Location Map
Location Map
CHATHAM FIELD RD PLYMOUT H RD Subject Property WAYZATA BLVD EB I394 TO RIDGEDALE DR INTERSTATE 394 INTERSTATE 394 A RIDGED WAYZATA BLVD LE D R T O EB I3 94 RIDGEDALE DR CORENS DR SUNSET DR S MARION LN W MARION LN W WB I394 T O CITY VIEW DR SUNNYVIEW LN FAIRFIELD RD W M PLY T OU HR D E RIDG CARTWAY LN ES DAL ICE ERV RD Crane Lake Location Map US Internet Corp Address: 12475 Marion Lane W Project No. 16008.16a ± This map is for illustrative purposes only. Hennepin County Property Map Date: 5/2/2016 1 inch = 100 feet PARCEL ID: 0211722230029 Comments: OWNER NAME: Wagener Properties Llc Plot location PARCEL ADDRESS: 12475 Marion La W, Minnetonka MN 55305 PROPERTY TYPE: Commercial-Preferred HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead PARCEL AREA: 0.41 acres, 17,793 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens MARKET VALUE: $450,000 TAX TOTAL: $15,685.48 SALE PRICE: $512,500 SALE DATA: 06/2010 SALE CODE: This data ( i) is fur nish ed 'A S IS' with no representation as to comple ten ess or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with n o war ranty of an y kind; an d (ii i) is notsui tab le for lega l, engi neering or surveying purposes. Hen nepin County shall not be l iable fo r a ny damage, in jury or loss re sul ting from this data. COP YRIG HT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 5/2/2016 Google Maps Imagery ©2016 Google, Map data ©2016 Google 20 ft Google Maps https://www.google.com/maps/@44.9721781,93.4371423,116m/data=!3m1!1e3 1/1 Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 605 North Highway 169, Suite 1000 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 763.544.1170 tel | 763.544.1180 fax www.wje.com MEMORANDUM To: Jason Prock, US Internet, [email protected] file From: Lucas Malm, WJE, [email protected] Date: April 26, 2016 Project: US Internet Satellite Supports WJE No. 2016.1375.1 Subject: Satellite Dish Simulated Views US Internet (USI) has retained WJE to analyze and design the support structure for three satellite dishes which will be added to their property as a part of a larger project to distribute television over broadband. The purpose of this memorandum is to convey the simulated views of the three satellite dishes The three satellite dishes will installed on the south side of a utility building owned by US Internet and be supported using posts which have independent foundations but use the existing building for stability. The existing utility building is constructed with exterior CMU walls and is 13 feet tall. The satellite dishes are 3.7 meters in diameter and will be supported at most 20 feet above the surrounding grade. The following renderings were created using a schematic, to-scale model created in Sketchup and subsequently imported into Google Earth using the terrain setting to approximate the size and shape of obstructions such as trees, buildings, and signs which exist proximate to the site. US Internet Satellite Supports Satellite Dish Simulated Views April 26, 2016 Page 2 Simulated view from the roof of Ridgedale Mall looking north. Simulated view from the top floor of The Ridge apartments looking east. US Internet Satellite Supports Satellite Dish Simulated Views April 26, 2016 Page 3 Simulated view from the top floor of the Cliffs of Minnetonka apartments looking south. Simulated view looking west. The satellite antennas are approximately the height of the adjacent office building. US Internet Satellite Supports Satellite Dish Simulated Views April 26, 2016 Page 4 View from Wayzata Boulevard outside Eric’s Bike Shop looking north. Existing trees provide cover from view from Wayzata Boulevard. View from Wayzata Boulevard outside Eric’s Bike Shop looking north.