test news - Ormskirk District Scouts


test news - Ormskirk District Scouts
3 DC Report
5 District H Q Update
6 Adult Training
7 Beavers
8 Cubs
9 Scouts
11 Media Section
13 Rainbow House
17 Sea Kayaking
14 Shooting Team Focus
18 Moonlight Report
20 Snapped Event Photos
21 Project Peru
22 Archery Team Flyer
23 Shooting Team Flyer
24 Founders Feast Flyer
25 Family Camp Flyer
26 Family Camp Application Form
27 And Finally
What a good start to the year with all the talk being on the Duchess becoming a volunteer in
Scouting. Flexible volunteering is something we should be offering when looking for volunteers. Every
minute offered to Scouting is worth something. We shouldn’t be refusing people if they cant give the
time you want, if they cant make it ever week, if they cant commit to uniform, if they cant do weekend
events. It has to be down to the time they can give to Scouting. Not everyone will be totally committed
to Scouting as most of us are, but they do have something to offer in their own little way which we
have to learn to accept, however small that may be.
Thanks to everyone who attended the leaders meeting. There was a great turnout and a real sense
of enthusiasm. I hope you all got something from the night and went home ready for action. Thanks
to Ash for pulling it all together and to all who put on displays on the night.
Well done and thanks to Claire Duncan who made a very kind donation of £105 to the HQ fund. I
don’t know how Claire had raised the money but enough was raised to buy an Explorer flag and then
had surplus to donate to District. Fantastic effort Claire.
You should have all completed your census submission and be thinking of sending your cheque to
our treasurer John. Don’t forget their will be 50p added to each person if there is a delay in payment.
If any groups do have a real problem we need to know asap.
Well done to everyone involved in Moonlight 2012. Over 500 people involved in another successful
event and from what I have heard no major incidents. Thanks to Chris Phillips and his team and all
those who turned out on the day to help out. Apparently we even had some SASU members from
Lonsdale and Wigan helping out with food. Trophies where won by Explorers from Kirkham &
Wesham, and Scouts from Eccleston. We will need to try harder for next year. Well done everyone.
Expired CRB’s
It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure they have a current CRB. It has been brought to
our attention that quite a few CRB’s had expired a few years ago and that adults are going on
camps and activities without a CRB. This is not acceptable. Please find your official piece of
paper and check the date. CRB’s need to be renewed at least 6 weeks
before the expiry date by filling in the CRB renewal form and getting it
back to Jo Nevill.
Sleep Week 23/3/12 to 31/3/12
Rainbow House in Mawdesley is a school for disabled children which is
totally reliant on charitable giving. They are holding a Sleep Week which is a
great idea and something that groups may like to get involved in. The flyer
in this edition is aimed at individuals and families but why not do something
with your group. What about an Easter Pyjama Party or sleeping
somewhere unusual and raise some money for a worth while cause.
County Project Peru
You can find more info in this newsletter on how to apply for a
Project Peru pack and a badge or click and visit
It’s a great resource for Global Challenges and will introduce Peru to
District Explorer Scout Commissioner
Watch this space !!
Big Adventure Family Camp 13th to 15th July
Scarisbrick Guide Camp
Apologies for the mix up in dates. Please circulate this date to everyone. It’s a
great weekend for our families, and doesn’t necessarily involve leaders, though we will be grateful of
any help.
New Enquiries Secretary
District is looking for someone who can look after all our new enquires, liaising with them and placing
them into groups. This will need to be someone who can work a computer as all enquiries come
through online.
Development Officer
As a District there is so much we could be doing. We
are missing so many opportunities. We need someone
who will look at new projects for the District and work
with County to make the most of these opportunities.
Dates for the diary
Appointments committee Jan 30th
Safeguarding Feb 6th
Family Camp July 13th 14th 15th
think again..
scouts.org.uk/ thinkagain
0845 300 1818
Copyright © 2011 The Scout Association, Registered Charity Numbers 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland).
District H.Q. Update
We have applied to extend the current planning permission as this adds value to the land,
present value about £15 / 25000, had this been done by the architects it would have cost a
further £4000 plus and we have managed to do it ourselves for under £200. However we
have had to have a Bat and Historical Report done as these had not been included in the
original application.
The proposal was to remove the asbestos roof and replace with a modern insulated one, renovate
the inside and outside cladding. Demolish the small attached units and concentrate everything in
the Hall and backstage area, updating all electrical and heating systems. Clean up the surrounding
areas and provide adequate parking facilities. We have had two independent building firms look
at this and report back to us.
Good Points
1. Could be done during the long summer break minimising disruption to Scouting.
2. It would be done on the existing footprint with minimal input by the Local Authority.
Bad Points
1. We may still have to comply with some of the stipulations of the original planning
permission, The Archaeological report £3500 Bat survey £250+
and conservation precaution (£ endless).
2. We will still have all the problems that this site inherits in years to come.
3. Considerable upheaval in the moving of every bodies property out of the buildings and into
store, before any work can commence and then return it after completion.
The cost of this fix would be in the region of £120.000 plus a vat element.
The proposal to sell or swap the Lathom site for a new one completely and build a modern
economic building in a conveniently central location in the demographic centre of our
district. We could either go it alone ( very expensive ) or join with a kindred organisation and
reduce by half the costs. We are in discussions with a developer at the moment and an
interested partner.
Good Points
1. All the advantages of a new build, clean, simple and quick and would last longer. Cost
approx £125.000 or £275.000. plus minimal VAT
2. We would still be able to use the old building whilst new one built.
3. If we should join with another group it would tick all the LA boxes and mean an even
quicker conclusion and much lower costs to us.
4. It would be simpler to raise funds and cheaper to run. Especially if we join in with another
5. More convenient site near to a bus stop and on a main road.
Bad Points
1. We would have to go through the planning process all over again.
2. We would lose the entire Lathom site via exchange or sale.
3. It would take a little longer to complete.
We now have two paths open to us and I can see the advantage in following both for a little
longer until all of the relevant facts and costs are available to assist us in MAKING a final
decision on which way to go. Obviously the deciding factor will be the best plan for the
District organisation with minimum costs in build and general running expenses and also
the best foundation we can leave for those who will follow in our footsteps in the future. In
the meantime you may wish to consider in your own minds what you would envisage to be
the best possible answer to our dream of a new HQ. Remember what we do today will
directly affect those who follow us in the future, so we are not looking for a quick fix but one
that should last a very long time indeed. We now have the costs under control so it’s up to us
to make the right decision.
Should you have any views on these two proposals please email me at
[email protected]
Colin Prescott.
Thank you to all who have booked on training courses this month.
The next Safeguard Awareness course is on Monday 6th February. If you need to redo
the course or you have any new Leaders who need to attend please email me for a
booking form.
There are still places on the First Aid courses 4th / 5th February. This is your chance to
do / renew your certificate. Please email me as soon as possible to book.
Well Done
Congratulations to Jo Treasure, Paul Hipwell
and Helen Randal, all of whom have got
either their first or second set of woodbeads
this month.
If you have attended any training course in the last 12 months and have not had
those modules validated, please contact your training adviser as soon as possible to
arrange validation. If you are not sure who your training adviser †is please email me
and I will tell you.
As always if you have any queries regarding training you know where I am.
Chris Charlton
Local Training Manager
[email protected]
Apologies for missing the last newsletter and a
belated happy New Year to you all.
Beaver District Carol Service: Thursday 1st December
Thank you to all those beavers and parents who
braved the wet weather to attend our carol service,
hosted by the 42nd. It was nice to see so many beavers
together to celebrate the start of advent in the packed
church of St Paul’s.
A big thank you to the beavers of the 42nd, Sue, Linda
and Steve for organising the evening and getting
everybody in the Christmas spirit.
Chief Scouts Bronze Awards:
I had the pleasure of presenting 5 beavers at the 4th (Parbold) and 4 beavers at the
53rd (Appley Bridge) with their Chief Scouts bronze badges just before Christmas.
Another 4 beavers at the 29th (Burscough) were also presented with their badges in
January. Congratulations to all the recipients and thank you to the leaders for all the
hard work involved to enable these beavers to earn the badge.
Pantomime: Saturday 28th January
Hope you all enjoy the forthcoming pantomime with an estimated 70 beavers from
6 colonies attending– Thanks to Jean and Ann for organising – report next month.
Beaver Climbing Wall Fun Day: Saturday 17th March
Due to the success of last year’s event, we are
again holding a climbing wall fun day. Once
again the District climbing team will be
planning the day. Due to the success last
year, we expect that the places will be filled
very quickly. Forms will be available before
half term, so get your applications in
District Sleepover: Saturday 28th April
We will be holding a district beaver
sleepover at Parbold scout hut. We will
arranging a meeting for leaders who are
willing to get involved in the planning of the
event. Anybody wishing to get experience
towards their night’s away permit should
consider attending this meeting (Likely to be
in February, after half term)
District Caving Day:
Our district caving day for beavers has been
booked for Saturday 12th May. Places will be
limited, so note the date.
Jim and your District Team –
Ann, Jean, Sue and Michelle.
Cub Scout Section
A very belated Happy New Year to everyone, hope you had a good one and you’re all ready for another busy
year of Cub scouting.
It seems ages ago now since the carol service, but on behalf of the Women’s Refuge and West Lancs Food
Bank, Steve and Linda would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated toys and tins.
There was a good turn out at the Whole District Meeting in January, it was a great opportunity to get
information re adventurous activities. Following our sectional meeting in November, Linda had a word
with the caving team and booked a trip to Ingleton for leaders, on the 10th March, with a view to taking
Cubs at some point. Should be an interesting day out...
5 A-Side Football, Skelmersdale Sports Centre, 9am for a 10am start – 2pm, 4th February
Information was e mailed out and everyone should have let Steve Swainson know by now, the cut off date
was the 27th January. There are two categories under 9 on the day (9th birthday needs to fall after the 5th
August 2011) and 9 - 10 on the day. Cub’s whose 10th birthday falls before the 5th August 2012, are too old
to play in the competition. Please, please stick to the age rules…. £12 per team. Report next month.
District Chess, HQ, 25th February
Chris will be in touch with everyone, re times, cost etc.
Dungeons and Dragons 24th March
This is a linking event for older Beavers and younger Cubs 8 to 9yrs. More info to follow.
County Camp/Giant Sleepover,Waddecar, 15th –
17th June
The theme is Snaggle Olympics. Not sure of our base yet,
our 1st choice was ‘Gold Medal Record Breakers’ and 2nd
choice ‘Team B-P’, we should know a bit more after the
County meeting. County costs £18 per Cub, £9 per adult
with 1 adult to 5 Cubs free. There will be an additional cost
from District (coach, central cooking) once the budget has
been worked out. Entries for the badge competition are to
be in by the end of February. We may have to have a
short camp meeting for those groups going to the County
camp, before March.
Next Leaders Meeting –
H.Q., 8.30pm
Steve, Linda, Chris, Paul, Anne and
Moonlight 2012
By the time you are reading this Moonlight will have come and gone, all the trophies will have
been handed out and all the muddy boots and clothes will have been cleaned off (I hope that the
muck didn’t clog up anyone’s washing machine) I hope that all went well and would like to thank
everyone on the organising team for all the hard work that they put in to make this event so
enjoyable for all that take part.
Chief Scout Gold Presentation
Is being hosted by our district on the 9th Feb at the new college building by the Asda in
Skelmersdale, we would like to congratulate all the scouts who are receiving the award especially
those from our district, we would also like to thank all the leaders for all the hard work they put in
to helping the scouts gain this prestigious award and that they keep working with more scouts to
further themselves in the scouting movement.
PL’s Weekend 16 -18 March
Don’t forget to get your applications in on time the closing date is 12th Feb and will be strictly
adhered to
Bowlander Training
The training for Bowlander has already begun, Dave Delaney is co-ordinating this if you have any
queries about this please contact Dave as he knows more about this than most of us do, the actual
event is on the w/e 23 – 25 March
St George’s day parade
Will take place on the 22nd April the usual place and time will apply
County Rally
According to the diary we were given at the recent district meeting the camp is on the 11th – 13th
May so keep an eye open for any information as it will come round sooner than you think
Go Alpine
I would just like to mention that there will be 10 scouts 3 young leaders and 3 adult leaders from
our district going on this international trip which is being run by county and will include scouts
and leaders from other districts
The next leader’s meeting will be held on the 22nd of February at
A good start to 2012 with a very well supported New Year Get together on Jan11th.
We had comments on events held since our last indoor meeting in November plus letters & good
wishes to all from Laurie Pears our old friend from Westcliffe on Sea as well as an update on all
their family’s adventures from Dick & Helen Griffiths.
As mentioned in previous meetings, from the 1st of January we no longer have our own separate
bank account and all our monies are now controlled by the District Treasurer. Thankfully our own
ex. Treasurer Roy, balanced the books for me and completed the dreaded spread sheets so during
the evening we handed everything over to John A. complete with a cheque for £864 16p. and our
District Fellowship account is now closed. Thanks again to Roy who is also completing the
Fellowship census for us this year.
Following a lively discussion we completed the Waddecar Strategic Plan Consultation Document
which will probably result in us all being banished from Scouting!! and then Carol Flav. brought us
up to date with a report from the exec. meeting. Thanks again also to Carol who has been quite
poorly over the last few weeks but still managed to produce an excellent set of minutes from our
last meeting.
Dates for your diaries
Moonlight Saturday January 21st.
4 members supporting this event. Report next month.
Wednesday February 8th. Fellowship Meal Out at The Hopvine Burscough.
7.00.for 7.30.pm. I’ve booked for 21 as requested and I’ll be in touch re menus.
Wednesday March 14th. Garry’s 10 pin bowling at Southport
Sue B. organising again for us . Names were taken at our meeting so contact Sue if you would like
to join us on [email protected]
Saturday March 24th. District Dungeons & Dragons at Bispham Hall
No info up to press on this event between Beavers and Cubs
No Meeting on Wednesday April 11th. Easter…
St. George’s Day Rehearsal & Parade on 21st & 22nd April
Wednesday May 9th, Fellowship Yearly Review (AKA AGM.) at “Shakelady Hey”
Please note change of venue as Pat & Peter Sewell have invited us for a Spring BBQ
Saturday May 12th. District Cub Skills at Rufford
Info to Follow
That’s all for this month with lots more to come later in the year
Hope to see you at the Hop Vine
Ann & The Team Carol F., Eric, Helen and John.
Ormskirk Media Update…
Hi All
Why Media? The 3 main reasons
Lots of links and press releases issued this month so click on them and have a look
1. Advocacy
- We want
Scout get £1000
boost from
Wadeschools, youth groups,
community groups, and the general public to understand out
Press Release and
at;the work we do and how this fits a modern society.
2. Time – As an organization we need people s time to help us grow
and offer Scouting to more young people. This is achieved by
our movement.
Gail Stanley president
of West
3. Money – As a charity we depend on grants and donations if people
http://audioboo.fm/boos/623899-gail-stanley-on-her-appointment-as-president-of-west-lancashireunderstand the work we do they are more likely to support our
500 Scouts
take part in Operation Moonlinght 2012
West Lancashire Media Team is growing…. Meet the new members of the
West Lancashire Media Team is growing .....Meet the new members of the team!!!!!
Chris Lomas
Internal Brand
James Hume (Jambo)
James Hume (Jambo)
Communications and
Internal Brand Manager
County Videographer
Advocacy? What can groups do?
1. Visibility - The first stage to people advocating us is known we
are exists. If we make our meeting places visible with an on-brand
sign (Visit Scout Print Centre online) it make us approachable.
2. Parents – they already have an understanding of our values and
Ormskirk Media Update...
Why Media? The 3 main reasons
Advocacy - We want civic leaders, schools, youth groups, community groups, and the general
public to understand out values and the work we do and how this fits a modern society.
Time – As an organization we need peoples time to help us grow and offer Scouting to more
young people. This is achieved by promoting advocacy for our movement.
Money – As a charity we depend on grants and donations if people understand the work we do
they are more likely to support our organization.
Advocacy? What can groups do?
Visibility - The first stage to people advocating us is known we are exists. If we make our
meeting places visible with an on-brand sign (Visit Scout Print Centre online) it make us
Parents – they already have an understanding of our values and what we do. Make sure they
can see the amazing opportunities available through Scouting. Encourage them to sign up to
AdventureNews at scouts.org.uk/subscribe a monthly e- newsletter.
YSP? What?
A Young Spokesperson (YSP) is a Scout whom positively communicates to media (print, radio
and TV), local decision makers and the public to advocate Scouting. To make YSP’s recognizable
and approachable to the public they wear an iScout top and international scarf.
YSP’s trained at a county level and are selected, as being the voice of our movement is a
prestigious job. If you know a young person that could be a YSP contact Ormskirk District
Media Development Manager Andrew King on 07818201471 or email [email protected]
District Media Development Plan
Ormskirk’s Media Development Plan for 2012 is currently being finalised with an aim to be
complete by 17th February. This time of change and progress is exciting time for West
Media Team. The District Media Plan has some ambitious and exciting ideas combining
advocating Scouting and creating active citizens, if you are interested in getting involved
with Media in Ormskirk contact me Andrew King (DMDM) on 07818201471 or email
[email protected]
Rainbow House is a special school in Mawdesley for children
with disabilities. They put the ability back into disability. They are
totally reliant on charitable giving and I would like you to embrass
them as your charity for 2012.
March 23rd to 31st is Sleep Week and a leaflet is attached, which
may be of some interest to you as an adult or family.
What I am hoping is that some groups will take part in the sleep week and hold sleepovers,
pyjama parties or may have other ideas that you can run with your groups†to raise money for this
very well worth charity.†
The majority of us have no idea of what it is like to be disabled, or of how it is to struggle to do
some of the very basic tasks in life. As a District we could get involved with Rainbow House and
with the children who attend the school.
If you would like to†take part in Sleep Week then please let me know.
Take a look at the wonderful work
they do at Rainbow House by
clicking on the link below
focus on
The District Shooting Team is going from strength to strength and with there new indoor
shooting range the weather is not a problem so give it a go!!!!
The newsletter has got them in there sights and decided to call and see what targets they
were aiming to in the future and ask them some loaded questions as well as the Scouts
who attended a session, read the report !!
The History
The small bore rifle shooting was
originally run by Lionel Taylor from the
45th who enlisted Eric Simms to help out,
when Lionel retired Eric took over the reins
and after a couple of years he was invited
by County to attend a course at Blackburn
Shooting Club with Ian Flavell. In Feb 2011
and Ian had to have a routine
refresher course and they had the idea of
having a District Shooting Team and
invited John Broady and Noel Fearns to
join. All 4 of them attended the Blackburn
Club on a weekend course and gained a
Diploma from the National Small-bore
Rifle Association which qualifies them to
instruct and supervise Air Rifle Shooting.
The Present
Offering Small Bore Shooting to
all Scouts,Cubs and Leaders.
Expert tuition and friendly
approach. Indoor range and
available to travel. Evening
sessions and fully controlled
tuition. Full details and contact
information within this
The Newsletter asked Ian Flavell one of the Shooting instructors to give us a example of
what you would expect on a shooting session,
“When a group arrive we introduce them to there
instructors for the event and as you can imagine
paramount is Health and Safety, from explaining the
different parts of a rifle, loading of the rifle, handling
the rifle correctly, washing of your hands after handling
pellets and the do’s and do nots, we follow this with the
fun bit of having a go at shooting at targets with the
instructors monitoring at all times and advising and
helping aligning the sights and techniques to
improving there aim, they all leave wanting to come
again and with the indoor shooting range more
sessions are available.”
The 53rd Ormskirk attended a session at the HQ I asked for there feedback on the
A few comments from the Scouts of the 53rd, Kurt said “ Great night I enjoyed the shooting
and want to come again,’’ Chris and Josh where of the same opinion “Awesome.’’
Liz Roberts GSL with the 53rd had this to say, “ The Scouts had an absolute ball and they are
asking when they can do it again, I feel its an activity they would not normally get an
opportunity to do and its very affordable, its different and not many kids can say they have
done it, the Leaders enjoyed it as well but I think the Scouts were better shots.”
The Future
Eric had this to say, “The teams goal, and I’m sure the others will agree with me, is to make
an exciting activity available, in a safe controlled environment, to all the youngsters
involved in Scouting within the Ormskirk District.” “ We hope that the youngsters learn a
new skill and develop a sense of discipline when following instructions and we know,
from experience, that they all enjoy the sense of achievement when adding up the scores
on their target cards”.
“ As for our goals as I mentioned in an earlier epistle ,,,we hope that all the groups will
come along and have a go and we have made ourselves available to travel to camp sites if
necessary. In the future we hope to build improved mobile galleries for the HQ, and in the
distant future maybe a designated space for a shooting gallery could be programmed into
our new HQ,,,,,,,.”
“We also realise that we have to walk before we can run, but eventually we would like to
run a Master at Arms badge course for the Scouts and Explorer Scouts”.
Eric Simms
District Quarter-Master, Sasu and Shooting Instructor
How long have you been in Scouting
About 37 years
How did you get involved in Scouting
Elsie Marshall asked me to run the football for the 5th Ormskirk and
developed the league and been involved every since.
What keeps you in Scouting
Long lasting friendships, Fellowship friends, remembering Gary, sharing
good times and helping our young people get the most out of life.
What has been your best memory in Scouting
Proudly leading the district on St Georges Day and being awarded the
silver acorn
Ian Flavell
Position in Scouting
GSL 42nd Ormskirk, DSL,District Shooting Instructor and District
Archery Instructor
How long have you been in Scouts
21 years
How did you get involved in Scouts
Through my children's involvement.
What keeps you in Scouting.
The friendship and helping young people.
What has been your best memory in Scouts
Gaining my Wood Beads and Going to Gillwell Park
John Broady
SASU and District Shooting Instructor
How long have you been in Scouting
10 yrs but also was in Cubs and Scouts with 5th Ormskirk when growing up
How did you get involved in Scouts
My Mothers friend got me into Scouts and Mum was happy that I was out
from under her feet.
What keeps you in Scouting
To be honest as a group (fellowship) we have been everywhere and done
loads of interesting things.
What has been your best memory in Scouts
Climbing Helvellyn with Cubs.
Noel Fearn
SASU and District Shooting Instructor
How long have you been Scouting
20 Years or more
How did you get involved in Scouts
My son joined Cubs
What keeps you in Scouting
The social life and my past experiences
What has been your best memory in Scouts
Ormskirk District reaching 100yrs of Scouting
Weekend 5/6/7 May- North Wales
A training weekend in North Wales. Suitable for 2 Star
standard paddlers with no or little sea kayaking
experience. 2 days will be spent on sea kayak handling
practice in Borthwen Bay, Anglesey . This is reasonably
sheltered but quite safe.
For Explorers, Network and Leaders. Come for the whole
weekend, with minibus available. Equipment supplied
courtesy of Upholland Canoe Club.
You’ll learn 3 Star [Sea] skills and we’ll provide opportunity
to complete BCU 3 Star later in the year.
Paddling opportunities as follows:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
PM Saturday 5 May [Trearrdur Bay]
AM Sunday 6 May [Borthwen Bay]
PM Sunday 6 May [Borthwen Bay]
Until 15.00hrs Monday 7 May [Trearrdur Bay]
You can join us for all or any session(s). You’ll get more out
of 2 consecutive sessions. Each session costs £10 for
coaching and use of equipment.
You need to book on each session-maximum of 8 participants each session.
If you want to come for all 4 sessions the cost of £40 will include minibus transport from Upholland.
Otherwise you’ll need to make your own way there.
We’ll either camp at Outdoor Alternative near
Rhoscolyn. Tents are £6.50 per night [2011 price]. This is
frame tent charge so if you mate up and bunk together
this is quite economical. Alternatively, if demand exists
and facilities still available when I book I’ll organise
bunkhouse accommodation on either a self catering
[£17.50] or B&B [£20.50] basis. You’ll cater for yourself.
This will be off-site but I’ll include minibus transport to
Borthwen each day.
If you’re with me in the bunkhouse lobby then book
early so I can make arrangements. Separate male &
female accommodation available at time of writing.
Act now if you’re interested and register your e-mail
address with me for details of our sea kayak trip
weekend which complements this training on Saturday
19 May and Sunday 20 May.
Group Quartermaster – John Lechmere
104 Hallbridge Gardens, Upholland, Skelmersdale. WN8 0ER
(H) 01695 632434
(M) 07747 304351
[email protected]
Over 500 Scouts take on the challenge of Operation Moonlight 2012!
Operation Moonlight 2012 took place on Saturday 21st January 2012. Organised by Ormskirk
SASU Crew, the event which has been running successfully for 24 years, had the largest
ever turnout with over 500 Scouts and Explorer Scouts from all over the North West taking
part. There were over 90 teams entered into the event.
Richard Charnock the Event Coordinator from Ormskirk SASU Crew said, “It was a brilliant
day and a real challenge for all the young people taking part but event at the end, you
could see in their faces just how much fun it had been.”
For those who do not know Operation Moonlight is an evasion exercise which takes place
within West Lancashire. Teams are bussed to a secret location and at 12 noon the young
people are set loose and spend the next 9 hours evading teams of catchers and navigating
their way to the finish around 10 miles (16.5 km) away as the crow flies. The aim is to find
their way to the finish with as many ‘lives’ intact
as possible.
Scouts and Explorer Scouts probably added to the
distance quite significantly as to avoid the
dreaded catchers that take away valuable ‘lives’.
This year there were over 90 catchers. (Catchers
are also Moonlight Marshals, and whilst trying to
catch as many teams as possible for the catcher’s
prize they are also there to ensure the safety and
well being of the teams.)
Chris Philips, who is in charge of the Route and
rules for Operation Moonlight 2012 said, “We’d
chosen two start points – one for the Explorers and
Scout Network over in Worden Park and one for the Scouts in Upholland. Both routes
ensured that the participants would have to use their navigation skills and team work to
avoid being caught by the catchers.”
There are four categories – Solo Scouts (those without a leader), Led Scouts, Explorer Scouts
and Network/Veteran. The overall winners this year were from Trogz Explorer Scout Unit
which are based in Kirkham & Wesham. Not only did they win the trophy for the Explorer
Scout category they also won overall by not losing any lives and arriving in early during
the finish window.
The top results are below but full results and more details about the event can be found on
the Ormskirk District Website – Click on this link
Position Catergory Team Name
Explorers Trogz A
Explorers Team Extreme
Net & Vet (Team Vegas)
Group / Unit
Yetis & Ormskirk
OK Network
Position Catergory Team Name
Group / Unit
Explorers Trogz A
Explorers Team Extreme
Explorers 10th Altside A
Yetis & Ormskirk
10th Altside
Position Catergory
Led Scouts
Led Scouts
Led Scouts
Team Name
Eccleston Extreme Unit
5th Lancaster B
Burscough Bandits
Group / Unit
Eccleston Scouts
5th Lancaster
29th OK
Team Name
Team Thunder
41st A
17th A
Group / Unit
29th OK
41st OK
17th OK
Position Catergory
Solo Scouts
Solo Scouts
Solo Scouts
Links to more info click here
Project Peru is part of West Lancashire Scouts International Programme and takes place
between the 27th July and 20th August 2012. The unit consists of 19 Explorer Scouts,
Networkers, Young Leaders and Leaders from all over the County. The unit will be taking
part in a large scale project to help the villagof Anapaua with water issues.
Join In Project Peru
The Join in Project has been created to promote the project and allow members of the County
to take part in a number of activities and challenges related to the different areas of Peru and
the projects the unit will be working on. By completing the Join-In Challenge you will be
supporting the project by purchasing the Join in badges. These are participation badges and
can be worn on your uniform as soon as you get them to show that you are supporting the
project. Please see the badge order form for more details on how to order these.
How to take part in the Join in Challenge
The Join in challenge is simple just complete two challenges in each of the zones for your
section. If you have time then why not try to do more!
Once you have completed the challenge contact Cath Hargreaves from the leadership team
who will arrange for your section, group or unit to receive a certificate of completion.
We hope you enjoy the challenges and thank you for your support.
West Lancashire Project Peru 2012 unit
This is a fundraiser for the team going out to Peru in 2012 so it would be really great
if you could spread the word far and wide for us.The packs are on the County
Website and will be sent out through the Facebook and Twitter accounts. Any other
ideas of how this can be distributed please let me know.†
Cath Hargreaves
53 Kimberley Street
Coppull, Chorley
01257 470905
07789 003025
Why not come along and join the Archery team 2nd Monday every
month at HQ 7.30 – 9 pm and have a go, All Welcome. Please let us
know if you are interested (so we have an idea of numbers) by
emailing [email protected] or phoning
Jan on 0151 280 1447 and leave a message.
If you would like to book an Archery session for your group/
section please contact Ian Gadsden by email.
[email protected] or phone 07971808416.
Regularly appearing at Cub Camp and District Family camps, as well as
offering evening sessions in Ormskirk by arrangement, the District Shooting
Team provides opportunities to experience rifle shooting to young people of
cub scout age and above.
Team members have gained the certificates necessary to lead these sessions
through training organised by County Scouts under control of the National
Small Bore Rifle Association and we have a new shooting gallery.
Ann Simms <simms582@bt>internet.com
Contact us to book a session for cubs, scouts or explorers, (two hours for £20),
using the new range at District HQ. Alternatively, we are quite happy to travel
to Camp Sites which already have shooting galleries set up and can bring our
own equipment on request.
Leaders wanting to add rifle shooting to their skill set are welcome to try it out.
Contact Ann Simms <[email protected]> or phone
01695 576129
The Founder’s Feast
7pm, Saturday 25th Feb 2012
3 Course Dinner
Drinks Reception
Live Entertainment
The Woodland Suite, Ribby Hall Hotel, Wrea Green
Remembering Scouting Past
Thanking our Volunteers
Looking to the Future
For all West Lancashire Scouters aged 18+
More information at: www.westlancashirescouts.org.uk/foundersfeast
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please send me ….. ticket(s) for the Founder’s Feast at a cost of £30 per ticket. I enclose a sheet
with the full names of all my guests (inc. dietary requirements) and a cheque for the full amount
made payable to: West Lancashire Scouts.
Contact Tel.
Contact email (preferred)
Name of party you would like
to sit with
(Please return to: "Founders Feast", c/o Anthony Wilson, 104 Norris Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3QS)
NEW! or pay online at:
(50p booking fee per ticket applies)
Following the success of the Big Cook family camp, Ormskirk District Scouts are organising
another “drop in” Family camp over the weekend of 13th-15th July 2012. This will be held at
Scarisbrick Guide Camp, Scarisbrick, Southport.
If you would like to be involved as a family, please could you fill in the form below to give us an
idea of the numbers to expect for a fun packed weekend. You do not have to stay for the whole
weekend, you could, for example, turn up on the Saturday evening and leave on the Sunday
morning or just turn up for part of the day.
The only thing that we ask of all adults (over the age of 18) is to undergo the Ormskirk District
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. To help us ensure that the process is completed in time for
the camp, please return the completed form below by 12th May 2012 to Chris Charlton, 16 Willow
Hey, Tarleton, Preston. PR4 6DN or email the form back to [email protected]. If you have
not already got CRB clearance with Ormskirk District Scouts, then we will advise you of dates to
come and complete the CRB form. If you were CRB’d for the last family camp it will still be valid,
just enter the number below.
Which Scout Group are you a member of? _________________________________
Names of Family Members
Date of birth
Section *
If you are over the age of 18 and have
been CRB’d by Ormskirk District Scouts,
please put your CRB number
B = Beaver, C = Cub, S = Scout, ES = Explorer Scout, N = Network, F = Fellowship, P = Parent, Si = Sibling
Family Details
Work phone
When were you thinking of attending –
as a guide only and not cast in stone! –Please
Fri 13th eve
Sat 14th am
Sat 14th pm
Sat 14th eve
Sun 15th am
Sun 15th pm
And Finally
Well a month gone by already and I’m sure its down to the economy that even the
months are going quicker than normal, anyway here goes.
Great Moonlight again this year well done to the organisers and many comments
coming in of how well this event is run and how much fun it is as always. Weather
conditions were good and no Fog!!!!!
The newsletter was invited to the West Lancashire District Media Team event at
Chorley and had a great day with the team. I was surprised as to how much is going
on and how much hard work and time is spent in promoting Scouting in the District
and getting your news out there locally and nationally. Also a great buffet!!!!!!!
The focus on the District Shooting Team is hopefully one of many to be run in the
newsletter to promote whats offered in the District after the Activities night so
please contact the newsletter if you would like an activity promoted.
The newsletter has put in links to stories and websites to enable more of an in depth
look at various items on the Ormskirk District website or other trusted webpages so
please click on them.
Me and my better half attended the Mawdesley Quiz Night organized by Chris
Charlton and had a great night but let me tell you Chris is not the fun and smiling
person we all know when she has the power to give points or deduct points from
your score she’s ruthless!!!!!!!!
Peter at
[email protected]