organisation that provides support and assistance for Individuals and support groups with start-up, ongoing development, advocacy and networking. P: E: W: 1800 195 575 Direct email via website Country Arts WA Country Arts WA is a dynamic and flexible not-for-profit, membership based organisation focused on supporting arts and cultural development across regional Western Australia. Country Arts WA delivers a range of arts development and performing arts touring programs on behalf of the State and Federal governments. These include funding for arts projects, large and small, support for key regional arts organisations, youth specific projects, and an extensive professional performing arts touring program. P: E: W: 1800 811 883 / (08) 9200 6200 [email protected] Crisis Care Helpline Crisis Care Helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is a telephone help line that you can use when you: need someone to help sort out a serious problem such as if you are concerned about the wellbeing of a child or you are escaping domestic violence and need help. P: W: 1800 199 008 / (08) 9223 1111 14 Culture Infusion Cultural Infusion is a not-for-profit organisation that works in education, youth, communities and the arts to promote cultural harmony and wellbeing for a more cohesive and richer society. P: E: W: 1800 010 069 / (03) 9412 6666 [email protected] C.Y. O’Connor Institute C.Y. O’Connor Institute is committed to meeting the education and training needs of those in the Wheatbelt region. The Institute aims to enhance the strength and vitality of the region by addressing the skill needs of the workforce, maximising employment opportunities, developing people's life skills, and promoting life-long learning. C.Y. O’Connor Institute specialises in a range of qualifications aimed at school leavers; including business, wool handling, nursing, agriculture and horticulture and many other areas of study. In addition, students have the option of alternative study delivery methods for some courses, including online, face-to-face, parttime or full-time. P: E: W: 1800 627 256 [email protected] Dave Gunter David Gunter is a youth mentor and has achieved outstanding results with many of the young people he has mentored and coached. Having come from a troubled background himself; overcoming enormous challenges and pressures, David is a walking example of a young person who recreated his life, making some very tough but empowering choices to achieve the level of success he enjoys today. Dave is an inspiration to young people from all walks of life and is available to speak to your group or organisation today. P: E: W: 0451 307 395 [email protected] Defence Jobs To join the Australia Defence Force you need to go through a recruitment process. This website will take you through the process and will give you advice and information on the different positions available. P: W: 13 19 01 Department for Child Protection The Department provides a range of child safety and family support services to Western Australian individuals, children and their families, from the Kimberley to the Great Southern regions of the State. D This approach aims to work with families to build safety around their children, enabling them to remain at home rather than being taken into care. Where this is not possible, the Department works with community sector organisations and foster carers to provide a safe and protective environment for vulnerable children and young people. P: W: 1800 622 258 / (08) 9222 2555 15 Department for Communities The Department for Communities informs the development of social policy, advocating on behalf of Western Australian children, parents and their families, young people, seniors, women, carers, volunteers and non-government organisations. Check out the website for information about funding opportunities. P: E: W: (02) 6217 8700 [email protected] Department for Communities – Parenting WA Wheatbelt Parenting WA Wheatbelt supports and provides information to families with young children by assisting them in accessing parenting information and resources and to provide support in their own home. If you would like some information about this service, feel free to contact them. P: (08) 9622 3144 Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) is the Australian Government department responsible for national policies and programs that enable all Australians to access quality and affordable childcare; early childhood and school education; jobs; and fair, safe and productive workplaces. The department is also responsible for the Office for Youth which provides a coordinated approach to policies, programs and services which affect young people. P: W: 1300 363 079 Department of Family, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) exists to support the Government and, through our Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries, to deliver on a broad range of social policy outcomes. Focus areas include Carers, Child Support, Communities, Families & Children, Gambling & Drugs, Housing & Homelessness, Indigenous Australians, Mental Health, People with Disability, Seniors, Volunteers, Women and Children. P: E: W: 1300 653 227 [email protected] Department of Health WA Health is Western Australia’s public health system. WA Health’s mission is to improve, promote and protect the health of Western Australians by: Caring for individuals and the community Caring for those who need it most Making the best use of funds and resources Supporting the WA Health team P: E: W: (08) 9222 4222 Direct email via website Department of Human Services DHS delivers social and health related payments and services in Western Australia. For more information check out their website. E: W: Direct email via website 16 Department of Indigenous Affairs - State Government The Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA) leads action to improve life opportunities for Indigenous Western Australians. Its key functions are to: P: E: W: Develop strategic policy to guide and inform service delivery to Indigenous people; Support the work of the Indigenous Implementation Board; Coordinate service delivery to Indigenous Western Australians through chairing and supporting the Aboriginal Affairs Coordinating Committee; Preserve and protect Indigenous heritage by supporting the work of the Aboriginal Cultural and Material Committee; and Support the Aboriginal Lands Trust in the management of lands held by the Trust in accordance with wishes of people of Aboriginal descent. (08) 9235 8000 [email protected] Department of Justice - Attorney General (WA State Government) To help guide citizens through their rights and responsibilities under Western Australian law, the Department of the Attorney General operates a Law Campus. This community gateway aims to signpost people's way through major life events and the legal system. W: Department of Local Government - Grants (WA State Government) The Department of Local Government has developed an online grants directory to help communities and local governments in regional and metropolitan Western Australia in locating sources of financial assistance for their projects and initiatives. The Directory provides information on a wide range of grants available to communities and local governments through the State Government and selected Commonwealth Government agencies, as well as a number of private sector organisations. The Department of Local Government has no role in funding the grants listed. If you require further information, please contact the organisation directly. P: E: W: 1800 620 511 / 9217 1500 [email protected] Department of Sport and Recreation The Department of Sport and Recreation is the lead agency responsible for the implementation of government policy and initiatives in sport and recreation. A key role of the department is to contribute to the healthy lifestyle of Western Australians by increasing physical activity in the community through sport and recreation. The Department of Sport and Recreation provides services across Western Australia through nine regional areas and 11 regional offices. Sport and recreation in regional areas are often a vital link for many communities, providing opportunities to network, socialise and form long-lasting friendships. P: E: W: (08) 9492 9700 Direct email via website 17 Diabetes WA The vision, ‘Freedom from Diabetes’, captures the focus of what Diabetes WA do: to minimise the impact of diabetes in Western Australia. Diabetes WA strive to achieve this by providing a range of support and education services to make living with diabetes easier, offering programs that inform the community about the ways of safeguarding against or reducing the impact of diabetes, including type 2 diabetes prevention initiatives. They also provide resources and information for health professionals, advocate on behalf of people with diabetes to eliminate unfair practices and stigma, raise vital funds to support research and programs and supply information and advice to anyone wanting to know more about diabetes. P: E: W: (08) 9325 7699 [email protected] Didgeridoo Breath Didgeridoo Breath is Australia’s largest and most experienced didgeridoo school. The team are happy to travel throughout the Wheatbelt to deliver workshops and can cover things like didgeridoo history, future, culture, didgeridoo making, and techniques of playing the didgeridoo including breathing. Didgeridoo Breath have a shop based in Fremantle. P: E: W: (08) 9430 6009 [email protected] Directions Directions is a long established not-for-profit employment and training organisation that has been operating across the Wheatbelt and Metropolitan area since 1988. Directions is a diverse organisation that is committed to providing information and services to all community members to assist them in their personal and professional growth. Their priority is to enable you to achieve your future direction with services tailored to an individual's needs with a flexible 'can-do' attitude that suits the diverse needs of job seekers and businesses. Whether you've just left school, or wanting to get back into the workforce, or maybe its just time for a change, Directions can help. We know there are excellent career opportunities just waiting for you. The team can help you make informed decisions whether an Apprenticeship or Traineeship would suit your skills. P: E: W: (08) 9622 6500 [email protected] Disability Services Commission The Disability Services Commission is a Government agency responsible for advancing opportunities, community participation and quality of life for people with disabilities. The Commission provides a range of direct services and support and also funds non-government agencies to provide services to people with disabilities, their families and carers. The Disability Services Commission has offices in and around the Wheatbelt area and can support disabled people with accommodation needs, education and employment opportunities, disability services such as physiotherapy, speech pathology, social work, occupational therapy, psychology, equipment and home alterations and more. P: W: (08) 9621 2693 Djookanka Women’s Refuge - Narrogin Djookanka is an outreach counselling service for Women and children who are experiencing domestic violence issues in the Narrogin area. P: W: 1800 007 570 18 Domestic Violence Prevention Unit The Domestic Violence Prevention Unit is community safety program made available through Northam Share and Care. The team give various advice about issues relating to domestic violence. If you have been a victim of domestic violence or someone you know is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing domestic violence, the team here can provide you with information, give you advice and support you though the process to deal with your situation. The service is professional and confidential. P: E: W: 1800 353 122 [email protected] Drum Beat DRUMBEAT was developed in the Wheatbelt of WA in 2003 as a means to engage young Aboriginal men. It is now taught to young people and adults across Australia in schools, youth services, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities, child protection residential facilities, mental health services, children's hospitals, refugee trauma associations and prisons. DRUMBEAT is a flexible program that combines Experiential Learning with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and engages young people and adults who may be anxious or resistant to 'talk based' therapies. The Program explores relationship issues such as peer pressure, bullying, dealing with emotions, identity, social responsibility, and teamwork. P: E: W: 1800 447 172 Direct email via website Emergency Accommodation Assistance Homeless Advisory Service The purpose of the Homeless Advisory Service is to provide information to primary and secondary homeless people which will assist them to seek their own accommodation. Every effort is made by the Homeless Advisory Service to assist homeless people to link with crisis accommodation services. P: W: 1800 065 892 / 1800 199 008 Enough is Enough Enough is Enough is an organisation that has a useful website that provides a range of strategies to assist in the reduction of both the causes and effects of violence in the community, and information about support services for victims. W: Essential Personnel E Essential Personnel provides a quality employment service which enables people with a disability to secure and retain careers in open employment that is of mutual benefit to the employee, the employer and the wider community. Essential Personnel is a specialist employment agency for people with a disability established in 1989. The service began with an office in Northam where Essential Personnel's head office is still located. P: W: Northam: (08) 9622 3476 / Merredin: (08) 9041 4333 / Moora: (08) 9653 1040 19 Family Assistance Office The Family Assistance Office has been set up by the Australian Government to give Australian families better access to government services. Families are able to get all their payments from just one place. Family Assistance Offices have been set up in Medicare offices and Centrelink Customer Service Centres across the country, offering a range of payments to support families with their work and family responsibilities. P: E: W: 1800 810 586 / 136 150 Direct email from website Family Court of WA - Counselling and Consultancy The Counselling and Consultancy Service is staffed by fully qualified Family Consultants with specialist knowledge and expertise in working with children and families experiencing relationship difficulties after separation. Family Consultants are also experienced alternate dispute resolution practitioners. P: E: W: (08) 9224 8222 Direct email from website Family Helpline - State Government The family helpline is a confidential telephone counselling and information service for families with relationship difficulties. P: W: 1800 643 000 / (08) 9223 1111 Family Planning WA Family Planning WA provides leadership in sexual and reproductive health throughout Western Australia. FPWA Sexual Health Services provides education and training to health professionals and other workers in the community in the area of sexuality and sexual and reproductive health. There are a number of programs available including Moditj Leader Training, Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health and Unplanned Pregnancy. There is also a Sexual Health Helpline available through this service on 1800 198 205. P: W: (08) 9227 6178 Family Relationships Online Family Relationships Online provides all families with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. P: W: 1800 050 321 Film and Television Institute of WA The Film & Television Institute is the premier professional development centre for independent screen production & events in Western Australia. A member of Screen Development Australia, FTI provides an alternative pathway to the film and television industry through education, exhibition, equipment and production resources and is supported by its membership, corporate partners, ScreenWest and Screen Australia. P: E: W: (08) 9431 6700 [email protected] F 20 Forrest Personnel Inc. Forrest Personnel Inc. provides employment assistance to people with disability in Regional and Metropolitan fringe areas of Western Australia and they have an office in Narrogin. An autonomous organisation, Forrest Personnel is one of over 25 Disability Employment Services (DES) organisations in Western Australia. The premise of a DES is to assist people with disability to find work in the mainstream workforce and provide training to learn the job as well as ongoing support where necessary. In addition these jobs are to pay legal wages and offer full conditions. Forrest Personnel has sought to continually develop work practices to ensure that clients find success with their employment goals and that they do so in a way that maximises independence. P: W: 1800 054 170 Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal is well placed to use new approaches to regional and rural development as it facilitates partnerships and mentors relationships which may otherwise not have happened. The foundation supports the development of regional community foundations, and has grant funding opportunities to get small regional development projects up and running. P: E: W: 1800 170 020 [email protected] Foundation for Young Australians The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) is a national, independent, non-profit organisation dedicated solely to young people. FYA’s mission is to empower young Australians to be successful learners and creative, active and valued citizens. FYA will do this through research, initiatives and partnerships and by harnessing the passion of our people and alumni. FYA develops and delivers innovative programs that foster engagement in learning, address access and equity issues and link schools and communities. P: E: W: (03) 9670 5436 [email protected] Freestyle Now - BMX / Skateboard Coaching Freestyle Now is a BMX rider run enterprise specializing in stunt performances together with youth orientated events and programs. E: W: [email protected] Funky Harmony Funky Harmony is a mobile DJ service that caters for all of your DJ needs for school socials and special events. They also provide workshops to up skill people in areas such as MC tips, team games and more. E: W: 0438 280 108 [email protected] 21 Gay and Lesbian Community Service of WA Inc. GLCS has been providing support, information and resources to the West Australian gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community for almost 35 years. As WA’s main community based GLBT service provider our main focus is on providing essential services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities, including our peer counseling phone line and social support groups. P: E: W: 1800 184 527 / (08) 9420 7201 [email protected] GKR Karate GKR Karate is an organization that offers martial art training throughout the Wheatbelt, Western Australia, Australia and beyond. GKR brings the martial art of Karate in reach of everyone, regardless of fitness or age. The club has training available in a number of Wheatbelt communities and the team is always looking to create more training opportunities. GKR can do special event karate displays and may look at offering workshops where requested. P: E: W: 0407 195 226 [email protected] Go Kart Club There are a few fantastic dirt kart racing venues around the Wheatbelt that hold regular kart racing events and have clubs for you to join. See website for calendar of events and to find your nearest club. P: E: W: 0457 670 353 [email protected] Graduate Careers Australia This is a fantastic website that offers career advice to young Australians who have graduated from or are thinking about going to university. W: HALO Halo is a non-profit incorporated career and personal leadership development agency advancing Hopes, Aspirations and Leadership Opportunities. Using a unique peer mentoring model the agency listens to the needs of Aboriginal young people and their families, provides advocacy, programmes and networking opportunities that enable individuals to discover who they are, design their own futures and make a difference in their communities. The Halo team together also provide youth driven Motivational & Professional Development to workers and Cultural, Career and Life Coaching Workshops to young people, community groups and staff teams. Taking part in a Halo workshop not only provides a unique and truly inspiring experience for those attending; it also contributes to strengthening the resilience and personal capacity of the young men delivering the workshops. P: W: (08) 9418 5228 HAY Youth Group Southern Cross The HAY Youth Group (HAY – Health Agencies of Yilgarn) is a new youth group available to young people in the Southern Cross area that has been funded for 3 years. If you would like some information about this service, feel free to contact them. P: (08) 9049 5091 G 22 Headspace Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation and they help people who are going through a tough time. If you are 12 to 25 you can get health advice, support and information from Headspace. With centres all around Australia Headspace can help you with general health, mental health and counselling, education, employment and other services, alcohol and other drug services. P: E: W: (03) 9027 0100 [email protected] Health Direct People can speak directly to a registered nurse and receive information and advice. Advice is provided on which health services can help, on the level of urgency, and what people should do until they receive face-to -face medical attention. P: 1800 022 222 Healthway - Grant Healthway seeks to promote and support healthy lifestyles to reduce the burden of preventable disease in Western Australia. Healthway provides sponsorship to sports, arts, and racing organisations to promote healthy messages, facilitate healthy environments and increase participation in healthy activities. Healthway also provides grants to a diverse array of organisations to encourage healthy lifestyles and advance health promotion programs. The key priorities for Healthway are reducing harm from tobacco, reducing harm from alcohol, reducing obesity and promoting good mental health. P: E: W: 1800 198 450 [email protected] Holyoake Holyoake is a leading Drug and Alcohol counselling and rehabilitation service and is available in the Wheatbelt area. If you are looking for confidential, professional counselling and rehabilitation support for your own, or a family member's drug or alcohol addiction, or know someone who could benefit from Holyoake's expertise, please contact them today. P: E: W: 1800 447 172 Email direct via website Hotham Personnel Welcome to Hotham Personnel are employment specialists for people with disabilities, located in the Upper Great Southern region of Western Australia. H Hotham Personnel is a not-for-profit agency, works with local employers to ensure successful long term employment for its clients. P: W: (08) 9881 3211 (Narrogin) / (08) 9821 5121 (Katanning) 23 Indigenous Youth Leadership Program The Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (IYLP) offers scholarships and leadership opportunities to young Indigenous Australians, with a focus on Indigenous youth from remote or regional communities. The IYLP gives Indigenous young people the opportunity to study at high performing secondary schools and benefit from practical leadership experiences and personal development. For more information on how you can be involved, feel free to contact MADALAH Ltd. P: E: (08) 9259 5722 [email protected] James Foley - Cartoon Drawing Looking for an illustrator/cartoonist/writer to present at your school? James Foley is a children's book creator from Perth; he drives a buzzbox and is willing to travel. During 2011 he facilitated five fun cartooning workshops at high schools across the Wheatbelt, as part of a Regional Development Australia project. P: E: W: 0428 531 999 [email protected] Jo Laird - Bullying and Self Defence Workshops Jo Laird is a martial artist who runs workshops in schools and communities throughout the Wheatbelt to assist with bullying issues, self-defence and also women’s self-defence. P: E: 0438 280 108 [email protected] KEEDAC The KEEDAC Community Support Service supports Indigenous community members by providing links and referrals to a range of mainstream and Indigenous services including welfare and social support, family violence, child care, legal, housing and health, drug and alcohol services. KEEDAC also has an Indigenous Employment Program. P: E: (08) 9622 8211 (Northam) / (08) 9881 6666 (Narrogin) [email protected] Kids Help Line Kids Help Line provides a free, confidential, anonymous telephone counseling service specifically for young people ages 5 to 18. P: 1800 552 800 Legal Aid - Domestic Violence Legal Unit The Legal Aid Domestic Violence Unit assists women who are experiencing domestic violence with restraining order matters. Information and referrals can also be provided for non-legal matters such as emergency and safe housing, Centrelink support and benefits, counseling and medical matters. P: 1300 650 579 Leslie King - Community Art Projects Leslie King is a community artist that can facilitate workshops in many different areas of art from banner painting, mosaics, graffiti art, clay art, sand and plaster sculpture and screen printing t-shirts. P: (08) 9538 1045 I 24 Lifeline WA Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services. Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis support service is for many things including anxiety, depression, loneliness, abuse and trauma, physical or mental wellbeing, suicidal thoughts or attempts, stresses from work, family or society, information for friends and family. P: E: W: 131 114 Direct email from website Life Without Barriers Life Without Barriers is a secular, not-for-profit organisation providing care and support services across Australia in urban, rural and remote locations and in New Zealand. Our community-based programs assist children, young people, adults, families and communities. Our work spans across care and protection, disability, mental health, homelessness, youth justice and immigration. P: W: (08) 9208 3400 Local Drug Action Group (LDAG) Local Drug Action Groups (LDAGs) were established as an overall response to addressing alcohol and other drug issues from within the community. Local Drug Action Groups Incorporated (LDAG Inc) works in partnership with the Government of Western Australia. LDAGs provide an opportunity for people to actively participate in their local community. Made up of volunteers, LDAGs combine to take action to reduce prevent and reduce alcohol and other drug related harm. P: W: 1800 LDAG 07 Lotterywest Lotterywest grants exist to help community organisations make WA a better place for all. The volume of Lotterywest grants and the number of organisations they support provides them with a unique vantage point. Collectively Lotterywest collaborates on all kinds of ideas and projects to find ways to maximise the benefit to communities. P: E: W: 1800 655 270 / (08) 9340 5270 [email protected] Make a Wish Australia To grant the Wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. L P: E: W: 1800 032 260, Perth - (08) 9244 1366 [email protected] 25 Masters of Hip Hop Freestyle – Masters of Hiphop is the pinnacle of Cultural Infusion’s youth focused “Contemporary Youth Culture Programs”. The focus of these programs is to engage disengaged, disadvantaged and/or “at risk” youth. P: E: W: (03) 6465 4100 [email protected] Max Employment MAX Employment assists people return to work by matching clients with the right skills and experience to the requirements of employers who have job vacancies. MAX Employment has the skills, experience and commitment to help you achieve your goals. P: E: W: . 1800 625 350 / (08) 9622 3500 (Northam) (08) 9041 4740 (Merredin) / (08) 9653 1133 (Moora) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] McDonalds Grants The McDonald’s GWN Junior Sports Trust (MGJST) has been developed to provide regional schools, junior sporting teams, junior sporting clubs and junior sporting associations with equipment or funding to increase participation in a chosen sport. The MGJST will provide grants or equipment to schools or groups within regional Western Australia with an emphasis on sport and being active. P: W: (08) 9475 5999 MensLine Australia MensLine Australia is the national telephone support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns. The service is available from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. P: W: 1300 789 978 Men’s Shed Men's sheds are now established as part of the health infrastructure that supports programs to improve men's health and well being. If you are looking for a shed near you go to the shed locator at That will indicate nearby sheds and provide a contact for you. Note that all sheds have their own set of programs and activities. P: W: Phone numbers for Wheatbelt sheds on website Mental Health Emergency Response Line - Rural Link A specialist after-hours mental health telephone service for the rural communities of Western Australia that operates 4.30pm – 8:30am Monday to Friday and 24 hours Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. During business hours you will be connected to your local community mental health clinic. Rural Link helps people deal with depression, suicide, anxiety, psychosis, mental health issues or mental health crisis. P: W: 1800 552 002 M 26 Metro Modelling Academy Metro modelling academy is the largest Modelling, Grooming and Deportment School within Australia. Metro Modelling Academy are happy to travel throughout the Wheatbelt to deliver workshops and can cover topics such as grooming and deportment, confidence, dressing for success, public speaking and more. E: W: Direct email via website Michelle Murfit - Country Nostalgia Art Gallery Michelle Murfit is available to facilitate art based workshops to groups of young people using her variety of experiences in community arts from stone calving, banner painting, mosaics, graffiti art, clay art, sand and plaster sculpture, screen printing t-shirts, and more. P: (08) 9041 2717 Moora Youth Group The Moora Youth Group is a youth space provided by the Shire of Moora and partnered by Avon Youth Community and Family Services that creates opportunities for young people in Moora and surrounding communities through the delivery of recreational and educational activities. The Moora Youth Group is about getting young people engaged and entertained. If you would like some information about this service, feel free to contact them. P: (08) 9651 0000 (Moora Shire) My Career MyCareer is a great website with the latest Australian employment and career opportunities. My Career client base is national, as both employers and jobseekers from across Australia use MyCareer as their key job/employee online search tool. For jobseekers, MyCareer aims to provide you with the best jobs from the best employers across Australia, while also delivering you new ways and new technology to make it easier to find the job that’s right for you. E: W: Direct email via website My Future Myfuture is Australia's national career information and exploration service, helping people to make career decisions, plan career pathways and manage work transitions. On the Myfuture website you'll find: My Guide, a career exploration tool. You can personalise My Guide to help you choose a career direction and plan your future. Detailed career information about occupations, industries, education and training providers, courses and programs Information about career development, choosing school subjects, getting a job, starting your own business, working overseas and many other topics including links to other useful websites. E: W: Direct email via website 27 Myer Foundation - Grants The Myer Foundation's and Sidney Myer Fund’s mission is to build a fair, just, creative, sustainable and caring society through initiatives that promote positive change in Australia, and in relation to Australia’s regional setting. The objectives of The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund are to enrich individual and civic life, to improve the lives of people impoverished from personal, environmental, social or cultural disadvantage and to protect and strengthen democratic values and participation. P: E: W: (03) 8672 5555 [email protected] NAB Schools First - Funding NAB Schools First is brought to life by NAB in partnership with the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). At its heart, NAB Schools First brings together students, teachers, parents and community members to help young people grow. The program provides financial recognition of success in establishing effective school and community partnerships; and financial support to build stronger school-community partnerships. W: National Community Crime Prevention Programme Crime, and the fear of crime, consistently rate amongst the highest concerns of the Australian public. The Australian Institute of Criminology has estimated that crime costs Australia around $32 billion per year. The Australian Government shares the community's concern about crime and violence and their impact on people's lives. This is why a grant has been made available through the “Proceeds of Crime”. If you would like information on crime prevention matters or funding under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, please provide your details (contact name, organisation name, telephone, email and postal address) to the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department via the email or telephone number below. P: E: W: (02) 6141 2711 [email protected] Ngala Ngala is a provider of Early Parenting and Early Childhood services with a passion for supporting and guiding families and young children through the journey of parenting. Our services are available for families with young children who work or reside in Western Australia and our online information is available to everyone. You can speak with Ngala trained professionals via their Helpline 7 days a week, 8am to 8pm. P: W: 1800 111 546 Northam Link Theatre The Northam Link Theatre is always looking from new people to come along and be a part of new productions as actors or other roles at the local Theatre. The Link Theatre has costumes for hire and is interested in hearing from people who are looking at getting involved in acting or production when they leave school. Come along and check out their historical building and be a part of the fun. E: [email protected] N 28 Northam PCYC The Northam Police and Community Youth Centre (PCYC) is a not-for-profit youth and community organisation that creates opportunities for young people in Northam and surrounding communities through the delivery of recreational and educational activities. The Northam PCYC is about getting young people engaged, entertained and helping them to stay out of trouble. We give young people the opportunity to “GET INVOLVED” with organized sports and other activities to develop new skills, make friends and have fun in a safe environment. Other programs not specific to youth are also offered at the Northam PCYC. P: E: (08) 9622 2220 [email protected] Office for Youth - Grants Department for Communities The Office for Youth (OfY) is a State Government agency within the Department for Communities that is responsible for developing programs and policies that meet the needs of people aged 12 to 25 in Western Australia. The Department for Communities has a number of one-off small grants that are simple to apply for and great to help get your projects and activities up and running. Check out the website for heaps of useful information including all of the details about their grants and application forms. P: E: W: (08) 6217 8400 [email protected] Office of Multicultural Interests - Grants The Office of Multicultural Interests' (OMI) vision is an inclusive and cohesive society drawing on the cultural and linguistic diversity of its people to enhance the social, cultural and economic development of the State. The Community Grants Program (CGP) objectives support the OMI Strategic Plan by encouraging participation, equity and promotion of all Western Australians in projects and events that remove barriers and enhance cross-cultural engagement. The OMI has funding rounds that close on specific dates during the year. P: E: W: (08) 6552 1619 [email protected] Our Community Our Community is a world leading social enterprise that provides advice and tools for Australians, not-forprofit community groups and state, private and independent schools, as well as practical linkages between the community sector and the general public, business and government. Our Community send out regular newsletters containing the latest information on community workshops, funding opportunities and more. To subscribe to their newsletter group simply email below (some subscription costs may be required). O P: E: W: (03) 9320 6800 [email protected] Parent Drug Information Services Team The Parent Drug Information Service is a confidential, non-judgemental, 24 hour/seven days a week helpline 29 for families and carers seeking help for alcohol or other drug use. The service will provide you with information about all aspects of alcohol and other drug use, treatment services and agencies and where to access ongoing support for your family. Counsellors will explain the different treatment options available and refer you and your family to an appropriate service, other counselling services and support groups. P: E: W: 1800 653 203 [email protected] [email protected] Partnership Broker - Wheatbelt Based in York and working across the Wheatbelt with stakeholders in the youth attainment and transitions field the Partnership Brokers program seeks to build partnerships that support improved education and transition outcomes for all young people. Partnerships are often the best solution to many seemingly intractable youth transition problems, providing sustainable outcomes and increased capacity building in local communities. The Partnership Brokers Program is funded by the Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations. P: E: (08) 9374 9809 [email protected] PCYC Armadale PCYC has been active in the Armadale area since the late 1970's. The group has a fantastic portable rock climbing wall that is available for hire with the PCYC staff at Wheatbelt events. P: (08) 9399 1099 Poisons Information Centre The PIC provides toxicological advice on the management of exposures to prescription and nonprescription pharmaceuticals, household and industrial chemicals, plants, animal envenomation, pesticides and other agricultural products. P: 13 11 26 (all hours) Pregnancy Lifeline If you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy and are worried, upset or distressed or just don’t know what to do or where to go please contact them at any time. They are available to talk to you, either by telephone or face to face. P: W: (08) 9221 7117 / (08) 9221 7118 Pregnancy Problem House They understand that finding out you are pregnant can be very stressful and confusing. They won’t judge you or tell you what to decide. There's no hype, no politics, and we don't make money from any of your choices. They are there to help with FREE medical quality pregnancy tests, and, above all, the staff will explain to you every option you have if you're really pregnant. They understand that sometimes you need a place to process everything, to think through all your options and to feel safe to share what’s on your mind. Their goal is to provide a safe environment to assist and educate you during and after your pregnancy. They are there to give you hope for the future, encouragement, and practical support during this difficult time. All services are free, caring and confidential. P: W: (08) 9344 8110 P 30 Quit Now Quit now is for anyone wanting to quit smoking easily and permanently from the comfort of your home. In a less an hour from now you begin the rest of your life free from cigarettes. P: W: (08) 9382 0780 Reach Out Reach Out is a web-based service that inspires young people to help themselves through tough times, and find ways to boost their own mental health and wellbeing. Our aim is to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing by building skills and providing information, support and referrals in ways we know work for young people. W: Relationships Australia Relationships Australia (WA) is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation with no religious affiliation. Our services are for people from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, gender or sexual preference. It does not matter whether you are single, married, divorced, living together or in a same-sex relationship, you can talk to us. We are committed to enhancing the lives of communities, families and individuals and supporting positive and respectful relationships. We are part of the federated national organisation Relationships Australia, which has autonomous member organisations in every State and Territory plus a national office in Canberra. P: E: W: 1300 364 277 Email direct via website Roadwise The WA Local Government Association's RoadWise Program is the Local Government and Community Road Safety Program and has been in operation since 1994. WALGA's RoadWise Program works to build the capacity of Local Governments, the community and other agencies to effectively deliver road safety initiatives aligned to Towards Zero, WA's Road Safety Strategy 2008-2020. The RoadWise Program is supported by the Road Safety Council of WA and funded through the Road Trauma Trust Account; which is made up of the speed and red light camera infringements received in WA. P: W: (08)96226124 (North Wheatbelt) / (08) 9881 5100 (South Wheatbelt) Salvation Army The Salvation Army provide a number of different community support services to help people get through tough situations. All of their services are detailed on their website. Q P: W: (08) 9622 1228 31 Samaritans Crisis Line Samaritans Crisis Line is a Western Australian based not for profit organisation working towards a society in which fewer individuals die by suicide. With services available to callers both locally and nationally, Samaritans Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day to all individuals, from all walks of life. P: W: 1800 198 313 School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) is the WA State Government’s primary drug and road safety education strategy. Our purpose is to prevent road related injuries and the harms from drug use. We are providers of best practice road safety, resilience and drug education. SDERA empowers school based staff, parents and community agencies, through our professional learning services and support resources, to develop effective drug and road safety education programs within their schools and communities. P: E: W: (08) 9264 4743 [email protected] School Health Nurses Community health staff (usually a school health nurse) visit primary schools on a regular basis. In secondary schools, students can also access the school health nurse for support, advice or referral for many adolescent health issues. The school health nurse may be involved in health promotion and well-being programs within the school. The school health nurse can provide parents with information about health, development, immunisation or other child or family health-related issues. Enquires for school health services can be made through the administration office of all local schools. Refer to ‘Wheatbelt Schools’ for contact numbers of all local schools. Seek SEEK is Australia's number one jobs site. Search or browse jobs across Australia. Find work or recruit the ideal candidate. SEEK and you shall find. W: Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) Respectful Relationships "When it comes to relationships, you have to have respect. It's about knowing where to draw the line, making that clear difference between what's OK and what's NOT OK. SARC Respectful Relationships provides free one hour interactive sessions to secondary students, and attends health expos and community events so young people can become more aware of issues around healthy relationships. They also provide a range of fact sheets and other print and web resources specific to young people. This Respectful Relationships initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs." P: W: 1800 695 463 Sexual Health Helpline Family Planning WA (FPWA) provides a confidential telephone information and referral service that covers all aspects of sexual and reproductive health. This service is operated by FPWA Advanced Practice Nurses. Someone to talk to about..... S 32 · emergency contraception · contraception · unplanned pregnancy · adoption · planning pregnancy · post natal depression · fertility issues · safe sex information · sexually transmissible infections (STIs) · sexual health checks and screenings · HIV/AIDS · hepatitis · relationships and sexuality · sexual difficulties P: W: 1800 198 205 SGIO Community Grants Whether it's protecting homes against fire, teaching our kids about road safety or combating climate change, local community organisations play a vital role in our lives. That's why SGIO supports local community organisations working in the areas of crime prevention, road safety, emergency readiness and response and the environment through our Community Grants program. P: W: 133 233 Share and Care Community Services Group We are a Not For Profit Organisation that sponsors Health, Welfare & Children's Services to the communities. Some of our services include financial counselling, women’s refuge, accommodation assistance, domestic violence unit, meals on wheels, home and community care, and much more. P: E: W: (08) 9622 2828 Email direct via website Skadada Youth Circus Skadada is Australia’s unique and innovative multi-artform circus company. Circus, aerial dance, stunning visuals, original live music and electronic soundscapes all guarantee electrifying performance events. Skadada also runs a specialised training program for young world class aerialists, Skadada Youth Runaway Circus (SYRC). P: E: W: (08) 9227 1201 [email protected] Small Business Centre If you think that starting your own business is the way you want to go when you leave school, or you have a small business and want some advice the Small Business Centres can help you. Contact your local Small Business Centre for a free business advisory service for all your business questions. W: 33 Southern Ag Care Provides counselling including family counselling in rural areas. P: (08) 9827 1552 Spare Parts Puppet Theatre The Spare Parts Puppet Theatre encompasses all areas of puppet making, performing and developing skills in the art form of puppetry. Spare Parts Puppet Theatre offer workshops and can travel to the Wheatbelt. P: W: (08) 9335 5044 Student Edge Student Edge have a fantastic website where you can get freebies, discounts, jobs, comps and more with your Student Edge card. Join Student Edge for FREE on their website and make the most of student life! W: Suicide Prevention Line For the cost of a local call from anywhere you have access to telephone support to help you in a time of need. P: 1300 651 251 Suitcase Circus Suitcase Circus, the original circus-in-education program, that offers inspiring shows, workshops & performing arts / physical education courses. P: E: W: 0433 958 558 [email protected] Teamworks Development Australia Teamworks Development Australia offers a number of team building, team confidence increasing and leadership activities in a safe enjoyable environment. The facilitators will guide your team through a series of debriefing sessions to help them realise their strengths and minimize their weaknesses as well as question themselves "How can we do things better?" P: E: W: 1800 4 TEAMS [email protected] Telstra Foundation Community Development Fund - Grants The Telstra Foundation offers support to a significant number of life-changing projects across Australia through its two main programs particularly focusing on young people in remote and rural communities. P: E: W: 1800 208 378 [email protected] The Good Universities Guide The Good Uni Guide is the only comprehensive and independent information source about tertiary education pathways, including postgraduate courses like the MBA, and career options in Australia. If you are choosing an education course or career pathway, check out this website. W: T 34 The Regional Men’s Health Initiative Wheatbelt Men’s Health Inc. (WMH) is a not for profit organisation formed to raise awareness of men’s wellbeing. It is based in Northam and services Regional WA. The Regional Men’s Health Initiative is comprised of a team of people who are passionate about raising awareness of men’s health in Regional communities. It is important to identify that The Regional Men’s Health Initiative is not a health service, but rather it acts as a bridge of support and education to Regional men and communities and health services. P: W: (08) 9690 2277 [email protected] True Blue Dreaming True Blue Dreaming is a youth and community development mentoring program targeting young people aged 12 to 18 in rural and remote Australian communities. This program matches young people to suitable mentors and manages the relationships. W: Visual Arts Foundation The Visual Arts Foundation aims to advance the arts by supporting emerging artists and can provide some scholarships for students who attend the School of Visual Arts. P: (08) 9383 4878 Volunteering WA Volunteering WA makes a difference by connecting thousands of volunteers to many community organisations. Volunteering WA aims to build strong communities through volunteering and provide a range of resources, services and support so that people in Western Australia are aware of, and understand, the nature and scope of volunteer activity. P: E: W: (08) 9482 4333 [email protected] WA Community Legal Centres The Community Legal Centres Association of WA (the Association) is the peak organisation 28 Community Legal Centres (CLCs) operating in Western Australia. It is committed to the principles of human rights, social justice and equity, including the rights of Western Australians to equity in access to legal services. Community Legal Centres (CLCs) are community based and controlled organisations providing free or lowcost services to their communities. Some CLCs provide general community legal services for people living in either in the metropolitan area or in regional and remote areas. V P: E: W: (08) 92281 9322 Email direct via website WA Federation for Rural Youth Rural Youth W.A. is a social support network for young people across Western Australia. The aim is to improve the quality of life of young people aged between 18 and 35, particularly those based in regional or 35 rural areas. P: E: W: (08) 9690 2277 [email protected] WA State Literature Centre - Creative Writing WritingWA's mission is to ensure that all writers in Western Australia are professionally supported in the craft and exercise of their writing, and that opportunities are made available to develop an audience for their work. We can provide access to workshop facilitators across the writing spectrum including story writing, poetry, song writing and comic books. P: E: W: (08) 9432 9559 [email protected] WAMINDA House Women’s Refuge - Northam The refuge can accommodate 2 single women and a large family, in separate fully equipped unit style accommodation. The refuge operates 24 hours 7 days per week. This number can be use for telephone support and counselling, to obtain transport to get to safe accommodation or information packages on family and domestic violence. P: W: 1800 353 122 Wheatbelt Agcare Community Support Wheatbelt Agcare Community Support Service offers a qualified, confidential and mobile counselling service for familiesand individuals in the central Wheatbelt. The service is free of charge and encompasses the Shires of Bruce Rock, Dowerin, Kellerberrin, Koorda, Merredin, Mount Marshall, Mukinbudin, Narembeen, Nungarin, Tammin, Trayning and Westonia. For more details about Agcare contact the office. P: (08) 9046 5091 Wheatbelt Community Drug Services Team The Wheatbelt Community Drug Service Team is based in both Northam and Narrogin, and provides outreach services to Merredin, Wyalkatchem, Gingin, Goomalling and all points west to Beverley. The Team is a part of Holyoake which is a leading Drug and Alcohol counselling and rehabilitation service and is available in the Wheatbelt area. If you are looking for confidential, professional counselling and rehabilitation support for your own, or a family member's drug or alcohol addiction, or know someone who could benefit from Holyoake's expertise, please contact them today. They also have a ‘Building Resilience Through Play’ program for young mums. P: E: W: 1800 447 172 Email direct via website Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre Wheatbelt Community Legal Centre Inc (WCLC) is an independent non-profit organisation that provides legal and tenancy services to more than 42 shires each year. WCLC is independent of government and is not part of Legal Aid. Services provided by the centre include legal information and advice. P: E: W: (08) 9622 5200 Email direct via website W 36 Wheatbelt Education Region Local Education Office P: (08) 9881 0000 Wheatbelt GP Network The Wheatbelt GP Network Counseling service is a primary mental health service accessible through GP referral. The service operates out a number of different locations across the Wheatbelt. P: (08) 9621 1530 Wheatbelt Health Promotion Network P: (08) 9622 4320 Wheatbelt Hospitals There are medical facilities in the following communities of the Wheatbelt: Beverley Hospital Boddington Hospital Bruce Rock Memorial Hospital Cervantes Nursing Post Corrigin Hospital Cunderdin Hospital Dalwallinu Hospital Dumbleyung Hospital Goomalling Hospital Kellerberrin Memorial Hospital Kondinin District Health Service Kukerin Nursing Post Kununoppin Hospital Lake Grace Hospital Merredin Hospital Moora Hospital Mukinbudin Nursing Post Narembeen Memorial Hospital Narrogin Hospital Northam Hospital Pingelly Hospital Quairading Hospital Southern Cross Hospital Wagin Hospital Wickepin Nursing Post Williams Nursing Post Wongan Hills Hospital Wyalkatchem-Koorda and Districts Hospital York Hospital (08) 9646 3200 (08) 9883 4444 (08) 9061 0222 (08) 9652 7069 (08) 9063 0333 (08) 9635 2222 (08) 9661 0200 (08) 9863 4022 (08) 9629 0100 (08) 9045 6222 (08) 9894 1222 (08) 9864 6047 (08) 9683 2044 (08) 9890 2222 (08) 9081 3222 (08) 9651 0222 (08) 9047 1123 (08) 9064 6222 (08) 9881 0333 (08) 9690 1300 (08) 9887 2222 (08) 9645 2222 (08) 9081 2222 (08) 9861 3444 (08) 9888 1104 (08) 9885 1006 (08) 9691 1222 (08) 9692 1222 (08) 9641 0200 Go to the website for full details on services that each medical facility can provide for you. Wheatbelt Individual and Family Support Association Inc. The Wheatbelt Individual and Family Support Association (WIFSA) was established in 1991 to provide support to families and individuals to enable people with disabilities to thrive within their families and their community. 37 Our aim is to provide financial support to families and carers allowing them to have a break from their caring roles. Services are provided through a wide range of individualised activities, services and supports offered to and engaged in by people with disabilities and their families. WIFSA is able to apply for Intensive Family Support for families in need of some additional support and can work with families to manage their program in an individualised way. WIFSA offers Alternative to Employment for those young people who are unable to pursue more than 20 hours employment each week. We will work with young people to develop an individualised program to meet their own unique needs and wishes. Activities can be but are not limited to recreational, community, domestic, social, cultural interests or any other activity of interest. WIFSA has holiday programs for families and young people and holds some activities during school holidays for school age kids and their siblings. P: E: W: (08) 9641 2557 [email protected] Wheatbelt Men’s Health (Inc) Wheatbelt Men’s Health empowers men (and their families) through education to manage their wellbeing. P: (08) 9690 2277 Wheatbelt Mental Health Service Wheatbelt Mental Health Service provides free, confidential, quality, community mental health care to the people of Coastal and Wheatbelt communities. The service provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for people with mental health problems. The WMHS team includes Consultant Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Child and Adolescent Professionals and Community Mental Health Nurses. Programs include Child and Adolescent Health Program (under 18 years), Youth Mental Health Program (15 to 25 years with substance use and other complex psycho-social issues), Adult Mental Health Program, Seniors Mental Health Program, and Aboriginal Mental Health Program. P: E: (08) 9621 0999 (Northam) / (08) 9041 5200 (Merredin) [email protected] Wheatbelt Participation Teams The Wheatbelt Participation Teams are responsible for supporting students in their 11th and 12th years of education, or those turning 16 and 17 years, to comply with the legislative Leaving Age requirements in Western Australia. The leaving age rose from 15 to 16 years of age in 2006 and rose again from 16 to 17 years of age on 1 January 2008. While all students are encouraged to remain in school until year 12 graduation, students can leave school to take up approved further education, training or employment pathway options, but it does mean that leaving school and doing nothing is no longer an option. For early school leavers this means they will be required to participate in education, training and employment or combinations of these options until the end of the year in which they turn 17 years old. To find out more about how the Participation Teams can support you, please contact the Team servicing your area: Servicing schools in Brookton, Boddington, Wagin, Katanning, Kulin, Lake Grace, Corrigin, Narrogin and WA College of Agriculture Narrogin: Heidi Astbury Engagement and Transitions Manager P: 0428 882 587 / (08) 9881 6963 Gail Ward, Participation Coordinator P: 0428 882 684 / (08) 9881 6962 Servicing schools in Beverley, Bruce Rock, Cunderdin, Dalwallinu, Dowerin, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Moora, Mukinbudin, Narembeen, Northam, Quairading, Southern Cross, Toodyay, Wongan Hills, Wyalkatchem and York (and include feeder clients to these schools such as Koorda, Wundowie, etc.) Sharon Bray, Engagement and Transitions Manager P: 0409 291 021 / (08) 9622 0200 38 Sharon Wade, Senior Participation Coordinator (Northam) P: 0427 999 757 / (08) 9622 0294 Alana Henderson, Participation Coordinator (Moora) P: 0408 929 090 / (08) 9651 0106 Servicing the Jurien Bay school: Gail Wright, Engagement and Transition Manager P: (08) 9965 8352 Servicing the Gingin school: Peter Reynolds, Engagement and Transitions Manager P: (08) 9406 7335 Carrolynne Hobson, Senior Participation Co-coordinator P: (08) 9406 7359 Wheatbelt Regional Education Office P: (08) 9622 0200 Wheatbelt Schools Avonvale Education Support Centre, Northam Avonvale Primary School, Northam Babakin Primary School Ballidu Primary School Beacon Primary School Bencubbin Primary School Beverley District High School Bolgart Primary School Brookton District High School Bruce Rock District High School Buntine Primary School Cadoux Primary School Calingiri Primary School Central Midlands Senior High School, Moora Chidlow Primary School Corrigin District High School Cunderdin District High School Dalwallinu District High School Dandaragan Primary School Darkan District High School Dowerin District High School Dumbleyung Primary School East Narrogin Primary School Gingin District High School Goomalling Primary School Hyden Primary School Jurien Bay District High School Kalannie Primary School Kellerberrin District High School Kondinin Primary School (08) 9622 3610 (08) 9622 1489 (08) 9065 2023 (08) 9674 1247 (08) 9686 1022 (08) 9685 1228 (08) 9646 1165 (08) 9627 5245 (08) 9642 1011 (08) 9061 1237 (08) 9664 2031 (08) 9673 1056 (08) 9628 7030 (08) 9651 1077 (08) 9572 4132 (08) 9063 2042 (08) 9635 1051 (08) 9661 1204 (08) 9651 4017 (08) 9736 1299 (08) 9631 1030 (08) 9863 4068 (08) 9881 1581 (08) 9575 2249 (08) 9629 1055 (08) 9880 5053 (08) 9652 1014 (08) 9666 2022 (08) 9045 4308 (08) 9889 1047 39 Koorda Primary School Kulin District High School Lake Grace District High School Lancelin Primary School Meckering Primary School Merredin Senior High School Miling Primary School Moora Primary School Moorine Rock Primary School Mukinbudin Christian School Mukinbudin District High School Narembeen District High School Narrogin Primary School Narrogin Senior High School North Merredin Primary School Northam Primary School Northam Senior High School Nungarin Primary School Pingelly District High School Quairading District High School Sacred Heart Catholic School St Joseph's School, Northam St Joseph's School, Moora St Matthews Primary School, Narrogin St Mary's Primary School, Merredin South Merredin Primary School Southern Cross District High School Tammin Primary School Tincurrin Primary School Toodyay District High School Trayning Primary School WA College of Agriculture – Cunderdin WA College of Agriculture – Narrogin Wagin District High School Wandering Primary School Watheroo Primary School West Northam Primary School Westonia Primary School Wickepin Primary School Williams Primary School Wongan Hills District High School Wubin Primary School Wundowie Primary School Wyalkatchem District High School Yealering Primary School Yerecoin Primary School York District High School (08) 9684 1269 (08) 9880 1264 (08) 9865 1207 (08) 9655 1077 (08) 9625 1292 (08) 9041 0900 (08) 9654 1063 (08) 9651 1297 (08) 9049 1176 (08) 9047 1218 (08) 9047 1053 (08) 9064 7286 (08) 9881 1200 (08) 9881 1888 (08) 9041 1140 (08) 96221155 (08) 9881 1888 (08) 9046 5122 (08) 9887 1061 (08) 9645 1208 (08) 9629 1174 (08) 9621 3500 (08) 9651 1132 (08) 9881 2154 (08) 9041 1907 (08) 9041 1368 (08) 9049 1067 (08) 9637 1051 (08) 9883 2015 (08) 9574 2296 (08) 9683 1084 (08) 9635 1302 (08) 9881 1255 (08) 9861 1877 (08) 9884 1014 (08) 9651 7038 (08) 9622 1712 (08) 9046 7051 (08) 9888 1126 (08) 9885 1121 (08) 9671 1155 (08) 9664 1042 (08) 9573 6239 (08) 9681 1010 (08) 9888 7088 (08) 9654 6035 (08) 9641 0410 Wheatbelt Youth Leadership Development Network ‘The WYLD Network’ is made up of young people that are drawn from different communities of the Wheatbelt. It is an information sharing Network to let young people know about stuff to do in and around the Wheatbelt. WHAT WILL JOINING THE WYLD NETWORK DO FOR YOU? The Network will let you know by email about funding opportunities for your town, school or sporting clubs, community projects that you can be a part of, free upcoming training, workshops and other experiences, leadership activities, camps and other fun stuff going on and give you networking opportunities with young people from other communities. If you are aged between 12 and 19 contact us and join the Network so that you can start receiving the WYLD Magazine! P: E: W: (08) 9622 8700 [email protected] 40 Women’s Information Service The Women's Information Service WA (WIS) is staffed by a group of fully trained and dedicated volunteers who respond each year to around 6,000 telephone inquiries from across Western Australia. Common inquires include seeking information and/or referral for health issues, finances, legal matters, counselling and domestic violence. The WIS service is available for the whole of WA. P: E: W: 1800 199 174 [email protected] Woolworths Fresh Food Kids Community Grants Woolworths grants are being offered to local community groups to help improve the health and wellbeing of children. Funding of up $5000 is available to not-for-profit organisations for a project that is designed for primary school aged children, encourages kids to lead healthier and more active lives and takes place outside of the school curriculum. W: Workforce Development Centre Workforce Development Centres can help you at any point in your life to make choices about your career and training options. Visit your local Workforce Development Centre for individual career guidance, training course information, and heaps more to help you in your job search. P: W: 13 64 64 Year 12 - What Next? This is a fantastic website to give you some ideas about what to do when you leave school. It has heaps of information on further education and careers and is well worth visiting. W: Youth Connections Youth Connections is a federally funded initiative by DWEER. It provides one-on-one support to young people aged 13 – 19 years who have disengaged or are at risk of disengaging from education prior to the completion of Year 12. The program is delivered in the Wheatbelt (Midlands and Narrogin Education Regions) by RDA Wheatbelt Inc. and it provides assistance to young people to help them get through school and transition to further education, training or employment. Support is personalized to meet each young participant’s needs. Participants in the program can self-refer, be referred through their school, by families and friends, or by various community members and groups. There is no compulsion for the young person to participate in the program. Further information is available by speaking to your school, phoning or emailing our Program Manager Denese Smythe or visiting your local Centrelink office. Y P: E: W: 1800 352 355 [email protected] Additional Services 41 Notes 42 43 44 The ‘Wheatbelt Youth Services Directory’ was produced by Regional Development Australia Wheatbelt Inc. through DEEWR’s Youth Connections program 2013. Administration Office Tel: (08) 9575 1888 Fax: (08) 9575 1999 [email protected] 3 Constable Street, Gingin WA 6503 Executive Officer Rebekah Burges Tel: (08) 9625 1504 / 0428 372 178 [email protected] Youth Connections Tel: 1800 352 355 / (08) 96411 325 [email protected]
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