of the Air (Prevention and Control Pollution)
of the Air (Prevention and Control Pollution)
― 宥 , 璽 ヨび げ 驚 c∫ 7=l:♀ も 8篇 cb govh :::::♀ :♀ │;:::::│る 25588142,25586520 /Webjte l htpガ kSpcb govln O測 ゛ ф Oじ ぎ m「 ぎの%鵡 〇電や "論 Board “ State Pollution Control Karnataka バ 怖め 560001,ぜ い じ ,ぃ d3 ,“ ° ヨ0髯 dづ ぎぎ',10。 お5SCめ ぎaバ ф,ぎ o49,召 げ “ 「“ 「 8cげ "Pansara Bhavana",lstto 5th Floor,#49,Church Street,3engaluru-560001,Karnataka,INDIA //BY RPAD// No/PCB/NEC / 1 /2ots_14/ 4 1O L DATED: 2 8 MAR 2014 DIRECTIoNS UNDER SECT10N 31(A,OF THE AIR{PREVENTIoN AND CONTROL POLLUT10N)ACT, 1981,READ WITH RULE 20(A) OF KAmATAKA AIR(PREVENT10N AND CONTROL OF POLLUT10N) RULES,1983. Sub: prevention and Controlling of noise pollution in Bangalore city in particular and other cities of Karnataka State- Reg. Ref: l)Provisions of the Air ( prevention and contror of pollution) Act, 1981. 2)Provisions of the Noise pollution( Regulation and Control ) Rules, 2000. 3)GO No. FEE 46 EN\/ 2OOO, Dated,: t3/8/2OO2. -/-/-/- whereas, there is al in arnbient noise revels in Bangalore public places from various sources like traffic, vehicular horn, increase construction activity, generator sets, loud speakers, public address system, music system, , fire crackers; sound. producing instruments, other musical devices etc. For regulation of the noise, the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forest has issued the Noise Pollution (regulation and control), Rules, 2OO0 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. In the said Rules, for the purpose of enforcement, tJle Authority is defrned as under:- "auttnitg' means and includes ang authoitg or officer authorized bg the Central Gouernment, or as “ niぎ 。08£ 9ん ,=0だ dめ £31ポ AVO:D USE OF PLASTlCS‐ tte BE′ ECO′ FRIENDLY 2 case rnay be, the Stote Gouemment in accordance uLith the lanas in force and includes a District Magistrote, Police Commissioner, or anA other officer not belout tlrc rank, of the Deputg Supeintendent of Police designed for the maintenance oJ the ambient air qualitg standards in respect of noise under ang laut for tLte time being in force;" for The said Rules also stipulated tJle standards in respect of noise different areas/zones classified as Industrial, Commercial, Residential or Silent ateas fznrres. The standards prescribed under Rule 3(1) and 4(1) of the said rules are as under:- (ゝ V AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STAI{DARDS IN RESPECT OF NOISE umits in dBIA)レ ぼ Category of Area/?-ote Area Code Day Time 0 5 5 0 7 5 4 4 5 5 0 5 Commercial area Residential area Silence Zone 5 5 7 6 鋤動q動 Industrial area Night Time 2. Day time shall mean from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Night time shall mean from 10.00 p.m' to 6.00 a.m. (3. Silence zone is delined as an area comprising not less Note: 1. ζ thal 100 meters around hospitals, educational institutions and 4. courts. The silence zones are zones which are declared as such by the competent authority). Mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above mentioned authority. categories by the competent ‐ 3 Whereas, tlle authOrity as meniOncd abovC Shall bc hC rcsponsiblc for cnfOrccmcnt of noise control mcasurcs and due rds in rcspeCt Of nOiSe cOmphance ofthe ambient alr qual■ y standЯ Whcreas, the respOnSibility of State Pollution COntrOI BOard undcr the Rule shall C01lcCt, compile and publish technical and stausucal data relatlng to noiSe pollutlon and mcasurCS devlsed for its cffecivc preVendon,control and abatcmcnt Whereas,in comphance 、 ヽ ■th the Noisc(Rcgulation and COntrol) RuleC 2o00,the dcpartmcnt Of FOrcst,Ecology&Environment in excrciSe of poWers COnferred by clause(■ (3}of SeCtiOn(1)and Clause(b)Of Sub― Of Sub― Secdon(2)of SeCtiOn Secuon(2)of SeCt10n(6)and secdon 25 of the Envlronmcnt protection Act,1986 read wi■ Rule 5 of Environment ProtectiOn Rules, 1986 has isSued a Gove...ment Order 10f No.FEE 46 ENV 2000 datOd 13「 8-2002,for regulauon and contr。 the nciSe prOduchg and generaing source situated in Bangalore Bangalore Vetropolitan Re騨 Development Authonty area Dcvelopment Auぬ o五 ty area and in the ciサ Of MySOre, Gulbarga, Dhamad and also in other areas ofthe State. Belgaun■ and Hub五 ― Whereh,the Government fOr the purpose of enforcement Of noise ponudOn cOntrol measures,responsb」 Lty glven as under:― " V R“ ροnsibi“ ty tO e刊 わrCement げ れOiSC “ ′OIItatiOrt control measuresf れt 疏 der seCtわ れ 5 of ttθ Eれ 所rOれ れο Fκ by JS(μ οS た COυ em“ れι ル rProた 9,972J Acち ,9ε Oす ∝, t陸 aた ctioぉ `ο ttt Diκ CtOr(b“ raI げ POι ι gα Jο ′ げ PO“ ∝ iれ `れ どdties of Bα れ θ Cο mmiSSi。 れ コ ノ ` αこ αれα um αれdI“ btt Dルη認フ Bο りα ら Q`bα つの 均 Sο ″ r夢 ∝rs o/力 θffO"に DTαだれθれtれ Ot bθ lο ″ `た ο ι んο αた0 五″αdeれto/PO`iCe tο ι raれ た O/th'Dttυ ttψ θ 女, αttο れ αgα :7rt the persο ns あれο7tolα tれ ο stα れdα だ s 0 フSe or :ο ッd σSCttbο d i7L tれ e SCれed“セ thrOugれ `れ ρ´ 4 speaker/ sirens/ public anddress s4stem or other modes of creating noise betueen 6.00 A.M. to 10.O0 p.M. to . 6.00 A.M. and to prosecute them und.er section 1S of the Enuironment (protection) Act, 1986.,' The order also indicates the restriction for the use of loud speaker/public addressed system is as under:_ ". Restriction on the use oJ toud speakers/publlc ad.d.ress sgstem:- a. A loud speaker or a public add.ress system shall not be used except afier obtaining written permission from th-e designated. authoities as mentioned in para 2(1) aboue. b. A loud speaker or a public ad.d.ress system shall not be used at night (between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m.) except in closed. premises .for uithin eg., auditoia, conference communitg hall and banquet ha s.,, communication rooms, Whereas, the said order states tJlat the KSPCB shall give assistance to ttre police Department if required in monitoring tlte noise. Whereas, under the Air (prevention and Control) Act, 19g1, noise is also defined as air pollutant. KSPCB is the enforcing authority for control of noise pollution in industriat plants. Section lf(1)(g) empouers the KRSCB to lag doun, in andition tuith the Central Board. and hnuing regard. to the standards for the qtahty of air laid. down bg the Central Board, standard.s for emission of air pollution into the atmosphere from industriaf plants and 5 automobiles or for the discharge of any oir pollutant into the atmosphere from ang other source uLatsoeuer not being a ship or on aircrafi: Whereas, as per Section 17 of the Air (Prevention & Control) Act, 1981 and the Noise Ru1es, KSPCB has established 5 conlinuous of line ambient air quality monitoring stations at the following place: 1. Peenya industrial area, V 2. Parisara Bhavan, Church Street, Bangalore 3. Basaveshwara Nagar, 4. BTM Layout 5. Marathaha-lli representing the industrial, commerciai, residential and sensitive zones. The monitoring data has been communicated to the Police Commissioner, Infantry Road, Bangalore & the Transport Commissioner, Bangalore in letter No.KSPCB/AQMC/ Noise pollution/2O13 -2O14-7O2 dated l8-L2-2013. The status of ambient air quality at the above said locations and other places of monitoring indicates that the ambient noise levels are edsting by 14% to 3O7o over and above the prescribed standards. In the said communication it was requested to initiate action to mitigate the noise pollution' Whereas the KSPCB is empowered to issue such directio2,,f. fiX.6,,*. c)a.t ttet instructions for ensuring stands for emission from automobiles, viz.,' reads as under: for en'suing standards for raith a uieut to ensuirLg thnt Se'.Yn 29. Pouer to giue instructions from automobiles:the standards for emission of air pollutants from automobiles laid doutn bg tlrc State Board under clause (g) of anb-section (1) of Section 17 are complied utith, the State emission 6 shal| in consultation uith the State Board., giue such instructiorls as mag be deemed" necessary to the concented authoitg in cLnrge of registration of motor Gouernment uehicles under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, ft of 1939), and such authoritg shalt, nofitittstanding angthing contained in that Act or tle rules mad.e thereund er be bound to amplg utith such instructions. Hence, tJ"e following directions are issued invoking Section 31(A) of the Air (prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 19g 1 for ellective enforcement of the Noise pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, 〆 V ORDER l. h exercise Of the power conferred u/s.311Al of the n (PreVentiOn and COntroユ ),Act, 1981 real With Rule 201Al of the鮨 (PreVention and conmll Rdes,KSPCB hereby 山 CtS〔 1)the Dttect。 , Gened of POuce.and the CommissiOner of POllce ln the city of Bangalore Addl。 CommttiOner of POllco, Tmrac Ⅲ lon tO take immedinte fouowlng steps to control l。 “ ぉe.F° nutl° n. O TO“劇 ate te trafflc h Bangalof l∼ reduce noise and air polutiOn ・ ■ `・ 1 11 . ・ ・ t■ .:■ 争・ lb)TO take acuon on the driverS 9f mo"■ traffic junction unn aVOl trafflCjam to ■ ■icles honkhg in the creating the noise pollution. junction (C)TO declare al m筍 6r honbg zones and to display signages. in Bangalore city as no (d)TO regulate the use of10ud speakers/pulLc address systems, muslc system ctc. as per the rcstriciOn mentiOned under GO No.FEE 46 EW.2000,dated 13-8-2002. 7 all such noise producing gadgets viz., loud speakers, amplifiers and all other equipments which produces the (e) To seize offending noise and violating the law. (f) To seize trore well rigs, drilling borewells during night (1O pM to 6 AM) 2. Direction to the Commissioner, BBMP, Bangalore. (a) To declare an area not less than 100 meters around all Government Hospitals in Bangalore and High Court Silence zone and any other areas as deemed necessary for maintain as Silence {v hne. trallic junction as no honking zone ar.d to display signages in consultation with Home Department. (b) To declare tJ.e (c) To regulate the developmental activities, installation of airconditioners and blower in the commercial establishment, geflerators, etc. causing noise pollution and affecting the quality of life and to avoid noise menace and to achieve the objectives of maintaining the ambient air quality standard in respect of noise. prohibit all sound emitting construction equipments/activities except on going metro rail works during the night time (10 PM to (d) To 6 AM). 3. Directions to the Commissioner, Transport Department, Bangalore. (a) To ensure that the vehicles are Iitted only with the auttrorized horn and silencers, which emits the sound within permissible limits as stated above take all necessary measures to avoid noise menace due to vehicles and to achieve ambient air quality standard in respect (b) To of noise- instruct a1l the Regionar rransport office to ensure that the sound levels of the vehicles shall not exceed limits specilied in (c) To para (E) of Schedule-Vl of tJ.e Environment {protection) Rules, 1986, which be treated for the present as operative guidelines & the Vehicle Dealers shall be informed, that no vehicles be sold, if the same do not meet the standard of the sound levels mentioned above. ヽ ▼ FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE KARNATAKA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD BANGALORE-560001 To: 1) The Commissioner of police, Infantry Road, Bangalore 560 001. 2) The Commissioner, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara palike, Bangalore 560 001. 3) The Transport Commissioner , MS Building, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore- 560 001. 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