vittle inns in trouble?


vittle inns in trouble?
An articlein a recenteditionof the trademagazine
Leadersuggeststhat Vittle Inns,a divisionof Allied
Breweries(proprietorcof Benskinsand Ind Coope)is
havingsome difficultywith its chainof American-style
bar lounges.One of this groupsfive Exchangebars is
in Rickmansworth,
and although10 of these were
programmedby 1982there are now no furtherplans
for any more.There have apparentlybeen particular
problemswith management
The other branch of Vittle'sactivitiesincludesthe
Calendarschain,of which only one actuallyexists,in
Watford.This cost more than81 millionto set up, but
The second
hasonly recentlystartedto be successful.
Allied Breweries'new managingdirector,Richard
Martin,is well knownfor havinga particularinterestin
the beerand brewingside of the company's
While the future for Vittle Inns and their American
fantasiesmight not thereforelook too bright,Vittle's
John Lee is denyingall rumoursand is quoted as
sayingof his boss Mr. Martin,"He is likely to have a
The Newsletterwill offera prize
of an imitationAmericancocktailstick to any reader
who cantranslatethatquotationintoEnglish. . . and we
will offera roundof applauseto AlliedBrewerieswhen
they put Vittle lnns out to grassand concentrateon
As most Newsletterreadersknow,magistrated
whetheror not to allow
the countyhaverecentlybeendeliberating
drinksto be servedin pubs up to l'lpm, ratherthan the present
to Fridays.
CAMRAmemberswere presentat three of the hearings,and
listenedto evidencefromsomepub licenseeswhofelt thatan extra
30 minuteswouldimprovetheirtrade,andto somewho thoughtthat
it wouldcreatemoretroublethanit was worth.The evidencefrom
the customergside was that a few were againstany change,many
more could not reallycare what time the pub closed,but that a
substantialnumberwould appreciatean extra 30 minutessocial
drinking,dartsplayingor whatever.
werethatsomeof the
The results,as we havereportedelsewhere,
local courts agreed to allow the change,but that rather more
refusedto allowanyalterationto the statusquo.
CAMRAis in supportof the increasedflexibilityof licensinghours,
as is importantto realisethat the licensinghours
agreedby the courtsare permittedhours,not obligatoryhours.We
knowthat very manylandlordsdo not'opentheir pub doorsat the
permittedhoursof 10.30am
and 5.30pm,presumably
do not feel thatthe tradewarrantsit, so thereis no apparentreason
shouldnot continueto closeat 10.30pm
whypubsin Hertfordshire
theywish,in spiteof anychangepermittedby the magistrates.
and licensees
CAMRAstandslor choice,and we saythat customers
enoughto choosewhetheror not drinkingtill
alikeare intelligent
11pmis appropriatefor their pub. We congratulatethose courts
enoughto makethe changethisyear,and
to the others,we say that we are sure that the matter will be
To help us contributeto thatdebate,we wouldliketo hearfromour
readers- drinkersand licenseesalike.Hasyour pub beengranted
the extra half hour?Has it helpedyou, or the pub? lf your pub
hasn'tbenefitedfrom the change,do you thinkit should?
Pleasewrite to the Newsletternow (see editorialaddresson back
'lleli.Sliks' are an all year tound
lood, which can be easily prspared
in a variotyol wayq eg. Frying,
oiillino. bt micto-waveovon and
iven iiiobr & outdoor B.B.O.'s.
The minlmum cooking lime
frozonls only +5 mins.
Cooking and serving
in our
trc given
FREEinlofmalion sheets.
53A ParkStreet Village,St. Albans, Herts.
We also pride ourselvesthat they are all
in the best of condition.Why not try our menu
of hot and cold mealsat lunchtime?
Indoorand outdoorbarbecues,weather
p e r m i t t i n gn, o w i n f u l l s w i n g
Jenny Greenhalgh,chairman of CAMRA's Pub PreservationGroup,
repliesto the landlord of the Letchworth keg-only pub:
Bill Jamieson's letter in your March edition in reply to 'Roundsman"s December article is thankfullynot typical of most licensees'attitudesto the work of CAMRA.
In over ten years of workingfor this org.nisation(and be it known
that this is a labour of love- we don'tget paid)thousandsof us have
met thousandsof licensees.As in any industry they come in all
shapesand sizes,and havea varietyof views about the Campaign.
Some are faithful, dedicatedsoldiers who never seem to escape
f rom the bar,are ever readyto talk'shop'with membersof the local
C A M R Ab r a n c hw h o t h e y k n o wa r e i n f o r m e dm e m b e r so f t h e p u b l i c
on the state of the licensedtrade,and gain our immediaterespect
for their dedication.They have even encouragedsome membersof
CAMRAto enter the trade themselves.Some successfullicensees
find the opportunityto escapeand handover the day to day running
to other staff- perhapsMr. Jamiesonis one of these.There is a f ine
line to be drawn between the pub run just as a money-making
concern.and that combined with service as a social centre where
c o n t a c tw i t h t h e l i c e n s e ea n d h i s / h e rp u b l i ci s a n e s s e n t i ailn g r e d i e n to f t h e t r u e p u b l i ch o u s e .
We recognisethat with mass-mediaadvertisingthere are goingto
be many pub goers who think cold lizzy lager and bright beers are
preferableto a local productthat only has point-of-saleadvertising
and a reputationthat can only be appreciatedby tastingthe product.
It is part of CAMRA'scampaignto ask licenseesto make available
those brews that are not nationallyadvertised,and let the public
h a v et h e o p p o r t u n i t yo f m a k i n gt h e i r c h o i c e . l ti s t h e l i c e n s e e ' d
s uty
. e
t o p r e s e n lt h e p r o d u c ta s t h e b r e w e r yw o u l d l i k e i t p r e s e n t e dW
w i l l t h e r e f o r em a k e o u r v i e w s k n o w ni f t h e b e e r sa r e w i t h d r a w no r
s e r v e d i n p o o r c o n d i t i o n :i t i s n o t u n r e a s o n a b l teo a s k w h y s u c h
c o n d i t i o no
W e r e c o g n i s et h a t t h o s e i n t h e l i c e n s e dt r a d e a r e s e e i n g m o r e
bankrupciesevery year. lt doesn'tseem to stop some members in
the trade from ruiningtheir reputationby indifferentservice.And it
d o e s n 'st e e mt o s t o pn e w p e o p l ee n t e r i n gt h e t r a d e .
I m i g h t a d dt h a tI h a v en e v e r s e e n a " b e a u t i f uclr u m p e t " a
: l u m po f
g r e y c l a m m yd o u g h f u l l o f h o l e s t h a t o n l y b e c o m e sr e m o t e l ya p p e a l i n gw h e n l i g h t l yt o a s t e do n b o t hs i d e sa n d s m o t h e r e di n b u t t e r
i s h a r d l ym y i d e ao f b e a u t ya, n d I ' v en e v e r s e e nt h i si n a p u b . . .
J enny
May sees CAMRASNorth Herts branch back in StevenageOld
Town lor their Pub ot the Month Award.The Red Lion is the third
Old Town pub to win this award, and shows what an excellent
drinkinghaven it is. One can trace the hisloryof a public house on
the site back to 1648,then called the Holly Bush.The name was
changed to the Redd Lyon some time later, with the current
s p e l l i n gb e i n ga d o p t e da r o u n d1 8 0 0 .
The adjoiningbuildingwas also a public house called the Falcon,
now a sportsshop. Neil and Sue Grundyhave been the licenseesfor
five years,and the pub has changed during this time from a quiet
local into a lively boozer,with the range of Greene King real ales
increased,although regrettablythe Mild is no longeravailable.The
good news for traditionalists
is that no changesto the buildinghave
been made, and it retainsits fine character.A regular in CAMRAs
Good Beer Guide,lhe pub is well worth a visit,so come along and
celebratewith us on Mav29th.
Peter Clarke
Peter & Lesley Reynolds wel@me you to
RaymentsBBA* GreeneKing KK & Abbot
A Brcnt Pelham
- their very success
It's often the way with successful organisations
holds the seeds of their own demise.CAMRA - the Campaignfor
Real Ale - is no exception.For many people the battle for Real Ale
hasbeen won.Certainlythe majorityof pubs in Hertfordshireofferat
leastone,and sometimesseveraltraditionalbeers;a far cry from the
early70'swhenCAMRAwas formed.In those daysa f ew tens of pubs
in the countysold unpressurisedbeer.The f igure now is nearer800.
Because of this many previouslykeen campaign members have
drifted away,contentthat their local now sells the real thing at last.
Attendancesat local branchmeetingshave fallento very low levels
over the past year or so and the HertfordshireSouth Branch itself
was in imminentdangerof folding.The matter evenattractedsome
attention from the local press, especiallysince South Herts was
v i r t u a l l yt h e f o u n d i n gb r a n c ho f t h e C a m p a i g n .
Things are setto change however
The recent call to local members,both old and new, to help revitalise the flagging fortunes of the branch appears to have worked.
H e r t f o r d s h i r eS o u t h n o w h a s a n e w f u l l c o m m i t t e ed e d i c a t e dt o
puttingthe "Fizz" back into the area'scampaign.A good sign is that
severalnew faces haveappearedto take up positions.A full programme of eventsand meetingsfor the coming monthshas been put
t o g e t h e r d, e t a i l so f w h i c hw i l l a p p e a ri n d u e c o u r s e .
Much to be done
lf there are now so manyoutletslor RealAle in the county,why do we
needCAMRA?The Campaignhas,duringthe years,begunto realise
t h a t t h e f i g h t t o p r e s e r v et r a d i t i o n abl e e r i s n o t e n o u g h .M e m b e r s
n o t o n l yw a n tt o d r i n kr e a la l e , b u t w a n tt o d r i n ki t i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n ,
. onsequently,
a t a r e a s o n a b l ep r i c e , i n p l e a s a n ts u r r o u n d i n g sC
much of the Campaign'seffortsare now directed in these areas.We
a l l k n o wo f t h e p u b ss e l l i n gi n fe r i o rq u a l i t yb e e ra t i n fl a t e dp r i c e s ;o f
s u l l d o z e or r c o n v e r t e d
t h e b e a u t iuf I o l d p u b sl o s tt o t h e d e v e l o p e r ' b
t o p l a s t i cf u n p a l a c e sa t a w h i m .A s w e l l a s k e e p i n ga n e y e o n t h e
f u t u r eo f o u r n a t i o n abl e v e r a g e- a n d d r i n k i n gi t t o o ! - C A M R Aa, n d
the re.iuvenatedHertfordshire South branch, have much to keep
t h e m s e l v e so c c u p i e dw i t h i n t h e B O ' s .
For more informationcontact the Press Officer - Dave Burns. 25
W e l l i n g t o nS t r e e t , B e n g e o ,H e r t f o r d S G 1 4 3 A N . P h o n e 5 5 3 9 0 3
Farewellto Cathy,hail Nadine
This month'sNewsletter will be the last to be edited by Cathy
Totman,who has been your Editor since issue No. 58 in February
1983. Readers will, I am sure, agree that Cathy has splendidly
maintainedthe high editorial standardsof this premier amongst
local newspapers,whilst introducinga number of popular
new featuresand columns.A particularachievementduring Oathy's
term of office has been the substantialincrease in advertising
revenue,reflectingthe Newslette/swide readershipamongstbeer
drinkersand pub goers.
Although she will be takinga much deservedrest from the strains
of editing this Newsletter,Cathy will continue to be in CAMRAs
service as ProductionEditor of its best-sellingnationalGood Beer
Gurde.We wish Cathy well for the future, and, in thankingher for
her services.extend a warm welcome to her successor,Nadine
Fynn,also from CAMRASHertfordshireNorth Branch.
Peter Lerner, Area Organiser
BBA - Skye'sthe limit!
We know that local brewers Rayments have been expanding their
free trade recently, but Hertford local government oflicers Pete
\,\tatsonand Andrew Whitaker must have caused a new entry to be
written in the Pelham Book of Records.
Real ale-drinkers Pete and Andrew recently led a party of friends
over the water to the lsle of Skye and, aware of the fact that most
bars in the remoter part of Scotland serve nothing other than gassy
Tartan and lizy lage\ decided to equip themselves, before
departing,with a polypin of RaymentsBBA.
The two explorers report that the beer travelled well and add that
the tourist trade on the island would be boosted were Rayments to
make availableregular supplies.
Restand \l\blcome,Haultwick
The HertfordshireNorth Branchof CAMRAis pleasedto presentits
covetedPub of the YearAward for the first time in eight years to a
McMullens pub, and is especially pleased that the pub which
topped its members poll is that old favourite, the Rest and
\lGlcome at Haultwick.
Many readers will have heard of the Rest and Vtblcome, but very
few know how to find it. The easiestway to join in the celebrations
on Wednesday22nd May is to aim for the hamletof DaneEnd, in the
countrybetweenWattonat Stoneand Puckeridge,and to follow the
villagestreet outwardsto the east,takinga clearlymarked left turn
(signpostedHaultwick)after about a quarterof a mile.The Rest and
\lrblcome is an unusual low building close to Haultwicks small
green,with a car parkand prettygardenadjoining.
Insidethis friendlylittle pub there is somethingfor everyone-a log
fire for the winter,comfortableseats,a juke box and a piano,darts,
and a separateand popularpool room. LicenseesRob and Marianne
Silvester have worked hard to transform the Rest and l/\rblcome
from a damp and down-at-heellittle pub to a centreof local life,and
their award is a recognitionof their efforts.Not a little of the charm
of the pub has to do, as you might expect,with the excellentlykept
McMullensAK Best Mild and CountryBitter
Come along on the 22nd and see for yourself why the Rest and
\lGlcome has this year been voted the best of the 250 pubs in the
North Herts Brancharea.
The Pub of the Month Near award is limited to pubs in the Nofth Herts
I)\( ()llt \1 I r Is( Rl st R\t(\ \ss()( t\il()\
( \\lR\
,,ftr].11:.\ I
The folfowing article appeared in the Brighton and Hove Leader
recently:"A thousandpeople are expectedto attendan Alcoholics
Anonymousconferencein Brightonthis year - lessthan a month after
the Great BritishBeer Festival.The Campaignfor RealAle reckons
lhat 100,000pints of beer will be drunk at the Metropoleby 30,000
visitors between August 13 and l7. They will tum the hotel's
\o wonderwe needorganisations
delegateswill be makingsobertalkalongthe seafrontat the Brighton
Cenlref romSeptember20to22."
No extensionat Welwyn
At the last of this yea/s licensing hearings, Vtilelwynmagistrates
threw out a proposal, supported in court by the Licensed
Victuallers Association and CAMRA, to extend pub hours till 11pm
on Mondayto Thursdays.
Do you live in North Hertsand enjoy readingthe Newsletter?lf so,
haveyou consideredbecominga Newsletterdistributor?lf you can
sparea couple of hours oncea monthto deliverthe Newsletterto a
couple of pubs in your area I would like to hear f rom you. Give me a
ring on Slevenage65957and let me know the pubsyou could visit.
Peter Clarke
In May 1980 the Newslette/s Editor was leeling pretty sick, as were
many drinkers in Hertfordshire,as McMullens had just announced
the impending closure of the superb Goose at Moor Green, near
Meanwhile,Greene King had iust issued a rulebook to their pub
managers,includingthe advice that they should change their socks
d a i l y . ..
Hornto keepblowing
St Albans' controversial music pub, the Horn of Plenty, has been
allowedto retainits late musiclicencecourtesyof the localCouncil,
who over-ruledlocal objections.The local newspaperreportedthat
one localCouncilloradmittedthat he had nevervisitedthe oub until
after the hearing- such faith we have in those who make decisions
on our behalf!
30thMAY- lst.IUNE
7pmto llpm
'l (
l KI: l S I N AI )VA N ( 1..! 1.50 c ( )i\ I I l l: l )( )( ) R f).50 11-tl VA f t...tR Lt
The Three Harts at Stonyhills,near Ware, is under new ownership,
a n d i s t h e s u b j e c to l a p l a n n i n g
a p p l i c a t i o lno r g r o u n da n d f i r s tf l o o r
extensions.Nearbyin Hertford,McMullensplan to convertthe Lord
Haig into a single-barpub. Over in Baldock,an applicationhas been
submittedto convertGreene King'sclosed Black Eagle into offices
- anotherlost local.
There were no all-correct entries for the March 'Whitbread
Breweries'competition.The correct answerswere: 1. The Maltings,
a s h o p p i n g p r e c i n c t ,i n C h e q u e r S t r e e t . 2 . J o h n W i l l i a m . 3 .
A warm welcome to Duncanand Mary Campbell,new landlordsof
the Hoops at Perry Green. This pretty little village pub has been
closedfor some time for extensiverestorationwork, but is now back
in businessfollowinga grandre-openingat the end of April.We wish
them everysuccess.
Rayments'long-awaitednew pub in Thorley is due to open very
shortly. Following a competition in the local press, this fine old
farmhouse conversionnow has a name - the Harvest Moon. Watch
this Newsletterfor futherdetails!
A new real ale outlet is the Bakers Arms in Bayford,near Hertford,
with MacsAKand Countryon handpump.
Greene King Abbot Ale is no longer availableat the Woodman in
Norton Green, near Stevenage,but IPA is still on sale on electric
pump. The BlakemoreHotel,LittleWymondleyhas Adnams bitter
and Gibbs Mew BishopTipple on handpumpin the KnightsBar, the
latter at e1.20a pint. The PearTree in Stevenagehas finally removed
Wethereds bitter' - no real
its notice advertising'cask-conditioned
ales havebeenavailableat the pub over a year now, althoughthey
at the pub.
are plannedfor the summertollowingmodernisation
The Fox and Hounds in Rickmansworthis being converted into a
'lounge' and 'public' areas will be reone-bar pub, but separate
tained.The Green Dragon in Flaundenis also due to undergo alterations,with an extensionlo the public bar. The pub is also rumouredto havehad a hotel licensegranted.
Wednesday 1st May
Socialatthe Old George,lckleford,Spm
WednesdaySth May
BranchMeetingat the Eagleand Child,Whitwell,8pm
Pub of theYearsocialat the Rest&Welcome,Haultwick,Spm
Wednesday29th May
Pub of the Monthsocialat the Red Lion,Stevenage,Spm
Wednesday sth June
Socialat the Squirrel,Stevenage,8pm
Wednesday 12th June
BranchMeetingat the Bull,Watton-at-Stone,
Contact Peter Clarke c Stevenage 65957
TuesdayTth May
CommitteeMeetingatthe BarleyMow,TyttenhangerGreen,
Wednesday 15th May
basedat the C ricketers,Redbourn,8pm
Tuesday 21st May
Branch Meeting at the DimsdaleArms, Hertford,8pm (to be conf irmed)
Contact Adrian Jolliffe c St Albans 69675
.l May
St Albans:White Lion.Evening.Morrisdancing:Cottonmill
C l o gM o r r i s .
St Albans: Rose and Crown. Evening.Traditionalmusic
StansteadAbbofts: Crown. Bpm. HoddesdonFolk Club.
4 May
Stevenage:Marquisof Lorne.8pm. StevenageFolk Club.
G u e s t :D o u gH u d s o n .
ParkStreet:Red Cow. Evening.Morrisdancing:Cottonmill
8 May
C l o gM o r r i s .
St Albans: Rose and Crown. Evening.TraditionalMusic
10May StansteadAbbots: Crown. Spm. Hoddesdon Folk Club.
G u e s t :M a r t i n C a r t h y .
I1 May Stevenage:Marquisof Lorne.Bpm. StevenageFolk Club.
1 2M a y S t A l b a n s :G a r i b a l d i L
l u s i cs e s . r a d i t i o n am
. u n c h t i m eT
St Albans: Beehive.Bpm. Concert:John Lyons,John Gar r r c ka n d B i l lD a l y .
l usic
. r a d i t i o n am
1 6M a y S t A l b a n s : R o s e a n d C r o w n .E v e n i n g T
s esston.
17May StansteadAbbotts: Crown. Bpm. HoddesdonFolk Club.
1BMay Stevenage:Marquisof Lorne.Bpm.StevenageFolk Club.
G u e s t :D o u g i eM a c l e a n .
and Bu ll Band,Morrisand Sword display,RaymentsBBA.
22May Tewin: Rose and Crown.Evening.Morrisdancing:Cottonm i l l C l o gM o r r i s .
23May St Albans: Rose and Crown. Evening.Traditionalmusic
25 May Stevenage:Marquisof Lorne.8pm. StevenageFolk Club.
l u s i cs e s . u n c h t i m eT. r a d i t i o n am
2 6 M a y S t A l b a n s :G a r i b a l d i L
si o n .
30 May St Albans: Rose and Crown. Evening.Traditionalmusic
s ession.
31 May StansteadAbbotts: Crown. 8pm. HoddesdonFolk Club.
G u e s t :G o r d o nT y r e l l .
P l e a s es e n dd e t a i l so f e v e n t si,n n o t m o r et h a n1 5 w o r d s ,b y t h e 1 o t h
o f t h e p r e v i o u sm o n t ht o P e t e r L e r n e r ,7 S h e p p a r d sC l o s e ,S t A l b a n sH
. e r t s .( N o t en e wa d d r e s s l )
Saturday11th May
Minibus trip to Oxfordshire.Very few places left - phone contact
Games eveningat the Unicorn,GallowsHill, Abbots Langley,8pm.
Come andjoin in!
BranchMeetingat the Sportsman,CroxleyGreen (back room)Bpm.
Wednesday5th June
BusheyHeathpub crawl.StartKingsHead,LittleBusheyLane,Bpm.
, i n d m i l l S t r e e t , 8 . 3.0. .
t h e nB l a c k b o yW
Contact Tony King cGarston 672587
Northchurchpub crawl.Meetat the Cow Roast,B.30pm
Tuesday 14th May
Bovingdonpub crawl. Meet at the Royal Oak, BovingdonGreen,
Tuesday28th May
K i n g sL a n g l e yp u b c r a w l .M e e t a tt h e B e l l ,P r i m r o s eH i l l , 8 . 3 0 p m .
30th May - 1st June CHILTERN BEER FESTIVAL at the Pavilion,
H e m e lH e m o s t e a d .
Contact Pete Freemanc Hemel Hempstead69773
u e s tAtes
B e eor Foqd
s f tt
*- - fO
Restaurantand carverynow oPen
Reservationspreterablea 01-95O2865
The Hertlordshire Ne$/sletteris produced by the HerttordshireNorth,FlertfordshireSouth,Watford & Disnict and Mkl-Chilternsbranchesot the Carnpaiyt tor Fleal
Ale Lrd The vrewsexpresd are not necessarilythoseot the Edito( CAMM Ltd or ils branch€s.The Edibr gratefullyreceivesartiCesor lettersfor publbatron.
Sendto NadineFynn,78 Old North Road,Royston,Hertfordshire.
payableto CAMRA|l€rts CampatgnirpFund.
Snbscriptinns t2 25 tor 12rssues.Sendto addressabove Cfreques/POs
can be made up at extracost.contractEr|c sin a Hdfrdd 6(Dtl7 tor details.
Advertisirg: f7 per 2.funcr/lumn Artr,rrcrk
Pnnteda J frlmsetby ti & S Graphcs,61/43HlghStreet,Ware,Herttordshtre.