etapeseRIes - Intelligent Sport Results Website
etapeseRIes - Intelligent Sport Results Website
Race Information /etapeseries Simplified (solid) logo Simplified (outline) logo CHARITY PARTNER AN IMG GROUP Marie Curie Cancer Care Charity reg no. 207994 (England & Wales) SC038731 (Scotland) /etapeseries OFFICIAL CHARITY PARTNER Welcome Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia cyclists! Contents Sponsors6 Event Registration 8 Helpdesk8 Getting to registration 9 Getting to the event 9 Parking9 Massage10 Bag and Bike Storage 10 Lost Property 10 Changing Facilities & Showers 10 Catering10 Accommodation & Local Attractions 11 Bikes & Helmets 11 Start Times 12 The Course 13 On Couse Support 14 Cut off times & Sweep Vehicles 15 Hydration15 Feed Stations 16 Toilets16 Medical17 Results18 Event Photos 18 Simplified (solid) logo Simplified (outline) logo On behalf of everyone at Challenger World, we are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the 2015 edition of the Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia in Highland Perthshire on Sunday 10th May. We trust that your training is going well and that you are looking forward to the event. To ensure your event weekend runs as smoothly as possible, please take a few moments to read through the information provided in this brochure. Everything you need to know about the event is covered within these pages, so please do read through the details carefully. The Etape Caledonia has sold out again this year. However, without the support of numerous organisations the event would not be the success that it is. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank Perth & Kinross Council who have been an incredible partner to the Etape Caledonia and provided invaluable support in securing the necessary permissions to enable the event to go ahead. A huge debt of gratitude must also be extended to the local residents, churches and businesses that have adjusted their schedules to accommodate the event. Further thanks go to our sponsors, without whom none of this would be possible. Particular thanks go to Marie Curie Cancer Care who are the official charity partner of the Etape Caledonia. Thanks also go to Endura, Zipvit, Cycleguard, Virgin Money Giving and Strathmore. As well as our media partners Cycling Plus and Bikeradar. I would like to wish you all good luck with your final few weeks of training and see you on the 10th May! James Robinson Managing Director, IMG Challenger World Page 2 Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information The World’s Largest Triathlon ENTRIES ON SALE NOW SKECHERS STACKED PERFORMANCE LOGO FILE NAME insuring the UK’s triathletes CATEGORY / DESCRIPTION USAGE COLOR SYSTEM SKX_PERF_STACKED_BLK_LOGO_V3.eps LOGO IDENTITY FOR SKECHERS PERF 100% BLACK SECONDARY MARKETING LOGO - PRINT ONLY USE ONLY WHEN MAIN DOES NOT WORK WITH LAYOUT SUPER SPRINT | SPRINT | OLYMPIC | OLYMPIC PLUS | TEAM RELAY Proud charity partner of Etape Caledonia Marie Curie Nurses give free hands-on care to people with all terminal illnesses in their own homes, and vital emotional support to their loved ones. We allow families to make the most of the precious time they have left together. All the money raised from the Etape Caledonia will mean our nurses can provide even more hours of vital nursing care. Charity reg no. 207994 (England & Wales), SC038731 (Scotland) S732c We’ll be there on the big day, cheering you all along, so give us a wave and do come and say hello. MarieCurieUK @mariecurieuk Good luck to all our Daffodil Team cyclists. Esteban Abad, Rob Abbott, Simone Abram, Bruce Addison, Christine Adshead, Sandra Ainley, Alan Ainsley, Merljin Airth, Andrew Aitken, Suzanne Akers, Duncan Alexander, James Allan, Jacqueline Allan, Jamie Allan, Victor Allan, Joanna Allen, Lynda Anderson, Alexander Anderson, Warren Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Beth Anderson, Colin Andrews, Joe Arciero, Stuart Arnott, Lesley Atkin, Richard Auld, Barry Axiom, Allan Baillie, Iain Bainbridge, Anirvan Banerjee, Kenny Barbour, Jennifer Barclay, Catriona Barker, Wayne Barr, Marco Bastianelli, Christopher Bates, Richard Baxter, Sian Baxter, Stephen Beardmore, Amber Beare, Angus Bell, Lorraine Bell, Jonathan Bell, Elaine Bell, John Bell, Scott Belshaw, Gordon Bennett, Nigel Bennington, Gordon Benson, Howard Bentwood, Michael Berkeley, Theo Bertram, Jason Berwick, Omer Bhatti, Ulla Hannah Bienge, Richard Bigland, Caroline Bingley, Damien Bird, Euan Birrell, Tony Birtley, Allyson Black, Andrew Blackhall, Laura Blackie, Niall Blacklaw, Michael Blain, George Blair, Matt Blake, James Blythe, Douglas Boag, Graeme Bone, Mark Bourke, Clare Bousfield, Raymond Bowdler, Dean Boyce, Simon Boyle, Mark Bramall, Derek Branton, Alison Brashier, Luke Brashier, Martin Bray, Jack Bray, Stuart Bremner, Paul Brennan, Lee Britton, Albert Britton, Gail Britton, Gary Brocklesby, Martin Brolly, Iain Brotchie, Jonathan Brown, Allan Brown, Alan Brown, Lindsay Brown, Gareth Brown, David Brown, Graham Brown, Kyle Brownless, Kevin Bryant, Scott Bryson, Colin Bucke, Paul Buckworth, John Bullough, James Bunyan, Phil Burke, Gordon Burke, Philip Burnett, Scot Burns, Pauline Burns, David Burns, Robert Burt, Paul Byrne, Steven Byrne, Stuart Cairns, Graham Calvert, William Cameron, David Cameron, Neil Campbell, Douglas Campbell, Teresa Cannavina, Scott Carlin, Alister Carmichael, Ian Carmichael, Alison Carr, Sandra Carson, Paul Carter, Ben Carter, David Cathcart, Iain Cattanach, Daniel Celnik, Lou Challinor, Paul Chalmers, Billy Chambers, Lisa Chapman, Jeremy Chase, Helen Chave, Simon Chisholm, Jackie Chisholm, Shirley Christieson, Philip Church, Nigel Clark, Steven Clark, Wayne Clark, Brian Clarke, Evonne Clayes, Bill Clelland, Lisa Clubb, Leon Cohen, Simon Cole, Stu Collier, Marcus Collings, Jason Collins, Patrick Collins, Ben Conley, Maureen Conlin, Ronald Cook, Sarah Cook, Ron Cook, Johnnie Cooper, Ronald Cooper, Alistair Copeland, Simon Cornish, Stuart Corns, Alastair Coulson, Sharon Cowan, Euan Cowieson, Robert Cowieson, Dominic Cox, Martin Cox, Brendan Coyle, Suzanne Coyle, Dominic Crame, George Crawford, Stephen Crerar, Hilary Crighton, Edward Crisp, Neville Critoph, Douglas Cross, Anthony Crowe, Derek Cumming, Gavin Cummings, Peter Dalby, Henry Dargie, Alistair Darling, Peter Darling, John Darroch, Brett Davidge, Stewart Davidson, Mike Davidson, Stuart Davidson, Daniel Dawson, Sandra Dawson, Martin Dean, Dougal Deans, Mark Deere, Della Deme, Darren Dent, Martin Denvir, Jak Deschner, Stuart Dickson, Brian Dickson, Tim Dobie, Lyall Dochard, Peter Doherty, Thomas Doran, Ian Downey, Alistair Downie, Scott Drawer, Jonathan Dry, Sara-Jane Duffus, Alan Duguid, Carsten Duke, Alasdair Dunn, John Dunn, Nicholas Dunn, Tom Durham, Kevin Durnian, Ian Dyda, Keith Eagleson, John Eddington, Eilidh Edgar, Andrew Edgar, Paul Edgar, Carol Ehrsam-Newton, Robert Elsey, Colin Falconer, Stephen Fallon, Liz Farnell, Alan Farningham, Jonathan Farquharson, Dominic Farrugia, Nigel Fenn, Patrick Fenner, Neil Fergie, Mark Ferguson, Alistair Finlay, Brett Finlayson, Martin Finn, Charles Finn, Kyle Finn, David Finnie, Paul Finnie, Steven Finnigan, Matt Fitchett, Mark Fleming, Peter Flett, Jonathan Flett, Chris Flood, Tom Foley, David Footitt, James Forbes, John Forbes-Leith, Keith Fordy, Bruce Forrest, Peter Fotheringham, Alastair Fox, Keith Fox, Steve Fraser, Brian Fraser, Lesley Freeman, Stephen Frost, Ross Fulton, Ross Gallacher, Julie Garbutt, Alexander Garden, Derek Garden, Mark Gardner, David Gathercole, Jennifer Gathercole, Neil Gauld, Michael Gavin, William Gerry, Shirley Gibson, Steve Gilbert, Richard Gladwin, Ian Glasgow, Alasdair Glendinning, Vincent Glennon, Ros Goode, Jonathan Goode, John Gordon, Martin Gordon, William Gordon, William Gow, Colin Graham, Iain Graham, Steve Graham, Penny Granger, Tricia Granger, Marie Clare Grant, Stephen Grant, Euan Grant, Elizabeth Grant, Chris Gray, Philip Gray, Ally Gray, Michael Gray, Kenneth Gray, James Gray-Cheape, Alan Green, John Green, David Gregory, Matthew Greig, Nicholas Griffin, David Griffith, Nico Gubbins, Paul Gurteen, Patrick Hackett, Leanne Haining, Ken Haldane, Rachael Halifax, Peter Hall, Laura Halley, Christopher Halliday, David Halliday, Simon Halliday, Colin Hally, James R Hamilton, John Hamilton, Gary Hamilton, Mark Hamilton, Jason Hammersley, David Hammett, Steve Hardy, Christopher Hardy, Neil Harper, Andrew Harris, Peter Harris, Chris Harris, April Hartley, James Harvey, Ed HarveyJamieson, Simon Hawkins, Jonathan Hawkins, David Hayes, Dan Hayes, Darren Hayward, Margaret Hebbourn, Mark Hebner, Katy Heidenreich, Ben Heidenreich, Richard Hellen, Charlie Henderson, Matthew Henderson, Neil Henderson, Joseph Hendry, Michael Hendry, Fiona Henwood, Olive Herlihy, Karen Herlihy, Stuart Hewitt, Keith Hewitt, Rory Hewitt, Jonathan Hickey, David Higgins, Graeme Hill, Ange Hilton, Alan Hodari, Colin Hogg, Peter Holden, Andrew Holliman, Graham Hopper, William Horne, Anne Horrocks, Billy Horsburgh, Alan Horsburgh, Richard Hortin, George Hosie, Allan Howatson, Warren Howlett, Richard Hoyle, Rob Hughes, Ian Hunter, Derek Hyde, Graham Hynie, Joanne Hynie, Colin Inglis, Graham Irvine, Carmen Irving, Craig Jagla, Richard Jardine, Bruce Jobling, Andrew Johnston, Karl Johnston, Derrick Johnston, James Johnstone, Mark Jones, Christopher Jones, Kevin Jones, Iain Jordan, Martin Jowett, John Joyce, Mark Jubb, Heiko Kacimi-Alaoui, Robert Kane, Aruna Karunathilake, Jim Kelly, James Kelly, Andy Kelly, Ian Kelt, Garry Kennedy, Archie Kennedy, Frank Kerrigan, Andrew Kidd, Louise King, Andrew Kingsley, Daniel Kipps, Aaron Kirby, Martin Kirkpatrick, Patrick Knechtli, Peter Knight, Sedef Koktenturk, Jonathan Koslover, Mark Kuhillow, Guy Kynaston, David Lafferty, Fearghas Lafferty, Philip Lafferty, Andrew Laing, David Laird, Scott Lambert, David Lane, Robbie Larg, Auben Lavery, Thomas Leahy, Paul Leahy, Kevin Lee, Iain Leighton, Dominic Leonard, Fergus Leonard, Pippa Letchworth, Andrew Lever, Shelagh Levin, Matthew Lewin, Stephen Leys, David Lindesay, Bill Lindsay, Allan Lithgow, Stephen Livesey, Bill Lloyd-Williams, Kristian Lokka, Rick Longden, Hamish Low, Nathan Lowndes, Chris Lyons, Calum Macaulay, Gordon MacDonald, Alasdair MacDonald, Graeme Macdougall, Stuart MacGregor, Andrew Macintyre, Laura MacIver, Ewan MacKay, Neil MacKay, Alan MacKenzie, Euan Mackenzie, Duncan Mackenzie, Anita Mackie, Scott Mackie, Nial Mackinlay, Andrew MacKirdy, Ian Maclachlan, Maggie MacLean, Alexander Maclean-Bristol, Colin Macleod, Alastair Macleod, David Macmillan, Philip MacRae, Steve Magowan, Elizabeth Mailer, Alexander Main, Andy Makepeace, Stephen Makin, Susie Malcolm, David Malin, Scott Malloch, John Maloney, David Manson, Graeme Marks, Julie Marples, Jennifer Marr, Lynsey Marshall, Dorian Marshall, Gavin Marshall, Alexander Marshall, Archie Marshall, Susie Marshall, Sharon Marshall, John Marston, Niiall Martin, Anthony Martin, Paul Martin, Eric Martin, Ross Maskew, Paul Mason, Harriet Mason, Donald Matheson, Richard Mathieson, Andrew Maxwell, Anthony Mcatear, Ian McAvoy, Ian McCabe, Gerry McCaffrey, Jimmy McCaig, Ian McCallum, John McCallum, John McCann, Andrew McCaughtrie, John McCay, Jason McCay, Colin McClung, Iain McCluskey, Lyndsey McConnell, David McConnell, Mary McConville, Jennifer McDermott, Christopher McDermott, Amy McDonald, Ian McDonald, Marc McDougall, Joanne McDowall, Neil McEwan, Eileen McGeechan, Bill McGeechan, Tom McGibbon, Damian McGowan, Malcolm McGregor, Catriona McGregor, Mark McGregor, Neil McHaffie, Jenny McInerney, Allan McIntosh, Stuart McIntyre, Peter McKeown, Euan McKie, Mark McKinlay, Andy McKinnell, Mairi McLachlan, Fiona McLaren, Sinclair McLaren, James McLaughlin, James McLaughlin, Brian McLaughlin, Ric McLaughlin, Derek McLean, Steven McLean, Steve McManus, Paul McMenemy, Allan McMillan, Fiona McMurray, Gavin McMurray, John McNally, Steven McNamara, Martin McNeill, Alister McNicoll, Ross McOuat, Gordon McPherson, Angus McRae, Michael Mesrie, Matt Meyer, Dougald Middelton, Kieran Middleton, Craig Mill, Johanna Millar, Martin Miller, John Miller, Andrew Miller, Graeme Miller, Norman Mine, Dennis Mitchell, Brenda Mitchell, Andrew Mitchell, Marc Moffat, Jan Moffat Osband, Justina Molloy, Paolo Monachello, Andrew Monaghan, Mike Moncrieff, Kevin Moon, Angela Moran, Paul Morledge, Marcus Morley, Andy Morrell, Glen Morris, Steven Morris, Iain Morrison, Jamie Morrison, Robert Moryoussef, Andy Moscrop, Fiona Mosgrove, David Moutrie, Michelle Moutrie, Jill Mowat, Colin Moyes, Graeme Muir, Nicola Muirhead, Will Mullen, Scott Munn, Alec Murchie, Ishbel Murdoch, Helen Murgatroyd, William Murphy, Calum Murray, Stuart Murray, Colin Murray, Morag Napier, Ross Napier, Aaron Neave, John Nelson, Bobby Nelson, William Neville, Miles Newman, Michael Newton, Steven Nicholl, Angela Nicholls, John Nicholson, Craig Nicol, Bruce Nicoll, Paul Nisbet, Robert Niven, Graham Niven, Richard Nixon, Mark Nolan, Daniel Norris, Will Nulty, David O’Leary, Martyn Olesen, James Oliphant, Christophe Ollerenshaw, Spencer Ormsby, Valerie Osband, Martin Otvos, Dave Pacione, Ian Park, Pamela Parker, Christopher Parker, David Parker, Francois Passemar, Colin Paterson, James Paterson, George Paterson, Susan Paterson, Richard Paterson, Iain Paul, Phillip Paul, Andrew Peace, Nick Pears , Alun Pearson, Matthew Pearson, Roger Peart, Iain Penman, Andrew Petrie, Duncan Petrie, Simon Pettigrew, Maggie Pettigrew, M Elizabeth Phillips, Barry Philp, Alan Pinder, Will Pollett, Michael Pollock, Lila Preston, Martyn Price, Alexander Proctor, Greg Proll, Lewis Proll, Alastair Protheroe, Susanne Pugh, Katharine Pulford, Nick Purshouse, Steven Purves, Duncan Pye, David Quigley, Jason Quinnell, David Rae, Brian Raffan, Mike Ramsay, Andy Rankin, Darren Rea, Joe Reade, Richard Readman, Carl Reavey, Andrew Reid, Barney Reilly, Joe Reilly, Brendan Reilly, Alasdair Reston, David Richards, David Richardson, Sandy Richardson, Claire Richardson, Iain Riddell, Anthony Riley, Dan Ritchie, Mark Rivers, Andrew Roberts, Bryn Roberts, Alan Roberts, Julian Robertson, Keith Robertson, Alastair Robertson, George Robertson, Andrew Robertson, Andy Robertson, Stephen Rodger, Grant Roger, Karen Rogers, Charles Rollo, Malcolm Rose, Joel Rosenblatt, Gillian Ross, Ian Ross, Steven Ross-Watt, Ian Rough, Alastair Rough, John Rowley, Stephen Roy, Gael Roy, Keith Ruff, Keith Rusell, Andy Russell, Iain Russell, Mairi Russell, David Russell, Rebecca Rutherford, Rebecca Rutherford, Pamela Rutherford, Alasdair Ryder, Kirsty Ryder, Vicki Saint, Umar Saleem, David Salter, Donald Sayers, Philippa Schofield, Karen Scholefield, Calum Scott, Anthony Scott, Avril Scott, Ewan Scott, Alastair Scott, Robert Scott-Dempster, Martin Scougall, Thomas Seivewright, Alan Sellers, John Semple, Angela Seymour-Jackson, Garry Sharpe, Daniel Shaw, Andrew Shaw, Daniel Sheard, Robert Sheils, Andrew Sheridan, Steven Simmons, Neil Simpson, David Simpson, Joe Simpson, Brian Sinclair, Alan Sinclair, Richard Sinnerton, Gary Sked, Mary Slater, Colin Smaill, Peter Smith, Alex Smith, Liam Smith, Robert Smith, Jonathon Smith, Gordon Smith, Brian Smith, Alan Sneddon, David Snodgrass, Jeffrey Snyder, Melanie Somerville, Vikas Sood, Bill Spence, Julie Spenceley, Martin Spiller, Alex Stanic, James Stark, Zara Stevenson, Andrew Stevenson, Michael Stewart, Ryan Stewart, Iain Stewart, Robert Stewart, John Cameron Stewart, Patrick Stewart-Blacker, Aileen Stirling, Geoff Stockdale, Robert Storrie, Lisa Stove, Grant Strachan, Michael Strauss, Ray Stuart, Gordon Stuart, Gordon Stuart, Christine Stuart, Edward Stuart, Graham Sutherland, Frank Sweeney, Mark Sweeney, Sheonagh Tait, John Tavendale, Jason Tavener, Alan Taylor, Ross Taylor, Steven Taylor, Neale Taylor, Gary Taylor, Douglas Taylor, Sandy Teenan, Neil Thomas, Stephen Thomas, Derek Thompson, Gordon Thomson, Susan Thomson, Michael Thomson, Iain Thomson, Gary Thomson, David Threadgold, Frances Tierney, Darren Tindall, Richard Tiplady, Marlof Tjaden, Iain Tomlins, Greg Tooke, Mark Totten, Trish Tougher, Juan Tovar, Jen Townshend, Dave Townshend, Neil Traynor, Guy Tremayne, Jonathan Tuck, Gordon Turk, Shona Turnbull, Chris Tweed, Colin Urie, Kevin Urquhart, Parisa Urquhart, Bill Uttley, Jane Valentine, Erik Van Der Marel, Mike Van Geffen, Kenneth Veitch, Anna Verrion, Christopher Vitty, Belinda Vohra, Andrew Walker, Craig Walker, Douglas Walker, Hazel Walker, Ben Wallace, Daren Wallwork, Shaun Walsh, Tim Walsh, Karen Walters, Alison Warnock, Gary Warren, Ralph Watson, Stuart Watt, Lien Watt, Jordan Webster, Fraser Weir, Paul Welsh, Colin West, Mark Westgarth, Alicja Weyer, Chris Wheal, Patrick Whelan, Loretta White, Alastair White, Peter Whitfield, Richard Whyte, Iain Whyte, Colin Wightman, Tom Wilkinson, Camilla Willett, Sean Williams, David Williams, Wilfred Williamson, Nick Williamson, John Wilson, Simon Winton, Sarah Withey, Mark Wood, Jack Wood, Alison Wood, Simon Woods, Barry Woods, Kevin Worrall, Alistair Wright, James Wright, Derek Wylie, Stuart Wyness, Karen Yearsley, Neil Young, Rebecca Young, Jim Yuille, Davy Zyw. /etapeseries Sponsors Simplified (solid) logo Endura Endura are excited to be back for their fifth Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia and look forward to seeing you on their stand in the event village and out on the beautiful roads of Highland Perthshire. Endura have produced a new range of official merchandise which you can buy now from their online shop or from their stand over the event weekend. Endura will also be offering riders the chance to be fitted for the perfect bibshort pad using their innovative gebioMized-Endura PadFit System, which matches a rider quickly and easily to the correct pad according to their physiology, riding style, and saddle. Zipvit We are delighted that Zipvit are the official nutrition sponsor of the event for a sixth consecutive year. To celebrate they will have some very special offers throughout registration, so please make time to visit their stand in the Event Village where you can pick up last minute energy supplies and advice from Zipvit’s team. As with any nutrition for a big event you should aim to get used to your choices during training rather than trying things for the first time during an event. We all have individual preferences in taste and tolerances to dilutions and ingredients – so make sure you try everything in training and not just once, your success will be down to not only fitness, but motivation, comfort and fuel. All four can be controlled and enhanced by a well thought out pre-event program and a clear and pre-rehearsed nutrition strategy for the event itself. Zipvit are offering all Etape participants 25% discount on their full product range – simply enter the code ZVETAPE at the checkout at to achieve your discount. They will be providing energy products such as bars, drinks and gels out on the route at the four feed stations. Zipvit staff will also be on hand to provide nutrition advice and sampling pre and post event. The newly developed sports nutrition range is formulated to maintain health and significantly improve recovery and performance. For further information please visit Page 6 Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Simplified (outl /etapeseries Partners Cycleguard Cycling has never been as popular and for many cyclists insurance will be as necessary as car insurance is for motorists – they face exactly the same problems of theft, damage and, of course, the liability they face should they cause an accident either injuring a person or damaging their property. Did you know that your bike may not be covered by your standard household insurance policy whilst competing or racing? For more information on insuring your bike, cycle accessories, cover for race fees and much more, please visit where you will also be entitled to a 10% discount. Virgin Money Giving Virgin Money Giving is a not-for-profit fundraising website and the official fundraising website for the Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia. With one aim of ensuring more money goes where it’s needed, directly to your chosen charity, Virgin Money Giving don’t take a penny in profit from donations and Gift Aid is reclaimed and passed onto your charities in full. Simply visit to set up your page. MEDIA Partners Cycling Plus Cycling Plus is the manual for the modern road cyclist. Whether you’re cycling weekly, an occasional new rider or a Tour de France fan you’ll find everything you need to know. Bikeradar The world’s best riding advice. With experts testing gear on three continents, we have more than 11,000 product reviews on Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Page 7 /etapeseries Event Registration Registration for the event will take place on Friday 8th May from 18:00 – 21:00 and Saturday 9th May from 09:00 – 20:00 at our marquees in the Event Village. The Event Village is located in the car park next to the Tourist Information Centre on Atholl Road in Pitlochry. You must attend one of the registration sessions in order to take part in the event on Sunday. During the registration process, you will be required to show a form of photo identification in order to receive your event pack. If you are unable to attend registration and wish to send a friend or relative to collect your event pack on your behalf, they must bring a form of photo identification for themselves as well as a signed letter of authorisation from you confirming that they can collect your event pack. Fundraising for Marie Curie Cancer Care If you secured a pledge place with Marie Curie Cancer Care, agreeing to raise £350 by event day, you will need to collect your race pack from the Marie Curie stand on the registration days. Fundraisers who have joined the Daffodil Team and raised £350 for Marie Curie can also collect their Endura Daffodil Team jersey from the Marie Curie stand, those who have raised £500 can pick up their bibshorts too. Helpdesk Our Helpdesk will be open in the Event Village during registration on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, our Helpdesk will be located in Fishers Hotel (next to the start line) from 04:45 – 07:30 and then in the Event Village from 09:00 – 16:00. Please note that Helpdesk on Sunday is for last minute queries only and not for event registration. Within your event pack, you will receive the following: • E vent number – must be displayed on your back during the event. • H elmet number – a sticker which should be affixed to the front of your bike helmet. • B ike number – a sticker which should be affixed to the handlebars of your bike with the number facing forward. • T iming Chip – this must be attached to the front wheel of your bike. The timing chip is registered to your event number and will provide your official times for the event if used correctly. Please ensure that you follow the fixing instructions which will be at registration in the form of a diagram and a demonstration. The timing chip will be detected as you pass over key points during the event providing split times including the all-important Endura King and Queen of the Mountain stage! There will be a £20 charge if you lose your timing chip once in your possession. Page 8 Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information /etapeseries Getting to the Event You can find maps on the Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia website which show the location of the official car park (Pitlochry Recreation Ground), access routes in Pitlochry (which will vary during the event day due to road closures), the Event Village, the start and the finish. The event is working together with Traffic Scotland to help make your travel to the event as smooth as possible. The Traffic Scotland website provides a dedicated real-time traffic and travel information service including useful information on public transport options to help you plan your journey in advance. We have been informed that there will be road works (with average speed cameras) in place on the A9 between Stirling and Pitlochry during the weekend of the event. If you are planning to travel along this road, please ensure you leave early as delays are inevitable. Parking For registration on Friday 8th May, please use the various public car parks in Pitlochry. Please do not park on the main road or the residential roads close to the Event Village as there will be restrictions that are being enforced by Traffic Wardens. Note that the Atholl Road car park next to the Tourist Information Centre is the Event Village and therefore will not be available for parking on the event weekend. For registration on Saturday 9th May, the event car park will be open from 08:30 – 21:00 and parking will be free of charge. Please note that the event car park is for parking only – overnight camping is not permitted and tickets will be issued for offenders. You can pre-purchase a parking space at the reduced rate of £4.00 by visiting the parking page on the Etape Caledonia website or clicking here. Vehicles will be charged a £5.00 parking fee. Please note that the parking is available on first come / first served basis. Due to the number of participants at the event, parking is limited and we strongly advise pre-purchasing to ensure you get a space. If you do not pre-purchase your parking, please bring the correct change to pay on the day although please note that this will not guarantee you a parking space. All cars will need to pay for parking on EXIT. If you have already pre-paid please show the marshal your pre-paid ticket either in printed or digital format on your smart phone. From the event car park it is a short walk to the start on Atholl Road. On event day, please ensure you arrive as early as possible to park as queues are likely due to the large volume of cars and single access route into the event car park. Make sure you are aware of the road closure timings on event morning and plan your journey carefully. We strongly advise car sharing or cycling to the start if you are staying locally to reduce congestion on the day and help us to ensure the event begins on time. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Page 9 /etapeseries Massage Lost property Massage will be provided by Perthshire Fitness Therapy, and bookings will be taken in their tent in the Event Village on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the event weekend. Treatments will be available during registration on Friday and Saturday, as well as event day, offering relief from any pre or post-event aches and pains, or just for pure relaxation. Please hand any items found to our Helpdesk next to the registration marquee. We will keep lost property for one month after the event. Please email [email protected] to register any lost items, giving as much detail as you can about the item and where it may have been lost. Prices will be charged at £10 for 15 minutes and £20 for 30 minutes. To avoid disappointment on the day, you can also pre-book your treatment, please call 07784 119 377 or 07719 201 626 or email [email protected]. Changing facilities and showers There will be no changing or shower facilities at the venue. We recommend that you arrive ready to take part and bring some warm clothes for afterwards. Bag and bike storage There will be no facilities for storing bikes overnight pre-event or bags or valuables at the event. All items left in vehicles parked in the event car park are left at the owner’s risk. There will be bike racking in the Event Village on registration day as well as the event day but you are advised to lock your bikes and they will be left at your own risk. Catering There will be a variety of catering units in the Event Village offering both hot and cold food. These will be open throughout registration as well as on the event day. If you are looking to grab some breakfast prior to the race on the Sunday there will be catering units opened early to ensure that you are fully fed and watered prior to the event start. Just a reminder that it is a very busy weekend for restaurants in the area so please book ahead to ensure you eat the evening before. Join the Conversation #EtapeCaledonia #BePartOfIt /etapeseries We’ll be sharing important event information and exciting activations with you, make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We also want to hear from you and know more about your journey, use #EtapeCaledonia and share: • Your best event memories • Your favourite training and event photos and videos And, of course a photo with you and your medal! Page 10 Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information /etapeseries Accommodation and local attractions If you require accommodation we recommend contacting the local Tourist Information Centres or click here. The website regularly updates availability of accommodation in Highland Perthshire and also provides details on activities in the area on both the event weekend and throughout the year for family and friends. Bikes and helmets Bikes which are not of standard design must be approved by the organisers before the event. The organisers reserve the right to withdraw a participant from the event if their bike is considered, in the organiser’s opinion, to represent a danger to the cyclist or other participants. Please note that fixed wheel bikes (bikes that use the pedals as a brake) are not permitted. An approved bike safety helmet must be worn by all participants at all times whilst cycling in the event. Your helmet must comply with the various accepted standards such as ANSI Z90.4, SNELL B90, EN 1078 or equivalent national standard. NOTE: the British Kite Mark is not sufficient. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Page 11 /etapeseries Start Times field, participants are being challenged by those of similar ability to allow participants to make the most of the closed road environment and for safety. Participants will be released from the start in waves of around 200 participants at 2 minute intervals between 06:30 and 07:22. You will be informed of your specific start time / wave letter prior to the event when a list of all event numbers and start times will be posted on our event website. The organisers will seed as much of the field as possible (based on participants’ estimated finish times as provided on entry) to ensure the fastest riders are at the head of the event and that, down through the Page 12 Please allow plenty of time to travel to the start. We advise you to arrive in the start area 40 minutes prior to your allocated wave. Failure to arrive at the start in time for your wave may result in you not receiving an official time for the event and/or being unable to take part in the event. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information /etapeseries The Course The Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia course covers a distance of 130km (81 miles) and has a total ascent of 1,196m. The route map is available for download here. • T he event takes place on roads closed to all forms of traffic (access is allowed for emergency services). • M ake sure that you know the route! Whilst the route will be clearly signed throughout, it is your responsibility to navigate the course successfully and safely. • Please cycle on the left unless overtaking. • Please take care when continuing straight through or stopping at feed stations – there are a lot of cyclists stopping at each of these, signs will be in place giving adequate warning of what side of the road the feed station is on. Please pay attention to these and keep to the appropriate side if stopping or continuing. Pay particular attention to riders around you, as some may stop or change direction suddenly at these points. • T he roads around the route vary in width and there are steep descents and sharp bends. It is up to you to judge the safe speed at which to negotiate any part of the course. • T he course is marshaled for your safety with motorcycle marshals from the National Escort Group patrolling the route and static marshals covering identified points. You must be prepared to slow down when necessary and obey the instructions of marshals. • P lease take care when passing other participants, and always look over your shoulder before overtaking. Equally, please allow faster cyclists to pass you when possible. • Several church services will be held along the route during the event. Please be aware of pedestrians walking on sometimes narrow roads, particularly around the 56 – 58 mile and 65 – 68 mile marks – look for signs warning of their possible presence and ride accordingly. Any riders seen to be intimidating pedestrians by our marshals or moto team will be disqualified and will not receive an official event time. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Page 13 /etapeseries Cycling etiquette - riding in a group If you get into real difficulties, like a significant injury or mechanical problems, other riders may be able to help you out which is always reassuring. “Whether it’s a training ride you’re taking part in, the Etape Caledonia sportive or the Tour de France, it is worth mastering the technique of group riding as the skills you’ll learn will benefit you hugely on the day. I’ve ridden in groups as small as three cyclists and as many as 150 and the benefits can be immensely advantageous. Firstly, you get to meet some great people. At an event like Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia filled with passionate cyclists, people just love to talk cycling and the ride can just fly by. You can also save over 25% of your energy by drafting, enabling you to cycle further and faster than you would have done otherwise. If you get really tired you can sit at the back of the group for the rest of the ride (useful in headwind!). Page 14 Riding with others can also help your motivation. When you’re tired or cold, it’s more tempting to cut rides short. If you ride with experienced, fit cyclists, it should encourage you to cycle harder and further than you may do normally.” London 2012 Olympic Team Pursuit gold medalist, Steven Burke. Shimano Support The iconic Shimano neutral support car, as seen at the Grand Tours, will be on the route providing technical assistance for the riders. If you run into any mechanical difficulties, the Shimano mechanics, who will be located at feed stations, will help you get back on the road. It is recommended you are equipped with basic tools, as you may experience difficulties between feed stations making it quicker to attempt the repair yourself. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information /etapeseries Cut off times and sweep vehicle Once the last wave of cyclists has left the start, our sweep convoy (consisting of a sweep car and a minibus with trailer) will follow cyclists along the route at a fixed speed of 13mph. The roads will be reopened behind the sweep car. Cyclists who fail to maintain this minimum average speed and are therefore overtaken by the sweep car are out of the event. They may continue on the route at their own risk but must understand that the roads will be open to traffic and that the Highway Code and usual Road Traffic laws apply. In this instance, cyclists will be asked to submit their timing chip to the minibus staff before continuing. This acts as an acknowledgement that they are no longer part of the event, they will be cycling on open roads and that the event infrastructure such as medical support and feed stations will no longer be available to them. For those cyclists who no longer wish to compete due to mechanical breakdown or for physical reasons, the minibus and trailer will transport cyclists with their bikes back to the finish. Please note that the organisers also reserve the right to reduce the length of the course for those cyclists who are unable to complete the route at the minimum average speed. Hydration Endurance cycling is a very intensive activity, and we would like to remind all cyclists of the importance of keeping well hydrated for the duration of the event. There are adequate supplies of food, Strathmore water and Zipvit energy product at the feed stations around the course, however water will NOT be provided at the start of the event. Please arrive to the event carrying adequate supplies to begin your ride, and more drinks and water can be obtained at the feed stations. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Page 15 /etapeseries Feed stations Toilets There will be four feed stations around the course, located as follows: There will be toilets at all feed stations, at the event car park and also in the Event Village. For the consideration of residents and those in the local area, we request that you use the toilet facilities provided. • Feed station 1 – Kinloch Rannoch (approx. mile 20) Littering • Feed station 2 – Innerhadden (approx. mile 40) • Feed station 3 – Schiehallion (approx. mile 50) Litter bins are provided at each feed station, at the finish and in the Event Village. Please use them and do not drop litter on the course. • Feed station 4 – House of Menzies (approx. mile 67) All feed stations will provide water from Strathmore, energy product from Zipvit and bananas. However we recommend that participants take sufficient food with them for their ride and start the event with a full water bottle. Bins will also be available at each feed station. Page 16 Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information /etapeseries Medical Ambulance Service vehicles will be positioned around the course and will be supplemented by first aiders who can assist with minor injuries. Medical support will be available at each of the feed stations. If you see another participant who is experiencing difficulty on the route and needs assistance, please report it to the nearest event official (static marshal, motorcycle marshal or medical team). Please give way to any emergency vehicles that require access to the route during the event. If you are at the side of the road and need to stop a moto for any reason, please stand clear of the road facing oncoming traffic, and raise your right hand, clearly indicating to the moto’s that you need assistance. When doing this, please make sure your hand is raised in enough time to allow for the moto to see you and stop safely. Whether or not you have a medical condition, if you feel unwell on the event day we strongly recommend that you do not cycle. The organisers reserve the right to prevent participation on the day due to medical grounds. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Page 17 /etapeseries Results Event photos Every participant will receive a finish time (subject to proper use of the timing chip) and a time for the Endura King and Queen of the Mountains. Marathon-Photos are the official photographers of the Marie Curie Cancer Care Etape Caledonia and will be taking photographs of all participants at various points along the route. Results will be sent via a SMS text message service on the day of the event (as long as you provided us with your correct mobile number when you entered) and will also be available on after the event. A medal will be given to every participant who completes the event within the allocated time. These will be handed out at the finish once you have returned your timing chip. You must collect your medal on the event day. Page 18 Photographs will be available for purchase online at within 24-48 hours after the event where you can search for your photos by race number or name. These can then be purchased and either downloaded or burnt onto CD and posted to you. Marie Curie Cancer Care etape Caledonia Race Information Be part of an amazing team. Take part in an event for Marie Curie. CALEDONIA CLOSED ROADS. OPEN ADVENTURE. 81 MILES MAY 2016 PERTHSHIRE, SCOTLAND /ETAPESERIES REGISTER YOUR INTEREST FOR 2016 NOW AT ETAPECALEDONIA.CO.UK Simplified (solid) logo Simplified (outline) logo Marie Curie Cancer Care Charity reg no. 207994 (England & Wales), SC038731 (Scotland)
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