My Savior and His Father October 16, 2011 Matthew


My Savior and His Father October 16, 2011 Matthew
Time of Grace Ministry
Relationships That Matter: My Savior and His Father
October 16, 2011
Matthew 17:1-9
In your relationship with God, do you struggle with the idea that you want to see things but he
wants you to walk by faith?
Let me ask you something today – do you know what transformers are? Well, if you’re middle
aged you probably think they’re those great big things on light poles that knock down power and
bring it into your neighborhood. Or, if you’re a little bit older, you might be thinking of the
device that powers toy trains. I don’t know if kids really have train sets the way they used to, but
back in the day we used to have transformers that would turn alternating current into DC to run
our toy trains.
But if you’re a young person today and somebody says, “transformers,” that’s something else
completely. It’s a cartoon show and it features constant warfare between two families or strains
of robots. They’re called the Bots and the Decepticons. And transformers look like ordinary
humble machines that everybody uses, kind of like – you’re almost like a slave. If you’re an
automobile or a bulldozer, you’re a slave. You sit there and you wait until someone else drives
you to do what that person wants. So there’s this war going on between the robots and what
looks like ordinary day-to-day machines. These machines – like bulldozers and automobiles and
trucks – are secretly robots with intelligence and great strength and weapons. And when danger
comes, they’ll suddenly go back on their rear tires and their tires turn inside out and become
great big feet. And the front tires turn inside out and turn into arms and one is a great big hook
or a great big clenching fist and the other one is the Gatling gun. And then the hood flips around
and suddenly, there’s the person’s head. So these robots are only in disguise as these humble
work vehicles and there are two families of robots at war – the Bots and the Decepticons. And
their leader, Optimus Prime, is against his opponent, Megatron. After ordinary life goes on for
awhile, then about every four minutes or so a great big battle erupts and these robots go crashing
against each other and fight each other.
Well, I want to tell you a story today and discuss with you a completely different type of
transformation that took place. And this is the transformation, or transfiguration, of Jesus Christ.
And in a sense, he also – like those automobiles in the cartoon show “Transformers” – had a
humble, humble life where he looked so ordinary. But on one occasion, high up in a mountain in
the northern part of the land of Israel, he transformed or transfigured himself before his disciples.
And they got to see him as he really is, as a key part of his struggle with Satan. He isn’t
opposing an Optimus Prime or Megatron; he’s opposing Satan himself. Most of his work was
done humbly with a very lowly aspect. But on the mountain of transfiguration, he revealed to his
disciples who he really was. There the disciples could see him in his glory.
I think this is a great story to help you and me as we struggle with walking by faith. We want to
see things; most of the time we don’t really see the glory of Jesus Christ. But through the eyes of
Jesus’ disciples, in the story told to us in Matthew 17, we get to peek, just one, glorious, brief
time, at who he really is.
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Halfway through chapter sixteen was a high moment; it was the thrill of acceleration up to the
mountaintop. Jesus said, “Have you figured out who I am?” And after two years of surprising
them with his humility and not acting like the Messiah they thought they were getting ready for,
he did not act like any kind of king they had ever imagined. He said, “Now who do you think I
am? Have I disappointed you so much that you have given up on me? Who do other people say
I am, but who do you say I am?” And of course, people had all different kinds of opinions.
“He’s a prophet.” “He’s an amazing physician” and blah blah blah, this and that.
And Jesus said, “But who do you think I am?” And Peter said, “You are the Christ, Son of the
living God.” And Jesus said, “Yes! Flesh and blood did not reveal that to you, Peter, but only
my Father through the power of the word and power of the Spirit has helped you figure out the
truth. I am so excited about what you just said I am going to make your words the bedrock of
foundation. I’m going to build my whole church on that confession of faith because that’s the
core message you’re going to carry to the world.”
Man, that’s high praise! His pupil aced that test. That was an A++. It was like a hundred and
one – you know where you get extra credit when you kind of butter up the teacher and do more
than you have to and sometimes they give you extra credit points? He aced that test with extra
credit and gold stars on the top. And then a few sentences later he tries to talk Jesus out of going
to the cross and Jesus said, “Get behind me,” and what name did he call him? “Get behind me,
Satan!” So Peter went from the penthouse to the outhouse in one swing! There goes the
hammer. First you’re up looking at the sky and then whoa, all of a sudden you’re ready to heave
all over the ground underneath you.
Then Jesus said, “I’m going to die. I’m going to suffer and be killed” and vertigo again – “Oh
no, don’t do that,” like, “Oh no, disaster!” Then he says, “But I’ll rise again.” Phew! And then
he says, “You’re going to have to pick up your cross and follow me and you think, “I don’t want
him to be crucified but frankly, I’m not all eager to be crucified either.” So that’s bad news.
Then he said, “But the Son of Man is coming in his Father’s glory and rewarding each person
according to what he’s done.” So I get rescued! Then it goes back up again.
Now he is going to invite the disciples to go on a death walk with him. In six months he will be
hanging on a cross. But to give them a faith boost to sustain them in the whip ride of their lives,
in The Hammer ride of their lives, he’s going to let them see something they’ve never seen
before. And here’s how it went down: “Jesus took with him Peter, James and John brother of
James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them,”
like a Transformer. “His face shown like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.”
Now he had gone up to pray just like in the Garden of Gethsemane and Luke tells us that they
got drowsy. Just like on the night he was betrayed, they were starting to fall asleep. So when
Peter wakes up it’s, “Huh?” He thought he was tripping and dreaming, or something, and there
is this glowing figure before them and then he’s got company! Moses and Elijah were there,
too. I don’t know for sure how Peter knew that it was Moses and Elijah – maybe they had
nametags. “Hi, my name is Elijah.” Or maybe he had a jacket or a blazer, maybe like a uniform
that read “#1 Elijah,” across the top. Somehow, he knew. Maybe just by the conversation or
maybe Jesus just said, “How are you, Elijah,” and just used his name. But the three disciples
who were crouching there first in ecstasy, then in terror, figured out Jesus had company. So I’ll
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come back to that in a minute, but the point is to get a sense of the scene you’re looking at here.
Here is Jesus Christ looking as he would in heaven, glowing. He’s radiant; he does not look like
a dusty, traveling rabbi anymore. He clearly radiates holiness and power. They saw him as he
truly is and will be when we see him. Up there on that mountain four extraordinary things
happened as a transformational, or a transfigurational, event that the disciples knew: “We are
watching heaven touch earth. Something extraordinary is happening.” And four supernatural
things happened.
First, was the shining of Christ himself, so bright that they probably needed dark glasses for
about a week after it. I hope they didn’t suffer any retinal scarring from the brightness coming at
them. They were able to see Christ Jesus shine as he really is with holiness and with love. Then
they got some visitors, too, and these were even more extraordinary and miraculous occurrences.
Elijah was there! Now, you maybe know that Elijah never died – he was whisked up to heaven
in a whirlwind accompanied by fire and chariots – you can read that story in the books of the
Kings. And Elijah was perhaps the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, joined by Moses.
Now Moses did die, but apparently he got an early resurrection. There’s an obscure verse in the
book of Jude in which Satan himself was arguing with God about the body of Moses and I think
the easiest way to understand that peculiar little verse is first to realize that God just gives us a
little taste of something we don’t know about just to remind us to be humble in our own
ignorance. But also, the idea that the devil thinks he got cheated out of holding onto Moses’ body
– this was not merely just an illusion or a spirit representing Moses, but Moses’ body himself
was able to come and speak with Elijah and Jesus. And this is important because it demonstrates
the concept of resurrection that lies in front of all of us Christians who have faith in Christ. This
is an endorsement! Christ was being encouraged by this.
The gospel of St. Luke adds to Matthew’s story by saying that they were speaking to Christ
about his suffering and death and resurrection; to encourage him. Also, to endorse that he was
not bringing about a new religion and throwing away their era, but that he was completing it; that
he was fulfilling everything that Moses and Elijah had said would happen and complete their
Then came the fourth shocker – the immense, loud voice of the Father who gave his personal
endorsement to his son, Jesus, thus demonstrating that they’re tight; that the Father and the Son’s
plan for the rescue of the world was on track and about to be fulfilled. And the Father’s voice
resounded as it had at his baptism when he was anointed. That public anointing set him apart,
chose him, put the Father’s choice on him, and then empowered him for that superhuman job he
had to do. So choosing and power are the two concepts behind anointing and the Father did it
again right at this moment.
And he said four significant things. He said, first of all, “This is my Son.” Once again, this is
not merely a traveling rabbi. He travels, but he goes with my authority and my identity. He’s
my Son. This is a stupendous mystery. Sons are always younger than their fathers, but Jesus
was the Son of his heavenly Father by the eternal generation, which is doctrine talk for the fact
that he’s always been the Son. There was never a moment of birth for him, but he always had
that relationship, a relationship that was about love and function, not about being inferior. I will
always be inferior to my father. He has lived longer than me, I will always owe him a deference
and respect that he does not owe me in return. I will always look up to my father as long as he’s
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alive and even after he isn’t anymore, I will still look up to him as I hope my children will look
up to me. Jesus doesn’t have to look up to his Father insofar as he is God. So, “This is my Son.”
He expressed that relationship. You need to know he is part of me.
Second, “I love him.” We don’t think about this too much, do we, but there’s emotion between
the persons of the Holy Trinity. Did you ever think about that? The Father loves his Son. Not
only works with him, not only operates with him, not only plans with him, but loves him; they
love each other. And Jesus fed off of that. Same as you and me. We need not only to be aware
of God’s existence and not only benefiting by his working in your life, but we’re hungry for
love, too. God wired human beings for that and Jesus needed to hear those words because “I
love you” is like gasoline in your car. It’s consumable, you burn it up. And just as every
husband knows if you say, “Well, I don’t need to tell my wife I love her this year because I said
it once, I’m already covered. I said it in January, so I’m covered for this whole year.” Only an
idiot would say that, someone who is soon to be an ex-husband. “I love you” are consumable
words, we burn them off, and we need to hear it expressed. And in his human vulnerability Jesus
Christ needed that valentine from his Father: “I love you.” And he drew strength from that, that
affirmation of that special relationship.
Third, he said, “With him I am well pleased” and man, you better pay attention to that because
the Father here is saying, “He’s doing everything right, just the way I laid out for him.” As a
human being, not insofar as he’s God, but as a human being Jesus needed to be obedient to his
Father in order to carry out the rescue plan. For only if the Father was pleased and satisfied with
his work would he agree to transfer guilt and punishment onto Christ and off of you and take the
holiness and acceptance off of Jesus and put it on you. Only if the Father liked how everything
went down are you and I pardoned and free. And so when the Father said, “I’m pleased with his
work, I’m pleased with him and pleased with his work,” that’s great news for you and me. This
shows that our plan of forgiveness is underway and God’s loving every minute of it. At age
thirty-three, or just about thirty-three, Jesus was doing everything exactly on track to carry out
the marvelous plan to give you immortality and a happy relationship with your God.
And the fourth thing he said was, “Listen to him.” Authority from the Father was given to Christ
who is not only your priest, offering a great sacrifice to buy you forgiveness, but he’s also your
teacher. He is your great prophet and God said, “I want you to listen to his words because
they’re coming from me. You’re not just hearing a rabbi giving various opinions; you are
hearing a divine representative who is revealing your God to you. He is the ultimate in selfrevelation.” In fact, the gospel of John uses a splendid word to describe Jesus Christ, a splendid
metaphor, and John’s gospel begins, “In the beginning was the” what? “Was the word.” Words
reveal. Jesus reveals our God to us. “Listen to him,” this urgent call from the bright cloud asks
us to listen to this one who now shines before you.
And Peter’s babbling. He says, “Man, it’s good to be here. We got to have some headquarters
here. I’m going to put up three shelters; one for you, one for Moses, one for Elijah. This is
going to be like our campaign headquarters. This is going to be the pentagon for the new world
order.” It’s time. The war has begun. “We are ready to go now and now it’s time for the power
and the glory. Now I see the glory! Now it’s time and we, of course, will be right here for some
senior jobs in your new administration, King Jesus. We’re rolling now and let’s set up
headquarters, let’s freeze this moment and no more talk of this crucifixion stuff,” and suddenly
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he looked up and when they heard the voice from God they were so terrified it knocked them flat
and they did another Hammer ride moment.
Jesus is in ecstasy, power and glory are here and they’re wallowing in it. The Father speaks,
terrifies them and whomp – all of a sudden vertigo and they’re face down on the ground in terror.
And somebody touched them and said, “Get up. It’s okay, don’t worry.” And they looked
around and all the glory is gone and everything is normal again and Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid.
And in fact, don’t tell anybody what you’ve seen until I’ve been raised from the dead. Nobody
else is ready for this. In fact, you’re not even ready for it. In fact, the true value of what you saw
isn’t going to be useful to your ministry probably for some time yet. Only upon reflection and
help from the Holy Spirit will you get it.”
But here’s what Jesus wanted Peter to get; here’s what he wants you to get from this. First of all,
as you look at this – here’s the “so what,” here’s our takeaway – you are looking at the God you
worship. Jesus is not merely an interesting philosopher with some tips about daily living. His
word is not a how-to manual, how to tune up your life a little bit, how to get more out of life,
how to enjoy life a little bit more, like incrementally to ratchet up your enjoyment. It’s primarily
not a how-to manual. It’s the record of the coming to earth of God himself in person to bear on
himself the sin and guilt of the world; to take your guilt and give you his holiness through faith,
to connect you to life, to replace the death that’s in you. To give you hope of immortality in a
dying world. To give you your mission so you can function for something more valuable than
just striving for your own comfort and money.
Second, he gives you the light at the end of the tunnel so that you have hope, you know what
you’re headed for; you don’t have to be afraid. That’s the most beautiful way, I think, of putting
the gospel’s message in a small phrase that’s easy to remember. God comes to you through
Christ and says, “Don’t be afraid.” It doesn’t matter what you’re going through – pick up your
cross and follow me – but don’t be afraid. You win in the end.
Jesus’ disciples in the upper room a few months from now are going to be chattering with fear
when Jesus is laying out all the suffering he’s going to go through and he said, “Hey guys, in the
world you will have trouble. But don’t be afraid. I have overcome the world.” And by letting
you see a peek of Jesus’ glory it’s like the light ahead. We’re not just going down, down, down.
Things aren’t just unraveling until we’re finally crushed and broken completely. We’re not just
pretending and tap dancing and faking and bluffing our way through life only to have the
hammer come down at the end, but we win! “I have overcome the world,” and everyone who
trusts and believes in Jesus Christ has overcome along with him. Forgiven, you are immortal.
Forgiven, the Son of God makes you sons and daughters of God. His relationship with the
Father which was tight, which was perfect, becomes your relationship with God. Enemies are
now friends. Your judge is now your Daddy. Your worst nightmare has become your best
friend. This is what we see as we look at that miracle, encouraged and endorsed by the great
leaders of God’s Old Testament people. As we look at Moses and Elijah, now radiant, their
bodies no longer bear any trace of weakness, sickness or death. And as Moses was alive again
after death, you will be too. You’re looking at a little preview, like a little clip of a movie you’re
going to get to enjoy in its fullness. But this is your preview; this is what we’re headed for.
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Now you can pick up your cross, whatever that is for you. And as our Lord Jesus had much to
suffer before his glory, you and I also are not going to have heaven on earth. And it’s so
important that we not fantasize about having it all now. There is much struggle to go yet. But at
the end we win. At the end is the glory. And I want to encourage you to hang on. That’s why
Jesus said, “Don’t go telling anybody because everybody’s going to want heaven on earth and
you’re going to start trying to talk me out of the crucifixion again.” So he said, “Just keep your
traps shut about this event that you just saw until the time is right.”
And you and I, too, have to work on guarding against cheating and trying to have it all now
because we won’t. Or, here’s an even more important thing, if you look at what’s broken in your
life, don’t draw the wrong conclusions from that, that God doesn’t like you anymore. That God
is powerless, that you’re alone, that you’re being judged. That you’re being condemned, that
you’re worthless, or that it’s just going to keep getting worse and worse. You can look at the
hardships in your life, whether it’s a physical hardship, whether your body is breaking down
prematurely on you. Whether you have relationship brokenness, people around you have hurt
you. Whether you have been hurt by another human being or you’ve struggled financially, just in
survival, keeping alive, keeping shelter over your head and food coming in to your mouth.
When that’s breaking down you do not have to interpret that as judgment from God or that
you’re a loser or that it’s just going to keep going down. That just means you are participating,
as St. Paul said, in the sufferings of Christ. That’s your piece of dirt that you’ve got to eat like
everybody else because of the broken world we live in. You’re not going to have heaven on
earth but you will have heaven in heaven and here’s a preview of the certainty of it that we’re
headed for.
Now if this sounds like good news to you then say, “Amen.”
I’d like to pray with you today about relationships, and that our salvation is depending on that
tight relationship between the heavenly Father and his son Jesus, giving him thanks for that.
Heavenly Father, thank you for crafting the brilliant plan that brought about the rescue of a sinful
human race. Lord Jesus, thank you for being willing to come here, but staying close to your
Father; enjoying his approval and his certification, and doing everything just right according to
his direction, the way you’ve humbled yourself. But also we praise you that now you are in
glory and someday will take us to that glory, too. Thank you for what Father and Son have done
for our salvation, Amen.
For Time of Grace, I’m Pastor Mark Jeske, reminding you every day is a day of grace for you.
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