The Good Oil - May 2015 Open Good Oil Newsletter
The Good Oil - May 2015 Open Good Oil Newsletter
The Newsletter of the Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Inc. Issue 361 – MAY, 2015 Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Club Macquarie, Cockle Creek commencing at 7.00 pm. Social events and outings are held on the following Sunday but may alter. Members should check the 'club runs' in this Newsletters calendar. Committee President: Norm Wilson Ph: 0418499217 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY 10TH MAY GIVE A ROSE TO THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE Vice President: Terry Jones Ph: 49508627 email: [email protected] Secretary: Melissa Jones Mob: 0438909395 email: melissa.jones Treasurer: Doris Holmes Ph: 49500477 Mob: 0428740552 email: [email protected] Registrars: Neville McFadyen Mob: 0418404596 email:[email protected] Ken Morris: Mob: 0417467232 [email protected] Club Captain: Neville Maxwell Mob: 0408762975 email: [email protected] Rally Sub Committee: Brian Johnston Ph: 40230232 Ross Skillen Mob: 0488212483 Editor: Ros Walker Ph: 49763755 Mob: 0407916374 email: [email protected] Printing Deadline is the 3rd Wednesday of Each Month. Footnote: Articles appearing in this Newsletter reflect the views on the contributor and not necessarily those of the club, the committee or of the editor. Club Web Site: Official Postal Address for NRVC: PO Box 217, New Lambton. 2305 Club Calendar – May, 2015 OFFICIAL CLUB MEETINGS and RUNS EVENTS May May May May 5, 17, 31, 30, July 4, NRVC General Meeting Club Macquarie. 7.00 pm 3 Points Tilligerry BBQ meet BUNNINGS, WALLSEND 7.15 am leaving at 7.30 am 4 Points Car Show and BBQ – Bunnings at Wallsend. TBA NRVC are supplying the Sausages. Singleton Army Camp – Lynn Farmers Run – 1 Point. More info at General Meeting. Xmas In July Theme to Stroud MID-WEEK RUN CONTACT FABIO PAOLETTI 0431018144; GEORGE VELLA 0455672987 May 21, Somersby Falls Run. Meet 9am Edgeworth Maccas. BYO everything. June 18, Soldiers Point Run. Meet 9am Edgeworth Maccas (more details to follow) Nothing stops the Mid-Week Runs, if you’re not sure contact the above people. ALTERNATE RUNS May 2, Saturday - Blue Gum Hills Park. Arrive 2.30 for 3-6pm.Close to Minmi Cemetery. May 17, Heritage Day event at The Entrance, Hosted by the Central Coast Historic Car Club. June 6, Merriwa Sheep Festival Wekend. Meet Branxton Truck Stop for 7.30 am Option Overnight. SWAP MEETS/CARS SHOWS OR OF INTEREST May 9, 1st Annual Autofest – Singleton High School, York Street. Ph: 0410918645 May 24, MG Hill Climb - Contact Christine Waugh 0418524211 May 17, Lost In The 50s Contact Glen on 4955 2445 FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY, RENT OR BORROW A VEHICLE ROTISSERIE. Also looking for various parts to complete my WB Ute. Fuel tank, bucket seats, T/bar & Centre Console. Please phone Hans on 4958 1336 or Mobile 0419 124 865 SUPER WORKS PARTS WASHER, ELECTRIC, NEVER USED. BIT OF SURFACE RUST OUTSIDE, GOOD CONDITION INSIDE. USE FOR ALL YOUR NUTS, BOLTS, HANDY CAR PARTS. COMES BOLTED TO STAND. PICK UP ONLY. Please contact the Editor: Ros Walker By email or Mobile: 0407916374 $ 80.00 FOR SALE 1934 VAUXHALL UTE ASXC Vin No. 805970 Need Restoration, plus spares. POA. LIMITED RUN VEHICLE BY HOLDENS. Contact Brian on 0427 685 921 Happy Birthday - Have a great Day Bill Kalb, Linda Bradford, Shirley Broadbent, June James, Lyn Johnston, Zira Scarr, Deborah Maxwell, Fabio Paoletti, Max Pengilley, Tracey Tuckwell, Carole Redmond, Wal Williams, Lynda Hellyer, Monica Dickson, Richard Laney, Cheree Smith, Darcy Wilson, Michael Paoletti, Daniel Paoletti, Sandra Rumbel, Seth Lockwood. eting opened 7.40 pm NRVC GENERAL MEETING.. 7th APRIL, 2015 Meeting Opened: Apologies: Raffles: Prizes Won By: 7.08 pm 60 Members in Attendance. Terry and Mary Jones, Neville McFadyen, Barry Scarr, Michael Lockwood, Lyn and Robert Garrett, Steve Nichols. $ 146.00 Prizes donated by Supercheap, Julie Wilson, Lyn Farmer, Quida Lockwood, Thomas Shannon and Ruth Newcombe. John Puller, John Tserepas, Wes Coghlan, Andre Van der Velda, Sandra Rumbel, Rudy Galea, Bill Kalb, Lyn Farmer, Hans Siegers, Trish Morris, Bruce Ward, Collene Kalb, Brian Jackson. President: Norm reminded members to see Doris if they required name badges. Norm also thanked Quida and Seth for donating Easter Eggs on the last run for the Easter Raffle, stopping her husband from eating them. Norm also thanked everyone who contributes to the raffles. Treasurer: Doris read out her report which was moved by Thomas Shannon and Don Rumbel. Secretary: The reports are in “The Good Oil”. Rally Committee: Registrars: 6 Permissions to move and 4 Inspections. Ken thanked Wes for attending the Bush Council Rally. Editor: Ros thanked the roving reporters, and hoped everyone is enjoying the Clubs Newsletter. Also asked the members if they came across any statues, stories, or anything of interest to forward them to her so that they can in time be added in the Newsletter for members to enjoy. Club Captain: Neville reminded members about the Atlantic Oil Run 12th April as well as the Maitland Steamfest on 19th April. Saturday 2nd May Steve Houston asked for help from those attending the Blue Gum Hills Park – Fletcher Community Event from 2.30 – 5pm. AND A REMINDER THAT THOSE ON CLUB PLATES REQUIRE PERMISSION TO MOVE THEIR VEHICLES. 31st May, Bunnings have asked for a few cars to attend as it will be their 1st Anniversary. NRVC is proving the sausages, with Bunnings supplying the BBQ and Gas. Note that Bunnings is now one of our Sponsors. Saturday 4th July is an All Ford Day being held in Stroud, $5 per entry. Norm and Doris are in talks with Bunnings with details on how they can contribute with the Spring Cruiz-In, as they are very enthusiastic and willing to participate. This year we will be leaving from Bunnings at Wallsend. GENERAL BUSINESS Bill Kalb was been updating the Club Members Directory. A copy was sent around to members to check their own details, and at the end of the meeting, the Directory will be made complete. Bruce Ward was welcomed back after his absence. An Information Pamphlet has been updated and quite a number of copies were printed so that they could be distributed throughout the meeting, for members to hand out to people that may be interesting in seeing what our Club has to offer them. Neville will be giving a Certificate of Appreciation to Laurie who showed everyone around the Wood Turning Shed at the Wyong Milk Co-Operative complex. Ken took Laurie for a drive in his Morris which he thoroughly enjoyed, and made his day. MEETING CLOSED 8.18 pm COMMITTEE MEETING HELD TUESDAY 28th APRIL, 2015 PRESENT: Norm Wilson, Terry Jones, Doris Holmes, Neville Maxwell, Ken Morris, Neville McFadyen, Ros Walker. APOLOGIES: Mel Jones. Unfortunately due to the strong winds and rains over the Newcastle area as well as everywhere our members live, on behalf of Committee we extend our thoughts and hopes that none of you have damaged homes, or in flooded areas, and that you have not had damage done to your beloved Classic Car/s. The Committee held an informal meeting due to more extreme weather on its way as well as not quite knowing how many would make the meeting at all, and really we were fortunate enough to meet and cover some of the upcoming events. CLUB CAPTAIN: Neville explained that on the Sunday 17th May run to Tilligerry we will now be meeting at Bunnings, Wallsend for 7.15 am, leaving at 7.30 am. The NRVC BBQ will be running and members are asked to bring their loose coins. GENERAL BUSINESS: The NRVC BBQ was one thing that Committee covered in regards to having a Set Price for purchases of sausage, steak or egg and bacon, drinks. These prices will be included in June Good Oil. Raffle tickets were also covered in regards to now being $1.00 per ticket for the General Meeting as well as raffles at our events when held. Acknowledgement will also be made to those who have donated their raffle gifts. The Brochure recently brought out which can be handed to interested persons was also on the agenda due to a very well informed email received by (Ed) Ros, where small areas could be rectified. These were taken into account, our appreciation goes to the sender of the email and the alterations will be made prior to any further flyers being printed. Further work is being made on the format for the financial income and expenditure reports. Our Christmas Break up will be held on Sunday 6th December at Toronto Trains with more news to come later in the Good Oil. It was decided that John Hunter Children’s Hospital will be the Charity Fund for the Spring Cruiz-In. MEETING CLOSED 8.15 pm Ed Ros – I will also apologise here for the lateness of “The Good Oil” coming out for May, and I can only use the weather and my ignorance on how the Internet and things like BROADBAND work when your home phone line is not working. My problems started when on Monday 20th Power was lost in Summerland Point like many other suburbs. Trees, fallen branches and power lines were strewn everywhere, cutting off roads, falling on to homes as well as live power lines under and over tree trunks. The Shopping Centre was closed down except for FoodWorks who kept their doors open, you only needed to take a torch light with you to get any food supplies. Lake Macquarie water rose higher and ended up breaking completely over the Reserve and across the road, and any more rain would have seen Lake Macquarie threatening the entire Shopping Centre. Being only relying on Electricity in the home, my one-burner camp gas plate came out with my Billy for hot water being done on the side veranda. The Billy had sprung a leak at the bottom on a seam, so I reverted to my Whistling Kettle, and what torch batteries were left for purchase were getting low in power. My Power returned on Friday, and still no telephone lines working including today, and power is not restored as yet to everyone in the area. I worked out four plans I would need to do to get the newsletter out which included going to Swansea Library to see if I could send out the emails, or last that I printed out everyone’s mailing and posted. It is just a fluke that I switched my Modem on and “Wow” today 29th at yes 4.00 am this morning, found out I could get Internet. I do have Broadband, but did not realise I could still get the Internet when I don’t have a landline phone working. If I have missed any news for you, it will be sent out separately. McFADYEN’S HAULAGE Road Freight Haulage Lot 101 Campbell Drive TOMAGO NSW 2322 Ph. 49649049 JOHN MILLS UPHOLSTERY Enquiries: 02 49871160 Mobile: 0416521950 Auto & Marine Upholstery Domestic Furniture Upholstery Restoration & Complete Upholstery Repairs Cnr Kangaroo & Carmichael Streets, Raymond Terrace. NSW To ensure the ultimate Experience Viewing is by appointment only. Ph: 02 4955 2445 Or email: [email protected] Adults $15.00 Children under 12 FREE ATLANTIC OIL RUN – SUNDAY 12th APRIL GOSFORD SHOWGROUND MACHINERY IN MOTION RALLY The Atlantic Oil Run was organised between our member Neville McFadyen and Don Anderson from Atlantic Oil, one of our Sponsors. We left Edgeworth Maccas at 9am arriving down at Gosford Showground around 10am with some of us getting lost in Gosford, however we all arrived safe and sound to enjoy the days outing. Honourable Certificates were rewarded to Norm Wilson, Mel Jones and Fabio Paoletti. The Donkey which Andre is holding was frontal dressed as “Shrek”. Andre has one for company in his car when out on his own. The young children took a liking to Larraine & Ron’s small boys toys which kept them occupied for a while, with Ron keeping a sharp eye on them so that no damage was done. There were quite a number of exhibits with their tools, books, metal signs, technical books on Massey Ferguson Trucks, Motors etc. and Julie managed to pick up some very nice sheets and doona covers. There was a good band of musicians playing under shelter, and with lots to see on the track and under cover everyone had a good day with 18 cars and 24 members attending. Our Club Captain Neville with his wife Debbie have been enjoying driving in their Classic for a few weeks now that everything seems to be going alright without any hitches. I believe Debbie has decided to finally put the matches away, and with more confidence in the car now, she can really enjoy the outings without a care in the world. Thanks to Neville and Don for a good days outing. Reporter and Photos by Ros Walker. NRVC MIDWEEK RUN – Ash Park. 16TH April, 2015. Roving Reporter & Photographer. Collene Kalb What a great day that Marilyn ordered, perfect weather for our Mid-week on a Thursday, we met at Maccas at Hexham, 10 Club Cars, and 16 members, we had to wait for Richard and Lorraine, who went to Edgeworth Maccas, after waiting for someone else to turn up, Richard rang Marilyn, and found that we were waiting for him at Hexham. It was a long wait at the lights when we got under way, thank goodness Ruth after about 5 minutes, hopped out of their Falcon and pressed the Button so that the lights would change, thanks Ruth. Off we go with George leading, and Bill and I coming up the rear so that we did not lose anyone along the way, next stop was The Kooragang Wetlands City Farm on the River, down a dirt road, then almost everyone went for a walk to have a look around, while a few of us stayed back to look at Ruth and Gary’s Falcon. We then set off to go to explore some more, so next stop was the Historic ruins of the Radar Station that was built in 1942 and provides a link to World War II military operations on Ash Island, also shows the Flood level in 1955. Next it was off to the Wetlands, where we had Morning Tea, watched a Video that explains how it had a huge Aboriginal Heritage, “mur-rung korung” lots of Board walks, Birds, saltmarsh, mud crabs and more. Oh and along the way, we came upon a professional Model in her under bra and lacy wear, while further along on another bend there was a bunch of Motor Bikes being photographed, see Marilyn always provides a surprise for us, somewhere along the run, so don’t miss the next one, to find out what that surprise will be. Grin. Then it was off once more to Stockton where we had lunch and Mariilyn and George gave out the rare and valuable Certificate to Bruce Ward, also some Easter Eggs. Were shared around, that Dianne and Fabio had donated, the Chocolate, hats, and Bunny ears made everyone laugh. Marilyn and George, Fabio and Dianne, say, thanks everyone for your company, your stories, and your laughter. The Next Mid Week Run on a Thursday will be held on 21 st May, (Bills Birthday, shush, it is also Micheal & Daniel the Twins Birthday), meeting at 9.00am at Maccas Edgeworth, BYO everything. We are off to Somersby Falls. :-) -----------------------------FACT OR FICTON ??? FACT is that George Innes was the first man in Australia to be booked for speeding. He was fined 10s for travelling at 13 km/h, but this did not diminish his interest in motoring. In 1903 a Sydney Company he controlled built two different cars. One had a twincylinder engine, the other four cylinders, but the designer ingeniously incorporated some parts common to both vehicles. George Innes – father of Charles Innes controlled the Lincoln Cars. Photo shows George at the wheel of the twin cylinder Lincoln…………….Ros . Homemaker Centre 240-260 Hillsborough Road Warners Bay, NSW Phone: (02) 4953 7461 autObarn 60 Shipley Drive Rutherford NSW Phone (02) 49323499 fax (02) 49320313 NRVC Car Club Members ask for discount We Specialise in..... Recores – Repairs Cleanouts – Change Overs Heater Cores Complete Radiator Assembles Petrol Tank Repairs Air Conditioning 9 Port Stephens Street, Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 FAX 0249874533 Postal: 8 McKenzie Place, Raymond Terrace. 2324 Email: [email protected] Australia Wide 3 year Conditional Warrantly Name Avis John Bailey Doreen Bailey John Birt Darrell Birt Irene Boyce Anna Bradford Linda Bradford Michael Broadbent Shirley Broadbent Tom Brown Peter Browning George Caban Dave Caban Celeste Carey John Cockerell Gai Cockerell Terry Coghlan Laurie Coghlan Patsy Coghlan Wesley Collins Greg Collins Karen Conner Bernie Delia Anna Delia Antonino Delia Salvatore Dembeck Jack Dickson Bruce Dickson Monica Evans Margaret Farmer Lynn Fitzsimmons Sean Fitzsimmons Bronwyn Fotheringham Glen French Natalie Galea June Galea Rudy Garrett Lynn Garrett Robert Gillies Colin Glew Molly Goddard Laurie Goddard Maureen Hansell Bill Hansell Narelle Harris Wayne Healey Kathleen Heffernan Greg Heffernan Felicity Mar Apl Tot 9 14 14 9 3 10 1 8 1 11 10 18 3 0 13 0 7 0 0 3 7 3 9 0 3 3 8 14 2 15 21 0 0 3 0 6 6 17 17 3 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 3 3 3 0 5 1 1 4 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 17 17 0 3 10 1 8 1 11 10 23 6 3 16 1 12 1 1 7 8 3 12 0 3 3 8 18 2 15 28 0 0 3 0 9 9 17 17 3 9 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 Name Hellyer Lynda Hellyer Gary Henry Naomi Hide Doreen Hide Gerald Holmes David Holmes Doris Holmes George Holmes Alexis Houston Steven Houston Tracey Hughes Barry Hughes Cindy Hunter Ruth Illfield Jeanette Illfield Phillip Jackson Brian Jackson Narelle James June James Keith Johnston Brian Johnston Grant Johnston Joanna Johnston Lyn Jones Mary Jones Terry Jones Mel Kalb Bill Kalb Collene Kowalski Frank Kramer Joe Kramer Maria Laney Lorraine Laney Richard Livingston Glen Livingston Sue Lloyd June Lloyd Tom Lockwood Michael Lockwood Quida Lockwood Seth Lockwood Maggie Maxwell Deborah Maxwell Neville McFadyen Neville McFadyen Noelene Malam Alan Mears Lee Mar Apl Tot 0 0 0 0 0 16 20 3 0 3 3 8 0 3 0 10 10 0 0 0 23 5 5 6 18 17 16 17 17 19 0 0 7 7 9 9 0 7 14 11 8 8 23 23 11 12 3 7 0 0 0 1 1 8 8 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 8 1 4 4 4 8 8 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 24 28 3 4 4 3 8 0 3 0 17 13 0 0 1 30 5 5 6 18 17 23 21 21 27 9 9 7 7 12 12 0 15 15 15 12 12 31 31 12 13 3 8 Name Milne John Morris Ken Morris Steve Morris Tona Morris Trish Newcombe Ruth Newcombe Gary Nichols Stephen Nadin Alan O’Neill John O’Neill Lorraine Paoletti Daniel Paoletti Dianne Paoletti Fabio Paoletti Michael Parlour Laraine Parlour Ron Payne Jeni Payne Miles Pengilley Max Puller John Quigley Ian Redmond Carole Redmond John Richards Graham Ridley Alyce Rumbel Don Rumbel Sandra Scarr Barry Scarr Zira Shannon Thomas Siegers Hans Siegers Beryl Skillen Ross Small Brett Small Robyn Smith Cheree Smith Darren Smith Kenneth Stanton Kevin Stanton Dawn Taylor John Taylor Margaret Thompson Errol Thompson Helen Towndrow Glenn Towndrow Natalie Towndrow Eliza Tserepas John Mar 7 23 6 0 23 14 14 21 0 6 0 14 4 23 10 16 22 3 10 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 18 18 13 3 10 3 0 22 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 19 19 0 6 Apl Tot 0 4 0 0 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 5 8 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 1 0 3 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4 0 3 7 27 6 0 27 17 17 21 0 6 0 14 4 31 10 21 30 3 10 9 13 0 0 0 0 0 26 26 14 3 13 6 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 23 23 0 9 Travers Dennis Tserepas Alexandra Tserepas Julie Van der Velde Susan Venners Adrian Walker Roslyn Waugh Christine Williams Allan Williams Brett Wilson Darcy 15 3 0 0 11 23 12 0 3 4 3 3 3 0 3 7 1 0 0 0 18 6 3 0 14 30 13 0 3 4 Travers Diane Tuckwell Tracy Vella George Visser Anne Ward Judy Walshe Martin Waugh Gordon Williams Angela Williams Wal Wilson Kim Wilson Norm 11 7 14 4 0 0 0 0 6 3 20 3 14 1 8 0 14 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 9 0 3 8 28 Van der Velde Andre Vella Marilyn Visser Pieter Ward Bruce Walshe Robyne Waugh Patricia Williams Betty Wilson Anne Wilson Julie Wilson Sam GOONDIWINDI & DISTRICT VEHICLE RESTORERS ASSOC. - SEPTEMBER, 2013 “GUNSYND” The Goondiwindi Grey Famous Miler in the 1970s 11 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 7 7 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 7 0 18 10 13 3 0 3 0 0 17 7 Maitland Steamfest Sunday April 19th 2015 The day started out early with some of us arriving at Maitland Park by 7.30am, Barry and John P were there even earlier to get us a good spot and they did arriving at the park for 6.30am. Thank you goes to all the helpers that provided yummy BBQ bacon and egg rolls for Breakfast. The ladies and Seth went for a walk and handed out our Spring Cruiz-In Brochures, Seth had lots of fun and even had his club shirt on. The BBQ was fired up again for lunch with sausage and steak rolls, thank you to everyone that helped. Maitland Steamfest is a great event and this year's program featured steam train excursions, “tin hare” vintage diesel excursions, market stalls, street steam, miniature loco’s, children's entertainment, Powerhouse Museum displays and much more. The great race between the Steam Engine and the Tiger Moth never disappoints the large crowds with the Tiger Moth winning. We had a club raffle which seen a lot of members winning, the last prize went to Barry and it was a carton of eggs, when he opened it to have a look there was only 8 eggs not 12 oops!, we all laughed and thought oh maybe the missing 4 went on the BBQ. lol O my Trish was funny when she was eating a biscuit with her cuppa: she went to dunk it in her tea, only to notice that the lid was still on the mug. lol it was funny. The rare and very valuable Steamfest Club Certificates were awarded to: John Puller, Mick Bradford & Greg “Porky” Collins. Steve Houston won a Trophy in the Steamfest Presentation, Runner up: Best Holden, Fabio also won a prize! Well Done to all our winners. 35 club members enjoyed the day, 1 visitor, 1 scooter, 26 cars and $237.55 was taken from the BBQ. It was a good day and the rain held off for us which was even better! 43 members, 29 cars,1 visitor Reporter & Photos Natalie Towndrow SMILE TIME GOOD NEWS………….. BAD NEWS The Lawyer says to the wealthy Art Collector tycoon. “I have some good news and I have some bad news.” The Tycoon replies, “I’ve had an awful day, let’s hear the good news first”. The Lawyer says, “Well, your wife invested $5,000 in two pictures this week that she feels are worth a minimum of $2-3 million dollars.” The tycoon replies enthusiastically, “Well done, very good news indeed. You’ve made my day. Now what’s the bad news?” The Lawyer answers, “The pictures are of you with your Secretary!” Thanks Trish….. Hi Guys! I was out at the Wollombi Markets on the Easter Long Weekend, and it didn’t take me long to come across the Fairy Floss Stand, it was Bubblegum flavour. Yum! Natalie xx A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS - THE $383 PAINT JOB What a great job he’s done. Looks quite professional. I want to know how long it took to glue on 200 lbs of pennies. He’s got to be retired. So, if the bank and government DO NOT want your pennies, do check this out…. Who said it can’t be done??? I think what happened here is the man told his wife he needed to paint his car and when he told her how much it would cost, she told him to “save his pennies.” The 1949 Cadillac, is completely covered with 38,295 pennies! They were affixed one by one using Silicone. They added over 200 pounds to the vehicle’s weight. The entire project took 6 weeks. The pennies are American, and include an 1817 “Big Cent”, two Error Pennies, and four 1943 Steel pennies; (but who’s counting?). And, it won’t scratch. Thanks Hans.
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