Marie Curie Cancer Care
Marie Curie Cancer Care
12 Friday, February 27, 2015 Marie Curie Cancer Care Show support all year round THE Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal will be supported by Highland schools and businesses as well as volunteer collectors this March. For example, staff from Orion Engineering will be manning one of the Tesco daffodil collections in Inverness. Meanwhile, Marie Curie nurses will be at the city’s Morrisons along with Millburn Academy pupils, who are doing an all-day bag pack on Thursday 5th March. The Eastgate Centre in Inverness is once again the venue for the annual Daffodil weekend of music on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th March. Performers this year are Tain Royal Academy’s amazing ceilidh band Gizzen Briggs, string quartet Animato, Inverness Opera Company, local choir Just Sing and regular supporters Inverness Fiddlers and Performers UK. As with previous years, Inverness will light up ‘daffodil yellow’ for the month with the castle, Town House, Ness Bridge and cathedral all shinning bright to support the campaign. Thurso Main Street is also having a month of yellowness with all local shops dressing their window displays in daffodil yellow. Of course people can show their support for Marie Curie all year round and not just in March. One of the ways to do this is by taking part in the charity’s overseas challenges. Last year a group of eight Highland businesswomen trekked the Sahara Desert for Marie Curie. Their target was £16,000 but they raised an incredible £34,000 and had a life-changing experience in the process. “These challenges are an amazing way to not only raised funds and awareness, but to push personal, emotional and physical boundaries,” said Vonnie Carson. community fundraiser for Marie Curie in north west Scotland, “These women were way out of their comfort zone and spend over a year fundraising and training but I know they truly appreciate the impact of their actions and will always want to support Marie Curie in the future.” To enquire about trekking up Kilimanjaro or through the Canadian Rockies, or cycling from Nicaragua to Costa Rica to raise money for Marie Curie Highland, call 01463 238328, email vonnie.carson@mariecurie. or visit Charity needs daffodil volunteers Advertising Feature MARIE Curie is appealing for people in the Highlands to donate their time to collect for the charity’s annual Great Daffodil Appeal this March. The charity needs volunteers to encourage people in the local community to give a donation and wear a daffodil pin. The money raised will help Marie Curie Nurses care for people with a terminal illness in their own home so they can spend more time with the people they love. “The Great Daffodil Appeal makes it possible for Marie Curie Nurses to provide free hands-on care for people with a terminal illness,” said Vonnie Carson, community fundraiser for Marie Curie in north west Scotland. “Every March millions of people across the UK show their support for our work by simply giving a donation to wear a daffodil pin. We need as many people as possible to donate their time to help us make sure everyone is wearing a daffodil pin, so we can continue providing this vital care for local people. “We have 40 collections throughout the area and need in the region of 250 volunteers to make it happen.” Morag Williams from Inverness volunteered her time as a collector last March. “I collected for the Great Daffodil Appeal for the first time last year and I really felt like I was making a difference,” she said. “So many people approach you to tell you about the support they have received from Marie Curie nurses and the difference it made. “It was a great feeling when I heard how much was raised from my two hour Tain Royal Academy – Gizzen Briggs Ceilidh Band. D A Nicolson Ltd Joiners & ContraCtors Est 1980 Joinery & Building SolutionS in the highlandS for over 30 yearS All types of Joinery & Building Work Email: [email protected] Unit 3, 3 Carsegate Road North, Inverness IV3 8DU Tel. 01463 710043 Fax 01463 712759 Sisters and regular supporters Lindsey and Leanne Moore from Orion Engineering. Conanvet Ltd. SERVICING BRAKES TIMING BELTS CLuTCHES Ardlair, Conon Bridge, Ross-shire IV7 8AZ SuSPENSION dIAGNOSTICS WELdING REPAIRS ENGINE REPAIRS M.O.T. REPAIRS Tel: 01349 861203 • Fax: 01349 865181 PROud TO SuPPORT MARIE CuRIE Mallaig Marina Delivering Performance Quality anD innovation for all your garDening neeDs Harbour Office, Mallaig, Inverness-shire PH41 4QB. Pleased to support marie curie 6 carsegate road South inverness iV3 8Du 01463 239191 RETRO & CLASSSIC RESTORATIONS Mallaig’s new 50 berth yachting pontoon facility is now operational providing an ideal location for experiencing and exploring the magnificent sailing opportunities available on the West Coast of Scotland. Picture: Mary Hemsworth Do your bit and buy a pin MARIE Curie is the leading charity providing care to people with any terminal illness in their own homes or in one of its nine hospices. The charity is also a leader in research into the best ways of caring for people with a terminal illness. In addition, the charity advises on end of life services and works to ensure that the best possible care and patient choice is at the heart of commissioning end of life care across the UK. All Marie Curie services are completely free of charge. Around 70 per cent of the charity’s income comes from donations, with the balance of funds coming from the NHS. The Great Daffodil Appeal is Marie Curie’s biggest fundraising campaign and encourages everyone to give a donation and wear one of the charity’s daffodil pins during March. The appeal has raised £80.4 million since it first took place in 1986. This money has enabled Marie Curie to provide more free handson care and emotional support to people with a terminal illness and their families. Daffodil pins will be available from volunteer collectors, local shops and supermarkets. For more information call 0845 601 3107 (local rate) or visit www.mariecurie. More Fire For your Bruce Lindsay Coal Invergordon Money Tel: 01463 713251 Pleased to support Marie Curie Cancer Care Inverness turns yellow for Marie Curie’s Great Daffodil Appeal. top Walker Road Inverness IV1 1TD Veterinary Surgeons T: 01687 462154 . F: 01687 462172 Marina Telephone No: 07824 331031 [email protected] stint and the impact it has. It is so nice to know you are helping other people.” But the Great Daffodil Appeal is not just about fundraising, although that is hugely important. It is also raising awareness of the service the charity provides in the Highlands, which many people only find out about once it is too late. Last year the 35 Highland Marie Curie Nurses provided nearly 20,000 hours of care to 379 patients but more than 50 per cent of cancer deaths still occur in hospital. The Great Daffodil Appeal helps more and more people remain at home to spend their final few weeks or days, surrounded by people and things they love. It costs the charity just £20 to provide one hour of care to a patient in their own home, so every pound raised makes a real difference to what can be provided locally. “Marie Curie provides high quality nursing to give people with terminal cancer and illnesses the choice of dying at home, supported by their families,” said Vonnie. “What is important is that it is completely free to the patient and family and it is not just cancer, it is all terminal illnesses. “It is about choice, making sure we always put the patient first — the right care, in the right place at the right time.” Daffodil Collections are happening across the Highlands — stretching from Oban to Orkney and Nairn to Ullapool. To volunteer to collect for Marie Curie and support the Great Daffodil Appeal, call Vonnie on 01463 238328 or visit www. For information on getting a Marie Curie nurse contact your GP or District nurse in the first instance. allan’s of gillock ltd Service, Sharpen & Repair most types of garden machinery with a wide range of parts available Open 7.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri 8am - 12noon Saturday 52 Seafield Road Longman Industrial Estate, Inverness Tel: 01463 713270 the “Pied Piper” people local, reliable, family run Pest Prevention sPecialists RATS, MICE, RABBITS, MOLES, WASPS, ANTS, PEST BIRDS & INSECT CONTROL FOR A FREE SURVEY, QUOTE OR ADVICE freePHone 0800 14 65 44 “Pests Hate us, you’ll love us!” Deliveries to: Easter Ross, Beauly, Black Isle, Inverness, Dornoch, Embo, Bonar Bridge, Ardgay and Surrounding Areas Phone 01349 854444 We welcome… Unit 3 Inverbreakie Industrial Estate Invergordon Ross-shire IV18 0QR Emac Engineering are an experienced and dedicated team offering a complete turn-key engineering solution. Our focus is to provide a personal and high standard of service to clients. We offer bespoke manufacturing packages tailored to your needs, from design and commissioning to care and maintenance. We can provide an end to end solution for all aspects of engineering which include Welding, Fabrication, Sheet Metal Work and Mechanical Services. Tel: 01349 854210 • Fax: 01349 854250 Web: E-Mail: [email protected] innes Bar Innes Street, Inverness IV1 1NR 01463 232 387 The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Specialists KB Refrigeration Limited 4 Harbour Road, Inverness IV1 1SY Proud to support Marie Curie Tel: 0141 810 5577 email: [email protected] MacArthur & Co Solicitors and Estate Agents We are pleased to be supporters of Marie Curie Cancer Care. We have considerable experience in the preparation of Wills and Powers of Attorney. 01463 234445 • Beer Garden • Fine Ales • Fresh Home Cooked Meals • Pool • Dominoes & Darts QUIZZES WILL BE HELD WEEKLY Every Sunday at 7.30pm #daffodilappeal Charity reg no. 207994 (England & Wales), SC038731 (Scotland) S950 Help our nurses care for people with terminal illnesses. Donate and wear a daffodil this March. • Aberdeen Airpark is a secure car park that caters for travellers flying from Aberdeen. • 24 hour security and CCTV. • Courtesy mini-bus to and from terminal, Transfer time is only 5 minutes. • Rates as at 1st May 2011. £4.50 per day business/holiday travellers. • Workers travelling offshore £3.25 per day. • No minimum stay requirement. • Booking highly recommended. 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