Geatland, Gutland, Gothland Guta Saga in a Swedo
Geatland, Gutland, Gothland Guta Saga in a Swedo
Seán D Vrieland Geatland, Gutland, Gothland Guta Saga in a Swedo-Gothic Manuscript Seán D Vrieland Den Arnamagnæanske Samling Københavns Universitet August 7, 2015 Seán D Vrieland Bergen, Universitetsbiblioteket, UBB Ms. 58 Figure: UBB Ms. 58 Seán D Vrieland Guta saga in UBB Ms. 58 Figure: Opening of Guta saga Figure: Marginalia in Guta saga Figure: Table of Contents Seán D Vrieland Contents of Guta saga Foundation Þieluar & Fire ! Hafþi & Huītastierna’s three sons Emigration Overpopulation ! Tricking the King Treaty Sweden Awair Strābain Conversion St. Olaf ! Building churches Terms with Sweden Battles, taxes, and oaths Seán D Vrieland Guta saga and Gothicism Figure: “Old Gothic Stories” 1633 Strelow 1687 Hadorph Figure: “King of the Swedes, Goths, and Vandals” Seán D Vrieland Gotland hitti fyrsti… Guta saga Gutland hitti fyrsti maþr þann sum Þieluar hīt. Íslendingabók Ingolfr hét maðr Norrænn er sannlega er sagt at fœra fyrst þaðan til Íslands. Íslendingabók Land þat er kallat er Grœnland fannzk ok byggðisk af Íslandi. Eiríkr inn rauði hét maðr Breiðfirðzkr es fór út héðan þangat. Færeyingasaga Maðr er nefndr Grímr kamban; hann byggði fyrstr manna Færeyjar. Seán D Vrieland Þieluar and Grímur Kamban in Oral Tradition Figure: Tjelvars grav, Boge socken, Gotland Figure: Funningur, Eysturoy, Føroyar Seán D Vrieland Guta saga and Cronica Guthilandorum (Guthi) Þieluar (Tielvar) Hafþi (Haffder) Huita stierna (Huittastienna) Guti (Guthi) Gunfiaun (Gumphinus) Graipr (Grippæ) Seán D Vrieland Chronique des Ducs de Normandie «Sire, fait eu, ne sai por quei, Fors tant, quer celer neu vos dei, Or m’ert avis en mun dormant C’un arbre eisseit de mei si grant, Si lonc, si dreit, si merveillos, Qu’au cel ateigneit ci sor nos, Son ombre, dum sui esfreïe, Aümbroct tote Normendie E mer e la grant terre engleise. Ce me desplaist e moct me peise Que je ne sai estre devine Que c’espeiaut ne que destine.» Quant li dus a la chose oïe, Si li dist: «Bele, doce amie, C’est de grant bien senefiance E sin seiez tote a fiance.» (33723-38) Figure: Three sons of Herlève Seán D Vrieland Sibling founders Romulus and Remus Rome Senius and Aschius Siena Banba, Fódla, Ériu Ireland (-6)) Lech, Czech, Rus Poles (Lechites), Czechs, Rus’ Kyi, Shchek, Khyorv Kiev Sarbaṇ, Beṭ, Ghurghax̌t Sarbani, Bettani, Ghurghakhti Seán D Vrieland Switzerland: Schwit & Scheyg Figure: Petermann Etterlin Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft Jr harkommen und sust seltzam strittenn und geschichten. Basel 1507. Seán D Vrieland Redactor’s commentary ! Þair … gierþi burg aina sum enn sȳnis. They … built a fort which can still be seen. ! So byggþus þair þar firir. Oc enn byggia. Oc enn hafa þair sumt af wāru māli. So they settled there. And still live [there]. And still they have some of our language. Seán D Vrieland Socknar in Guta saga Alva home of Awair Strābain Hejnum home of Ormika, first convert Akebäck home of Botair, built first church Stenkyrka home of Likkair, Botair’s father-in-law Atlinabo location of second church Fardhem location of third church Seán D Vrieland Russian Primary Chronicle 860-862 They said to themselves, “Let us seek a prince who may rule over us and judge us according to the Law”. They accordingly went overseas to the Varangian Russes… 888-898 But the Slavs and the Russes are one people, for it is because of the Varangians that the latter became known as Rus’, though originally they were Slavs. Seán D Vrieland sielf wiliandi ! So gingu Gutar sielf wiliandi undir Suīa kunung, þȳ at þair māttin frīr ok frelsir sȳki ā Suīarīki ī huerium staþ, ūtan tull ok allar ūtgiftir. ! So the Gotlanders came of their own will under the Swedish king, that they might come to all places in Sweden without toll or other charge. Seán D Vrieland Literature I Berman, M. A. (1985), ‘The Political Sagas’, Scandinavian Studies 57(2), 113–29. Cross, S. H. and Shwerbowitz-Wetzor, O. P., eds (1953), The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian Text, The Mediaeval Academy of America, Cambridge, Mass. Fahlin, C., ed. (1951-5), Chronique des Ducs de Normandie par Benoît, Vol. 2, Almqvist & Wiksell, Lund. Hadorph, J. (1687), Gothlandz-Laghen, H. Keyser, Stockholm. Mills, K. (2015), ‘An Irish Motif in Guta saga’, Folklore 126(2), 142–58. Mitchell, S. A. (1984), ‘On the Composition and Funciton of Guta Saga’, Arkiv för nordisk filologi 99, 151–174. Peel, C. (2015), Guta Lag and Guta Saga: The Law and History of the Gotlanders, Routledge Medieval Translations, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon and New York. Strelow, H. N. (1633), Cronica Guthilandorum, M. Martzan. Vésteinn Ólason (2008), Family Sagas, in ‘A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture’, 2nd edn, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 101–18.