FALL 2013


FALL 2013
Editor: Stan Fenton
STP Executive
Chuck Breathat
Secretary Treasurer
Don O’Connor
VP of Operations
Richard Bleskie
Operations Director
Norm Hein
Mon - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For more information call
705 693-7669 - ext 12
The STP holds general
membership meetings on the
second Tuesday of every month at
7:00 p.m. in the board room. 1380
Falconbridge Hwy. All members
are welcome to attend.
Pg 2
Pg 3
Pg 4
Pg 5
Pg 7
Pg 8
Pg 9
– VP Operations Report
-- Permit Prices
– Coming Events
– Club Corner – BDSA
– Tourism Loop
FALL 2013
Well it is already that time again. This year Mother
Nature gave us a wonderful show of fall colours, but it
would seem autumn is just about over. Next will come
those frosty mornings with just a sprinkle of snow which
tends to get us all excited about the next season, the
season many of us enjoy the most.
We can now turn our thoughts to getting our sleds
ready for another fun filled winter of snowmobiling. I know
that everyone in my household is starting to get the itch to
get out there for that first ride.....yes, I know it is yet several
weeks away. I suppose it is a good thing that the season
start is still a bit away as we continue to go through the
annual ritual of prepping and signing the trails. The
meetings and planning also continues for the seemingly
annual changes that take place on many of our trails.
Speaking of changes, those of you who have been
keeping in touch with the transformation going on with
snowmobiling in Ontario will already be aware of the new
structure in permit pricing; for those of you not aware I will
mention it again.
At the annual OFSC general meeting, held in
September, the delegates approved the proposed
“Framework for Change.” This framework will bring forth
significant changes in the way that the clubs, associations
and districts do business. I suppose the easiest way to
describe it would be as a new revenue sharing system that
tries to get as much money to the areas throughout the
province that need it the most. Hopefully, this is the start of
great things and will help to grow the sport we all love. For
the average snowmobiler, the most obvious change they
will see is the pricing on permits. People have been asking
for a cheaper permit for years and now the OFSC member
clubs have come through with just that.
Broder Dill Snowmobile Association.
Lloyd Myllynen
Michelle Menard
Nickel Belt Snow Spirits
Al Ross
Northbound Sno Drifters
Marcel Roy
Capreol Ridge Riders
Jack May
Onaping Falls High Riders
Joel Brousseau
Valley Trail Masters
Don Martindale
Walden Sno Runners
Murray Baker
Permit Sales Outlets
-Mid City Sports – Falconbridge Hwy,
-Sudbury Boat and Canoe
-Sportsman Lodge ‐ Kukagami Lake
Welcome Confectionary
Lasalle Blvd.,
-Gillo’s Gas & Lube - Dowling,
-Levack Home Hardware – Levack,
-Windy Lake Motel – Onaping,
-Hi-Way Restaurant - Cartier,
-Western Valley Auto - 314 Harrison
-Algonquin Equipment
259 Fielding Rd (Lively)
I sure hope the new lower price permit sways the
fence sitters into purchasing a permit. I won't bore you with
all the price comparisons; however, I for one feel it is by far
the cheapest part of snowmobiling. I will challenge the
doubters to come and try out our trails just to remind them
that you really do get the “bang for the buck”. I would also
like to remind people that the biggest reason the cost is not
several times higher is that the system is run by thousands
of dedicated volunteers who give so much of their free time
to this sport.
And with that I will close by sending out a huge
“Thank You” to all of the volunteers of the Sudbury Trail
Plan and its eight member clubs. The continuous hard
work of these volunteers shows in our hundreds of
kilometers of trails. Our groomer operators have often
found themselves part of that volunteering workforce and
their unpaid efforts are much appreciated. Our part time
admin. person ...Jo... has had to hit the ground running as
she arrives at the busiest time of year, thank you to her as
well. A huge shout-out goes to our full time staff of, ONE;
Normie. The dedication this man shows is second to none;
he truly takes his work home with him. We are fortunate
enough that our three executive members have returned
for yet another year. I have had the good fortune of working
with Richard and Don for several years now and I can
certainly say they go above and beyond the call of duty. I
for one think that the STP is blessed with the greatest staff
and volunteers; hopefully Mother Nature will provide the
required elements to make it all worthwhile.
Remember to mark those permit purchase
deadlines on your calendars, and I hope to see you on the
Chuck Breathat
STP President
-Royal Distributing – Lasalle Blvd.,
-Desjardins Service Stn – Chelmsford,
-Naughton General Store - Naughton
VP Operations
I guess it is time I get to this. Boy it has been a
busy few months since I last wrote this column and much
has happened. Let's see, where do I start.
Well, let’s start with the spring. We did manage
to get all our groomers and drags back in and
thanks to the efforts of our groomer
coordinators did manage to get most of the
repairs done and ready for the coming season.
There are still a few things to do as parts were
back ordered. We will get these when we do
our fall inspections. This is no small task and
we owe these operators a big round of thanks
as they spent many days crawling around, over
and under these machines trying to find all the
problems and potential problems so they do not
break down on the trail. While this was
happening the executive also came up with a
new budget for the 2013/14 season.
Then came the STP summer shutdown
for the most part. Yes, things were still
happening in the background. We finally got
the broken water line fixed, did some building
maintenance and even cut the grass. One of
the biggest items on our agenda was putting an
application together for a new groomer. Now
we need to hold our breath and cross our
fingers and toes that we are successful. During
the summer as usual we keep hearing about
trail issues and pass these on to the clubs for
action. Some of these have resulted in projects
that are and will take place before the snow
falls to make our trails safe and in even better
shape. I am sure you will notice a few changes
when the snow falls. With these projects came
applications for funding. This took a lot of effort
by clubs, staff and the executive to get
organized and sent in. Like the groomer
application we now wait for the results and
hopefully a few dollars to get the work done.
As summer closed and a new season
started the STP held its annual AGM and
elections. The result was that the executive will
remain the same as last season with Chuck
Breathat as president. Richard Bleskie as VP
Operations and Don O'Connor as SecretaryTreasurer. With the fall we also had our
volunteer electrician (Al Ross) also doing some
work fixing the furnace and setting up our
security system electrics.
The STP sent our President to the
OFSC AGM for what will probably be the
biggest change to hit organized snowmobiling
in years. The Framework for Change was
discussed and reviewed. This will change the
way snowmobiling is funded and be based on
costs and permit dollars available. It will
hopefully allow these permit dollars to flow
more easily to where the snow is in the future.
This year is a transitional year to get clubs and
district used to it. It will also work out some of
the kinks as they are brought to light. In this
regard you will also notice a change in the
permit pricing. To the average snowmobiler this
could result in a savings if you buy your permit
early and online. I will say that if it passes, to
get this discount you will need to apply for the
permit online ONLY and before November 1st,
after that you can buy the permit as you did last
season but will not get the discount.
I guess these are the main things and I
will not bore you with a bunch of trivial items
so, until next time I suggest you spend a little
time checking over your sled and getting ready
for that first snow.
Richard Bleskie
Under Framework for Change, among other things, a new permit cost structure was implemented.
This new structure will lower the purchase price of some permits and establish a uniform permit base
cost to clubs across the province. This online purchase will ease some of the administration and
volunteer burden. Permit buyers who purchase their permit online prior to November 1st will get a
special price of $180 (plus handling fee of $7.50). They must be purchased online as no permits will
be available at local permit selling establishments prior to November 1 st.
A second item to be aware of is the changes to Classic Permit pricing. There is no pre
November 1st discount however, there is an after Dec 1st price increase to bring it in line with regular
full season permits.
So here are the permit prices for the 2013/14 season
Regular season permits:
Pre Nov 1st (online only) $180.00
Plus a $7.50 handling charge per permit
After Nov 1st to Dec 1st $210.00
After Dec 1st
A permit bought after March 10th (online only) will offer the buyer a 2014 permit
and a 2015 permit at no charge delivered in the fall.
Classic permit:
Before Dec 1
After Dec 1st
Other permits:
1 day Special occasion
3 day
7 day
38th Annual Sudbury Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids!
The Sudbury Trail Plan Association and Easter Seals Ontario are gearing up to host the 38th Annual
Sudbury Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids. On behalf of Easter Seals Ontario, we would like to
extend an invitation for you and your family to participate in this fun filled event.
This year’s event will be hosted by the Broder Dill Snowmobilers Association and takes place on Sat.,
Feb. 1, 2014 at the Colonial Inn, 28 Cedar Street, Coniston, ON. Participants are required to have a
trail permit and must raise a minimum of $25 in pledges. Registration will be open from 9 am - 2 pm.
The snowmobile ride will take place from 10 am - 2 pm, followed by prizes for everyone, including
prizes for Top Fundraising Individual and Top Fundraising Club as well as for Oldest and Youngest
Drivers, and Youngest Riders (M/F). A complimentary lunch will be available from 12 noon - 3 pm. for
all participants.
Funds raised at this event help provide financial assistance for children with physical disabilities for
essential mobility equipment and communication devices. Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids would
not be a success without the support of the snowmobiling community. We sincerely hope that we can
count on your support and participation.
Visit snowarama.org to register and invite your friends and family to support you online. If you have
any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Joanne Bowers at 705-566-8858 ext. 6 or email
[email protected]
We look forward to seeing you on the trails!
- 0o0 The Big Deal is Back!!
After two years of one of the biggest Poker Runs in Northern
Ontario, Larry Berrio and Sudbury Trail Plan have set the date for
Saturday, February 22, 2014.
The host location will be at the newly owned and renovated
Summit Restaurant (Monte Vista Golf Club in Val Caron).
The stop locations will include Rockie's on Lake Wahnapitae, Sportsman's Lodge on Kukugami Lake
and a few other surprise stops.
Prizes and special guests will be announced soon!
Part proceeds will benefit Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Sudbury.
For more information, you can contact Larry Berrio. [email protected]
-0o0Some of the STP gang will be at the Toronto Snowmobile and Power Show
held at the International Centre in Toronto on October 25-27th. A few have
been working on this for some time now and will be attending a booth to
highlight the area all weekend. Stop in and say hello if you are down that
Broder Dill
Richard Bleskie
Hello and welcome back for another season.
What a great winter 2012/13 was. Last
winter BDSA took on an extra 100 km of trail
stretching all the way to Killarney. This was no
small feat as for many of us this is a two hour drive
just to get to sections of the trail to do trail
preparation. Looking back at last season
the club completed many trail projects and
this season will be no different. Although
we have no big projects planned, we do
have many small ones that we will be
doing and a few that have already been
done. I am sure we will find a few more
surprises as we explore the trails this fall.
Some BDSA volunteers have already been
out fixing culverts, checking trails and
starting signage work. This work will
continue until, and even after the snow
falls, so if you have a few hours or day to
spare we would appreciate the help. If you
live close by a trail - possibly the best help
you could offer is to adopt that section and
make sure it is cleared and ready to go. If
you encounter a major problem on it, as
always we would get others to help, just let
us know so we are not wasting time and
other volunteer hours retracing your steps.
A couple of jobs that come to mind off
hand are repairing the second bridge on
C108D - some planks have deteriorated
and need to be changed and upgrading
signage on C107D. Once again we thank
the many volunteers that give of their time
to do some of the many tasks it takes to
keep the BDSA trails in great shape.
Last season BDSA once again
teamed up with Walden to host our annual
season ending social and once again it
was a real success. After a great meal and
some fun at the casino games, many items
were handed out at the silent auction going
at basement bargain prices, only to be
followed by many more prices given for the
casino games and them for door prizes
and draws. A great time was had by all. If
you have not attended one of these annual
events plan on being there for the 7th
annual social on March 21st 2014.
Last winter the club also said hello
to several new members and we hope they
stick around for many more years. It was
great to see and get to know them and we
value their input and help. To our regular
and longer volunteers we also say thank
you once again for all you do. Many of
these volunteers do not even ask but just
go about doing what needs to be done and
we find out later. We appreciate this effort and it
does not go un-noticed. Many over the years have
put in exceptional efforts for which a thank you can
never be enough and we seemingly continue to ask
more of them and they continue to deliver.
This fall several BDSA members attended
the OFSC AGM in Markham in different capacities
(Lloyd as district Governor, Richard as district
Operations Coordinator, Anne as the BDSA
delegate and Guy as district Via Coordinator). I am
not going to rehash all that went on but I will
mention that BDSA did not go unnoticed. BDSA
was honoured to take home the Ted Day
Communications Award for it's newsletter and
communications effort with our members. This was
something the members asked for and as the editor
I tried to provide. Also we started a Facebook page
and it has grown steadily since. We welcome all to
comment on this page or tell us what you have
been doing and seeing on the great trails in our
Over the coming months BDSA, will once
again be participating in many trail and social
events. In February we plan our annual Trailside
BBQ and then our club ride to a destination we still
need to decide on and in March our Annual social
which will be at the Long Lake Legion. Everyone is
welcome to join in on one or all of these events.
However to add to these we will be doing
many day rides to fix signs and do trail patrolling
etc. Come on out to one of our meetings and find
out more about these events or better yet join the
committee to help organize one.
If you were not at the BDSA annual meeting
you will notice a change in the executive after our
BDSA AGM in April. Lloyd Myllynen -President,
Martti Luoma - Vice President and John ElliottTreasurer all remain however we welcome Julie
Weaver as our new secretary. Richard will also
remain as meeting chairperson. As always our
meetings are held on the last Thursday of the
month at the Long Lake Legion at 7 pm.
October 23th 2013
November 28th 2013
December 19th 2013
January 30th 2014
February 27th 2014
March 27th 2014
April 24th 2014 (AGM)
Trailside BBQ - Feb. 9, 2014
Club ride - Feb 22, 2014
BDSA/WSR Social March 21st 2014 (starts at 6 pm)
Nickel Belt Snow Spirits
Hello to all!
As we start to experience cooler overnight temperatures and watch the leaves
change to their brilliant fall colours, it is only natural to begin to daydream
about smooth white trails and great winter adventures.
STOP DREAMING!! Those times are closer than you think and we all have
lots to do in preparation for that first ride. Sleds have to be serviced, clothing
checked to see it still fits and of course trail permits purchased.
Other News
While you are contemplating moving all the summer toys to find the winter ones, take a few minutes
to catch up on the latest news regarding the key events and activities that have been going on with
NBSS and the STP club areas around us.
We can’t possibly give you all the details here, but we will hopefully give you an appreciation of the
effort it takes to be the successful club we are.
In April, STP held their annual volunteer appreciation dinner at the Colonial Inn in Coniston. The
dinner was followed by a social evening and awards presentations. Barb Zaitz and Norm Terava
were recognized as the NBSS Family of the Year for their hard work as volunteers and directors.
Brian McKenelly was recognized as the NBSS Club Rookie of the Year, and Jean Roy was
recognized as the NBSS Club Volunteer of the Year.
We are fortunate to have a number of long-term Board members but always welcome new faces and
new ideas. The awards noted below are for consecutive years of service.
Recipient of a NBSS 15 year Director Service Award were Stewart Spry and Gilles Tessier.
Club General Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday from October to March.
Next General Meeting / Wed. November 6, 2013
Downstairs @ the Falcon Hotel – Garson (use back entrance)
Start Time 7:00 PM.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Join us for more club info.
We are on
Just search “Nickel Belt Snow Spirits”
Greetings everyone!
Well it is that time of year again to get the trails ready for the
upcoming season, volunteers are need to assist with the
brushing and maintaining of our trails, so if you can volunteer
time, it would be greatly appreciated.
We had a great season last winter and into spring. I went for my
last ride on April 14th, could not believe it, I had put the machine
away, no snow in the yard. Then we got that little storm and onto the lake I went where I met some
other riders from Windy Lake enjoying smooth snow covered trails. It was a great way to end a great
season; we had a very successful Family Day Weekend- Rider Appreciation Day on the trail, more
good times at our joint WSR Broader Dill Social.
This is Walden Sno Runners 25th year Anniversary, so to celebrate the Club will be holding a dinner
dance on November 30, 2013, at the Lively Golf and Country Club, 6th Ave., Lively. Tickets may be
purchased for $25.00 from Louise Baker 705 866-5301 or Joanne Santi 705 692-0846, hope to see
you there.
link http://secure.smilebox.com/ecom/openTheBox?sendevent=4d7a63344f544d7a4e546c384f44513
The Annual General Membership Meeting will be held November 16, 2013, at the Kinsmen Hall, 15
Kin Dr., Lively (Library) boardroom at 7:00pm. All are welcome and the elections for the executive are
held during this meeting. Please plan on attending.
Murray Baker
Join us on Facebook
Look for us under
Chiniguchi Wolf Loop (223 kms)
Have you ever ridden the Chiniguchi Wolf Loop? This exciting loop
travels on four different club trails. Goes through the Wolf Lake
Forest Reserve, one of Ontario's old growth forests. The Living
Legacy Land Use Strategy protected approximately 2,400 hectares
of Boreal Forest, including Wolf Lake. Check out the scenic lookout
from on Top of Wolf Mountain and view the old growth Red Pines
and Majestic Lakes. Many of the trees here are well over 200 years
"Scientists from Laurentian took some cores, and found one that is
310 years old," says Franco Mariotti of Science North. "We also
have a cross-section, of a tree that was cut down in 1988 for an
exhibit on climate change, and it's 240 years old. There are scars
showing five fires that were survived over the life of this tree, which goes back to about 1760." That
would be 30 years before the formation of Upper Canada.
Sledders like the route because it's a scenic one, and also because it gets a lot of white stuff early in
the season. "It tends to be the first trail we open in the (Sudbury Trail Plan) system," Al Ross,
President Nickel Belt Snow Spirits says. "For some reason, it seems to make a lot of snow up there."
Nickel Belt Snow Spirits maintains an outhouse at the base of the mountain -- a nice one, too, as far
as outhouses go -- at a strategic fork in the C206D route.
Ishpatina Ridge, the highest point in Ontario, is visible from the lookout on Wolf Mountain.
While riding the Chiniguchi Wolf Loop, you will ride past old mining claims and active mine sites. And
always keep an eye out for wild life! It's not uncommon to see Moose, Coyotes, Timber Wolfs and
Northern Lynx along the Chiniguchi Wolf Loop!
Cartier Moose Loop (253.5 kms)
The Cartier Moose Loop travels through the rugged and rounded
rocks of the Laurentian Highlands and travels through Boreal Forest.
While traveling on the Cartier Moose Loop explore the remnants of
the Village of Sellwood. In 1900, the village of Sellwood, located 14
miles north of Capreol, was a sawmill town of about 100 people that
included prospectors and Aboriginals. In 1907 it was better known as
the northern terminal of the Canadian Northern Railroad and by
1910, the discovery of iron deposits led to the beginning of mining
By 1916, the town had four stores, a Chinese laundry, a bowling
alley, four pool-rooms and two restaurants. Accommodation could be
found at one of the two bunkhouses, or at the 100-room Warren Hotel. Many of the residents owned
their own homes. There was also a school, post office and a church. At its height Sellwood boasted a
population of 1,500. By 1930, Sellwood was completely empty.
Rainbow Elk Loop (325 kms)
The Rainbow Elk Loop encompasses several extremely scenic areas; Killaney Park, with an
abundance of wildlife including Elk. In February 1996, the Ontario
government announced, an elk restoration program. As of 2012,
MNR estimates a population of 165-195 elk in the Rainbow Elk
Loop area. It's common to see Elk along this loop.
The La Cloche Mountains, also called the La Cloche Range, are a
range of hills in Northern Ontario, along the northern shore of Lake
Huron near Manitoulin Island. The hills are located in the Canadian
Shield, and are composed primarily of white quartzite. With an
estimated age of 3.5 billion years, the La Cloche Mountains are one
of the oldest mountain ranges on Earth. The hills comprising the La
Cloche Mountains are believed to have once been higher than
today's Rocky Mountains. They remain among the highest altitudes
in Ontario. According to legend, the hills were warning bells, or tocsins, used by local First Nations for
signaling. These "Bell Rocks" could be heard for a considerable distance when struck, and
accordingly when voyageurs explored the area they named it with the French word for “bell” — La
The district developed a new flyer to promote the loops, check it out, they should be available in
permit selling establishments and where you can find guides.
Congratulations to the winners of the
2012/13 STP awards. First was the
Rookie of the Year going to R. Sauve of
Northbound Sno Drifters, the Volunteer
Proficiency Award went to M. Baker of
Walden Sno Runners and the Award of
Merit to R. Bleskie of Broder Dill.
Murray Baker receiving the Volunteer Proficiency Award
The OFSC Family of the Year Tour
successfully allowed us to showcase two
of our tourism loops - the Chiniguichi Wolf
Loop and the Cartier Moose Loop.
Waiting in anticipation at the Chateau
Guay for a great Family of the Year Tour
Snowarama 2013 was held in early February and
the participants enjoyed a great day on the trail.
The weather was ideal and the STP clubs and
volunteers raised the most by any club in Ontario.
Congratulations to the VTM for sponsoring this
great day.
At this years OFSC AGM, District 12 and it's clubs
and volunteers were the recipients of not one but
3 different awards. We set the bar with 2 a couple
years ago and now raised it to three. Receiving
awards were- from the Espanola and District Club
Mike and Sue Belanger and Family as the Family
of the Year. From the Espanola and District Club
Dennis Lendrum for Trail Patroller of the Year and
Broder Dill received the Ted Day Award for
communications with it's membership. Our
volunteers and selection committee must be doing
something right,
Belanger Family -OFSC Family of the Year
Dennis Lendrum - OFSC Trail Patroller of the Year
BDSA - Communications Award
(R.Bleskie -newsletter editor)
Congratulations to all the winners