MAY 2011 - JAMART Photography


MAY 2011 - JAMART Photography
MAY 2011
May 2011
In this issue:
Tribute to The Barn Cat
Farewell To Jim Culleton
She thinks my tractor’s sexy
Oreo at Double A Farm in Justus, PA photo by Magee Allegrucci
At the Gatepost News
Your Horse Resource for Northeastern Pennsylvania
that one-stop for all your horse needs and information for
the Northeastern Pennsylvania Equine Community.
We continue to get the information out there for all our friends in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Equine Community.
Suggestions to make this a better publication are encouraged. All contributions,
whether emailed, monetary or verbal, are welcomed and needed.
We send a monthly issue out via email. Make sure you are on our mailing list by emailing us at [email protected].
On the Cover
There were so many marvelous photos sent in for this,
our second annual Tribute to the Barn Cat issue. It was
very very hard to just pick one for the cover. This year‟s
cover shot is by Magee Allegrucci from The Double A
Farm in Justus. Oreo is guarding the New Holland
tractor from unauthorized drivers. We think he‟s
tractor‟s sexy and we‟re crazy „bout a farmer‟s tan.
Letter From the Editor
We had such a wonderful reaction to our first Tribute to The Barn Cat
issue last year that we decided to do it every year. So, like last year, the
photos submitted were fantastic. It was very difficult to pick one for the
cover. Hope you had as much fun picking out which photos to send in,
as we had looking at them and figuring out how to get them all in the
issue. There are many “rodents” in our lives as well as in the horse
world. Where would we be without our loyal mousers? Overrun by
“rodents”, that‟s what. Thank you to all our fluffy, furry, fat and skinny,
whiskered felines, on earth and in Heaven, for keeping us safe as well as
being a friend in need. Thanks for greeting us each cold winter morning
with that little “coo” of a hello and for keeping watch over the barn.
Places to pick up your “Hard Copy”
Of Your Horse Resource
for Northeastern Pennsylvania
Agway, Moscow
Back Mountain Agway, Dallas
Bubba‟s Tack, Honesdale
Callicoon Agway, Callicoon, NY
Dalton Market, Main St, Dalton
Doc's Deli, Waverly
Double A Farm Tack Shop, Justus
Gay‟s Hardware, Tunkhannock
Glenburn Grill, Glenburn
Miller‟s Agway, Clarks Summit
Peaceful Valley Eq Center, Centermoreland
Pet Central, Honesdale
Airport Deli, Schultzville
Spur of the Moment, Dallas
Vern‟s Agway, Factoryville
Waverly Deli, Waverly
If you would like us to put hard copies
somewhere near you, please email us with
the name & address of the place.
Corrections and Omissions
In the April issue, the caption below the photo on Page 6 should read, “Julie Druga,
Alyssa Hoffman, Mariah Martzen, Jenna Franklin and Amy Johns passed their BHS
Stage 1 exam at Delaware College February 23 . It was very intense, with three
hours of questions and then they had to ride two horses. Photo is of the five girls with
Rachel Fitzmorris (trainer) and Angelo Telatin at Del Val.” YHR is sorry for the error.
Also, photo of Kate Morgan on the Remember When page is certainly not from 1977.
It is from 1995 taken at Minglewood Farm. YHR regrets the error.
Gypsy and Rita at the Double A Farm in Justus
Photo by Carole Lins
A special thank you for Jody Ciliberto for her generosity. Jim Culleton called her “his photographer”
and as you can see, she is a uniquely talented hunt field photographer. Her photos of Jim Culleton
are exceptional. They are even more beautiful in full color and copies are available from her.
Contact her at
At the Gatepost News
Fair Hill Farm Riding Academy
I am 55 years old and have had primary progressive MS for less than 10 years. One year from the first
symptom I found myself in a wheelchair unable to walk. Having always been healthy, strong, and
active, this was devastating. After the third year I moved into a nursing home, where I found the
loving care and support I needed to heal emotionally. I was then faced with a decision, give up and let
MS take me or stay strong and live. I chose to live. When Art Goldberg came to see me I had already
been working hard in therapy and was very strong. When he asked me if I wanted to do riding therapy,
nothing could have thrilled me more. I had never heard of it. I wasn't even sure I could do it. The first
time showed me just how possible riding a horse was. Sitting atop a horse was like coming home to
me, even though it had been almost 25 years since I rode. I was comfortable and sat up straight. Just
how straight was visible in the pictures that were taken that first day. I don't sit up completely straight
in a wheelchair. What is it about sitting on a horse that brings the body into alignment?
The exercises were challenging, and pushed me physically. I like that kind of encouragement to stretch
my limits. When I came home that day I was told I was glowing. To this day I am told that I look happier
the days that I ride. This says a lot because I am normally smiling any way. I started riding in the fall so
the winter came too quickly. Over the winter I admit to getting lazy. It's easy whiling away the hours in
front of the computer. My laziness became apparent to me at my first couple of therapy sessions in the
spring. I was falling forward when trying to do the exercises asked of me. This would not do. I wanted to
ride and ride well. I got to work. My workout consists of getting my legs stretched then alternating
between hitting a balloon back and forth with my therapist and using a piece of exercise equipment for
strength building. Every night I use water bottles as dumbbells and do weight training in bed. On the
weekend I use a table bicycle to start my day. The thought of riding keeps me going when I don't feel like
working out. I guess everyone has to find their own motivation to keep fit. I've found mine. More people
should be made aware of this very beneficial therapy. Thank you to Art Goldberg for finding me and
thank you to Ben Goldberg for being a great teacher.
Submitted by Peggy Lundquist. Peggy is currently experiencing riding
therapy with Ben Goldberg, at Fair Hill Farm Riding Academy. Ben is a
NARHA Certified instructor. She was given this most wonderful
opportunity a couple of years ago when Art Goldberg was introduced to
her. Art Goldberg is the director of Fair Hill Farm. This past winter she
and Art were discussing how riding was a great motivator to staying fit.
He asked her to write about it and send it to him. After reading it, Art
thought how it would be a nice article for publication and Peggy was kind
enough to share it with Your Horse Resource for Northeastern
Pennsylvania. Thank you Peggy.
Congratulations to some of the kids from
Painted Acres of Greenfield Township
for their High Point Year End Champion ribbons
from The Birchtown Horse Show Winter Series.
Emma Demark & Sparkle
2 Year End Open Walk Trot
Mittens the cat and Scottie Too Hottie the horse
who live with Catherine Thurston.
Brittany Fisher & Artistic Flair
2 Year End Open Pleasure
Zoe White and Magic Marker
5 Year End Open Walk Trot
YHR is looking STILL for your favorite story about
Leathersmith Bob Reid. We would like to dedicate an
issue to him and reprint all your fun stories. Any
photos you have of Bob, Lois, Regina or Robbie are
also welcome.
At the Gatepost News
Therapy Horses from Liberty Reins Ranch
will be helping out the Voluntary Action Center of Northeastern
Pennsylvania at their annual Run for the Roses event on Derby Day.
The Cats of Painted Acres
Starting from the top: Wondering Cat of Unknown Origin,
then Reilly, Libby, Boots, Spooky, Jet, Kiss and Tyler.
YHR is STILL looking for area Laundromats that allow the
washing of horse blankets. Please send YHR the names and
addresses of your local Laundromat where you wash your
sheets & blankets to [email protected] so we can
let everybody have a list of places near them. The time is just
around the corner, to wash those winter blankets and put them
back in the tack room until next year, we hope.
The late great Mickey Mouse Mayeski
It is with great sadness that YHR reports
Serendipity Stable made that grave
decision and had to have their wonderful
horse Chan's Rebel Jet aka Rebel put
down, the beginning of April. Dr. Martha
Wells was called and found a displaced
colon due to a tumor blockage or twist. He
was amazingly stoic and gave no indication
of the pain he must have been in. Out of a
QH mare named Chan, Kim Keogh‟s first
horse and by Jay Breaker Jet an AQHA
stallion, also Kim‟s, he would have been 28
years old on April 23 and was not a
candidate for surgery at his advanced age.
Kim Keogh watched as he was born on
April 23 1983, at Serendipity Stable and
was there with him when he passed away.
Our condolences go out to Kim Keogh and
Serendipity Stable. RIP Rebel.
Gilligan in the Dandelions, Double A Farm, 2009
Now in Heaven‟s Dandelions, RIP
Photo by Carole Lins
At the Gatepost News
Shaelynn Dragon and Stewart
Abington Hills Farm is for Sale
Picturesque 30-acre horse farm renovated 1890's farm house,
w/in ground pool. Working equestrian facility includes large
barn w/indoor riding ring, multiple horse stalls, outdoor arena
and fenced pastures. All centrally located in historic Dalton.
Caroline Salvino (570) 977-1777
Phoebe Keating (570) 903-8983
Classic Properties (570) 587-7000
Beth Parise‟s cats from the bottom to top:
Roady - Kitty Kat - Arora - Tom
Black Jack and Oreo from the Double A Farm
Photo by Magee Allegrucci
Denette Dixon‟s Einstein
Christina Miller‟s April Cream
RIP Cream
At the Gatepost News
The Seven Stages of Aging on (and off) Horses
Stage I:
Fall off pony. Bounce. Laugh. Climb back on. Repeat.
Stage 2: Fall off horse. Run after horse, cussing. Climb back on by shimmying up horse‟s neck. Ride until sundown.
Stage 3: Fall off horse. Use sleeve of shirt to stanch bleeding. Have friend help you get back on horse. Take two Advil and apply icepacks when
you get home. Ride next day.
Stage 4: Fall off horse. Refuse advice to call ambulance; drive self to urgent care clinic. Entertain nursing staff with tales of previous daredevil
stunts on horseback. Back to riding before cast comes off.
Stage 5: Fall off horse. Temporarily forget name of horse and name of husband. Flirt shamelessly with paramedics when they
arrive. Spend week in hospital while titanium pins are screwed in place. Start riding again before doctor gives official okay.
Stage 6: Fall off horse. Fail to see any humor when hunky paramedic says, “You again?” Gain firsthand knowledge of advances in
medical technology thanks to stint in ICU. Convince self that permanent limp isn‟t that noticeable. Promise husband you‟ll
give up riding. One week later purchase older, slower, shorter horse.
Stage 7: Slip off horse. Relieved when artificial joints and implanted medical devices seem unaffected. Tell husband that scrapes
and bruises are due to gardening accident. Pretend you don‟t see husband roll his eyes and mutter as he walks away.
Give apple to horse.
Trust me. Despite a lack of bounce-ability, aging on horseback isn‟t so bad, as long as you know what lies ahead…as long as you keep your sense
of humor.
Thank you to Kim Keogh for these words of wisdom
One of my favorite kitties sleeping in the straw,
at the Double A. Miss ya, Boo.
Photo by Carole Lins
Samantha Musante relaxing with
Collins the cat and Bailey the pony
at Aberdeen Stables
in Madison Township, PA
Trudy‟s cat at Over The Hill Farm
Sarah Kreulen‟s Garfield
He was the most fun cat ever. He'd come running to meet you
when you arrived at the barn. He and Lola the Jack Russell
played non-stop. RIP little Mittens.
Photo by Debbie McBride
At the Gatepost News
Cheryl Prehn and Roger
at Aberdeen Stables, Madison Twp.
Nikki and Lila
from Serendipity Stable in Kingsley, PA
Two of Carole Lins‟s great loves,
Marcus the cat and Bel Ami her horse.
Photo by Carole Lins
Kim Keogh's barn cat "Jessica".
Don’t leave your car windows open this summer.
Frederick from Fair Hill
Riding Academy
Nikki and Lila from
Serendipity Stable in Kingsley, PA
Sami Mayeski and Wilhelmina
at Fair Hill Riding Academy, Tyler Hill, PA
Teesha and Marcus
Brother and sister at the Double A
Photo by Carole Lins
At the Gatepost News
Emmet from Tractor Supply, Funny Face from RoNo Ranch, Bob and Snoopy. All pals of Chicken Kitty
This is Super Kitty, daughter of Floozy from
Liberty Reins Ranch. She is the only
survivor of 4 other kittens and she came a
day later. A little miracle for sure.
Tyler on Kite‟s Blanket
Beth Ann Parise’s photo
Broomy & Bubbles
From Ro No Ranch
lovin‟ their “Bucket Bed!”
Pals of Chicken Kitty
Pals of Chicken Kitty
I Might Have Been a Barn Cat
Hi! My name is Chicken, Chicken Kitty actually. I‟m not sure how I got into this magazine, but the way I figure it is I
might have been a Barn Cat.
My human Mom, Deb from Liberty Reins Ranch adopted me from the Humane Society a few years ago and I gotta
tell ya, she was brave!! Apparently she went there for a dog; yep I said a DOG and she ended up bringing my butt
home instead. What was she thinkin‟?? From what I know she never had a cat before and here I was, her pilot cat,
her “try out” cat and get this, she had two, yes two rescued Pit Bulls! Yikes. I do remember thinking, “Take me
back to the barn!” Ok, ok! I‟m sorry. I didn‟t mean to sound ungrateful. I mean, who else would have adopted me
at 11 years old? I mean I‟m cute and all, but I was 11 and no one really knew where I came from. But seriously,
how could anyone not love this face?
So, here I was, shaved to the bone, in this poinsettia sweater they sent me off to my new barn, I mean HOUSE, to live. I walk in,
looking for the horses and hay, and all I see are those two dogs staring at me like I was lunch. I quickly remembered what my barn cat
ancestors said, “Let them think they are kings, we know who really rules.” That worked!! And actually, we all got to be pretty good
buddies. Phew!
So by now I bet you are all wondering, why does he think he could have been a barn cat? Well, while I am not sure where I came
from, I know I am tough, I am independent, I am playful, I am a protector. I am silly, I‟m a sneak and I love to play, I‟m fi xed but always
lookin‟ for a laaaaaydee. I love a nice warm bed, I love me some POND WATER, I‟m quick and always on alert (except on a full
I kept asking my two new friends, “Where‟s the darn barn?” They looked at me like
I was nuts! Ok, so, maybe with the way I looked, it‟s possible I gave off the wrong
signal. I thought, maybe if I spruced myself with some cat “axe” and kitty hair gel,
they might take me more seriously and get me back to the barn! My human Mom
thought so too. Before I knew it I was SMOKIN‟ HOT! Finally, someone will listen!
At least that is what I thought. Plus, I got my barn cat‟s backs baby!! I will
TOLERATE dogs by allowing them to think they “stole my food” because I‟m a
“Mouser Extraordinaire” lifetime member.
I am your best friend whenever your day is tough and will keep you warm if you fall asleep in a stall after a hard day‟s work in the barn.
BUT, the biggest reason I know I must have been a Barn Cat is I DO NOT EAT HORSE POOP. From what I know, every other stinkin‟
animal out there loves that stuff except a Barn Cat. Just ask my pals in the photos above.
Thanks for reading my story! Love to all the Barn Kitties. Dream of fresh hay & pond frogs! xoxoxo Chicken.
Thank you to Deb Basylaga of Liberty Reins for her wonderful story and photos , see next page’s Pal of Chicken Kitty
At the Gatepost News
The kitty’s name with Sarah Kreulen is “Grey Kitty”. There
are two grey kitties both called “Grey Kitty”. The horse is
Liz Kelly’s Hannah. Liz sent Hannah down south to The
Calvin Center, in Hampton, GA. Hannah will be a part of a
therapeutic riding program and Sarah Kreulen can enjoy her
until Sarah goes to college , in about 5 years.
Leo by Matt Allegrucci
Maisey from Over The Hill Farm, Waverly, PA
Thanks to Liz Kelly for this cute photo of
Little H and Maura Jordon‟s Barn Cat.
© B. Kilban
Kim Scandale‟s barn lion
Kashemere and Taryn Scott at Double A
Photo by Carole Lins
Pony Tales
Thank you to Mika Bates for this wonderful drawing.
Mika rides an appaloosa pony named Skittles with Christine Davis
at Abington Hills Farm in Dalton.
Cate Huggler riding Smokey
at Over The Hill Farm in Waverly.
Some words of advice from Ashley Coleman age 9, daughter of Angel Guzzi.
Wiggy Collins got a new pony named Evan.
Wiggy keeps Evan with her other pony Summerset at
Abington Hills Farm in Dalton, PA
Congratulations to both of them.
Carlie Holgate Wittman‟s daughter Paige rides at Serendipity
Stable in Kingsley. Thanks for this nice drawing.
Remember When
Karen Faillace‟s Touch The Winner
aka Luke as a baby.
Luke at Aberdeen Stables show 2010
Ellen Vivian up
Susie Annis on Waseeka’s Nocturne
Many thanks for Linda Makeel Truscott for this great news clipping of
Cindy and Debbie Makeel, Easter Parade and Linda and Smokey and Jane Morris 197?
Katie Monahan on
Coker Farm‟s Johnny‟s Pocket
at Lake Placid, NY show 1974
Ben Goldberg 19??
Fun Fotos
Step by Step procedures on how to roll after a bath by Sarah Kreulen‟s Hannah, aka Hickory‟s Fancy Gal.
The “Christopher” Fence at Birchtown
One of their new schooling show fences. That‟s Chris
Esposito on the left and Chris Suponcic on the right.
Jess is schooling The Pine over an unidentified boarder.
Sky Smith riding Olivia Vosburg’s Blaze.
According to Sky’s mom Lizz, someday Sky
wants to be the vegetarian president of the
veterinarian barrel racing club that sings and
dances on Wednesday's . Sky can be
anything she wants to be, that’s for sure.
Quarter mark for The Royal Wedding
of Harry and Kate, April 2011
Tommy McFly
At the Gatepost News
On the 8th of April 2011 Jim Culleton, MFH passed away peacefully at his
home Reedy Creek Farm in McKenney, Virginia. He was 67. He was born
July 5, 1943, in Brooklyn, N.Y., and was the son of the late James John and
Catherine Gallagher Culleton. Jim was a very extraordinary person and he
will be missed by so many people here in PA as well as Virginia and New
York. He grew up in New York and always seemed to have horses in his life
where he and his family ran a hack stable. Jim wore many hats. A school
teacher, a school administrator, DJ, men's clothing model and a ski instructor
are just a few of his many occupations. His passion was Horses and Fox
Hunting which led him to PA where he ran the Bailey Hollow Boarding and
Training facility and resurrected the Abington Hills Hunt. He was so involved
in horse sports and at one time was President of the Northeastern
Pennsylvania Horseman‟s Association. His love of children was obvious to
all. He ran day camps out of his Bailey Hollow Farm in the summer and was
always surrounded by the kids. He made the sport, which is generally
considered an expensive pastime affordable.
He moved to Virginia 11 years ago to "retire" and have a smaller farm but still
enjoyed the life of hunting with his fox hounds. He was a huge asset to the
Pennsylvania horse community and was greatly missed by so many of us
when he moved. He had a band of followers and they would come from New
York and PA to continue fox hunting with him. He was a talented story teller
who loved to entertain. There was always a gathering, a party, a BBQ or some
kind of get together, never a dull moment when Jim was around. He also
started foot hunting with a pack of Basset Hounds and Beagles. His hounds
were shown in competition and won almost every class the entered. He also
held office in many of those fields.
Jody Ciliberto ©
He was Laid to rest on Wednesday, April 8, 2011 here in Dalton next to his
mother's grave. Taken to the grave site by a horse drawn hearse shipped to
Dalton especially for Jim by owner and driver James Hunley of Richmond,
Va., it was the same hearse that was used for Senator Byrd‟s procession. It
was beautiful and he would have loved that. The new owners of Bailey Hollow
Farm, now Abington Hills Farm, Ron and Jane Skeels graciously hosted a
breakfast in his honor. Tom McElduff his longtime companion and partner will
continue to operate the farm and hunt in Virginia. In lieu of flowers,
contributions may be made to St. Jude Children‟s Research Hospital, 501 St.
Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Our prayers go out to Tommy and Jim's
family and friends.
Thank you to Bernadette Schwartz for her heartfelt contribution.
An Irish Blessing
Jody Ciliberto ©
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.
May the sunshine warm upon your face, The rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God Hold you in the palm of His hand.
Photo courtesy of Jean Collins ©
At the Gatepost News
Jody Ciliberto ©
Jody Ciliberto ©
Jody Ciliberto ©
The Last Fence
When the last fence looms up, I am ready
And I hope when the rails of it crack
There'll be nothing in front but the Master,
The huntsman, the fox, and the pack;
And I hope when fate bids me go under
In this last of my manifold spills,
That we're riding the line of a hill fox
With half a mile start to his hills.
I hope that last fence is a stiff one;
I hope, for the sake of our name,
They may say, ' If the task was beyond them
They both of them went at it game! '
And when the white girths flash above me,
And darkness comes down on the field,
Let them carry me home on a hurdle
As the Spartan went home on his shield.
And when I am out of the running
Let the good men go on with the pack;
I would not one comrade should falter,
I would not one friend should turn back;
And whether it be on the grass-land,
The hill-side, the heath or the loam,
Let the gallant ones keep going for'ardThe slow ones can carry me home.
Let them bury me down in the churchyard,
But lay my good horse where he fell;
When the ditches are blind in the autumn
Some friend may remember and tell,
While under the thong of the west wind
The day-nettle trembles and stirs:
'Twas from here that a horseman undaunted
Went Home in his boots and his spurs.'
Jody Ciliberto ©
William Henry Ogilvie
Visit us on Facebook at Minglewood Solutions
[email protected] Toll Free 866-393-2805
Direct 503-523-8290
Christine Davis is now Teaching At Abington Hills Farm, Dalton, PA
or will travel to your farm
Looking for a confident, safe and reliable instructor? Christine Davis has 40 plus years of
experience. Alumni of the Golden Eagle, her education is from some of the best local
teachers and trainers of Northeastern Pennsylvania and many talented Maryland
professionals. A real people person, teaching all levels of riding from beginners thru
advanced and intermediate, English and Western. All lessons include horsemanship with
emphasis on you and your horse becoming a team. Very reasonable rates. Evenings and
Saturdays. Will fit comfortably into your schedule. References upon request.
Please call 570-282-3323.
“Cooper “
10yr QH Geld
15H palomino
Quiet, good mover
WTC, jumps 2'6" with ease.
Has shown successfully
in W/T, SS, Green.
Loves to go Cross country.
$3500 OBO
Liz Race 570-947-5586
Horse Farm For Sale
In Hamlin, PA
8 years young. 3,164 sq. ft. home with 3 ½
baths and four bedrooms. A day-light, finished
basement is ready for entertaining. An oversized 25' x 25' deck out the back has a stone
patio underneath that leads to your brand new
natural swimming pool featuring a waterfall with
a kid's "hideout cave behind it.
Professional Announcer
English and Western
45 Years of Experience.
One day or two day shows.
One ring or three. Can do it all.
Very reliable. Reasonably priced.
References available.
Christine Davis
“Special Forces”
12yr dk bay TB/Holsteiner Cross 16H
Green in experience because of
illness of previous owner.
WTC, jumps 2'6" - 3' Has shown successfully.
Would make nice Eq horse or jumper.
VERY comfortable. $10,000 NEG
Over the Hill Farm 570-587-0266
8yr chestnut TBX mare, 15 HH.
Fancy mover Very comfortable.
WTC, jumps 2'3"-2'6"
Needs quiet, confident rider. $3500 OBO
Trudy Race 570-947-0493
This place is an equestrian's
dream! One 36' x 56'
equipment building and a
second 156' x 75' stall and
indoor riding arena building.
There are 3 fenced in pastures
and a run-in shed.
The property features open fields and woods with riding trails on 22 acres.
Live your horse dream here!
Asking $ $599,000 (570) 689-2936
“4 additional acres also available”
Sarah Kreulen & one of two gray cats that look the same so
they are both called Gray Kitty. He lives at the Calvin Center
barn in Hampton, GA.
Norfolk Heritage Farm
Montrose, PA
New Events in 2011
13.2 Welsh/Quarter x 12 yr old mare
with permanent card. She has pony
clubbed, shown hunters. Would be great
pony jumper. She will do timid w/t or will
jump around at 3' for more adventurous
riders. Stocky build so will take up leg.
Good home a must.
May consider lease to buy. $5000
Contact 570-212-0682
12yr dk bay TB Mare, 16H Lovely mover,
not SUPER quiet. Needs quiet,
intermediate rider.
Good jumper, good Eq prospect.
$3500 NEG
Cady Cresswell 570-267-4288
● Spring Paper Chase – May 14
● Summer Poker Run – August 7
● Fall Paper Chase – September 17
● Dressage Schooling Series –
Every other Thursday starting May 26, 2011
● Fun Show Series –
4th Sunday of every month May – September
● Summer Day Camp –
with Riding Lessons 7 weeks starts in June
Series Championships - For Dressage and Fun Shows
Doug Payne Clinic April 25, 2011 $125.00
Check out his website at
Auditors, $15. Refreshments available.
$10 discount for 4H and Pony Club Riders
Lessons: Amy Ruppert – 21 years experience in Dressage and
Eventing. Specializing in teaching how to improve Horse/Rider
Communication at all levels across disciplines. School horses available
or trailer in Reasonable rates and flexible availability. Discounts for 4H
and Pony Club members and families.
Now on Facebook. Web:
Call for details 570-869-2722 or 570-606-3232
Email: [email protected]
or [email protected]
Quarter Horse For Lease
Double A Farm
Bubba is a 23 yr old 16H and a real gentleman.
He needs a mature and knowledgeable rider
that wants to trail ride responsibly for
pleasure and relaxation only.
Absolutely Not For Sport Events
$300 a month. Must have Western QH Bars Saddle
41 Camp Road (Cherry Ridge) Honesdale, PA
Lots of scenic trails through
Cherry Ridge and South Canaan.
Call 570-488-6259 or contact [email protected]
Quality Horses and Ponies for Sale
Lessons for All Levels
Boarding, Training, Showing
Positive & Friendly Atmosphere
50 Plus Years In The Business, Family Owned
Two Large Outdoor Rings
80‟ x 200‟ Indoor Arena
Plenty of Pasture and Paddocks for Turnout
Visit the
Everything for the English Horse and Rider
Everyday discounts
1648 Layton Road, Scott Township, PA 18447
Phone 570-587-3903
Also 1 full board stall for rent, $300.00.
Turn out- wormer sched - Orchard Hay.
Field Board $175.00 available as well.
Lots of wooded trails. Owner lives on property.
Stallion Services
Stallion Services
West Abbey Rocket
13.3 Reg. Sec. B Stallion
Merryment Matador x
Selia Briar Rose
Imported from Canada in 2006
Big bodied, produces lovely
sport ponies. $400 stud fee.
Call Tradale Farms
Bristol Houdini
12.3 Reg. Sec. B Welsh Stallion
Sired by National Champion
Lithgow Houdini x Bristol Little Egypt
Wonderful type 10+ movement
Produces champions
$500 stud fee.
Call Tradale Farms 570-470-9270
Hope Hill Ministry
87 Catholic Church Rd
PO Box 336
Beach Lake, PA 18405
Imagine a place where hope gallops, horse hug, children laugh, and peace reigns.
A sanctuary for the soul. A place where freedom flies. This IS Hope Hill Ministry.
Relationship is the focus of Hope Hill
Ministry. There is always one participant,
one leader, and one horse. This allows for
individualized attention which encourages
bridges of trust to be built and crossed into
all relationships in the participant‟s life and
ultimately if they choose, to the Creator of
Small private barn
in Dalton
Call 862-4281
Each session is 1 ½ hours, which we require a parent or guardian to stay on the
premises. The sessions are flexible due to the need to meet each individual where
they are at, not to force them into the mold of our agenda. Participants will
experience and learn how to care for a horse, basic riding & training skills, as well
as Christian principles, gardening, games, and crafts. Interaction with a horse can
be an immensely powerful, influential, uplifting, healing, empowering, and
confidence building experience for anyone. Out of our desire to enable everyone
who desires to participate, Hope Hill Ministry‟s program is free of charge.
We are completely run by volunteers and funded by
individual donations and grants. If you are interested
in getting more information about Hope Hill Ministry
or scheduling a time for our founder, Keely Ehrhardt,
come speak to your organization, please contact us
at [email protected] 570-832-3245.
2004 AL. Kingston Windsor
WB length 2 Horse Trailer
(bumper pull)
Built-in Seat in front which is used to
storage. Large Windows on all sides.
Excellent condition. $6500.00
570-752-2273- Leave Message
© B. Kilban
Penn Jersey Horse Show Association's 2011 Show Schedule
For show flyers and other info see our website
*** Two shows can be on the same date as long as one is English and one is Western.
Saddle Valley Western Show - 9am Saddle Valley Farm, Bangor PA.
Boots & Saddles English Show - 8am Boots & Saddles Riding Club, Allentown, PA
Boots & Saddles Western Show - 9am Boots & Saddles Riding Club, Allentown, PA
PJHSA English Show Fundraiser (consider a sponsorship) - 8am Bucks County Horse Park, Revere, PA
Boots & Saddles English Show - 8am Boots & Saddles Riding Club, Allentown, PA
Pleasant Valley Ranch Western Show - 9am Pleasant Valley Ranch , New Ringold, PA
PJHSA Western Show Fundraiser (consider a sponsorship) 9am County Line Farm, Lehighton, PA
County Line Farm Western Show - 9am County Line Farm, Lehighton, PA
Bucks County English and Western Show, 8am English - 9am Western, Bucks County Horse Park, Revere, PA
Blue Valley English Show *** - 8am Blue Valley Riding Center, Pen Argyl, PA
County Line Farm Western Show *** - 9am County Line Farm, Lehighton, PA
Blue Valley English Show - 8am Blue Valley Riding Center, Pen Argyl, PA
Bucks County English and Western Show - 8am English - 9am Western, Bucks County Horse Park, Revere, PA
August 7
County Line Farm Western Show *** - 9am County Line Farm, Lehighton, PA
Saddle Valley English Show *** - 8am Saddle Valley Farm, Bangor PA
Sun PJHSA Fun Show Fundraiser (consider a sponsorship) - 9am Plainfield Riding Club, Wind Gap, PA (not PJHSA pointed)
Boots & Saddles English Show - 8am Boots & Saddles Riding Club, Allentown, PA
Boots & Saddles Western Show - Boots & Saddles Riding Club, Allentown, PA
Pleasant Valley Ranch Western Show - 9am Pleasant Valley Ranch , New Ringold, PA
Saddle Valley English Show - 8am Saddle Valley Farm, Bangor PA
Considering a Sponsorship for a PJHSA Fundraiser please contact [email protected]
PJHSA is having 3 Wed. Night Schooling Shows - These are club fundraisers - consider becoming a sponsor.
June 22rd, July 13th, July 27th (August 17th - Inclement Weather Date)
Plainfield Riding Club, Wind Gap, PA
Registration - 3:45pm Show Starts - 4:45pm
Penn Jersey is an APHA PAC approved organization for the 2011 show season.
RO-NO Removal Service
Equine Removal
With Compassion and Respect
570-351-7966 or 570-937-4978
We horse owners care deeply about our animals. When a
treasured horse dies, we lose a valued friend and companion.
The experience is emotionally devastating. Adding to your grief
is the difficult question, what do you do with the body? When
you call RO-NO Removal Service for your deceased equine or
pet, it is done with the utmost compassion and respect. RO-NO
Removal Service's custom designed trailer comes directly to
your stable, farm or vet clinic. On-call services are 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. Be
it pre-arranged or an emergency, RO-NO Removal Service is
there for your animal, no matter the size or breed. Other
services include euthanasia with an experienced DVM and
transportation to a crematory. RO-NO also offers a braided hair
keepsake and vestige urns are available. Basic fees start at
$275. Please contact us for more information and complete list
of services and prices. RO-NO Removal Service will do their
best to minimize your distress.
Save $Green$ by Going Green
with the area’s only
100% Renewable Energy Provider.
Gallop towards saving
on your electric bill today by calling
Mauri Maus
Michael Ducas
No contracts! No hidden fees!
Green Horses + Green Barn = Green Pastures.
Services and Business Card Directory
Nola Haupert-Keill
Email: [email protected]
House: 570-937-4978
Cell: 570-351-7966
Full Service Training Facility
24/7 On-Site Management
Full Time Trainers
Lessons & Boarding
Horses for Sale or Lease
60' x 120' Covered Arena
80' x 200' Outdoor Arena
65' Round Pen
Services and Business Card Directory
MAY 2011
Sunday 1
Saturday 7
Northern Tier Combined Training Association Dressage Fix A Test
Sweet Water Farm, Jackson, PA
Alison Kropff 570-756-3268
Sunday 8
NPHA Dallas Horse & Pony
Dalton Fairgrounds, Dalton, PA
Jane Morris 570-675-4182
Saturday 14
Neal Shapiro Clinic, Elk Stables
Uniondale, PA
Whitney Mulqueen 570-575-8649
Sunday 15
Competitive Trail and Horsemanship Clinic
Sweetwater Farm, Jackson , PA
NPHA Aberdeen English Show
Aberdeen Stables Madison Twp, PA
George Weller 570-842-3328
NPHA Valley Equestrians Memorial
Valley Equestrian Show Grounds, Clarks Summit, PA
Linda McAndrew 570-587-4872
Spring Fling Fun Show
Sweetwater Farm, Jackson Twp, PA
Heather 570-709-1765
NPHA Lake Equestrian Center
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel, PA
Elly Culotta 570-241-5755
Saturday 21
Sunday 22
Saturday 28
Lisa Landsiedel 570- 586-4763
Five County Series Horse Show
Valley Equestrians Ring, Clark Summit , PA
Sunday 29
Lake Equestrian Center
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel, PA
Elly Culotta 570-241-5755
JUNE 2011
Saturday 4
Sunday 5
NPHA Borrowdale Acres
Luzerne County Fairgrounds, Dallas, PA
Carole Malig 570-675-8974
Sunday 12
NPHA Dalton Schooling Show
Dalton Fairgrounds, Dalton, PA
Noah Kretsch 570-945-7910
Saturday 18
NPHA Aberdeen Western Show
Aberdeen Stables Madison Twp, PA
George Weller 570-842-3328
Sunday 19
NPHA Candy Apple Farm
Dalton Fairgrounds, Dalton, PA
Suzie Morgan 570-945-3849
Saturday 25
Five County Series Horse Show
Valley Equestrians Ring, Clark Summit , PA
Lisa Landsiedel 570- 586-4763
Sunday 26
NPHA Double A Farm
Double A Farm, Justus, PA
Beth Kaplan 570-499-7400
Saturday 11
Repost if you have had a horse be your best friend, forgive you for all your mistakes while you were "learning,"
stand quietly while you cried into their mane, carry you over rough, hilly and rocky trails, win you blue ribbons, or
just make you proud of them. Horses give to us every day and they ask for very little in return.
Compliments of Facebook
JULY 2011
Saturday 2
Sunday 3
NPHA LA Quarter Horse
LA Quarter Horse, Lake Ariel, PA
Cindy Galley 570-698-6032
Five County Series Horse Show
Wyoming County Fair Grounds, Meshoppen, PA
Judy Johnson 570-378-3049
Marge Singer 570-240-0784
NPHA Double Point Show
Luzerne County Fairgrounds, Dallas, PA
Gail Evans 570-675-0515
Saturday 16
KMHC Keystone Classic American Miniature Horse Registry
Miniature Horse & Shetland Pony Show
Bloomsburg Fairgrounds/ Bloomsburg, PA
Sandy Gambuti 570-4886264
Saturday 9
NPHA Dessin Animal Shelter Benefit
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel, PA
Sunday 17
Sue Frisch 570-253-4037
NPHA Dessin Animal Shelter Benefit
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel, PA
Sue Frisch 570-253-4037
Sunday 24
NPHA Lake Equestrian Center
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel, PA
Elly Culotta 570-241-5755
Saturday 30
Five County Series Horse Show
Wyoming County Fair Grounds, Meshoppen, PA
Judy Johnson 570-378-3049
Marge Singer 570-240-0784
Sunday 31
NPHA Luzerne County Fair Benefit
Luzerne County Fairgrounds, Dallas, PA
Carole Malig 570-675-8974
Saturday 23
Saturday 6
NPHA Scholarship Show
Dalton Fairgrounds, Dalton, PA
Suzie Morgan 570-945-3849
Five County Series Horse Show
Wyoming County Fair Grounds, Meshoppen, PA
Judy Johnson 570-378-3049
Marge Singer 570-240-0784
NPHA LA Quarter Horse
LA Quarter Horse, Lake Ariel, PA
Cindy Galley 570-698-6032
Saturday 13
Sunday 14
Saturday 20
Sunday 21
District III 4-H Show
No NPHA Show this week
Saturday 27
Sunday 28
NPHA Lake Equestrian Center
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel, PA
Elly Culotta 570-241-5755
It’s Horse Show season. Call Digital Print and Design for your prize lists,
entry forms and all your printing needs. 570-347-6001
Saturday 3
NPHA LA Quarter Horse
LA Quarter Horse, Lake Ariel, PA
Cindy Galley 570-698-6032
Saturday 10
NPHA Double Point Western
LA Quarter Horse, Lake Ariel, PA
Charlotte Walsh 570-905-6456
Sunday 11
NPHA Newton Ransom Fire Co
Valley Equestrian Show Grounds, Clarks Summit, PA
Mary Kettle 570-388-3045
Keystone Miniature Horse Fall Fun Show
Hickory Valley Stables, Lehighton, PA.
Kathy Sellers 610 381-6774
NPHA Dalton Fire Co. Horse Show
Dalton Fairgrounds, Dalton, PA
Noah Kretsch 570-945-7910
Saturday 24
NPHA Aberdeen Autumn Show
Aberdeen Stables Madison Twp, PA
George Weller 570-842-3328
Sunday 25
NPHA Showin' Blue 4-H Club
Luzerne County Fairgrounds, Dallas, PA
Carole Malig 570-675-8974
Saturday 17
Sunday 18
Saturday 1
NPHA Wayne County Benefit Show
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel PA
Charlotte Walsh 570-905-6456
Sunday 2
NPHA Wayne County Benefit Show
Lake Equestrian Center, Lake Ariel, PA
Charlotte Walsh 570-905-6456
NPHA Lithia Valley
Lithia Valley Farm Factoryville, PA
Mike Racavitch 570-335-5101
Saturday 8
Sunday 9
Saturday 15
Sunday 16
Saturday 22
Sunday 23
Saturday 29
Sunday 30
Photo by Carole Lins
Saturday 5
Sunday 6
Saturday 12
Sunday 13
Saturday 19
Sunday 20
Saturday 26
Sunday 27
Saturday 3
Sunday 4
Saturday 10
Sunday 11
Saturday 17
Sunday 18
Saturday 24
Sunday 25
Saturday 31
Photo by Carole Lins
Gypsy and Rita
Photo by Carole Lins
Sarah Kreulen‟s cat saying hello to Morris
POB 186
Carbondale, PA 18407
[email protected]
Price List 2011
Classifieds (30 words or less)
Events Calendar for Non-PA
(per listing)
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Buy Three Months get one month ½ off
Pony Tales
Events Calendar for NE PA
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Full Page (Front cover)
If you have any questions, please call Your Horse Resource at 570-282-3323.
Deadline for advertising is the 20 th of each month, preceding the issue date.
All advertising must be submitted with payment, name of contact person, phone number and address.
Your Horse Resource assumes no liability for errors due to handwritten copy.
Ads will be laid out at the discretion of Your Horse Resource. All advertisements are accepted and published on the
representation that the advertiser and/or agent are properly authorized to publish the contents and subject matter.
Your Horse Resource is not responsible for any copyright infringement on the part of the advertisers. Your Horse
Resource reserves the right to refuse any advertising.
Classified Categories
Blanket Repair
Breeding Services
Building Supplies
Carriage Rentals
Dogs & Pets
Equine Dentists
Feed, Hay & Straw
For Sale
Help Wanted
Horses/Ponies for lease
Horses/Ponies for sale
Horse Rescue
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Horse Show Judges
Horse Show Stewards
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Pet Sitting
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Saddles, Harness & Tack
Vehicles & Trailers
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© Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in whole or in part without written permission from the Editor.
Your Horse Resource for Northeastern Pennsylvania