AUGUST 2016 Newsletter - Riverdale Senior Services Inc.
AUGUST 2016 Newsletter - Riverdale Senior Services Inc.
Riverdale Senior Services AUGUST 2016 Newsletter THE WOMEN’S CIRCLE Language Interpretation Services Available (Please see : Selina Ng, Social Worker for assistance MISSION STATEMENT Riverdale Senior Services, Inc. (RSS, Inc.) is a multipurpose non-profit agency whose mission is to promote the physical, intellectual, social and emotional well-being of older adults in the Northwest Bronx. RSS, Inc.’s programs and services take place at a community facility and are designed to encourage and enable seniors to continue living independently and with dignity. NEW MEMBERS: Andrea Haber Miriam Lee Faye Lieman Steve N. Mitchell Susan Mozian Gregory Essie Powell Margarita Spilman Ngon Loon Tom Julia Weiner Save the date! AUGUST 2016 Volume 11 Issue 8 Front Cover 1 Director’s Report 2 Upcoming Events 3 Volunteer Dinner 4&5 Art News 6 Exercise News 7 The Women’s Circle In Memory 8 is coming back in September! Donations 9 Movie Guide Trips 10 Wednesday September 21st 4pm-6pm Topic: Creating Joy through Song and Dance The Women’s Circle reaches out to all women who are retired, thinking of retiring, partially retired, etc. it is a place to make new friends and connect with old friends. Sign up will begin September 1st 11 Program Highlights 12 2600 Netherland Ave. Bronx, NY 10463 Phone: 718-884-5900 Fax: 718-796-9624 www. BIRTHDAY PARTY “A Glorious Past, A Brighter Future” Riddle: Tuesday-August 23, 2016 Born in August? Let us know no later than Wednesday, August 17 When you call to RSVP, please let us know if anyone else will be sitting with you. If you are planning to attend, please sign up with the office. The more you take of me, the more you leave behind. What am I? Last month's Answer: Bed Juan Manuel Ortega @ 1:00 P.M. You can give us the answer during the month of August. Birthday Celebrants: Suggested Donation-$1.50 Non-Birthday Celebrant Suggested Donation—$3.00 Three Winners will be chosen on the Day of The Birthday Celebration. Winners ***FRIDAY’S WEEKEND MEAL IS A VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION—ONLY $1.00 -TAKE ONE HOME WITH YOU.*** Please help support the center by purchasing jewelry on Tuesday s and Collectibles on Wednesdays … Located in our Lounge Area. Volume 11 Issue 8 Page 2 The Executive Director’s Report - Julia Schwartz-Leeper, LMSW A Note from The Executive Director The New Year is off to a great start with many new programs and services. This year we are honored to once again be granted the opportunity to keep our Women’s Health Program going and growing thanks to support from Senator Klein. He will be dropping by so please do thank him for his support. We are also fortunate to receive support for our Geriatric Mental Health Initiative. This is a fancy way of saying that we have support to provide mental health screenings, home visits and overall support for people struggling with the inevitable challenges and stress that life presents. Anxiety and depression can be impacting your life without you realizing that it is keeping you from enjoying. Councilman Andy Cohen has been a strong advocate to assist RSS in gaining this support. Councilman Cohen has also advocated to support our Adult Day Program and Virtual Senior Center. If you know homebound people who can benefit, please let us know. All of the wonderful offerings at RSS are reflective of a community that is committed to coming together to support older adults and keep people at home. We also rely on our members. You will shortly be receiving the Annual RSS Membership Appeal. Please consider sending in a donation. Any amount is appreciated and will go to support and enhance the programs. We cannot do this with government support alone. Please give whatever you feel you can afford. Your annual contribution allows RSS to expand programming and access additional government and private funding, most of which require “matching” and/or participant contributions. The funds go directly to programming, classes, food and entertainment. Your contributions are also a vote of confidence! Let’s work together! During these steaming summer days we serve as a cooling center for New York City. Anyone is welcome to stop by. Oh yes and any senior can join RSS for free! Our Yonkers neighbors are welcome! But remember… If you tend to get cold, please bring a sweater. Olympics come to RSS Come and watch the 2016 Rio Olympics on TV and online and on connected devices. The opening Ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympics will air on Friday, August 5, on NBC. Competition begins two days before on August 3, with Women’s Soccer on NBCand USA Network, and the Games conclude on Sunday, August 21. (Monday-Friday 9-5) Volume 11 Issue 8 Page 3 UPCOMING EVENTS REIKI CIRCLE– DEMO - - - AUGUST 2, @ 2:00pm Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. REIKI Circles allow us to join our energies with others for the benefit of all. Demo by Lisa Wolfson, Reiki Master Teacher . FLU IMMUNIZATION with Rite Aid Thursday September 15th 9:30am-12:00pm 1. Bring your Medicare card or copy when you sign up or when you come to get your vaccination…Medicare will be billed. 2. If you are under 65 and not eligible for Medicare, call your insurance company to find out if they will cover the cost for a flu shot. If they do, ask if there is a co-payment and be prepared to give that amount to the Rite Aid team via check or money order. 3. If you are interested in the pneumonia vaccine, Rite Aid will have that available too, just bring a note from your MD saying you may take the pneumonia vaccine. Sign up at front office AGING MASTERY PROGRAM Classes will run from Thursday, October 7th – December 8th 3:30-5:00 pm at RSS. RSS is ONCE AGAIN offering a free ten-week health and wellness program called the Aging Mastery Program® (AMP), developed by the National Council on Aging (NCOA). We have been chosen to provide this program as a step to becoming an Evidenced Based Program and has been successful at helping older adults build their own playbook for aging well. Classes will explore Navigating Longer Lives, Physical Activity, Sleep, Healthy Eating and Hydration, Financial Fitness, Medication Management, Advanced Planning, Healthy Relationships, Falls Prevention, and Community Engagement. For more information ask Cheryl 718 884 5900 x 22 Class size is limited so Sign Up Early at the front office CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! Still looking for: Lunch Set-Up and Dining Servers Volunteer with office skills and computer experience Programs Assistants Program Promotions Volunteers For more information call: Cheryl Kann-Ferst, Volunteer Coordinator (M, W, Th, F, 9:30-5 pm) Page 4 Volume 11 Issue 8 CHERYL KANN-FERST—VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR On Thursday, July 14th, 2016 RSS held its “Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.” Although it had a rocky start with Mother Nature sending a downpour just 30 minutes prior to its start, at 5:00 pm the rain stopped and the clouds disappeared allowing over 58 Riverdale Senior Services volunteers, staff and board members to attend. All in all, the event was a tremendous success and enjoyed by all. This year’s theme was “SYNERGY” or 1 + 1 = 3 which depicts the interaction of two or more to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. This theme perfectly reflects how the individual efforts of each volunteer when working together to support RSS creates a result that is substantially multiplied. The program was highlighted by two Older American awards given to Cathy Stoeth and Myra Kaufman for their volunteer efforts as well as a special video “On Gratitude”. Two special magical performances by Kenneth Ferst and Frank Reyes, both former past presidents of the Society of American Magicians, closed out the evening on a mystical and entertaining note. Volume 11 Issue 8 Page 5 Volume 11 Issue 8 Page 6 ART NEWS COLORING BOOKS FOR ADULTS with Goldye Elson Coloring Book will help you relax and unwind into the wonderful world of art. It's great for all ages too. The best part is, when you're finished you can frame and display your art to enjoy for years to come. Bring color pencils if you have them. Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.—Ends August 30th WATERCOLOR with Judith Rosenthal Painting relieves anxiety and promotes good time. Come to our Watercolor Class and share your feelings through Art. Thursday at 10:00 a.m. The Magic and Mystery of Summer Solstice in Painting with Jean Messner Explore the light of Summer. Summer Solstice is a magical day of endless light. We will explore painting light as well as depicting the heat of summer days. Think of beaches and water and imagine the possibilities. No skill required. Just bring your imagination!. ($5.00 fee for materials) Wednesday at 10:00a.m.—Ends August 24 POLYMER JEWELRY - With Rochelle Aruti Polymer clay is an incredible medium. It can be easily molded, formed into “canes” similar to millefiori work in colored glass, and made to resemble precious stones. It does not change color or shrink during the curing process. Come explore the possibilities. ($5.00 fee for materials) Fridays at 1:00 p.m.—Ends August 26 SCULPTURE with Rochelle Aruti Come in and start sculpting and producing your own piece three dimensional form of artwork. ($5.00 fee for materials) Friday at 10:00 a.m. Creative Mind Workshop a Creative Art Program—w/Donna diamond Wednesday 1:30—3:30 September 14th till November 9 The Creative Mind Workshop is an 8 week art workshop that invites you to express yourself with color and to tell a story that only you can tell. You don’t need to know how to draw or paint. You only need to be curious and bring a sense of adventure.. Sign up at the front office. Donna Diamond's 'Creative Mind' workshop is inspirational. Her teaching transforms the way one can think about creating art, giving each participant the confidence to find and trust her/his own voice. Plus, it's so much fun! .... Donna is a four-time BRIO winner for her artwork…….Jane House, Student Page Exercise Classes Chair Yoga Enjoy the benefits of Yoga in a safe, gentle program Mondays 9:30AM Tai Chi with Self Defense Practice of aligning body, breath, and mind for health Monday 3:00 PM Belly Dance A beautiful art form and Excellent exercise 1st & 3rd Tuesday 11:00AM Folk Dancing Learn new moves to your favorite popular and traditional music 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 11:00AM Stay Strong with Stay Well Instructors This Strength training helps you look and feel younger and stay active longer Tuesdays 10:00PM Mindful Movement Yoga & Dance Class Combines chair yoga and dance movement Tuesdays 1:00PM Chair Exercise Increases your stability, endurance and flexibility Wednesday 11:00AM Tai Chi for Balance Practice of aligning body, breath, and mind for health Wednesday 3:00 PM Exercise for Mobility Functional movement for seniors with physical challenges. Exercises can be performed while seated Thursday 11:00AM Yoga for Joint Health Combines chair yoga exercise and Thursday meditation to relieve 2:00PM discomfort & calm mind/body Balance & Strength Exercises designed to increase Based Exercise muscular strength and balance featuring range of movement. And activity for daily living . Friday 11:00AM 7 Page 8 In Memory of Alvin ShatkinGrace L. Guthrie (July, 2016) Blanche Schustak Creative Writing Alvin was a computer king He could repair anything The Computer Room should bear his name It won’t ever be the same He did sculpture and photography, too His many skills belong to very few His earnings, to the center, went An ideal place to have them spent Most of all, a really great guy Always ready to lend a hand It’s very hard to say, “goodbye” It’s hands are engraved in the sand. Isabel Weisinger Creative Writing Group Alvin looked so strong as he prepared the tables for our Creative Writing Meeting. I always wanted him to stay with us but his head moved “No” writing was not his thing. He kept the Center together by Teaching computers, fixing the machines when we saw movies and teaching computer work as well as sponsoring trips. He taught me how to use email. He was very patient to me a slow learner. I contributed money to the Center in his name for his work. Once he went to my friend Shirley’s home to help her with the computer. Recently he asked me why I didn’t go on trips with the Center. I explained I had difficulty walking. But he said I could be helped. Because of his reassuring words I was considering a trip. He gave me a feeling of strength. He seemed to be a strong force in holding the Center together. I will miss his strength. I am an agnostic and am not sure of an after life. I can’t help hoping there is one and that some day I will see strong Alvin again. We will miss him. Alvin’s name listed more than one time in appreciation for his good works. About a year ago, to my surprise he called me at home to offer his help. Having been told that I was having difficulty with my laptop, he helped me over the phone along with helpful tips to avoid possible future problems. Whenever I was at the Center I greeted him and he never failed I didn’t know him well, just well to respond with a smile. I enough to know I really liked assumed Alvin would always be him. When first I saw him at the there. Last month my computer Center I was struck by his malfunctioned badly. I thought, appearance, thin and tall, with I’ll call Alvin and bring my laptop an angular face and long white via cab to him if need be, he hair tied back. Each time I would make everything alright, visited the Center I saw Alvin only, Alvin couldn’t, unknown to helping people, mostly with the me at the time, Alvin was ill or computers, by always doing perhaps even gone by the time something to help. From the I was making my plans. How first Senior Center newsletter I can it be the man who reached read, under the list of donations out to so many, the man who there was his name over and mattered and was so very much over in gratitude for sorting out a part of our Riverdale Senior someone’s computer problem. Center the man who would I soon discovered that every always be there, was gone, newsletter that followed had leaving an incomprehensible void, how is it, he is gone? Stacey Shatkin-Cusik is planning a special exhibit of her father’s art work, with a reception at Hudson River Museum . Monday, October 17th from 6-8 PM. More detail to follow. Page 9 JULY DONATIONS Contributions can be made to say a special thank you or to honor a friend or loved one. Riverdale Senior Services, Inc. will inform the designated family of your thoughtfulness and generosity. In addition, donations can be made for commemorative plaques on our Tree of Life which is prominently displayed at our Center. Donation forms are available in the office. Sandy Brass –In Memory of Alvin Shatkin. S. Choi—The Family of Alvin Shatkin—Why did you leave already? You really were a normal famous Riverdale Artist, with that eccentric manner of all the famous ones, which amused all the beholders; never the less we all loved you! Now, rest in peace, no one will hurt you, bother you, and annoy you anymore Miriam Degady—To The Shatkin Family- Alvin’s dedication for RSS was exemplary. Walking tours, trips, even cleaning the dining room etc. He never stopped serving the people at the Center. We loved him and his memory is kept in our hearts. Gary & Steph Feldman—To The Shatkin Family—Alvin was truly one of a kind, one of the most selfless, patient, kind soul that I was lucky enough to know, May he rest in peace. We were so lucky to have lived in his presence. Although I wish it had been longer. The time he was here made such an impact on everyone who met him. My condolences to his family and the RSS family. Elizabeth Haddad—To Family of Alvin Shatkin——I am sorry as I shall never forget how nice he was, and very smart. Mildred Garcia—To T.J. McKee—In honor of my Grandson 15th Birthday. Sarah Goldberg—To Family of Alvin Shatkin—In memory of a great guy. I shall miss him. Sarah Goldberg—To The Family of Edith Stern—I shall miss Edith in every way. Sarah Goldberg - To The Family of Gloria Bloom—I will miss you in the Knitting class. Georgette Heinisch—To The Family of Alvin Shatkin—In memory of a great guy, Alvin!! Shirley Keegan—To The Family of Alvin Shatkin—I had the pleasure of knowing Alvin, this kind multi-talented man who gave so much to the people, in our Center. He will be sorely missed. Nancy Lefkowitz, Joel Alpert—To Esther Lowell—”Happy 90th Birthday” Theresa Massa— Betty, Lauretta & Rebecca— A Special Thank You to Betty, Lauretta and Rebecca for their help at The Special dinner & everyday. Freida Natt——To The Family of Alvin Shatkin—In Memory of your Father, Alvin Shatkin. Freida Natt—To Edie Wittenberg—Best Wishes for a speedy recovery. Blanche Schustack—RSS—Blanche Schustack of the Creative Writing Group thanks participants for our family spirit. We wish good health to Bob Cohen our prolific writer. We send our condolences to Arthur Stern. “Where there’s a will, you can have your way” Leave a legacy…. By including Riverdale Senior Services in your Will, you can help assure the future of the Riverdale Senior Services. Page 10 Movie guide Aug 3-Eye in the Sky After tracking a British citizen-turned-terrorist for six years, Colonel Katherine Powell finally corners her target in Kenya with the help of high-tech American drone surveillance. As Special Forces troops close in, the discovery of plans for a pair of imminent suicide bombings turns an intended capture into a mission to kill. But just as the Las Vegas-based drone pilot prepares to launch a powerful Hellfire missile at the safe house, a nine-year-old girl is spotted in the kill zone, sparking an international debate at the highest levels of government about whether saving one child’s life is worth the almost certain death of hundreds of others. Meanwhile, a local operative risks everything to try and get the girl to safety. Aug-10-Miracles from Heaven When Christy discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter's healing as she searches for a solution. After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired. Based on a true story. August 17-End Game Since he was five years old, Jose’s abuelita taught him to play chess like his grandfather who was a champion in Mexico. Now as part of the Brownsville school team, Jose has the chance to use his skills and for once in his life, finds himself in the spotlight, as he tries to help his team make it to the Texas state finals. As their coach, Mr. Alvarado, teaches his students the meaning of perseverance and team effort in the face of adversity, Jose discovers his own strengths and uses them to bring his broken family together. August 24-Mother’s Day The lives of a group of strong, loving and wildly imperfect women are followed during the week before Mother’s Day. A divorced mother deals with her kids’ new stepmom, a young mom is trying find her birth mother, and four families have one day to reconnect and embrace what’s new and to prepare for some big surprises. August 31-Hologram for the King Cultures collide when an American businessman is sent to Saudi Arabia to close what he hopes will be the deal of a lifetime. Baffled by local customs and stymied by an opaque bureaucracy, he eventually finds his footing with the help of a wise-cracking taxi driver and a beautiful Saudi doctor. Page 11 AUGUST & SEPTEMBER TRIP GUIDE August 2016 Wednesday, August 3…Yiddish Exhibit @ Museum of City of NY BRING NYC ID… Leaving Center: 10:15am Leaving Museum:1:30pm Wednesday, August 10…Trip to Botanical Gardens, Bronx, NY… Leaving 1:00pm Returning 2:45pm Monday, August 15…Shopping @ Arthur Avenue or Lunch @ Emilia’s Rest., Arthur Avenue… Leaving 11:30am Returning 2:30pm Tuesday, August 16…Trip to Wavehill, Bronx, NY…Leaving 1:00pm Returning 2:45pm Friday, August 19…Lunch @ Johnnie’s Reef, City Island, NY…Leaving 11:30am Returning 2:15pm Wednesday, August 24…Shopping/Movies @ Cross County Mall, Yonkers, NY…Leaving 11:30am Returning 2:45pm Friday, August 26…African Burial Ground –New York, NY…Leaving Center: 9:35am Leaving Burial Ground 1:15pm Wednesday, August 31…Empire City Casino, Yonkers, NY…Leaving 11:30am Returning 2:15pm On or after August 1, please pay in the office. Thank you for your cooperation.. SEPTEMBER 2016 Thurs., Sept. 8…….NYC ID Sign up @ Kingsbridge Library... TENTATIVE DATE--INFORMATION TO FOLLOW Friday, September 9…Trip to Museum of Natural History INFORMATION TO FOLLOW —Bring NYC ID card Monday, September 12……...Trader Joes -Boston Post Road…..Leaving 11:30am—Returning 2:15pm Wednesday, September 14……..Greenburg Nature Center. TENTATIVE DATE--INFORMATION TO FOLLOW Friday, September 16...Sammy’s Restaurant, City Island NY…..Leaving 11:30am—Returning 2:15pm Wednesday, September 21……. Ridgehill Mall—Yonkers, NY ….Leaving 11:30am Returning 3:00pm Friday, Sept. 23..New Leaf Restaurant, Fort Tyron Park, NY....Leaving 12:00pm—Returning 2:30pm Monday, September 26…. Empire Casino, Yonkers, NY….Leaving 11:30am—Returning 2:15pm Please make reservations early. Minimum of eight people needed. ****TRIPS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE**** If there is not enough interest, the trip will be cancelled or rescheduled. If the trip is cancelled for any reason you will be notified and any funds returned. RSS is Funded in part by the NYC Department for the Aging COMPUTER Lab Information Just a reminder that our computer lab is open for your use 9:00AM-4:30PM. We hope that you are enjoying it and taking advantage of the new equipment. If you are not...take the time to explore. The lab is equipped with touch screen monitors for your convenience. If you have any training needs or requests regarding the lab please let us know by dropping a suggestion in the Suggestion Box at the lunch sign-up desk. Please note: No food, coats or bags are allowed in the Lab. Please be advised that on certain special events/performances we will close the lab for 1-2 hours. The primary reason is for SAFETY. We will be using the area in front of the lab, making the passage to and from the lab impossible to navigate. Thank you for your cooperation. LAB WILL BE CLOSED AUGUST 23 - FROM 1 TO 2 P.M. Please help support the center by purchasing jewelry on Tuesday s and Collectibles on Wednesdays … Located in our Lounge Area. Page 12 Volume 11 Issue 8 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS AUGUST Monday, August 1 1:00 Social Action Group 2:00 Ice Cream on the Patio Tuesday, August 2 9:30 Bake Sale 10:00 RSS Walking Club 10:00 Stay Strong with Stay Well Instructors 1:00 Coloring Books for Adults 1:00 Mindful Movement Yoga & Dance Class 2:00 Reiki Demo with Lisa Wolfson** Wednesday, August 3 10:00 Art Class: Summer Painting w/Jean** 10:15 Trip: Yiddish Exhibit @ Museum of New York** 1:00 Caregivers Support Group 1:00 Movie: Eye in the Sky Thursday, August 4 11:00 Exercise for Mobility 1:00 Coloring Books for Adults 1:00 Chat with the Doctor: Treatment of High Cholesterol in Older Adults Friday, August 5 11:00 Balance & Strength Based Exercise 1:00 Polymer Jewelry Class 3:15 Movie & a Munch: When Comedy Went to School Monday, August 8 1:00 Grief & Bereavement Group w/Patti Werlau, LMSW 1:30 Holocaust Group Tuesday, August 9 10:00 Stay Strong with Stay Well Instructors 11:00 Reading Hour 11:30 Women’s Wellness: Women as Caregivers Lunch & panel Presentation** 1:00 Entertainment: Barbara Purdy with The Cabarets Experience Wednesday, August 10 9:00 Breakfast Club 10:00 Art Class: Summer Painting w/Jean** 1:00 Summer Trip: Botanical Gardens** 1:00 Movie: Miracles from Heaven Thursday, August 11 11:00 Exercise for Mobility 1:00 Nutrition: Lets’ Talk About Fats Good and Not so Good w/Sarah Roger, RD 1:00 Coloring Books for Adults 2:00 Ice Cream on the Patio Friday, August 12 11:00 Balance & Strength Based Exercise 1:00 Polymer Jewelry Class 2:15 Art Discussion—The 19th Century European Painting in the MET w/ Prof. Landgraf 3:15 Movie & a Munch: GREASE Monday, August 15 11:30 Trip: Arthur Avenue** 1:00 Grief & Bereavement Group w/Patti Werlau, LMSW Tuesday, August 16 10:00 Stay Strong with Stay Well Instructors 10:00 Advisory Committee Meeting 11:00 Trip Committee Meeting For more information or to register call : 718-884-5900 1:00 Coloring Books for Adults 1:00 Mindful Movement Yoga & Dance Wednesday, August 17 10:00 Art Class: Summer Painting w/Jean** 1:00 Caregivers Support Group 1:00 Movie: End Game Thursday, August 18 1:00 Short Stories: The Veteran by S. Crane 1:00 Coloring Books for Adults 3:30 Aging Mastery Program (Session 9) Friday, August 19 11:00 Balance & Strength Based Exercise 11:30 Trip: Johnnies’ Reef** 1:00 Polymer Jewelry Class 2:00 Ice Cream on the Patio 2:15 Music Appreciation 3:15 Movie & a Munch: HAIRSPRAY Monday, August 22 1:00 Grief & Bereavement Group w/Patti Werlau, LMSW 1:00 Holocaust Group Tuesday, August 23 10:00 Stay Strong with Stay Well Instructors 11:00 Reading Hour 1:00 Birthday Celebration with Juan Manuel Ortega** Wednesday, August 24 9:00 Breakfast Club 10:00 Art Class: Summer Painting w/Jean** 11:30 Trip: Cross County Mall** 1:00 Movie: Mother’s Day 3:30 Aging Mastery Program (Session 10) Thursday, August 25 11:00 Exercise for Mobility 1:00 Vision Solutions: Improving Travel Skills for Older Adults with Low Vision 1:00 American Authors: The End of the Affair by G. Greened 1:00 Coloring Books for Adults Friday, August 26 9:30 Trip: African Burial Ground** 11:00 Balance & Strength Based Exercise 2:15 Art Discussion—The 19th Century European Painting in the MET w/ Prof. Landgraf 3:15 Movie & a Munch: THE PRODUCERS Monday, August 29 1:00 Grief & Bereavement Group w/Patti Werlau, LMSW Tuesday, August 30 10:00 RSS Walking Club 10:00 Stay Strong with Stay Well Instructors 1:00 Summer Trip: Wave Hill** 1:00 Coloring Books for Adults 1:00 Mindful Movement Yoga & Dance Wednesday, August 31 11:30 Trip: Empire City Casino** 1:00 Movie: Hologram for the King 2:00 Ice Cream on the Patio 3:30 Aging Mastery Program Review & Celebration Dinner for AMP Participant ONLY ACTIVITY (**) REQUIRES PRIOR REGISTRATION Or visit our website:
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July 2016 Newsletter - Riverdale Senior Services Inc.
Knitting and crochet also help with fine motor skills and keeping your fingers and hands feeling
good as you age. Additionally, all patterns involve some aspects of math, keeping your mind sharp