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FEATURED TITLES LOST VICTORIAN BRITAIN How the 20th Century Destroyed the 19th Century’s Architectural Masterpieces NEW Gavin Stamp Nowadays it seems obvious that a magnificent building such as St Pancras Station should be restored to its original glory. But for much of the 20th century, ‘Victorian’ was a term of derision, and architects and planners were determined to sweep away the built legacy of the era. This poignant, chastening book attempts to comprehend this mindset, and catalogues the churches, railway stations, public buildings and private homes it destroyed, from Chatsworth’s glasshouses to the Euston Arch. Customer no : £12.99 17509 now £5.99 NEW VICTORIAN AND EDWARDIAN FURNITURE AND INTERIORS From the Gothic Revival to Art Nouveau 256pp Illus 298x218mm A LONDON YEAR 365 Days of City Life in Diaries, Journals and Letters Travis Elborough; Nick Rennison An anthology of ‘intimate snatches of London life’, with one or more entries for each day of the year, this handsome volume begins with a hungover Robert Hooke on 1 January 1672; in June we find Noël Coward detesting the 1951 Festival of Britain funfair (‘really the last word in squalor and completely ungay’) and, finally, there is a millennial disappointment – MP Oona King on New Year’s Eve 1999, stuck at Stratford Tube station en route to the Millennium Dome festivities. NEW FRANCES LINCOLN 2013 HB 608pp Illus £25.00 17508 now £9.99 NEW THE HEDGEROWS HEAPED WITH MAY The Telegraph Book of the Countryside Stephen Moss To most people in Britain the countryside is hugely important and the Telegraph has always chronicled the ever-changing fortunes of rural Britain; from its pages, this anthology collects the best articles on subjects ranging from the rarity of the spoonbill to the rise of the wind turbine. The book features Telegraph countryside columnists JHB Peel and Robin Page, the distinguished naturalist Richard Mabey, and writers and public figures such as Joanna Trollope, Boris Johnson, John Humphrys and Clive James. AURUM 2012 HB 320pp £20.00 17499 now £7.99 www.psbooks.co.uk 68 Reference no : When ordering, please quote your Customer no. and Reference no. Ed. Robert Aldrich In 13 richly illustrated chapters on the Ottoman and European empires, this volume gives succinct and accessible overviews of imperialism as it was experienced in each ‘home’ country, focusing on the modes and ideology of colonial expansion and its repercussions. As well as major imperial powers, such as Spain, Britain and the Netherlands, the authors examine the less familiar colonial ambitions of Belgium, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia, and a final essay looks at ‘the American way of empire’. £19.95 17636 now £9.99 f Quality books at reduced prices NEW Jeremy Cooper Beginning with an introductory chapter on Victorian attitudes to style and taste, Cooper’s richly detailed survey looks at designers and trends in interior decoration from AWN Pugin and the Gothic Revival to the Arts and Crafts Movement, the ‘New Art’ of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the commercial furniture of pre-First World War Heal’s and Liberty’s. The book is illustrated with nearly 700 photographs and drawings and offers a comprehensive picture of interior design, ca 1840 to 1914. THAMES & HUDSON 2007 PB See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website August 2015 2 59 ▲ AURUM 2013 PB 192pp Illus 198x153mm No.259 ▲ Order line: 01626 897100 If undelivered, please return to: Postscript 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK PS259 cover outer.qxp_PS238 outer 20/07/2015 10:18 Page 1 NEW BRITAIN’S LOST MINES The Vanished Kingdom of the Men who Carved Out the Nation’s Wealth Chris Arnot Coal was by far the biggest and most important mining industry in Britain before its recent decline, but for centuries all kinds of other minerals and ores, including copper, salt, tin, iron and slate, were also mined. With a fine selection of archive and modern photographs, this illustrated celebration of British mining and the communities that built up around it visits 30 sites, from the famous coal town of Ashington in Northumberland to the last metal mine in Devon. AURUM 2013 HB 192pp Illus 284x216mm THE AGE OF EMPIRES A giraffe feeds at sunset, from Wild Africa inside this issue THAMES & HUDSON 2007 HB 320pp Illus 278x218mm NEW CALLIGRAPHY Tools and Techniques for the Contemporary Practitioner Gaye Godfrey-Nicholls Designed for artists and students, this beautifully presented, practical guide provides comprehensive information on both the traditions of calligraphy and its contemporary practice, including digital work. It contains graded exercises for creating the traditional lettering hands, highlighting the key characteristics of each; detailed examples of different lettering techniques; tutorials on illumination, decoration and composition; and profiles of leading contemporary designers. JACQUI SMALL 2013 HB 288pp Illus 260x228mm £30.00 17489 now £12.99 Your Order Form is inside the back cover £29.95 17592 now £12.99 NEW SIX MONTHS IN 1945 From World War to Cold War Michael Dobbs The six months between the meeting of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill at Yalta in February 1945 and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August saw the transition from old empires to new superpowers and the world divided ideologically. Michael Dobbs describes the dramatic events and the participants in this historical turning point, the geo-political background to the descent of the ‘iron curtain’, and the confrontation of the USA and Soviet Russia. American-cut pages; felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. KNOPF 2012 HB 436pp Illus $28.95 17577 now £7.99 £25.00 17488 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK www.psbooks.co.uk Order line: +44 (0)1626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Order line: 01626 897100 www.psbooks.co.uk PS259 cover inner.qxp_PS238 outer 20/07/2015 10:02 Page 1 www.psbooks.co.uk to the Postscript catalogue and a particularly exciting selection of books for August, with pride of place going to Alex Bernasconi’s Wild Africa (right) and its magnificent portrayal of landscape and wildlife: it was the Independent Publishers’ Book Award best photography book of 2011. Alex Bernasconi’s photographs depict some of nature’s finest and most endangered animals – lions, elephants, giraffes, gorillas – portrayed here in surprising and contemplative moments. The 100 full-page plates, in both colour and black-and-white, also include otherworldly landscapes such as the Okavango Delta, acacia skeletons in the Dead Vlei and the red dunes of the Namib Desert. With an essay by Hugh Cumming, and thumbnails of all the plates with captions, this collection reveals scenes of Africa rarely seen by human eyes. PAPADAKIS NEW Another book of striking photographs, but of another era and very different subject matter, Nicholas Cooper’s study of the architectural photography firm Bedford Lemere & Co (p37) is one of several great books on architecture this month. Twentieth Century Castles (p3), Gavin Stamp’s Lost Victorian Britain (p68) and Peter Ashley’s Preposterous Erections, an entertaining collection of English towers (p67), are all among our featured titles, while on the Architecture page proper there are Palaces for Pigs (p62). For adults looking for fresh air or solace, Battlefield Walks and Sacred Britain are among the guides on our British Isles pages (pp22-24); but child-minding or hill-walking, we hope all our customers enjoy a sunny and restful summer. SIMON LANG August 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Featured Titles 2-3/66-69 Postscript Favourites 4-5 Archaeology 6 Architecture/Design 62-63 Art/Photography 34-37 Audio CDs 45 Biography/Literary Biography 30-33 British Isles 22-25 Children’s 64-65 Crafts/Collectables/Hobbies 56-57 Cultural & Social Studies/Politics 27 Fiction/Poetry/Literature 42-45 Food & Drink 52-53 History: Ancient 7 20th C/Contemp 11-12 Medieval 8 Social/Crime 13-15 Modern 9-10 British/General 16-17 Literature/Literary Biography 22-23 Limited Quantities Only 38-41 Military History 18-21 Mind, Body & Spirit 28-29 Music/Performing Arts 54-55 Nature/Pets/Gardens 50-52 Reference/Puzzles/Humour 46-47 Religion 29 Science/Mathematics 58 Stationery 48-49 Transport 59-61 Travel/Exploration 26 THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. Titles of academic interest are identified with A £40.00 18234 now £16.99 NEW BETJEMAN’S BEST BRITISH CHURCHES John Betjeman; Richard Surman Sir John Betjeman’s classic guide to thousands of Britain’s historic church buildings, ranging from the great national treasures to hidden gems, was first published in 1958, with a long introductory essay celebrating their place in our cultural, historical and religious landscape. Covering more than 2,500 churches, this new edition of Betjeman’s sizeable volume has lost some entries but gained many colour photographs, GPS references, a separate section for Scotland, and new entries for Roman Catholic churches. COLLINS 2011 HB 896pp Illus £35.00 18255 now £14.99 PREPOSTEROUS ERECTIONS A Book of English Towers Peter Ashley Mausolea and memorials, columns (but only those with stairs to the top), clock towers and water towers, belvederes, a faux Norman ruin and even a pagoda (in Kew Gardens)... As diverse and diverting as the buildings themselves, Peter Ashley’s book is a personal selection of 60 towers ranging from 18th century follies to a 21st century mobile phone mast. For each tower, Ashley’s full-page photograph is accompanied by his witty and irreverent commentary on its history and architectural presence. FRANCES When placing your order, please enter your Customer no and Reference no Customer no: Reference no: SPECIAL DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS (Please keep message brief) (eg: if not in, please leave in garage or at No 21 etc) (UK only) 259 (both on back cover) YOUR DETAILS (BLOCK CAPITALS, please) TITLE NAME ADDRESS LINCOLN 2012 PB 128pp Illus 241x170mm £12.99 17519 now £5.99 POSTCODE Clavell Tower, Kimmeridge in Dorset – built in 1830, re-erected stone by stone further away from the eroding cliff in 2006 NEW THE SPADE AS MIGHTY AS THE SWORD The Story of the Second World War Dig for Victory Campaign COUNTRY DAYTIME PHONE No EMAIL (in case of query) Please enter your email address if you wish to receive email updates about our special offers DELIVERY DETAILS (if different) CHAMBERS SLANG DICTIONARY With around 85,000 words and phrases, this the largest single-volume slang dictionary, providing authoritative definitions and, wherever possible, origins and etymologies of slang from around the English-speaking world and from the last five centuries – everything from aachibombo (a West Indian codfish fritter) to zzz (sleep). ‘Originally a jargon of thieves and disreputable people’ (Chambers Dictionary), slang remains the language of insult and offence, and the dictionary makes no concessions to political correctness. Daniel Smith It was probably Michael Foot, leader writer for the London Evening Standard in 1939, who coined the memorable slogan, ‘Dig For Victory’, that would help transform parks, gardens and playing fields into vegetable patches. This history reviews the remarkable success of the wartime campaign, explores the groundbreaking design and advertising that drove it and recounts the experiences of the home front gardeners themselves. AURUM 2013 PB 256pp Illus TITLE NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE COUNTRY QTY CODE TITLE £ p CHAMBERS 2008 HB 1,412pp 265x175mm £8.99 17526 now £3.99 £30.00 18322 now £9.99 HOW TO ORDER ONLINE PHONE www.psbooks.co.uk Order Line: 01626 897100 Send to: Using our website? The 12th century south door of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck: ‘the highest point of the Herefordshire stone carvers’ Your Order Form is inside the back cover ● See our Easy Order Form: just enter the codes of the titles you wish to buy, add to your basket and purchase Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ● Please have to hand your credit card details, Customer number and Reference number (both are in the address panel on the back cover) ORDER FORM SUBTOTAL Please debit my credit/debit card CUSTOMER SERVICES Phone: 01626 897123 Email: [email protected] Expiry date Security code Valid from There is a flat rate for all orders: SINGLE ITEM ORDER £2.00 Issue number Pay online with 2 OR MORE ITEMS ORDER £3.00 (2 volume sets count as 2 items) OVERSEAS Overseas £ ........................... (see opposite) TRADE, SCHOOLS & LIBRARIES Please contact Customer Services on 01626 897123 (includes Highlands, islands and Northern Ireland) Delivery 3-5 working days. We regret we cannot deliver to PO Boxes. 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BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc) Name THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE Address Postcode Country UK P&P or cheque enclosed payable to POSTSCRIPT: The security code is the last three digits on the signature strip on the reverse of your card POSTAGE & PACKING UK POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK PAYMENT Cardholder’s signature We are a long-established mail order company, specialising in high quality overstocks and out-of-print books, at exceptionally low prices. We buy from all the major publishers and hundreds of smaller presses, and pass discounts on to you of up to 75% off the published price. For details on how to order, turn to page 67, or go to www.psbooks.co.uk where you will find our full range of more than 14,000 titles. Because our books are often in limited supply, we recommend that you order promptly. @PostscriptBooks Please remember to add your Customer number when placing your order POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6RY UK ABOUT POSTSCRIPT PostscriptBooks ORDER FORM NEW WILD AFRICA 2013 HB 270pp Illus 320x275mm A lion on the plains of the Masai Mara, Kenya Order line: 01626 897100 If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. All books are subject to availability Send this order form to: POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY www.psbooks.co.uk Order Line: 01626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Fax: 01626 897129 ✁ For children we have 101 Things to Do in the Holidays and Battle of Britain Micro Fliers, with 12 planes to make, and there are sets of classic picture books: Curious George, Little Princess and a whole bundle of Quentin Blake and John Yeoman stories (pp64-65). ✃ Welcome... PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 10:09 Page 3 Order line: 01626 897100 FEATURED TITLES NEW ROUTEMASTER BUS 1954 Onwards (All Marks) Enthusiasts’ Manual Andrew Morgan Originally intended for an active service career of 17 years, the Routemaster – London’s iconic open-platform bus – plied the city’s streets for almost 50 years before it was withdrawn in 2005. Nearly all of the decommissioned vehicles found new owners immediately. Presented in the Haynes Workshop Manual format, this book explores the history, design, construction, maintenance and operation of the celebrated bus, and includes photographs, diagrams, cutaways and information about owning and restoring Routemasters. HAYNES 2011 HB 160pp Illus 268x208mm £21.99 18098 now £8.99 f See also Routemaster and other titles on London Transport on pages 60-61 Richard Overy From the earliest recorded battles in the ancient Near East to Desert Storm in 1991, Richard Overy has selected 100 battles, all of them significant in some way, although the victors, like Sitting Bull at Little Big Horn, did not always win the war. Arranged chronologically within chapters on factors that can influence the outcome of armed combat – leadership, overwhelming odds, technical innovation, deception, raw courage, and good fortune – the battles serve to illustrate the history of warfare itself. WILLIAM COLLINS 2014 HB 384pp Illus 190x246mm NEW A HISTORY OF WAR IN 100 BATTLES £25.00 17591 now £12.99 Ed. Jim Masselos For much of the past millennium, Asia’s large and diverse empires dominated the world’s political geography, challenging the states of Europe. The contributors to this book examine seven of the greatest, from the Khmer Empire, which arose in the early 9th century, to Japan’s Meiji Restoration, which ended in 1945. They discuss such charismatic leaders as Chinggis Khan and Suleiman the Magnificent, the legendary wealth of these empires and the artistic and technological advances which they helped to bring about. NEW THE GREAT EMPIRES OF ASIA THAMES & HUDSON 2010 HB 240pp Illus £24.95 17603 now £9.99 The Khwaju Bridge over the Zayanda River in Isfahan, Iraq, built for the Safavid emperor Shah Abbas II in 1651-2 CE NEW TWENTIETH CENTURY CASTLES IN BRITAIN Amicia De Moubray No matter that its original defensive purpose is now redundant: enthusiasm for the castle shows no sign of abating. This book describes the castle creations of the 20th century, whether ruins given a new lease of life or modern interpretations of traditional architectural themes. Among the buildings described and beautifully photographed are Lutyens’s Castle Drogo (right), Lindisfarne Castle, Leeds Castle, the enigmatic Braylsham Castle (completed in 1998) and the even more recent Corrour Lodge in the Scottish Highlands. FRANCES LINCOLN 2013 HB 200pp Illus 295x250mm £30.00 17534 now £11.99 www.psbooks.co.uk Visitline: our +44 website: www.psbooks.co.uk Order (0)1626 897100 e-mail: [email protected] 3 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:26 Page 4 www.psbooks.co.uk POSTSCRIPT FAVOURITES ARCHAEOLOGY ONE HUNDRED ENGLISH FOLKSONGS For Medium Voice MAKING MISCHIEF A Maurice Sendak Appreciation DOVER 2014 PB 288pp Illus 303x228mm MORROW 2009 HB 208pp Illus 254x200mm Ed. Cecil J Sharp Renowned for his work collecting folksongs from singers all across Britain, Cecil Sharp published this selection of arrangements for voice and piano in 1916. The volume combines familiar songs and ballads such as Scarborough Fair, O Waly, Waly and The Golden Vanity with a number of lesser-known items. Sharp provides informative commentary on each song, indicating where it was collected and identifying other versions of the words and tune. Reprint. $24.95 10597 now £5.99 £16.99 83894 now £7.99 PANORAMA OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT THE WOMEN OF THE COUSINS’ WAR The Duchess, the Queen and the King’s Mother Dorinda Outram Between the late 17th century and the French Revolution, the age of the Enlightenment was one of rationalism and intellectual curiosity, the rejection of superstition and a growing reliance on observation and experiment to arrive at the truth. Dorinda Outram places Enlightenment ideas in their widest context and explores their impact across social, cultural and political life, using some 400 illustrations as an integral part of a discussion that ranges from Diderot’s Grand Tourist: The Russian Count Encylopédie to science Razumovsky in the Vatican, 1766 and medicine. J PAUL GETTY MUSEUM 2006 HB 320pp Illus 277x217mm $60.00 16776 now £8.99 Andy Garnett; Polly Devlin Since they acquired Cannwood Meadow in Somerset in 1983, the authors have maintained the nine acre pasture as a traditional hay meadow – a rare sanctuary for wild flowers and grasses, insects and animals. The meadow was made a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 1987 and in 2005, botanist Chris Smith identified and recorded 130 species there. The fragrant orchid As well as a describing the meadow through the year, this book reproduces Dr Smith’s album of pressed and photographed flowers and plants. FRANCES LINCOLN 2007 HB 128pp Illus 310x250mm £20.00 99708 now £9.99 Phillippa Gregory; David Baldwin; Michael Jones In the murderous medieval power struggle known as the Wars of the Roses, three formidable women were key players: Jacquetta, Duchess of Bedford, Elizabeth Woodville, wife of Edward IV, and the Tudor matriarch Margaret Beaufort. Bestselling author Phillippa Gregory teams up with two leading historians of the period to explore the real lives of these women, who loom large in her popular Cousins’ War series of historical novels, and bring to life an extraordinary saga of ambition, intrigue, witchcraft and murder. American-cut pages. Felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. TOUCHSTONE 2011 HB 342pp 242x165mm $26.00 91205 now £6.99 A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF AN ENGLISH MEADOW 4 Gregory Maguire Maurice Sendak was indisputably America’s greatest creator of illustrated books for children, and the surreal, anarchic humour of Where the Wild Things Are has charmed generations. Among those whose imaginations have been shaped by Sendak’s vision of monsters and mayhem is Gregory Maguire the bestselling author of Wicked. In this brilliant homage, lavishly illustrated with Sendak’s own magical artwork, he explores the master’s life and art, his influences – from Blake to Disney – and the deep well-springs of his profoundly original talent. Off-mint. OSTEOARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, ARTHRITIS Natural Solutions Which Will Change Your Life Max Tetau; Charlotte Tourmente Joint pain caused by diseases such as rheumatism or osteoarthritis is commonplace, especially after the age of 45. Written by two leading experts, one in traditional medicine and one in homeopathy, this book offers a whole body approach to treating joint disease. With chapters on diagnosis, traditional treatments, herbal treatments, exercise, hydrotherapy and diet, this book presents the full range of options available to treat joint conditions. ALPEN 2011 HB 192pp Illus £22.00 16997 now £4.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:26 Page 5 Order Orderline: line:01626 01626897100 897100 POSTSCRIPT ANCIENT FAVOURITES HISTORY The Palace Theatre, Cambridge Circus ATLAS OF OCEANS Exploring this Hidden World John Farndon Water covers 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, yet we know less about parts of the ocean than we do about outer space. This beautifully designed book explores this environment from coastal habitats to ocean depths, from the Arctic to the tropics. Lavishly illustrated with colour photographs, maps and diagrams, it details the wealth of species that inhabit the seas, while special features profile threats, such as pollution and overfishing, to this complex ecosystem on which all life depends. A&C BLACK 2011 HB 256pp Illus 285x225mm David Gentleman The Thames Barrier or St James’s Palace, gleaming Nash terraces or hi-fi shops in Tottenham Court Road, Battersea Power Station or Covent Garden – David Gentleman £25.00 16796 now £9.99 lavishes the same meticulous attention to detail on all of London’s parks and thoroughfares, residential areas and THE LAST monuments. Having lived there for 34 years, he paints an intimate ENGLISHMAN portrait of London in which historical landmarks rub shoulders The Double Life of with high-rise offices and traffic-jammed streets are glimpsed Arthur Ransome from tranquil squares and gardens. ACC 2010 HB 192pp Illus 274x215mm Roland Chambers £25.00 98342 now £9.99 Arthur Ransome (18841967) is best-known DANGEROUS WORK today as the author of Diary of an Adventure Swallows and Amazons, Arthur Conan Doyle In his name conjuring the 1880 a young medical books’ setting in an student named Arthur idyllic 1930s Lake Conan Doyle embarked on District. Yet as a his first adventure as ship’s journalist he lived surgeon aboard the Arctic in Russia between 1913 whaler the Hope. The and 1924, supported the illustrated diary in which Bolshevik revolution he recorded the actionand had a Russian lover packed voyage is published as well as an English here for the first time in a wife. Documents declassified in 2005 revealed that beautiful facsimile edition. he had worked for MI6. Here, Chambers explores The volume also contains Ransome’s double life and ‘the ease with which he an annotated transcript, adopted all the competing ideals of his generation’. photographs of the ship GODINE 2009 HB 397pp Illus 235x160mm and the young Conan Doyle $29.95 97368 now £9.99 on deck with its officers, two non-fiction pieces about his experiences, and two tales inspired by them. ‘THE BUSIEST DAVID GENTLEMAN’S LONDON BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 HB 376pp Illus 250x215mm £25.00 10734 now £12.99 THE BAFFLE BOOK Fifteen Fiendishly Challenging Detective Puzzles Lassiter Wren; Randle McKay If you revel in armchair criminal investigation, this book is just your cup of poisoned orange pekoe. Here are 15 old-fashioned ‘detective puzzles’, the unravelling of which requires well-honed powers of observation and deduction. In words, charts and diagrams, the authors put you at the crime scene and present you with the facts established by the police. Solving the questions that each case poses is your challenge. Answers at the back – if you must. GODINE 2006 PB 160pp Illus 204x140mm £7.99 94053 now £3.99 MAN IN ENGLAND’ A Life of Joseph Paxton: Gardener, Architect and Victorian Visionary Kate Colquhoun A selftaught polymath, Joseph Paxton (1803-65) first made his mark at the age of 23 as head gardener and architect at Chatsworth, but really became a household name with his ‘overgrown greenhouse’ design for the Great Exhibition. He was in such demand that Charles Dickens, himself no slouch, dubbed him ‘the busiest man in England’. This perceptive biography takes account of both the personal and professional lives of this man who neatly personifies the Victorian ideals of self-improvement and progress. GODINE 2006 HB 319pp Illus 235x160mm $35.00 42403 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 5 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 6 www.psbooks.co.uk ARCHAEOLOGY NEW THE STATUES THAT WALKED Unraveling the Mystery of Easter Island Terry Hunt; Carl Lipo In 2001, archaeologists Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo set out to penetrate the mystery of Easter Island: how so few people on a remote, treeless and impoverished island could have made and transported hundreds of the eerie, gargantuan statues called moai, and what happened to the culture that created such monumental statuary? In this book the authors describe their fascinating archaeological discoveries and present a definitive account of what really happened on the island. FREE PRESS 2011 HB 250pp Illus $26.00 95473 now £6.99 TIME’S ANVIL England, Archaeology and the Imagination Richard Morris Archaeology is a scientific discipline, but it has potent links to the imagination, to biography, and to poetry. This extraordinary, genre-defying book offers both a history of archaeology and the author’s personal history in archaeology. Its subjects range from the last Ice Age to the destruction of the wildwood, from the first farmers to the Industrial Revolution, as Morris unearths the psycho-geography of humanity in England and offers a heartfelt meditation on the history beneath our feet. WEIDENFELD 2012 HB 480pp Illus £25.00 17006 now £7.99 GARDEN ARCHAEOLOGY A Handbook Chris Currie One of the Council for British Archaeology’s series of Practical Handbooks (no.17), Chris Currie’s book looks at the methods used in the sub-discipline of garden archaeology and traces its development with particular reference to the advances made since 1987. Chapters on methods, including aerial photography, historic building analysis and geophysics, are followed by eight case and regional studies, with contributions by Martin Locock and Iain Soden. COUNCIL FOR BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY 2005 PB 188pp Illus 210x147mm 17665 now £3.99 Michael Dames The mysterious conical hill at Silbury in Wiltshire has puzzled antiquaries and archaeologists for centuries, and attempts to probe its interior have only deepened the enigma. Bold, lucid and scholarly, this book interprets the latest scientific findings in the light of ancient religious beliefs. With more than 150 illustrations, including 16 pages of colour plates, it paints a compelling picture of Silbury as a centre for the worship of the Earth goddess at the time of the Neolithic agricultural revolution. SILBURY: Resolving the Enigma HISTORY PRESS 2010 PB 192pp Illus £14.99 91561 now £5.99 6 CELTIC ORNAMENT IN THE BRITISH ISLES Down to AD 700 ET Leeds In tracing the history and evolution of pre-Christian Celtic ornamentation in the British Isles, this well-documented study describes and discusses examples dating from the earliest ornament to 700 CE and ranging from fragments of a bronze hanging bowl decorated with finely detailed palm leaves to a bronze bucket with embossed yin-yang scrolls. Originally published in 1933, the study is reprinted here with its original drawings and monochrome plates. THE CODE-BREAKER’S SECRET DIARIES Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832) devoted his short life to solving the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphs, but he made only one visit to Egypt, during a lull in the Mediterranean war against the Ottoman Sultan. This book brings together the letters and diary entries from May 1828 to March 1830 in which Champollion vividly and amusingly documents both the dangers of the expedition and his exhilaration at archaeological discoveries. GIBSON SQUARE 2009 PB 288pp DOVER 2002 PB 185pp Illus 215x137mm £9.99 84374 now £3.99 £8.99 17859 now £3.99 THE PAST FROM ABOVE Aerial Photographs of Archaeological Sites Georg Gerster; Ed. Charlotte Trumpler A pioneer of aerial photography, Georg Gerster travelled the world for 50 years, photographing archaeological sites from the air. In this book, which accompanied a major exhibition of Gerster’s work in 2005, the archaeologist Charlotte Trumpler introduces 250 photographs of sites, among them the Acropolis, Karnak, the Great Wall of China and the Aztec palaces. The photographs are arranged by the type of site and accompanied by expert captions and notes on memorable flights by Gerster himself. FRANCES LINCOLN 2005 PB 415pp Illus 290x235mm $39.95 16411 now £14.99 The Crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers in Syria THE BIRTH OF A BOROUGH An Archaeological Study of Anglo-Saxon Stafford Martin Carver While much archaeological research on the Anglo-Saxon era has focused on famous centres such as London and York, Stafford offered an opportunity for a large scale examination of an ordinary county town in the ninth and tenth centuries. This volume reports on the ten-year project during which archaeologists discovered that ‘dark age’ Stafford had acted as a centre for the delivery of grain tribute and was commandeered by Aethelflaeda, Lady of the Mercians, for the construction of her burh. No jacket. BOYDELL 2010 HB 194pp Illus 280x215mm £60.00 17930 now £19.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 7 Order line: 01626 897100 THE LOST KINGDOMS OF AFRICA Discovering Africa’s Hidden Treasures Gus Casely-Hayford For many of us, the pre-colonial history of Africa is at best vague. Drawing on the latest research, this journey through the continent’s past redresses the balance, surveying ancient civilizations such as Nubia, Ethiopia, Benin and Great Zimbabwe, and uncovering archaeological sites that rival the Great Wall of China, kingdoms of extraordinary wealth, universities older than Oxford or Cambridge, and creative traditions that continue to inspire artists today. BANTAM 2012 PB 348pp Illus £14.99 16534 now £5.99 DECIPHERING ANCIENT MINDS The Mystery of San Bushman Rock Art David Lewis-Williams; Sam Challis Using the rock art of the pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer San people of South Africa as ‘an avenue into ancient minds’, this study shows labels such as ‘primitive’ and ‘superstitious’ to be inaccurate survivals from early anthropology. Analysing the detailed pictures of San art, the 19th century transliterations of a now-extinct San language, and the English translation of those texts, this much-acclaimed study demonstrates how the ‘prehistoric’ mind was in fact as complex and sophisticated as our own. THAMES & HUDSON 2011 HB 224pp Illus £18.95 17600 now £7.99 ANCIENT HISTORY NEW TOWARDS ONE WORLD Ancient Persia and the West Warwick Ball The attempt by Persia to extend its borders into Europe in the sixth century BCE is usually considered to mark the beginning of the relationship between East and West. Warwick Ball argues against the common perception of this relationship as a shortlived ‘Manichean struggle’, emphasizing instead the profound influence of the Persian religious idea of a single universal creator and the complexity of relations between the Persian Empire and the Greco-Roman world. EAST & WEST 2010 PB 240pp Illus £14.95 18180 now £6.99 NEW OUT OF ARABIA Phoenicians, Arabs and the Discovery of Europe Warwick Ball Arab history stretches back long before Islamic times; indeed, the Arabs’ Phoenician forebears were exploring as far as the coasts of England and West Africa in the early first millennium BCE. Out of Arabia offers a survey of Arab influence on European history and identity, arguing that the arrival of the Arabs in Spain in 711 and the establishment of Mediterranean Emirates should be understood as part of a process going back thousands of years. EAST & WEST 2009 PB 224pp Illus £14.95 18179 now £5.99 NEW ABYDOS Egypt’s First Pharaohs and the Cult of Osiris David O’Connor Famous in ancient times for its temple of the god Osiris, Abydos is one of Egypt’s most important archaeological sites. O’Connor brings four decades’ experience of excavation at Abydos to his account of the myth and cult of Osiris, the history of the site’s archaeological investigation and the ways in which this vast complex of tombs, temples and towns can help to explain patterns of ritual, urban and economic activity across ancient Egypt. THAMES & HUDSON 2011 PB 216pp Illus £18.95 18183 now £7.99 ANCIENT EGYPT AS IT WAS Exploring the City of Thebes in 1200 BC Charlotte Booth What to do in the Thebes of Ramses II (you won’t be allowed into the Valley of the Kings); where to stay and how to travel around: written in the style of a contemporary guide for the inquisitive tourist, this entertaining book evokes the sights and sounds of ancient Egypt with a combination of historical background and practical advice for visitors. LYONS 2008 PB 160pp Illus $16.95 98192 now £3.99 NEW TRAVELLER’S GUIDE TO THE ANCIENT WORLD Greece in the Year 415 BCE Eric Chaline With the features that a tourist would find in a modern travel guide, this overview of ancient Athenian life offers guidance on what sights to see and who to meet, where to get a room for the night, when to take part in festivals and how to buy a slave. The book ends with some useful words and phrases as well as a brief outline of later Athenian history. D&C 2008 HB 160pp Illus 190x115mm £9.99 18228 now £4.99 Paul Chrystal In this intriguing history we encounter ‘admirable, exciting, evil, slatternly and dangerous women fighting to be heard and seen against insurmountable odds in a world run by men, for men’. Chrystal’s account, written for the general reader as well as students of ancient history, covers aspects of Roman women’s lives ranging from betrothal and marriage to education, religion and the dark arts. AMBERLEY 2013 HB 225pp Illus WOMEN IN ANCIENT ROME David Collins The Star of Bethlehem, described in the Gospel of Matthew, has remained a great astronomical mystery: a puzzle for theologians, historians and astronomers. This study examines the three schools of thought about the Star: that it was invented to support Jesus’ divinity; that it was a miracle; or that it was an astronomical event, exploited by the author of Matthew. In detail, Collins focuses first on Matthew’s narrative, then on astronomical events around the time of Jesus’ birth. AMBERLEY 2012 PB 191pp Illus THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM £16.99 99366 now £6.99 £20.00 16963 now £7.99 Philip Matyszak; Joanne Berry This survey of 100 historical characters from antiquity sets the generals and rulers known from Roman annals alongside more humble figures, such as the slaves, gladiators, actors and courtesans whose careers are recorded in inscriptions, or a teenage girl whose poetry has survived. Complemented by more than 200 illustrations, their stories give a glimpse of the people behind the rise and fall of Rome and illuminate what it meant to be a Roman citizen. THAMES & HUDSON 2008 HB 305pp Illus 256x200mm LIVES OF THE ROMANS £24.95 98222 now £12.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 7 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 8 www.psbooks.co.uk MEDIEVAL HISTORY NEW MELISENDE OF JERUSALEM The World of a Forgotten Crusader Queen Margaret Tranovich Although she ruled the Kingdom of Jerusalem for more than 20 years during the 12th century, Queen Melisende is a shadowy figure whose name is unfamiliar to most people today. Margaret Tranovich pieces together the sketchy sources to set Melisende in the political context of her tumultuous times and uses the art of the period to explore the full breadth of the queen’s contacts with the rich Byzantine, Islamic and European traditions. EAST & WEST 2011 PB 191pp Illus £14.95 18178 now £6.99 ANCHORITIC TRADITIONS OF MEDIEVAL EUROPE NEW Ed. Liz Herbert McAvoy Originating in the desert withdrawal of the earliest Christians, anchoritism was widespread in Europe during the Middle Ages and was especially associated with pious laywomen who embraced it as an alternative to marriage or remarriage. The nine studies in this volume bring together much important European scholarship on the subject and present case-studies illustrating the variety of roles performed by anchorites, such as teaching, prophecy, counselling and care of the sick. BOYDELL 2010 HB 256pp £60.00 17926 now £25.00 EARLY ENGLISH ARBITRATION Derek Roebuck How were disputes managed in England before the Common Law? This interdisciplinary study, using the work of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists and geneticists, begins with the prehistoric evidence, which shows that people were regularly assembling to deal with disputes. Then, using original sources, presented here in new translations, it covers Roman, Anglo-Saxon and postConquest times to demonstrate that sophisticated techniques of mediation and arbitration were in use well before Henry II’s new legal system. HOLO 2008 HB 330pp £40.00 17555 now £14.99 THE PLANTAGENETS The Kings that Made Britain Derek Wilson At the accession of Henry II in 1154, the Plantagenets ruled over a realm that stretched from the Scottish borders to the Pyrenees. When Richard III died in 1485, only Calais was left on the European mainland, but the Plantagenets had consolidated and secured royal control within Britain. In this lucid account of their 300 year reign, Wilson chronicles the turbulent and often blood-soaked world of kings such as Richard the Lionheart, King John and Henry V, the hero of Agincourt. QUERCUS 2014 PB 296pp Illus £9.99 16645 now £4.99 8 NEW ENGLAND AND THE AVIGNON POPES The Practice of Diplomacy in Late Medieval Europe Karsten Plöger This study of Anglo-papal relations during the 14th century focuses on the forms and structures of diplomatic communication, rather than its content and ‘end-products’ such as alliances and treaties. The author applies theories of international relations and draws on a range of unpublished sources to examine the complex dialogue between Westminster and the popes Clement VI and Innocent VI concerning two ‘grand themes’: ecclesiastical administration and the preservation of peace. LEGENDA 2005 PB 318pp £55.00 18218 now £12.99 THE SAINTS’ LIVES OF JOCELIN OF FURNESS Hagiography, Patronage and Ecclesiastical Politics Helen Birkett Although Jocelin of Furness (fl. 1175-1214) is known as the author of four substantial hagiographical texts, he is otherwise a shadowy figure and has been dismissed by modern scholars for his ‘uneven’ and ‘prolix’ work. But in this first fulllength study, Birkett reassesses Jocelin, analysing the composition of the Lives and investigating the patronage and ecclesiastical politics which can help us to understand the different agendas behind each one. YORK MEDIEVAL 2010 HB 342pp £60.00 17957 now £19.99 AGAINST ALL ENGLAND Regional Identity and Cheshire Writing, 1195-1656 Robert W Barrett Examining late medieval and early modern English identity from the vantage point of an explicitly regional literature, this study of pageants, poems and prose works created in Cheshire between 1195 and 1656 challenges the dominant view of the Renaissance as a break with England’s medieval past. In discussing texts such as Lucian’s De laude Cestrie, the Chester Whitsun plays and the Stanley family romances, Barrett demonstrates both regional continuity and the ‘complex intertwining of regional and national identities’. NOTRE DAME UP 2009 PB 324pp $35.00 10649 now £14.99 EDWARD III AND THE TRIUMPH OF ENGLAND The Battle of Crécy and the Company of the Garter Richard Barber Edward III’s victory at Crécy in 1346 marked a watershed in European history, making England a major force and leaving the young king poised to claim the French throne. In this highly original history, Barber evaluates the often incomplete or biased sources to get as close as possible to this violent, heroic world; and, focusing on the Company of the Garter that Edward created, he traces the lives of its members and the ethos of Arthurian chivalry they cultivated. ALLEN LANE 2013 HB 672pp Illus £30.00 17843 now £14.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 9 Order line: 01626 897100 MODERN HISTORY NEW THE ENGLISH CIVIL WARS 1640-1660 Blair Worden presents a concise account of the political upheaval that saw the English monarchy and the House of Lords abolished and replaced by a republic and military rule. He explores the origins and course of the conflict – the war between King and Parliament, the execution of Charles I, the rule of Oliver Cromwell and the Restoration – assessing the motives of the opposing sides and the legacy of the struggle for future generations. PHOENIX 2009 PB 202pp £8.99 18953 now £3.99 CAVALIER AND ROUNDHEAD SPIES Intelligence in the Civil War and Commonwealth HERETIC QUEEN Queen Elizabeth I and the Wars of Religion Susan Ronald In this critically-acclaimed study of Elizabeth I, Susan Ronald focuses on the queen’s role in the Wars of Religion – the battle between Protestantism and Catholicism that tore apart Europe in the 16th century. Ronald shows how, in the Tudor era, religion was high politics, how domestic policy was governed by the religious imperatives of the Reformation and how Elizabeth ruled so successfully in a period that saw a ‘monumental struggle of ideology and survival’. Julian Whitehead The crucial part played by intelligence and espionage in Britain during the Civil Wars has rarely been studied, yet it is a key to understanding the dangerous politics and the open warfare of the period. In a vivid narrative, Julian Whitehead traces the rapid development of spying techniques during the civil conflict; demonstrates how leaders on all sides set up increasingly effective systems for gathering and interpreting intelligence; and he describes the decisive impact that intelligence had on events. PEN & SWORD 2009 HB 255pp £19.99 97852 now £9.99 CROMWELL HATH THE HONOUR BUT... Major-General Lambert’s Campaigns in the North, 1648 PR Hill; JM Watkinson Oliver Cromwell’s reputation tends to overshadow his ‘lesser’ generals, yet they each had an important role to play. Once such man was John Lambert. Tasked with commanding forces in the North in 1648-9, he proved to be a popular and effective general who undertook the sieges at Pontefract and Scarborough and united his troops in resisting Royalist rebels and Scots invaders. This carefully researched account offers a detailed and balanced reappraisal of Lambert’s achievements. ST MARTIN’S 2012 HB 368pp Illus $27.99 16787 now £6.99 AMERICAN TEMPEST How the Boston Tea Party Sparked a Revolution Harlow Giles Unger In an action-packed drama of colonial America, Unger reveals how the Tea Party had less to do with tea than the political ambitions of James Otis Jr, a certifiably mad lawyer, and a bankrupt brewer named Sam Adams. These two took over the Boston merchants’ protest movement against British import duties, seized political power in Massachusetts, and set off a social, political and economic storm that ended with the Declaration of Independence. DA CAPO 2011 HB 300pp Illus £18.99 17092 now £6.99 MORE FRUITFUL THAN THE SOIL Army, Empire and the Scottish Highlands, 1715-1815 Andrew MacKillop This book analyses the origins, development and impact of British Army recruiting in the Scottish Highlands from 1715 to 1815 – an issue once described as ‘perhaps the most explosive single element in the entire history of the Highland clearances’. The emphasis here is on tenant reactions to recruiting, and the study concludes that this was a vital factor in bringing about change in the tenurial system in the region. Both the decline of the tacksman and the emergence of crofting are linked to the process of regiment raising. TUCKWELL 2000 PB 290pp £16.99 34113 now £5.99 FRONTLINE 2012 HB 254pp Illus £25.00 16901 now £9.99 Sir Walter Ralegh; Ed. VT Harlow In this volume, Harlow introduces Ralegh’s account of his 1595 voyage and ‘discovery’ of Guiana with an engrossing account of Ralegh himself and his quest for El Dorado, and also provides a wealth of additional material from Spanish documents. ISRAEL/DACAPO 1971 HB 292pp THE DISCOVERIE OF GUIANA 84193 now £9.99 THE WORLD AT THEIR FINGERTIPS 18th Century British Two-Sheet DoubleHemisphere World Maps Geoff Armitage Between 1680 and 1807, British publishers produced a sequence of double hemisphere world maps, each printed on two conjoined sheets, with an eye to the growing market among the upwardly mobile. Drawing on the collection of the British Library, this handsome, informative book reproduces 24 maps in full colour, in addition to many details and smaller illustrations. A valuable guide to identification, it also sets the maps in their historical context and provides biographies of leading figures in the trade. BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 HB 262pp Illus 238x310mm £45.00 16947 now £19.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f 9 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 10 www.psbooks.co.uk MODERN HISTORY NEW THE PERILOUS CROWN France Between Revolutions, 1814-1848 Munro Price The period that followed the restoration of the French monarchy in 1815 is as dramatic and turbulent as the events that preceded it. The reigns of the last three kings of France were punctuated by intrigue, assassination attempts, street fighting and two further revolutions. Drawing on previously unpublished letters, this absorbing history charts the rise and fall of the ‘citizen king’ Louis-Philippe, giving due prominence for the first time to the role of his remarkable sister Adelaide. MACMILLAN 2007 HB 462pp Illus IMPRISON’D WRANGLERS The Rhetorical Culture of the House of Commons, 1760-1800 Christopher Reid Although the later 18th century has been regarded as parliamentary oratory’s golden age, its speaking history remains to a large extent unexplored. Drawing on contemporary sources ranging from newspaper reports to memoirs, this study looks in detail at the making of a rhetorical culture inside and outside the House of Commons during a period when Parliament consolidated its authority as a national institution and gained a new kind of prominence in the public eye. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 284pp Illus £63.00 17318 now £19.99 £20.00 77391 now £7.99 THE MAKING OF VICTORIAN VALUES Decency and Dissent in Britain: 1789-1837 Ben Wilson explores ‘the way the British went about moral rearmament’ in the early 19th century. His focus is on the generation born in the aftermath of the American and French revolutions, and he begins with the libertine spirit inspired by Byron, Shelley and the Romantics. He then examines how ‘an alliance of evangelical reformers and secular utilitarians’ fought against forms of debauchery and vice to shape the moral, political and social character of 19th century Britain. Slightly offmint. PENGUIN 2007 HB 463pp Illus $27.95 61938 now £7.99 BRITISH NAVY’S VICTUALLING BOARD, 1793-1815 Janet Macdonald The Victualling Board was a subsidiary of the Admiralty which fed the British Royal Navy from 1683 to 1832. The Board manufactured, purchased and distributed foodstuffs and drinks from its bases in England and abroad. In general, it performed these tasks well, but other aspects of its work led to public scandals and reorganizations. This study looks at how the Board did its job and the reasons for its failures, tracing these back to the Admiralty and political patronage. No jacket. BOYDELL 2010 HB 282pp £75.00 17931 now £19.99 DUBLIN CASTLE AND THE FIRST HOME RULE CRISIS The Political Journal of Sir George Fottrell, 1884-1887 Ed. Stephen Ball Presenting information supplied to politicians by administrators in Dublin Castle – men with a ‘worm’seye-view’ of Irish affairs – this collection of documents, with an extensive introduction, examines why, in 1885, Gladstone ‘embraced the idea of Irish home rule without securing the support of his party for this radical departure’. As well as the journal of George Fottrell, the book includes letters by Earls Spencer and Carnarvon, EG Jenkinson, Sir Robert Hamilton and Gladstone. Camden Fifth Series. Volume 33. CAMBRIDGE UP 2008 HB 354pp £59.99 17749 now £12.99 10 THE DAY PARLIAMENT BURNED DOWN Caroline Shenton When the old Palace of Westminster burned down on 16 October 1834, it was seen as a national catastrophe. Rumours about the cause of the fire were rife: was it arson, terrorism, foreign operatives, a kitchen accident or even divine judgement on politicians? In this riveting study, the Director of the Parliamentary Archives Caroline Shenton unfolds the story of the fire over the course of that day, and paints a skilful portrait of the social and political context of Westminster at the time. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 355pp Illus £18.99 17258 now £6.99 AG Macdonell Within six years of rising to prominence, Napoleon had seized control of France, appointing himself First Consul in 1799. During his leadership, over the next 16 years, he appointed 26 men to be Marshals of the Empire, mostly from the ranks of the military. This classic account, written in 1934 by the satirist and connoisseur of military history AG Macdonnell, examines the relationships between these men and their Emperor to tell the story of the Napoleonic Wars. FONTHILL 2012 PB 222pp Illus NAPOLEON AND HIS MARSHALS £16.99 16562 now £5.99 THE APOCALYPSE OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE His Last Years, from Waterloo to St Helena: A Medical Biography Robert Richardson Since Napoleon died a prisoner on St Helena in 1821, there has been much speculation about the cause of his demise. This groundbreaking study sidesteps rumour and speculation, focusing solely on the reports of the doctors who attended him. Its conclusion is startling. While the immediate cause of death was a gastric ulcer, Napoleon’s underlying poor health was due to the hostility of the island’s governor, Hudson Lowe, and a scandal involving the mistress of Admiral Plampin, commander of its naval station. QUILLER 2009 HB 292pp Illus £20.00 16651 now £6.99 THE KILLER TRAIL A Colonial Scandal in the Heart of Africa Bertrand Taithe Led by two French army captains, the Voulet-Chanoine mission left Dakar on the coast of French West Africa in 1898, headed for the central African region of Lake Chad. The objective was to establish borders between the French and British empires and to ‘pacify’ belligerent natives. After descending into extraordinary violence, the mission provoked outrage in Paris. Taithe describes this atrocity and its reception in Europe and considers whether Voulet and Chanoine simply took colonial violence to a logical extreme. OXFORD UP 2009 HB 336pp Illus 195x127mm £16.99 84027 now £5.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 11 Order line: 01626 897100 20th CENTURY HISTORY NEW JFK’S CAMELOT The Unfolding Story of a President Adam Powley The identification of John F Kennedy’s presidency with the Arthurian ideal of Camelot came in the emotional aftermath of his death, as the result of a chance remark by his wife. This book offers a contemporary perspective on JFK’s developing career through Daily Mirror articles and photographs reporting on his election campaign, his eventful administration, including the Bay of Pigs Invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis, and his shocking assassination. HAYNES 2013 HB 208pp Illus Hans Safrian; Trans. Ute Stargardt The name Adolf Eichmann is a byword for detached, bureaucratic evil, but he could not have perpetrated his crimes without a legion of accomplices. This groundbreaking study profiles a core group of Nazis who expelled German, Austrian, Polish, Russian, French, Greek, Italian and Czech Jews from their homelands to the ghettos and concentration camps of Eastern Europe. Its chronological organization also charts the systematic escalation from expulsion and confinement to mass murder. No jacket. NEW EICHMANN’S MEN CAMBRIDGE UP 2010 HB 326pp £25.00 18025 now £9.99 £54.99 17750 now £14.99 THE PURSUIT OF THE NAZI MIND Hitler, Hess and the Analysts Daniel Pick, historian and psychoanalyst, tells how, during the Second World War, the Allies used the ‘psy’ professions to delve into the motivations of the Nazi leadership and the mentality of the ‘masses’ they led. Focused on the psychiatric examination of Rudolf Hess after his capture, the book explores the role of psychiatry and Freudian analysis in wartime and at the Nuremberg trials, and the shadow it cast on post-war recovery policy and political thinking in the longer term. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 368pp £18.99 11380 now £8.99 GIANTS: THE DWARFS OF AUSCHWITZ The Extraordinary Story of the Lilliput Troupe BERLIN 1961 Kennedy, Krushchev and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth Frederick Kempe Much has been written about the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, but in the eyes of many participants, the standoff over Berlin the previous year brought the world closer to the brink of disaster, with US and Soviet tanks just yards apart. Based on a wealth of new documents and interviews, this gripping, insightful account charts the crisis as it developed, profiles the characters of Kennedy and Khrushchev, and outlines the domestic and foreign pressures they faced. GIBSON SQUARE 2014 HB 494pp Illus GP PUTNAM’S SONS 2011 HB 605pp Illus £25.00 17861 now £7.99 $29.95 99948 now £6.99 THE SHOCK OF AMERICA Europe and the Challenge of the Century NEW Yehuda Koren; Eilat Negev In the 1930s, the Ovitz family – seven of whom were dwarfs – enjoyed massive success as the Lilliput Troupe of singers and actors. But as the Nazi regime tightened its grip, they were plunged into the horrors of Auschwitz. Based on interviews with Perla Ovitz, the last living member of the troupe, and many other concentration camp survivors, this powerful book tells the inspirational story of this remarkable family and their indomitable will to survive. ROBSON 2013 HB 300pp Illus £16.99 16454 now £6.99 NEW EISENHOWER’S BLUFF The World’s Secret Battle against Nuclear Annihilation Evan Thomas As Supreme Allied Commander at the end of the Second World War, Dwight Eisenhower wielded one of the most formidable conventional military forces in history. During his presidency of the United States between 1953 and 1961, his focus was on avoiding the use of nuclear weapons against his former ally, the Soviet Union. This detailed analysis of his foreign policy, while President, explains how his subtle and diplomatic methods helped to keep the uneasy peace. David W Ellwood Europeans tend to regard the United States as either a beacon of hope or a threat to established values. This magisterial survey examines such attitudes in the wake of the 20th century’s three great conflicts: the First and Second World Wars, and the Cold War. Drawing on a dazzling array of sources, from government papers to popular journalism, it examines the impact of America’s military, political, economic and cultural power, and the tensions, policies and popular stereotypes it has inspired. SIX MOMENTS OF CRISIS Inside British Foreign Policy NEW Gill Bennett Former Chief Historian of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Bennett gives an insider’s perspective on British foreign policy as she explores six crucial challenges: Korea 1950; the Suez Crisis 1956; applying to join the EEC in 1961; the decision to withdraw from east of Suez, January 1968; the expulsion of 105 Soviet spies in Operation Foot 1971; and the decision to send a task force to the Falklands in 1982. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 239pp £20.00 17436 now £7.99 OXFORD UP 2012 HB 598pp Illus £37.99 17434 now £12.99 GOLDEN HARVEST Events at the Periphery of the Holocaust THE FRENCH CENTURY An Illustrated History of Modern France Jan Tomasz Gross A grainy photograph that appeared in a Polish newspaper in 2008 caused national soul searching. It showed a group of peasants atop a mountain of ashes at Treblinka, searching for gold that had escaped the Nazis’ attention – after the war had ended. In lucid prose, this moving book unsparingly recounts how the Holocaust was accompanied by the systematic theft of Jewish property, not only by their persecutors but also by their former neighbours and friends. Brian Moynahan Authoritative and entertaining, this richly illustrated chronological survey traces the achievements of 20th-century France in politics, science, sport and the arts. Nor does it flinch from the darker aspects of the nation’s history: defeat and occupation in the Second World War, colonial wars in Algeria and Indochina and, more recently, riots in the banlieues and the rise of the far right. From Peugot to Piaf, from Barthes to Barthez, it brilliantly encapsulates what makes the French so distinctively French. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 153pp FLAMMARION 2007 HB 480pp Illus 222x182mm £9.99 17302 now £4.99 £12.95 17558 now £6.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f 11 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 12 www.psbooks.co.uk 20th CENTURY/CONTEMPORARY HISTORY NEW STREETLIFE The Untold History of Europe’s Twentieth Century Leif Jerram History is usually described through the actions of leaders, the rise and fall of ideologies, and the outcome of wars. Yet momentous change is often set in motion where public and private meet: on the city streets. This brilliant, provocative history ranges from St Petersburg in 1905 to the fall of the Berlin Wall to show how ordinary men and women, through riot, revolution, popular culture and sexual adventure, have shaped the Europe of today. OXFORD UP 2013 PB 481pp Illus £12.99 17445 now £5.99 THE MINISTRY OF DEFEAT The British War in Iraq 2003-2009 THE REPUBLIC The Fight for Irish Independence, 1918-1923 Charles Townshend The fight for independence pitted the Irish not only against the British, but against one another in a physical conflict of shocking violence and an intellectual battle for a new sort of country. This magisterial history charts both the struggle against Britain and the bitter civil war between supporters and opponents of the Treaty. Nuanced and sceptical, it unflinchingly seeks out the truth behind the myths, while never losing sight of the heroism of ordinary Irish men and women. NEW ALLEN LANE 2013 HB 537pp Illus £25.00 17849 now £9.99 Lawrence James writes that Churchill’s ‘ardent and unswerving faith in the British Empire’ has been ‘overlooked or discreetly sidelined in Churchillian literature’. From his experience as a young army officer, serving in conflicts in India, South Africa and the Sudan, to his resignation as Prime Minister in 1955, this portrait of Churchill offers a new perspective on the imperial preoccupations that came to be seen as outmoded but make him such a compellingly contradictory figure. CHURCHILL AND EMPIRE WEIDENFELD 2013 HB 463pp Illus £25.00 16828 now £7.99 THE WOMAN WHO CENSORED CHURCHILL Ruth Ive During the Second World War, to prevent German interception, all transatlantic telephone lines were disconnected except one: the hotline between Churchill and Roosevelt. Even this was censored. It was the job of a young stenographer, Ruth Ive, to listen in and cut the line should either leader let slip information that might compromise security. Now, after decades of silence under the Official Secrets Act, she can finally tell the fascinating story of her top secret and vitally important wartime service. HISTORY PRESS 2008 HB 160pp Illus Richard North In this hard-hitting account of Britain’s military occupation of southern Iraq, from the aftermath of the 2003 invasion to 2009, when the last British troops were ordered to leave by the Iraqi government, Richard North argues that the occupation was an abject failure and the blame lies with the Blair government’s failure to provide the Army with the forces and equipment to meet a challenge that it and the military establishment had hopelessly misread from the start. CONTINUUM 2009 HB 277pp Illus £19.99 80377 now £7.99 SOCIAL HISTORY NEW VILLAGE SCHOOLING IN SOMERSET Learn ’em Hard Sarah Villiers Little schooling had been available in England’s rural areas until the 1870 Education Act, although significant efforts had been made in Somerset prior to this by philanthropists such as Hannah More and the Rev. John Poole. This study considers the development of village schools in the county in the 19th and 20th centuries, examining the experience of the pupils, the curricula and the school management, from staffing and funding to the layout of the buildings. Marilyn Yurdan With tales from the days of indoor sandals and navy knickers, Latin verbs and transistor radios, semolina pudding and O Levels, this light-hearted social history is based on the experiences of pupils from 18 schools around the country and describes how things were for grammar school girls – at school and at home – between about 1955 and 1965. HISTORY PRESS 2012 PB 192pp 172x110mm £9.99 97713 now £3.99 RYELANDS 2012 HB 224pp Illus 295x210mm £24.99 18241 now £9.99 David Kynaston’s study of postwar Britain has quickly become a classic in the five years since its 2007 publication. The history of six tumultuous years, it describes the resurrection of an exhausted country and how Clement Attlee’s Labour Government shaped the political, economic and social landscape for the remainder of the 20th century. The book includes an astonishing variety of contemporary voices, from the Chingford housewife coping with rationing to the pipe dreams of an optimistic pit worker. AUSTERITY BRITAIN 1945-51 BLOOMSBURY 2007 PB 673pp Illus £14.99 99212 now £6.99 David Kynaston Books 3 and 4 (The Certainties of Place and A Thicker Cut), here bound in a single volume, continue Kynaston’s extraordinarily evocative narrative, from an ailing King George VI opening the Festival of Britain and the Conservative victory that made Churchill once more Prime Minister, to the Suez crisis, Soviet action in Hungary and bus fares raised in Lowestoft to offset petrol rises. WALKER 2010 HB 785pp Illus FAMILY BRITAIN 1951-1957 $47.50 97759 now £6.99 £18.99 76808 now £5.99 12 SCHOOL SONGS AND GYMSLIPS Grammar Schools in the 1950s and 1960s Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 13 Order line: 01626 897100 SOCIAL HISTORY NEW GREASEPAINT AND CORDITE The Story of ENSA and Concert Party Entertainment During the Second World War Andy Merriman During the course of the Second World War, the Entertainments National Services Association put on countless productions for the troops across the world, offering everything from music hall turns to Laurence Olivier. The enormous number of shows meant that the talent was spread thinly and performances were often delivered in difficult circumstances and inhospitable climes. Drawing on interviews with surviving ENSA performers, this book tells the colourful story of this most unusual and complex theatrical enterprise. AURUM 2013 HB 320pp Illus £20.00 18292 now £6.99 THESE WONDERFUL RUMOURS! A Young Schoolteacher’s Wartime Diaries 1939-1945 NEW May Smith was a 24-year-old schoolteacher, living with her parents in Swadlincote, Derbyshire when war broke out in 1939. The previous year she had started keeping the diary in which she recorded both the mundane details of life and the extraordinary impact of war up to and beyond VE Day. Introduced by Juliet Gardiner, this is May’s ‘snapshot of life as it was really lived’. VIRAGO 2014 PB 414pp £8.99 18333 now £3.99 NEW BREAKING WITH TRADITION: 1960s Rose Shepherd Part of the Looking Back at Britain series that uses reportage photographs and a richly informative text to survey the social history and the newsworthy stories of Britain decade by decade, this volume focuses on the 1960s, from Harold Macmillan’s ‘wind of change’ speech and the CND’s 10,000strong rally in 1960 to the 1969 Battle of the Bogside, one the first major conflicts of ‘The Troubles’ in the Northern Ireland. READER’S DIGEST 2010 HB 160pp Illus 285x227mm NEW THE DARK BOX A Secret History of Confession John Cornwell It was not until the 13th century that adult Catholics were required to confess their sins in private once a year; in recent decades the custom has been virtually abandoned. The Dark Box is a history of the rise and fall of this often controversial practice, drawing on Cornwell’s own experience and focusing on reforms which sought to protect the Catholic faithful but actually increased opportunities for psychological oppression and sexual abuse. Slightly off-mint. PROFILE 2014 HB 316pp £17.99 18302 now £5.99 £16.99 18349 now £5.99 TO THE LETTER A Journey Through a Vanishing World HOME TRUTHS An Alternative History of Every House NEW Simon Garfield In his ‘celebration of what has gone before, and the value we place on literacy, good thinking and thinking ahead’, Simon Garfield explores how we have written to each other over the centuries. Covering correspondents from Cicero and Marcus Aurelius to Ted Hughes and the Queen Mother, the book delves into the stories of famous letterwriters and considers all the things we have lost – ‘the post, the envelope, a pen, a slower cerebral whirring’ – by replacing letters with email. Bill Laws Why does your house look the way it does? What is the point of a dado rail? And what’s that thingumajig for? From noggins and newel posts to power showers and fitted kitchens, every household fixture has a story to tell. Illustrated with photographs, antique prints and vintage advertisements, this light-hearted history of the domestic environment uncovers the often bizarre stories behind the inventions that have shaped our homes. HISTORY PRESS 2010 PB 240pp Illus £9.99 92149 now £4.99 CANONGATE 2013 HB 464pp Illus £16.99 18358 now £6.99 MEMORIES OF BRITAIN PAST The Illustrated Story of How We Lived, Worked and Played Juliet Gardiner Drawing on the wonderful Getty photographic archive, this book is full of memorable images of a bygone era. It focuses on times within living memory, from the early 1930s to the end of the 1970s, during which the country underwent profound changes. Covering key aspects of the way we used to live, from home life, childhood and schooling through to the working world and popular entertainments, social historian Juliet Gardiner looks back on a largely vanished Britain. READER’S DIGEST 2012 HB 256pp Illus 275x215mm £19.99 95477 now £7.99 See our full range of more than 14,000 titles at f www.psbooks.co.uk ON THE RUN Deserters Through the Ages Graeme Kent In his review of military absconsion throughout history, Graeme Kent reports that when the Second World War ended, it was estimated that there were over 20,000 deserters of various nationalities on the run in Britain. His survey of the ignoble art of running away includes stories of disgruntled Roman legionnaires, Civil War turncoats, Naval mutineers and even famous personalities, such as General Custer and Herman Melville, who couldn’t resist the urge to go AWOL. ROBSON 2013 HB 348pp £20.00 16458 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f 13 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:27 Page 14 www.psbooks.co.uk SOCIAL HISTORY TRADITIONAL CRAFTS AND INDUSTRIES IN EAST ANGLIA The Photographic Legacy of Hallam Ashley Ed. Andrew Sargent This collection of 140 photographs, taken mostly during the 1940s and 1950s by Hallam Ashley (1900-87), depicts traditional working practices in East Anglian agriculture, crafts and industry. Working for the National Reeds, Horsey Buildings Record and the Society Staithe, Norfolk, for the Protection of Ancient April 1963 Buildings, Ashley made an important pictorial survey of architectural heritage but, as these images show, his interest in social documentary is perhaps more significant, depicting a centuries-old way of life at a time of rapid social change. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2010 PB 176pp Illus 276x218mm £16.99 94694 now £6.99 Boy holding a kolf club and a ball, 1603 THE TUDOR CHILD Clothing and Culture 1485 to 1625 Ninya Mikhaila; Jane Huggett This illustrated, in-depth study of children’s costume in the Tudor period draws on original academic research to provide a social history of babies and children (up to the age of 12) between 1485 and 1625. As well as putting the clothes and the conventions of children’s dress into social context, the authors have devised practical patterns, with detailed instructions for making up the garments and photographs of reconstructed examples, including babies’ linen, underwear, head wear and knitted items. YALE UP 2011 PB 367pp Illus £11.99 18353 now £4.99 MEAT, COMMERCE AND THE CITY The London Food Market 1800-1855 ONEWORLD 2011 PB 144pp Robyn S Metcalfe In 1800 Smithfield Market was the largest cattle market in the world; but new concerns over sanitation, as well as changing views about the purpose of public space, meant that the market became an issue of contention, culminating in the Smithfield Removal Act of 1851. Metcalfe examines the struggle between the market’s supporters and detractors and argues that this demonstrates a major shift in the way the urban landscape came to be used. No jacket. £7.99 17922 now £3.99 £60.00 17159 now £9.99 FAT GOOSE 2013 PB 160pp Illus 280x230mm £30.00 16384 now £9.99 NEW DIRECTIONS TO SERVANTS Jonathan Swift Described by Colm Toibin as ‘a central document in the long, comic and sly history of Irish disrespect’, this is Swift’s manual on how servants should cope with the demands of their indolent and greedy masters. With a biographial note. Oneworld Classics. Back by popular demand 14 NEW MILK A Local and Global History Deborah Valenze How and why have people in Western Europe and North America become so attached to cow’s milk? That is the question with which Deborah Valenze begins her history of milk. Spanning over 3,000 years of human history, from Isis worship in ancient Middle Eastern societies to industrial dairy farming in 21st century America, the book tells the story of milk through centuries of ‘mystery, myth and impassioned debate’ to its status as a commodity today. PICKERING & CHATTO 2012 HB 260pp ARISTOCRATS: POWER, GRACE AND DECADENCE Britain’s Great Ruling Classes from 1066 to the Present Lawrence James For almost a millennium, Britain was governed by a small coterie of aristocrats whose power could make or break kings, forged an empire and created the world’s first industrial nation. This colourful narrative history traces this network of interlinked families, examining its code of honour and public duty, its acquisitiveness and greed. It also demonstrates how, despite having relinquished much of its power, the aristocracy has shaped the nation, and continues to fascinate and appal in equal measure. (Previously sold in Postscript in hardback edition.) NEW THE EAST INDIA COMPANY’S LONDON WORKERS Management and Warehouse Labourers, 1800-1858 Margaret Makepeace’s groundbreaking study re-locates the English East India Company in its rightful place at the centre of the early 19th century London economy. It explores the Company’s direction of commercial operations in London, the management structure in its warehouses, and the strategies adopted to control and regulate the thousands of labourers in its workforce. This ‘history from below’ approach provides new insights into both the functioning of the Company and the lives of the London working classes. No jacket. BOYDELL 2010 HB 254pp £65.00 17936 now £14.99 From treadmills to nuclear reactors; ships from SS Great Eastern in 1855 to SS United States in 1952; Fox Talbot demonstrating his camera in 1868 to the radio telescope at Jodrell Bank... This large and engrossing collection of photographs surveys human achievement in eight fields between the mid-19th and mid-20th centuries: industry, boats, power, railways, vision, wheels, communication and aviation. Over 500 photographs, including many famous images, are reproduced, with captions giving their subject, place and date. MAN AND MACHINE ENDEAVOUR 2010 HB 634pp Illus 288x288mm £40.00 16649 now £19.99 FISHING AND FOLK Life and Dialect on the North Sea Coast Comp. Bill Griffiths Fishing and Folk brings together the evidence of dialect words, songs, shanties and literary texts to offer an insight into the history, life and social development of the North Sea coast. The book’s four main sections cover terminology describing aspects of the coast, the boats, fishing and communities, while appendices complement Griffith’s text with lists of vocabulary collected by other researchers. NORTHUMBRIA UP ABACUS 2010 PB 446pp Illus 197x126mm 2008 PB 280pp Illus 208x208mm £12.99 11066 now £3.99 £11.99 17123 now £4.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 15 Order line: 01626 897100 SOCIAL HISTORY/CRIME Michael Paterson In Charles Dickens, London had a chronicler second to none. From Oliver Twist to Bleak House, no other writer has captured the city’s splendour and squalor, its energy and its desperation with such humour, compassion and moral outrage. This book juxtaposes select extracts from Dickens’s works with contemporary letters, diaries and newspaper reports to take the reader on a tour of the teeming Victorian metropolis, its people, its entertainments, its shops and transport, and its crime and punishment. INSIDE DICKENS’ LONDON DAVID & CHARLES 2011 HB 351pp £9.99 93901 now £3.99 Peter Higginbotham Including the full text of an original prison cookbook compiled in 1902, with recipes for prison ‘classics’ such as Gruel, Beef Tea and, of course, Porridge, this book examines the history of prison catering from the Middle Ages, when prisoners were expected to pay for their own board and lodging, through the Victorian age and on to the present day. With sections on prison life and punishments, the book describes exactly what ‘doing porridge’ entailed. THE PRISON COOKBOOK DARK CITY Crime in Wartime London Simon Read At a time when most Londoners were pulling together in the face of terrible adversity, a criminal minority was taking advantage of blitz and blackout to rob and murder. Here, the renowned crime writer Simon Read paints a vivid picture of what life was like in 1940s London as he describes the crimes of the most notorious killers, among them the ‘Blackout Ripper’, the Elephant Boys, John ‘Acid Bath’ Haigh and the infamous Rillington Place murderer, John Christie. IAN ALLAN 2010 HB 192pp Illus £19.99 10871 now £6.99 NEW MURDER BY POISON A Casebook of Historic British Murders Nicola Sly Dr Crippen is perhaps the most famous poisoner in British legal history but the crime is often associated with women, usually dispatching unwanted husbands or children. This collection contains 32 of the most notorious cases on record, from Frances Clarke, who administered sulphuric acid to her baby in 1817, to Graham Young, who poisoned more than 70 people, killing three, in the 1960s and 1970s. HISTORY PRESS 2009 PB 288pp Illus £14.99 18341 now £5.99 HISTORY PRESS 2010 PB 256pp Illus Peter Moore In 1806, in the village of Oddingley in Worcestershire, the brutal murder of the local rector set in train an extraordinary 24-year mystery. Weaving together contemporary evidence and first-hand testimony, Peter Moore tells the gripping tale of intrigue and conspiracy that led to the killing, the years of inquiries and investigations that followed and, when a second gruesome murder was discovered and the truth finally emerged, the sensational trial that enthralled the nation. VINTAGE 2013 PB 376pp NEW £12.99 16887 now £5.99 DAMN HIS BLOOD £8.99 18338 now £3.99 WHITE SHOTGUN The Sicilian Mafia in their Own Words THE SUSPICIONS OF MR WHICHER or, The Murder at Road Hill House Kate Summerscale re-opens the case of the gruesome Road Hill murder of 1860, but models her meticulously researched account on the country-house murder mystery – the genre inspired by the real murder and its investigation by Jonathan Whicher, one of Scotland Yard’s very first detectives. ‘The best whodunnit of the year – and it’s all true’ (Tatler). Off-mint. BLOOMSBURY 2011 PB 400pp Illus £7.99 12002 now £3.99 Attilio Bolzoni This journey into Sicily’s criminal underworld presents the testimony of a number of Mafia bosses, informants and foot soldiers in a collection of interviews and transcripts of court proceedings and phone taps. From the traditional Cosa Nostra culture of the early 20th century to the sensational show trials of the 1980s, it tells the history of Sicilian crime and reveals its complex codes and twisted logic. MACMILLAN 2012 PB 479pp £12.99 16824 now £5.99 Bryan Burrough Legendary depression-era outlaws John Dillinger, Machine Gun Kelly, Ma Barker, Bonnie and Clyde and others were all at large at the same time, and it was J Edgar Hoover’s ‘G-Men’ whose job it was to put an end to their daring crime spree. With access to de-classified FBI files and unpublished manuscripts and statements by the gangsters, award-winning journalist Bryan Burrough is able to tell the exciting story as never before. PENGUIN 2005 PB 619pp PUBLIC ENEMIES £9.99 98140 now £4.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 15 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 16 BRITISH/GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGY HISTORY RESTLESS REVOLUTIONARIES A History of Britain’s Fight for a Republic Clive Bloom This is the first account of the conspiracies, acts of terrorism and warfare by which, since the French Revolution, thousands have fought to establish a British Republic. Demonstrating that the anti-terror state existed long before our own century, it covers civil wars in Ireland, unrest in Scotland and Wales and uprisings in Derbyshire and Kent, as well as the attempted Irish invasion of Canada and plots to assassinate the royal family and the cabinet. First published as Terror Within (2007). HISTORY PRESS 2010 PB 312pp £12.99 92904 now £4.99 www.psbooks.co.uk A HISTORY OF BRITAIN New edition EH Carter; RAF Mears; David Evans First published in 1937 and used in schools for decades, this series tells the story of the British Isles as a straightforward chronological narrative. In fast-paced prose, it provides a coherent sequence of events, while incorporating major social changes and developments in the arts and religion. Revived in response to calls for a return to the connected, fact-based teaching of history, the series has been expertly revised by David Evans, former Head of History at Eton. No jackets. STACEY INTERNATIONAL 2010 HB 169-265pp £10.00 each now £4.99 each NEW 150 YEARS OF BRITAIN IN PICTURES Ed. Ian Penberthy Drawn from the Press Association’s photographic archive of over 15 million images dating back to the early days of photography, this fascinating collection presents over 600 pages of photographs that give the British perspective on national and international events between 1860 and 2010. Royal Naval Volunteer Reservists return to active service after the outbreak of war with Germany, August 1914 Among these remarkable pictures are portraits of politicians and great sporting personalities and coverage of war, from the soldiers who made the heroic last stand at Rorke’s Drift in 1879 to Prince Harry in Afghanistan in 2008. AMMONITE 2010 HB 608pp Illus 245x245mm Book III: THE TUDORS 11828 1485-1603 Book IV: THE STUARTS, CROMWELL AND THE GLORIOUS 11829 REVOLUTION Book VII: LIBERAL ENGLAND, WORLD WAR AND SLUMP 1901-1939 11832 Book VIII: THE SECOND WORLD WAR AND ITS AFTERMATH, 1939-1951 11833 £30.00 18231 now £9.99 IRAN AT WAR 1500-1988 Kaveh Farrokh From the Safavid dynasty, which saw the revival of ancient Persian traditions in the 16th and 17th centuries, to the 1979 revolution and the Iran-Iraq War, this military history of Iran encompasses early successes followed by centuries of defeat as nations such as Russia and Britain began to shape the country’s internal history; and it unravels the very complex history of Iran during the 20th century. OSPREY 2011 HB 480pp Illus £18.99 17630 now £7.99 THE AFGHAN WAY OF WAR How and Why They Fight Rob Johnson From the British in the 19th century to the Soviets in the 20th and the Americans in the 21st, the Afghans have posed a fearsome challenge to invading forces. Focusing on key episodes in the country’s long history of conflict, this lucid military history demonstrates how Afghanistan’s highly skilled guerrilla fighters have continuously developed new tactics to combat new threats, shedding light on the Afghan ‘way of war’ and reshaping our understanding of the current conflict. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 397pp $29.95 10648 now £7.99 PHOENIX 2000 PB 194pp HISTORIES OF NATIONS How their Identities Were Forged Ed. Peter Furtado History involves the actions and experiences of many nations, but history books are mostly written from the perspective of one. But how do different countries view their pasts? This is the first book to gather historians from 28 states – including the USA, China, Russia India, Turkey and Iran – to relate their own national stories. With 202 illustrations, this original and thought-provoking volume provides a rare insight into the cultural and political differences that both endanger and enliven our world. THAMES £8.99 18318 now £3.99 & HUDSON 2012 HB 320pp Illus 245x190mm NEW THE BALKANS From the End of Byzantium to the Present Day Mark Mazower ‘The Balkans’ has always been a term loaded with negative connotations of violence, vengeance and political instability, not least during the wars in the former Yugoslavia at the end of the 20th century. Delving back as far as the fall of Constantinople (1453), Mark Mazower’s history presents a richer and more nuanced picture of daily life among the region’s diverse inhabitants down the centuries. 16 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 £24.95 11961 now £9.99 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 17 Order line: 01626 897100 BRITISH/GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGY HISTORY BRINGING THEM UP ROYAL How the Royals Raised Their Children from 1066 to the Present ROYAL BABIES A History 1066-2013 David Cohen ‘With some exceptions’, writes David Cohen, ‘the royals have not distinguished themselves as parents over the last 1,000 years’. From William the Conqueror’s daughter Adela and her favoured son, Stephen, through the young Victoria’s strictly controlled childhood under the ‘Kensington System’, and ending with how Princess Diana filled the role of royal mother, Cohen intertwines history with child psychology as he tells a story of violence, betrayal and cruelty – with the occasional gem of kindness and wisdom. ROBSON 2012 HB 319pp Illus £20.00 16451 now £7.99 CAMBRIDGE ORATIONS 1993-2007: A Selection Anthony Bowen As orator of the University of Cambridge, Antony Bowen delivered 121 Latin speeches in the Senate House in praise of a variety of distinguished people on the occasion of their receiving honorary degrees. Of these speeches, 52 are presented here, with facing translations. In orations on such diverse figures as Margaret Attwood, Quentin Blake, Noam Chomsky and Nelson Mandela, Bowen rises to the challenge of speaking of modern phenomena in the language and cadences of antiquity. CAMBRIDGE UP 2008 PB 113pp 262x195mm £19.99 16711 now £7.99 VENICE A New History NEW Thomas F Madden’s portrait of Venice uses long-buried archival material to trace the history of this unique city from its humble origins as a lagoon refuge to its zenith as a vast maritime empire and Renaissance epicentre, and its rebirth as a modern tourist hub. Featuring the personal stories of doges, merchants and famous figures such as Marco Polo, Casanova and Lord Byron, Madden’s Venice is the rich popular history that this city deserves. VIKING 2012 HB 464pp Illus 159x235mm $35.00 17113 now £8.99 Amy Licence Babies are born every day, but rarely does a child arrive who will inherit the throne. This book tells the story of 25 royal babies, some born in times of peace, others delivered during episodes of civil warfare. From the birth of Matilda, granddaughter of William the Conqueror, in 1102 to Prince George Windsor, these stories describe the births of some of the greatest British monarchs in history, as well as many long-forgotten babies. AMBERLEY 2013 HB 188pp Illus £16.99 16737 now £6.99 SPECIAL RELATIONSHIPS People and Places Asa Briggs In a memoir as unconventional as his career, Asa Briggs seeks ‘to trace those personal relationships which have most shaped my work as an historian and, indeed, my whole life’. Acknowledging the influence of friends as various as PD James, Jim Callaghan and John Reith, he documents five decades of his pioneering work in universities at home and abroad, reminisces about his early life in Yorkshire and explains his special interest in the Victorians. FRONTLINE 2012 HB 256pp Illus £19.99 16910 now £8.99 NORTHERN LANDSCAPES Representations and Realities of North-East England Ed. Thomas Faulkner; Helen Berry; Jermey Gregory How distinctive is the landscape of the North East, and what does it contribute to the region’s identity? Approaching these questions from the perspectives of archaeology, art history, geography, history and literature, these 18 essays cover such diverse spaces as agricultural estates, parks and gardens, industrial and urban landscapes. The volume also features analyses of artistic perceptions and representations of the area during the 18th and 19th centuries. BOYDELL 2010 HB 348pp Illus £70.00 17952 now £19.99 FAMILY & LOCAL HISTORY PAUPER ANCESTORS A Guide to the Records Created by the Poor Laws in England and Wales ON THE MAP A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks Simon Garfield Maps are a perennial source of interest and wonder, and Simon Garfield’s witty, wide-ranging narrative history explores their pleasures and pitfalls from the earliest times to the digital age. It includes chapters on guidebooks, Harry Beck’s famous London tube map, and the story of Phyllis Pearsall’s A-Z, while pithy sections called ‘pocket maps’ deal with entertaining curiosities such as the persistent myth that California was an island, a Victorian murder map, and Churchill’s map room. GOTHAM 2013 HB 464pp Illus $27.50 17571 now £7.99 David T Hawkings Between the founding of the Poor Law Commission in 1834 and the creation of the NHS in 1948, the system of social security in England and Wales consisted of workhouses provided and supervised by the Unions of Parishes. The extensive records of workhouse administration and pauper inmates, now in the National Archives, provide a wealth of information for genealogists and family historians. This book outlines the mass of records available for research and explains how they can be used. HISTORY PRESS 2011 HB 526pp £30.00 99425 now £9.99 NICK BARRATT’S BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO YOUR ANCESTORS’ LIVES Nick Barratt As well as giving advice on the practicalities of researching and constructing your family tree, this guide explains how to use a range of sources to look more deeply into the social history of each generation – their houses, streets, communities and ways of life. Barratt also offers helpful suggestions for organizing and shaping your findings and, with the help of the latest technology, creating an archive of your personal heritage. PEN & SWORD 2010 HB 282pp £19.99 10985 now £7.99 THE COMPANION TO LOCAL HISTORY Stephen Friar shares his expertise in local history research in an A-Z of over 2,000 entries, providing a useful tool for both novices and experienced historians. The Companion explains the meaning of terms likely to be found in old documents and in archaeological and architectural reports; it also covers the origins of place-name elements, important institutions such as poorhouses and corn exchanges, and events such as the Crusades and the Glorious Revolution. HISTORY PRESS 2011 PB 506pp Illus £16.99 39636 now £5.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 17 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 18 www.psbooks.co.uk MILITARY HISTORY THE GREAT WAR Unseen Archives Robert Hamilton Using over 1,000 rare and unseen photographs, facsimile reports and contemporary newspaper articles, Hamilton presents an extraordinarily vivid chronicle of the First World War. From the situation in the ‘European tinder-box’ prior to the outbreak of war, to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, the book provides a comprehensive narrative, a day-by-day chronology and a graphic guide to the progress of the conflict, its major battles and campaigns and the prominent military and political leaders. ATLANTIC 2014 HB 465pp Illus 288x248mm £40.00 16520 now £19.99 JULY 1914: Countdown to War Sean McMeekin In this critically acclaimed history of the July Crisis, Sean McMeekin tells the story of Europe’s countdown to war – from the opening act in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 to Britain’s final plunge on 4 August, which turned a European conflict into a world war – as seen through the eyes of the European leaders and statesmen who brought about the catastrophe. ICON 2013 HB 478pp £25.00 96595 now £9.99 THE LAST VETERAN Harry Patch and the Legacy of War Peter Parker Harry Patch was one of the millions of ordinary men caught up in the horror of the First World War – the only difference was that he became the last survivor. With his death in 2009 we lost our final living link to the Great War. This account of what that means to us, and of how we have chosen to remember those who fought, is a fitting tribute to Patch and to his remarkable generation. FOURTH ESTATE 2010 PB 234pp £8.99 10723 now £3.99 THE WORDS OF WAR British Forces’ Personal Letters and Diaries During the Second World War Marcus Cowper Despite the government discouraging the keeping of diaries for security reasons, nearly half of the 16,000 letters, journals and memoirs held at the Imperial War Museum relate to the Second World War. This edited selection presents the day-to-day experiences of British service personnel and civilians in all theatres of the conflict, from soldiers and PoWs in Europe, Africa and the Far East to Londoners braving the Blitz. NEW MAINSTREAM 2010 PB 442pp Illus Peter Barton After a lucid summary of the progress of the war and the political situation from August 1914 to April 1917, this book presents an extraordinarily detailed study of the Battle of Arras (incorporating the Battles of Scarpe, Vimy Ridge, Bullecourt, Lagnicourt and Arlaux). The account is illustrated with maps, plans and, as well as archive photographs, over 50 rediscovered British and German panoramas of the battlegrounds: photographs that offer a view not seen for over 90 years – the prospect beyond the trench parapet. CONSTABLE 2010 HB 312pp Illus 210x260mm ARRAS: The Spring 1917 Offensive in Panoramas £8.99 16921 now £3.99 £30.00 84759 now £12.99 SPIES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR Under Cover for King and Kaiser James Morton Prior to the First World War, even official government agents had a reputation for being misfits and rum characters and the whole spying profession was deeply distrusted. However, a growing fear of Germany encouraged an escalation in international espionage and when war broke out, spies of every nationality were at work all over Europe. This book examines the secret side of the Great War from the founding of MI5 and MI6 to the stories of celebrated agents such as Mata Hari. THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 2010 HB 240pp Illus £20.00 17000 now £7.99 THE SECRET LISTENERS The Men and Women Posted Across the World to Intercept the German Codes for Bletchley Park NEW Sinclair McKay The celebrated code breakers of Bletchley Park would have had no messages to decipher without the efforts of the ‘Y’ (‘Wireless’) Service, which sent men and women across the globe to listening stations where German messages were intercepted. Sinclair McKay uses interviews with surviving veterans of the Service to tell both the history of this shadowy organization and the personal stories of young interceptors’ life-changing experiences far from home. AURUM 2012 PB 364pp Illus £8.99 16578 now £3.99 18 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 THE WEST END FRONT The Wartime Secrets of London’s Grand Hotels Matthew Sweet Partly thanks to their potentially bomb-resistant solidity, The Ritz, the Savoy, Claridges and the Dorchester became central to the cultural and political life of the country during the Second World War. This colourful history explores a remarkable period when cabinet ministers, military officials, exiled foreign dignitaries, journalists, spies, artists and chancers all used the hotels as meeting places, makeshift offices, temporary embassies and social centres. FABER 2011 PB 372pp Illus £9.99 11771 now £3.99 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 19 Order line: 01626 897100 MILITARY HISTORY NEW ABSOLUTE WAR Soviet Russia in the Second World War: A Modern History Chris Bellamy Despite the importance of AngloAmerican efforts in the Second World War, the majority of the land and air forces of Nazi Germany were ultimately destroyed by the Soviet Union. This extensive analysis examines the brutal and merciless conflict on the Eastern front, from both the German and Soviet points of view, and assesses the wider impact of the struggle on Soviet Russia. PAN 2009 PB 854pp Illus £12.99 17639 now £4.99 THE SECRET WAR IN ITALY Operation Herring and No 1 Italian SAS William Fowler Over nearly two years of fighting, from September 1943, Italy proved to be the German Reich’s ‘tough old gut’ rather than Churchill’s promised ‘soft underbelly’. This book tells the story of the Italian campaign from the point of view of the secret services, partisans and special forces culminating in Operation Herring, in which the Italian SAS made the last active parachute drop of the war. IAN ALLAN 2010 PB 288pp Illus £8.99 10879 now £3.99 HELL IN THE PACIFIC The Battle for Iwo Jima THE BATTLE OF THE TANKS Kursk, 1943 Lloyd Clark Sandhurst historian Lloyd Clark draws on the latest available archival material, including the testimonies of veterans, to present a thrilling narrative history of the Battle of Kursk, where Russian and German armoured divisions clashed on the western border of the USSR in July 1943: “the greatest land battle the world has ever seen on a fighting front that epitomized ‘total war’”. ATLANTIC 2011 HB 496pp Illus $30.00 92355 now £7.99 Gordon L Rottman; Derrick Wright Although only five miles long, the strategic importance of the Pacific island of Iwo Jima led to one of the most savage conflicts of the Second World War. During 36 days of fighting, 20,000 Japanese soldiers and 7,000 US Marines lost their lives. This assessment of the battle gives a detailed account of the combat, analysing the high-level strategic decision-making as well as the experiences of the rank and file Japanese infantrymen and US Marine riflemen. OSPREY 2008 HB 224pp Illus 243x190mm £20.00 98369 now £8.99 NEW D-DAY: FALAISE POCKET Defeating the German Army in Normandy Paul Latawski The Allied generals’ decision to encircle counter-attacking German forces in Normandy in August 1944 created a conflict zone known as the ‘Falaise Pocket’; the eventual closing of the ring was the decisive action in the Battle of Normandy. This history provides a military analysis of the events with archive photographs and maps and, for anyone wishing to visit the site today, it includes four guided battlefield walks with detailed descriptions and visitor information. HISTORY PRESS 2012 PB 192pp Illus £9.99 17026 now £4.99 DOUBLE CROSS The True Story of the D-Day Spies CROSSING THE RHINE Breaking into Nazi Germany 1944 and 1945 – the Greatest Airborne Battles in History Lloyd Clark In the autumn of 1944 it was clear to the Allies that the river Rhine was an obstacle that had to be overcome if they were to gain access to Germany’s capital city. Lloyd Clark examines Eisenhower’s arbitration between the rival strategies of Montgomery and Patton, describes how the ambitious Market Garden operation broke down and considers the lessons Montgomery had learned when he organized a second airborne assault – Plunder Varsity – a few months later. ATLANTIC MONTHLY 2008 HB 445pp Illus 235x160mm $25.00 79407 now £6.99 f See also our series of DVDs on Operation Market Garden overleaf Ben Macintyre An important factor in the ultimate success of D-Day was the grand deception that the Allies would attack the Pas-de-Calais and not Normandy. A small group of foreign spies that had been turned to the Allied cause were a critical part of this hoax, feeding misinformation to the German High Command. The exploits of this colourful cadre of spies remained classified and unknown until the 1950s and are told here in this readable history. CROWN 2012 HB 416pp Illus $26.00 11880 now £6.99 UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER A Memoir of the Third Reich and the Dönitz Administration Walter Ludde-Neurath Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz became leader of Germany in May 1945 following Hitler’s suicide. This memoir, written by Dönitz’s adjutant during the eventful weeks that followed, provides a unique insight into this final period of the war, describing the infighting among the Nazi leaders, the formation and dissolution of the short-lived Flensburg government and the final defeat of the Third Reich. The memoir was first published in 1950; this is the first English translation of Ludde-Neurath’s historically important work. FRONTLINE 2010 HB 204pp £19.99 11007 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f 19 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 20 www.psbooks.co.uk MILITARY HISTORY WORLD WAR II TRUCKS AND TANKS popular John Norris As well as the demand trucks and tanks of the title, this book explores many other types of military vehicle used during the Second World War, such as halftracks, motorcycles, bulldozers and armoured cars. The restoration of such machines by enthusiasts has become increasingly popular and this introduction to the subject examines the equipment used German Kettenkrad half-track motorcycle by British, American, Russian, Italian and German forces, with a history of each vehicle’s development and use, and a wealth of technical information. SPELLMOUNT 2012 HB 368pp Illus Back by £25.00 99435 now £7.99 NEW BRITISH PRISONERS OF THE KOREAN WAR DEATH FROM THE HEAVENS A History of Strategic Bombing NEW SP MacKenzie Around 1,000 British servicemen were held as PoWs by the Chinese and North Koreans during the Korean War. In prison camps along the Yalu River they faced what Mackenzie describes as ‘a unique and prolonged test of mind, character and body; grappling with an intensive and sustained effort by the enemy to change their allegiance’. Drawing on recently released materials, this study explores in detail the experience of the PoWs, their treatment by their captors and their reaction to indoctrination. Kenneth P Werrell Dropping bombs from aircraft had little impact on the prosecution of the First World War, despite the rapidly developing technology, but by the outbreak of war in 1939 it had become a key component of military strategy. Former US Air Force pilot Kenneth Werrell analyses the history of strategic bombing and assesses the tactical and technical developments, major deployments and aircraft, from the first German zeppelin attacks on Britain in 1915 to the long-range missiles of the modern age. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 175pp £59.00 17226 now £14.99 NAVAL INSTITUTE 2009 HB 351pp Illus 280x215mm $49.95 17552 now £12.99 MORAL COMBAT A History of World War II Michael Burleigh The Second World War stands out as an incontrovertibly just war against an indisputably evil enemy. Yet how did it appear to its participants and how did the moral dimension shape their judgements? The acclaimed author of The Third Reich shines a light not only on the certainties, but also on the grey areas: the alliance with Stalin (a dictator every bit as ruthless as Hitler); the ethics of saturation bombing; and the effect of savage conflict on the ordinary soldier. THE ROYAL SCOTS A Concise History NEW Trevor Royle First raised to serve the French King Louis XIII, the Royal Scots are the oldest regiment in the British Army and, until merged to form the Royal Regiment of Scotland in 2006, were numbered first in the Army’s order of precedence. This history traces their activities from the Thirty Years War in the 17th century to recent conflicts in the Middle East, and draws on the first-hand accounts of Royal Scots through the generations. MAINSTREAM 2006 HB 240pp Illus £12.99 16918 now £5.99 HARPER 2010 HB 649pp Roger Howard From 1951 to 1967, Egypt’s President Nasser pursued a secret project to build long-range missiles that could strike deep into Israel. To achieve this, he hired West German scientists, many of them veterans of the Nazi rocket programme. Half a century later, this tale of espionage and intrigue tells the dramatic story of how Mossad, the Israeli secret service, responded to the threat, using covert operations, intimidation and even assassination squads to prevent the project from coming to fruition. Felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. Off-mint. PEGASUS 2013 HB 268pp £30.00 84673 now £9.99 Bernard O’Connor Over 60 women were sent into occupied Europe during the course of the Second World War as part of Churchill’s plan to ‘set Europe ablaze’ with his newly organized Special Operations Executive. This history draws on some of the women’s own accounts of their wartime service, as wireless operators, couriers and organizers of local resistance, to relate the stories of rigorous training, thrilling sabotage missions and, in a number of cases, capture, torture and execution by the Gestapo. OPERATION DAMOCLES Israel’s Secret War Against Hitler’s Scientists, 1951-1967 $27.95 99981 now £7.99 CHURCHILL’S ANGELS AMBERLEY 2012 HB 320pp £20.00 16369 now £7.99 20 VOICES AGAINST WAR A Century of Protest Lyn Smith Using nearly 200 personal testimonies preserved in the vast archive of the Imperial War Museum, this book tells the story of the modern anti-war movement and examines the motivations of protestors, traversing the last hundred years from conscientious objectors at the time of the First World War to Brian Haw’s long-running campaign in Parliament Square and the two million Britons who marched in opposition to the Iraq war in 2003. With a foreword by Robert Fisk. MAINSTREAM 2009 HB 336pp Illus £19.99 17009 now £7.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 21 Order line: 01626 897100 MILITARY HISTORY DVDs THE DARK AGES Exploring a period where reliable documentary evidence is scant, historians Tim Saunders and Andrew Duff apply the lens of sound military strategy to key battles of the Dark Ages in this series of films. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011 DVD £15.99 each now £5.99 each THE VIKING INVASION OF WESSEX 878 AD NEW By the 870s, Alfred the Great’s Kingdom of Wessex was the last remaining Anglo-Saxon territory not under the control of Viking invaders. Forced into hiding and on the brink of defeat, Alfred achieved a remarkable reversal that changed the course of English history. 18095 THE 1066 HASTINGS CAMPAIGN The English campaign of 1066 involved three critical battles – the Viking victory at Fulford, near York, and defeat five days later at Stamford Bridge, and William of Normandy’s decisive victory at Hastings – with the defending King Harold Godwinson force-marching his men up and down the country to repel the invaders. 18070 NEW THE SECOND WORLD WAR BRUNEVAL RAID Operation Biting The first in a series of Special Operations programmes, this DVD uses archive film and revisits the exact locations to tell the story of the 1941 joint operation to seize the German Würzburg radar system sited on the cliffs of Northern France at Bruneval. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2012 1 DVD approx 105min £16.99 18077 now £5.99 U-BOATS AT WAR The Inside Story of the U-Boat Campaign NEW PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2013 DVD £9.99 18094 now £4.99 FALLSCHIRMJÄGER AND PANZERS ATTACK Blitzkrieg and the Fall of France 1940 Success in the Battle of France in 1940 was a high point for the Wehrmacht and its blitzkrieg tactics, as it conquered the country in little more than a month and drove the British back across the Channel. This documentary tells the story of the campaign using original footage of German infantry units, tank groups and paratroopers. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2013 DVD £23.99 18079 now £7.99 NEW WHAT HITLER’S BUTLER SAID 1934-43 As Adolf Hitler’s valet and adjutant from 1934 to 1943, Karl Wilhelm Krause was one of the most important witnesses to Hitler’s close circle during the Third Reich. Fifty years on, Krause tells his story, with archive film of the people and events he describes. German soundtrack with English voice-over translation. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2014 2 DVDs approx 88 mins £30.99 18096 now £11.99 OPERATION MARKET GARDEN The Allies’ bold plan to strike deep into occupied Holland in September 1944 was intended to open up a route into Germany and bring the war to a swift end. This series of films examines in detail key aspects of the operation, visiting the battlefields and assessing the factors that led to the plan’s ultimate failure. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2012/13 DVD £16.99 each now £5.99 each ARNHEM: The Battle for the Bridges British paratroopers attempting to take the bridge at Arnhem encountered much stronger resistance than expected. Their heroic defence of the bridge with a much-depleted force was ultimately in vain as the planned reinforcements never arrived. 18075 NEW ARNHEM: Battle for Oosterbeek Perimeter With the British 1st Airborne Division thwarted and isolated at Arnhem, the paratroopers fell back to Oosterbeek and a grim battle ensued against the German forces, which included the flame-throwing tanks of the 2nd SS Panzer Corps. 18074 NEW HELL’S HIGHWAY: Operation Market Garden While the airborne troops secured the route, the advance along it was to be made by the British XXX Corps. In the event, progress was slow and fierce fighting along the road earned it the nickname, ‘Hell’s Highway’. 18084 NEW NIJMEGEN At Nijmegen, the US 82nd Airborne might have achieved a swift victory but for poor planning and mis-communication. The vital bridge was eventually taken following a river crossing in small boats and a daring assault on the north side of the bridge. 18087 NEW PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2012/13 DVD £16.99 each now £5.99 each NEW THE KEYS OF SPAIN Siege Warfare 1812 Andrew Duff; Tim Saunders Wellington had to overcome the two Spanish border fortresses of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz before he could advance into Spain in 1812. This film explores how he did so and examines the theory and practice of siege warfare at the time. 18090 SALAMANCA Andrew Duff; Julia Page et al Masterminded by Wellington, the Anglo-Portuguese victory at Salamanca in 1812 was a pivotal moment in the war, forcing the French to withdraw their troops from Andalusia and allowing Wellington to take Madrid. 18089 NEW NEW An estimated 75 per cent of U-Boat crewmen lost their lives during the Second World War, as the hunters increasingly became the hunted. This DVD draws on the testimony of the last remaining survivors and uses rare archive photographs and contemporary newsreel film to tell their story. THE PENINSULAR WAR General Arthur Wellesley earned his reputation and his title of Duke of Wellington in Iberia during the Peninsular War. This series of films explores in detail the battles, tactics and men of the conflict that pitted Napoleon’s French forces against those of Britain, Spain and Portugal. NEW 95th RIFLES 1800 to Corunna Andrew Duff; Tim Saunders Formed in 1800, the 95th Rifles were a new kind of regiment, specializing in sharpshooting and unconventional commando-style fighting. Distinguished by their green uniforms, the crack corps played a significant role in the outcome of the war. 18073 THE FIRST WORLD WAR SOMME: 1st JULY 1916 An Interactive Tour of the Northern Somme Battlefield NEW Michael Stedman Analysing one of the most significant battles of the First World War, this DVD includes interactive maps, panoramas, films and comparative ‘then and now’ views exploring the Somme battlefield, as well as an assessment of the conflict by leading academics and a collection of printable maps and photographs. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011 DVD £19.99 18092 now £7.99 NEW THE RED BARON The True Story of Manfred von Richthofen Manfred von Richthofen was the leading ace of the First World War and helped to develop effective new aerial combat tactics while leading his Jagdgeschwader 1 fighter unit. This documentary includes original wartime footage, a revealing assessment of the controversial circumstances of his death and bonus galleries of archive photographs. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2012 DVD £24.99 18091 now £7.99 NEW TRACING GREAT WAR ANCESTORS Finding Uncle Bill Tim Saunders; Richard Hone This film demonstrates how to research the First World War service of your ancestors, using the presenter’s great uncle as a case study and tracing his involvement across the Western Front. The final section examines the campaign medals that were awarded to soldiers of the Great War. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2010 DVD £19.99 18093 now £5.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 21 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:13 Page 22 www.psbooks.co.uk BRITISH ISLES HERITAGE LANDSCAPES A Guide to Britain’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Lindisfarne Castle, Northumberland Roly Smith The granite archipelago of Scilly, the high moors of the North Pennines, the Cotswolds: these are all ‘Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ (AONBs), a designation that protects some of the finest landscapes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This book is a guide – and a lure – to 49 AONBs, beautifully illustrated with photographs of everything from pub signs to mountainsides, and full of information about how the landscapes were formed and the flora, fauna and human activities they support. AA 2011 HB 224pp Illus 310x265mm The ruined Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire NEW WORLD HERITAGE SITES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND An Illustrated Guide to All 27 World Heritage Sites Victoria Huxley; Geoffrey Smith The 27 sites in the UK that have achieved UNESCO’s world heritage status range from natural wonders such as the Giant’s Causeway and Devon’s Jurassic Coast to important constructions marking milestones in British and world history such as Stonehenge, Hadrian’s Wall and the industrial landscapes of the Ironbridge Gorge and Derwent Valley. This illustrated guide provides historical notes, maps and visitor information for each of these unmissable locations. CHASTLETON 2009 PB 272pp Illus 227x125mm £12.99 18214 now £3.99 Richard Gurnham Tracing Nottingham’s history from the seventh century to 2010, Gurnham shows how, long before the Norman Conquest, this strategically important settlement already had wide influence. He discusses the construction of the city’s most important and impressive buildings, its role in the Civil War and its expansion into a manufacturing centre. A HISTORY OF NOTTINGHAM PHILLIMORE 2010 HB 208pp Illus £19.99 92148 now £6.99 £25.00 88701 now £9.99 NEW YORKSHIRE WOLDS WAY Official National Trail Guide Roger Ratcliffe The Yorkshire Wolds Way is a 79-mile route winding through wonderfully unspoilt, gently rolling countryside, from the Humber Bridge to Filey on the east coast. A complete companion for walkers, this illustrated, practical guide begins with an introduction to the historical background to the area, then details the route, with Ordnance Survey mapping and information on points of interest along everything along the way. AURUM 2011 PB 144pp Illus £12.99 17515 now £5.99 WALKING THE COUNTY HIGH POINTS OF ENGLAND David Bathurst These 47 walks explore the highest point in every county in England – from Beacon Hill in Norfolk (346 ft – ‘you needn’t blow the dust off your crampons’) to the 3,210 ft Scafell Pike in Cumbria, ‘the top of the tops’. SUMMERSDALE 2012 PB 288pp Illus NEW PENNINE WAY COMPANION Second edition Alfred Wainwright’s classic guide to Britain’s first long-distance path for walkers was originally published in 1968. This thoroughly updated, pocketsized edition contains everything the modern rambler needs to follow the route from Derbyshire to Northumbria, through some of Britain’s wildest and most beautiful landscapes: detailed maps, a running commentary, 300 drawings, a skeleton log, suggestions for those who prefer to tackle shorter sections... and a little mild leg-pulling. FRANCES LINCOLN 2012 HB 224pp Illus £13.99 17518 now £6.99 £8.99 93618 now £3.99 NEW BATTLEFIELD WALKS Kent and Sussex Rupert Matthews Kent and Sussex have witnessed both invasions by Romans and Normans and homegrown conflicts dating from the ‘dark ages’ to the English Civil War. In 15 walks, this book visits the sites of important battles and sieges, giving details of the action, weaponry and outcome as well as practical information for visiting the sites of battles such as Bigbury, Aylesford, Hastings and Maidstone. FRANCES LINCOLN 2008 PB 216pp Illus £8.99 17484 now £3.99 Martin Symington As well as locations associated with the mainstream religions, such as the medieval pilgrimage destinations of Canterbury and Walsingham and the Regent’s Park Mosque, Martin Symington’s gazetteer of spiritually revered sites around Britain includes mysterious ancient standing stones, chalk hill figures and places that are the focus of more modern pilgrimages, among them the site of Marc Bolan’s fatal car crash in Barnes and Karl Marx’s tomb in Highgate Cemetery. Richard Jones Britain’s fascination with the deceased and their spirits dates back to ancient times and shows no sign of dying out just yet. Divided into seven regions and with over 200 colour images, this eerie travel guide visits almost 100 haunted sites, from Bodmin Jail, with its infamous infanticide, to Stanton Drew, where it is said the devil played the fiddle. Each entry includes a potted history, ‘Haunted Rating’ and information on recent paranormal activity up to 2010. BRADT 2011 HB 232pp Illus AA 2010 HB 256pp Illus 258x228mm £16.99 18355 now £5.99 £25.00 10898 now £8.99 HAUNTED BRITAIN SACRED BRITAIN A Guide to Places that Stir the Soul NEW 22 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:13 Page 23 Order line: 01626 897100 BRITISH ISLES NEW THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF SOMERSET VISIONS OF ENGLAND Or Why We Still Dream of a Place in the Country Ed. Chris Webster; Tom Mayberry Beginning with a chapter on the history of the discipline in Somerset, this scholarly, yet very accessible book gives an up-to- date, illustrated overview of archaeology in the county, arranged chronologically from the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic ages to the Second World War and the Cold War in the recent past. The book concludes with brief descriptions of places Iron Age oak log boat found in peat at to visit, information on museums Shapwick on the Somerset Levels in 1906 and archives and recommendations for further reading. SOMERSET BOOKS 2007 PB 108pp Illus 210x210mm Roy Strong What does it mean to be English? In a post-imperial age of devolution and multiculturalism, the question has taken on a new urgency. Art historian Roy Strong argues that the national psyche has been shaped by the rural arcadia celebrated by poets and painters such as Wordsworth and Constable. Drawing on both high art and popular culture, he identifies an enduring national identity that is inclusive and free of chauvinism or political partisanship. VINTAGE 2012 PB 237pp Illus £9.99 10726 now £4.99 HERITAGE OF LAKELAND A Centenary Collection A Harry Griffin wrote an unbroken series of Country Diary entries for The Guardian for 53 years; he documented the landscape, history and people of the Lake District both in these pieces and in personal notes of his walking and rock climbing experiences. This anthology of his writing also features articles from Cumbria, the Lancashire Evening Post and the journal of the Fell and Rock Climbing Club. £12.99 18236 now £5.99 COUNTIES FROM THE AIR SERIES Photo. Jason Hawkes The rugged cliffs facing the Atlantic on the North Devon and North Cornwall coasts are in marked contrast to the southern coasts along the English Channel, with Devon’s red cliffs, sheltered harbours and long sandy beaches, and Cornwall’s hidden coves and fishing villages. In each of these books, around 110 aerial photographs give a gull’seye view, zooming in on clifftop walks and landmarks Hartland Point in North Devon such as Start Point lighthouse, St Michael’s Mount and the Minack Theatre. HALSGROVE 2008 HB 132/144pp Illus FRANCES LINCOLN 2011 HB 253pp Illus £14.99 16834 now £5.99 Stephen Morris An unpromising spring in a field half a mile from the parish church was the catalyst for Cheltenham’s rapid growth in the 18th century. The alleged medical benefits of the water brought visitors; accommodation and entertainments were swiftly erected; and when George III took the waters, the town became the most fashionable resort in the country. This photographic exploration tells the story of Cheltenham and celebrates the fine buildings and elegant vistas of England’s most complete Regency town. FRANCES LIN- CHELTENHAM SOUTH CORNWALL COAST FROM THE AIR NORTH CORNWALL COAST FROM THE AIR SOUTH DEVON COAST FROM THE AIR NORTH DEVON COAST FROM THE AIR £14.99 each COLN 2009 HB 112pp Illus 267x247mm £16.99 98922 now £7.99 now £6.99 each f See also London from the Air by Jason Hawkes overleaf THE SHORES OF PENRHYN LLYN The Llyn Peninsula John van der Kiste presents an engrossing, day by day compendium of Plymouth trivia – and not-so-trivial historical fact – from 1 January 1824, when Robert Peel granted Plymouth Dock leave to change its name (it became Davenport eight days later), to 31 December 1999 and preMillennium traffic chaos around Sainsbury’s superstore: ‘it seems as though people think the end of the world is coming’ quoth the manager. No jacket. HISTORY PRESS 2011 HB 368pp 168x125mm THE PLYMOUTH BOOK OF DAYS Maurice Hope The Llyn Peninsula is a lively, interesting and beautiful part of Wales, with a wonderful coastline stretching from Porthmadog to Caernarfon. In this book, part local and social history, part guide to the towns, villages and life of the peninsula, Maurice Hope explores the treasures of the region, uncovers some fascinating stories of the past and describes local characters, notably Lloyd George, whose home was in the village of Llanystumdwy. BREEDON 2007 HB 184pp Illus 266x200mm £14.99 76234 now £5.99 The brigantine Edward Windus, one of Porthmadog’s famous phosphate carriers f 10779 10770 10780 10771 See our full range of over 14,000 titles at www.psbooks.co.uk £9.99 99426 now £3.99 Mike Hall For every day of the year, Mike Hall has unearthed some historical fact or snippet of information about Cardiff, including battles (of St Fagans, 8 May 1648), sporting events (first ever rugby match at the Millennium Stadium 26 June 1999), famous natives (‘Two Ton’ Tessie O’Shea born in Riverside 13 March 1913) and Cardiff quirks (the skeleton of Billy the Seal goes on display in the National Museum, 10 July 2010). No jacket. HISTORY PRESS 2011 HB 368pp 168x123mm THE CARDIFF BOOK OF DAYS £9.99 99406 now £3.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f 23 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:13 Page 24 www.psbooks.co.uk BRITISH ISLES NEW THE SQUARE MILE A Photographic Portrait of the City Beata Moore The City of London is commonly associated with crowds of office workers and modern architecture such as the Gherkin and the Lloyd’s Building, but it is also the capital’s ancient heart with a history stretching back before the Romans. This photographic portfolio captures the bustling atmosphere of the modern city as well as seeking out points of interest, quiet courtyards and historic buildings, often to be found within a few yards of each other. FRANCES LINCOLN 2010 HB 112pp Illus 265x247mm £16.99 18295 now £6.99 The south-west bell tower of St Paul’s Cathedral Jason Hawkes An unusual and compelling perspective on London, this book contains around 150 aerial photographs including views of great landmarks, old and new, that are denied the rubber-necking pedestrian. It follows the Thames from mudflats in the estuary to Kew; reveals some interesting roof tops, among hem the British Museum’s stunning glass canopy and what looks like a small industrial estate on top of Harrods; and visits London’s many open spaces, from Hyde Park to the London Wetland Centre at Barnes. AA 2010 HB 192pp Illus 259x259mm LONDON FROM THE AIR GHOST MILK Calling Time on the Grand Project NEW Iain Sinclair In the run-up to the 2012 Olympics, London’s most indefatigable psychogeographer embarked on a series of expeditions to uncover the meaning and legacy of the grands projets beloved of politicians and planners. Starting in his own neighbourhood of Hackney – then about to be invaded by developers – he walked along the Thames to Oxford, crossed Morecambe Bay in the footsteps of drowned Chinese cockle-pickers, visited the deserted Olympic stadia of Athens – and exposed an Orwellian dystopia scarred by vanity and greed. HAMISH HAMILTON 2011 HB 426pp £20.00 18196 now £7.99 David Pepin There are 48 Anglican cathedrals in England and Wales. Some are ancient places of worship, rich in history and of grand proportions; others are more recent, built in the tradition of the finest craftsmanship. Beginning with general chapters on their architectural history and features, this illustrated guide aims to introduce the rich legacy of our cathedrals, from Bangor to York. A final chapter discusses Roman Catholic cathedrals and the cathedrals of Scotland. DISCOVERING CATHEDRALS SHIRE 2004 PB 168pp Illus 210x127mm £8.99 95021 now £3.99 £25.00 17632 now £6.99 Joanna Jackson Starting in wintertime, Joanna Jackson’s book encompasses ancient traditions including Swan Upping and Eton College’s celebration of George III’s birthday; a royal association with Windsor that extends from the ancient castle to the present day polo field; and such treasured landscapes as Windsor Great Park, Virginia Water and Runnymede. A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF WINDSOR AND ETON FRANCES LINCOLN 2011 HB 112pp Illus 266x247mm £16.99 98933 now £7.99 Clifford Musgrave For almost 30 years, Clifford Musgrave was the director of the Royal Pavilion. His history of the town in five parts – Fishermen and Farmers, Princes and Palaces, Late Georgian, Victorian Marvels and Mysteries, Battle Scene and Transformation – was first published in 1970. Among the appreciative voices was Graham Greene: ‘I have so much enjoyed your book Life in Brighton and it has opened so many points of interest for me in a city I thought I knew well’. New edition. LIFE IN BRIGHTON SCOTLAND HISTORY PRESS 2011 PB 480pp Illus £18.99 92153 now £6.99 CAMBRIDGE AND AROUND East Anglia from the Air NEW Martin W Bowman Renowned for its fine Gothic buildings, Cambridge is one of the world’s most beautiful cities and this collection of photographs presents fine aerial views of its university colleges and the surrounding area, including Ely Cathedral and Duxford airfield. Bowman’s photographs also reflect the character of Cambridge: the architecture of famous colleges such as King’s (above), Trinity and Clare, boating on the Cam, bridges, freshers enjoying a drink, and the ubiquitous bicycle. AMBERLEY 2013 PB 160pp Illus 166x245mm £17.99 18245 now £6.99 24 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 Red Lion Close, a typical Elgin close, c.1930 Bruce B Bishop Local historian and genealogist Bruce Bishop traces what has been ‘lost’, both architecturally and socially, from the old counties of Moray and Nairn. With the help of archive photographs and prints, he goes in search of ‘what has vanished and what still remains in this proud province’, discussing the prehistoric landscape, the role of the church and landowners, agriculture and industry, the royal burghs of Nairn, Forres and Elgin and the coastal villages of the Moray Firth. BIRLINN 2010 PB 234pp Illus LOST MORAY AND NAIRN £16.99 94734 now £6.99 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:13 Page 25 Order line: 01626 897100 SCOTLAND NEW ROOTS OF STONE The Story of Those Who Came Before Hugh Allison ‘An exploration of how real people and real history are one and the same’, Allison’s book tells the story of his own forebears, woven into 2,000 years of Scotland’s past. Accompanying this evocative fusion of history and memoir from the Kyle of Tongue on Scotland’s north coast, are a poem by the Gaelic bard Rob Dunn (with a translation) and two compositions for bagpipes. NEW LOCH LOMOND AND THE TROSSACHS Including the Rob Roy Country MAINSTREAM 2006 PB 240pp Illus £8.99 18227 now £3.99 £7.99 18170 now £3.99 Rennie McOwan Encompassing an area of outstanding natural beauty where the Highlands meet the forests and moors of lowland Scotland, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs was created a national park in 2002. This celebration of the area includes attractive photography of its landscapes and explores its flora and fauna as well as its historical associations with figures including Rob Roy, Robert the Bruce and Walter Scott. PEVENSEY GUIDES 2000 PB 112pp Illus 250x190mm Ben Lomond overlooking Loch Ard near Aberfoyle THE LAND WHERE I BELONG Fifty Years in Focus in the Highlands and Islands Mary Carmichael During half a century Duncan Macpherson (1882-1966) created a vast photographic record of Highland life. Born in Aberdeenshire, Macpherson graduated Waiting for the Aird ferry to Dornie at Ardelve from Edinburgh University as a pharmacist, then established his own pharmacy near the ferry terminal at Kyle of Lochalsh in 1911. This book reproduces about 100 images from his collections, together with quotations from his three books, Gateway to Skye (1946), Lure of the West (1950) and Where I Belong (1964), and Mary Carmichael’s account of his life and work. BIRLINN 2010 PB 128pp Illus 230x290mm £20.00 88442 now £7.99 CLAP HANDS FOR THE SINGING MOLECATCHER Scenes from a Scottish Childhood Roderick Grant’s memoirs of his adventurous boyhood in Morayshire in the late 1940s and 1950s paint a vivid picture of life in a remote country community, from his first day at school, accompanied by his pet jackdaw, to skinny dipping with his first love; and he portrays local characters including his grandfather, known to all as The Red Terror, and top of the bill at local concerts, ‘The Singing Molecatcher’. BIRLINN 2009 PB 176pp 127x197mm £7.99 11109 now £3.99 Jason Friend During the day, the city of Edinburgh holds a charm that will delight any visitor or resident; but to fully appreciate the splendour of this city’s architecture and monuments, one has to experience it at night. The powerful visual impact of this spectacle is captured by photographer Jason Friend, who presents 140 images of illuminated Edinburgh, providing a fascinating nocturnal perspective on the city. HALSGROVE 2009 HB 144pp Illus EDINBURGH ILLUMINATED £14.99 17673 now £6.99 PILGRIMS OF THE MIST The Stories of Scotland’s Travelling People Sheila Stewart Singer, storyteller and author Sheila Stewart is one of the last in the line of Scotland’s travelling people and these tales, gathered from her friends and family, are a tribute to a way of life that has now all but died out. There are stories of myth and magic, hauntings and sudden deaths, lovers and childbirths, and the hardships of a people often spurned as social outcasts. BIRLINN 2010 PB 206pp £8.99 11497 now £3.99 f See our full range of British Isles titles on our website www.psbooks.co.uk UNKNOWN HEBRIDES John MacPherson This photographic celebration of some of the most beautiful yet overlooked parts of Scotland – the islands of the Firth of Lorne, the islands of Skye, and Ullapool – is introduced by Hamish Haswell-Smith. BIRLINN 2005 PB 128pp Illus 191x249mm The reputed grave of Eithne, Princess of Leinster and mother of St Columba, on Eileach An Naoimh in the Firth of Lorne Allan Wright From holiday towns on the Clyde to the stark grandeur of Ardnamurchan, the range of scenery in Argyll is truly astonishing. In this photographic study of the county, landscape photographer Allan Wright captures the history, romance and mystery of the region, its seascapes and its dramatic skies. Michael Russell has written the introduction and Wright provides brief captions to each of the 116 photographs. £9.99 62671 now £4.99 ARGYLL BIRLINN 2005 PB 126pp Illus 190x250mm £9.99 11099 now £4.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk The old military bridge in Glen Croe near Rest and Be Thankful, part of the Hanoverian road network built during the military occupation of the Highlands 25 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:13 Page 26 www.psbooks.co.uk TRAVEL & EXPLORATION NEW WALLS Travels Along the Barricades Marcello di Cintio When Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, it was not only a political act. In the course of this beautifully written travelogue, Marcello di Cintio discovers that razor wire, concrete and steel divide more than nations. From Belfast to Cyprus, from the West Bank to the US-Mexico border, they divide people and cultures. This haunting and inspiring book records the personal stories of those who live in their shadow. UNION 2013 PB 288pp £14.99 17538 now £6.99 Fabio Muzzi Tuscany is both the cradle of the Renaissance and a region of breathtakingly beautiful and richly varied landscapes, from the mountains of the north to the bare clay hills of the Crete Senese to the south. The 150 captivating colour photographs in this book show its many facets: the architectural wonders of Florence, Siena and Pisa, the vineyards of Chianti, the long, cypress-lined roads, the rocky coast, and the peaceful farms nestling amid rolling hills. NEW SEASPRAY AND WHISKY Tale of a Turbulent Voyage Norman Freeman Described by the Marconi company staff clerk as ‘Not a Cunarder’, the Allenwell turned out to be a dirty, down-at-heel cargo ship with crew to match, and Norman Freeman had signed up as radio officer for a three-month trip from Liverpool to the USA. Some of the cargo – Scotch whisky – didn’t make it that far. Freeman’s memoir of this 1961/62 trip is an entertaining and sometimes poignant account of ‘a very odd ship and an unusual voyage’. IAN ALLAN 2010 PB 236pp £9.99 17134 now £3.99 NEW ODD MAN OUT IN THE ALPS Sir Ron Norman is celebrated as an engineer and entrepreneur; less well known are his love of walking and his narrative gifts. In this delightful book he describes how, eschewing high-tech hiking gear in favour of sandals and shorts, he strode out to follow the Grand Randonée Cinq from Lake Geneva to Nice. Ornithologist, gourmet and eccentric Englishman abroad, he makes the perfect travelling companion, an ever-amusing and engaging observer of landscape and people. STACEY 2008 HB 320pp Illus £16.95 18166 now £5.99 ROUGH GUIDE DIRECTIONS The Directions series offers tourists on short breaks the sort of accurate, informative and streetwise guides we have come to expect from Rough Guides, but in pocket-sized books on individual cities that will help you cram as much as possible into every 24 hours. The major part of each guide is devoted to places to go, with shorter sections on accommodation, travel essentials and language. ROUGH GUIDES 2005 PB 208/224pp Illus Jules Brown BARCELONA 60129 Martin Dunford ROME 60230 £6.99 each now £2.99 each PERFECT TUSCANY HALSGROVE 2008 HB 144pp Illus 212x230mm £14.99 18237 now £5.99 ROMAN PROVENCE A History and Guide Edwin Mullins The region of France which Caesar named ‘the Province of Rome’ is still dominated by colossal feats of Roman engineering – bridges, aqueducts, amphitheatres, baths, temples and stretches of road. Mullins combines a history of the six centuries of Roman occupation with description of the surviving structures, many of which are still in use today. He also discusses the aftermath of Roman rule and the restoration of ancient ruins. SIGNAL 2011 PB 192pp Illus £12.99 99874 now £6.99 30 DAYS IN SYDNEY A Wildly Distorted Account Peter Carey After living abroad for years, novelist Peter Carey returns home to his native Sydney and attempts to capture its character. With the help of an assortment of friends, he embarks on a picaresque voyage of rediscovery that veers from the harrowing to the insanely funny, laced with a humour as bracing as the southerly winds that sometimes batter the city’s shores. BLOOMSBURY 2008 PB 250pp RUBICON 2010 HB 144pp Illus £18.95 18174 now £7.99 THE CHICAGO OF EUROPE and Other Tales of Foreign Travel Mark Twain; Ed. Peter Kaminsky Before he achieved fame with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain honed his talent writing about new places, people and experiences. In the 68 letters, articles and lectures here, he takes us from the Mississippi to the Holy Land, India and Berlin, which he mischievously dubbed ‘the Chicago of Europe’. These dispatches, some published here for the first time, confirm that Twain’s wit and insight still hit the mark more than a century later. American-cut pages. UNION SQUARE 2009 HB 449pp £16.99 10560 now £6.99 £7.99 11981 now £2.99 Ed. Anthony Brandt Arranged chronologically from Edmond Halley’s account of the voyage of the Paramore in 1609 to selections from Richard Byrd’s Alone (1938) and Fuchs and Hilary’s description of their surface crossing in 1955-8, these readings, together with Brandt’s commentary, offer a composite history of Antarctica. Among the narratives of heroic voyages and treks undertaken against impossible odds are the ill-fated attempts of Shackleton and Scott and the triumph of Amundsen’s Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in 1910-12. THE SOUTH POLE: A Historical Reader NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2004 PB 464pp 230x152mm $15.00 68356 now £4.99 26 NEW WOMEN ON THE NILE Writings of Harriet Martineau, Florence Nightingale and Amelia Edwards Joan Rees The opening of Egypt following Napoleon’s invasion attracted European travellers in search of adventure, imaginative encounters with ancient civilization and evidence for Biblical events. Women on the Nile features extracts from accounts of Nile journeys written by three remarkable and independent English women who visited Egypt in the mid-19th century. Joan Rees’s wide-ranging essays offer analysis of the social, religious and personal history that shaped these visitors’ reactions to their Egyptian experiences. Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:13 Page 27 Order line: 01626 897100 CULTURAL STUDIES/PPE NEW THE WEIMAR YEARS A Culture Cut Short John Willett Until it was tragically curtailed by the rise of Hitler, Germany’s Weimar Republic embodied a vibrant, distinctively Modernist culture. This lavishly illustrated book documents the achievements of its artists, architects, photographers, designers, writers and musicians. It captures the restless spirit of the age not only though its content but in its form, presenting a remarkable cinematic montage of images, accompanied by a pithy commentary linking this artistic ferment to the dangerous political currents of the time. NEW THE ECONOMICS OF SUCCESS Twelve Things Politicians Don’t Want You to Know THAMES & HUDSON 2011 PB 160pp Illus 270x215mm GIBSON SQUARE 2014 PB 256pp Eamonn Butlerr is Director of the Adam Smith Institute and a leading voice on free market economics. In this book he warns against the rising tide of debt and argues that government regulation and intervention created the world financial crisis and that the path to recovery lies in less, not more, regulation. He sets out his thesis by identifying 12 fundamental principles on which he believes the success of our economic system depends. £12.99 17860 now £5.99 £16.95 17613 now £6.99 NEW KEEPING UP WITH THE GERMANS A History of AngloGerman Encounters Philip Oltermann When Philip Oltermann was 16 his parents decided to move from Germany to England. In this light-hearted analysis of the relationship between the two countries, he combines his own teenage impressions of cultural differences with eight examples of Anglo-German encounters from the last 200 years – including Heine’s reaction to William Cobbett’s angry swearing and modern Germans’ obsession with an old music-hall sketch. FABER 2012 PB 294pp £12.99 17666 now £3.99 WILLIAM BLACKSTONE Law and Letters in the Eighteenth Century Wilfrid Prest The 18th century lawyer, writer and politician William Blackstone was one of the most important and influential figures of his age, and the impact of his ideas on English law is still felt today. Yet his name is little known outside legal circles. Drawing on Blackstone’s scattered archives, this absorbing and meticulously researched biography explores his upbringing, private life and public career to paint a vivid picture of a brilliant man of letters, Enlightenment activist and early champion of human rights. OXFORD UP 2008 HB 355pp £42.00 84111 now £9.99 POLITICS THE POLITICAL LIFE OF JOSIAH C WEDGWOOD Land, Liberty and Empire, 1872-1943 NEW Paul Mulvey Throwing new light on some of the defining ideological issues during a turbulent period of modern British history, Paul Mulvey presents a study of the life and political career of ‘Josh’ Wedgwood. One of Britain’s most outspoken radical politicians during the period 1906 to 1943, Wedgwood fought – in both the Liberal and Labour parties – to uphold individual freedom and limit the power of the state. BOYDELL 2010 HB 242pp £50.00 17955 now £19.99 John Sergeant brings his mordant wit and keen understanding to bear on Margaret Thatcher’s enduring – and, as he persuasively argues, baleful – legacy. Based on Sergeant’s insights into the Westminster scene and his unique access to her closest colleagues, Maggie charts the course from her glory days to her downfall and beyond, showing how ‘Mrs Thatcher’s power to influence events did not end with her resignation’. PAN 2005 PB 400pp Illus MAGGIE: Her Fatal Legacy £9.99 16819 now £4.99 THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN POLITICAL PARTIES AND INTEREST GROUPS Jack Straw As a child in a council flat in Epping, Jack Straw never imagined he would one day hold three great offices of state. In this candid memoir he charts his progress from student politics to Lord Chancellor. Without rancour or self-justification, he reveals the toll that public office takes on private life, discusses the fateful decision to go to war in Iraq, and offers first-hand insight into both the Blair government and the Bush administration. Ed. L Sandy Maisel; Jeffrey M Berry One of a series of Oxford Handbooks of American Politics, this volume brings together 35 scholars to provide an authoritative overview and commentary, and to suggest new lines of inquiry in the study of American political parties. The book is in eight parts: the editors’ introduction, theoretical and methodological perspectives, party history, the electoral process, party organization, party in government, interest groups’ bias and representation and their roles and forms of advocacy. MACMILLAN 2012 HB 592pp Illus OXFORD UP 2012 PB 720pp £20.00 19077 now £6.99 £30.00 11332 now £9.99 LAST MAN STANDING Memoirs of a Political Survivor Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk NEW PROTEST VOTE How Politicians Lost the Plot Tim Newark Something is changing in Britain. Restless voters, convinced that the two main parties no longer listen to them, are turning to fringe groups such as UKIP and the Greens, and colourful ‘mavericks’ such as Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson. This brilliant and witty book pinpoints the moments when the arrogance of mainstream politicians lost them votes, charts the rise of protest movements, and asks whether the two-party system is doomed. GIBSON SQUARE 2014 PB 256pp £14.99 17864 now £4.99 27 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 28 www.psbooks.co.uk MIND, BODY & SPIRIT Shao Zhao-Ming From the chaos of martial conflict, a gentle system of exercise was born. Graceful and serene, Tai Chi is sometimes described as ‘moving meditation’ and has far-reaching benefits for body, mind and spirit. This boxed set features a book with detailed, illustrated instructions, while the DVD features Master Shao Zhao-Ming demonstrating Tai Chi as a whole body exercise system that is low impact, suitable for all ages and can be practised almost anywhere. HINKLER 2009 Box 64pp Illus NEW THE POWER OF TAI CHI £12.99 16586 now £5.99 Jennifer Pohlman Rather than overstraining the body with arduous and repetitive training, Pilates employs simple low-intensity exercises designed to promote greater physical strength and flexibility as well as improve energy levels and the ability to cope with stress. The DVD contained in this boxed set demonstrates a complete workout routine which can easily be performed at home, and the accompanying book demonstrates 27 different beginner-level exercises with step-by-step photographs. SIMPLY PILATES NEW TIME WARPED Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception Claudia Hammond Why does life speed up as we get older? Why does time seem to slow down when we fear we are about to die? Using research from psychology, neuroscience and biology, the presenter of BBC Radio 4’s All In The Mind examines the idea that the experience of time is created by our minds. She also presents her own research into people’s visualizations of time and suggests how we can use our brain’s warping of it to our advantage. CANONGATE 2012 PB 352pp £14.99 17814 now £5.99 CONNECTOME How the Brain’s Wiring Makes Us Who We Are Sebastian Seung and his group of researchers have been mapping the connections between brain cells – the ‘wiring’ which he believes will help us to uncover the basis of identity, personality, intelligence, memory and mental disorders. In this groundbreaking book he introduces the concept of an individual’s ‘connectomes’, explains how new technologies can help to answer the basic question ‘Why are people different?’ and asks whether it might eventually be possible to upload our brains into a computer. ALLEN LANE 2012 HB 383pp Illus £20.00 10795 now £6.99 HINKLER 2007 PB + DVD 64pp Illus £12.99 16588 now £5.99 NEW STAY SHARP Keep Your Brain Active and Banish Forgetfulness Reader’s Digest Breakthrough research proves you can not only grow new brain cells at any age, but also ‘rewire’ your brain to increase its capacity. Based on that research and the expertise of cognitive neuroscientists, Stay Sharp explains basic brain functions such as learning and memory, and offers a practical plan for keeping your brain active with over 100 puzzles, exercises and tips to enhance your mental powers. READER’S DIGEST 2012 PB 144pp Illus £12.99 17870 now £3.99 NEW MUSICOPHILIA Tales of Music and the Brain Oliver Sacks brings his expertise in neurological conditions to this exploration of the power of music to torment, calm, organize and heal us. Recounting the experiences of musicians, patients and people with exceptional talents, he analyses case studies involving musical hallucinations, amnesia, synesthesia and even seizures caused by Neapolitan songs, but also considers more familiar everyday phenomena such as ‘absolute pitch’, tone deafness and infuriatingly catchy ‘earworms’. PICADOR 2008 PB 433pp THE GREEN ROADS OF ENGLAND R Hippisley Cox Starting at the ‘central gathering ground’ at Avebury, Cox’s guide covers all the ancient roads of England, following the Stone Age ridge roads of southern England, describing, with the help of maps, plans and illustrations, the hill forts and other earthworks found along them and discussing other aspects of neolithic civilization. First published 1914. LOST LIBRARY 2010 PB 217pp Illus £7.99 79672 now £3.99 £9.99 18208 now £4.99 TREVOR BEER’S COUNTRY FOLKLORE AND LEGEND NEW Trevor Beer Author and naturalist Trevor Beer is well known for his Nature Watch column in the Western Morning News. Drawing on his lifetime passion for wildlife and country lore and legend, this book features stories about the British countryside, from ancient Celtic beliefs and old recipes and curatives to animal behaviour. Illustrated by the author’s own drawings, the book provides a charming source of reference for all those who love wildlife and the countryside. HALSGROVE 2006 HB 104pp £12.99 18239 now £4.99 28 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 NEW LOCH NESS MONSTER and Other Unexplained Mysteries J F Derry Modern interest in a Loch Ness Monster was sparked by a 1933 sighting reported by an English tourist. The event was duly recorded by the Daily Mirror – as all the intriguing developments in the story have been ever since, from credible witness accounts to blatant hoaxes. Collecting over a century of reports from the pages of the newspaper, this book examines the unfolding tale of Nessie as well as other ongoing mysteries such as UFOs, ghost sightings and crop circles. HAYNES 2013 HB 208pp Illus £25.00 18026 now £7.99 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 29 Order line: 01626 897100 RELIGION COMPLETE PSALMS The Book of Prayer Songs in a New Translation Pamela Greenberg ‘From the fathomless deep I have called to you, God.’ The Psalms are quite unlike any of the other books of the Bible; instead of narrative or doctrine, they offer a rapturous poetic expression of religious emotion, from wild elation to wrenching despair. Utterly modern yet richly poetic, this complete new translation from the original Hebrew brings one of the world’s greatest books of poetry alive for the contemporary reader. BLOOMSBURY 2010 HB 347pp 149x217mm £18.99 97359 now £3.99 Jane Williams The face of Christ is the measure of our own humanity, and across the centuries artists have sought to portray it. This beautiful book recounts the story of His birth, baptism, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection: illustrated with depictions of these events in frescoes, manuscript illuminations and sculpture, and by artists from Leonardo to William Blake, El Greco to Chagall, it asks what these images tell us about Christ. FACES OF CHRIST PALMISTRY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS The Complete Oracle for Reading Your Character and Destiny in Your Hands NEW Johnny Fincham Created by leading palmist Johnny Fincham, this authoritative guide provides the tools you need to reveal the secrets of personality, love life and destiny for yourself, your family and your friends. The boxed set comprises a pack of 40 palm-sized cards showing key hand lines and features, a detailed guide, and a checklist for what to look out for during a palmistry session. WATKINS 2013 Box 80pp Illus 173x123mm £14.99 18253 now £5.99 GOD’S DOODLE The Life and Times of the Penis NEW Tom Hickman To possess a penis, Sophocles said, is to be ‘chained to a madman’. This lighthearted but impressively researched book ranges across history, world cultures, literature, art, medicine and myth to examine man’s relation to his characteristic member. It investigates the reasons why this unruly appendage all too often appears to have a mind of its own – and the joint relationship of man and his madman to the opposite sex. SQUARE PEG 2012 HB 240pp £12.99 18307 now £3.99 LION 2011 HB 127pp Illus 190x150mm £9.99 11777 now £4.99 THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY IN NORTHERN EUROPE 300-1000 Carole Cusack In this study of the process of Christian conversion among the Germanic peoples from the third to the eleventh centuries, Cusack’s intention is twofold: first, to examine previous scholarship on conversion and to develop a model of conversion appropriate to the Germanic peoples; and second, to provide a comparative study of six Germanic conversions – among the Goths, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, continental Saxons, Scandinavians and Icelanders. CASSELL 1999 PB 224pp 24275 now £7.99 THE GUTENBERG BIBLE Landmark in Learning James Thorpe When Johann Gutenberg first used movable type to print his Bible in the mid-15th century, he initiated a revolution which resulted in the printing of more than ten million books across Europe by 1501. Focusing on the copy held by the Huntingdon Library in San Marino, James Thorpe’s short history of ‘this noble book’ explains the processes used in its production and describes aspects of its design and appearance. No jacket. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY 1999 HB 48pp Illus £8.95 11780 now £3.99 THE JESUS DYNASTY The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family and the Birth of Christianity James D Tabor’s provocative argument claims that Jesus was the firstborn son of a royal family who really was acclaimed ‘King of the Jews’ and established a dynasty that he left in the hands of his brother James. Felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. SIMON & SCHUSTER 2006 HB 365pp $27.00 42149 now £7.99 THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF JUDAISM Volume IV: The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period Ed. Steven T Katz Comprising over 40 essays, arranged chronologically, this volume covers the period from the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE to the rise of Islam around 640 CE. It deals with the major historical, political and cultural developments in Jewish history and the history of Judaism in this crucial era during which the faith took on its classical shape. With the editor’s introduction and index. CAMBRIDGE UP 2006 HB 1163pp £173.00 16710 now £50.00 DISPUTED TRUTH Memoirs Hans Küng In this second autobiographical volume, theologian Hans Küng describes his career during the years following the Second Vatican Council, when he published several bestselling books despite finding himself faced with both the revolutionary student unrest of 1968 and the removal of his accreditation as a Catholic teacher. Running through these memoirs is the parallel career of Küng’s fellow Tübingen professor Joseph Ratzinger, who rose through the Catholic hierarchy as Küng gained a worldwide reputation. CONTINUUM 2007 HB 572pp £35.00 99509 now £9.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk TRACING THE WAY Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions Hans Küng ‘Even in the new millennium the diversity of religions can lead to mutual enrichment.’ Küng surveys the major religions of the world, tracing the history which lies behind them; analysing major paradigms and highlighting common elements and differences; and showing how their potential for peace could become a shared ethic for humankind. CONTINUUM 2002 PB 294pp 99139 now £5.99 29 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 30 www.psbooks.co.uk BIOGRAPHY RAGLAN From the Peninsula to the Crimea CONSTANTINE Unconquered Emperor, Christian Victor John Sweetman The reputation of Lord Raglan was destroyed in the final months of his life by events in the Crimea; the plight of front line troops and the wounded and the disastrous charge of the Light Brigade brought condemnation of the commander’s personal integrity and professional competence. In this biography, Sweetman reviews Raglan’s long and distinguished career before and during Crimea, to make a balanced assessment of his achievements and reveal a brave, thoughtful and very capable man. PEN & SWORD 2010 HB 384pp Paul Stephenson In 312 CE, Constantine – one of four emperors ruling a divided empire – marched on Rome to establish control of the western empire. On the eve of the decisive battle he saw a vision which led him to convert to Christianity. Stephenson uses literary, artistic, numismatic and archaeological evidence to examine the religious background of Constantine’s conversion and the life and legacy of a seminal figure in the political and cultural history of the West. QUERCUS 2011 PB 384pp Illus £25.00 10998 now £9.99 £9.99 16643 now £4.99 OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY 2001-2004 Ed. Lawrence Goldman This is the first printed supplement to the Oxford DNB (2004) and includes entries on 819 men and women who shaped recent British history and who died between 2001 and 2004. The earliest person by birth date is the dancer and choreographer Dame Ninette de Valois (18982001), but the majority of subjects grew up in the interwar years. Among the notable figures in this supplement are Barbara Castle, John Peel, Alicia Markova, Francis Crick and Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. No jacket. OXFORD UP 2009 HB 1,278pp Illus 253x196mm £100.00 17380 now £40.00 OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY 2005-2008 Ed. Lawrence Goldman This second printed supplement to the 60-volume print edition of the Oxford DNB contains biographies of 865 people who died between 2005 and 2008. The earliest by birth is Alfred Anderson, the last surviving soldier who served in the First World War and who died in 2005, aged 109. Among the other subjects are Ronnie Barker, Pink Floyd’s Syd Barrett, Harold Pinter, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Robin Cook and Arthur C Clarke. No jacket. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 1,252pp Illus 252x195mm £100.00 17381 now £40.00 OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Index of Contributors Ed. HCG Matthew; Brian Harrison Covering biographies from the earliest time to the year 2000, the Index of Contributors lists the authors of entries published in the Oxford DNB in September 2004, and shows which articles each wrote or revised. In earlier editions of the DNB (published between 1885 and 1900) articles were signed with initials; in the Index, these have been converted to full names. No jacket. OXFORD UP 2004 HB 479pp 244x186mm £63.00 17382 now £14.99 30 Fr José Maria Roman CM St Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) is revered by Catholics and Anglicans alike for his pioneering charitable work. Translated from the Spanish, this is the most important biography of the saint to be published in English in recent years. Piecing together the fragments of the historical record, it recounts his dramatic abduction by Barbary pirates and subsequent slavery, his escape, and his founding of the Congregation of the Mission, and sets his life in the context of his times. Translated by Sr Joyce Howard. MELISENDE 2002 PB 729pp ST VINCENT DE PAUL André Clot Suleiman I, called ‘the Magnificent’ by Europeans, ruled as Ottoman sultan from 1520 to 1566, controlling his state firmly, capturing Constantinople and extending his empire as the Christian world struggled to unite against him. In an informed and intelligent study, Clot describes the military and economic successes of a reign which marked the apogee of Ottoman power, setting them in the context of Europe’s recent troubled centuries and examining Suleiman’s reputation as a lawgiver. SAQI 2012 PB 409pp SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT £20.00 11097 now £6.99 £14.99 16873 now £5.99 Robert K Massie The Pulitzer Prizewinning author of Peter the Great returns with a biography of Russia’s greatest and most controversial empress. Blending scholarship and narrative verve, Massie tells how an obscure German princess travelled to Russia at the age of 14, and overcame the machinations of the feudal aristocracy, her scheming mother and her bullying husband to become the most powerful woman in the world. American-cut pages. Felttip mark on lower trimmed edge. CATHERINE THE GREAT RANDOM HOUSE 2011 HB 682pp Illus 241x166mm $35.00 10655 now £9.99 NEW THE CORRESPONDENCE OF CHARLES DARWIN Anniversary Set, 1821-1860 (Eight volumes) Frederick Burkhardt This award-winning edition provides definitive transcripts of all the known letters written both by and to Charles Darwin, from his school days up to 1860, the year in which the second edition of Origin of Species was published. Each volume includes an introduction, editors’ footnotes, appendixes, a bibliography, a register giving brief biographical details of persons referred to in the letters, and an index. CAMBERIDGE UP 2009 PB 5,750pp £349.99 18157 now £100.00 Ed. Frederick Burkhardt At the beginning of October 1831 the young Charles Darwin left Shrewsbury to begin a five-year journey which would turn his mind towards evolutionary theory. This volume brings together the letters which he wrote and received during his voyage on the Beagle, recounting both scientific observations and adventures ranging from an earthquake and political revolution to his efforts at ostrichcatching. Watercolours by the ship’s artist Conrad Martens complement the text, depicting the landscapes and animals seen by Darwin. CAMBRIDGE UP 2008 HB 500pp Illus CHARLES DARWIN: THE BEAGLE LETTERS £32.99 93907 now £12.99 f See also the Darwin Selection set of audio CDs on page 45 and Charles Darwin’s Shorter Publications on page 58 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 31 Order line: 01626 897100 BIOGRAPHY GILBERT OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN His Life and Character Andrew Crowther William Schwenck Gilbert is remembered as the librettist who, with Arthur Sullivan, created the comic operas that still delight audiences more than a century later. But who was he, and what drove this difficult, quarrelsome man? This sympathetic and illuminating biography charts Gilbert’s multifaceted career as a journalist, dramatist and stage director, and uncovers the unhappy childhood that left him discontented with himself and the age in which he lived – a discontent that his prodigious gifts transmuted into satiric gold. HISTORY PRESS 2011 PB 272pp £12.99 94606 now £5.99 DOCTOR BARNARDO Champion of Victorian Children Martin Levy Born in Dublin in 1845, Thomas Barnardo was a workaholic Irishman whose non-stop efforts in the cause of children changed Britain forever and initiated much of modern child welfare. In the writing of this book the author had access to the Barnardo family archives in order to research the story of this most fascinating and influential man. He uncovers details of Barnardo’s childhood as one of ten siblings and reveals his relentless quest to improve the lives of Victorian children. AMBERLEY 2013 HB 252pp Illus £25.00 17117 now £7.99 THE BOLEYN WOMEN The Tudor Femmes Fatales Who Changed English History Elizabeth Norton traces the rise of the Boleyn family, from its inauspicious origins as tenant farmers in 14th century Norfolk to the throne of England in the 16th century. The remarkable Boleyn women, ‘who rivalled and, sometimes surpassed, the men of the Boleyn family in their political ambition’, are the focus of the book; in particular Elizabeth, her daughters Anne and Mary and ‘the last Boleyn woman’, Anne’s daughter Elizabeth I. AMBERLEY 2013 HB 320pp Illus £20.00 16729 now £7.99 QUEEN ANNE The Politics of Passion Anne Somerset In 1702, 14 years after helping to oust her father James II, Queen Anne became Britain’s last Stuart monarch. Plagued by ill-health and obesity and beset by intrigue, she is often regarded as a transitional ruler. This sympathetic biography unravels the complex politics of her court and her fraught relations with the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough to reveal a woman of good sense and good intentions who overcame personal tragedy to set her kingdom on the path to greatness. HARPER 2012 HB 677pp Illus the army’s human resources, providing the man-power for the great battlefield generals such as Montgomery and Slim. Adam revolutionized recruitment practices and introduced scientific selection procedures, but he was also in charge of army education and promoted discussion among the troops – an enlightened policy that led him into controversy. Roger Broad’s biography examines Adam’s military career and in particular his achievement as AG. SPELLMOUNT 2013 HB 238pp Illus £18.99 17034 now £6.99 £25.00 99681 now £8.99 ROBERT OWEN Social Visionary Ian Donnachie Welshman Robert Owen (1771-1858) devoted the second half of his life to the application of radical ideas in cotton mill management, gaining fame and notoriety as a social reformer and becoming ‘one of the most controversial figures of his generation’. In this biography Donnachie shows how Owen’s reforms grew out of his earlier experience of managing mills and analyses how he applied his beliefs to the experimental community of New Harmony, Indiana. Back by popular demand JOHN DONALD 2011 PB 304pp Illus £16.99 11501 now £6.99 RADICAL GENERAL Sir Ronald Adam and Britain’s New Model Army 1941-46 Roger Broad As Adjutant-General, 194146, Sir Ronald Adam was responsible for BEAUTIFUL FOR EVER Madame Rachel of Bond Street Helen Rappaport tells the thrilling story of a Victorian woman who began life as a fish-fryer and ended up with a shop on New Bond Street where wealthy clients flocked to buy her creams and potions, on the promise of eternal beauty. Fraught with tales of love affairs, blackmail, high-profile court cases and suicide, Madame Rachel’s extraordinary story provides a portrait of the seamier side of 19th century London. THE LIFE OF IRENE NEMIROVSKY 1903-1942 Olivier Philipponnat; Patrick Lienhardt The discovery and publication of Suite Française in 2004 created a sensation, and revived interest in its author, a celebrated novelist of the 1930s whose work had fallen into neglect since her death in Auschwitz. Drawing on interviews, untapped archives, and Nemirovsky’s diaries, this authoritative biography tells a story as gripping and tragic as any of her novels, from her childhood in Kiev and emigration to France after the Revolution, to the heights of literary fame and her deportation by the Nazis. VINTAGE 2011 PB 480pp Illus VINTAGE 2012 PB 320pp Illus £8.99 16641 now £3.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk £9.99 99889 now £3.99 More Biography titles overleaf f 31 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 32 www.psbooks.co.uk BIOGRAPHY NEW TREVOR BEER’S DOWN MEMORY LANE Rural Reminiscences of a Devon Countryman Trevor Beer Naturalist, nature writer, wildlife conservationist and artist Trevor Beer was introduced to the countryside at the age of five, during walks with his family in the lanes, woods and fields around his hometown of Barnstaple. Here he explores both the humorous and serious side of his country years as boy and man, with reminiscences from the 1940s through to the present day about his passion for wildlife and conservation, and the colourful characters he meets along the way. HALSGROVE 2007 HB 223pp £12.99 18240 now £4.99 THE SECRET MINISTRY OF AG AND FISH My Life in Churchill’s School for Spies Noreen Riols When Noreen Riols applied for the Wrens in 1943, it was noted that she was a fluent French speaker and she soon found herself working for Maurice Buckmaster, the head of SOE’s F Section (although she told everyone she was working for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries). This memoir recalls her time at the hub of the French section’s spying operations, helping to train and brief agents and delivering coded messages via the BBC. MACMILLAN 2013 HB 318pp £20.00 16803 now £6.99 NEW DAYS FROM A DIFFERENT WORLD A Memoir of Childhood John Simpson is well known as the BBC’s leading foreign correspondent, reporting from the front line of conflicts such as the Iraq war. In this engaging memoir, he turns his attention to matters closer to home: his own childhood in 1950s Croydon. His honest and clear-sighted account of the unravelling of his parents’ marriage amid the austerity of postwar Britain vividly evokes a vanished era and shows how lives can be irrevocably changed by war. PAN 2005 PB 416pp £9.99 18243 now £4.99 HOW TO SURVIVE THE TITANIC The Sinking of J Bruce Ismay Frances Wilson As the Titanic slid beneath the waves, its owner, J Bruce Ismay, jumped into a lifeboat and was rowed to safety. But if Ismay survived, his reputation did not. Condemned by an inquiry and vilified in the press, he became a guilt-ridden recluse. Drawing on his unpublished letters to Marion Thayer, with whom he had fallen in love on the voyage, this insightful, perceptive account unravels the reasons behind his jump and his struggle to live with its aftermath. Felttip mark on lower trimmed edge. HARPER PERENNIAL 2011 PB 348pp Illus $15.99 16788 now £6.99 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF ELIZABETH II Michael Paterson Elizabeth II is close to being the longest-reigning British monarch. Her life has been exhaustively documented, but what of the woman beneath the crown? Who are her friends? How does she feel about the demands of THE SUGAR GIRLS Tales of Hardship, Love and Happiness in Tate & Lyle’s East End Duncan Barrett; Nuala Calvi The most sought after employer for young East End women in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War was the famous sugar refiner Tate and Lyle. The company offered the best pay and provided an unrivalled social life. Highlighting the camaraderie as well as the hard work, this book recounts the adventures of some of the young women who worked there in the 1940s and 1950s. COLLINS 2012 PB 352pp £6.99 16648 now £3.99 32 duty? What are her hobbies? Examining her early life, the training she received, and her attitudes to national life, historian Michael Paterson offers a refreshing portrayal of Britain’s figurehead. RUNNING PRESS 2011 PB 254pp $13.95 16783 now £3.99 SPILLING THE BEANS The Autobiography of One of Television’s Two Fat Ladies Clarissa Dickson Wright Good-humoured, forthright and forging ahead at a rate of knots, Clarissa Dickson Wright tells an extraordinary story – of formidable grandmothers and a beloved mother, legal distinction (as the youngest woman ever called to the Bar) and alcohol addiction, sobering up with AA – all that and more before Two Fat Ladies ‘changed my life’. First published in 2009, this ‘feast of a memoir’ (the Independent) brings the story up to her campaigns for the countryside. HODDER 2008 PB 336pp Illus £7.99 18211 now £3.99 A LONG LUNCH My Stories and I’m Sticking to Them Simon Hoggart Despite a 40-year career as one of our wittiest commentators on modern life – and modern parliamentarians in particular – Simon Hoggart (1946-2014) claimed that ‘even I would find a book about my life pretty dull’. But this wonderfully entertaining memoir finds him in dangerous places (Ian Smith’s Rhodesia and Belfast in 1989) as well as hosting BBC Radio’s News Quiz; and, from the thick of British political life, recounting anecdotes of MPs and PMs from Macmillan to Cameron. JOHN MURRAY 2011 PB 320pp £9.99 17852 now £3.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 33 Order line: 01626 897100 LITERARY BIOGRAPHY NEW NEVERLAND JM Barrie, the du Mauriers and the Dark Side of Peter Pan Piers Dudgeon When Piers Dudgeon, who knew Daphne du Maurier in the final years of her life, began to delve into the history of her family, he made the discoveries which he sets out in this book. He reveals that, after George du Maurier’s early death, JM Barrie used his Svengali-like powers of persuasion to act out his compulsive desires by captivating du Maurier’s children and the grandchildren who inspired Peter Pan, eventually bringing them to nervous breakdown, early death and suicide. PEGASUS 2011 PB 333pp $15.95 91777 now £4.99 NEW DAPHNE DU MAURIER AND HER SISTERS The Hidden Lives of Piffy, Bird and Bing SHAKESPEARE The Illustrated Edition Bill Bryson’s biography of William Shakespeare pairs the most celebrated playwright in history with one of today’s most popular writers. Bryson, with buoyant humour and an eye for the most telling detail, goes in search of the man behind the masterpieces, exploring the age of thriving theatres, bar-room brawls and bad spelling in which Shakespeare lived, and examining the myths, half-truths and downright lies that surround him. HARPER 2012 PB 256pp Illus £18.99 12008 now £6.99 JOHN KEATS A New Life Nicholas Roe This fresh and observant biography explodes the conventional view of the great Romantic poet as a delicate, sensitive figure. Meticulously researched, it tracks his childhood in the City of London, the locations that inspired his poems, his raffish circle of friends – Leigh Hunt, Hazlitt, Lamb, Severn – and his doomed love for Fanny Brawne. It magically conveys Keats’s shifting moods and burning ambitions to reveal a passionate, fleshand-blood young man in thrall to alcohol, opium, and sexual desire. YALE UP 2012 HB 446pp £25.00 16401 now £7.99 POET McGONAGALL The Biography of William McGonagall Norman Watson ‘Oh, Heaven! ‘tis a dreadful calamity to narrate,/ Because the victims have met with a cruel fate.’ William Topaz McGonagall is remembered as the worst poet of all time. With their inept scansion and comic bathos, his lurid verse accounts of death and disaster have endeared themselves to generations. But who was he? This revealing biography explores the extraordinary life of the former Dundee weaver turned self-styled ‘tragedian and poet’ to ask whether, perhaps, the joke was on us all along. Jane Dunn Daphne du Maurier’s fame as the phenomenally successful author of novels and short stories such as Rebecca and Don’t Look Now eclipsed her sisters, Angela and Jeanne and their creative achievements as writer and painter respectively. For the much-acclaimed biographer Jane Dunn, ‘it is sisters who weave the most complex webs of love and loyalty, resentment and hurt’, and here she tells the story the du Maurier girls’ unique childhood and their unconventional adult lives. HARPER 2013 HB 443pp Illus £25.00 18257 now £9.99 Michael Slater Driven by childhood demons, Dickens maintained a furious workload throughout his life. In addition to novels, he produced letters, journalism, essays and travel books, and his famous after-dinner speeches. Written with warmth, clarity and economy, this masterly biography explores the connections between Dickens’tumultuous emotional life, his outrage at the social conditions of his day, and his prodigious output. Illustrated with many unfamiliar images, it offers a rich and rounded portrait of the writer and the man. YALE UP 2009 HB 711pp CHARLES DICKENS NEW Michael Holroyd In these two volumes of memoirs – published together for the first time – Britain’s foremost biographer turns his attention to the extraordinary lives of his own family. Comic and moving by turns, Basil Street Blues is part detective story, part autobiography and part oblique voyage of self-discovery. Witty, touching and wry, Mosaic delves deeper into his family history to reflect on the strange interconnectedness of our lives. VINTAGE 2010 PB 576pp Illus £28.00 98202 now £9.99 Edna O’Brien While Edna O’Brien’s brilliant debut novel The Country Girls (1960) scandalized Ireland and was promptly banned, she has come to be regarded as one of that country’s finest writers. In this frank memoir, she looks back with warmth and humour on a passionate life lived to the full. In the sparkling, evocative prose that characterizes her fiction, she recalls her rural childhood and family life, her writing, her travels, and her encounters with pop stars, Hollywood legends and literary lions. COUNTRY GIRL FABER 2012 HB 339pp Illus 242x160mm £20.00 94679 now £6.99 KAFKA’S OTHER TRIAL The Letters to Felice Elias Canetti In July 1914, Franz Kafka’s fiancée Felice broke off their engagement in a humiliating public tribunal. In this short book, Elias Canetti explores each letter that Kafka wrote to Felice and offers insights into the torment he suffered as a man, a lover and a writer. BIRLINN 2010 HB 316pp Illus PENGUIN 2012 PB 143pp £20.00 88461 now £6.99 £9.99 98107 now £3.99 BASIL STREET BLUES and MOSAIC Family Stories £9.99 18160 now £3.99 EDITH SITWELL Avant-Garde Poet, English Genius Richard Greene One of a trio of aristocratic, eccentric and artistically inclined siblings, Edith Sitwell is largely remembered for her severe and striking profile and for her exotic and extravagant costumes. This sympathetic and impressively researched biography uncovers her troubled upbringing, her religious beliefs, her passionate love affairs, and the deep pain she felt at two World Wars. Above all, however, it establishes the author of ‘Still Falls the Rain’ as a pioneering Modernist and a major English poet. VIRAGO 2012 PB 544pp Illus £12.99 97668 now £6.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website www.psbooks.co.uk 33 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 34 www.psbooks.co.uk ART LEONARDO DA VINCI LA BELLA PRINCIPESSA The Profile Portrait of a Milanese Woman Martin Kemp; Pascal Cotte This book tells the story of the astonishing authentication of a portrait by Leonardo da Vinci, formerly selling for a few thousand pounds but now worth around £150 million. The authors, who worked on this project, recount the progress of their investigation, outlining the methods they used to piece together the evidence needed to authenticate the painting. They also discuss the life of the most likely candidate for its melancholy sitter – the tragically short-lived illegitimate daughter of Duke Ludovico Sforza. ROWLANDSON’S HUMAN COMEDY A Biography of the Regency Artist Stephen Wade Thomas Rowlandson’s scabrous cartoons define the excesses of Regency England, and still inspire cartoonists today. But who was the man behind these dark and vehement satires? This elegant, entertaining biography charts Rowlandson’s upbringing in London, where his family were Huguenot merchants, his success as an artist, his relations with friends and collaborators, and his prosecution for obscenity, probing the impulses and experiences that drove an artistic vision as savage as its creator was genial and well-liked. HODDER 2010 HB 208pp Illus 260x175mm AMBERLEY 2011 PB 128pp £18.99 84682 now £7.99 £12.99 90425 now £5.99 NEW MONET’S WATER LILIES The Inspiration of the Floating World Vivian Russell ‘It took me a long time to understan them without thinking of painting them... And then of the enchantment of the pond’. Illustrated with re photographs by Vivian Russell, this short study loo garden and the paintings it inspired, culminating in Orangerie in Paris. FRANCES LINCOLN 2011 PB 96p £9.99 17902 now £4.99 ‘LIGHT FOR ART’ SERIES ENEL, Italy’s largest power company, has created systems of illumination for many of the country’s priceless works of art, allowing both scholars and visitors to appreciate paintings, frescos and mosaics. Sponsored by the company, these magnificent volumes present masterpieces of Italian art in – quite literally – a new light. The books have expert art historical essays and are superbly illustrated, including large-scale tipped-in reproductions and gate- folds. They are bound in dark grey linen and slipcased. ENEL 1991-6 HB 220-472pp Illus 300x335mm SAINT FRANCIS Artistic Testimony • Evangelical Message Ed. Roberto Caravaggi Consecrated in 1253, the Patriarchal Basilica of St Francis in Assisi is one of the most sacred sites in Italy and houses some of its greatest treasures. In this homage to the Basilica, essays on the architecture, St Francis’s sepulchre, the frescos and the choir of the Upper Church are accompanied by superb photographs and reproductions of its works of art, including Giotto’s frescos, photographed before the earthquake of 1997. 97741 now £50.00 Detail of The Arrest of Christ mural in the Basilica of St Francis, c.1290-1300 Ed. Francesco Lucarelli; Gerardo Marotta Marking the city’s inclusion in UNESCO’s World Heritage List, this volume looks away from the hackneyed images of street urchins and alleyways that have been associated with Naples to explore its cultural origins and artistic heritage, and to present examples of its architecture and visual arts that include paintings, reliefs, sculpture and mosaics. NAPLES: The Inside Lights 97736 now £40.00 Ed. Roberto Caravaggi With essays covering Italian art from the 11th to the 17th centuries and topics including icons and the Bernini models, this volume presents the great Old Masters in the Vatican’s collection; among them Giotto’s Stefaneschi Triptych, Leonardo’s St Jerome, many works by Raphael, including the Foligno Madonna and Caravaggio’s Deposition of Christ in the Sepulchre. PINACOTECA VATICANA 97739 now £60.00 Ed. Roberto Caravaggi Covering the history and arrangement of the rooms themselves as well as Raphael’s decoration of them – his ‘Stanze’ – this volume looks in great detail at each fresco, including one of the most celebrated works of the Italian Renaissance, the School of Athens. There is also a chapter devoted to the so-called ‘secret rooms’ and their frescos by Fra Angelico and his workshop. RAPHAEL: In the Apartments of Julius II and Leo X 97740 now £50.00 34 Self-Portrait with Sunflower by Sir Anthony van Dyck, c.1633 Clemens Schmidlin; Caroline Eva Gerner This richly illustrated volume from the Art Pocket series offers a concise introduction to the Gothic period and its defining characteristics, with chapters on architecture, sculpture and painting in the various regions of medieval Europe and features on master masons and craftsmen, the medieval monastery, Dante’s Divine Comedy, urban culture and courtly love. Indexed. GOTHIC ULLMANN 2008 HB 288pp Illus 180x142mm $16.99 86421 now £4.99 E w l b W W o C t b a s S £ T Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 35 Order line: 01626 897100 ART CONCUBINES AND COURTESANS Women in Chinese Erotic Art Sunset, one of Monet’s Grandes Decorations d derstand my water lilies’, wrote Monet, ‘I grew d then, all of a sudden, I had the revelation with reproductions of Monet’s paintings and dy looks at the genesis of Monet’s water ing in the Grandes Decorations in the Ferry M Bertholet Spanning the period from around 1600 to the 1920s, Bertholet offers a richly documented view of Chinese erotic art, with the emphasis on the role of the woman. Drawing on his own collection of art and artefacts, including porcelain figures, lotus shoes, fans and photographs of brothels, he discusses Chinese philosophies, the culture of bound feet and the lives of courtesans, before examining Chinese erotic art and imagery, from paintings and ivory carvings to calender posters of the 1920s. Sexually explicit. PRESTEL 2011 HB 207pp Illus 304x255mm £40.00 16747 now £16.99 PB 96pp Illus 221x221mm Reverse glass painting of an expensivelydressed lady, late 18th century STORIA NATURALE DEGLI UCCELLI A FACE TO THE WORLD On Self-Portraits Buffon; François-Nicolas Martinet In a superb Italian edition, this is the celebrated Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, written by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-88), with hand-coloured engravings by Nicholas Martinet (1725-1804), and published in Paris between 1770 and 1786. It was the most comprehensive ornithological work in France at that time. For this edition, the text (in Italian) has been selected by Stephane Schmitt, and all 1,008 of Martinet’s finely detailed engravings have been carefully reproduced. Slipcased. Laura Cumming Encountered in a gallery, self-portraits produce a shock of recognition like no other pictures. They are about more than physical appearance: they tell us how the artists saw themselves, and hoped to be seen by the world. Illustrated with 100 powerful colour reproductions, this brilliant and perceptive study uncovers the intimate and sometimes uncomfortable truths of self-portraiture – from Dürer and Rembrandt to Picasso and Warhol – and what it tells us about ourselves and our self-awareness. HARPER 2010 PB 316pp Illus 245x190mm £18.99 99692 now £9.99 Linda Nochlin Gustave Courbet was one of the most radical painters of the 19th century – in both the artistic and the political sense – and Linda Nochlin is one of his most perceptive and sympathetic commentators. This remarkable volume brings together her complete writings on the artist. Spanning four decades, they look at every aspect of Courbet’s work, from his realist depictions of rural life to the controversial Origin of the World. With 109 illustrations, 14 in colour. THAMES NEW Amazonian parrot COURBET & HUDSON 2007 PB 224pp Illus 225x150mm FRUITMARKET GALLERY 2011 PB 176pp Illus 259x200mm £17.95 17818 now £6.99 Emily Howe; Henrietta McBurney et al The two wall painting schemes in Eton are rare survivals of late medieval art, dating from two early phases of building work under the patronage of William Waynflete and Roger Lupton. The Miracles of the Virgin (c.1477-87) decorated the chapel of Our Lady of Eton; the other painting, in the Head Master’s Chambers, is a secular scene of school life. Here, the context, iconography and technical aspects of both schemes are discussed in eight essays accompanying the detailed catalogues, with specially commissioned photographs. SCALA 2012 HB 192pp Illus 240x280mm £35.00 11057 now £12.99 The Miracle of the Wounded Image in the Chapel 11043 now £100.00 NEW NARCISSUS REFLECTED The Myth of Narcissus in Surrealist and Contemporary Art David Lomas The figure of Narcissus occupies a unique place in Western culture. David Lomas’s remarkable study examines the enduring potency of the myth in painting, drawing and photography. Produced in conjunction with an exhibition at Edinburgh’s Fruitmarket Gallery, and lavishly illustrated with works by artists ranging from Caravaggio to Dalí, Gilbert and George and the Chapman brothers, the book explores the myth’s homoerotic undercurrents, psychoanalytic interpretations, and its relation to our notions of self. £18.95 17597 now £5.99 WALL PAINTINGS OF ETON MAGNUS 2010 HB 670pp Illus 380x295mm NEOCLASSICISM AND ROMANTICISM 1770-1840 Silvestra Bietoletti While Neoclassicism, inspired by the principles of the Enlightenment, was an aesthetic expression of rationality, simplicity and grandeur; Romanticism was characterized by emotion, expressed in imaginative and often mystical subjects. In this volume, an overview of each movement precedes illustrated biographies of the major artists: the Neoclassicists from Piranesi to Goya; and Romantics from Ingres to the architects Pugin and Viollet-le-Duc. STERLING 2009 PB 192pp Illus 265x217mm £9.99 11118 now £4.99 Venus and Adonis by Antonio Canova, 1789 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f 35 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 36 www.psbooks.co.uk ART ROSSETTI Painter and Poet JB Bullen Dante Gabriel Rossetti achieved fame as both a poet and a painter, profoundly influencing both the Pre-Raphaelite movement and wider Victorian culture. This sumptuously illustrated book charts his life and work through both media. It explores the tension between the sensual and the spiritual that gives his work its haunting intensity, his struggle with drug dependency and, above all, his relations with the three women who shaped his art and his emotional life: Elizabeth Siddal, Fanny Cornforth and Jane Morris. FRANCES LINCOLN 2011 HB 270pp Illus 302x248mm £35.00 11850 now £14.99 Bocca Baciata, the first Rossetti painting of a single female figure (Fanny Cornforth), 1859 Maria-Christina Boerner Despite his early death at the age of 36, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec left a body of work that, perhaps more than any other artist’s, evokes the mood of Paris during the belle époque. This volume reproduces over 150 drawings, lithographs and posters demonstrating Lautrec’s mastery of line and his invention of a compelling new graphic style; while documentary photographs of some of the people and places of Lautrec’s world further bring to life fin-de-siècle Paris. Texts in English, Spanish, French and German. TOULOUSE-LAUTREC AND HIS WORLD VIVAYS 2012 HB 176pp Illus 340x255mm £19.95 94762 now £8.99 SCOTTIE WILSON Peddler Turned Painter Anthony J Petullo; Katherine M Murrell Scottie Wilson (1891-1972) was a self-taught artist who achieved recognition from both the art world and the popular media. Born in Glasgow, he left school aged nine and fought in the First World War before taking up drawing in the 1930s and developing his distinctive hatching technique in imaginative drawings and paintings of flora and fauna. This illustrated monograph tells the story of the colourful career of this ‘outsider artist’ and traces the evolution of his art. PETULLO 2004 PB 80pp Illus 230x190mm $25.00 98433 now £7.99 JAMES CHAMBURY: COLOUR, LIGHT AND SHADE Painting in East Anglia and Beyond Louise and Nicola Chambury James Chambury devoted the second part of his life to painting the Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk scenery, and his pictures show a concern with the effects of light on the landscape. Those familiar with East Anglia will recognize fishing boats on the beach at Aldeburgh and scenes from the villages Remainder at close quarter, Pin Mill Barge Race by Chambury of Blakeney and Wells-next-the-Sea on the north Norfolk coast. With over 70 colour plates and a fully illustrated introduction, this book is a wonderful celebration of a prolific English artist. HALSTAR 2011 HB 144pp Illus 237x257mm £24.99 16660 now £11.99 Jenny Pery From the biography of a living artist ‘what emerges are the psychological motivations and deciding factors that turn a human being into an artist’. In this richly illustrated volume Jenny Pery presents the life and work of the British landscape artist Alan Cotton (b.1938). Tracing his career from an early interest in painting as a child in Redditch, the book looks in particular at the travels in France, Italy, Cyprus, Ireland and Morocco that have inspired Cotton’s art. NEW ALAN COTTON: ON A KNIFE EDGE HALSGROVE 2003 HB 144pp Illus 263x268mm £29.95 16658 now £14.99 36 Susie Hodge A hugely influential artist, Paul Klee (1879-1940) eludes classification. During a prolific career he produced astonishing artworks full of colour, inspired by his many travels and by time spent at the revolutionary Bauhaus. Beginning with Susie Hodge’s introductory essay, this fresh look at Klee’s art presents some 90 reproductions aranged in three sections: early mystical and abstract subjects; works from his years at the Bauhaus and in Düsseldorf; and the late works. Masterpieces of Art series. PAUL KLEE FLAME TREE 2014 HB 128pp Illus 232x205mm £12.99 11059 now £6.99 Dr Lakra The 85 works that make up this book originated in a bundle of vintage Health and Efficiency nudist magazines bought for five pounds in Brick Lane, London. In each picture, the photograph of the nude woman has been tattooed and assaulted by demons, death or dirty old men in embellishments by the renowned Mexican artist and tattooist, Dr Lakra (Jeronimo Lopez Ramirez). Bound in black velour. Sexually explicit. HEALTH AND EFFICIENCY EDITORIAL RM 2009 HB 89pp Illus 235x180mm £30.00 11781 now £7.99 Mel Gooding While abstract painting can sometimes seem cerebral and aloof, John Hoyland’s big, bold canvases are vibrant, tender and richly atmospheric. Now in his 70s, Britain’s leading Abstract Expressionist is still painting with undimmed vigour, splashing brilliant explosions of colour over shimmering, mysterious backgrounds. With 182 illustrations, 170 in colour, this handsome large format book follows his career from his debut at the Whitechapel Gallery in the 1960s to the present, and displays his inimitable work in all its life-affirming energy. THAMES & HUDSON 2006 JOHN HOYLAND HB 204pp Illus 285x255mm £39.95 76571 now £16.99 Arras by John Hoyland, 1978 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.1.qxp 20/07/2015 09:28 Page 37 Order line: 01626 897100 ART/PHOTOGRAPHY Juliet Heslewood Why should an artist portray his or her mother? Simply because she’s there, an available and willing model, or out of filial affection? This charming book features 40 portraits of mothers, by artists including Rembrandt, Rossetti, Van Gogh, Chagall, Whistler, Picasso, Kahlo and Hockney. Combining art history and biographical anecdote, this delightful collection celebrates the powerful relationship between sons and daughters and their mothers. ART DECO: The Golden Age of Graphic Art and Illustration NEW Michael Robinson; Rosalind Ormiston Beginning with an exploration of the ideas and influences that contributed to the exuberant new style of the 1920s, this illustrated survey covers the two areas in which Art Deco triumphed: fashion and advertising. It looks at the work of artists such as Tamara de Lempica, Erté, René Lalique and Georges Barbier in fashion, and AM Cassandre and Paul Colin in advertising, but also describes the media in which they worked and the social context of their extraordinary graphics. FLAME TREE 2013 HB 192pp Illus 277x290mm £20.00 99817 now £9.99 MOTHER FRANCES LINCOLN 2009 HB 96pp Illus 210x167mm Detail from New Bridges for the Seven Seas, a Harper’s Bazaar cover illustration by Erté, 1919 £12.99 17904 now £5.99 The Artist and his Family by Antoine Raspal, 1760 Joseph D Ketner II Andy Warhol (1928-87) created more art during the last decade of his life than at any other time in his 40-year career, developing a vocabulary of images and techniques that reveal a mature artist in full command of his repertoire. With reproductions of over 150 paintings and screen prints, including works from the Oxidation Paintings and Shadows series and the ‘fright wig’ self portraits, along with accompanying essays, this the first book to focus on Warhol’s final years.PRESTEL 2009 HB 223pp Illus 279x240mm ANDY WARHOL: The Last Decade £45.00 16745 now £19.99 PHOTOGRAPHY Ed. Suzanne Lloyd Silent movie star Harold Lloyd called three-dimensional photography his ‘padded cell’ – a pleasant obsession which saw him shooting some 300,000 pictures including, in various states of undress, many young Hollywood starlets. Presented here are some of his best shots: stunning women from before the age of plastic surgery and designer diets, from Marilyn Monroe sunbathing (clothed) poolside to Bettie Page draped across the Nevada rocks – all vintage 1950s Hollywood glamour. 3-D glasses included. HAROLD LLOYD’S HOLLYWOOD NUDES IN 3-D! THE REDSTONE BOOK OF THE EYE A Compendium of Visual Surprise NEW BLACK DOG & LEVENTHAL 2011 PB 160pp Illus 252x252mm £13.95 16773 now £7.99 NEW THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF BEDFORD LEMERE & Co SQUARE PEG 2011 PB 288pp Illus 266x188mm £20.00 17916 now £9.99 Nicholas Cooper A selection from the English Heritage archive of some 25,000 photographs taken by professional architectural photographers Bedford Lemere between the 1870s and the late 1920s, this volume focuses on the period after 1890 and offers a view of Britain at the height of its wealth and power. Accompanied by Cooper’s introduction, the photographs are arranged by themes, including public buildings, commerce and industry, transport and technology, leisure and entertainment and life at home during the Great War. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2011 HB 292pp Illus 275x215mm £25.00 17686 now £11.99 The Clock Tower, St George’s A STAGGERING REVOLUTION Circus, London SE1, 1907 A Cultural History of Thirties Photography John Raeburn In this scholarly study, Raeburn surveys the extraordinary ferment and energy in American photography in the 1930s, revealing the aesthetic and cultural achievements of its leading figures, and mapping the paths their pictures blazed into the public imagination. The book includes chapters on Edward Steichen’s celebrity portraiture, Berenice Abbott’s Changing New York project, Edward Weston’s western landscapes, the fashion specialists and Margaret Bourke-White’s industrial and documentary pictures. ILLINOIS UP 2006 PB 392pp Illus 253x177mm 78 £23.99 10711 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 37 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 38 www.psbooks.co.uk LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY THE ACADEMY AWARDS Gail Kin; Jim Piazza This comprehensive encyclopedia of the Oscars presents anecdotes, film stills and photographs from the awards ceremonies and complete listings of all the nominations in every category from 1927/8 to 2010. The Complete Unofficial History BLACK DOG & LEVENTHAL 2011 PB 371pp Illus 255x214mm £14.95 98958 now £6.99 ART OF MODERN ROCK Dennis King A spin-off from the original Art of Modern Rock, this volume contains nearly 200 reproductions of sexy, often psychedelic posters from the independent rock scene of the 1990s and 2000s. Mini #2: Poster Girls CHRONICLE 2008 PB 191pp Illus 202x153mm £11.99 91618 now £4.99 AT THE EDGE/AIG AN OIR Robert Burton A collaboration between the Society of Wildlife Arts and Forest Enterprise Scotland, this a portrait of the rare and beautiful woodlands of Kinloch on Skye, Morven and Sunart and Knapdale in Argyll. Scotland’s Atlantic Oakwoods LANGFORD 2005 HB 167pp Illus 305x270mm £35.00 88233 now £14.99 BACKBONE OF ENGLAND Life and Landscape on the Pennine Watershed Andrew Bibby examines the history, geology, ecology and the wider cultural significance of the Pennine route along the watershed running from Kinder Scout in Derbyshire to Hadrian’s Wall. FRANCES LINCOLN 2011 PB 239pp £8.99 98916 now £3.99 A BOY’S OWN DALE A 1950s Childhood in the Yorkshire Dales Terry Wilson grew up in rural Yorkshire in the 1950s. In this autobiography he recalls a way of life in the Dales which has since passed into history. EBURY 2011 PB 221pp £6.99 92535 now £3.99 BRIDPORT PAST Gerald Gosling traces Bridport’s history, from its medieval origins to the mid-20th century, with chapters on its harbour, churches and chapels, industry and the town’s experience of the two World Wars. PHILLIMORE 1999 HB 134pp Illus 246x182mm £14.99 58436 now £6.99 A CAMERA IN THE HILLS Roly Smith Illustrated with Walter Poucher’s own photographs, this biography describes the many-talented pharmacist, perfumer, prolific mountain photographer and author of The Lakeland Peaks. FRANCES LINCOLN 2008 HB 192pp The Life and Work of WA Poucher Illus 260x195mm £20.00 93300 now £6.99 CARICATURES Tim Clayton Published on the 300th anniversary of the Acts of Union, this selection of 18th and early 19th century satirical prints explores caricatures and stereotypes of Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England. Of the Peoples of the British Isles BRITISH MUSEUM 2007 HB 96pp Illus £9.99 85438 now £3.99 CAVALIER A Tale of Chivalry, Passion and Great Houses Lucy Worsley gives a vivid portrayal of Sir William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle (15931676), head of the king’s army in the north dur- 38 ing the Civil War, and often called the ‘last of the great cavaliers’. BLOOMSBURY 2007 HB 332pp Illus $29.95 91949 now £5.99 CHILLING TALES FROM DERBYSHIRE Present-Day Experiences of the Paranormal Netty Covering all sorts of paranormal events, this is a collection of real-life experiences as told to celebrity psychic medium Netty (Lynnette Leek) by ordinary members of the public in Derbyshire. BREEDON 2009 PB 186pp £12.99 85573 now £4.99 CIRENCESTER Jean Welsford’s illustrated study begins with Roman Cirencester and traces the town’s eventful history up to the present day, ending with a guided walk for visitors. A History and Guide AMBERLEY 2010 PB 160pp Illus £12.99 88339 now £4.99 CLASSIC QUILTS Ed. Rosemary Wilkinson After an introduction to the basics of quilting, this book presents full instructions for 13 designs, including classic patchwork patterns, appliqué patterns and five contemporary designs for quilts and wall hangings. Tradition with a Twist GOOD BOOKS 2008 PB 112pp Illus 280x215mm $24.95 93859 now £5.99 COCKLESHELL HEROES Quentin Rees tells the complete story of the famous assault on Bordeaux in 1942, ‘Operation Frankton’, and its aftermath, profiling the leading figures and revealing previously unnamed players in the drama. The Final Witness AMBERLEY 2011 PB 320pp Illus £16.99 16487 now £6.99 COMMONPLACE Christina Rossetti A tale of the tortuous path a woman must take to secure a suitable match, the novella of the title is accompanied by four more pieces of Rosetti’s much-neglected short fiction: The Lost Titian, Vanna’s Twins, Pros and Cons and The Waves of this Troublesome World. Foreword by Andrew Motion. HESPERUS 2005 PB 126pp £6.99 99587 now £2.99 DISCOVERING BRITAIN’S LITTLE TRAINS THE FABER POCKET GUIDE TO HANDEL Edward Blakeman This guide to Handel’s life and work includes a year-by-year outline biography, synopses of operas and oratorios, recommended recordings, and the words of the composer’s friends and fellow-musicians. FABER 2009 PB 336pp £8.99 89974 now £3.99 A FABULOUS KINGDOM Charles Officer; Jake Page From the early journeys of Viking Otta to Will Steger in the 1980s, the authors describe attempts to reach the North Pole, but also discuss current scientific and environmental issues that threaten the Arctic region. OXFORD UP 2012 PB 232pp Illus The Exploration of the Arctic £12.99 18771 now £5.99 FARM FAMILIES Alison Jay With Alison Jay’s charming crackle glaze-style illustrations, this picture book is a tour of the farmyard, meeting the animals and their young – with hidden animals to find on every page. Age 3+ TEMPLAR 2012 HB 32pp Illus 255x255mm £10.99 96726 now £3.99 FATE AND FORTUNE Shirley McKay Completing his legal training in Edinburgh in 1581, young Hew Cullan finds the city full of distractions; but fashionable living and beautiful women prove less diverting – and less dangerous – than a brutal murder and a long-hidden mystery. POLYGON 2010 PB 314pp A Hew Cullan Mystery £12.99 77329 now £5.99 THE FORGOTTEN PALESTINIANS Ilan Pappe traces the roots of the latent apartheid that characterizes the attitude of the Israeli state towards Palestinians living within Israel, and describes how the indigenous ‘1948 Palestinians’ have fared under Israeli rule. A History of the Palestinians in Israel YALE UP 2011 HB 344pp £18.99 19099 now £7.99 FORTY YEARS OF THE FORD TRANSIT 1965-2005 Robert Berry From a Mk1 pick-up to the 2005 Hallmark models that celebrated Transit’s 40th anniversary, this Nostalgia Road book tells the story of the light commercial superstar, with photos from Ford’s archives. NOSTALGIA Classic Marques Volume Ten Julian Holland has chosen ten of the more idiosyncratic narrow gauge railways to explore, with photographs past and present, and detailed descriptions of what there is to see and do today. ROAD 2006 PB 52pp Illus 200x210mm AA 2008 HB 160pp Illus 255x260mm Brian Fagan Herodotus to Paul Theroux, this anthology gives an engaging account of our enduring fascination with ancient architecture – what William Camden described as a ‘backward-looking curiosity’. £17.99 88693 now £7.99 DR SEUSS 123 BUILDING BLOCKS This sturdy, colourful box contains ten nesting blocks covered in cavorting characters from the madcap world of Dr Seuss, that will delight children while helping them learn to count. Age 2+ SILVER DOLPHIN 2011 Building blocks 145x145mm $17.95 16344 now £9.99 ELIZABETH I Margaret George’s novel tells the story of two women of fierce intellect and desire: Elizabeth I, trying to protect her country and her crown; and her cousin and bitter rival, Lettice Knollys, whose son, the Earl of Essex, was one of the mercurial noblemen who challenged Elizabeth’s throne. PAN 2012 PB 682pp £7.99 99452 now £3.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 £8.95 98179 now £3.99 FROM STONEHENGE TO SAMARKAND An Anthology of Archaeological Travel Writing OXFORD UP 2006 HB 312pp 234x164mm £21.99 95451 now £6.99 THE GREAT WAR AND MODERN MEMORY Paul Fussell First published in 1975, this is Fussell’s landmark study of the British experience of the First World War and, in the words of the author, the ‘literary means by which it has been remembered, conventionalized and mytholgized’. OXFORD UP 2000 PB 382pp Illus £12.99 18793 now £5.99 GUIDE TO THE LAKES William Wordsworth’s guide to the Lake District was the model for many that followed, and PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 39 Order line: 01626 897100 the poet’s unsurpassed love of the region informs every page. This new edition follows the definitive 1835 text. FRANCES LINCOLN 2004 PB 192pp £8.99 99675 now £3.99 THE HINGED SQUARE AND OTHER PUZZLES Ivan Moscovich This volume begins with Henry Dudeney’s square-to-triangle transformation, a real gem of recreational mathematics, and includes another classic, the pen-and-paper Racetrack game. STERLING 2004 PB 128pp Illus 254x203mm £5.99 76840 now £2.99 A HISTORY OF LIBYA John Wright’s introductory history traces the invasions of Libya by conquerors from Phoenicians to Ottoman Turks and, in the modern era, the Italian occupation and the post-colonial unrest that brought Gadafi to power. COLUMBIA UP 2010 HB 254pp $37.50 93897 now £9.99 A HISTORY OF NAMIBIA Marion Wallace This general history of Namibia provides an absorbing account of pre-colonial Namibia, the period of German colonialism, South African rule, the war between 1946 and 1990, and the country’s development since independence. COLUMBIA UP 2011 HB 451pp From the Beginning to 1990 $40.00 93896 now £12.99 HISTORY’S WORST PREDICTIONS Eric Chaline explains the background to 50 of the most far-fetched predictions in history and explains why they were so wrong. and the People Who Made Them HISTORY PRESS 2011 PB 256pp Illus £12.99 99414 now £4.99 HUNTER DAVIES’ LISTS LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY KISS ME, CHUDLEIGH MARVELLOUS TO BEHOLD The World According to Auberon Waugh Miracles in Medieval Manuscripts £9.99 94682 now £4.99 LAROUSSE PICTURE DICTIONARY HB 160pp Illus 286x221mm Ed. William Cook This is a collection of the best and funniest writing by Auberon Waugh (1939-2001), interwoven with a biography of the man himself. CORONET 2011 PB 380pp The Enlightenment Expedition that Reshaped Our World 300x220mm £15.99 10949 now £6.99 MEDITATIONS ON LIVING, DYING AND LOSS Natacha Diaz; Illus. Peter Brophy This first French dictionary uses colourful illustrations to introduce 250 basic words in themes from ‘my room’ to the weather; it covers concepts such as colours, numbers and times; and includes play activities and a ‘singalong’ audio CD. Ages 5-7 LAROUSSE 2002 HB + audio CD 50pp Illus $13.95 97304 now £4.99 LET’S HAVE A BITE! The Essential Tibetan Book of the Dead WORTH 2010 HB 79pp Illus 255x203mm VIKING 2008 HB 218pp £12.99 93476 now £5.99 THE LITERATURE OF RENAISSANCE ENGLAND $23.95 93843 now £4.99 THE MERCHANT NAVY: SHIPS AND TRAINS IN WORLD WAR II John Hollander; Frank Kermode The major selections in this volume of The Oxford Anthology of English Literature include Spenser’s Faerie Queen, Shakespeare’s sonnets and The Tempest, Milton’s Samson Agonistes and important works by Marlowe, Donne, Marvell and many other great writers. OXFORD UP 1973 PB 1,114pp £6.99 85002 now £3.99 AN ILLUSTRATED TREASURY OF SONGS £17.50 98612 now £4.99 LONDON LIGHTS Here are the words and music of more than 50 of America’s favourite songs, along with some traditional English songs, each illustrated with a painting or artefact from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. RIZZOLI 1991 HB 128pp Illus 305x228mm £12.99 24731 now £7.99 JUNKERS Ju 287 Germany’s Forward Swept Wing Bomber Stephen Ransom; Peter Korrell This is a detailed, illustrated account of the extraordinary Junkers Ju 287 which, with its forward-angled wings and four Jumo 004 jet engines, was revolutionary when flight tests began in August 1944. CLASSIC 2008 HB 160pp Illus 300x225mm £30.00 16670 now £12.99 KENSINGTON TO ST VALERY EN CAUX Princess Louise’s Regiment, France and England, Summer 1940 Robert Gardner tells the story of an almost forgotten British military disaster in which the Kensington Regiment, after a fighting withdrawal along the Channel coast, were cornered in St Valery en Caux and forced to surrender on 13 June 1940. SPELLMOUNT 2012 PB 192pp Illus £14.99 10817 now £6.99 Larrie D Ferreiro tells the dramatic story of the European scientists and naval officers who, in 1735, set off on the first international, cooperative scientific expedition: the Geodesic Mission to the Equator to determine the shape of the Earth. BASIC 2011 HB 370pp Robert L Forbes; Illus. Ronald Searle Ronald Searle obviously relished the challenge of illustrating the culinary adventures of a strange menagerie that includes Hugh the blue emu, Iggy the guinea piggy, and the zoo VIP (Very Idle Panda). Age 5+ OVERLOOK DUCK- A Banquet of Beastly Rhymes £55.00 18829 now £14.99 THE LITERARY 100 National Gallery of Art, Washington £25.00 76313 now £7.99 MEASURE OF THE EARTH English-French • Français-Anglais An Intriguing Collection of Facts and Figures Hunter Davies’s irresistible collection of lists is roughly organized around themes such as celebrities, football, people’s funny ways and pets. CASSELL 2006 PB 192pp Deirdre Jackson In this lavishly illustrated survey of miracles as depicted in medieval manuscripts, Jackson analyses over 120 miniatures, selected from a wide range of Jewish, Christian and Islamic sources. BRITISH LIBRARY 2007 Daniel S Burt profiles the 125 (there are 25 new entries in this revised edition) most influential novelists, playwrights and poets of all times and cultures. CHECKMARK 2009 PB 554pp The Minds that Moved the City and Shook the World, 1805-51 James Hamilton’s engrossing account charts the lives and achievements of men and women who, in the 50 years between the death of Nelson and the Great Exhibition, made London a crucible of innovation. JOHN MURRAY 2008 PB 414pp £10.99 98942 now £4.99 LOOKING FOR ENID The Mysterious and Inventive Life of Enid Blyton Duncan McLaren Described by The Times as ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with lashings of ginger beer instead of hallucinogenics’, McLaren’s book sets out to discover how Enid Blyton created the characters that transfixed so many children.PORTOBELLO 2008 PB 319pp £8.99 84308 now £3.99 MAN-MADE EDEN Ed. Graham Coleman; Thupten Jinpa With an introductory commentary by the Dalai Lama, this is a compilation of excerpts from the translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, selected for their relevance to modern experience. Ben Carver Inspired by Carver’s researches into the history of ‘Merchant Navy’ class steam locomotives, this book gives brief, illustrated outlines of the war service of 11 British, Empire and Allied shipping lines. FINIAL 2008 PB 112pp Illus £11.95 10714 now £5.99 THE MOST AMAZING PLACES TO VISIT IN BRITAIN Reader’s Digest Steam railways, standing stones, architectural wonders, even an umbrella shop... This is a practical, illustrated guide to 1,000 remarkable locations throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. READER’S DIGEST 2011 PB 320pp Illus 254x180mm £14.99 97433 now £5.99 NETS, PUZZLES AND POSTMEN An Exploration of Mathematical Connections Peter M Higgins From railway systems and ancient mazes to Circular Sudoku and the internet, this book discusses a range of engaging conundrums as it explores the hidden mathematical networks that pervade our world. OXFORD UP 2007 HB 255pp £15.99 84040 now £6.99 THE NILE AND ITS PEOPLE Charlotte Booth Egyptologist Charlotte Booth discusses the Nile’s significance from 5000 BCE, bringing the story up to the present day with the construction of the Aswan High Dam and modern luxury cruises. 7,000 Years of Egyptian History HISTORY PRESS 2010 PB 191pp Illus Historic Orchards in Somerset and Gloucestershire £16.99 93844 now £5.99 THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR REDCLIFFE 2007 PB 156pp Illus 241x200mm OXFORD UP 1998 PB 464pp £15.00 98561 now £5.99 £11.99 18866 now £4.99 James Russell Investigating the history of apple growing and cider making in the West Country, this book explores the changing fortunes of the industry, its traditions and folklore, and recent efforts to save and celebrate its historic orchards. Sylvia Chalker; Edmund Weiner Authoritative, accessible and up-to-date, this dictionary provides definitions of 1,000 grammatical terms with examples of language in use and frequent quotations from existing grammar texts. Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 39 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 40 www.psbooks.co.uk LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY PLACE NAMES In his A-Z listings of towns and villages, Anthony Poulton-Smith traces the origins of their names – including the names of streets, rivers and pubs – and explains their meanings. AMBERLEY 2009/10 PB 158pp Illus DORSET PLACE NAMES 84733 HAMPSHIRE PLACE NAMES 84804 £12.99 each now £4.99 each REPORTING THE BLITZ News from the Home Front Communities Stuart Hylton Drawn from the pages of more than 20 local newspapers, this social history of England during the Second World War reveals contemporary attitudes to the war as well as the practicalities of life in wartime. HISTORY PRESS 2012 PB 223pp Illus £14.99 99427 now £5.99 SEA OF DANGERS Captain Cook and his Rivals in the South Pacific Geoffrey Blainey This is the story of Captain Cook’s 1769 voyage in Endeavour, the rival Dutch, Spanish, French and Portuguese ships he encountered in the South Pacific and the men who sailed in them, all searching for a fabled missing continent. IVAN R DEE 2009 HB 331pp £16.95 98238 now £6.99 SEXUAL SYMBOLISM Richard Payne Knight; Thomas Wright This volume brings together two pioneering anthropological works on phallic symbolism in ancient and medieval times: Knight’s A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus (1786) and Wright’s The Worship of the Generative Powers (1865). A History of Phallic Worship DOVER 2006 PB 237pp $12.95 91930 now £5.99 A SLAP IN THE FACE Why Insults Hurt – and Why They Shouldn’t William B Irvine, a professor of philosophy, investigates insults, their history, the role they play in social relationships, and the science behind them; concluding that the best way to deal with them is to become ‘insult pacifists’. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 259pp 175x125mm £14.99 18914 now £6.99 STARS AND ANGELS Michael Stancliffe This is a selection of articles Meditations for the Christian Year SCREEN DECADES The Screen Decades series presents anthologies of original essays – one for each year in the decade – exploring the impact of cultural issues on film and the impact of film on American society. BERG 2006/7 PB 285pp Illus American Culture/American Cinema £15.99/£17.99 each now £5.99 each AMERICAN CINEMA OF THE 1940s The decade dominated by the Second World War and post-war recovery also saw several major films, among them Gone with the Wind, Citizen Kane, Casablanca and White Heat. 99236 AMERICAN CINEMA OF THE 1970s The 1970s marked the beginning of ‘summer blockbusters’ such as Jaws, Grease and Star Wars, but movie makers also addressed serious issues, notably in Chinatown, The Deer Hunter and Apocalypse Now. 77582 40 and sermons by Michael Stancliffe (1916-87), who produced a weekly meditation for the Daily Telegraph and, as Dean of Winchester, was much admired for his preaching. CANTERBURY 1997 PB 176pp £8.99 91671 now £3.99 A TIME OF GIFTS On Foot to Constantinople: From the Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube Patrick Leigh Fermor This first volume of one of the great masterpieces of English travel writing takes the young Fermor from Rotterdam to Hungary – the first leg of his journey to Constantinople. JOHN MURRAY 2005 PB 384pp £9.99 99839 now £3.99 THE TOWER OF LONDON Geoffrey Parnell Illustrated with many previously unpublished photographs, this absorbing study describes how, for much of its existence, the Tower of London was more than a royal residence, and contained the Royal Mint, the Record Office and even a menagerie. Past and Present HISTORY PRESS 2009 PB 125pp Illus £12.99 10614 now £5.99 VANISHING WORLD Fredrik Granath; Photo. Mireille de la Lez Published to coincide with International Polar Year (2007), this visual record of life in the Arctic celebrates the wildlife that inhabits this harsh and unforgiving world, but is also a cautionary tale of global warming. The Endangered Arctic ABRAMS 2007 HB 270pp Illus 322x265mm £19.95 85293 now £9.99 WB YEATS AND GEORGE YEATS Ed. Ann Saddlemyer This is the first annotated edition of the letters of WB Yeats and his wife George, who throughout their 22-year marriage corresponded when apart, discussing family, friends, his writing, and the social and political scene in Ireland. OXFORD UP 2011 HB 621pp Illus The Letters £33.99 97657 now £9.99 ACADEMIC TITLES CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS Ed. Roger Nichols This annotated selection of four poems and 26 essays (several in their first English translation) illustrates the range, elegance, wit and sometimes sheer malice of SaintSaëns’ writings on music. On Music and Musicians OXFORD UP 2008 HB 187pp £19.99 80847 now £5.99 CASUALTY FIGURES How Five Men Survived the First World War Michele Barrett Telling the stories of three soldiers and two military doctors who served in the First World War and survived, Barrett sheds new light on the psychological damage of war and the long-term effects of shell-shock. VERSO 2007 HB 183pp £14.99 97319 now £7.99 THE COMRADE FROM MILAN Rossana Rossanda In this acclaimed memoir, the former communist militant and founder of the radical il manifesto offers a lucid account of life in the eye of the storm of Italian politics from Mussolini to Berlusconi. VERSO 2010 HB 379pp Illus £29.99 10664 now £7.99 COPPER SCROLL STUDIES Ed. George J Brooke; Philip R Davies These 22 essays on the Copper Scroll, possibly the Postscript order line: 01626 897100 least understood of the Dead Sea Scrolls, deal with the opening, restoration and reading of the Scroll; archaeological and linguistic studies; and the interpretation of the Scroll and its enigmatic list of treasure. T&T CLARK 2004 PB 360pp £39.99 66149 now £9.99 THE CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN WALLIS Ed. Philip Beeley; Christoph J Scriba John Wallis (1616-1703) was Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford and a central figure in English scientific and intellectual history. This third volume of his complete correspondence documents an important period in the history of the Royal Society and the University of Oxford. Volume III (October 1168-1671) OXFORD UP 2012 HB 664pp £210.00 17251 now £19.99 DAYS LINKED BY SONG Gerard O’Daly looks at the lyric poems of Prudentius, the Cathemerinon, published in the early fifth century CE, providing Latin texts, English translations and critical essays on each of the 12 poems. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 422pp Prudentius’ Cathemerinon £89.00 17259 now £29.99 THE EARLY CHRISTIAN BOOK Ed. William E Klingshirn; Linda Safran These 12 essays approach the early Christian book from the perspectives of religion, art history, history, Near Eastern studies and classics, and focus on the practices of writing, reading and book production, 100-600 CE. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA 2008 PB 328pp Illus £25.95 10661 now £7.99 FIRMLY I BELIEVE AND TRULY The Spiritual Tradition of Catholic England 1483-1999 Ed. John Saward; John Morrill; Michael Tomko This volume celebrates the spiritual, literary and intellectual heritage of the Post-Reformation English Roman Catholic tradition in an anthology of writings that spans the 500 years between William Caxton and Cardinal Hume. OXFORD UP 2013 PB 754pp £25.00 18775 now £9.99 GEORGE III Peter DG Thomas ‘Primarily a study of high politics, for the power structure was centred on the Crown and parliament’, this book gives a detailed account of George III’s political behaviour. No jacket. MANCHESTER UP 2002 HB 269pp King and Politicians 1760-1770 98347 now £7.99 GEORGE LOCKHART OF CARNWATH, 1689-1727 Daniel Szechi’s study of George Lockhart, MP for Midlothian and a member of the Commission negotiating the treaty of Union in 1707, sheds light on Jacobitism in Scotland in the years before and after the Union. TUCKWELL 2002 PB 240pp A Study in Jacobitism £20.00 34091 now £4.99 HAPPINESS Classical and Contemporary Readings in Philosophy Ed. Steven M Cahn; Christine Vitrano In two parts, this volume presents writings by 16 philosophers from Plato to Jean-Paul Sartre, followed by essays in various contemporary theories of happiness. OXFORD UP 2008 PB 284pp £19.99 18796 now £7.99 HAROLD WILSON’S COLD WAR The Labour Government and East/West Relations 1964-1970 Geraint Hughes Challenging the caricature of Harold Wilson’s rigid subservience to America, PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 41 Order line: 01626 897100 Hughes analyses the Labour government’s efforts to promote East-West détente and to improve Anglo-Soviet relations between 1964 and 1970. ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2009 HB 220pp £50.00 98566 now £9.99 THE HERALD IN LATE MEDIEVAL EUROPE Ed. Katie Stevenson In this volume ten scholars from across Europe discuss heralds’ diverse roles and experiences in the late Middle Ages, a significant period in the development of the office of arms. BOYDELL 2009 HB 214pp £50.00 98817 now £19.99 THE IPSWICH RECOGNIZANCE ROLLS 1294-1327 A Calendar Ed. GH Martin The recognizance rolls of Ipswich are a register of titles of property in the borough. Presenting the first 21 rolls in English paraphrase, this volume enables historians to follow individual and family fortunes and the work of the court. SUFFOLK RECORDS SOCIETY 1973 HB 151pp £25.00 98823 now £9.99 JUAN ESQUIVEL A Master of Sacred Music During the Spanish Golden Age Clive Walkley In this full-length study of the life and music of Juan Esquivel, a cathedral choirmaster and composer active in Spain c.1580-c.1623, the author sets Esquivel within the social and religious context of the CounterReformation. No jacket. BOYDELL 2010 HB 286pp £60.00 17945 now £19.99 THE MEANING OF DISGUST Colin McGinn Approaching the meaning of disgust by surveying the class of disgusting things, McGinn argues that we are consciously divided beings, repressing the disgust we feel at our biological reality, yet also deeming ourselves god-like. OXFORD UP 2011 HB 256pp £22.99 19101 now £9.99 MEDIEVAL LITURGICAL CHANT AND PATRISTIC EXEGESIS Words and Music in the Second-Mode Tracts Emma Hornby In a case study of the secondmode tracts (lengthy and complex solo chants for Lent), Emma Hornby explores how text and melody relate in western liturgical chant, and how the music articulates textual structure and meaning. BOYDELL 2009 HB 342pp £60.00 98830 now £12.99 MEDIEVAL WALL PAINTINGS Roger Rosewell The religious buildings of England and Wales were once full of vibrant wall paintings. This illustrated study explains how and why the images were created, who made them and the scenes they depicted. With a gazetteer of 500 sites with surviving paintings. in English and Welsh Churches BOYDELL 2011 PB 380pp Illus 244x173mm £19.99 17949 now £9.99 MONSTERS AND THEIR MEANINGS IN EARLY MODERN CULTURE Wes Williams In close readings of works by early modern, mainly French writers – including Montaigne, Rabelais, Ronsard, Pascal and Racine – this interdisciplinary study focuses on the ways in which monsters give particular force, colour and shape to the imagination. Mighty Magic LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY NATIONAL RELIGION AND THE PRAYER BOOK CONTROVERSY, 1927-1928 John G Maiden In this study of the 1927 controversy over liturgical revisions to the Book of Common Prayer, Maiden discusses the importance of national religion and Protestant national identity during the interwar years. BOYDELL 2009 HB 225pp £50.00 98574 now £9.99 THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL BEHAVIOR Ed. Jan E Leighley In 38 essays in sections including research design, participation, vote choice, self- and other interests, non-presidential elections, and elites and institutions, the Handbook offers both theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of American elections and political behaviour. OXFORD UP 2010 HB 794pp 253x179mm £117.50 17384 now £50.00 THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF THE ELEGY Ed. Karen Weisman This Handbook provides both an historical survey and a thematic engagement with relevant issues, including women’s elegies, elegy in English drama 15901640, mourning, the elegiac in film and the war memorial as elegy.OXFORD UP 2010 HB 736pp £100.00 18868 now £19.99 PALMERSTON AND THE POLITICS OF FOREIGN POLICY 1846-55 David Brown focuses on Palmerston’s political activity and achievements in the period immediately before his premiership, looking in particular at his involvement in the politics of foreign policy. No jacket. MANCHESTER UP 2002 HB 246pp 98351 now £6.99 POLITICS, RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN ENGLAND 1679-1742 Geoffrey Holmes These 12 essays, written between 1962 and 1982, deal with the political life of England during the ‘the first age of Party’, from the 1679-81 Exclusion Crisis to the end of Walpole’s administration. Slightly off-mint. HAMBLEDON 1986 PB 392pp £21.99 35579 now £9.99 THE PRIOR OF THE KNIGHTS HOSPITALLER IN LATE MEDIEVAL ENGLAND Simon Phillips Drawing extensively on archival material, Phillips investigates the Prior’s role within the order of the Knights Hospitaller and in English and European politics between 1272 and 1540. BOYDELL 2009 HB 221pp £50.00 98575 now £16.99 REFORMING THE NORTH Kingdoms and Churches of Scandinavia, 1520-1545 James L Larson’s study offers a broad perspective on the turbulent period in Scandinavian history that saw the end of the medieval Union of Kalmar, the Catholic Church toppled and the beginning of new, centralized states. CAMBRIDGE UP 2010 HB 550pp £71.00 92389 now £25.00 SCIENCE IN THE SERVICE OF CHILDREN 1893-1935 Alice Boardman Smuts explores how female reformers, along with scientists and philanthropists, launched the rapid development of child science and child guidance in America in the decades following the First World War. OXFORD UP 2011 HB 360pp YALE UP 2006 PB 394pp £74.00 18845 now £14.99 £20.00 11792 now £7.99 A SMALL TOWN NEAR AUSCHWITZ Mary Fulbrook As the principal civilian administrator of the Silesian town of Bedzin, near Auschwitz, Udo Klausa was responsible for implementing Nazi anti-Semitic policy. This volume recreates Klausa’s story and the fates of the Jews under his authority. Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust OXFORD UP 2012 HB 439pp Illus £20.00 18915 now £7.99 THE STRUGGLE FOR EGYPT Steven A Cook A leading expert on Arab politics, Cook offers a sweeping account of Egypt in the modern era, chronicling decisive episodes from the rise of Nasser to the emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood and the 2011 demonstrations in Tahrir Square. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 424pp Illus From Nasser to Tahrir Square £18.99 17448 now £6.99 SYON ABBEY AND ITS BOOKS Reading, Writing and Religion c.1400-1700 Ed. EA Jones; Alexandra Walsham Syon Abbey was founded in 1415 by the order of St Bridget of Sweden. This volume of eight essays traces the fortunes of the Bridgettine order, examining the ways in which reading and writing shaped its identity and defined its experience. No jacket. BOYDELL 2010 HB 287pp £60.00 18299 now £19.99 THOMAS HUXLEY Paul White This biography of the biologist, educational reformer and champion of evolutionary theory, Thomas Huxley (1825-95), explores his contribution to the shaping of the identity of the scientific practitioner. No jacket. Making the Man of Science CAMBRIDGE UP 2003 HB 222pp £64.99 17799 now £9.99 UNDER THE VOLCANO Lucy Riall During the unification of Italy in 1860, there was a riot in the town of Bronte on the slopes of Mount Etna. Riall uses a close study of this uprising to explore wider themes, including the meaning of the British presence and colonial rule in the 19th century. Revolution in a Sicilian Town OXFORD UP 2013 HB 294pp Illus £37.99 18935 now £9.99 THE VISUAL OBJECT OF DESIRE IN LATE MEDIEVAL ENGLAND Sarah Stanbury Little remains of the visual culture of late medieval English piety, much of it having fallen victim to the Reformation. Stanbury explores that lost traffic in visual images and its impact on contemporary authors and artists. PENNSYLVANIA UP 2008 HB 298pp Illus $65.00 10643 now £14.99 WILLIAM HAZLITT Duncan Wu presents a meticulously researched biography of William Hazlitt (1778-1830), who wrote passionately on literature, art and politics in essays of startlingly modern intimacy and directness. OXFORD UP 2008 HB 585pp Illus The First Modern Man £25.00 94538 now £9.99 WOMEN AND WRITING c.1340-c.1650 Ed. Anne Lawrence-Mathers; Phillipa Hardman In 12 essays, this volume explores women’s involvement in the transition from medieval manuscript to early printed book, including topics such as ‘Household Miscellanies’, calendars and Elizabeth Isham’s Booke of Rememberance. No jacket. YORK MEDIEVAL 2010 HB 252pp The Domestication of Print Culture £60.00 17962 now £25.00 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 41 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 42 www.psbooks.co.uk FICTION/POETRY NEW BIGGLES Adventure Double Captain WE Johns (1893-1968) flew with the Royal Flying Corps in the First World War and made a daring escape from a German prison camp in 1918. It wasn’t until 1932 that his first Biggles story was published. Here are two cracking stories selected from Johns’s total of 102: the very first adventure, Biggles: The Camels are Coming and Biggles Learns to Fly. Age 9+ DOUBLEDAY 2012 HB 410pp £6.99 18185 now £2.99 FIELD OF HONOUR Max Aub A country lad on the streets of Barcelona in the months leading up to the Spanish Civil War, Rafael Lopez Serrador encounters the conflicts and ideals of revolutionaries and rogues that inform and echo his own troubled coming-of-age. First published in 1943, this is the first, selfcontained novel in Max Aub’s celebrated six-part epic of the Spanish Civil War, The Magic Labyrinth. Translated by Gerald Martin, with an introduction by Ronald Fraser. VERSO 2009 HB 271pp £12.99 16973 now £4.99 THE BACHELOR Stella Gibbons Set in Hertfordshire during the Second World War, in the peaceful home of brother and sister Constance and Kenneth Fielding, this novel by the author of Cold Comfort Farm finds unexpected guests – including a Balkan exile and an old flame – disrupting the quiet suburb. NEW VINTAGE 2011 PB 432pp £8.99 18159 now £2.99 NEW THE MATCHMAKER Stella Gibbons Uprooted from war-torn London, Alda Lucie-Brown and her three daughters start a new life at Pine Cottage in rural Sussex; but the quiet life doesn’t suit Alda and she turns to meddling in her neighbours love affairs – with unforeseen consequences. VINTAGE 2011 PB 432pp £8.99 18165 now £2.99 NEW THE NICE AND THE GOOD Iris Murdoch A revolver shot rings through a Whitehall office on a hot summer afternoon. A government official has apparently shot himself, but the circumstances are questionable – and on investigation, nothing is quite as it seems. First published in 1968. VINTAGE 2000 PB 362pp £8.99 18354 now £2.99 THE COMPLETE FOUR JUST MEN Edgar Wallace Here are the thrilling adventures of Edgar Wallace’s daring and ingenious vigilantes as they tackle wrongdoers of all kinds, from criminal masterminds and anarchists to madmen. Where Scotland Yard fails – they succeed. This omnibus edition contains all six novels published between 1905 and 1928: The Four Just Men, The Council of Justice, The Just Men of Cordova, The Law of the Four Just Men, The Three Just Men and Again the Three. WORDSWORTH 2012 PB 952pp THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF GHOST STORIES BY WOMEN Ed. Marie O’Regan Benevolent visitations by departed loved ones or malevolent spirits in lost rooms, these 20 chilling tales are drawn from the long tradition of women’s supernatural fiction: from Amelia B Edwards’s The Phantom Coach (1864), and stories by writers such as Edith Wharton and Elizabeth Gaskell, to women writing today, including Alex Bell and Muriel Gray. RUNNING PRESS 2012 PB 511pp $13.95 16791 now £3.99 IN GHOSTLY COMPANY Amyas Northcote Garnering comparisons with masters of horror including MR James, Amyas Northcote’s stories exhibit a brooding, measured insidiousness which tends to set the nerves firmly on edge. This collection of shorts is a rare treasure from horror fiction’s golden age. WORDSWORTH 2010 PB 144pp 72453 now £2.99 IN A GLASS DARKLY Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu This classic of occult fiction is an unsettling collection of five stories, each comprising case histories from the papers of Dr Martin Heselius, who investigates supernatural experience through his patients’ hallucinations and drug-induced ‘living death’. First published in 1872. WORDSWORTH 1995 PB 272pp 41152 now £2.99 87426 now £2.99 CRIMESPOTTING From hard-boiled police procedural to historical mystery, from the comic to the supernatural, Crimespotting brings together ten best-selling writers in a collection of specially-commissioned crime stories inspired by the city of Edinburgh. The book includes stories by Ian Rankin, Margaret Atwood and James Robertson, and an introduction by Irvine Welsh. POLYGON 2010 PB 223pp An Edinburgh Crime Collection £6.99 63407 now £2.99 THE COWARDS Josef Skvorecky In 1945, Danny is playing saxophone with the best band in Czechoslovakia. The band has problems, the love of Danny’s life is in love with someone else – but the real threat to the next gig is the approaching Red Army. Skvorecky’s blackly comic tale of post-war politics was immediately banned on publication in 1958. Translated by Jeanne Nemcova. PENGUIN 2010 PB 416pp £9.99 98067 now £3.99 A SEAMAN’S ANTHOLOGY OF SEA STORIES Desmond Fforde This selection of nine stories – some fiction, some true – is arranged chronologically by their setting, from 1800, with CS Forester’s ‘Hornblower and the Widow Cool’ to ‘Aircraft Carrier’, John Winton’s evocation of a Fleet Air Arm pilot’s experience in the Pacific in 1945. ACCENT 2009 PB 354pp £7.99 93294 now £2.99 £6.99 16957 now £3.99 HUE AND CRY Shirley McKay In 1579, returning to St Andrews from Paris, a young lawyer named Hew Cullan finds his friend accused of murder. Investigating the crime amid a world of religious piety and academic austerity, Hew opens a Pandora’s box of lies and corruption. This is the first Hew Cullan historical thriller. A Hew Cullan Mystery POLYGON 2009 PB 330pp £8.99 94729 now £2.99 WESTWARD HO! Charles Kingsley Set in the golden age of conquest and exploration under Elizabeth I, Westward Ho! follows the fortunes of Amyas Leigh as he takes to the high seas battling pirates, hunting treasure and joining Sir Francis Drake to confront the fearsome Spanish Armada. BIRLINN 2009 PB 682pp £9.99 77335 now £3.99 42 THE LOST QUEEN Norah Lofts One of the best-loved historical novelists of the last century, Norah Lofts tells the story of Caroline Matilda, youngest sister of George III, and of her life as Queen of Denmark, married to an insane king, Christian VII. TORC 2008 PB 288pp Postscript order line: 01626 897100 ANTIC HAY Aldous Huxley Published in 1923, Huxley’s novel is a portrait of London life just after the First World War: a world of fake artists and bewildered romantics, conmen and critics, devoid of values and moving headlong into chaos. DALKEY 2006 HB 226pp 203x140mm $12.50 98494 now £3.99 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 43 Order line: 01626 897100 FICTION/POETRY GERTRUDE Hermann Hesse In Hesse’s exploration of the destructive power of human love, the narrator, a sensitive, disabled young composer, is drawn to a singer named Gertrude and gradually becomes engulfed in an enduring and hopeless passion for her. NEW POETRY PETER OWEN 2002 PB 208pp £9.99 18132 now £2.99 KING, QUEEN, KNAVE Vladimir Nabokov ‘Of all my novels’, wrote Nabokov, ‘this bright brute is the gayest’. It tells the story of Franz, who is sent from a small town in Germany to work in a relative’s department store in Berlin and promptly falls for the relative’s wife. Written in 1928, and revised by Nabokov himself in 1967. Translated by Dmitri Nabokov. PENGUIN 2010 PB 287pp NEW THE CRIMSON PETAL AND THE WHITE Michel Faber ‘Watch your step. Keep your wits about you; you will need them’ Faber warns his readers as they embark on a journey into the dark side of Victorian London to meet Sugar – a prostitute with ambition. ‘It is, in the wittiest, most irreverent way possible, teeming with the ghosts of literature past’ – The Observer. CANONGATE 2011 PB 845pp £9.99 18348 now £2.99 HEROES IN THE WIND From Kull to Conan Robert E Howard John Clute introduces this selection of 13 stories by one of the greatest writers of action and adventure stories, Robert Ervin Howard, who wrote some 160 stories for magazines between around 1929 and his suicide, at the age of 30, in 1936. The stories arranged chronologically, culminating in Howard’s greatest creation, the tales of the unstoppable barbarian, Conan of Cimmeria. PENGUIN 2009 PB 557pp £10.99 98094 now £3.99 £12.00 98108 now £3.99 THE PRIVATE MEMOIRS AND CONFESSIONS OF A JUSTIFIED SINNER James Hogg’s masterpiece is set in 18th century Scotland and recounts the corruption of Robert, a boy of strict Calvinist upbringing, by the mysterious Gil-Martin. First published in 1824. CANONGATE 2005 PB 240pp £6.99 11498 now £2.99 LAND OF THE SEAL PEOPLE Duncan Williamson Preserving a valuable part of Scotland’s oral heritage, Williamson retells 24 silkie tales which he heard over the years from other Travellers, crofters and fishermen. Thirteen of the tales are published for the first time. BIRLINN 2010 PB 221pp £8.99 11478 now £2.99 STRANGE TALES Rudyard Kipling Set in locations ranging from English suburbs to Simla, these 20 tales represent the best of Kipling’s chilling narratives, among them: ‘They’, By Word of Mouth and The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes. WORDSWORTH 2006 PB 300pp 37768 now £3.99 THE MYSTERY OF THE YELLOW ROOM Gaston Leroux This locked-room mystery is the first and most baffling case of Joseph Rouletabille, a young super-sleuth whose sharpness and mental agility outshines the likes of Hercule Poirot in what has been called one of the greatest detective stories ever written. WORDSWORTH 2010 PB 225pp 11901 now £2.99 f See our full range of Fiction titles on our website www.psbooks.co.uk ANTHEM FOR DOOMED YOUTH NEW Twelve Soldier Poets of the First World War Jon Stallworthy The 1914-18 war began with flag-waving, parades and patriotic poetry. Through the lives and work of 12 soldier poets, including Rupert Brooke, Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, Edmund Blunden and Isaac Rosenberg, this book explores the growing realization of the full horror of modern mass warfare and the brutal reality of life and death in the trenches. It includes a selection of the poets’ finest verses and is illustrated with historic photographs and documents. CONSTABLE 2013 PB 192pp Illus 244x188mm £12.99 18252 now £5.99 NEW SONNETS Cecco Angiolieri Born in Siena around 1260, Cecco Angiolieri wrote poetry that is remarkable for its combination of comic realism and the high style of 13th century love poetry, and for its wonderfully rich depiction of social life. The sonnets are presented here in the original Italian with a new revision of CH Scott’s 1925 translation by Anthony Mortimer en face. ONEWORLD 2008 PB 270pp £9.99 18171 now £3.99 JUBILEE LINES Ed. Carol Ann Duffy To mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2004, Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy invited 60 contemporary poets to write about each of the 60 years of Elizabeth’s reign. The poets – among them, Andrew Motion, Wendy Cope, Geoffrey Hill and Simon Armitage – address a moment or event from their chosen year, such as Kit Wright’s lines on ‘The Year Nijinsky Won the Triple Crown’ or Michael Symmons Roberts marking ‘The Party Wall Act 1996’. FABER 2012 HB 146pp 179x135mm 60 Poets for 60 Years £12.99 11846 now £3.99 ROBERT E HOWARD’S COMPLETE CONAN OF CIMMERIA Robert E Howard; Illus. Gregory Manchess This volume completes the Wandering Star collection of Howard’s tales of Conan, with five stories – The Servants of Bit-Yakin, Beyond the Black River, The Black Stranger, The ManEaters of Zamboula and Red Nails – and all the writer ’s drafts, fragments and ephemera, including a map of the Hyborian Age. The stories are illustrated with paintings and drawings by Gregory Manchess, who has signed these limited edition (1,000) copies. Slipcased. Volume Three (1935) TREADING THE DANCE Trans. David Broadbridge In his introduction David Broadbridge describes Danish medieval ballads as a ‘national inheritance of the first rank’. His new translation of the ballads is the first in over 40 years and the first ever to be published in a bilingual edition. The poems are beautifully laid out and accompanied by Sonia Brandes’ paper-cut illustrations to create ‘a book of poems and pictures in dialogue’. Broadbridge also provides a short account of the ballads’ history and tradition. STACEY INTERNATIONAL Danish Medieval Ballads WANDERING STAR 2005 HB 406pp Illus 2011 HB 173pp Illus 270x240mm £130.00 98478 now £30.00 £25.00 17587 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 43 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 44 www.psbooks.co.uk LITERATURE 1,000 YEARS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Back by popular demand Chris Fletcher Beginning with the Beowulf manuscript, this volume presents reproductions of manuscript pages written by 95 British authors of the last millennium. These drafts, diary entries, proofs and fair copies, handwritten or annotated by some of our greatest poets, novelists and playwrights, offer fascinating insights into the process of composition and revision. In the accompanying text, Chris Fletcher outlines the life and work of each writer and describes the content and context of the manuscript page. Revised and expanded edition. BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 PB 224pp Illus 257x190mm £12.95 98375 now £5.99 WHO IS OZYMANDIAS? And Other Puzzles in Poetry John Fuller Part of the pleasure of poetry is unravelling its mysteries. Who is Ozymandias? What is the Snark? Who is Crazy Jane? In this playful, perceptive book, the acclaimed poet John Fuller teases out the conundrums, double-entendres, red herrings and misleading titles of some of our best-loved poetry, from Shelley and Browning to Eliot and Bishop, to help us reach the rewards and revelations at its heart. VINTAGE 2013 PB 256pp 198x128mm £9.99 18110 now £4.99 PIERS PLOWMAN CONCORDANCE Will’s Visions of Piers Plowman, Do-Well, Do-Better and Do-Best Joseph S Wittig This is a complete concordance to the A, B and C texts of Piers Plowman in the Athlone editions. Each word in the vocabulary of the three versions (approximately 5,400) is listed alphabetically in its order of occurrence within the particular version. Except for a few frequently used words such as the definite and indefinite articles and common conjunctions, each occurrence of each word is listed within its line of context. With Latin and French concordances. No jacket. ATHLONE 2001 HB 290pp 274x210mm £250.00 99444 now £25.00 COLERIDGE’S RESPONSES Selected Writings on Literary Criticism, the Bible and Nature (Three volumes) Ed. Seamus Perry; Anthony J Harding; Samantha Harvey In addition to being a major poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge was one of the most insightful critics of his day. The full range of his interests has only come to light with the appearance over the past century of much unpublished material. The first of these anthologies presents his views on writing and writers, arranged alphabetically from Aristophanes to Wordsworth; the second his often unorthodox views on the Bible; and the third his thoughts on nature, in prose and verse. No jackets. CONTINUUM 2008 HB 1240pp £300.00 99729 now £50.00 44 WRITING BRITAIN Wastelands to Wonderlands Christina Hardyment From Chaucer’s pilgrims to Ballard’s suburban dystopias, British authors have been fascinated by our relationship to the land in which we live. Evocatively illustrated with manuscripts, drawings, historic images and striking modern photographs, this handsome and engrossing book explores the way that landscape – be it Emily Brontë’s windswept moors, Dickens’s fog-bound metropolis or Betjeman’s Metroland – permeates the literature, and how writers have conditioned our responses to it. BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 HB 192pp Illus 240x220mm THE MISSING INK The Lost Art of Handwriting (and Why It Still Matters) Philip Hensher ‘Handwriting is good for us’, argues Philip Hensher, ‘It involves us in a relationship with the written word which is sensuous, immediate and individual’. In his witty and highly entertaining defence of handwriting, Hensher discusses teachers of handwriting, theorists and graphologists, goose quills, nibs and the Cristal Bic, and he makes a passionate case for continuing to scribble notes, write letters, chew Biros, and ‘enhance the quality of our lives by going for the slow option’. MACMILLAN 2012 HB 284pp £14.99 10925 now £5.99 £25.00 98389 now £9.99 Robert Kanigel Situated off the west coast of Ireland, the Blasket Islands have been uninhabited since 1953. Once they were home to a resilient, Irish-speaking community of fisher-folk, who survived on these lonely outcrops with few modern conveniences. Kanigel tells how, during the Gaelic renaissance, Great Blasket attracted scholars and writers – including JM Synge and the Classicist George Thomson – and experienced a clash of cultures between modern life and an older world slipping away. KNOPF 2012 HB 331pp ON AN IRISH ISLAND $26.95 11032 now £6.99 ITALIAN LITERATURE A Very Short Introduction Peter Hainsworth; David Robey One of Oxford University Press’s Very Short Introductions that offer ‘stimulating ways in to new subjects’, this slim volume examines Italian literature from the Middle Ages to the present. In chapters on themes such as tradition, politics, secularism and women, the authors discuss the major figures from Dante to Calvino and a wide range of other writers. OXFORD UP 2012 PB 144pp Illus 172x108mm £7.99 10628 now £3.99 Christopher Frayling One day in 1747, Horace Walpole’s cat Selima fell into a tub of goldfishes and drowned, inspiring Thomas Gray to write his much-loved Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat. This delightful, handsomely produced book takes the poem as a starting point for an exploration of 18th century matters feline, drawing in Rousseau, Johnson and Christopher Smart. It features three sets of illustrations for the poem: engravings by Richard Bentley (1753), watercolours by Blake (1797) and previously unpublished drawings by Kathleen Hale (1944). THAMES & HUDSON HORACE WALPOLE’S CAT 2009 HB 80pp Illus 310x240mm £14.95 98406 now £7.99 One of Kathleen Hale’s unpublished drawings Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 45 Order line: 01626 897100 NEW THE GENIUS OF DICKENS The Ideas and Inspiration of Britain’s Greatest Novelist Michael Slater No writer aside from Shakespeare is closer to the heart of Britain’s national identity than Charles Dickens. This absorbing little book ranges widely over his fiction, journalism, letters and speeches to capture the many facets of his genius: his flights of fancy, his idealisation of innocence, his rage at social injustice, his faith in progress, and the energy and ambition that drove his prodigious output. DUCKWORTH 2011 HB 184pp £10.99 18306 now £3.99 John Betjeman was probably the most popular poet of last century and his subtle blend of humour and melancholia, affection and criticism continues to attract readers today. From beneath his sparkling wit and deceptively simple nostalgia, Betjeman emerges as an authority on a broad range of subjects, including conservation, church architecture, tradition and Englishness. This selection, made by John Guest and first published in 1978, presents all his greatest poetry, prose and the filmscript, Metroland. THE BEST OF BETJEMAN JOHN MURRAY 2006 PB 240pp £9.99 89854 now £3.99 Ann Wroe Half-man, half-god, Orpheus was both magician and poet, musician and theologian; his mythical story has inspired philosophers and composers, scandalized Church Fathers and fascinated Jung and Cocteau. Ann Wroe explores Orpheus’ cultural influence and the many versions of his story, from his birth ‘a generation before Homer’ and his early musical talent, through the quest for the Golden Fleece and his love for Eurydice to his terrible death at the hands of frenzied Maenads. American-cut pages. ORPHEUS: The Song of Life OVERLOOK 2011 HB 270pp $26.95 11034 now £6.99 Roberto Calasso The mid-19th century metropolis was a new and, for many, a terrifying phenomenon. Like no poet before him, Charles Baudelaire captured its ephemeral, fleeting essence. In this extraordinary, genre-defying book, Roberto Calasso ranges through the poet’s life and work, focusing on two painters – Ingres and Delacroix – about whom he wrote acutely. In a dazzling mosaic of stories, insights, dreams and analysis, Calasso explores Baudelaire’s phantasmagorical vision of Paris – and the nature of modernity. ALLEN LANE 2012 HB 338pp LA FOLIE BAUDELAIRE £35.00 11963 now £9.99 f See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website www.psbooks.co.uk AUDIO CDs Charles Darwin The two most famous works of Charles Darwin – On the Origin of Species, a masterpiece of modern science, and his account of his travels and revolutionary research, The Voyage of the Beagle – are edited and read here by Professor Richard Dawkins. This special edition includes a bonus CD on which Dawkins reads his own essay examining Darwin’s unique contribution to science, Darwin’s Five Bridges: the Way to Natural Selection. THE DARWIN SELECTION CSA WORD 2010 11 CDs (13 hours) £28.99 17804 now £6.99 SCOTT’S LAST EXPEDITION The Journals of Robert Scott Robert Scott Captain Scott’s final journey to the South Pole is one of the greatest tales of adventure and his journals are among the most dramatic and moving documents in the English language. This new audio adaptation starts as Scott’s ship, Terra Nova sets sail from New Zealand and ends with the last, tragic diary entry as Scott, Wilson and Bowers calmly await certain death. The Journals are read by David Horovitch. CSA WORD 2011 6 audio CDs (61⁄2 hours) £21.99 17812 now £6.99 Eleanor and Herbert Farjeon First published in 1932, the Farjeon’s book of poems tells the story of 41 English monarchs, from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II – with a poem devoted to each king or queen. This children’s classic, along with a selection of the Farjeons’ Heroes and KINGS AND QUEENS Heroines (from Alexander the Great to Emmeline Pankhurst), is read by actors Isla Blair and Julian Glover. BRITISH LIBRARY 2011 1 audio CD (73 minutes) £10.00 16940 now £3.99 VOICES OF HISTORY 2 Arts, Science and Exploration British Library Alfred Tennyson reading from Maud, Howard Carter describing his discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, Albert Einstein discussing the responsibility of the scientists who helped develop the atomic bomb: this set of two audio CDs features 38 such historic recordings drawn from the British Library Sound Archive. The tracks include extracts from radio broadcasts, speeches and commercial recordings, with notes on the speakers in the accompanying booklet. BRITISH LIBRARY 2005 2 audio CDs (139 minutes) £18.99 98388 now £6.99 THE SPOKEN WORD SERIES FROM THE BRITISH LIBRARY Drawing on the British Library Sound Archive and the BBC Sound Archives, The Spoken Word series presents the voices of some of the 20th century’s greatest literary figures in recordings taken from the original radio broadcasts. Each CD contains excerpts from talks, readings and interviews, with notes in the accompanying booklet. This set of three CDs contains recordings of 30 novelists or playwrights from the earliest generations whose voices survive, beginning with Arthur Conan Doyle speaking in 1930 and including excerpts from BBC talks and interviews by Kipling, GK Chesterton, Tolkien, Graham Greene, Doris Lessing and Joe Orton. Announcements are read by Juliet Stevenson. BRITISH WRITERS BRITISH LIBRARY 2008 3 CDs (21⁄2 hours) £20.00 10731 now £7.99 SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS Douglas Adams on Desert Island Discs, Ursula K LeGuin interviewed on Woman’s Hour, Kurt Vonnegut talking on Third Ear in 1990... Originally broadcast on BBC radio, these interviews feature ten of the really great science fiction writers talking about their art. The other seven writers are Isaac Asimov, Brian Aldiss, Doris Lessing, Michael Moorcock, JG Ballard, Arthur C Clarke (another Desert Islander) and Ray Bradbury. BRITISH LIBRARY The 17 tracks on this CD include Durrell in conversation with Malcolm Muggeridge in 1965, and reading and commenting on several of his poems, including ‘Alexandria’ and ‘Cavafy’. LAWRENCE DURRELL BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 1 audio CD (1 hour) £10.00 16941 now £3.99 The most famous author of his day, HG Wells was frequently asked to contribute to radio series. Among these recordings are excerpts from his talks for ‘Whither Britain’ (1934) and ‘I Knew a Man’, in which his chosen outstanding personality was TH Huxley. HG WELLS 2011 1 audio CD (73 mins) BRITISH LIBRARY 2006 1 audio CD (1 hour) £9.99 98385 now £3.99 £10.00 16938 now £3.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 45 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 46 www.psbooks.co.uk REFERENCE/LANGUAGE PUZZLES WHO, OR WHY, OR WHICH, OR WHAT? A Global Gazetteer of the Instructive and Strange John Oldale ‘A collection of some of the more unusual facts concerning every nation on earth’, John Oldale’s illustrated gazetteer provides a wondrous miscellany of information, from the origins of the carrot (Afghanistan) and the only confirmed gender cheat in Olympic history (Germany) to Zimbabwe’s inflation nightmare. There are also Global Significance Ratings for each country (UK comes third), a list of their World Heritage sites and how to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’. PARTICULAR 2011 HB 309pp Illus £16.99 98092 now £6.99 WORD ROUTES Journeys through Etymology THE JUMBO CRYPTIC CROSSWORD GIFT SET (Three books) Ed. Edmund and David Akenhead It’s the world’s most challenging cryptic crossword – times three. Book 1 is the very first collection of 50 of The Times Jumbo Cryptic crosswords, including the original puzzle, published at Christmas 1970. Book 2 has 30 crosswords including the gigantic Diamond Jubilee Puzzle that marked the 60th anniversary of The Times crossword in 1990. When you’ve ripped through those, there are 30 more in Book 3. TIMES 2002 PB 319pp Alexander Tulloch A unique kind of etymological dictionary, Word Routes follows the surprising twists and turns of more than 500 everyday words on their way to modern English. Alexander Tulloch’s short essays cover the origins of such words as ‘school’ (Greek for ‘leisure’), ‘violin’ (related, oddly enough, to ‘veal’) and ‘bridegroom’ (which should really be spelt without the ‘r’ and has distant links to ‘chameleon’). PETER OWEN 2005 PB 208pp £12.95 39953 now £4.99 NAME DROPPING? A No-Nonsense Guide to the Use of Names Philip Gooden What exactly are expressions such as Kafkaesque or Orwellian or Miranda-like trying to pin down? Philip Gooden’s engrossing A-Z goes where dictionaries usually fear to tread and offers full explanations of terms derived from proper names. As well as describing the original owner of the name – real or fictional – and what it has come to mean, the book provides examples of its use in the press and other media and a pretentiousness rating, lest you get carried away.A&C BLACK 2006 HB 218pp £23.97 99862 now £7.99 KenKen is a mathematical puzzle invented by the Japanese teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto as a brain training exercise. The problems require a grid to be completed with numbers, like sudoku, but with the additional challenge that internal blocks within the grid must adhere to a prescribed arithmetical formula. This collection contains over 100 puzzles with notes on how to solve them. TIMES 2008 PB 176pp NEW £5.99 18371 now £2.99 NEW HOW TO MASTER THE TIMES CROSSWORD The Times Cryptic Crossword Demystified Tim Moorey, veteran solver and setter of crosswords, guides the beginner through the different types of cryptic clue, focusing especially on the conventions of the Times puzzle. His concise explanations employ clear diagrams to indicate how the parts of each clue point to the solution, while the book ends with 12 Times crosswords for practice, accompanied by solutions with annotations that explain even the most intricate wordplay. TIMES 2008 HB 224pp £12.99 18365 now £4.99 46 £10.99 11714 now £4.99 THE TIMES KENKEN Peking University This practical introductory course in basic Mandarin, for home or school study, was designed by the Chinese Language Special Course for Foreign Students at Peking University. Its 30 lessons are a self-contained grammar, progressing from pronunciation to quite complex conversational constructions. With translated examples. First published in 1971 (hence ‘Peking’). MODERN CHINESE: A Basic Course DOVER 2002 PB 270pp 216x136mm £9.99 10633 now £3.99 MRS BEETON’S HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT Isabella Beeton The first bound edition (it was originally issued in 24 monthly parts) of Mrs Beeton’s classic from 1861 is reprinted here, newly typeset but otherwise as Mrs Beeton intended. WORDSWORTH 2006 PB 1110pp Illus 37766 now £3.99 Isabella Beeton is best known for her cookery book, but she also produced this volume on horticulture. Packed with advice on sowing, planting, tools and equipment, it contains chapters on trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables, and one for each month of the gardener’s year. Much of her advice is as valid today as when it was written in the 1860s – for a burgeoning middle class for whom gardening was a novelty. WORDSWORTH 2008 PB 985pp MRS BEETON’S GARDEN MANAGEMENT 11897 now £3.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 47 Order line: 01626 897100 COMPACT OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY Third edition, revised Ed. Catherine Soanes; Sara Hawker Fully revised, updated and redesigned, this new edition of the Compact Dictionary aims to provide up-to-date and accessible information on the vocabulary of contemporary English, together with practical advice on writing good English in everyday situations. The dictionary also has thousands of new example sentences, more help with pronunciation, grammar and usage, and a wide selection of technical terms from specialist areas such as medicine and computing. No jacket. OXFORD UP 2008 HB 1263pp 207x132mm 11837 now £6.99 REFERENCE/HUMOUR ARCHAEOLOGY WHAT BRITAIN HAS DONE 1939-1945 A Selection of Outstanding Facts and Figures Intro. Richard Overy Published by the Ministry of Information a few months after the end of the war in Europe, What Britain Has Done presented a long catalogue of military, economic and social achievements. Covering everything from the volume of shipping across the Atlantic and weight of bombs dropped on Berlin to the amount of vegetables produced on British allotments, this unique document presents a panoramic portrait of a country engaged in total war. It is reprinted here with a new introduction by Richard Overy. No jacket. ATLANTIC 2007 HB 126pp Illus 235x130mm £9.99 83659 now £3.99 HOBSON-JOBSON The Anglo-Indian Dictionary Henry Yule; AC Burnell Bungalow, pyjamas, veranda, curry, chintz, gingham, junk... Just a few of the words that have crept into the English language from the colonial era in the Indian sub-continent and the Malay peninsula. This immensely detailed glossary, tracing origins and giving quotations to illustrate usage, was compiled in the late 19th century. Never superseded in its field, it is a must for students of etymology and for anyone interested in the attitudes and activities of the British imperialists in their heyday. Reprint. COLLINS FRENCH DICTIONARY AND GRAMMAR French-English . English-French This modern, user-friendly dictionary gives priority to contemporary, everyday vocabulary and the language of current affairs, business, computing and tourism. The French-English, English-French listings are clearly laid out with headwords in blue, in-depth treatment of difficult words and, throughout the dictionary, cultural notes. The Dictionary also includes a 250-page grammar guide, making this an ideal reference for novice to intermediate learners. COLLINS 2010 PB 275pp £12.99 11902 now £4.99 WORDSWORTH 2008 PB 472pp 20417 now £3.99 HUMOUR 100 MUST-READ BOOKS FOR MEN Stephen E Andrews; Duncan Bowis Avoiding the most famous classics and thrillers, this edition of Bloomsbury’s Must-Read series features books that appeal to the male sensibility ranging from rollicking adventures such as George Macdonald Fraser’s Flashman to compelling non-fiction such as jazz trumpeter Miles Davis’s revelatory autobiography, Miles. The book recommends a further 500 titles and there are also themed lists for more specific subject areas. A&C BLACK 2008 PB 248pp 149x105mm £6.99 17182 now £2.99 PEDLAR’S GUIDE TO THE GREAT OUTDOORS Charlie and Caroline Gladstone; Kate Burt A childhood spent outdoors led the authors of this inspiring book to offer their six children a similarly free upbringing in the Highlands of Scotland. Charmingly illustrated, this miscellany of all things outdoors includes sections on bird and tree identification, cloud spotting, treehouse building, survival tips, foraging, outdoor games and camping. For any family wishing to spend more time in nature and less time in front of a screen, this book is the perfect companion. SQUARE PEG 2012 HB 272pp Illus £16.99 16998 now £5.99 DREADFUL FATES What a Shocking Way to Go! Tracey Turner George IV’s coffin was apparently such a snug fit that it began to expand from the gases produced by his decomposing body and holes had to be drilled to relieve the pressure. Such macabre anecdotes form the basis of this humorous exploration of death, which ranges from stories of unusual and bizarre ends to famous last words and epitaphs. A&C BLACK 2010 PB 112pp Illus NEW £5.99 17892 now £2.99 Christopher Matthew Inspired by AA Milne, Matthew’s little volume of verses celebrates the age when men and women ‘feel ready to grasp life by the scruff of the neck, give it a good shake and move serenely onwards’... or possibly when ‘The unlikeliest types get a taste for cocaine, / And yachts and Ferraris and villas in Spain’. WHEN WE WERE FIFTY JOHN MURRAY 2007 HB 112pp Illus £9.99 16844 now £3.99 THUNDER, FLUSH AND THOMAS CRAPPER An Encycloopedia Adam Hart-Davis Are you sitting comfortably? This alphabetical compendium of all things lavatorial is the perfect reading matter for the smallest room. Flushed with curious facts, it ranges from the Abbot of St Albans (the first Englishman to own a WC), to the zero-gravity toilet in 2001: A Space Odyssey, via the eponymous hero of Victorian sanitary engineering, Mr Crapper himself. NONSUCH 2008 PB 192pp £9.99 81583 now £3.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 47 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 48 www.psbooks.co.uk STATIONERY NEW SAMUEL PALMER A Folio of Notecards Two watercolour landscapes by Samuel Palmer (1805-81), both fine examples of the English pastoral tradition, are reproduced on these notecards. There are five cards each of The Sheepshearers and Sunset over the Gleaming Fields, well-presented in a card wallet with The Sheepshearers on the cover. With envelopes. POMEGRANATE 2010 108x243mm $10.95 19007 now £3.99 ENGLISH COUNTY ARTISTS ADDRESS BOOKS The diverse and dramatic landscapes and coasts of Devon have been an inspiration to artists for centuries, but the works reproduced in this welldesigned and well-produced address book are all by contemporary Devon artists. The 44 images are in various media and on subjects that include harbours and sheep markets as well as moorland and woodlands, offering a striking view of the county through artists’ eyes. HALSWOOD 2010 HB DEVON ARTISTS 112pp Illus 215x230mm THE ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY FRUIT AND VEG NOTEBOOK Fitting easily into a pocket or handbag, this is a handy aide-mémoire for gardeners. Beautiful botanical drawings from the RHS’s Lindley Library divide the notebook into sections for different types of fruits and vegetables, each with pages for recording names of varieties, dates of sowing and harvesting, and your own cultivation notes. FRANCES LINCOLN 2007 HB 112pp Illus 137x102mm £7.99 98925 now £3.99 £12.99 99472 now £5.99 The 50 or so images reproduced in this address book have been selected to portray something of the range of contemporary work being created in Norfolk today. Eighteen artists are represented, working in many different media and with subjects ranging from delicate flower studies to expansive land- and seascapes. The result is a very attractive and practical address book and an evocative, many faceted portrait of the county. HALSWOOD 2010 HB NORFOLK ARTISTS 112pp Illus 215x230mm £12.99 99476 now £5.99 LABYRINTH JOURNAL Covered in an Emma Bridgewater design of pink and red hearts on a cream background, this little box is made of rigid card and holds 15 blank notecards – five each of three designs on the hearts theme, one of them with ‘Love’ across its centre – and envelopes. BLUEPRINT 2012 155x105mm EMMA BRIDGEWATER NOTECARDS £11.99 48 11907 now £4.99 Decorated with several different designs in pale pink or lemon by the textile designers Dwell Studio, this notebook includes ruled and squared paper and has a red and white labyrinthine design on its covers. CHRONICLE 2011 PB 188pp 180x125mm $9.95 17174 now £3.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 49 Order line: 01626 897100 STATIONERY FLAME TREE GIFT BOOKS Lavishly illustrated with reproductions of paintings and manuscript illuminations inside and works of art reproduced on embossed metallic covers outside, these anthologies of poetry or prayers and the book of days are luxury gift books that you might not want to give away. All the books have scarlet endpapers and matching silk markers. FLAME TREE 2014 HB 160pp Illus FLAME TREE JOURNALS £9.99 each now £6.99 each THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF ROMANTIC VERSE Ed. EA Chapman In chapters on Lost Love and Remembrance, Uplifting Love, Unfulfilled Love and the Romance of Nature, this anthology brings together works by many of the greatest poets in English, including Shakespeare, Donne and Yeats and, of course, the Romantic poets. They are illustrated with 19th and early 20th century paintings by artists such as Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Frederick Leighton, Millais and Rossetti. 99821 Ed. L Bulbeck Every page embellished with medieval ornament and miniatures from manuscripts in the British Library collections, this Book of Days can be used to record birthdays, anniversaries and annual events. It is arranged with one week to one page, always with a facing painting. The cover shows the Annunciation, set in a field of flowers, from the 15th century Book of Hours, Use of Sarum. A BOOK OF DAYS With famous works of art, magnificently reproduced in colour on their embossed foil covers, silk page markers and scarlet endpapers, these journals could lend splendour to the most humble jottings. Each book has 144 ruled pages and a pocket for loose papers, and closes with a solid magnetic side flap. FLAME TREE 2011-13 HB 144pp 215x155mm £9.99 each now £6.99 each 11446 THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF CHILDREN’S VERSE Ed. EI Chafer; EA Chapman This anthology is in four parts – fable poems, animal poems, bedtime poems and poems of the natural world – and includes such famous works as Lear’s Owl and the Pussy-Cat, The Tyger by Blake and Robert Louis Stevenson’s Land of Counterpane, illustrated by 19th century paintings of children and animals. The cover shows the girl and peacocks from A Moorish Garden by Frederick Leighton. Age 10+ 11445 THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF PRAYER Poems, Prayers and Thoughts for Every Day Ed. EI Chafer Arranged by theme – Thanks and Praise, Love and Forgiveness, Children’s Prayers and Strength and Healing – this anthology includes prayers by churchmen and poets, hymns, psalms, and words from the Bible, including Daniel’s Blessing and the Magnificat. The book is illustrated with a wonderfully varied collection of paintings on religious themes, with Botticelli’s The Virgin and Child on the cover. 99820 17014 17017 ERTÉ: THE BALCONY 17015 TIFFANY: ANGEL STAINED GLASS WINDOW 17020 THE MARRIAGE FEAST AT CANA 11442 MUCHA: REVERIE 95195 BARBIER: THE BACKLESS DRESS HIROSHIGE: THE SEA AT SATTA The journals are arranged clockwise from The Backless Dress top left Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 49 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 50 www.psbooks.co.uk NATURE/PETS MAKING ANIMALS HAPPY How to Create the Best Life for Pets and Other Animals Temple Grandin; Catherine Johnson A horse’s instinctive urge to flee makes it more skittish than a herd animal, whereas a pig’s urge to forage means it needs room to explore. Based on her own research, animal scientist Temple Grandin’s study discusses animal behaviours and motivations and delivers practical insights into how to interact with dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs and chickens, wildlife and zoo animals. BLOOMSBURY 2010 PB 346pp £8.99 11893 now £3.99 Back by popular demand WAR DOG The No-Man’s-Land Puppy Who Took to the Skies Damien Lewis In 1939, Czech airman Robert Bozdech was shot down in France and, while evading capture, found a puppy cowering in a barn. Taking the abandoned dog with him he found his way to England and joined the RAF; the dog, Antis, subsequently accompanied him on bombing missions. This book recounts the story of the remarkable partnership and the countless acts of bravery that earned Antis the Dickin Medal – the ‘animal VC’. SPHERE 2014 PB 304pp Illus 197x126mm £7.99 19435 now £3.99 TOP TO TAIL The 360° Guide to Picking Your Perfect Pet David Alderton; Photo. Marc Henrie It may be useful to know, when choosing a pet dog, that the Afghan Hound’s beautiful coat needs daily grooming or that the friendly and loyal Labrador needs plenty of exercise and has a prodigious appetite. This guide to over 150 of the most popular breeds includes photographs of exemplary dogs, shot from all angles, and a useful key comparing them for size, friendliness, feeding, exercise and grooming requirements. DAVID & CHARLES 2006 PB 256pp Illus 200x250mm £12.99 10909 now £4.99 A PACK OF DOGS An Anthology Lucy Smith; Illus. Christopher Brown ‘Dogs belong to that elite group of con artists at the very pinnacle of their profession’, wrote the historian Stephen Budiansky. This anthology of canine literature is packed with witty observations from authors including Peter Ackroyd, Charles Dickens and Mark Twain. From PG Wodehouse’s Pekingese ‘of hard-boiled aspect’ to Virginia Woolf’s sagacious spaniel Flush, the collection covers the full spectrum of moods and characters that anyone who has ever known a dog – or a dog owner – will doubtless recognize. MERRELL 2010 HB 160pp Illus 230x167mm £17.95 88362 now £6.99 50 Janet Menzies Published in association with Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and Cruft’s ‘Friends for Life’, this book presents the stories and pictures of police dogs, search and rescue dogs, sniffer dogs and, of course, the hearing dogs who have changed the lives of deaf children, adults and their families. There are also chapters on the ‘Friends for Life’ award winners and army dogs, a round-up of famous Hearing Dogs supporters and a foreword by Ben Fogle. HERO DOGS QUILLER 2012 PB 128pp Illus 245x190mm £10.99 10757 now £4.99 SHETLAND BREEDS Ancient, Endangered and Adaptable Ed. Nancy Kohlberg; Philip Kopper The Shetland Islands are home to a number of unique native beasts: breeds adapted to the unusually harsh environment and honed by centuries of selective breeding. They are all typically small, hardy, frugal and good-natured. In expert essays and ‘Island Views’, this book investigates topics such as the animals’ genetic heredity; considers how geography and history have shaped the islands’ livestock; and celebrates the particular qualities of Shetland ponies, sheep, cattle, geese and other animals. POSTERITY 2003 HB 198pp Illus 140x215mm £16.00 11040 now £4.99 Featuring the work of excellent wildlife photographers, these books from the World Life Library profile three fascinating animals that are now endangered by shrinking habitats or, in the case of the albatross, fishery operations. Each book gives a lucid and informative account of the animal’s life cycle, habitats and behaviours, the various species and efforts being made to save them from extinction. COLIN BAXTER WORLD LIFE LIBRARY 2007-11 PB 72pp Illus 225x250mm £7.95/£9.95 each now £3.99 each Steve Toon; Ann Toon 18967 Tony Martin 18962 Robert Shumaker 18966 NEW NEW NEW RHINOS ALBATROSSES ORANGUTANS NEW WILD FLOWERS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM IN THE CHILTERNS Laurie Fallows; David Beattie; Gay Fallows The beautiful Greater Chilterns are threaded with deep valleys and streams, nature reserves and delightful villages. This guide provides details of the identification, habitat and uses of the common wild flowers of the area. The flowering charts show which month plants are at their best, and the book also features an illustrated plant directory and 18 guided walks with maps to help you locate even the rarest of flowers. FRANCES LINCOLN 2007 PB 160pp Illus £7.99 17541 now £3.99 Reader’s Digest Each of the 70 or more species profiled in this guide is represented by a series of fine illustrations showing the animals in different situations and postures. Covering mammals, amphibians and reptiles of Britain and Ireland, the entries explore each creature’s behaviour and habitat, and special features provide further information to help identify wildlife and distinguish between similar species. READER’S DIGEST 2008 PB ANIMALS: Wild Britain 256pp Illus 140x150mm £7.99 17868 now £3.99 THE WAVEWATCHER’S COMPANION Gavin Pretor-Pinney Watching breakers roll onto a Cornish beach, the author of the best-selling Cloudspotter’s Guide decided to find out where they came from. The result was this erudite and entertaining book. After describing the types of ocean wave and the forces that drive them, he explains the invisible waves that shape our universe – light waves, sound waves, shock waves – and those, such as radio and X-rays, that we harness in our technology. BLOOMSBURY 2010 HB 336pp Illus £14.99 91944 now £5.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 51 Order line: 01626 897100 NATURE CLOUDS THAT LOOK LIKE THINGS Ed. Gavin Pretor-Pinney; Ian Loxley Seeing shapes in the clouds is a time-honoured pastime and Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society, has encouraged people all over the world to keep an eye out for unusual formations. Exhibiting such intriguing semblances as ‘a ghost carrying home the shopping’ and ‘a topless sunbather’, this is an entertaining collection of photographs. It also includes an explanation of cloud formation and the official classification system. SCEPTRE 2012 HB 112pp Illus 166x200mm A cockerel on the roof and in the sky over Bishop, California £12.99 96755 now £4.99 WHAT ON EARTH EVOLVED? 100 Species That Changed the World NEW Christopher Lloyd Of the billions of plants and animals that have emerged since the dawn of time, some have had a greater impact than others, either in shaping the planet’s environment or because evolutionary innovations allowed them to thrive and dominate. This accessible study divides its content between 50 of the most important species ever to have evolved, such as trilobites, mosquitos, algae and earthworms, and 50 species that have prospered thanks to man’s intervention, including horses, wheat, roses and silkworms. BLOOMSBURY 2009 HB 416pp Illus £25.00 17825 now £6.99 Adrian Pitches; Tim Cleeves Between 1980 and 2004, more than 70 bird species – vagrants from Central Asia, Siberia and North America – have been added to the British list. This book is a compilation of all those records, with accounts of finding a ‘First for Britain’ interspersed with 25 annual summaries of the birding years 1980-2004 and 25 essays by prominent birders about their special years during this period. The book is illustrated with colour photographs and black and white artworks. Foreword by Eric Meek. NEW BIRDS NEW TO BRITAIN T&A D POYSER 2005 HB 344pp Illus £50.00 18281 now £14.99 Male bullfinch NEW WEATHER WONDERS Incredible Clouds and Weather Events from Above and Below Gordon Higgins Hurricanes and thunderstorms are truly awesome and impressive events but the most benign of weather can also produce beautiful and surprising results. From the gently rippling waves of ‘Kelvin Helmholtz’ clouds to double rainbows and the heavenly shafts of light known as crepuscular rays, this photographic selection displays clouds and weather events of all types photographed from the ground and, by means of satellite imagery, from above. D&C 2011 PB 256pp Illus 148x180mm £12.99 18229 now £4.99 Ed. Andy Stansfield From shot-putting in the rain at the 1908 London Olympics to sunbathing at Wimbledon 2008, every whim of Britain’s volatile weather is captured in these 300 photographs drawn from the Press Association archives. Cooling off in the Trafalgar Square fountains during the 1975 heatwave, playing football in the fog at White Hart Lane in 1963, or windsurfing on floodwaters in Yorkshire, 1995 – the pictures are an entertaining look at the weather and how the British deal with it. NEW 100 YEARS OF WEATHER: Twentieth Century in Pictures AMMONITE 2009 PB 300pp Illus 208x210mm £14.99 18230 now £5.99 NEW SEABIRD POPULATIONS OF BRITAIN AND IRELAND P Ian Mitchell; Stephen F Newton et al Each year Britain and Ireland play host to over eight million breeding seabirds, including internationally important populations of certain species and the majority of the world’s Manx Shearwaters, Northern Gannets and Great Skuas. Summarizing the findings of a major initiative to census breeding seabirds, and presenting detailed accounts of each species, this volume provides an essential reference for birdwatchers, professional ornithologists and anyone involved in the conservation of the marine environment. T&AD POYSER 2004 HB 511pp Illus 250x185mm £50.00 18290 now £19.99 Corncrakes by John G Kuelemans, 1897-1905 Darren Woodhead In watercolour paintings that pulse with life and light, Darren Woodhead has captured the outstanding natural beauty of the countryside around Carlops and the valley of the North Esk river, which lies just south of Edinburgh on the edge of the Pentland Hills. This beautifully produced volume contains reproductions of 125 watercolours, following local flora and fauna through the seasons during Woodhead’s year as Artist in Residence at the Orcome Trust, along with the artist’s own commentary on his work. Anita Albus Weaving together natural history, investigative reporting and a rich fund of literary and artistic knowledge, this remarkable book tells the story of ten rare or extinct bird species, from the Carolina parakeet to the great auk. Illustrated with the author’s own superb artwork and historic images by Audubon, Edward Lear and others, it explains, in graceful, precise prose, why their decline is a devastating loss not only to the natural world but also to our arts, culture and mythology. UP RIVER: The Song of the Esk BIRLINN 2009 HB 160pp Illus 305x270mm £30.00 11517 now £11.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk ON RARE BIRDS LYONS 2011 HB 276pp Illus $24.95 16407 now £7.99 51 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 52 www.psbooks.co.uk GARDENING/FOOD SUCCESS IN THE GARDEN SERIES OF RHUBARB AND ROSES The Telegraph Book of the Garden Tim Richardson The Daily Telegraph has long been popular reading among gardeners, and its pages have featured some of the nation’s finest horticultural writers. Compiled by the newspaper’s gardening columnist, this lively and varied anthology includes articles by Fred Whitsey, Rosemary Verey and Bunny Guinness, along with the more esoteric musings of Bill Deedes, Germaine Greer and Roy Strong. The subjects range from Vita Sackville-West’s garden at Sissinghurst to how to grow prize-winning pumpkins. Book club edition. AURUM 2013 HB 464pp Illus £25.00 17514 now £7.99 Written by expert gardeners with decades of experience, and extensively illustrated with colour photographs, this series tackles specific garden conditions or types of plant and offers a guide to designing your garden and choosing and cultivating appropriate plants. The second part of each book is a detailed A-Z directory of plants GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2004-08 PB 160pp Illus £12.95 each now £3.99 each SUCCESS WITH SUN-LOVING PLANTS Graham Clarke There is an enormous variety of sun-loving plants, with endless potential for stunning planting schemes. Graham Clarke shows how to select sun-loving varieties and plant with confidence, whatever your experience and abilities. 17651 SUCCESS WITH ALKALINE-LOVING PLANTS Graham Clarke After explaining what alkaline soil is and how to cope with it, Graham Clarke shows how to turn it to your advantage with trees and shrubs such as flowering cherry and weigela, fruits and vegetables including blackcurrants and asparagus and a colourful range of annuals, perennials and bulbs. 17649 SUCCESS WITH ACID-LOVING PLANTS Graham Clarke Covering annuals, perennials, bulbs, alpines and fruit and vegetables as well as the familiar heathers, rhododendrons, azaleas and hydrangeas, this guide identifies plants that are most suited to acid soils and explains how to create a high quality garden when you have a low pH soil. 17648 Eric Sawford offers practical advice on choosing, buying, planting and growing bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes. The A-Z directory is the major part of the book, with detailed notes on plants including alliums, anemones, dahlias, lilies, daffodils, tulips and irises. 17650 SUCCESS WITH BULBS 52 NEW THE PAPER GARDEN Mrs Delany Begins Her Life’s Work at 72 Molly Peacock Mary Delany (17001788) had already led a full and fascinating life when, at the age of 72, she began to create paper collage flowers. With her eye for botanical detail, she completed nearly 1,000 plant depictions so accurate that botanists still refer to them. Illustrated with 35 reproductions of her flower ‘mosaicks’, this book traces Mary’s extraordinary life – her marriages, her family and her friendships with Handel, Swift, Hogarth and Queen Charlotte and George III. BLOOMSBURY 2012 PB 413pp Illus £12.99 18263 now £5.99 GARDENERS’ QUESTION TIME: PLANT CHOOSER Matthew Biggs; John Cushnie et al Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time has informed and entertained horticulturalists since 1947. Written by four of its regular panellists, this handsomely illustrated guide is packed with recommendations for flowers, shrubs and trees for each month of the year, and for every situation and soil type. Complete with practical tips and an index of plant names, it is clear, helpful, authoritative and – as listeners to the programme will know – opinionated, irreverent and never dull. KYLE CATHIE 2003 PB 416pp Illus 240x210mm Alan Mansfield The skill of growing fruit is to manage the shape and size of the tree or plant so that it can produce the best quality yield without becoming exhausted. Illustrated with colour photographs throughout, this gardener’s guide provides tips on choosing the most appropriate fruits for your garden, instruction on how to train, support, prune and protect them, and detailed advice on individual fruits, from container-grown raspberries to apple, pear and plum trees. Anna Pavord The best-selling author of The Tulip shows how to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs, combining them with flowers in a kitchen garden that is beautiful as well as productive. Growing Food has plans for different garden styles such as the cottage garden, the city larder and the orchard, and shows how to achieve the ordered profusion that is the hallmark of the best kitchen gardens. CROWOOD 2012 PB 208pp Illus 245x190mm FRANCES LINCOLN 2011 PB 288pp £16.99 11444 now £5.99 £7.99 16878 now £3.99 GROWING FRUIT £16.99 88768 now £6.99 NEW GROWING FOOD FOOD Ken Albala The humble bean has always attracted attention – from Pythagoras’ notion (according to Varro) that the bean hosted a human soul to current research into the deadly toxins contained in the most commonly eaten beans. Ken Albala tells the story of the bean, from ancient times to the present, arranging his book as a series of bean biographies, from lentils to soy, and including 55 historic bean recipes such as Pease Pudding, Hoppin’ John, Fagioli Antipasto, Succotash and Miso Soup. BERG 2007 HB 262pp BEANS: A History £14.99 77579 now £3.99 Mike Smylie Herring has been fished in the seas around Britain for over two millennia; at one point, tens of thousands of people were involved in catching, processing and selling the ‘silver darlings’. Fishing historian Mike Smylie tells the story of herring fishing and consumption since Roman times, describing the way of life of the fishermen and the communities whose existence revolved round herring, and he also provides a number of recipes for herrings, kippers and bloaters. HISTORY PRESS 2011 HB 256pp Illus NEW HERRING: A History of the Silver Darlings £12.99 17027 now £4.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:14 Page 53 Order line: 01626 897100 NEW SPICES, SALT AND AROMATICS IN THE ENGLISH KITCHEN Elizabeth David Legendary cook Elizabeth David describes how English food has for centuries been influenced by oriental trade, and explains the origins and uses of spices and aromatics such as nutmeg, cardamom and juniper. With delicious recipes – among them, Mussels in Saffron Sauce, Lamb and Aubergine Stew and Cinnamon Ice Cream – the book captures what David described as ‘the English love affair with Eastern food and Arabian Nights ingredients’. First published in 1970. GRUB STREET 2011 HB 279pp £12.99 17142 now £5.99 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FAVOURITE PUDDINGS, DESSERTS AND CAKES Barbara Dixon Bakes and steamed puddings, pies, tarts and hot fruit puddings, creams, mousses and jellies, ice creams and sorbets, cheesecakes, gateaux, meringues and trifles, chocolate everything... All 250 delicious recipes in this Good Housekeeping cookbook are tried and tested – and photographed. The recipes are given with imperial and metric measurements, and with nutritional information. COLLINS & BROWN 2011 HB 288pp Illus 245x188mm £14.99 85387 now £6.99 FOOD & DRINK NEW HEALTHY EATING FOR DIABETES Antony Worrall Thompson Chef Antony Worrall Thompson, who suffered from the pre-diabetes Syndrome X, teamed up with a dietician to create the 100 recipes presented here alongside scientific information from a leading diabetes research charity. With exciting dishes for every meal of the day, including Salmon Timbales, Thai Fish Soup, Tuscan-Style Lamb and Poached Figs in Red Wine, you can enjoy your food while benefiting your overall health and improving your diabetes outlook. KYLE 2009 PB 144pp Illus 220x210mm $16.95 16972 now £4.99 Daniel Green; Catherine Collins The 100 delicious recipes presented in this book have been created by a chef and dietician, working together to help people with high cholesterol. With chapters on breakfasts, salads, snacks, main courses and deserts, and recipes such as Buckwheat Pancakes, Mexican Breakfast Burritos, Oriental Chicken Wraps, Salmon Fishcakes and Light Chocolate Tart, you need never feel deprived while looking after your health. KYLE 2008 PB 144pp Illus 220x210mm NEW HEALTHY EATING FOR LOWER CHOLESTEROL $16.95 16971 now £4.99 5 INGREDIENTS, 10 MINUTES COOKING WITH THE MASTER CHEF PENGUIN 2013 PB 305pp Illus 230x190mm PHOENIX 2012 PB 224pp Illus 245x185mm £14.99 97730 now £7.99 £16.99 16398 now £7.99 Levi Roots is well known for his Reggae Reggae brand of sauces. Here he collects over 100 delicious recipes that use his trademark Caribbean spices and herbs. In vibrant dishes he adds oranges and allspice to mackerel, mustard and nutmeg to macaroni cheese, mixes mussels and sweet potato in a coconut curry, and transforms orange ice cream with thyme and Curaçao. A TASTE OF SOMERSET Jules Clancy At the end of a hard day’s work, few of us have the energy for cooking, or the inclination to wait long for the results. This friendly cookbook provides an appetising solution: almost 150 delicious, healthy recipes that contain no more than five ingredients and will be ready in ten minutes or less. With a choice of starters, mains and desserts including Smoked Tomato Soup, Beef with Buttery Courgettes and Mixed Berry Sorbet, you will never need the microwave again. SPICE IT UP! Brewing room of the Trappist Abbaye de Notre Dame de Saint-Rémy, Rochfort, France THE WORLD ATLAS OF BEER Tim Webb; Stephen Beaumont The establishment of artisan breweries producing craft beers is a growing trend, not just in Britain, but in many parts of the world. Beyond the famous labels of international brands there are thousands of varieties of beer, from barrel-aged Californian brews to Bavarian wheat beers, each with its own subtle character. This illustrated guide is a complete reference to the development of beer and brewing techniques around the world and includes tasting notes for 500 beers and maps locating important breweries. MITCHELL BEAZLEY 2012 HB 256pp Illus 290x227mm £25.00 16533 now £11.99 Michel Roux Jr Famous as chef de cuisine at Le Gavroche and as a judge on Masterchef, Michel Roux Jr is a renowned chef of classic French food. In this compendium of his best recipes he shares signature dishes reworked for the home, including a Salade Lyonnaise of Dandelion, Bacon and Eggs, Wild Boar Paté with Juniper Berries, Creamy Crab Gratin, Salted Caramel and Walnut Tart and Olive Oil Cake with Lavender and Roasted Figs. Andrea Leeman This celebration of the food and drink of Somerset mixes profiles dedicated local producers with recipes designed to make the most of fresh local, seasonal ingredients. The regional specialities include cheeses, poultry, apples, smoked fish, ciders, beers and English wines. REDCLIFFE 2004 PB 112pp Illus £12.50 36746 now £3.99 MITCHELL BEAZLEY 2011 HB 208pp Illus £18.99 16531 now £6.99 GOOD OLD-FASHIONED JAMS, PRESERVES AND CHUTNEYS Sara Paston-Williams Doyenne of British cooking Sara Paston-Williams shares her wealth of experience with fresh ingredients and homemade recipes, demonstrating how to make chutneys and relishes, pickles, jams and jellies, marmalades and mincemeats. The recipes include both traditional favourites such as Piccalilli and Seville Orange Marmalade and more unusual preserves such as Spiced Blackberries and Fruit Leathers – many of them originating in National Trust kitchens. NATIONAL TRUST 2008 HB 176pp Illus 245x190mm £16.99 11826 now £6.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 53 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 54 www.psbooks.co.uk MUSIC David Wyn Jones In his final years Haydn was one of the greatest celebrities of the age, a recipient of awards from across Europe; today he is celebrated as a pioneer of the symphony and quartet. This biography challenges simplistic pigeonholing of the composer as ‘genial’ and ‘Viennese’, focusing on the importance of his London visits, probing the contradictions of this unquestioningly religious Enlightenment figure and exposing the darker side of his commercial double dealing and troubled marriage. CAMBRIDGE UP 2010 HB 264pp NEW THE STORY OF THE RING Wagner’s Der Ring Des Nibelungen Michael Birkett Wagner’s Ring cycle is often regarded as a masterpiece of impenetrable complexity, but here, in lucid prose, Michael Birkett retells the four music dramas – The Rhinegold, The Valkyries, Siegfried and Twilight of the Gods – to reveal the primal simplicity of this epic story of power, love, heroism and conflict. Stage designer Elizabeth Bury’s accompanying illustrations evoke the dark magic of this tragic drama as it moves inexorably to its apocalyptic finale. OBERON 2009 HB 112pp Illus THE LIFE OF HAYDN £25.00 17584 now £7.99 £64.99 17770 now £14.99 The Ride of the Valkyries MESSIAH The Composer’s Autograph Manuscript in Facsimile Robert L Doerschuk ‘Every step forward in jazz piano has been taken within a context of what came before’: Robert Doerschuk surveys the careers of 88 jazz pianists – one for each key on the piano – beginning with the age of Jelly Roll Morton and Fats Waller and taking the story down to the present day with modern legends such as Harry Connick Jr and Benny Green. Each of the essays includes analysis of the player’s style and innovations, with discussion of key recordings. 88: The Giants of Jazz Piano George Frideric Handel After Handel’s death his autograph manuscripts were presented to the Royal Music Library and have now become some of the British Library’s greatest musical treasures. This sumptuous volume presents a complete colour facsimile of the composition score of Messiah, which was finished in September 1741, along with preliminary sketches and later additions. Donald Burrows’ introduction outlines the history of the work, identifies evidence of Handel’s revisions and assesses the condition of the manuscript after 250 years. BRITISH LIBRARY 2008 HB 332pp Illus 280x335mm BACKBEAT 2001 HB 351pp Illus 242x200mm $29.95 69690 now £6.99 £345.00 92947 now £100.00 JOURNEYING BOY The Diaries of the Young Benjamin Britten 1928-1938 Ed. John Evans The diaries which Britten kept between the ages of 14 and 24 offer an intimate record of the young composer’s daily life and musical development, from Gresham’s School to the Royal College of Music and his first experiences working as a professional musician. Set against the backdrop of the turbulent 1930s, they also reveal the influence of new (and more worldly-wise) friends such as Auden, Isherwood, Louis MacNeice and Peter Pears on Britten’s political views and emotional life. FABER 2010 PB 600pp Illus £14.99 95131 now £5.99 UNLOCKING THE MASTERS SERIES Each of these guides to key classical repertoire by John Bell Young begins with a chapter introducing the composer’s life and times, then provides analyses of a selection of works, complemented by illustrative excerpts on the accompanying audio CD. AMADEUS 2008/9 PB + audio CD 164-225pp £16.95-£18.95 each now £5.99 each Hailed as Beethoven’s true successor but disdainful of Liszt and Wagner, Brahms was one of the 19th century’s most polarizing figures. This survey covers his piano music, the piano quintet, all four symphonies, the violin concerto and A German Requiem, setting them in the musical context of Brahms’ time. 99949 BRAHMS: A Listener’s Guide With their sweeping drama and such melodies as ‘Nessun dorma’, Puccini’s works are operatic mainstays. This guide combines description of the operas’ plots PUCCINI: A Listener’s Guide 54 with analysis of musical detail and character development. As well as tracks from the operas, the CD features the string quartet Crisantemi, source of two themes in Manon Lescaut. 99984 LISZT: A Listener’s Guide to his Piano Works Liszt was a virtuosic pianist and left an enormous body of piano music in which he pushed the boundaries of form and harmony. John Bell Young discusses a representative sample, from a transcription of a Schubert song to the magniloquent B Minor Sonata. 99975 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 THE GREAT FOLK DISCOGRAPHY Volume 1: Pioneers and Early Legends Martin C Strong The first volume of Martin Strong’s groundbreaking trilogy of folk encyclopedias includes over 500 biographies of individuals and groups, along with album reviews, discographies and commentaries on styles and influences. Focusing on pioneers and early legends, it takes us from the ‘unique musical talent’ of Leadbelly via the still ‘utterly relevant’ Woody Guthrie to the US folk revival and British artists of the 1960s and ’70s, including Fairport Convention, Nick Drake and the Incredible String Band. POLYGON 2010 PB 643pp 270x210mm £20.00 88425 now £6.99 THE GREAT FOLK DISCOGRAPHY Volume 2: The Next Generation Martin C Strong The second volume of Strong’s trilogy takes us from the late 1970s, where ‘folk music had the stuffing kicked out of it by the advent of punk and new wave’, through the genre’s swift revival via emerging 1980s acts such as Billy Bragg and the Waterboys, up to the present day. The Next Generation features over 500 biographies of individuals and groups, plus album reviews, discographies and commentaries on styles and influences. POLYGON 2011 PB 359pp 270x210mm £20.00 88426 now £6.99 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 55 Order line: 01626 897100 MUSIC/PERFORMING ARTS NEW HALFWAY TO PARADISE The Birth of British Rock Alwyn W Turner From Alma Cogan in ostrich feathers, and Bessie Smith at the Royal Albert Hall in the 1950s, to the Beatles, in matching suits and hair-dos in 1963, this history of British pop and rock music draws on the V&A’s archive of photographs by Harry Hammond. For nearly two decades, Hammond was Britain’s leading showbiz photographer, capturing definitive images of virtually every leading British musician – and visiting Americans – during a period that saw a radical transformation of popular music. V&A 2008 HB 240pp Illus 285x244mm LONNIE DONEGAN and the Birth of Rock and Roll Patrick Humphries Lonnie Donegan’s energetic skiffle made a seismic impact on the post-war greyness of the 1950s, kick-starting the British pop and rock scene. This biography, which draws on exclusive interviews with figures such as Paul McCartney, Brian May, George Melly and John Peel, traces Donegan’s career from listening to the American Forces Network as a teenager, through experience with traditional jazz bands, to the blues and folk songs he made famous. £20.00 17057 now £7.99 ROBSON 2012 HB 396pp Illus The charismatic Billy Fury on stage £25.00 16455 now £7.99 GLAM ROCK Dandies in the Underworld NEW Alwyn W Turner Glam rock is associated with flamboyant and theatrical costume but there was a new sensibility in the music too, rejecting self-indulgent blues and progressive rock in favour of a return to the values of early rock ‘n’ roll. Drawing on the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, this thoughtful celebration of the phenomenon traces its various origins and includes a selection of photographs and ephemera featuring artists such as David Bowie and Roxy Music. V&A 2013 HB 160pp Illus 270x215mm £25.00 17056 now £11.99 NEW HAYNES BRASS INSTRUMENT MANUAL How to Buy, Maintain and Set up Your Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Horn and Cornet Simon Croft; Andy Taylor From the trombones and French horns of the symphony orchestra to double bell euphoniums, Wagner tubas and jazzaphon trumpets, there is a wide array of sizes, shapes and designs in the brass family. This practical manual sets out to explain why the different instruments are designed the way they are, how they work and how they should be maintained and repaired. The technical maintenance and repair section includes detailed easy-to-follow instructions with step-by-step photographs. HAYNES 2013 HB 208pp Illus £21.99 18022 now £9.99 ELECTRIC GUITARS AND BASSES A Photographic History George Gruhn; Walter Carter Famous models of electric guitar such as the Fender Stratocaster or Gibson Les Paul are not only icons of 20th century design but, for millions of musicians and music fans, powerful objects of desire. Focusing on the American manufacturers that have led the development of the instrument, this highly illustrated volume traces its evolution from the early Hawaiian prototypes of the 1930s to the classic models developed and refined from the 1950s to the 1970s. BACKBEAT 2010 PB 270pp Illus 275x212mm £16.99 10569 now £6.99 IMPERIAL DEATH STAR DS-1 ORBITAL BATTLE STATION Owner’s Workshop Manual NEW Ryder Windham; Chris Reiff; Chris Trevas The evil Empire of the Star Wars universe conceived the Death Star – a 120km-diameter battle station capable of destroying a planet – to be the ultimate power in the galaxy. This technical manual explains in detail its design, construction, systems and controls, and is illustrated with a range of computer-generated artworks, floor plans and cutaways. The book is fully authorized by Lucasfilm and also contains information about the second Death Star, which featured in Return of the Jedi. HAYNES 2013 HB 128pp Illus £16.99 18024 now £6.99 NEW THE SHAKESPEARE COMPANY, 1594-1642 Andrew Gurr In 1594, a group of London players, including William Shakespeare, Richard Burbage and Will Kemp, banded together to form the theatre company that, in 1603, became the King’s Men. This first history of the troupe examines its origins, development, finances, and uniquely democratic structure whereby its members were all part-owners. It lists its entire repertoire – including all Shakespeare’s plays – and profiles the 99 actors who served in its ranks until the theatres closed in 1642. CAMBRIDGE UP 2006 HB 356pp HAVE YOU SEEN...? A Personal Introduction to 1,000 Films David Thomson What was the greatest movie ever made – Citizen Kane or Vertigo? To this and other cinematic posers, Thomson brings a lifetime’s experience as film critic and movie lover. From Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein to Zabriskie Point, and covering movie-making from 1895 to 2007, serious arthouse to wacky comedy, Thompson’s short, sharp essays rescue dozens of great films from obscurity and puncture several undeserved reputations. American-cut pages. KNOPF 2009 HB 1,024pp $39.95 88827 now £9.99 HARRY H CORBETT The Front Legs of the Cow Susannah Corbett Before landing the role of ’Arold Steptoe in 1962, Harry H Corbett had been gaining a reputation as one of Britain’s most promising serious actors. Appearing in Shakespeare, TV drama and Joan Littlewood’s Theatre Workshop, his intense performances provoked comparisons to Marlon Brando. This biography, written by his daughter, recounts how he rose from a Manchester slum and how the enormous success of Steptoe and Son restricted his later career. HISTORY PRESS 2012 PB 461pp Illus £9.99 16880 now £3.99 £109.99 17792 now £19.99 Donald Spoto For more than a century, the Redgraves have defined theatre and film. Drawing on personal knowledge and many interviews, this biography charts the private and professional lives of the dynasty, from the brilliant, troubled Michael Redgrave and his wife Rachel Kempson, through their offspring Lynn, Vanessa and Corin, to the triumphs and tragedies of the latest generation. The result is an epic study of a talented, volatile, passionate and controversial family. ROBSON 2012 HB 381pp Illus THE REDGRAVES: A Family Epic £25.00 16460 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 55 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 56 www.psbooks.co.uk CRAFTS & HOBBIES NEW THE KNITTER’S HANDBOOK Over 90 Stitches and Techniques Explained Eleanor van Zandt For new knitters who want to learn the basics, or experienced knitters wanting to try more complex patterns, this practical book provides clear instructions and step-by-step illustrations for more than 90 stitches and techniques. Beginning with an introduction to yarns, equipment and casting on and off, the guide has chapters on following a pattern, special textures, knitting in the round, colourwork, embellishments and advanced techniques. HAMLYN 2012 PB 256pp Illus 198x188mm CREATIVE LETTERING Experimental Ideas for Contemporary Lettering Margaret Morgan Hand-drawn lettering is very much in vogue in modern graphic design. This practical guide shows how to produce colourful and contemporary effects with creative letterforms. There are clear explanations of the basic techniques of letter construction, spacing and relative proportion but the book takes a looser, more intuitive approach than traditional calligraphy, the projects and exercises that use everyday writing tools and materials rather than specialist precision equipment. A&C BLACK 2009 PB 96pp Illus 277x220mm £15.99 11930 now £5.99 Nightflight: low-relief barn owl sculpture £9.99 18205 now £3.99 Claire Crompton In this clearly illustrated guide, Claire Crompton, author of the bestselling The Knitter’s Bible, provides a comprehensive sourcebook of 200 knitting stitches covering everything from simple plain and purl to embossed fabrics, complex cable stitches and slip stitch colour patterns. There are also instructions for nine projects, including a patchwork cushion, a cable poncho, a lacy bag knitted in cotton yearn and a romantic rose bed throw. DAVID & CHARLES 2010 PB 144pp Illus 278x215mm NEW THE KNITTER’S BIBLE STITCH LIBRARY £14.99 18172 now £5.99 MODELLING ASPECTS OF MODELLING: LINESIDE BUILDINGS Nigel Digby In this well-illustrated, practical guide Nigel Digby gives the background history to railway buildings and their various functions and the typical civil engineering structures to be found on British railways. He also discusses the development of a model, including research, measurement and scale drawing, and provides some case studies, with examples of model construction mostly from his own speciality, the Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway. IAN ALLAN 2012 PB 96pp Illus 280x210mm £14.99 17125 now £5.99 Billingham signal box and level crossing on a Middlesbrough Model Railway Club 00 layout f See also Signalboxes for the Modeller on page 60 HORNBY MAGAZINE YEARBOOK No. 3 NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ORIGAMI AND PAPERCRAFT TECHNIQUES Ayako Brodek; Ed. Claire Waite Brown From intricate paper sculptures to simple collages, this creative craft book teaches a wide variety of papercraft techniques including origami, pop-ups, quilling, papier maché, bookbinding, weaving, collage and papermaking. Each of the sections includes comprehensive instructions, with diagrams, step-by-step photographs and equipment lists, and there are projects to try as well as inspirational examples of accomplished work in the various disciplines. Slightly off-mint. RUNNING 2011 PB 160pp Illus 223x223mm £11.99 11745 now £5.99 56 Ed. Mike Wild Inspiration for perfecting your model railway is provided in this annual round-up of the best of Hornby Magazine with a number of accomplished layouts including a recreation of a South London scene in the late 1960s and a 1950s Yorkshire seaside railway in ‘N’ gauge. The book also gives technical advice, with tutorials on locomotive detailing, building a micro layout and constructing a country bus station, and there are articles on railway history. IAN ALLAN 2010 HB 128pp Illus 297x208mm £16.99 10754 now £6.99 Mat Irvine Early British model kits for cars chose the scale of 1:32 but the influence of more detailed American sets in the 1960s established a common size of 1:24 or 1:25 for the hobby. Focusing on this scale, Mat Irvine explains the tools and materials required and demonstrates how to build from kits, methods for modifying and customizing models, and specialist painting and decorative techniques. SCALE CAR MODELLING CROWOOD 2011 PB 160pp Illus £16.99 18034 now £6.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 57 Order line: 01626 897100 CRAFTS & COLLECTABLES Kathy Martin The company of Farnell & Co is of unparalleled importance in British toy history. Founded in the early 19th century, it created Britain’s first teddy bear, as well as the bear that inspired Winnie the Pooh. Kathy Martin tells the story of Farnell here for the first time: it is a tale not only of highly prized teddy bears, many illustrated here, but also of business triumphs and setbacks, family rift, devastating fire and untimely death. REMEMBER WHEN 2010 HB 192pp Illus NEW FARNELL TEDDY BEARS £19.99 18305 now £7.99 15-inch golden mohair Farnell teddy from the 1920s CERAMICS Tools and Techniques for the Contemporary Maker Louisa Taylor Ceramics is one of the most ancient of art forms, and one of the most dynamic. A perfect handbook for the 21st century ceramicist, this visual encyclopaedia combines clear, in-depth instructions, stepby-step photographs and troubleshooting tips on the full range of techniques, including hand-building, coiling, throwing, glazing, lustres, resists and firing. Artist profiles highlight the range of methods and styles employed today, and an extensive resource section includes details of trade shows, courses, galleries and suppliers. NEW Head of the Patriarch Semel, stained and painted glass in Canterbury Cathedral, c.1180 Joanna Norman This book traces the history of making in Britain across some of the key disciplines in the decorative or applied arts – stained glass, metalwork, ceramics, fabrics and woodwork, each section ending with an interview in which a present-day maker discusses their craft. The book, itself beautifully designed and bound, accompanied a series of BBC television programmes made in partnership with the V&A and is illustrated with pieces from the Museum’s collections. HANDMADE IN BRITAIN V&A 2012 HB 204pp Illus 266x215mm £25.00 17058 now £9.99 Native American stuffed cloth doll of girl with papoose JACQUI SMALL 2011 HB 288pp Illus 260x228mm £30.00 17490 now £12.99 Robin Hildyard A reference work for student and collector alike, this book presents photographs of items from the Victoria and Albert Museum’s extensive collection of European ceramics, illustrating the development of techniques and styles. Examining pieces from the Middle Ages to the present day, Hildyard discusses the influence of industrialization, the conflict between mass production and good design, and the complicated 20th century relationship between designer, manufacturer and artist. V&A 2009 PB 144pp Illus 268x215mm EUROPEAN CERAMICS £19.99 17054 now £7.99 Heron Service by Pietro Krohn, Denmark, 1889 INTAGLIO The Complete Safety-First System for Creative Printmaking Robert Adam; Carol Robertson The term ‘intaglio’ applies to any method of printing where the inked area has been dug out or incised into the plate material, either directly with a sharp instrument (engraving) or by a chemical process (etching). Many of the traditional methods involve the use of harmful chemicals and this comprehensive and inspiringly illustrated book advises on the safest working methods as well as exploring the many technical and creative possibilities. NEW Ruth E Funk; Photo. Dominic Agostini American doll collector Ruth E Funk has been assembling her unique collection for over 60 years, inspired by a fascination with the ethnic dolls and national costume figures that she has found on her extensive travels. Several hundred of her most treasured items have been carefully photographed for this book, demonstrating an eclectic range of interests from antique china figurines to modern baby dolls, exquisite miniature doll’s house furniture and whimsical animal characters. DOLLS ETCETERA PANACHE 2012 HB 264pp Illus 270x270mm $45.00 16428 now £9.99 THAMES & HUDSON 2007 PB 240pp Illus 248x225mm £19.95 17604 now £7.99 LOUIS COMFORT TIFFANY Masterworks Camilla de la Bédoyère The key player in the Art Nouveau and Aesthetic movements in America, with considerable influence in Europe, Louis Comfort Tiffany was an artist, designer, craftsman and businessman who wanted to bring art to the people. With a study of his life and career and over 170 photographs, this volume presents fine examples of the glass windows and lamps for which he is most famous, but also reveals works in other media including blown glass, ceramics, jewellery, enamels and metalwork. Drophead Dragonfly table lamp in leaded glass and bronze FLAME TREE 2013 HB 200pp Illus 275x285mm £20.00 17018 now £9.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 57 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 58 www.psbooks.co.uk SCIENCE/MATHEMATICS NEW CHARLES DARWIN’S SHORTER PUBLICATIONS, 1829-1883 John van Wyhe Charles Darwin’s words first appeared in print when he was a student at Cambridge in 1829, and in almost every subsequent year of his life he published essays, articles, letters to editors and other brief works. This book brings together all the known shorter publications and printed items Darwin wrote during his lifetime, revealing the very wide variety of his scientific interests and abilities. No jacket. CAMBRIDGE UP 2009 HB 556pp £109.99 17742 now £25.00 Roger Watson; Helen Rappaport In the 1830s two men – English gentleman-amateur scientist Henry Fox Talbot and French scenery-painter and showman Louis Daguerre – worked independently to develop methods of photography. Outlining each man’s life and work, the authors focus on the protracted experimentation by which they overcame the difficulties that had long beset efforts to fix images on paper. The final chapters cover the early impact of the new technology on art, daily life and the documentation of the American Civil War. CAPTURING THE LIGHT MACMILLAN 2013 PB 320pp Illus £12.99 16812 now £5.99 NEW ALAN TURING’S ELECTRONIC BRAIN The Struggle to Build the ACE, the World’s Fastest Computer B Jack Copeland Although best-known for cracking Germany’s Enigma code during the Second World War, Alan Turing was also the father of the modern computer, whose brilliant innovation – the stored-program universal computer – changed the world. In 23 essays, including writings by Turing himself, this volume describes his fundamental contributions to modern computing, focusing on the ACE ‘electronic brain’, but also discussing his groundbreaking research in artificial intelligence. (First published in 2005 as Alan Turing’s Automatic Computing Engine.) THE REASON WHY The Miracle of Life on Earth John Gribbin There are several hundred billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, yet out of all these, Earth is the only planet with intelligent life on it. Why? John Gribbin argues that life on Earth is the result of an extraordinary set of cosmic events have not, as yet, occurred anywhere else in our galaxy; he explains why Earth is the only intelligent planet and why it is so special. PENGUIN 2012 PB 238pp £9.99 98145 now £4.99 NEW PLANETARY SYSTEMS AND THE ORIGINS OF LIFE Ed. Ralph E Pudritz; Paul Higgs; Jonathan Stone Breakthroughs in the field of astrobiology have ranged from the study of micro-organisms adapted to living in extreme environments on Earth, to the discovery of over 200 planets orbiting around other stars and the ambitious programmes for the robotic exploration of Mars and other bodies in the Solar System. Focusing on these developments, this book explores some of the most exciting and important problems in this field. No jacket. CAMBRIDGE UP 2007 HB 323pp £94.99 17782 now £19.99 CHASING VENUS The Race to Measure the Heavens Andrea Wulf On two days in 1761 and 1769, hundreds of astronomers pointed their telescopes at the sky to observe a rare phenomenon: the transit of Venus across the sun. This elegantly written, thrillingly paced book charts the adventures, rivalries, triumphs and misfortunes of the scientists who set off around the globe in search of an answer to the big question: how can the universe be measured? WINDMILL 2013 PB 336pp Illus £8.99 16540 now £3.99 OXFORD UP 2011 PB 732pp 244x185mm £39.99 17348 now £9.99 BALL OF CONFUSION Puzzles, Problems and Perplexing Posers Johnny Ball With a career spanning 45 years, writing iconic shows such as Think of a Number, Johnny Ball is TV’s bestloved mathematician. Here he presents a mind-bending collection of cunning puzzles and teasers that will not only entertain but – without you even noticing it – improve your maths. ICON 2011 HB 240pp OXFORD UP 2012 PB 579pp £16.99 11130 now £6.99 £12.99 18184 now £3.99 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY IN THE MIDDLE EAST John M Steele Astronomy, one of the world’s oldest sciences, was born in ancient Mesopotamia; many centuries later it was the work of medieval Islamic astronomers that built on ancient Greek advances and, through the production of astronomical instruments, led to the breakthroughs of Copernicus and Kepler. Steele tells the story of Middle Eastern study of the heavens, from the earliest surviving cuneiform documents to the legacy of ancient observations, models and theories in modern science. SAQI 2008 PB 154pp Illus £7.99 16862 now £3.99 58 THE LIGHT FANTASTIC A Modern Introduction to Classical and Quantum Optics IR Kenyon This book presents a thorough and self-contained introduction to modern optics, covering in full the three components – ray, wave and quantum optics. It also presents, from first principles, modern applications in pure research (telescopes, lasers etc) and in industry (eg. LCD screens, the CCDs in digital cameras and optical fibre-based internet). The text covers all that would be needed over a comprehensive course at advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level. THE DICTIONARY OF NINETEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH SCIENTISTS Russell Stannard The last few centuries have seen a huge expansion in our understanding of the world around us but are we approaching the limits of what it is possible to discover? In this summary of the challenges facing modern science, Russell Stannard argues that there are questions that it may be beyond us to fully explain, such as the nature of time, the size of the universe or what constitutes consciousness. OXFORD UP 2010 HB 236pp THE END OF DISCOVERY £14.99 17282 now £5.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 (Four volumes) Ed. Bernard Lightman With more than 1200 entries on both prominent and lesserknown figures, this major reference work offers a detailed summary of the development of British science in the 19th century. With equal attention paid to amateur and professional scientists, the dictionary covers areas such as phrenology, mesmerism, scientific journalism and instrument making, as well as the more traditional sciences. No jackets. THOEMMES 2004 HB 2296pp £850.00 56875 now £60.00 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 59 Order line: 01626 897100 TRANSPORT EMOTIONS OF RAILWAY ART RAILWAYS OF BRITAIN SERIES The Guild of Railway Artists supports and promotes artists depicting any aspect of the railways, past and present, through exhibitions and assistance with historical research. This collection of 101 works by 35 of its members ranges from Malcolm Root’s nostalgic depiction of a Gresley V2 in the setting sun to Ray Gale’s silk screen print of trams in Vienna. Each reproduction is accompanied by a caption describing the railway scene and providing details of the artist’s inspiration, technique and medium. Slightly off-mint. Each volume in this series of invaluable reference works by Colin and David McCarthy includes a succinct illustrated history of the railways in the region and detailed large-scale mapping which displays every railway built in the counties covered, identifying passenger, freight, closed and preserved lines, and dates for the opening and (if relevant) closure of every line and station. IAN ALLAN 2007-9 HB 128-144pp Illus £40.00 16606 now £14.99 The railways of London developed as a myriad inter-city and local lines were incorporated into a network. This study of the area north of the Thames presents a series of colour-coded maps which show the railway infrastructure and the major roads. Accompanying these is a history of the original overground, underground and industrial lines (arranged alphabetically), the great London termini, locomotive sheds and other facilities. Finally, there is a gazetteer of the stations featured. 99391 £19.99 each now £7.99 each LONDON NORTH OF THE THAMES HAYNES 2011 HB 112pp Illus 267x288mm THE WEST THE RAILROADS MADE NEW Carlos A Schwantes; James P Ronda The construction of railways across the open plains of North America transformed the nation, setting up rivalries between gateway cities such as St Louis and Chicago, rapidly growing the settlements of the west coast such as Los Angeles and Seattle and transforming much of the territory in between. This analysis of how railways shaped the American West draws on the archives of the University of Missouri’s Barriger Railroad Library and is illustrated with contemporary maps, archive photographs and period ephemera. WASHINGTON UP 2008 HB 231pp Illus 250x214mm £27.99 17115 now £8.99 THE TIMES MAPPING THE RAILWAYS David Spaven; Julian Holland The 121 maps reproduced in this volume tell the story of the railways in Britain in a unique and visual way, from proposals and plans produced by the early pioneers to specially commissioned maps showing recent reopenings and newly-built lines. Including passenger route planners from the height of the steam age and Beeching’s controversial network revisions of the 1960s, the book charts two centuries of profound change and provides insights into both railway and cartographic history. TIMES 2014 HB 304pp Illus 285x220mm £30.00 94872 now £12.99 NEW RAILWAYS RESTORED 2013 The Best-Selling Guide to Heritage Railways NEW THE LOST RAILWAY The Midlands Robert Day photographed as much as he could of railway operations in the Midlands during the 1970s and 1980s, aware that the scene was changing beyond recognition. Rather than locomotive portraits and platform scenes, he focused on the disappearing infrastructure: station buildings, signal boxes and trackside signage. This collection of 200 images is accompanied by recollections of the network from Derby up through the Peak District, across to Shrewsbury and south to Gloucester. IAN ALLAN 2013 PB 128pp Illus £18.00 17131 now £5.99 Ed. Alan C Butcher In recent decades, the railway preservation movement has successfully rescued countless old locomotives and carriages, renovated lines and provided thriving tourist attractions serving both committed railway enthusiasts and family day trippers. This comprehensive guide provides visitor information for well over 200 railway heritage and preservation centres in Britain and Ireland and provides full listings of the locomotives and rolling stock housed at each site as well as details of the routes, fares and timetables. IAN ALLAN 2012 PB 256pp Illus The main lines into Devon and Cornwall were routed to avoid the significant obstacles of a rugged coastline and high moorland but the earliest railways were local ones, built to transport stone, tin and china clay, particularly in Cornwall. Thanks to the decline in mining and the withdrawal of rural passenger services, the region is peppered with closed lines, some now operating as preserved railways. 16471 DEVON AND CORNWALL The early development of railways in Kent and Sussex was dominated by competition between the London, Brighton and South Coast, the London, Chatham and Dover and the South Eastern railways. Being a largely agricultural area there have been few industrial railways but access to seaside resorts, historic ports and the Channel Tunnel has profoundly influenced railway development in the region. 16472 KENT AND SUSSEX £18.00 17132 now £4.99 David Hucknall For diesel enthusiasts, this is a superb collection of around 180 black and white photographs portraying the important locomotive classes, supported by David Hucknall’s meticulously researched and well-written captions. From the Deltics, the ‘Warships’ and the ‘Westerns’ to the Class 50s and 47s, and even including the humble but essential multiple units, the book records a fascinating evolutionary period for Britain’s railways. HISTORY PRESS 2012 PB 160pp Illus BRITISH DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES £14.99 93557 now £5.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk f 59 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 60 www.psbooks.co.uk TRANSPORT AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE TRAVELLING POST OFFICE Peter Johnson The Travelling Post Office – the transport of mail by train, with sorting carried out on the move – was a part of Britain’s railway operations for over 160 years. In a history illustrated with some 250 photographs, Peter Johnson charts the development of the TPO since 1838; he describes the routes, services and rolling stock it used, the consequences of the 1963 Great Train Robbery, and the deteriorating relationship with the privatized railways, up to the abandonment of TPO services in 2004. OPC 2009 HB 144pp Illus 290x215mm £19.99 97207 now £7.99 BR PASSENGER SECTORS IN COLOUR For the Modeller and Historian NEW David Cable From 1983 until privatization in 1996, British Rail was organized into separate sectors rather than all operations falling under a single corporate umbrella. For passenger services this meant new brands such as InterCity and Scotrail, each with its own colour scheme to replace the old blue livery. This book examines the various classes of locomotives and multiple units used in these sectors in over 200 colour photographs and associated captions. IAN ALLAN 2012 PB 96pp Illus 280x212mm £18.99 17127 now £6.99 LONDON’S VICTORIA EMBANKMENT Robert J Harley Victoria Embankment, known to Londoners as simply ‘The Embankment’, was opened in 1870, when, according to The Times, the inauguration ceremony was marred by ‘a great mob of roughs’ invading the carriageway. Robert Harley’s richly illustrated book is packed with such anecdote. It traces the history of Vulliamy and Bazalgette’s combined embankment and sewage conduit, along with the Westminster, Blackfriars and Waterloo bridges, focusing on the changing modes of transport – from steamboats to motor cars – that have plied the once elegant thoroughfare. CAPITAL HISTORY 2005 HB 120pp Illus 250x216mm £16.95 45503 now £9.99 LONDON UNDERGROUND 1863 Onwards (All Lines and Extensions) Owners’ Workshop Manual Paul Moss The first underground trains ran in London in 1863 between Paddington (then called Bishop’s Road) and Farringdon stations. It is remarkable to note that at that early date steam locomotives were used, filling the tunnels with smoke and soot; the first electric trains were introduced in 1890. Presented in Haynes’s famous Owners’ Workshop Manual livery, this book provides an accessible and well illustrated introduction to the history and workings of the world’s oldest underground railway. HAYNES 2014 HB 189pp Illus 269x210mm £21.99 17012 now £11.99 Michael HC Baker Designed to replace the ‘RT’ buses, which had been in production since 1938, the Routemaster was introduced in 1956 as the long-standing programme to replace London’s electric trolleybuses continued. This pocket history describes how the bus become a London icon, despite far fewer being built than the RT, and illustrates the Routemaster in the many colours of its long career from original service duty to privatized operations and heritage assignments. IAN ALLAN 2010 HB 128pp Illus 130x188mm NEW THE ROUTEMASTER £9.99 17133 now £4.99 Kirkton Lime Sidings signalbox in North Lincolnshire SIGNALBOXES FOR THE MODELLER NEW Michael A Vanns The majority of railway modellers are interested in reproducing a period scene somewhere between 1923 and 1968 and must therefore include a signalbox in their layout. This comprehensive analysis of these buildings on the British railway network considers the various styles constructed at different periods and in different regions, the equipment associated with them, inside and out, and where they should be located on a model layout for maximum authenticity. IAN ALLAN 2011 PB 80pp Illus 280x210mm £14.99 17135 now £5.99 60 US AIRCRAFT IN THE SOVIET UNION AND RUSSIA An Aeroflot Boeing 737 takes off from Moscow-Sheremet’yevo airport Yefim Gordon Even before the revolution of 1917, American aircraft were being imported into Russia, beginning an association between the two nations’ aviation industries, which was particularly important to design development during the 1930s and the prosecution of the Second World War. This review of the relationship examines collaborations from the early years of flight to the post-Cold War period, and is illustrated with over 600 photographs, design drawings and colour illustrations. MIDLAND 2008 HB 336pp Illus 280x214mm £40.00 16673 now £16.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 61 Order line: 01626 897100 TRANSPORT/SPORT NEW COASTAL SHIPS AND FERRIES Second edition David Hornsby Listing fleet information about all the major ferry and coastal shipping operators based in northern European waters, this comprehensive volume gives details of every ship in service with a deadweight tonnage of up to 10,000, recording their specifications, year of manufacture and country of origin, as well as freight or passenger capacity. There are also brief details about each operating company, and almost 200 colour photographs complete this up-to-date survey of coastal shipping. Back by popular demand IAN ALLAN 2010 HB 224pp Illus £24.99 17128 now £7.99 NEW LONDON UNDERGROUND STATIONS IN COLOUR For the Modeller and Historian John Glover From the oxblood tiled exteriors of the 1900s and the striking Art Deco buildings of the 1930s to the spacious designs of the 21st century, the London Underground has significantly contributed to the capital’s architectural heritage. This photographic survey illustrates the wide variety of designs and provides, in detailed captions, an account of the development of station architecture across the network from the 1860s to the present day. IAN ALLAN 2009 PB 96pp Illus 278x210mm £16.99 17130 now £5.99 COMMUTER CITY How the Railways Shaped London David Wragg The 19th century expansion of London would have been impossible without one crucial innovation: the railway. Suddenly, far-flung hamlets were within an hour of the centre and ripe for development. This study charts the railways’ effect on the growth of the city, its layout, its governance and its society. It profiles the companies and individuals that drove the process, the decisions that shaped it, the massive upheaval it caused – and its legacy today. WHARNCLIFFE 2010 HB 301pp £19.99 11958 now £6.99 THE WORLD’S MERCHANT SHIPS Images and Impressions Robert Lloyd; Roy Fenton The paintings of maritime artist Robert Lloyd are noted for capturing ships in their element, whether berthing at Liverpool or out at sea in full cry. This volume reproduces over 60 of his works, depicting the merchant craft of many countries during the golden age of shipping – the decades following the Second World War. The accompanying text gives details of each ship’s history and career, drawing on the recollections of people who knew the vessel. SHIPS IN FOCUS 2005 HB 112pp Illus 215x295mm £24.00 96721 now £9.99 GLAMOUR IN THE SKIES The Golden Age of the Air Stewardess Libbie Escolme-Schmidt Starting in the 1930s in 12-passenger, tri-motor Boeing 80s, air stewardesses progressed to serving hundreds on Jumbo jets, while flying evolved from a dangerous adventure to a safe and comfortable way to travel. Written by a former BOAC stewardess and drawing on the testimony of flight-deck and cabin crew, this book celebrates the stewardesses of British Airways and their predecessors, from 1936 to 1980, and evokes the excitement and optimism of the early years of passenger airliners. Offmint. HISTORY PRESS 2009 HB 122pp Illus £20.00 92553 now £7.99 Ed. Marshall Everett The sinking of the Titanic on its maiden voyage was an event that captured the public imagination from the moment the tragic news reached the shore. Marshall Everett’s ‘graphic and thrilling account of the sinking of the greatest floating palace ever built’, with firsthand accounts of heroism by the survivors, was published in 1912, soon after the tragedy. This deluxe memorial edition reproduces that text, with new artwork and an evocative cover design. Gilt-edged pages. HARPER 2011 HB 288pp Illus 216x160mm £16.99 99999 now £6.99 RMS AQUITANIA The Ship Beautiful Mark Chirnside Launched in 1913, Cunard’s magnificent four-funnel liner Aquitania had a long and varied career. Converted to an armed merchant cruiser in the First World War, it returned to commercial service as a transatlantic passenger ship, its lavish interiors the last word in luxury. Drawing on much unpublished material, including rare photographs and memorabilia, this absorbing history tells the ship’s epic story in words and pictures, giving technical specifications, chronicling voyages, and listing all Aquitania’s captains. HISTORY PRESS 2009 PB 96pp Illus 225x248mm FORMULA ONE YEARS The Ultimate Season-by-Season Celebration of Grand Prix Racing £19.99 87012 now £6.99 Timothy Collings; Sarah Edworthy The Formula 1 World Championship has been a continuing story of exhilarating races, intense driver rivalries, frightening accidents and engineering innovations. This illustrated history of the sport chronicles each year of the championship from the dominance of Fangio in the 1950s to 2007 when Lewis Hamilton narrowly missed out on the title in his maiden season. The book provides details of race winners, pole sitters and final championship standings and includes profiles of the leading drivers and over 300 photographs. Slightly offmint. CARLTON 2008 HB 336pp Illus 280x215mm James Hunt: F1 world champion in 1976 $39.95 16348 now £7.99 WRECK AND SINKING OF THE TITANIC The Ocean’s Greatest Disaster and personification of racing charisma HMS VICTORY 1765-1812 (First Rate Ship of the Line) Owner’s Workshop Manual Peter Goodwin Nelson’s flagship was the most formidable craft afloat when it was launched in 1765, boasting 104 guns and an 800-man crew. This detailed, illustrated analysis covers every aspect of the ship’s operation, from sails and rigging to guns and ammunition and even the men’s rations; and as well as describing Victory’s design and construction, the manual tells the story of its active service and its recent conservation. HAYNES 2015 HB 178pp Illus 268x208mm £22.99 19136 now £12.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 61 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 62 www.psbooks.co.uk ARCHITECTURE/DESIGN NEW THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE Sharon Magrelli; Giovanni Uzzani A magnificent pictorial survey of Renaissance art in Italy, this volume comprises over 500 pages of reproductions and photographs showing the progress of architecture, sculpture and painting in chapters on Florence and Tuscany, on northern Italy and on central and southern Italy, including Rome. It presents works by all the great Renaissance artists, from Piero della Francesca to Michelangelo and Raphael, with captions to the reproductions and brief introductions to each period in English, German and Russian. SLOVART 2009 HB 600pp Illus 288x287mm The 15th century Poultry Cross in Salisbury THE BUILDING OF ENGLAND How the History of England Has Shaped our Buildings Simon Thurley Throughout England’s history, its buildings have reflected not only changing tastes but social and economic conditions. This handsome volume presents a chronological survey of the nation’s architecture from Saxon times, through the cathedrals and castles of the Middle Ages to the burgeoning suburbs of Metroland. Lavishly illustrated with more than 500 colour photographs, archival images, drawings, maps and plans, it shows how buildings, whether grand public projects or modest domestic structures, reflect and embody our rich and complex history. WILLIAM COLLINS 2013 HB 544pp Illus £35.00 16805 now £11.99 18203 now £30.00 LETAROUILLY ON RENAISSANCE ROME Basilica of San Bernardino in L’Aquila by Cola dell’Amatrice, 1524-40 John Barrington Bayley; Ed. Henry Hope Reed The French architect Paul Letarouilly devoted more than 30 years to drawing the churches, palaces and monuments of Renaissance Rome. This student’s edition contains almost 200 plates from the five volumes originally published between 1825 and 1882. Accompanied by an informative text by John Barrington Bayley, Letarouilly’s lucid plans and elevations provide a systematic overview of the design principles of Michelangelo, Bramante, Bernini and other great architects of the Italian Renaissance. The book includes a useful guide for visitors to Rome. DOVER 2012 PB 224pp Illus 275x210mm £20.99 16740 now £7.99 THE ARCHITECTURE OF SHARPE, PALEY AND AUSTIN Geoff Brandwood Founded in the 1830s by the multi-talented Edmund Sharpe, the Lancaster firm of Sharpe, Paley and Austin went on to become the greatest provincial architectural practice in Victorian and Edwardian England. This book charts the firm’s history for the first time, explaining how it secured commissions through a web of personal and family connections; and, with a wealth of photographs, it illustrates the urban and rural churches, country houses, schools and infirmaries built by the company. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2012 PALACES FOR PIGS Animal Architecture and Other Beastly Buildings Lucinda Lambton For hundreds of years, people have built elaborate, extravagant and downright eccentric homes for their animals. Wearing her scholarship with deceptive charm, Lucinda Lambton surveys hundreds of these flights of fancy throughout Britain and Ireland: elegant stables, a pyramid for poultry, a half-timbered dovecote, Sir John Soane’s classical ‘canine residences’, a medieval palace for pigs, and a touching selection of pet cemeteries. In this engaging, informative and lavishly illustrated book, the British passions for architecture and animals meet. ENGLISH HB 294pp Illus 275x217mm HERITAGE 2011 HB 226pp Illus 244x187mm £50.00 17677 now £17.99 £25.00 94692 now £6.99 Edward Norman’s chronological survey of church buildings begins with the basilicas of Constantine’s reign and traces developments in architectural style and decoration up to churches and cathedrals built in the 1960s (Toyko Cathedral and St Josef at Neuss-Weckhofen). Accompanied by an outstanding collection of illustrations and photographs, the text explores how changes in church style came to be adopted, mindful always that to study a church structure is ‘to contemplate the material evidence of a reality which is invisibly present’. THAMES & HUDSON 2005 PB 312pp Illus 290x245mm THE HOUSE OF GOD: Church Architecture Style and History Burse for carrying wafers in Mass, London, c.1850 THE CHRONOLOGY OF PATTERN Pattern in Art from Lotus Flower to Flower Power Diana Newall; Christina Unwin An invaluable sourcebook for designers and art students, this chronological journey through 3,000 years of pattern styles reveals geographical and cultural contrasts and connections through the centuries, from late Bronze Age metalwork patterns to 21st century textile designs. Every chapter is richly illustrated with examples drawn from a great range of media as well as textiles, and there are summaries of the design elements for each period. The book concludes with a timeline, from 3050 BCE to 2011. A&C BLACK 2011 PB 288pp Illus 260x207mm £25.00 11985 now £9.99 62 £19.95 63185 now £8.99 John Peacock Tracing the history of children’s fashions from ancient times to the present day, this sourcebook comprises over 1,000 specially drawn examples of the clothes children of various ages wore at different periods, with accompanying text detailing every aspect of their apparel, including accessories. Concluding with a simplified time chart and a bibliography, this is a colourful, authoritative, but also very accessible reference for designers, historians and collectors. THAMES & HUDSON 2009 HB 160pp Illus 270x250mm CHILDREN’S COSTUME: The Complete Historical Sourcebook £24.95 98392 now £9.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 63 Order line: 01626 897100 DESIGN NEW CHINESE POSTERS The IISH-Landsberger Collections Stefan R Landsberger; Marien van der Heijden; Kuiyi Shen Since China’s Communist revolution in 1949, thousands of propaganda posters have been produced, instructing, hectoring and cajoling the population into following patterns of behaviour in line with government policies. Providing a fascinating insight into the modern history of China as well as a survey of an evolving graphic style, this spectacular collection ranges from antiJapanese messages of the 1930s and posters promoting the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution to those trumpeting more recent economic successes. PRESTEL 2009 PB 285pp Illus 238x190mm Poster for the 1912 Stockholm Olympics by Olle Hjortzberg £14.99 18346 now £6.99 THE WORLD’S MOST INFLUENTIAL FASHION DESIGNERS Hidden Connections and Lasting Legacies of Fashion’s Iconic Creators OLYMPIC VISIONS Images of the Games Through History Mike O’Mahony The Olympic Games have provided many powerful visual stories thanks to unforgettable sporting moments but also to evocative design and presentation, exemplified by Leni Riefenstahl’s groundbreaking film of the 1936 Berlin Games. This thoughtful analysis considers the design of posters, medals and stadia over the years as well as the resonance of images such as the terrorist in the athletes’ village at the Munich Games and the American sprinters’ Black Power salute in Mexico City. NEW Noël Palomo-Lovinski In this illustrated survey of 50 of the world’s most influential designers, Palomo-Lovinski explores the hidden connections and lasting legacies of these iconic fashion creators. The book is in six themed chapters: designers as celebrities, such as Lagerfeld and Tom Ford; those, like Coco Chanel, who defined women for a new generation; artisans such as Fortuny and Issey Miyake; the futurists, led by Pierre Cardin; modernists and postmodernists; and conceptualists such as Schiaparelli and McQueen. A&C BLACK 2010 PB 192pp Illus 264x220mm REAKTION 2012 HB 224pp Illus £22.00 18153 now £9.99 £16.99 11867 now £7.99 DESIGNING MODERN GERMANY 1952 ensemble by American designer Claire McCardell, who popularised casual chic for women NEW Jeremy Aynsley German design – in graphics, furniture, fashion and architecture – is celebrated the world over for its innovation, elegance and efficiency. This in-depth study shows how its development since 1870 reflects the country’s fraught political history and affected citizens’ personal lives. Elegantly designed and lavishly illustrated, it proceeds from the first Arts and Crafts schools to the role of the Bauhaus and Peter Behrens, examines Nazi design and the separate cultures of East and West Germany, before concluding with developments since reunification. REAKTION 2009 PB 256pp Illus NEW AFTER A FASHION What We Wore: 1947 to the Present Ed. Elizabeth Roberts Over 200 photographs drawn from the Press Association archive make up this unique historical fashion record, which features fashion icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy, Princess Diana and Kate Moss, as well as fans at a Beatles concert and women on Greenham Common. With sections on post-war film stars, 1960s fashion, everyday people, and scenes from London Fashion Week, the book looks at fashion on the catwalk and in the streets, from glamour to grunge.AMMONITE 2009 HB 300pp Illus 310x240mm £30.00 18232 now £11.99 DESIGN AND THE DECORATIVE ARTS Tudor and Stuart Britain 1500-1714 James Taylor Among the most popular cartoonists of the early 20th century, Fougasse made his name through his association with Punch magazine and with the London Underground, but it was his ‘Careless Talk Costs Lives’ series of Second World War propaganda posters that secured his reputation as one of the great British illustrators. Filled with classic examples of his work, this is a guide to Fougasse’s distinct style and his design philosophy. No jacket. Michael Snodin; John Styles Between the end of the Middle Ages and the reign of Queen Anne, Britain developed from a peripheral European nation to a world power whose exports were traded across the globe. Written to complement the V&A’s Tudor and Stuart galleries, and illustrated with more than 300 colour photographs, this magnificent book shows how this transformation was reflected in the applied arts, from architecture to clothing, furniture and utensils, and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, attributed to explains who and what shaped fashion William Scrots, c,1546: the frame is inspired and taste over this period. CONWAY 2010 HB 96pp Illus 216x172mm V&A 2004 PB 168pp Illus 285x248mm £9.99 98299 now £4.99 £19.95 17050 now £8.99 £17.95 18152 now £6.99 CARELESS TALK COSTS LIVES Fougasse and the Art of Public Information Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk by a French Fontainebleau-school print 63 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 64 www.psbooks.co.uk CHILDREN’S ICE AGE GAMES AND PUZZLES This Pelmanism-style memory game features 24 pairs of picture cards from the popular film Ice Age 4: Continental Drift in which Scrat, the sabre-toothed squirrel, sets off a cataclysmic storm that casts the characters out to sea. The colourful cards feature the loveable gang from the movie, including Manny, Diego and Sid, as well as the pirates Captain Gutt, Flynn and Squint. Age 4+ DINO 2012 48 pieces 180x114mm NEW MADE IN THE ICE AGE MEMO-GAME £4.99 17875 now £2.99 Continental Drift, the fourth film in the hilarious Ice Age series pits the regular gang against a band of pirates. This jigsaw set contains two 48-piece puzzles, one featuring Captain Gutt and his cut-throat gang and the other featuring the whole cast, as Manny, Sid and Diego face off against their pirate foe. Age 4+ NEW MADE IN THE ICE AGE JIGSAW PUZZLE DINO 2012 48 pieces 274x190mm £5.99 17877 now £2.99 101 THINGS TO DO ON THE HOLIDAYS NEW Anna O’Donnell; Tessa Wilson We all love school holidays, but sometimes it’s hard to fill the long weeks. The 101 ideas in this book, written by friends Anna (12) and Tessa (13) during one of their vacations, include inventions, missions, games and creations – build a volcano, invent a secret language, make a music video, act like a spy and solve a family mystery. You’ll never be bored again! HARDIE GRANT 2010 PB 112pp Illus £7.99 17881 now £3.99 NEW ICE AGE 3 JIGSAW PUZZLE Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs sees Sid, the ground sloth, running scared of Momma Dino, a Tyrannosaurus Rex who inhabits a tropical lost world beneath the ice. This 280piece jigsaw features the menacing dinosaur threatening to devour the regular Ice Age gang of Scrat, Manny, Diego and Sid, who has provoked her wrath by inadvertently stealing her eggs. Age 4+ EFKO 2009 280 pieces 480x340mm £7.99 17876 now £3.99 CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY POP-UP BOOK Roald Dahl; Illus. Quentin Blake All the famous scenes in Roald Dahl’s classic story are brought leaping off the page in this inventive pop-up edition. Quentin Blake’s celebrated illustrations have been cleverly engineered so an entire chocolate factory or great glass elevator rises up on the turn of a page. Folding flaps and pull-tabs animate the demise of Charlie’s rivals as well as recreating the experience of unwrapping a bar of Wonka chocolate to find the last golden ticket. PENGUIN 2011 HB 20pp Illus 285x235mm $29.99 16397 now £9.99 AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS Jules Verne; Illus. Robert Ingpen To fulfil a wager made at the Reform Club in London, Phileas Fogg and his long-suffering manservant, Passepartout, embark on the race of a lifetime – to circumnavigate the globe in exactly 80 days. Travelling by steamboat, train and elephant (no aeroplanes in 1872), with adventures at every turn and Inspector Fix of Scotland Yard in hot pursuit – will they make it back in time? Jules Verne’s wonderful story is presented here in a handsome edition, with over 70 illustrations by Robert Ingpen. Age 9+ TEMPLAR 2011 HB 224pp Illus £14.99 93768 now £5.99 Published in association with the Royal Geographical Society, this is an ideal atlas for home use. There are 48 pages of Philip’s excellent cartography, showing the countries of the world picked out in bright, distinctive colours, and with details of major roads, railways and airports, as well as physical features. The atlas also includes whole world maps with geographical data, 21 city centre maps, and an index. PHILIP’S 2012 HB 66pp Illus 310x230mm NEW PHILIP’S FAMILY WORLD ATLAS £7.99 17978 now £3.99 NEW A CURIOUS GEORGE SET (Seven books) Margret Rey ‘A good little monkey and always very curious’, George gets into all sorts of trouble, but it’s easy for a monkey to get out of trouble and somehow he always redeems himself. This series of stories by Margret Rey, with illustrations in the style of George’s creator, HA Rey, finds the little monkey in a museum, a toy shop, the library, a fire station, the train station, a chocolate factory and at his own birthday party. Age 4+ WALKER 2008 PB 174pp Illus 202x202mm £27.93 17968 now £12.99 64 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 65 Order line: 01626 897100 CHILDREN’S NEW QUENTIN BLAKE/ JOHN YEOMAN SET NEW MRS PEPPERPOT AND THE BLUEBERRIES Alf Proysen; Hilda Offen Mrs Pepperpot’s habit of shrinking at a moment’s notice gets her into all sorts of scrapes, but with some quick thinking she always manages to bounce back. When she shrinks while picking blueberries, Mrs Pepperpot has to outwit a hungry fox, then a hungry wolf and then a hungry bear. Will her husband ever get his blueberry jam? Age 3+ RED FOX 2013 PB 32pp Illus 240x238mm £5.99 17976 now £2.99 NEW THE COLOUR OF THE NIGHT (Ten volumes) John Yeoman; Quentin Blake Whether it’s washerwomen on the rampage or a bear trying to get a good winter’s sleep, John Yeoman’s stories and Quentin Blake’s wonderful pictures never fail to enchant young – and not so young – children. This ‘bumper bundle’ of ten books includes favourites such as The Fabulous Foskett Family Circus, The Bear’s Winter House and The Wild Washerwomen. Age 3+ ANDERSEN 2015 PB 320pp Illus 270x230mm £69.90 17981 now £25.00 Nat Lambert For younger aviation enthusiasts, this book offers a great introduction to the aircraft and the history of the Battle of Britain. As well as the Spitfire, Hurricane and their chief adversary, the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the book describes another nine planes that took part in the aerial battles over southern England in 1940 – among them the Bristol Beaufighter, Gloster Gladiator and Junkers Ju 87 ‘Stuka’ – and there are die-cut card pieces to make models of all 12 planes. Ringbound. Age 8+ NEW BATTLE OF BRITAIN MICRO FLIERS Helene Kerillis Illus. Vanessa Hie TOP THAT 2015 HB 32pp Illus 250x230mm Inspired by Gauguin’s Tahitian £9.99 19131 now £4.99 painting, Arearea (1892), this story is set in an exotic Pacific island where the Kokolors tribe EDGAR DEGAS: WHITAKER’S WORLD OF WEIRD have brightly coloured shadows DANCE LIKE A BUTTERFLY Tracey Turner From toxic sea creatures and are always cheerful. They The Adventures in Art series introduces to accidental cannibalism, this is a shun sad Tevai and his dog Anani young readers to the world of art in a relaxed, colourful compendium of the strangest because they have grey shadows lighthearted way. This volume goes behind the facts and phenomena, with weird things – but the Night Goddess has a scenes of the Opera House in Paris, where to do (make your own ectoplasm, bring solution to make everyone happy. Edgar Degas spent hours watching and a dead plant back to life) and websites A reproduction of Arearea and sketching the ballet dancers as they practised. to explore each topic further. There are information about Gauguin are The story of the dancers and the ballet school chapters on strange weather (raining at the back of the book. Age 5+ is illustrated with Degas’ drawings and paintings, fish and frogs etc), ghostly encounters PRESTEL 2012 HB 32pp Illus and the book ends with a brief account of his and UFOs, unexplained mysteries such 317x214mm life. Age 8+ PRESTEL 2007 HB 22pp Illus 280x240mm as spontaneous human combustion, £9.99 18101 now £4.99 £9.99 99079 now £4.99 weird minds and bizarre bodies. A&C BLACK 2008 HB 144pp Illus 180x110mm NEW A LITTLE PRINCESS SET (Ten books) Tony Ross Written and illustrated by Tony Ross, this much-acclaimed series follows the Little Princess as she overcomes the trials and tribulations of being a toddler with the help of the King and Queen and the palace staff, the Prime Minister and her faithful teddy, Gilbert. This set of ten stories includes I Want My Potty!, I Want My Light On!, I Don’t Want to Go to Hospital! and I Want a Sister! Age 3+ ANDERSEN 2008 PB 320pp Illus 263x233mm £9.99 12003 now £4.99 3D PRESS-OUT AND BUILD KITS No glue, no scissors, everything you need is in the box, and just 200-220 minutes (so they say) later, you will have a rather fine model of a great London landmark. Both ‘puzzles’ comprise around 130 pieces, cleverly cut so they push easily from light, yet very sturdy paper and expandable polystyrene board. The pieces are numbered, there are clear visual instructions and there is a booklet about the building. Text in Chinese and English. Age 10+ 3D PUZZLE STUDIO 2012 TOWER BRIDGE WESTMINSTER ABBEY 98188 98189 now £9.99 each £59.90 17975 now £25.00 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk 65 PS259.2.qxp 20/07/2015 09:15 Page 66 www.psbooks.co.uk FEATURED TITLES NEW THE LIVES OF THE MUSES Nine Women and the Artists They Inspired Francine Prose In this collection of biographical pieces, Francine Prose draws on diaries, letters, photographs, memoirs and interviews to explore the complex relationship between artist and muse. The nine muses and the men they inspired are Hester Thrale (Samuel Johnson), Alice Liddell (Lewis Carroll), Elizabeth Siddal (Dante Gabriel Rossetti), Lou AndreasSalome (Nietzsche, Rilke and Freud), Gala Dalí (Salvador Dalí), Lee Miller (Man Ray), Charis Weston (Edward Weston), Suzanne Farrell (George Balanchine), and Yoko Ono (John Lennon). UNION 2013 PB 432pp 197x129mm £10.99 17507 now £4.99 NEW LEONARD DA VINCI The Marvellous Works of Nature and Man Martin Kemp Widely acclaimed as the classic treatment of Leonardo’s art, science and thought, this masterly volume covers the entire span of the artist’s career, from his early training in Florence to the ‘Deluge’ drawings of his later years, providing a unique cultural biography of this central figure in Western art. The 200 illustrations, including 16 colour plates, feature celebrated paintings such as The Annunciation, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, alongside da Vinci’s botanical, anatomical, architectural and technical drawings. NEW FAIRY ART Artists and Inspirations Iain Zaczek The Romantic era was characterized by a renewed interest in Britain’s own folklore and legend, Druids and Celts – and fairies. With reproductions of over 150 paintings, this book surveys the vogue for fairy art that Romanticism inspired. It looks in turn at the masters of the genre – Richard Dadd, Joseph Noel Paton, John Anster Fitzgerald, John Atkinson Grimshaw, Richard Doyle and Arthur Rackham – and reveals their influences in the works of Shakespeare, pagan mythology and ancient folklore. FLAME TREE OXFORD UP 2007 PB 349pp Illus 246x188mm £20.00 17344 now £7.99 Thus Your Fairy’s Made of Most Beautiful Things by Sophie Anderson, 1869 2013 HB 200pp Illus 277x287mm £20.00 17016 now £9.99 NEW MUSIC AT MIDNIGHT The Life and Poetry of George Herbert A boy angel plays a motet held by St Joseph in Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Caravaggio, 1596-7 Germaine Greer In this study of male beauty, Greer argues that until the 19th century the figure of the boy, rather than the female, was the ideal of figurative art, and that since then we have become blind to the beauty and complexity of boy nudes. Illustrated with over 200 images ranging from classical statues to photographs, the book surveys the boy in art – as cupid, as love object, as servant or soldier and at play – and finally as the subject of female artists. NEW THE BOY THAMES & HUDSON 2007 PB 256pp Illus £18.95 17594 now £7.99 66 John Drury George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of the finest of English poets, recording in a variety of forms his inner experiences of hope and despair, love and yearning. Because none of his verses were published before his early death, relating them to events presents a challenge. This richly satisfying, beautifully illustrated biography sets them in the context of his life and times, to present a rounded portrait of a man torn between worldly ambition and the ‘humble way’ of religion. ALLEN LANE 2013 HB 416pp Illus 240x160mm £25.00 18207 now £7.99 f See our full range of over 14,000 titles at www.psbooks.co.uk Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS259 cover inner.qxp_PS238 outer 20/07/2015 10:02 Page 1 www.psbooks.co.uk to the Postscript catalogue and a particularly exciting selection of books for August, with pride of place going to Alex Bernasconi’s Wild Africa (right) and its magnificent portrayal of landscape and wildlife: it was the Independent Publishers’ Book Award best photography book of 2011. Alex Bernasconi’s photographs depict some of nature’s finest and most endangered animals – lions, elephants, giraffes, gorillas – portrayed here in surprising and contemplative moments. The 100 full-page plates, in both colour and black-and-white, also include otherworldly landscapes such as the Okavango Delta, acacia skeletons in the Dead Vlei and the red dunes of the Namib Desert. With an essay by Hugh Cumming, and thumbnails of all the plates with captions, this collection reveals scenes of Africa rarely seen by human eyes. PAPADAKIS NEW Another book of striking photographs, but of another era and very different subject matter, Nicholas Cooper’s study of the architectural photography firm Bedford Lemere & Co (p37) is one of several great books on architecture this month. Twentieth Century Castles (p3), Gavin Stamp’s Lost Victorian Britain (p68) and Peter Ashley’s Preposterous Erections, an entertaining collection of English towers (p67), are all among our featured titles, while on the Architecture page proper there are Palaces for Pigs (p62). For children we have 101 Things to Do in the Holidays and Battle of Britain Micro Fliers, with 12 planes to make, and there are sets of classic picture books: Curious George, Little Princess and a whole bundle of Quentin Blake and John Yeoman stories (pp64-65). For adults looking for fresh air or solace, Battlefield Walks and Sacred Britain are among the guides on our British Isles pages (pp22-24); but child-minding or hill-walking, we hope all our customers enjoy a sunny and restful summer. SIMON LANG August 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE £40.00 18234 now £16.99 NEW BETJEMAN’S BEST BRITISH CHURCHES John Betjeman; Richard Surman Sir John Betjeman’s classic guide to thousands of Britain’s historic church buildings, ranging from the great national treasures to hidden gems, was first published in 1958, with a long introductory essay celebrating their place in our cultural, historical and religious landscape. Covering more than 2,500 churches, this new edition of Betjeman’s sizeable volume has lost some entries but gained many colour photographs, GPS references, a separate section for Scotland, and new entries for Roman Catholic churches. COLLINS 2011 HB 896pp Illus £35.00 18255 now £14.99 If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. Titles of academic interest are identified with PREPOSTEROUS ERECTIONS A Book of English Towers Peter Ashley Mausolea and memorials, columns (but only those with stairs to the top), clock towers and water towers, belvederes, a faux Norman ruin and even a pagoda (in Kew Gardens)... As diverse and diverting as the buildings themselves, Peter Ashley’s book is a personal selection of 60 towers ranging from 18th century follies to a 21st century mobile phone mast. For each tower, Ashley’s full-page photograph is accompanied by his witty and irreverent commentary on its history and architectural presence. FRANCES 2 59 NAME COUNTRY DAYTIME PHONE No EMAIL (in case of query) Please enter your email address if you wish to receive email updates about our special offers DELIVERY DETAILS (if different) CHAMBERS SLANG DICTIONARY With around 85,000 words and phrases, this the largest single-volume slang dictionary, providing authoritative definitions and, wherever possible, origins and etymologies of slang from around the English-speaking world and from the last five centuries – everything from aachibombo (a West Indian codfish fritter) to zzz (sleep). ‘Originally a jargon of thieves and disreputable people’ (Chambers Dictionary), slang remains the language of insult and offence, and the dictionary makes no concessions to political correctness. Daniel Smith It was probably Michael Foot, leader writer for the London Evening Standard in 1939, who coined the memorable slogan, ‘Dig For Victory’, that would help transform parks, gardens and playing fields into vegetable patches. This history reviews the remarkable success of the wartime campaign, explores the groundbreaking design and advertising that drove it and recounts the experiences of the home front gardeners themselves. AURUM 2013 PB 256pp Illus Reference no: POSTCODE Clavell Tower, Kimmeridge in Dorset – built in 1830, re-erected stone by stone further away from the eroding cliff in 2006 TITLE NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE COUNTRY QTY CODE TITLE £ p CHAMBERS 2008 HB 1,412pp 265x175mm £30.00 18322 now £9.99 HOW TO ORDER ONLINE PHONE www.psbooks.co.uk Order Line: 01626 897100 Send to: Using our website? 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BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc) Name THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE Address Postcode Country UK P&P or cheque enclosed payable to POSTSCRIPT: The security code is the last three digits on the signature strip on the reverse of your card POSTAGE & PACKING UK POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK PAYMENT Cardholder’s signature We are a long-established mail order company, specialising in high quality overstocks and out-of-print books, at exceptionally low prices. We buy from all the major publishers and hundreds of smaller presses, and pass discounts on to you of up to 75% off the published price. For details on how to order, turn to page 67, or go to www.psbooks.co.uk where you will find our full range of more than 14,000 titles. Because our books are often in limited supply, we recommend that you order promptly. @PostscriptBooks Please remember to add your Customer number when placing your order POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6RY UK ABOUT POSTSCRIPT PostscriptBooks Customer no: ADDRESS LINCOLN 2012 PB 128pp Illus 241x170mm NEW THE SPADE AS MIGHTY AS THE SWORD The Story of the Second World War Dig for Victory Campaign ORDER FORM YOUR DETAILS (BLOCK CAPITALS, please) TITLE £12.99 17519 now £5.99 £8.99 17526 now £3.99 Your Order Form is inside the back cover THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE FEATURED TITLES NEW WILD AFRICA 2013 HB 270pp Illus 320x275mm A lion on the plains of the Masai Mara, Kenya Order line: 01626 897100 If undelivered, please return to: Postscript 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK Welcome... If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. All books are subject to availability Send this order form to: POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY www.psbooks.co.uk Order Line: 01626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Fax: 01626 897129 FEATURED TITLES LOST VICTORIAN BRITAIN How the 20th Century Destroyed the 19th Century’s Architectural Masterpieces NEW Gavin Stamp Nowadays it seems obvious that a magnificent building such as St Pancras Station should be restored to its original glory. But for much of the 20th century, ‘Victorian’ was a term of derision, and architects and planners were determined to sweep away the built legacy of the era. This poignant, chastening book attempts to comprehend this mindset, and catalogues the churches, railway stations, public buildings and private homes it destroyed, from Chatsworth’s glasshouses to the Euston Arch. Customer no : £12.99 17509 now £5.99 NEW VICTORIAN AND EDWARDIAN FURNITURE AND INTERIORS From the Gothic Revival to Art Nouveau 256pp Illus 298x218mm A LONDON YEAR 365 Days of City Life in Diaries, Journals and Letters Travis Elborough; Nick Rennison An anthology of ‘intimate snatches of London life’, with one or more entries for each day of the year, this handsome volume begins with a hungover Robert Hooke on 1 January 1672; in June we find Noël Coward detesting the 1951 Festival of Britain funfair (‘really the last word in squalor and completely ungay’) and, finally, there is a millennial disappointment – MP Oona King on New Year’s Eve 1999, stuck at Stratford Tube station en route to the Millennium Dome festivities. NEW FRANCES LINCOLN 2013 HB 608pp Illus £25.00 17508 now £9.99 NEW THE HEDGEROWS HEAPED WITH MAY The Telegraph Book of the Countryside Stephen Moss To most people in Britain the countryside is hugely important and the Telegraph has always chronicled the ever-changing fortunes of rural Britain; from its pages, this anthology collects the best articles on subjects ranging from the rarity of the spoonbill to the rise of the wind turbine. The book features Telegraph countryside columnists JHB Peel and Robin Page, the distinguished naturalist Richard Mabey, and writers and public figures such as Joanna Trollope, Boris Johnson, John Humphrys and Clive James. AURUM 2012 HB 320pp £20.00 17499 now £7.99 www.psbooks.co.uk 68 Reference no : When ordering, please quote your Customer no. and Reference no. Ed. Robert Aldrich In 13 richly illustrated chapters on the Ottoman and European empires, this volume gives succinct and accessible overviews of imperialism as it was experienced in each ‘home’ country, focusing on the modes and ideology of colonial expansion and its repercussions. As well as major imperial powers, such as Spain, Britain and the Netherlands, the authors examine the less familiar colonial ambitions of Belgium, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia, and a final essay looks at ‘the American way of empire’. £19.95 17636 now £9.99 f Quality books at reduced prices NEW Jeremy Cooper Beginning with an introductory chapter on Victorian attitudes to style and taste, Cooper’s richly detailed survey looks at designers and trends in interior decoration from AWN Pugin and the Gothic Revival to the Arts and Crafts Movement, the ‘New Art’ of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the commercial furniture of pre-First World War Heal’s and Liberty’s. The book is illustrated with nearly 700 photographs and drawings and offers a comprehensive picture of interior design, ca 1840 to 1914. THAMES & HUDSON 2007 PB See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website August 2015 2 59 ▲ AURUM 2013 PB 192pp Illus 198x153mm No.259 ▲ Order line: 01626 897100 If undelivered, please return to: Postscript 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK PS259 cover outer.qxp_PS238 outer 20/07/2015 10:18 Page 1 NEW BRITAIN’S LOST MINES The Vanished Kingdom of the Men who Carved Out the Nation’s Wealth Chris Arnot Coal was by far the biggest and most important mining industry in Britain before its recent decline, but for centuries all kinds of other minerals and ores, including copper, salt, tin, iron and slate, were also mined. With a fine selection of archive and modern photographs, this illustrated celebration of British mining and the communities that built up around it visits 30 sites, from the famous coal town of Ashington in Northumberland to the last metal mine in Devon. AURUM 2013 HB 192pp Illus 284x216mm THE AGE OF EMPIRES A giraffe feeds at sunset, from Wild Africa inside this issue THAMES & HUDSON 2007 HB 320pp Illus 278x218mm NEW CALLIGRAPHY Tools and Techniques for the Contemporary Practitioner Gaye Godfrey-Nicholls Designed for artists and students, this beautifully presented, practical guide provides comprehensive information on both the traditions of calligraphy and its contemporary practice, including digital work. It contains graded exercises for creating the traditional lettering hands, highlighting the key characteristics of each; detailed examples of different lettering techniques; tutorials on illumination, decoration and composition; and profiles of leading contemporary designers. JACQUI SMALL 2013 HB 288pp Illus 260x228mm £30.00 17489 now £12.99 Your Order Form is inside the back cover £29.95 17592 now £12.99 NEW SIX MONTHS IN 1945 From World War to Cold War Michael Dobbs The six months between the meeting of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill at Yalta in February 1945 and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August saw the transition from old empires to new superpowers and the world divided ideologically. Michael Dobbs describes the dramatic events and the participants in this historical turning point, the geo-political background to the descent of the ‘iron curtain’, and the confrontation of the USA and Soviet Russia. American-cut pages; felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. KNOPF 2012 HB 436pp Illus $28.95 17577 now £7.99 £25.00 17488 now £7.99 Visit our website: www.psbooks.co.uk POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK www.psbooks.co.uk Order line: +44 (0)1626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Order line: 01626 897100 www.psbooks.co.uk Order line: 01626 897100 FEATURED TITLES Ed. Robert Aldrich In 13 richly illustrated chapters on the Ottoman and European empires, this volume gives succinct and accessible overviews of imperialism as it was experienced in each ‘home’ country, focusing on the modes and ideology of colonial expansion and its repercussions. As well as major imperial powers, such as Spain, Britain and the Netherlands, the authors examine the less familiar colonial ambitions of Belgium, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia, and a final essay looks at ‘the American way of empire’. NEW THE AGE OF EMPIRES THAMES & HUDSON 2007 HB 320pp Illus 278x218mm NEW CALLIGRAPHY Tools and Techniques for the Contemporary Practitioner Gaye Godfrey-Nicholls Designed for artists and students, this beautifully presented, practical guide provides comprehensive information on both the traditions of calligraphy and its contemporary practice, including digital work. It contains graded exercises for creating the traditional lettering hands, highlighting the key characteristics of each; detailed examples of different lettering techniques; tutorials on illumination, decoration and composition; and profiles of leading contemporary designers. JACQUI SMALL 2013 HB 288pp Illus 260x228mm £30.00 17489 now £12.99 £29.95 17592 now £12.99 NEW SIX MONTHS IN 1945 From World War to Cold War Michael Dobbs The six months between the meeting of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill at Yalta in February 1945 and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August saw the transition from old empires to new superpowers and the world divided ideologically. Michael Dobbs describes the dramatic events and the participants in this historical turning point, the geo-political background to the descent of the ‘iron curtain’, and the confrontation of the USA and Soviet Russia. American-cut pages; felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. KNOPF 2012 HB 436pp Illus $28.95 17577 now £7.99 POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK www.psbooks.co.uk Order line: +44 (0)1626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected]
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