05 sponsor v2


05 sponsor v2
3 years of outstanding Sponsorship opportunity
2005 UCI World Cup Finals - September '05
2006 UCI World Cup - June '06 (tbc)
2007 UCI World Championships - September '07
Fort William Mountain Biking Events
• a healthy, popular, lifestyle activity
• the best mountain biking action in the world
• direct access to the UK freesport and mountain bike markets
• extreme action
• high levels of media coverage
• excellent branding
• wide ranging promotional opportunities
• VIP facilities
• British stars
• a very special event in a very special location
The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup
sponsorship opportunities
The UCI Fort William World Cup (one of an international series of 8 events) is recognised as one
of the best mountain bike competitions in the world.
It is also an amazing celebration of mountain bike action in the spectacular surroundings of the
Scottish Highlands and it is one of the biggest freesport events in the UK.
In 2007 Fort William has been selected to host the single most important event in the mountain
bike calendar - the World Championships.
As part of the build-up to 2007 it will host the World Cup Finals in 2005 and its 5th World Cup in
There has never been a better time to consider an investment in mountain biking.
Three year packages, including the World Championships are available. To discuss all sponsorship
options, please contact Mike Jardine or Lesley Beck on 0131 557 3012.
Sponsorship fees
2005 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Finals
• Title Sponsor - entire event, 3 x World Cups
• Presenting Sponsor – DH World Cup
• Presenting Sponsor – 4-Cross World Cup
• Presenting Sponsor - Cross Country World Cup
• Event Partner
Product/service plus fee
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
Who rides? - The UK Mountain Bike Market
Mountain biking has gone from being the upstart newcomer in the world of cycling to
being the most important sector of the sport - in terms of both sales and participation.
We believe that mountain biking activity is contained in three broad groups.
1. Mass Market - (age range 8-60)
This represents the bulk of the recreational cyclists who own a low cost, low specification mountain bike (average price £107, Mintel Bicycle 2001) because they are rugged,
easy to ride and affordable. They are used by many for simple bike trips in town and
occasional off-road use. Owners can buy into the off-road image of mountain biking but
without serious off-road activity. The most recent General Household Study (Office of
National Statistics, 2002) records 19% of the population cycle. Based on the percentage
of mountain bike sales (66%) it is reasonable to assume that as many as 12.5% of the
population use a mountain bike.
Mass market
(age range 8-60)
The GFK survey (Research panel of 18,000 UK households) gives the following demograhic information for the entire bike market, which includes kid’s bikes, the largest sector
of the business.
Age profile (all bike owners)
17 and under
Social Class (by value of bike ownership)
2. Weekend warriors - (age range 18-45)
This group includes the enthusiasts, often with a good level of disposable income, who
regularly ride off-road on natural routes or who visit custom-built centres (many of
which have been developed by the Forestry Commission throughout the UK). They will
spend over £1,000 on a bike and also spend regularly on clothing, maintenance and
accessories. Such high-end bikes represent about 30% of mountain bike sales through
specialist retailers (Keynote Survey).
Weekend Warriors
(age range 18-45)
Because most off-road mountain biking takes place away from built-up areas, travel by
car to participate is necessary.
The demographics of this group are best represented by survey data from the 2003
Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup (779 attendees) and from a study of 300 visitors
to the Glentress mountain bike centre (Study of Mountain Biking Activity at Glentress,
Esmonds, 2004). Glentress is one of the busiest mountain bike centres in the UK.
The Glentress study summarised the regular trail-riding mountain biker as:
• Male, in full time employment
• Evenly split in age range 18-30 and 31-45
• Social group C1, then AB
It also reached the conclusion that as age and salary go up, mountain biking on manmade trails becomes more likely.
Hard Core
(age range 14-35)
World Cup Visitors
3. Hard Core - (age range 14-35)
This is the younger group of dedicated enthusiasts who avidly follow the sport, especially the Downhill/4-X/Freeride disciples who also buy into the entire youth culture
scene of associated music and clothing.
Who visits the World Cup
The Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup is visited and avidly followed by the Weekend Warriors and Hard Core groups, many of whom travel from all over the UK (45%
travel from outside Scotland).
Following the 2003 World Cup, an on-line survey was completed by 274 individuals.
These responses represented a total of 779 attendees. It is probably one of the most
representative samples of the demographics of UK mountain bikers.
17 or under
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
Media Coverage (2004 event)
• 164 minutes of dedicated TV programming
• Daily news feeds
• UK and international distribution
• Features in specialist bike DVDs
• £500,000 equivalent value, press coverage, national, local
and specialist media
Specialist Mountain Bike Communication Channels
Specialist Press
There is a thriving specialist magazine market, led by Haymarket Publication’s Mountain Biking UK (MBUK).
Mountain Biking UK (MBUK)
Mountain Bike Rider (MBR)
What Mountain Bike
49,287 (ABC)
37,306 (ABC)
Consumer shows
There are two dedicated consumer bike shows:
The Bike Show, NEC, April
The largest UK consumer bike show with an
attendance of 28,500 over three days. It offers
extensive demos and competitions as well as trade
stands. Primarily a mountain bike market.
The Cycle Show, Business Design Centre, September
Combined trade and consumer show. Covers all
aspects of cycling, including mountain biking.
New Media
There are more than 50 specialist websites, many with active forums that cover all aspects of mountain biking. They follow the
competition scene and are a good source of contemporary views on the sport.
Websites include:
Cycle Web
British Cycling
Just Riding Along
Southern Downhill
Descent World
Freeride MTB
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
World Cup info
Mountain biking is the largest form of recreational cycling in the UK and it accounts for 32% of
the annual 2.3 million bike sales. (Source: Bicycle Association and Bicycle Business). The three
competitive disciplines attract a wide range of interest, but particularly amongst 12-35 year
old males. Competitive mountain biking produce compelling and attractive images that are
relevant to anyone with an interest in youth culture or the youth market.
The Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup consists of three separate World Cup disciplines,
each with its own particular attractions, stars and overall World Cup circuit. This guarantees a
non-stop festival of mountain biking action and six World Cup winners (3 male and 3 female)
over the weekend.
Blood, sweat and Tears
Blood = DH
Downhill mountain biking is at the cutting edge of new youth orientated sports,
which are regarded as “extreme” and “freesports”. It provides exciting, adrenaline
fuelled competition, which is attractive to the core market of 12-24 year old
males. The imagery, clothing and equipment are related to current street culture
– complemented with the highest levels of skill, technique, fitness and bike
There is, by extension, an important family element as many followers of mountain
biking are under 16 and as such, rely on family support and involvement.
In Fort William, riders race against the clock down a precipitous course that is
2.6km long and drops 525m on the flank of Britain’s 4th highest mountain, Aonach
Mor (4,123ft). Body armour and full face helmets are required to protect riders
in their frequent crashes, while their high tech thoroughbred bikes are built for
speed, control and survival in the punishing descent.
Sweat = XC
Cross Country mountain biking has a more mainstream, less rebellious image. It
has the establishment approval of Olympic status and is an endurance sport with
closely contested racing in a challenging 2 hour plus event. Because so many
people participate in this type of mountain biking at a recreational level, there is a
wider range of age group interest, 18–35 years, with a two-thirds to one-third male
female split.
For the superfit only, the specially designed Witch's Trail Cross Country course
demands endurance and technical biking ability to handle the climbs, extreme
descents and dashes along forest tracks. With a mass start and 5 or 6 laps of the
course, riders are racing each other for 2- 2.5hrs.
Tears = 4-X
4-Cross is the gladiatorial, high flying sprint event. Four riders race head to head
against each other over a short course that is full of berms, jumps and other
features in a spectacular knock out format.
Wild action on one of the circuit's best courses is guaranteed.
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
The spectators
They have made the event in the past three years – the feedback from the
international stars and media always highlights the great support and atmosphere
created by the UK crowds.
On each of the two days, 8,000 plus spectators line the courses and make the most
of the World Cup Village.
The UCI World Cup circuit
Fort William is one of 8 venues on the UCI (International Cycle Union) World Cup Circuit, which determines overall
World Cup rankings.
2005 Mountain Bike World Cup Schedule
April 24
April 30 - May 1
May 8
May 29
June 4-5
June 11-12
June 25-26
July 2-3
July 9-10
August 20-21
Aug. 31 - Sept. 4
September 10-11
Spa Francorchamps, Belgium
Vigo, Spain
Riva del Garda, Italy
Hoffalize, Begium
Willingen, Germany
Schladming, Austria
Mont Sainte Anne, Canada
Balneario Camboriou, Brazil
Angel Fire Resort, USA
Pila, Italy
Livigno, Italy (World Championships)
Fort William, Great Britain (World Cup Finals)
Home based Heroes
The World Cup race series is simply the most prestigious mountain bike series in
the world and British competitors have become the major force in the blue riband
Downhill event.
The circuit is followed by all the worlds’ top riders who travel to all World Cup
events in order to gain series points.
A World Cup with British winners in 2005 is a strong possibility. In Downhill, UK
riders are amongst the best, especially current World Cup overall champion, Steve
Peat, the charismatic speedster from Sheffield. Despite winning on just about every
other World Cup course, he has yet to crack Fort William. Could 2005 be his year?
Or could he be edged out by Gee Atherton (7th, overall World Cup), the young pretender to Steve's crown.
British girls also claim 3 of the top 10 world ranking slots, with Tracy Moseley 4th, Helen Gaskell 6th and Rachael
Atherton 8th.
In Cross Country, Liam Killeen (8th in world ranking) will be looking for his first World Cup win, to build on his 4th
at Fort William in 2004.
There will be a high level of UK interest, from both spectators and media, in all of the UK competitors.
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
Event Marketing
All aspects of the event marketing programme will be explored and agreed with presenting sponsors, in order to
maximise exposure and impact.
PR Consultants will handle all pre-event publicity, media relations during the event as well as post event coverage. (In excess of 120 articles in national and specialist media plus TV and radio news stories in 2004). Copies
available on request.
In 2004 more than 164 minutes of unique programming was broadcast on terrestrial and satellite channels in
Europe and North America. Terrestrial transmission in the UK is being negotiated for 2005, with similar levels of
international broadcast on satellite channels anticipated.
In addition to the dedicated programming, it is expected that there will be news and feature coverage via regional and national TV.
Paid for, on page and radio advertising in the build up to the event.
Joint competitions to win prizes, such as tickets for the event and equipment.
Attendance at the Bike Show, NEC, 1-3 April 2005.
Publicity Materials and Branding
A range of event materials will be produced for distribution through magazines, bike shops, bike clubs, tourist
offices, local hotels, etc. including leaflets, posters and stickers.
There will also be extensive signage around Nevis Range during the winter ski season and throughout Fort
William leading up to the event.
www.fortwilliamworldcup.co.uk will be regularly updated with news and information on booking tickets, accommodation and travel.
A range of merchandise featuring the sponsor logo will be sold through the website and at the event.
The World Cup Village
The vital hub for all activities during the World Cup. Located in the massive Nevis Range ski area car park, it contains:
• the finish arena for all events
• central stage and PA
• Team Tech area, for rider support
• Expo area, for sponsors and traders
• catering outlets and bar
• VIP centre
• media centre
• Nevis Range Gondola uplift for Downhill
•race organisation and admin
The World Cup Village will feature a daily programme of:
• support events
• demonstrations
• music
• street theatre
• public participation activities.
Stand space
Trade stand space is available to all companies who wish to retail or promote to the World Cup spectators.
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
Sponsorship Benefits
The Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup is the ideal platform for all forms of marketing activity,
• advertising (all media)
• below the line communication materials
•sales promotions
• direct mail
•ambient media
• viral campaigns.
We will work with the Presenting Sponsor to ensure maximum effectiveness of the sponsorship
within their marketing plan.
The Presenting Sponsor may have access to the following range of direct benefits.
1. Pre Event
2. Event
• Logo and mention on all promotional material (posters, leaflets, letterheads, stickers, press folder,
• Sponsor name included in all radio advertising.
• Logo and mention on display material at Nevis Range.
• Presenting sponsor status.
• Able to use World Cup logo for adverts, promotions and competitions.
• Mention in PR activity, press launches with leading athletes.
• Web based activity including official website and viral campaigns.
• Potential for competitions with media partners and other sponsors/partners.
• Exposure on stand at events such as the National Bike Show.
• Banner sites with TV coverage, 3 x start, 16 x course (DH), 8 x course (4X), 16 x course (XC), 6 x finish.
Other banner locations on course, in race village and access road as required.
• Logo on start arch, finish arch, awards podium and flash interview backdrop.
• Positioning of sponsor’s own inflatables within camera shooting range.
• Logo on bottom part of competitor’s number plate.
• Logo on all official event signage.
• Logo on organising team clothing.
• Regular sponsor mentions on PA system and at awards ceremony.
• Full page advert in event programme
• Premium location for stand/display in Event Village with potential for sampling, competitions,
displays and direct marketing for attending spectators and competitors.
• Free VIP and parking accreditation.
• News feed for international and national news coverage
• UK terrestrial and international TV programming
• Photo agency wire service.
• Regional, national and international journalists and photographers in attendance.
• Daily news releases and results distribution.
• Opportunity for involvement in all social and support events taking place over the weekend,
including competitions, have a go sessions, displays, concerts, ceremonies and parties.
3. Post Event
• Logo on all results packs and media summaries
• Use of video archives for promotional use
• Data capture from spectators
• Post produced TV programmes, broadcast details to be confirmed.
• Post event coverage in specialist and general interest magazines.
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
The perfect platform for marketing Activity
Sponsorship of the Fort William event delivers branding and image association through media
coverage and event marketing, speaking directly to all sectors of the broad mountain bike
It also targets anyone interested in youth culture, freesport and an active lifestyle.
The World Cup is the perfect platform for a range of activities to fully exploit the sponsorship,
with the aims of increasing awareness and delivering sales leads and dealer traffic.
Some additional activities are suggested below.
We believe that the Fort William events can be the catalyst or standard bearer for a close
association with mountain biking in the UK.
PR and Awareness
Sales Promotion
Event branding
Event advertising
Event PR
Event Team clothing
VIP packages
Media packs/clothing
Viral marketing
Consumer promotion/competitions
Through sponsor outlets
Through bike dealers
Through direct mail
Through advertising
Through event marketing
Consumer sales at World Cup
Presence at consumer shows
Presence at other UK events
World Cup Chaser at World Cup
Marathon citizen event
Course sponsor
World Cup party
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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The UCI Fort William Mountain Bike World Cup and World Championships 2005-2007
Official Partners
Gold Partner
Silver Partner
Bronze Partner
(value in goods/services in excess of £5,000)
Logo on all printed material
Rights to use World Cup logo
1 x banner in Finish area (in TV coverage)
4 x banners on course
3 x banners in Event Village
5m x 5m space in Event Village
1 page advert in Event Programme
5 x VIP and 2 x parking accreditation
(value of goods/services £1,500 - £5,000)
Logo on all printed material
Rights to use World Cup logo
2 x banners on course
2 x banners in Event Village
1/2 page advert in Event Programme
3 x VIP and 1 x parking accreditation
(value of goods/services up to £1,500 plus £500 fee)
1 x banner on course
1 x banner in Event Village
2 x VIP accreditation
Official Partner Categories
Vehicle hire
Channel Crossings
Quad bikes
Office equipment
IT equipment
4 x event vehicles for 1 week
2 x minibuses with seats
2 x Cab trucks
1 x vans
Preferential rates for Team rental
4 x crossings
Preferential rates for Team crossings
4 x bikes and trailers
200 waterproofs
200 T-Shirts
200 waistcoats
200 Caps
2 x collating copiers
3 x fax machines
6 x PCs
2 x network printers
Air Travel
Power Washers
2 Way Radios
Sound System
Energy drinks
Soft drinks
Snack foods
Sun cream
Midge repellant
Competition prizes
30 x return flights Lon – Scotland
10 x powerwashers
Publicity material
100 radios, 4 channels
Venue PA
12 x awards
Rare Management Ltd 17 Calton Road, Edinburgh EH8 8DL T. 0131 557 3012 F. 0131 557 9466 E. [email protected]
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