Catalog - Zeus Engitech Pvt. Ltd.
Catalog - Zeus Engitech Pvt. Ltd.
ZEUS ENGITECH PVT. LTD. M a t e r i aH l a n d l i n g& P r o c e s s i n gS y s t e m s ZEUS ENGITECH PVT. LTD. M a t e r i aH l a n d l i n g& P r o c e s s i n gS y s t e m s Zeus Engilech has carved a niche for itself by offering turnkey solutions in various industries. STEELPLANT Raw MaterialHandlingPlantor Ore HandlingPlantplaysa very importantrole in an steelplant,whereall kinds Integrated is the startingpointof an integrated makingare handledin a systematic manner of rawmaterialrequiredfor ironmaking/steel etc. crushing, e.g.unloading, screening, stacking, Dolomite,ManganeseOre are lron Ore Lumps,lron Ore Fines,DRl,Sand,Limestone, steelplants.We havesuppliednumber someof the majorrawmaterials usedin integrated of rawmaterialhandlingplantswithfurnacechargingsystemcapacitiesup to 1500TPH. In our ownway,we are addingsteelto the Indianeconomy. BIOMASS HANDLING SYSTEM Zeus Engitechis engaged in the manufactureand supply of optimumperformance of theplantat ourendthroughdesign, Biomass Plants. We ensurethefeasibility Handling and projectmanagement. manufacture, supply,erection,commissioning BiomassFeedingSystem.A BiomassFeeding Ourcompanyis engagedin manufacturing Systemis generallyusedto generateelectricity& bio fuelsfromthe biologicaldeposits. compactdesign,corrosionresistant finish, Oursystemsareknownfortheirhighefficiency, cost. Zeus Engitech has supplied biomass user friendlyfunctions& low maintenance systemsfor handlingcottonstalk,wood chips,husk,bagasse,saw dust up to capacity 20 TPH. We believethatthe colourof tomorrowis green.And so willbe itsfuel. COALHANDLINGPLANT Zeus Engitech has gathered vast experiencein handlingturnkeyprojects in the Coal industrysince 1995. We have the expertiseto providecomplete Coal HandlingSystemright from design to commissioning which includeGrizzly Hopper,CrusherFeedingBelt Conveyor, Magnetic Pulley, SuspensionMagnet, Coal Crusher,VibratingScreen,Recycle Elevatorand BunkerFeedingConveyor/ Elevator. This premiumrange of Coal Handling Systemfinds its usage in coal based thermalpower plantsand coal handling plantsfor transferringcoal from trucks, wagon tippler hopper through bucket elevators/beltconveyorsto boilerbunkers. Ourmanufactured coalhandlingsystemis configuredon the basisof satisfyingour clientsin termsof design,functioning and commissioning. Our Systemis designed as per IndianStandardnorms.We have the capacityto supply CHP up to 200 TPH. Adding power to the progressof our countrvis whatwe aim at. MUNICIPAL PLANT SOLIDWASTERECYCLING We havestartedgivingspecialemphasisto the manufacture and supplyof SolidWaste RecyclingPlants& its machineryup to plantcapacityof 1000TPDwhichwe considerit to be an areaof rapidgrowthfor our company.Our machinesfor thisindustryarewidely acclaimedfor theirhighefficiencyand optimumfunctionality. Duringthe processof recyclingof solidwastewe can produceGreenFuel,Bio-organic Fertilizer& Eco-sand.Green Fuel is used as an alternative to conventional fuel like importedcoal,Indiancoal,etc.Bio-organic is darkbrownto blackish, fertilizer freeflowing is freefromviableweedseeds,germsand insectlarvae.Eco-sandcan purpose.Thisalsoreduces be usedagainstconventional sand requiredfor construction the requirement for dredgingin the waterbodieswhichleadsto ecologicalimbalance. We considerthesesolidwasterecyclingplantsas our offeringto MotherNature. WASTETYRE/RUBBERRECYCLINGPLANT ZeusEngitechmanufactures and suppliesa highqualityrangeof rubberrecyclingplants & machineryup to a capacityof 20 TPH.Aftercrushing,straining& refining, thesewaste rubberscan be usedas an optionfor rawnaturalrubberand butylrubberfor makingnew oroducts. Wastetyre recyclingplantscoreshigh on functionallife and also exhibitsdurability& reliability. TheseWasteTyreRecylingPlantsare chemical-free & thus causeno air,soil or waterpollution.Raw materialis also cheap & easy.Besideswhich,100%wastage recyclingcan be achieved. We believe"Makingthe Bestout of Waste"is the way of the future. ABOUTUS "Vision.Passion.Excellence. Performance." These are not mere words at Zeus Engitechbut our guiding principles.Coupledtogetherwith unmatchedbusinessethics quality control,they are the pillarson and uncompromising whichour companyhasbeenbuilt.We measureour successnot throughhow highour turnoveris but throughhow highcustomer satisfaction is. INFRASTRUCTURE Spreadover3,500squareyards,our factoryhas stateof the art manufacturing equipmentto ensuresuperiorqualityand timely delivery. PRODUCTRANGE Withexcellence as our by-word,we haveattaineda highdegree of expertisein the manufacture of a widevarietyof equipment. MATE3IAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT BeltConveyor ScrewConveyor RedlerConveyor ChainConveyor RollerConveyor SlatConveyor TripperConveyor StackerConveyor BucketElevator VibratingScreen Trommel CleatedConveyor DeepBucketConveyor S I Z ER E D U C T I OFNQ U I P M E N T B a l lM i l l HammerCrusher RollerCrusher PROCESS EQUIPMENT RotaryAir Lock RotaryScreen GateValve DoubleFlapValve VibratingFeeder MagneticEquipment SPARES FORVARIOUS EQUIPMENT LinerPlates Screws Hammers Chains Screens Pulleys Rollers/ ldlers Buckets SALTWASHERYPLANT & supplyof variousequipment ZeusEngitechhasalsoexpandedrntothe manufacture whichare used in a SaltWasheryPlant.We havesuppliedSaltWasheryplantsup ScrewConveyors, to 600 TPH.TheseequipmentincludeHoppers,BeltConveyors, Tripper TwinConveyors, Belt Conveyors, Metallic ScrewClassifiers, StaticScreen, StackerConveyors. All goingto ensurethatthe saltof lndiawillalwaysbe 100%pure. APPRECIATED BY OUR VALUEDCLIENTS IFFCOLtd. Pvt.Ltd. ArcheanChemicalIndustries JindalSawLtd. AdaniPort& SezLtd. (l) Ltd. Electrotherm EcoPapers(lndia)Pvt.Ltd. Industrial BoilersLtd. Pvt.Ltd. OrchidLaminates GwaliorAlcobrewPvt.Ltd. GokulRefoils& SolvantLtd. AbellonCleanEnergyLtd. DCMShriramLtd. HanjerBiotechEnergiesPvt.Ltd. RuchiSoyaIndustries Ltd. Brahmaputra MetallicsLtd. RainbowPaperLtd. GreenPlusSolutions Pvt.Ltd. N. R. AgrawalIndustries Ltd. CentralSalt& MarineChemicals Researchlnstitute Ltd. lntasPharmaceuticals PyrocratSystemsLLP lnnovative Tyres& TubesLtd. BhoomiFashionPvt.Ltd. McCainFoods(lndia)Pvt.Ltd. VishalPolyFibresPvt.Ltd. FuelsPvt.Ltd. Saurashtra And manymore.... Z,EUSENGITECH PVT. LTD. M a t e r i aHl a n d l i n g& P r o c e s s i nSg y- s t e m s Certified Companv An lSCr_900t : ZOOS Vatva,Ahmedabad-382445. 4lCl1,Om Industrial Park,Nr.SBl,G.l.D.C.,Phase-1, Website: Telephone : +91 79 40083481to 85. Email: [email protected] MarketedBy: