Postscript Catalogue April 2016
Postscript Catalogue April 2016
12:20 Page 1 Order line: 01626 897100 FEATURED TITLES NEW CATASTROPHE Europe Goes to War 1914 Max Hastings In 1914, Europe plunged into the 20th century’s first terrible act of self-immolation – ‘The Great War’. Max Hastings seeks to explain both how the conflict came about and what befell millions of men and women during the first months of strife. He finds that Germany and Austria must accept principal blame for the outbreak of the war; and against the view that it was not worth winning, he argues that the German defeat was vital for the freedom of Europe. WILLIAM COLLINS 2013 HB 666pp Illus Mike Hutton adds his own recollections of coming of age in 1950s London to this evocative account of the city during the decade that saw a transition from post-war austerity to new-found affluence, social mobility and Harold Macmillan’s boast, ‘most of our people have never had it so good’. Hutton describes the momentous changes – not all for the good – in Londoners’ lives: along with coffee bars, television and youth culture came sexual inequality, smog and soulless tower blocks. NEW Customer no : AMBERLEY 2014 HB 224pp Illus £20.00 21096 now £7.99 AMBERLEY 2014 HB 256pp Illus £16.99 21243 now £6.99 Illus. Edward Ardizzone; Maurice Gorham This celebration of the London pub on the eve of the Second World War was based on much informal research by friends and ‘regulars’ Maurice Gorham and Edward Ardizzone. Gorham’s discussions of pub features such as the Saloon Lounge, the Public Bar and Barmaids are illustrated with vividly coloured lithographs by Ardizzone. The book is back in print 70 years after much of the stock was destroyed in the Blitz, with a new introduction by Michael Yorke. NEW THE LOCAL When ordering, please quote your Customer no. and Reference no. NEW DITHERINGTON MILL AND THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Colum Giles; Mike Williams Ditherington Mill in Shrewsbury is one of the great monuments to the British Industrial Revolution. Built in 1796-1800, the Spinning Mill is recognized as the world’s first ironframed fireproof building. This study, illustrated with photographs, plans and reproductions, tells the story of the Mill through its life as a linen factory, then as a maltings, and shows how it was linked to the developments in engineering, the textile industry and business practices that were driving the nation’s economy forward. £50.00 21084 now £19.99 £15.00 21309 now £8.99 Optician’s shop in George Street, Croydon by Barbara Jones NEW NEW CIVIL WAR The History of England Volume Three Peter Ackroyd The 17th century was one of the most turbulent England had seen; at its centre stands the Civil War, the execution of Charles I and the despotic rule of Oliver Cromwell. This third volume of Peter Ackroyd’s magisterial national history charts that era of revolution and religious conflict from the accession of James I to the exile of his grandson James II, and from the literary riches of Shakespeare and Milton to the often insecure lives of ordinary men and women. MACMILLAN 2014 PB 512pp Illus £14.99 21457 now £5.99 THE UNSOPHISTICATED ARTS NEW DANUBIA A Personal History of Habsburg Europe Simon Winder For centuries, vast swathes of Europe were ruled by the Habsburg family. An unstable mixture of autocrats, obsessives, wizards and melancholics, they saw off any number of rivals before they were toppled in 1918. This entertaining, richly anecdotal history leads the reader through their Central European heartlands from Vienna to Transylvania, Prague to Sarajevo. Negotiating a labyrinth of intrigue, war, alchemy and religion, it charts the fortunes of this eccentric dynasty and the many peoples of its ramshackle empire. Visit our website: William Shakespeare Special Feature on pages 46–47 PICADOR 2013 HB 572pp Illus £18.99 21197 now £6.99 The monumental Engine House at the south end of the Spinning Mill, c.1810 Your Order Form is inside the flap overleaf £30.00 21311 now £14.99 68 Umbrellas by Leonetto Cappiello from Paris Between the Wars 1919-1939 featured inside this issue HISTORIC ENGLAND 2015 HB 160pp Illus LITTLE TOLLER 2010 HB 92pp Illus 234x155mm Barbara Jones ‘Unsophisticated art’ – the art of everyday life – was documented during the 1940s by Barbara Jones, who visited fairgrounds, taxidermists, tattoo parlours, high street shops, seaside piers and houseboats in her quest to record popular artefacts, whether hand-made or mass-produced. First published in 1951, her drawings and her new vision of vernacular art have inspired generations of artists and designers. This new edition includes additional material from Jones’s studio, and a foreword by Peter Blake. LITTLE TOLLER 2013 HB 200pp Illus Books by mail since 1987 Reference no : LIFE IN 1950s LONDON NEW UNEXPECTED BRITAIN A Journey Through Our Hidden History Stuart Laycock; Philip Laycock Did you know that Britain once had a North African emperor; that England’s sixth-richest town fell off a cliff; or that an elephant walked on the Thames? Never mind 1066, Magna Carta, Henry VIII and all that – there is more to history than famous dates. This fascinating book charts the curious, lesser-known events of British history from pre-Roman times to within living memory, bringing a fresh and unexpected perspective to the story of these islands. April 2016 2 67 ▲ £30.00 21194 now £9.99 No.267 ▲ 14/03/2016 If undelivered, please return to: Postscript 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK PS267 cover outer.qxp_PS238 outer POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK Order line: +44 (0)1626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Order line: 01626 897100 14/03/2016 11:48 Page 1 to Postscript’s April catalogue. This month our cover features the famous Umbrellas by Leonetto Cappiello, one of the pioneering graphic artists of 1920s Paris. Originally an advertisement for Parapluie Revel, it is one of hundreds of designs and artworks illustrated in Paris Between the Wars 1919-1939 (opposite). To mark his 400th anniversary this month we have devoted pages 46-47 to books on Shakespeare and his world. Titles include the controversial Shakespeare’s Dark Lady; Peter Whitfield’s study of artists who have risen to the challenge of Illustrating Shakespeare; and attractive Signature editions of Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing. Elsewhere, the social history pages (pp12-13) excel themselves, with studies of early sugar refining, Morris dancing, Beecham’s Pills, and the Mary Whitehouse archive (Ban this Filth!); and we have an interesting range of books on religious topics, including The Dictionary of Christian Art, The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces (pp44-45) and Let it Go Among Our People, an illustrated history of early English translations of the Bible (p66). There are more highlights in archaeology, art, crime and cookery, but we must leave them for you to discover: there is only enough space to thank you for your continued interest and support. SIMON LANG April 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Featured Titles 2-3/66-68 Postscript Favourites 4-5 Special Feature: William Shakespeare 46-47 Archaeology 6 Architecture/Design 63-65 Art/Photography 34-37 Biography 25-27 British Isles 21-24 Children’s 56-57 Crafts/Hobbies/Collectables 54-55 Cultural Studies/PPE/Philosophy 30-31 Fiction/Poetry 42-43 Food & Drink 52-53 Gardens/Nature/Pets 49-51 Health/Folklore 41 20th Century/ History 11 Ancient 7 Contemporary Medieval 8 Social/Industrial 12-13 Modern 9-10 General/British 14-15 Limited Quantities Only 38-40 Literary Biography/Literature 28 & 31 Military History 16-20 Music/Performing Arts 58-59 Reference/Humour 32-33 Religion 44-45 & 66 Science/Astronomy 48 Stationery 29 Transport 60-62 Travel & Exploration 45 THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. Titles of academic interest are identified with A ✃ Welcome... Order line: 01626 897100 THE TREASURES OF THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM ORDER FORM NEW Opened in 1902, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo houses an unmatched collection of antiquities charting the ancient civilization over a period of 4,000 years. This impressive volume presents, in hundreds of full-page images, many of the most important pieces, from simple decorated pots of the pre-dynastic period, through the great statuary and tomb treasure of the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms to paintings and artefacts of the period of Roman occupation up to around 300 CE. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO 2010 HB 416pp Illus 355x255mm 21129 now £19.99 When placing your order, please enter your Customer no NEW INSPECTOR MINAHAN MAKES A STAND or The Missing Girls of England Bridget O’Donnell’s meticulously researched book takes us back to London in the sweltering summer of 1885 and Chelsea police station, where Jeremiah Minahan is about to enter a labyrinth of slums and dark secrets in search of 13-year-old Eliza Armstrong. Having ruined his prospects of promotion once already, ex-inspector Minaham set out to expose a Victorian sex-trade; he lost everything, but won the amendment of consent law that protects children to this day. PICADOR 2012 PB 384pp SPECIAL DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS Please keep message brief eg: if not in, please leave in garage or at No 21 etc (UK only) 2 67 NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE COUNTRY DAYTIME PHONE No EMAIL (in case of query) Please enter your email address if you wish to receive email updates about our special offers DELIVERY DETAILS (if different) AIR RAIDS What You Must Know. What You Must Do! TITLE NAME NEW Head of a lioness representing the goddess Mehet on a funerary bed from the tomb of Tutankhamun f More Egyptology titles can be found on pages 6 and 7 MAPPING ENGLAND NEW Simon Foxell Mapping says a great deal about the way a nation sees itself and its place in the world. Through a series of fascinating maps, superbly reproduced in colour, this book shows how England has been depicted, from Matthew Paris to the Ordnance Survey. Arranged by theme, it Map of the Principal Crossroads by Thomas Badeslade, 1742 examines maps drawn for military, administrative, sociological, medical and transport purposes and demonstrates how they unconsciously reveal the true state of the country and the hopes and fears of its inhabitants. BLACK DOG 2008 HB 272pp Illus 290x242mm £40.00 31137 now £19.99 COLLINS EASY LEARNING SPANISH GRAMMAR ADDRESS Ed. John Christopher Protecting the civilian population from bombing or gas attacks during the Second World War meant a concerted public information campaign to inform people of the dangers and enlist their co-operation in contributing to civil defence. This book reproduces the 1941 illustrated government publication containing instruction on subjects such as building shelters, dealing with incendiary bombs, administering first aid and maintaining the blackout. The facsimile pages are supplemented by other contemporary ephemera and related materials. Designed for any age group and for both class and self-study courses, this is an ideal text for learners, from beginners up to GCSE students. The clearly laid-out, easyto-use guide presents all the basic grammar needed to speak and understand modern, everyday Spanish. COLLINS 2011 PB 320pp £6.99 16756 now £3.99 POSTCODE COUNTRY QTY CODE TITLE Your Order Form is inside the back cover HOW TO ORDER ONLINE PHONE Order Line: 01626 897100 Send to: Using our website? ● See our Easy Order Form: just enter the codes of the titles you wish to buy, add to your basket and purchase Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ● Please have to hand your credit card details, Customer number and Reference number (both are in the address panel on the back cover) ORDER FORM Please remember to add your Customer number when placing your order POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6RY UK PAYMENT SUBTOTAL Please debit my credit/debit card CUSTOMER SERVICES Phone: 01626 897123 Email: [email protected] Expiry date Security code Valid from UK There is a flat rate for all orders: SINGLE ITEM ORDER £2.00 Issue number Pay online with 2 OR MORE ITEMS ORDER £3.00 (2 volume sets count as 2 items) OVERSEAS Overseas £ ........................... 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INTRODUCE POSTSCRIPT TO A FRIEND Fill in their details and we will send them a catalogue by return (see opposite) P&P TOTAL Order No. (if applicable) We occasionally make our mailing list available to carefully screened companies whose products may interest you. Please tick this box if you prefer not to receive such mailings. BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc) Name THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE Address Postcode Country UK P&P or cheque enclosed payable to POSTSCRIPT: The security code is the last three digits on the signature strip on the reverse of your card POSTAGE & PACKING We are a long-established mail order company, specialising in high quality overstocks and out-of-print books, at exceptionally low prices. We buy from all the major publishers and hundreds of smaller presses, and pass discounts on to you of up to 75% off the published price. For details on how to order, turn to page 67, or go to where you will find our full range of more than 14,000 titles. Because our books are often in limited supply, we recommend that you order promptly. POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK p £9.99 21086 now £4.99 ABOUT POSTSCRIPT @PostscriptBooks £ AMBERLEY 2014 PB 93pp Illus Cardholder’s signature PostscriptBooks Reference no: YOUR DETAILS (BLOCK CAPITALS, please) TITLE £9.99 21201 now £4.99 Back by popular demand Customer no: (on back cover) If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. All books are subject to availability Send this order form to: POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY Order Line: 01626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Fax: 01626 897129 ✁ PS267 cover inner.qxp_PS238 outer PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 3 Order line: 01626 897100 FEATURED TITLES NEW PARIS: Between the Wars 1919-1939 Art, Life and Culture Vincent Bouvet; Gerard Durozoi Between the wars, Paris was ablaze with lights, jazz, haute couture and intellectual ferment. The cafés and bars of Montparnasse became the haunt of artists and writers such as Picasso, Matisse, Chagall, Giacometti, Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Joyce, while designers embraced the machine aesthetic to produce dazzling Art Deco and Modernist jewellery, furniture and graphics. Richly illustrated with hundreds of paintings, drawings, photographs and posters, this book is a dazzling kaleidoscope of the City of Lights at its peak. VENDOME 2010 HB 416pp Illus $55.00 21112 now £12.99 Tamara de Lempicka, photographed by Thérèse Bonney, painting Portrait of a Man, her husband Tadeusz, c.1928 Our Special Feature on William Shakespeare is on pages 46 &47 NEW THE COMPLETE BRITISH RAILWAY JOURNEYS ‘Pistol forced to eat the leek from Henry V’ by Henry Bunbury, 1791 Charlie Bunce; Karen Farrington Michael Portillo’s popular television series Great British Railway Journeys, NEW ILLUSTRATING SHAKESPEARE used Bradshaw’s 1839 railway guide as a platform to Peter Whitfield From Fairthorne’s illustration for explore the history, landscape and people of Britain. The Rape of Lucrece in 1655, to The Animated In two richly illustrated accompanying books, Charlie Tales cartoon versions of the plays for children in Bunce and Karen the 1990s, Whitfield looks at how artists have Farrington looked risen to the challenge of illustrating Shakespeare. in more detail at With over 100 examples, the study examines Portillo’s journeys, famous editions such as the Rowe-Tonson criss-crossing the Shakespeare (1709) and Knight’s Pictorial country from Shakespeare (1838-41); trends in art and Penzance to illustration including Romanticism and the Edinburgh in PreRaphaelites; and the work of prominent artists a total of 14 such as William Blake, Henry Fuseli and Millais. BRITISH LIBRARY 2013 PB 60pp Illus 268x198mm routes that trace the industrial, £20.00 21943 now £7.99 agricultural and cultural heritage of notable locations along the way. In this edition, SPECIAL OFFER both volumes are bound as one. London Transport Slipcased. WILLIAM COLLINS 2015 HB Illus 245x188mm poster for the £40.00 20376 now £9.99 Aldershot Tattoo by Andrew Power, 1934 Paul Rennie Since the 1860s the poster has been an expression of the integration of modern art, graphic design and mass communication. Its history through the 20th century is illustrated and explored here in a range of themes including transport, technology, architecture, public safety, the seaside and popular culture; and in features on key artists such as Paul Nash, Tom Eckersley and Abram Games, and patrons such as London Transport, British Railways and the Festival of Britain. BLACK DOG 2010 HB 192pp Illus 279x230mm NEW MODERN BRITISH POSTERS: Art, Design and Communication £29.95 21107 now £9.99 Order line: +44 (0)1626 897100 e-mail: [email protected] 3 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 4 POSTSCRIPT FAVOURITES ARCHAEOLOGY WHEN SCHOOLDAYS WERE FUN A Lighthearted Look at ‘The Best Days of Our Lives’ Barnacle geese over Tantallon Castle and the Bass Rock in the Firth of Forth Stephen Browning In spite of the hard benches, stodgy food and iron discipline that feature prominently in people’s memories of education in Britain before about 1970, schooldays from this period are nevertheless often fondly remembered. Covering a period from about 1900 up to the 1970s, this nostalgic miscellany of archive photographs, literary references, poems and first-hand accounts recalls the eccentric teachers, interminable lessons, withering school reports and punishing sporting trials that were once the daily lot of British schoolchildren. John Downer This extraordinary collection of photographs uses pioneering techniques to capture birds in flight and in their natural environments all over the world. From the peaks of the Himalayas to the African plains, it shows migratory birds using HALSGROVE 2010 HB 160pp Illus 296x210mm remote control cameras to share the birds’ perspective £19.99 99464 now £7.99 and reveal new insights into their world. Published to accompany the BBC TV series, the book also includes a THE SUSPICIONS chapter explaining the innovative methods used to achieve OF MR WHICHER the spectacular images. BBC 2011 HB 240pp Illus 230x290mm or, The Murder at Road Hill House £30.00 97728 now £9.99 Kate Summerscale re-opens the case RICHARD DADD of the gruesome The Artist and the Asylum Road Hill murder Nicholas Tromans of 1860, but models Richard Dadd (1817-86) came her meticulously to early prominence for his researched account imaginative sequence of fairy on the country-house paintings, but he spent more murder mystery – than four decades of his later the genre inspired by life as an inmate of the lunatic the real murder and asylums at Bethlem Hospital its investigation by and Broadmoor. This book is Jonathan Whicher, the first full account of his one of Scotland career, thoroughly illustrated Yard’s very first with material from his long detectives. ‘The best tour of the Middle East and the whodunnit of the remarkable work he produced year – and it’s all after psychotic illness had true’ (Tatler). caused him to murder his Off-mint. BLOOMSBURY 2011 PB 400pp Illus father and flee to France. EARTHFLIGHT TATE 2011 HB 208pp Illus 280x208mm Portrait of a Young Man by Dadd, 1853 £24.99 17697 now £9.99 Deborah Mitford In this collection of occasional writings, the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire and former chatelaine of Chatsworth offers her refreshing observations on topics ranging from her Mitford childhood to the need, as one grows older, to keep a toaster and kettle in the bedroom; and from being painted by Lucian Freud to farming. This volume comprises Counting My Chickens (2001), with its introduction by Tom Stoppard, Home to Roost (2009), introduced by Alan Bennett, and three ‘Newly Laid’ pieces. Slightly off-mint. FARRAR, STRAUS & GIROUX 2011 HB 367pp ALL IN ONE BASKET $28.00 21882 now £7.99 4 £7.99 12002 now £3.99 Arthur Conan Doyle This is our very own set of Sherlock Holmes mysteries. It comprises the first and last of the novels, A Study in Scarlet (1887) and The Valley of Fear (1915); two celebrated cases, The Sign of Four and The Hound of the Baskervilles; and three volumes of short stories (The Adventures of the Engineer’s Thumb, The Five Orange Pips and The Adventure of the Six Napoleons, each with at least 12 ‘Other Cases’). This seven-volume, slipcased set is exclusive to Postscript. THE SHERLOCK HOLMES COLLECTION • EXCLUSIVE TO POSTSCRIPT PENGUIN 2014 PB 1,870pp Illus 198x130mm £30.00 20812 Postscript Postscript order orderline: line: 01626 897100 01626 897100 Postscript price £9.99 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 5 Order Order line: line: 01626 01626 897100 897100 POSTSCRIPT ANCIENT FAVOURITES HISTORY MUCKRAKER The Scandalous Life and Times of WT Stead JESUS OF NAZARETH The Infancy Narratives Joseph Ratzinger; Benedict XVI In this book Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from ‘popular’ and ‘historical’ depictions and to restore Jesus' true identity as discovered in the gospels. Informed by Benedict’s own theology and conviction as a believer, his account sees Jesus ‘in light of his communion with the Father, which is the true centre of his personality’ and aims to ‘foster the growth of a living relationship with him’. Translated from the German by Adrian J Walker. BLOOMSBURY 2012 HB 142pp 197x125mm W Sydney Robinson Long before phone hacking and the Fake Sheikh, there was WT Stead. This gripping biography charts the life and career of a Fleet Street legend. It recounts his dramatic abduction of a 13-year-old girl to expose the evils of child prostitution, an exploit that earned him a prison sentence but changed the law, and records his death in the greatest news story of the era – the sinking of the Titanic. ROBSON 2013 PB 299pp £9.99 17977 now £3.99 NORTHERN KNITS of Sandinavia, Iceland and the Shetland Isles Lucinda Guy In this practical guide, Lucinda Guy explores the folk motifs and traditional techniques of the knitting cultures of Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Shetland Isles. The book contains illustrated patterns and finishing instructions for 20 women’s garments and accessories – including pullovers, shawls, socks, gloves and mittens – while introducing a range of techniques and ideas such as knitting in the round, Icelandic laceweight wool, and Fair Isle. £12.99 21783 now £5.99 LONDON UNDERGROUND MAP JIGSAW PUZZLE This 1,000-piece jigsaw is a complete picture of the latest official version of the Underground map, including the key to different lines and features. TRANSPORT FOR LONDON 2015 750x500mm INTERWEAVE 2010 PB 160pp Illus 230x215mm 18950 now £7.99 £17.99 11030 now £5.99 THE TIMES MAPPING THE RAILWAYS David Spaven; Julian Holland The 121 maps reproduced in this volume tell the story of the railways in Britain in a unique and visual way, from proposals and plans produced by the early pioneers to specially commissioned maps showing recent re-openings and newly-built lines. Including passenger route planners from the height of the steam age and Beeching’s controversial network revisions of the 1960s, the book charts two centuries of profound change and provides insights into both railway and cartographic history. TIMES 2014 HB 304pp Illus 285x220mm £30.00 94872 now £12.99 THE EBCC ATLAS OF EUROPEAN BREEDING BIRDS Their Distribution and Abundance Ed. Ward JM Hagemeijer; Michael J Blair A landmark work for conservationists, this volume presents the first integrated picture of the distribution and abundance of the breeding birds of Europe. Assembled from the national bird surveys initiated in 1971 by the European Ornithological Atlas Committee (later the European Bird Census Council), it combines and maps data gathered by over 10,000 ornithologists working throughout Europe. The accompanying text elaborates on the mapped data and there is an artist's impression for each species. Introduction in 14 languages. T&AD POYSER 1997 HB 1044pp Illus 300x210mm £65.00 30167 now £19.99 Visit our website: 5 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 6 ARCHAEOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY CITIES OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD SERIES John R Bartlett Did the walls of Jericho really come tumbling down in the time of Joshua? Archaeologists once thought they had found corroboration for the biblical story, but more recent scholarship emphasizes the difficulty of relating literary and archaeological evidence. Bartlett’s overview of excavation at the site presents the most striking finds, such as a group of plastered skulls, and explains what can be reconstructed about the rest of Jericho’s history from the tenth millennium BCE to Roman times. NEW JERICHO LUTTERWORTH 1982 PB 128pp Illus 20922 now £5.99 Roger Moorey How do archaeologists know where to dig? How do they evaluate and date the debris which they uncover? And what light can such material evidence shed on the cultures portrayed in the texts of the Old Testament? This introductory book sets out the key principles and techniques of archaeology while also tracing the history of excavation in Palestine and the evolution of archaeological method from the earliest investigations to the 1980s. LUTTERWORTH 1981 PB 128pp Illus NEW Terracotta male head with radiate wreath, late fifth century BCE NEW CITY OF GOLD The Archaeology of Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus Ed. William AP Childs; Joanna S Smith; J Michael Padgett Beneath the Cypriot town of Polis Chrysochous (‘City of Gold’) lie two earlier cities: the ancient Marion, sacked in 312BCE, and Arsinoe, which flourished in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Over the past 130 years, archaeological excavations have uncovered a wealth of material, principally decorated pottery. Produced to accompany an exhibition at Princeton University Art Museum, this magnificent catalogue explores the history and culture of the sites, and illustrates 110 artefacts, nearly half of them never published before. YALE UP 2013 PB 400pp Illus 285x235mm £40.00 21141 now £19.99 EXCAVATION IN PALESTINE 20908 now £5.99 NEW JERUSALEM 1 From the Bronze Age to the Maccabees Graeme Auld; Margreet Steiner Jerusalem is both the best-known and the most intensively studied of biblical sites, although ancient literary sources are frustratingly unclear about features of the city’s topography. This book reveals how archaeological evidence can supplement these texts to tell Jerusalem’s early history; it covers the period described in the Hebrew scriptures, from the city’s origins, through prosperity in the seventh century to the mid-point of the Hellenistic period in 200 BCE. LUTTERWORTH 1996 PB 110pp Illus 20923 now £5.99 Graham I Davies Megiddo was one of the last Canaanite cities to hold out against the Israelites, and its strategic importance was clear to the Egyptians and to the author of Revelation, who called it ‘Armageddon’. Davies gives an illustrated account of 80 years of excavations at the site and vigorous debates about the interpretation of finds made there. He uses both archaeological and biblical evidence to reconstruct the city’s history from before 3000 BCE to Roman times. NEW MEGIDDO LUTTERWORTH 1986 PB 128pp Illus 20932 now £5.99 PRS Moorey To what extent are the narratives of the Old and New Testaments confirmed by the physical evidence in the soil of the Holy Land? This chronological survey charts the relationship between archaeology and biblical studies from the 19th century, through the pioneering work of Pitt Rivers and Petrie, to the present, and addresses the effect of the region’s difficult geopolitics on excavations. NEW A CENTURY OF BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY LUTTERWORTH 1991 PB 208pp $39.50 20896 now £5.99 The 17th Dynasty pharaoh Seqenenre Tao II, who died a violent death THE ROYAL MUMMIES Immortality in Ancient Egypt Intro. Francis Janot Ancient Egyptians believed that the art of embalming, learned from the god Anubis, allowed pharaohs to enter the paradisal Field of Reeds and maintained the cosmic order. This lavishly illustrated book explains the physical procedure and religious rites which prepared the royal corpse and explores the texts which reveal ancient beliefs about its destiny. Janot also describes archaeologists’ rediscovery of the mummies and presents information about the monarchs’ lives and deaths which recent technology has helped reveal. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO 2008 HB 367pp Illus 352x250mm 84299 now £25.00 6 THE PAST FROM ABOVE Aerial Photographs of Archaeological Sites Georg Gerster; Ed. Charlotte Trumpler A pioneer of aerial photography, Georg Gerster travelled the world for 50 years, photographing archaeological sites from the air. In this book, which accompanied a major exhibition of Gerster’s work in 2005, the archaeologist Charlotte Trumpler introduces 250 photographs of sites, among them the Acropolis, Karnak, the Great Wall of China and the Aztec palaces. The photographs are arranged by the type of site and accompanied by expert captions and notes on memorable flights by Gerster himself. FRANCES LINCOLN 2005 PB 415pp Illus 290x235mm $39.95 16411 now £14.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 7 Order line: 01626 897100 ANCIENT HISTORY NEW THE BODY BEAUTIFUL IN ANCIENT GREECE Ian Jenkins; Victoria Turner Spanning the centuries, this volume shows the ways in which ancient Greek artists represented male and female bodies, both as objects of beauty and as vehicles for displaying personal and collective values, in styles ranging from abstract simplicity to complete realism. Illustrated with more than 100 pieces from the British Museum’s collections, the book features such famous sculptures as the Discobolus and the Aphrodite of Knidos alongside vase paintings, funerary reliefs and bronze statuettes. PORTLAND ART MUSEUM 2013 HB 176pp Illus 280x227mm 21113 now £11.99 NEW THEODORA Empress of Byzantium Paolo Cesaretti The extraordinary story of the empress Theodora, a burlesque actress who married Justinian and became one of history’s most important women, has been much mythologized ever since the scandalous Secret History of Procopius. Cesaretti’s acclaimed biography is based on research into the often contradictory literary and historical texts as well as monuments and inscriptions which combine to reveal how she created her own unique identity and saved Justinian’s empire through her wisdom and counsel. VENDOME 2001 HB 400pp Illus $27.50 21106 now £8.99 THE ARCH OF CONSTANTINE Inspired by the Divine Iain Ferris The Arch of Constantine was built to celebrate ten years of the Emperor’s reign and his victory at the Battle of Milvian Bridge. Completed in CE 312315, it is the most impressive civic monument surviving from that period. In this illustrated study, Iain Ferris describes Constantine’s life and times and analyses the arch, discussing the re-use of artworks from older monuments in its construction, its complex decoration and the use of arches as commemorative monuments in the Roman world. AMBERLEY 2013 PB 160pp Illus 247x172mm £18.99 19316 now £4.99 Back by popular demand Marble bust of Trajan Eros Stringing a Bow, a Roman-period copy of a late fourth century BCE sculpture by Lysippos A HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT From the First Farmers to the Great Pyramid John Romer presents a detailed account of the pre-literate culture of the ancient lower Nile, from the first farmers to the full panoply of the pharaonic state, culminating in the building of Khufu’s tomb (2550 BCE) – the Great Pyramid of Giza. Romer shows how recent archaeology has revealed this strange and long-lost world, and his book offers a new approach to the evolution of the archaic state and the creation of ancient Egypt: ‘something new under the sun’. ALLEN LANE 2012 HB 504pp Illus £25.00 16849 now £9.99 Charles Bonnet; Dominique Valbelle During the eighth and seventh centuries BCE, the empire of Ancient Egypt was ruled by a succession of Nubian kings and centred on the upper Nile in modern-day Sudan. Focused on the discovery of black granite statues of these Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty, made by the authors at the site known as Kerma, this spectacularly illustrated, large-format book tells the story of the Nubian rulers of Egypt and the archaeological findings associated with them. NEW THE NUBIAN PHARAOHS: Black Kings on the Nile AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO 2006 HB 216pp Illus 329x250mm £59.95 21138 now £19.99 The head of the statute of the pharaoh Taharqa at Kerma SWIFTER THAN THE ARROW The Golden Hunting Hounds of Ancient Egypt Michael Rice The ancient Egyptians are the first known civilization to have formed the special bond with the dog that persists today as the most remarkable and enduring of animal-human relationships. The dog they selected and bred for hunting and as a companion was the tjesm, a slender, pink-eared hound familiar from tomb reliefs and still recognizable in the ‘Pharaoh’ hounds of today. This study explores the place of these and other dogs, including the canine gods, within ancient Egyptian civilization. IB TAURIS 2006 HB 246pp Illus £22.50 40201 now £9.99 THE COMPLETE ROMAN EMPEROR Imperial Life at Court and on Campaign THE STORY OF STONEHENGE Michael Sommer The emperors who ruled Rome for five centuries are among the most famous and notorious leaders in history; yet what do we really know about their daily lives and how they ran the empire? From Augustus to the fall of the Empire in the West, Sommer writes vividly about the individuals who shaped the job of Roman emperor and describes how the role changed over the centuries. The book includes brief biographies of the 85 emperors and over 200 illustrations. Patricia Southern Stonehenge is one of the most famous monuments in the world, but the instantly recognizable monument we know now is only its last phase before it was abandoned around 1500 BCE. In this concise account, Patricia Southern considers the conflicting theories about how Stonehenge was built with such precision and why, and traces the various transformations on the site from c.8000 BCE to ‘Ever After’ – from c.700 BCE to modern times. THAMES & HUDSON 2010 HB 208pp Illus AMBERLEY 2014 PB 160pp Illus £19.95 17596 now £9.99 £9.99 19863 now £3.99 Visit our website: 7 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 8 MEDIEVAL HISTORY NEW IN SEARCH OF ALFRED THE GREAT The King, the Grave, the Legend Edoardo Albert; Katie Tucker Buried in 899 CE as the king of the English at his capital city of Winchester, Alfred the Great’s bones were thought to have been moved sometime later to an unmarked grave. They remained completely lost for centuries, but recent discoveries have reawakened interest in this heroic figure. Including chapters by Dr Katie Tucker describing her amazing discovery of Alfred’s remains, this book tells the story of the only English monarch ever to have earned the epithet ‘the Great’. AMBERLEY 2014 HB 256pp Illus £20.00 21094 now £7.99 Ninth-century English sword, found in the Thames at Wallingford NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE MIDDLE AGES (Two volumes) Ed. Andre Vauchez; Barrie Dobson; Michael Lapidge Although centred on medieval Christendom in Europe, the Encyclopedia includes articles on other continents and peoples of other faiths in so far as they were relevant to the Christians of the Middle Ages. Altogther there are over 3,000 articles, written by some 600 scholars sharing their expertise on subjects ranging from abbeys to the zodiac. This English version, translated by Adrian Walford, contains additional entries on English areas of interest and bibliographies for each article. Indexed. JAMES CLARKE 2000 HB 1,624pp Illus 275x125mm MAGNA CARTA AND THE ENGLAND OF KING JOHN Ed. Janet S Loengard What was the social, economic, legal and religious background to Magna Carta? How was King John perceived by those who knew him, and what was England like during his reign? The studies in this collection analyse such issues as the legacy of earlier Angevin rulers, the burgeoning economy of the early 13th century and Magna Carta’s effects on widows and property. The volume ends with the first critical edition of an open letter of 1210 from the king himself. BOYDELL 2010 HB 200pp 20905 now £60.00 £60.00 17948 now £30.00 JOCELIN OF WELLS Bishop, Builder, Courtier Ed. Robert Dunning Jocelin, a royal administrator and the bishop of Wells from 1206 to 1242, played a major role in the growth of Somerset’s towns, fairs and markets as well as the completion of Wells Cathedral and its Bishop’s Palace. This volume comprises ten essays on Jocelin’s life, career and reforms, his building projects and the findings of recent architectural, archaeological and botanical investigations into the curious physical nature of the palace site. BOYDELL 2010 HB 236pp Illus £60.00 17943 now £25.00 Ed. Francis Davey Between 1456 and 1462 the Bursar of Eton College, William Wey, made pilgrimages to Compostela, Rome and the Holy Land. Written at the prompting of friends, his Latin accounts of these three journeys appear here in English translation for the first time, with notes and commentary. They contain practical advice for travellers, Greek word lists, a colourful description of Venice in its heyday and many rare insights into European travel and religious faith in the 15th century. BODLEIAN LIBRARY 2010 HB 253pp £27.99 20178 now £14.99 THE ARTS OF INTIMACY Christians, Jews and Muslims in the Making of Castilian Culture Jerrilynn D Dodds; Maria Rosa Menocal; Abigail Krasner Balbale From the 11th to the 14th century a unique cultural and linguistic interaction brought together Arabic, Hebrew and Latin traditions in the formation of medieval Castile. The Arts of Intimacy explores Castilian culture, with excerpts from literary texts and abundant illustrations of architecture, epigraphy and calligraphy, to reveal the extent of this cross-fertilization, from chess, the number zero and multilingual literary forms to the Alhambra’s intricate geometric artwork. YALE UP 2008 HB 395pp Illus 253x175mm £25.00 84536 now £7.99 HISTORY OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR Jacob Abbott Born in Normandy and promised the throne of England by King Edward, William, Duke of Normandy decided to invade the country after another contender for the crown took the throne. Chronicling the years from his illegitimate birth to his calamitous burial, Jacob Abbott’s engaging narrative describes the young conqueror’s struggles, ambitions and aspirations during his time in power in both Normandy and England. First published in 1877. SKYHORSE 2012 PB 144pp Illus £9.99 98214 now £5.99 8 THE ITINERARIES OF WILLIAM WEY Postscript order line: 01626 897100 RITUAL AND DRAMA The Medieval Theatre Francis Edwards Ritual forms the basis of all theatre, and the great English mystery plays such as the Wakefield Creation and the York Crucifixion are no exception. This landmark study by the founder of the Surrey Players, who staged the first production of the Towneley Plays in three centuries, describes how medieval drama developed from the liturgy. Concentrating on their performance practice and audience impact, it shows how these dramas formed a genuine ‘theatre of the people’. NEW LUTTERWORTH 1976 PB 128pp Illus £16.50 20941 now £4.99 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 9 Order line: 01626 897100 MODERN ARCHAEOLOGY HISTORY NEW THE RAINBOROWES Pirates, Puritans and a Family’s Quest for the Promised Land Adrian Tinniswood In both England and early colonial America the years from 1630 to 1660 were a period of uncertainty, as idealists sought to fashion a new kind of England, whether at home or abroad. Tinniswood illustrates this quest for identity by following the activities of the prominent merchant-mariner William Rainborowe and his children, members of the first generation of New England settlers and bold adventurers who encountered pirates and witches, prophets and princes, Muslim militants and Mohican Indians. JONATHAN CAPE 2013 HB 423pp Illus £25.00 21111 now £7.99 INDEPENDENCE The Struggle to Set America Free NEW John Ferling Even after war broke out in 1775, John Ferling argues, most Americans did not favour a split with Britain and a majority of the Continental Congress would not have voted for it. Focusing on the period from the Boston Tea Party in 1773 to the Declaration of Independence in July 1776, this book sets out to understand the major players on each side and trace how their decisions led to what seems, but only in hindsight, the inevitable result of independence. BLOOMSBURY 2011 HB 448pp Illus $30.00 21110 now £7.99 THE CREATION OF ANNE BOLEYN A New Look at England’s Most Notorious Queen Susan Bordo Part biography, part cultural history, Bordo’s study presents a reconstruction of Anne’s life, delves into the mystery of Henry’s pursuit, then abandonment of her, and offers an illuminating look at her afterlife in the cultural imagination. HOUGHTON 2013 HB 343pp Illus 235x160mm $27.00 19377 now £9.99 John Guy Henry VIII fathered four living children, each by a different mother. The relationships between his daughter Mary, the illegitimate son Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, Edward, who died at the age of 15, and Anne Boleyn’s daughter Elizabeth were often scarred by jealously, mutual distrust and even hatred. In this study, John Guy draws on a wide range of sources to tell the stories of these four key figures in the dynastic history of England. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 276pp Illus 224x140mm THE CHILDREN OF HENRY VIII £16.99 18994 now £6.99 THIS ENGLAND Essays on the English Nation and Commonwealth in the 16th Century NEW TREASURES OF THE ROYAL COURTS Tudors, Stuarts and the Russian Tsars Patrick Collinson Taking its title from Shakespeare’s ‘This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England’, Collinson’s book comprises a series of eleven essays exploring the growing conviction of ‘Englishness’ in the 16th century, and looking in particular at the influence of William Tyndale in language and religion; the ‘self-discovery of England’ in the historical work of William Camden; John Stow’s Survey of London; and John Foxe and national consciousness. Ed. Olga Dmitrieva; Tessa Murdoch Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, England’s Tudor and Stuart monarchs regularly exchanged diplomatic gifts with the Russian tsars – magnificent silverware, paintings, textiles and jewellery. Published in conjunction with a major exhibition at the V&A, this handsomely illustrated book brings together items from the museum’s own collection with loans from the Kremlin, to present a dazzling picture of the colours and textures of court life, of relations between the two nations, and the leading personalities of the period. MANCHESTER UP 2011 HB 326pp £70.00 20794 now £14.99 V&A 2013 HB 176pp Illus 268x215mm £30.00 17074 now £12.99 Sir Jerome Bowes by an unknown artist, c.1583 THE ENGLISH CIVIL WARS 1640-1660 THE ROYAL STUARTS A History of the Family That Shaped Britain £8.99 18953 now £3.99 $26.99 99989 now £6.99 Blair Worden presents a concise account of the political upheaval that saw the English monarchy and the House of Lords abolished and replaced by a republic and military rule. He explores the origins and course of the conflict – the war between King and Parliament, the execution of Charles I, the rule of Oliver Cromwell and the Restoration – assessing the motives of the opposing sides and the legacy of the struggle for future generations. PHOENIX 2009 PB 202pp Allan Massie The Stuart dynasty ruled Scotland for three centuries and Great Britain and Ireland for one. Theirs is a tale of brilliance and bravery, all too often marred by disaster – the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, the Civil War, and the overthrow of James VII and II. This adventurous, opinionated history offers a sympathetic reading of their strengths and weaknesses, from their rise to power in 14th century Scotland to the bitter exile after the failure of the Jacobite uprisings. THOMAS DUNNE 2010 HB 382pp Visit our website: f 9 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 10 ARCHAEOLOGY MODERN HISTORY NEW THE MAID AND THE QUEEN The Secret History of Joan of Arc and Yolande of Aragon Nancy Goldstone The story of Joan of Arc is well known: hearing voices at the age of 13, she was inspired to lead French resistance to English domination, and was then captured and subjected to trial by inquisition. But did Joan’s strength and power derive only from the angels? Goldstone’s revisionist account argues that the restoration of France’s greatness came about through the intertwined lives of Joan and her forgotten mentor, Yolande of Aragon, ‘perhaps the most astute politician of her age’. VIKING 2012 HB 418pp Illus $26.95 17104 now £7.99 THE FRENCH REVOLUTION NEW Thomas Carlyle began his three-volume history of the French Revolution in 1835 and finished two years later, when he described the work as ‘a wild savage Book, itself a kind of French Revolution’ that ‘has come hot out of my own soul’. In this volume from the Continuum Histories series, Ruth Scurr introduces extracts from all three volumes of ‘the most exciting account of the Revolution there has ever been’. CONTINUUM 2010 PB 203pp £10.99 20565 now £4.99 NEW THE DARK DEFILE Britain’s Catastrophic Invasion of Afghanistan, 1838-1842 Diana Preston In 1839, convinced that Russia posed a threat to its empire in India, Britain sent a powerful army into Afghanistan to install a puppet ruler. Within four years, it had been utterly defeated. Skilfully establishing the events leading up to the invasion, this compelling narrative history draws on diaries and letters to recreate the tragic events of the First Afghan War, which turned out to be the opening salvo in the Anglo-Russian rivalry known as the ‘Great Game’. WALKER & CO 2012 HB 318pp Illus $28.00 21124 now £7.99 RETURN OF A KING The Battle for Afghanistan William Dalrymple Britain’s first military engagement in Afghanistan was in 1839 in order to restore the pro-British Shah Shuja ul-Muluk to the throne. It ultimately led to one of the most humiliating defeats in British history: the Kabul Retreat of 1842. This analysis of the First Afghan War draws on a range of recently discovered sources including material in Russian, Urdu and Persian from archives in South Asia, and contemporary Afghan accounts of the conflict, including the autobiography of Shah Shuja. Slightly off-mint. BLOOMSBURY 2013 HB 610pp Illus £25.00 20014 now £12.99 NEW CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES IN PROTESTANT STATES Britain and the Netherlands c.1570-1720 Ed. Benjamin Kaplan; Bob Moore et al Much of 17th-century Europe was dominated by the Catholic Church. Not so Britain and the Dutch Republic. This book is the first to compare the position of Catholics as a minority community in the two countries. Looking beyond the tales of persecution that have dominated traditional accounts, it examines ritual, international networks, and relations between clergy and laity, to reveal the ways in which Catholicism managed to retain its identity and survive in a hostile political environment. MANCHESTER UP 2009 HB 288pp Illus £65.00 20660 now £12.99 The Virgin of Candlemas with Donors, Cuzco school, early 18th century, Peru CONTESTED VISIONS In the Spanish Colonial World Ilona Katzew Spain’s vast American empire was a place of complex and contested interactions. Focusing on Mexico and Peru from the 15th to the 19th centuries, this lavishly illustrated study examines the way interactions between Spaniards and indigenous peoples were interpreted in the arts, embracing topics such as conflicting views of the conquest, the idea of the Amerindian as ‘good Christian’, and the survival of elements of Aztec and Inca culture in the formation of new identities. NEW LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART 2012 HB 320pp Illus 305x255mm $70.00 21115 now £16.99 10 NEW FIGHTING LIKE THE DEVIL FOR THE SAKE OF GOD Protestants, Catholics and the Origins of Violence in Victorian Belfast Mark Doyle Belfast was Ireland’s most prosperous town in the mid-19th century, so why did its industrial suburbs begin to suffer extended outbreaks of violence? Although historians have identified the disagreements and inequalities which underlay such riots, Doyle probes further, examining individual rioters’ motivations, the networks of social relations which drew whole neighbourhoods into conflict and the relations between the state and the city’s inhabitants. No jacket. MANCHESTER UP 2009 HB 310pp Illus £60.00 20695 now £12.99 THE WORLD AT THEIR FINGERTIPS 18th Century British Two-Sheet Double-Hemisphere World Maps Geoff Armitage Between 1680 and 1807, British publishers produced a sequence of double hemisphere world maps, each printed on two conjoined sheets, William Berry’s A Mapp of All the World with an eye to the growing in Two Hemispheres, London, 1680 market among the upwardly mobile. Drawing on the collection of the British Library, this handsome, informative book reproduces 24 maps in full colour, in addition to many details and smaller illustrations. A valuable guide to identification, it also sets the maps in their historical context and provides biographies of leading figures in the trade. BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 HB 262pp Illus 238x310mm £45.00 16947 now £19.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 12:12 Page 11 Order line: 01626 897100 NEW A SHORT HISTORY OF THE 20th CENTURY Geoffrey Blainey Combining narrative verve with meticulous scholarship, this brilliant chronicle charts the vicissitudes of a tempestuous century. Starting at the dawn of an era ripe with promise, it shows how empires fell, leaving wars, revolutions, economic depressions and totalitarian regimes in their wake. It also examines the details of everyday life – how children were raised, why cities expanded, and the effects of technology and mass media – before concluding with the fall of the Soviet Union and the resurgence of Islam. IVAN R DEE 2006 HB 378pp Illus $26.00 21136 now £7.99 BRITAIN AND THE WORLD IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Ever-Decreasing Circles NEW Michael J Turner British history in the 20th century is too often seen as a long, slow decline. This concise, accessible book offers a refreshing alternative. Drawing on speeches, diaries, correspondence, newspapers and other primary sources, it focuses instead on the nation’s capacity to adapt and reinvent itself in changing circumstances, through two world wars, the dismantling of empire, defence and diplomacy in Asia, the Middle East and Europe, the Cold War, and membership of the European Union. CONTINUUM 2010 PB 368pp £19.99 20563 now £7.99 BULMER HOBSON AND THE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT IN 20th-CENTURY IRELAND NEW Marnie Hay ‘One of the losers of Irish history’, the Protestant Ulsterman Bulmer Hobson (1883-1969) was a key member of the Irish nationalist movement before the 1916 Easter rising. Although a talented Sinn Fein propagandist and editor of the republican paper Irish Freedom, Hobson’s opposition to an insurrection with no hope of military success, coupled with his evasion of arrest after the Rising, scuppered his political career. Marnie Hay presents the first study of Hobson’s life and politics. No jacket. MANCHESTER UP 2009 HB 288pp Illus 20th CENTURY/CONTEMPORARY ARCHAEOLOGY HISTORY THE ATLANTIC AND ITS ENEMIES A Personal History of the Cold War Norman Stone Assessing the years between 1945 and the collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989, Norman Stone shows how, for every success of the Atlantic powers, there seemed to be a dozen triumphs for the USSR and the Communist Bloc. He looks in depth at the confrontation of the Communist and capitalist worlds, investigating how, when even in the late 1970s the initiative still seemed to lie with the Soviets, suddenly, against all the odds, the Atlantic won economically, ideologically and militarily. BASIC 2010 HB 688pp Illus $35.00 11763 now £7.99 STALIN’S CURSE Battling for Communism in War and Cold War Robert Gellately When Stalin died in 1953 he had established the ‘Red Empire’ which defined the Cold War world until the fall of the Berlin Wall. What were the motives behind Stalin’s ruthless and spectacular power grab? Was he intent upon imperialist expansion for its own sake? Was he simply a psychopathic killer? Using previously unavailable sources Gellately argues that Stalin is better understood as a life-long Leninist revolutionary who saw the Second World War as a chance to further the Communist mission. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 496pp Illus 241x160mm £20.00 19285 now £7.99 Jeremy Treglown The Spanish Civil War is largely known through the accounts of outsiders such as Orwell and Hemingway, with the long years of Franco’s dictatorship seen as an era of silence and suppression. This compelling investigation dispels this myth, demonstrating how the memory of these events was kept alive in novels, films, paintings and sculpture. Interviewing the descendants of those killed by the regime, it examines how, in recent years, the country has begun to come to terms with its past. CHATTO & WINDUS 2014 HB 332pp Illus FRANCO’S CRYPT: Spanish Culture and Memory Since 1936 £25.00 20242 now £9.99 THE GREATEST TRAITOR The Secret Lives of Agent George Blake Roger Hermiston George Blake was entrusted with building up British intelligence networks behind the Iron Curtain, but was also a Soviet spy, and in 1961 he was sentenced to an unprecedented 42 years in jail. Drawing on interviews with Blake himself, hitherto unpublished records from his trial and new revelations about his dramatic jailbreak from Wormwood Scrubs, this biography examines both his Cold War treachery and his heroism during the Second World War. AURUM 2013 HB 384pp Illus £20.00 16572 now £6.99 £55.00 20658 now £9.99 DIAL M FOR MURDOCH News Corporation and the Corruption of Britain Tom Watson; Martin Hickman Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers had been hacking phones, blagging information and casually destroying people’s lives for years before detectives stumbled on a criminal conspiracy following a trivial report about Prince William’s knee in 2005. This book offers a full account of how Murdoch’s News Corporation went to extraordinary lengths to ‘put the problem in a box’ (James Murdoch’s words), how its efforts to maintain its power were aided by political and police friends, and how it was finally exposed. ALLEN LANE 2012 HB 380pp Illus £20.00 99901 now £9.99 f See also Murdoch’s World on page 27 LIBYA The Rise and Fall of Qaddafi Alison Pargeter The story of Libya over the past 50 years is extraordinary. Following the 1969 coup by 27-year-old Muammar Qaddafi, a failing monarchy was transformed into the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah. Based on longstanding observation and meticulous research, this compelling history charts the dictator’s quixotic career – one moment a pariah, the next courted by the West. It assesses his impact on his country, investigating how he managed to stay in power so long, and why his luck finally ran out. YALE UP 2012 HB 197pp Illus £20.00 20159 now £8.99 Visit our website: 11 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 12 SOCIAL HISTORY/CRIME Christopher Simon Sykes The country house can claim to be the birthplace of photography in England through Fox Talbot’s work in the 1830s at Lacock Abbey; and throughout its early years, photography provided an aristocracy well endowed with leisure, money and space with the perfect pastime. Discovered in the attics and albums of Britain’s grandest houses, these 300 or more photographs, taken between the 1850s and 1930s, evoke a lifestyle now all but vanished. Reprinted in 2013, with forewords by Nigel Nicholson and Clive Aslet. STACEY COUNTRY HOUSE CAMERA INTERNATIONAL 2013 HB 214pp Illus 313x228mm £29.99 19767 now £12.99 Guests boating at Portnall Park, Virginia Water, Surrey in the late 19th century MEMORIES OF BRITAIN PAST The Illustrated Story of How We Lived, Worked and Played Juliet Gardiner Drawing on the wonderful Getty photographic archive, this book is full of memorable images of a bygone era. It focuses on times within living memory, from the early 1930s to the end of the 1970s, during which the country underwent profound changes. Covering key aspects of the way we used to live, from home life, childhood and schooling through to the working world and popular entertainments, social historian Juliet Gardiner looks back on a largely vanished Britain. READER’S DIGEST 2012 HB 256pp Illus 275x215mm £19.99 95477 now £7.99 NEW MISCARRIAGES OF JUSTICE Famous London Cases John J Eddleston Of the murder cases examined in this book, eight of the twelve people tried were executed but five have since been pardoned and there is cause for doubt about the guilt of the others. This book explores nine legal blunders from the 20th century, including the famous cases of Timothy Evans, wrongly convicted of the Christie murders, and Derek Bentley executed thanks to his ambiguous exclamation, ‘let him have it’. TRUE CRIME 2009 PB 160pp Illus FOUL DEEDS AND SUSPICIOUS DEATHS SERIES From rape and murder in 13th century Jersey and highwaymen in 18th century Oxfordshire, to raging bulls in Victorian Colchester and the Teddington Towpath murders in 1950s Surrey, these volumes chronicle the more gruesome aspects of local history. Each book describes in detail each of 20 or more cases and the fates of both victims and perpetrators, with illustrations from contemporary reports and old and new photographs of the scenes of the crimes. WHARNCLIFFE/TRUE CRIME 2002-10 PB 160-191pp Illus £12.99 20117 now £4.99 UNSOLVED LONDON MURDERS The 1920s and 1930s NEW THE GREAT SILENCE Back by Britain from the Shadow popular demand of the First World War to the Dawn of the Jazz Age Juliet Nicolson From the moment the guns fell silent on 11 November 1918 to the burial of the Unknown Soldier two years later, Britain struggled to come to terms with its bitter victory. Millions were bereaved, thousands physically or psychologically maimed, and soldiers returned to face unemployment and social unrest. Through the day-to-day experience of figures ranging from the King and Queen to ex-servicemen, this sensitive account evokes the uneasy silence that reigned between the Great War and the Roaring Twenties. GROVE 2009 HB 320pp Illus Jonathan Oates The investigations into the murder of a French acrobat near Piccadilly Circus in 1924 are revealing of the Soho underworld of the time as a cast of resident aliens and prostitutes fail to help the police find the perpetrator. This book gives an insight into the workings of the Metropolitan Police in the 1920s and 1930s, exploring a selection of such unsolved cases, including violent IRA killings and the poisoning of a Lithuanian egg merchant. TRUE CRIME 2009 HB 199pp Illus £16.99 20123 now £8.99 $25.00 79414 now £5.99 NEW FOUL DEEDS AND SUSPICIOUS DEATHS AROUND OXFORDSHIRE Carl Boardman 20107 ...IN GUILDFORD Caroline Maxton 20106 NEW ...AROUND THE TEES Maureen Anderson 20108 NEW NEW ...IN BLACKBURN AND HYNDBURN Steve Greenhalgh 20110 ...IN AND AROUND COLCHESTER NEW Patrick Denney 20111 ...IN JERSEY Glynis Cooper 20112 NEW NEW THE HISTORY OF MORRIS DANCING 1458-1750 John Forrest The first reference to a dance called ‘morris’ dates from 1458, but few early sources have so far been available to the folklorists who have attempted to track down its supposed ancient pagan origins. Now, drawing on material he helped to compile for an archive of documentary records, Forrest has produced a fascinating survey of the dance’s early history, which uses a new approach to draw the study of morris traditions into the wider area of communal customs and public celebrations. JAMES CLARKE 1999 HB 468pp Illus 20917 now £9.99 12 £9.99-£12.99 each now £4.99 each Postscript order line: 01626 897100 NEW ...IN LEWISHAM Jonathan Oates AND DEPTFORD 20113 ...AROUND UXBRIDGE Jonathan Oates 20109 NEW NEW ...IN RICHMOND AND KINGSTON Jonathon Oates f 20115 See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 13 Order line: 01626 897100 SOCIAL /INDUSTRIAL HISTORY NEW BEECHAM’S 1848-2000 From Pills to Pharmaceuticals TAB Corley The Beecham enterprise began when Thomas Beecham (1820-65), an Oxfordshire shepherd with a reputation for efficacious herbal cures, moved to Lancashire to start his medicinal pill business. Anthony Corley tells the story of the Beechams, from the successful career of this ‘Smilesian hero’ and his Patent Pills in 1848 to a major company at the heart of the British pharmaceutical industry, now part of GlaxoSmithKline, over 150 years later. CRUCIBLE 2011 PB 238pp Illus £14.99 20233 now £5.99 THE DAWN OF INNOVATION The First American Industrial Revolution SUGAR FOR THE HOUSE A History of Early Sugar Refining in North West England NEW Mona Duggan Only 50 years after sugar cane was introduced into the West Indies in the early 17th century, it was being refined in the market town of Ormskirk in north-west England. This fascinating piece of local history charts the rise and fall of the sugar refining industry in that region by following the fortunes of the various entrepreneurs who invested in the process in Liverpool, Chester, Warrington, Manchester, Lancaster and Whitehaven. FONTHILL 2013 PB 175pp Illus £12.99 20252 now £5.99 Charles R Morris The first decades of the 19th century saw America develop from a largely rural economy to the fledgling industrial powerhouse which would soon out-produce Great Britain. In this sweeping and vivid account of America’s economic rise, Morris analyses how new technologies, processes and work organizations, combined with the shift of political and economic power away from the traditional elites, gave rise to a distinctly American approach to manufacturing. PUBLICAFFAIRS 2012 HB 382pp £19.99 10939 now £5.99 TRADITIONAL CRAFTS AND INDUSTRIES IN EAST ANGLIA The Photographic Legacy of Hallam Ashley Ed. Andrew Sargent This collection of 140 photographs, taken mostly during the 1940s and 1950s by Hallam Ashley (1900-87), depicts traditional working practices in East Anglian agriculture, crafts and industry. Working for the Reeds, Horsey National Buildings Record and Staithe, Norfolk, the Society for the Protection of April 1963 Ancient Buildings, Ashley made an important pictorial survey of architectural heritage but, as these images show, his interest in social documentary is perhaps more significant, depicting a centuriesold way of life at a time of rapid social change. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2010 PB 176pp Illus 276x218mm £16.99 94694 now £6.99 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE AGE OF STEAM The Power that Drove the Industrial Revolution Thomas Crump For over two centuries from its first development in 1710, steam technology was behind a revolution which swept the world. Exploring the contribution of such figures as Stephenson and Brunel, this book traces the development of steam locomotion from the first Mississippi steamboats to the Titanic, and from the first London terminus at Euston to the Trans-Siberian Railway. ROBINSON 2007 PB 370pp £8.99 84576 now £3.99 NEW THE FOUR OAKS A Biography of the Forshaws Keith Chivers Beginning in 1815 with grandfather George Forshaw (b.1771) and his Black horse, this hugely entertaining book tells the story of the family of Shire stallion proprietors, renowned for their powerful, prize-winning draught horses. As well as the Forshaws, the book opens up a world – now departed – of ‘public’ stallions on their 13-week rounds, the men who led them, and the annual shows. No previous knowledge of horses required. LUTTERWORTH 1994 HB 176pp Illus $42.50 20154 now £7.99 NEW WILTSHIRE GLEBE TERRIERS 1588-1827 Ed. Steven Hobbs Glebe terriers are descriptions of the property of benefices drawn up by the incumbents and church wardens for including in church registries. Such property included glebe land, a house for the incumbent, tithes, offerings and endowments. This volume presents a calendar of terriers from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office, covering some 250 parishes and providing an invaluable resource for the agricultural history of the county and many other topics including architecture, place-names and local livelihoods. WILTSHIRE RECORD SOCIETY 2003 HB 318pp £20.00 20815 now £9.99 NEW BAN THIS FILTH! Letters from the Mary Whitehouse Archive Ed. Ben Thompson In 1964, Mary Whitehouse launched the Clean Up TV Campaign to fight what she called the ‘propaganda of disbelief, doubt and dirt’ being broadcast by radio and television, politicians, pop stars and playwrights. The movement, with Whitehouse as figurehead, became the National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association. Drawn from the Association’s archive, this collection of letters reveals something of both the state of the nation’s cultural life and of Mrs Whitehouse herself, its embattled moral guardian. FABER 2012 HB 416pp Illus £16.99 20232 now £7.99 Visit our website: 13 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 14 GENERAL HISTORY CHIVALRY The Origins and History of the Orders of Knighthood Kevin L Gest Recent years have seen growing interest in the activities and cultural legacy of such chivalric orders as the Knights of St John, the Knights Templar and the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Tracing the history of these and other orders with British connections, Kevin Gest assembles evidence from primary sources, some of which contradicts popular myth; and he also examines Masonic connections and the symbolism of chivalric designs and architecture. IAN ALLAN 2010 HB 320pp Illus £19.99 19880 now £7.99 Le Mont Saint-Michel, Normandy CASTLES A History of Fortified Structures, Ancient, Medieval and Modern Ed. Charles Stephenson While the word ‘castle’ conjures up an image of the classic medieval stone edifice with towers and turrets, battlements and barbicans, the impulse to build defensive works is as old as civilization. This survey covers the whole span of fortified building in Europe, Asia and North America, taking an architectural approach and using plans, artworks and photographs to trace the evolution of defensive design, engineering and materials from ancient Egyptian and Assyrian strongholds to modern polygonal forts and naval fortresses. ST MARTINS GRIFFIN 2011 PB 288pp Illus 253x205mm $29.99 98201 now £5.99 NEW THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD HISTORY Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Chronologically Arranged Ed. Peter N Stearns A new version of William L Langer’s distinguished classic, this single volume encyclopedia goes beyond the scope of the original reference work. The new version comprises a comprehensive chronology of more than 20,000 entries, spanning millennia from prehistory to the year 2000. The chronological entries are grouped by geographic region and now include subjects such as women’s history, religion, health, economics and technology. The book also includes a searchable CD-Rom of the complete text. JAMES CLARKE 2001 HB + CD-Rom 1272pp Illus 252x200mm 20906 now £19.99 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE INDIAN DIASPORA Ed. Brij V Lal There are now more than 20 million people of Indian origin living outside the subcontinent. From South Africa to North America, from Britain to Australia, these communities have made their mark in areas as diverse as literature, politics, business, popular culture, sport and cuisine. Written by more than 60 scholars from around the globe and lavishly illustrated with maps, charts and photographs, this unique work of reference charts their origins, their experiences, and their distinctive contribution to host cultures. HAWAII UP 2007 HB 416pp Illus 287x237mm NEW ENGLAND An Illustrated History Henry Weisser Written by an American professor, this little volume offers a concise history of ‘one of the most civilized places on earth’. It tells the story of England from earliest times to the present, highlighting important political and social developments, and describing the people and events that have made the country’s history so rich and colourful. HIPPOCRENE 2000 HB 176pp Illus 177x125mm $11.95 21131 now £3.99 FROM BOOKS TO BEZOARS Sirs Hans Sloane and his Collections Ed. Alison Walker; Arthur MacGregor; Michael Hunter The extensive and varied collections of the physician and naturalist Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) formed the basis of the British Museum, the British Library and the Natural History Museum. This collection of essays examines every aspect of Sloane’s life and work, including his time in Jamaica, the collections themselves, and the cultural milieu in which he operated. The extensive colour illustrations include manuscripts, plant specimens, books and works of art, including original drawings by Dürer and Holbein. BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 HB 288pp Illus £45.00 19815 now £14.99 £40.93 19262 now £9.99 DISCOVERING FAMOUS GRAVES Lynn F Pearson From Nelson’s tomb in St Paul’s Cathedral to Dick Turpin’s headstone in a public garden in York, this guide gives details of the interesting graves and mausolea of nearly 1,000 famous Britons. Supported by photographs and illustrations, each entry gives directions to and details of the memorial as well as brief biographical information about the deceased. SHIRE 2004 PB 152pp Illus £8.99 97760 now £3.99 14 CAVALIER A Tale of Chivalry, Passion and Great Houses Lucy Worsley Sir William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle (1593-1676) is often called the ‘last of the great cavaliers’ and he certainly embodies the popular notion of that flamboyant tribe – courageous and cultured, passionate about grand architecture, horses and women, and head of the king’s army in the north during the Civil War. Lucy Worsley, Chief Curator of the Historic Royal Palaces, vividly portrays Cavendish’s world, and the vital support such a man received from his household and family. FABER 2007 HB 352pp Illus £20.00 55720 now £5.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 15 Order line: 01626 897100 BRITISH/GENERAL HISTORY NEW JERUSALEM STONE AND SPIRIT 3,000 Years of History and Art Dan Bahat; Shalom Sabar As the spiritual centre of the world’s three monotheistic religions, Jerusalem has for 3,000 years been a crossroads of art, architecture and history. This volume tells its story from a new point of view, blending a richly detailed historical account of the city from the time of King David to the early 20th century, with art and artefacts from across the world that illustrate Jerusalem’s cultural and spiritual significance far beyond the earthly city. RIZZOLI 1997 HB 150pp Illus 327x240mm 21127 now £12.99 Map of Jerusalem (with the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at the centre) in a book by Sebastian Münster, 1544 A HISTORY OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Mata Hari’s Glass Eye and Other Stories Martyn Barber In England, more archaeological sites are discovered through aerial photography than by any other means. The first part of this book tells the story of the balloonists who pioneered the airborne camera. The second reveals how two world wars developed the ‘one-eyed Mata Hari of the blitzkrieg era’ – a process to which archaeologists contributed. Extensively illustrated with archival and modern colour photographs, this engaging story of adventure and discovery will appeal to the specialist and lay reader alike. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2011 HB 304pp Illus 243x188mm £25.00 17683 now £9.99 Joseph F Privitera Written in a very accessible style, this short illustrated history covers Italy’s past, from Roman times to the 21st century, with succinct accounts of the major political, military and social events and a ‘sampling of Italy’s cultural contributions to the modern world’. NEW ITALY: An Illustrated History HIPPOCRENE 2000 HB 162pp Illus 177x125mm $14.95 21116 now £3.99 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JEWISH LIFE Before and During the Holocaust (Three volumes) Ed. Shmuel Spector Profiling more than 6,500 Jewish communities, with over 600 photographs, 17 pages of maps, a chronology and glossary, these volumes are the product of three decades of work at Yad Vasham, the Holocaust Remembrance Authority of Israel. The alphabetically arranged entries provide details of the history, people and customs of communities, large and small, that thrived throughout much of Europe, north Africa and the Middle East during the early part of the 20th century, but were changed irrevocably by the Holocaust. NEW YORK UP 2001 HB WORSE THAN WAR Genocide, Eliminationism and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity Daniel Jonah Goldhagen The crimes of the Nazis led to the establishment of international conventions to ensure that such horrors would not happen again; yet they have – in Rwanda, Kosovo, Darfur and countless other places. This lucid, sobering study by the acclaimed author of Hitler’s Willing Executioners undertakes an unflinching examination of the continuing global problem of genocide. It asks crucial questions such as how and why mass murders begin and how they are implemented, and proposes radical new preventive measures. 1770pp Illus 277x213mm ABACUS 2010 PB 670pp Illus £156.00 19990 now £75.00 £14.99 18336 now £4.99 MAPPING AMERICA Exploring the Continent NEW Black Dog Through the medium of cartography, this handsomely produced book traces the transformation of the USA from colonial backwater to global superpower. In five thematic chapters, more than 120 superbly reproduced historical maps chart the formation of states, the development of the transport network, industry and agriculture, and describe the country’s flora and fauna. A final section, ‘Imagining the Continent’, includes a map celebrating the nation’s black writers, a DC Comics map, and Jack Kerouac’s sketch of his 1947 hitch-hiking trip. BLACK DOG 2010 HB 240pp Illus 290x240mm The Washington Map of the United States by Matthew Fontaine Maury, 1860 £24.95 21128 now £9.99 Ed. Robert Aldrich In 13 richly illustrated chapters on the Ottoman and European empires, this volume gives succinct and accessible overviews of imperialism as it was experienced in each ‘home’ country, focusing on the modes and ideology of colonial expansion and its repercussions. As well as major imperial powers, such as Spain, Britain and the Netherlands, the authors examine the less familiar colonial ambitions of Belgium, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia, and a final essay looks at ‘the American way of empire’. THAMES & HUDSON 2007 HB 320pp Illus 278x218mm THE AGE OF EMPIRES £29.95 17592 now £12.99 Visit our website: 15 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 16 ARCHAEOLOGY MILITARY HISTORY NEW HARRY SMITH’S LAST THROW The Eighth Frontier War 1850-1853 Keith Smith Harry Smith, the colourful veteran of the Peninsular Wars, Waterloo and India, was appointed Governor General of the Cape Colony in South Africa in 1847 and subsequently commanded the British forces in the brutal Eighth Frontier War, in which the resistance of the indigenous Xhosa people was completely subdued. This detailed account of the conflict assesses Smith’s part in a war that he was partly responsible for provoking and draws on first-hand accounts of the fighting. FRONTLINE 2012 HB 336pp Illus £25.00 20458 now £9.99 One of the Elizabethan bastions of Berwick-on-Tweed castle, with its flanking gun positions DISCOVERING FORTIFICATIONS From the Tudors to the Cold War Bernard Lowry By the end of the 15th century, following the discovery of gunpowder and the introduction of the cannon, it was clear that fortresses would need to be built very differently to withstand the assault of artillery. This review of the evolution of fortifications in Britain charts developments from Henry VIII’s castles to the pillboxes of the 1940s and the underground bunkers of the nuclear age. SHIRE 2006 PB 136pp Illus 210x128mm £10.99 99907 now £3.99 NEW REDCOATS The British Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars Philip J Haythornthwaite If Wellington valued the rank and file of his army (despite calling them ‘the scum of the earth’) much of the civilian population had a low opinion of their qualities. This detailed survey of the ordinary soldiers in the British Army of the Napoleonic era draws on contemporary testimony and records to describe the men and their backgrounds, explain the military organization and harsh code of discipline that governed them, and explore their living conditions and place in society. PEN & SWORD 2012 HB 208pp Illus £19.99 20478 now £8.99 Larry McMurtry Despite graduating from West Point last in his class, George Custer gained a reputation as a highly effective cavalry officer during the American Civil War. His famous ‘last stand’ came in 1876 when he was annihilated by a combined force of Indians at Little Bighorn. This colourfully illustrated introduction reviews Custer’s career and examines how a humiliating defeat became one of the iconic moments in American history, not least because of its re-enactment in ‘Buffalo Bill’s Wild West’ shows. CUSTER SIMON & SCHUSTER 2012 HB 186pp Illus 276x215mm $35.00 98207 now £9.99 NEW VOICES FROM THE ZULU WAR Campaigning Through the Eyes of the British Soldier Ian Knight The defence of Rorke’s Drift in 1879 was concisely recorded in Lieutenant Chard’s official report but only more fully described in a letter written at the request of Queen Victoria. Chard’s account together with many excerpts from the diaries and memoirs of British officers is the basis of this history of the Zulu War, which affords an eye-witness view of the campaign from the great battles, such as Isandlwana, to the drudgery of day-to-day soldiering. FRONTLINE 2011 PB 272pp Illus £16.99 20498 now £5.99 SAILORS IN THE DOCK Naval Courts Martial Down the Centuries Peter C Smith Some embarrassing cowardice displayed by the captains of several British ships at the Battle of Dungeness in 1652 led to the formulation of the ‘Articles of War’, establishing a strict code of conduct for the Navy and empowering officers to apply it. This collection of significant legal cases in the history of the Royal Navy ranges from a mutiny at the Battle of Cadiz in 1587 to a captain’s decision to scuttle HMS Manchester in the Mediterranean in 1942. HISTORY PRESS 2011 HB 272pp £18.99 19415 now £7.99 NEW THE CONFUSION OF COMMAND The War Memories of Lieutenant General Sir Thomas D’Oyly Snow 1914-1915 THE BEST 500 COCKNEY WAR STORIES Sir Ian Hamilton After the First World War, the London Evening News invited its readers to send in their stories of the trenches. A collection of 500 was then published and this book is a facsimile edition of that volume. The stories are accompanied by cartoons by wartime artist Bert Thomas and the light-hearted tone of the anecdotes is testimony to the Cockney Tommy’s ability to laugh in the face of adversity. AMBERLEY 2012 PB 224pp Illus £9.99 17988 now £4.99 16 Ed. Dan Snow; Mark Pottle A divisional commander at the beginning of the First World War, Lieutenant General Sir Thomas D’Oyly Snow saw action at Le Cateau, the Marne, Ypres, Arras and Cambrai, before leading the disastrous attack on Gommecourt on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. In this volume of memoirs, he frankly acknowledges the limitations of his own and others’ command, while explaining how the totally unprecedented scale of the war made effective communication between officers almost impossible. FRONTLINE 2011 HB 272pp Illus £19.99 20448 now £8.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 17 Order line: 01626 897100 MILITARY HISTORY NEW THE MARCH ON PARIS The Memoirs of Alexander von Kluck, 1914 Alexander von Kluck, commander of the First German Army, was blamed for the crucial failure of the German offensive in the West in August and September 1914, which lead to years of trench warfare. Based on official records and his own Army Orders, Kluck’s account of that momentous campaign presents events as seen from First Army headquarters and gives the General’s explanations for his actions. First published in 1923; reissued with a new introduction by Mark Pottle. FRONTLINE 2012 HB 178pp Illus £19.99 20471 now £8.99 TIG’S BOYS Letters to Sir, from the Trenches Ed. David Hilliam Bournemouth Grammar School was founded in 1901; it was a mere 14 years old when war broke out and many of its first ‘old boys’ were fighting in France. Printed in the school magazines of 1914-1918, the letters written to the headmaster, Dr Edward Fenwick or ‘Tig’, by old boys describing their wartime adventures, and the articles and 98 obituaries written by Tig give a powerful sense of the spirit and the tragedy of the ‘lost generation’. SPELLMOUNT 2011 PB 192pp Illus £12.99 98648 now £4.99 VERDUN The Lost History of the Most Important Battle of World War I, 1914-1918 John Mosier The Battle of Verdun, the attritional struggle between the French and German infantries on the River Meuse, is traditionally held to have taken place between February and December 1916. John Mosier contends that the conflict in fact extended over the entire period of the war, across eight distinct battles. His new assessment of the strategy and execution of the engagements near Verdun is based on numerous military analyses, eyewitness accounts and newly translated French sources. Felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. NAL CALIBER 2014 PB 396pp Illus $16.00 20351 now £4.99 NEW BEN BENNIONS DFC Battle of Britain Fighter Ace Nick Thomas George ‘Ben’ Bennions enlisted in the pre-war RAF in 1929, serving first as an ‘erk’ before being selected for pilot training. His first posting was in the Middle East with 41 Squadron, but by May 1940 the Squadron was back in Catterick, and during that summer, Bennions was to destroy or damage 20 enemy planes before being severely wounded and becoming one of Archibald McIndoe’s Guinea Pigs. This biography tells the full story of a man ‘born to fly’. PEN & SWORD 2011 HB 256pp £19.99 18038 now £7.99 Steve Bond; Richard Forder Although the value of radar to the defence of southern England during the Battle of Britain is well known, little has been written about the electronic arms race that developed thereafter. In addition to radar tracking and communication, radio technology became increasingly important in target and bomb guidance systems. This book tells the story of the RAF support squadron which provided vital protection to Bomber Command operations by employing radio jamming and radar countermeasures against German defences. £25.00 94630 now £9.99 Vincent Orange New Zealander Keith Park had been a fighter pilot in the First World War and by 1940 was responsible for the air defence of London and the South-east. Operational commander during the Battle of Britain and the crucial defence of Malta in 1942, he was one of the most significant leaders of the war. This biography assesses the whole of Park’s career drawing on interviews with people who knew him and previously unpublished sources. GRUB STREET 2015 PB 318pp Illus SPECIAL OPS LIBERATORS 223 (Bomber Support) Squadron, 100 Group and the Electronic War GRUB STREET 2011 HB 256pp Illus PARK The Biography of Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park £12.99 19255 now £6.99 RAF EVADERS The Comprehensive Story of Thousands of Escapers and Their Escape Lines Oliver Clutton-Brock Between May 1940 and May 1945, several thousand Allied airmen, forced to abandon their aircraft behind enemy lines, evaded capture and reached freedom by land, sea and air. Initially there was no organized help for men on the run, then escape lines such as Comet, running from Brussels to the Pyrenees, were set up. Clutton-Brock presents an in-depth account of this secret world of evasion, uncovering some treachery and many hitherto unpublished details, operations and photographs – and identifying 2,198 evaders. GRUB STREET 2009 HB 527pp Illus £35.00 92176 now £12.99 Ronald Skirth; Ed. Duncan Barrett In the First World War, Ronald Skirth was an ordinary tommy serving in the trenches; but on the Flanders battlefield he had a strange epiphany and became a pacifist. His war became one of small acts of sabotage, committed at huge risk to his own life. Compiled from Skirth’s wartime letters and journals and his memoir, this is the story of a young man sticking to his principles in impossible circumstances. The abridged audio version is read by Daniel Weyman. 6 CDs. Running time approx 7 hours. Ernst Röhm Until his murder by the SS in the 1934 ‘Night of the Long Knives’, Ernst Röhm was one of the leading figures in the Nazi party. This memoir, first published in 1928 but only now translated into English, charts the party’s emergence from the chaos that followed Germany’s defeat in the First World War, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and the Munich putsch. ‘Germany,’ Röhm concludes chillingly, ‘was never suited to diplomacy; its greatness was always won by the sword’. MACMILLAN DIGITAL AUDIO 2011 Audio CD FRONTLINE 2012 HB 258pp Illus 97791 now £5.99 £25.00 20472 now £9.99 THE RELUCTANT TOMMY NEW THE MEMOIRS OF ERNST RÖHM Visit our website: f 17 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 18 MILITARY HISTORY NEW REIGN OF TERROR The Budapest Memoirs of Valdemar Langlet 1944-1945 Valdemar Langlet After the Germans ousted Hungary’s ruler Admiral Horthy in favour of the fascist Arrow Cross party in 1944, thousands of Hungarian Jews faced murder by anti-Semitic thugs or deportation to the death camps. At great risk to his own life, the Swedish diplomat Valdemar Langlet helped many to escape. Never before translated into English, this memoir by one of the unsung heroes of the Second World War vividly captures the drama and tragedy of this terrifying time. FRONTLINE 2012 HB 206pp Illus £19.99 20479 now £7.99 TARGET TIRPITZ X-Craft, Agents and Dambusters Patrick Bishop The mere presence of the German battleship Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjord was enough to haunt Allied war planners and keep a significant part of Britain’s fleet tied to home waters. Consequently, repeated attempts were made throughout the Second World War to sink the ship, including mini-submarine raids and many bomber attacks. Bishop’s book is a tale of technology, ingenuity and daring, culminating in the final, successful assault of Autumn 1944, using Barnes Wallis’s ‘Tallboy’ bombs. HARPER 2012 HB 416pp Illus £20.00 97774 now £7.99 THE BLOOD OF FREE MEN The Liberation of Paris, 1944 Michael Neiberg As the Allies struggled to wrest Europe from the retreating Nazis, many historic cities were reduced to rubble. How did Paris escape this fate? Focusing on the dramatic days of August 1944 when the city was liberated, this history deftly tracks the forces vying for the French capital: the US Army under Omar Bradley, De Gaulle’s Free French, diplomats, officials, resistance fighters, collaborators, and the ordinary Parisians who took to the barricades to save their city. BASIC BOOKS 2012 HB 343pp Illus £19.99 17641 now £6.99 ESCAPE FROM GERMANY True Stories of PoW Escapes in WWII The National Archives Originally prepared for the Air Ministry in 1951, this once-secret account of prisoner of war escapes draws on first-hand experience of Germany’s notorious prison camps. Written by a PoW who himself tried to escape, the book vividly portrays life in the camps as it examines the most daring attempts ever made, including those from Colditz and from Stalag Luft III, site of the famous ‘Great Escape’ tunnel, described here by two of the officers who created it. NATIONAL ARCHIVES 2009 PB 392pp £12.99 11987 now £5.99 Osmar White Osmar White was a celebrated Australian reporter who, in 1944, was attached to Patton’s Third Army Group as it advanced across Europe. One of the few journalists to attend the official German surrender, he was one of the first into Berlin and also present when the horror of Buchenwald was revealed to the world. This insightful report, written but not published in 1945, is a unique eyewitness account of a critical period in modern history. CONQUERORS ROAD CAMBRIDGE UP 2003 HB 239pp £60.00 11945 now £9.99 MESSERSCHMITT Bf 109 1935 Onwards (All Marks) Owner’s Workshop Manual FADING EAGLE Politics and Decline of Britain’s Post-War Airforce Ian Watson Although Britain was in decline as a world power after the Second World War, advances in military technology made the RAF ever more important to its defences as increasingly sophisticated aircraft patrolled the front line of the Cold War. In this assessment of the RAF and its planes since 1945, Ian Watson charts a golden age for the service and decries the political wranglings and budget management of recent years that has led to calls for its abolition. FONTHILL 2013 HB 256pp Illus £25.00 16560 now £7.99 18 Paul Blackah; Malcolm V Lowe The chief adversary of the British Spitfires and Hurricanes, the Messerschmitt Bf 109 saw service with the Luftwaffe on all fronts throughout the Second World War. Using a fully restored B f109 as its basis and drawing on the experience of the restoration team, this guide dissects every aspect of the aircraft. It also gives an account of the model’s distinguished operational history and a modern pilot’s assessment of its flight and handling. HAYNES 2009 HB 164pp Illus 270x207mm Back by popular demand £19.99 95510 now £7.99 DAY FIGHTERS IN DEFENCE OF THE REICH A War Diary, 1942-45 Donald Caldwell Based at airfields in Britain, the American air force began their strategic daylight bombing campaign against Nazi Germany in August 1942. This meticulous and comprehensive study of the Luftwaffe’s defensive actions during the USAAF raids that followed over the next three years contains details of every mission of every Luftwaffe unit involved, tables of monthly sorties, losses and victory claims by both sides, previously unpublished combat accounts, archive photographs and maps of the most important missions. FRONTLINE 2011 HB 480pp Illus 252x200mm £35.00 16902 now £14.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.1.qxp 14/03/2016 11:58 Page 19 Order line: 01626 897100 MILITARY HISTORY NEW SURVIVING FIGHTER AIRCRAFT OF WORLD WAR TWO A Global Guide to Location and Types Don Berliner Around 1.5 million aircraft have been built since the dawn of aviation. Almost half that Spitfire Mk Vb, originally flew number were in operation in 1942, rebuilt to fly in 1992 at some point during the Second World War and at least one example survives of more than half of about 500 basic designs. This volume, specifically covering fighters, charts their locations in museums and collections around the world, including the UK, USA, Germany and Japan, with brief histories, specifications of each type and contemporary and archive photographs. PEN & SWORD 2011 HB 160pp Illus 171x245mm £19.99 20489 now £7.99 ‘C’ CLASS DESTROYERS NEW David Hobbs The first ‘C’ Class destroyers saw action during the Second World War but these shipswere most important in the years after 1945. Relatively cheap to operate and available in significant numbers, they were well suited to a period of financial constraint and manpower shortages. This book profiles each of the 32 Royal Navy ‘C’ class destroyers built and recounts their operational history, from Russian convoy duties in the 1940s to the Cod Wars with Iceland. MARITIME 2012 HB 226pp Illus £25.00 20620 now £11.99 NEW TOWN CLASS CRUISERS Neil McCart As international tension grew in the 1930s, news that Japan’s new Mogami-class ships could outperform many of the Royal Navy’s existing heavy cruisers eventually resulted in the commissioning of ten Town-class cruisers between 1937 and 1939. This history profiles each of the vessels, which saw extensive service throughout the Second World War, including the last of the line, HMS Belfast, which is now a museum ship, permanently moored on the Thames in London. MARITIME 2012 HB 344pp Illus £29.00 20634 now £14.99 FRONTIER FIGHTERS On Active Service in Waziristan Walter James Cumming This memoir, recently edited from a long-unpublished manuscript, records the experiences of a young officer in the Indian Army on the frontier between Afghanistan and British India in the 20 years leading up to the Second World War. He describes the hardships and dangers of the notoriously lawless region, the ruthlessness and skill of the Pathan tribesmen, and lighter moments of polo, hunting and shooting – the entertainments available to British officers of the Raj. PEN & SWORD 2010 HB 202pp THE ROYAL SCOTS A Concise History Trevor Royle First raised to serve the French King Louis XIII, the Royal Scots are the oldest regiment in the British Army and, until merged to form the Royal Regiment of Scotland in 2006, were numbered first in the Army’s order of precedence. This history traces their activities from the Thirty Years War in the 17th century to recent conflicts in the Middle East, and draws on the first-hand accounts of Royal Scots through the generations. MAINSTREAM 2006 HB 240pp Illus £12.99 16918 now £5.99 £19.99 10976 now £7.99 BRITISH PRISONERS OF THE KOREAN WAR SP MacKenzie Around 1,000 British servicemen were held as PoWs by the Chinese and North Koreans during the Korean War. In prison camps along the Yalu River they faced what Mackenzie describes as ‘a unique and prolonged test of mind, character and body; grappling with an intensive and sustained effort by the enemy to change their allegiance’. Drawing on recently released materials, this study explores in detail the experience of the PoWs, their treatment by their captors and their reaction to indoctrination. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 175pp £59.00 17226 now £14.99 NEW HMS ARK ROYAL Zeal Does Not Rest 1981-2011 Alastair Graham; Eric Grove The fifth ship to carry the famous name, Ark Royal was introduced into service in 1985 and enjoyed an illustrious career as the Royal Navy’s flagship, including active deployments to the Adriatic during the Bosnian War and the Persian Gulf during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. This comprehensive illustrated volume includes contributions from each of the aircraft carrier’s 12 captains, and recounts the vessel’s operational history up to and including its premature decommissioning in 2011. MARITIME 2011 HB 240pp Illus THE ROYAL ENGINEERS AT CHATHAM 1750-2012 Peter Kendall Already England’s key naval dockyard, Chatham was attacked during the Dutch raid on the Medway of 1667 making it clear that defences were in need of improvement. This illustrated history tells the story of the continual development of the fortifications at Chatham, from earthen ramparts and ditches to anti-aircraft gun emplacements. It also examines the foundation and operation of the School of Military Engineering at the site, and the life and training of the soldiers barracked there. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2012 HB 190pp Illus 272x218mm £29.99 20624 now £11.99 Visit our website: £50.00 19312 now £19.99 19 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 20 MILITARY HISTORY DVDs NEW HITLER’S BIRTHDAYS 1933-1945 Hitler’s birthday, April 20th, became a national day of celebration after he was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. The great military parade for his 50th birthday in 1939 marked the high point but proceedings became progressively more modest during the war years. Using original footage of the propaganda events, this documentary highlights the changing times in Germany during the Hitler years. Running time: approx 85 minutes. GERMANY AT WAR SERIES Thanks to propaganda filmmakers and amateurs with cine cameras there is much film footage of the 1930s and 1940s, which gives us a closer insight into the Second World War than any previous conflict. The DVDs in this series present a German perspective on the period using a collection of films shot in various theatres of the war as well on the home front, and English voiceovers. Running times: approx 55 minutes. MILITARIA/PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011-13 DVD £14.99-£19.99 each now £5.99 each NEW BATTLE UNITS UNDER FIRE PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011 DVD Field artillery and tanks were central to the battle tactics of the Second World War and there were countless types deployed. Using original German film and photographic material, this DVD shows German tanks and assault guns and heavy artillery units in action. A second film looks at the rules and regulations of the German Wehrmacht. 20360 THE TOP FIGHTER PLANES NEW In 1940 the Luftwaffe was already battle hardened from the Spanish Civil War and the invasion of Poland and possessed largely superior aircraft to the RAF. The two films on this DVD examine the leading planes, pilots and tactics of the war from the Luftwaffe’s point of view and also assess the aces and aircraft of other nations. 20187 NEW PRUSSIA AND BERLIN UP TO 1945 The Kingdom of Prussia was the most important state in the unified Germany, established in 1871, and its capital Berlin became the principal city of the new nation. This collection of archive German films shows civilian life and culture in Berlin in the first half of the 20th century and includes amateur footage of the military parade of April 1939. 20373 NEW FRONT LINES AND GERMAN HOME FRONT Allied air raids made the German home front increasingly hazardous for the civilian population during the Second World War. Using archive film footage, these documentaries show bombers and anti-aircraft defences during attacks, civilian efforts to support the war effort, and German troops at the front in various theatres of the war. 20363 THE DARK AGES SERIES £21.99 20365 now £7.99 WHAT HITLER’S BUTLER SAID 1934-1943 As Adolf Hitler’s valet and adjutant from 1934 to 1943, Karl Wilhelm Krause was one of the most important witnesses to Hitler’s close circle during the Third Reich. Fifty years on, Krause tells his story, with archive film of the people and events he describes. German soundtrack with English voice-over translation. 2 DVDs; running time approx. 88 minutes. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2014 DVD £30.99 18096 now £11.99 Using original German Army footage, these two films shows Panzer divisions in action on the Western front and in the East, where the development of heavy tanks such as Panzer IV, Tiger and Königstiger began to dominate after 1940. Running time approx 55 min. NEW TANK WARS PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011 DVD £19.99 20375 now £5.99 Tim Saunders; Andrew Duff The English campaign of 1066 involved three critical battles – the Viking victory at Fulford, near York, and defeat five days later at Stamford Bridge, and William of Normandy’s decisive victory at Hastings – with the defending King Harold Godwinson force marching his men up and down the country to repel the invaders. Running time approx 80 min. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011 DVD THE 1066 HASTINGS CAMPAIGN Beginning with a survey of the U-boats’ deployment, this film covers the war in the Atlantic, the heavy surface ships such as the Scharnhorst and Bismarck that took up the fight, and the U-boat war on the Atlantic convoys. Running time approx 55 min. TPS 2011 DVD NEW £15.99 18070 now £5.99 GERMAN U-BOATS £14.99 20370 now £5.99 THE VIKING INVASION OF WESSEX 878 AD Tim Saunders; Andrew Duff By the 870s, Alfred the Great’s Kingdom of Wessex was the last remaining Anglo-Saxon territory not under the control of Viking invaders. Forced into hiding and on the brink of defeat, Alfred achieved a remarkable reversal that changed the course of English history. Running time approx 80 min. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011 DVD £15.99 18095 now £5.99 SOMME: 1st JULY 1916 An Interactive Tour of the Northern Somme Battlefield TRACING GREAT WAR ANCESTORS Finding Uncle Bill £19.99 18092 now £7.99 £19.99 18093 now £5.99 Michael Stedman Analysing one of the most significant battles of the First World War, this DVD includes interactive maps, panoramas, films and comparative ‘then and now’ views exploring the Somme battlefield, as well as an assessment of the conflict by leading academics and a collection of printable maps and photographs. Running time approx 70 min. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2011 DVD 20 Tim Saunders; Richard Hone This film demonstrates how to research the First World War service of your ancestors, using the presenter’s great uncle as a case study and tracing his involvement across the Western Front. The final section examines the campaign medals that were awarded to soldiers of the Great War. Running time approx 80 min. PEN & SWORD DIGITAL 2010 DVD Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 21 Order line: 01626 897100 BRITISH ISLES Rodney Cooper The historic Dorset port of Poole attracts visitors for its beaches and water sports and within a few miles are the natural wonders of the Isle of Purbeck and the ancient towns of Wareham and Wimborne Minster. This colourful guide includes historical notes, visitor information, directions and photographs of all the main attractions in the area, including Lulworth Cove, Corfe Castle (right) and Badbury Rings Iron Age fort. HALSGROVE 2011 HB 144pp Illus 214x228mm NEW DISCOVER POOLE £14.99 20266 now £7.99 Corfe castle: Built in the 11th century, destroyed in the Civil War Derek Tait From bluebells at Holwell Lawn in the Spring to icy views of Belstone Cleave in wintertime, Derek Tait’s photographs show the changing landscapes of Dartmoor through the seasons. Around 160 pictures of farms and villages, tourists, Ten Tors challengers and wildlife, as well as the famous moorland with its tors and ancient woodlands, convey the diversity of this beautiful and mysterious part of Britain. AMBERLEY 2013 PB 96pp Illus DARTMOOR THROUGH THE YEAR £14.99 19855 now £5.99 THE FOREST OF BERE Hampshire’s Forgotten Forest Simone Stanbrook-Byrne; James Clancy Devon is acknowledged to have some of the most beautiful countryside and spectacular coasts in the country, but it also contains many fascinating and historic buildings. Including maps, photographs and historical notes, this guide provides circular walks around 15 of the most interesting towns in the county including the picturesque seaside towns of Dartmouth, Salcombe and Lynton, and the historic centres of Exeter, Tavistock and Okehampton. TOWN WALKS IN DEVON CULM VALLEY 2012 PB 120pp Illus 210x148mm £7.99 99347 now £3.99 James Clancy; Simone Stanbrook-Byrne Among the 15 Cornish towns covered in this well researched guide are St Ives, the famous haunt of artists; the county town Truro, with its elegant Victorian cathedral; and the fashionable harbour town of Padstow. Each guided walk includes historical information about the town and the buildings encountered on the walk as well as a route map and local information. TOWN WALKS IN CORNWALL Emily Preston; Steve Wallis A patchwork of woods and fields, with ancient hedgerows, winding lanes and small villages, the Forest of Bere in Hampshire now covers approximately 100 square miles, but was once a much larger royal forest. In this richly illustrated book, the authors describe the area’s history since Roman and Saxon times and they reveal its all-but-forgotten identity in the distinct character of the landscape and its exceptional wildlife diversity. THROUGH TIME SERIES In each Through Time book, more than 180 pictures trace some of the many ways in which towns have changed over the last century, with ‘then’ and ‘now’ photographs and notes on the transformations – or continuities. AMBERLEY 2013/14 PB 96pp Illus Etta Dunn 21911 Gordon Adams 21913 David Gwynn 21912 Steve Harris 21918 Jack Smith 21919 NEW NEW CENTRAL GLASGOW GLASGOW’S EAST END HALSGROVE 2006 HB 144pp Illus £14.99 19087 now £5.99 Christopher Budgen Cranleigh in Surrey is often claimed to be the largest village in England, and tensions have long existed between those who saw expansion as a good thing and those who feared the loss of its traditional identity. Extensively illustrated with period photographs, prints and maps, this book traces Cranleigh’s development from prehistory to the 20th century, through its 18th-century decline and subsequent revival through the efforts of an energetic Victorian vicar. CRANLEIGH: A History PHILLIMORE 2008 HB 144pp Illus £15.99 19719 now £6.99 NEW CULM VALLEY 2012 PB 120pp Illus 210x148mm £6.99 99348 now £3.99 NEW WALES COAST PATH Tenby to Swansea NEW NEW Chris Moss Opened in 2012, the Wales Coast Path is a continuous footpath of 870 miles. As an introduction to the new trail, this guide covers the 129 miles between Tenby and Swansea. The route is broken down into twelve walks of between nine and fourteen miles, with Ordnance Survey maps of each section and information on places along the way, including details of transport and accommodation. AURUM 2013 PB 144pp Illus 210x128mm CENTRAL SWANSEA KINGSTEIGNTON LANCASHIRE COAST MINEHEAD AND DUNSTER NEW Simon Haines 21920 Marion Field 21927 NEW WOKING Kristina Bedford NEW WOOLWICH 21928 £14.99 each now £4.99 each £12.99 20084 now £4.99 Visit our website: 21 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 22 BRITISH ISLES A WAINWRIGHT: THE COMPLETE PICTORIAL GUIDES A Reader’s Edition (Ten volumes) A wind-blown birch tree on the moor behind Hawnby Ian Carstairs describes the North York Moors as ‘a relatively uncomplicated, double-decker landscape, with deep green valleys below and dark moors above, terminated abruptly at the North Sea’. His knowledge of that landscape, and his passion for its conservation are evident in these photographs, whether showing traces of the moors’ geological story, the colours of their heather and bracken, human settlements along the valleys and coast, or the moorland flora and fauna. HALSGROVE 2003 HB 144pp Illus 221x236mm MOODS OF THE NORTH YORK MOORS £12.95 19891 now £5.99 Alfred Wainwright’s seven guides to the Lakeland Fells are joined in this 50th anniversary edition by his Pennine Way Companion, A Coast to Coast Walk and The Outlying Fells. Their original handwritten and hand-drawn pages have been enlarged by approximately ten per cent, but otherwise faithfully reproduced, and the books are bound in gold-embossed linen, with silk markers. Present-day walkers should be aware that footpaths, cairns and way marks may well have changed since the first editions were published. Slipcased. FRANCES LINCOLN 2008 HB 2128pp Illus £159.99 98923 now £60.00 Martin Varley With over 150 colour photographs, this journey from the sea to the summit of Scafell Pike explores the natural history of Lakeland through its coastlands, meadows, woodlands, waters and fells. Varley also describes how the region has been shaped by human activities in the past and considers what the future holds as landscape, flora and fauna face climate change and rising sea levels. Foreword by Chris Bonington. Halsgrove Discover series. HALSGROVE 2005 HB 144pp Illus 222x232mm WILD LAKELAND £14.99 19093 now £6.99 THE YORKSHIRE DALES Walks from the Howgills to Nidderdale Jerry Rawson Part of the Halgrove Discover series, this book is a journey of discovery through the Yorkshire Dales, one of the most popular walking areas in the country. The 21 walks described in the book are of varying lengths and difficulties, each one carefully chosen to provide a constant variety of interest. The walks are accompanied by a general introduction, a short background history of the region and over 200 colour photographs by Jerry Rawson. HALSGROVE 2004 HB 144pp Illus 221x235mm £14.95 19094 now £5.99 The head of Crummackdale Roly Smith Britain’s first national parks, which now attract millions of visitors every year, were designated in 1951 and defined as ‘extensive area[s] of beautiful and relatively wild country, in which... the characteristic landscape beauty is strictly preserved’. This guide to their history and heritage discusses the legal and political developments which created them and includes chapters on points of special interest in each of 14 parks, from the ponies of Dartmoor and the New Forest to the wilderness of the Cairngorms. NATIONAL PARKS OF BRITAIN Steven Hanna The Glens of Antrim are places of outstanding beauty and a monument to rural life, full of Irish folklore with its tales of giants and fairies. Stretching from the Antrim Plateau to the Causeway Coast, the Glens run through a varied landscape of valleys, wooded glens, lakes, beaches and waterfalls. In these 70 panoramic photographs, one of Northern Ireland’s foremost landscape photographers takes us on a journey through the Glens and through the seasons. HALSGROVE THE GLENS OF ANTRIM AA 2010 HB 224pp Illus 295x240mm 2010 HB 144pp Illus 233x320mm £20.00 80521 now £7.99 £19.99 19537 now £7.99 MAPS AND SKETCHES FROM GEORGIAN AND EARLY VICTORIAN BIRMINGHAM Paul Leslie Line; Adrian Baggett et al By 1770, Birmingham – once a small market town – was the third most populous city in England. Its rapid expansion as a commercial and industrial centre left it with a rich legacy of Georgian and Victorian public buildings. Lavishly illustrated with period maps and engraved views, this book charts the city’s development and records its assembly halls, churches, factories and pubs, both extant and long vanished. The text is complemented with verse by Ian Henery, Poet Laureate of Walsall. MAPSEEKER 2013 HB 132pp Illus 295x210mm £29.99 21804 now £14.99 22 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 POCKET GUIDE TO PUBS AND THEIR HISTORY Gordon Thorburn From the ‘daft business of Ye Olde’ to the pitfalls of the pub quiz and the transformation of mussels into moules marinière, Gordon Thorburn tackles the history of the English pub in no particular order and with all manner of fascinating digressions. The book is a marvellous pub crawl through myths (debunked in ‘Pub Rubbish Korner’ articles), the fate of brewers, a discussion of ‘pubness’ and the origins and oddities of pub names. REMEMBER WHEN 2010 PB 170pp Illus £9.99 10994 now £4.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 23 Order line: 01626 897100 BRITISH ISLES The trial for treason of the Jacobite Lord Lovat at Westminster Hall in 1747; he was found guilty and beheaded at Tower Hill NEW DEATH IN LONDON Places of Execution, Then and Now A LONDON YEAR 365 Days of City Life in Diaries, Journals and Letters Travis Elborough; Nick Rennison An anthology of ‘intimate snatches of London life’, with one or more entries for each day of the year, this handsome volume begins with a hungover Robert Hooke on 1 January 1672; in June we find Noël Coward detesting the 1951 Festival of Britain funfair (‘really the last word in squalor and completely ungay’) and, finally, there is a millennial disappointment – MP Oona King on New Year’s Eve 1999, stuck at Stratford Tube station en route to the Millennium Dome festivities. FRANCES LINCOLN 2013 HB 608pp Illus £25.00 17508 now £9.99 NEW RICHMOND PARK From Medieval Pasture to Royal Park Paul Rabbitts Richmond is the largest and oldest of London’s Royal Parks, a sylvan oasis in the capital whose sweeping acres offer uninterrupted views of St Paul’s Cathedral 12 miles away. This attractive volume charts its history from the creation of the medieval deer park to the present, explores its palace, lodges and other buildings, and examines its ecology and wildlife. The 32 pages of colour plates show how artists have captured its beauty through the centuries. AMBERLEY 2014 HB 220 Illus £20.00 21099 now £9.99 Marion Field The establishment of a royal mint in the 970s gave the town of Guildford the status of a borough. Located between Winchester and London, it grew as a commercial centre and was considered important enough by the Normans to build a castle there soon after the Conquest. This illustrated history documents Guildford’s development from the earliest settlement to the construction of its cathedral and university in the late 20th century. THE STORY OF GUILDFORD PHILLIMORE 2011 HB 158pp Illus £17.99 99428 now £7.99 Robert Bard London has seen many public executions in its long history. This fascinating book surveys the places of execution, such as Tyburn, Smithfield, Wapping and Tower Hill; profiles the unfortunates who met their ends there; and describes the hideous methods used to dispatch them. Illustrated with photographs, prints, maps and broadsheets, it presents a compelling picture of a brutal society in which even minor thefts were punished by an agonizing death before an excited crowd. HISTORICAL 2007 HB 152pp Illus £16.95 20359 now £6.99 PORTRAIT OF... SERIES Beata Moore For centuries a rural village with a few grand residences nearby, Wimbledon changed out of all recognition when the railway stimulated expansion from the 1830s. This photographic celebration blends the historic houses and the pastoral charms of the common and woods with the bustling modern suburb and its most famous event, the annual tennis championships at the All England Club. NEW PORTRAIT OF WIMBLEDON Stag Lodge and St Mary’s Church, Wimbledon HALSGROVE 2012 HB 144pp Illus 215x230mm £16.99 20283 now £6.99 Andy Stansfield By comparison with its coastal neighbours, Liverpool and Blackpool, Southport has always promoted a more sophisticated character, its tourism built on the refined pursuits of golf, horse riding, promenading and upmarket shopping. This photographic portfolio presents views of many of its fine Victorian buildings, streets and gardens as well as the pier and seafront and the dunes and wetland landscape beyond the town. NEW PORTRAIT OF SOUTHPORT HALSGROVE 2009 HB 144pp Illus 215x230mm £14.99 20280 now £6.99 Janet and Peter Roworth The Sherwood Forest of Robin Hood was never continuous woodland but rather wooded areas separated by open heath and rough grassland. As the lands were cleared, monastic houses and later great aristocratic estates were established and today much of the parkland associated with them is open to the public. This portfolio of images is a celebration of the landscapes and towns of the area. HALSGROVE 2009 HB 144pp Illus 215x230mm NEW PORTRAIT OF ROBIN HOOD COUNTRY £14.99 20279 now £6.99 NEW PORTRAIT OF ARMAGH The neolithic cairn at Ballymacdermot Darren McLoughlin Standing stones and megalithic tombs in Armagh, Northern Ireland’s smallest county, bear witness to human settlement from as early as 5000 BCE; and at the foundation of modern Ireland, it was in Armagh City that St Patrick is said to have built his church in the fifth century CE. This photographic tour features over 140 images of the landscape, buildings and important sites of the county. HALSGROVE 2009 HB 144pp Illus 215x230mm £14.99 20278 now £6.99 Visit our website: 23 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 24 BRITISH ISLES SCOTLAND Allan Wright The Scottish landscape photographer Allan Wright spent a year in the area between Loch Lomond and Stirling, seeking the essence of this most romantic part of Scotland. BIRLINN THE TROSSACHS 2005 PB 112pp Illus 191x249mm £9.99 62669 now £4.99 The southern shores of Loch Lomond at Balmaha Allan Wright From holiday towns on the Clyde to the stark grandeur of Ardnamurchan, the range of scenery in Argyll is truly astonishing. In this photographic study of the county, Allan Wright captures the history, romance and mystery of the region, its seascapes and its dramatic skies. Michael Russell has written the introduction and Wright provides brief captions to each of the 116 photographs. BIRLINN 2005 PB 126pp Illus 190x250mm ARGYLL WE’LL MEET AGAIN Britain at War Maureen Hill With advances in camera technology, photojournalists were able to record everyday life during the Second World War with much more flexibility than ever before and the Home Front provided them with unforgettable visual material. From bomb destruction and ration queues to evacuees and women working in heavy industry, this collection of 350 photographs from the Daily Mail archive contains many arresting images and portrays a remarkable sense of cheerfulness in the face of adversity. ATLANTIC 2014 PB 160pp Illus 295x208mm £9.99 20340 now £4.99 BRITAIN’S FIRST PHOTO ALBUM As Presented by John Sergeant John Sergeant In the 1860s, a pioneering Victorian photographer and entrepreneur named Francis Frith (1822-98) began an ambitious project: his photographers were to photograph the cities, towns and villages of Britain. Over 150 years later, John Sergeant explored some of the places shown in Frith’s photographs, comparing and contrasting life in Britain, then and now, in ten journeys to very different places, including Stonehenge, Chesterfield, Covent Garden and Barnstable. Accompanied the BBC TV series. FRANCIS FRITH 2012 HB 317pp Illus 244x188mm £20.00 18362 now £4.99 Colin Baxter ‘The best small country in the world’, Scotland has panoramas worthy of a whole continent. Between the lonely valley of Liddesdale on the border with England, and the remote island of Muckle Flugga at the northernmost tip of Shetland, the traveller encounters an extraordinary range of awe-inspiring landscapes. In this book, Colin Baxter presents a collection of over 180 photographs capturing the diversity of the land and the changing moods of light and weather across the whole of Scotland. COLIN BAXTER 2008 HB 192pp Illus THE UNION England, Scotland and the Treaty of 1707 SCOTLAND PANORAMA BIRLINN 2013 PB 352pp Illus £12.99 62265 now £4.99 Michael Fry This challenging look at the origins of the United Kingdom focuses on the years preceding the Union of 1707, setting the political history of Scotland and England against the backdrop of war in Europe and the emergence of imperialism. Against common assumptions about the importance of economic troubles in the Scots’ acceptance of terms, Fry argues that they were able to exploit English ignorance of Scotland and steer the settlement in their own favour. £9.99 19244 now £4.99 Katharine Stewart The ‘monster’ that allegedly inhabits the waters takes a back seat in this enjoyable study of Loch Ness. Tracing its origins to the geological events of 400 million years ago, Katharine Stewart explores the loch’s early history and people and its flora and fauna as well as more recent events such as the building of Thomas Telford’s Caledonian Canal and the short-lived railway. THE STORY OF LOCH NESS LUATH 2007 PB 192pp Illus £7.99 20312 now £3.99 THE PROVINCE OF STRATHNAVER 170x240mm PORTOBELLO AND THE GREAT WAR Archie Foley; Margaret Munro Located three miles east of Edinburgh, Portobello is best known as a popular seaside resort. Less well known is its role in the First World War, when thousands of British troops were billeted there. Illustrated with period photographs and including heartfelt personal letters and diaries, this book documents the effect of the war on the town, both on the home front and in terms of the local residents who fought and died in the conflict. AMBERLEY 2013 PB 128pp Illus £12.99 19554 now £5.99 THE STEWART EARLS OF ORKNEY Rupert Matthews Kent and Sussex have witnessed both invasions by Romans and Normans and home-grown conflicts dating from the ‘dark ages’ to the English Civil War. In 15 walks, this book visits the sites of important battles and sieges, giving details of the action, weaponry and outcome as well as practical information for visiting the sites of battles such as Bigbury, Aylesford, Hastings and Maidstone. Ed. John R Baldwin The ‘countrey’ or ‘province’ of Strathnaver once stretched from its eastern border with Caithness to northern Assynt – a vast expanse of treacherous coast, sheltered sea lochs, fertile straths, powerful rivers and endless boggy moorlands. Exploring the history of these northernmost parts of the Scottish mainland since pre-medieval times, these essays include studies of Norse names, a Viking burial, landownership, working with seaweed and the Strathnaver Clearances in modern Scottish fiction. FRANCES LINCOLN 2008 PB 216pp Illus SSNS 2000 PB 270pp Illus JOHN DONALD 2012 PB 188pp Illus £8.99 17484 now £3.99 £12.00 80338 now £5.99 £25.00 19241 now £11.99 BATTLEFIELD WALKS Kent and Sussex 24 £9.99 11099 now £4.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 Peter Anderson For almost a century the islands of Orkney and Shetland were under the rule of the Stewart earls, father and son; a rule remarkable for its infamous reputation in island history. Exploring why they were held in such low esteem, Anderson presents a study of the two earls and life in the islands during their reigns, from Robert Stewart’s seizure of power in Orkney in the 1560s to 1615, when his son, the ill-starred ‘Black Patie’, was executed for treason. PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 25 Order line: 01626 897100 Andre Clot Suleiman I, called ‘the Magnificent’ by Europeans, ruled as Ottoman sultan from 1520 to 1566, controlling his state firmly, capturing Belgrade and extending his empire as the Christian world struggled to unite against him. In an informed and intelligent study, Clot describes the military and economic successes of a reign which marked the apogee of Ottoman power, setting them in the context of Europe’s recent troubled centuries and examining Suleiman’s reputation as a lawgiver. SAQI 2012 PB 409pp SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT £14.99 16873 now £5.99 NEW ELIZABETH OF YORK A Tudor Queen and her World Alison Weir Elizabeth of York held a crucially important place within the English monarchy – as daughter of Edward IV, sister to the Princes in the Tower, niece to Richard III, wife to Henry VII and mother to Henry VIII. Alison Weir explores those relationships, particularly with Richard III, her son Henry and with her mother’s family, the Wydevilles; but also investigates the apparent contradiction between Elizabeth’s early intriguing in suppport of Henry Tudor and her later role as compliant royal wife. Felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. BALLANTINE 2013 PB 620pp Illus $18.00 21144 now £6.99 THE FAVOURITE Ralegh and His Queen Mathew Lyons A former History Today ‘Summer Reading Selection’, The Favourite reveals Sir Walter Ralegh in the role in which his contemporaries knew him best: the courtier who could win the attention – and the heart – of Elizabeth I, while also being ‘the most hated man in England’. Using first-hand accounts, Lyons uncovers a maze of ambition and desire, and a brutal Elizabethan world riven by crime, corruption and treachery. CONSTABLE 2012 PB 414pp £8.99 19293 now £3.99 f See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website BIOGRAPHY CONSTANTINE Unconquered Emperor, Christian Victor Paul Stephenson In 312 CE, Constantine – one of four emperors ruling a divided empire – marched on Rome to establish control of the western empire. On the eve of the decisive battle he saw a vision which led him to convert to Christianity. Stephenson’s biography uses literary, artistic, numismatic and archaeological evidence to examine the religious background of Constantine’s conversion and the life and legacy of a seminal figure in the political and cultural history of the West. QUERCUS 2011 PB 384pp Illus £9.99 16643 now £4.99 CATHERINE OF ARAGON The Spanish Queen of Henry VIII Giles Tremlett The woman Henry VIII ‘divorced’ is much overshadowed by Anne Boleyn, the woman who took her place, yet Catherine of Aragon was Henry’s wife for 22 years, as queen regent she defeated the Scots at Flodden in his absence and she fought tenaciously against the divorce: the king had never met a tougher opponent on or off the battlefield. This compelling biography brings Catherine to the fore, stressing her intensity of character and approaching her life through her Spanish family as well as her Tudor in-laws. Slightly off-mint. WALKER 2010 HB 444pp Illus $28.00 21125 now £7.99 BENCH AND BUREAUCRACY The Public Career of Sir Julius Caesar, 1580-1636 NEW LM Hill The late Elizabethan and early Jacobean periods witnessed the emergence of a transitional figure in the crown’s service, a person who was not yet fully a bureaucrat in the modern sense, but who nonetheless acted with a considerable degree of independence from the crown. This study focuses on Sir Julius Caesar, an exemplar of this new kind of officer of state, whose career assumes even greater interest because he was the most prominent civil lawyer of his generation. JAMES CLARKE 1988 HB 334pp £54.00 20892 now £9.99 NEW ENLIGHTENMENT PRELATE Benjamin Hoadly, 1676-1761 William Gibson Benjamin Hoadly, Bishop in turn of Bangor, Hereford, Salisbury and Winchester, was the most controversial churchman of the 18th century. His sermon on the nature of Christ’s kingdom sparked off the Bangorian controversy which raged from 1717 to 1720, he was a committed Whig, and a disciple of Locke. This study offers a fresh appreciation of Hoadly’s life and work in 18th century religion, but also illuminates the thought of adversaries such as Charles Leslie and Henry Sacheverell. JAMES CLARKE 2004 HB 384pp Illus £54.00 20907 now £9.99 NEW ANDREW DUNCAN SENIOR Physician of the Enlightenment Ed. John Chalmers Dr Andrew Duncan (1744-1828) was a remarkable figure during the Scottish Enlightenment whose influence continues to this day and whose name lives on in the Andrew Duncan Clinic, part of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. A champion of the poor, the mentally ill and public health, he founded Britain’s first Chair of Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health in Edinburgh. The many aspects of his career and interests are covered in this volume of 15 essays, including a biographical overview by Chalmers. NMS 2010 PB 270pp Illus 234x155mm £14.99 21059 now £5.99 NEW AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL CUSTER THE PRINCE OF MEDICINE Galen in the Roman Empire Susan P Mattern Galen of Pergamum, court physician to the family of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, was the most influential figure in western medicine until the 20th century. In the first biography of Galen in English, Mattern examines his prodigious corpus of philosophical and medical treatises to paint a portrait of a shameless self-publicist who could be arrogant and fiercely competitive but was also relentless in his pursuit of cures and an advocate of rigorous observation and experimentation. Stephen Brennan George Armstrong Custer gained a reputation as an innovative and bold cavalry leader during and after the American Civil War but his successes have been overshadowed by the famous defeat at Little Bighorn. Presented as an autobiography, much of this book is drawn from Custer’s own writings, principally his My Life on the Plains. The ‘last stand’, in which he lost his life, is covered by a contemporary interview about the battle with his vanquisher, Sitting Bull. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 358pp Illus SKYHORSE 2012 HB 282pp Illus £20.00 18887 now £8.99 £18.99 21143 now £6.99 Visit our website: f 25 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 26 BIOGRAPHY Back by popular demand NEW SHADOW OF THE TITANIC The Extraordinary Stories of Those Who Survived Andrew Wilson The 705 survivors of the Titanic disaster were inevitably affected by the event long after the media sensation had died down. Some found their near-death experience a spur to active and productive lives, while others were forever dogged by grief for lost loved ones and opportunities. Taking the story beyond the lifeboats, this book examines the later lives of survivors such as the vilified White Star chairman J Bruce Ismay and American socialite Madeleine Astor. SIMON & SCHUSTER 2011 HB 398pp Illus £19.99 20839 now £6.99 QUEEN ANNE The Politics of Passion Anne Somerset In 1702, 14 years after helping to oust her father James II, Queen Anne became Britain’s last Stuart monarch. Plagued by ill-health and obesity and beset by intrigue, she is often regarded as a transitional ruler. This sympathetic biography unravels the complex politics of her court and her fraught relations with the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough to reveal a woman of good sense and good intentions who overcame personal tragedy to set her kingdom on the path to greatness. American-cut pages. KNOPF 2012 HB 638pp Illus $35.00 22675 now £7.99 OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY 2001-2004 Ed. Lawrence Goldman This is the first printed supplement to the Oxford DNB (2004) and includes entries on 819 men and women who shaped recent British history and who died between 2001 and 2004. The earliest person by birth date is the dancer and choreographer Dame Ninette de Valois (1898-2001), but the majority of subjects grew up in the interwar years. Among the notable figures in this supplement are Barbara Castle, John Peel, Alicia Markova, Francis Crick and Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. No jacket. OXFORD UP 2009 HB 1278pp Illus 253x196mm £100.00 17380 now £40.00 OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY 2005-2008 Ed. Lawrence Goldman This second printed supplement to the 60-volume print edition of the Oxford DNB contains biographies of 865 people who died between 2005 and 2008. The earliest of them by birth is Alfred Anderson, the last surviving soldier who served in the First World War and who died in 2005, aged 109. Among the other biography subjects are Ronnie Barker, Pink Floyd’s Syd Barrett, Harold Pinter, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Robin Cook, and Arthur C Clarke. No jacket. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 1252pp Illus 252x195mm £100.00 17381 now £40.00 26 FANNY AND STELLA The Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England Neil McKenna Stella was the most beautiful female impersonator of her day; Fanny her inseparable companion. In fact, Frederick Park and Ernest Boulton were young clerks, part-time actresses and parttime prostitutes. They were arrested and tried in 1870. This book tells the story of their sensational trial and the startling aspects of Victorian London it exposed. FABER 2014 PB 414pp Illus £9.99 21815 now £4.99 AN Wilson Adolf Hitler maintained that his life was characterized by ‘struggle’ from its very beginning, but as AN Wilson explains, the future dictator grew up in middle-class comfort, feckless, romantic and unmotivated. In a masterful biography, Wilson portrays the perplexing figure of Hitler with verve and acuity, and shows that it was his frightening normality – not some otherworldy evil – that makes him truly terrifying. Slightly off-mint. HITLER BASIC 2012 HB 223pp £16.99 95453 now £6.99 THE LOVE AND WARS OF LINA PROKOFIEV Simon Morrison When the singer Lina Prokoviev accompanied her composer husband on his return to Russia in 1936, she had little idea she would be abandoned for a younger woman and incarcerated in a sub-Arctic gulag for eight years. Written with the co-operation of her grandson and full access to the Prokoviev family archives, this biography tells her remarkable story of courage and endurance against the backdrop of one of the darkest periods of Soviet history. HARVILL SECKER 2013 HB 336pp Illus £18.99 18105 now £5.99 Allister Sparks; Mpho Tutu Archbishop Desmond Tutu is an inspirational campaigner not only against injustice and oppression, but for reconciliation and forgiveness. This authorized biography follows his life and work from his ordination as an Anglican priest in 1960, though his struggle against apartheid, to his present role as elder statesman. The book is illustrated with images from Tutu’s private TUTU: Authorized ENGLISH ECCENTRICS AND THEIR BIZARRE BEHAVIOUR David Long If there is one thing the English love, it is a true eccentric, and David Long has scoured the history books for the very best of them. Arranged in chapters on builders, inventors, travellers and troglodytes, hoarders, faddists, foodies and men of war, this compendium of strangeness includes James Whittaker Wright and his underwater ballroom, Francis Galton and his project for mapping where Britain’s ugliest people live, and John Stewart, who walked home from India in the 1770s – and 1780s. REMEMBER WHEN 2009 HB 176pp Illus £19.99 10969 now £6.99 THE ENGLISHMAN WHO POSTED HIMSELF and Other Curious Objects John Tingey In 1898, W Reginald Bray (1879-1939) purchased a copy of the Post Office Guide and began to study the regulations. Thereafter he started to experiment by sending strange objects through the post. He posted items including a turnip, seaweed and his Irish terrier, he posted himself more than once and he sent thousands of strange postcards and autograph requests. Illustrated with many of Bray’s postal curios, this book explores the intriguing hobby of a rather eccentric Englishman. PRINCETON AP 2010 HB 176pp Illus £14.99 19097 now £7.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 27 Order line: 01626 897100 BIOGRAPHY COUNTING ONE’S BLESSINGS The Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Ed. William Shawcross Drawing on the Royal Archives and the archives at Glamis Castle, the Queen Mother’s official biographer presents a selection of letters written by Elizabeth to her family, friends and a circle of acquaintance that included Winston Churchill, Benjamin Britten and Ted Hughes. Covering all phases of her life – as Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Duchess of York, Queen Consort and Queen Mother – the letters illuminate a personality described by her grandson, Prince Charles, as ‘wise, loving, with an utterly irresistible mischievousness of spirit’. PAN 2013 PB 688pp Illus £9.99 19620 now £4.99 TELEGRAM FROM GUERNICA The Extraordinary Life of George Steer, War Correspondent Ashley Jackson Uniquely endowed with talent, energy and determination, Winston Churchill was, in the words of Professor Jackson, ‘a formidably powerful human being, a man whose achievements and greatness have become so interwoven with 20th century world history that it is easy to take them for granted’. In this much-acclaimed account, Jackson describes the contours and contradictions of a remarkable life and career and ‘Winston Churchill’s appointment with destiny’. CHURCHILL Nicholas Rankin A classical scholar, George Steer (1909-1944) was to become a legendary war correspondent: he reported the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the Russian invasion of Finland and single-handedly exposed the truth behind Nazi involvement in the bombing of Guernica in 1937. In 1940 he joined the British Army and pioneered front-line psychological operations in Africa and Asia. This highly acclaimed biography revisits Steer’s restless life as ‘scriptor et miles’, writer and soldier. FABER 2003 PB 415pp Illus QUERCUS 2012 PB 432pp £9.99 19447 now £3.99 £9.99 16642 now £4.99 files and includes interviews with family, friends, and world leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan and the Dalai Lama. Felt-tip mark on lower trimmed edge. HARPER ONE 2011 HB 368pp Illus $29.99 19033 now £6.99 Christopher Hitchens In June 2010, in a New York hotel, the writer and polemicist Christopher Hitchens felt an excruciating pain in his chest, and found himself deported ‘from the country of the well across the stark frontier that marks off the land of malady’. Until his death from cancer 18 months later, he charted the torments and taboos of illness in characteristically brilliant prose, defiantly refusing the consolations of religion and clear-sightedly contemplating the enigma of death. TWELVE 2012 HB 128pp MORTALITY $22.99 20163 now £6.99 THE SECRET MINISTRY OF AG AND FISH My Life in Churchill’s School for Spies NEW MURDOCH’S WORLD The Last of the Old Media Empires David Folkenflik To set the phone-hacking scandals that have surrounded Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, News Corp, in context, Folkenflik’s book goes back to Murdoch’s roots in Australia, provides a history of the company and explores the dynamics of the Murdoch family and the world they inhabit. He explains how the man behind the News of the World managed to survive the outcry over tapping the phone of a murdered teenager, and the true cost of that survival. PUBLIC AFFAIRS 2013 HB 384pp £18.99 20954 now £5.99 Back by popular demand Noreen Riols When Noreen Riols applied for the Wrens in 1943, it was noted that she was a fluent French speaker and she soon found herself working for Maurice Buckmaster, the head of SOE’s F Section (although she told everyone she was working for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries). This memoir recalls her time at the hub of the French section’s spying operations, helping to train and brief agents and delivering coded messages via the BBC. MACMILLAN 2013 HB 318pp £20.00 16803 now £6.99 THE COMPLETE SMOKING DIARIES Simon Gray The playwright Simon Gray began to keep a diary at 65, and continued until shortly before his death in 2008. Published to enormous acclaim, its four volumes are gathered here for the first time. Like Pepys, he writes without selfcensorship, the messy business of life spilling from the page. Breathtakingly funny, painfully honest and sparkling with wit, he charts triumphs, disasters, love, friendship, alcohol, adultery – and the diagnosis of the cancer that will kill him. GRANTA 2013 HB 858pp £25.00 19806 now £9.99 f Visit our website: See our full range of Biography titles on our website 27 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 28 LITERARY BIOGRAPHY NEW JOHNSON AND BOSWELL A Biography of Friendship John B Radner ‘No, no, sir, that will not do. You are good-natured but not good-humoured. You are irascible.’ The friendship between the great lexicographer and his pleasureloving Scottish biographer is one of the most celebrated in literary history. Drawing on everything they wrote to and about each other, this study charts the warm, complex and often competitive relationship of this oddly matched pair, from their first meeting in 1763 to the publication of Boswell’s Life of Johnson in 1791. YALE UP 2012 HB 428pp £29.95 21158 now £9.99 MUSIC AT MIDNIGHT The Life and Poetry of George Herbert John Drury George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of the finest of English poets, recording in a variety of forms his inner experiences of hope and despair, love and yearning. Because none of his verses were published before his early death, relating them to events presents a challenge. This richly satisfying, beautifully illustrated biography sets them in the context of his life and times, to present a rounded portrait of a man torn between worldly ambition and the ‘humble way’ of religion. THE VAMPYRE FAMILY Passion, Envy and the Curse of Byron Andrew McConnell Stott In the spring of 1816, a ‘knot of scribblers, male and female, with weak nerves and disordered brain’ gathered in Geneva. This account of the three months that Byron, Shelley, Mary Godwin, Claire Clairmont and John Polidori spent together tells how their stormy menage, charged with artistic and sexual tensions, fuelled an outburst of creativity that produced Byron’s Childe Harold, Shelley’s ‘Mont Blanc’, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the first great vampire novel, Polidori’s The Vampyre. ALLEN LANE 2013 HB 416pp Illus 240x160mm £25.00 18207 now £7.99 A BOY AT THE HOGARTH PRESS Richard Kennedy In 1928, after a lacklustre school career, 16-year-old Richard Kennedy was given a job as office assistant at Leonard and Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press. Forty years later, by then a successful illustrator, he wrote this charming and selfdeprecating memoir. Illustrated with his own delightful sketches, it offers a unique glimpse into life in the chaotic office with its collapsing shelves, prowled by the giants of the Bloomsbury Group. CANONGATE 2013 HB 464pp Illus £25.00 19878 now £8.99 HESPERUS 2011 PB 100pp Illus 190x120mm £7.99 21130 now £3.99 THE PRIVATE DIARIES OF ALISON UTTLEY 1932-1971 Alison Uttley is the author of children’s classics such as Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig. Her diaries, abridged here into one volume, contain descriptions of the countryside, her financial struggles, and her deep belief in her characters and books. Although the early diaries are overshadowed by her husband’s suicide, they also show the excitement of her growing success as an author, and her relationship with her beloved son John. REMEMBER WHEN 2011 PB 336pp Illus NEW GEORGE STEPNEY 1663-1707 Diplomat and Poet Susan Spens ‘His life,’ wrote Samuel Johnson, ‘was busy but not long.’ In his allotted span, George Stepney achieved much. A friend of Marlborough, a member of the influential Kit-Kat Club, and a respected poet, he also had a remarkable career as a diplomat. The product of ten years’ research in archives throughout Europe, this first-ever biography of this important but neglected 17th-century figure charts his life and work, assesses his missions in Germany, Poland and Hungary, and evaluates his poetry. JAMES CLARKE 1997 HB 412pp Illus 20913 now £9.99 28 HG WELLS Another Kind of Life Michael Sherborne This absorbing biography captures the remarkable energy of HG Wells, assesses his controversial political views, and includes his secret correspondence with his illegitimate daughter. PETER OWEN 2012 PB 412pp Illus £14.99 97272 now £5.99 PG WODEHOUSE A Life in Letters Ed. Sophie Ratcliffe One of the funniest writers of the 20th century, PG Wodehouse shied away from a biography. Drawing on unpublished sources, this definitive edition of his letters gives an unrivalled insight into his life and his comic creations. Covering his schooldays, his family’s financial troubles, his musical comedy career in New York and the unhappy episode when, interned by the Germans, he was accused of broadcasting Nazi propaganda, it is a book every fan of Jeeves and Wooster will want. HUTCHINSON 2011 HB 620pp Illus £30.00 98366 now £11.99 £14.99 18047 now £5.99 Alan Bennett This moving, affectionate, witty and often very funny memoir by one of Britain’s best loved writers tells of his parents’ marriage and his own childhood in 1940s Leeds. It is filled with wry and poignant vignettes of Christmases with Grandma Peel and the lives and loves of his unforgettable aunties Kathleen and Myra. Tragically, it also recounts his mother’s slow descent into depression and dementia as a long-buried family secret is finally brought to light. (Taken from Untold Stories.) Off-mint. A LIFE LIKE OTHER PEOPLE’S FABER/PROFILE 2009 PB 244pp 168x125mm £7.99 91710 now £3.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 29 Order line: 01626 897100 STATIONERY NOTECARDS Four of the finest pastel drawings by the Scottish artist Sir James Guthrie (1859-1930) are featured in this set of 20 notecards and envelopes. The Morning Paper and Tennis are from private collections, Firelight Reflections and Causerie are now in Scottish museums (Paisley and the Hunterian respectively). With white envelopes. NEW SIR JAMES GUTHRIE POMEGRANATE 20 notecards 187x137mm 21146 now £4.99 Painted between 1852 and 1865, Work was Ford Madox Ford’s magnum opus: a bustling scene of ‘navvies’ digging up the roadway surrounded by tradesmen and more leisured men and women that aimed to represent Victorian society and progress. This set of 20 notecards features four details from the painting, which now hangs in the Birmingham Art Gallery. Blank cards with white envelopes. NEW FORD MADOX BROWN: WORK POMEGRANATE 2009 20 notecards Illus 188x138mm 21145 now £4.99 FLOWER STUDIES NOTECARDS Charles Rennie Mackintosh In the later part of his career, Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) left architecture and design in favour of watercolour painting, and particularly flower studies. This set of large notecards features four of his paintings: White Roses, Gilardia Walberswick, Anemones and Wild Pansy and Wood Violet. There are eight cards, two of each design, with white envelopes. MUSEUMS & GALLERIES 2009 187x137mm 19980 now £5.99 MATTHEW RICE’S COUNTRY YEAR POSTCARDS QUEEN ELIZABETH II NEW From bridesmaid to greatgrandmother, this selection of photographs from the Press Association archives presents scenes from the life of possibly the most photographed woman in the world: Queen Elizabeth II. The photographs span a period of 80 years, from 1931 to 2011, and are mostly informal, whether Her Majesty is trooping the colour or the corgis. 20 snap-out postcards. AMMONITE 2012 158x111mm £6.99 21072 now £2.99 Elizabeth arrives at a wedding at Balcombe church in Sussex in 1931 A painter and author with a passion for nature and the outdoors, Matthew Rice has embellished this colourful, undated yearbook with ‘a few tempting calls to draw you out into the garden and the fields’. Every page has beautifully illustrated, handwritten nature notes, advice for gardeners or cooks’ tips and there are full page pictures for the start of each month and for topics such as butterflies and bugs or chickens and eggs, plus space for your own notes. FRANCES LINCOLN 2010 HB 144pp Illus £12.99 17511 now £4.99 THE BEANO COMIC 100 Postcards Celebrating the Best of British Comic Art Since the first issue on 30 July 1938, The Beano has delighted generations of children with its anarchic mix of mischief and mayhem. This boxed set of 100 semi-glossy postcards features all the comic’s stars including the Bash Street Kids, Dennis the Menace, Gnasher and Desperate Dan, and a Beano alphabet, from the original A in BEANO, 1938 to Z (Dennis had to ‘borrow’ this from The Beezer Book, 1967). FRANCES LINCOLN 2014 169x115mm £14.99 20173 now £5.99 Visit our website: 29 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 30 CULTURAL STUDIES/POLITICS/ECONOMICS MR SPEAKER The Office and the Individuals Since 1945 Matthew Laban Almost as old as Parliament itself, the office of Speaker has progressed from an internal parliamentary post into one of the most recognized public roles in British political life. Laban’s absorbing study details the powers, duties and responsibilities of the office, describes its development since 1945 and the process of election, but his emphasis is on how individuals have put their mark on an office that evolves through precedent. With a foreword by the first Madam Speaker, Betty Boothroyd. BITEBACK 2013 HB 336pp £20.00 16800 now £7.99 ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS Human and Animal Interaction in Britain from the Norman Conquest to World War One Arthur MacGregor The importance of animals to the progress of human civilization is hard to grasp in our largely urbanized society from which the animal world has become increasingly remote. In this detailed, well-illustrated work, MacGregor draws on disciplines including art history, topographical literature and archaeology to explore human interaction with animals in activities ranging from horse riding to beekeeping; and to provide an overview of relations between human and animal populations in the British Isles over the past 1,000 years. REAKTION 2012 HB 512pp Illus £40.00 18151 now £16.99 HARMONY A New Way of Looking at Our World HRH The Prince of Wales For decades the Prince of Wales has studied a wide range of disciplines in his quest to understand how modern industrialization has led us to a state of disharmony with our world. In this book, with its holistic and well-argued approach, he takes the discussion of sustainability and climate change in a new direction, incorporating the traditional wisdom of the past with modern science to create a new, more balanced vision of our world. HARPER PERENNIAL 2010 PB 336pp Illus $18.99 11881 now £4.99 IN IT TOGETHER The Inside Story of the Coalition Government Matthew D’Ancona On 7 May 2010, Britain woke up to find it had elected a hung Parliament. The response masterminded by David Cameron and Nick Clegg was the Lib Dem-Conservative Coalition: one of the most radical, dramatic and bruising experiments in power the country has ever seen. Drawing on hundreds of hours of interviews with the key players, one of our foremost political journalists tells the story in unsparing detail, with exclusive revelations and insightful analysis. VIKING 2013 HB 432pp £25.00 10800 now £7.99 NEW ELIZABETH WOLSTENHOLME ELMY AND THE VICTORIAN FEMINIST MOVEMENT The Biography of an Insurgent Woman THE ECONOMICS OF SUCCESS Twelve Things Politicians Don’t Want You to Know Eamonn Butler is Director of the Adam Smith Institute and a leading voice on free market economics. In this book he warns against the rising tide of debt and argues that government regulation and intervention created the world financial crisis and that the path to recovery lies in less, not more, regulation. He sets out his thesis by identifying 12 fundamental principles on which he believes the success of our economic system depends. GIBSON SQUARE 2014 PB 256pp £12.99 17860 now £5.99 Maureen Wright Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy (1833-1918) was one of the most significant champions of women’s emancipation in Britain. As an activist, she was at the heart of every Victorian suffrage campaign, as a feminist thinker, the first to speak from a public stage about rape in marriage. Drawing on her prolific journalism, speeches, correspondence and other documents, this meticulously researched biography rescues from obscurity a pioneering feminist hailed by Emmeline Pankhurst as ‘the first’. MANCHESTER UP 2011 HB 296pp Illus £60.00 20681 now £12.99 JOAN OF ARC The Image of Female Heroism Marina Warner In the brief life of Joan of Arc several of the essential mythopoeic characteristics that throughout history have defined the charismatic leader and saint are powerfully condensed. In this study, Marina Warner first analyses the symbolism of the Maid in her own time, then examines her rich afterlife in literature, politics, and on the stage and screen. The book was first published in 1981, and has been reissued with a substantial new introduction by the author. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 385pp Illus £25.00 17330 now £7.99 30 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 ECONOMIC AND PHILOSOPHIC MANUSCRIPTS OF 1844 Karl Marx Unpublished until 1930, these are Marx’s earliest known writings on philosophy and economics. Also known as the ‘Paris Manuscripts’ they were written in France and heavily influenced by Ludwig Feuerbach. The Manuscripts discuss issues of profit, private property and money and contain Marx’s first elaboration of the Hegelian concept of ‘alienation’. This 1981 edition, printed in the USSR, reprints the first English translation of 1959. LAWRENCE & WISHART 1981 PB 216pp 98345 now £4.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 31 Order line: 01626 897100 PHILOSOPHY NEW A CENTURY OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY WD Hudson How do we know what is right? And what is the connection between making moral judgements and what people do? In a clear and compelling way, Dr Hudson describes how moral philosophers for the last 100 years have been wrestling with these problems. Besides offering a guide through the labyrinths of modern scholarlship, Hudson presents the issues in such a way as to help his readers think through the problems again for themselves. LUTTERWORTH 1980 PB 208pp $39.50 20897 now £5.99 THE GOOD BOOK A Humanist Bible NEW AC Grayling Responding to the modern age in which many find that religion does not speak to them, AC Grayling has compiled this secular equivalent to the JudeoChristian and Islamic holy books, using the same techniques of selection, editing and adaptation which created them. These ‘distillations of the wisdom and experience of humankind’, divided into books, chapters and verses, derive from hundreds of texts, by authors such as Herodotus, Confucius and Montaigne, which offer advice on how to live a good life. WALKER 2011 HB 608pp $35.00 21123 now £9.99 NEW THE TEN GIFTS OF THE DEMIURGE Proclus’ Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus Emilie Kutash The commentary on Plato’s Timaeus by the Neoplatonic philosopher Proclus is a complex and often arcane text, combining imagery from Late Antique science, metaphysics and theology. Kutash outlines Proclus’ political and social context, then guides the reader through the philosophical terminology and argument by which Proclus’ commentary constructs an elaborate ontology and reveals the gifts that flow from nature’s hidden source. Her study also conveys the key issues which have been taken up in modern secondary literature on the text. LITERATURE/CLASSICS 1,000 YEARS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Chris Fletcher Beginning with the Beowulf manuscript, this volume presents reproductions of manuscript pages written by 95 British authors of the last millennium. These drafts, diary entries, proofs and fair copies, handwritten or annotated by some of our greatest poets, novelists and playwrights, offer fascinating insights into the process of composition and revision. In the accompanying text, Chris Fletcher outlines the life and work of each writer and describes the content and context of the manuscript page. Revised and expanded edition. BRITISH LIBRARY 2012 PB 224pp Illus 257x190mm £12.95 98375 now £5.99 BOOKS ON FIRE The Tumultuous Story of the World’s Great Libraries Lucien X Polastron Whatever the size of our libraries, we feel an impulse to enrich them and preserve them against the threats of fire and water, worms, war and earthquake. Polastron examines the world’s libraries – from the Hebrew, Nordic and Islamic myths of a vast library which existed before the world’s creation, to the catastrophic losses of the libraries of Alexandria, the Qing Dynasty and modern Iraq. He also asks whether the digitization of books threatens the very existence of the physical library. THAMES & HUDSON 2007 HB 381pp £18.95 98391 now £7.99 MANCHESTER UP 2012 HB 334pp Illus THE CLASSICS All You Need to Know, from Zeus’s Throne to the Fall of Rome Caroline Taggart Our modern world is permeated by the legacy of Greece and Rome, but understanding the vast expanse of classical culture can seem a Herculean task. This accessible refresher course will help you fill gaps in your knowledge and rediscover what you once knew, whether your interests lie in the questions of Greek philosophy, the use of Latin words in English or the great events of ancient history. READER’S DIGEST 2010 HB 176pp $14.95 11018 now £3.99 NEW DECADENCE An Annotated Anthology Ed. Jane Desmarais; Chris Baldick The ‘literary-artistic tendency’ of Decadence, prominent from the 1830s to the early 20th century, was embraced by such figures as Baudelaire, Oscar Wilde and Arthur Symons. This anthology of poetry and prose presents more than 80 Decadent texts, both mainstream and marginal, many of which were previously hard to find. It also features extracts from the influential narratives of society’s ‘decline’ recounted in ancient Roman authors and illustrates the critical reception of Decadence in contemporary denunciations and parodies. No jacket. £65.00 20675 now £9.99 WH Auden In the early 1950s, WH Auden began planning a prose volume that would bring together published essays, lectures and reviews, together with some new material. The Dyer’s Hand, which eventually appeared in 1962, is his only cohesive book of prose, and one of his most original works. Wide-ranging, informal yet erudite, it contains his thoughts on music in Shakespeare, DH Lawrence, Robert Frost, Marianne Moore, ‘translating opera libretti’, and ‘all the autobiography I am willing to make public’. THE DYER’S HAND BRISTOL CP 2011 HB 319pp FABER 2012 PB 380pp £75.00 20615 now £19.99 £20.00 20206 now £6.99 THE BOXER AND THE GOALKEEPER Sartre vs Camus Andy Martin Sartre looked like an ogre, Camus like a movie star. Brothers in arms in the French Resistance, they were the best of friends, and when they fell out it was usually about a woman. But then Sartre fell in love with communism... This accessible, intelligent, punchy account of their increasingly antagonistic relationship brings to life two of the great thinkers of the 20th century, and its central ideological showdown. SIMON & SCHUSTER 2013 PB 352pp £8.99 19636 now £3.99 NEW CARELESS PEOPLE Murder, Mayhem and the Invention of The Great Gatsby Sarah Churchwell A former Sunday Times Book of the Week, Careless People takes us back to the jazz age of the 1920s and tells the true story behind F Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. Churchwell explores in detail the novel’s relation to Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald’s extravagant and chaotic lives in New York; but also to the gruesome Hall-Mills double murder of 1922 and the farcical police investigation into what was billed as ‘the crime of the decade’. Off-mint. PENGUIN PRESS 2014 HB 399pp $29.95 19901 now £6.99 Visit our website: 31 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 32 REFERENCE NEW NUMBER PUZZLES Over 200 Excellent Puzzles to Challenge Your Logic and Number Skills How many minutes are there to go to six o’clock, if 50 minutes ago it was four times as many minutes past three o’clock? As well as numbermanipulating conundrums such as magic squares, sequences and sudoku puzzles, this selection of mathematical brain-teasers includes a variety of convoluted tests of numerical logic. (26 minutes.) CARLTON 2011 PB 224pp £5.99 21104 now £2.99 SO YOU THINK YOU CAN SPELL? David L Grambs; Ellen S Levine With an introductory essay (‘Why is English Spelling so Difficult?’) to cheer you on your way, this book contains over 1,500 words to spell (or not) in around 200 ‘killer quizzes for the incurably competitive and overly confident’. The tests are of various types, including straightforward spelling using sound-approximating syllables, multiple choices, plural spellings, mini ‘quizzicals’ and the ‘killer bees’ designed to bring down the vainglorious. A&C BLACK 2011 PB 248pp £8.99 20331 now £3.99 BLOOMSBURY DICTIONARY OF IDIOMS Second edition Gordon Jarvie Why do we use expressions like ‘fly off the handle’ or ‘hey presto’? Where do they come from? This A-Z tells you everything you want to know about more than 4,500 English idioms, tracing origins, explaining meanings, and giving up-to-date examples of usage. Packed full of priceless trivia, the book will entrap browsers as well as offering a lifeline to foreign learners of English picking their way through the idiomatic minefield. A&C BLACK 2009 PB 384pp £9.99 20321 now £3.99 NEW WORD PUZZLES Over 200 Superb Puzzles to Challenge Your Logic and Word Power Word games such as crosswords and word searches are a popular daily diversion, but this puzzle book takes the wordplay further, testing your powers of reasoning as well as lexical dexterity. The selection of headscratching problems includes logic challenges, anagrams, antonym and analogous word conundrums, hidden word games, sequences, prefix and suffix posers and even substitution ciphers. CARLTON 2011 PB 224pp £5.99 21103 now £2.99 WHAT’S IN A SURNAME? A Journey from Abercrombie to Zwicker David McKie Surnames connect us with our ancestors, revealing their trades (Smith, Taylor, Brewer), appearance (Brown, Short, Thynne), and origins (Scott, Allen, Bolton). David McKie investigates where such naming practices began, unearths some of the more bizarre examples and considers why people change their family names. In the final chapter he asks whether surnames will survive in an age when our communications are becoming less formal and married couples keep separate surnames or choose a new one. RANDOM HOUSE 2013 HB 304pp £14.99 19627 now £4.99 TONG SING The Chinese Book of Wisdom Based on the Ancient Chinese Almanac Charles Windridge The original Tong Sing, or ‘Know Everything Book’, is a Chinese almanac that has been published annually for at least 1,200 years, and perhaps since 2250 BCE. Inspired by this ancient text, Windridge has compiled a book that aspires to answer every question the reader might care to ask about oriental philosophy, astrology, folklore, medicine and food. The result is a riveting repository of information on everything from astrology to acupuncture, emperors to etiquette, and prophecies to Peking cuisine. KYLE 2015 PB 288pp Illus 245x130mm £14.99 21247 now £6.99 TEDDY BEARS, TUPPERWARE AND SWEET FANNY ADAMS How the Names Became the Words Andrew Sholl As you lie on the davenport in your cardigan, eating garibaldi biscuits, do you ever consider how people’s names become words we use in everyday English? From Achilles to Zeppelin, this entertaining book investigates both familiar and unusual eponyms and describes the stories behind them. At last, we meet the man who gave the world the Hoover, the farmer responsible for macadamia nuts (John Macadam), and Dr Salmon, immortalized in salmonella. MICHAEL O’MARA 2013 HB 223pp £12.99 17706 now £4.99 32 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 ADONIS TO ZORRO Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion Ed. Andrew Delahunty; Sheila Dignen This dictionary is ideal for those moments when you need to avoid mixing up Eris and Eros, to decide whether an allusion to Shangri-La or Xanadu is more appropriate, or to check where ‘the horror, the horror’ originated. The 1,900 entries include people, places, quotations and events that have given rise to everyday expressions and give examples of their recent use in journalism and fiction. This revised and updated third edition includes many new entries from modern popular culture and from non-English sources. OXFORD UP 2010 HB 416pp £20.00 88041 now £8.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 33 Order line: 01626 897100 REFERENCE/HUMOUR POCKET OXFORD ITALIAN DICTIONARY Fourth edition NEW COLLINS BEGINNER’S FRENCH Verbs and Practice OXFORD UP 2010 PB 900pp HARPER COLLINS 2012 PB 130pp 261x190mm £13.99 18875 now £5.99 $18.99 21139 now £5.99 Ed. Pat Bulhosen; Francesca Logi; Loredana Riu You will need a fairly large pocket, because this is a substantial Italian/ English, English/Italian dictionary, designed to meet the needs of students, tourists and anyone in need of quick and reliable translations, with the focus on everyday, idiomatic English and Italian. In addition to the main listings, this edition has an A-Z of Italian life and culture and notes on letter-writing, text messaging and online navigation in Italian. Series Ed. Rob Scriven For independent study or as part of a course, this book from the Collins Beginner’s French series offers a complete guide to French verbs, with user-friendly verb tables; a verb index; key grammatical points highlighted; and thousands of examples to show the correct usage. There are exercises at the end of each chapter, with solutions at the end of the tutorial sections. THE CAMBRIDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LANGUAGE Third edition David Crystal’s acclaimed, accessible encyclopedia illustrates the great diversity of the world’s languages, describes the techniques of linguistic research and shows how this relates to our everyday interest in the history and meaning of the words we use to communicate; it also addresses the practical problems of linguistic prejudice and discrimination. This thoroughly revised edition features updated statistics and maps, with new material on the rise of electronic communication and the crisis affecting the world’s endangered languages. CAMBRIDGE UP THE CHAMBERS DICTIONARY 12th edition Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, first published in 1901, quickly secured the trust of its users, while also delighting them with archaic and unusual words and a sprinkling of playful definitions. Over a century later, its direct successor remains the dictionary of choice for professional writers, crossword enthusiasts and everyone with an interest in words. The 12th edition has a new supplement, The Word Lover’s Miscellany, that includes a ‘Wordgame Companion’ and ‘100 Words to Watch’ (words not yet listed in the main dictionary). 2010 HB 516pp Illus 275x220mm CHAMBERS 2011 HB 1872pp 270x180mm £69.99 94837 now £14.99 £40.00 94612 now £14.99 HUMOUR THE DASTARDLY BOOK FOR DOGS NEW SEX LIVES OF THE GREAT COMPOSERS HARPER 2009 PB 208pp Illus PRION 2004 PB 252pp £6.99 87728 now £3.99 £6.99 21109 now £3.99 Rex and Sparky A sort of life manual for dogs, with some great tales of canine bravery thrown in, The Dastardly Book has advice on topics such as living with cats, what to do during a thunderstorm, and making toys out of household items, information on what is edible, the best foul smells to roll in and the answers to perplexing questions such as: Where do humans go all day? Nigel Cawthorne investigates the place of sexuality in firing the musical imagination; he recounts the amorous escapades of 24 compositional geniuses, among them Percy Grainger’s fondness for flagellation, the tortured double life of the homosexual Tchaikovsky, the proto-rock stars Liszt and Chopin who attracted ‘groupies’ avant la lettre and the church authorities’ alarm at a ‘strange maiden’ who accompanied Bach into the organ loft. MODERN MANNERS The Essential Guide to Correct Behaviour and Etiquette Philip Howard delighted Times readers with his ‘Modern Times’ column on contemporary etiquette, fielding questions of table manners, family feuds and sharing taxis, the dress code for kilt-wearers at a Pakistani wedding (daytime tie, with an emergency bow tie in your sporran) and what to do if it rains at Glyndebourne (‘Outdoor opera in June brings out the ancestral fortitude of the British character’). This compilation presents readers’ questions on ‘etiket’ and Howard’s witty, informative and often hilarious replies. ROBSON 2013 HB 320pp £12.99 16456 now £4.99 THE ROUND ROBIN LETTERS The Ultimate Collection of Christmas Letters Simon Hoggart For years, readers of Simon Hoggart’s Guardian column sent him examples of the dreaded Christmas round robin. Edited (with names changed to protect the perpetrators) by Hoggart, these catalogues of domestic triumphs (Tamsin’s Grade V piano) and tragedies (locked out of the camper van) are robbed of their power to infuriate – they are simply hilarious. This book comprises the two previous collections: The Cat that Could Open the Fridge and The Hamster that Loved Puccini. ATLANTIC 2014 HB 304pp £9.99 19972 now £4.99 Visit our website: 33 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 34 ART Christine E Jackson From fresco painters in Pompeii, through 17th century Dutch masters, to contemporary illustrators, fish have been an inspiration to artists throughout history. With 195 reproductions of a great diversity of art and artefacts, this study explores how fish have been depicted since the second millennium BCE. Each chapter looks at fish in a different environment – the sea, the market, the kitchen or the river – and discusses the economic, political and religious factors that influenced artists. NEW FISH IN ART REAKTION 2012 HB 248pp Illus 247x187mm NEW THE SKATING MINISTER The Story Behind the Painting Duncan Thomson Henry Raeburn’s painting of his friend the Reverend Robert Walker skating on a frozen loch is widely known and loved. This book tells the story behind the painting, and in so doing illuminates both an episode in Scottish history and an aspect of the history of Scottish painting. It explores the relationship between artist and subject, the times they lived in and the reasons why this intimate portrait has acquired such iconic status. NMS 2004 HB 64pp Illus 190x165mm £9.99 91469 now £4.99 The Skating Minister or, to give its full title, Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch, c.1795 £25.00 20323 now £9.99 Tench Feeding on Corn by Maurice Pledger, 1998 Rosina Buck theatre in Jap performed in sets. The 61 the 19th cent of Scotland c accompanied characters an energy and v NEW STORIA NATURALE DEGLI UCCELLI Amazonian parrot Buffon; François-Nicolas Martinet In a superb Italian edition, this is the celebrated Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, written by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-88), with hand-coloured engravings by François-Nicolas Martinet (1725-1804), and published in Paris between 1770 and 1786. It was the most comprehensive ornithological work in France at that time. For this edition, the text (in Italian) has been selected by Stephane Schmitt, and all 1,008 of Martinet’s finely detailed engravings have been carefully reproduced. Slipcased. FOOD IN PAINTING From the Renaissance to the Present Kenneth Bendiner Artists throughout history have been fascinated by food, and this sumptuous visual feast features nearly 150 paintings by artists including Velázquez, Rembrandt, Manet, Van Gogh, Kahlo, Hopper and Warhol. Exploring Fruit-seller by Vincenzo Campi, c.1580 themes such as markets, feasts, religion, medicine, trades and the preparation of food, Bendiner highlights the influence of Dutch food painting, which dominated the genre for more than 200 years, and the backlash in the 1960s when Pop Art mocked the over-commercialized nature of the food industry. REAKTION 2004 HB 238pp Illus 248x188mm £19.95 18375 now £8.99 SCHOOL OF GENIUS A History of the Royal Academy of Arts James Fenton Since its foundation in 1768, the Royal Academy has been the stage on which the triumphs, tragedies, sensations and scandals of the British art world have been played out. Drawing on unrestricted access to its archives, this handsome, lavishly illustrated history charts the development, periodic crises and Machiavellian intrigues of this unique institution, interviews present-day Academicians, and profiles key figures such as Reynolds (its first president) Gainsborough, Constable, Turner, Ruskin, Stanley Spencer and Kenneth Clark. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS 2006 HB 320pp Illus 258x195mm £19.99 2 Nakamura Fuk as Ohara Take by Utagawa K 1860 JAPANESE POPULAR PRINTS From Votive Slips to Playing Cards Rebecca Salter Beginning with a brief history of pr Japan, this book covers the various popular and com applications of Japanese woodblock printing during and Meiji periods (1603-1912). Discussing 200 illus examples, Salter explores the everyday items produc using woodblock techniques more usually associated West with ukiyo-e prints; and reveals much about Jap culture and tradition through printed items such as calendars, prayer slips, playful prints, games and dec papers. HAWAII UP 2006 PB 208pp Illus 246x190mm 19269 now £6.99 An English reading primer by Shōsai Ik KENWOOD Paintings in the Iveagh Bequest Julius Bryant Housed in Kenwood, London’s ‘finest country residence’, the Iveagh Bequest is a superb art collection, formed by Edward Cecil Guinness, 1st Earl of Iveagh between 1887 and 1891 and comprising old master paintings by artists including Vermeer, Van Dyck, Boucher, Gainsborough and Reynolds. This catalogue of the Bequest presents 102 paintings, with reproductions and commentaries illustrated with details, sketches and related works. There are also essays on Kenwood, Lord Iveagh’s role as a collector and an introduction to the collection. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2003 HB 444pp NEW £70.00 19310 now £19.99 £35.00 16999 now £14.99 34 NMS 2014 HB MAGNUS 2010 HB 670pp Illus 380x295mm 11043 now £100.00 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 KAB PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 35 Order line: 01626 897100 ART Margherita Pini With almost 300 pages of outstanding reproductions, this visual survey of Renaissance portraiture includes some of the most famous paintings in European art, among them Leonardo’s Mona Lisa, the Arnolfini Portrait by Van Eyck, Henry VIII by Holbein and Bronzino’s portrayal of the young Bia de’ Medici (right). Seven sections cover the portrait in 15th century Florence, Venice, Lombardy and Emilia, 16th century Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Spain. With short introductions and quotations from art history in English, German, French and Dutch. SCALA 2012 HB 320pp Illus 406x351mm NEW of g n f d rend 795 20837 now £40.00 Detail of the Portrait of Bia de' Medici by Agnolo Bronzino, c.1542 NEW HISTORY OF LOOT AND STOLEN ART From Antiquity Until the Present Day sina Buckland Kabuki is the popular form of atre in Japan that combines drama, music and dance, formed in lavish costumes amid spectacular stage s. The 61 woodblock prints in this book date from 19th century and are now in the National Museum Scotland collections. Beautifully reproduced and ompanied by commentaries explaining the plots, racters and artists, the prints bring to life the rgy and variety of kabuki’s visual spectacle. W RENAISSANCE PORTRAITS KABUKI: Japanese Theatre Prints Ivan Lindsay Since the Second World War, the looting of art from conflict zones has continued to the extent that Interpol has a special branch devoted to it. This book traces the history of looting over three millennia and illustrates many of the stolen works in 200 colour reproductions and 50 archive photographs. Lindsay also profiles the main culprits from Sargon in 720 BCE to Hermann Goering, examines motives ranging from material gain to cultural prestige, and charts the illegal trade today. S 2014 HB 140pp Illus 186x242mm 9.99 21061 now £9.99 kamura Fukusuke I Ohara Takematsu Utagawa Kunisada, 0 UNICORN 2014 HB 432pp Illus 283x180mm tory of printing in and commercial ng during the Edo 200 illustrated ms produced associated in the about Japanese such as es and decorative FOUNDATIONS OF A COLLECTION The Barber Institute of Fine Arts Ann Sumner; Jesse Campbell et al Founded in 1931, the Barber Institute of Fine Arts in Birmingham is one of the UK’s finest cultural centres. Drawing on new research, the essays in this handsome commemorative volume explore the motives of its founders, its history and the scope and purpose of its collections. Illustrated with 120 reproductions and archival images, including work by Brueghel the Younger, Poussin, Van Dyck,Tiepolo, Degas, Gauguin, Rodin and others, it also includes a full catalogue of the Institute’s early acquisitions. SCALA 2012 PB 160pp Illus 0mm £16.95 16637 now £5.99 y Shōsai Ikkei, 1872 HB 444pp Illus 280x240mm GIs retrieve paintings looted by the Nazis £40.00 20032 now £19.99 from Neuschwanstein castle in Füssen, Germany The Hon. ES Russell and his Brother by Edwin Landseer, 1834 NEW PORTFOLIO Treasures from the Diploma Collection at the Royal Scottish Academy Tom Normand On being elected to the Royal Scottish Academy, artists deposit a ‘diploma’ work: a painting, sculpture, architectural model, photograph or print that is representative of their finest art. This book presents a selection of 61 of these Diploma works, arranged by date, from Thomas Hamilton’s Design for the Royal High School, Edinburgh, deposited in 1831, to Arthur Watson’s Arkival (2008), an ongoing multimedia installation, and with detailed commentary accompanying each piece. LUATH 2013 HB 128pp Illus 210x170mm £17.00 20306 now £5.99 The Portfolio by Edward Arthur Walton, 1905 Visit our website: f 35 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 36 ART PICASSO AND MODERN BRITISH ART Ed. James Beechey; Chris Stephens Picasso’s connections with Britain and his impact on its art have received scant attention from art historians. Produced to accompany a major exhibition at Tate Britain, this stimulating book is the first to examine this aspect of his career and chart his influence on British artists including Moore, Bacon and Hockney. With 135 colour plates and texts by leading experts, it not only casts new light on Picasso but redraws our mental map of British culture in the 20th century. TATE 2012 PB 240pp Illus 298x235mm £24.99 92344 now £7.99 NEW THE SUNFLOWERS ARE MINE The Story of Van Gogh’s Masterpiece Martin Bailey The story of Van Gogh’s series of seven sunflower still life paintings takes us initially to Provence, where they were created, and then around the world as it tracks their adventurous history. Through the paintings we gain great insight into Van Gogh’s life and his path to fame, as well as the importance of these extraordinary images in the story of modern art. FRANCES LINCOLN Crucifixion by Graham Sutherland, 1946 2013 HB 240pp Illus 241x192mm £25.00 20079 now £11.99 Three Sunflowers by Van Gogh, 1888 Pascal Bonafoux The theme of the erotic is ever-present in the work of Auguste Rodin, both in his sculptures and in his drawings, a natural result of his love of the female form. This volume explores the many faces of sex and sensuality in his work and in late 19th-century society. It also discusses Rodin’s relationships with women and the controversy that the artist’s work caused during his lifetime. NEW RODIN AND EROS N M Ro Go ric m co be in in wh th th THAMES & HUDSON 2013 HB 272pp Illus 208x180mm FL £19.95 20838 now £8.99 £2 Nude woman with her left leg turned outwards by Rodin, 1890-96 Th Sandra Forty In this beautifully illustrated survey, Sandra Forty presents a concise history of botanical illustration, from early herbals to Curtis’s Botanical Magazine in the 20th century, and more than 80 reproductions of works by artists such as Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Walter Hood Fitch and William Jackson Hooker. BOTANICAL PRINTS A HISTORY OF WOOD ENGRAVING Douglas Percy Bliss A 1,300-yearold Chinese manuscript with the image of Buddha in flowing black lines is the oldest known woodcut and the starting point for this history of the art form. Written in 1928 by the Scottish painter and art critic Douglas Percy Bliss, this classic study describes engraving techniques and provides artist biographies and personal commentary, ending with a chapter on ‘modern’ engravers including Eric Ravilious and Gertrude Hermes. This is a reprint of the first edition. SKYHORSE 2013 PB 279pp Illus T&J 2013 HB 96pp Illus 150x150mm 95184 now £3.99 200x150mm $14.95 19996 now £6.99 Black Briony by John Nash La M ph su so v m se pr ph N Celine Delavaux In five parts – Trompe l’oeil, Hidden Meanings, The (In)Human Body, Optical Challenges and Beyond Reality – this collection of strange, sometimes disconcerting works reveals how artists since antiquity ‘have been drawn to explore the inexhaustible potential of illusion’. Delavaux discusses the work of 60 artists, with reproductions of works including the hyperrealist paintings of Richard Estes, Arcimboldo’s composite portraits, Op Art by Bridget Riley and MC Escher’s impossible Cascade. PRESTEL 2013 HB 192pp Illus 267x219mm THE MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS: Optical Tricks in Art £16.99 19798 now £7.99 36 Forbidden Reproduction (La reproduction interdite) by René Magritte,1937 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 £ PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 37 Order line: 01626 897100 ART/PHOTOGRAPHY NEW SCOTTISH PHOTOGRAPHY A History Tom Normand Scotland has played an important role in the history of photography, boasting probably the earliest conscious ‘art photography’ in the work of Edinburghbased partnership Hill and Adamson, and documentary photography in Thomas Annan’s Glasgow slum pictures of the late 1860s. Including portraiture, landscape, documentary, conceptual and avant-garde photography, this carefully prepared volume explores not only work by Scottish practitioners but also how other leading photographers have portrayed Scotland, from the beginnings of the medium to the present day. LUATH 2007 HB 192pp Illus 215x185mm r ly ld e ’s y LN £29.99 20311 now £12.99 99 Corn Grinding by George Washington Wilson, c.1880 888 Ed. Robert Sullivan Launched in 1936, Life magazine created a new kind of visual journalism, using the world’s best photographers to bring readers the drama of events, introduce them to the people making the news and show them the wonders of the world. This collection presents its 100 most iconic pictures, among them Eisenstaedt’s VJ Day image of a sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square, Robert Capa’s ‘Falling Soldier’ from the Spanish Civil War, and the portrait of Gandhi by Margaret BourkeWhite. Includes 25 removable 10"x8" prints. LIFE 2008 HB 144pp Illus 340x255mm LIFE: The Classic Collection ORIGINS OF MODERN ART Masterworks of Modernism NEW Rosalind Ormiston From Monet and Van Gogh to Kandinsky, Delaunay and Klee, this richly illustrated narrative describes the major artists and artistic groupings that contributed to the emergence of modern art between the mid-19th century and the 1930s in Europe, Russia and America. Especially interesting is its discussion of the places where the art was created and exhibited, and the network of dealers, critics and collectors that form part of the dynamic of modern art. FLAME TREE 2015 HB 192pp Illus 277x286mm £20.00 21085 now £9.99 $49.99 98203 now £14.99 The Barges at Martigues by Raoul Dufy, c.1907 Larry Jim Holm and Dunk by Myron Davis, 1945 NEW QUEEN ELIZABETH II Portraits by Cecil Beaton Susanna Brown The photographs of the British royal family by Sir Cecil Beaton (1904-80) are among the most widely published portraits of the 20th century and were instrumental in shaping the monarchy’s public image. From teenage princess to mother and sovereign, Elizabeth II posed for his camera on numerous occasions. Containing over 50 formal portraits as well as candid behind the scenes photographs, and enlivened with anecdotes from Beaton’s personal diaries, this book celebrates a unique collaboration. V&A 2011 HB 128pp Illus 267x215mm £19.99 17069 now £7.99 Princess Elizabeth, Colonel of the Grenadier Guards, October 1942 Laundry, New Delhi by Raghu Rai Michel Pastoureau Many of the modern masters of photography revel in the vibrant use of colour, from the sumptuous travel portraiture of Steve McCurry to the vivid social documentary of Martin Parr. This handsomely produced volume collects the work of the leading figures that use the medium today and groups their images, by colour, into six sections – red, blue, green, yellow, white and black – to produce a striking and harmonious survey of contemporary photography. THAMES & HUDSON 2010 HB 480pp Illus 322x243mm NEW CHROMA: Celebrating Colour in Photography £38.00 20826 now £19.99 EYEWITNESS Hungarian Photography in the Twentieth Century Peter Baki; Colin Ford; George Szirtes Brassaï, Capa, Kertész, Moholy-Nagy and Munkácsi revolutionized photojournalism and art photography in the first half of the 20th century. This landmark study explains how these five men established Hungary as a crucible of photography; and it explores their influence on succeeding generations of photographers. The three illustrated essays are followed by over 180 photographs, including major works of the featured photographers and their contemporaries. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS 2011 HB 239pp Illus £40.00 10882 now £16.99 Visit our website: 37 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 38 LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY AT ROMMEL’S SIDE The Lost Letters of Hans-Joachim Schraepler Hans-Albrecht Max Schraepler The letters of Hans-Joachim Schraepler, Rommel’s adjutant in 1940-41, provide a vivid picture of the North Africa campaign and insights into the character and tactical skill of the ‘Desert Fox’. FRONTLINE 2009 HB 256pp Illus £19.99 87973 now £7.99 BILLETED IN STROUD 1939-40 An Evacuee’s Account Eric Armstrong In October 1939, 16-year-old Eric Armstrong was evacuated from wartime Birmingham to rural Gloucestershire. His account of evacuation evokes, far from hardship, a new life of walks, cycling, cinema and ‘lots of simply lovely girls’. AMBERLEY 2011 PB 160pp Illus £14.99 85400 now £6.99 D-DAY AND THE BATTLE OF NORMANDY A Photographic History Simon Trew The 385 photographs in this collection were taken by military photographers serving with British, American, Canadian and German forces and form a significant chronicle of the D-Day campaign. HAYNES 2012 HB 320pp Illus 277x228mm £30.00 16604 now £11.99 DON QUIXOTE Miguel de Cervantes An old man, enchanted by tales of knightly courage, guided by visions of giants, knights and the beautiful Dulcinea, puts on his rusty armour and sets out on a quest. Quixote’s epic adventures are read here by Roy McMillan. Unabridged. 29 CDs; total time 36 hrs 9 min. NAXOS AUDIOBOOKS 2011 Audio CDs £80.00 19168 now £19.99 THE GOLDFISH CLUB Danny Danziger Members of the Goldfish Club (formed 1942) are all crew who bailed out over water and survived. Here, 30 of them, including Sir Richard Branson, tell their stories. SPHERE 2012 HB 309pp Illus £17.99 16832 now £6.99 GORDON Edith Templeton Telling the story of Louisa and Gordon and their intense psychosexual entanglement, this novel was critically acclaimed, yet banned in England for indecency in 1966. PENGUIN 2012 PB 231pp £7.99 99070 now £3.99 THE GREEN ROAD INTO THE TREES An Exploration of England Hugh Thomson Journeying along the prehistoric track – the Icknield Way – from Abbotsbury on the Dorset coast to Seahenge on The Wash, Thomson explores the sacred and profane landscapes of England ancient and modern. PREFACE 2012 HB 320pp Illus 241x160mm £18.99 19368 now £7.99 IN GHOSTLY COMPANY Amyas Northcote Garnering comparisons with masters of horror fiction including MR James, Amyas Northcote’s stories exhibit a brooding, measured insidiousness which tends to set the nerves firmly on edge. This collection of shorts is a rare treasure from horror fiction’s golden age. WORDSWORTH 2010 PB 144pp 72453 now £2.99 38 KARL BRANDT: THE NAZI DOCTOR Medicine and Power in the Third Reich Ulf Schmidt This biography of Hitler’s doctor, Karl Brandt, examines his ascent to the Fuhrer’s inner circle, his role as the Nazis’ Commissioner for Health and Sanitation and his eventual trial and execution. HAMBLEDON 2008 PB 496pp £17.99 99760 now £6.99 THE KILLER TRAIL A Colonial Scandal in the Heart of Africa Bertrand Taithe In this study of the VouletChanoine mission to Lake Chad, led by two French army captains in 1898, Taithe describes the mission’s descent into violence and how the atrocity was viewed in Europe. OXFORD UP 2011 PB 322pp Illus £12.99 94369 now £6.99 LAMBETH PALACE LIBRARY Treasures from the Collection of the Archbishops of Canterbury Ed. Richard Palmer; Michelle P Brown This sumptuously illustrated book presents a selection of treasures from Lambeth Palace Library, one of the oldest public libraries in England and the principal record repository of the Anglican church. SCALA 2010 PB 176pp Illus 271x232mm 98558 now £11.99 LONDON: CITY OF THE DEAD David Brandon; Alan Brooke From Roman London to the ‘glorious dead’ of the First World War, this is the first systematic look at London’s culture of death, including an analysis of its superstitions, rituals and representations. HISTORY PRESS 2008 PB 256pp Illus £18.99 19733 now £5.99 MANCHESTER CONSULS David John Fox Manchester has the largest and most active consular corps in the country outside London. This study is the first detailed history of consuls and their activities for any region of the UK. Limited edition. CARNEGIE 2007 HB 315pp £30.00 10672 now £9.99 MAN-MADE EDEN Historic Orchards in Somerset and Gloucestershire James Russell Investigating the history of apple growing and cider making in the West Country, this book explores the changing fortunes of the industry, its traditions and folklore, and recent efforts to save and celebrate its historic orchards. REDCLIFFE 2007 PB 156pp Illus 241x200mm £15.00 98561 now £5.99 THE MARCH OF THE TWENTY-SIX The Story of Napoleon’s Marshals RF Delderfield Fighting men of mostly humble backgrounds, Napoleon’s 26 marshals were raised to the highest power in France after the Emperor himself. This book tells of their personalities, their careers and how they met their several ends. First published 1962. PEN & SWORD 2004 PB 288pp Illus £7.99 20470 now £3.99 MARY TUDOR David Loades’s in-depth study of Mary’s life reveals an intriguing personality, powerful and impelled by deep-set beliefs and principles, yet uncertain of her role as an unwed, ruling Queen. Slightly off mint. AMBERLEY 2011 HB 328pp Illus £25.00 92431 now £9.99 MOUNTAIN MAGIC Van Greaves presents his selection of 150 of his photographs of British mountains including Postscript order line: 01626 897100 Snowdon, Scafell and Ben Nevis, the Torridon peaks and the Cuillins of Skye. FRANCES LINCOLN 2009 HB 192pp Illus 277x277mm £25.00 16577 now £12.99 NORTH YORKSHIRE COASTAL VILLAGES: Then and Now Colin Waters Juxtaposing 90 sepia-toned archive images with modern colour photos of the same sites, this book shows how villages on the coast between Marske and Scalby Mills have changed – and sometimes remained the same – over the last century. HISTORY PRESS 2012 HB 96pp Illus £12.99 97705 now £4.99 OLIVIER Philip Ziegler A former Radio 4 ‘Book of the Week’, Ziegler’s life of Laurence Oliver draws on over 50 hours of unpublished interviews to offer the fullest portrait yet of the great actor, both on and off stage. MACLEHOSE 2013 HB 463pp Illus £25.00 16700 now £11.99 ON THE NATURE OF THINGS Lucretius In Lucretius’ long and profoundly influential poem on the philosophy of Epicurus, deities are not involved in the material world and immortality of the soul is a myth. Ian Johnston’s 2010 translation is read here by Hugh Ross. 7 CDs; running time 8 hrs 43 min. NAXOS AUDIOBOOKS 2010 Audio CD £27.99 19188 now £6.99 THE PROFESSOR Charlotte Brontë Based on her experiences as a teacher in Belgium, Charlotte Brontë’s first novel is narrated by William Crimsworth, an English teacher at an all-girls’ school in Brussels who falls in love with one of his pupils. First published posthumously in 1857. ARCTURUS 2011 PB 208pp 18366 now £2.99 RUNNING: A Global History Thor Gotaas In this original, witty and often astonishing history, Gotass relates many rare and curious stories, revealing the remarkable diversity of running from earliest times to today’s athletics championships. REAKTION 2009 HB 382pp Illus £19.95 21080 now £6.99 SAND AND SILICON Science that Changed the World Denis McWhan Aimed at the general, scienceliterate reader, this book explains the physics behind the revolutionary products, from computer chips to solar panels, that we now take for granted – products ultimately made from sand. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 156pp Illus £32.99 11391 now £9.99 A SLAP IN THE FACE Why Insults Hurt – and Why They Shouldn’t William B Irvine, a professor of philosophy, investigates insults, their history, the role they play in social relationships, and the science behind them; concluding that the best way to deal with them is to become ‘insult pacifists’. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 259pp 175x125mm £14.99 18914 now £6.99 A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND The Glorious Story of a Rowdy Nation Simon Jenkins From the fifth century ‘Saxon Dawn’ to the recent coalition government, Jenkins provides, ‘as simply as possible’, a lucid – and richly illustrated – narrative of how the England we know today came to be. Off-mint. PUBLIC AFFAIRS 2011 HB 386pp Illus $35.00 11747 now £9.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 39 Order line: 01626 897100 British Library Sound Archive The courtship call of the male haddock, echolocation clicks and whistles of Fraser’s dolphins and the melodic song of a lone male humpback whale are among the 15 recorded sounds of ocean life on this remarkable CD. Running time: 65 minutes. BRITISH LIBRARY 2007 Audio CD SOUNDS OF THE DEEP £10.00 94988 now £3.99 STARS AND PLANETS An Illustrated Guide Chris Cooper; Pam Spence; Carole Stott Aimed at the general reader, this well-illustrated and very accessible book provides a guide to our present-day knowledge of stars, planets and the Universe, and includes star charts. STAR FIRE 2007 PB 224pp Illus £9.99 10609 now £4.99 TIME AND TIDE The Life of a Thames Waterman Jack Gaster This is the story of a lifetime on the water. Jack Gaster (b.1923) was an Apprentice Waterman and Lighterman when he was 14, and has spent his whole life working on the river apart from wartime service in the Royal Navy as a commando on the D-Day beaches. AMBERLEY 2010 PB 192pp Illus £14.99 21102 now £6.99 TRANSATLANTIC BETRAYAL The RB211 and the Demise of Rolls-Royce Ltd Andrew Porter Andrew Porter describes the development of Rolls-Royce’s RB211 highbypass turbofan engine, explains the technical innovations and argues that political manoeuvres by the British and US governments were responsible for the company’s downfall in 1971. AMBERLEY 2013 PB 159pp Illus £17.99 16374 now £8.99 THE UNIVERSE WITHIN A Scientific Adventure Neil Shubin Exploring the smallest atomic structures and the vast reaches of space, Shubin, one of the world’s leading palaeontologists, reveals the deep connection between humanity and the vastness of the universe. ALLEN LANE 2013 HB 240pp Illus 241x160mm £20.00 19286 now £7.99 WOLF The Lives of Jack London James L Haley’s biography of Jack London charts his adventurous life, traces the origins of The Call of the Wild and White Fang, and restores him to his rightful place in the American literary pantheon. BASIC 2011 PB 382pp £11.99 10955 now £5.99 WOMEN ON THE LAND Their Story During Two World Wars Carol Twinch describes women’s wartime contribution to agriculture and forestry, tracing the history of the Women’s Land Army from its formation during the First World War to the aftermath of the Second. LUTTERWORTH 1990 HB 176pp Illus £14.95 20948 now £7.99 THE WOMEN WHO SPIED FOR BRITAIN Female Secret Agents in the Second World War LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY ACADEMIC TITLES ANGLO-JEWRY SINCE 1066 Place, Locality and Memory Tony Kushner In this study of the history and memory of Anglo-Jewry from the medieval era to the present, the particular focus is on the relationship between the local (in this case Hampshire), the national and the global. MANCHESTER UP 2009 HB 284pp £60.00 20642 now £16.99 THE ASIAN MILITARY REVOLUTION From Gunpowder to the Bomb Peter A Lorge This ambitious study traces the history of the Chinese invention of gunpowder and its impact on the surrounding Asian world – Korea, Japan, South East Asia and South Asia – from the 9th to the 20th century. CAMBRIDGE UP 2008 HB 200pp £59.99 17716 now £14.99 THE BEETHOVEN SONG COMPANION Paul Reid’s full-length study of Beethoven’s songs covers all the composer’s songs with piano, with full German texts and translations, and comprehensive notes on the poetry and the music. MANCHESTER UP 2007 HB 324pp Illus £60.00 20646 now £14.99 THE BOOK OF MICHAEL OF RHODES: A FifteenthCentury Maritime Manuscript Volume 2: Transcription and Translation Ed. Pamela Long; David McGee; Alan Stahl This text by a 15th century mariner describes his experiences in the Venetian merchant and military fleets, and includes writings on commercial mathematics, shipbuilding, navigation, calendrical systems and astrology. Transcription, with translation en face. Felt tip mark on lower trimmed edge. MIT 2009 HB 730pp 253x200mm $75.00 16770 now £19.99 BRITISH CIVILIAN INTERNEES IN GERMANY The Ruhleben Camp, 1914-18 Matthew Stibbe tells the story of Ruhleben (formerly a racecourse, two miles west of Berlin) as both a prison camp and an ‘imagined community’ which even had its own postage stamps. No jacket. MANCHESTER UP 2008 HB 224pp Illus £55.00 20651 now £14.99 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO MODERN AMERICAN CULTURE Ed. Christopher Bigsby A useful introduction to the study of American culture, this Companion offers an accessible overview of the cultural themes and intellectual issues that drove the dominant culture of the 20th century. CAMBRIDGE UP 2006 HB 516pp £64.99 17733 now £19.99 CHURCH DOGMATICS Volume III: The Doctrine of Creation Part 2 Robyn Walker traces the lives of eight women who put their lives on the line for the British war effort: Violette Szabo, Nancy Wake, Noor Inayat Khan, Sonia Butt, Diana Rowden, Odette Sansom, Mathilde Carre and Christine Grevillae. Karl Barth; Ed. GW Bromiley; TF Torrance First published in German in 1948, this partvolume contains Chapter X, ‘The Creature’; described by Barth’s English editors as ‘the most massive account of the doctrine of man in our times’, which is however, ‘a strictly theological account, starting in the Word of God’. AMBERLEY 2014 HB 192pp Illus T&T CLARK 2001 HB 662pp £16.99 20982 now £7.99 £65.00 99505 now £16.99 CLERICAL CELIBACY The Heritage William E Phipps traces the history of the priesthood from Old Testament Judaism to the present. His researches reveal mandatory celibacy as a late introduction, and interviews with today’s priests suggest that it has damaged the church. Slightly off-mint. CONTINUUM 2004 HB 280pp £24.99 98689 now £6.99 CONTESTING HOME DEFENCE Men, Women and the Home Guard in the Second World War Penny Summerfield; Corinna Peniston-Bird Part of the Cultural History of Modern War series, this study explores political chalenges to the concept of home defence; the representation of the Home Guard during and after the War; and personal memories of participating in home defence. No jacket. MANCHESTER UP 2007 HB 326pp Illus £55.00 20668 now £16.99 CONTROL OF RELIGIOUS PRINTING IN EARLY STUART ENGLAND S Mutchow Towers This investigation of the mechanism of press control in Jacobean and Stuart England begins with a comparative study of publication patterns of the Calvinist Thomas Taylor and the Arminian Thomas Jackson. No jacket. BOYDELL 2003 HB 304pp £45.00 45602 now £19.99 DAYS LINKED BY SONG Prudentius’ Cathemerinon Gerard O’Daly looks at the lyric poems of Prudentius, the Cathemerinon, published in the early fifth century CE, providing Latin texts, English translations and critical essays on each of the 12 poems. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 422pp £89.00 17259 now £30.00 THE DUCHESS OF MALFI John Webster Part of the Arden Early Modern Drama series, bringing the same textual and critical approach of the Arden Shakespeare to other early modern plays, this edition of Webster’s famous tragedy is edited by Leah S Marcus. No jacket. ARDEN SHAKESPEARE 2009 HB 448pp £65.00 20570 now £7.99 THE FAMILY OF LOVE Alastair Hamilton This study of the Family of Love sect that was founded by Hendrik Niclaes in the early 1540s examines the circumstances in which it developed, the men who joined it, the cause of its appeal and the objects it set out to achieve. JAMES CLARKE 1981 HB 190pp $53.00 20909 now £9.99 GEOGRAPHY AND SCIENCE IN BRITAIN, 1831-1939 Charles WJ Withers This first detailed study of the British Association for the Advancement of Science examines the history and geography of science and the science of geography in 19thand early 20th-century Britain and the Empire. MANCHESTER UP 2010 HB 296pp Illus £60.00 20700 now £14.99 GODDESSES AND QUEENS The Iconography of Elizabeth I Ed. Annaliese Connolly; Lisa Hopkins In ten essays, this volume examines Elizabeth I’s extensive iconography, focusing on both visual and textual representations of the queen, not only in portraiture and literature, but also in contemporary sermons, speeches and alchemical treatises. MANCHESTER UP 2007 HB 206pp Illus £50.00 20702 now £14.99 Visit our website: 39 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 40 LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY GRAMMATICAL VARIATION IN BRITISH ENGLISH DIALECTS A Study in Corpus-Based Dialectometry Benedikt Szmrecsanyi Drawing on authentic speech data collected in over 30 counties, this book presents a new approach known as corpus-based dialectometry, which focuses on the joint quantitative measurement of dozens of grammatical features to gauge regional differences. CAMBRIDGE UP 2013 HB 230pp Illus £62.00 21014 now £19.99 GRUESOME DEATHS AND CELIBATE LIVES Christian Martyrs and Ascetics Ed. Barnabas Lindars This symposium of 13 essays deals with the relationship between law and religion in the Old Testament and, in the New Testament, the law in both the Jesus tradition and the St Paul and apostolic tradition. JAMES CLARKE 1988 HB 224pp £25.00 20925 now £9.99 THE LETTERS OF RICHARD COBDEN Volume Three: 1854-1859 BRISTOL PHOENIX 2005 PB 157pp Ed. Anthony Howe; Simon Morgan In or out of Parliament, Richard Cobden (1804-65) was prominent in British politics during the years covered by these letters. They reveal the tension between Cobden’s private and public life during the period of the Crimean War, the Persian and Chinese Wars, the Indian Mutiny and Cobden’s visit to the USA. OXFORD UP 2012 HB 578pp £12.99 92519 now £4.99 HISTORICAL LITERATURES Writing About the Past in England, 1660-1740 £127.50 17346 now £19.99 THE MILITARY LEADERSHIP OF MATILDA OF CANOSSA, 1046-1115 Aideen M Hartney examines the historical context and thinking of the early Christian martyrs and the ascetics who went to remarkable lengths to sublimate their physical needs to spiritual ends. Noelle Gallagher Reading texts by John Evelyn, Marvell, Dryden, Defoe and others, this volume surveys some of the many different genres in which Restoration and early 18th-century writers depicted the past. MANCHESTER UP 2012 HB 272pp Illus £60.00 20706 now £16.99 HITLER’S WAR POETS Literature and Poetry in the Third Reich Jay W Baird focuses on six writers who responded enthusiastically to Hitler’s summons to create a cultural revolution commensurate with Nazi radicalism: Rudolf Binding, Josef Wehner, Hans Zöberlein, Edwin Dwinger, Eberhard Möller and Kurt Eggers. CAMBRIDGE UP 2009 PB 300pp Illus £22.99 21019 now £11.99 INCONSISTENCY IN ROMAN EPIC Studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan James J O’Hara Classicists once assumed that all inconsistencies in ancient texts needed to be emended, explained away or lamented. Based on recent work on both Greek and Roman authors, this study explores the possibility of interpreting inconsistences in Roman epic. David J Hay In his study of Countess Matilda of Canossa, Hay explains how this powerful medieval leader rose to the defence of the reforming papacy, defeated the Holy Roman Emperor and turned the tide in the first great war between church and state. MANCHESTER UP 2008 HB 304pp £60.00 20727 now £19.99 MODEL AND SUPERMODEL The Artist’s Model in British Art and Culture Ed. Jane Desmarais; Martin Postle; William Vaughan These eight essays on the phenomenon of the artist’s model include studies of the Pre-Raphaelite model, the model in fiction, Henry Scott Tuke’s use of boy models and the found model in contemporary art. MANCHESTER UP 2006 HB 186pp Illus 237x170mm £55.00 20728 now £14.99 MODERN MOTHERHOOD Women and Family in England, c.1945-2000 Angela Davis In this comprehensive historical study of the experience of motherhood, 1945 to 2000, Davis covers aspects of mothers’ lives such as education, health care, psychology, labour market trends and state intervention. CAMBRIDGE UP 2007 PB 177pp MANCHESTER UP 2012 HB 250pp £21.99 16718 now £7.99 INVENTING THE MIDDLE AGES The Lives, Works and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the 20th Century £65.00 20729 now £19.99 OXFORD STUDIES IN METAETHICS Volume Two Norman F Cantor In this provocative and highly acclaimed study, Cantor argues that our picture of the medieval world is quintessentially the creation of 20th-century historians whose spiritual and emotional outlooks coloured their interpretation of an entire epoch. LUTTERWORTH 1992 HB 478pp 20921 now £9.99 THE JEW OF MALTA A Critical Reader Ed. Robert A Logan With eight essays on topics including the influence of Marlowe’s play on The Merchant of Venice, and its performance history, this reader provides fresh, varied approaches to the many enigmatic elements of the play. Arden Early Modern Drama Guides 40 LAW AND RELIGION Essays on the Place of Law in Israel and Early Christianity Ed. Russ Shafer-Landau This second volume of the annual periodical devoted to original philosophical work on the foundation of ethics comprises 11 essays on topics including ‘wrongness and reasons’, moral obligation and value and autonomy in Kantian ethics. OXFORD UP 2007 HB 272pp £58.00 58301 now £9.99 PAGEANTRY AND POWER A Cultural History of the Early Modern Lord Mayor’s Show Tracey Hill Covering the period 1585 to 1639, Tracey Hill’s study explores the lived experience of the Lord Mayor’s Shows and sets them in the context of the wider ceremonial culture of early modern England. THE PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE Eight Architects 1830-1930 Ed. Christopher Webster Providing a picture of British architecture over a seminal period, this book discusses eight very different architects: Henry Roberts, William Culshaw and Henry Summers, William Hill, Bassett Keeling, Edward Schroeder Prior, Harold Peto and Hugh Thackeray Turner. SPIRE 2012 HB 238pp Illus 238x158mm £34.95 19066 now £16.99 THE PRESENT STATE OF ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND Augustus WN Pugin The architect AWN Pugin (1812-52) was England’s leading exponent of the Gothic revival. In this pioneering work, first published in 1843, he espouses Gothic of the early 14th century as the pinnacle of architectural excellence. New introduction by Michael Fisher. SPIRE 2012 HB 176pp Illus 237x158mm £45.00 19067 now £16.99 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen Jane Austen; Ed. Janet Todd ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife’: with this famous declaration Austen launches into the story of the five Bennet sisters. First published in 1813, and now widely regarded as one of the finest novels in the English language. CAMBRIDGE UP 2006 HB 622pp £83.00 89418 now £19.99 QUANTUM PHYSICS AND LINGUISTICS A Compositional, Diagrammatic Discourse Ed. Chris Heunen; Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh; Edward Grefenstet Significant parts of both quantum mechanics and linguistics concern compositional reasoning about the way information flows among subsystems and how this flow gives rise to the properties of a system as a whole. This book supplies an overview of how categorical methods are used to model information flow in both disciplines. OXFORD UP 2013 HB 429pp £52.00 17415 now £14.99 REFORMING THE NORTH The Kingdoms and Churches of Scandinavia, 1520-1545 James L Larson’s study offers a broad perspective on the turbulent period in Scandinavian history that saw the end of the medieval Union of Kalmar, the Catholic Church toppled and the beginning of new, centralized states. CAMBRIDGE UP 2010 HB 550pp £99.99 92389 now £25 REPRESENTING AFRICA Landscape, Exploration and Empire in Southern Africa, 1780-1870 John McAleer Part of the Studies in Imperialism series, this study examines the ways in which British travellers, explorers and artists viewed southern Africa in a period of evolving and expanding British interest in the region. MANCHESTER UP 2010 HB 262pp Illus £60.00 20770 now £12.99 ST GEORGE’S CHAPEL, WINDSOR, IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES Ed. Colin Richmond; Eileen Scarff Ten essays examine the cultural context of the late Gothic St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle – a centre of religious, intellectual and artistic excellence in 15th century England. ARDEN SHAKESPEARE 2013 PB 288pp MANCHESTER UP 2010 HB 408pp Illus DEAN & CANONS 2001 PB 221pp Illus £17.99 20586 now £7.99 £60.00 20755 now £9.99 £14.99 33816 now £6.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 41 Order line: 01626 897100 HEALTH/FOLKLORE Stuart McHardy Almost everything we know about the figure of King Arthur comes from Welsh sources, but Stuart McHardy has revisited the old theory that Arthur’s enigmatic origins actually lie among the ‘Men of the North’ in Scotland. Linguistic analysis, archaeological evidence and folklore combine in this new investigation into Arthur’s place in the society of the sixth century, the sites of his 12 battles and the significance of Christianity in his story. LUATH 2001 HB 224pp Illus NEW THE QUEST FOR ARTHUR £16.99 20308 now £5.99 THE ELEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE CELTS KILL OR CURE An Illustrated History of Medicine Steve Parker, author of The Human Body Book, traces the evolution of medicine and the people who made it happen from prehistory to modern imaging techniques and stem cell treatment. Anecdotal rather than encyclopedic, the book follows medical progress through a selection of topics – such as surgery in ancient Egypt, Harvey and the circulation of the blood, or the fight against cancer – and aims to give non-technical insights into the history and practice of medicine. Rodney Castleden In five alphabetically arranged sections, with a final chapter on the Celtic twilight and revival, this Element Encyclopedia covers every aspect of Celtic culture: the various Celtic peoples and their lifestyles; places with Celtic associations; religion; mythology and legends; and symbols, ideas and archetypes. The final section discusses a range of topics, including the survival of the Welsh language, and Celtic revival culture in art and literature. HARPER ELEMENT 2012 PB 573pp Illus £12.99 98003 now £5.99 Trans. Charlotte Guest Lady Guest’s translation of the ancient Welsh legends of the Red Book of Hergest and the tale of Taliesin was the first appearance of the Mabinogion in English. This reprint is of the second (1877) edition with Lady Guest’s original notes on the stories. LOST LIBRARY 2013 PB 521pp THE MABINOGION £9.99 99369 now £4.99 DK 2013 HB 400pp Illus 240x160mm £19.99 19370 now £9.99 MEDICINE Perspectives in History and Art $125.00 17569 now £25.00 Roslyn Law Depression can be crippling but this practical guide, using techniques based on Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), can help sufferers gain a fuller understanding of their condition, identify the relationships that can have a positive impact on their recovery and improve communication skills. With practical exercises, case studies and worksheets to monitor progress, this book can help those suffering depression to take charge of their condition and improve their prospects for recovery. DEFEATING DEPRESSION Alfred Watkins Published in 1925, this book elaborated Alfred Watkins’s theory of ‘ley’ lines, first put forward in his Early British Trackways. Based on his fieldwork in Herefordshire, Watkins’s surmise was that the straight lines crossing Britain were ancient alignments with marked points, used for navigation by Stone Age man. LOST LIBRARY 2013 PB 255pp £7.99 99370 now £3.99 Robert E Greenspan From ancient Egyptian reliefs showing surgical instruments to illustrations of the four humours in medieval manuscripts, and from Renaissance anatomical drawings to the exotic contraptions of early 20th century quacks, this volume draws on the art and craftsmanship that has been applied to the healing sciences to tell the story of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and quackery. The book is arranged by medical speciality and covers Eastern as well as Western medical practice. PONTEVERDE 2006 HB 508pp Illus 303x227mm THE OLD STRAIGHT TRACK Its Mounds, Beacons, Moats, Sites and Mark Stones Daljit Nagra The epic Ramayana (‘The Travels of Rama’) tells how Vishnu, incarnated as Rama, is sent into exile and his wife Sita is abducted by the Lord of the Underworld, until a monkey army helps him to win her back. The story’s many variant versions span the cultures, religions and languages of Asia; Nagra’s vibrant, energetic reworking draws on scenes from these traditions to create a new Ramayana for today’s multicultural, multi-faith readers. FABER 2013 HB 352pp RAMAYANA: A Retelling £18.99 19413 now £6.99 MYTHOLOGY The Complete Guide to Our Imagined Worlds Christopher Dell Described as ‘a complete theme-by-theme guide to extraordinary, mind-stretching stories and images from around the world’, this is a compendium of the most enduring tales from both wellknown and more obscure mythological traditions. Christopher Dell recounts the myths alongside hundreds of colour illustrations, comparing similar features to show how these diverse products of the human imagination share many story-patterns, from the world’s creation to conceptions of the afterlife and underworld. THAMES & HUDSON ROBINSON 2013 PB 544pp 2012 352pp Illus 235x220mm £10.99 18325 now £3.99 £24.95 11965 now £9.99 Visit our website: Oedipus ponders the riddle of the Sphinx in a painting by François Xavier Fabre 41 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 42 FICTION James Stephens Widely acknowledged as one of the greatest novels in the Irish comic tradition, The Crock of Gold follows the progress of two Philosophers and their formidable wives (the Grey Woman of Dun Gortin and the Thin Woman of Inis Magrath) through a world of fantasy and satire. THE CROCK OF GOLD JOHN MURRAY 2012 PB 224pp £9.99 19425 now £2.99 Charles Cumming Six weeks before she was to become the first female head of MI6, Amelia Levene disappears without trace. Ex-agent Thomas Kell is brought in from the cold, with orders to find her, but tracking Amelia through France and North Africa, he finds the rules of the game have changed. CWA’s Best Thriller of the Year, 2012. A FOREIGN COUNTRY HARPER 2013 PB 415pp £7.99 19456 now £2.99 Charles Dickens In this ingenious set of supernatural stories, the narrator (Dickens) takes up the challenge of living in a haunted house and invites a party of friends to stay. On Twelfth Night the house guests – among them Hesba Stretton, Wilkie Collins and Elizabeth Gaskell – gather to share the stories from their respective rooms. With an introduction by Peter Ackroyd. NEW THE HAUNTED HOUSE ME Mayer In sixth century Byzantium, John has risen from slave to emperor Justinian’s right-hand man. Above all, the emperor prizes John’s skill as an investigator – until the case of a murdered treasury official threatens the slave’s place at the imperial court and his life. ONE FOR SORROW HEAD OF ZEUS 2012 HB 272pp £14.99 17910 now £3.99 HESPERUS 2015 PB 144pp 195x125mm RUMER GODDEN £6.99 21118 now £2.99 Rumer Godden Two English sisters, Una and Hal, are abruptly summoned to New Delhi by their diplomat father; but from her first meeting with their new Eurasian governess, Una senses a hidden motive for the move to India. First published in 1975. The author’s preface is missing from this reprinted edition. PAN 2013 PB 336pp THE PEACOCK SPRING THE LIFE AND DEATH OF MR BADMAN John Bunyan Written in 1680 as a companion piece to – but now overshadowed by – The Pilgrim’s Progress, this colourful and dramatic allegory traces Mr Badman’s wicked journey through life to damnation and hell. Foreword by James Fenton. HESPERUS 2007 PB 197pp THE SECRET LIFE OF WIVES £7.99 99600 now £2.99 HUNTINGTOWER John Buchan Written in 1922, just a few years after the Russian Revolution, Huntingtower is both a modern fairy tale and an adventure story, and introduces some of Buchan’s best-loved characters – the Gorbals Die-Hards. Introduced by Ann Widdecombe. POLYGON 2012 PB 233pp £7.99 11466 now £2.99 THE CRIME OF JULIAN WELLS £16.99 17921 now £3.99 HESPERUS 2006 PB 93pp £6.99 99632 now £2.99 Thomas H Cook The body of Julian Wells, whose writing explored the darkest crimes of the 20th century, is found in a boat drifting on a pond by a friend, Philip Anders. Later, rereading Wells’s work, Anders begins to question how well he knew his friend – and unravelling the mystery becomes a decades-long obsession. HEAD OF ZEUS 2012 HB 304pp Pietro Aretino The satirical Ragionamenti (‘Discussions’) by Pietro Aretino (1492-1556) are neo-Platonic dialogues set in a brothel, where a seasoned prostitute and a novice examine the career options for women – as nuns, wives or whores. This second dialogue discusses the scandalous and often hilarious goings-on within marriage. Translated, with an introduction, by Andrew Brown. £8.99 19774 now £3.99 COROMANDEL SEA CHANGE and SUMMER DIARY Rumer Godden As Blaise and Mary honeymoon at the Patna Hall hotel on India’s Coromandel coast, the state is gripped by election fever and Mary falls under the spell of a people, a country – and Krishnan, the god-like candidate of the Root and Flower party. PAN 2013 PB 288pp £8.99 19773 now £3.99 ON BEULAH HEIGHT A Dalziel and Pascoe Novel Reginald Hill Set in Yorkshire, where 15 years previously three children went missing in Dendale, this novel finds Dalziel reliving that earlier case when a child from the next valley goes missing and a deadly message is spray-painted on a wall: ‘Benny’s Back!’ HARPER 2014 PB 524pp £7.99 19470 now £2.99 NETHERGATE Norah Lofts Forced to flee Revolutionary France after her father’s execution, Isabella de Savigny seeks solace at Nethergate, a cousin’s house in Suffolk. What she finds is a life of servitude, cruelty and seduction – but the birth of her daughter gives her the will to fight back. HISTORY PRESS 2009 PB 255pp £7.99 17032 now £2.99 Edith Wharton Set on a cruise ship sailing between Algiers and Venice, Wharton’s novel satirizes the vulgarity and exposes the irresponsibility of the American nouveau riche. On board ship, Martyn Boyne, an unmarried gentleman in his 40s, befriends the seven unruly children of the muchmarried and remarried Wheaters. VIRAGO 2014 PB 368pp THE CHILDREN £9.99 19630 now £3.99 42 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 Sarah Dunant Beginning in Rome in 1492 as the conclave of cardinals met and elected Rodrigo Borgia as Pope Alexander VI, Dunant’s novel brings to life the infamous Borgias and the avarice, ambition and corruption of Renaissance Rome. BLOOD AND BEAUTY VIRAGO 2013 PB 543pp £7.99 18319 now £2.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:28 Page 43 Order line: 01626 897100 NEW MY FAVOURITE STORIES OF LAKELAND Ed. Melvyn Bragg This classic collection of stories about Lakeland, selected by Melvyn Bragg in the 1980s, still has the capacity to delight today. The dramatic landscape has always attracted great writers, and here we have pieces by Wordsworth, Dickens, Coleridge, Ransome, Walpole and, of course, Wainwright, among many others. Wainwright’s detailed drawings and maps are a delightful complement to the collection. LUTTERWORTH 1981 HB 126pp Illus 20934 now £5.99 A SEAMAN’S ANTHOLOGY OF SEA STORIES FICTION/POETRY POETRY TYGER TYGER, BURNING BRIGHT Much-Loved Poems You Half-Remember Ana Sampson has put together a delightful collection of verse by more than 80 poets, dating from the 13th century to the present day, whose work has proved enduringly popular in schools and stuck, more or less accurately, in our memories. She has also provided entertaining notes on the poets and arranged the poems by themes such as the natural world, battle and talking gods. MICHAEL O’MARA 2011 HB 191pp £9.99 99218 now £3.99 Desmond Fforde This selection of nine stories – some fiction, some true – is arranged chronologically by their setting, from 1800, with CS Forester’s ‘Hornblower and the Widow Cool’ to ‘Aircraft Carrier’, John Winton’s evocation of a Fleet Air Arm pilot’s experience in the Pacific in 1945. NEW MODERN LOVE and POEMS OF THE ENGLISH ROADSIDE with POEMS AND BALLADS George Meredith Admired by Hardy, Wilde, Joyce and Woolf, George Meredith was one of the most innovative and controversial writers in Victorian England. His sonnet sequence ‘Modern Love’, written after his wife left him, was denounced as scandalous on its publication in 1862. While individual sonnets are often included in anthologies, it has never been reprinted in full until this scholarly edition, which comes complete with an introduction, notes and a selection of contemporary reviews. ACCENT 2009 PB 354pp £7.99 93294 now £2.99 YALE UP 2012 HB 436pp Illus $60.00 21132 now £14.99 WORDS THAT BURN How to Read Poetry and Why: Poems From Eight Great Poets Josephine Hart Inspired by the series of poetry evenings organized by Josephine Hart at the British Library, Words That Burn presents more than 50 poems, both on the page and in audio format on a CD of live readings by great actors. Hart’s brief introductions outline the lives of the poets, who range from Milton to Robert Lowell, drawing attention to the themes and techniques which are prominent in the selected texts. VIRAGO 2008 HB 288pp Illus £16.99 19770 now £6.99 Dannie Abse’s personal and erudite selection of 100 love poems includes both famous and obscure works, ranging from ‘The Song of Solomon’ and Ovid’s elegies to Corinna to works by great modern poets including Andrew Motion, Carol Ann Duffy and Simon Armitage. Dannie Abse provides an introduction and notes on each poet. No jacket. ODE TO LOVE: 100 Poems of Love and Lust ERAGON Inheritance Book One Christopher Paolini When the strange blue stone he found in the forest hatches a dragon, Eragon leaves his simple life as a farm boy and takes up the mantle of the legendary Dragon Riders. So begins the epic struggle of Eragon and his dragon Saphira against the evil Galbatorix. This is the first part of the Inheritance cycle, presented here in the tenth anniversary collector’s edition, bound in blue leather and embossed with a golden dragon. Age 10+. No jacket. KNOPF 2013 HB 525pp Illus £35.00 19387 now £9.99 A CORNER OF A FOREIGN FIELD The Illustrated Poetry of the First World War Fiona Waters This anthology of war poetry combines the words of poets such as Wilfred Owen, Ivor Gurney and Robert Graves with around 200 newly restored photographs of the First World War drawn from the Daily Mail’s archive. The poems include both those written by soldiers on the battlefield and those composed later, with the benefit of terrible hindsight; earlier works, such as The Shropshire Lad, which matched the mood of the nation at war; and poems by those left behind, the women. ATLANTIC 2007 HB 192pp Illus 236x240mm £16.99 19561 now £6.99 PORTICO 2011 HB 175pp £9.99 20196 now £3.99 MAKING LOVE TO MARILYN MONROE The Faber Book of Blue Verse Ed. John Whitworth Candidly sexual verse has always thrived in literature and virtually every great poet is represented in this anthology: from the Roman Marcus Argentarius (‘Hetero-sex is Best’), through Chaucer and the ribaldry of ‘The Miller’s Tale’, Rochester and Rimbaud, to a lewd limerick by TS Eliot. FABER 2006 PB 319pp £9.99 51240 now £4.99 ODE TO CHILDHOOD Poetry to Celebrate the Child Ed. Lucy Gray Children, childhood and being a parent are celebrated in this collection of poetry ranging from Bunyan to Betjeman. The poems are arranged by ages, from infancy and the particular joys of babies and very small children, through holidays and play to schooldays – not forgetting childhood ailments in Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Land of Counterpane’. BATSFORD 2014 HB 96pp Illus £9.99 20194 now £3.99 COLLECTED LONGER POEMS WH Auden First published in 1968, this companion volume to Collected Shorter Poems was compiled by Auden and brings together six of his longer poetic works, published originally between 1930 and 1947: Paid on Both Sides, Letter to Lord Byron, New Year Letter, For the Time Being, The Sea and the Mirror and The Age of Anxiety. FABER 2012 PB 356pp £20.00 19565 now £5.99 Visit our website: 43 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 44 RELIGION NEW DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIAN ART Diane Apostolos-Cappadona Western European art is imbued with Christian imagery, yet much of it is no longer understood in a secular age. This dictionary provides a clear and accessible guide to Christianity’s often arcane symbolism. Over 1,000 alphabetical entries cover artists, art and architectural terms; flora and fauna; parts of the body; saints, biblical and mythological figures; and liturgical objects and vestments. More than 160 reproductions include work by artists from Giotto through Leonardo and Michelangelo to Salvador Dali. LUTTERWORTH 1995 PB 376pp Illus 20902 now £7.99 A VISUAL HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE The Tumultuous Tale of the World’s Bestselling Book Donald L Brake, a keen collector of English translations of the Bible, scatters tales of his quest for antiquarian tomes throughout this illustrated history. The book focuses on the risk of heresy charges that surrounded the printed vernacular versions by men such as Wycliffe, Tyndale and Coverdale and, from the earliest known English Psalter in the eighth century to the plethora of Bibles available today, it celebrates the scholars whose work made the Christian scriptures accessible to the people. BAKER 2008 HB 352pp Illus £16.99 19253 now £6.99 IN THE BEGINNING Bibles Before the Year 1000 Ed. Michelle P Brown The word ‘Bible’ derives from the Greek for ‘little books’, since Christian texts first circulated not as a unified body of teaching but in the form of individual scrolls and codices. In the Beginning is an exploration of the dynamic synergism between developments in book technology and the shaping of the canonical Christian scriptures. It is illustrated with colour reproductions of pages from more than 70 volumes, ranging from scraps of humble papyrus to sumptuous illuminated manuscripts. SMITHSONIAN 2006 HB 366pp Illus 266x240mm £32.00 17561 now £14.99 NEW A CENTURY OF NEW TESTAMENT STUDY John Riches The past 100 years have seen profound changes in New Testament study. This book follows its development from the late 19th century through the challenges of the 20th. Central to its argument is Rudolf Bultmann’s attempt to reconcile critical, historical and theological studies, and its ultimate failure. Reviewing recent developments, Riches concludes by asking if the time has not come for a similar attempt to integrate modern approaches. LUTTERWORTH 1993 PB 256pp $39.50 20898 now £5.99 Alasdair IC Heron Many significant developments have taken place in Protestant theology over the past century. After an historical survey of Protestant responses to the Enlightenment, this book examines the ideas of the Swiss theologian Karl Barth, the work of Bultmann, and the radical theologies that emerged after the Second World War. The final chapter surveys the horizons opened by ecumenical encounters with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, with other faiths, and with the natural sciences. LUTTERWORTH 1993 PB 240pp NEW A CENTURY OF PROTESTANT THEOLOGY $39.50 20899 now £5.99 NEW CONSCIENCE AND ITS PROBLEMS An Introduction to Casuistry Kenneth E Kirk One of the great classics of moral theology, first published in 1927, and a benchmark in 20th-century casuistry, this work both recognizes the legacy of 16th and 17th century casuists and faces the moral issues relevant to modern times. An extensive new introduction by David H Smith places Kirk’s approach to casuistry in the context of a general discussion of the term, its meaning and the ways it has been variously interpreted. JAMES CLARKE 1948 PB 462pp $64.00 20901 now £5.99 William Laughton Lorimer A Professor of Greek and lifelong champion of the Scots language, William Laughton Lorimer (1885-1967) devoted the last ten years of his life to translating the New Testament. First published in 1983, the work is renowned as a great literary achievement in a language that is, as James Robertson writes in his introduction, ‘articulate, literate, ornate, delicate, robust, cheerful, moving and capable of capturing and liberating all the rich wonders of its subject matter’. CANONGATE 2012 PB 512pp THE NEW TESTAMENT IN SCOTS £14.99 19876 now £4.99 f 44 See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website NEW DEISM IN ENLIGHTENMENT ENGLAND Theology, Politics and Newtonian Public Science Jeffrey R Wigelsworth With the growth of scientific understanding in the 17th and 18th centuries, Deism – the belief that God created the universe but keeps apart from it – gained currency among educated people. This absorbing study examines the theology of leading English Deists such as John Toland and Anthony Collins as they struggled to reconcile the discoveries of Newton and others with belief in a Creator. It also relates their ideas to the politics of the period after the revolution of 1688. MANCHESTER UP 2009 HB 250pp £60.00 20676 now £16.99 NEW THE DOCTRINE OF FAITH In the Reign of Henry VIII David Broughton Knox Justification by faith is the foundation of Protestant theology, the ‘chief, lord, ruler and judge’ of all other doctrine according to Luther. This groundbreaking theological history charts its emergence and development in the writings of English reformers such as William Tyndale, the virulent opposition it attracted from Thomas More and Henry VIII, and its eventual acceptance by the Church of England under Archbishop Cranmer. JAMES CLARKE 1961 HB 304pp 20904 now £9.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 45 Order line: 01626 897100 RELIGION/TRAVEL NEW THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF SACRED SPACES Decoding Churches, Temples, Mosques and Other Places of Worship Sean Martin Completely rejecting the Church and its trappings, Catharism was the most successful heresy of the Middle Ages, when it flourished especially in the Languedoc and Italy. Sean Martin explains the Cathars’ teachings about the simple life of prayer, work, fasting and non-violence, and recounts the events of their obliteration in the Albigensian Crusade that was launched against them by a Church alarmed by their popularity with peasants, artisans and women. NEW THE CATHARS POCKET ESSENTIALS 2015 PB 192pp £8.99 20637 now £3.99 NEW THE GNOSTICS The First Christian Heretics Sean Martin The religious schools embraced by the term ‘Gnosticism’ formed the official church’s main rival during the early centuries of Christianity. Introducing key texts such as the Gospel of Thomas, this book outlines Gnostic beliefs – that the world was created by an evil God, that Christ came to teach liberating knowledge and that women are men’s equal – and shows how these ideas survived underground to influence modern writers including Blake, Camus and Philip K Dick. POCKET ESSENTIALS 2015 PB 176pp £8.99 20831 now £3.99 COLUMBUS The Four Voyages Laurence Bergreen Within a decade of his great discovery in 1492, Columbus made three further voyages to the New World, leading campaigns that became increasingly morally ambiguous. Bergreen uses Columbus’ own logbooks and letters to delve into the psyche which made him a brilliant captain yet led to his devastating failures. This biography also highlights the far-reaching consequences of Columbus’ voyages not only on the native inhabitants of the Americas but also on ecosystems, human biology and culture across the globe. VIKING 2011 HB 443pp Illus $35.00 10838 now £6.99 Jon Cannon This exceptional reference book interprets the significance of the world’s most renowned religious buildings, revealing their history and how they are shaped by the faith for which they were created, be it Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism. The historical range is huge, from the first temples of 9000 BC to the modernist religious architecture of today. An introduction discusses key universal themes in sacred architecture, while special ‘decoder’ features give detailed analysis of a particular building or decorative scheme. DUNCAN BAIRD 2013 HB 224pp Illus 300x230mm £25.00 21120 now £9.99 The golden statue of the buddha Mireuk (Maitreya) at Beopju Temple, South Korea TRAVEL & PLACES Rory Stewart In January 2002, in the wake of the US invasion, Rory Stewart walked across Afghanistan in the footsteps of the Mogul Emperor Babur. With only a toothless mastiff for company, he embarked on a perilous journey through an awe-inspiring landscape of snowcapped mountains and bleak passes, negotiating warring factions and hostile ideologies. Exhilarating, moving and humane, his awardwinning narrative combines travel at its most adventurous with writing at its most expressive. NEW THE PLACES IN BETWEEN PICADOR 2005 PB 326pp £9.99 21205 now £4.99 NEW SICILY Art, History and Culture Giovanni Francesio; Enzo Russo Few places on earth have experienced such an eventful history as Sicily. Rocked by invasions, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, this rugged land at the crossroads of the Mediterranean has been host to many peoples and religions: Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans and Catalans have all left their mark on its culture. This sweeping exploration of the island’s unique character is lavishly illustrated with colour photographs of its dramatic scenery and stunning works of art and architecture. ARSENALE ET EDITRICE 2012 HB 318pp Illus 255x215mm £25.00 21168 now £12.99 INGUIDES SERIES Compact, sturdy and colourful, these travel guides offer richly illustrated surveys of the sights to see in some of the world’s great cities. They describe a selection of shops, restaurants, hotels and cultural events, introduce the major museums, and guided walks explore each city’s most interesting places and themes. The books include a pull-out map, pages for personal notes and each one is bound in a different colour mock leather, with a silk marker and elastic closure. MONACO 2011 PB 256pp Illus 18111 18112 18113 18114 18115 18117 18118 £12.99 each now £4.99 each BARCELONA BERLIN ISTANBUL LONDON NEW YORK ROME VENICE Visit our website: 45 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 46 SIGNATURE SHAKESPEARE SERIES This series presents some of the most popular plays in the Shakespearean canon in visually striking new editions, with modernized, yet conservative texts and explanatory notes on facing pages, illustrated with layered, laser-cut paper art by Kevin Stanton. The texts are accompanied by commentary discussing Shakespeare’s language, the play and its performance history and later works it inspired. Volumes are elegantly bound in off-white with paper-cut pictures. STERLING SIGNATURE 2007-12 HB 360-396pp Illus 246x175mm Ed. Robert S Miola 21184 Ed. Jesse M Lander 18984 Ed. Mario DiGangi 18986 NEW MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING MACBETH ROMEO AND JULIET £25.00 each now £9.99 each THE ESSENTIAL SHAKESPEARE LIVE ENCORE The Royal Shakespeare Company in Performance Gregory Doran Following the success of Essential Shakespeare Live, Gregory Doran has selected another 21 scenes and speeches from live RSC productions, all published for the first time. The pieces begin with Paul Robeson playing Othello in 1959, include performances by Elizabeth Spriggs, Ian Richardson, Harriet Walter and Ian Holm, and end with David Tennant’s Hamlet (2008) and ‘What a piece of work is man’. Includes a booklet with scripts. Two audio CDs, running time 147 minutes. BRITISH LIBRARY 2009 Audio CDs £16.00 10737 now £6.99 NEW SHAKESPEARE’S ENGLISH A Practical Linguistic Guide Keith Johnson A unique and engaging approach to the study of Early Modern English, this book provides students with a solid grounding for understanding the language of Shakespeare and its place within the development of English. Johnson covers all aspects of the playwright’s language – vocabulary, grammar, sounds, rhetorical structure etc – and gives illuminating background information on the linguistic context of the Elizabethan age. The book includes practical exercises and activities, including suggestions for further work. PEARSON 2013 PB 336pp £23.99 21546 now £11.99 46 William Shakespeare To mark Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary on 23 April, these pages present a selection of our books on his life, his plays, his poetry and his legacy to English language and literature. NEW ON THE TRAIL OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE J Keith Cheetham From a remnant of barn, the remains of the Shakespeare family property in Snitterfield, to the Globe Theatre and Holy Trinity Church in Stratford, Cheetham describes in detail all the sites known to be connected with the Bard’s life; then goes on to identify locations of the plays, including the royal palaces of the history plays, Macbeth’s castle and Desdemona’s house in Venice. LUATH 2006 PB 192pp Illus £6.99 21849 now £2.99 SHAKESPEARE’S CHURCH A Parish for the World Ed. Val Horsler Holy Trinity church in Stratford-upon-Avon has a history that stretches back to Anglo-Saxon times, but is best known as the burial place of the town’s most famous resident – William Shakespeare. This handsome book explores the church’s history and architecture, its connection with the playwright, and its role in the life of the community today. Plentiful colour photographs show every aspect of this beautiful building, including carvings, monuments and stainedglass windows. THIRD MILLENNIUM 2010 HB 160pp Illus 270x230mm £25.00 16422 was £9.99 now £6.99 SPECIAL OFFER PRICE Detail of Shakespeare’s monument on the north wall of the chancel of Holy Trinity PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 47 NEW ILLUSTRATING SHAKESPEARE Peter Whitfield From Fairthorne’s illustration for The Rape of Lucrece in 1655, to The Animated Tales cartoon versions of the plays for children in the 1990s, Whitfield looks at how artists have risen to the challenge of illustrating Shakespeare. With over 100 examples, the study examines famous editions such as the RoweTonson Shakespeare (1709) and Knight’s Pictorial Shakespeare (1838-41); trends in art and illustration including Romanticism and the PreRaphaelites; and the work of prominent artists such as William Blake, Henry Fuseli and Millais. BRITISH e d LIBRARY 2013 PB 60pp illus 268x198mm £20.00 22091 now £7.99 Hamlet by John Austen, 1922 Bill Nighy as Edgar in King Lear in 1986. Edgar’s role as the beggar Poor Tom is among the most sustained episodes of disguise in Shakespeare I USED TO KNOW THAT: SHAKESPEARE Stuff You Forgot from School SHAKESPEARE’S RESTLESS WORLD An Unexpected History in Twenty Objects Neil MacGregor At the beginning of Henry V Shakespeare asked his audience to ‘Piece out our imperfections with your thoughts’: but what mental world did the Elizabethans draw on to fill out the ‘vasty fields of France’, Cleopatra’s barge or Julius Caesar’s forum? In this book, Neil MacGregor attempts to revisit the world of Elizabethan experience through discussions of objects including a communion cup, a rapier, a pedlar’s trunk and a holy relic – travelling ‘through the charisma of things, to a past world’. PENGUIN 2013 PB 339pp Illus £12.99 19251 now £5.99 Back by popular demand Liz Evers Everybody remembers Romeo and Juliet’s love story and Hamlet’s famous laments, but do you know who was the first character to be deemed ‘dead as a doornail’? Or who Shakespeare’s sonnets were written for? With a brief life of the playwright, bite-sized synopses of all his plays and chapters on his legacy to language, his poetry and common misquotations, this is an ideal refresher course on the Bard. READER’S DIGEST 2011 HB 177pp $14.95 11809 now £3.99 NEW SHAKESPEARE FOR THE WISER SORT Solving Shakespeare’s Riddles Steve Sohmer Why didn’t Hamlet succeed to the Danish throne at the instant of his father’s death? Why does Othello seem to unfold in double time? Arguing that Shakespeare employed his prodigious talents in writing for two audiences simultaneously – ‘one, the great mass of entertainmentseeking play-goers; the other, a wiser sort’ – Sohmer explores inscrutable elements of the plays that have defeated the wisest scholars and reveals a level of discourse between Shakespeare and the cognoscenti among his audience. MANCHESTER UP 2007 HB 308pp s d- £50.00 20784 now £9.99 Possible portrait of Amelia on a locket, c.1591 SHAKESPEARE’S DARK LADY Amelia Bassano Larnier: The Woman Behind Shakespeare’s Plays? NEW John Hudson Amelia Bassano (1569-1645) came from a family of court musicians to Elizabeth I and became mistress to Lord Hunsdon, the courtier in charge of the theatre. Later, she emerged as Christopher Marlowe’s lover and collaborator, the ‘dark lady’ of Shakespeare’s sonnets and a published poet in her own right. Hudson’s controversial and well-researched book shows that Amelia Bessano was in all the right places and had all the right knowledge, skills and contacts to have produced the Shakespearean canon. AMBERLEY 2014 HB 288pp Illus £20.00 21100 now £7.99 NEW SHAKESPEARE AND THE COUNTESS The Battle that Gave Birth to the Globe Chris Laoutaris In 1596, Shakespeare and his company prepared to occupy a new theatre in Blackfriars. For one local resident, the formidable Dowager Countess Russell, it was a case of ‘there goes the neighbourhood’. Against a backdrop of Elizabethan intrigue, this tour de force of historical detection charts for the first time the life of this arch-schemer, secret service agent and early champion of women’s rights, and reveals how her determined campaign to thwart the actors almost destroyed Shakespeare’s career. FIG TREE 2014 HB 527pp Illus £20.00 18342 now £8.99 47 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 48 SCIENCE Yorkshire road contractor Percy Shaw developed his ‘cat’s eye’ reflector device in the 1930s – a simple but critical innovation that soon spread all over the world. This attractively illustrated book explores many such inventions that have shaped human progress and characterize modern civilization. Covering a range of fields it traces, for example, innovation in communication from the quill pen to global positioning systems, and progress in medicine from the invention of spectacles in the 13th century to genetic engineering. NEW INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS BLACK DOG 2009 HB 240pp Illus 279x230mm £24.95 21108 now £9.99 Thomas Edison invented the first phonograph in 1877; by the turn of the century disks had supplanted cylinders 13.8 The Quest to Find the True Age of the Universe and the Theory of Everything NEW John Gribbin The two great theories of modern physics – the general theory of relativity and quantum theory – were developed independently, yet they agree precisely. But how might these theories of the very large and very small be unified in a ‘Theory of Everything’? John Gribbin describes the quest for the Holy Grail of physics, from the ‘prehistory’ of cosmology and astrophysics in the 19th century to the latest estimate of the age of the universe (13.8 billion years), released in 2015. ICON 2015 HB 256pp Illus £16.99 21137 now £8.99 NEW AMERICAN DREAMER Bucky Fuller and the Sacred Geometry of Nature Scott Eastham American polymath Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) is remembered for his geodesic dome designs and the ‘buckminsterfullerene’ carbon molecules that were named after them. However his work reached far beyond this structural innovation including radical inventions in transport and housing as well as pioneering ideas on globalization and sustainability. This study of Fuller’s life and work explores how he drew inspiration from nature to develop his design theories and includes an introduction to his thinking on geometry and his theory of ‘synergetics’. LUTTERWORTH 2007 PB 206pp Illus $57.50 20884 now £9.99 DECODING REALITY The Universe as Quantum Information Vlatko Vedral Addressing the most basic questions – the nature of reality and why there is something rather than nothing – Vedral presents a non-technical explanation of modern science’s understanding of the Universe in terms of information. His exploration of why ‘information is physical’ ranges from PIN encryption to quantum teleportation, and reveals the simplicity and beauty of the answers offered by the new theory of quantum information and computation. OXFORD UP 2012 PB 239pp £9.99 19260 now £3.99 THE ELEGANT UNIVERSE Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory Brian Greene In a rare blend of scientific insight and writing as elegant as the theories it explains – and with no equations – Brian Greene, one of the world’s leading string theorists, peels away the layers of mystery surrounding string theory to reveal a universe that consists of eleven dimensions, where all matter is generated by the vibrations of microscopically tiny loops of energy. Both illuminating and entertaining, Greene’s much acclaimed work offers a lucid account of modern physics. VINTAGE 2000 PB 464pp £10.99 18192 now £4.99 PHILIP’S PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY KIT The 3-in-1 Stargazing Pack Patrick Moore; John Woodruff; Wil Tirion An ideal starter kit for stargazers, this set comprises two booklets: The Night Sky, Sir Patrick Moore’s classic, easy-to-follow guide for beginners, and John Woodruff and Wil Tirion’s Month-by-Month Star Finder, with a map for each month showing SERVING THE REICH the locations of stars and constellations; plus the The Struggle for the Soul essential Planisphere 51.5° North, a practical of Physics Under Hitler map that shows where stars and constellations Philip Ball examines the moral choices made are for every hour of every night of the year. by three eminent scientists – Max Planck, PePHILIP’S 2013 PB 112pp Illus 293x295mm ter Debye and Werner Heisenberg – who were £14.99 18287 now £4.99 caught between science’s idealistic goals and STARGAZING WITH A TELESCOPE the tyranny of the Nazi regime. The stories Robin Scagell This best-selling guide describes the of these very different personalities – their wide range of telescopes that are currently available and how compromises and concessions, their flaws and to choose and set up the right one for you. It explains how to misjudgements, their acts of kindness and find your way around the night sky, what to look for and how bravery – are shown to be instructive illusto observe it, with star maps for both northern and southern trations of the perennial dilemmas caused by hemispheres. There is also a guide to accessories, including the relationship between science and politics. equipment for astro-photography. PHILIP’S 2013 PB 192pp Illus BODLEY HEAD 2013 HB 313pp Illus £8.99 20185 now £3.99 48 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 £20.00 20097 now £7.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 49 Order line: 01626 897100 GARDENS Chris and Valerie Wheeler Cuttings are usually taken from shoots and stems but with certain plants, roots and leaves are capable of producing new growth as well. Comprehensively illustrated throughout, this practical book demonstrates the basic techniques of propagation from cuttings, with advice on composting, containers and tools, and specific plant-by-plant advice on where to take cuttings from, at what time of year, and how to root almost 200 popular plant types. GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN NEW SUCCESS WITH CUTTINGS 2009 PB 156pp Illus £12.95 21073 now £4.99 THE BEDSIDE BOOK OF THE GARDEN DG Hessayon This compendium by the author of the best-selling Expert series, is intended for people who want to take a rest from weeding, relax, and read about plants, people and places. Here you will find a short history of the tomato, an article on Gregor Mendel and his peas, descriptions of famous gardens such as Hidcote Manor and Stourhead, and pieces on topics as diverse as working-class plants, earthworms, mazes, and how to win at the rose show. EXPERT 2008 HB 334pp Illus 200x155mm £14.99 95522 now £4.99 NEW THE ORGANIC VEGETABLE GARDENER Yvonne Cuthbertson The satisfaction of knowing that your food has been grown free from toxic chemicals, and has travelled merely a few hundred yards to your plate, cannot be beaten. This is a detailed and expert guide to achieving that satisfaction yourself. There are chapters on the basics of soil preparation, variety selection, growing techniques and dealing with pests and diseases, followed by an alphabetical directory of popular vegetable varieties and how to grow them successfully. GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2011 PB 176pp Illus £14.99 21071 now £4.99 THE GARDENS AND PARKS AT HAMPTON COURT PALACE DEAR FRIEND AND GARDENER Letters on Life and Gardening Christopher Lloyd; Beth Chatto In this engaging exchange of letters from the last decade of the 20th century, Christopher Lloyd and Beth Chatto, two long established friends and distinguished gardeners, share gossip, discuss life in general but, above all, compare notes on successes and failures in their two very different gardens – the Beth Chatto Gardens, created from scratch in the 1960s at Elmstead Market in Essex, and Christopher Lloyd’s famous garden at historic Great Dixter in Sussex. FRANCES LINCOLN 2013 HB 320pp Illus 240x160mm £20.00 19345 now £7.99 NEW GARDENING WITH WILD PLANTS Julian Slatcher This innovative guide to incorporating wild plants into the garden is packed with ideas and excellent photographs. It is organized by habitat, with plants for the rockery, the mixed Red Campion and border, ponds and meadows. Almost 200 different plants are included, with expert growing advice for each one and planting Queen Anne’s Lace create a two-tone plans showing how to combine them creatively for maximum effect in late spring effect. GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2011 PB 176pp Illus Marina Christopher While gardeners may be happy with their gardens in spring and early summer, late summer often proves more of a challenge. Here, gardener Marina Christopher describes the plants that have a late flowering season or that offer attractive foliage, seeds or berries, to help you get the best from the garden all the way through to autumn. Beautifully illustrated throughout, the book shows how to grow the plants and includes a handy plant directory. FRANCES LINCOLN 2006 PB 208pp Illus 245x190mm LATE SUMMER FLOWERS £16.99 16884 now £6.99 The East Front from the Diagonal Walk Todd Longstaffe-Gowan Illustrated with paintings and prints as well as Vivian Russell’s outstanding photographs, this is a visually impressive introduction to the finest Baroque parks and gardens in Britain. Covering 2,000 acres and designed over the last 600 years, Hampton Court’s Grade I listed grounds include miles of tree-lined avenues, a canal and even a ‘Wilderness’. The book looks at each of the gardens in turn, exploring their history and the patrons, designers and gardeners involved in their creation and maintenance. FRANCES LINCOLN 2005 HB 208pp Illus 270x225mm £25.00 91687 now £9.99 and early summer £14.99 21069 now £4.99 LOUIS XIV’s BOTANICAL ENGRAVINGS Alain Renaux Enriched by numerous botanical expeditions to distant lands, Louis XIV’s gardens were the admiration of Europe, and a source of specimens for scientists and illustrators. This magnificent volume reproduces 58 hand-coloured copperplate engravings drawn from the royal collection, with botanical details of each plant. It explains the origin of the gardens, the habitat and medicinal properties of the individual plants, and the engraving techniques used, while the illustrations themselves are both accurate scientific records and objects of great beauty. No jacket. LUND HUMPHRIES 2008 HB 144pp Illus 320x240mm £50.00 97247 now £11.99 Visit our website: 49 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 50 NATURE/PETS NEW THE BOOK OF THE TOAD A Natural and Magical History of Toad-Human Relations The longnose stingray Dasyatis guttata LOST FISH Anthologies of the Work of the Comte de Lacépède Intro. Elizabeth Kolbert Protégé of the naturalist Leclerc de Buffon, the Comte de Lacépède was hired to be the ‘keeper’ of the French royal natural history collection in the 1780s. Forced out of Paris by the Revolution, Lacépède devoted himself to studying fish and published his five-volume Histoire naturelle des poissons between 1798 and 1803. This book presents extracts from that text and nearly 200 reproductions of its illustrations, depicting many fish that are now lost to us, along with quotations from thinkers, naturalists and poets. ASSOULINE 2008 HB 232pp Illus 297x230mm £40.00 19393 now £12.99 Robert M Degraaff The toad has long suffered from image problems. By the time of Shakespeare its ugliness was proverbial and its reputation for being poisonous hardly helped. Yet Professor DeGraaff makes a convincing and entertaining case for these much-abused creatures as deserving of our respect and Two Toads in Moonlight by Mark Tobey, 20th century admiration. He includes not only toad science but also an exploration of the toad as a literary and artistic subject, mythological symbol and threatened species. The result is a treat for bufophiles everywhere. LUTTERWORTH 1991 PB 224pp Illus 279x215mm 20894 now £6.99 WONDERS OF THE INDIAN WILDERNESS Erach Bharucha The tracts of wilderness in India offer an amazing diversity of habitats and bio-diversity of flora and fauna, but these areas are shrinking and their wildlife is endangered. This magnificent book, the result of 30 years visiting and recording the Indian wilderness, is a call for its preservation. A wildlife photographer and conservationist, Bharucha presents over 2,000 photographs, with his own informative text, in two parts: the flora and fauna; and the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Slipcased. ABBEVILLE 2006 HB 855pp Illus 330x280mm £67.00 99997 now £40.00 Allan Potts is an award-winning wildlife photographer who also farms on the Tyneside-Northumberland rural-urban fringe. This book presents a selection from his large library of photographs showing the region’s flora and fauna in the natural landscapes of the North – fells, woodland, coast, arable land and abandoned industrial areas. His commentary gives information about the scenes and describes his own experiences, not least much patient waiting, while capturing these beautiful images. ARCTIC FOX Life at the Top of the World ZYMURGY 2000 HB 160pp Illus 278x200mm A&C BLACK 2008 HB 231pp Illus 277x214mm NATURAL NORTH £16.99 16522 now £6.99 Garry Hamilton; Photo. Norbert Rosing The arctic fox is often outshone by the more popular polar bear and was rarely studied by scientists until the 1980s. This richly illustrated book seeks to redress the balance, revealing the fox’s habitat and feeding and mating habits, its adaptability, the unparalleled insulating properties of its fur and, above all, its remarkable ability to survive in the hostile arctic tundra where temperatures regularly reach -50° centigrade. £16.99 19034 now £7.99 Featuring the work of excellent wildlife photographers, these books from the World Life Library profile two fascinating animals: the orangutan, now critically endangered by its shrinking habitat; and the albatross, threatened by fishery operations. Each book gives a Orangutans are one of lucid and informative account humans’ closest relatives of the animal's life cycle, habitats and behaviours, the various species and efforts being made to save them from extinction. COLIN BAXTER WORLD LIFE LIBRARY 2007-11 PB 72pp Illus 225x250mm £9.95 each now £3.99 each Tony Martin ALBATROSSES 18962 Robert Shumaker ORANGUTANS 50 AMAZING DOGS A Cabinet of Canine Curiosities Jan Bondeson Is the Border collie Pythagoras incarnate or just a sheep herder? Which female monarch raced a St Bernard’s dog cart and who did she run against? The answers to these and many more unusual queries are examined in this beautifully produced book by renowned rheumatologist and storyteller Jan Bondeson. His erudite accounts of canine intellectuals, globetrotters, philanthropists and thespians, heroes, rat-killers and faithful friends are illustrated with prints, portraits and satirical cartoons from the past 200 years. AMBERLEY 2013 PB 304pp Illus £12.99 19777 now £4.99 HEAL YOUR DOG The Natural Way Richard Allport There has been a trend in human medical practice to reduce the use of drugs and embrace alternative therapies as part of a holistic approach to wellbeing. This book demonstrates that the same approach is relevant for dogs and presents advice on maintaining a natural diet and healthy lifestyle as well as describing how therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy and homeopathy can be effectively used on the family pet. REMEMBER WHEN 2010 PB 208pp Illus £14.99 18043 now £5.99 18966 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 51 Order line: 01626 897100 NATURE NEW THE BIRDS OF CITES And How to Identify Them Johannes Erritzoe This comprehensive reference handbook was produced for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, to describe the birds of the world threatened with depletion or extinction. The large, beautifully drawn illustrations capture in exquisite detail many hundreds of species, and for each one there is information on its physical characteristics and its range. All technical terms are clearly explained, and there is a helpful guide to bird families. LUTTERWORTH 1993 HB 224pp Illus 295x210mm £49.00 20893 now £14.99 Adrian Pitches; Tim Cleeves Between 1980 and 2004, more than 70 bird species – vagrants from Central Asia, Siberia and North America – have been added to the British list. This book is a compilation of all those records, with accounts of finding a ‘First for Britain’ interspersed with 25 annual summaries of the birding years 1980-2004 and 25 essays by prominent birders about their special years during this period. The book is illustrated with colour photographs and black and white artworks. Foreword by Eric Meek. T&AD POYSER 2005 HB 344pp Illus BIRDS NEW TO BRITAIN 1980-2004 BRITISH SEASHELLS A Guide for Collectors and Beachcombers Paul Chambers; Illus. George Sowerby All around Britain’s long coastline seashells are abundant, delighting holiday-makers and children as well as serious beachcombers. This comprehensive guide identifies more than 400 species, from common mussels and whelks to the rare wentletrap, and is beautifully illustrated with the Victorian prints of George Sowerby. It also provides zoological information on molluscs, colourful tales about the collectors of the past, practical advice on how to collect and preserve shells, a glossary of terms and an index of common names. REMEMBER WHEN 2009 HB 233pp Illus £25.00 84461 now £9.99 Andrew Robinson Recent years have witnessed destructive earthquakes in Haiti, Japan and New Zealand, and history is littered with accounts of similarly devastating events that have destroyed cities and killed millions of people. This study examines two millennia of major earthquakes and their effects on societies around the world; the ways in which cultures have mythologized them through religion, the arts and popular culture; and the science of measuring, understanding and trying to predict them. REAKTION 2012 PB 224pp Illus EARTHQUAKE £14.95 18120 now £5.99 James Hamilton The earliest known depiction of an erupting volcano, a wall painting discovered at an archaeological excavation in western Turkey, dates to around 6200 BCE. Their power and destructive magnificence has gripped people’s imaginations and remained an inspiration for artists ever since. This volume charts the history and cultural impact of volcanic eruptions, examines their depiction by artists including Wright of Derby, Hokusai and Warhol, and also explores the science and geography of volcanism. VOLCANO REAKTION 2012 PB 304pp Illus £14.95 18130 now £5.99 £50.00 18281 now £14.99 SEABIRD POPULATIONS OF BRITAIN AND IRELAND Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002) P Ian Mitchell; Stephen F Newton et al Each year Britain and Ireland play host to over eight million breeding seabirds, including internationally important populations of certain species and the majority of the world’s Manx Shearwaters, Northern Gannets and Great Skuas. Summarizing the findings of a major initiative to census breeding seabirds, and presenting detailed accounts of each species, this volume provides an essential reference for birdwatchers, professional ornithologists and anyone involved in the conservation of the marine environment. T&AD POYSER 2004 HB 511pp Illus 250x185mm £50.00 18290 now £19.99 THE GREAT DINOSAUR DISCOVERIES Darren Naish Since the first fossils of large prehistoric reptiles were identified in the early 18th century, theories about the nature of dinosaurs have been continually updated and debated as new discoveries have been made. Illustrated with archive and modern photographs, artworks and maps, this book describes the key finds that have shaped our changing ideas, from the fragmentary evidence of the 1820s to the amazing feathered dinosaur remains recently discovered in China. WEATHER WONDERS Incredible Clouds and Weather Events from Above and Below Gordon Higgins Hurricanes and thunderstorms are awesome and impressive events but the most benign of weather can also produce beautiful and surprising results. From the gently rippling waves of ‘Kelvin Helmholtz’ clouds to double rainbows and the heavenly shafts of light known as crepuscular rays, this photographic selection displays clouds and weather events of all types photographed from the ground and, by means of satellite imagery, from above. A&C BLACK 2009 HB 192pp Illus 277x215mm D&C 2011 PB 256pp Illus 148x180mm £19.99 18308 now £8.99 £12.99 18229 now £4.99 Small Pearl-bordered Peter Marren; Richard Mabey Fritillaries Like its companion volumes, Flora Britannica and Birds Britannica, this is a richly illustrated cultural, rather than biological guide. Here, British bugs are seen through the eyes of writers, musicians, artists, photographers and naturalists, from Elizabethan proto-entomologist Thomas Muffet (father of Little Miss Muffet) to Irvine Welsh’s talking tapeworm in Filth. The result is a beguiling look at some of our 40,000 species of invertebrates – from amoebas, through worms, ants and earwigs, butterflies and beetles to molluscs – and the eccentricities of some human bug obsessives. CHATTO & WINDUS 2010 HB 512pp Illus 280x215mm BUGS BRITANNICA £35.00 93610 now £9.99 Visit our website: 51 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 52 FOOD & DRINK NEW TRADITIONAL SPANISH COOKING Janet Mendel This classic of Spanish cookery won awards and much praise on its first publication in 1996. It presents some 270 succinct and easy-to-follow recipes that capture the gastronomic style of regional Spanish cooking, from Andalucia and Catalonia to Asturia and Galicia. The book is organized by meal – from breakfast to special sweets and confections – each with a brief introduction to its place in Spanish culinary tradition. FRANCES LINCOLN 2006 PB 326pp £16.99 20082 now £7.99 SPICES, SALT AND AROMATICS IN THE ENGLISH KITCHEN Elizabeth David Legendary cook Elizabeth David describes how English food has for centuries been influenced by oriental trade, and explains the origins and uses of spices and aromatics such as nutmeg, cardamom and juniper. With delicious recipes – among them, Mussels in Saffron Sauce, Lamb and Aubergine Stew and Cinnamon Ice Cream – the book captures what David described as ‘the English love affair with Eastern food and Arabian Nights ingredients’. First published in 1970. GRUB STREET 2011 HB 279pp ITALIAN KITCHEN GARDEN NEW Sarah Fraser Following on from the TV series on her family’s new life in Tuscany, growing and cooking their own food, Sarah Fraser presents the fruits of her experience in book form. There are clear instructions on how to grow many of the key ingredients of Italian cooking, whether vegetables, herbs or fruits; and each chapter includes recipes for quintessentially Italian dishes to make with your produce – and enhance your sense of achievement. PAVILION 2011 HB 176pp Illus £16.99 20192 now £6.99 VERDURA Vegetables Italian Style Viana la Place Italian cuisine is rich in vegetables – verdura – from familiar peppers, aubergines and artichokes to exotic specialities such as chayote and cardoons. This classic cookbook, now reissued with colour photographs, celebrates the Italian way with vegetables – fresh, earthy, spirited and always seasonal. Its 300 recipes include a dazzling range of antipasti, salads, soups, pasta, risottos, pizzas, and irresistible desserts such as Watermelon with Bittersweet Chocolate Shavings and Grilled Figs with Honey and Walnuts. GRUB STREET 2012 PB 320pp £12.99 10752 now £5.99 GRUB STREET 2012 PB 546pp THE TURKISH COOKBOOK Regional Recipes and Stories Nur Ilkin; Sheilah Kaufman Many Westerners’ familiarity with Turkish food goes no further than the kebab shop, yet – along with the French, Italian and Chinese – it is one of the four great cuisines of the world. This sumptuously illustrated book explores its riches by region, from the Black Sea to Anatolia. The tempting, varied and healthy recipes for mezze and salads, soups, pilafs, breads, dolmas, and traditional sweets such as halva and baklava are interspersed with fascinating nuggets of cultural and culinary history. VIETNAMESE HOME COOKING GRUB STREET 2012 HB 375pp Illus 245x185mm 2013 HB 224pp Illus 273x220mm £25.00 10751 now £9.99 £30.00 17537 now £7.99 52 £15.00 17138 now £6.99 Charles Phan American chef and restaurateur Charles Phan has organized this colourful exploration of Vietnamese cooking under the various traditional techniques – steaming, braising, stir-frying, grilling and frying – along with chapters on the all-important soup and on street food such as Pork and Prawn Spring Rolls, Peanut Sauce, and Steamed Rice Cakes. The book is full of information on Vietnamese food culture as well as recipes, and ends with a useful illustrated glossary of ingredients. JACQUI SMALL EVERYDAY DRINKING The Distilled Kingsley Amis Tim Webb; Stephen Beaumont The establishment of artisan breweries producing craft beers is a growing trend, not just in Britain, but in many parts of the world. Beyond the famous labels of international brands there are thousands of varieties of beer, from barrel-aged Californian brews to Bavarian wheat beers, each with its own subtle character. This illustrated guide is a complete reference to the development of beer and brewing techniques around the world and includes tasting notes for 500 beers and maps locating important breweries. MITCHELL BEAZLEY 2012 HB 256pp Illus 290x227mm Elisabeth Luard’s experience of peasant life in Spain in the 1960s inspired her to gather these 500 recipes from around Europe. Peasant food relies on the seasons and often features a single ingredient – Luard reflects this in chapters on fish, poultry, pork, beans, fungi, breads, potatoes and sweets. Peppered with anecdote, local history and folklore, the book reveals rural traditions that remain as relevant in today’s challenging times as when the book was first written. £12.99 17142 now £5.99 Kingsley Amis ‘We have no excuse for selfsatisfaction’, wrote Kingsley Amis, ‘while we allow the atrocity of the Pina Colada to flourish in our midst’. The late novelist was famously partial to a drink, and his views on the subject were as trenchantly funny as his views on everything else. Introduced by his friend Christopher Hitchens, this collection of writings on the art of imbibing mixes a heady cocktail of wry humour, erudite knowledge and outspoken opinion. THE WORLD ATLAS OF BEER £25.00 16533 now £11.99 EUROPEAN PEASANT COOKERY BLOOMSBURY 2008 HB 318pp $19.99 11804 now £5.99 Brewing room of the Trappist Abbaye de Notre Dame de Saint-Rémy, Rochfort, France Postscript order line: 01626 897100 f See our full range of Food titles on our website PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 53 Order line: 01626 897100 FOOD Sybil Kapoor Drawing inspiration from the National Trust’s traditional kitchens, mills and dairies, orchards, kitchen gardens and hedgerows, award-winning food writer Sybil Kapoor has brought together a collection of modern British baking recipes using traditional ingredients and seasonal produce. There are recipes for every level of skill, from easy Leek Tart and Cheese Straws to Hazelnut and Blackberry Roulade and Chocolate Pear Cake – something for everyone who loves to bake. NEW SIMPLY BAKING NATIONAL TRUST 2012 HB 320pp Illus £25.00 20193 now £9.99 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STEP-BY-STEP COOK BOOK NEW GREAT BRITISH FOOD REVIVAL A cook’s handbook as well as a great selection of 400 ‘triple-tested’ recipes, this volume explains the basic techniques for preparing and cooking each type of food – for sauces and dressings, through fish, meat and poultry, to vegetables, fruit and nuts, deserts and baking – before moving on to the recipes. In step-by-step illustrations, it will show you, for example, how to cook with chocolate before you embark on that Chocolate Amaretti Tart. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING 2012 HB 464pp Illus £30.00 20190 now £11.99 JAM WITH LAMB Seasonal West Country Cooking Richard Guest, Head Chef at Taunton’s Michelin-starred Castle Hotel Restaurant, offers an impressive range of recipes based on the best of locally farmed produce and ingredients which can be found wild throughout the West Country. Divided by season – Easter Sunday Stew for Spring, June Salad for Summer, Quince Jelly for Autumn, and an array of Christmas dishes for Winter – the recipes are interspersed with shopping tips, preparation advice, and the culinary secrets of one of Britain’s top chefs. BIRLINN 2007 HB 241pp Illus £20.00 62614 now £5.99 NEW HAM, PICKLES AND JAM Traditional Skills for the Modern Kitchen Larder Blanche Vaughan A beautifully illustrated celebration of Britain’s enormous range of local varieties and breeds, this volume matches ten famous chefs with ten homegrown ingredients: bread, crab, potatoes, pork, cauliflower, mutton, tomatoes, apples, honey and cheese. Each chef offers ten recipes featuring their chosen ingredient: Michel Roux’s bread recipes range from Tuscan Bread Soup to Summer Pudding; there are classic pork dishes from Clarissa Dickson Wright; and the Hairy Bikers celebrate the cauliflower in Fattoush, Piccalilli and Saag Aloo. WEIDENFELD 2011 HB 224pp Illus 253x196mm £20.00 16985 now £7.99 Thane Prince ‘Cooking your own preserves, salting and curing your own meats, and bottling your own cordials to stock your larder shelves is well within the reach of even the beginner in the kitchen.’ With novices in mind, Thane Prince describes the techniques and provides the recipes to recover lost skills such as rendering and pickling. As well as recipes for bread, cakes and biscuits, jams, chutney and condiments, cordials and liqueurs, she offers valuable advice on stocking a larder and storing foodstuffs. Gluten-free shortbread creams PAVILION 2011 HB 272pp Illus £25.00 20191 now £9.99 NEW PICNICS And Other Outdoor Feasts Claudia Roden This is the reissue of a classic that was heralded on first publication as ‘the bible of outdoor eating’. It includes sections on meals to eat in the garden with access to the kitchen, meals to eat outdoors away from home, food for a barbecue and, finally, meals for travellers. It is as much a joy to read as to cook from, as Rosen stimulates the imagination with tales from far and near told in her elegant style. GRUB STREET 2012 HB 334pp Illus THE BIG WHEAT AND GLUTEN FREE COOKBOOK Jody Vassallo For those with coeliac disease, cutting out gluten from their diet may seem daunting but there are still plenty of delicious options. Excellent gluten substitutes are available, so breads, cakes and pasta can still be enjoyed. Jody Vassallo’s cookbook provides guidance and inspiration to living a gluten-free life, with 100 tempting recipes including Quinoa Fruit Compote, Lemon Grass Pork and Noodle Salad, and Carrot and Walnut Muffins. GRUB STREET 2014 PB 128pp Illus 293x230mm £14.99 24930 now £5.99 Visit our website: £12.99 19045 now £4.99 53 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 54 CRAFTS/HOBBIES NEW MAKING VINTAGE ACCESSORIES 25 Original Sewing Projects Inspired by the 1920s-60s Emma Brennan Accessories have always been economical and inventive additions to any outfit. This collection of 25 pieces inspired by the fashions of the past – from the 1920s to the 1960s – includes hats, scarves, belts, jewellery and bags. A helpful introduction explaining techniques and fabrics is followed by step-by-step instructions for each project, with plenty of detailed photographs and pattern templates for photocopying. 1950s-style rounded tie-fastening handbag GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2009 PB 190pp Illus 270x210mm £14.99 21070 now £6.99 NEW CELTIC KNOTWORK HANDBOOK Sheila Sturrock There are many books of ready-made Celtic knotwork designs, but this one is unique in teaching exactly how they should be created. Chapters are given to mastering the basic elements of construction, the heart and the loop, and then to combining these and extending them to create your own designs. More than 200 designs are featured with clear, step-by-step illustrations. GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2006 PB 160pp Illus 210x147mm £10.99 21067 now £4.99 also Celtic Spirals Handbook f See by Sheila Sturrock on page 65 CALLIGRAPHY Tools and Techniques for the Contemporary Practitioner PURLS OF WISDOM The Book of Knitting JACQUI SMALL 2013 HB 288pp Illus 260x228mm PENGUIN 2010 PB 208pp Illus 254x202mm £30.00 17489 now £12.99 £16.99 98142 now £5.99 Gaye Godfrey-Nicholls Designed for artists and students, this beautifully presented, practical guide provides comprehensive information on both the traditions of calligraphy and its contemporary practice, including digital work. It contains graded exercises for creating the traditional lettering hands, highlighting the key characteristics of each; detailed examples of different lettering techniques; tutorials on illumination, decoration and composition; and profiles of leading contemporary designers. THREE COLOR PAINTING Jenny Lord ‘Anyone can knit’; the secret, according to Jenny Lord, is to start small. After a history of knitting and a guide to choosing yarn and needles, this beginner’s guide is clearly set out with illustrated instructions and photographs of what the finished stitch patterns should look like. Once you have mastered the basics, there are more than 20 simple patterns – all designed as gifts, including scarves, hats, cushions and socks for girls, boys, babies and iPods. NEW Stan Kaminski’s guide shows beginner and experienced artists alike how to create successful paintings with just three colours: alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue and yellow ochre. The techniques used are universal and work for many mediums, including watercolour, oil, acrylic or gouache. Twenty demonstration paintings are explained step by step, with plenty of clear Dark objects reflect lighter in water, while illustrations and an emphasis light surfaces (the walls) reflect darker on the thought process involved as you paint. GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2009 PB 128pp Illus 248x240mm £16.99 21074 now £5.99 SWEDISH HANDKNITS A Collection of Heirloom Designs SCALEXTRIC The Ultimate Guide VOYAGEUR 2012 HB 144pp Illus 253x215mm HAYNES 2008 HB 360pp Illus 248x248mm £19.99 17180 now £7.99 £35.00 17701 now £14.99 Sue Flanders; Janine Kosel Drawing on collections in textile museums, personal histories and Swedish folklore, this book reveals the heritage of Swedish knitting and its great variety of techniques and styles. Richly illustrated with photographs and charts, there are patterns for clothes, accessories and decorative items featuring regional variations, techniques such as jacquard, embroidery and twined knitting, and traditional Swedish motifs such as the Dala Horse. 54 Roger Gillham For slot car enthusiasts and anyone who has ever played with a Scalextric set, this book is both a trip down memory lane and a definitive reference source. Describing the history and development of the popular toy, the extensive volume is illustrated with 1,500 colour photographs of cars, sets and accessories produced since 1957 – including those made in France, Spain, Mexico, Russia and Australia – as well as track layouts and a complete catalogue listing of every Scalextric product ever sold. Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 55 Order line: 01626 897100 CRAFTS & COLLECTABLES NEW 18th CENTURY EMBROIDERY TECHNIQUES Gail Marsh Focusing on a period that marked a high point in embroidery, this book provides a very useful resource for students of textiles, needlework and fashion, and anyone interested in historical costume design. It describes the techniques, stitches and threads used to create an Embroidered floral border design array of ornate effects and on a gauze silk handkerchief garments, and is illustrated with detailed drawings and photographs of many museum-quality costumes. It also offers advice on preparing for a museum study visit. Mid-19th century needlework box by Jennens & Bettridge ANTIQUE BOXES Inside and Out Genevieve Cummins Jewellery cases, tea caddies, medicine chests, sewing boxes, portable writing desks – boxes come in a dazzling variety of shapes, sizes and materials. From folk art to Fabergé, the ingenuity with which they combine artistry and function makes them the most beguiling of collectables. With over 1,,000 images featuring more than 2,000 items, this handsome volume charts the history of boxes from antiquity, and describes the many different types and manufacturers, providing an invaluable reference for dealer and collector alike. ACC 2012 HB 432pp Illus 300x245mm £45.00 94757 now £19.99 Contemporary dragonfly brooch by Ilgiz Fazulzyanov TREASURE BOX A Private Collection Vivienne Becker The jewellery photographed for this magnificent book is the collection belonging to the women of one Russian family, with pieces ranging from traditional Azerbaijani earrings owned by the present collector’s grandmother in the late 19th century to modern pieces by jewellers such as Cartier and Bulgari. Although there are breathtaking precious stones, not all the pieces are very valuable; beauty has been the collectors’ criteria. The book is handsomely bound, with gilt edged pages, a silk marker and slipcase. UNICORN 2015 HB 460pp Illus 318x244pp £500.00 20035 now £100.00 GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2011 HB 192pp Illus 275x210mm £16.99 21065 now £8.99 THE ENGLISH WATCH 1585-1970 A Unique Alliance of Art, Design and Inventive Genius Terence Camerer Cuss Watchmaking was introduced in England in the late 16th century, by the 17th, the quality of English watches meant they were in demand across Europe and their reputation continued to grow, reflecting pioneering inventions in England and the watches’ distinctive character. This book covers all aspects of English watches from all periods. In six chronological sections, it illustrates over 290 examples and, for each period, discusses watchmakers in London and the provinces, case makers, decoration, mechanisms and timekeeping. ACC 2009 HB 504pp Illus 305x245mm £125.00 91893 now £50.00 UNDER GLASS A Victorian Obsession WORLD CERAMICS In the Victoria and Albert Museum SCHIFFER 2013 HB 288pp Illus 310x235mm V&A 2008 HB 144pp Illus 266x214mm $89.99 19383 now £19.99 £30.00 17064 now £9.99 John Whitenight The ‘parlour dome’ with its stuffed birds and flower arrangements is a familiar Victorian ornament. In this lavishly illustrated study of the genre, John Whitenight, himself a collector of domes, describes how they were made and the great variety of objects that were entombed under glass – among them ‘hair work’ memorials, a tableau of waxwork Native Americans scalping an enemy and a tragic pair of stuffed pug puppies. Ed. Reino Liefkes; Hilary Young The ceramics collections at the V&A are unrivalled in their range, diversity and global reach. Featuring 120 masterpieces, this beautiful book traces developments in world ceramics from ancient times to the present, and shows how worldwide trade and cultural interchange have shaped their histories. Outstanding new photographs reveal an array of stunning pieces, from dramatic Chinese funerary sculpture to exquisitely painted Italian Renaissance pottery and boldly modernist wares. NEW THE LAMPS OF LOUIS COMFORT TIFFANY Martin Eidelberg; Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen et al ‘Nature is always beautiful,’ wrote Louis Comfort Tiffany, and the forms of leaves and flowers inspired the Art Nouveau glassware for which he is renowned. This handsome volume features more than 70 rarely seen lamps from public and private collections, sets them in the context of contemporary thought, and follows the complex manufacturing process from freehand sketch to finished form. Stunning modern photographs reveal Tiffany’s mastery of glassmaking Magnolia leaded glass shade and metalwork, alongside his own by Tiffany Studios, New York watercolours and period photographs of his workshops. VENDOME 2005 HB 224pp Illus 257x210mm $35.00 19082 now £11.99 Visit our website: 55 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 56 CHILDREN’S Bert Kitchen This classic children’s book features 15 largescale artworks by renowned illustrator Bert Kitchen. Designed to introduce numbers and counting to young children, each drawing combines a large numeral with a beautiful picture of an animal and the appropriate number of its young, ranging from a swan and two cygnets to a frog and 100 of its spawn and tadpoles. Age 3+ NEW Bert Kitchen This is a simple story for reading aloud to children, but one in which they can learn about a variety of unusual animals. A tenrec on a quest encounters a pangolin, a warthog, a sloth and an owl, among other creatures. Bert Kitchen’s drawings are extremely detailed and inquisitive children will enjoy looking closely and learning more about the animals from the notes at the end. Age 4+ LUTTERWORTH 1989 HB 24pp Illus 212x260mm NEW TENREC’S TWIGS £6.95 20946 now £4.99 ANIMAL NUMBERS A salamander and its ninestrong brood LUTTERWORTH 1987 HB 24pp Illus 311x230mm $27.00 20886 now £4.99 Bert Kitchen There are no words in this book, simply the 26 letters of the alphabet, each given a page to itself, delicately entwined with a beautiful illustration of an animal whose name begins with that letter. From an armadillo and a dodo to a walrus and a zebra, this is a superior large-format alphabet book for young children. Age 3+ NEW ANIMAL ALPHABET LUTTERWORTH 1991 HB 32pp Illus 310x230mm $27.00 20885 now £4.99 THE VERY NOISY HOUSE Julie Rhodes; Korky Paul At the bottom of a very tall house lived an old lady who walked with a big wooden stick. It went CLOMP, CLOMP, CLOMP and made the dog upstairs bark, which woke the ginger cat, whose meowing woke the baby, who disturbed the birds roosting the roof; then the old lady stopped stomping around and peace descended – but for how long? Age 4+ FRANCES LINCOLN USBORNE NATURE CARDS FLOWERS and TREES Megan Cullis; Struan Reid In each of these sets of colourful cards, 30 different species are illustrated with botanical paintings – flowers by Cathi Freund, trees by Bradley Clark. On the reverse of the cards there are illustrations of details and information about where to look for the plants or trees, when they flower and miscellaneous ‘flowery’ or ‘leafy’ facts. The nature cards measure 98mm x 154mm (approx 6"x4"), are beautifully printed on good quality card and boxed. Set of two. Age 5+ 2013 HB 32pp Illus 280x214mm £11.99 17536 now £3.99 Rob Scotton Splat the Cat’s trusty mouse friend Seymour needs cheering up and Splat wants to help. He’s made something special for Seymour – not just a thank-you card, but a thank-you book! The pages list the sweet and often hilarious reasons why Splat is thankful for their friendship, including the time Seymour rescued Splat from a tree, and for making him smile when he wasn’t well. Age 3+ HARPERCOLLINS 2012 PB 32pp Illus SPLAT SAYS THANK YOU! £6.99 17850 now £2.99 USBORNE 2010 60 cards Illus 155x113mm £10.98 99713 now £4.99 ANTEATERS TO ZEBRAS THE DRAGON AND THE GRUESOME TWOSOME MP Robertson When George and his dragon embark on a magical adventure, they find themselves in a fairytale kingdom under attack from the troll twins, Gobbledegook and Balderdash. The gruesome twosome are destroying everything and everyone in their path. Something must be done – and George has a plan. This is the fourth story starring George and his dragon, guaranteed to delight fairytale fans of all ages. Age 5+ FRANCES LINCOLN 2009 HB 28pp Illus 275x240mm £11.99 17656 now £3.99 56 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 Alan Fletcher From anteaters to x-ray fish, yeti and zebra, this bright and playful introduction to the alphabet, with its bold colours and quirky characters, was created by the influential and muchrespected British designer Alan Fletcher (1931-2006). Age 3+ TATE 2011 HB 56pp Illus 240x240mm £9.99 17689 now £4.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 57 Order line: 01626 897100 CHILDREN’S THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE MANUAL 1945 Onwards (All Aboard) Owners’ Workshop Manual Chris Oxlade For young Thomas the Tank fans who have grown curious about the nuts and bolts of the little blue locomotive, the Manual is full of information about how steam engines work. It has big, cutaway drawings of Thomas and friends and simple explanations of things such as fireboxes and tenders; and there are illustrated guides to other parts of the railway, such as tracks and cranes; a diesel engine (Mavis); a map of Sodor’s railways; and Thomas’s really useful words. Age 3-8 HAYNES 2009 HB 39pp Illus 270x207mm £9.99 95516 now £4.99 THE PETER RABBIT LIBRARY John Yeoman; Quentin Blake Whether it’s washerwomen on the rampage or a bear trying to get a good winter’s sleep, John Yeoman’s stories and Quentin Blake’s wonderful pictures never fail to enchant young – and not so young – children. This ‘bumper bundle’ of ten books includes favourites such as The Fabulous Foskett Family Circus, The Bear’s Winter House and The Wild Washerwomen. Age 3+ TEN STORY BOOKS (Ten volume set) Beatrix Potter Leaving Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail eating blackberries, Peter Rabbit is off stealing carrots again – 114 years after he first squeezed under Mr McGregor’s gate. Peter is joined in this boxed set by the tales of Tom Kitten, the Flopsy Bunnies, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mr Jeremy Fisher, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Two Bad Mice, Benjamin Bunny, the Tailor of Gloucester and Squirrel Nutkin. The books are based on the original, authorized editions, with colourful covers and new reproductions of Beatrix Potter’s illustrations. Slipcased set. Age 4+ WARNE 2013 HB 310pp Illus ANDERSEN 2015 PB 320pp Illus 270x230mm £35.00 95032 now £19.99 £69.90 17981 now £25.00 Helene Kerillis Illus. Vanessa Hie Inspired by Gauguin’s Tahitian painting, Arearea (1892), this story is set in an exotic Pacific island where the Kokolors tribe have brightly coloured shadows and are always cheerful. They shun sad Tevai and his dog Anani because they have grey shadows – but the Night Goddess has a solution to make everyone happy. A reproduction of Arearea and information about Gauguin are at the back of the book. Age 5+ THE COLOUR OF THE NIGHT PRESTEL 2012 HB 32pp Illus 317x214mm £9.99 18101 now £4.99 Richmal Crompton ‘The sort of things I want to do they don’t want me to do, an’ the sort of things I don’t want to do they want me to do.’ William’s scorn and fury was indescribable. Richmal Compton’s scruffy eleven-year-old rebel takes on school, parents, dogs, babies and weddings in this collection of 12 of his finest adventures. Sue Townsend has written a foreword and the book is bound in blue stripes worthy of a school tie. Slipcased. Age 8+ JUST WILLIAM KINGS AND QUEENS OF THE BIBLE Mary Hoffman; Illus. Christina Balit The Egyptian pharaoh, King David, Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, Jezebel, Belshazzar and Esther: Mary Hoffman retells the Old Testament stories of the kings and queens of Israel and surrounding kingdoms, while Christina Balit’s colourful illustrations bring alive the countries and characters of the ancient Holy Land. FRANCES LINCOLN MACMILLAN 2013 HB 286pp Illus 2008 HB 34pp Illus 248x245mm £20.00 20551 now £8.99 £11.99 17658 now £3.99 Visit our website: 57 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 58 MUSIC BRITTEN’S CENTURY Celebrating 100 Years of Benjamin Britten Ed. Mark Bostridge The 19 contributions to Britten’s Century are by a range of performers, critics, biographers and colleagues of Britten. Analysing both his life and music, these stimulating essays and interviews cover subjects such as the work of the present-day Britten-Pears foundation, Dame Janet Baker’s experiences performing under the composer’s direction, pianist Roger Vignoles’ insights into the five Canticles and Alan Bennett’s reflections on his play about Britten and Auden. BLOOMSBURY 2013 HB 201pp £16.99 18259 now £6.99 Richard Tames London’s unrivalled theatrical heritage stretches back to Elizabethan times. With the aid of more than 200 illustrations, this book takes the reader from Shakespeare’s original Globe to Sam Wanamaker’s magical reconstruction at Bankside. It describes the plays, the buildings and the personalities – Garrick and Irving, Ellen Terry, Wilde and Shaw – that propelled London to the front rank of world drama, concluding with the creation of the National Theatre and today’s lively West End. HISTORICAL 2006 HB 208pp Illus THEATRICAL LONDON £17.95 20428 now £6.99 STEPHEN SONDHEIM: LYRICS With classic shows such as West Side Story and Sweeney Todd to his name, Stephen Sondheim has been one of the most influential figures in musical theatre over the last 60 years. These two volumes of his collected lyrics include all the songs from his completed works as well as previously unpublished songs and Sondheim’s own notes and comments on his work, his collaborators and the art of songwriting. KNOPF 2010/11 HB 445/453pp Illus 284x215mm $45.00 each now £11.99 each FINISHING THE HAT Collected Lyrics (1954-1981) With Attendant Comments, Principles, Heresies, Grudges, Whines and Anecdotes ROMANTIC LIEDER AND THE SEARCH FOR LOST PARADISE Marjorie W Hirsch In this series of interrelated studies, Hirsch traces the influence of the archetypal ‘lost paradise myth’ on the origins and development of the Lied. Analysing in depth both the poetic and musical components of individual Lieder by Romantic composers from Schubert to Wolf and Mahler, she sets the songs in their biographical and cultural contexts and explores how they convey nostalgia for three ‘lost worlds’: classical antiquity, childhood and folk song. CAMBRIDGE UP 2007 HB 320pp £69.99 17789 now £25.00 SCHUMANN A Chorus of Voices John C Tibbetts During more than 30 years of travel and research, Professor Tibbetts has interviewed a host of distinguished performers, biographers, critics and commentators who share his interest in the music of Schumann. In this book he brings together their insights concerning the composer’s works, his circle of friends and his place in the history of romantic music. The accompanying CD features a discussion of Carnaval and performances by pianist Ronald Brautigam of the eight Noveletten. AMADEUS 2010 HB + Audio CD 512pp Illus £27.95 10708 now £12.99 58 Stephen Sondheim The earlier years of Sondheim’s career involved collaborations with Leonard Bernstein and Jule Steyne on West Side Story and Gypsy and produced some of his most enduring creations as composer/lyricist with Company and Sweeney Todd. His commentary records his thoughts on the great lyricists of musical theatre and his experiences working with celebrated actors, producers and composers. 19347 LOOK, I MADE A HAT Collected Lyrics (1981-2001) With Attendant Comments, Amplifications, Dogmas, Harangues, Digressions, Anecdotes and Miscellany The second volume of collected lyrics includes the Pulitzer Prize-winning show Sunday in the Park with George, various film projects, unfinished fragments and special songs, and Into the Woods, recently revived in the film version starring Meryl Streep. As in Volume 1, Sondheim’s notes on the work, and about musical theatre and songwriting in general, are thoughtful, insightful and illuminating. 19352 NEW TRANSFORMING FOLK Innovation and Tradition in English Folk-Rock Music Robert GH Burns In the post-punk era, the English folk-rock hybrid has emerged as a world music style that appeals to music fans who have diverse tastes and for whom issues of authenticity and tradition are not key factors. Drawing on performers’ own accounts, Burns examines commercial and political aspects of the changing folk music industry and provides musicological analysis which uncovers the adaptation processes employed in folk-rock performance. MANCHESTER UP 2012 HB 296pp £65.00 20797 now £12.99 GLAM ROCK Dandies in the Underworld Alwyn W Turner Glam rock is associated with flamboyant and theatrical costume but there was a new sensibility in the music too, rejecting self-indulgent blues and progressive rock in favour of a return to the values of early rock ‘n’ roll. Drawing on the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, this thoughtful celebration of the phenomenon traces its various origins and includes a selection of photographs and ephemera featuring artists such as David Bowie and Roxy Music. V&A 2013 HB 160pp Illus 270x215mm £25.00 17056 now £11.99 Bowie with Twiggy in a poster for his Pin Ups album Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 59 Order line: 01626 897100 David Jason Born the son of a Billingsgate porter at the height of the Second World War, David Jason was a reluctant electrician before finding his vocation – making people laugh – in the 1960s and 1970s. Then in 1981, kitted out with a sheepskin jacket and a clapped-out Reliant Regal, he found the part that captured the nation’s hearts: Derek ‘Del Boy’ Trotter. Here he tells the story of life, near-death experiences and five decades as one of Britain’s favourite actors. NEW DAVID JASON: My Life CENTURY 2013 HB 400pp Illus £20.00 20827 now £7.99 PERFORMINGARCHAEOLOGY ARTS/DRAMA NEW MIXED FANCIES A Memoir Brenda Blethyn is one of Britain’s best-loved actresses. In this autobiography she tells the story of her early life and career, from 1940s Ramsgate where she was the youngest of nine children, to the National Theatre, television, Hollywood and stardom. She tells her tale with characteristic warmth and humour; the story of how she forced herself to run the London Marathon, three times, is a typical example. POCKET 2007 PB 320pp Illus £7.99 20414 now £3.99 THE REVELS PLAYS SERIES The Revels Plays series, started in 1958, was inspired by the New Arden Shakespeare and aimed ‘to apply to Shakespeare’s predecessors, contemporaries and successors the methods that are now used in Shakespeare editing’. The text of each play is edited from the original of best authority, fully annotated and accompanied by a critical introduction dealing with text, dating, the playwright, sources and stage history. MANCHESTER UP 2005-09 HB 194-392pp Illus £47.50-£60.00 each now £12.99 each NEW THREE RENAISSANCE USURY PLAYS Buster Keaton as Rollo Treadway in The Navigator, 1924 Ed. Deborah Nadoolman Landis Film costumes are ‘part of the magic’, as Debbie Reynolds writes in her preface to this celebration of the ‘unspoken heroes of Hollywood, the costume designers’. Published to accompany a major exhibition at the V&A, the book introduces the history of cinema costume and presents essays by more than 20 experts on both general aspects of the designer’s art and specific costumes, actors, directors and films, all richly illustrated with stills and behind-the-scenes photographs. HOLLYWOOD COSTUME V&A 2012 HB 320pp Illus 310x240mm £35.00 17059 now £12.99 Ed. Lloyd Edward Kermode This edition presents the first modernspelling, fully annotated texts of three important Elizabethan and Jacobean ‘usury plays’: Robert Wilson’s The Three Ladies of London; William Haughton’s Englishmen for My Money; and The Hog Hath Lost His Pearl by Robert Taylor. Among the subjects discussed in the introduction are early modern attitudes to moneylending, the lives and works of the three authors and the cultural context of the plays. 20795 Ed. Charles Edelman Sir Thomas Stukeley, the notorious English courtier, pirate, adventurer and soldier, died at the Battle of Alcazar in Morocco in 1578, while fighting for King Sebastian of Portugal. This volume presents the first modern-spelling, annotated edition of two plays in which he is the main character: The Battle of Alcazar (c.1588) by George Peele, and the anonymous Famous History of the Life and Death of Captain Thomas Stukeley (c.1596). 20792 NEW THE STUKELEY PLAYS John Lyly; Ed. Leah Scragg First performed by Paul’s Boys circa 1590, Mother Bombie is unique among Lyly’s comedies in its urban setting and focus NEW MOTHER BOMBIE upon middle- and lower-class concerns. The complex plot turns on a tissue of misconceptions surrounding the efforts of four fathers to secure advantageous marriages for their heirs, and their servants’ efforts to outwit them. 20734 NEW THE ROMAN ACTOR A Tragedy Philip Massinger; Ed. Martin White Written for the King’s Men and first performed in 1626, the year after Charles I came to the throne, Massinger’s play explores the balance between public and private moralities, comdemns tyranny and defends the theatre. White’s introduction discusses issues including Massinger’s intervention in the political tensions of his time and his portrayal of the pleasures and perils of performance. 20774 NEW AN HUMOROUS DAY’S MIRTH George Chapman; Ed. Charles Edelman Known now as a translator and author of dark tragedies, Chapman in his own time was admired as the creator of wonderfully original comedies, and this play was one of the most popular of the Elizabethan era. Written in 1597, it was the English theatre’s first ‘comedy of humours’, satirizing the attitudes, behaviour and social pretentions of contemporary men and women. 20711 THE STORY OF THE SCENE The Inside Scoop on Famous Moments in Film Roger Clarke During the filming of David Lean’s famous film Lawrence of Arabia, the costume department gradually changed the fabric of Peter O’Toole’s flowing robes to lighter and finer materials, so that by the end of the film he appeared more ethereal, almost ghost-like. This enjoyable collection of movie stories identifies 80 similarly celebrated moments in cinema history and investigates the myths and legends that surround them. METHUEN DRAMA 2009 PB 175pp Illus £14.99 11939 now £5.99 Visit our website: NEW LOVE’S METAMORPHOSIS John Lyly; Ed. Leah Scragg Widely regarded as the most elegantly structured of Lyly’s plays, Love’s Metamorphosis is based on the story of Erisichthon’s felling of a grove sacred to Ceres from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, but here it is love that exhibits the ability to change. The play was written for Paul’s Boys and first performed in the 1580s. MANCHESTER UP 2008 HB 154pp Illus £50.00 20725 now £12.99 59 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 60 TRANSPORT BRITAIN’S PRE-GROUPING RAILWAYS The 1923 revision of the railways in Britain saw the end of dozens of companies around the country as many famous names were absorbed into the ‘Big Four’. This series surveys some of the best known operators of this pre-grouping era, focusing on the locomotives in operation and the engineers responsible for acquiring, designing and building them. AMBERLEY 2013/14 PB 96-160pp Illus £12.99/£14.99 each now £6.99 each George Frederick Bird Only three engineers occupied the role of Locomotive Superintendent of the GNR from the newly built railway of the early 1850s to the first decade of the 20th century when Henry Ivatt introduced 4-4-2 ‘Atlantic’ type locos into Britain. This revised reprint of the 1910 edition of Bird’s classic history of the period is augmented by newly researched photographs. Edited by John Christopher. 20964 NEW John Christopher; Campbell McCutcheon Formed by merger in 1865, the Highland Railway inherited several locomotives from its constituent companies but later acquired a reputation for a distinctive stable of its own, mostly built at its Lochgorm works in Inverness. This collection of over 150 photographs and postcards charts the company’s locomotives throughout the HR years as well as in later operation in LMS colours. 20966 NEW NEW BRITISH STEAM PATRIOTS Keith Langston Although 52 Patriot Class locomotives were built by the LMS from 1930 and 18 of them survived almost until the end of steam in the 1960s, none of them were saved for preservation, encouraging the current plan to build a new engine, to be named The Unknown Warrior. This book provides a detailed history and photographs of each of the 52 locomotives of the class and an introduction to the LMS Patriot Project to build the 53rd example. WHARNCLIFFE 2011 HB 171pp Illus £19.99 20101 now £7.99 RAILWAYS OF BRITAIN: KENT AND SUSSEX Colin and David McCarthy The early development of railways in Kent and Sussex was dominated by competition between the London, Brighton and South Coast, the London, Chatham and Dover and the South Eastern railways. Being a largely agricultural area there have been few industrial railways but access to seaside resorts, historic ports and the Channel Tunnel has profoundly influenced railway development in the region. IAN ALLAN 2007 HB 128pp Illus £19.99 16472 now £7.99 SMOKE, STEAM AND LIGHT The Railway Art of John Austin John Austin has won the Guild of Railway Artists Picture of the Year Award more often than any other painter, helping to establish his reputation as one of the finest railway artists at work today. This handsome volume is a retrospective portfolio of over 100 of his finest canvasses; the majestic locomotives in spectacular scenery and evocative station and city scenes demonstrating his mastery of light and colour as well as his eye for technical and historical detail. HAYNES 2011 HB 112pp Illus 280x298mm £40.00 19615 now £14.99 60 LOCOMOTIVES OF THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVES OF THE HIGHLAND RAILWAY NEW LOCOMOTIVES OF THE LONDON, BRIGHTON AND SOUTH COAST RAILWAY 1839-1903 Ed. John Christopher Beginning with the engines acquired for the London and Brighton Railway, dating back to 1839, this survey reviews the locomotives of the LBSCR up to the beginning of the 20th century. Originally published in 1903, this revised edition contains over 140 line drawings of more than 1,000 steam locomotives built or purchased by the company during the period. 20965 NEW LOCOMOTIVES OF THE NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY 1841-1922 John S MacLean The NER covered a compact territory centred on Yorkshire, County Durham and Northumberland. Highlights of its locomotive history were the innovative Bo-Bo type electrics introduced in 1905 and the large Vincent Ravendesigned A2 Pacifics built at Darlington Works in 1922. This is a revised reprint of the history first published in 1923 and contains additional contemporary photographs. 20967 LONDON UNDERGROUND STATIONS IN COLOUR For the Modeller and Historian John Glover From the ox-blood tiled exteriors of the 1900s and the striking Art Deco buildings of the 1930s to the spacious designs of the 21st century, the London Underground has significantly contributed to the capital’s architectural heritage. This photographic survey illustrates the wide variety of designs and provides, in detailed captions, an account of the development of station architecture from the 1860s to the present. IAN ALLAN 2009 PB 96pp Illus 278x210mm £16.99 17130 now £5.99 LONDON UNDERGROUND 1863 Onwards (All Lines and Extensions) Owners’ Workshop Manual Paul Moss The first underground trains ran in London in 1863 between Paddington (then called Bishop’s Road) and Farringdon stations. It is remarkable to note that at that early date steam locomotives were used, filling the tunnels with smoke and soot; the first electric trains were introduced in 1890. Colourfully presented in Haynes’s famous Owners’ Workshop Manual livery, this book provides an accessible and well illustrated introduction to the history and workings of the world’s oldest underground railway. HAYNES 2014 HB 189pp Illus 269x210mm £22.99 17012 now £11.99 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 61 Order line: 01626 897100 TRANSPORT NEW EARLY CYCLE LIGHTING 1868-1948 Peter W Card The first cyclists took to the roads long before batterypowered lamps were invented, but they had to light their way just as we do today. Before they set off after dark, cyclists from the 1870s right through to the early years of the Second World War in some places, had to spend a long time preparing an oil or acetylene gas-powered lamp. This is an illustrated history of this interesting technology in Britain, Europe and America. CROWOOD 2007 HB 176pp Illus 295x209mm £25.00 20333 now £9.99 MILE BY MILE LONDON TO PARIS Reginald Piggott; Matt Thompson Using the same cartographic method as SN Pike in his legendary Mile by Mile on Britain’s Railways, this book logs every mile on the historic Golden Arrow (Flèche d’Or) and modern Eurostar lines: gradients, stations, the sights to be seen from the train, the history along the route, and how both railways were built. The old and new lines are mapped on facing pages, interspersed with illustrated articles on topics such as the terminals, ferries and the Channel Tunnel. AURUM 2012 HB 112pp Illus £12.99 20070 now £4.99 Michael Scarlett The legendary status of the 911 has been well earned by Porsche’s success in continually adapting and refining the model so that it has remained the benchmark for high-performance supercars for over 50 years. Beautifully illustrated from the Porsche Photographic Archive, this celebration of the instantly recognizable car tells the complete story of how and why it was originally built, the many refinements and evolutions that it has undergone and its racing history. Haynes Great Cars series. PORSCHE 911 HAYNES 2005 HB 160pp Illus 248x248mm £19.99 18277 now £9.99 Nigel Burton Henry Ford’s Model T is well documented as bringing the automobile into the reach of ordinary Americans, but at the same time it ended the challenge of electric locomotion as a realistic option in the car industry. This illustrated history A HISTORY OF ELECTRIC CARS ROUTEMASTER BUS 1954 Onwards Enthusiasts’ Manual Andrew Morgan Originally intended for an active service career of 17 years, the Routemaster – London’s iconic open-platform bus – plied the city’s streets for almost 50 years before it was withdrawn in 2005. Nearly all of the decommissioned vehicles found new owners immediately. Presented in the Haynes workshop manual format, this book explores the history, design, construction, maintenance and operation of the celebrated bus, and includes photographs, diagrams, cutaways and information about owning and restoring Routemasters. HAYNES 2011 HB 160pp Illus 268x208mm £21.99 18098 now £8.99 Oil lamp by Joseph Lucas Ltd, adapted as ‘The James’ by the James Cycle Company covers the development of electric vehicles from the first designs of the emergent motor industry in the early 20th century, through the wilderness years of quirky concept cars and milk floats to the hi-tech hybrids and electric vehicles produced today. CROWOOD 2013 HB 208pp Illus £25.00 18035 now £9.99 William Presland Aston Martin’s V8 engine was first fitted to the DBS model in 1969, giving the car a performance that could only be matched at the time by twoseaters from Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati. With design drawings, factory photographs, specifications and portraits of the prpoduction models, Presland tells the story of the engine which powered a series of legendary cars, including the Vantage Volante and Lagonda up to the 1990s. CROWOOD 2009 HB 208pp Illus ASTON MARTIN V8 £25.00 18032 now £12.99 Gavin Booth Certain to start lively debates among enthusiasts and road transport professionals, this book looks at some of the stranger decisions and miscalculations that have affected the bus industry over recent years. Among the issues discussed, with illustrations of the vehicles involved, are the shortlived British Coachways consortium and the AMOS scheme that would have flooded London with minibuses, and among West Riding Dennis Loline the bus models that went wrong are the Daimler Roadliner and which replaced Guy Wulfrunian. IAN ALLAN 2009 HB 160pp Illus 261x211mm BUS BLUNDERS £19.99 98011 now £7.99 their Wulfrunians TRAM DISASTERS British and Foreign Tram Crashes and Accidents Peter Tuffrey Spectacular accidents have a unique power to capture the public imagination and when such disasters occurred in the late Victorian and Edwardian era, local publishers lost no time in capitalizing on them by producing postcards, often with crowds of unabashed bystanders posing with the mangled wreckage. This collection of over 200 photographs illustrates crashes in Britain, mostly between 1890 and 1960, and also includes some international and modern tram collisions. FONTHILL 2013 PB 128pp Illus £14.99 16563 now £5.99 Visit our website: f 61 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 62 TRANSPORT NEW BORN OF ADVERSITY Britain’s Airlines 1919-1963 Guy Halford-MacLeod Despite Winston Churchill’s remark that ‘civil aviation must fly by itself’, competition from foreign, state-sponsored carriers in the 1920s encouraged the government to form a subsidized national airline, Imperial Airways, by amalgamating a number of small private companies. This book traces the political and corporate manoeuvres that shaped the industry from this point, through the tribulations of BEA and BOAC, to the re-emergence of private operators such as Freddie Laker in the 1950s. AMBERLEY 2014 PB 208pp Illus £17.99 20955 now £7.99 EMPIRE OF THE CLOUDS When Britain’s Aircraft Ruled the World SOUND BARRIER The Rocky Road to Mach 1.0+ NEW Peter Caygill As the fighter planes of the 1940s became capable of speeds nearing the speed of sound (768mph), pilots became aware that their aircraft became dangerously ungovernable when approaching it, making supersonic flight – beyond the ‘sound barrier’ – seem impossible. This aviation history explores the aircraft, designers and pilots that contributed to achieving Mach 1 and explains the innovations, including swept wings and jet propulsion, that ultimately conquered supersonic flight. PEN & SWORD 2006 HB 222pp Illus £19.99 20487 now £6.99 HMS VICTORY 1765-1812 (First Rate Ship of the Line) Owner’s Workshop Manual Peter Goodwin Nelson’s flagship was the most formidable craft afloat when it was launched in 1765, boasting 104 guns and an 800-man crew. This detailed, illustrated analysis covers every aspect of the ship’s operation, from sails and rigging to guns and ammunition and even the men’s rations; and as well as describing Victory’s design and construction, the manual tells the story of its active service and its recent conservation. HAYNES 2015 HB 178pp Illus 268x208mm £22.99 19136 now £12.99 James Hamilton-Paterson In 1945 Britain was the world’s leading builder of jet aircraft and in the decade that followed, produced planes such as the Comet, Vulcan, Hunter and Lightning; but by the early 1960s aviation companies such as Avro and Vickers were either gone or struggling. This book fuses the author’s memories of British aviation’s heyday with tales of the legendary aircraft and test pilots and a rueful history of Britain’s loss of selfconfidence and power. Special illustrated edition. FABER 2011 PB 304pp Illus £8.99 21782 now £4.99 NEW CULTURES AND CARICATURES OF BRITISH IMPERIAL AVIATION Passengers, Pilots, Publicity Gordon Pirie Exploring ‘the way airborne mobility expressed imperialism’, Gordon Pirie assembles an unprecedented mass of scattered evidence to examine the social exclusivity of people who used private and commercial aircraft to move around the empire in the decade between 1928 and 1938. He examines the practices that flying imperially created and its significance, not just for the air passengers, but for the colonized people who provided travel assistance on the ground. MANCHESTER UP 2012 HB 258pp Illus £65.00 20671 now £12.99 PASSENGER TUGS AND TENDERS Nick Robins In the early days of steam tugs, the boats’ towage duties were supplemented in the summer months by taking passengers on pleasure trips. Likewise, coastal and estuary steam packets were employed to ferry passengers out to ships too big to berth in port. This book traces the history of this overlooked class of vessel from the first steamers of the 1820s to the last working vessels of the 1960s. BERNARD McCALL 2010 HB 96pp Illus 295x205mm £15.00 16481 now £6.99 NEW SHIPWRECKS From the Tees to the Tyne Maureen Anderson Local fishermen of the North-east saved countless lives attending ships floundering in the hostile waters of the North Sea, first in their own small boats and, from the early 19th century, in organized lifeboat services. Illustrated with archive photographs and engravings, this history tells the tales of over 30 celebrated wrecks and rescues that took place off the coast between the Tyne and the Tees in the 19th and early 20th centuries. WHARNCLIFFE 2007 PB 144pp Illus £12.99 20121 now £4.99 Allan Ryszka-Onions A boom in leisure cruising has seen many new large passenger ships and smaller ‘expedition’ ships built in recent years, while in response to the drive for cheaper cargo shipping, container vessels have got bigger, some approaching 400m in length, and are designed for slower running with more efficient engines. The 16th edition of this standard, illustrated reference work provides comprehensive and authoritative information on all the world’s ocean-going passenger and cargo ships. IAN ALLAN 2013 HB 328pp Illus OCEAN SHIPS £30.00 19921 now £12.99 62 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 THE ILLUSTRATED SINKING OF THE TITANIC LT Myers This book is a republication of an edition produced within a month of the Titanic tragedy and contains information about the ship and its passengers, and numerous accounts of the disaster. The dramatically written content inevitably contains inaccuracies and inflations but the book is nevertheless a valuable contemporary document and contains 80 illustrations, photographs and artists’ impressions. AMBERLEY 2009 PB 191pp Illus 249x172mm £17.99 19321 now £6.99 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 63 Order line: 01626 897100 ARCHITECTURE THE COUNTRY HOUSE REVEALED A Secret History of the British Ancestral Home Dan Cruickshank Spanning architectural history from the Elizabethan age to the 20th century, Dan Cruickshank explores six of Britain’s finest country houses: South Wraxall Manor, Kinross House, Easton Neston, Wentworth Woodhouse, Clandeboye House and Marshcourt. They are all private family homes, closed to the public, but Cruikshank has gained access and presents a guide and commentary on their architecture, who built them, their inhabitants and the role of the great house in the social history of the country. BBC 2011 HB 288pp Illus 252x195mm £25.00 19364 now £9.99 South elevation of Kinross House in Perthshire, designed by William Bruce, late 17th century THE MEMORY PALACE A Book of Lost Interiors NEW Edward Hollis From his grandmother’s cluttered sitting room, Edward Hollis launches into an intriguing survey of interiors including a cave, a Roman villa and the palace of Versailles, the Big Brother House and the digital rooms of the computer game Quake. Inspired by Mario Praz’s approach to the interior as ‘A museum of the Soul, an archive of its experiences’, Hollis tells the story of how interiors are made – from architecture to ashtrays – and how people have made themselves at home in them. Embossed cover. PORTOBELLO 2013 HB 362pp Illus £25.00 21126 now £5.99 THE ARCHITECTURE OF SHARPE, PALEY AND AUSTIN Geoff Brandwood Founded in the 1830s by the multi-talented Edmund Sharpe, the Lancaster firm of Sharpe, Paley and Austin went on to become the greatest provincial architectural practice in Victorian and Edwardian England. This book charts the firm’s history for the first time, explaining how it secured commissions through a web of personal and family connections; and, with a wealth of photographs, it illustrates the urban and rural churches, country houses, schools and infirmaries built by the company. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2012 HB 294pp Illus 275x217mm ‘GOTHIC FOR EVER’ AWN Pugin, Lord Shrewsbury and the Rebuilding of Catholic England Michael Fisher Determined to restore the splendour of the medieval Church, Augustus Pugin was the driving force behind the Gothic Revival in Victorian Britain. To accomplish his vision, the young architect needed a wealthy patron, and found one in John Talbot, 16th Earl of Shrewsbury and England’s leading Catholic layman. Extensively illustrated with prints, drawings and colour photographs, this book charts their fruitful collaboration at Talbot’s home, Alton Towers, and elsewhere, and the momentous change in public taste it brought about. SPIRE 2012 HB 341pp Illus 273x208mm £49.95 19060 now £19.99 NEW VENICE FROM THE WATER Architecture and Myth in an Early Modern City Daniel Savoy Renaissance travellers would arrive in Venice weary and sore from a long carriage ride over bumpy roads to find themselves transported with silken smoothness by gondola to an ethereal island metropolis. Illustrated with almost 200 colour photographs, engravings, maps, and View south on the Grand Canal toward the Ca’ Foscari paintings by artists from Carpaccio to Monet, this elegant volume explores the city’s unique relationship with its lagoon, its use of water as architectural space reflecting the facades of its grand buildings, and its carefully nurtured mystique. YALE UP 2012 HB 152pp Illus 280x220mm £40.00 21159 now £16.99 PALACES FOR PIGS Animal Architecture and Other Beastly Buildings £50.00 17677 now £17.99 Chris Elliott Covering over 200 years of Egyptian-inspired architecture and interior design in England, this richly illustrated volume combines a series of essays on the Egyptological background and topics including cinemas, freemasonry and hieroglyphs, with an illustrated guide to surviving examples of Egyptian style in England. An enormous variety of buildings and monuments are covered – from mausolea to textile mills, stately homes to cinemas – with details of where they are and the stories behind their creation. EGYPT IN ENGLAND ENGLISH HERITAGE 2012 PB 320pp Illus 240x195mm £25.00 17679 now £9.99 Africa by William Theed, part of the Albert Memorial in Hyde Park Lucinda Lambton For hundreds of years, people have built elaborate, extravagant and downright eccentric homes for their animals. Wearing her scholarship with deceptive charm, Lambton surveys hundreds of these flights of fancy throughout Britain and Ireland: elegant stables, a pyramid for poultry, a half-timbered dovecote, Sir John Soane’s classical ‘canine residences’, a medieval palace for pigs, and a touching selection of pet cemeteries. In this engaging, informative and lavishly illustrated book, the British passions for architecture and animals meet. ENGLISH HERITAGE 2011 HB 226pp Illus 244x187mm £25.00 94692 now £6.99 Visit our website: 63 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 64 DESIGN/ARCHITECTURE NEW DESIGNING MODERN BRITAIN Cheryl Buckley’s history of British design culture examines how design and society have interacted from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st, and explores the connected themes of modernity and identity. Among the issues discussed are the spread of international modernism in Britain, the rise of eco-conscious design, the role of galleries and retailers, the celebrity designer and the influence of the heritage industry. REAKTION 2007 PB 256pp Illus £17.95 21078 now £5.99 Basilica of San Bernardino in L’Aquila by Cola dell’Amatrice, 1524-40 DESIGNS FOR CHURCHES AND CHAPELS Ceramic tableware designed by Susie Cooper in Kestrel shapes and Crayon Lines pattern, 1934 WF Pocock The publication of Pocock’s Designs for Churches and Chapels in 1819 was timely. The previous year’s Church Building Act provided funds for many new churches, but there were few architects capable of producing the necessary designs. Pocock’s lucid text and clear illustrations of both Gothic and Neoclassical buildings – reprinted here with an informative introduction – provided the blueprint for a new wave of churches on both sides of the Atlantic, and remain an unparalleled resource for architectural historians. Sharon Magrelli; Giovanni Uzzani A magnificent pictorial survey of Renaissance art in Italy, this volume comprises over 500 pages of reproductions and photographs showing the progress of architecture, sculpture and painting in chapters on Florence and Tuscany, on northern Italy and on central and southern Italy, including Rome. It presents works by all the great Renaissance artists, from Piero della Francesca to Michelangelo and Raphael, with captions to the reproductions and brief introductions to each period in English, German and Russian. THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE PUGIN’S ECCLESIASTICAL ORNAMENT A Welby Pugin While the Victorian artist Augustus Pugin is best-known for his neo-Gothic work on the Houses of Parliament, he also produced a wealth of beautiful ecclesiastical designs that hark back to medieval roots. This selection of 59 colour plates is drawn from Pugin’s Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, first published in 1868. DOVER 2005 PB 64pp Illus 275x212mm $16.95 77458 now £3.99 SPIRE 2010 HB 107pp Illus 268x210mm Monk Bar, £39.95 19069 now £19.99 York, built in the THE BUILDING OF ENGLAND 14th/15th How the History of England centuries Has Shaped our Buildings SLOVART 2009 HB 600pp Illus 288x287mm 18203 now £30.00 Simon Thurley Throughout England’s history, its buildings have reflected not only changing tastes but social and economic conditions. This handsome volume presents a chronological survey of the nation’s architecture from Saxon times, through the cathedrals and castles of the Middle Ages to the burgeoning suburbs of Metroland. Lavishly illustrated with more than 500 colour photographs, archival images, drawings, maps and plans, it shows how buildings, whether grand public projects or modest domestic structures, reflect and embody our rich and complex history. One of Leonardo’s ‘theory machines’, WILLIAM COLLINS 2013 HB 544pp Illus a spiral gear £35.00 16805 now £11.99 attached to a barrel Three-gabled tollhouse in spring Bruton, Somerset, c.1831 Martin Kemp Leonardo da Vinci was the archetypal Renaissance man: artist, scientist, architect, inventor and philosopher. Yet as the sketches in his notebooks show, his thinking in all these fields was primarily visual. Produced in association with a major exhibition at the V&A, this fascinating study examines 200 of his drawings – all reproduced in colour – to provide an unrivalled insight into the workings of his creative mind on every subject from human anatomy to the laws that govern the universe. Philippa Lewis begins this very accessible, illustrated survey of domestic architecture with a concise history of vernacular building from the earliest surviving medieval houses to low environmental impact housing of the early 2000s. Using around 600 of her own photographs of properties throughout Britain, she goes on to discuss types of housing, including bungalows, cottages, manor houses, terraces and conversions, and their architectural and decorative features, in sections arranged alphabetically from Apartments to Windows. V&A 2009 PB 240pp Illus 335x245mm PRESTEL 2011 HB 192pp Illus 240x191mm £19.99 90523 now £8.99 £24.99 16748 now £11.99 LEONARDO DA VINCI Experience, Experiment and Design 64 HOUSE British Domestic Architecture Postscript order line: 01626 897100 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 65 Order line: 01626 897100 DESIGN Sheila Sturrock Detailed templates and easyto-follow instructions are combined here to show how to create over 100 authentic Celtic spiral designs. From simple spirals, the book gradually progresses to more challenging and elaborate patterns. Once the basic principles of Celtic design have been mastered, you will quickly develop the skills needed to create unique patterns of your own. The versatile designs can be applied to paper crafts, woodcarving, embroidery and patchwork. CELTIC SPIRALS HANDBOOK GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMAN 2004 PB 144pp Illus 210x148mm £9.99 17644 now £3.99 Postcard by Paul Klee for the 1923 Bauhaus Exhibition NEW HENRY WILSON Practical Idealist Cindy Manton Famed for his strikingly original church fittings, the architect and designer Henry Wilson (1864-1934) was a key figure in the Arts and Crafts movement. This first study of his work charts his career from its beginnings as assistant to the Gothic Revival architect JD Sedding, and provides a well-illustrated survey of his output, from the monumental Elphinstone Tomb in Aberdeen to the great west doors of the Church of St John the Divine in New York. NEW THE BAUHAUS GROUP Six Masters of Modernism Nicholas Fox Weber Alongside Walter Gropius, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky and Mies van der Rohe, the husband-andwife team of Josef and Anni Albers were leading members of the Bauhaus. Nicholas Fox Weber, former head of the Albers Foundation and a close friend of the couple, has drawn on their recollections to create this remarkable group biography. Illustrated with 16 pages of colour plates and many black-and-white images, it captures the spirit and flair with which these geniuses reshaped the culture of the 20th century. American-cut pages YALE UP 2009 PB 544pp Illus LUTTERWORTH 2009 HB 268pp Illus 245x190mm £52.75 20916 now £11.99 Gold enamel rose brooch by Henry Wilson, c.1912 Simon Loxley From the tempestuous debate about its beginnings in the 15th century, to the most modern lettering, Loxley tells the story of typography and the people and events behind our letters. IB TAURIS 2005 HB 256pp Illus TYPE: The Secret History of Letters £18.00 21152 now £8.99 £25.50 39401 now £7.99 Gill Sans, designed by Eric Gill in 1926 (the main sans serif font used in the Postscript catalogue – including this caption Queen Victoria made the white wedding dress popular when she wore one at her wedding to Albert in 1840 THE DAY OF THE PEACOCK Style for Men 1963-1973 Luise Wackerl Among the royals of Europe there have always been fashionistas: long before Christian Louboutin, Louis XIV created a trend with red-soled shoes, Queen Victoria started the fashion for white wedding dresses, and the elegant style of Grace Kelly has been copied the world over. With over 200 photographs of aristocratic fashion leaders, Royal Style celebrates regal fashion, from the Middle Ages to the newest icons such as the couture-loving Kate Middleton and Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece. Geoffrey Aquilina Ross In the 1960s, men’s fashion witnessed an extraordinary rebirth that media commentators described as the Peacock Revolution. This richly illustrated book recalls the shops, celebrity photographers, tailors and fashionable dressers who made up ‘the scene’. The photographs and ephemera, drawn from the V&A’s superb archives, evoke the Sixties atmosphere of optimism and opportunity and include some of the era’s most stylish Patrick Lichfield dressed by Mr Fish figures, among them David for a fashion shoot in 1971 Hemmings, Ossie Clark and Patrick Lichfield and iconic shops such as Blades and Mr Fish. PRESTEL 2012 HB 192pp Illus V&A 2011 HB 144pp Illus 268x213mm £24.99 18103 now £9.99 £24.99 17049 now £9.99 ROYAL STYLE A History of Aristocratic Fashion Icons Visit our website: 65 PS267.2.qxp 14/03/2016 14:29 Page 66 FEATURED TITLES NEW LIFTING THE VEIL A Plain Language Guide to the Bible Peter Hermon The Bible’s size and obscurities can be a stumbling-block for those who want to know it better, so Peter Hermon has produced this clear overview of its content and the ‘golden thread of Promise’ that runs through it. The core of this volume is a book-by-book, section-by-section survey of the Old and New Testaments and the ‘Deutero-Canonical’ additions, supplemented with background information on key themes, the different genres represented and the interrelations between books. LUTTERWORTH 2007 PB 540pp 240x165mm 20928 now £7.99 NEW DISCOVERING THE LEAD CODICES The Book of Seven Seals and the Secret Teachings of Jesus NEW LET IT GO AMONG OUR PEOPLE An Illustrated History of the English Bible from John Wyclif to the King James Version David Elkington; Jennifer Elkington One of the most controversial episodes in recent Biblical archaeology has concerned a hoard of ring-bound lead books allegedly discovered in a remote Jordanian valley. Could these be the oldest Christian artefacts ever found? Are they genuine? The Elkingtons, who first saw photographs of them in 2007, recount their subsequent quest to track down and authenticate the codices and to investigate the possible meanings of their texts and symbols in the context of early Christianity and Judaism. David Price; Charles C Ryrie In 1604, when the Authorized Version was commissioned, there were already many English translations of the Scriptures, which King James’ scholars freely consulted. Because of the new translation’s stunning success, these predecessors are not widely known today. Price and Ryrie have compiled a political and literary history highlighting the treasury of English Renaissance Bibles, both those officially sanctioned, such as the Bishops’ Bible, and others which emerged from the shadows of illegal movements. LUTTERWORTH WATKINS 2014 HB 322pp Illus £20.00 21149 now £6.99 Title page of the first edition of the King James Bible by Cornelis Boel, 1611 2004 HB 160pp Illus 250x190mm $65.00 20926 now £9.99 NEW ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE LAND OF THE BIBLE 10,000-586 BCE Amihai Mazar This comprehensive overview brings together hundreds of findings from a century of archaeological investigations undertaken in the Holy Land up to the late 1980s. Covering biblical history from the earliest permanent settlements to the destruction of the First Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, it illustrates the range of physical evidence for daily life, industry, culture and trade, as well as demonstrating how archaeologists’ discoveries relate to the Bible’s accounts of historical events and the broader background of the ancient Near East. LUTTERWORTH 1993 HB 606pp Illus $36.20 20887 now £9.99 John Dancy With this book John Dancy has set out to restore the Old Testament to ‘the reading list of the general educated public’ by selecting sections of the text for their artistic merit and intrinsic interest. These dramatic narratives and the heightened speech of Hebrew poetry are accompanied by Dancy’s commentary, which concentrates on literary matters and provides parallels with other ancient Near Eastern and Greek texts, as well as highlighting features of Hebrew language and story-telling techniques. LUTTERWORTH 2002 PB 800pp NEW THE DIVINE DRAMA: The Old Testament as Literature 20903 now £7.99 66 Postscript order line: 01626 897100 f See our full range of more than 14,000 titles on our website PS267 cover inner.qxp_PS238 outer 14/03/2016 11:48 Page 1 Welcome... to Postscript’s April catalogue. This month our cover features the famous Umbrellas by Leonetto Cappiello, one of the pioneering graphic artists of 1920s Paris. Originally an advertisement for Parapluie Revel, it is one of hundreds of designs and artworks illustrated in Paris Between the Wars 1919-1939 (opposite). To mark his 400th anniversary this month we have devoted pages 46-47 to books on Shakespeare and his world. Titles include the controversial Shakespeare’s Dark Lady; Peter Whitfield’s study of artists who have risen to the challenge of Illustrating Shakespeare; and attractive Signature editions of Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing. Elsewhere, the social history pages (pp12-13) excel themselves, with studies of early sugar refining, Morris dancing, Beecham’s Pills, and the Mary Whitehouse archive (Ban this Filth!); and we have an interesting range of books on religious topics, including The Dictionary of Christian Art, The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces (pp44-45) and Let it Go Among Our People, an illustrated history of early English translations of the Bible (p66). There are more highlights in archaeology, art, crime and cookery, but we must leave them for you to discover: there is only enough space to thank you for your continued interest and support. SIMON LANG April 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Featured Titles 2-3/66-68 Postscript Favourites 4-5 Special Feature: William Shakespeare 46-47 Archaeology 6 Architecture/Design 63-65 Art/Photography 34-37 Biography 25-27 British Isles 21-24 Children’s 56-57 Crafts/Hobbies/Collectables 54-55 Cultural Studies/PPE/Philosophy 30-31 Fiction/Poetry 42-43 Food & Drink 52-53 Gardens/Nature/Pets 49-51 Health/Folklore 41 20th Century/ History 11 Ancient 7 Contemporary Medieval 8 Social/Industrial 12-13 Modern 9-10 General/British 14-15 Limited Quantities Only 38-40 Literary Biography/Literature 28 & 31 Military History 16-20 Music/Performing Arts 58-59 Reference/Humour 32-33 Religion 44-45 & 66 Science/Astronomy 48 Stationery 29 Transport 60-62 Travel & Exploration 45 THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. Titles of academic interest are identified with A Order line: 01626 897100 THE TREASURES OF THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM ORDER FORM NEW Opened in 1902, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo houses an unmatched collection of antiquities charting the ancient civilization over a period of 4,000 years. This impressive volume presents, in hundreds of full-page images, many of the most important pieces, from simple decorated pots of the pre-dynastic period, through the great statuary and tomb treasure of the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms to paintings and artefacts of the period of Roman occupation up to around 300 CE. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO 2010 HB 416pp Illus 355x255mm 21129 now £19.99 NEW INSPECTOR MINAHAN MAKES A STAND or The Missing Girls of England Customer no: Bridget O’Donnell’s meticulously researched book takes us back to London in the sweltering summer of 1885 and Chelsea police station, where Jeremiah Minahan is about to enter a labyrinth of slums and dark secrets in search of 13-year-old Eliza Armstrong. Having ruined his prospects of promotion once already, ex-inspector Minaham set out to expose a Victorian sex-trade; he lost everything, but won the amendment of consent law that protects children to this day. PICADOR 2012 PB 384pp YOUR DETAILS (BLOCK CAPITALS, please) TITLE POSTCODE COUNTRY DAYTIME PHONE No EMAIL (in case of query) Please enter your email address if you wish to receive email updates about our special offers DELIVERY DETAILS (if different) AIR RAIDS What You Must Know. What You Must Do! TITLE NAME NEW Head of a lioness representing the goddess Mehet on a funerary bed from the tomb of Tutankhamun f More Egyptology titles can be found on pages 6 and 7 MAPPING ENGLAND NEW Simon Foxell Mapping says a great deal about the way a nation sees itself and its place in the world. Through a series of fascinating maps, superbly reproduced in colour, this book shows how England has been depicted, from Matthew Paris to the Ordnance Survey. Arranged by theme, it Map of the Principal Crossroads by Thomas Badeslade, 1742 examines maps drawn for military, administrative, sociological, medical and transport purposes and demonstrates how they unconsciously reveal the true state of the country and the hopes and fears of its inhabitants. BLACK DOG 2008 HB 272pp Illus 290x242mm £40.00 31137 now £19.99 COLLINS EASY LEARNING SPANISH GRAMMAR Ed. John Christopher Protecting the civilian population from bombing or gas attacks during the Second World War meant a concerted public information campaign to inform people of the dangers and enlist their co-operation in contributing to civil defence. This book reproduces the 1941 illustrated government publication containing instruction on subjects such as building shelters, dealing with incendiary bombs, administering first aid and maintaining the blackout. The facsimile pages are supplemented by other contemporary ephemera and related materials. Designed for any age group and for both class and self-study courses, this is an ideal text for learners, from beginners up to GCSE students. The clearly laid-out, easyto-use guide presents all the basic grammar needed to speak and understand modern, everyday Spanish. COLLINS 2011 PB 320pp £6.99 16756 now £3.99 ADDRESS POSTCODE COUNTRY QTY CODE TITLE Your Order Form is inside the back cover HOW TO ORDER ONLINE PHONE Order Line: 01626 897100 Send to: Using our website? ● See our Easy Order Form: just enter the codes of the titles you wish to buy, add to your basket and purchase Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ● Please have to hand your credit card details, Customer number and Reference number (both are in the address panel on the back cover) ORDER FORM Please remember to add your Customer number when placing your order POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6RY UK PAYMENT SUBTOTAL Please debit my credit/debit card CUSTOMER SERVICES Phone: 01626 897123 Email: [email protected] Pay online with UK There is a flat rate for all orders: SINGLE ITEM ORDER £2.00 2 OR MORE ITEMS ORDER £3.00 (2 volume sets count as 2 items) OVERSEAS Overseas £ ........................... 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INTRODUCE POSTSCRIPT TO A FRIEND Fill in their details and we will send them a catalogue by return (see opposite) P&P TOTAL Order No. (if applicable) We occasionally make our mailing list available to carefully screened companies whose products may interest you. Please tick this box if you prefer not to receive such mailings. BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc) Name THE POSTSCRIPT GUARANTEE Address Postcode Country UK P&P or cheque enclosed payable to POSTSCRIPT: The security code is the last three digits on the signature strip on the reverse of your card POSTAGE & PACKING We are a long-established mail order company, specialising in high quality overstocks and out-of-print books, at exceptionally low prices. We buy from all the major publishers and hundreds of smaller presses, and pass discounts on to you of up to 75% off the published price. For details on how to order, turn to page 67, or go to where you will find our full range of more than 14,000 titles. Because our books are often in limited supply, we recommend that you order promptly. POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK p £9.99 21086 now £4.99 ABOUT POSTSCRIPT @PostscriptBooks £ AMBERLEY 2014 PB 93pp Illus Cardholder’s signature PostscriptBooks NAME ADDRESS £9.99 21201 now £4.99 Back by popular demand Reference no: If you are not satisfied with your books, please return them within 15 days and we will send a full refund or replacement. All books are subject to availability Send this order form to: POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY Order Line: 01626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Fax: 01626 897129 12:20 Page 1 Order line: 01626 897100 FEATURED TITLES NEW CATASTROPHE Europe Goes to War 1914 Max Hastings In 1914, Europe plunged into the 20th century’s first terrible act of self-immolation – ‘The Great War’. Max Hastings seeks to explain both how the conflict came about and what befell millions of men and women during the first months of strife. He finds that Germany and Austria must accept principal blame for the outbreak of the war; and against the view that it was not worth winning, he argues that the German defeat was vital for the freedom of Europe. WILLIAM COLLINS 2013 HB 666pp Illus Mike Hutton adds his own recollections of coming of age in 1950s London to this evocative account of the city during the decade that saw a transition from post-war austerity to new-found affluence, social mobility and Harold Macmillan’s boast, ‘most of our people have never had it so good’. Hutton describes the momentous changes – not all for the good – in Londoners’ lives: along with coffee bars, television and youth culture came sexual inequality, smog and soulless tower blocks. NEW Customer no : AMBERLEY 2014 HB 224pp Illus £20.00 21096 now £7.99 AMBERLEY 2014 HB 256pp Illus £16.99 21243 now £6.99 Illus. Edward Ardizzone; Maurice Gorham This celebration of the London pub on the eve of the Second World War was based on much informal research by friends and ‘regulars’ Maurice Gorham and Edward Ardizzone. Gorham’s discussions of pub features such as the Saloon Lounge, the Public Bar and Barmaids are illustrated with vividly coloured lithographs by Ardizzone. The book is back in print 70 years after much of the stock was destroyed in the Blitz, with a new introduction by Michael Yorke. NEW THE LOCAL When ordering, please quote your Customer no. and Reference no. NEW DITHERINGTON MILL AND THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Colum Giles; Mike Williams Ditherington Mill in Shrewsbury is one of the great monuments to the British Industrial Revolution. Built in 1796-1800, the Spinning Mill is recognized as the world’s first ironframed fireproof building. This study, illustrated with photographs, plans and reproductions, tells the story of the Mill through its life as a linen factory, then as a maltings, and shows how it was linked to the developments in engineering, the textile industry and business practices that were driving the nation’s economy forward. £50.00 21084 now £19.99 £15.00 21309 now £8.99 Optician’s shop in George Street, Croydon by Barbara Jones NEW NEW CIVIL WAR The History of England Volume Three Peter Ackroyd The 17th century was one of the most turbulent England had seen; at its centre stands the Civil War, the execution of Charles I and the despotic rule of Oliver Cromwell. This third volume of Peter Ackroyd’s magisterial national history charts that era of revolution and religious conflict from the accession of James I to the exile of his grandson James II, and from the literary riches of Shakespeare and Milton to the often insecure lives of ordinary men and women. MACMILLAN 2014 PB 512pp Illus £14.99 21457 now £5.99 THE UNSOPHISTICATED ARTS NEW DANUBIA A Personal History of Habsburg Europe Simon Winder For centuries, vast swathes of Europe were ruled by the Habsburg family. An unstable mixture of autocrats, obsessives, wizards and melancholics, they saw off any number of rivals before they were toppled in 1918. This entertaining, richly anecdotal history leads the reader through their Central European heartlands from Vienna to Transylvania, Prague to Sarajevo. Negotiating a labyrinth of intrigue, war, alchemy and religion, it charts the fortunes of this eccentric dynasty and the many peoples of its ramshackle empire. Visit our website: William Shakespeare Special Feature on pages 46–47 PICADOR 2013 HB 572pp Illus £18.99 21197 now £6.99 The monumental Engine House at the south end of the Spinning Mill, c.1810 Your Order Form is inside the flap overleaf £30.00 21311 now £14.99 68 Umbrellas by Leonetto Cappiello from Paris Between the Wars 1919-1939 featured inside this issue HISTORIC ENGLAND 2015 HB 160pp Illus LITTLE TOLLER 2010 HB 92pp Illus 234x155mm Barbara Jones ‘Unsophisticated art’ – the art of everyday life – was documented during the 1940s by Barbara Jones, who visited fairgrounds, taxidermists, tattoo parlours, high street shops, seaside piers and houseboats in her quest to record popular artefacts, whether hand-made or mass-produced. First published in 1951, her drawings and her new vision of vernacular art have inspired generations of artists and designers. This new edition includes additional material from Jones’s studio, and a foreword by Peter Blake. LITTLE TOLLER 2013 HB 200pp Illus Books by mail since 1987 Reference no : LIFE IN 1950s LONDON NEW UNEXPECTED BRITAIN A Journey Through Our Hidden History Stuart Laycock; Philip Laycock Did you know that Britain once had a North African emperor; that England’s sixth-richest town fell off a cliff; or that an elephant walked on the Thames? Never mind 1066, Magna Carta, Henry VIII and all that – there is more to history than famous dates. This fascinating book charts the curious, lesser-known events of British history from pre-Roman times to within living memory, bringing a fresh and unexpected perspective to the story of these islands. April 2016 2 67 ▲ £30.00 21194 now £9.99 No.267 ▲ 14/03/2016 If undelivered, please return to: Postscript 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK PS267 cover outer.qxp_PS238 outer POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK Order line: +44 (0)1626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected] Order line: 01626 897100 Order line: 01626 897100 FEATURED TITLES NEW CIVIL WAR The History of England Volume Three Peter Ackroyd The 17th century was one of the most turbulent England had seen; at its centre stands the Civil War, the execution of Charles I and the despotic rule of Oliver Cromwell. This third volume of Peter Ackroyd’s magisterial national history charts that era of revolution and religious conflict from the accession of James I to the exile of his grandson James II, and from the literary riches of Shakespeare and Milton to the often insecure lives of ordinary men and women. MACMILLAN 2014 PB 512pp Illus NEW DITHERINGTON MILL AND THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Colum Giles; Mike Williams Ditherington Mill in Shrewsbury is one of the great monuments to the British Industrial Revolution. Built in 1796-1800, the Spinning Mill is recognized as the world’s first ironframed fireproof building. This study, illustrated with photographs, plans and reproductions, tells the story of the Mill through its life as a linen factory, then as a maltings, and shows how it was linked to the developments in engineering, the textile industry and business practices that were driving the nation’s economy forward. £14.99 21457 now £5.99 HISTORIC ENGLAND 2015 HB 160pp Illus £50.00 21084 now £19.99 The monumental Engine House at the south end of the Spinning Mill, c.1810 NEW DANUBIA A Personal History of Habsburg Europe Simon Winder For centuries, vast swathes of Europe were ruled by the Habsburg family. An unstable mixture of autocrats, obsessives, wizards and melancholics, they saw off any number of rivals before they were toppled in 1918. This entertaining, richly anecdotal history leads the reader through their Central European heartlands from Vienna to Transylvania, Prague to Sarajevo. Negotiating a labyrinth of intrigue, war, alchemy and religion, it charts the fortunes of this eccentric dynasty and the many peoples of its ramshackle empire. PICADOR 2013 HB 572pp Illus £18.99 21197 now £6.99 POSTSCRIPT 6 Battle Road Heathfield Estate Newton Abbot TQ12 6RY UK Order line: +44 (0)1626 897100 Enquiries: [email protected]
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