ffiffiffiWW - Plastica Italia
ffiffiffiWW - Plastica Italia
REDI E oor SPA -"I ffiffiffiWW r'OOóg ZOt q PREDOSA (Fologntr - lt(ùly) Vio Modonno dÉi Proî|,5/,\ :Tolefono05l ó1761I1 . ìlellr 05i 7EóMq - 757113 -úl 752t1 - ó175287 r htto://wwvrodl.lî ' QÉg. lmpre$e/Cod. Ffsc,/Pi:rj', LV-A. rp2459951 204 CGF.Soc.€tl.a79.ClU0i'v ) Spett.le Cliente R.E.A,44r202 - MECC. BO lsì095 Porî1îo r.vA- cEE fr 0245eE51204 Zola Predosru 13 dicembre 2005 A seguito della Vs. richiesta, siamo ad inviarVi copia del oertificato di resistenza al Jfiroco dei collali taglia-fi-roco rilasoiato dal BLACKBURN FIRE TEST CENTERL; R1IDI S.p.A. distribuisce i prodotfi della consociata INTUMEX con i seguenti codici comme,rciali DI,{.MTÍR.O COLLARE 40 50 63 75 r90 100 110 LZ5 160 CODICE COMMERCIA.LE RS 10/30 G.EI 120) CODICE COMMERCIALE RS 10/60 (REI 180) KOO96PE KOOSSPE K0078?E KOOSgPE KOO9OPE KOO9SPE KOOT9PE KOOglPE KOO92PE KOO95PE KOOSlPE KOOSTPE KOOSOPE KOOS2PE KOOS5PE Distinli saluti an ()Aliaxis compony REDI SPA E ooz Initumex GmbH BùchnerplFìr î (Chamiepark Llnr) A-doZ1 LinE i AUSTRIÀ Tùl: O?32,'69lZ Exi.. Fdx: 0732 tio i 69'l 2-3740, from abroud +a3 7O Éàrn(r f or 69t2,Err,i u"mnlh tnfo@i,rtumer.fr: úrww.tntunlex,ner HIED| spa Att. Mr. Dall'Osso 24.O2,2OA4 -lnrunrexi Pr C. Prinz, 83955 Doclaration Intumox Fire Collars Dear Sir, Our delivered Fira Collars to Redi spa under your packaging and labelling are produced by Intumex GmbH / Austria. Alf productions are fully controlled {lSo-certified) and ín complíance comrnon produotion standards. ro These fíre prevenrion collars ere fuily tested as lnîumex RS lol.tgo by C'Èt-Eolfate in walt and floor applications, as well as orher international stendards. Kind regards IN'TUMEX-GmbH '",'-D /(.(:,#*"!l:i Intuftàx Grnbt,l Trode Bcghrer Linr FN 't gEg5g à S€sl of Company: Linz. lJlDr ATU494964OE f ir: REDI SPA @ ooa BFTC c02!02 It ís proposed that the pipe collars wíll be used with the fotlowÍng types of plastic pipe: Type of plastic uPVC PE PP l\ Max. pipe diametàF (mm) 160 160 160 drawing of a typical cotfar is shown in Figure Max. pipe wall thr,ckness (ryrn) 3.6 3.9 3.9 i. G. Test evidence lfls - lÈstitut fÚr Brandschutztechnik und sicherheitsforschung - repgrt number 14149 dated 04'052001' This report gives the results of four tests *urrìrir-u í; ihe tabi;r'u"t*. The tests carried out in accordance with the Austrían t==i stanorii óNóiìl#É g"ff,,"ilil ,. "1/ere =, Summqry of test results - walls T'est Collar Type Pipe diameter pfastic x walf thickness no. l,\ EI of RS10/160/30 RB10/160/60 j Test I Collar ncr. Thickness of wall (mm) 160x3-9 .lAn Blockwork 100 PE 90x3_9 Blockwork RSr10/050/30 RS10/05ci/30- l85 18s îype of Pipe diameter plastic xwall fype of Thickness floor of floor lntegrity (mins) (mm) ,t rl Test termínated (mins) 155 IAÉ 185 18s 1S5 lss _ 185 Insulation Test (mins) I terminated (mins) 1 lmm) PVC PE 50x1.9 160x3.6 Aereted concrete 150 50x3.9 ieraCA 160x3.9 concrete tso 122 I !l Insulatíon (min) - ffoors RS10/160/30 R510/160i30 15s 100 110x3.9 thjckness c Integrity (mins) 15s ruo oJx3.9 l(sr0i1l0/30 Sumrnary of results walf fmm) PE 3$lolooeieo RS10/090/30 Iype of 122 'r22 122 122 122 122 122 125 122 Allicollars were fixed on the fire side onty. Pipes were sealed on the fire siOe:onfi, *irf, u rock wool pfug. each side of wa' or ftoor, unv 5J*?Jr"#r?i""._:::*- "no àips around the pipe were Nuinber of lntumex L layers, each 2.5mm _ 160rnm E _ six 90mm, 11Omm fr-tour 50mm,63mm6-three. REDI SPA @oot BFTC c02t02 BLACKBURN FIRE TEST CENTRE Bonsall Road Mi[ Hift Blackburn Lancashire rer:01e5r7Érw Fax: O1254 690521 Inlumek GrnbH Euchnerptak I A-4A21Linz Austria Fqrr 2"d FÈs?giangHffi the httention of Mr. Bernhard Luedecke f $. Aprit I00? Apriil,2002 Derar Mr. Luedecke, 3l;?:t{B{#Srequest A I am writing to confirm ouropinion of rhe fire performance of rnrurnex pipe Objectivo Jî;ii,l:T[1fi','i?iiE',ilJ""g;T",1,tr,.3:"n,ffi,"J3l1;lÈlffrT.l5;? when tesred in accordance B. produit descrtpfion The lnturdex RS collars beíng considered in this assessrnent rep*rt given befow' The graplit" ar.e sarne as those tested in the ìnìu-rJ*"unt.mitériàf"""i'in ti,.the manufactured bv lntumei GmbH' cotars was rnturnex L, rheiúg. shef;iilJ;;ffi" is.made from steel' 0'5nrm (up to 75mm sreer or srajnress à4.À"t"ó or o.nmm ir,i;k iil; corlars uigs.; rhàI'7.mrn ""rr"r díameter), #fl : i'J?H,*iì f, fl H.ill"J, co ns ists o' ave rs, e a c h 3 o m m.,, "ml"ls n lr# r $.;fi És Nominatinte@ S ,u t(') l'lu No. of lavers 3 4 o It is assumed that the-.sep-arating element through which the pìpes with at mfnimum density ór ga.sg is of masonry or concrete seóni7r;nn-o'u miniírum *ài uiin"or thickness of r''rnm and r'r'u "óià'J;;;'À;."rru.Jitt"àl,.tg'", reas*hree suirabre non- Ji#ffiiffill!:" rI?:J gt#* collars were fixed with five tabs, the t 1omrn with four tabs, and srnalter co,ars with REDI SPA @ oos tsFTG CAzIOz D.'Discussion there is not a specific section in 85476 that descríbes fhe method for the dete*nination of the orseruice penetrations, the g";"iàiÀii"Jór"r or as+70: pà,ià:rssz wirf be '4's l,:::iffffce 'l'he fire resistance tests considered in the assessment were conducted in accordance with l\ustrian standard' ÒNORM B 380CI, Teit 2,3, wriicr, e simirar to ns-iiél É,aii;b, 1987_ The anu trrei' e#ectJ# il.u resisrance p*rrorrun"* l;:'!ffi;jj.Hiln:g?methods a) onhe resr lHeating regims The furnace heating conditíons are very símílar. The fumace in Austria iè heated by oit bumers. il:H*S"rg:ffifl11"81.3:rr=g,ffifiiJi.'"g u ,o* on;;;; r.,=at expoJui.ii",itr.,* sas_rired The furnace pressure ís 1OPa in Austría..cpmpared to a maxim um of 2opain the British standard. the British standard sriqht,ry;ore-on*iou*, it ís considei*J-tnut this ís more onerous F,*;'ri"s;nuiironu uno -àiòi, Althougtrltr this makes t il1ffi"#,tr:Tl?fl$:ij!;":ore b) lr sarety achíeved Ihtegrity and insulatíon measurement,s Both standards assess irrtegritSr i1 a sirm131 rnanner, in particular, using slo"' iutp"r"tures are iÈo r"a.uured ina cotton woor pad, and st;rndarC,l. lt Is therefore considereJìr,àisimitai,rluls a simirar rnanner in each rli.lt9g1_ry_"no nzuÉiìoiwo,rro achiever{ when tesred forfowÍnt tne g;-erar have been p.incipres oi rióizo, part 20: 1987. linriting filarning on the non-dte c) lype and thickness of waft and floor Bo'th wall and floor construetions were row density aerated concreteto l5e more onerous tha-n higher This is considered ?v o*n"lv"oan"t+fo and tÀe-rÀrore the assess_rnent corìcrere'and masonry frooré ana wi, cover waits'*i 580kg/m3. nrso, it is considered ihat the perÍormance ór such improve as Ìhr thickness of thè wau orltoor increases. f"y:9 tÉÉil;il f:11+*!,il;r,îilh"n lliitrff:X$îr1Htr:$::y'1l?:*;*"il;;ft rr""* #ui ìn'ilnn*"ru" èluurti,.'lreaterthan d) Pfastic types of tested pipes. Ther physicar properties of dífferent plastics are given below. PE pipes are generalfy considered to be the most onerous case due to their row softening point and flash ignition temperature, as the iniumescent has to ,-*u"t rg5 rapidly to seìt an aperture left bv a collapsing pipe' pr pip'à* *"r.'i"ut"a in notÀìnà *Jii1g Rooitests, and upVc pipes atso tested in a floor, 4l it is considereo tÀaitnis r".*rur*it'*iii*u",.tqpE, upvc and pp pipes. REDI SPA @ ooa tsFTC Cauoz e) 'Wallthickness of plastic pipes ì-he grèater the thickness of pipe wall, the more mass there is to heat and soften_ Thís may ardversely affect the abílity of the intumescent to seal of the gap and therefore the assessment ís cnly aptplicable to pipe wall thicknesses equalto or less ti,"riÚr* maximum tesGa. 0 Pipe díameter It is corisidered that the greater the diamater, the more onerous the test. As the maximum diameter of thetested pipes was 160mm, this is the maximur J"-i*uibte diamlìe; "'-' E- Donclusion f rrtumex.RSla/rco pipe collars as detailed in this report, when used in surface-mounted ftoor or wall app/lications with PE,.PVC or PF pipes of outsibe diameters 160mm or tess, with a maximum wall thícikness of 3.9mm, if subjected to'the principles or gs +zo: part io:lga7l!"n be expected to btl capdble of providlng 120 minutes integrity and'insulatíon performance. CollarÀ should always bu fitted on the fire rísk side of the watt oittobr, whicrrGulJ lormatty be both sides of a wall. but ortly ther underside of a floor' Walls and floors shoufd be oi concreteLr màron.vónstruction at Ie'ast 100mm or 1 50mm thick respectívefy- nny gafs àrounJ inr pipe withìÀ *,Jwat or floor shoutd ber sealéd with concrete or a sultable firelmted frortar. Tltis assessment is based on testdata, cun"ent experíence and the information suppfied. The qerio{ 91ry" years afier'which lisnouru be retumed for ievíew to 191q ecnsider any additional data, whíoh has become available, or changeJi" ilr.ii-- t"st prs.sflurgs. Any amendments to the specification of the system detailed herein witt invalioàte ini. u""*unrnent. aE'sessrnent is valid Assessment by Reviewed by Michael Richardson Fire Test Engíneer Date of assessrnerrt : 2nd April,20AZ