a publication of the preservation society of newport county


a publication of the preservation society of newport county
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas
Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly
Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo
Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.
Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode
iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.
Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode
iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design,
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Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode
iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design,
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Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode
iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.
Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode
iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.
Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode
iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design,
www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
W INTER 2012 • NO. 170
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas
Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
A Publication of The Preservation
Society of Newport County
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo
Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.
Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas
Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo
Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.
Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas
Winter 2012 • no. 170
Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design,
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com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas
Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding
Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design,
www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.
com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas
Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo
Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.
Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas
Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
The Cutting Edge
Caring for Newport’s Houses
Highlights of the Collection
Grants and Gifts
In Memoriam: John G. Winslow
The Newport Symposium
2012 Calendar of Events
News Briefs
Tomorrow Dollars
Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc.
Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
The Preservation Society is grateful
to Carol and Les Ballard for their
support in underwriting this issue of
the Newport Gazette.
Front cover: Chinese Tea House at Marble House
Photo by Kari Van Buren
Inside front cover: The Breakers Music Room
Photo by corbettphotography.net
Look for these Quick Response (QR) Codes
throughout the Gazette. Scan them with your
mobile device for more information.
Winter 2012 3
Photo by corbettphotography.net
which have hung for more than a
century in The Elms breakfast room.
Jeff’s work to create the treatment
plan was itself funded by the Getty.
Of the 21 papers published in the
book, Jeff’s is one of only four written
by American authors, demonstrating
the international significance of the
work being done by the Preservation
Society. Most of the other contributors are European and Asian. A
version of the paper is available on
the Preservation Society’s website, at
By Trudy Coxe
CEO and Executive Director
Research and scholarship are the
lifeblood of a museum. They ensure
that the museum remains relevant,
is presenting the most factual, up-todate information to its visitors, and
most importantly, that it is contributing to the world’s body of knowledge
regarding its collections or its history.
For example, ten years of research
went into the re-interpretation of
The Breakers which is at the root
of our successful audio tours there.
Similar efforts were conducted to
create the audio tours at The Elms,
Marble House and Rosecliff. Our
research activity has been growing
in recent years, and is a priority of
our strategic plan.
Most recently, our Chief
Conservator, Jeff Moore, has been
published in East Asian Lacquer:
Material Culture, Science and
Conservation, a scholarly work on
conservation by the Victoria and
Albert Museum with primary
funding by the Getty. Entitled
“The French Connection: Developing
a Conservation Treatment Plan for
18th Century Chinese Lacquer Panels
Adapted for an American Beaux Arts
– Style House,” Jeff’s paper explores
the approach to and methods of restoration identified for the lacquer panels
from universities around the world
will be given opportunities to live and
work in Newport, helping us expand
our academic, conservation and
restoration work, and building
their own intellectual resumes.
Some of the country’s pre-eminent
scholars have already endorsed
our plan. Brock Jobe, Professor
of American Decorative Arts at
Winterthur, has written to us that
while Newport possesses a richer
“artifactual legacy” than any other
American community, it has not been
well studied, and that the Preservation
Cutting Edge
The project has brought conservators from Austria, Portugal and
Canada to work with Jeff here in
Newport. This conservation work
is especially important because
surviving installations like that at
The Elms are rare artifacts of trade
and commerce between Asia, Europe
and the Americas. The Elms finds
itself alongside other historic sites
like Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna,
the Royal Palace of Turin, and the
Chinese Pavilion at Drottningholm
in Sweden.
Jeff’s paper discusses not only the
technical aspects of the treatment
plan, but also explores some of the
cultural dimensions that brought
these panels to The Elms. They were
almost certainly made for 18th century
Europe, probably made in Canton and
sent to France, where they may have
enjoyed a long life in an historic townhouse. There they ultimately became
architectural salvage, purchased by
designer Jules Allard and shipped
to America, where he designed The
Elms breakfast room around them.
One of our goals for the future is to
ensure that we have the resources to
support more of this kind of scholarly
publication. Recognizing that scholarship is an equal partner to the work
of restoration, our strategic goal is to
create a Scholars Center at The Elms
Carriage House. Graduate students
Society’s properties, in particular,
deserve far more analysis:
“These research efforts require a
spark—an initiative to attract scholars,
especially young scholars from graduate programs across the country, to
tackle topics in Newport. The Elms
Scholars Center is the perfect
vehicle to stimulate serious work.
I enthusiastically endorse the
Preservation Society’s plan…”
Also endorsing the plan is Richard
Guy Wilson, the Commonwealth
Professor of Architectural History at
the University of Virginia and head
of the Victorian Society in America’s
Newport Summer School:
“There is a tremendous treasure
trove of materials in various archives
and collections in Newport that is
available if the means can be found for
bringing scholars and students to the
town….I urge support of the center.”
This initiative will transform the
Preservation Society into an elite
history and preservation center, and
your help to bring it to fruition would
be appreciated. You’ll be reading
more about this in the months ahead.
The Art and Science
of Caring for
Housekeeping plans, based on those
of the British National Trust and other
historic sites, are being developed for
each property, codifying every practice
from the cleaning of silver and carpets
to the care of floors and ceramics. The
fine work done by the Preservation
Society’s cleaning staff will be enhanced
by these plans,
which are the
first line of
action in preventing further
decay and
deterioration of
the collections.
This project
will benefit
the care of the
houses, and
will also serve a
wider audience
in the future
when we feature our staff
Butler Ernest Birch and footmen at The Elms, circa 1920.
expertise on the
Photo courtesy of Margaret Morello
care of objects,
from metals and porcelains to linens, as
part of our public education programs.
How we display our houses is the
very basis of our furnishings plans,
which document our rationale for the
exhibit in every room in all eleven
Preservation Society properties. To
date, the furnishings plan for Hunter
House is complete and will result in a
new arrangement of the house for the
2012 season. The third floor servants’
reorquarters of The Elms will also be reor
ganized to feature some remarkable
new finds: photographs of the butler
Ernest Birch and his footmen, an article
on the dismissal of the staff of The
hisElms by Mr. Berwind, and other his
toric documents.
This winter will be a busy time with
these projects in full operation. In the
spring, be prepared for new things to
see in the houses and to be enjoyed on
the website as we continue to research,
Harold Mathews, caretaker of The Elms, cleans the
study, analyze and care for Newport’s
chandelier in the dining room.
Newport’s Houses
By John R. Tschirch
Director of Museum Affairs
and Architectural Historian
Collections management, housekeeping plans, furnishings plans…
these are three of the major projects
undertaken by the Museum Affairs
Department staff, who have created
a detailed State of the Collections
report that outlines critical tasks for
the care and documentation of the
Preservation Society’s historic interiors and objects. In all of our various
capacities as historians, conservators,
curators, cleaners, etc., we are all
stewards of a remarkable collection of
fine and decorative arts, textiles, historic photographs, journals and letters,
and great rooms.
In the area of collections management, the archive of historic
photographs, journals and letters is
being reorganized so these important
documents are more readily available
for our staff and visiting scholars.
Among the highlights are the original
photograph album of the construction of The Breakers; the journals of
David King, Jr., and the letters of his
wife, Ella, and daughter, Gwendolen,
outlining in detail the daily life of
Kingscote and intimate observations of Gilded Age Newport; the
American Book of Beauty (1904), a
rare compilation of the leading society
ladies and their daughters; and several photographs of servants at The
Elms, which provide a snapshot of
the history of immigration and labor
in American history. These fragile
documents will not only be organized,
they will be digitally photographed
and made available online.
Photo by Andrea Carneiro
Winter 2012 5
Highlights of the
Cupid & Psyche
By Charles J. Burns
Associate Curator for Research
Situated in the marble hall at
Chateau-sur-Mer, where it stands in the center of the bay window, is a white marble statuary grouping by Giovanni Maria
Benzoni (1809-1873), entitled Cupid & Psyche. The group
was sculpted in 1852, the same year that Chateau-sur-Mer
was completed.
Pierre Lorillard III of New York,
grandson of the founder of the P.
Lorillard and Company tobacco fortune,
commissioned the work. Mr. Lorillard
ordered the piece directly from the artist
in Rome at the cost of $2,000, to be finished and forwarded to shippers by April,
1852. The following year, Mr. Lorillard
returned to Benzoni’s studio near the Piazza
del Popolo in Rome and commissioned a full
length Diana with the attributes of the hunt.
Lorillard’s visits to Benzoni’s workshop were
not uncommon for Americans. Benzoni’s studio
was a popular destination, functioning as a private
museum of the artist’s work, with sculpture lining
the loggia. The works were displayed chronologically
and by production stage, from preliminary model to
finished piece. Contemporary reports asserted that
fashionable Romans, together with travelers and
pilgrims, went to his sculpture studio to visit a “wide
assortment of profane and sacred subjects.” Popes
Gregory XIV and Pius IX, Tsar Alexander II of
Russia, the Sultan of Turkey and members of the
Royal Houses of Italy and Holland visited and
bought from Benzoni in this period.
Celebrated for his delicate marbles in
the Neo-Classical style, Benzoni was considered
a successor to Antonio Canova, who died in
1822. That the artist was profoundly influenced
by Canova is evident in Benzoni’s handling of his
6 Newport Gazette
figural groups, in his attention to detail and in his thematic
choices. The Lorillard sculpture, Cupid & Psyche, illustrates
this trend. The myth of Cupid and Psyche first appeared
in the 2nd century AD as a story told by an old woman in
Lucius Apuleius’ novel The Golden Ass. The story was
a popular choice during the early nineteenth century
neo-classical period. Antonio Canova produced many
versions of the theme; most were of terra cotta, but he also
sculpted several major marble groups, two of which are
in the Louvre: Cupid & Psyche Standing (circa 1797) and
Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss (circa 1793). The group of
Cupid & Psyche Standing is one of Canova’s finest works,
and it was widely copied throughout the nineteenth century.
The moment chosen by Benzoni represents Cupid on the
point of flying to Venus, his mother, at Mount Olympus
to deliver the “box of beauty” that Psyche obtained from
Prosperine. Venus, angered by Psyche’s beauty and her
seduction of Cupid, had instructed Psyche to go to the
underworld and ask its queen, Prosperine, to place a bit of
her celebrated beauty in a box so that Venus’s own beauty
might be renewed; wishing to placate Venus, Psyche obliges,
survives the ordeal and leaves the underworld. Psyche
decides, however, to open the box and take a little bit of
the beauty for herself; inside the container she finds no
component of beauty, but instead is overcome by an infernal
sleep. Cupid flies to Psyche, recalls her to life and conveys
the container to his mother Venus on Mount Olympus to
plead with her and Jupiter that the gods permit his marriage
to Psyche and grant her immortality. Benzoni draws his
inspiration from the standing format of Canova’s naked and
partially draped figures, but adds butterfly wings on Psyche
and in-flight wings on Cupid and relates, with novelty,
the moment in the myth wherein the reanimated Psyche
restrains Cupid from flying with the box to Olympus.
This romantic Cupid & Psyche was moved in 1867 from
the New York residence of Pierre Lorillard III to the
garden of his daughter, Mrs. James Kernochan, at Sea View
on Ruggles Avenue in Newport. Mrs. Kernochan left the
statue to her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Claiborne Pell, who
placed it in her garden at Oakwood, at 424 Bellevue Avenue
in Newport (the current Preservation Society offices),
thence by descent to the Georgetown garden of her son,
the Hon. Senator Claiborne deB. Pell, at 3426 Prospect
St., N.W. It resided there from 1960 until given to the
Preservation Society by Senator and Mrs. Pell in 2004.
Embroidered silk dress, circa 1860
Photo by Andrea Carneiro
The Victorian Wardrobe
Revealed: Highlights from
the Collection, 1840-1900
The Preservation Society’s 2012 fashion exhibition
will showcase highlights from the Historic Costume
Collection, including several pieces never before
displayed. Dating from 1840 to 1900, the garments
range from a dress with buttons depicting the ruins
of Machu Picchu to a walking suit designed by the
great Parisian couturier Charles Frederick Worth.
Clothing and accessories from each decade will
illustrate the stylistic evolution of the Victorian era
and advances in the way fashionable garments were
manufactured and retailed. The exhibit at Roseclif
will run from March 17 to November 16.
Winter 2012 7
Recent Gifts to the Collection
Historic Urban
Plan Project
Gets Underway
Diseased boxwoods surrounding the topiaries will be replaced.
Upgrades Planned
at Green Animals
Thanks to a generous grant from The Champlin Foundations, Green
Animals Topiary Garden will get a face lift and infrastructure improvements
this spring.
The $115,780 grant will allow the replacement of the diseased boxwood
in the parterre, which suffers from a soil-borne fungus caused by excessive
moisture, with new disease-resistant boxwoods. Also included in the project
is the installation of French drains along upper garden paths to deflect
excessive rain water, and a new dry well to collect the rain water, which
will be used to irrigate a section of lawn.
The project also calls for rebuilding a barrier-free ramp to the garden
to improve handicapped access; installing a micro-spray irrigation system;
digging a new back-up well to ensure a reliable source of water in dry season;
and installing steel edging to better define paths and increase visitor safety.
Using the same trenches that will be dug for irrigation, workers will also
install landscape lighting with electrical outlets. This will improve visitor
safety and allow the potential to offer special events at night. It will also
allow gardeners to replace gas-powered hedge trimmers with more
environmentally-friendly electric trimmers.
Green Animals will open for the season on May 12.
Generous grants of $6,000 from
Newport resident Elizabeth Prince
de Ramel and $5,000 from the Rhode
Island Council for the Humanities
(RICH) have allowed the Preservation
Society to begin the extensive research
needed to create an online, interactive
map that will trace the development
of Newport
from 1638
to the present day. The
Urban Plan
Project will
create a map
that will be
chronologically or
geographically, and will
include links
to additional
information about Newport’s social,
political, economic, cultural and
architectural/archaeological history.
The two-year project will be
undertaken by Museum Affairs
Department staff led by Director
John Tschirch, with guidance from
a scholarly Advisory Council, which
will also assist in selecting a humanities scholar to analyze and interpret
the data, and a geographic information system (GIS) specialist to create
the digital map. Department staff
will provide regular public updates
on the progress of their work.
The Rhode Island Council for the
Humanities is an independent affiliate
of the National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH).
The Preservation Society is always interested in receiving or
acquiring items that have some historic connection to its properties,
or which are representative of the period in which the houses were
built and lived in. To that end, we are grateful for several recent
gifts to the collection:
Countess Alexander E. Eltz (granddaughter of Cornelius
Vanderbillt II) has given us two white linen banquet tablecloths
with the embroidered monogram CAV (Cornelius & Alice
Vanderbilt). Says Museum Affairs Director John Tschirch, “The
tablecloths are original to the Vanderbilt family, and as such, add
to the rich history of The Breakers. It’s nice to have objects return
home, so to speak.”
Mrs. Margaret Berwind Schiffer (grand niece of Edward
Berwind of The Elms) has added to the collection of vintage toys and ornaments which she initially donated
last year. New additions to the collection, which consists of German and American pieces ranging from
1870 to 1940, include a Humpty Dumpty Circus set
and additional ornaments, trees and toys. These
were on display in The Elms library during the
Christmas season.
From Christopher Stoecklin (a descendant of
the Oelrichs family of Rosecliff) came a collection
of Oelrichs family photographs, letters and memorabilia, and from Pauline Walsh came a set of two
long-pole hangers, which may have belonged to a maid
at The Elms.
Above: This Humpty Dumpty Circus set was a gift
of Mrs. Margaret Berwind Schiffer.
Left: This linen tablecloth includes the Vanderbilts’ monogram.
NEA Awards Reading Grant
to Preservation Society
The National Endowment for the Arts has awarded a Big Read grant of $5,700 to the Preservation
Society to fund a community program to encourage the reading of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town and
The Bridge of San Luis Rey. The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in
partnership with Arts Midwest, designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The
Preservation Society is one of 76 not-for-profit organizations across the country to receive Big Read grants.
The Preservation Society has partnered with several other local organizations to present a two-month
calendar of events in May and June of 2012. Partner organizations include the Newport Public Library,
Newport Historical Society, Newport Restoration Foundation, Aquidneck Land Trust, The Redwood
Library & Athenaeum, the Edward King House Senior Center, the Boys & Girls Club and Rogers High
Our Town and The Bridge of San Luis Rey were chosen as Newport’s book focus for their potential to
stimulate discussion on the meaning of community, the roles individuals play within communities, and
the ways in which physical and cultural landscapes express community identity.
The program will begin on May 6, 2012 with a Newport Public Library showing of the 2002 film
production of Our Town starting Paul Newman. Over the ensuing two months, additional events will
include book discussions, screenings of the film versions of both books, lectures and walking tours. In
addition to the cash grant to promote and carry out the community-based programs, NEA will also
provide high-quality, free-of-charge educational materials to supplement each title, including Reader’s
Guides, Teacher’s Guides, and Audio Guides.
A calendar of events will be available on the Preservation Society’s website, www.NewportMansions.org,
and also on The Big Read website at www.neabigread.org/events.
By Andrea Carneiro, Communications Manager
8 Newport Gazette
Winter 2012 9
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Sitting for his portrait by artist Andrew Festing, 1994
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Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
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Mr. and Mrs. Winslow at the Newport Flower Show, 2003.
Photo by corbettphotography.net
www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth
Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
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Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
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Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design,
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Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
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Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com
Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland,
Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly, Roskelly Inc. Portsmouth Rhode iIsland, Branding Logo Design, www.Roskelly.com Thomas Roskelly,
In Memoriam
John Grenville Winslow
10 Newport Gazette
Preservation Society Chairman Emeritus John
Grenville Winslow died at his home in Newport on
September 15, 2011 at the age of 93. As President
and Chairman of the Board from 1977 to 1989, Mr.
Winslow guided the Preservation Society through a
period of significant expansion.
An acknowledged authority on the history of
Newport, he lent his expertise to numerous research
projects and exhibitions for institutions throughout
the city.
Mr. Winslow was a recipient of the Preservation
Society’s Antiquarian Award, and shortly before his
death he was awarded the Doris Duke Distinguished
Steward Award by the Newport Restoration
Foundation for his contributions to historic preservation in Newport.
Mr. Winslow also served as President of the
Seaman’s Church Institute of Newport and as
President of the Spouting Rock Beach Association
for 32 years. In New York, he served as President of
the Seaman’s Church Institute of New York and was
on the Boards of the New York Historical Society
and the New York Genealogical Society.
The Preservation Society presents an annual
Evening in Honor of John G. Winslow, featuring
renowned scholars and experts on history, culture or
the arts.
His advice and counsel are greatly missed by all
who knew him and love Newport, and his legacy
will live on for generations.
With Countess Anthony Szápáry at The Breakers Centennial Ball, 1995.
Photo by corbettphotography.net
Opening the restored Chinese Tea House at Marble House with the Chinese Ambassador, 1982.
Photo by John Hopf
Winter 2012 11
2 0 1 2 Calendar of Events
Visit www.NewportMansions.org
for more information, ticket prices
and reservations,
or call (401) 847-1000. Schedule is subject to change.
April 30 - May 2, 2012
Join us to celebrate two decades of looking at art,
architecture, the decorative arts and landscapes.
Lecturers will examine and challenge the status of
iconic works of art and design through the ages.
Prepare for brilliant images of great buildings,
interiors, furniture, and textiles, and lively discussion
of the social and cultural history behind these
opulent objects.
Lecture: Palaces for the People-The Guastavino Family & the
Creation of Great American Architecture
Annual Golf Outing
An Evening in Honor of John G. Winslow
Lecture: Iconic Images From the Silver Screen
The Breakers, The Elms, Marble House,
Rosecliff and Chateau-sur-Mer open daily
A Weekend of Coaching
Winter Escape to Boston
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Its collections include more than 2,500 paintings, sculptures,
tapestries, furniture, manuscripts, rare books and decorative
arts, and represent the work of some of the most recognized
and important artists in the world. Designed in the style of a
15th century Venetian palace, the museum provides a unique
& unusual setting for viewing art.
Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch at Rosecliff
Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom, Overcoming Time, Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini, ca. 1721.
On display at Marble House (1892), Newport RI.
Morrison H. Heckscher
Lawrence A. Fleischman
Chairman of the American Wing
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Philip K. Hu
Associate Curator of Asian Art
Saint Louis Art Museum
Brock Jobe
Preservation Society
of Newport County
Professor of American Decorative Arts
Winterthur Museum & Country Estate
Bertrand du Vignaud
World Monuments Fund Europe
Green Animals and Kingscote open daily
Green Animals Plant Sale
Chinese Tea House at Marble House opens for lunch & snacks daily
Hunter House, Isaac Bell House, Chepstow and
The Breakers Children’s Cottage open weekends only
The Elms Carriage House opens for lunch & snacks daily
Information & Registration • 401-847-1000, ext. 154
www.PSNC .org
12 Newport Gazette
National Trust Insurance Services,
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth
and Christie’s, New York
Last day of season for Chepstow and The Breakers Children’s Cottage
Hunter House and Isaac Bell House revert to weekend
only opening
Last day of season for Hunter House,
Isaac Bell House, Green Animals and Kingscote
Last day of lunch & snacks at The Elms Carriage House
Last day of lunch & snacks at the Chinese Tea House
at Marble House
Newport Mansions Stores Members’ Sale
Annual Meeting at Rosecliff
Last day of season for Chateau-sur-Mer and Rosecliff
Rosecliff closed to prepare for The Newport Flower Show
The Newport Flower Show: Salsa
Christmas at the Newport Mansions
The Breakers, The Elms and Marble House
open daily
Hunter House, Isaac Bell House and Chepstow
open daily
Holiday Evenings at The Breakers
Sponsored in part by
Newport Mansions Stores Members’ Sale
The Newport Symposium: Masterpiece
Featured Speakers Include:
Newport Mansions Wine & Food Festival
The 20th Annual Newport Symposium
Coaching Dinner Dance at The Breakers
Children’s Party at Green Animals Topiary Garden
Opening of Newport Music Festival
Newport Mansions Stores Warehouse Sale
Newport Mansions Stores Warehouse Sale
Dinner Dance at The Breakers
Holiday Evening Duet at The Elms and Marble House
Schedule is subject to change
Winter 2012 13
Grant for
Newport Fire
By Andrea Carneiro,
Communications Manager
The Newport Fire Department will be able to upgrade
its rescue boat thanks to the Preservation Society, National
Trust Insurance Services, LLC and Fireman’s Fund
Insurance Company.
A $10,000 grant will allow the fire department to replace
the outdated inflatable collar on its rescue boat, which
is more than five years past its recommended useful life.
The grant is part of a nationwide philanthropic program
funded by Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company designed
to provide needed equipment and training for local fire
departments. The Preservation Society was instrumental in
identifying the need and directing the grant to the Newport
Fire Department.
“This boat upgrade will ensure our firefighters have a
reliable platform to perform water rescues,” said Fire Chief
Peter Connerton. “This helps the community and the firefighters to remain safe on the water.”
Governor Chafee presents the Rhody Award to Properties Director Curt Genga and
Trustee Bill Wilson at the State House.
Photo courtesy of RIHPHC
Restoration Wins
Rhody Award
The Preservation Society’s 6-year project to restore the
exterior of Chateau-sur-Mer (1852) was honored with a Rhody
Award from the Rhode Island Historical Preservation &
Heritage Commission and Preserve Rhode Island in October.
The $2.3 million project included restoration of the elaborate
roof, including dormers, cornices and chimneys, exterior cleaning and repainting.
It was the second award for the project, following an
Excellence in Preservation Award from The Victorian Society
in America.
Mother Goose Comes
to Rosecliff
Newport’s contemporary ballet company, Island Moving
Co., will open its 30th season with another unique production
created specifically for the stunning rooms of Rosecliff.
Artistic director Miki Ohlsen has created a new children’s
ballet based on Mother Goose rhymes that will move from
room to room at Rosecliff much like Newport Nutcracker.
With daily matinees from March 2-4, Mother Goose at Rosecliff
will be part of a weekend-long celebration that includes a
Saturday evening birthday party for the Company, with a
performance and cocktails in the ballroom. For information
and tickets, visit www.islandmovingco.org.
14 Newport Gazette
Aesthetic Movement
Furniture and Ceramics
at the Isaac Bell House
This summer, the Isaac Bell House will feature a
display of Aesthetic movement furniture, ceramics and
glass, selected from the Preservation Society’s extensive
holdings of late nineteenth century decorative arts. These
objects, collected by Newport families such as the Kings
and Wetmores, share Japanese, European and American
ornamental features with the Bell House and represent
the height of fashion in the 1880s.
A guided tour will highlight each piece in detail,
and connect the stories of the Bell, King, and Wetmore
families, who knew and entertained each other, and
shared an interest in stylish, progressive designs.
The Isaac Bell House will be open weekends only
beginning May 26, daily from June 30 to September 3,
and weekends only again from September 4 to October 8.
Glenn Skrynecki of Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company; Donald O. Ross, Chairman
of the Board of the Preservation Society; and Lee DiPietro of National Trust Insurance
Services present a check to Newport Fire Chief Peter Connerton.
Photo by Andrea Carneiro
Board Chairman Donald O. Ross represented the
Preservation Society at a ceremony in early November at The
Breakers where the check was presented. “We’re very pleased
to have been able to identify this need and bring the parties
together to make this important gift to the city,” said Ross.
Added Lee DiPietro of National Trust Insurance Services,
“We are happy to be able to provide these important members
of our community with the tools they need to do their job
effectively and safely.”
For more information about the grant program, visit
Visitor Experience Manager
Receives Award
Lucy Kinsley
Photo by Roskelly.com
Lucy Kinsley was honored by the Rhode Island Hospitality and Tourism
Association with a Tourism Employee of the Year award in late November.
As Manager of Visitor Experience in the Department of Museum Experience,
Lucy manages the front-line staff who provide exceptional tours and visitor
experiences for 800,000 annual visitors to the Newport Mansions. In high
season, her team of nearly 200 people handles more than 100,000 visits per
month, with guests coming from every state and more than 20 foreign countries.
They also present specialized curriculum tours for thousands of Rhode Island
school children every year. Lucy is responsible for all aspects of daily operations
in the Preservation Society’s 11 historic house museums, and also coordinates
interpretive services for special events.
Lucy joined the Preservation Society as a tour guide in 2005 while working
toward her Master’s degree in Education from the University of Rhode Island
(2007), where she was a member of the Kappa Delta Pi Honors Society.
Winter 2012 15
Tomorrow Dollars
By James Roehm, CFRE, Gift Planning Officer
I’ve read of studies that indicate the number
one reason people do not include charitable
bequests in their wills is that the idea never
occurs to them. And yet a bequest could be
the most important charitable gift a person
can ever make. Here’s why.
The Preservation Society of Newport County,
like other leading charitable institutions,
places charitable bequests into long-term
endowment funds. There are two advantages
in doing this.
First, a bequest gift will grow over time.
Careful management of the endowment fund
can turn a modest bequest into a good-sized
fortune so that our preservation mission
can be supported year after year.
Second, bequests provide a reliable
and dependable source of income for
the Preservation Society. That income
immediately supports our good works.
Here are two examples:
(1) A $10,000 charitable bequest would
translate into a $500 gift each year to the
Annual Fund, in perpetuity.
(2) A $100,000 charitable bequest is
estimated to provide $438,500 to fund current
preservation work over 50 years, and grow
to $286,800 in value over that same period.
The Preservation Society of Newport
County has an active Finance and
Investment Committee that consistently
monitors – and adjusts – endowment
performance. The committee’s objective is
to assure earnings and long-term growth.
With the start of a new year, would you
kindly consider adding a charitable bequest
to The Preservation Society of Newport
County in your will or trust? Doing so
will help provide the “tomorrow dollars” to
make sure our magnificent properties will
still be here to inspire future generations.
If you have already made a charitable
bequest to The Preservation Society of
Newport County, but haven’t told us yet,
please let us know. We would love to honor
your foresighted generosity by including
you in our planned giving honorary group
known as the Conservators Circle. No gift
details are ever revealed and all information
is closely-held. Any planned gift provision,
including a charitable gift annuity
agreement funded with The Preservation
Society of Newport County, is eligible for
this honorary recognition.
For more information contact Jim Roehm,
CFRE, in the Development Office, (401)
847-1000 extension 142 or by e-mail
[email protected].
Tortoise Fountain, The Elms
Photo by Stephen Mattos
16 Newport Gazette
Winter 2012 17
Donald O. Ross
Great Houses connect people to a
nation’s heritage and open windows to
another age. The Preservation Society
of Newport County is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect,
preserve, and present an exceptional
collection of house museums and landscapes in one of the most historically
intact cities in America. We hold in public trust the Newport Mansions which
are an integral part of the living fabric
of Newport, Rhode Island. These sites
exemplify three centuries of the finest
achievements in American architecture,
decorative arts, and landscape design
spanning the Colonial era to the Gilded
Age. Through our historic properties,
educational programs, and related activities we engage the public in the story of
America’s vibrant cultural heritage. We
seek to inspire and promote an appreciation of the value of preservation to
enrich the lives of people everywhere.
Andrea Carneiro
Roskelly Inc.
Meridian Printing
©2012 The Preservation Society
of Newport County
424 Bellevue Avenue
Newport RI 02840
(401) 847-1000
See the Newport Gazette in
full color online at
Become a Facebook friend
of The Preservation Society
of Newport County
Vice Chair
Angela Brown Fischer
Vice Presidents
Carol C. Ballard
David P. Leys
Angela L. Moore
Monty Burnham
Assistant Treasurer
Peter S. Damon
Arthur W. Murphy, Esq.
Duncan A. Chapman
Nancy W. Cushing
Kim Darden
David B. Ford
Sarah M. Gewirz
Ala Isham
Eaddo Hayes Kiernan
Elizabeth W. Leatherman
David E.P. Lindh
William F. Lucey
Ronald K. Machtley
John D. Muggeridge
Andrew K. Reilly
Eugene B. Roberts, Jr.
Alice D. Ross
Mary Van Pelt
Mark E. Watson III
William F. Wilson
William N. Wood Prince
Marion O. Charles
Hope Drury Goddard
Jerome R. Kirby
Richard N. Sayer, Esq.
John J. Slocum, Jr.
George H. Warren
Trudy Coxe
18 Newport Gazette
Armin B. Allen, Co-Chair
Earl A. Powell III, Co-Chair
John Winthrop Aldrich
Theresa Elmore Behrendt
James D. Berwind
Bonnie Burnham
Dr. Johan Cederlund
Maureen K. Chilton
Alec Cobbe
Count Denis de Kergorlay
Claudio Del Vecchio
Debra Del Vecchio
Nancy Dubuc
Peter Eltz
Henrietta H. Fore
Morrison H. Heckscher
Robin Herbert C.B.E.
Brooks Lobkowicz
Robert B. MacKay
Pauline C. Metcalf
Richard Moe
Peter Pennoyer
Mary S. Phipps
Louis G. Piancone
Anne L. Poulet
Dame Fiona Reynolds DBE
Sir Hugh Roberts GCVO
Charles M. Royce
Deborah G. Royce
Tracie Rozhon
El Marqués de Santa Cruz
Henrietta Spencer-Churchill,
Vladimir I. Tolstoy
Diane B. Wilsey
Richard Guy Wilson
New England’s Premier Flower Show
The Newport Flower Show
June 22, 23 & 24, 2012
Rosecliff, Newport, RI
Arnold Burying Ground (1675)
Hunter House (circa 1748)
Kingscote (1839-1841)
Chateau-sur-Mer (1851-1852)
Green Animals Topiary Garden
(circa 1860)
Chepstow (1860-1861)
Isaac Bell House (1881-1883)
424 Bellevue Avenue (1887-1888)
Marble House (1888-1892)
The Breakers (1893-1895)
The Breakers Stable & Carriage House
The Elms (1899-1901)
Rosecliff (1899-1902)
Rovensky Park (1959)
Mario Fernandez, Floral Designer
Derek Fell, Garden Writer
Opening Night Party June 22
Cocktail Buffet & Entertainment
Learn online about the
VIP Newport Flower Show Experience
Presenting Sponsor
Bartlett Tree Experts
Schedule Available Online • www.NewportFlowerShow.org •
The Preservation Society of Newport County
424 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, RI 02840
Tel 401–847–1000 Fax 401–847–1361
Non Profit Org
U.S. Postage
The Preservation
Society of
Newport County
Save theDate
A Weekend of Coaching
August 16-19, 2012