Version 7 User Guide


Version 7 User Guide Page I Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
ExpensAble 7 User’s Guide
Table Of Contents
ExpensAble Version 7 Software License Agreement
Credits Page II Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
ExpensAble Version 7 Software License Agreement
1. License. In exchange for the payment of the applicable Software license and Support fees, ExpensAble grants You, and You accept a nonexclusive, non-transferable, limited right to use the Software for Your internal use only in accordance with the terms herein. For each copy of
the Software licensed hereunder, ExpensAble authorizes You to store the Software's machine-readable portion in, transmit it through, and
display it on, the single standalone personal computer on which the Software is originally installed ("Single Workstation"); provided that, if
the Single Workstation becomes inoperable, then you shall be entitled to use the Software on a single backup standalone personal computer
until operable status of the Single Workstation is restored and processing on the backup machine is completed. The Single Workstation may
be connected to a local area network, wide area network or other computer network, but only so long as the Software is not accessible over
such network and such network connection does not permit any person other than the user physically using the Single Workstation to access
and use the Software.
2. Restrictions. You may not: (a) use the Software, or make any copy of the Software or any Documentation, unless, and to the limited extent
(if any), otherwise expressly and unambiguously permitted by this Agreement; (b) rent, lease, assign or transfer any of the Software (or any
rights therein) unless, and to the limited extent (if any), otherwise expressly and unambiguously permitted by this Agreement; (c) use any
Software to provide, or to assist in or further the provision of, any remote processing or service bureau services to any third party; (d)
decompile, disassemble, translate or reverse engineer any of the Software, or alter or modify in any way any Software source, object or other
executable code, or create derivative works based upon the Software or any part thereof; or (e) remove, obliterate, alter or obscure any
copyright or trademark pertaining to the Software (including, without limitation, any of its or any of the Documentation. You may not allow
any access to or use of the Software by anyone other than You, or Your employees, agents or independent contractors, and any such use must
be consistent with the terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Agreement.
3. Ownership. ExpensAble reserves all rights not expressly granted to You in this Agreement. The Software is protected by copyright and
other intellectual property laws and treaties. ExpensAble or its suppliers or licensors own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property
rights in and to the Software. The Software is licensed, not sold. This Agreement does not grant You any rights to trademarks or service marks
of ExpensAble.
4. Trademarks. ExpensAble is a registered trademark of ExpensAble, Inc. Other parties' trademarks or service marks are the property of their
respective owners and should be treated as such.
1.1 "Agreement" means this Software License and Support Services Agreement.
1.2 "Documentation" means the guides, manuals, and associated documentation for use of the Software provided by ExpensAble under this
1.3 "Enhancements" means improvements to the features of the Software licensed to Customer, which improve the functionality of the
capabilities of the Software, but which do not add new capabilities.
1.4 "Error" means a reproducible and substantial failure of the Software to conform to the Specification. Page III Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1.5 "Error Correction" means either a Software modification that, when made or added to the Software, causes the Software to perform in
substantial conformity with the Specification, or a procedure or routine that, when included in the regular operation of the Software, eliminates
the adverse effect of such non-conformity.
1.6 "New Features" means new capabilities that are added to the Software that provide new capabilities not then available to the Customer,
whether or not marketed separately by ExpensAble.
1.7 "Software" means ExpensAble's ExpensAble Office software product provided to you with this Agreement, including features and any
copies thereof in whole or in part, and only the following: machine-readable runtime instructions and object code, whether or not in printed
form, and not in the form of source code; machine-readable data, such as a database; related licensed materials, including user documentation
in any form; and all Updates (as such term is defined below in Section 2) furnished by ExpensAble.
1.8 "Specification" means ExpensAble's performance specifications for the Software.
1.9 "Statement of Work" means a written document in a form prescribed by ExpensAble, signed by ExpensAble and Customer in the future
which describes in detail services to be performed by ExpensAble, any software, documentation or other material to be supplied by
ExpensAble, any hardware or third party software to be obtained by Customer, and the fees and expenses to be paid by Customer.
1.10 "Update" means all software updates, Error Corrections and fixes provided to Customer hereunder with respect to the Software, which
fix Errors in the Software or make minor modifications to the Software.
1.11 "Upgrade" means a new Version of the Software that is indicated by a change to the number on the right side of the decimal point in the
Version number, as determined by ExpensAble in its sole discretion.
1.12 "Version" means the version of the Software as of a particular point in time, as determined by ExpensAble in its sole discretion.
ExpensAble will be the sole and final arbiter of whether new software is an Error Correction, Update, Enhancement, New Feature, Upgrade
or Major Revision.
2.1 SUPPORT SERVICES. Customer represents and warrants to ExpensAble that Customer has obtained and maintains a rightful license to
use the Software pursuant to a written license agreement with ExpensAble or an authorized reseller of ExpensAble (the "License Agreement").
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, ExpensAble will provide Customer with Software support services ("Support" or
"Support Services") so long as Customer is current in its payment of the applicable Support fees. Updates, Upgrades and Major Revisions
shall be provided as part of the Support Services. If ExpensAble notifies Customer that an Update, Upgrade or Major Revision is mandatory
for the continued provision of Support Services, Customer agrees to permit ExpensAble to install such Update, Upgrade or Major Revision in
a timely manner as reasonably requested by ExpensAble.
2.2 MEANS OF OBTAINING SUPPORT. During the term of this Agreement, Customer may report Errors in the Software and seek assistance
from ExpensAble with regard to such Errors by telephone, email or fax. Customer acknowledges that Support does not include any training
over the telephone of Customer or Customer's personnel on the operation of the Software, and Customer agrees that all requests for training
will be scheduled with an ExpensAble trainer and that all training shall be provided only by an ExpensAble-designated trainer. Telephone
Support will be available during the times and on the days set forth from time to time on the support page of the ExpensAble web site.
2.3 ERROR CORRECTIONS. During the term of this Agreement, ExpensAble will use its commercially reasonable efforts to correct all
verifiable and reproducible Errors in the Software within a reasonable time after verifying that such Error is present. Customer's sole and
exclusive remedy for a failure of the Software to conform with the Specification will be, at ExpensAble's sole option, to (a) provide an Error
Correction or Update to repair the non-conforming Software; (b) replace the non-conforming Software; or (c) when neither of these options
is possible or practical, as determined by ExpensAble in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement and refund to Customer the unamortized
portion of the Software Support fees paid by Customer (based upon a straight line depreciation over a one (1) year period beginning on the
Effective Date). These remedies will not apply, and ExpensAble will be neither obligated nor responsible to repair, replace, or grant a refund
with respect to any Software that does not conform to its Specification as a result, in whole or in part, of one or more of the events indicated
in Section 2.7 (Limitations and Exclusions - Support) of this Agreement. If ExpensAble determines that Support Services have been provided
to address a claim that arises from or is caused by one or more of the events indicated in Section 2.7, ExpensAble may, at its discretion, charge Page IV Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Customer at its then current rates for time and materials for the review, assessment and attempted repair of the alleged Software nonconformity.
2.4 NEW VERSIONS. New Versions of the Software may require additional hardware, third-party software, Software training services and
other services to be purchased or licensed at Customer's expense. ExpensAble will notify Customer or post on ExpensAble's web site the
Versions of the Software that are supported by ExpensAble; all other Versions will not be supported.
2.5 NEW FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS. Except for any New Features or Enhancements that are included in any new Version that is
provided to Customer at no additional cost per the express terms of this Agreement or in ExpensAble's sole discretion, New Features and
Enhancements are not included within the license fees or the Support fees and must be purchased at additional cost. New Features and
Enhancements (including, without limitation, any that are included in any new Version) may require additional hardware, software, Software
training services and other services to be purchased or licensed at Customer's expense at ExpensAble's then prevailing rates (and with respect
to such hardware, at the applicable third party vendor's then prevailing rates).
2.6 FREQUENCY. ExpensAble makes no representations or warranties regarding the frequency or timing of Updates, Enhancements, New
Features or new Versions. Without limiting in any way the foregoing sentence, ExpensAble makes no representation or warranty regarding
whether any new Version will be released.
2.7 LIMITATIONS & EXCLUSIONS - SUPPORT. ExpensAble will not provide Support Services relating to or arising from the following:
(a) Errors that result from Customer's improper handling or use of the Software; (b) Errors for which ExpensAble has provided corrections not
implemented by Customer within a reasonable time; (c) Errors caused by changes, alterations or revisions made by Customer or on Customer's
behalf; (d) problems caused by or arising from Customer's data, network or data backup procedures; (e) Customer's failure to install, or to
allow ExpensAble to install, Updates, Upgrades or Major Revisions; (f) unless otherwise agreed to in writing by ExpensAble, Custom Content;
(g) acts or omissions of Customer or any third party; or (h) problems caused by or arising from operational, technical, environmental or other
factors not within the direct control of ExpensAble (including, without limitation, those caused by or arising from Customer hardware, any
third party databases, or any third party software (other than third party software embedded in the Software)). Customer will reimburse
ExpensAble for all reasonable expenses incurred and time spent in responding to Support claims arising under or caused by any of the
foregoing, repairing any of Customer's alterations or revisions to the Software, and correcting Errors or other defects resulting from the
occurrence of one or more of the events described above. Such services will not be treated as Support Services, and will be invoiced to
Customer at ExpensAble's then current time and material rates.
Support Services are only available in the United States and only in English.
2.8 STATEMENTS OF WORK, ETC. All other services to be provided to Customer hereunder shall be preceded by a separate Purchase Order
accepted by ExpensAble or a Statement of Work. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any failure by ExpensAble to require a Purchase Order or
Statement of Work shall not relieve Customer of its obligation to pay for services rendered, products supplied or fees and expenses incurred
by ExpensAble and chargeable to Customer under this Agreement.
3.1 SUPPORT FEES. Fees for ongoing Support are as set forth at the ExpensAble Online Store located at Unless
otherwise agreed upon, Support Fees must be: (a) prepaid annually in advance in cash or through an ExpensAble-approved financing source.
All amounts paid to ExpensAble are non-refundable. All amounts due under this Agreement shall be paid in United States currency.
3.2 TAXES. The fees and expenses due to ExpensAble as set forth in this Agreement are net amounts to be received by ExpensAble, exclusive
of all sales, use, withholding, excise, gross receipts and similar taxes and charges incurred by Customer or imposed on ExpensAble in the
performance of this Agreement or otherwise due as a result of this Agreement. Customer will be responsible for and will pay any and all such
taxes and charges regardless of when incurred or invoiced.
SECTION IV - HARDWARE & THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS Page V Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
4.1 HARDWARE SUPPORT. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ExpensAble, ExpensAble will neither be responsible for nor obligated
to provide support or other services for hardware or any third-party software (other than third-party software embedded in the Software).
4.2 THIRD PARTY ASSISTANCE FOR HARDWARE. Customer agrees to resolve hardware issues through the use of available
manufacturer agreements and warranties, or a third party vendor.
4.3 CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIONS & WARRANTIES. Customer may provide or make available to ExpensAble hardware, software or
other materials in connection with ExpensAble's performance of Support. Customer represents and warrants that Customer is authorized to
provide ExpensAble with such software, hardware and other materials and that ExpensAble is authorized to use such software, hardware and
other materials for the purpose of providing Support to Customer.
5.1 LICENSE TERM. The License becomes effective when You agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement by opening, installing,
using, accessing or manipulating the Software (the "Effective Date"), and this Agreement will continue in effect until terminated. This
Agreement will terminate immediately if You breach any material term or condition of this Agreement. You agree upon any termination of
this Agreement to promptly stop all use of the Software and to destroy the Software and all copies thereof.
5.2 SOFTWARE SUPPORT TERM. The Software Support term for software purchased in conjunction with this Agreement shall be for one
(1) year from the purchase Date (the "Initial Term"). Upon the completion of the Initial Term, Software Support must be purchased from
ExpensAble via the online store at in order to continue to receive the Support services described in SECTION II SUPPORT SERVICES). The Software Support Term will terminate automatically upon the termination of the License Agreement.
5.3 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. In the event that either party materially defaults in the performance of any of its duties or obligations
under this Agreement and does not cure such default within fifteen (15) days after being given written notice specifying the default, the nondefaulting party may, by giving written notice to the defaulting party, terminate this Agreement as of a date specified in such notice of
termination; provided that no cure period shall apply in the event the default at issue is incapable of cure. The specified date of termination
shall be at least fifteen (15) days after the expiration of the 15-day cure period (if such cure period is applicable). Notwithstanding the
foregoing, ExpensAble may terminate this Agreement immediately upon delivery of written notice of termination if (a) Customer breaches
any provision of the License Agreement. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section above, Customer may not terminate this Agreement
for its alleged breach without first complying with the dispute resolution process of Section 7.10 (Dispute Resolution and Arbitration).
5.4 TERMINATION FOR BANKRUPTCY. This Agreement shall terminate automatically without notice and without further action in the
event that Customer becomes insolvent (i.e., becomes unable to pay its debts in the ordinary course of business as they become due), makes
an assignment of this Agreement for the benefit of creditors, or becomes subject as a debtor to any bankruptcy filing (either voluntary or
involuntary). 5.5EFFECT OF TERMINATION - FEES AND EXPENSES. Termination of this Agreement prior to the end of the thencurrent Term will require payment by Customer of all Support and other fees otherwise payable through the end of such Term.
5.6 EFFECT OF TERMINATION - SUPPORT SERVICES. Subject to the other terms and conditions of this Section V (Term and
Termination), if either party terminates the Support Services pursuant to Section 5.2, then (a) subject to the terms and conditions of the License
Agreement, Customer shall have the right to continue to use the Software, and (c) Customer shall be solely responsible for supporting the
Software. Customer acknowledges that certain interfaces or features of the Software may become degraded or cease functioning if Support is
no longer provided by ExpensAble.
5.7 SURVIVAL. Termination of this Agreement by either party will terminate each party's rights and obligations under this Agreement except
for the provisions of the following sections, which will survive such termination: Section III (Fees and Payment Terms); Section V (Term &
Termination); Section VI (Limitations of Liability); and Section VII (General).
6.1 LIMITATION OF REMEDY. In no event will ExpensAble or any of its officers, directors, employees, stockholders, agents or
representatives be liable to Customer, or any other person or entity for any special, indirect, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages
or loss of goodwill in any way relating to this Agreement or resulting from the use of or inability to use the Software or performance or nonperformance of any Support or other services, even if ExpensAble has been notified of the possibility or likelihood of such damages occurring,
and whether such liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, products liability or otherwise. Page VI Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
7.1 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties as to the subject matter hereof and
supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, negotiations, representations, proposals and quotes, written or oral.
7.2 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. This Agreement will not be construed to create any employment, partnership, joint venture or agency
relationship or to authorize any party to enter into any commitment or agreement binding on the other party.
7.3 BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their legal representatives, permitted
transferees, successors, and assigns as permitted by this Agreement.
7.4 ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement or any of the rights or obligations hereunder may not be assigned or delegated in whole or in part by
Customer without the prior written consent of ExpensAble. ExpensAble shall have the right to assign or delegate this Agreement or any of
its rights or obligations hereunder.
7.5 AMENDMENT AND WAIVER. No modification or amendment to this Agreement will be effective unless made in writing and signed
by authorized representatives of the parties. The waiver by either party of any right hereunder shall be valid only if in writing and signed by
the party making such waiver. No delay or failure in exercising any right under this Agreement and no partial or single exercise of such right
will be deemed to constitute a waiver of such right or any other rights hereunder. No consent to a breach of any express or implied term of
this Agreement will constitute consent to any prior or subsequent breach.
7.6 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision will be
ineffective only to the extent of such invalidity, so that the remainder of that provision and all remaining provisions of this Agreement will be
valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by applicable law.
7.7 FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party will be liable for failure to perform any of its respective obligations under this Agreement, other than
the payment of fees, if such failure is caused by an event outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to, an act of God, war, or
natural disaster.
7.8 NOTICES. Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Agreement, all notices and other communications required in this Agreement
to be given to ExpensAble will be in writing and delivered either by hand, certified or registered mail, overnight courier, or confirmed
facsimile, addressed to ExpensAble, Inc., at the address set forth on the last page of this Agreement and to the attention of General Counsel,
or to another person or address as may be designated from time to time in writing by ExpensAble. All communications will be deemed
received (a) upon actual delivery, if delivered by hand or confirmed facsimile, (b) on the next business day, if properly addressed and sent by
overnight courier, or (c) three business days after delivery with the U.S. Postal Service, if properly addressed and sent by certified or registered
mail. ExpensAble may send all notices and other communications required in this Agreement to You via the email address used to purchase
this Software or such other address on file with ExpensAble.
7.9 GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be exclusively construed, governed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws
of the State of Texas and any applicable federal laws of the United States of America, without regard to the application of principles of conflicts
of laws of any state. Page VII Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
7.10 DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND ARBITRATION. The parties will make diligent efforts through negotiation to settle any disputes arising
out of or related to this Agreement, which shall include but not be limited to elevating the issues to their respective upper management levels.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, not settled by such negotiation shall be settled by
final and binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgment on
the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitration shall be conducted in Houston,
Texas, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. The arbitrators shall apply Texas law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties may apply to
any court of competent jurisdiction in Harris County, Texas, for a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, or other interim or
conservatory relief, as necessary, without breach of this arbitration provision.
7.11 NONDISCLOSURE AND CONFIDENTIALITY. Each party may disclose to the other party certain of the disclosing party's Trade
Secrets and Confidential Information. For purposes of this Section: "Trade Secrets" means information which derives economic value from
not being generally known to or knowable by other persons who can obtain value from its disclosure or use; "Confidential Information" means
information, other than Trade Secrets, including but not limited to information, that is of value to its owner and is treated as confidential;
"Proprietary Information" means, collectively, Trade Secrets and Confidential Information; "Owner" refers to the party disclosing Proprietary
Information; and "Recipient" refers to the party receiving Proprietary Information, whether such disclosure is directly from the Owner or the
Owner's employees or agents. Recipient agrees to hold the Proprietary Information in strictest confidence and not to (a) disclose, or cause to
be disclosed, any Proprietary Information to any third party (except those of Recipient's officers, directors, employees, consultants,
independent auditors and attorneys who have a legitimate "need to know" and who are bound in writing, by provisions at least as restrictive
as those herein, or by applicable law to protect the confidentiality thereof), or (b) utilize the Proprietary Information for any purpose other than
as expressly contemplated by this Agreement. Customer acknowledges that the Software and Documentation are Proprietary Information and
Customer agrees to treat such information as such in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Trade Secret obligations will continue for
so long as such information constitutes a Trade Secret under applicable law. Confidential Information obligations will continue for so long as
such information constitutes Confidential Information. The foregoing obligations will not apply to the extent that, at the time received: (a) the
information communicated was already known to the Recipient, without obligation to keep such information confidential, as evidenced by
contemporaneous written documents; (b) the information communicated was received in good faith from a third party lawfully in possession
thereof and having no obligation to keep such information confidential; or (c) the information communicated was or has become publicly
known other than by a breach of this Agreement.
7.12 DATA AND THIRD PARTY SHARING. In connection with ExpensAble's ExpensAble Office, ExpensAble may analyze and share your
data with third parties to improve the services and features provided to you by ExpensAble products.
7.13 SITE ACCESS; MONITORING. In connection with ExpensAble's performance of its obligations (including, without limitation, its
Support obligations) and the enforcement of ExpensAble's rights under this Agreement, ExpensAble shall have the right to (a) access
Customer's premises during Customer's normal working hours, with reasonable prior notice to Customer, and (b) remotely monitor (i)
Customer's use of the Software and (ii) Customer's data and information (and that of Customer's employees) that is used by or in the Software.
7.14 NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement is made solely for the benefit of ExpensAble and Customer. No third party is
intended as a beneficiary of this Agreement.
7.15 HEADINGS. Headings and captions are for convenience only and are not to be used in the interpretation of this Agreement.
7.16 EXPORTS. The parties acknowledge that the Software and all related technical information, Documentation, and materials are subject
to export controls under the U.S. Export Administration Regulation. You will (a) comply strictly with all legal requirements established under
these controls; (b) cooperate fully with the other party in any official or unofficial audit or inspection that relates to these controls; and (c) not
export, re-export, divert, transfer, or disclose, directly or indirectly, any Software or related technical information, document, or material, or
direct products thereof, to any country so restricted by the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as modified from time to time, or to any
national or resident thereof, unless Customer has obtained the prior written authorization of ExpensAble and the U.S. Commerce Department,
and any relevant local governmental authority.
7.17 ENGLISH LANGUAGE. This Agreement, originally written in the English language, shall be governed by the English language. In the
event any dispute arises with respect to this Agreement, the meanings of all terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be interpreted in their
original English form. The governing language of all correspondence related to reporting, negotiation, disputes, arbitration and notice
requirements shall be the English language. And the language to be used in rendering all of the Software, Documentation and Services
provided under this Agreement shall be English. The parties shall bear their own expenses for having text or other communications translated
into the English language. Page VIII Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
7.18 DELIVERY, ACCEPTANCE AND INSTALLATION. You acknowledge that all Services and Software offered under this Agreement
are made available solely in the United States and subject to the laws of the United States. By Clicking on the “Yes” button during the
installation process You acknowledge that the Software and Documentation were delivered by ExpensAble and accepted by You in the United
States and not subject to any foreign laws. You are solely liable for installation of the Software in compliance with this Agreement and
specifically Section 7.16.
Copyright© 2010 ExpensAble, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ExpensAble, Inc.
19001 Crescent Springs Drive Kingwood, TX 77339
Jon Lee
Jim Mason
Quality Assurance
Matt Brtis
Jay Schneider
Customer Service
Alex Bui
Product Manager
Vince Allen
Special thanks to
John Tangredi
Craig Campbell
Martha Montoya
Mary Truby
Sis Vorakoumane
Tim Dougherty Page V Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Chapter 1, Getting started 1
Welcome to ExpensAble Version 7 1
Audience 2
What’s new in ExpensAble 2
What you need 4
Installing ExpensAble 4
Starting ExpensAble for the first time 6
Registering your software 6
Introduction to ExpensAble envelopes, folders and reports 8
Changing ExpensAble program options 9
Getting Help 9
Chapter 2, Entering expenses 11
Starting a new expense report 11
Entering expense transactions 15
Managing downloaded Credit Card Transactions 19
Adding expense details 20
Managing transactions 26
Separating expenses into weekly or monthly envelopes 27
Reconciling your credit card statement 28
Using Genies to enter expenses 29
Chapter 3, Creating reports 31
Producing a finished expense report 31
Examining your expenses in detail 37
Creating a Cash Tracking report 37
Creating a VAT, GST/PST or HST report 38
Creating an Unused Tickets report 39
Creating a Mileage Tracking report 39
Creating a Billable Time report 40
Summarizing expenses 41
Creating a budget report 41
Analyzing specific areas of spending 42
Customizing your analysis reports 44
Graphing your expenses 44
V Page VI Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Chapter 4, Customizing ExpensAble 47
Customizing Auto Fill 47
Changing ExpensAble lists 48
Changing the Expense Types list 48
Changing the Payment Methods list 50
Changing the Billables list 52
Changing the Department list 53
Changing the Cost Center Items list 54
Setting up Credit Card accounts 55
Changing other drop-down lists 58
Chapter 5, Managing envelopes, folders and files 61
Organizing envelopes in folders and files 61
Archiving envelopes 64
Merging files 64
Tracking the status of your expense reports 65
Changing the status of an envelope 66
Submitting expense reports for subscribing users 66
Submitting expense reports for non-subscribing users 67
Setting up a new file 67
Using the Access Manager 68
Assigning a password to an ExpensAble file 70
Password protecting an Archived file 71
Backing up and restoring files 71
Chapter 6, Using ExpensAble with American Express Business
Cards 71
New American Express Open Network users 71
Set up your American Express Business Card 71
Downloading American Express Business Card Transactions 73
Chapter 7, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and
Quicken 75
Using ExpensAble with Quicken 75
Establishing a correspondence with Quicken accounts 78
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks 80
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks for non-subscribing users 81
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks for subscribing users 83
Create QuickBooks vendor bills and credits from your expense reports 83
Importing and exporting Expense Type Export Labels for QuickBooks 85
• Page VII Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Importing and exporting Billables for QuickBooks 87
Using the QuickBooks Guided Setup 88
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks Online Edition 90
Chapter 8, Using the Online menu 93
About the Online menu 93
About ExpensAble Enterprise 94
Accessing ExpensAble Enterprise for subscribers 94
Downloading credit card expenses 95
Submitting an envelope 96
Viewing policy exceptions for subscribers to the online service 96
Viewing expense report status for subscribers 97
Viewing expense report status for non-subscribers 97
Changing company code, user ID, or password for subscribers 97
Changing ExpensAble Enterprise Password 98
Registering ExpensAble for subscribers and non-subscribers 98
Accessing foreign exchange rates 98
Using travel services 99
Accessing the ExpensAble Website 99
Chapter 9, Using ExpensAble with other devices and
applications 101
Transferring ExpensAble data to Excel 101
Transferring ExpensAble data to Excel 2002 and later 101
Attaching scanned receipt images 102
Importing data into ExpensAble 102
Exporting ExpensAble data 103
Appendix A, Contacting OneMind Connect 105
Places to look for help 105
ExpensAble Customer Support 106
ExpensAble Sales 106
Appendix B, Expense report templates 107
Appendix C, Excel sample report files 129
Index, 133
VII Page VIII Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 1 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 Getting started
Welcome to ExpensAble Version 7 1
Audience 2
What’s new in ExpensAble 2
What you need 4
Installing ExpensAble 4
Starting ExpensAble for the first time 6
Registering your software 6
Introduction to ExpensAble envelopes, folders and reports 8
Changing ExpensAble program options 9
Getting Help 9
Welcome to
Version 7
Turning in your expense report has never been easier than it is with ExpensAble
from OneMind Connect. Start with an empty envelope and fill it with information about your expenses. (ExpensAble Genies help by asking all the right
questions) Next, decide what you want your expense report to look like by
choosing an expense report template. Then, you’re ready to preview your report.
When you like what you see, turn in your expense report so you can be
reimbursed. You can print your expense report, E-mail or send it via the Internet
to your manager or accounting department, submit it to ExpensAble Enterprise
(if you are an ExpensAble Enterprise subscriber), transfer it to Microsoft Excel,
1 Page 2 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
export it to an ASCII format to use in other applications, or send it to Quicken® or
QuickBooks® for Windows.
Your Company Expense Report
Employee Name
Mail Stop
Employee No. Phone No.
John Samson
Report Period
Reason for Expenses
2/17/96 to 2/18/96
Sales meeting/customer visit
Bill to
Sales Department
Employee Paid Expenses
Car Rental/Gas
Car Rental/Gas
• Submit it by E-mail
• Transfer it to Excel
• Export it in ASCII format
to use in other applications
Company Paid Expenses
• Print it
• Submit it to ExpensAble
• Send it to Quicken
• Send it to QuickBooks
Detailed Descriptions
2/17/96 - Airfare - SFO to SEA
2/17/96 - Telephone - Download files; fax to home office
Employee Signature
Authorization Signature
Total Expenses:
Less Company Paid:
Less Co. Paid Personal:
Less Cash Advance:
Authorization Signature
Due Company:
Due Employee:
This manual was written for two categories of users for ExpensAble:
• Users of the desktop or handheld client application who are Non-subscribers to
the ExpensAble Enterprise internet subscription service
• Users of the desktop or handheld client application who are subscribers to
ExpensAble Enterprise internet subscription service
ExpensAble consists of the ExpensAble software license for one user. If you are
using ExpensAble as an individual expense management tool, you may choose to
subscribe to the ExpensAble Enterprise service.
Subscribing users of ExpensAble Enterprise
By subscribing to ExpensAble Enterprise (formerly known as,
you have access to all the features of this internet subscription service described
Look out for the ExpensAble Enterprise icon
to indicate information that
only applies to ExpensAble Enterprise. Unless it is otherwise stated, features for
ExpensAble Enterprise users and standalone users of ExpensAble are exactly the
What’s new in
ExpensAble version 7 introduces scores of new features and enhancements.
Together with the optional subscription service to ExpensAble Enterprise
(formerly known as, the ExpensAble solution cuts the amount Page 3 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
of time it takes you to create and submit expenses, and makes the process easier
and more enjoyable as well. Many of the enhancements make use of the ExpensAble Enterprise service, which provides small to mid-size businesses offline and
online business expense management, anywhere, anytime. ExpensAble Enterprise is being used by an increasing number of companies to support expense
reporting, reimbursement, and management of travel and other expenses. The
ExpensAble Enterprise service includes:
• Automatic routing of expenses for approval online
• T&E company policy compliance
• Real-time status viewing of submitted expenses
• Robust reporting and analysis
• Fast deployment - see ROI now
You can sign up for a subscription to the ExpensAble Enterprise service via the
OneMind Connect website at, or
call our Sales team at (888) 536-6200 ext. 3. Our
sales people will be happy to assist in setting up your company for the ExpensAble Enterprise subscription service by registering your subscribers, creating a
workflow, and establishing policies for your travelers.
Enhancements to ExpensAble
Feature additions and enhancements in ExpensAble 7:
• New! Time expense types to capture, track, and charge time directly to
projects and customers
• New! Outlook integration simplifies gathering appropriate expense details by
integrating your Outlook contacts with ExpensAble's guest list
• New! Download American Express credit card transactions with the click of
a button using Direct Connect technology
• New! Quicken integration support for version 2005 and earlier
• New! HTML expense report forms greatly improve the speed of report
previews and printing
• New! Strong encryption security protects your sensitive data using state-ofthe-art RSA cryptography standards
• New! Attach any scanned image (.JPG, .GIF, .TIF, .BMP formats supported)
to expense reports, improving the receipt reconciliation process
• New! Customer billing reports allow you to generate invoices directly from
ExpensAble for all billable expenses, including Time
• New! User interface updated with a new look and feel, and even more customizable with two new color schemes
• Improved expense entry features allow you to assign an item as Billable or
• Improved XML export capabilities gives those not using QuickBooks a better
tool for interfacing ExpensAble data with their financial systems
Chapter 1, Getting started
3 Page 4 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
What you need
The minimum system requirements to use ExpensAble include the following:
• IBM Compatible 100 MHz Pentium; 200 MHz or higher is recommended
• Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT 4 or XP
• A minimum of 64 MB (megabytes) of memory; 128 MB is recommended
• Hard disk drive with 75 MB free disk space, plus 70 MB for Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5.5 or later*
• Double speed CD-ROM drive or faster
• SVGA, 800x600 or higher resolution with small fonts
• 16-bit color or higher
• Windows-supported printer with 2 MB of memory and 300 DPI or higher
• 28,800 baud or higher modem, or LAN/Broadband connection is required to
access online features
You may also want to have the following:
• QuickBooks Pro, Enterprise or Accountant Editions 2002 or later, if you plan
to send your ExpensAble expense reports to QuickBooks
• Quicken 2001 or later if you plan to send ExpensAble transactions to Quicken.
* All online features require Internet access
Note: ExpensAble 7 does not support the latest version of ExpensAble for Palm
OS or ExpensAble for PocketPC.
To install ExpensAble 7, follow these steps.
1 Turn on your computer and start Windows.
2 Make sure no extra applications are running.
Look at the Windows taskbar. If applications other than the Start menu are
running, click each one and exit the application.
3 Launch the ExpensAble 7 installer.
If you have the ExpensAble CD-ROM, insert your CD-ROM into your CDROM drive, and Windows 98/ME/2000/NT 4/XP should automatically begin
the ExpensAble installation. If installation does not automatically begin:
From Windows, click Start.
Choose Run...
Browse to the CD-ROM drive, and select SETUP.EXE.
Click OK to install.
If you have the ExpensAble electronic download:
Double-click the download file, EXPENSABLE7.EXE.
Click Next to install. Page 5 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
During the ExpensAble
install, you will be asked to
enter your Registration Code.
ExpensAble’s improved
registration support enables
you to quickly and securely
register your product.
4 In the Customer Information window, enter your Registration Code,
given to you when you purchased ExpensAble.
5 Select the appropriate Set Up Type radio button:
Typical- Program will be installed with its most common options. Recommended for most users.
Compact- Program will be installed with the minimum required options.
Custom- You may select the options you want to install. Recommended for
advanced users.
6 To install ExpensAble in the directory specified in the Choose Destination
Location window, click Next. Follow the instructions on the screen to
complete the installation.
The ExpensAble icon appears
in the ExpensAble folder of
the Start/Programs menu after
installation is complete.
ExpensAble defaults to install in C:\Program Files\ExpensAble. You can
choose a different location by clicking the browse button.
Note: If you plan to use the Excel sample report files and you install ExpensAble in a
directory other than the default directory, you must edit the sample Excel report files
to reference the directory you installed in.
7 Select the desired radio button to either enable the ExpensAble Enterprise
Subscription service if a license has been purchased for this, or to install
as a single user/site licensed client.
8 When you see the message that you have installed ExpensAble successfully, click Finish.
Store the original program CD or the download file in a safe place.
Installing specific components of ExpensAble
You can install specific components of ExpensAble without installing the entire
program. You can install any of these components separately, or in combination:
Chapter 1, Getting started
5 Page 6 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• ExpensAble program files
• Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
• Standard Forms and Reports
1 Follow steps 1-5 in the previous section.
2 At the Setup Type window, click the Custom radio button.
3 Choose the components you want to install, and click Next.
Make sure that all other checkboxes are cleared. Install the components in the
directory in which you installed the ExpensAble files.
Note: ExpensAble will NOT overwrite changes you’ve made to an expense report
template or to a sample Excel report file. If you’re reinstalling these components,
delete or rename the existing template so you can reinstall the original. (See
Appendix B, Expense report templates, on page 107, and Appendix C, Excel sample
report files, on page 129 for a list of report template file names.)
ExpensAble for
the first time
When you launch ExpensAble for the first time, you will be prompted with the
Guided Setup to enter setup information and to register ExpensAble.
If you have a subscription to the ExpensAble Enterprise service, you must
configure the Windows client to communicate with the ExpensAble Enterprise
Answer the prompts as follows:
• Company ID: Enter your ExpensAble Enterprise company ID.
• User ID: Enter your ExpensAble Enterprise server login ID.
• Password: Enter your ExpensAble Enterprise server password.
See your ExpensAble administrator if you need help.
The remaining setup information applies to both the standalone and to the
ExpensAble Enterprise user of ExpensAble.
your software
Using the Guided Setup to setup a new file and register ExpensAble
When you start ExpensAble for the first time, Guided Setup leads you through a
quick interview to help you setup your file and to register ExpensAble. You
provide information about yourself (your name, phone number, employee Page 7 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
number, and so on) and about your company (name, reimbursable mileage rate,
and so on). ExpensAble uses some of this information in the header section of
your printed expense report.
To register your software online, you will need Internet access.
1 Start ExpensAble.
Click Start on the taskbar, choose Programs, then choose ExpensAble.
2 If Quicken is installed on your computer, ExpensAble asks if you want to
get account information from Quicken.
Click OK to create payment methods for your expenses that correspond to
your Quicken accounts. ExpensAble gets the account information from the
last file you opened in Quicken.
Click Cancel if you don’t want to setup the payment methods right now, or
if you want to get account information from a file other than the last one
you opened in Quicken. (See “Establishing a correspondence with
Quicken accounts” on page 78.)
3 At the Guided Setup window, click Start.
This part of the window shows
you which section of Guided
Setup you are in. Click a title to
skip back or forth to a different
section at any time.
Ends the Guided Setup
without saving information you’ve entered.
Displays the
previous page.
Steps you through
the Guided Setup
4 Follow the prompts on the screen to enter the information
ExpensAble needs to setup the file and to register the program, and then
click Next.
If you have Internet access, the Guided Setup allows you to register ExpensAble with speed and ease, with pre-filled user information as you go through
the interview. You must register ExpensAble to operate the application and to
receive customer support.
You can access the Guided Setup also from the Help menu at any time in ExpensAble.
5 Follow the registration questions until complete.
6 Click Finish.
Chapter 1, Getting started
7 Page 8 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
ExpensAble License Key Codes
After you have successfully registered ExpensAble, you will receive a License
Key Code via email. This number allows you to “unlock” ExpensAble for
continued use.
1 From the Help menu, choose About ExpensAble.
2 At the bottom of the About ExpensAble window, click the Set License Key
Code button.
3 In the License Key Code field, enter your valid License Key Code.
4 Click OK.
You will now have a fully functional, registered copy of ExpensAble.
Introduction to
folders and
The majority of ExpensAble users keep all their expense report envelopes in one
or two files. Within a file, you can create folders to organize envelopes into
meaningful groups and eliminate clutter on your screen. All expense report
envelopes in the same file use the same expense report template—even if the
envelopes are in different folders.
The first time you start ExpensAble, you’ll spend a few moments setting up your
file. After that, you’re ready to create your first expense report envelope. An
ExpensAble envelope contains all the expense information you need for a single
expense report. Every time you have a new expense report to do, you create a
new envelope in your file.
A file contains a collection of
expense report envelopes and
folders. Most people keep all their
envelopes and folders in one file.
The Folders List helps you
organize your expense reports and
templates, reducing the clutter on
your screen. Folders can contain
envelopes, but cannot contain
other folders.
Expense report
contain information about a
single expense
The Shortcuts List allows you to move easily between your various
expense envelopes and more. This intelligent navigation feature displays
your recent activities, such as recent envelopes, memorized reports,
frequent templates, and credit card envelopes.
An expense report template
determines the layout and
organization of your expense
report. For more information,
see “Selecting a report
template” on page 32.
If you want to begin entering expenses, see Chapter 2, Entering expenses, on
page 11.
If you want to choose a form to use as your expense report template, see Chapter
3, Creating reports, on page 31.
Exiting ExpensAble
From the File menu, choose Exit. ExpensAble automatically saves your work.
8 Page 9 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The program options are
divided into five tabs. For
information about each
option, see onscreen Help.
Press F1, click Index, and then
select the keyword options.
You can change how some parts of the ExpensAble program work by changing
the ExpensAble program options. For example, on the General tab of the
program options, you can choose whether you want to show cash advance
prompts when creating new expense reports, to show menus (for QuickBooks,
QuickBooks Online, and Quicken users), and helpful descriptions displayed as
you work, or to change the color schemes of ExpensAble. Other options let you
decide whether you want the cursor to move to the next line in the Expense log,
or move to the new transaction line when you press the Enter key.
1 From the Edit menu, choose Program Options.
2 Select the tab for the options you want to change, adjust the individual
options, and then click OK to save the settings.
Getting Help
In addition to this User’s Guide, ExpensAble’s Help provides all the details you
need to know about using the product. Help contains dialog specific details,
overviews, procedures, tips, and answers to commonly asked questions. You can
use any of these methods to get Help:
• At any point in the program, press F1
• In the Envelopes and Expenses windows, click the Help icon in the icon bar. In
any other window, click the Help button.
• Choose a command from the Help menu.
Contacting ExpensAble Support
If you cannot find the answer to your question in the User’s Guide or Help,
contact ExpensAble Support. See “ExpensAble Customer Support” on page 106.
IRS Expense Reporting Guidelines
ExpensAble’s IRS Help provides you with all the details about the current IRS
tax policies regarding travel and entertainment expenses. Help contains
overviews, procedures, tips, and answers to commonly asked questions.
To access IRS Help from the Internet:
1 From the ExpensAble Help menu, choose IRS Help.
Chapter 1, Getting started
9 Page 10 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 Or, click the link below now:
• Page 11 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 Entering expenses
Starting a new expense report 11
Entering expense transactions 15
Managing downloaded Credit Card Transactions 19
Adding expense details 20
Managing transactions 26
Separating expenses into weekly or monthly envelopes 27
Reconciling your credit card statement 28
Using Genies to enter expenses 29
Starting a new
expense report
ExpensAble uses envelopes to “collect” receipts and other expense information
just like many people stuff receipts into a wallet or envelope until they’re ready
to fill out an expense report. Each ExpensAble envelope represents one expense
report, so every time you start a new expense report, you create a new envelope.
For information about
creating a file, see “Setting up
a new file” on page 67.
Use these steps to create an expense report envelope and enter the information for
your expenses. The steps are explained in the following sections.
Create a new envelope and fill in the New Expense Report
Envelope window with information about this
expense report.
Enter expense transactions to record regular expenses, cash
advances, and split transactions. Enter details for mileage, meals
and entertainment, and billing.
11 Page 12 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The Envelopes window is where you create and manage expense report
To start entering expenses, select an
envelope and click the Enter icon.
Or, just double-click the envelope.
Put your cursor
on top of an icon
to see the icon
Group envelopes in folders.
Move easily between your various
expense envelopes, memorized
reports, frequent templates, and
credit card envelopes.
Total reimbursable amount for
this folder.
Total reimbursable amount for
this file.
Creating a new envelope
Each ExpensAble envelope represents one expense report. When you’re ready to
fill out a new expense report, start by creating an envelope and filling in the New
Expense Report Envelope window.
12 Page 13 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 Click the New icon in the icon bar.
This name is for reference within
ExpensAble’s Folder list and does not
appear in the printed expense report. If
you don’t enter a name, ExpensAble calls
the new envelope “Untitled1.”
Select Create From
Template to create a
new envelope from a
Select Percent Allocation to divide envelope
expenses among
multiple Bill To’s.
A Proxy is somone who has rights to
perform actions on behalf of another.
(Note: This field is only available for
ExpensAble Enterprise Offline Client
users who have the Proxy Submitter
feature enabled.) This dropdown list
contains the names of all of your coworkers for which you have been
delegated a Proxy Submitter. This feature
gives you the ability to generate and
submit envelopes on their behalf.
Select Show Bill To to
show a Billables field
when you enter your
expenses. Use this if
you need to charge
expenses in the same
report to more than one
customer or department.
The information you enter here may
appear in the header at the top of the
expense report. The names of these
fields vary depending on which expense
report template you’re using.
Select this check box to
print a separate expense
report for each unique
entry in the Bill To.
Select the Show Item check box if you want to display the associated Item field in the expense entry window
Select the Show Currency check box if you want to enter currency
and exchange rate information with each transaction.
2 Enter a name for the envelope, then fill in the rest of the fields.
The fields you see are determined by which expense report template you’re
3 Specify the date range format that appears in the expense report’s header.
You can let ExpensAble calculate the date based on the dates of the transactions in the report, or you can enter a specific date range.
If you plan to enter currency
or billing information, be sure
to select an expense report
template that includes fields
for this information. Otherwise the information will not
appear on your printed
expense report. (See
“Selecting a report template”
on page 32.)
4 To see fields for Currency or Bill To in the Expense Record when you enter
transactions, select the appropriate check box.
5 If you would like to specify a percentage allocation to multiple Bill To’s for
an envelope, click the % Allocation button.
To edit an allocation for a Bill To,
click the Edit button.
To create a new allocation for a Bill
To, click the New button.
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
13 Page 14 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
When the % Allocation button is clicked, the Percent Allocation window
displays. This window allows you to specify how the expenses will be divided
among different Bill To’s. When the OK button is clicked, the percentages
assigned to different allocations must add up to either zero or 100. The New and
Edit buttons opens a window that allows you to choose a Bill To’s allocation and
specify a corresponding percentage.
When percentage allocation is used for an envelope, then the Bill To fields in the
Expense Screen, Details field and the Splits field will be disabled and will read %
6 Click the New button to create a new Bill To, and click the Edit button to
edit a Bill To’s allocation.
7 Click OK.
8 Choose whether to enter a cash advance at this time.
Click Yes, and ExpensAble displays the Expenses window. Fill in the
amount of the cash advance in the Expense record and click Enter.
Click No to return to the Envelope window.
If you don’t want to see this message every time you create an envelope,
clear the check box at the bottom of the window. (You can reset this at the
Options window.)
Editing envelope information
You can edit the information in the Envelope Info window at any time. The
changes are effective immediately.
1 Click the Info icon in the icon bar.
The Envelope Info window has the same fields as the New Expense Report
Envelope window.
2 Make the changes you want, and then click OK.
Editing user information
If you used Guided Setup,
ExpensAble entered this
information in the User Info
window for you.
ExpensAble uses the information from the User Info window in the header of
your printed expense report. Each envelope has its own user information, so you
can have different headers for different expense reports in the same file. To enter
or change the information in the User Info window, use these steps.
1 From the Edit menu, choose User Info.
14 Page 15 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
ExpensAble prefills this window with information from the default settings.
2 Enter information in the User Info window, and then click OK.
Use the Expenses window to enter or edit your expense information. Each
expense, or transaction, is displayed in the Expense Log.
Expense Log. Review and select
transactions you’ve already entered.
You can’t type into the Expense Log.
Use the mouse, arrow keys, or scroll
bar to move through the log, and then
click a transaction to select or edit it.
Enters the expense in
the log.
The Folders List and Shortcuts List
allow you to move easily between
your various expense envelopes and
more. These enhanced navigation
features display your recent activities,
such as recent envelopes, memorized
reports, frequent templates, and credit
card envelopes.
Undoes any changes
you’ve made to the
current expense.
Lets you itemize
expenses from a
single bill.
To enter an expense transaction, select
the new transaction line.
Provides fields for
adding details.
Enter your expense information in the
fields of the Expense Record.
The amount of all
Tracks a missing
receipt for the current expenses contained in
this envelope.
The net amount due to
you for expenses in this
Returns you to the
Envelopes window.
You can enter receipt information in any order. There’s no need to group receipts
by date or category. ExpensAble automatically sorts and organizes the expenses
for you.
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
15 Page 16 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Important: To be included in the printed expense report, a transaction must have an
expense type, a date, and an amount.
Tip: If you don’t have
complete information for an
expense, insert a placeholder
in the Expense Log. Just
choose an expense type from
the list, and then click Enter.
You can come back and edit
the entry later.
1 Double-click the envelope to open the expense window.
2 In the Expenses window, click the new transaction line in the Expense Log.
3 Enter information about the new transaction.
Type the information you want in each field, and then press Tab. The insertion
point moves forward to the next field.
4 Click Enter to record the transaction in the Expense Log.
Entering data in the Expense Record
The fields that appear in the Expense Record vary according to:
• Which expense type your transaction uses.
• Whether you decided to show the Currency, Item and Bill To fields.
• Which expense report template you’re currently using.
• Whether you configured their product to use custom fields.
ExpensAble offers these shortcuts
to make entering expenses easier:
For most fields, Auto Fill displays
a drop-down list of frequently
used items for you to choose from.
If you enter an item that’s not in
the drop-down list, ExpensAble
automatically adds it to the list.
Expense Type
Choose an expense type from the drop-down list that
best describes your transaction. ExpensAble uses a
preset list of commonly used expense types. If
Automatic Recall is on, it tries to complete the rest of
the transaction for you, using previously entered
transactions (with the same expense type) as a guide.
Enter either the date you made this transaction or the
date you paid for it. (You can use either one, but you
should be consistent.) Use the drop-down calendar in
the icon bar to enter the date, or use these shortcut
Auto Fill finishes your typing for
you (based on what you’ve
already typed). Keep typing until
you see the correct item in the
field, and then press Tab.
You can turn Auto Fill and Auto
Lists off (or on again) in Program
Options from the Edit menu.
next day
previous day
beginning of the Month
end of the month
beginning of the Year
end of the year
Enter the transaction amount. Use the drop-down
calculator the icon bar to enter or calculate the
transaction amount. If you’re entering an amount in a
foreign currency, ExpensAble displays the Foreign
Currency window when you move to this field. Page 17 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Payment Method
(Optional) Indicate how you paid for this transaction.
Choose a payment method from the drop-down list.
Include this if you plan to reconcile credit card
expenses or send transactions to Quicken; Payment
Methods correspond to Accounts in Quicken.
If you choose a checking account as your payment
method, ExpensAble displays a field for a check
number. The check number does not appear on the
printed expense report, but if you’re a Quicken user,
you can send the check number and amount to your
Quicken checking account.
Tip: The Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) requires you to
specify a different city name when
you travel from one general
vicinity to another. See the IRS
Help under ExpensAble’s Help
(Optional) Enter the name of the party who received
payment for this transaction. Include this if you plan to
send transactions to en; Merchant corresponds to
Payee in Quicken.
(Optional) Enter the location where you incurred the
expense. You can use the same city for all expenses
within a general vicinity. For example, you might have
business expenses in downtown Los Angeles as well as
in the surrounding cities of Burbank and Santa Monica.
You can use “Los Angeles” as the city for each of these
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
17 Page 18 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Description *
(Optional) Enter a description of the expense. This
information appears in the Details section of the
printed expense report.
The name of this field depends on the Item you enter in
the Report Format dialog box. Use Cost Center /
Vendor Bill Items for assigning a project, person or
entity to your business expenses. Use Cost Center
Items to assign a Rate for Time expense entries.
To enter Item data in your expenses, from the Edit
menu, choose Envelopes and then Info, and select the
Show Item checkbox.
Bill To
The name of this field depends on which expense
report template you’re using. In the Standard report
template, this field is called Bill To; in other report
templates it may be called Project or Client. You can
change the names of these fields on any of the Expense
Report templates that came with ExpensAble.
If you selected the Show Bill To check box in the
Envelope Info window or in the Details window, you
will see a billing field in the Expense Record where
you can enter the account number or name of the party
who will be billed for each expense. You can include as
many sublevels in your billing information as you
need. For example, you may want the expense billed to
a particular account number within a department as in
Sales: 04962. Use a colon (:) to separate the different
billing levels. Depending on the expense report
template you’re using, information you enter in this
field may be displayed in a separate column of the
printed expense report, in a separate Allocation
section, or not at all.
When the % Allocation button is pressed, the Percent
Allocation window is displayed. This window allows
you to specify how the expenses will be allocated
among different Bill To’s. When the OK button is
pressed, the percentages assigned to different Bill To’s
must add up to either zero or 100. The New and Edit
buttons bring up a window that allows you to choose a
Bill To and specify a corresponding percentage.
Reimbursable (R) means you paid for the expense with
personal funds and your company or client will repay
you the amount.
Non-Reimbursable (N) means the expense was paid
with company funds, or it is a tax-deductible business
expense and you will not be directly reimbursed for it.
Personal (P) means the expense was not a business
expense and you are responsible for its payment. These
might be expenses such as extended hotel stay or car
rental (for personal purposes) that you paid for, or that
you owe your company for.
• Page 19 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Flags the expense entry transaction as one that is
billable. It also initializes the SendToQuickBooks
billable flag.
* The name of this field varies depending on the expense type. For example, if you choose Airline
as your expense type, the Merchant field is named Airline/Agency. If you choose Dinner as the
expense type, the Merchant field is named Restaurant, and the description has fields for Guests
and Purposes.
Credit Card
Downloaded credit card transactions are placed into envelopes in the Credit
Cards folder under Shortcuts with the names of credit cards set up via the Credit
Card Guided Setup. See “Setting up Credit Card accounts” on page 55.
Once downloaded, click on the envelope containing the credit card data to review
the transactions.
NOTE: Envelopes located in the Credit Cards folder under Shortcuts are used to hold
recently downloaded credit card transactions. These credit card envelopes are not
used for expense report creation. To place downloaded transactions in an expense
report, the downloaded transactions must be moved out of the Credit Card envelope
and into an expense envelope.
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
19 Page 20 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
To place downloaded credit card transactions into an expense envelope, you can
simply select the transactions in the Log, then drag and drop them into any
envelope that is in progress in the Folders List.
You can also move downloaded credit card data into an envelope that is in
progress by clicking on the Credit Card Genie while in the destination envelope.
Adding expense
Some transactions need extra information, or expense details. You can add details
for any transaction by clicking the Details button in the Expense Record.
Description information is usually
printed in a “Detailed Description” or
“Other Detail” section of the printed
expense report—depending on which
report template you’re using.
The Missing Receipt check box will
allow you to prepare a report that lists
all expenses for which the receipt is
Select these check boxes to have the
corresponding fields appear in the
Expense Record for each transaction.
Memo information you enter
here is for your reference
only and is not included on
printed reports. If you’re a
Quicken user, you can
include this information
when you send transactions
to Quicken.
For Airfare and Rail travel
expenses, enter your ticket
number, class of service and
whether the ticket was
actually used.
Entering data about your guests
For information on importing
guest information into
ExpensAble, see “Importing
Guest information” on
page 103.
When you choose Entertainment or any meal as an expense type, ExpensAble
displays the Guests and Purposes fields for recording the names of your guests,
and the purpose of the business meal or entertainment. If you host more than one Page 21 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
guest at a time, choose Multiple Guests from the Guests drop-down list so you
can display the following window and record the names of your guests.
Click a name to select it. Click a checkmark to clear a name.
Add a new name to the Multiple
Guests list and to the Guests dropdown list.
Entering mileage expenses
When you choose Mileage as an expense type, be sure to enter the related information required for tax purposes.
1 In the Expense Type field, choose Mileage from the drop-down list.
2 Enter the date, and then press Tab to move to the Miles field.
Use these fields to name routine trips
you report on a regular basis by
entering the origin and to destination,
such as: Office to Jones Co., Irvine to
Los Angeles, or Home to Airport.
Some expense report templates include
this information in the printed report.
To specify the percentage
of the amount of personal
(Non-Reimbursable) and
business (Reimbursable)
miles, click here.
To change the reimbursable
mileage rate, click here.
3 (Optional) At the Mileage Master window, enter the origin and destination for this trip.
The Origin and Destination text you enter in these two fields are needed for tax
purposes. What you enter is also added to the Origin/Destination drop-down
lists for faster data entry the next time you report this trip.
4 (Optional) If you need to allocate the percentage of the amount of personal
(Non-Reimbursable) and business (Reimbursable) miles, and then click
Percent Allocation.
This allows ExpensAble’s Mileage Tracking Report to calculate the total
mileage with the personal and business amounts totaled separately. (See
“Creating a Mileage Tracking report” on page 39.)
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
21 Page 22 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
5 (Optional) If you need to change the mileage rate, click Rate.
Enter the new rate here.
Select the check box if you want to
use this rate as the default; otherwise, the rate applies only to this
6 Enter the number of miles traveled, or the Start and End readings from
your car’s odometer.
ExpensAble calculates your reimbursable mileage amount based on the
mileage rate allowed by your company or client.
7 Click OK.
Entering an amount using foreign currency
Tip: Be sure to choose an
international report template
that reports foreign currencies. Calculated amounts are
reported in all templates, but
the foreign exchange rate and
other currency information
won’t appear in the printed
expense report unless you
choose an international
template. Also, if your
company requires you to
submit a separate expense
report for each currency, you
can create a new envelope for
each currency you used.
ExpensAble automatically converts foreign currency amounts for you and always
reports amounts in your home currency. If the Country and Exchange Rate fields
are not visible in the Expense Record window, you’ll need to display them using
either of these methods:
• From the icon bar, click the Info icon. In the Envelope Info window, select the
Show Currency check box.
• As you’re entering expenses, click the Details button in the Expense Record.
In the Details window, enter a currency and an exchange rate. Select the Show
Currency check box.
1 In the Expense Record, click the Amount field.
Select this check box
to see this window
each time you enter an
Choose whether you want ExpensAble to calculate the expense amount
in your home currency or the
exchange rate.
2 Enter the amount (in the selected currency).
22 Page 23 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Make your life easier! Use the
Currency Genie to help you
enter foreign currency
exchange rates and fees for
cash transactions. The
Currency Genie appears
automatically when you select
Currency Exchg as the
expense type. Choose the
country (and currency) to use
for this expense.
3 Choose what you want ExpensAble to calculate.
Tip: See “Accessing foreign
exchange rates” on page 98.
4 Choose whether the exchange rate is for exchanges made from
U.S. dollars to the foreign currency, or from foreign currency to
U.S. Dollars.
If you know the exchange rate and the expense amount in foreign currency,
have ExpensAble calculate the amount in your home currency. This is
usually a cash transaction.
If you know the expense amount in the foreign currency and the amount in
your home currency, have ExpensAble calculate the exchange rate for you.
This is usually a credit card transaction.
After entering your expense amount, ExpensAble remembers the exchange
rate for the selected currency. If you use the same currency when entering
subsequent transactions, ExpensAble uses this exchange rate to calculate your
equivalent home currency.
5 Click OK.
Entering cash advance transactions
If your company gives you a cash advance, enter it in the Expense Record, as you
would any other transactions. Cash advances appear as negative amounts in the
Expense Log.
You can enter as many cash
advance transactions as you
1 In the Expense Log, select the new transaction line.
2 From the Expense Type field, select Cash Advance.
3 Enter the date, amount, and other information just as you would for a
regular transaction, and then click Enter.
Entering full or partial reimbursements
When you receive full or partial payment for an expense report, you should
record the reimbursement and update the status of your expense report envelope.
ExpensAble automatically updates the status of your expense report for you after
you record the reimbursement. (For more about tracking your expense report, see
“Tracking the status of your expense reports” on page 65.)
1 Click the Status icon in the icon bar.
2 At the Envelope Status window, select the correct status (partially or fully
reimbursed) and click OK.
If you’re recording a partial reimbursement, ExpensAble displays the
Expenses window so you can enter the information for this transaction.
The expense type (Reimbursement) and the date have been entered for
If you’re recording a full reimbursement, ExpensAble automatically enters
the entire transaction for you.
3 At the Expense Record window, make any additions or adjustments to the
transaction, and click Enter.
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
23 Page 24 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
For partial reimbursements enter the amount of the transaction and the
account to which it will be deposited.
For full reimbursements, you can verify the deposit account in the
Expenses window.
The reimbursement amount appears in the Expense Log as a negative number.
Spreading a transaction across several days
You can divide an expense
over any number of days (up
to one month).
When you need to report a transaction that spans two or more days, you can enter
the transaction once and let ExpensAble break out the daily charges for you. For
example, car rental is typically charged by the day, but billed only once. To
reflect your daily expenses accurately, you need ExpensAble to divide the total
amount so that a portion of the bill is charged each day.
1 In the Expense Log, select the transaction you want to divide.
2 From the Edit menu, choose Divide Expense Across Days.
3 Enter the beginning and ending dates for the transaction, and
click OK.
Tip: Use the “+” and “-” keys
to enter the date for the next or
previous day.
4 To enter the divided transaction in the Expense Log, click Enter.
In the Expense Log, an ellipsis (...) in the Date column for the transaction
indicates it has been divided. When you preview the report, you see the total
expense spread over several days.
Splitting transactions
If your company requires you
to itemize expenses on a hotel
bill, use the Hotel Genie.
You may want to enter split or itemized transactions if:
• You need to divide a single expense between more than one client or department.
• You want to assign a portion of a transaction amount as Non-Reimbursable or
1 Select the transaction you want to split, or click the new transaction line.
2 In the Expense Record, click the Split button.
After you add an item, the Amount
field in the Split Expense Record
shows the outstanding balance.
For each item, identify whether
you’ll be repaid. Changing the
setting in the main Expense Log has
no effect on the split items here.
Enter the client, department, or
other party who will reimburse you
for this line item.
Copy the selected item and insert it
in the next line.
The itemized transactions
that make up the split
transaction are displayed in
the Split Expense Log. Page 25 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 In the Expense Record on the left side of the window, enter information
for each part of the split transaction. Click Enter to add each item to the
Split Expense Log.
4 Continue adding line items until you have added one itemized line for each
part of the transaction and then click OK.
In the Expense Log, ExpensAble displays “(Split)” as the expense type for a
split transaction. To see the details of a split transaction, double-click the transaction, or select the transaction and click Split.
Entering Time expense transactions
Time transactions are new in ExpensAble 7. Time is treated as another expense.
To create or edit Time expense transactions, use the Expenses Window.
1 To enter a Time expense transaction, select Time from the Expense Type
drop-down list.
Note: A slight shift occurs in the expense entry fields when the Time expense
type is selected. The BillTo and Item fields are shifted to the upper group box.
2 Enter a Work Date.
3 Enter the number of Hours.
4 Enter the Rate. The Rate can also be driven by the Items field (see
“Changing the Cost Center Items list” on page 52).
5 The Amount is automatically calculated.
Select Time from the Expense Type
drop-down list.
The Expenses Window will shift
slightly after the Time expense Type is
selected. The BillTo and Item fields
are shifted to the upper group box.
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
25 Page 26 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
For details about the criteria you
use to find a transaction, see
onscreen Help. Press F1, click
Index, and select the keyword
The following table provides the steps necessary to complete the listed action
when working with transactions:
Do this
View or edit a
In the Expense Log, select the transaction you want to
edit. Make your changes to the transaction in the
Expense Record.
Undo changes to a
In the Expense Record, click Restore to undo the
changes you’ve made to a transaction. The transaction
reverts to the way it was last entered. (Once you enter the
transaction, the changes are saved and you can no longer
restore the original transaction.)
Duplicate a
In the Expense Log, select the transaction you want to
duplicate. From the Edit menu, choose Duplicate
Transaction. ExpensAble inserts a copy of the
transaction below the selected transaction.
Delete a
In the Expense Log, select the transaction you want to
delete. In the Expense Record, click Delete and confirm
that you want to delete the transaction.
Sort transactions
by date
In the Expenses window, choose Sort by Date from the
Edit menu. ExpensAble displays the transactions by date
in ascending order, with the most recent transaction
showing at the bottom of the window.
Find a transaction
Choose Find Transaction from the Edit menu. In the
Find Transaction window, enter information about the
transaction you’re looking for, and choose which folders
to search. ExpensAble displays a list of all transactions
that meet your criteria. Double-click a transaction to see
it in the Expense Record.
Moving transactions to another envelope
The Collate Expenses item on
the Edit menu moves transactions to other envelopes
according to their transaction
dates. See “Separating
expenses into weekly or
monthly envelopes” below for
more information.
If you decide that some of the expenses you’ve entered belong in other
envelopes, you can move transactions to existing envelopes, or create new
envelopes as you go.
1 If you’re moving a single transaction, select it from the Expense Log.
2 From the Edit menu, choose Move Transactions.
• Page 27 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 Choose the transactions you want to move.
You can select a single transaction, all
transactions billed to the same place, or
all transactions within a specific date
You can move transactions to an
existing envelope or to a new envelope.
If you move transactions to a new
envelope, ExpensAble names the
envelope based on the date or customer
you specify. You can change this name
if you want.
4 Specify the envelope to move the transactions to, and then click OK.
Note: Envelopes can not be moved across separate files. Envelopes can only be moved
within the file in which it was created.
Drag and drop transactions
For quickly moving transactions to an existing envelope, you can simply select
the transactions in the Expense Log, then drag and drop them into any envelope
that is in progress in the Folders List.
Drag and drop transaction(s) to an
existing envelope (in this example,
the “Untitled1” envelope) in the
Folders List. This icon signifies the
drag and drop in progress.
expenses into
or monthly
Select a single transaction to drag and
drop, or select
multiple transactions
by holding down the
Shift key.
Suppose you have collected expenses for an entire month, but your company
requires weekly expense reports. You can enter all your expenses in a single
envelope, and then have ExpensAble create the weekly envelopes for you.
ExpensAble can automatically create weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly
envelopes from the expenses you entered in one envelope.
1 Create a new envelope and enter your expenses. When you’ve finished
entering expenses, click the Envelopes Window icon in the toolbar.
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
27 Page 28 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 From the Edit menu, choose Collate Expenses.
3 Choose the interval you want for each envelope, and then click OK.
Decide which time interval you want
for the new envelopes. If you choose
weekly, specify on which day the week
4 Click OK again to confirm that you want to proceed.
ExpensAble displays the new envelopes with date-related names. You can edit
the names of the envelopes and other envelope information by clicking the Info
your credit
card statement
When you receive your monthly credit or charge card statement, you can reconcile it with the transactions you’ve entered in ExpensAble to make sure you’ve
entered all your reimbursable expenses. For information on downloading your
credit card expenses, see “Downloading credit card expenses” on page 95.
1 From the Edit menu, choose Credit Card Reconcile.
The Credit Card Reconcile window shows transactions for the selected credit
card from all envelopes in the current file.
Choose which credit or charge card you
want to reconcile. The drop-down list
shows the payment methods you’ve
used in the current file. Your corporate
and/or personal card accounts are available for reconciling.
Cleared transactions are in bold and
have a checkmark.
2 Select the account you want to reconcile.
3 Choose whether you want to show all transactions, or only those that have
not been reconciled.
4 Click the Clr (cleared) column to put a checkmark beside each transaction
as you reconcile it with your statement.
5 When you finish reconciling your transactions, click OK.
28 Page 29 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Using Genies to
enter expenses
ExpensAble Genies help you enter expense information by asking questions
about your business travel. For example, the Hotel Genie asks you questions
about your hotel stay, organizes the answers, and enters them in ExpensAble for
you. The Hotel, Trip, Credit Card and Currency Genies are integrated into the
expenses window to allow for quick access while entering transactions. The
Genies can also be found in their original locations within the Genies menu in the
icon bar.
To use the
Do this
It helps you
Trip Genie
Select Trip Genie
from the drop-down
list in the Expenses
window. Or, from
the Genies menu,
choose Trip Genie.
• Remember the expenses from all areas of your trip. (Domestic trips only.)
• Itemize expenses from a multi-city business trip.
• Separate different types of expenses from a single hotel bill.
The Trip Genie helps you enter expenses by recreating your trip and identifying
common expenses. In the Other Expenses section, enter any expenses that you
weren’t prompted for. It’s easiest to use the Trip Genie after you complete your
trip, rather than as you travel.
Hotel Genie
Select Hotel Genie
from the drop-down
list in the Expenses
window. Or, from
the Genies menu,
choose Hotel Genie.
• Itemize one hotel bill that includes different kinds of expenses (room, room tax,
meals, phone, and so on).
• Divide an expense that spans several days into daily expenses.
• Separate personal transactions (such as phone calls and extended stays) from
your business expenses.
The Hotel Genie automatically appears each time you choose a hotel or lodging
expense type from the expense type list. In the Other Expenses section, enter any
expenses that you weren’t prompted for. (In the Program Options window, you can
change whether the Hotel Genie appears automatically.)
Credit Card
Select Credit Card
Genie from the
drop-down list in the
Expenses window.
Or, from the Genies
menu, choose Credit
Card Genie.
• Quickly import your Corporate Card, Personal Card, and/or Debit Card data into
an expense envelope.
• Identify the financial institution(s) from which to import transactions, download
the data, and then itemize the expenses and organize them in your expense
• From the Credit Cards folder in the Shortcuts window (in the lower-left pane of
ExpensAble), you can drag and drop credit card transactions into any expense
envelope of your choosing.
In order for your credit card(s) to appear in the credit card genie, you will first need
to setup a credit card payment method for online access. If you have not yet done
this, see “Setting up Credit Card accounts” on page 55.
Select Currency
Genie from the
drop-down list in the
Expenses window.
Or, from the Genies
menu, choose
Currency Genie.
• Calculate the exchange rate from a currency exchange transaction.
• Enter exchange fee.
• The Currency Genie appears automatically when you select the currency
exchange expense type in the Expense Record.
Chapter 2, Entering expenses
29 Page 30 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 31 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 Creating reports
Producing a finished expense report 31
Examining your expenses in detail 37
Creating a Cash Tracking report 37
Creating a VAT, GST/PST or HST report 38
Creating an Unused Tickets report 39
Creating a Mileage Tracking report 39
Creating a Billable Time report 40
Summarizing expenses 41
Creating a budget report 41
Analyzing specific areas of spending 42
Customizing your analysis reports 44
Graphing your expenses 44
Producing a
expense report
ExpensAble uses expense report templates to determine the look and layout of your
expense report. You can choose your expense report template before or after you
enter your transactions. It’s probably easiest to enter a few transactions, choose
the expense report template, and then finish entering your transactions. Use these
basic steps to produce a finished expense report. (The following sections give
more information about each step.)
Decide which expense report template to use.
Select an expense report template (or use the Standard
expense report template that is already in place).
Make any changes you need to your report template.
Deciding which expense report template to use
Printouts of the standard
expense report templates are
at the end of this User’s
You can choose any of the standard expense report templates that come with
ExpensAble in either HTML or PDF format. If you’re using your ExpensAble
data in Excel, you can choose one of the sample Excel reports as your template.
(See Appendix B, Expense report templates, on page 107 and Appendix C, Excel
sample report files, on page 129 for more information.)
31 Page 32 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The company and employee header
information is part of all ExpensAble
report templates. This information is
taken from the user information you
entered when you created the file. To
change the information for the header
labels, choose User Info from the Edit
The expenses section of the report
template groups your expenses under
broad categories called report labels.
Some templates have sections for both
employee paid expenses and company
paid expenses.
Your Company Expense Report
Employee Name Employee No. Phone No.
Mail Stop
John Samson
Report Period
Reason for Expenses
2/17/96 to 2/18/96
Sales meeting/customer visit
Bill to
Sales Department
Employee Paid Expenses
Car Rental/Gas
This expense report template has
twelve lines for employee paid
items, including one blank line.
You can edit what a label says,
and you can change which
expense types are assigned to the
label, but you cannot add a label
to increase the number of lines in
the report. (In some custom
expense report templates, you
can’t make any changes to the
Company Paid Expenses
Car Rental/Gas
Detailed Descriptions
2/17/96 - Airfare - SFO to SEA
2/17/96 - Telephone - Download files; fax to home office
Most templates have a place for
totals and authorized signatures.
Employee Signature
Authorization Signature
Authorization Signature
Total Expenses:
Less Company Paid:
Less Co. Paid Personal:
Less Cash Advance:
Due Company:
Due Employee:
Additional information about
meals and entertainment,
mileage, and miscellaneous
details are in the details section.
Some templates include a
section that shows how you’ve
allocated expenses to various
clients or projects.
When you’re selecting a report template, keep these points in mind:
• Make sure the template has the level of detail you need. Some templates have
more expense lines to work with, giving you a more detailed report. (The
Standard report template is one of the most detailed expense report templates.)
• Some templates are tailored to specific occupations. For example, most sales
templates have more space for meals and entertainment expenses; consultant
templates usually include an expense allocation section. Other templates are
based on specific reporting needs. For example, the labels in the account codes
templates include a space for account numbers.
• Be sure to select an international template if you need to show foreign currencies and conversions on your expense report.
• Make sure the physical layout of the template works for your company. Some
templates use a landscape layout, and others use a portrait orientation. In some
templates, the expense categories are on the left side; in others the categories
are along the top.
• If you find that your reporting needs change, or, if the report template you’re
using just doesn’t work for you, choose another one! It’s easy to try different
expense report templates: From the Report menu, choose Report Format, and
select a different template from the list.
• The same report templates exist in both HTML and PDF formats.
Selecting a report template
When you’re ready to try out an expense report template, use these steps.
32 Page 33 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 In the Reports menu, choose Report Format...
Select to show forms in HTML or PDF
Choose when you
want your expense
report to start. Not
all options are
available with all
expense report
Template names and descriptions.
Displays the names of the expense
report templates available to you.
These labels are for the extra fields in
the report header. The label names vary
depending on the template you choose.
You can rename these labels if you
Filter the expense
reports Time
section to include,
exclude or only
include Time
expense types.
Filter your expense reports to include,
exclude or only include expense transactions marked as billable.
Select this checkbox to preview the
selected report template when you
click OK.
2 From the list of templates, select a report template and then click OK.
Changing labels for an expense report template
An expense report is a summary of your expense transactions grouped into
categories that are meaningful to your company. In most cases, an expense report
does not list every expense type you used in your transactions. Instead, it groups
transactions with similar expense types under a common label.
For example, suppose you have the following transactions in your Expense
Expense Type
Payment Method
On the printed expense report, these three transactions might be under a single
label, Telephone, even though you have three different expense types.
Chapter 3, Creating reports
33 Page 34 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Expense Report
Employee Name
Employee No.
Phone No.
Reason for Expenditures
Mail Stop
Report Period
Employee Paid Expenses (to be reimbursed)
Cellular Phone and FAX are
expense types in the dropdown list...
...however, in the printed expense report, the
amounts for transactions with these expense types
are reported under the label Telephone.
Car Rental/Gas
You can make any of the following changes to an expense report template.
(These are explained in the following sections.)
• Edit, rename, or delete the text for a label.
• Rearrange labels in the printed report.
• Change which expense types are associated with a label.
Note: You cannot add lines to an expense report template.
Editing text for expense report labels
1 From the Reports menu, choose Report Labels.
If the report template you selected has both an employee section and a
company section, the Report Labels window displays three tabs (Employee
Section, Company Section and Time Section). If the template has only an
Employee section, the Company tab is dim.
• Page 35 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
To Edit or rename the selected label,
type a different name here. Leave this
field blank if you don’t want any text
for the label. (You can move the blank
line wherever you want within the list.)
To enter account codes on the labels, type them here. Be sure to select an
expense report template that supports account codes.
Designate a
label to be the
Default Label.
Any expense
types that have
not been
assigned to a
label are
assigned to the
default label.
Initially the
label is set up to
be the default
When you select a report label, you see
the expense types assigned to that label.
This list shows the labels in the order
they appear in the expense report.
To reorder labels on the expense report,
select a label and then click the up or
down Move arrows to move the label
where you want it.
Click Choose Expense Types to change which expense types are grouped
under a report label. See “Changing the expense types for a label” below.
2 From the list of labels, select the label you want to change.
3 Make any changes you want to the labels, and then click OK.
Important: If you remove the text for a label, don’t use the expense types assigned to that
label when you enter your expenses. If you do, expense amounts will appear
in the printed report without a label.
Changing the expense types for a label
It’s easy to see which labels
are assigned to an expense
type: From the Lists menu,
choose Expense Types. Select
an expense type and you’ll see
the report labels that have
been assigned to the selected
expense type.
You can change which expense types are assigned to a report label. If an expense
type is not assigned to any other label, it is automatically assigned to the default
label. (In most templates, “Miscellaneous” is the name assigned to the default
label, but you can designate any label to be the default label.)
1 From the Reports menu, choose Report Labels.
2 In the list of labels on the left side of the window, select the label whose
expense types you want to change.
The expense types currently assigned to the label are displayed in the Expense
Types list.
3 Click Choose Expense Types.
4 Select all the expense types you want to assign to the label, and then
click OK.
5 At the Report Labels window, and then click OK.
Chapter 3, Creating reports
35 Page 36 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Previewing an expense report
You can see how your expense information looks in the template you’ve selected
by previewing your expense report before you print it.
1 If you’re at the Envelopes window, select the envelope for the report you
want to preview.
2 In the icon bar, click the Print Preview button.
The first time you preview an expense report, ExpensAble displays the
Expense Reminder.
To preview the report, click “Yes, preview report.”
If you’ve forgotten anything and want to add it now, click “No, add them
If you don’t want this reminder to display the first time you preview each
expense report, clear the “Remind on first preview” checkbox.
3 When you’ve finished looking at the expense report, click Done.
Saving an expense report as a PDF
You can save your expense report as a PDF (Portable Document Format) file.
1 If you’re at the Envelopes window, select the envelope for the report you
want to save.
2 In the icon bar, click the Print Preview button.
3 Click the Save PDF button.
4 Choose a location on your computer to save the expense report as a PDF
Printing an expense report
When you’re satisfied with the way the report looks, you can print it. ExpensAble supports only letter-size paper and prints only in the orientation (portrait or
landscape) associated with the expense report template you’ve chosen.
1 If you’re at the Envelopes window, select the envelope for the report you
want to print.
2 In the icon bar, click the Print button.
3 Click OK to begin printing.
Note: If you have expenses for several clients (or jobs or projects) in the same envelope,
you can still print separate expense reports for each client. Click the Info icon, and,
at the Envelope Info window, select the “When printing, separate each billable”
36 Page 37 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
your expenses
in detail
You can see the details of all your expenses in one report by creating a Transaction Detail report. The Transaction Detail report gives you a simple report of all
the transactions in the current envelope—without all the formatting of a formal
expense report. The Transaction Detail report is especially helpful for small
business owners who need to keep records of their business expenses for tax
1 From the Reports menu, choose Transaction Detail.
2 At the Transaction Detail report window, choose what you want to do with
the report.
Click Print to print the report.
Click Copy to copy the report to your
system clipboard. Then you can paste
the report text into other applications.
To view or edit a transaction doubleclick the transaction with the cursor.
3 Click on the Customize button to customize your report (See page 44,
“Customizing your analysis reports”).
4 When you’ve finished, click Done.
Creating a
Cash Tracking
The Cash Tracking report allows you to list all the cash expenses for the currently
selected envelope. Cash Tracking reports focus on tracking your cash transactions, and reconciling them with the cash dollar amount that you started your trip
1 From the Reports menu, choose Cash Tracking...
2 At the Starting Cash Amount window, specify the cash dollar amount that
you started your trip with.
Chapter 3, Creating reports
37 Page 38 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 Click OK to display the Cash Tracking report.
Click Customize to change which
envelopes are included in the report.
Your Starting Cash Amount is shown
in blue text in the Balance column.
Cash transaction amounts are
deducted from the starting amount,
providing you a running total of
remaining cash available.
4 Click on the Customize button to customize your report (See page 44,
“Customizing your analysis reports”).
5 When you’ve finished, click Done.
Creating a VAT,
HST report
The VAT (Value-added Tax), GST/PST (Goods and Services Tax or Provincial
Sales Tax) and HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) reports show expenses from all
envelopes in the file that have incurred such taxes. Capture and report how much
VAT, GST/PST or HST tax you’ve been charged on business expenses over a
period of time, and get reimbursed for the often-reclaimable taxes by the
countries that levy them.
1 From the Reports menu, choose VAT/GST/HST Detail... to show the
individual expenses that have incurred tax, or choose VAT/GST/HST
Summary.... to show the summary of all expenses that have incurred tax.
2 Click on the Options button to customize your report.
Rename the report’s title if desired.
In the Tax Type section, select the
type of tax for the report: VAT / Other
In the Include checkbox section,
specify whether to include Reclaimable taxes, Non-Reclaimable taxes, or
In the Amounts section, select the
currency for your report: Home
Currency or Foreign Currency.
In the Date Range
section, choose the
desired date range for
your report.
In the Envelopes to
Search section, select one
or more envelopes of
transactions you want to
include in your report. Page 39 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 Click OK to apply your settings.
The report will include only the information you specified in the Report
Options window.
4 Click Done when you've finished viewing or printing the report.
Creating an
Unused Tickets
Keep track and record any unused travel tickets with Unused Tickets reports. The
Unused Tickets reports show a subtotal of used and unused tickets by time
period. (By default the report will only show the unused tickets, however, you
may customize the report to show both used and unused tickets.)
You can focus on the airline and/or rail transactions you're really interested in and
weed out the rest to create a highly tailored report.
1 From the Reports menu, choose Analysis Reports, then choose Unused
2 Click on the Customize button to customize your report (See page 44,
“Customizing your analysis reports”).
3 When you’ve finished, click Done.
In each tab, select the criteria a transaction must satisfy to make it into the
report. For instance, click on the
Amount tab, enter a date range for
your report. The report will include
only transactions within the date
range you enter.
In the Envelopes section,
select at least one
envelope of transactions.
On the Expenses tab, select either one
or both of the Ticket checkboxes to
report on Used and/or Unused tickets.
Creating a
The Mileage Tracking report allows you to capture and report of all your mileage
expenses, whether you use a personal car for business trips, use a company car in
combination with personal trips, or for companies with multiple company cars
that need to track the mileage of each car by user. Create a report that calculates
the total mileage with the Non-Reimbursable (personal, other non-business
mileage) and Reimbursable (business mileage) amounts totaled separately.
To specify the percentage of the amount of personal (Non-Reimbursable) and
business (Reimbursable) miles during expense entry, see “Entering mileage
expenses” on page 21.
Chapter 3, Creating reports
39 Page 40 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 From the Reports menu, choose Analysis Reports, then choose Mileage
Click Options to change which
envelopes are included in the report,
choose the desired date range, and
specify the type of vehicle for the
report: Company Car, Personal Car, or
The business mileage appears as
Reimbursable (R) in the R/N/P
column, and personal or other nonbusiness mileage appears as NonReimbursable (N).
This report calculates the total
mileage with the personal and
business amounts totaled separately.
2 Click on the Customize button to customize your report (See page 44,
“Customizing your analysis reports”).
3 When you’ve finished, click Done.
Creating a
Billable Time
The Billable Time report allows you to capture and report your time expense
1 From the Reports menu, choose Analysis Reports, then select Billable
Cost Center Items are shown in the
Item column.
This report calculates the total
amount of Time expense entries.
Quickly see which Time expense
entries that are marked as Billable.
2 Click on the Customize button to customize your report (See page 44,
“Customizing your analysis reports”).
3 When you’ve finished, click Done.
• Page 41 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The Expense Summary report gives you an overview of the transactions for the
current envelope without elaborate formatting. It focuses on the bottom line
rather than on the details. In the Expense Summary report, ExpensAble displays
totals for your Reimbursable, and Pre-paid (or Non-Reimbursable) expenses.
1 From the Reports menu, choose Expense Summary.
2 At the Summary Report window, choose what you want to do with the
Click Customize to change which
envelopes are included in the report.
Click the Graph button and you see two
pies, divided into the five expense types.
The first pie shows Reimbursable
expenses and the second pie shows
Company paid expenses.
3 Click on the Customize button to customize your report (See page 44,
“Customizing your analysis reports”).
4 When you’ve finished, click Done.
Creating a
budget report
You can get a snapshot of your budget versus actual figures when you create a
budget report in ExpensAble. Simply supply some basic budgeting data, and you
can track your actual expenses against your budget.
Set up budget amounts on a quarterly or annual basis. The budget report helps
you track your spending by showing you:
• How much you’ve spent to date
• How much over budget you are right now
• How much of your budget you have left
The numbers for the budget report are not separated by expense type. Instead, the
budget and actual amounts are totals of all expenses during the specified time.
You can also choose which envelopes to include in the budget report.
1 From the Reports menu, choose Budget Report.
2 At the Budget Report window, click Customize to set up your budget.
Chapter 3, Creating reports
41 Page 42 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 Enter the information about your budget in the Budget Report Setup
window, and then click OK.
Click this tab
Budget Plan
Specify how much you want to spend
during a given period of time.
Select the envelopes to include when
creating your Budget Report.
Report Format
Type a title for your report. Show an entry
for each month since the beginning of
your fiscal year. (You set your fiscal year
at the Budget Plan tab.)
4 Click OK to display the Budget Report.
Click Customize to set up your budget.
Click Graph to create a double-bar graph
for the current report.
5 When you’ve finished, click Done.
specific areas of
Analysis reports give you insight into your business expense spending by letting
you focus on specific information. When you create an analysis report, you can
choose what information to include in your analysis and how that information is
presented. You can also choose which of the envelopes in your file you want
included in the analysis report. ExpensAble creates analysis reports based on:
If you have expenses for
several clients in the same
expense report, you might
want an allocation report that
creates a separate expense
report for each client. To do
this, select the “When
printing, separate each
billable” option at the
Envelope Info window.
ExpensAble prints a separate
expense report for each client.
• Billables
• Expense types
• Merchants
• Non-reimbursable expenses
• Payment methods
• Account codes
• Missing receipts
• Time expenses
• Page 43 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
You can customize analysis reports to see just the information you want to see.
You can even set up search criteria to find specific transactions for your report.
For example, you could create an analysis report to see how many transactions
are over $500. Or, you can find out which merchants you buy from most often
and maybe negotiate a discount! The Non-Reimbursables analysis report can
show you all the non-reimbursable business expenses and help you identify
potential tax deductions.
For information about
customizing analysis reports,
see “Customizing your
analysis reports” next.
1 From the Reports menu, choose Analysis Reports, and then choose the
type of analysis report you want to create.
2 At the Analysis Report window, decide what you want to do with the
Click Copy to copy the report to your
system clipboard. You can then paste
the report text into other applications.
to save the
for this
Click Customize to include or exclude
other information in the report. (See
the next section for more information
about customizing reports.)
Double-click on a transaction with the
cursor to edit it in the Expense Record.
Only transactions that have complete
date information (day, month, and
year) appear in the report.
3 When you’ve finished, click Done.
Chapter 3, Creating reports
43 Page 44 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
your analysis
Customizing reports lets you decide which information to include (and exclude)
from your reports. You can customize analysis reports, budget reports, and
Expense Summary reports.
1 Create your report.
2 At the report window, click Customize.
Click the Amount tab to choose the date
range for the report, specify any amount
criteria, and select which expense types,
payment methods, and merchants to
include in the report.
The options on the Expenses,
Merchants, and Payment tabs let you
specify exactly the data you want in
your report. You can specify Expense
Types, Account Codes, Billables,
Merchants, Cities, Guests, Currency
Name, Payment Methods, and R/N/P.
Click the Headings tab, to enter a title, subtitle, and memo for the report, choose which
columns you want to display in the report, and select the envelopes to include in your
For information about the
customize options for analysis
reports, see onscreen Help.
Press F1, click Index, and then
select the keyword analysis
3 Make the changes you want on each tab in the Customize Analysis
Reports window, and click OK.
To recall a memorized report,
choose Memorized Reports
from the Reports menu. Select
the title of the report you
If you use the same custom report on a regular basis, you can save the settings
you used to create that report so you don’t have to reenter them each time you
want to see the report.
ExpensAble incorporates your changes and re-displays the analysis report.
Saving instructions for a custom analysis report
1 Create the analysis report you want to memorize. Preview it to make sure
it’s the way you want it.
2 Click the Memorize button, type a report name, and a memo (if you want).
3 Click OK.
ExpensAble saves the settings necessary to reproduce the current analysis
report. You can select your memorized report of choice instantly by clicking
on Memorized Reports in the Shortcuts List (lower-left navigation pane in
Graphing your
Sometimes it’s easier to analyze your expenses with pictures. By creating graphs
that show where your money is being spent, you can identify surprising trends or
potential problem areas.
Graphing analysis reports
1 From the Report menu choose the report you want to graph.
44 Page 45 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
ExpensAble can create a graph for any report except the basic expense report
and the Transaction Detail report.
2 In the report window, click the Graph button.
Click on a part of the graph to
see the data used to create the
ExpensAble displays a graph of the current report.
For this report
You see this graph
Expense Summary
Two pies (The first pie shows Reimbursable
expenses divided into the five categories
shown below; the second pie shows the same
categories, but for Company paid expenses.)
Expense Types
Pie (Divided by expense type)
Payment Methods
Pie (Divided by payment method)
Pie (Divided by expense type)
Pie (Divided by client)
Pie (Divided by merchant)
Two bars (The first bar represents the amount
spent; the second bar represents the budgeted
Displaying Graphs
At the Envelopes window, use
this shortcut to display a
graph: Click the right mouse
button, and from the shortcut
menu, choose Graph.
Graphs give you a “graphic glance” at the current envelope’s information in the
Envelopes and Expenses windows.
1 If you’re at the Envelopes window, select the envelope you want to graph.
If you’re at the Expenses window, the graph is for the current envelope.
2 From the Edit menu, choose Envelopes, and then choose Graph.
3 When you’re finished, click Done.
Chapter 3, Creating reports
45 Page 46 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
When ExpensAble creates a graph, it organizes the expense types into these five
Car Rental
• Page 47 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
4 Customizing
Customizing Auto Fill 47
Changing ExpensAble lists 48
Changing the Expense Types list 48
Changing the Payment Methods list 50
Changing the Billables list 52
Changing the Department list 53
Changing the Cost Center Items list 54
Setting up Credit Card accounts 55
Changing other drop-down lists 58
Auto Fill
ExpensAble’s Auto Fill makes it easy for you to enter the same expense information without retyping it each time. You won't see this work until you already have
a few transactions in the register. For example, when you select the "Airfare"
expense type, ExpensAble can complete much of the remaining expense information. "Airfare," the amount, payment method, airline, and the date from your
last airfare expense are filled in for you. Press Tab to duplicate the whole transaction, and then change the amount if necessary.
Auto Lists, created by Auto Fill
When you begin typing the first letters in a field or drop-down list, Auto Fill
finishes typing the item for you, automatically completing the entry, thereby
creating Auto Lists. Press Tab to accept it and move on to the next field. For
example, if you type "Ch" in the Payment Method field, ExpensAble enters
"Checking" for you.
If the first few characters you type match the beginning of more than one item in
a drop-down list, Auto Fill enters the first list item that matches. Keep typing
until Auto Fill enters the correct item. Then press Tab to accept the entry.
To take the most advantage of ExpensAble's Auto Fill feature, complete every
field for the first few transactions of each envelope. Auto Fill is most useful when
it has information to recall from the first few transactions.
47 Page 48 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
To customize how you want Auto Fill to work for you, edit your Program
1 From the Edit menu, choose Program Options.
2 Click Enter Expenses.
3 Click the Help button for details on each option in the Auto Fill section.
4 Click OK to save your options.
You can customize the drop-down lists by adding items you use frequently. You
can also rename items to suit your needs, and change information associated with
a list item. You can customize any of these drop-down lists:
• Expense Types
• Payment Methods
• Guests (for meals and entertainment)
• Purposes (for meals and entertainment)
• Cities
• Billables and Departments
• Cost Center Items
• Payees
• Currencies
• Merchants
• Mileage
• Reasons (for trip)
• Vehicle ID
Important: When you make changes to most of the drop-down lists, the changes take
effect in the current expense report envelope and in all future envelopes in the
current file.
Changing the
Expense Types
The Expense Types drop-down list shows the expense types you can choose from
when you enter transactions. The list includes some fixed expense types that are
always present in the list. Fixed expense types are expense types required by
ExpensAble. They include Airfare, Mileage, and Breakfast to name a few. You
can change the name of a fixed expense type, but you cannot delete a fixed
expense type or add a new one to the Expense Types list. Page 49 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
For a list of the fixed expenses
used by ExpensAble, see
onscreen Help. Press F1, click
Index, and select the keyword
fixed expenses.
Customize the Expense Types list by adding new expense types or by editing the
names of existing expense types. Add a new expense type if you need more
detailed information for an analysis report. For example, to gather information
about your company’s local and long distance calling expenses, you could add
“Local” and “Long Distance” as expense types on the Expense Types list. Then
create an analysis report that showed a breakdown of the various telephone
Edit an expense type when you want to use a more familiar name for an expense,
such as “Phone” instead of “Telephone.” Delete expense types that you have
added, but you cannot delete fixed expense types.
You’ll notice that not all the items in the Expense Types list are listed in the
printed expense report. On the printed report, ExpensAble often groups similar
expense types under one label. For example, the expense types Cellular Phone,
Fax, Modem, and Local Service might all be grouped under the report label
Phone. The expense report template you choose determines which expense types
are in the expense report.
Note: When you make changes to the drop-down Expense Types list, don’t assume that
those same changes have been made to the report labels on the printed expense
report. The items in the Expense Types list (called expense types) are not the same
as the items in the printed expense report (called labels), even though they may have
the same name. For information on changing the label names for a printed report,
see “Changing labels for an expense report template” on page 33.
When you add an expense type to the Expense Types list, you specify under
which report label you want the new expense type to be grouped. You also
specify the Merchant Type, so that ExpensAble can assign the correct Merchant
drop-down list to the new expense type.
Adding an expense type
Use these steps to add an expense type to the drop-down Expense Types list. You
can also add an expense type on-the-fly just by typing a new name in the Expense
Type field in the Expense Record.
1 From the Lists menu, choose Expense Types.
Select the Expense Type you want to
Click here to add an expense type.
Chapter 4, Customizing ExpensAble
49 Page 50 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 To add an expense type, click New. At the Expense Type window, type a
name for the new expense type.
Click Options to enter
an export label for this
expense type. If this is
a mileage-related
expense type, click
Options to have transactions with this
expense type use the
Mileage Master.
Choose a Merchant Type so that
ExpensAble can display a list of
merchants related to this expense type.
3 Choose a Merchant Type for this expense type.
4 Choose the report labels under which this expense type will be grouped in
the printed expense report.
Specify the label for both the Employee and the Company sections of the
5 (Optional) Click Options to specify a label to use when exporting transactions that have this expense type, or to use the Mileage Master when
entering transactions that have this expense type. Click OK.
6 Click OK.
7 Make any other changes you want to the Expense Types list, and then click
Editing and deleting expense types
1 From the Lists menu, choose Expense Types.
2 Select the expense type you want to edit or delete.
If the Delete button is
dimmed, then the expense
type you selected is a fixed
expense and cannot be
Changing the
Methods list
To edit an expense type, click Edit. You can change the name of the expense
type, change the Merchant Type, and change which report label the
expense type is grouped under. When you’re finished, click OK.
To delete an expense type, click Delete. Confirm that you want to delete the
expense type.
3 Make any other changes you want at the Expense Types List window, and
then click Done.
Payment methods refer to the accounts or funds you use to pay for your expenses.
The Payment Methods list is the drop-down list you use to indicate how you paid
for an expense. You can add, edit or delete a payment method on the list.
For Quicken users, you can have ExpensAble create payment methods that match
the accounts you have in Quicken to make data entry easier. (See “Sending
ExpensAble transactions to Quicken” on page 76.) Page 51 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Adding a payment method
1 From the Lists menu, choose Payment Methods.
2 Click New. Enter your account information in the Add New Payment
Method window.
Enter a description for this payment
method if you want.
Click here to establish a
connection between this
payment method and a
Quicken account.
Enter a General Ledger Account for
this payment method.
Choose the Account Type for this
payment method.
Indicate whether you or your company
pays for this payment method here.
Click Add New to create a
financial institution (credit
card account) to associate
to the payment method.
The Add New Access
Manager Entry window
displays. Enter the Service
Provider information.
To associate your ExpensAble payment
method to a credit card account, select
the Enable Online Access and show in
Credit Cards folder in Shortcuts List
checkbox, and choose an existing
Financial Institution from the dropdown list.
3 If you want to download credit card transactions into your expense
reports, you need to associate your ExpensAble payment method to a
credit card account*.
Select the Enable Online Access and show in Credit Cards folder in
Shortcuts List checkbox.
Choose an existing Financial Institution from the drop-down list. Enter its
card number if desired.
Or, click Add New to create a new financial institution. The Add New
Access Manager Entry window displays. Enter the Service Provider information to create a credit card account to associate to the payment method.
See “Using the Access Manager” on page 68 for more details.
Click OK in the Add New Access Manager Entry window when complete.
*Note: If you want to quickly set up your credit card accounts for downloading
credit card transactions, use the Credit Card Guided Setup. See “Setting up
Credit Card accounts” on page 55 to learn how.
4 If you're a Quicken user and want to send transactions from ExpensAble
to Quicken, click Quicken Link.
The Edit Send Options window displays. Enter information and get accounts
and categories from Quicken if necessary. Click OK when you're done.
5 In the Add New Payment Method window, click OK.
6 Make any other changes you want in the Payment Methods List window,
and then click Done.
Chapter 4, Customizing ExpensAble
51 Page 52 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Editing and deleting payment methods
1 From the Lists menu, choose Payment Methods.
2 Select the payment method you want to edit or delete.
To edit a payment method, click Edit. You can change the payment method
name and the account type. You can even establish your link with Quicken.
To delete a payment method, click Delete. Confirm that you want to delete
the selected payment method.
3 Make any other changes you want at the Payment Methods List window,
and then click Done.
Changing the
Billables list
The Billables list is used to allocate or charge expenses to specific clients, jobs or
accounts used by your company. You may choose to have the billable accounts
displayed by name or by the code representing the account. This allows you to
view the Billables in a meaningful form and still maintain correct accounting
information so that your accounting department will be better able to automate
expenses into their systems.
Adding a Billable
1 From the Lists menu, choose Billables and Departments.
You may choose to have Billables
displayed by account code or by
2 Click New, fill in the information at the Add New Billable window, and
click OK.
Group a new Billable under an
existing level or group of billable
3 Make any other changes you want to the Billables list, and then click Done.
52 Page 53 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Editing and deleting Billables
1 From the Lists menu, choose Billables and Departments.
2 Select the Billable you want to edit or delete.
To edit a Billable, click Edit. You can change the name of the Billable,
change the Account Code, and change the Sub-Billable grouping. When
you are finished, click OK.
To delete a Billable, click Delete. Confirm that you want to delete this
3 Make any other changes you want to the Billables list window, and then
click Done.
Changing the
Department list
The Department list is used to complete the department/location field when
creating a new expense report or when editing an existing report (from the Edit
menu, choose Envelopes and then choose Info). When you select a department/
location for an expense report, it appears in the Department or Location header in
many expense reports. You may also assign a Cost Code to a Department.
Adding a Department
1 From the Lists menu, choose Billables and Departments.
Enter the name of the Department
used for a new or existing expense
(Optional) Enter the
Cost Code associated
with the Department.
2 Click New, fill in the information at the Add Department window, and
click OK.
3 Make any other changes you want to the Department list, and then click
Editing and deleting Departments
1 From the Lists menu, choose Billables and Departments.
2 Select the Department you want to edit or delete.
To edit a Department, click Edit. You can change the name of the Department, and change its Cost Code. When you are finished, click OK.
Chapter 4, Customizing ExpensAble
53 Page 54 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
To delete a Department, click Delete. Confirm that you want to delete this
3 Make any other changes you want to the Departments list window, and
then click Done.
Changing the
Cost Center
Items list
An ExpensAble Cost Center Item is a project, person or entity that you can bill
to, or assign to, your business expenses. You can also assign a Rate to a Cost
Center Item to derive a billable amount for Time expense entries. The Cost
Center Items list is a drop-down list you use to complete the Item field during
expense entry, thereby providing greater control in specifying the projects,
persons or entities that you assign to your business expenses. When the Cost
Center Item is assigned a rate and used in conjunction with a Time expense entry,
the billable amount is automatically calculated.
Adding a Cost Center Item
1 From the Lists menu, choose Cost Center Items.
2 Click the Items tab.
In the Options section, specify how
the Items are displayed in the Item
drop down list when you enter an
expense. For example, choose if you
want the Items to be displayed by their
Name or their Item Code.
In the Mappings section,
specify what Cost
Center Item information
is available when
entering expenses. For
example, assign the Cost
Center Item “Architecture” to a particular
Departments, Bill To
and Expense Type.
You can create several levels of Cost
Center Items. For example, if you have
a project code named Architecture that
you assign expenses separately for
consulting and for travel expenses,
you can set up an Item for Architecture
and Sub-Items for Consulting and
3 Click New, fill in the information at the Add New Cost Center Item
Name: Enter the name of the Item
Item Code: Assign the Item Code if necessary.
Sub-Item of: Create the Item as a Sub-Item of an existing Item if appropriate.
Time Expense Options:
Hide Rate Field: In the Expense window, the Rate field is hidden.
Allow Rate Overrides: If a Rate is set for a Cost Center Item, in the
Expesnes window, the Rate field can be modified.
Time Expense Rate: Rate assigned to the Cost Center Item.
GL Account: General Ledger account associated with when sending
non-reimbursable expenses to QuickBooks.
4 Click OK.
54 Page 55 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Editing and deleting Cost Center Items
1 From the Lists menu, choose Cost Center Items.
2 Click the Items tab.
3 Select the Item you want to edit or delete.
To edit an Item, click edit. You can change the name of the Item, change the
Item Code, and change the Sub-Item grouping. When you are finished,
click OK.
To delete a Item, click Delete. Confirm that you want to delete this Item.
4 Make any other changes you want to the Cost Center Items window, and
then click Done.
? Click the Help button in each section for more details.
Setting up
Credit Card
The Credit Card Guided Setup is a brief interview that makes it possible for
ExpensAble to automatically set up a new Corporate Card, Personal Card, and/or
Debit Card for you, and to quickly assign payment methods to your card
Setting up your Credit Card Accounts
1 From the Lists menu, choose Credit Card Guided Setup.
This part of the window
shows you which section of
Credit Card Guided Setup you
are in. Click a title to skip
back or forth to a different
section at any time.
Select a credit card from the
list of available cards. You
may delete a credit card by
right-clicking on a credit card
and choosing the Delete
Credit Card option.
If you wish to add a new credit
card, enter a name for your card.
Cancels the Guided
Setup interview.
Steps you through the
Guided Setup interview.
Chapter 4, Customizing ExpensAble
55 Page 56 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 Select or enter the name of the credit card you wish to set up and click
Specify if you have online
access to your financial
institution to download
your Credit Card information.
3 The Access Manager section of the Credit Card Guided Setup enables you
to establish online access to download credit card transactions from your
card issuing bank. If you have online access, select Yes and click Next. If
you do not have online access to download your credit card transactions,
select No, click Next and go to step 7.
Select an Online Service
Provider from the list of
available providers. You
may delete a service
provider by right-clicking
on a service provider and
choosing the Delete
Service Provider option.
56 Page 57 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
4 The Online Service Provider list displays the credit card issuing banks
from which you download your credit card transactions. Select or enter
the name of your credit card issuing bank and click Next.
This Access Manager
window allows you to
maintain or add the settings
for this Online Service
5 Enter the information you use to log into your credit card account and
click Next.
NOTE: Currently, ExpensAble only supports direct connect access to American Express
Business Cards. Logon information captured here for credit cards other than
American Express is for reference purposes only. If you are setting up direct connect
access to your American Express card, the next window will display the American
Express cards associated with the account information you provided. Select the card
you would like to download data for, click Next and go to step 7.
This Access Manager
window allows you to
maintain or add the URL of
the Online Service Provider.
Chapter 4, Customizing ExpensAble
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6 Enter the URL to the login page you use for online access to your credit
card account and click Next.
The Payment Method
window allows you to
maintain or add credit card
payment information.
7 Credit Cards set up in ExpensAble are known as Payment Methods. The
Payment Method section enables you to set properties specific to this
Credit Card Payment Method. Once you have established properties
specific to this card, click Next to review and complete the Credit Card
Setup process.
After you have set up your credit cards payment method, you’ll be ready to
download your credit card data and process them in an expense envelope. See
“Managing downloaded Credit Card Transactions” on page 19 and “Using
Genies to enter expenses” on page 29 to learn how.
Changing other
drop-down lists
To change this
From the Lists menu
Guests and Purposes
Add, edit, or delete a guest’s name, company, and title. These are the
people you entertain often for business. Integrate with Outlook to populate
the Guests list.
Guests and Purposes
Click the Purposes tab, and then add, edit, or delete items from the
Purposes list.
Add, edit, or delete an ExpensAble payee’s name and e-mail address.
ExpensAble Payees are the names of employees who submit expense
reports, and will appear when an expense report is sent to QuickBooks as
the Vendor of the vendor bill or credit.
Comments Page 59 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
To change this
From the Lists menu
Other Lists
Click the Cities tab to enter the names of cities you visit often. For each
new item, enter a city name. With a Class of City feature, you can
customize your ExpensAble software to apply your employer’s per-diem
policy as it pertains to different cities.
Other Lists
Click the Currencies tab. For each new item, enter the country, currency,
and symbol for the currency you want to add.
Other Lists
Click the Merchants tab and then select an expense type. To create a
merchant list for the selected expense type, click New, type the merchant
name, and click OK. To edit the merchant list for the selected expense
type, click Edit, make your changes, and click OK.
Other Lists
Click the Mileage tab. For each new item, enter the trip’s origin and
destination and the total number of miles.
Other Lists
Click the Reasons tab. For each new item, enter a trip name for the reason.
Vehicle ID
Other Lists
Click the Vehicle ID tab. Enter a new Vehicle ID for a personal or company
car, making it readily available when entering expenses.
1 From the Lists menu, choose the menu item for the drop-down list you
want to change.
2 Make any changes you want to the list.
To add an item to the list, click New, and use the Add New item window to
enter specific information.
To edit an existing item on the list, select the item and click Edit. In the Edit
item window, make your changes.
To delete an item from the list, select the item from the list, and then click
Delete. Confirm that you want to delete the item.
3 When you’re finished making changes, click Done.
Chapter 4, Customizing ExpensAble
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• Page 61 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
5 Managing envelopes,
folders and files
Organizing envelopes in folders and files 61
Archiving envelopes 64
Merging files 64
Tracking the status of your expense reports 65
Changing the status of an envelope 66
Submitting expense reports for subscribing users 66
Submitting expense reports for non-subscribing users 67
Setting up a new file 67
Using the Access Manager 68
Assigning a password to an ExpensAble file 70
Password protecting an Archived file 71
Backing up and restoring files 71
envelopes in
folders and files
Envelopes contain the expense information you’ve entered for each of your
expense reports. Envelopes are organized in folders, and both envelopes and
61 Page 62 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
folders are contained in an ExpensAble file. All the envelopes in a file share the
same template and Auto Lists.
Group related envelopes and
templates into folders in the Folders
List. Folders can contain envelopes,
but cannot contain other folders.
If you don’t plan to use folders or
shortcuts, slide the spacer to the left to
“hide” the folders and give you more
room for your envelopes.
The Icon View of the
Envelopes window
shows you a visual
status of your expense
Use these
buttons to sort
the envelopes.
The Shortcuts List allows you to
move easily between your various
expense envelopes and more. This
intelligent navigation feature displays
your recent activities, such as recent
expense envelopes, memorized
reports, frequent templates, and credit
card envelopes.
You can see more envelopes at a time
in the List View of the Envelopes
Note: Many of the tasks in the following table are on the shortcut menu in the Envelopes
window. Click the right mouse button to see the shortcuts menu.
62 Page 63 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Do this
Create an envelope
Click the New icon and fill in the New Expense Report Envelope window. See
“Creating a new envelope” on page 12.
Select envelopes
Click the envelope, or use the arrow keys to highlight the envelope.
To select a series of envelopes with the mouse, hold down the Shift key while you
click the envelopes you want. If the envelopes you want aren’t beside each other,
hold down the Ctrl key while you click the envelopes.
Rename an envelope
Select the envelope. From the Edit menu, choose Envelopes, and then choose
Rename. Type a new envelope name.
Delete an envelope
Select the envelope to delete. From the Edit menu, choose Envelopes, and then
choose Delete (or press Delete). Confirm that you want to delete the envelope.
Important: Deleting an envelope from the Envelopes window is permanent and
cannot be undone.
Sort envelopes in a folder
From the View menu, choose Sort Envelopes, and then choose how you want the
envelopes sorted: by attachment, status, name, amount, paid, or creation date. If the
current view is the list view, you can also click the buttons at the top of the screen
to sort the envelopes.
Switch between icon and
list views
To change the view, from the View menu, choose By Icons or By List. You can see
the envelopes and folders in the Envelopes window as icons or in a list. Both views
show the folder name, envelope name, status, and reimbursable total. The list view
also shows the creation date and whether there are scanned items attached to the
Move or copy envelopes into
a folder
Select the envelope to move. To move an envelope, drag it to the folder you want
to move it to. To copy an envelope, hold down the Ctrl key while you drag the
Store envelopes or folders in
another file
From the File menu, choose Archive. Type the name of the file you’re archiving to,
select the envelopes and folders to move, and click OK.
Move envelopes or folders to
another computer
From the File menu, choose Export and then choose Envelope. Type the name of
the file you’re exporting to, select the envelopes and folders to export, and then
click OK.
Create a folder
From the File menu, choose New and then choose New Folder. Type a name for the
folder and click OK.
Rename a folder
Select the folder. From the Edit menu choose Folders and then choose Rename.
Type a new name in the Rename Folder window.
Delete a folder
Select the folder. From the Edit menu choose Folders and then choose Delete.
Confirm that you want to delete the folder and all the envelopes it contains.
Important: Deleting a folder permanently deletes the envelopes in the folder as
well as the folder.
Open a File
From the File menu, choose Open. Choose the name of the file you want from the
file list (or type the name of the file), and then click OK. ExpensAble automatically
saves and closes the current file before opening another file. (You can also open a
file by choosing its name from the list of most recently used files on the File menu.)
Chapter 5, Managing envelopes, folders and files
63 Page 64 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Do this
Rename a File
From the File menu, choose File Operations, and then choose Rename. Type a new
file name and then click OK.
Delete a File
From the File menu, choose File Operations, and then choose Delete. Choose the
name of the file to delete, and then click OK. Type yes to confirm that you want to
delete the file.
Attach a receipt image
From the Envelope View, right click on an envelope and select Attach Receipts.
Click Add, then browse to the the scanned receipt image and click OK.
When you archive envelopes
or folders, ExpensAble saves
them with a .QEX extension.
You can open a QEX archive
file just as you would any
other QEX file. QEX files can
be opened only by ExpensAble.
Merging files
You can move selected envelopes and folders to another ExpensAble file by
archiving them. You generally archive envelopes that have been paid in full so
they are out of your way. You can archive envelopes to a new file or to an
existing file.
1 From the File menu, choose Archive.
2 Type the name of the file you’re archiving to, and then select the envelopes
you want to archive.
3 Click OK to archive the selected envelopes.
To make a copy of your entire ExpensAble file for safekeeping, see “Backing up
and restoring files” on page 71.
If you have data from files in different locations that you want to consolidate into
a single file, you can merge the files. For example, if you started your expense
report while you were on the road, and then wanted to move that expense report
envelope from your laptop to your desktop computer, you can copy the file on
your laptop to a disk and then merge the file (and its envelopes) with the file on
your desktop computer. You might also merge files if you’re collecting expense
reports from several sources (for example, E-mail, floppy disks or shared
network directories) into a single file.
1 Open the file you want to merge data into.
This is usually a file on your desktop computer.
2 From the File menu, choose Merge.
When you merge files, the file
you’re merging uses the
expense report template and
the User Info from the file
you’re merging to.
3 Select the file to merge, and then click OK.
This is usually the file on a floppy disk, from E-mail, on the network, and so
on. The file you merge must be either a QEX or QEM file. (For information
about the QEM format, see “Exporting ExpensAble data” on page 103.) Page 65 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Tracking the
status of your
expense reports
When you subscribe to ExpensAble Enterprise, the status of your expense
reports is automatically updated, and you can view the status of all expense
reports at any time.
Note: ExpensAble Enterprise updates envelopes when it first connects, and only updates
the currently open file. If you use multiple expense files, you must open each file
and re-connect to ExpensAble Enterprise to update the envelope status.
To view the status of your expense reports:
1 From the Online menu, choose Link to Submitter Functions.
2 At the ExpensAble Enterprise Web page, choose Expense Reports from
the My Expenses drop-down list to view your reports.
3 In the View drop-down list, sort your reports by their status (or choose All
to view all of your reports).
When the status of an expense report changes, you should update the expense
report envelope to reflect the change. ExpensAble uses different icons to help
you see the status of your expense report envelopes at a glance.
An expense report in progress.
Expenses have been entered for this
The X symbol shows
the rejection status of
an envelope.
An expense report that you've
created but haven't entered information into.
An expense report that
has been submitted, but
has not yet been
reimbursed. For
ExpensAble Enterprise
subscribers, a lightning
bolt will appear on the
An expense report that has
received partial payment. The
amount on the envelope is the
amount remaining to be paid.
An expense report that has been paid
in full. The check shows the total
amount paid.
The check symbol
shows the approval
status of an envelope.
Be sure to change the status of an envelope each time you:
When you print an expense
report or when you submit an
expense report, ExpensAble
asks if you want the expense
report envelope to be marked
as submitted. Click Yes to
change the status of the
• Submit a printed expense report for approval and
• Receive any amount of payment for reported expenses.
• Reimburse your company for excess cash advances or personal expense
amounts that you owe.
• Approve or Reject an expense report.
Chapter 5, Managing envelopes, folders and files
65 Page 66 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Changing the
status of an
With ExpensAble, you must manually update the status of your envelopes in the
envelope window. To change the status of an envelope:
1 In the Envelopes window, select the envelope whose status you want to
If you’re in the Expenses window, you can change the status of the current
2 In the icon bar, click the Status icon.
Initially, all envelopes have an In
Progress status.
If you choose Submitted, fill in the date
you sent the expense report in for
approval and reimbursement.
If you choose
Reimbursed, Expens-
If you choose Approved or Rejected,
ExpensAble automatically takes you to
the Approval Information window so you
can enter the approver name and
comment. This information is carried in
an Approval/Rejection history log.
Able takes you to the
Expense Record so
you can enter the
amount of the partial
payment in the
Expense Record.
If you choose Fully Reimbursed,
ExpensAble automatically enters a
reimbursement transaction for the
reimbursed amount.
Click here to choose
how much of the status
window you want to
3 Select the status for the current envelope, and then click OK.
expense reports
for subscribing
To submit an expense report with ExpensAble Enterprise, just click the
Submit Envelope icon on the tool bar, or choose Submit Envelope on the Online
menu. ExpensAble first checks your envelope for policy exceptions, and warns
you if one is found. ExpensAble Enterprise can be configured to block submission of envelopes with certain policy violations, and allow submission of others.
If your policy allows exceptions, you may optionally submit the envelope
anyway, or view the policy exception and correct your report.
1 Highlight the envelope you want to submit.
2 From the Online menu, click Submit Envelope, or click the Submit
Envelope icon on the menu bar.
If you have any policy violations in your envelope, ExpensAble will warn you of
the violation. If the policy allows, you may choose to submit the envelope with
the policy violation.
If you attempt to submit an envelope that has already been submitted to the
server, you will receive a message stating that you cannot resubmit an envelope
that has already been submitted to ExpensAble Enterprise. However, you can
resubmit a previously rejected envelope.
66 Page 67 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
expense reports
for nonsubscribing
You can submit your expense reports over electronic mail or FTP, even if you do
not subscribe to ExpensAble Enterprise. You can choose to send:
• The data from your expense report in a QEM format.
• A list of all your expenses in ASCII format.
• A summary of your expenses in ASCII format.
1 From the File menu, choose Send E-mail.
2 Select the envelopes you want to send and the format you want to send
them in.
After you send an expense
report by E-mail, ExpensAble
asks if you want the status of
the expense report changed to
Submitted. Click Yes to
change the status of the
3 Click the Send Options tab, and choose whether you want the expense
report sent as part of the message body (in ASCII format) or as an
attached file.
For information about each
option, see onscreen Help.
Press F1, click Index, and
select the keyword ASCII.
5 Click OK.
Setting up a
new file
You also have the option to attach scanned items to the message.
4 If you’re sending expense reports in an ASCII format, click the ASCII
Options tab and fill in the requested information.
Your E-mail program displays its regular window.
6 Fill in the information requested and then send the report.
When you start ExpensAble, you create a file to hold your expense report
envelopes and folders. In most cases you have one ExpensAble file that contains
all your expense report envelopes and folders. However, you can have more than
one file. For example, if you want to keep a separate file for each year’s expense
reports, you can set up a new file at the beginning of each year.
Creating a file
For information about
creating a new expense report,
see “Starting a new expense
report” on page 11.
1 From the File menu, choose New.
2 Choose New File and click OK.
ExpensAble picks up the user information from the last file you created, and
uses it for the new file. If you don’t want this information in the new file, clear
the checkbox at the bottom of the New File window.
3 Enter a name for the new file and click OK.
ExpensAble creates a new file for you in the drive and directory you’ve specified.
4 If Quicken is installed on your computer, ExpensAble asks if you want to
get account information from Quicken.
Click OK to create payment methods in ExpensAble that correspond to
your Quicken accounts. ExpensAble gets the account information from the
last file you had opened in Quicken.
Chapter 5, Managing envelopes, folders and files
67 Page 68 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Click Cancel if you don’t want to get accounts from Quicken at this time.
(You can do it later if you want; see “Establishing a correspondence with
Quicken accounts” on page 78.)
Click Cancel if you want to get Quicken accounts from a file other than the
last file Quicken had open. (You can specify the file you want to use on the
General tab of the Quicken options. From the Quicken menu, choose
Quicken Options.)
The Guided Setup window appears so you can enter new information and
set up your file. If you don’t want to use Guided Setup, click Cancel to
close the Guided Setup window. If you don’t use the Guided Setup, be sure
to enter information about you and your company in the User Info window.
Entering company and user information
You can enter the company and user information needed by ExpensAble in either
of these ways.
• From the Help menu, choose Guided Setup and follow the instructions on the
screen. (See “Starting ExpensAble for the first time” on page 6 for more information.)
• Enter the information directly into the User Info window. (See “Editing user
information” on page 14 for more information.)
Using the
Use the Access Manager to store your various user ID and password combinations in a central facility. Centralize all IDs and passwords that are used to
manage your local ExpensAble file password protection, and connect ExpensAble to other applications and services.
For instance, using the Access Manager, you can conveniently access your ID,
password and website address of your bank for downloading credit card data, and
access your ExpensAble Enterprise company ID, user ID and password for
sending expense reports to ExpensAble Enterprise.
Using the Access Manager
1 From the Online menu, choose Access Manager.
For first time ExpensAble users, ExpensAble applies no password to your
file’s Access Manager. If you want to password for protecting your Access
Manager, “Setting up the Access Manager password” on page 69
If you want to change or remove your Access Manager password, see
“Changing or removing the Access Manager password” on page 70.
68 Page 69 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 Within the Connection Information section of the Access Manager
window, review your information.
In the Service Provider list, access
your ID, password and website address
of your bank for downloading credit
card data, your local ExpensAble file
password, and/or your ExpensAble
Enterprise company ID, user ID and
password for sending expense reports
to ExpensAble Enterprise.
Choose New or Edit to modify the
selected service provider or add a new
3 From the Service Provider list, select the provider settings that you wish
to verify or modify, and click Edit.
Or, if you want to add a provider, click New.
The Add New or Edit Access Manager Entry window appears. Click the Help
button for details regarding each entry field.
4 Click Done when complete.
Note: With the exception of the ExpensAble Enterprise settings, the Access Manager is
intended to serve only as a quick reference to your financial institution login information, and currently does not enable automatic login functionality.
Setting up the Access Manager password
For first time ExpensAble users, ExpensAble applies no password to your file’s
Access Manager. If you create a password to your Access Manager, no one can
open the Access Manager unless the password is entered correctly.
1 From the File menu, choose Access Manager Password.
2 In the Password field, enter the password.
Enter up to 15 characters, including spaces. The Access Manager password is
Case-Sensitive, so uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as different
3 In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again to confirm.
4 (Optional) Select the “Use encryption when storing sensitive data”
ExpensAble’s data file (eg. Expenses.qex) can be encrypted. When the Access
Manager Password is set and the checkbox “Use encryption when storing
sensitive data” is selected, ExpensAble’s data files can not be opened or
merged without first entering the correct password. Additionally, the Credit
Card Guided Setup cannot be launched nor can a user browse the Online
menu’s Access Manager without first entering the correct Access Manager
Chapter 5, Managing envelopes, folders and files
69 Page 70 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
5 Click OK.
Changing or removing the Access Manager password
1 From the File menu, choose Access Manager Password.
2 In the Old Password field, enter the current password.
3 In the New Password field, enter the new password.
Enter up to 15 characters, including spaces. The Access Manager password is
Case-Sensitive, so uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as different
4 In the Confirm New Password field, enter the new password again to
If you want to remove the Access Manager password, leave the New Password
and Confirm New Password fields blank.
5 Click OK.
Assigning a
password to an
ExpensAble file
You can prevent unauthorized access to an ExpensAble file by assigning a
password to the file. For first time ExpensAble users, ExpensAble applies no
password to your ExpensAble file. After you assign a password, the file can’t be
opened unless the password is entered correctly. A password doesn’t protect a file
from being copied, deleted, or renamed. However, when the file is renamed or
copied, the password remains in effect.
1 Open the file you want to protect with a password.
2 From the Online menu, choose Access Manager, and then choose ExpensAble File Password.
3 Click the Edit button, and in the Password field, type a password.
Enter up to 15 characters, including spaces. The ExpensAble file password is
not Case-Sensitive, so it does not distinguish between upper and lower-case
Select the Show PIN and Password in text form checkbox to read the
4 In the Re-enter Password field, enter the password again, and then click
The next time you try to open this file, ExpensAble prompts you for the
Changing or removing a password
1 Open the file whose password you want to change or remove.
You have to enter the file’s password to open the file.
2 From the Online menu, choose Access Manager, and then choose ExpensAble File Password.
3 Click the Edit button, and in the Password field, enter a new password.
70 Page 71 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The ExpensAble file password is not Case-Sensitive, so it does not distinguish
between upper and lower-case letters.
To remove the password for a file, leave this field blank.
Select the Show PIN and Password in text form checkbox to read the password.
4 In the Re-enter New Password field, enter the password again, and then
click OK.
To remove the password for the file, leave this field blank as well.
protecting an
Archived file
You can prevent unauthorized access to an archived ExpensAble data file by
assigning a password to the file. After you assign a password, the Archived file
can’t be opened unless the password is entered correctly. A password doesn’t
protect a file from being copied, deleted, or renamed. However, when the file is
renamed or copied, the password remains in effect.
1 From the File menu, select Archive.
2 From the Archive Envelopes dialog, select the envelopes you wish to
include in the archive and add a name for the archived file.
3 Check the “Password protect archived file” checkbox, the Set up archive
password dialog is launched.
Enter up to 15 characters, including spaces and special characters. The ExpensAble archive file password is case-sensitive.
4 Click OK.
The next time you try to open this file, ExpensAble prompts you for the
Note: This has the effect of also setting the archive’s Access Manager password.
Upon opening the file you will be prompted twice for the password, once for the
archived file password and once for the archive’s Access Manager password.
Backing up and
restoring files
It’s always a good idea to back up your work each time you use ExpensAble. If
you accidentally lose data, you can use the copy of the file on the backup disk to
restore your file.
Backing up an ExpensAble file
1 Open the file you want to back up.
Chapter 5, Managing envelopes, folders and files
71 Page 72 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
What’s the difference
between archiving and
backing up?
Archiving moves the selected
envelopes to another file,
whereas backing up makes a
copy of an entire file and
stores it somewhere else for
2 From the File menu, choose File Operations, and then choose Backup.
3 Insert a backup disk into the floppy drive.
4 From the To File field, browse to the drive where you want the back up
and enter a file name.
5 Click OK.
To store your expense envelopes in another file, see “Archiving envelopes” on
page 64.
Restoring an ExpensAble file
If your hard disk ever loses data, you can restore files from your backup disk.
You can also use Restore to move an ExpensAble file from one computer to
another (for example, from your home computer to your business computer).
Restoring data from a backup file can replace your current data. When you
restore data from a backup file, ExpensAble will overwrite any file with the
same name in the same directory. If you don’t want this to happen, rename the
file already in the directory before you start restoring your files.
1 Insert the backup disk containing the file you want to restore.
2 From the File menu, choose File Operations, and then choose Restore.
3 In the Restore File window, click on a filename to select the file you want
to restore.
Make sure the filename is shown in the File Name box.
4 Click Open.
5 If you are restoring the current file, click OK to overwrite it.
72 Page 71 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
6 Using ExpensAble
with American
Express Business
New American Express Open Network users 71
Set up your American Express Business Card 71
Downloading American Express Business Card Transactions 73
New American
Express Open
Network users
If you purchased ExpensAble through the American Express Open Network, you
should have a registration code beginning with AMX. To check your registration
code, click on Help > About ExpensAble via the menu, you will be able to see
your registration code towards the bottom of the About ExpensAble window.
If your registration code does begin with AMX, your copy of ExpensAble has
been specially designed to expedite the setup of online access to download your
American Express Business Card transactions.
If your registration code does not begin with AMX, see the “Setting up Credit
Card accounts” on page 55.
Set up your
Business Card
Using the Guided Setup to register ExpensAble and set up your
American Express Business Card.
When you start ExpensAble for the first time, the Guided Setup leads you
through a quick interview to help you setup your file, register ExpensAble and
for American Express Open Network customers, setup online access to your
American Express Business Card. You provide information about yourself (your
name, phone number, employee number, and so on) and about your company
(name, reimbursable mileage rate, and so on). ExpensAble uses some of this
information in the header section of your printed expense report.
American Express Business Card Setup
The American Express Business Card Setup allows you to setup ExpensAble to
access your American Express online account and download your credit card
Chapter 6, Using ExpensAble with American Express Business Cards
71 Page 72 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 Start ExpensAble.
Click Start on the taskbar, choose Programs, then choose ExpensAble.
2 At the Guided Setup window, click Start.
3 Follow the prompts on the screen to enter the information ExpensAble
needs to setup the file and to register the program, and then click Next.
4 In the Getting Started section, specify your American Express Business
Card settings.
Select the option “If you would like ExpensAble to download your Business
Card transactions with the click of a button, please complete the following
required information and click Next” to create an American Express credit
card in ExpensAble and establish direct connect access from ExpensAble to
your American Express online account.
Once set up, ExpensAble will automatically download your American Express
Business Card transactions when you right click the American Express
envelope and select Download Credit Card Expenses.
Card Number: Enter the number of the American Express Business Card
you wish to download transactions into ExpensAble.
User Id: Enter the user ID that you use for logging into your American
Express online account.
Password: Enter the password you use for logging into your American
Express online account. Re-enter Password to confirm.
Select the option “If you would prefer to download your card transactions
manually by logging into the American Express website, please select this
option and click Next” to create an American Express credit card in ExpensAble which will take you to the American Express website when you choose
to Download Credit Card Expenses.
You will be required to log into your American Express online account and
manually navigate to the appropriate site location to download your credit card
data each time you choose to download transactions.
72 Page 73 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Once you have downloaded your credit card data in either the Quicken,
Microsoft Money, or ExpensAble formats, you will be able to import the
downloaded transactions into ExpensAble.
5 Click Next to review and confirm your settings.
Business Card
If you set up ExpensAble to download your Business Card
transactions with the click of a button, perform the following steps:
1 Expand the Credit Card folder seen under Shortcuts.
2 Right click on American Express Business and select Download Credit
Card Expenses.
If you set up ExpensAble to download your card transactions
manually by logging into the American Express website, perform the
following steps:
1 Expand the Credit Card folder seen under Shortcuts.
2 Right click on American Express Business and select Download Credit
Card Expenses.
ExpensAble will open up the American Express website within its embedded
3 Login to your American Express online account and navigate to the
appropriate site location to download your credit card data.
4 Download your credit card data using either the Quicken, Microsoft
Money, or ExpensAble formats.
For information on how to manage downloaded credit card transactions see “Managing
downloaded Credit Card Transactions” on page 19.
Chapter 6, Using ExpensAble with American Express Business Cards
73 Page 74 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 93 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
8 Using the Online
About the Online menu 93
About ExpensAble Enterprise 94
Accessing ExpensAble Enterprise for subscribers 94
Downloading credit card expenses 95
Downloading corporate card expenses 95
Submitting an envelope 96
Viewing policy exceptions for subscribers to the online service 96
Changing company code, user ID, or password for subscribers 97
Changing ExpensAble Enterprise Password 98
Registering ExpensAble for subscribers and non-subscribers 98
Accessing foreign exchange rates 98
Using travel services 98
Accessing the ExpensAble Website 99
About the
Online menu
The Online menu changes depending on whether you have subscribed to the
ExpensAble Enterprise service, as described in “What’s new in ExpensAble” on
page 2, and in this chapter. Some of the Online menu items are common to both
ExpensAble Enterprise-enabled and non-enabled systems. Other Online menu
items apply only to ExpensAble Enterprise enabled systems. The features that are
available only with ExpensAble Enterprise are indicated with the following
The ExpensAble Enterprise option inserts cascading, dynamic menu items in the
Online menu between the Submit Envelope and Server Option menu items. The
dynamic menu items are created by your ExpensAble Enterprise Administrator
and will vary according to your assigned “role,” such as Submitter, Approver, or
93 Page 94 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Note:You must subscribe to the ExpensAble Enterprise service for ExpensAble to have
access to these features. If you are not subscribed to the service, you will not see these
features on your menus.
ExpensAble Enterprise is the only expense management solution that enables
you to effortlessly control costs, ensure compliance with your company’s
expense policies, plus provide a user-friendly experience for employees that
report and process expenses.
ExpensAble Enterprise’s subscription service, ExpensAble Enterprise, provides
small to mid-size businesses offline and online business expense management,
anywhere, anytime, and is being used by an increasing number of companies to
support expense reporting, reimbursement, and management of employee travel
and other expenses.
You can use ExpensAble Enterprise to:
• Approve and forward expense reports
• View status information about your submitted expense report
• Analyze your company’s expenses with robust reporting and analysis
• Comply with your company’s T&E policy
• Integrate your travel and entertainment expenses with your accounting system
Enterprise for
If you Subscribe to ExpensAble Enterprise, after you open ExpensAble,
the network Password Required window appears.
1 Enter your network password in the Password field.
2 Click OK.
3 Click Close.
Your ExpensAble Enterprise Administrator provides you with this password.
Entering this password causes ExpensAble to login to ExpensAble Enterprise.
During the login, ExpensAble Enterprise checks to see if you have the latest
Policy and Configuration files for your company. If you don't, ExpensAble
Enterprise downloads them for you. ExpensAble also checks the status of your
submitted reports.
After successful login, ExpensAble Enterprise displays a Summary window. This
window indicates whether your policy has been updated, and displays the status
of submitted envelopes.
94 Page 95 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
credit card
ExpensAble’s Download Credit Card Expenses feature enables you to receive
credit card information from your financial institution’s web site. To use this
feature, you need to have an account with a bank that supports downloading
credit card information in QIF or Web Connect (OFX) format.
To download credit card expenses:
Note: In order to import credit card data, you will need to have a Service Provider/Credit
Card Account defined within the Access Manager and a Payment Method associated with
your credit card account. If you have not yet done so, see “Setting up Credit Card accounts”
on page 55.
1 From the Online menu, choose Download Credit Card Expenses.
2 If you have setup your credit card account(s) using the Access Manager,
choose a credit card account from the list to connect to your financial institution.
Once you have set up your
credit card account, use the
new Credit Card Genie to
quickly import your credit
card data. See “Using Genies
to enter expenses” on page 29
to learn how.
You can also manually import
QIF files or OFX files into
ExpensAble. See “Importing
data into ExpensAble” on
page 102.
Or, if you have not setup your credit card account(s) and need more information, choose Credit Card Download Services from the list. On the Credit Card
Download Services web page, click on the bank you use for credit card transactions. A list of conforming banks is continually maintained on this web page.
3 Follow your bank’s procedures for downloading your credit card information.
4 Once the QIF or Web Connect OFX file is downloaded, the Import To
Credit Card Envelope will appear.
5 Choose the Credit Card envelope to import credit card transactions into.
6 Click OK.
From the Credit Cards folder in the Shortcuts window (in the lower-left pane
of ExpensAble), you can then drag and drop credit card transactions into any
expense envelope that is in progress.
For information on how to manage credit card transactions once they are downloaded, see
“Managing downloaded Credit Card Transactions” on page 19.
corporate card
ExpensAble’s Download Corporate Card Expenses feature enables you to
pre-populate expense reports with corporate credit card transactions from participating financial data providers. To use this feature, you must be a subscriber to
ExpensAble Enterprise, and also to ExpensAble Enterprise’s Corporate Card Prepopulation service. Call our Sales team for more information on this valuable
service; see “ExpensAble Sales” on page 106.
To download corporate card expenses:
1 Open ExpensAble, and login to ExpensAble Enterprise. You will see all
downloadable corporate card transactions listed in the status window.
Chapter 7, Using the Online menu
95 Page 96 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The Online summary screen will display list of downloadable transactions
upon each startup of ExpensAble until you process the transaction(s).
2 Click on the hyperlink to begin downloading the corporate card transaction(s).
The transactions download to ExpensAble.
3 You can select which expense envelope to import the transactions into.
4 You can also view and select from the list of downloaded transactions, and
edit expense types associated with the imported transactions. The Amount
and Payment Method of each transaction are locked as read-only fields.
For information on how to manage credit card transactions once they are downloaded, see
“Managing downloaded Credit Card Transactions” on page 19.
Submitting an
Viewing policy
exceptions for
subscribers to
the online
See “Submitting expense reports for subscribing users” on page 66.
You can view policy violations only if you’re an ExpensAble Enterprise
subscriber. Policy exceptions can be viewed within the ExpensAble client
(ExpensAble 7) or on the ExpensAble Enterprise web page. A policy warning is
automatically issued when you submit an envelope with a policy violation; you
can view the policy violation, return to the envelope, make corrections, and
resubmit. If the policy rule allows it, you can choose to submit the envelope, even
with the policy violation, and review the policy violation later.
To view policy exceptions from within the ExpensAble client:
1 From the Online menu, click Policy Exceptions, or click the Policy Exceptions icon on the menu bar.
The Policy Report appears. From this report, you can determine the policy
exceptions you must correct in order to successfully submit your expense
report to ExpensAble Enterprise.
2 Click Print to print a copy of the Policy Exceptions Report.
3 Click Copy to make a copy of the Policy Exceptions Report.
4 Click Done after you have completed viewing the Policy Exceptions
To view policy exceptions from within the
From the Online menu, choose Link to Submitter Functions. Page 97 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 On the web page, select Expense Reports from the My Expenses dropdown list.
3 Click on the reports with the Exception icon
policy violations.
expense report
status for
to view the reports with
When you subscribe to the ExpensAble Enterprise, the status of your
expense reports is automatically updated, and you can view the status of all
reports at any time.
Note:ExpensAble Enterprise only updates the currently open file. If you use multiple
expense files, you must open each one and re-connect to ExpensAble Enterprise to update
the envelope status.
To view the status of your expense reports:
1 From the Online menu, choose Link to Submitter Functions.
2 At the ExpensAble Enterprise web page, select Expense Reports from the
My Expenses drop-down list.
3 Select a status from the View drop-down list to sort your reports by the
selected status (you can select All to view all of them at once).
expense report
status for nonsubscribers
If you have not subscribed to ExpensAble Enterprise, you can view the status of
only one expense report at a time.
1 In the envelopes window, click on the report you want to see status for.
2 Right-click the mouse to bring up the context menu.
3 Choose Status.
company code,
user ID, or
password for
If your ExpensAble Enterprise password, company code, or user ID is
changed, you must make corresponding changes to ExpensAble. If you don't
make these changes, you will not be able to submit envelopes to ExpensAble
Enterprise. You will only be able to use ExpensAble in offline mode.
1 From the Online menu, select Access Manager.
The Access Manager window appears.
2 Select the Service from the Service Provider list and
click Edit
3 Enter the new Company ID.
4 Enter the new User ID.
Chapter 7, Using the Online menu
97 Page 98 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
5 Enter the new Password.
If your password has expired or is close to expiring, ExpensAble will notify you. You can change your password from the ExpensAble
desktop client.
1 From the Online menu, select Change Password.
2 Enter your old password.
3 Enter your new password.
4 Confirm your new password.
Note: This has the effect of also setting your Service password
in the Online menu Access Manager dialog.
ExpensAble for
subscribers and
exchange rates
See “Registering your software” on page 6.
ExpensAble allows you to access the latest foreign exchange rate information
from within the program browser. You can also view the daily exchange rates of
164 currencies from January 1990 through today and convert virtually any recognized national currency. The currency converter is updated daily at 8:00 p.m.
To access foreign exchange rates:
1 From the Online menu, choose ExpensAble Website, then choose
Exchange Rates.
2 In the left scrolling list, choose a currency you want to convert. Click the
scrolling arrows to see currency selections.
3 In the right scrolling list, choose a currency to which you want to convert.
Click the scrolling arrows to see currency selections.
4 To change the amount of the converted currency, click the text box next to
Convert Amount and type the amount of the currency you want to convert
(the default is “1”).
5 After you have your desired conversion settings, click the Convert Now
Important: All currencies are listed with the name of their country first. For example, the
“Yen” for Japan is listed as “Japanese Yen.”
98 Page 99 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Using travel
With ExpensAble’s travel services feature, you can plan your trip itineraries from
the convenience of your desktop computer. Book hotel, car rental and airline
reservations for destinations around the world. Access the best Internet travel
services the Web has to offer. You can even pre-populate your expense reports
with booking information.
To access itinerary services and travel booking services
1 From the Online menu, choose ExpensAble Website, then choose Travel
2 Follow the instructions on the screen to access the travel services information.
3 If you would like to save the information, choose Print from the File menu
or click the Print icon.
Accessing the
With ExpensAble’s website, you can sign up for the innovative travel expense
management subscription service, ExpensAble Enterprise. For more information
about ExpensAble Enterprise, refer to “What’s new in ExpensAble” on page 2.
To access the ExpensAble Website
1 From the Online menu, choose ExpensAble Website, then choose ExpensAble Home Page.
2 Follow the links on the screen to navigate to the desired location(s) on the
ExpensAble Website.
3 If you would like to save the information, choose Print from the File menu
or click the Print icon.
Chapter 7, Using the Online menu
99 Page 100 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 75 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
7 Working with
QuickBooks, and
Using ExpensAble with Quicken 75
Establishing a correspondence with Quicken accounts 78
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks 80
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks for non-subscribing users
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks for subscribing users 83
Create QuickBooks vendor bills and credits from your expense
reports 83
Importing and exporting Expense Type Export Labels for
QuickBooks 85
Importing and exporting Billables for QuickBooks 87
Using the QuickBooks Guided Setup 88
Exporting transactions to QuickBooks Online Edition 90
with Quicken
If you use Quicken for Windows you can send ExpensAble transactions directly
to Quicken so you can track your business expenses.
Note: ExpensAble works with Quicken 2001 or above.
75 Page 76 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Sending ExpensAble transactions to Quicken
When ExpensAble’s payment methods correspond to your Quicken accounts or
categories, you can send transactions from a single ExpensAble envelope to the
appropriate Quicken account(s). To transfer expenses from ExpensAble to
Quicken for Windows, both programs must be installed on the same computer.
What happens when you send transactions to Quicken
When you send ExpensAble transactions to Quicken, transactions for reimbursable expenses are sent to the corresponding Quicken account and then automatically transferred to a special asset account called “Reimbursables.” This lets you
track your reimbursable expenses in Quicken without affecting your net worth
reports. When reimbursements for all expenses have been recorded in the
Reimbursables account, its balance is zero.
Quicken Accounts
Payment methods
asset account
To rename the asset account
or to specify a different
account as the Reimbursable
account, choose Quicken
Options from the Quicken
menu. Click the General tab
and then specify the name of
the asset account.
For this type of
If you don’t already have a Reimbursables asset account in Quicken, ExpensAble
creates one for you when you send your first transactions to Quicken. You can
rename the Reimbursables asset account if you want; you can also specify a
different asset account to receive the reimbursable transactions.
ExpensAble categorizes each transaction you send to Quicken based on the transaction’s payment method, the Quicken account that corresponds to the payment
method, and whether the transaction is a Reimbursable, Non-Reimbursable, or
Personal expense.
If the payment
method corresponds
In Quicken it’s reflected as...
And uses this category...
An expense in the corresponding
account, AND
[Reimbursables asset account]
An increase in the Reimbursables
asset account
[Corresponding account]
A Quicken category
An increase in the Reimbursables
asset account
Corresponding Quicken category
No Quicken account
or category
An increase in the Reimbursables
asset account
A Quicken account Page 77 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
For this type of
If the payment
method corresponds
In Quicken it’s reflected as...
And uses this category...
A Quicken account
An expense in the corresponding
BusExp*: ExpensAble expense type
A Quicken category
(Not reflected in Quicken)
(Not reflected in Quicken)
No Quicken account
or category
(Not reflected in Quicken)
(Not reflected in Quicken)
A Quicken account
An expense in the corresponding
A Quicken category
(Not reflected in Quicken)
(Not reflected in Quicken)
No Quicken account
or category (Self-paid)
(Not reflected in Quicken)
(Not reflected in Quicken)
No Quicken account
or category
A decrease in the Reimbursables
asset account
* ExpensAble automatically creates this category so you can further categorize Non-Reimbursable expenses that
you are tracking separately from Reimbursable expenses. You can change the name of this category: Choose
Quicken Options from the Quicken menu, click the General tab, and enter the name you want.
After you send your transactions to Quicken,
you can see the details of the transfer in your
Quicken account registers.
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
77 Page 78 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Important: If you’ve sent your transactions to Quicken and need to edit any transaction
information, be sure to make the changes in both ExpensAble and in Quicken.
Establishing a
with Quicken
At installation, ExpensAble checks to see if you have Quicken installed on your
computer. When you start ExpensAble, it asks if you want to create payment
methods that correspond to your Quicken accounts. If you haven’t already
created these payment methods from your Quicken accounts, create them now
using these steps.
Note: If you install Quicken after you install ExpensAble, you’ll need to let ExpensAble
know that you now have Quicken: From the Edit menu, select “Program Options”,
choose “Send to Quicken”, and click OK.
1 From the Quicken menu, choose Quicken Options.
<Do Not Send> indicates there is no
corresponding Quicken account for this
payment method. Personal and NonReimbursable expenses using this
payment method won’t be sent to
Read your
Quicken file (the
one designated on
the General tab)
and create
payment methods
that correspond to
your Quicken
ExpensAble payment methods
Choose a different Quicken account or
category for the selected payment
2 Click Get Accounts from Quicken.
Whenever you change
account or category information in Quicken, you should
get accounts from Quicken
again before sending new
transactions from ExpensAble.
3 (Optional) Click Edit Send Options to choose options for each payment
method on your own, or to edit existing options.
Complete the Edit Send Options window and click OK.
4 In the Quicken Options window, click OK to save your options.
Sending your transactions to Quicken
After you have setup a correspondence with Quicken, you can send your ExpensAble transactions to Quicken.
1 In the icon bar, click the Send to Quicken icon.
78 Page 79 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The Send to Quicken window shows how each ExpensAble transaction will be
reflected in Quicken.
Reimbursement and cash advance
transactions are shown as negative
numbers. In Quicken, the Reimbursable
asset account decreases by this amount.
Displays the list
of transactions
that cannot be
sent to Quicken.
transactions” on
page 79.)
This transaction will be sent to the
corresponding Amex account in
Quicken, and then automatically transferred to the special Reimbursables.
asset account.
The ellipses indicate line items in a split
Set a Quicken category for the selected transaction.
2 Review each transaction to make sure it is being sent to the
appropriate Quicken account and category.
Look for the following when you’re reviewing the transactions in the Send to
Quicken window. (You’ll probably have to make these adjustments only once.)
Look in the Acct column to see where each transaction is sent in Quicken.
If transactions don’t correspond to the Quicken account you want them to,
click Options to change the Send options.
If you see a blank line in the Category/Class column, make sure that it’s OK
to send the transaction to the corresponding account without a category. To
choose a category for a transaction, select the transaction, and then click
Set Category.
Look for “Personal” in the Category/Class column. Those transactions are
categorized as Personal Expenses in Quicken. To change the category for
a Personal expense, select the transaction, and then click Set Category.
Review the transaction that won’t be sent by clicking the Unsendable
Transactions tab. (See the next section for details.)
3 Click Send to send the transactions to Quicken.
Reviewing unsendable transactions
A transaction appears in the Unsendable Transactions window if:
• Its payment method has no corresponding account in Quicken.
• It doesn’t include the transaction date and amount.
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
79 Page 80 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 At the Send to Quicken window, click the Unsendable
Transactions tab.
2 Fix the unsendable transactions so they can be sent.
To choose a corresponding Quicken account, click Options.
To edit the transaction information, return to the Expense Record. Enter the
date and expense amount for the incomplete transaction.
3 Follow steps 1-3 in the previous section to send the modified transactions
to Quicken.
transactions to
You can export transactions to QuickBooks in three ways, depending upon how
you use ExpensAble:
For ExpensAble Enterprise subscribers
As an ExpensAble subscriber to ExpensAble Enterprise, you can create business
transactions, submit them to ExpensAble Enterprise, and send directly to QuickBooks from within ExpensAble Enterprise. Only the Accountant user can send to
QuickBooks 2003 or above using the ExpensAble Enterprise integration or create
IIF files from within ExpensAble Enterprise. See “Exporting transactions to
QuickBooks for subscribing users” on page 83.
For users not subscribed to ExpensAble Enterprise
If you use QuickBooks® Pro 2003 Enterprise, Accountant, or Canadian
Editions, you can send your expense reports seamlessly to QuickBooks, creating
a Vendor Bill or Credit. See “Create QuickBooks vendor bills and credits from
your expense reports” on page 83.
If you use QuickBooks 2002 Basic or earlier, you can export ExpensAble transactions to the QuickBooks IIF format to track your business expenses. You can
create business transactions, save them as an IIF file and export this file to QuickBooks (see “Exporting transactions to QuickBooks for non-subscribing users”,
80 Page 81 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
transactions to
QuickBooks for
If you use QuickBooks 2002 Basic or earlier, you can copy all employee-paid
(not company-paid) reimbursable transactions to an external IIF format
accounting package such as QuickBooks without re-entering any data. All
expenses for an individual employee appear as one reimbursement transaction.
Note: You should set your export labels to map to the chart of accounts in your accounting
Exporting inserts the employee name into the vendor QuickBooks field. The
exported transactions must be in envelopes that have an Employee Name (from
the Edit menu, choose User Info). Cash advances are sent to an asset account
named “Employee Advances.”
1 Open ExpensAble.
2 From the File menu, choose Export and then IIF.
3 Select the envelopes you want to export.
4 Click the Export Options tab and set options.
5 Enter the IIF account name.
Make sure this account name corresponds to the Accounts Payable name in
QuickBooks into which you want to import the batch files. The account name
can be up to thirty characters in length. You can use all special characters
except for single and double quotation marks. If you have account numbering
turned on in QuickBooks, make sure you don't add the QuickBooks number to
the name in the IIF Account Name field.
If you are billing a particular client, ExpensAble exports that information with
the expenses into the customer:job field in QuickBooks.
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
81 Page 82 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Note: Department information from ExpensAble does not export to QuickBooks in IIF
6 Click OK.
ExpensAble exports the envelope contents to an IIF file.
ExpensAble exports all expenses as one IIF transaction having several split lines,
which reduces the number of entries in your accounting software. The single IIF
transaction will have one TRNS line representing the amount reimbursed and
several split (SPL) lines representing individual ExpensAble transactions.
The date of an exported transaction is in mm/dd/yy format,
regardless of your settings in
Exporting assigns the envelope date to the transaction, regardless of individual
expense dates in the transaction.
You can’t import into a QuickBooks asset account or as a deposit into a QuickBooks bank account.
Note: You will also need to assign special labeling to your expense types for export to
QuickBooks, which is done in the Export Label Options window.
Assigning Labels to Expense Types for Export To QuickBooks
You should select an existing report label, or assign a sublabel, for the expense
type if you'll be transferring envelopes to Excel, exporting IIF files to QuickBooks or other applications, or exporting to ASCII files.
Why assign a special label for exporting? When you preview or print expense
report envelopes in ExpensAble, all related expense types appear under their
assigned report label. But when you transfer envelopes to an Excel spreadsheet or
export envelopes to an ASCII file or IIF file, the report label assignments no
longer apply. By assigning a label or sublabel for export here, you can still group
your expenses when exporting envelope transactions.
For example, to successfully export an expense envelope to QuickBooks, assign
export sublabels for expense types in the Export Label Options window.
1 From the Lists menu, choose Expense Types.
2 In the Expense Types List window, select the expense type to change, and
click the Edit button.
82 Page 83 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 In the Expense Type window, click the Options button, which opens the
Export Label Options window.
4 Choose either New or Edit to create an export label or sublabel for an
expense type.
Assign these export labels as sublabels of the ones which successfully
export to QuickBooks or other applications.
5 Click Done.
transactions to
QuickBooks for
If you subscribe to ExpensAble Enterprise, you can create business transactions
in ExpensAble, submit them to ExpensAble Enterprise, and then decide to create
an IIF file of these business transactions from within ExpensAble Enterprise for
export to QuickBooks, or send directly to QuickBooks 2003 Pro or above using
the ExpensAble Enterprise integration.
Note: Only an ExpensAble Enterprise user with Accountant privileges can create an IIF file
to export to QuickBooks, or send using the QuickBooks 2003 Pro integration.
For information on how to prepare your submitted ExpensAble Enterprise
business transactions and send using the QuickBooks Pro 2003 integration, or
create an IIF file of them to export to QuickBooks, see the online help for
ExpensAble Enterprise.
vendor bills
and credits
from your
expense reports
If you use QuickBooks® Pro 2003, Enterprise, Accountant, or Canadian Edition,
you can send your expense reports directly into QuickBooks, creating a QuickBooks Vendor Bill (or Credit) from the current ExpensAble expense envelope.
After you map your Expense Types’ Export Labels to the QuickBooks expense
accounts, ExpensAble can send all the expenses in the current envelope to QuickBooks, which then creates the Vendor Bill or Credit.
In addition to sending Reimbursable expenses to QuickBooks, you may also send
any Company Paid (Non-Reimbursable) expenses, including cash advances.
ExpensAble sends Non-Reimbursable expenses as QuickBooks journal entries
and company paid credit card charges.
If you are using ExpensAble with QuickBooks for the first time, we recommend
using the QuickBooks Guided Setup to configure your company’s QuickBooks
settings. See “Using the QuickBooks Guided Setup” on page 88.
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
83 Page 84 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Note: Unless the QuickBooks administrator allows ExpensAble to login automatically into
QuickBooks (set within QuickBooks’ Integrated Applications preferences), the
QuickBooks application needs to be currently running to perform this operation.
1 From the Edit menu, choose Program Options, and select the Send to
QuickBooks checkbox.
2 From the Envelopes window, select the expense envelope you want to send
to QuickBooks.
3 Before sending, you must map your Expense Types’ Export Labels to the
corresponding expense types in QuickBooks, and specify the Vendor Bill
creation options. From the QuickBooks menu, choose QuickBooks
The QuickBooks Options window appears.
Click the Vendor Bill
tab to choose the
Vendor Name used
when creating a
QuickBooks Vendor
Bill. Add the vendor
list from QuickBooks
to populate ExpensAble’s Payee list.
Click the Accounts tab to map your
expense types’s Export Labels to
QuickBooks expense accounts. This
window has a two-column list,
displaying Expense Types on the left
and the assigned Export Labels on the
Click the Offset Accounts tab to
select the credit card you wish to
assign to a QuickBooks company
credit card account.
Click the Mappings
tab to define rules
that specify what
Item information is
available when
entering expenses.
Browse for the location of the desired
QuickBooks file.
Check to include Time expense
entries when sending to QuickBooks.
Specify if the Department, Billables and/or Expense Type entry fields
will have Item mapping rules applied to them, and map the Items to
Departments, Billables Account Codes, and/or Expense Types.
Click the Items tab to choose the QuickBooks Service and Other Charge Items to be
used within ExpensAble.
4 The QuickBooks Options window contains five tabs:
• General Options for general send options
• Accounts for Expense Type Export Label mapping
• Offset Accounts for assigning QuickBooks company credit card accounts.
• Items for Vendor Bill Item creation options
• Mappings for Vendor Bill Item mapping options
• Vendor Bill for Vendor Bill/Credit creation options
5 When you're satisfied that your QuickBooks Send Options are set appropriately, click OK to save your settings.
6 From the QuickBooks menu, choose Send to QuickBooks, or, click on the
Send to QuickBooks icon on the toolbar.
84 Page 85 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
The Vendor field shows the Payee
Name, set in the Options window.
ExpensAble makes sure the Payee
Name in the Vendor list is valid. The
Payee Name defaults to the Employee
Name of the current envelope (see
Envelope Info). Click on the Options
button to edit the Vendor list.
Shows the envelope’s
Tracking Number.
Pre-filled, edit as
Click on the Options
button to open the
QuickBooks Options
window and make
changes to the Send
to QuickBooks
The Co. Paid Cards section shows
Company Paid Credit Card expenses,
and the Co. Paid JEs section shows
Company Paid Journal Entries from
the current ExpensAble expense
envelope to be sent to QuickBooks.
Transaction details are set from the QuickBooks Options window: the Account column
shows the export label associated with this expense; the Amount column shows the expense
amount; the Memo shows the Expense Type; the Customer: Job column shows the Billable
or Department; the Class column shows the class for the expense.
Item transaction
details are set from
the QuickBooks
Options window.
7 To send the expense envelope to QuickBooks, click Send.
Notes: To see if any Vendor Bills have been paid in QuickBooks, go to the
QuickBooks menu and select Check For Paid Bills.
Regarding the “Tax” Field: This field will only be used when QuickBooks
Canada has been detected by ExpensAble. The field will default to the QuickBooks tax code consistent with the detail entry.
? Click the Help button in each section for more details.
Importing and
Expense Type
Export Labels
for QuickBooks
The Export Expense Type Export Labels feature allows you to send your export
labels to QuickBooks, while the Import Expense Type Export Labels feature
allows you to import a QuickBooks account’s Export Label list, or the export
labels of another ExpensAble user’s file, into your ExpensAble Export Labels
list. These features are not designed for ExpensAble Enterprise subscribers.
Note: For use with QuickBooks Pro 2003, Enterprise, Accountant, or Canadian Editions
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
85 Page 86 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Export your Expense Type Export Labels to QuickBooks.
1 From the File menu, scroll to Export and choose Expense Type Export
2 In the Export to File field, type in, or browse for and select an Export
Label (.LBL) file to save all the envelope’s Export Labels to, and then click
• Click Clear All to deselect all Export Labels in the export list
• Click Select All to select all Export Labels in the export list
3 In the Select the Export Labels To Be Exported list, select the Export
Label(s) you want to export, and then click OK.
Import a QuickBooks account’s Export Label list, or the export labels
of another ExpensAble user’s file, into your ExpensAble Export
Labels list.
1 From the File menu, scroll to Import and choose Expense Type Export
86 Page 87 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
2 In the Import from File field, browse for and select an Export Label
(.LBL) file to import, and then click OK.
• Click Clear All to deselect all Export Labels in the import list
• Click Select All to select all Export Labels in the import list
3 In the Select the Export Labels To Import list, select the Export Label(s)
you want to import, and then click OK.
Importing and
Billables for
The Export Billables feature allows you to send your ExpensAble Bill To’s to
QuickBooks, while the Import Billables feature allows you to import a QuickBooks Customer: Job list, or the billables of another ExpensAble user’s file, into
the ExpensAble Bill To list. These features are not designed for ExpensAble
Enterprise subscribers.
Note: For use with QuickBooks Pro, Enterprise, Accountant, or Canadian Editions only.
Export your Bill To’s to QuickBooks.
1 From the File menu, scroll to Export and choose Billables.
2 In the Export to File field, type in, or browse for and select a Billable
(.BIL) file to save all the envelope’s Billables to, and then click OK.
• Click Clear All to deselect all Billables in the export list
• Click Select All to select all Billables in the export list
3 In the Select the Billables To Be Exported list, select the Billable(s) you
want to export, and then click OK.
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
87 Page 88 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Import Billables from a QuickBooks Customer: Job list
1 From the File menu, scroll to Import and choose Billables.
2 In the Import to File field, browse for and select an existing Billable (.BIL)
file to import, and then click OK.
• Click Clear All to deselect all Billables in the export list
• Click Select All to select all Billables in the export list
3 In the Select the Billables To Import list, select the Billable(s) you want to
import, and then click OK.
Using the
Guided Setup
The QuickBooks Guided Setup provides everything ExpensAble needs to know
to seamlessly send expense reports to QuickBooks Pro, Enterprise and Accountant Editions. This step-by-step interview allows you to configure your
company’s QuickBooks settings by quickly importing or adding QuickBooks
information into ExpensAble. Once complete, you can export the configuration
file to other ExpensAble users via E-mail.
Note: Unless the QuickBooks administrator allows ExpensAble to login automatically into
QuickBooks (set within QuickBooks’ Integrated Applications preferences), the
QuickBooks application needs to be currently running to perform this operation.
88 Page 89 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 From the QuickBooks menu, choose QuickBooks Guided Setup.
The General Options window shows
you how each ExpensAble envelope
will be exported into a QuickBooks.
Browse for the
location of the
QuickBooks file.
The Payees List window imports the
QuickBooks Vendor list into the
ExpensAble Payees list.
The Bill To Customer:Job window
imports the QuickBooks Customer:Job
list into the ExpensAble Billables list.
The Department Class window
imports QuickBooks Class items into
the ExpensAble Department list.
The Expense List window enables you
to map ExpensAble expense types’
export labels to QuickBooks expense
The Company Paid Credit Cards window enables you to
assign a QuickBooks Credit Card to an ExpensAble company
paid Payment Method.
The Item List
window enables
you to select all
the QuickBooks
Service and Other
Charge Items to
be used within
2 From the QuickBooks File section, browse to and choose the QuickBooks
file to integrate with ExpensAble.
3 Click Next.
ExpensAble connects to the QuickBooks company file, then proceeds to the
next step in the interview.
4 Follow the Guided Setup questions until complete. Click the Help button
in each section for details on all the various options.
You now have everything ExpensAble needs to know to seamlessly send
expense reports to QuickBooks® Pro, Enterprise, Accountant, or Canadian
Editions. This step-by-step interview has enabled you to configure your
company’s QuickBooks settings by quickly importing or adding QuickBooks
information into ExpensAble.
Next, you can export the configuration file to be imported by other ExpensAble
users. To do so, select the Launch ExpensAble Configuration Export
If you want to save your configuration and export it later, deselect the Launch
ExpensAble Configuration Export checkbox.
In the resulting window, you will be able to export the ExpensAble configuration (.TEX) file to other employees in your company.
5 Click Finish.
? Click the Help button in each section for more details.
Note: If the "Do you wish to set up taxes?" checkbox has been selected in QuickBooks Canada GST/PST Preferences, the ExpensAble "Send to QuickBooks"
Button/Option will then calculate "Net Amount", set Tax Code defaults, as well
as calculate Total Tax 1 and Total Tax 2. This is only valid when QB Canada
has been detected.
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
89 Page 90 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
transactions to
Online Edition
The Send To QuickBooks Online feature allows you to create a QuickBooks
Vendor Bill or Credit from the current ExpensAble expense envelope. After you
get a Connection Key from the QuickBooks Online web site, and map your
Expense Types’ Export Labels to the QuickBooks Online expense accounts,
ExpensAble sends the expenses in the current envelope to QuickBooks Online,
creating a Vendor Bill or Credit.
1 From the Edit menu, choose Program Options, and select the Send to
QuickBooks Online Edition checkbox.
2 From the QuickBooks menu, choose Send to QuickBooks, or, click on the
Send to QuickBooks icon on the toolbar.
The Send to QuickBooks window displays.
3 Click the Options button. The QuickBooks Options window shows you
how each ExpensAble envelope will be exported into a QuickBooks Online
expense account as a Vendor Bill (or Credit).
Before sending expense reports for the first time, you must get a Connection
Key from the QuickBooks Online web site to connect to your QuickBooks
Online company account. See “Get a Connection Key” on page 90.
Also, you must map your Expense Types’ Export Labels to the corresponding
expense types in QuickBooks Online, and specify the Vendor Bill creation
4 When you're satisfied that your QuickBooks Options are set appropriately, click the OK button to return to the Send to QuickBooks window.
5 Review the information in the vendor, date and expense fields to make
sure each transaction is set correctly before sending to QuickBooks
Click the Options button to make more changes in the QuickBooks Options
window if necessary.
6 To send the expense transactions to QuickBooks Online, click Send.
Get a Connection Key
Before sending expense reports for the first time to your QuickBooks Online
company account, you need to get a Connection Key from the QuickBooks
Online web site.
ExpensAble will launch the Get Connection Key window when you attempt to
submit or retrieve data from QuickBooks Online for the first time.
90 Page 91 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
1 From the Get Connection Key window, click the Login To QuickBooks
Online Edition button.
From the QuickBooks Online web site:
2 Enter login information for your QuickBooks Online Edition company.
3 Learn how a connection works.
4 Choose a connection name.
5 Select access rights (for new connection names).
6 Set login security (for new connection names).
7 Copy the Connection Key.
From ExpensAble:
8 Click the Paste From Clipboard button (or press Ctrl + V) to paste the
Connection Key into the Connection Key field.
9 Click OK to connect to QuickBooks Online.
ExpensAble remembers your Connection Key for future use.
Chapter 6, Working with ExpensAble, QuickBooks, and Quicken
91 Page 92 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 105 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
A Contacting
OneMind Connect
Places to look
for help
Before you contact OneMind Connect, check the following resources to see if
you can find the answer to your question:
Onscreen Help. Press F1, click the Help icon, click the Help button, or choose a
command from the Help menu—all of these actions take you into the ExpensAble Help system. For more information about using Help, see “Getting Help”
on page 9.
Onscreen Help has a troubleshooting section to use ExpensAble. Press F1, click Index, and
then select the keyword troubleshooting.
support and
User’s Guide Index. Check the index in this User’s Guide for the topic you need.
Some topics are explained only in Help, not in the User’s Guide.
Before accessing ExpensAble support, be at your computer with ExpensAble
running, and have the following information handy:
• ExpensAble version number (To see the version number, choose About
ExpensAble from the Help menu).
• Quicken or QuickBooks version numbers (if relevant to your problem).
• If you receive an error message, the exact wording of the message.
• Hardware type and model and amount of memory (RAM) installed.
• DOS version number and Windows version number.
• Monitor type.
• Printer manufacturer, type, and model (if relevant to your problem).
• Network configuration, if any.
105 Page 106 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
ExpensAble Customer Support
Technical support for ExpensAble
Access our free, self-service knowledge base for answers to
your most frequently asked questions and read suggestions.
If you cannot find the answer to your ExpensAble question
via the knowledge base, please e-mail your support inquiry by
clicking the E-mail a Product Specialist link found after
conducting a search. A Product Specialist will respond to
your inquiry within two business days.
To contact installation, registration and upgrade support,
please call 1-800-756-4976.
Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm Pacific Standard Time.
ExpensAble Sales
ExpensAble Site Licenses and
(888) 536-6200 Ext. 3
Call our Sales team toll-free for details about
ordering multiple quantities of ExpensAble 6
at a discount.
Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm Pacific
Standard Time.
Also, for corporate customers with 50 to
2,000 employees, find out how to get
started using ExpensAble Enterprise
to completely automate your T&E expense
management process. Call us at (888) 5366200 ext. 3 or visit to
begin streamlining your expense management process and effortlessly control
expense processing costs. Page 101 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
9 Using ExpensAble
with other devices
and applications
Transferring ExpensAble data to Excel 101
Transferring ExpensAble data to Excel 2002 and later 101
Attaching scanned receipt images 102
Importing data into ExpensAble 102
Exporting ExpensAble data 103
data to Excel
If you use Microsoft Excel, you can customize your expense reports more fully
by transferring data from ExpensAble to an Excel 5.0 or 7.0 report file. ExpensAble comes with several sample Excel report files containing special Excel links.
These links make it possible for you to view your ExpensAble data in Excel and
print your ExpensAble data using an Excel report file. If you already have an
Excel report file that you use to do your expense reports, you can establish your
own links to your ExpensAble data.
For information about transferring ExpensAble data to
Excel, see onscreen Help.
Press F1, click Index, and then
select the keyword Excel.
To use ExpensAble data in an Excel report file, choose Transfer to Excel from the
File menu. You can transfer data to one of the Excel report files that came with
ExpensAble, or you can use your own report file.
data to Excel
2002 and later
If you use Microsoft Excel 2002 or later, you can transfer data from ExpensAble
to Excel 2002, and to view and print your expense reports using an Excel 2002
XML-SS (Style Scheme) report file.
1 From the file menu, choose Export, then Transfer to Excel 2002.
2 Enter the name of an Excel XML file.
Select an Excel report file from a list of files, or type a new file name.
3 In the Report Formats list, select from the list of supported XML-SS (Style
Scheme) report formats.
101 Page 102 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
These new XML/XSL forms allow you to save report label customizations
between version updates and upgrades.
4 (Optional) In the Header Label section, edit the title of these fields, which
appear in the header (top portion) of the expense report and in Envelope
5 In the Orientation section, choose Portrait for vertical pages, or
Landscape for horizontal pages.
6 In the Template Starts At section, have the expense report begin when
your expenses begin, or force the report to start at a more regular interval
(if required by your company or client).
Not all templates allow you to start the report on a particular day.
7 Click the Set Report Labels button to customize how the printed labels in
the selected report template will appear in the Excel 2002 spreadsheet.
Each label corresponds to information you provide elsewhere in ExpensAble.
See To Modify a Report Label for more information.
8 Click OK.
scanned receipt
In ExpensAble 7, attaching receipt images to your envelopes is easier than ever
before. ExpensAble now allows you to attach image files of types: *.bmp, *.gif,
*.jpg, *.tif, multi-page *.tiff, or *.pdf . Use your scanning or fax software to save
your receipts as one of the four supported image file types and easily attach them
to your expense reports in ExpensAble. If you’re using the list view of the
Envelopes window, you can see which envelopes have attachments by looking
for a paperclip in the Attachments sorting column. (This column is marked with
the paperclip icon.)
To see the scanned receipts, select an envelope and right mouse click and select
Attach Receipts. You can review, add a caption, move, or delete the attached
receipts. When you print the expense report, ExpensAble prints both the report
and the attachments.
Importing data
You can transfer transactions from any application or service that uses QIF
(Quicken Interchange Format) or Web Connect (OFX format). For instance, if
you use an online banking service for your personal credit card, such as MasterCard, Visa, or American Express, you can import the downloaded credit card
transaction data into ExpensAble.
Note: For more details on importing credit card information, see “Downloading credit card
expenses” on page 95.
1 From the File menu, choose Import QIF Credit Card Statement or Import
OFX Credit Card Statement.
2 Enter the name of the file you want to import, and then
click OK.
102 Page 103 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
3 Choose the envelope to import to.
Enter the envelope and payment method that most transactions in the QIF or
OFX file will use. You can change the envelope and payment method for
individual transactions later. Review the list of transactions being imported,
and change import details for each transaction as necessary. Click Help for
more details.
If no transactions appear in the list, you may have already imported this file to
ExpensAble. When ExpensAble finds more than one transaction with the same
date, payee, and amount, the transaction is assumed to be a duplicate. Duplicate transactions will not be imported to ExpensAble.
4 When you’ve finished your changes, click Import.
Importing Guest information
You can import guest information from your favorite contact management application.
For information on recording
your guests for entertainment
and meal expenses, see
“Entering data about your
guests” on page 20.
1 From the File menu, scroll down to Import, then choose Guest Information.
2 From the Open file window, locate the .txt file that contains your guest
3 Next, choose from the Comma or the Tab setting (use the setting that
matches the setting used in your contact management software).
4 Use the Map Fields window to set up the way your guest information will
be used in ExpensAble.
5 Click OK.
Importing Guests information from Microsoft Outlook contacts list
New in ExpensAble 7 is the ability to import your Outlook contacts into ExpensAble’s Guests list.
To add a guest name from Outlook:
1 From the Lists menu, choose Guests and Purposes.
2 Click the Add from Outlook button.
3 Select the names from your Outlook contacts list, then click OK.
4 In the Guests and Purposes Lists window, click Done.
You can export ExpensAble data in several ways:
• If you are transferring expense reports from one computer to another, export
one or more expense report envelopes to a .QEM file.
Chapter 8, Using ExpensAble with other devices and applications
103 Page 104 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
You cannot open a .QEM file
directly. Instead, you must
merge the file into a new or
existing ExpensAble file. For
more information, see
“Merging files” on page 64.
For example, to transfer an expense report from your laptop to your desktop
computer, export your expense report envelope to the more compact QEM
format. Because a QEM file contains no formatting information, it takes up
less room. This means it can be more easily transferred to a floppy disk,
between computers, or even over E-mail. When you merge an expense report
in a QEM format into an ExpensAble file, the expense report automatically
uses the same report template used by the other expense reports in the file.
For information about the file
format for ASCII files, see
onscreen Help. Press F1, click
Index, and then select the
keyword ASCII.
• If you want to include expense report information in another application, you
can export individual transaction data or summary data to an ASCII format.
For example, to use individual transaction data in a spreadsheet or database,
export the transaction details from an expense report to an ASCII file. To
include just the highlights of an expense report in a word processing document,
export the summary data from an expense report to an ASCII file. Exported
ASCII files have a .QET extension.
1 From the File menu, choose Export, and then choose what you want to
For more information about
each export option, see
onscreen Help. Press F1, or
click the help button in the
export windows.
Choose Envelope to export expense reports to a .QEM format.
To export transaction details from a single envelope to an ASCII format,
choose ASCII and then choose Transaction ASCII.
To export summary data from a single envelope to an ASCII format, choose
ASCII and then choose Summary ASCII.
Choose XML to export an expense report in XML format.
Choose PDF to export an expense report in PDF format.
Choose IIF to copy expenses into QuickBooks. All expenses for an
individual employee in ExpensAble appear as one reimbursement transaction in QuickBooks.
Choose Billables to send your ExpensAble Bill To’s to QuickBooks. This
feature is not designed for ExpensAble Enterprise subscribers.
Choose Expense Type Export Labels to send your ExpensAble Expense
Type Export Labels to QuickBooks. This feature is not designed for
ExpensAble Enterprise subscribers.
Choose ExpensAble Configuration to send your company’s settings, such
as QuickBooks settings and custom expense types mapped to report labels,
to other ExpensAble users via e-mail. The other users can then easily
import the configuration file into their copy of ExpensAble.
Choose Transfer to Excel to transfer transactions from one expense report
to a specially linked Excel report file.
Choose Transfer to Excel 2002 to transfer transactions from one expense
report to an Excel 2002 XML report file.
2 Type a name for the file you’re exporting to, and select the envelope to
3 (Optional) Click the Export Options tab, and set the export options.
4 Click Done.
104 Page 105 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Chapter 8, Using ExpensAble with other devices and applications
105 Page 106 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 129 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
C Excel sample report
Want to send your expense
reports to Excel 2002? See
“Transferring ExpensAble
data to Excel 2002 and later”
on page 101.
ExpensAble comes with three sample Excel report files containing special Excel
links. These special links let you view your ExpensAble data in Excel and print
your ExpensAble data using an Excel report file.
Following is a list of the 3 sample Excel report files that are included with
Report title
File name
For detailed information on
creating your own Excel
report file, see onscreen Help.
Press F1, click Index, and then
select the keyword Excel.
If you already use Excel for completing your expense reports, or if you want to
customize your expense report more fully in Excel, you can create a custom
report file and establish the links from ExpensAble to Excel on your own.
You’ll need Excel 5.0 (or
higher) installed on your
1 From the File menu, choose Transfer to Excel.
To send expenses from ExpensAble to a specially linked Excel report file, use
these steps.
2 Enter the name of a specially linked Excel report file.
You can use one of ExpensAble’s sample report files, or create a custom report
file of your own. The sample Excel report files use the .xls file extension and
are located in the directory where you installed ExpensAble. If you installed
ExpensAble in a directory other than C:\Program Files\ExpensAble, be sure to
read the relevant information in Help.
129 Page 130 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 131 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Appendix C, Excel sample report files
131 Page 132 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 107 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
B Expense report
Using ExpensAble’s XML/XSL expense report forms, you now have greater
power to determine the look of your expense report. Choose from the various
report templates based on the kind of information you have in your expense
report. For example, if you are reporting expenses in a currency other than
dollars, be sure to choose an International trip template. Or, if you’re reporting
only mileage expenses, select a Mileage Log template.
ExpensAble offers more than 30 expense report templates to choose from. The
forms all begin at one page in length, then may increase to two pages or more,
depending on the quantity of transactions and/or detail in the expense report.
The following are samples of the standard report templates that ship with
Template title
File name
Corporate Admin.
Sales #1
Sales #2
Category Subtotals #1
Category Subtotals #2
Consultant #1
Consultant #2
Executive #1
In-Town Entertainment
Mileage Log #1
Mileage Log #2
Road Warrior
107 Page 108 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Template title
File name
Account Codes #3
Account Codes #1
Sales #3
Sole Proprietor
Consultant #3
Executive #2
Sales #4
IRS Expense Types #1
Service #1
Service #2
Account Codes #2
Account Codes #4
Executive #3
IRS Expense Types #2
• Page 109 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Corporate Admin.
Sales #1
Appendix B, Expense report templates
109 Page 110 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Sales #2
Category Subtotals #1
• Page 111 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Category Subtotals #2
Consultant #1
Appendix B, Expense report templates
111 Page 112 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Consultant #2
Executive #1
• Page 113 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
In-Town Entertainment
Mileage Log #1
Appendix B, Expense report templates
113 Page 114 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Mileage Log #2
Road Warrior
• Page 115 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Account Codes #3
Appendix B, Expense report templates
115 Page 116 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Sales #3
Account Codes #1
• Page 117 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Consultant #3
Sole Proprietor
Appendix B, Expense report templates
117 Page 118 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 119 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Executive #2
Appendix B, Expense report templates
119 Page 120 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 121 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Sales #4
Appendix B, Expense report templates
121 Page 122 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
IRS Expense Types #1
• Page 123 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Service #1
Service #2
Appendix B, Expense report templates
123 Page 124 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Account Codes #2
• Page 125 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Account Codes #4
Appendix B, Expense report templates
125 Page 126 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Executive #3
• Page 127 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
IRS Expense Types #2
Appendix B, Expense report templates
127 Page 128 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
• Page 133 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
foreign exchange rates 98
online traveler services 99
travel booking services 99
Using the Access Manager 68
account codes
template samples 116, 125
using in analysis reports 42
accounts, corresponding to Quicken 75 – 78
analysis reports 42
Billables 52
budget reports 41
envelopes 11, 12
expense details 20
files 67
folders 63
Payment Methods 50
VAT, GST/PST, HST reports 38
weekly envelopes 27
Advanced tab, using to customize reports 44
advances, See cash advances
adding airline ticket information 20
creating Unused Tickets reports 39
bill to 14
mileage 21
reports 42
American Express 71
entering basic information in field 16
Envelope Total 15
foreign 22
reimbursable 16
analysis reports 42–46
archiving envelopes and folders 64
ASCII file, exporting reports as 103
asset account, Reimbursables 75
assigning passwords 68
E-mail 67
scanned receipts 102
authorized signature, on expense reports 32
Automatic Recall
customizing 47
turning off 16
backing up 71
changing the printed label 33
creating analysis reports 42
entering 18
graphing 44
budget reports
creating 41
customizing 44
graphing 45
BusExp, automatically created by ExpensAble 77
calculating exchange rates with Currency Genie 29
car rental 24
cash advances
entering 23
cash tracking 37
BusExp for personal expenses 77
in expense reports 33
in Quicken 76–77
Category Subtotals template 110, 111
Cost Center Items 54
drop-down lists 55
envelope information 14
expense types associated with a label 35
labels 33
lists 48
mileage rate 21
Payment Methods 50
program options 9
status of expense reports 66
for budget report information 42
for different types of expense reports 44
combining envelopes 64
Company ID 6
company car 39
company information, in report templates 32
company name, user’s 14
Index 133 Page 134 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
company paid expenses, templates for 32
configuration, exporting 103
configure windows client 6, 103
analysis reports 43
envelope reports 37
correspondence, establishing with Quicken 78
payment methods for credit cards 55
payment methods for Quicken 75–78
Cost Center Items 54
analysis reports 42
budget reports 41
envelopes 11, 12
expense reports 31–33
files 67
folders 63
payment methods 50
VAT, GST/PST, HST reports 38
weekly envelopes 27
credit card
creating payment methods for 55
Credit Card Genie 29
Credit Card Guided Setup 55
drag and drop transactions 95
expenses 95
managing 19
importing transactions from 95
reconciling statements 28
selecting 28
entering billing information in ExpensAble 13
entering data 22
Currency Genie 29
cursor, using the 37
custom analysis report, memorizing instructions 44
analysis reports 43
data in reports 42
expense reports 33–35
credit card 19, 29, 95
entering in expense record 16
exporting 103
importing 102
using in Excel 101
shortcut keys 16
sorting transactions by 26
default label, miscellaneous 35
Billables 59
Cities 59
Cost Center Items 54
Currencies 59
Departments 53
envelopes 63
Expense Types 48
expenses 26
files 64
folders 63
Merchants 55
Mileage 55
Payment Methods 50
transactions 26
departments 53
destination, entering 21
details, expense
billing information 20
check number 20
exchange rate 22
foreign currency 22
meals and entertainment 20
Unused Tickets reports 39
dividing an expense across days 24
domestic travel templates 107
credit card expenses 29, 95
drag and drop
credit card transactions 19, 95
transactions 27
drop-down calendar 16
drop-down lists, customizing 48
duplicating transactions 26
Billables 52
Cities 55
Cost Center Items 54
Currencies 55
Departments 53
envelope information 14
Expense Record transactions 42
expense types 34, 48
expenses in Quicken and ExpensAble 76
labels 32
lists 48
Merchants 48
• Page 135 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
Mileage 59
Payment Methods 50
submitting reports via 66
employee information, in report templates 32
employee paid expenses, templates for 32
airline or rail ticket information 20
cash advance transactions 14, 23
currency billing information 13
currency data 22
description details 16
envelope names 13
expense transactions 15–18
locations 17
merchants 17
name of person or company being billed 13
reimbursement transactions 23
transaction amount 16
entertainment details on expense reports 20
Envelope Info window
returning to 15
using 14
archiving 64
changing status 66
combining 64
creating 11, 63
credit card 95
deleting 63
editing information 14
grouping 61
moving to another file 63
naming 12, 63
reports 37
selecting 12, 63
sorting 63
status 66
Excel, using ExpensAble data in 101
exchange rate information, entering 22
Executive template samples 112, 119, 126
exiting from ExpensAble 8
expense details, adding 20
exiting 8
starting 6
transferring expenses to Quicken for Windows 75
using with Quicken 75
ExpensAble Enterprise 2
expense log 15
expense record
editing transactions 16
entering transactions 15
selecting transactions 33
expense report templates
See report templates
expense reports
changing status 66
creating 31–33
customizing 33–35
labels 34
previewing 36
printing 36
samples 32
sending to QuickBooks 83
sending to QuickBooks Online 90
starting 13–16
status 66
See report templates 1
tracking 65
Expense Summary, using graphs 45
expense types
adding 49
assigning to a report label 35
creating analysis reports 42
deleting 50
editing 50
fixed expense 48
grouping for graphs 46
Miscellaneous default label 35
using graphs for reports 45
credit card 19, 29, 95
deleting 26
dividing an expense across days 24
dragging and dropping 27
entertainment 20
fields and descriptions 16
graphing 44
itemizing 24
mileage 21
moving to other envelopes 26
organizing 61
sending to QuickBooks 83
sending to QuickBooks Online 90
separating 27
sorting 26
ExpensAble data 103
exporting billables to QuickBooks 87
exporting export labels to QuickBooks 85
expense reports in ASCII format 103
expense reports in IIF format 103
expense reports in PDF format 103
Index 135 Page 136 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
expense reports in QEM format 103
expense reports in XML format 103
ExpensAble configuration to other users 88
export labels
for expense types 49
assigning to expense types for export to QuickBooks
extra fields, labeling 33
in ExpensAble 6 2
Amount 16
Bill To 18
City 17
Country 22
Department 53
Date 16
Exchange Rate 22
Expense Type 18
Merchant 17
moving from one to the next 17
Non-reimbursable expenses 19
Origin 21
Payment Method 17
Personal 19
Reimbursable 19
creating 67
importing 102
managing 61–72
OFX 102
QEM 104
QEX 64
QIF 102
fixed expense types 48
folders, managing 61, 63
foreign currency
choosing a report template for 22
entering an amount 22
foreign exchange rates 98
foreign taxes 38
full reimbursement 66
Credit Card Genie 29
Currency Genie 29
Hotel Genie 29
Trip Genie 29
get Accounts from Quicken 78
graphs 44
grouping envelopes 62
GST/PST (Goods and Services Tax or Provincial Sales Tax)
guest information 103
guests 20
Guided Setup
Credit Card Guided Setup 55
Guided Setup 6
QuickBooks Guided Setup 88
Headings tab, using to customize reports 44
Help, onscreen 9
Hotel Genie 29
HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) 38
data 102
billables from QuickBooks 87
credit card transactions 95
ExpensAble configuration 88
guest information 103
guest information from Microsoft Outlook 103
In Town Entertainment template sample 113
Quicken after ExpensAble 78
ExpensAble 4
international currency, templates 32
international templates listing 108
IRS Expense Types template samples 122, 127
expenses 24
hotel bills with Hotel Genie 29
items 54
changing the expense types for a label 35
changing labels for an expense report 33
landscape orientation in expense report templates 32
Lawyer template sample 122
layout of expense report templates 32
legend data 45
• Page 137 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
License Key Codes 8
licenses, site 106
lists 48
location, entering 17
mail, See E-mail
managing transactions 26–26
meals 20
memorizing reports 44
creating analysis reports for 42
entering 17
graphing 45
files into a single file 64
QEM files 103
entering details 21
mileage tracking reports 39
capturing for company car 39
missing receipt 15
Mileage Log template samples 113, 114
default label for expense type 35
Monthly template sample 120
credit card transactions 95
envelopes into folders 63
transactions 26
multiple guests 20
naming envelopes 14, 63
negative numbers, to display cash advances 23
Billables 52
Cities 59
Cost Center Items 54
Currencies 59
Department 53
envelope 12
expense report 11
Expense Type 48
file 67
Merchants 59
Mileage 59
Payment Methods 50
transaction 15
new transaction line 15, 24
non-reimbursable expenses
creating analysis reports 42
entering 18
graphing 45
transferring to Quicken 76
numbers, actual vs. budget 41
credit card services 102
support 105
travel services 99
OFX files 102
onscreen Help 9
opening files 63
organizing expenses 15
orientation for expense report templates 32
payees 55
partial payments
entering 23
tracking 65
managing via the Access Manager 68
file protection 70
server 6
payment methods
changing the list 50
choosing 17
creating analysis reports 42
creating for credit card accounts 55
graphing 45
use in Quicken 78
personal expenses
entering 18
reviewing before sending 79
transferring to Quicken 76–79
placeholders in the Expense Log 15
policy, viewing exceptions 96
portrait orientation in expense report templates 32
expense report templates 33
expense reports 36
printed labels 48
requirements for expense reports 36
transaction requirements 15
Index 137 Page 138 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
product support 105
options 9
requirements 4
project codes, See account codes
QEM files 104
QEX archive files 64
QIF files 102
export transactions to 83
using the QuickBooks Guided Setup 88
importing or exporting export labels using QuickBooks
importing or exporting billables using QuickBooks 87
sending ExpensAble configuration to other users 88
QuickBooks Online Edition
export transactions to 90
setting program options for 9
Quicken 4
options for sending data 78
using with ExpensAble 75–83
adding rail ticket information 20
creating Unused Tickets reports 39
rearranging labels 34
recalling custom reports 44
receipt information
entering 15
scanning 102
reconciling credit card statements 28
registering ExpensAble 6
reimbursable expenses
defined 18
entering 15
sending to Quicken 75
entering 23
full 66
partial 23, 66
removing labels 35
envelopes, files, and folders 63
labels 35
reordering labels 35
report period for expense reports 13
report templates
Account Codes sample 115, 116, 124, 125
Category Subtotals 110, 111
company and employee information 32
company paid expenses 32
Consultant 111, 112, 117
Corporate 118
Corporate Admin. 109
customizing labels 34
deciding which to use 31
international 32
international currency 32
physical layout 32
previewing 33
Road Warrior sample 114
typical layout 32
using with account codes 32
allocation 42
analysis 42–44
billable time 40
budget 41
cash tracking 37
customizing 44
creating 31–33
customizing 33–35
previewing 36
labels 32
memorizing 44
mileage tracking 39
See report templates 1
Unused Tickets 39
requirements, for running ExpensAble 4
files 71
transactions 25
returning to Envelope Info window 17
imported transactions 102
transactions before sending 79
unsendable transactions 79
Road Warrior template sample 114
Sales template samples 109, 110, 116, 121
expense reports 32
• Page 139 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
as ASCII 104
instructions for a custom analysis report 44
your expense report as a PDF file 36
your work 8
search criteria, setting up for analysis reports 43
search onscreen Help 105
selecting envelopes 61
expense reports via E-mail 67
expense reports to QuickBooks 80
expense reports to QuickBooks Online Edition 90
expense reports to Quicken 79
ExpensAble configuration to other users 88
separating expenses 24
Server options 6
Service template samples 123
setting up
budget reports 41
files 67
Quicken after ExpensAble 78
See also installing
Shortcuts list 8, 15, 61
Show Currency checkbox, using 13
signature on expense reports 32
single transactions, moving 26
site licenses 106
registering 6
Sole Proprietor template sample 117
envelopes and folders 63
expenses 15
transactions by date 26
spending, tracking with budget reports 41
splitting transactions 24
spreading a transaction across days 23
Standard template sample 115
a new expense report 11–14
ExpensAble 6
Starting ExpensAble for the first time 6
changing 66
selecting for current envelope 66
tracking in expense reports 65
support 105
requirements 4
tax deductions, identifying 43
foreign tax reports 38
Technical Support 105
See report templates
adding in expense details 20
creating Unused Tickets reports 39
Time 24
titles, of guests 20
an expense report in progress 65
expense reports paid in full 65
mileage 39
partial payments 65
adding details 20
beginning and ending dates 24
cash advance 23
credit card 29, 95
deleting 26
dividing across days 24
dragging and dropping 27
fields and descriptions 16
finding 26
graphing 44
grouping in expense reports 33
itemizing 24
mileage 21
moving to another envelope 26
managing 26–24
partial reimbursement 23
reimbursement 23
restoring 26
reviewing before sending 79
reviewing imported 102
sorting by date 26
splitting 24
undoing 26
viewing 26
expenses from ExpensAble to Quicken 75
ExpensAble data to Excel 101, 129
transactions from a QIF file 102
travel services 99
Trip Genie 29
turning off Automatic Recall 16
Index 139 Page 140 Monday, November 8, 2010 9:30 AM
undoing transactions 26
unsendable transactions 79
updating lists 55
User ID 6
User Info window, using 14
using in Excel 101, 129
VAT (Value-added Tax) 38
vehicle ID 59
What’s new
in ExpensAble 6 2
Web Connect 95
Welcome to ExpensAble version 6 1
% Allocation 18
Windows PPC devices, synchronizing with 101