6.2 Room corner test method
6.2 Room corner test method
Development of a Screening Method for the SBI and Room Corner using the Cone Calorimeter SP Fire Technology SP REPORT 2002:11 model exp SBI Test Room Corner Test ConeTools Program Cone Calorimeter Nordtest project 1479-00 SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute Patrick Van Hees, Tommy Hertzberg Anne Steen Hansen, SINTEF 2 Abstract With the implementation of the classes of reaction to fire performance for construction products, the so-called “Euroclasses”, a new test method has been introduced, namely the SBI test method (EN 13823). This method is an intermediate scale test and it has been developed to allow harmonization of the reaction to fire classification in Europe. As the test is new and needs rather large samples there will be a need from the industry to have an easy and cost effective tool for product development and quality control with respect to this method. In the near future also the possibility of using an appeal procedure by running the reference scenario test, ISO 9705, will be possible. Also for this test it would be an advantage to have a screening method. In this project such a tool has been developed by using cone calorimeter data according to ISO 5660. The tool allows prediction of the major classification parameters for HRR and SPR in the SBI and room corner. Within the project a software tool has also been developed. The results of the project show that the predictions are satisfactory and that the tool will be powerful for the product development by industry. This project can be extended for other building products (e.g. cables, pipe insulation) once an European classification system is in place for these products. Key words: cone calorimeter, SBI, room tests, modeling, wall and ceiling linings SP Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut SP Rapport 2002:11 ISBN 91-7848-904-0 ISSN 0284-5172 Borås 2002 SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute SP Report 2002:11 Postal address: Box 857, SE-501 15 BORÅS Sweden Telephone: +46 33 16 50 00 Telefax: +46 33 13 55 02 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.sp.se 3 Contents Abstract 2 Contents 3 Preface 5 Sammanfattning 5 1 Background 7 2 Scope 9 3 3.1 11 3.5 3.6 Research programme WI 1 Development of screening protocol in ISO 5660 and fine tuning of models WI 2 Additional testing in ISO 5660 and SBI WI 3 Validation of the models for prediction of FIGRA WI 4 Development and validation of a prediction model for SMOGRA in SBI and RCT WI 5 Development of the software WI 6 Conclusions and reporting 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Overview of test methods Cone Calorimeter test SBI test method Room corner test method 13 13 13 15 5 Euroclass system 17 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 21 21 21 25 25 26 28 28 28 30 30 6.2.3 Development of models for FIGRA and HRR SBI test method Description of model Sensitivity study of model Influence of HRR threshold and ignition time Influence of backing board Shiny materials Guidance and description testing protocol Comparison and discussion of simulation results Room corner test method Description of model(s) Description of test protocol in ISO 5660 used for the simulations Comparison and discussion of simulation results 7 7.1.1 7.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.4 7.4.1 Development of models for Smoke production Statistical method Test results from ISO 5660 used in the prediction models Prediction of smoke production in the SBI test General Predicting the level of SMOGRA Predicting the smoke classification s1, s2 or s3 Prediction of smoke production in the Room Corner test method Flashover is determining for the smoke production 39 39 40 41 41 43 44 46 46 3.2 3.3 3.4 11 11 11 11 12 12 37 37 4 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 46 47 7.5 How predictable is the Room Corner SMOGRA value? The EUREFIC classification system Prediction of maximum smoke production rate in the Room Corner test Prediction of average smoke production rate in the Room Corner test Implementation of the prediction models 8 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 8.2.7 8.2.8 8.2.9 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 Software development Principle Different Button menus Open file menu Calculate menu Select what to plot menu Compare menu Save SBI and SBI RCT menu Print menu Types menu Help menu Exit menu Different Scroll menus File menu Simulation menu Help menu 55 55 56 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 64 64 64 9 Conclusions 65 Annex A Simulation results for cone-RCT model for HRR The Eurefic project The SBI research project 67 67 72 Annex B Simulation results for Cone-SBI HRR model Eurefic data SBI RR materials Additional data 87 87 88 102 Annex C Generic description of SBI RR materials and Eurefic data 105 References 109 7.4.5 48 51 53 5 Preface This work was sponsored by Nordtest as Nordtest project 1479-00. The authors would like to thank all industrial sponsors for their support. Also the staff conducting the tests and this work at SP, Interscience and SINTEF are thanked. Special thanks to Birgitte Messerschmidt (Rockwool International) for her efforts in the first version of the software and to Jesper Axelsson (SP) for the user interfaces in the software. Sammanfattning Införandet av nya europaklasser för byggnadsmaterial har medfört implementering av en ny testmetod, SBI (Single Burning Item) enligt Europanorm EN 13283. Metoden är att karakterisera som en metod i mellanskala och den har utvecklats främst för att möjliggöra en harmonisering av brandklasser för ytmaterial i Europa. Då metoden är ny och SBI medför relativt omfattande experiment, finns behov av att ta fram enkla, småskaliga och kostnadseffektiva verktyg för industrin att använda i sin produktutveckling och kvalitetsövervakning. Det finns även ett behov av att ta fram ett sådant verktyg för det större referensscenariotestet, ISO 9705, vilket kommer att kunna användas för att ’överklaga’ en produktklassificering som erhållits enligt SBI, EN 13283. I detta projekt har ett simuleringsverktyg baserat på ett småskalig test utvecklats. Metoden baseras på konkalorimeter test enligt internationell standard ISO 5660. Verktyget möjliggör att uppskatta viktiga materialparametrar som styr produktklassificeringen enligt EN 13283 eller ISO 9705. Modelleringsverktyget visar en mycket god överensstämmelse mellan prediktion baserat på småskaliga konkalorimeterförsök och experiment utförda i stor (ISO 9705) eller mellan (EN 13283) skala och kommer att kunna nyttjas för ett stort antal industriella produkter. Projektet och verktyget kan dessutom utvidgas till att omfatta andra byggnadsprodukter såsom t.ex. kablar eller rörisoleringsmaterial, så fort en motsvarande klassificering finns på plats för dessa produkter. 6 7 1 Background Within the Euroclass system two methods are important with respect to classification of wall and ceiling linings. On one hand there is the SBI (Single Burning Item) test, which is the key test for Euroclasses A2 to D. On the other hand there is the room corner test (ISO 9705 or Nordtest NT FIRE 025), which is used as the reference scenario for the Euroclasses. Both tests, however, cannot be considered as small-scale tests. Hence a need for a small-scale test is necessary for screening but also as a tool for production control and as a tool for product development. The cone calorimeter test according to ISO 5660 is the most appropriate choice. At the same time it should be noted that the room corner test results are used for determining fire restricting materials in the HSC (High Speed Craft) Code within the IMO regulations. Also in this case it is desirable with a small scale screening method for production control and product development. An important factor for the worldwide application of a combination of small and largescale tests is that the room corner test recently has been used as reference test for the classifications system in the Japanese building code. 8 9 2 Scope This project will develop a screening procedure for wall and ceiling lining testing in the SBI and room corner tests. The outcome of this project will be a testing protocol and also a multifunctional user-friendly software package allowing users to predict SBI and room corner test results by means of cone calorimeter tests. 10 11 3 Research programme The research programme sponsored by Nordtest had the following work items. In this chapter an overview of these work items is given, and also a reference to the parts of this report that are dealing with the specific work items. 3.1 WI 1 Development of screening protocol in ISO 5660 and fine tuning of models This work package would develop a cone calorimeter test protocol for the screening test. A number of materials from the RR in the SBI project would be chosen to optimise the model. Following items will be investigated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The optimum heat flux level in the cone calorimeter The optimum sample preparation for testing The optimum substrate for sample preparation The optimum surface emissivity for testing shiny materials The optimum ignition properties of the materials In total a maximum of 35 cone calorimeter tests were planned. The work item will also include the fine-tuning of the models i.e. the cone-sbi and the cone-room corner conetools model so that they can be used at the same heat flux level and with the same sample preparation. One of the items in the cone-sbi model is the improvement of the lateral flame spread routine. One of the items in the cone-rct model is the adaptation of the model to use the same heat flux level as in the cone-sbi model. The work with respect to this work item is summarised in chapter 6 3.2 WI 2 Additional testing in ISO 5660 and SBI Five more materials would be checked and also the remaining RR materials of the SBI project will be retested with the optimum test protocol defined in WI1, if necessary. The five additional materials will also be tested in the SBI apparatus. This part is included in the work described in chapter 6. More materials were provided thanks to industrial support. 3.3 WI 3 Validation of the models for prediction of FIGRA This work item would validate the model for prediction of the FIGRA index for the SBI test and for the room corner test. It will also validate the HRR curve obtained and fine tune the model additionally if necessary. This work item is described in chapter 6. 3.4 WI 4 Development and validation of a prediction model for SMOGRA in SBI and RCT This work item would develop a first prediction model for the SMOGRA in the SBI and the RCT. It will be based on a correlation model with different parameters from the cone calorimeter test. As smoke prediction are very difficult to perform between different scales of testing a modest approach should be taken. This work item is described in chapter 7. 12 3.5 WI 5 Development of the software In this work item a multifunctional and user-friendly software package will be developed. The request for Nordtest support was limited and more internal research resources were used. The software shall have the following properties: 1. user-friendly interface 2. multifunctional input routine i.e. different type of input files should be possible e.g. Excel, FDMS and commercial software file formats 3. standard output report with links to Word/Excel The development is described in chapter 8. 3.6 WI 6 Conclusions and reporting This work package draws conclusions and gives a proposal for the screening test and a manual for the software. These items are described in chapter 6, 7, 8 and 9. 13 4 Overview of test methods 4.1 Cone Calorimeter test The cone calorimeter is described in ISO 56601. The test method describes a test specimen with an area of 100 mm x 100 mm, which is exposed to a constant radiant heat flux. The heat flux can be adjusted from 10 kW/m2 to 100 kW/m2. A spark plug positioned over the test specimen ignites any flammable gasses produced by the test specimen. The effluents from the test is collected in a hood and transported through a duct. In the duct there is a thermocouple, a pressure sensor, smoke measurement system and a sample probe. Furthermore the test specimen is positioned on a load cell, so the mass loss of the test specimen can be recorded during the test. The test equipment is shown in Figure 1. The test results are heat release rate (calculated using oxygen depletion), time to ignition, smoke production and weight loss. Figure 1 Cone Calorimeter. 4.2 SBI test method The Single Burning Item (SBI) test2 is developed by the Official Laboratories Group (OLG) based on the guidelines set out by the EU Regulatory Group (RG). The SBI test is one of the test methods to be used to determine the classification of building products in the future European classification system. The SBI test simulates a single burning item (e.g. a waste paper basket) burning in a corner of a room. The test rig is shown in Figure 2. The dimensions of the test specimen are 1.0 m x 1.5 m and 0.5 m x 1.5 m. The two wings of the test specimen overlap in the 14 corner behind the burner. Products are tested in their end use conditions as far a possible. The burner is triangular with a side length of 250 mm, and is a diffusion burner supplied with propane. The output of the burner is 30 kW for 21 minutes. The classification results are only evaluated over a maximum of 20 minutes. There is a floor in the test configuration but no ceiling. The effluents from the fire are collected in the hood and transported through the duct. In the duct thermocouples, a pressure sensor, a smoke measurement system and a sample probe are mounted. The test rig is placed in an enclosure in order to avoid any draft around the test specimen and to protect the operator from the produced smoke. Gas analysis (O 2 , CO, CO 2 ) Sm oke measurement Exhaust gases Fl ow measurement Enclosure Ignition source Trolley with specim en holder Figure 2 Single Burning Item test. The test results are heat release rate (calculated using oxygen depletion), lateral flame spread on the large wing of the test specimen, smoke production and burning droplets/particles. From the results parameters such as FIGRA and SMOGRA are calculated. An overview how the parameters are used inside the Euroclass system is given in chapter 5. The FIGRA(SBI) index is defined as the maximum value of 30 second averaged heat release rate divided by time. The calculation of the FIGRA(SBI) index is described in detail in EN 13823. The SMOGRA(SBI) is defined as the maximum value of 60 second averaged smoke production rate divided by time. 15 4.3 Room corner test method Optical density (lamp/photocell) Gas analysis (O2, CO, CO2) Volume flow Temperature and differential pressure Exhaust gases 2,40m Exhaust hood 3,0x3,0x1,0 Gas burner 3,60m Figure 3 Doorway 0,8m x 2,0m 0m 2,4 Room Corner Test. Room tests are performed according to ISO 9705, Room Corner Test3. The test room has nominal internal dimensions of 3.6 m by 2.4 m by 2.4 m (length by width by height). The test material is mounted so that the three inner walls and the ceiling in the room are covered. Smoke gases are vented and air is let in through the door opening. The ignition source is a gas burner, which is placed in one of the inner corners. The burner heat output is 100 kW for the first ten minutes and then 300 kW for another ten minutes. The smoke gases coming out through the doorway are collected by a hood and exhaust system from where samples are taken for gas analysis. Heat release rate and smoke production rate are measured continuously. A schematic drawing is given in Figure 3. 16 17 5 Euroclass system The European Commission published the classes of reaction to fire performance of construction products, the so called “Euroclasses” on February 8, 2000. Reaction to fire testing will follow a new concept compared to existing procedures in Europe. Seven main classes are introduced, the Euroclasses. These are A1, A2, B, C, D, E and F. A1 and A2 represent different degrees of limited combustibility. For linings, classes C to E represent products that may go to flashover in a room and at certain times. F means that no performance is determined. B means no flashover in a room corner test. Thus there are 7 classes for linings and 7 classes for floor coverings. Additional classes for smoke production and any occurrence of burning droplets are also given, see Table 1 and Table 2. 18 Table 1 Classes of reaction to fire performance for construction products excluding floorings (*) Class Test method(s) Classification criteria A1 EN ISO 1182 (1); And ∆T ≤ 30°C; and ∆m ≤ 50%; and tf = 0 (i.e. no sustained flaming) PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ.kg-1 (1); and PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ.kg-1 (2) (2a); and PCS ≤ 1.4 MJ.m-2 (3); and PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ.kg-1 (4) EN ISO 1716 A2 EN ISO 1182 (1); Or EN ISO 1716; and EN 13823 (SBI) B C D E F EN 13823 (SBI); And EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 30s EN 13823 (SBI); And EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 30s EN 13823 (SBI); And EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 30s EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 15s No performance determined ∆T ≤ 50°C; and ∆m ≤ 50%; and tf ≤ 20s PCS ≤ 3.0 MJ.kg-1 (1); and PCS ≤ 4.0 MJ.m-2 (2); and PCS ≤ 4.0 MJ.m-2 (3); and PCS ≤ 3.0 MJ.kg-1 (4) Additional classification - - FIGRA ≤ 120 W.s-1; and LFS < edge of specimen; and THR600s ≤ 7.5 MJ FIGRA ≤ 120 W.s-1; and LFS < edge of specimen; and THR600s ≤ 7.5 MJ Fs ≤ 150mm within 60s Smoke production(5); and Flaming droplets/ particles (6) FIGRA ≤ 250 W.s-1; and LFS < edge of specimen; and THR600s ≤ 15 MJ Fs ≤ 150mm within 60s Smoke production(5); and Flaming droplets/ particles (6) FIGRA ≤ 750 W.s-1 Smoke production(5); and Flaming droplets/ particles (6) Smoke production(5); and Flaming droplets/ particles (6) Fs ≤ 150mm within 60s Fs ≤ 150mm within 20s Flaming droplets/ particles (7) (*) The treatment of some families of products, e.g. linear products (pipes, ducts, cables etc.), is still under review and may necessitate an amendment to this decision. (1) For homogeneous products and substantial components of non-homogeneous products. (2) For any external non-substantial component of non-homogeneous products. (2a) Alternatively, any external non-substantial component having a PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ.m-2, provided that the product satisfies the following criteria of EN 13823(SBI) : FIGRA ≤ 20 W.s-1; and LFS < edge of specimen; and THR600s ≤ 4.0 MJ; and s1; and d0. 3 ( ) For any internal non-substantial component of non-homogeneous products. (4) For the product as a whole. (5) s1 = SMOGRA ≤ 30m2.s-2 and TSP600s ≤ 50m2 ; s2 = SMOGRA ≤ 180m2.s-2 and TSP600s ≤ 200m2; s3 = not s1 or s2. (6) d0 = No flaming droplets/ particles in EN13823 (SBI) within 600s; d1 = No flaming droplets/ particles persisting longer than 10s in EN13823 (SBI) within 600s; d2 = not d0 or d1; Ignition of the paper in EN ISO 11925-2 results in a d2 classification. (7) Pass = no ignition of the paper (no classification); Fail = ignition of the paper (d2 classification). (8) Under conditions of surface flame attack and, if appropriate to end–use application of product, edge flame attack. 19 Table 2 Classes of reaction to fire performance for floorings. Class Test method(s) Classification criteria Additional classification A1FL EN ISO 1182 (1); And ∆T ≤ 30°C; and ∆m ≤ 50%; and - EN ISO 1716 tf = 0 (i.e. no sustained flaming) PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ.kg-1 (1); and - PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ.kg (2); and PCS ≤ 1.4 MJ.m-2 (3); and -1 PCS ≤ 2.0 MJ.kg-1 (4) A2FL EN ISO 1182 (1); Or EN ISO 1716; and BFL CFL DFL EFL EN ISO 9239-1 (5) EN ISO 9239-1 (5) and EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 15s EN ISO 9239-1 (5) And EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 15s EN ISO 9239-1 (5) And EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 15s EN ISO 11925-2(8): Exposure = 15s No performance determined ∆T ≤ 50°C; and ∆m ≤ 50%; and tf ≤ 20s PCS ≤ 3.0 MJ.kg-1 (1); and PCS ≤ 4.0 MJ.m-2 (2); and PCS ≤ 4.0 MJ.m-2 (3); and PCS ≤ 3.0 MJ.kg-1 (4) Critical flux (6) ≥ 8.0 kW.m-2 Critical flux (6) ≥ 8.0 kW.m-2 - - Smoke production (7) Smoke production (7) Fs ≤ 150mm within 20s Critical flux (6) ≥ 4.5 kW.m-2 Smoke production (7) Fs ≤ 150mm within 20s Critical flux (6) ≥ 3.0 kW.m-2 Smoke production (7) Fs ≤ 150mm within 20s Fs ≤ 150mm within 20s - FFL (1) For homogeneous products and substantial components of non-homogeneous products. (2) For any external non-substantial component of non-homogeneous products. (3) For any internal non-substantial component of non-homogeneous products. (4) For the product as a whole. (5) Test duration = 30 minutes. (6) Critical flux is defined as the radiant flux at which the flame extinguishes or the radiant flux after a test period of 30 minutes, whichever is the lower (i.e. the flux corresponding with the furthest extent of spread of flame). (7) s1 = Smoke ≤ 750%.min; s2 = not s1. (8) Under conditions of surface flame attack and, if appropriate to the end–use application of the product, edge flame attack. Symbols. The characteristics are defined with respect to the appropriate test method. temperature rise ∆T mass loss ∆m duration of flaming tf PCS gross calorific potential FIGRA fire growth rate total heat release THR600s LFS lateral flame spread SMOGRA smoke growth rate TSP600s total smoke production Fs flame spread 20 Definitions Material : A single basic substance or uniformly dispersed mixture of substances, e.g. metal, stone, timber, concrete, mineral wool with uniformly dispersed binder, polymers. Homogeneous product : A product consisting of a single material, of uniform density and composition throughout the product. Non-homogeneous product : A product that does not satisfy the requirements of a homogeneous product. It is a product composed of one or more components, substantial and/or non-substantial. Substantial component : A material that constitutes a significant part of a nonhomogeneous product. A layer with a mass per unit area ≥ 1.0 kg/m2 or a thickness ≥ 1.0 mm is considered to be a substantial component. Non-substantial component : A material that does not constitute a significant part of a non-homogeneous product. A layer with a mass per unit area < 1.0 kg/m2 and a thickness < 1.0 mm is considered to be a non-substantial component. Two or more non-substantial layers that are adjacent to each other (i.e. with no substantial component(s) in-between the layers) are regarded as one non-substantial component and, therefore, must altogether comply with the requirements for a layer being a nonsubstantial component. For non-substantial components, distinction is made between internal non-substantial components and external non-substantial components, as follows : Internal non-substantial component : A non-substantial component that is covered on both sides by at least one substantial component. External non-substantial component : A non-substantial component that is not covered on one side by a substantial component. An Euroclass is intended to be declared as for example Bd1s2. B represents the main class, d1 means droplets/particles class no 1 and s2 means smoke class no 2. This gives theoretically a total of about 40 classes of linings and 11 classes of floor coverings to choose from. However, each country is expected only to use a very small fraction of the possible combinations. 21 6 Development of models for FIGRA and HRR 6.1 SBI test method 6.1.1 Description of model The calculation model4,5 presented here uses ignition time as well as the complete heat release rate curve from the Cone Calorimeter. In principle results from a single small scale test is used to predict the first part of the heat release rate curve in the SBI and hence the FIGRA(SBI) index. Other models6,7 exist but for this project the abovementioned model was used. The calculation model, based on the conetools model8 for the room corner, is described in detail below in sections containing principles, area growth, criterion for flame spread and heat release rate, respectively. Principles of prediction model Three major assumptions have been made in the prediction model of heat release rate in the SBI test: 1) The burning area growth rate and the heat release rate are decoupled. 2) The burning area growth rate is proportional to the ease of ignition, i.e. the inverse of the time to ignition in small scale. 3) The history of the heat release rate per unit area at each location in the SBI test is the same as in small scale. Burning area growth rate The fire spread can follow two different routes as shown in Figure 4. All products start to spread along route I. A product is assumed to continue to spread along route III if the calculated sustained flame height is at least 1.5 m, which is equal to the height of the test sample. Otherwise the product is assumed to spread along route II. The calculation of flame height will be outlined below. 22 0.8 0.7 Area [m2] 0.6 III 0.5 0.4 0.3 II I 0.2 0.1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time [sec.] Figure 4 Burning area curve modelled for the SBI. Within the different flame spread regimes the burning area growth rate of a product depends on ignitability, i.e. time to ignition in the Cone Calorimeter. Once the flame spread rate is determined the heat release rate is calculated assuming that products always give the same heat release rate per unit area as a function of time in small scale as in the SBI test. In other words all parts of the tested product are assumed to burn in the same way in the SBI as in small scale. This is of course a simplification. The heat release rate depends more or less on the actual heat flux level received by the product as a function of time. However, the experience so far of the model shows, that the errors average out and can be included in the empirical constants. The flame spread of the product is described by an S-shaped curve, which is a function of time. The curve represents a step response of second order system. In the beginning of the test, the product ignites at one point on the test sample. This ignition time is assumed to be a time equal to half of the ignition time found in the Cone Calorimeter at 40 kW/m2. Immediately after ignition, the area growth rate of the product is slow. The area growth rate will then accelerate, depending on the time to ignition in the Cone Calorimeter, until the involved area gets close to its maximum value. Then the area growth rate slows down again. The area growth rate is described by the following function: t ign t− 2 A(t) = A max ⋅ 1 − 1 + t ign t t − ign 2 ⋅ exp t ign [1] where Amax is the maximum area involved and tign is time to ignition in the Cone Calorimeter. 23 In the beginning of the test, all products are assumed to follow the same area growth function. However, if the sustained flame height reaches the top of the test specimen, which is 1.5 m, then the maximum area in the area growth function changes. This is the only parameter that is changed when changing from one flame spread regime to another. The sustained flame height is a function of the calculated total heat release in the test as explained in the section about criteria for flame spread. The area growth function and the different values for the maximum area are empirically chosen. However, they agree very well with those observed during the SBI round robin test series at both SP and Danish Institute of Fire Technology (DIFT). The maximum area is assumed to be 0.35 m2 for the products, which do not have a sustained flame height of 1.5 m. This area is roughly equal to the area behind the burner flames. For products where the sustained flame height exceeds 1.5 m the maximum area is 0.60 m2. This maximum area is chosen based on the configuration of the SBI test. The burner has a side length of 250 mm and is positioned at a distance of 40 mm from the test specimen. If the flames were spreading to the top of the test specimen in the entire width of the burner the maximum area should be 0.87 m2. However, since the burner is triangular, the thickness of the flame varies. During the tests, it was observed that the flame leaned into the corner and in no way has a width identical to the width of the burner in its entire height. Using these areas as maximum areas for flame spread the model gives good agreement with observations during tests. Some products will spread the flames more than 0.6 m2 before reaching their first peak in heat release rate. These are products with an extremely short ignition time in the Cone Calorimeter, or thermoplastic products, which create pool fires before reaching their maximum heat release. The model does therefore not give correct results for these types of products when it comes to peak heat release. But as will be shown later, the FIGRA(SBI) index for these products is predicted quite good by the model which is due to a good estimation of the initial inclination of the heat release curve. Criteria for flame spread As shown in Figure 4 the flames will either spread over a small area or over a larger part of the test sample. The criterion used in this model to decide what the maximum area of the flame spread will be, is the sustained flame height in the corner. In the original Cone Tools model the criteria used to determine if flames were spreading over a larger area than what was initially involved, is an assumed surface temperature. This assumed surface temperature depended on the temperature of the combustion gasses passing over the surface and on the thermal response of the product surface. This approach agrees well with the fact that there is a hot gas layer under the ceiling in the Room Corner. However in the SBI test there is no ceiling and hence no hot gas layer to heat the product. The temperature of the surface of the product in the SBI test depends primarily on the radiation and convective heat transfer from the flame. Using the flame height to determine the maximum area over which the flames will spread is based on observations from SBI tests, and on the assumption that the part of the product behind the sustained flame will receive a heat flux from the flame sufficient to ignite that part of the product. In the SBI test the product will first ignite in the corner behind the burner flames. The involved area will then spread mostly upwards behind the flame from the burner. Depending on the burning behaviour of the product, the heat release from the burner and the product can be high enough to create a flame in the 24 corner, which will have a sustained height equal to, or higher, than the height of the test sample. If this is the case the upward flame spread will continue to the top of the test specimen. The flame height in a wall corner geometry is given as9: H & *2/3 = 3⋅ Q D [2] where 5/3 &* =Q & Q ⋅1110) total ⋅ (D [3] D is the diameter of the burner, which was assumed 150 mm considering that the burner & is triangular. Using these expressions gave the criteria that the total heat release Q total shall be greater than 59 kW if the flames shall spread to the top of the specimen. This criterion also agrees well with what was observed in the SBI tests. Calculation of heat release rate The total heat release from the SBI test is obtained by summing up the contributions from each part of the total burning area and the burner. & & & Q total = Q product + Q burner [4] & & Q burner is constant at 30 kW while Q product varies with time as the fire spreads, the involved area A(t) increases as described above and the burning intensity at each position & is time dependent. Q product is obtained by adding the contributions from burning parts which have started to burn at various times. The heat release rate of the specimen at each location is then assumed to go through the same history as was measured in bench-scale, i.e. the Cone Calorimeter. & Q product is calculated using the Duhamel´s integral: t Q& product = ∫ A& (τ ) q&bs′′ (t − τ ) dτ 0 [5] & is the time derivation of the burning area, t is time, q& ′′ is the heat release per where A bs unit area as recorded in the Cone Calorimeter and τ is a dummy variable. The following very simple numerical solution to the Duhamel's integral is the approach used in this model: Q& product = ∑ ∆Ai q&bs′′ N −i [6] 25 ′′ N −i is Where ∆A i is the incremental burning area growth at the time increment i, and q&bs the heat release rate per unit area after (N-i) time increments as recorded in the Cone Calorimeter. Correction for cone calorimeter data obtained at other heat flux levels The model has been developed to use cone calorimeter at a heat flux level of 50 kW/m2. In order to be able to use the model also with cone resultants different from the preset value a correction was introduced for both the ignition time and the HRR level. The correction is based mainly on fine-tuning the results: tignCorr = tignCone.* (ConeFlux / SBIFlux) HRRCorr = HRRCone(SBIFlux / ConeFlux)^0.5 Where: tignCorr: tignCone HRRCorr HRRCone ConeFlux SBIFlux Corrected ignition time used in the model Ignition time in the cone calorimeter test Corrected heat release rate Heat release rate in the cone calorimeter test Flux level in the cone calorimeter test Corresponding reference flux for the cone-SBI model being 40 kW/m2 It is understood that for ignition the correction is based on thermally thin theory but this has shown to give the best simulation results. The exponent for the HRR correction was determined in a similar way. 6.1.2 Sensitivity study of model Influence of HRR threshold and ignition time The main input parameters to the model are the ignition time and the heat release curve. The HRR curve is automatically registered by a computer, but the ignition time is obtained from visually observing the experiment. In this project also a HRR threshold value was used to investigate whether it is possible to run this as an alternative. This is especially interesting for material with heavy flashing behaviour (FR materials) and for materials with low HRR levels where maybe even no ignition occurs. From the results in Table 3 it can be seen that a threshold of 10 kW/m2 can be used as alternative for a visual ignition time. Using 50 kW/m2 as a threshold gives mainly lower Figra values i.e. results with a better classification. However, the use of a HRR threshold value should also be done after studying the actual HRR curve. This can be done in the conetools software package before the calculations are performed. From our experience it is also advisable to run a small sensitivity study on the ignition time in order to investigate whether it has a great influence on the result. If so it can be advisable to run at another flux level. This is mainly the case for materials with short ignition times. 26 Table 3 Results of 5 materials with visual ignition time and HRR threshold values as input for the ignition time. Material CP1 Cone test Test 1 CP1 Test 2 CP2 Test 1 CP2 Test 2 CP3 Test 1 CP3 Test 2 CP4 Test 1 CP5 Test 1 Ignition criterion Visual = 7s HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 Visual = 10s HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 Visual = 11s HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 Visual = 14s HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 Visual = 15s HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 Visual = 17s HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 Visual = None HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 Visual = None HRR= 50 kW/m2 HRR= 10 kW/m2 FIGRA* 383 254 383 255 185 255 79 NA1 79 47 NA1 47 62 NA1 59 46 NA1 34 NA2 NA1 27 NA2 NA1 19 FIGRA0.2 274 176 274 197 135 197 67 NA1 67 43 NA1 43 44 NA1 41 36 NA1 27 NA2 NA1 25 NA2 NA1 0 FIGRA0.4 77 58 77 79 63 79 32 NA1 32 27 NA1 27 0 NA1 0 14 NA1 11 NA2 NA1 17 NA2 NA1 0 THR 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.58 NA1 0.58 0.61 NA1 0.61 0.45 NA1 0.45 0.53 NA1 0.53 NA2 NA1 1.1 NA2 NA1 0.72 * without threshold level of THR, only HRR > 3kW NA1: not applicable since HRR is lower than the threshold (Values would be zero) NA2: not applicable since no visual ignition occurred (Values would be zero) Influence of backing board Figure 5 and Figure 6 give the difference between a sample preparation with and without the standard backing board used in the SBI. It can be seen that this improves the quality of the simulation, especially in the second part of the SBI curve. It is hence advisable to use as often as possible a backing board or substrate identical to the one that will be used in the SBI test. 27 M22 with backingboard 140 120 hrrSBIsim(kW) HRRSBI 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 30 Figure 5 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600 Simulation of particle board (M22) with backing board. M22 140 hrrSBIsim(kW) 120 HRRSBI 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 30 Figure 6 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 Simulation of particle board (M22) without backing board. 540 570 60 28 Shiny materials The total heat flux towards the specimen in case of the cone calorimeter consists mainly of radiation (more than 90%). This means that materials with a shiny surface such as M4 and Insulation material 2 in Table 4 will reflect a large part of the incident heat flux from the cone heater. In the SBI test, however, the radiation will be lower than in the cone calorimeter as a larger part of the incident heat flux is based on convection. Moreover, the materials will be sooted very fast and hence receive more radiation energy due to an increase of the surface emissivity. This could be observed for the two above-mentioned materials. Without a sooted or painted surface the materials did not ignite at a heat flux level of 50 kW/m2 (Insulation material 2) or showed a very high ignition time (M4) resulting respectively in a >B and C classification. 6.1.3 Guidance and description testing protocol The following guidance can be given when preparing test specimens in the cone calorimeter: 1. Materials should by preference be tested at 50 kW/m2 unless very short ignition times (less than 5s) are observed. In this case a lower heat flux level can be chosen 2. The preparation of the sample should closely follow the mounting as in the SBI test. So it is advisable to run the materials in the cone calorimeter with the backing boards described in the SBI standard. 3. Shiny materials, e.g materials with Aluminium foil facing, should also be tested with the surface sooted or blackened by paint (with limited combustibility e.g. heat flux meter paints). The results may in this case be more conservative, but will allow a better overall prediction. 4. If very short ignition times (less than 5 s) are obtained at the cone heat flux level, it can be advisable to reduce the heat flux level in the cone calorimeter. 6.1.4 Comparison and discussion of simulation results In annex B an overview is given of the graphs comparing the SBI test results with the prediction of the conetools model. The data given here are all SBI RR materials (except cables and pipes), one Eurefic material (used as market place material in the SBI project), 5 ceiling panels and 3 insulation materials. The generic description of the RR materials is given in annex C. From the results in Table 4 it can be seen that a satisfactory prediction tool has been developed. The marked materials are those where a wrong classification is obtained. In two cases the materials are melting products (M2 and M7). Here some more research is needed to try to improve the model if possible. In the two other cases the results are so-called borderline results (M5 and M26). 29 Table 4 Summary of simulation results for the cone-SBI model. Material FIGRA_02 (MW/S2) FIGRA_04 (MW/S2) THR (MJ) M01 M02* M03 M04 M05* M06 M07* M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26* M27 M28 M29 M30 Eurefic3 Ceiling P1 Ceiling P2 Ceiling P3 Ceiling P4 Ceiling P5 Insulation 1 Insulation 2 Insulation 3 28 262 1554 2109 1212 0 428 37 147 675 60 592 47 96 0 335 10 361 6 473 430 450 421 734 42 21 153 2236 476 236 55 34 25 0 1404 767 448 6 262 1554 2109 1212 0 428 24 114 658 35 592 28 88 0 335 7 361 3 473 430 450 421 734 36 3 127 2227 476 78 30 6 17 0 1052 747 448 0.5 0.6 19.0 0.6 26.0 0.4 0.6 0.35 1.1 6.0 0.35 23.9 0.35 4.9 0.1 0.6 0.35 0.6 0.35 33.6 0.6 31.0 36.7 35.0 0.35 0.35 1.45 0.6 3.2 0.65 0.60 0.49 1.1 0.59 7.6 4.5 16.7 * Simulation too severe Euroclass according to simulation ≥B D E E E ≥B D ≥B C D B D ≥B ≥B ≥B D ≥B D ≥B D D D D D ≥B ≥B C E D C ≥B ≥B ≥B ≥B E D D Euroclass according to test result ≥B >B E E D ≥B >B ≥B C D B D ≥B ≥B ≥B D ≥B D ≥B D D D D E ≥B ≥B C E D C ≥B ≥B ≥B ≥B E D D 30 6.2 Room corner test method 6.2.1 Description of model(s) In the Wickström/Göransson model8 ignition time as well as the complete heat release rate curve from the Cone Calorimeter are used. In principle results from a single smallscale test could be used to predict the full-scale behavior of a product. Certainly there are lots of products for which it is not possible to predict their behavior in large scale based on small-scale tests. Examples are products with a protective surface or with joints, which after some heating suddenly cracks and exposes highly flammable materials. They need to be tested in large scale to get results that can be used for evaluating their potential fire hazard. The calculation model is described in detail below in four sections containing principles, area growth, heat release rate and criterion for flame spread, respectively. Finally calculated full-scale heat release rates are shown and compared with measured values. Principles of prediction model Three major assumptions have been made in the prediction model of heat release rate in full scale: 1) The burning area growth rate and the heat release rate are decoupled. 2) The burning area growth rate is proportional to the ease of ignition, i.e. the inverse of the time to ignition in small scale. 3) The history of the heat release rate per unit area at each location in full scale is to be the same as in small scale. As shown Figure 7 the fire spread may follow three different routes. A product is assumed to spread along routes II and V if a calculated fictitious surface temperature is higher than a critical value. The calculation is based on data from the Cone Calorimeter as will be outlined below. Within the different flame spread regimes the burning area growth rate depends on ignitability, i.e. time to ignition in the Cone Calorimeter. Once the flame spread rate is determined the heat release rate is calculated assuming that products always give the same heat release rate per unit area as a function of time in small and large scale. In other words all parts of the tested product is assumed to burn in the same way in full scale as in small scale. This is of course a vast simplification. The heat release rate depends more or less on the actual heat flux level received by the product as a function of time. The experience so far of the model shows, however, that the errors average out and can be included in empirical constants. 31 15 2 Burning area (m ) II V 10 B VI 5 IV A III I 0 0 5 10 15 20 Time (min) Figure 7 Area growth as a function of time for the model. Burning area growth rate depends on the time to ignition The flame spread at the beginning of the test is divided into two subsequent parts. First the area in the corner behind the burner is ignited. The size of the area is assumed to be the same for all products. In the second part, the burning area is assumed to grow according to a given function of time. It will, however, start to grow only if a fictitious surface temperature is reached. This assumed temperature depends on ignitability as well as on heat release properties of the product. These parameters are obtained from the Cone Calorimeter and together they give sufficient information for the model to predict the flame spread development. Figure 7 shows how the area behind the burner first ignites first (I) and burns at a certain heat release rate. As mentioned above products then behave in one of two ways; either there is a progressive flame spread that eventually will involve the entire room (II), or there is no further flame spread outside the burner flame region (III). Which category the product belongs to be determined by the flame spread propagation criterion, which is described below. When the burner heat output is raised to 300 kW the flames will become bigger and a larger surface area will almost immediately be involved (IV). The situation is then similar to the one at the beginning of the test. Either there is a progressive flame spread (V), or not (VI). The two continuous flame spread developments, (II) and (V), are assumed to follow given functions of time as shown below in this section. 32 A more detailed description of how the flame-spread rate is obtained in the model follows now. The formulae are empirical and must be seen as proposals that at least with the current experience have proven to give acceptable results. First the area behind the burner ignites, see Figure 7. The size of this area (2 m2) is assumed to be the same for all products while the growth rate of the burning area is assumed to vary with time normalized with the ignition time, tign, of the product considered: A(t) =4( t ) -1 tign (1) Along routes (II) and (V) in Figure 7 the involved area as a function of time is written as, A(t) = A0 (1 + a (t-tx)2 ) tign (2) A0 is the area behind the burner and a is an empirical constant found to be 0.025 s-1 for route (II) and tx is chosen so that the burning area growth rate is the same as in eq (1) when equation (2) starts to be used, i.e. when the surface temperature criterion is exceeded. After 10 minutes when the burner output is raised, the burning area is initially expressed as: A(t) = 2 + 24 (t-t10) tign (3) until A(t) is 5 m2; t10 = 600 s (10 minutes). If the surface temperature criterion is reached, the burning area growth will continue as in equation (2) with the parameters A0 = 5 m2 and a = 0.1 s-1 and tx determined as above. Calculation of the heat release rate The total heat release from the room is obtained by summing the contributions from each part of the total burning area and the burner. Qtotal = Qproduct + Qburner (4) Qburner is constant while Qproduct varies with time as the fire spreads; the involved area A(t) increases as described above and the burning intensity at each position is time dependent. Qproduct is obtained by adding the contributions from burning parts, which have started to burn at various times. The heat release rate of the specimen at each location is then assumed to go through the same history as was measured in bench-scale, i.e. the Cone Calorimeter. A time incremental approach is used to calculate Qproduct. At each time step ∆t, an area increment ∆A is calculated and the Qproduct is obtained by adding the contributions from each area increment. Then we get at time t = N ∆t 33 N Qproduct = Σ ∆Ai qbsN-i i=1 (5) In an alternative form this equation may be written as an integral (Duhamel´s integral): t Qproduct = eq ⌠ ⌡ A'(τ) qbs(t-τ) dτ 0 (6) where A' is the time derivative of the burning area and τ is a dummy variable. No closed form solution may, however, be obtained unless qbs is given a suitable analytical form. To understand the summation in the equation (5) we will go through a simple numerical example. Assume that the heat release rate as measured in the Cone Calorimeter and the involved area are as shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9, respectively. The incremental contribution can then be calculated and added as shown in Table 5. The total heat release rate at the third time increment may for instance be calculated as: (0.2)(250) + (0.45)(125) + (0.65)(50) = 50 + 56 + 32 = 138. This incremental technique is computationally very fast and may be carried out with such a small time increment that the details of the small-scale heat release curve are adequately considered. 475 600 2 Heat release rate (kW/m ) 500 400 225 250 300 125 200 50 50 100 0 t Figure 8 1 ign 2 3 4 5 6 Time increments (delta t) Schematic curve from heat release rate as measured in the cone calorimeter. 34 8 5.95 7 Burning area (m ) 6 2 5 3.5 4 2.15 3 0.65 1.3 2 0.2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Time increment (delta t) 5 6 Figure 9 Burning area growth rate described by parabolic relation. Table 5 Example of heat release rate calculation. Time s 1∆t 2∆t 3∆t 4∆t 5∆t 6∆t A m2 0.2 0.65 1.3 2.15 3.5 5.95 ∆A m2/s 0.2 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.35 2.45 qbs Incremental contributions kW 2 3 4 5 kW/m2 1 50 10 125 25 22 250 50 56 32 475 95 112 81 42 225 45 214 162 106 68 50 10 101 309 212 169 6 122 Total kW 10 47 138 330 595 914 Legend to Table 5: qbs column is the cone calorimeter result, the A column is the estimated burning area growth. By using the superposition technique with respect to when the different areas are ignited the total heat release rate is obtained. Time to ignition plays an important role in this analysis as it governs the growth rate of the burning area. An alternative calculation form can be obtained by differentiating equation (2): ∆A = (2A0a/tign) t ∆t (7) Thus the involved area for a given time is proportional to the inverse of the ignition time. The summation (equation 5) may then be written in a more convenient form as [7] 35 Qproduct = (2A0 a / tign) Σ(ti qbsN-i ∆t) (8) This formula reveals how sensitive the calculated heat release rate is to the ignition time measured in small scale. Therefore several tests ought to be carried out to achieve reliable ignition time results. For this, some kind of averaging technique need to be developed so that results from various irradiance levels can be considered. Note that all results reported here are based on single tests at an irradiance of 25 kW/m2 in the Cone Calorimeter. Criterion for flame propagation is a fictive surface temperature As indicated in Figure 7 the fire may or may not spread away from the vicinity of the burner at the beginning or after 10 minutes when the burner output is raised to 300 kW, respectively. The criterion assumed in this model for flame spread to occur is that the surface temperature, θs, at an imaginary point just beyond the flame front at some time reaches a certain critical value. The calculation procedure as outlined below is very schematic but it is found for the tested products that when the calculated surface temperature is above a particular value, flame spread occurs. The surface temperature, θs, depends on the temperature of the combustion gases passing by, θgas, and on the thermal response of the product surface. θgas in turn is in this model assumed to depend on the sum of the heat release rate from the burner and the specimen product in the vicinity of the burner, i.e. Qtotal. The heat release from the product is calculated with involved areas as outlined above. A fictitive gas temperature is then in these calculations obtained as θgas = γ Qtotal2/5 (9) where γ is a proportionality factor here empirically chosen to be 50 and 35 K/W2/5 at the burner rates of 100 and 300 kW, respectively. The expression could be compared with the plume temperatures beyond the flame (the intermittent regime) as calculated by for instance McCaffrey. The power 2/5 is derived for free flames but as the flames in this case reaches the ceiling a somewhat higher value could possibly be argued for. The thermal response of the surface is assumed to be determined by the ignition time in the Cone Calorimeter only. That gives combined information about the thermal response of the surface and the ignition temperature. It is assumed in the calculation that the product is semi-infinite i.e. thermally thick. The thermal response may then be expressed by the thermal inertia (kρc). This parameter varies with orders of magnitude while the ignition temperature lies within a relatively narrow range. The ignition time gives a measure mainly of the thermal response characteristics. Below the thermal response is calculated assuming gas passing by with a temperature varying with time as shown above. The thermal response of the surface is then calculated by superposition. The response function η is chosen assuming that the body is semiinfinite and that kρc is proportional to the ignition time measured in the Cone Calorimeter. Other response functions would of course be more adequate in many cases but for the final result it seem from our experience not necessary to employ other functions. 36 The thermal inertia, kρc, which in theory is relevant only for semi-infinite homogeneous products, is here replaced by what we call IRV = Ignition Response Value. IRV is assumed proportional to tign and by matching it with known thermal inertia of wood we get IRV = 1250 tign, where tign is measured in the Cone Calorimeter at an irradiance level of 25 kW/m2. It would of course also be possible to obtain the IRV value at other irradiance levels or even by other methods. The response function of the surface, η, expression for semi-infinite bodies exposed to a constant gas temperature θg, as taken from textbooks, is now employed: η= θs t = [1 - exp( erfc(( θg τ t )] τ (10) where τ = IRV/h2 (11) The convection heat transfer coefficient, h, is for the numerical calculation assumed to be 50 W/m2K. This rather high value is deemed reasonable for a point near the burner plume. For gas temperature varying with time, surface temperature can now be obtained by superposition expressed as (the same numerical technique as outlined above for calculating heat release rate): N θs(t) = Σ ∆θgi ηN-i i=1 (12) where θgi is the gas temperature at the i:th time increment and ηN-i the response function at time N-i. Correction for cone calorimeter data obtained at other heat flux levels The original model has been developed to use cone calorimeter at a heat flux level of 25 kW/m2. In many cases however materials do not ignite at this flux level or the experiments show poor repeatability. For this reason it was investigated to adapt the data so that it could be used at higher heat flux levels. In order to be able to use the model also with cone results different from the preset value of 25 kW/m2 a correction was introduced for both the ignition time and the HRR level. The correction is based on fine-tuning the results for the HRR and assuming materials are semi-infinite for ignition properties: tignCorr = tignCone.* (ConeFlux / RCTFlux)^2 HRRCorr = HRRCone(RCTFlux / ConeFlux)^0.33 Where: tignCorr: tignCone HRRCorr HRRCone ConeFlux RCTFlux Corrected ignition time used in the model Ignition time in the cone calorimeter test Corrected heat release rate Heat release rate in the cone calorimeter test Flux level in the cone calorimeter test Corresponding reference flux for the cone-SBI model being 25 kW/m2 37 6.2.2 Description of test protocol in ISO 5660 used for the simulations In the simulation of the room corner test all materials were tested according the ISO 5660 without any specific change in sample preparation. The materials were wrapped in Aluminum foil and placed on ceramic wool. All tests were conducted with the retainer frame in place and without grid. The tests were conducted at 50 kW/m2. 6.2.3 Comparison and discussion of simulation results In Table 6 the results are given for the simulation of the SBI RR materials and a number of the Eurefic test data. All simulations were made with a cone calorimeter test results obtained at 50 kW/m2. For the Eurefic data a number of test results were not taken into the table, as the cone calorimeter data were not of sufficient quality (too few data points). The results show that the prediction level is of the same order of success as previously been shown with the model with input data at 25 kW/m2. This shows that the model has been adapted successfully for use with cone calorimeter data at 50 kW/m2 or even other flux levels could be used. This is important as it gives the user a larger flexibility. The marked results are those were the model does not give the correct class. In two cases it concerns thermoplastics with heavy melting behavior (M2 and M7). In two other cases it concerns sandwich panels where it can be expected that joint behavior etc are more important and where the model has its limitation (M21 and Eurefic 9). In the other two cases it concerns materials going to flashover at 300 kW (M14 and M15). Here it maybe should be investigated in the future whether even higher heat flux levels should be used as input. For the Euroclass of a material in the room corner the procedure outlined in the EN standard for classification of construction products and building elements has been used. This means the following classification: Class B or higher: No flashover Class C Flashover time larger than 10 minutes Class D Flashover time between 2 and 10 minutes Class E Flashover less than 2 minutes 38 Table 6 Material M01 M02* M03 M04 M05 M06 M07* M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14** M15** M16 M19 M20 M21** M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 Eurefic1 Eurefic2 Eurefic3 Eurefic4 Eurefic5 Eurefic6 Eurefic9* Eurefic10 Eurefic11 * ** Summary of simulation results for the cone room-corner model. Euroclass according to simulation ≥B D E E E ≥B D ≥B ≥B C ≥B D ≥B ≥B ≥B D ≥B D ≥B D D D D E ≥B ≥B ≥B E ≥B D C ≥B ≥B C E C E Euroclass according to test result ≥B ≥B E E E ≥B ≥B ≥B ≥B C ≥B D ≥B C C D ≥B D C D D D D E ≥B ≥B ≥B E ≥B D C ≥B ≥B C D C E Simulation more severe Simulation less severe 39 7 Development of models for Smoke production 7.1.1 Statistical method It has earlier been shown that statistical information from Cone Calorimeter tests can be used to predict time to flashover in the Room Corner test10. Smoke production in the SBI test and in the Room Corner test has also been predicted with good precision using multivariate statistical methods11,7. The same techniques are used in this project, but on a more extensive set of test results than in earlier projects. This may have led to some differences between the calculation models developed here and the models presented in the earlier studies. However, as the models presented here are built on information from a larger number of results from fire tests, we believe that the present models will have a broader range of validity than the previously published models. Multivariate statistical methods may find links between different variables that are not obvious to the investigator. In a single Cone Calorimeter test of a product several variables are recorded, like time to ignition, smoke gas concentrations, heat release rate, specimen mass loss and optical smoke density. Other parameters are used to describe the product before testing, like density and thickness. Since a test in the Cone Calorimeter clearly is a multivariate phenomenon, the test results should be well suited for a multivariate statistical analysis. Applied on a set of Cone Calorimeter test results a multivariate statistical analysis may be able to find ways of combining relevant variables that could be used to predict large-scale fire behaviour. Multiple discriminant function analysis, abbreviated MDA, is a multivariate statistical method used to classify cases into groups12,13. One case is in our analysis defined as results from one Cone Calorimeter test. The groups are determined based on a categorical dependent variable, i.e. a variable that shows discrete values that can be assigned to discrete classes. MDA can be used to • classify cases into groups • investigate differences between groups • detect variables that are important for distinguishing between groups • discard variables that are irrelevant for group distinctions When a relation between groups and variables exist, MDA will find the simplest way of assigning cases to a set of predetermined groups. The classification is then governed by functions, which include only the variables that are most strongly related to the group distinction. A discriminant function is analogous to multiple regression in that it creates a linear function between the latent variable L and the n different independent variables x1, x2,…,xn that are found to be relevant for distinguishing between groups: L = b1x1 + b2x2 + … + bnxn + c (1) where c is a constant. If there are g different predetermined groups and p different discriminating variables, a set of the lesser of (g-1) or p functions will be evaluated. Each function is orthogonal to the others, i.e. all functions are independent of the other functions. 40 Before performing a discriminant analysis, some assumptions concerning the cases in the data set must be validated through statistical examination. Population sizes should not differ too much, and all cases should be independent. The variables are assumed to follow a multivariate normal distribution, and within-group distributions should be symmetric. Different populations should have about equal spread of variance for each variable. Transformation of variables may be necessary to improve normality, stabilise variance and make distributions more symmetric. However, MDA is said to be relatively robust against modest violations of these assumptions. MDA was applied to the data set, to evaluate if this tool could be used to predict the levels of smoke production in the SBI test and in the Room Corner test with satisfactory accuracy. The software program SPSS 9.014 gives the option to choose development of Fisher’s linear discriminant functions for classification of cases. The result of this analysis is a set of g linear functions, one for each of the g predetermined groups. The Fisher’s linear discriminant functions are combinations of the p variables z1…zp that are found to discriminate between the groups. The functions are expressed in the format Fi = ai·z1 + bi ·z2 +…+ ci ·zp + constanti ,(i=1,..,g) (2) All functions from F1 to Fg are calculated for each case. A new case will be associated to the group which classification function obtains the highest value. About 20 different variables assumed to be important for predicting smoke production in large scale was calculated from the Cone Calorimeter test results. These variables gave information connected to smoke production, production of CO, HRR, time to ignition, time to extinction etc. Some of the variables had to be transformed to make them fulfil the criteria set to variables suited for an MDA. The software program SPSS gives the option to choose an automatic stepwise selection of variables that are able to distinguish between the predetermined groups. The variables are chosen based on their statistical significance as discriminators in the actual analysis. 7.2 Test results from ISO 5660 used in the prediction models The Cone Calorimeter test results are recorded until 2 minutes after extinguishment. For test specimens with a long burning period, only test results from the first 15 minutes are used in the calculations, otherwise results from the complete test are used. The statistical models use the recorded arrays of heat release rate, HRR [kW/m2] and smoke production rate, SPR [m2/s] as a base for the calculation of the following variables: • • • • • Time to ignition, tign [s], which is determined as the moment when HRR exceeds 50 kW/m2. This value has to be compared to the observed time to ignition, to avoid noise influencing the determination of the parameter. SPRmax [m2/s], which is the maximum value of SPR. HRRmax [kW/m2], which is the maximum value of HRR. THR300s [MJ/m2], which is the total heat released during 300 s after time to ignition. TSP [m2], which is the total smoke production calculated over the total test period, or alternatively over 15 minutes of testing time for tests with longer duration. 41 • • SMOGRAcc [m2/s2], which is the maximum value of the ratio between SPR and time when SPR was measured. FIGRAcc [kW/m2s], which is the maximum value of the ratio between HRR and time when HRR was measured. The mean density of the outer 10 mm of the tested product, ρmean [kg/m3], is also an important parameter used in the models. 7.3 Prediction of smoke production in the SBI test 7.3.1 General In the new European system for testing and classification of reaction-to-fire properties15, products are categorised into 3 subclasses according to their smoke production in the SBI test. The criteria for the additional classifications s1, s2 and s3 are based on the SMOGRA index and on TSP600s as presented in Table 7. Table 7 Criteria to parameters related to smoke production in the SBI test in the European classification system15. Smoke class s1 s2 s3 SMOGRA [m2/s2] 30 180 - TSP600s [m2] 50 200 - From Table 4 we see that test results of both SMOGRA and TSP600s can be divided into three groups in this system. Our aim is to be able to predict the correct level of both SMOGRA and TSP600s, and to predict the final level of smoke classification. The set of products that the prediction model development is based on is collected from different research projects, and are described in references 10, 11,16, and 17. Three additional products are included in this study, namely the PIR with aluminium facing (Insulation material 1), PIR with glass fibre facing (Insulation material 2) and polystyrene (Insulation material 3), all products described elsewhere in this report. 35 products are used for development of the SBI smoke prediction models, and a number of 116 single Cone Calorimeter tests have been analysed. For the development of the Room Corner models, results from a total of 152 Cone Calorimeter tests of 53 different products have been the base. New Cone Calorimeter test data have been included in this project compared to the previously published studies10,11,. A point that should be mentioned is that the SBI smoke measurement system was modified after the SBI round robin was finished. This was done to avoid problems with sooting of the lenses. A possible result of the sooting may have been that a higher smoke density than actually present in the exhaust system was measured for some of the SBI round robin products. The improvement in the smoke measurement system may lead to a change in the obtained smoke classification for some products, most likely an improved result. Future work with validation and refinement of the models will take account of the possible effects the modifications may have had on the products’ smoke performance in the SBI apparatus. However, the distribution of smoke performance in the available data set is rather skewed, with the majority of products in class s1, and we therefore believe that the changes in the SBI apparatus will have negligible effect on the SBI smoke prediction models presented here. 42 The smoke classification for all of the products tested in the SBI round robin was determined by the value of TSP600s15. The same is also the case for 8 of the 9 additional products used in this analysis. The only case where SMOGRA was governing for the final smoke class was for the product Insulation material 1, where the SMOGRA value exceeded the s2 limit with a few units, leading to a final s3 classification of smoke. However, this conclusion was drawn from a single SBI test only. Because this single test result would affect the final models to a very high degree, we have chosen to omit it from this analysis. We do not exclude the possibility that such results may occur from SBI tests of other products as well, the event is, however, assumed to be rare. 5 variables were found to be able to distinguish between both the three levels of SMOGRA-values and between the three smoke classes. The selected parameters were: SPRmax ) HRRmax • z1 = ln( • • • • z2 = TSP z3 = ln(SMOGRAcc) z4 = ρmean [kg/m3] z5 = tign The data set was divided into one test set containing 89 cases for building the functions, and one validation set containing 27 cases for testing the model precision afterwards. 43 7.3.2 Predicting the level of SMOGRA The three classification functions are expressed as follows: FSMOGRA1 = - 26.300·z1 + 3.851·z2 - 11.006·z3 + 0.004352·z4 + 0.05247·z5 - 173.937 FSMOGRA2 = - 21.501·z1 + 5.801·z2 - 8.629·z3 + 0.003791·z4 + 0.03838·z5 - 119.595 FSMOGRA3 = - 21.566·z1 + 6.845·z2 - 11.745·z3 - 0.006831·z4 + 0.04458·z5 - 140.686 All functions FSMOGRA1, FSMOGRA2 and FSMOGRA3 are calculated for the case to be predicted. The predicted SMOGRA level is determined as the level, which associated Fisher’s function, gives the highest result. If e.g. FSMOGRA3 gives a higher result than both FSMOGRA1 and FSMOGRA2, the case is predicted to obtain a SMOGRA level s3 in the SBI. Figure 10 shows how the model described by equation (3) is able to discriminate between members of the three SMOGRA levels. Canonical Discriminant Functions 3 2 2 1 1 0 SMOGRA level -1 3 Function 2 -2 Group Centroids 3 -3 2 -4 1 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Function 1 Figure 10 The statistical classification model’s ability to separate cases belonging to different levels of SMOGRA measured in the SBI test. The diagram shows the scores for each of the 89 cases in the test set for the two canonical discriminant functions. The circular dark spots show the group centroids, i.e. the centre of gravity for each cluster. (3) 44 In Figure 11 the predictability for the different levels of SMOGRA for cases in the test set and cases in the validation set are presented in confusion tables18. Test set (n=89) 1 Actual level 2 3 Figure 11 Validation set (n=27 ) Predicted level 1 2 3 65 2 0 (97%) 11 0 5 (69%) 5 1 0 (83%) 1 Actual level 2 3 Predicted level 1 2 3 18 3 0 (95%) 2 1 0 (67%) 2 0 1 (67%) Confusion tables18 for prediction of SMOGRA level in the SBI test. The results in Figure 10 and Figure 11 show that the members of levels 1 and 2 of SMOGRA can be separated quite well based on combinations of these parameters, while SMOGRA level 3 (only 6 cases in the test set) is more difficult to sort out by this model. 7.3.3 Predicting the smoke classification s1, s2 or s3 The three classification functions are expressed as follows: Fs1 = - 47.981·z1 + 13.874·z2 - 12.564·z3 + 0.005609·z4 - 0.191·z5 - 289.047 Fs2 = - 38.197·z1 + 12.385·z2 - 10.345·z3 + 0.004679·z4 - 0.133·z5 - 189.621 Fs3 = - 39.698·z1 + 20.439·z2 - 13.200·z3 - 0.007048·z4 - 0.156·z5 - 233.990 All functions Fs1, Fs2 and Fs3 are calculated for the case to be predicted. The predicted result is determined as the class, which associated Fisher’s function gives the highest result. If e.g. Fs3 gives a higher result than both Fs1 and Fs2, the case is predicted to obtain smoke classification s3 in the SBI. Figure 12 shows how the model described by equation (4) is able to discriminate between members of the three smoke classes. (4) 45 Canonical Discriminant Functions 6 4 2 2 1 0 Smoke class 3 Function 2 -2 Group Centroids s3 -4 s2 s1 -6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Function 1 Figure 12 The statistical classification model’s ability to separate cases belonging to the different smoke classes determined from SBI test results. The diagram shows the scores for each of the 89 cases in the test set for the two canonical discriminant functions. The circular dark spots show the group centroids, i.e. the centre of gravity for each cluster. In Figure 13 the predictability for the different smoke classes s1, s2 and s3 for cases in the test set and cases in the validation set are presented in confusion tables. Test set (n=89) Actual class Figure 13 Predicted class s1 s2 s3 56 0 0 s1 (100%) 19 0 0 s2 (100%) 13 1 0 s3 (93%) Validation set (n=27 ) s1 Actual class s2 s3 Predicted class s1 s2 s3 16 0 1 (94%) 5 0 0 (100%) 4 0 1 (80%) Confusion tables for prediction of the smoke classification determined from SBI test results. The results in Figure 12 and Figure 13 show that the members of s1, s2 and s3 can be separated quite well based on combinations of the parameters in equation (4). 46 7.4 Prediction of smoke production in the Room Corner test method 7.4.1 Flashover is determining for the smoke production It has earlier been shown that the event of flashover is crucial for the resulting smoke production in the Room Corner test11,19,20,21. The products are therefore grouped according to in which time interval the flashover, if any, occurs. We have chosen to name these possible groups FO-categories10, and the separation criteria are as follows: • • • • FO-category 1: products not reaching flashover during 1200 s of testing time FO-category 2: 600 s ≤ tFO <1200 s FO-category 3: 120 s ≤ tFO < 600 s FO-category 4: tFO < 120 s Before the statistical models for smoke prediction in the Room Corner test can be applied, the most probable FO-category must be predicted. There are several efficient models available for this purpose10. 7.4.2 How predictable is the Room Corner SMOGRA value? That the Room Corner test has status as the reference scenario for the SBI test implies that ranking of materials according to test results from the two methods should be more or less equivalent. A good correlation between ranking order has been found for heat release results, using FIGRA from the SBI test and FIGRA from the Room Corner test. No obvious and simple correlation has been found between SMOGRA values from the two methods, and the ranking based on smoke production is very different from ranking based on heat release. There is at the time being no classification system based on SMOGRA calculated from Room Corner test results. When SMOGRA is calculated from Room Corner test results for the products included in this study, the values cover a broad range, from values near zero to values in the order of magnitude 102. Smoke production during the very first minutes of the test will be determining for the final SMOGRA value. We therefore suggest that, like in the SMOGRA calculations from SBI test results, threshold values should be applied in the Room Corner calculations. Threshold values could be defined to prevent calculation of SMOGRA before SPR exceeds a predefined value and the total smoke production is above a certain level. Because of the uncertainty with regard to the calculation and applicability of the Room Corner SMOGRA value, we have concentrated on prediction of other smoke related parameters measured in the Room Corner test, namely the maximum and average smoke production rate, SPRmax and SPRavg. 47 7.4.3 The EUREFIC classification system A product’s performance in the Room Corner test apparatus can be evaluated according to the classification system proposed through the EUREFIC programme17. Time to flashover, maximum heat release rate (HRRmax) and average heat release rate (HRRavg) form the basis for the EUREFIC-classes, while the classification of smoke production is based on maximum smoke production rate (SPRmax) and average smoke production rate (SPRavg). Averaging is performed over the classification period. The EUREFIC-classes and requirements for heat release- and smoke production parameters are shown in Table 8 below. Table 8 Classification criteria for smoke production, together with the corresponding EUREFIC-classes and requirements for heat release parameters17. EUREFIC class A Minimum tFO1) [s] 1200 HRRmax2) [kW] 300 HRRavg2) [kW] 50 SPRmax3) [m2/s] 2.3 SPRavg3) [m2/s] B 1200 700 100 16.1 1.2 C 720 700 100 16.1 1.2 D 600 900 100 16.1 1.2 E 120 900 No requirement 16.1 No requirement 0.7 1) tFO : time to flashover Heat release rate from burner not included 3) Smoke production rate from burner not included Based on this system, both SPRmax and SPRavg can be divided into three levels: 2) SPRmax [m2/s] : Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: SPRmax ≤ 2.3 2.3 < SPRmax ≤ 16.1 SPRmax ≥ 16.1 SPRavg [m2/s] : Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: SPRavg ≤ 0.7 0.7 < SPRmax ≤ 1.2 SPRmax ≥ 1.2 Each set of data in the FO-categories was divided into a test set and a validation set, and MDA was then performed separately on each group. For FO-category 2, the number of cases was too small to allow for any separation into subsets. The validation of the prediction rules for FO-category 2 products is therefore only made through crossvalidation18 (also called jack-knifing). 48 5 variables were found to be able to distinguish between the three levels of both SPRmax and SPRavg. The selected parameters were: • • • • w1 = ρmean [kg/m3] w2 = THR300s [MJ/m2] w3 = ln(tign) w4 = ln(FIGRAcc) • w5 = ln( 7.4.4 SPRmax ) HRRmax Prediction of maximum smoke production rate in the Room Corner test The variables w1,…,w5 are used to build sets of Fisher’s discrimination functions, one set for each FO-category. We have chosen to name the functions Fi-max_k. i is a reference to the level of smoke performance (1, 2 or 3), max refers to prediction of maximum SPR and k is a reference to the FO-category. The three classification functions for FO-category 1 are expressed as follows: F1-max1 = - 0.004348·w1 +1.070·w2 +6.230·w3 +12.940·w4 F2-max1 = - 0.009168·w1 + 0.846·w2 +9.014·w3 + 12.513·w4 -12.376·w5 -69.726 F3-max1 = - 0.003952·w1 + 1.432·w2 +17.014·w3 +20.660·w4 -15.094·w5 -87.792 (5) -13.653·w5 -110.025 All functions F1-max1, F1-max3 and F1-max3 are calculated for the case to be predicted. (The case must, of course, first be predicted to not reaching flashover). The predicted level of SPRmax is then determined as the level, which associated Fisher’s function gives the highest result. The three classification functions for FO-category 2 are expressed as follows: F1-max2 = No products in FO-category 2 in the test set belonged to level 1 of SPRmax. F2-max2 = 0.04986·w1 + 1.326·w2 -7.169·w3 + 0.294·w4 -14.104·w5 -75.944 F3-max2 = 0.04096·w1 + 1.297·w2 -6.775·w3 -1.175·w4 -13.913·w5 -68.389 The prediction of SPRmax level is then performed as for the FO-category 1 cases. It was not possible to obtain any good prediction models for products in FO-category 3. However, all of the cases in this category in the available data set belonged to either level 2 or level 3 regarding SPRmax. (6) 49 Figure 14 shows how the model described by equation (5) is able to discriminate between members of the three smoke classes for non-flashover (i.e. FO-category 1) products. Canonical Discriminant Functions 4 3 2 2 1 0 1 SPRmax 3 -1 Function 2 Group Centroids -2 3 -3 2 -4 1 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Function 1 Figure 14 The statistical classification model’s ability to separate cases in FOcategory 1 belonging to the three different levels of SPRmax. The diagram shows the scores for each of the 39 cases in the test set for the two canonical discriminant functions. The circular dark spots show the group centroids, i.e. the centre of gravity for each cluster. 50 In Figure 15 the predictability of the levels of SPRmax for FO-categories 1 and 2 for cases in the test sets and cases in the validation sets are presented. FO-category =1: Test set (n=39) Actual level Validation set (n=10) Predicted level 1 2 3 22 0 0 1 (100%) 10 3 0 2 (77%) 4 0 0 3 (100%) Actual level Predicted level 1 2 3 6 0 0 1 (100%) 3 0 1 2 (75%) 3 - - - FO-category =2: Test set (n=25) Actual level 1 2 3 Predicted level 1 2 3 0 0 0 10 (100%) 3 12 (80%) Test set (n=25, cross validated) Predicted level 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 Actual 2 10 level (100%) 4 3 11 (73%) FO-category =3: No prediction model for SPRmax available. Figure 15 Confusion tables for Classification rules 1and 2 for prediction of SPRmax level in the Room Corner test. The grey shaded areas indicate the levels where no classification rules apply. 51 7.4.5 Prediction of average smoke production rate in the Room Corner test The variables w1,…,w5 are used to build sets of Fisher’s discrimination functions, one set for each FO-category. We have chosen to name the functions Fi-avg_k. i is a reference to the level of smoke performance (1, 2 or 3), avg refers to prediction of average SPR and k is a reference to the FO-category. The three classification functions for FO-category 1 are expressed as follows: F1-avg1 = 0.008004·w1 +0.07154·w2 -0.227·w3 +9.976·w4 F2-avg1 = 0.01445·w1 -18.308·w5 -94.359 +0.09239·w2 +1.611·w3 + 10.318·w4 -14.280·w5 -71.270 F3-avg1 = 0.002022·w1 +0.01573·w2 +4.466·w3 +9.735·w4 (7) -13.128·w5 -62.885 All functions F1-avg1, F1-avg3 and F1-avg3 are calculated for the case to be predicted. (The case must, of course, first be predicted to not reaching flashover). The predicted level of SPRavg is then determined as the level, which associated Fisher’s function gives the highest result. The three classification functions for FO-category 2 are expressed as follows: F1-avg2 = 0.02123·w1 +0.158·w2 -3.567·w3 +7.893·w4 -23.272·w5 -116.940 F2-avg2 = No products in FO-category 2 in the test set belonged to level 2 of SPRavg. F3-avg2 = 0.002587·w1 +0.599·w2 -4.577·w3 +3.910·w4 -19.343·w5 -84.499 The prediction of SPRavg level is then performed as for the FO-category 1 cases. All products in FO-category 3 belonged to SPRavg level 3. (8) 52 Figure 16 shows how the model described by equation (7) is able to discriminate between members of the three smoke classes for non-flashover (i.e. FO-category 1) products. Canonical Discriminant Functions 4 3 2 2 1 1 SPRavg 0 Function 2 Group Centroids 3 -1 3 -2 2 -3 1 -4 -2 0 2 4 Function 1 Figure 16 The statistical classification model’s ability to separate cases in FOcategory 1 belonging to the three different levels of SPRavg. The diagram shows the scores for each of the 39 cases in the test set for the two canonical discriminant functions. The circular dark spots show the group centroids, i.e. the centre of gravity for each cluster. 53 In Figure 17 the predictability of the levels of SPRavg for FO-categories 1 and 2 for cases in the test sets and cases in the validation sets are presented. FO-category =1: Test set (n=39) Actual level Validation set (n=10) Predicted level 1 2 3 18 3 0 1 (82%) 1 4 0 2 (8%) 4 0 9 3 (100%) Actual level Predicted level 1 2 3 6 0 0 1 (100%) 1 0 0 2 (25%) 3 0 3 0 FO-category =2: Test set (n=25) Actual level Predicted level 1 2 3 0 0 1 10 (100%) 0 0 2 0 3 2 0 13 (87%) Test set (n=25, cross validated ) Predicted level 1 2 3 0 0 1 10 (100%) 0 0 Actual 2 0 level 2 0 3 13 (87%) FO-category =3: All cases at SPRavg level 3. Figure 17 Confusion tables for Classification rules 1and 2 for prediction of SPRavg level in the Room Corner test. The grey shaded areas indicate the levels where no classification rules apply. 7.5 Implementation of the prediction models The predictions of smoke production are easily calculated on an ordinary PC. The statistical classification models have been implemented as simple calculation formulas in an Excel worksheet, and may also be implemented as an algorithm of a computer program. 54 55 8 Software development Within the project it was envisaged to develop a user-friendly software package, which would calculate the HRR part of the SBI and Room corner models. At a later stage the smoke model could be incorporated. In the next chapter the different options of the model are explained which can be used as manual for the programme. 8.1 Principle The software package is based a Visual Basic programme written for use under the Windows environment. The outlook of the programme is given in Figure 18 and Figure 19. Figure 18 shows the menu fields while Figure 19 gives the screen when the programme has started from the windows system. Both a number of scroll down menus and menu buttons are available which are explained in the following chapters. Figure 18 Menus in the cone tools software package. Figure 19 Screen after start-up of the programme. 56 8.2 Different Button menus 8.2.1 Open file menu The open file menu, see Figure 20, allows the user to import a cone calorimeter file for processing within the programme. The browsing function allows selecting the cone calorimeter. At the same type the user can choose the type of input file. A number of standard input file types are given such as FDMS export file and a CSV file adapted to the FTT software. Besides that the user can defines its own type of import file provided the files are vector files. For sequential data files only the FDMS format is possible. The user can define is own type of file under the types menu button, see 8.2.7. The load cone data menu is given in Figure 20 Open file dialog box. From the moment a file is selected, the cone calorimeter data is imported in the software and the screen will shown the HRR curve of the cone calorimeter test. Here the user can investigate e.g. the HRR threshold for ignition. The user can also investigate the quality of the cone calorimeter data (noise, drift etc.). 57 Figure 21 Screen after import of cone calorimeter data. 8.2.2 Calculate menu Once a cone calorimeter file is imported the ”calculate” menu button can perform calculations. First the heat flux level has to be introduced. If the input file is an FDMS file this can be taken from the file immediately. Else the user types in the heat flux level in the cone calorimeter test. Then the user should indicate whether a HRR threshold or a visual ignition time is used for the ignition properties. Finally the user can choose the simulate SBI or room corner test results or both. Clicking the calculate button starts the calculation and brings the user back into the main menu with the results as shown in Figure 23. Left of the graph the scalar simulation results can be seen. 58 Figure 22 Calculate dialog box. Figure 23 Result screen. 8.2.3 Select what to plot menu By selecting the scroll menu “select what to plot” the user can examine the results on the screen and show what vector data to plot on the screen e.g. simulated HRR in the SBI, see Figure 24. 59 Figure 24 Example of selection of what to plot. 8.2.4 Compare menu Figure 25 Compare dialog box. 60 Figure 26 Example of a comparison of two cone calorimeter data sets. With the compare button it is possible to compare e.g. two cone calorimeter data sets. The user should indicate which vector the HRR data contains and whether some rows have to skipped (offset). The dialog menu is given in Figure 25 The results of a comparison are shown in Figure 26. 8.2.5 Save SBI and SBI RCT menu The results from either a SBI or a RCT simulation can be saved as a vector data. The vector data file contains also a number of scalars such as FIGRA, THR etc. The dialog box is shown in Figure 27. The data is saved as a comma separated file or the separator defined in windows under the national settings. In certain countries this can be a semicolon. 61 Figure 27 Save data dialog box. 8.2.6 Print menu Figure 28 Print menu. 62 With the print button the actual chosen graphs and the scalar data left of the graph are printed on the standard printer configured for your computer. 8.2.7 Types menu An important powerful menu in the programme is the types menu. In this menu you can define the type of file which is to be used for data import. The dialog box is given in Figure 29. Either a new type can be added by using the “add new type” button or a selected type can be deleted by using the “delete this type” button. Figure 29 Select type dialog box. The dialog box ”create new file type, see Figure 30, allows the user to define, within certain limites, his own file type. First the name of the file type you want is given. Then the format of your file type is defined by given the first and last row of the data. This is especially important if header are used in the file. Then the column for time and HRR vectors are given together with the used units. The next items are the column separator and the decimal separator used. Finally the user can define the position of heat flux level and ignition time if necessary. The creation of a new file type assumes that your data is in a vector format and not in a sequential format such as FDMS. For FDMS the FDMS file type should be used. In this case the so called export files should be used (EXP extension). 63 Figure 30 Create new file type dialog box. 8.2.8 Help menu In the help menu a short summary of the different function of the model are included. The dialog box in the help menu is shown in Figure 31. Figure 31 Help screen. 64 8.2.9 Exit menu To exit the conetools programme. The user should be aware to have saved all possible runs. 8.3 Different Scroll menus 8.3.1 File menu The file menu contains the following scroll items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open cone file, see 8.2.1 Edit file type, see 8.2.7 Save SBI data, see 8.2.5 Save RCT data, see 8.2.5 Print data and diagram, see 8.2.6 8.3.2 Simulation menu The simulation menu contains the following scroll items: 1. Calculate, see 8.2.2 2. Plot comparison, see 8.2.4 8.3.3 Help menu The help menu contains the following scroll items: 1. Help, see 8.2.8 2. About conetools: information on the version of the programme and the system information 65 9 Conclusions In this project a screening protocol for prediction the SBI and room corner test results have been developed. The major achievements are: 1. A cone-SBI numerical calculation model for prediction the main HRR classification parameters of the SBI test methods, namely FIGRA and THR. As input cone calorimeter data at only one user-defined heat flux level is necessary. This report also quotes a number of advice for the sample preparation of the cone calorimeter test results. 2. A statistical calculation model for the smoke parameters in SBI and room corner test by means of the cone calorimeter test results. 3. The extension of the original conetool model (cone-room corner model) by introducing a correction of the data for heat flux levels other than the original 25 kW/m2. 4. Development of a user-friendly software programme in Windows environment. The major implementation of the results of this project is its use for cost effective product development and quality control. This cost effective tool is combined with a considerable reduction of scale and exhaust of combustion gases. 66 67 Annex A Simulation results for cone-RCT model for HRR The Eurefic project Eurefic1 1000 hrr (kW) 800 600 Conetools data 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Painted gypsum plaster board Eurefic2 1000 Conetools data hrr (kW) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Ordinary Birch Plywood 12 14 16 18 20 68 Eurefic3 1000 Conetools 800 hrr (kW) data 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 18 20 time (min) Textile wall covering on gypsum paper plasterboard Eurefic4 1000 hrr (kW) 800 600 Conetools data 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Melamine faced high density non-combustible board 12 14 16 69 Eurefic5 1000 hrr (kW) 800 600 data Conetools 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 14 16 18 20 time (min) Plastic faced steel sheet on mineral wool Eurefic6 1000 Conetool data hrr (kW) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) FR particle board type B1 12 20 70 Eurefic9 1000 data hrr (kW) 800 600 Conetools 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Polyurethane foam covered with steel sheets Eurefic10 1000 Conetools data hrr (kW) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) PVC wall carpet on gypsum plasterboard 12 14 16 18 20 71 Eurefic11 1000 800 hrr (kW) Conetools 600 data 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) FR polystyrene foam 12 14 16 18 20 72 The SBI research project M01 1000 hrr (kW) 800 600 Conetools 400 data 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Plasterboard M02 1000 900 800 Conetools 700 hrr (kW) 600 500 data 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) FR PVC 12 14 16 18 20 73 M03 1000 Conetools hrr (kW) 800 data 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) FR extruded polystyrene board M04 1000 data 900 Conetools 800 700 hrr (kW) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) PUR foam panel with alu foil faces 74 M05 1000 Conetools 800 hrr (kW) data 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 18 20 time (min) Varnished mass timber, pine M06 800 data 700 600 hrr (kW) 500 400 Conetools 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) FR chip board 12 14 16 75 M07 1000 Conetools data hrr (kW) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 16 18 20 time (min) FR polycarbonate panel 3 M08 1000 800 hrr (kW) 600 Conetools 400 200 data 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Painted plasterboard 12 14 76 M09 1000 800 hrr (kW) data 600 Conetools 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 time (min) Paper wall covering on plasterboard M10 1000 Conetools 800 hrr (kW) data 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) PVC wall carpet on gypsum plasterboard 12 77 M11 1000 800 600 hrr (kW) data 400 200 Conetools 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 time (min) Plastic-faced steel sheet on mineral wool M12 1000 Conetools 800 hrr (kW) data 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Unvarnished mass timber 12 78 M13 1000 800 600 hrr (kW) Conetools 400 200 data 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 18 20 time (min) Plasterboard on polystyrene M14 1000 800 hrr (kW) data Conetools 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Phenolic foam 12 14 16 79 M15 1000 data hrr (kW) 800 600 Conetools 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 time (min) Intumescing coating on particleboard M16 1000 data 800 Conetools hrr (kW) 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Melamine faced MDF board 12 80 M19 400 data 350 300 Conetools hrr (kW) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Unfaced rockwool M20 1000 data 800 Conetools hrr (kW) 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Melamine faced particleboard 81 M21 1000 800 data hrr (kW) 600 Conetools 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Steel clad expanded polystyrene sandwich panel M22 1000 data 800 Conetools hrr (kW) 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Ordinary particle board 82 M23 1000 data 800 hrr (kW) 600 Conetools 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Ordinary plywood (birch) M24 1000 Conetools data 800 hrr (kW) 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Paper wall covering on particleboard 83 M25 1000 Conetools hrr (kW) 800 600 data 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Medium density fiberboard M26 1000 Conetools 800 hrr (kW) data 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Low density fiberboard 84 M27 1000 800 600 hrr (kW) Conetools 400 data 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 18 20 time (min) Plasterboard/FR PUR foam core M28 1000 800 Conetools hrr 8kW) 600 400 data 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time (min) Acoustic mineral fiber tiles 12 14 16 85 M29 1000 800 hrr (kW) Conetools data 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 time (min) Textile wall covering on calcium silicate board M30 1000 hrr (kW) 800 600 Conetools 400 data 200 0 0 2 Paper-faced glass wool 4 6 8 10 12 time (min) 14 16 18 20 86 87 Annex B Simulation results for Cone-SBI HRR model Eurefic data Eurefic3-SBI 40 35 data 30 hrr (kW) 25 20 15 10 Conetools 5 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Textile wall covering on gypsum plaster board 400 500 600 88 SBI RR materials M01-SBI 20 18 16 14 hrr (kW) 12 10 8 6 data Conetools 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Plasterboard m02-SBI 50 45 Conetools 40 35 hrr (kW) 30 25 20 15 data 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) FR PVC 89 M03-SBI 250 200 data Conetools hrr (kW) 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 500 600 time (s) FR extruded polystyrene board M04-SBI 180 160 140 data hrr (kW) 120 100 80 60 Conetools 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) PUR foam panel with Alu-foil facing 400 90 M05-SBI 80 70 60 Conetools hrr (kW) 50 40 data 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 time (s) Varnished mass timber, pine m06-SBI 7 6 hrr (kW) 5 4 data 3 2 Conetools 1 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) FR chip board 400 500 600 91 M07-SBI 120 100 Conetools hrr (kW) 80 60 data 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 500 600 time (s) FR polycarbonate panel M08-SBI 7 6 data Conetools hrr (kW) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Painted plasterboard 400 92 M09-SBI 18 16 14 data hrr (kW) 12 10 Conetools 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Paper wall covering on plasterboard M10-SBI 30 25 data hrr (kW) 20 15 10 Conetools 5 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) PVC wall carpet on gypsum plasterboard 93 M11-SBI 7 data 6 hrr (kW) 5 4 3 Conetools 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Plastic-faced steel sheet on mineral wool M12-SBI 80 70 Conetools 60 hrr (kW) 50 data 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Unvarnished mass timber 94 M13-SBI 5 4.5 4 Conetools 3.5 hrr (kW) 3 2.5 data 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Plasterboard on polystyrene M14-SBI 10 Conetools 9 8 7 hrr (kW) 6 5 data 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Phenolic foam 95 m15-SBI 12 10 data hrr 8 6 4 Conetools 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Intumescing coating on particleboard M16-SBI 80 Conetools 70 60 hrr (kW) 50 data 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Melamine faced MDF board 96 M19-SBI 1.8 1.6 Conetools 1.4 hrr (kW) 1.2 1 0.8 data 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Unfaced rockwool M20-SBI 100 80 Conetools hrr (kW) 60 40 data 20 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Melamine faced particleboard 97 SBI-21 3 2.5 data hrr (kW) 2 1.5 Conetools 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 500 600 time (s) Steel clad expanded polystyrene sandwich panel M22-SBI 90 data 80 70 Conetools hrr (kW) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Ordinary particleboard 400 98 M23-SBI 160 140 Conetools 120 hrr (kW) 100 80 60 data 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 time (s) Ordinary plywood (Birch) M24-SBI 90 80 70 data hrr (kW) 60 50 Conetools 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 time (s) Paper wall covering on particle board 500 600 700 99 M25-SBI 140 120 100 hrr (kW) Conetools 80 data 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Medium density fibreboard M26-SBI 120 100 data hrr (kW) 80 60 40 Conetools 20 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Low density fiberboard 100 M27-SBI 7 6 Conetools hrr (kW) 5 4 data 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Plasterboard/FR PUR foam core M28-SBI 6 5 Conetools 4 hrr (kW) data 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Acoustic mineral fiber tiles 101 M29-SBI 16 14 12 hrr (kW) 10 data 8 6 4 Conetools 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Textile wall covering on calcium silicate board M30-SBI 160 140 120 data hrr (kW) 100 80 60 40 Conetools 20 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Paper-faced glass wool 102 Additional data CP-1 9 8 7 6 hrr (kW) data 5 Conetools 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Ceiling panel 1 CP-2 7 Conetools 6 hrr (kW) 5 4 3 data 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Ceiling panel 2 103 CP-3 4.5 4 Conetools 3.5 3 hrr (kW) data 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 time (s) Ceiling panel 3 CP-4 4 data 3.5 3 Conetools hrr (kW) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Ceiling panel 4 104 CP-5 4 3.5 Conetools 3 data hrr (kW) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 time (s) Ceiling panel 5 400 500 600 105 Annex C Generic description of SBI RR materials and Eurefic data Code Product name Thickness Density Surface (mm) (kg/m3) weight (g/m2) M01 Plasterboard 13 700 - M02 FR PVC 3 1180 - M03 FR extruded polystyrene board 40 32 - M04 PUR foam panel with alu foil faces 40 PUR:40 - M05 Varnished mass timber, pine 10 380 - M06 FR chip board 12 780 - M07 FR polycarbonate panel 3 layered 16 175 - M08 Painted plasterboard 13 700 Paint:145 M09 Paper wall covering on plasterboard 13 700 Paper:200 M10 PVC wall carpet on plasterboard 13 700 PVC: 1500 M11 Plastic-faced steel sheet on mineral wool 0,15 + 1 +50 Min.wool: 160 - M12 Unvarnished mass timber, spruce 10 450 - M13 Plasterboard on polystyrene 13 + 100 700/20 - M14 Phenolic foam 40 - - 106 Code Product name Thickness Density Surface (mm) (kg/m3) weight (g/m2) M15 Intumescent coat on particle board 12 700 Paint:500 M16 Melamine faced MDF board 12 MDF: 750 Mel.:120 M19 Unfaced rockwool 50 145 - M20 Melamine faced particle board 12 - - M21 Steel clad expanded polystyrene sandwich panel 0,5 + 100 EPS:20 - M22 Ordinary particle board 12 700 - M23 Ordinary plywood ( Birch ) 12 650 - M24 Paper wall covering on particle board 12 700 Wallpaper: 200 M25 Medium density fibre board 12 700 - M26 Low density fibre board 12 250 - M27 Plasterboard/FR PUR foam core 13 + 87 PUR:38 - M28 Acoustic mineral fibre tiles 18 Min.wool: 220 - M29 Textile wall paper on calcium silicate board CaSi.10 CaSi.875 Wallpaper: 400 M30 Paper-faced glass wool 100 18 90 COMMENTS: Plasterboard is in all cases in this report gypsum plasterboard. Products are not fire retardant treated unless specified with ”FR” 107 Code Product name Thickness Density Surface (mm) (kg/m3) weight (g/m2) E01 Painted gypsum paper plasterboard 12 700 100 E02 Ordinary birch plywood 12 600 - E03 Textile wall covering on gypsum plasterboard 1+12 700 505 E04 Melamine faced high density non-combustible board 1.5+12 640 - E05 Plastic faced steel sheet on mineral wool 0.15+0.7+23 640 - E06 FR particle board, type B1 16 630 - E07 Combustible faced mineral wool 1+30 87 - E08 FR particle board 12 750 E09 Plastic faced steel sheet on polyurethane foam 0.1+1+40 160 E10 PVC wall carpet on gypsum paper plaster board 0.9+12 700 1250 E11 FR extruded polystyrene foam 25 37 - 108 109 References 1 ISO 5660; ”Fire Tests – Reaction to Fire – Rate of Heat Release from building products”, International Standards Organisation (ISO), 1991. 2 EN 13823 Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings - exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item, CEN, February 2002. 3 ISO 9705:1993(E), Fire Tests - Full-scale room test for surface products, ISO 1993. 4 B. 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Hovde, PJ. (1993) Evaluation of smoke test methods for classification of building products. Nordtest Technical Report 220, Approved 1993-10.ISBN 82-91412-00-6. University of Trondheim, Norway. 21 Heskestad, AW. Hovde, PJ. (1999) Empirical Prediction of Smoke Production in the ISO Room Corner Fire Test by Use of ISO Cone Calorimeter Fire Test Data. Fire and Materials, 23, 193-199. SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute develops and transfers technology for improving competitiveness and quality in industry, and for safety, conservation of resources and good environment in society as a whole. With Swedens widest and most sophisticated range of equipment and expertise for technical investigation, measurement, testing and certfication, we perform research and development in close liaison with universities, institutes of technology and international partners. SP is a EU-notified body and accredited test laboratory. Our headquarters are in Borås, in the west part of Sweden. SP Fire Technology SP REPORT 2002:11 ISBN 91-7848-904-0 ISSN 0284-5172 SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute Box 857 SE-501 15 BORÅS, SWEDEN Telephone: + 46 33 16 50 00, Telefax: +46 33 13 55 02 E-mail: [email protected], Internet: www.sp.se