1 - Bacon Library
1 - Bacon Library
WFMKijr J-.r. fi-l 11-¾ • ¢. ...! 4^¾ j. VOL. Lptt. KO.' 2s -T-tr*"— DM ON. DIED M M ? J*I USE If 82 les After a < Lihgsring Illness Tftl' total eijiuiiliaed' valuation <vf tlie ,' '.,„ ,1 s citjr|*f Wyandotti;, u,s finally fixed by ( Tli- Ijiiihes A n v l l a ; y of Edwav\& '<. tlii» pjoard of ,K«paaliaitio« a-nd Kei/Lin,, Cjal-a Orimmjiisv 56 years of IlcaduUni poM, Atrterioau Kegum, are viewj.il is §44,030,304. This'.Ls divided as ages hM on «uad|ty kfternoan l*ollowii lel>i.i|fiiu their rulit 1 -week J tin foltaws. ,/leal, $30,30U,r>75; personal, ,i» rhc IVmeru-au I.egiotl club housle'on .ing^ in IUnefja of «*jre ' tha"a; «'^6ar, *5,04) ).720. Win Atstjiie boulcwirdj - ' 'Stic-lived at lfl5 iNoiftflv drive, Wyant i l } total is an iftCTease of $}W.fi50 Tike yt-.tr 1i*$> U dedicated CMpe|cialfrohi the, figures fixed by the city a*dottt. ' ,- ," • nu ly to Ukiiu.mta. as M |n$nAier of, sess<|. i , J3iUiv% are ber husband, Daniel, Allied ^ d e r a t i o n of Fbruier CombatLajit'year, the total valuation wias and be fotlAWldg sisters and brothers: ants Besides promoting : peace,! 1 for For " $ie second tisae witiiin five sot M $43,^077-^37.86)4,-725 fn Tea,l Daylil'jtfi P^rry, ojvner of liiejaparti Airs. Mary Soutbwood, MM. HattAO'A ci>i>y Ttf tin- budget request s for whboh this organisation stands, the Con|aor ahd BMgar fiarr of Detroit, thi« year lfcJSMO as pictured b> the Audita ip will b m u u e acquainted with AJreeks, Wyandotte broke the state ^rfe- and (1,5,33^,852 U'per^onat property. t at Eureka ayentie and merit Thl tt yefiVs total is %l,2t£1,TJft aboveiVan i^ist ynft sJKculer^rd, <Jied on Mon Alra(.jAda SulUvan of Dearborn, Frank «_tt\ eleik. »w>. presented to ibf Colin thK njSitii a a s a uicutber* i i (wxi for low- interest rate 'secured on tl»^ btai for 1#». ( U&rd of Lincoln Park and Mr*. Peart < ll .It | t > M o d i o l i T u e M L y ub^Ul. The In arte idunce at the meeting Willi be. <i bond hjsue, when at Tue,sday night'fc day at hi 3 resfdenntej 2U3&. Vaft AlstyneWltMoskl o* Wyandotte.' , '• i — • , « • » ' ' ,") • ' " i t e m s <irc u-s follows fvii-.t.kntjrio' T. Ditm. wliove birthplace s saion 4S8;000 of sidewalk spatial a»ooulftva'r*. He bad reached the age of i%ieral services were held at the k % y :w» 72 is Corisltnea, a n d who will g i t ? [ t h e Alayoi did Council S2 year^. . , 1 , Nixdn funeral honje <m WedneAday at* 14.U!i.(C> 'hisMrj <j»:' the p«st us well a s the pre- »1 ssisnient, iiouds were awarded ^to the Cif> Clerk __ Ut1 Perry wtofe botjoj ta.Bhrie, Mich., ten hob. at 2 o'clock, conducted by Ratr. 17,1*2:1 M» .st'ut Uunania. e^peoiail.j\ a s a nletikber ^Jlichigait Alkali Uonipauy by "the VU\ T i r j s u r e r .- . Ddrai iber 12, tmt. I K. I . Wilcox of the First MethodJ*t 7.1,11.30 of tho Hfdait organization, City A-.M.V-01 - '} io«ncll.J ' "' In qaritjEjr life h^ woried as a rail ehu«Hi; Burial was in Woodmere cem2,7« 1.1« IjPgaJ ,, - - Also ilppeariug on tho program will r<Vid telerwher; ln.^vnuknber of wesfc< eteiljr.J OJhe cdniiMny snt>mitted a hid of 1% , , , ' 7,»«8.70 he iho lluiwanlau Three-Colored club, KluCtlOlln 6tn pities ^ITo^tiy-aii: yeamago, in 1803, \ > lm ^ £ >r the issue, with a premium of $3&3j8 !-»•*» « , « K 47 OIIO of t i e vaX>$l outstanding sinking C-flv II.il[ - . I ' ^. v ., • he caine loWyiandotti and established 'J his brought the net Interest ratel tu J01.tiUl.45 and dancing groups of this type in the police i>ept W l j i e walking M>ut>h on fc\riirteeuth th4 Detntt HivervB|jai1'and Oat Cora,-w 04-13.00 (JIIitod {Welte». Municipal Co lira. :*m% ! '' j »tree;,' a t 9:4fl. Sunday uighi^ SUnley lM«uy «u the site of Jt!he present apartFire Department I - fl7,tt£2.oO Superintendent F W F r o l i c , of tho jOn May 16 the Michigan AlKaU t>>uk lMwttasyk'uf 1 4 ¾ Maple street waa ment bbi d|ngs. For;^ dumber of years' Hoard of Health 17,7»! «7,, Wvniidot c> public WhooU. will be «i 1 any boti'ght two ^ i w i a l assessment struw L a t the 0 « k street .intersection he, cohtit ued (bis ^enterprise, turning Ut CTO.lt lltl| -M.*?!!'0*? TB'o"-st dun Jug the evening." V tl ond kv«ii«s tofAllug SBKJ.OOH, a t a "net by a b i r diUven b y Woodcoiw Dillon of out some of dm bW known small K7.747.M Puhlh Serwoe -All, trwrnbor-s ,,f the Auxiliary ure tutwrest rate of .iHMti^o-r-fllH'a^Uf. ally liinctjlta Park. craft on the laftes, , ., 1 IhlWKiSt ieitiio' toi| to bo present ut thf mooting. I l e t>ain«j as' was offered thih sjvt'elc.. Sowers _ - , _Thf pedestrian suffered a compound !ln 1014 he discontinued the boat 3hJH2 S i Rug it hit Bl.fe In addition t<> the home eoaipahy, tdx f r a e t k e of both bones 'in the lower bfiilding ind In vested/his money in the TJl e Italiiu-Aiherijfan orga,nl|zatlon, Parks., • afcNOOUO I r o k m i ^ e ooiRiTiis 3u!bui|tted tjidB^asi loft ,W, whi-h Is said t o h a r e been rapartuiC'tit houses. His flr^t wife died- N o n p a r t i s a n Club <,(f Wyiindoitte, 1» f JJIOWS :' \ ' Public Hf*l*V 12,.11070 k'venlfly lacerated, two fractured jr$bs many Veil rs ago. He was a life member convicting arrangements foj- ilta a n Siler. l>arpenter & ttoosi', net InMr- on wp left side, l«iceratlon» of, the of Wjranfotitt,lodge, No, 170, V, and nuajl festival, to b e held on SaJtupdtty 20,0.-,4 sw iWi'lfilc ----nndj iiuaiday, July 8 ,aud 9. Activlttei *-t rate 1.01)«%. --1-Jb'u tided Debt -. l.Hl.000 47 s c a l p , a n d a posstbUj fractured «ku 11. A. Jl.. • * ' » MoDoduld, Aloore & Hayes, 1.011%. His linidltiou wu* considered serious , Coiwn(i^re~0]llvet , Hazard Perry w l l | cepter a t thel club grounds^ Fiftb AiUic.^itj - i U47,:;«l 71. i and Antolnc streets. , t Paine, Ay«l)l)o-r & Co., t.0H7%. i «r l#»LelaiiH who at eudetl him a t t h e Wa* iiis'i jieit^treat unt'le. Tlie two-day program will inelad* .strniiauMii Harris iC5o., l.iWWe. Wyatalutte Geneivil iiospatal, W»\ Hou'., He leu vt"4 tils Wife; Mrs, May K, Mlllei, Kerwwer Ut Co., 1.10»%. | oi, Al|ilbauer, Johus^u a n d N|^hol«. , Perry, a id the following nieces and duuking to Paullij'fl iwlhg band, eon* coft^by the Non,-Pa-tbiati band, and FlrHt of MlcJihMu (5or-i>oratl^u, uClpliDws; diaries j ^ w , of Jackson i flrdworka. - ' 5 \XA"A. (iliifia linker, 11 yeartt old, of tH8 Mrs. Julia Lord/of Wllinette, 111.,' Outidde of Wyandotte, wlilch t w k v Vamjuir mreet w u « utruck 'by^a eurMrs. Charles Thomas, tit Caldwell, N. sji'cured a bond, iiit^reat, rate of less drlveu bp Andrew K|. Lange of 9Vi J.- M'riB, Itottielr UotdHpn, of -Des ban 1%, the lowqflfrato bond sale iu Hprupt Njlrcet, a t 'F^urUi street aii«l I'htlnes, ll't-;, unit ROihe^t h. Pert'y, u the KtJtte of MicliTpu, thus far thl"Bldd* avenue a t i'M p. m„ Mouday. IMtnUt ^ i ew«j«i>er tnttn. tour, wap* at MiiHltegon, whlcli sold uu The driving nay* tlwit he inadt; a Urfjt If'iuiem I siirVfe'es^ dnder Maswllc atwljjmie ofsln>ii(fci at 1 ½ % . . J turn (ruiu-Ortriru street onto ft'o^itS)' plci's, w e e held aft'Uie Hlxon funeral | ' • '« e » , •' i'' Tbi'onjjli iho good offloos of n^Wynii wlth,|t(be greeu fight, a n d Mf'at lift iMjuie yes «>rijay affmiooiL'The remains ^ , •couldI |iiot avoid Htr|king Uto ^1¾. a* were tak en to lirlgiiutn VeitteXery at ilotlo mil1 llill'l of tho Mnndiiiii Kegloii, she nilh troin flip i^i»t cur(l> ott the in- lflrlej Mo jroi» ootinty, for burial. l>ei liils^li n haw'boHi {"JocUt'od for tl»' k concefns auflmittled bids for fur* to'rVfwu iu front of his' <u»rv, Gloria 4 •'!>' • , '•' lug a tractor for lists by the' public loan of |i bit tie flag uol'd In t h e Wrtrld i?»rrn \vm Itll^n to the hobpltul by John HoHori'joc depttjrtmetd, at Tuesday (night's \\iiv T h l flag >vlH«bi" glvon u ptaoo of U"\ imjl,OlareiM-e Aluitln. Mho mifferetl sesijon of 14K" (>»un<MI. Tlie- plddera (;(ytwni,H)<ion, utullyciii and a possible iuholion hi the pai'udvjur ou tSjioroVfewJ i «•«: \ < \ \ tei i,ull I injury, rflie w a s taken care of Ar'iiifi^rfnoiils .ito piiicjtVatly com- ii.g sin tit L Hint Is^BBiiK pliuiueil »H Uhuri,,'Ford Tra<ctpr Hales Oomi'lie VoHce and Fire <jonwnl*iHio)i. by ilV, amtkerville. , P'n-t t<t Hie city's F<wtth of July icelepleted f"»i* .the soiond iiii'luinL, l>"3f.liik' puny, $1,047,50: .Genthe Uro*he|rfl, »1,through ^ b i e f tjf P o l W v WlBlttitr'P. I ' ^ «*oniftii siH»iuoi-od b.v tho \V>tlmh>Ue biutioll. J D01; Keller Tractor and ) K<iullpmeht Itufl^lgef'TttKfeday night tubinlttji'd to jM'ogit-s* In a,rw«jngeinont« mrtiM K m i i i K club, and conduced by*llie CoiUpany, *l,Ofil; Uarther H«)rd*are Hii' v'oiHM'il a form of orityiiiinc'b^uliMcd :M>lilgiii Association of tho Aiju.iliMii lor tho 1,[»voiit WjU^mado at a nicetliig tt 'U'SH'hii^ 4teoti nolsei„ nmLiS*kod At the .elirtc of1 reutlue iwi«fnes,s by IVurtpnny, «1,525; Baric Bqaipment Miucll j$n in It too. held i.u the of tho ( Athletic Ilium of I ho Cultcd States ior its iMfstwgeV . V the Coitmll Tuesday bight, (\>tin<-iluuin CoiWpan.v, $3,525; J. L>, Adume Comhold',11 iho (il> liidlj on Monthly nights Another Tho Hj-litbitIon will be hold $1,086,85; ,| •. ' Louis,BM>1»1 gave ah interesting ac- rf, The reviewed todihun* «eek.^ to ii.ootlug »l\tfie]<vniiulttee will ib© held r.'. SIiKbigiiu Alluill club ]»a.rk ou 'Itiddl '^he blda were referred to tlie city, count of t personal visit t«i t h e nursery dibate tlii- iiulsan^e created by Commeiat the .*fnie {111^¾ next Moudiij evenjivTim«,'iu'\t Tluirsiiay oM'uing .fiiuo ing. .Ititij- £t&., l(Iffortb a w iH'lng th«<le < uil llwilLvrtioo. in the form of sound schpot lieing conducted In thft ^mwbd- engtijneer for "tabulation andTe^ort. &* Fiisi lioitt is Noliodiilodj to sinrt ut to deeure a gmodly reprt'sewtatioji; of trucks, lAud squeakers, efic., ou the pal build: ug ut Bjiddle UVe'nuc uud God:•--, .*»*. i-r l , i , i " Great Utkvte. Aiai*ti!fa<tt^r^ d»rd roal. • t*as. . , , i btisduesrf |ho«w»' iu the parade. Orgaui- 4|b«r. I; in Kit)g yonn: ^Miielof Uieliiio.it [>ru!inJ| >ly, manufacturets of cafttingi? TJie drjllmiiuie wa» referted to tMty T h e eijbernrlsd is sponsored by the wild eonfcorus which oanuot be eters iu Detroit. Wyuiidwtte and uclgh- KJU^ILS ,lnnt, is located at. Fourth an<l Attorney Wit Ifagh Williams. , vWJRAL.an the Pamilst Pijptective A»represeDtled at 'fcbe tneetlhg. next Moi^fcf ritig Ijo^iiH will asWDuibW.ioi <:io«ilio- "<Wjr; u tW\'mm"infet»r trparfljf'lpaT? in - **• ,* l tiiut/r ):JWV&&, on MMday filed a isbclaMon, and U Udtnjf 1»''tattrinuriftt fitipii^ ill the? teu IMHII.S tot 1>e staged rhe paraijle, a r e « s k w l to report to Ben :y petition in toankfuirtcy, cf good :rii t s work. An lnt«re(itingjtpi>c'ta4-le Ui.(><Nivre<l. its president, Elmer A. Con- llhe. eit y. clerk 'w«s requested to pi'e\i\vk, M-eietttion dlrcvtoi, a t the eity The Kfwaiiiw olnli Ls Staging tliK hall. Liabilities are lifted at $^4,070, pare and forward to the school a oOmshow to raise inonoy fori its ui^dornith1 afssets of $25,900; nmnicatii tf, 'expressing the thanks! of ' A^rs. Jlilty Iloen^tid, 24, of 414T Iinvilogod (-hildu'ii tnnd | The gtMid ^lr. Conway rextde's at" 204JK) Ka-st the city fjor what is K>in# accoinplished Sixjfli street,! flcorse, died a t * * e WjrWork a<«-outi>lUliod l>> ~thib| fund is alRiver road, Grosse He,. • \ « 4'f > iin<]|>tte General bospjfc 1, June 16, folre<nry » inttfter of hiMorj- lk> yout ' i»w— i— PASSEN|;KR t AR < lowing a stiort ilbi«««. S h e is. survived D.trt b> tutn-h-.t^iug MI ticket for iio\t R U N S INTO TRUCK by b.er hitsb^ind, Ari3t|ew, a n d t w o Aridiael Caspejis, for many yei^rs a CITY ATTORNEY WILLIAMS , Thuisda>. Tickets, ranging in price daughters, Marie and l$hlrley % also her ity empioye^and a well known u!>cal ' i ATTENDING LAW |NSTITCTB from Mil <(Joiit.s to %l, may l!>e pn>«nred u pnrants, Air. e n d Mrs. Stephen. GalenAt Popjlar ai^d 'First streets, at, 7 -M oatwnuin, died last Friday at the homo troni nieiiilH'ir. of ,tlio dub or <U tho I ' — . ' Detroit; three sisters, Mrs. Vera, f a sister, Mrs. Joseph A. Kniitli, 17»J Dowu Uiver"FetU»r.il S.ivin^.s and J^oan rity I'Attoiney W. Hugh Williams p. i u s T t e s d a y , a,^Packard car driven cin-Jiof 1 by AufI wny Bigds of Vftti Fourth f, Bi ha, Mr s. Mary ( ^ m p a l g u and Ell*>ak ^street. H e ,was born in Wynmlotti axi(K'iaiu>n tho i.'jihulau drug Motes, left Wednesday for Ajfn Arbor, where Olne lOli/iiibeth Cihtith, daughter of ptTect-hil «"Ford >iiuck owned by Bb- abeWli Galencbe. T h e fnperal, held a t and I'urilo Auto ^ilo.-*, lue > \li ao'd'Mis John-Mr Oriffhh, of 0« 0 }fMr« ago, and had spent hi> entire he is attending the st'ftsions of thV law ertis B w . CV>mpnWy, and j driven b.V« the||Thon funeral home Monday a t 1 1 ife hero. ---* ! _ i _ iiihtitute ^f the University of Michigan \im-\AcnKl .noliue .fnd Kdwfn Ridley Snr\iving an";' two sisters, Aijv« hi w school! i Antdti Ortimk of m i " Maple street. a. M.r w a s conducted bi' Rev, W. F. A . ' toiu.i.g 'of "Suintoi, N. A\ wore inaiLI I The PfrcVSrd wa« damaged I to the ex-| Sinibn, of fA. John clm|i'h, with-burial Mihith and Airs, feuniiy IJuSana. The meeting opened yesterday arid t io*l iu tt romantic outdoor .sotting last tent of $175, and the truck $75. ' | i n 'erndale cemetery. I'^merulservices were cxtndiiieted/at continues today and tontorro/w. satuui:i.\ .if(oi lifiiHi Tito oer^iiony ,w,is .. : h ' ' . f the ^nilth"1 home, Monday^ hioruing. at perfi'iinwl by ltev. William J. Howell, 1« :uid at Kt. JosophV ehiuneh at. 0. •ol the .Flirtt l,H")Ji>te>,hin church, at mneter the loifntrj home of the hHdegroomV 4*irti bunal i«~AIt. Carmel cjemetery paiem.s| Alt ihid AU>. Jxiaii* Avorj < 1 t'oiningl at Hamlet, \ , C. At ^l\iU's{lay ulgiit >.» C o i u | l l session, ,'Tlro hnide wore a wtyite emhroideiexl the OhfiHiutn J^IIIT Mtssiouary Alllamo 0Vgii|id.\i gown, and carried iv bo<p:M't of chlinii WAS gi^uiod the li-M! of ltrshop whjte oi-i'luds ami Ulio!*-<)f>thd-viirto.\, iwrk for religljoits soi vices durtni; the 'nio aiatiou of honoi. All*. Frain N five Sunday livening* iu July, when tyie i*ai k is uoi^ io<|iiirod for civic pui- I" tlrifilith. sistoi In-laM of the Undo, was i.ittjied in it toial chitl'oit fnk-kj and pttsed, i.irrleil ' coral roj>e.s and dolphiiiiuui. Wymaii C. JOUIINMII, a *i-.vca| j>ld WHtN lEOPRtC, LORD OF *' "" « * », ' iv i th in.! chiug tlowers In Iter hair. lisldeni of rural route No. 2, Homii.COV8Nn*r. ENeUKO. TRIBO •»> <Tw>ir Mid I'shoi d i i b o j : »t, I'atnck K ?A.14'H. iriJtirh wot-e pule bine lace f"\ his. wa^, almost Instantly kill<^l In an wno* FROM m wuxi%jr fl I'hm'vh given peuulsxlou to paint Migus her diui hterS welldtng. ,wllh a white 4 ittouiobMe actldout a t i o'elock Hunon the sidewalk* ad\ortLslog their e x - stniiw^IuH. Mrs, .Corning wolre an allies IAN E«ft6»tANT TM, ^ * (a.\ nioi'hilig. i cursiou on Angtist 7. ILAOY eoerviK, us wifa w«pv of rose*! print dresn wlfh hat to match. .IO1IIISO|» wn& driving a car at Ford * • « • Thl> giooiii'v best "man wiw his ifath- i nd Hojithflcltil r«Mds in l)i|tirl)oni. EOTOMfXNUae THftJUOH . IJKCIISOH were gruntiHl 88 follow^. et 1' . ktteruiitilig to make a left turn.) he Trie 5«EeTS OF COVENTRY <"Uis-<L^A ' ifiiittl i " reijtiUuraiitf*—•Ul- •A dinner ill V*>\H}'a, livu ut .Itneklnt;n'«« xldewwlped by a car cointiig f|-oni ff HE WOULD A80Li«l THF. liuu Lajsoii. «14, Fourth street; til. S. ham, Xi C4, t^llovVetl the fceU'iiiotiy. ibe opposite {dU'iH'tlon and driven by i ^ TAX, H£ A6REt». fOt Tn£ hrexge^yiHijirniy,'AWJBldqlo ajveiiuo! The nWiy wedilod coiiple will uuike ' Milium fill of .V.TO Argyle avoijwie. llaAx>t A. Balrd, l-a-badle > ut -tfli'Mt ihelrrlimine- at Ami Vmrk, \ . C. | TAILOR, Vr*S THE ONLYQNf . [<ihiiMon was tbiiwn •*:< eeet from, his Htroet: X. .1, \N ndoll, :*tr* |lld<llo avei « » > S**0 LOOKED FROM Bf HIND ^. IBI and wa»'dead, whcii taken to the nue. Maergeiicy iio|gi|tali of t h e Ford Motor TH£ BAftRED WINDOW JF TH£t'.Ia** "<v" rektiiuranU - lArtlmr CoinjMiuy. '' \ ' ' ' ' HweitMer, 740 Middle avenUu; JoAepti Town, rr is SAI& THAT (H»$ owoirA Pill t'oliruujalKbitiitttpniiiMttUfor that; fHflUiH, «j(l Kord aveDue. ' , l e wu* drlvlui 0 0 inlU'H ati hour 'PCCJPIMGTOM* LOSiT HIS '*- ^ b . ^ Milk doarern—Woatwoorf Dalrfv I'oni y torn the "cwlli(il«n occurred, ' v (lauy. MilvlniUiln; lierrolt CJtjiMmiriy CYESKW SOOX A F T * * , ' ^ ^ P *,'oiutmn>, Detroit. ' f T*^ \ • * ' T\j(s Injured W h e n j Struck b y Cars i Itllians Plait Celebration : :1- :P*>r fOLI(]B WANT UGSi NOISE ON ST July 8-9 S Fil ;s PsKHon in Bankruptcy Uimgi M a S n , i ; Ieath Takes l|/ies in ilospiral Michael Caspcrs Miss! GrrffitK W e d s n in South Carolina OP CITY COUNCIL V*' ^e<^^io^^d3e^i>w^ W y m a h Johnson Killed in Accident Knocks M a n D o w n \ —.- 4 9 » > . t wra | um TO \m u T I \fkji t ' fpeefuntfjom^i \ Stanley ttlunaki reports! to the police that he|''Wa# standing on the white'lttio in the tttkiter Oi Uak stT*e< at Twelfth, nwir mfdnigiit lat»t ^Vldayt» when u passing mr swerved over apd knocked Him down. T h e driver failed l» »t<H>. but dtaiined h i * llgbtg a n d f t o m e d left Jtfdgfe A r t h n r f r Fit-derle, lufei^cral on Seveiiteentb,ati!eet*, , ,'', ' ' «intft on Miohday, wuwellied the cltlBarhefci Brothers' circus ihot >red intook Sflfttpski to tfce W j - A-nshtp o f Arftrtnio Menna; 40,, of Treitto town yesterday morning an I began u nAd o$oll*ic.aT Gerieial hospital. Where l>r erecUitg (ta J.enlsr on thj> old «liii^nrd BasJ^.^ ey ]^p •, I, ' \ treated ftito, for «( sprained 3«i. r propeny o n lower Biddle aveibe. 1 > right! ankle. ' . j, ijouig Mi Hf»ppiug,i assistanfr United T h e oqtfit included four e t-pliants sffcafea atterBey, stuted that Menulu had and a, goodly array of w a g o n . KmuWd a ftcfltious name to gain adtolspto}«H are traveling with hue ihuw In slon t o this country in ltitM. Hopping trailers, t , h Mid that Menus, a native of /Italy, ' "Byo Aperfonnaii«ej« wore -ggjlftjju,,, the v e n t to Argentina, took o u t aj.pasp-; Wynndotte Bo#lt cUd>, whfeb ^pouahJHMi l e f t there under a. false name, and the IOA^III appearance, gettia'^ m per 1 nttred the'United Siates with l i t ' oeutage t*f tho.net receipts •n—'»» * * 1 rShton nan s LiHzensfiip Cancelled hi SOMETIRteS TffK LktK OF CREDIT can levy an exorbitant tax on i , ,jusinese. , . ^ . ^ RemeifrbcE if rM n*e«T ofa to pufchaae s^ic, ra* material!, to expand . . . it is j^rt of oaf businetis to 'lend money. Each loan i s considered and | P*E«d on jd t ^ ^ n g r r ^ i t is not a favor t o get credit from your bank. ; r T W f Wyart^lters 1 €A1W I i ,' G r a d u a h in L a w * men were meiobera itim v EBWICA MAm Two "Jj [WyauiTotte «•••» nouwufc A Sometimes Lack of qrwtit \\\ ^napr* , s v Wqandofie Savinqs &ri7k •> HOBnOREpAT F l NCTIONS of, the Wjtendu tositriiatiug class of the Detroit OoHegeUof I^aw this weeji, reeeiving ; l^ltfcWAY Last ^ t o i j d a y MrsTpaaiJ HomauetJ U l i W . decree. They "are Williata. i nd Mrs! <Hu^d S^Mney entertained tor r Three Ctfrp fujttred (n a tjrhUiguin P,1*eLitrU^Aod amd Ray Mi*., i i Uss \ r eioiiKg -Mafr nt a bridge Jul**-! <»)Ulai(ta a t the. corner, .of Superior and , Exerltoert w e w held at the,vDetl pit qkm a t t * e i f«toeek tea room.. | Bjidgtai Tuesday, night. A car driven afiext SnrjarJSey, fbe Misses Cathen, l»j(- if!,, Si lt*eh«rdson of J«l« FoJntt* ri^titwte «€ s<££pt OH Monday evening. r4e and. Wl lifted M a n writ beaei street 8*oppetl;tfHJiake a left tarn info * ieir siKter, Miss Yeroafca Maw, witl Superior, was iiruok by a car 4«ive«( ,\V¥ANm»TTE INVENTOR teu ut tbe Book CtedJlIac botet in by Hofifcf Aiqes of Kiver ftonge, w h o I ' 8 f 5 C l ' l » » A PATHNT ••i , . ...iii ' . ^ etroit. I • \ I, tried ""to puss ftiehariteon on hts tight, then m rhe^ear of Dole KemkUl of Mb* Marr"i5 m^rrbige will take place Puatil <'., Fhn» o f Wynndott*? h a s 'iflcotaoi &ii gifi^ldWil .wi'ulit'MMl 4a ' - rpatent a i t ; o n t **«. ext T u W a y atlBt. Patrick ehuxehJ. IK'WI o n tra lvi1ki*{tf*attf' lubricant. ASIQS — - — — - . . 1 - , T T— - - V -, - ^ . Co^iWuiServictfeiiieia?^; feji^tf^w^Ai^WiwiawitiiMi^'" ipUaftfei i 17 w^ I < , r * \ 1 i i IiwlLJiliHiifeHiial i / rn"3,r"> \ ' •^ll" jy Ih. _ mm tiki | F I IA f »1 h ^ TIT- i^_ «• 'MC »•i'll'-dl't- -t- <> 'J-"!^ •!' i €' •!• ' i •»<• ^¢-^1-¾^ -i a* »' > -f •»^^"J' •!• 4- •»• •!• ^' "f- »"I- 'B- •» -iL-r il-'-i'lk- '!• •»• '<• -1» •» i'4-<' •»" i i Tb> Wyandotte Herdd !F THiOUS4K«i>4 -(0P, w r s • i BY J. D. HAVEN OAK ST PIIONB 56 i IfjBueU Eve y F.-J l.i} «1 Wyandotte .>} • n ed a t the Wyandot"*, V •>.. office a* Hecoud Jlasn matter, rfptlpu P r u e , $1.50 P e r Year BSTABLIiJUED 187« • ' - i h. ' V 1 ft. A Watc«," as low a* $ I 0 . 5 Q pei. ed, Iroral $ 15^.00 to $20*00 p e j I I L I J L. F. Knowles, FORCED 2434 Union TOGuardian SELLBuilding f f i * Detroit, Michigan * Telephone- Cadillac 1261 , A lajrge crowd i<>ok UJ rhi l.1j,fs< < J^I I %xciir<.ion U> Boi.sj |41am.-, yettelday< i Al< i Th^iua^ W lletroit visited Ins t>roUi<r H «' Tin 4114«-, l.tst Sunday j T h e dDHu.rt excursion of Hi Hkplitn'fe, Epi.srop.il 'htireli to ttoi»> Blan. o» currw yesti T>la>. Ntaftin*; .lulj % l, Wyandotte Savings. ttau& ;wiJ) rediu-e the r,ile of mleiest (Mud J<>IE .saving.*, deposits from 2 to • Tlu lay lopuiiUt'er. of the down riv er 4>ianeh «f ttlt< Detioit \ WitiUK Nur** Ansoeiatnin held theii innlh, , a^muwl jjet ti«eth«r a n d tea at tM'lHixiver .-vhuol uj Liuuoln I'a k h'.*t ' A e e k / a s view ._ _ gueta.s pi\ the Uiipoln l*ai ^ ^iiun.tt<H rriicrovivarium, "which In, tJw.' Illll^Cl e i>£ Mi- Ki+Jelie B.illi exhibit of the Weslmghouse com ji man of the IJiMfiln r.irk uiui- pany at the World's f ur. The micronuijtee, "Mrs VV.iltei ' ijJl^M'ti, bro^iaiu vivanum magnifies idrop of water1 TJH animal children .-> IUJ. exeUi^eh i luirma u, JM ei!.id< d 2,000 times on a f ve-foot screen. will lie h«.-ld next Sunday jfteruoou a t The ftve^t spesikei wa> ^j|i Huiry 2:30, at the Wayne county training A reaiKj" ct l>etnm WIIOM.e 1«>int W-i.s Thus I learned that a water drop is Seh<xn at N*trihviUe "Oiuuiiiiuity Ilea tli " i n l*&irxe d i v really a miniature vorld inhabited lte«. a n d Mrs. II Norman Jai.:kj»t)ii e»»M'il the k)etiith UJii. •*« l.lf ]ll\ibleillN by curious creatures with their a w l t*>», Ri^jcr, will spend rUeir va< a oi.iifnuitiii^ the l.iifie Mt> ;il The jrtv- loves, hates and battles unto death, tioii u> the month <d July, visiting ••i fit time as <-ouvj>.uid witli tliose of engaged in a neve --ending dance, t r u r n i s in MietiiK.tu and Canada. the Miial) ^iiniufuuiy, and he nilaeed all seemingly sense] JSS y e t possibly | Mr W 11 'Honor* att(-nd«*d the di dt- S]»»a.il euiphn.sds on the iui]>dri<!dix. of fully as sensible as so-callea civilijcath.i i t n moni.-M e«mie<-ted witlF'tlie fc(Kjd health to tile <"oiiitniin).ty!, AI\<\ the sation. And to end the show, a foi nit I o|*-nnif; n£ the new Yetet ins' -iti.u.s t<twaid which the .siuajl eoilu- death ray was intriduced and the •hospital .il Southfield road and Alien mi.iiity i|iuiy stnve. residents of that s range universe ,Putk|ou Wi-dnesitarv 'M,ts S 'llomei l''er^uson s preshlent swelled until ' th^y actually burst. G'wan home, Tuck. The btoss 1* Aiti«r jiienUmt; ,i vacation with relu nl Ih* liet.roi), VISIIUIK Niirst' Aivsoi uw Doctor Roemmert iaises his actor* *lv^8,jn \V>iiiid"tr<. Mr and Mis. .Sid- tion l^vitd of trustees, ^ufoi'piiiHj ijis- by means of bits o: hay and vege- Ute^ knd I'm worried. I'U Jus^ wail ney Ijotijj ant] (IJIlighter -returned " to HiiMd iihc idvnK of t i n Vlsitlii" \ u r « e table ' mould' in dist illed water and htx« for him. ' [\ , . , t h e i r Junkie m {.arising on Sunday They A-vs < lation,, (»ituiinjj the vfi'l.V day."' makes up his transparent performWNU Service, ' ' > ( Were u«< onipu4ili*d t»h Mr Lough j>4ir of visitu^ mir^lnj; IU Ik-ttoit, the hoiivt. -—r»—O | \ •• ers by feeding them minute portions eufa.'Mr. a d d / » { * (lirsou I^HIK 4 and asj>liijt}o)u< cf,Mis,s Aliie liowon, > ttrfe Kdgar 4Vl South JInil .«»)< <\ wlwj a s a, yolua>' nurse ^nidua e of I h u of harmless colonn g matter. And the microvivanum i nakes a drop of poet to 'leave V<'»"'f»»W t'Vt a two pei hos^liai, >HO iiiiMintiTi^l'yr tf'ive of week*' vintt witW Mrs SiuiM-'* uu'tht-C ihei life H4»n|eM4) yeai.« aijiijti an effort vinegar lo6k like- a lot of .jitterbugs. nod |>i\»Uiers jicjijT XfanWeij. Thi'y will lo-jirovide i|ui»diit; <-are mi a unit lime s under a full head o ' steam. •' -i * « • go !by iiuti'iiiolille, Mr Smith dlivlnj; lM»ls t«»||l(X)ie who otherwiw WVftlweil Tllrt JuMer will return the flist of the 1 nu.lhie t^i wirure -,idiHHiale eiD'e, U, W Relics; Workmen engaged jn WarVHO whififcilii- llenl') Stlfet ntXiM* of ing down the 'Sixth avenue elevated I Jliij jtud Mr«. W.iH.ue I), M<H'i.'ltwh \ c w Voik;|h,fil heuuii HIHL |n«'nen so railroad structure find their job AM) A8MOC1ATES r o m p i e d List Week t<> their home af, \ ilnathle \\ffl a few yuau* TfiK'oiu.v Mis more interesting than the ordinary \tO/>to Third -itt>«'t. following mi auto- KeiKttHOH (sdrnhved tile fact ~t IUI ipuli,V - ' ' " i i !«u<H»il*> trip t» MliineapdlK Minn., lietk)>le WniU>'Yli> Dot Uluk'l* a n d that run of such work. For ,instance, "vwlij?!^ they s-)eiii t4*o week/* vMtihg this n»Tvl<v miiy IK- M'etiiei^ 1I.> anyone station platfprms. ' Fhere cracks beINVEgTMENTp : 'INSUR^lfJCE' re»t|vt»H and friends in their old home 'in need , of' .skilled jiait t i n t ' iihrVdiiK tween boards have been collecting town, They wer«» ueiimn.Miuk'd home by eaie. and \ujwy he [>uld fin- hi iwrtt or mementoes throygr the years. One i*'.vm'.nil'x'h's uM'thor, Mrx Honor in hill (itvOrdlUK to their ExpeTleDcedH^ act HS fliiyr|?clal worker picked up a half dime minttittlond, il lid uleee. \\M H<>'M>(W\ry s-ltuatloi^. 1^ .ed inlBSl arid another a.time sheet Exevu t or' Adiainls t rt-i t or itiDoiid, whir expeet to ienuiln here JliKhlljtJhUs of the yearW vfmk hy the which showejd that in' the seventies Guaidian or Ttruutee' tye, ifttinjDucr. (KUiiinltM'f'H ' were i»«*s(»nte»11»y) Mi's.,Nell a|nr efevatetl employee earned $1.20 1 •' « »,» 1, , \la«N„etl| chanhiain of the Wytiuuotte in 12 hours.] Therf are 60 Indians I iNWuiittve; Mrs.. K 1) UeiUb* <rf the in the crews, which is not at all REAL ESTATE AN.'M.Y'S^S ticor-H^iSmiiiiHtee, and Mrs. AlilM'it uncommon, I was informed, because APPRAISERS Indians like to tear down steel strucVlynu Of Ule lyi<ol(i l'ark vyjiiunittee. iMiK Ohi^lotte ChiLson, ifujlervivir tures^ Why native Americans should INVESTMENT COUNSEll of trie down river htaiieU, i>re.seute<l favor such an occupation is still a the yeai>'s retwrt fiom the nursiiijj matter of doubt cespite inquiries. angle. A| ret-«nt national health survey The most logical explanation seems • • t 3€il7 Riddle Ave. showed r7 pei lent of the population to be thai rasing is open-air1 work. tAri Kjfetl Trent/on nvidenl, Mrs. MiirPhone 2150 to ihe ill> for one wetk ui moie in i^iiy e i r e t felon, 77, died suddenly at her «i*eu y«iar, 'Si JMT «eiii leeeivjiig hiosWyandotte, Mich. hArok 2T)4)f VVe^t .loffeuson avenue, on l>ital »tfrt». and 1$ pei cent remaining Commercializedi It was my beftpi)4ay nhcht White site hud be<« in .it home, TJie records of ihfj,dovrii t|iv- lief that hat snatel ing was a prank fp<K>ri he-ultb for sltuie' time, the end •l bralu-h of tin association indw^ite of those who like o annoy subway SPECIAL, SERVICES T 6 Ciin*^* oH^xpevtedly ! that Ultix'l cqut of the ewtfiliated ill ' riders. The hat sidftcher lurks on jAlth PeU>n leave* J her lui.-4iaiid, 'An ATTORNEys 1'TRUSTEES u>ed the , a platform and, when the tram t(iijQ^, a stater. Mrs>] Ksitherine Mileh popiilalipn lenuiuiihig a t hum|se during starts, reaches in through an open INVEST()ftS OWNERS s e r \ u e s ( iitfj tlif Msiting nui «j|), .and five brother*, IVter^ Jame^, lUC^s' ^ r a p l i t vf i h e fi e clii Ksifuati n | window and grabs 11 hat. - The owner 2Stf \ lyoajti, Joseph iind F r a n k Tnuiibley, all ol Hit* AfltM visit's nuidv by the down i can do nothing ab »ut it since he is of TCri-uton. -i 'jvei noises .sjiowed th.i; 1 per cent locked in the car and ~ stays that Iliv Thomp^m, (if Rtvervlew, IOU of tht \,isit„ w)">e fully paid foi b> the [ way until the text station is «lu*-l|<nJ Uie ftinensil MTVICIWI, held a t tbu Ukitit'i-t;, in -t lP<'r «'«»t P* tM*' > lAits, fOached. Well, the police recently o m e o n Tuesday after^ Nix^a fttlierui wa$ hi in Fefndalo w i n e ' part- OfL tl(e -tost of the sji rvlce w^as caught two bat snatchers and put; Burial •lald^ 4& l f r cent were fro* and paid them in trfe hooseg JW. After awhile, h *?ry fOT l»y |rht* coniimnifry fund) a ."KJ lH-r detectives • went o i t and brought in 4 • » X cent UUouj;h Uisuja^fice and other x-ou- a hat renovator ;nd charged him u a c t s . <!>f ] b e (1,«01 patient*, jmr.sed,in with receiving stol en property. AcllUife, 3¾ p«r cent were reported to tlio orgauizi^tioa by the family! of t h e pa- cording ' to the pol ce, the lads who tient, 31* ]>er cent by thtf tti.surauce lifted the~lids sold them to jthe renoagents, 9 psr tjent by the patjient's phy^ vator. After refurbishing jthem, he sold them at a p rofit. , T^ius, pro- 'A i j •slvian, and 13 per cent by liealtn a n d fessionalism insteid of sport. " \\n*—"^ ;—{'* 'sioi Jal ugei cie*. > *—-*»._ •• • * * ''- ' "Miss B3n llie Sargent, executive dirMrs Ruth FritM-h «Iie<| a t fcer horat, ector of t ie association, feuauuea up 235 Sycainorc street, on. Monday, tolLoss: (jetting liack to the Sixth V>w ng 4i.J]oits illness. S h e was 2& years the r e p o r t , .^- biting out Bains made avenue elevated ft r one more paraOf i £ e ami w^is In J r ti in Indianapolis, and la|uding the work 'aeconijplished graph: Thomas. £ arris, head of the tlnd She had resided In Wyandotte both by the nui»es and, t h v lay eoili- contracting firm loing the razing, «lx yeilrs Survlviin; are her Mi«l>aud, uiitteee. I N : holds that the joh will cost his comPsii 1, and pareiit>, Mr. a n d Mrs. Bl- Airs. William Holland, a<a-oulpanied pany $160,000. I ed-irrk items ininei Slockin«er of Batexville, Iud by Mrs. B. A. Burns, delightfully enclude removing 32 000 ties apparentJ t i i e«tt Ki-rvlrvh were conducted by t t i t a l n e d t h e group with qlnumber of ly laid to stay; taking nuts off &*\|. It. J Firn-wlilhl. a-t the Nixou niiLsical selections. t u n e r a l jionu« a t 8'WI Tuewlay nlRllit ' Host<»K«ks- for the \ten •wiere" Mrs. B 150,000' bolts on a i tring piece 147,000 I t i remaiiLs were shlpiied to 4tatos- (.Itline, .Nlr.s. | Albert Ftyuji and Mrs. feet long and the fact that the iron vlll % lnd , for burial. J IjeBlaftc, With Mrs. Jnmes Foote bases of the pillar s, instead of being, solid, are filled wj ;h bricks and Conhind Mi|s. LVlfred t'lbm, pou|tliig . *** '—' crete, making trem worthless as )-4-—•—**••» BIKS. <?ERTRH>E HAKT • "^ salvage. ' The c mnflany sells ,the a , ' DIES AT KIVKRVIKW NKW 1lliMR|CBH '0P THti « >f M»ATfaHitA**4liirB^bHi M NtW<I,dQAtlON—3042sFirst St. next to GasfOffic PHONE I82d i ^YANtX)TTE, MICH. , ,frfe44'4'4-'H'4 «M*4-»H <^ 1 u . y i I L ^ ^ I ' I l>i^VlS-MONAB Ob. : Engineered Heating, Ventilating;, Air Conditioning \ I DO^KSTIC. i 4 INDUSTKiAL <trongeyer Building ^ Tel. ©944-J ' Winkler Stokers ' Rudy Furnaces Open Evenings Till 9:00 -*i ,I ».|..H | " l 1"»'H"H'''I 1 i|i»i|ii|iiti'|»'|i'ii«'»'i'4*'l'l"l'-J'<"l|4'il'4M|'> l ji4i|iliij..|.f.|».:.<»H'<••»»»' •I joiHiN: p. MciNiiMisiE^j 1 8 /. > REAL; '"giftff? SERVICE i + 4. Irs. Margaret Pclon I ( PHONE Ml . [ NOTARIPlTgUC 9 8 | B l i i ST., CAHALAN BLDG. [ ; PECK DETROIT TIGERS HOME GAMES Jujie 30,, Chicago; '' * July 1, 2, Chicago. | . July 3, 4, 4, Cleveland! J a l y 13. 14, 1¾ N«-w toi-k. J i i l y l 6 , 17,]Boston. I ' July 18,. 19, 20, Washtogttm. J«dy 21/32, ^3', PhiMde$hui. Aug. 8, 9, 10, Chbttgof Aug 11, 12, 13. St. Ldnls. Aug. 14, 15, Cleveland. Aug. 22, 23, Philiuleldhia. Aug. 'M, 25, 26, Washington. , Aug 27, 28,' 2«, New 'York. A u g 30, 31 j S e p t 1, Bos ton. ' Sept. 4,14, St. Ixwds. | Sept. 9, 10, Chicago. I . Sept. 29, 30, Oct| l, Cleveland. ELECTRIC QO. EVERYTHING BLfiCTRICAL 1 111 . 1 1J I se Di«s Suddenly !'. WIRING, FIXTURE^. REPAIRS 12S |ram 8 t -1 Wyaadotte, Pbon» 289 ' Mleh FOLEYSHONir-^IAR i«i j * , M ».¾. •!• .»• .¾. .1»1..|. •»..!• ».1»1. •!• •!• j|j|.l. •!• -t. >»•»•& .|. • ! . - » • , MICHIGAN, («r their State of Buried iti lndiaha tjffltt. 7m.ywrta<f S. S. BROUGHTON FritscK *M a ^ ^ k II M s. Ruth r ii a • The John E. Yowl Agency:: ]; FirefN Insurance!! I >l44%ALNipfST -( - • y -j. x Telephone 17¾^.¾ • scrap steel to don estic firms rather than ttf foreign, na hons which would use it for muniti >ns of War. And such patriotism c< sts $4 a ton. 11UMBKK OF C4)M>IKK< K \ sirs Gertrude H«rt, 51, of l*lvt>rv(»«\\ t'iefl a t the \Vy«n<h>tte litMieml H"s The fjillOTjvlnu memlieji-siiliw ^Jilch piial Mst Saiturdwy, folloxSlnj; a slmrt were ij»«4Ue<l during t^ip ' past [ two illness.'She is -nirvneil h> two sisters Weeks h>ive been approved and r»oi>inM r k AusniAf Tavein of Heilford mid meuiltsl f«>r i^lniisston by t h e uu»uiiierM i * Oiarlotke ^3urson ,of tlilti city. The ship Committee o^ the Down tilVfr furieral took pla«e from (be home of <'lHtinta?r of. (>)t»imejrce: lit r[ vister on' the Itacho ltoiwl Moudny NtillH. Ainiot, H |S. Amlilt t'ompany, i t \i ^ . ui. Burial was in i\ est Mound Wyandotte.' ' - ? cvn*tt»rfry, , 1 T.^AL DaVlK, mayor of Wyandotte. .— « • » L. J | fja**uurse; city clink of WyanAMlLVr FA>IIL^ >IO\1NG dotte. ' iH> HAJlfLT STE\ MVK1K. OST. John; T. MuWhlrter, city troaMiier who •tf Wyjindotte. Mr l a n d Air's. Iiol(ef t i\t Anient, . F \V. Lldtlle, city engineer of \\y~ bu ve i1 \esfded in Wyand«>t t,e for the _•_ to ianlt fka^t 11 ye^trs, a -i v tnovjnij; audott^. ' S t C Mai'f, O n t , where'Mr. Amen has Uo^ii ltiver Theaters t'oniipiiuy, Wly* pbfi^Uon W*,IT1I a stetd ct^myauy. jrto'.vf ' k a t e a w-n,! IWbert.>• Who graduated audotH'. Treijton Theater (V>ni}»a[n.v, Trenton. froth t h e litio^evelt bfgll *H>\\<M\ this J. W . Fol*i'j, ir., Mfctiittiu FoutulpitaCflc^th, and >a {daughter, Ke(ty, a jun tion ( J o„ Trent oh. tor • at the Hottevelt. WYANDOTTE YOUTH , , 1——«»» i u - iU . , * I 1—.—«-#J*» rpr- INJI3RED i*J CANAHA I •I MAfi iS KILLED BY TKAIN NIW;NT1FIED I t^orkinen o* Ford ^TJemie, i»*ir the .telttoad croeaiaea, on Saturday ditr tcoyerejd the mtfmgled remain? of a man !lyliig *long tbe> New Yovir OentriU railIroAdragbt of inf. JThehody w|as'taken to tUe cohiity inorgoe at Dttroik ! A long freight Aatf passed sliortly i>ef«*rje the renw,"injs were found. ) l '•»>•>• i CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS if While thiye Wayne eotjnty youths were driving in 'Canada-lit 1 a. n. Miudat, their caT .left the *oad new l'eiromenux OoraerB, and crashed int,o treej• ' •i ,ur Paqtiette, 10 years old, of U»I0 Biddle avenue, Wyandotte, aid (^lylo^-d Httfbert, 15, of IW575 Blnhcre^t dfl*e, Detroit, 'who, was at t ie wlMylj ow*a|M>d' with slight injorifs Jack Benatm, 18, of TreJitOn, a pa.<ssenger, was taken to th* Hotejl Difeu in Windsor, suffering from bar'- • *~ Juries.1 ' ' ' The! ear was a total WWH*. ! gen lor field aid (fora-ge crops), 12,jODO- a year, a-ssistanf. lalwratory aid 1 1* n j | , , j (pUmt technology), $l,tti0 a ytear, JunThe fleet^ in! Again U)jl8 year *h' P» toij fietd aid. $1,440 « year, juulor lajbs oratory aid, 41,440 a ,jear„ bureau of of fh< Great Lakes na^il training jptym inthwiry. A4>pllcant>< must not lleet - will ! rake part in I the n-jitiot ail cherts festfiml to be liohl in tytvtvoirse " jbaVe passed their 40th lxlrthday, j Associate wiltrt-hoiroe exaralnerJ $3,- City. July M, 13 and 14. f +++— ! 90S a yeaf, assistant warehouse exam'jin^, fe,6«W a year, Aud Junior WareSalmon fkoia both Pnclflc nntl Ktiioase exaaainer, fi.OOO a year, bureau iconsts hftve heen iplanti-d in lantlc ;! «f ugTicattD^u).^up«noniles. For the as'L«o*il«te grudt «|>iAiounts must not have Ml(!hl^,m witteits with no hpparent sm " ' 'Ifpa^aed their 4*>Ui, for the aratafjint ces*. 1 i gribte Uiey mqtft not tmve pirSMCd tltetr '«* • *• ., 40toi and- for the junior grade they Thfl uian^moth. an extinct prehistiirlc ! tnnfec not n*tve p»sseil their 35^i Wrtlv- anfanMi) larJor Ihniv the eleptintrt, oace J lived »|i wl^nt Is now Mkliigat*. 4*Wi • ! Ii s . " » • • ' . * SMITH INSURAHCt AGENCY bumre' Ei Irony Note: ' W i c k Wit," that new quiz game which is a hit with the intelligentsia, was invented by Roy Veller, a, Loiig Island real esttate dealer, who never finished) high school. His is t | e third amatedrinvented game tofscore a smash hit in the last two years.' David Whitelaw, an English 1 magazine editor, made a fortune out 'of his "Crossword Lexicon" ind Charles Carrow1, an unemployed engineer, who used idle time to] work out a game called "Mohopolu," has retired in luxury through hip royalties. i *>• f • End Piece: According to Bea Wain, whp is verjy particular about good diction1, your speech is rioq-nal 5 you can recite pie following without stumbling: 1 .Are, our' oars here? jMany a wit is jnot a whit wittier than Whittier. •^The menu is uojt less important than the men yo a will meet. ?His suit showet I spots of suet arid Soot. n ' And to that I night add the late Odd Mclntyre lii«: "Mrs. Smithfs fjs^i «auce shop," because it usually throws me. , c Poplar St, \ fles A —\ UijtiLD^N on vacation are, natarally enough, interested onl r in jun. To parents^ howeyer, there is something ev«n more important—r-; the children'* health. i Michijgiin satisfies all concerned . . . offering U)e finest fac lities for safe and healthful recreation. , ! Amon r Michigan's attractions'are clear iorejst streams J . . thousands of lakes ; . * many .children's camps . . . j . delightful scenery . . . fraud State Forests . t . . sb6ts iof rare,historic interest . I. . 5 7 State Parks w i h such picnic aids as chairs, tables and sale l drinking water j < '"' ! - |'', Choosij Michigan for your children's vacation. To*', them, it will prove a'State of Fun.. . | . and y W H ' see it improve their- State of Health! 1 • It's jo comfort to Icnotrl^at hdmelandfmnity can dh toys be reached quickly *byrteleph>ane^l . »B«U Syndlcatje.—WNU Servic« Australian Wool Growers ! , Few Synthetic Products AUJiTRALIA.-Australian wool grower i—wool being Aula* tralia's greatest )Utp«t—frankly adtnit that the discovery oi synthetic woolimade]from cow'simUk, is wor-4 rytagthem.' , j,l liey have had samples Of the „,™ithetic product examined by tech> niiians at the Sydney Technological museurii and|tb,e report made is to the effect that only expert microscopic examinaton can distinguish between realwofl fiber lend uie synthetic prodjict, SXDNEY; f. 7—1 Dr. A- M BOY AJAN DEimST j X-RAY DUGNOSIS JuiJJng^aM Blddfe Ave. WIANDOTTS, MIOH. DR. N. G-BOWBEER •i ^:, ,0f9ir|8^ -K ' ^ " -UA Oraioi HODB8^8> tk to$p.s>,; . OFnCE 2B4I B^DbLB AVKNUR i, DR.O.S.GROFF /pdtisii:! k . i t r t l BUtae Awnaa WltLV MieniSAN TBLBPHONE ADO AND PLATB GliAJSB »7 I v '<! Junes C H idinan , INS" ,ANCE ,m f ' '/ ^ ,1 ^mlm Koch GENERAL INSURANCE 16715 MeCann Road i R J D 1 vTywidotte ryandotte 1 ' ( TiLEPSONEB 7014-R2 - '»wl$ .¾ ^ f ^1 Pbon^ 237 LfatediHai r^ i ^LL^ • M , V l 1 - ^ - 1 i ki If MsaaHi :Pi mm-1 i, -gflgHBauMaMaHti v^m§ \ f • t: J, +' i J 4m S?* "t-H't 1 M"M--H"H"t''*tH"l"l'fr MI'l-l' Wyandotte ip 1 Years Gone By I :H V • it J »*»•> -8-14- -H t"l"t-'t- H^***M"fr-H"H"i> ,;40 YEARS AUO I i'. -i 1' i . *» Si ' : t •' t M! A-JJ. >tf -j *u t » 1. •s Police Docket .Social customs have changed in four decade*,. In June, 181», the city Council adoptc<l unanimously u motion ,u^k l a g ufee Wyandotte &.' lM.roit Klver railway '•(mieet car Hoi ) to JI'-AU*- accommodation* for suiokt i» In thejr new can% Ti>duy, Miioke eujoy luesu selves ou the btiM-> vwilteui lit oi bin'd ranee. . . . ( Wyandotte banks.: bad '"fieea paying customers 4 per cent interest on deposit*. On, July 1, 185«, t i e t a u ' was to 1* lowered to tf pvr cent « >• . Fourteen teacbei*, comipTislng t i e entire corps of the WyJiidoite schools, w e r e hired at annual -whines ranging frtrin $350 to $tMX> Ont> ine piinrjpal Of (he-.high school was It) gel tin- SOM! Grade temitets weie rewarded fur t< a month* «1 haid wuik, with a $ X » «1« fiend. ' v i » • • Mrs. It. W. Hopkiu*. w^fe of a localtnHiinf.ic.iint r, died u.t t h e age of, t»i •flarolil Sounie of »6«) Chorr^ ^tit-et, •eport-vl that hi» "VikjiiK" ilxury* |i> \vi^ stolen from in front nlf she VVya'udotte tlieat* rf on TiH»Mhi.v night. J -' j A njau who K futttinfe- ai> f new bvltldingat 'J7-JS 'l^wt-nty-s-eCv-nd ntreet, ieiM»n»i the theft of nutterial, i ' A re[»oit from the" vleiintj <ti\ ^y<it inn.e <i»d Bidillv, eaily Tuesdnx MH»Hni|j, fttijeU that two young iwiS were s.)4iliu; ti affiv safety l>oinl»si ffoin the VVI'A n-oj-cct at SylriliUXore street and. B.ddle avenne The lijrfrN w e n ree{'Vv erJil l y t!»e iK»lice deiwrtJjueiit. t *le\|» Wenzick, of i « l « Btwt.|i<. uveu t e , rJeports tilie tlnrft. «t two nj^ire vv.^-el^ tuid tires from ^1¾ ear M,ond-jFy> 'ni Iht. T h e wlnjelji wjiv f<(und o^ Ninth tf-eet,, bur 'the twes w e r e notue.i TwJ youuK^tei'" UII a it u-ycl« Ijsti.le u aiW4 plaj tent f 1011( tl v y a i d of t' I ( 'I-IJII-I, L'OiJO MotonU MI leet. Slomlwy HllUII11lliptllUJIIlltUUlllini11MIZailllUllflllCai)UllltllllUillllHll1llC3lfllfltUIIII Mwnr & ^abaliin. i AttorneyB Wyandotte Savinfin! Bank Bldg. § .. " r f ' ' ; . ' ( . , • Wy indotte, Mien. 269.294 STIATfe OF M)I'OHI^AlN,K<>)nnty of fay^e—fas. - J I a ^688101( of the l'tioa.te Cotjrt foi 'Baifl (Joukty of Wayne, eld at tbeTi iilbirte Court room in the Jty of TjelttiS t, «n the second, day oi. une in the 'ear owe'thousand au»^ udred and hirty-nuie. l'resentiiPa*i lisk *H. O'Brii n^ Jmdge oi" i»ro4»ai*. la heNuatW of Ihe, estate of ]S<ifillA : iTlflFFkild, dteeawd. On reading^and : lluig tne pemtion of Loutsje S^elfke Vifrey prftyinfl' that adminlbtiation of :>* aid esilate lwj granted! to- 'Ohircuce ileffke oi tsoiaje^ttfh^r i;uitajl>le person t iK prllefetl, that the' lAvfent'y-seveutU ay pf July, it est at tejn v'i'loiik iu the i ii-nooA at -laRt (3ourt tbom l»e npoiutedjfor htaring »ai»l pelitiocf. jAndi t i^-further jirilered^ jthat a c*)uV,tVf. CONDUC : hlh or*i>f be p^ifblislieiil three, sufu-c* Ive weeka pi euuuu tp said t|ni|i of icarlng, In the'Wynndotte Hcrajd,,tt s .(w«pnrper prl ntwl anil ciniaKUihg in 3 tiid County «! Wayne. PAT .&OK II. O'BUlkW. Judge of l'i<«bnte. (A true cop .) aHIIIIIIUKCailllllMIMlEIIIUIIHIIIIC \ i ,', j' l v Second Annual j s/ EP BY Mich. Association of the I Amateur Athletes Lfriion of V. S. e<«*nlii|g. 4i!<. sjarunUty mirht m ^ i i n IJalu^^U' IIIA-HIJBH ^.SnAititis, Xtf vjin-wohd a\emje, pjilsvd hid <ai 2?w3 'i lX^iuly rrollale Iteglsier. ii. fmnt of hN h«uJ«' miikybelween 11 ,n (I moiniii^^tuiei.ntbio te into the unMurr 4 'aluilaii. Att«»rnbyH U'.-knl leur cohipmtliivii and >tole u i ^Wyaudnir HavingH Bank Bldg. * • 4 ' i l«,r< ut to<'U eontailii'llj? I IKipltie b«i - , Wy ndotte, Mich. - NothluK liki- U»is i-iniUt hai»jai^ mow ..1 -.oefcet Wll'U«'iie> fllld <rtil*f ll—oHlOJ1 atw.ow ' A ottiaen in tin- l<»t»|.j ul a rmmcil ttoti. i ' ' WMAlISKli>Na'iItM' NOTItJk* -r In cx-etlnfil era M> imn^ilitt.it !»• -.1-it he iuatter ot the eHtate of JOHN C. a«l«vp Not t»l> tntit, hf -ii"i*'i| >o . •Vlrilnh I'wiohkl. ."»13 Hak Mte^t, re innwltlie tln-ft of net uH>icfe frun in JWlliAtAN, (|Bt*a«ed W;c, th» uutleTv Joudty 11¾ t|t> Jtiti-i-i uiu L(U p'^-ved.jiK? tioul ««1 Noixiier'is, mi Mondayt lgn«[tj, haviin ; been appointed by the ' « » » ' Tim I'trlirfh-Aiiiirieunf icluh »t 1«W> *H<lHit0 Hhtlt^ t'ptrt ti>t the U«l pouuty »UHl.v of c' Tlif* Mn-biKJii Alkali t't>itf».iii} Wjifl .VifK.Jtiley ii venue wii')' bltikeu into Vaync, fetnt|. of» Micldgati, t;oniiuihr devetophur a wtuwc f/vumy 4uHell«vu«', <..il> Moiuiiiv inoininK. John Hte^ne) D, ret -Ive,}e*iwulnc ah'd aijjunt 'om-ix'io Kiitoa <;uuiitv, , f.uud the rear plde wiin ow offt'h, The U cUifinn a pi dv^iatfd« oi all perwoiiB . . . v v t.ito)>,liad prM-d the ^t leen of) on 1 '*?*• giuuf.i K.UU, lejiUM-tl, do hcinby jf^ive Wjtawlottt- 1I>IIK» uf tki«- Am lent Oi inrth' -.ide of I lie nulle iiu?. 'Arth-leji olkeUh«l v|e wlU\iiii>ct ut the luw I <!«r of llftn riu.iu>., a tloniUliin,: m fi'uud iiilhrtlng were, ten l|oxv. of elgji- Uices'ot Mifii and t'ahaliui, Wyail ,\ ciu-at-a),! ,otte (Suviiig! Hunk Building, taty of traiiLxnilfi>n 10 v«-*4ji, tifcn, t-lwti-d ilie«c j .d .'to i>mii't>* of whi-k offltIMpi«.i.«iiiu. Wtilmm J . iiui- ,v udoj' and iniinic utu'dipiie Were aUkt Vyani'loltc, 11 «anl County, on Wed1 tnfln'; v'nt p cihfrjil, 'Kdwurd 1'uru-tt. b 4k<'ii ojieu iuill tlie i" i itpH'-^akeu 4 LfMdnjf, the :d day ol Atfg.u,M, A. H i t i a a i n i a l Kiret.u.v, -'Jfinutiuh Itrcij4l .1 lulek- of JjlH k)laU«e eth-l' i»yi», and oft Al'outluy, the 2d day of nun; (••lurding HtH'^etJo, Wil^t.iui r^|ioited that hi- eul* h i d Utvn utolej, rttuLer. A» ' .>. 11>H1», at two o'clock 0<«j»bnaii. «HM«<M>H 'iMiPuHi, .lanif" l^.fiii syuintoie street a i d Middle. »v< M, of eath' ot said dayh, lot the jibe <hi Stinikiy. StUle p - l u e tioin th I WutMi'u; »<-utiu«>L, ,Juliu Welcli mipoisc' tf e :iuiinung ; and allowing l(oekwood station jreeottred the e a r a t ..lid ilainW ihtl that' torn month*, * * * , A a w v u i f t u wai> hmwfn-d to i-,»>talt- a ttarage in Monioe., rum the 2d lay of June, A. 1). 1V3D. A W (Joerkef of Allei I'.ii ik. report Ush ~uui WH» rj;i i/r> lms.piul iu the \Vrtallowed iiby said t OUM Ion crediI *khuff</i biuidiuK »1» Krout stieet At u l the tjieft of his ear f'oin the T*H>t orsk to. -pres.0 it their »iilims. to Us loi 1 t h e uioetfn^ uhcjn ilii- aetion w.m tak-^ of VWilnut Htreejt last Sal uVdst.v. It Was kUijiuiatJon nul alloW.mi-c ni, i*t tin-.(ft l' M.i»iNuln'l pu'sdUed it covered by >tl.«• l>etrtd p< hi*-. Diined Jum 2, 1930. meiine a s cbaniawxi, -wiUb U J . W. V UiunU-rt Henry OiU'in-ki, lt«olBJddle It \, W. |lU«i* WflLLlAAlK, UM >-rt-retaii It VIA* ilet ulfd to form a hatl his <".»r' p y k e d in fi"<tijt of ili^ Wya idolize, Michigan. general 4.tii« in uwlud<- D r i ' S Ki'W, l|.«ine, .June in. wl»e« M iti^Wdy 1)1 Ok< LAM KJDMC^ G1UFF1TH, house plj>iitiiu, iniil I* >< I*inil«'it, Hit Windshield hvqt t i e Rear slWt" F l a t llot-k, Michigan,' Ij»nKloi-. M.u^ictii'I. Mt-tilaugbJin, biok« all t h e glass in he luMruuft'ut 2»w.* i ' i'onamihfriouers. as - , — , — i 1 JrfeColl. lien;. l>miullard and l)r Hold- b«'.ir«i. and s-iole ;i M«UJ vlt^w lmjlio: en uf Trt'iHou The phm wa- to Lave withI a elo^;¾ attached. [The job" wws Marr & Cabalan, Attorneys Sfaotoiy worWineu i.i.mlritt>ut* 10 .cent*. dune lMtv\e«»li 10 p m. Thursday ami Wyandot1! Savingh Bank Bldg. lH?r njo'nili in a hosjjntiiJ fuijd In t-ane !>JM» a. in Fridjiy. Wlandotte, ,Midi. of a m d f u i . tliw w>f(»ld e n m l e in- work \yhile ltRtvi|»g t h e auditorium oi i<a.7ar) er to treat ui«fnt, a ln>d m in« lu^pital, If< osl-selt Ii h School. Thursday nijrlit ISfrATK' Od| MK'HIOAlN, f o n n t y of and tur "serMve* ,of a 'tr.unc*! uuisv 01 la^.t wee fidlowilig •oiiwnei*<'<'iileul Way.ne--.ss^ |A,1 u s«w>iou of Ulp I'roIrof But lit-' would Jiave t<> paj Ui- CxeHfises, WillSani. i \ rthrtun ' td 1^7 bate Comt f i r -satim t^ipnty of Wayne, tajniUj ph.i»i« nib 'lufti ooifcuiUiitst, for Oak s'tieet, f t l v h ' I t o nte had'his^iovk lieHl a t the llrvDate^fPbiiit room-In Uie tht'lr ! J * T V U ^ ' > bi puketl A lilhin lt» u l i ' i nilU't'ld WJLV City of J>«?tr ijt, on Uie) Mixt^'i/th- day t.iken (0111.(,111111(fivV «10 bills/ thiet- t«f 'June in' tl e year on©1 tu*»iwand nine * . * iltj; fl AUKU-I IjiiflTUT Wading diy pUnU ffl.ibDU, a ih-r it yer's ieeit-e. tajjtl otbe? hundred dud tihirty-nine, Piefeent Josund t-lotliiuj: ilit'r«-lraut, aniHmn<-ed tliat unities. lie nfii ihvt lit); h a d the eph A. Murj ay, Judge of Probate. In he would inaugurate an e a r l j closing bill-fold in hw hip jjocliet t|ie 'rtiitttfer ,»f t h e estate - of ANNA, nmv-'Hinenc to clf>4njf hU i^hibliiliujent Kellv VVi-oidew-Jki.! ofj 441 •SJt. ,J<»liii_ ^ l a i i t T l E K , detWsttd. M»ry if Beufevery Krniii ni^ht, exfi-iit i»ay .days, }-t'tvt, tellh poljtre HejhaU hi m r patk-' jer, adiniiiistjatiix of isiiltj efrtyte, hava t 0 o'floik. i<vl jli front of hi> itouke early Wed- ing rcndtiedf to thifc court dier tliiltl MlHIHnitMllllllllllltUilHIIIIItJHHHinilltJIIIIIIIIIIUtJHIIIIIItilltll^llllllllilHIIIHHIIICllllllll^ * * * • ncstlky morning, wiled another <'«r and filial aofotuit IA saj(} matter a n d — Miss Kd-itu May ' Pi-auklin a n d i>uniped iiitt» his ah<Jv iailtnii to .stop, filed ' therew t h her petition praj'iiigv Claude U I.ewu» wtre married on causing fciti d'.iSnia«e. A nub cap of a tlfat Uje ie*: [lue of said esst4U^'l)C as- 1 W. Hugh Willwias, Attorney Marr & Calalan, Attorneys '< > J u n e ii, 1«4>» tfignetl .to tin persons entitled Uidcto. ear tvas found lin the rytid. nyitrby. 30331 Bidplle Ave. . j Wyandotte Olivines Bank Bldg. •It Is ordere L that the 'twentyeighth . . . r 1.. « » i i Wyandotte, Mitch. i WyaiM otte, Mich. \ < t|ay of,J.u.ly. pext at tea o'clock in the. A, ula-w of 11 meinlM>rs graduated { 270.8&7 , i2 70,925 ltneiMiou. at said "Oulnrt HKIIU .l>e: apfrdht 'thi; Wy.Uidotte lilsh V i a n d ou ST^Tia OF JMPC 4dOAN, Coun-y of STAtK OF MICHIGAN, County of iioint^tlf* for e>>imiulng and allowing J n n o a t ) / l^s»^ I*rofe.v*>r K A. BarWayne—ss. At a .essiim of the Proskald accoun j a n d bearing daid i>eti- Wayne—J-ss. Ai a session of the Pro- bate (potirj, for »ald County of Wu-ync, bour of 'the Stsite Xoruitil c o l l i e debate Court for. sitfd County .of Wayne, AGIC MADE pASY (iou. And i i jl« further ordered, that a ]held at the Frautte Court room in the held at the Proil)atei Coukt room inlthe livered tae atidre**. inpy of tibiHiorder be published tlllee City of Detroit, on the third day of Cty |»f Detroit, On the,'twenty-fourth ,. • * « THE STRENGTH TRICK BUtiCeartlve w jek.s, preVitms to .said iline^ June in theiytur on^ thousand nine nay ff May lb the year one ihou^aud The iH-aU'ri" Veuk-U' <\tuiiiunj «f ' H6ld your I fin. of hearing, U\ the Wyandotte Ilerald* hundred and"! thirty'Uine. Present Jos- nine hundred jllirt;-nine. Present JOKDetroit Niift'uiittwl a proposition jto loJer-tlps toge|tler. a utewspapeiilpriBted and*'lrcul«Uug 1« eph /L, Murphy1, Jutige of Probate, in tpb A. Mui-phy.JvlS*! 01 Probate. In cate a plant in Wyandotte to emjdoy f Slate that nq one wiltl County|bf Wayne. •• ' CO UM'U Tlivrt' wiih to 1H' the u»ual ihv matter of tie estate of Cl>NliVU the uiat^er of the i state of HHUtMAN can dr** them j f e H P H A. JilURll'llY, bmiuw of the yi-ar- »)il«-li ended the ajiart. A. 'BOE..HICJ. deceased. An instru- K O N I K I S K A , dweiumnl i An instrument Jud^e of PtdbaUnineteenth ct-ntnry. -The <\>nncll acment Jin w. fiftig purporting U) be I lie In writing purporting [to be' the lust cepted the offer, but iiotuiu-; <-aine of ( A ; t r u e cftpy) last Willfliid^tdaameut of said deceim- swill und testament of said deceased A J J L A N K. 1'Jl.HiSON', , i It. eA having heelt dellveretl, into thin bavluj; been delivered iuto this Cuun Deputy Pf^Vnie Keglster. J-WlJ <"'er.rt foi probule and Mary K. Boeii- i'tur pr'oibate and Floyd koinarski having . « • '«i:rt Dr. t> S. tiuilT opiMted a dental of ^-, (»a Mug tflljst therewith her pell- fik-d therewiMi hik i>etition pviiyiug Edmund urzatkawgki, Attorney / l e e hi the Ki»-*t Coininerctal and f«avnou'iw ifgitUii ndnilijistration ,\vlth Shut admlnisttiatloi| with the will an- AUSPIC Wyandotte kfiw^nis TtHURSlJAY EYENINQ, JUNE 9, 8:15 i Benefit ot Underprivileged Children's Fund \ . 1 o ., B !' ^i 1 '*1 > •p- . , [• d $ll.00 •••> 75^ i * ) &*r 3 » -s? 'I i 1 f'i I? , \- i t H iagm Imifk buildhiKi • '* "K. 'K. old*, tile |jin»iiijr en«ln»; man S» ; I J rufuviitfvr, was lp the city <>n Weiine*- .• ' . j * • i » i- i " d a y atul pnid t h e Herald a call " Tli-* Herahl of Julie a t . lHrfl. Year* van. •*blit Office wore out two .»f the Oldtnj»ine«, loiitt, M o l t II. K went iulo Uie lHi»inet«jt of iimkliiK imlKin-'hikw. « • • 55 YKAKS A « 0 V\\f Mivtitaiiii ItVntriil r.iilroitd enteiod a klek awaliji(.t nrouii« Its iniek* «iU Ftonl ntfeet luoW Villi AlHtytu bu*leVKt<l> ln«-ldelof tin-dirt) so ,i» to Ml low fo< the inivhitr of the thoro«if!ifiire. < i •• «\ i ?s • | tin " !;' • •!! ' f > • ! > J s i • i Jtaployw of4>otlL pujuth of the MidiIpan Alkali t'lnupany orj:.ini/.ed uTal tiftSe ball teams ft« the lt>H -eason » * • I), frank leaded the' Columbia hotel and amiiktiUK-d that tflere \would he "a flr-1 ela>* male chefif good dining room, girt, aud alsn> good ^lrl as helfter in ttoe kiu>heu" All <*f this goodness, Ureliuliug a rtK>in, w/tt. jiffesed tu regufer taxirderu at' ST> jier Sveek Ttp Board of Kevlew rnl*eil Wvan6»tte'x a«ae»*ed .vsllwatlou a little over n million dolhtr^ to $ti,10«^^fii3.- ' Of tnl* BUUI, $74O.fl00 vwu< for personal propwrtj, $.V41»4«> ior real. : Otto ASMIUS attH Miss Bertha Lan (were njiarried at Emanuel Lutheran cljun-h lott June 1», J0tt#. r' James V. John.^m, a brother of Fred S. J«»hW»n. Miss Minnie John*m, attd Mrs. Charles Il/Xkoji, d l e d ^ t his falter'* borne ou 0*k »txe#t. \ . • «W. tpo Carulab and James H. CahaIan graduated team, the University of Petrolfi I • • • '3He» ffcarl' I^yaeh grndiiftted froni the St4te Xornml,college ut Yfwlluati. * • * OowjiratulatiiMi'S J. Leo Slolneiney,on, jou^26th blrtliduy aimlversury. 'It r» ' "n '^ # • m X tiw palra at Ijeover, Including Mia* ifapplieif* from Mleblsan, which *en> tetnipoTtedi to Virginia where the animal had long t-vn 4*stltut. «re reiiortAI totKive erttiiliiohed thenwelvan ^nrccMtfully' in thpir new eiirlfluuineut. Be«j»»mln FrauStHir .wnnt-efl fo maktv |he w3»J turkvy $*} inAt10""1 oWt»lw»- •it iUiTJpBrTOIIjilV* " \ t * - -' l tc * v i A^t I? ,1 ' . — i i - .»r 1* -L-. j^Wwiiii* . i f •- • • • » • < • i •i i i ,1 .,] r r"' \ r'n^.-f-':.."':. t.>-- h ;5»>i 40c Mclneraey & Mclnerney, Attoi aej a 2911 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte,1MIch. 270,845 STtATE OF MICftlOAN, Ooi ity of 'Wayne-r-ss. At a session of tl <• rP«vba^e Court for $did .County of ' V ayne, •held at Che Probate Court rtwrn In -tlife -City of Detroit, on, the first Wy ut J*iuae in Che year one ttiousan I jjluje hundred and- thirty-nine. Presei t Patrick H. O'Brien, Judge of Prohile. l b U4c matter of the estate of J(iSp»M WAm'JiaiS. sometinies Avritten JOSEPH WOTTA, deceased. On leadlnk and filing he petition of Hose wnlteif. jwnying that adtninlstration (be'iranteil to .Leonard J. itiikocy or som3 other sultaWe personal It in ordered, tl mt th|i» twenty-seventh day of JuJy, text KKi: Oak St. i d of tftiiii u*lute be nexed of bald pstalje bt[ granted to W- teu> o'clock In l taio forenoon 11 sail! t h e w i ! : >:&*.'$•) andotte, Mich., / <' I'tinplewhotry, giantotl,to berwl\f or sopje other Milt- Hugh 1Wliljunii or soinc other suitable C/«»ur)L room lie appointed fxir Jearlne f»>1 Yet y»i| c^n 2*8,227 > able .person, ft iti ordered, that the person . It is oj<de,r<|Jd'i t)hiit ^the twenty- snld petition. And it is fuHlier crderei!. ft palate 1,^ tin' ONEH'S NOTR'S^ • - IB twelfth day j*f July, next Ut ten mnlh^lay of June,f»estt at ten o'clock (unit a copy, of this i>rder he ptfrtlshe I Kfr-ijp» Ot tho*«the, hnuter of the wliite <lf VHTTA o'clwtk.in tliie firenoon ut naftl Court IP the forenoO^' at Jsald C«mrt room be three suc^e^Hivit wet^kw previous Ut m i 1 ,.MI)U r y t h 4 trlvk lHN'(Ws. n tjf« kiiowiij M \'BT*1'A room' be nppoitted ft»r ]yio\iug -wild 'appointed for irt'OVitlg wild instrument. IHi^o of heurlngi in the Wyandot e Her I»1N<5BS, dtlceaKed. I, the nudievstgned, liiatruinent and hearing wild petition- And IK^U furtht-r irdcred, that u'ctW 'aldL ii'ncws|mjH.-r priilted and rcula hayhiff beeiJ iippoinUnt by ihe VynSmWAud It hf further tn'dercd, that a eopji of th\a order he publisUed three sui' in« In «nid County of Wayne, (Wftj-t for tBc Colinty of Wayne, tyute of thia ord r IH' poMlidicd ihree *«(•- eesslve wceJks urev ous1 to said time,of O'BHIAN, of MK-lilgail CoiAiniwlolicr to rtH-elve, cesHlve \,veek;hi pusyiou^ it) *tald linnf of lien ring, ih the Wyandotte Herald, i« i .I .. PATWK'K'H, | Jtvlge of Pnfrmllo osffMilnc iiiii'ailJuMl all claims mid dc- hearing,, In {the wyiiniloMe Hi'iald. a new^ptiper printed, and circulating ni ' (A t n » co|iv | b JiiuiidH of ail p«*rsoiiH U(?«t''*i tald de- liew')«|l)uper printed atid clreiilailngl iu wild Conhty ,(»B Wnyim. ' CHATRL10» It. iILVItttIS, eU cvi Kcd. do Sieit^by give iiot|i<e tliat 1 said Comity ,'pi Wuyhle. JO^l^l Aj. MJU.11P11Y, , D»r*il t l ^ r j . \ Deputy Prolate Register.' 2j»wiS ivlil tfttet H 1<M>7 Oak f>t.." Wyaudolle, (*lll, (bull by J0»*P1I A.. Ml'HTlJY, i Judge {ft l'robitlc. • 1 Michigan, i | xiifd County, (>ii Twnday, rtriklrtc; on* tavJlldge of Probtthl i (A trlie ooitt ) U«-r down ontt Ihe Uie 2.'>th da | of July. A, l>. I4*.*ti». and (A true copy JACOB W. llKNgk/K|, otti«r up. 'ihcv Mclnerney & Mclnerney, Atto iteys, on Monday, ihe 2oth'diiy of kfpteinljef, J AS,' II. $KNToN. -^Deputy Piolati- tteiltls^r. VM ?«?'ib»«epai.lteti' I 291% Biddle Ave. 1 I , A . D . HKfil at mo o'clock! P. M. of 2*w3 Deputy Prolwle Ketfotter M 9PubliuU,lger Wyandotte, Mich. .a zea«"!h yf aJ I day«, for the 'purpose of examihiiiK md allowing, fcald Clalnm, '. . 2fi8,7«2 k'Ml fa Mclneru*"y Si Mclnerney, Attomcys, | Mtlnt'rney &! lelnemey. Attorneys and t'h.it f ur uiolifjhs t'corn the 25th STAtt^K OF MlOHlOlAN. Conili' of 2911 Biddle Ave. ' , 2911 Biddle Ave. ' if Wayne—«vs. At a -sessitin of tie I'rj^ day of M,aj. A. I).flKttl,W«MI- alloSfved • WyaidoUe, Mich. by Mid Coi it for ereditors to present l | ' W»»«dof£sJ,Mk-h, , I1 bate Oaurt fo< said County of Wnynk J •itozisi titinr claimf to me for examination and held at the Probate kJourt root i lu the I . r llpL%/[' !' allowance. SJTATB ijlt lll^HI^AN. County of STATKi (>F MBrnlSUAN, County jpf City of Detrjjit, on the twex ly-sixjh Dated Mi y'#>,UW0 . Wayne-pss, At «r session of the Pro- Wajoe-rSh. At «i'|*eUion of the Pro- day of May h the year one t luiiniindl C101« Deer bate Caur* tor , mid County of Wayne, bate <fc»urt foi »al I County of Wayne, nine hundred aud thirty-nine. Present wn Ihe femily^ree oj To trace CLAltA HjBBDA, beld/at the Pro;)ate Court room in the held at [the pi abate* ii^ouvt loom In the Joseph A. Mtfrphy, Judge of 1 'rotyutje. , ,.' p$2 FJni Street, Ibt deer wee hiave » talk in "terms qf City of Detroit, on t i e second day of <tlity of petroi tr. o, i tjhe secdntl day of Iu the" uiatjtei- of the i esi ate pr geologic, eras. T i e ancestbr of tlrtj ( 1» ^yandotte, Mich ff.ln, J>ifc in the y«ar one thousand nine J^tle in! the :'eiir one thousand nine GEOIM>E OLARK, decease^ 5 aHe U modern deer first, appeared in the 23w» thvlt lifision&r. hundred thirty- line. Present Josej%A. hundred • aiw, t j^[ty-j»ine. Present' 'Clark, administratrix of jsaitl estate, Eocene period, or, about 60,000^0 Muirphy, Judge of Probated In Hits thwrna's C. Mi irph.% tlndge of Probate. having rendered to this court ! er fir»t years' ago in roujnd .number*. The matter ^ of i She estate of MAR* In the matjer qfj the est-jte of and final a<xjopnt in saidima ter and —7 ' ^primitive ahcestor of the horati^ «AbHERBl)iEIU, deceased. On reading MUNNIfi E. M deceasedt. Mic!n- filed tterewltfi her iietition praying -430,17¾ '; , about whom! a littke more lit knowto.j •STATIC •and filing the petition, duly verified, 'me Taeke,. 4<lfyiiMi?tjratrix of said es that the residue of said estat- be as>F MR;in^AN| ^uuty of 1 dates, back a Vf ify 'littlej further.. Wain*—s* At a session <* *he V ro * <£ Cbaples A.f!lwaby, executor of the tate, having rundeled to this coi<rf her signed to the persons eutittedjthereto. About 2,000,000 ye; trt jagp deer touini Court j for said County of Wayne, last • will -aimft testament of said de; first and fina ac&toht in "said pHttttfr, It is qrdebed,| that the clevent) day of their way from Ai ia y> Npyth Amer- |bate held at UM iPro»xate Court loom in the ceased, praying that he may be licens- and filed theiewljh her petition pxay- July, next at ten o'clock in l i e foreica, over, al land bridge Which i * City of De roit, on'^the sevtuth day ot. ed to'sell eejBtiin real estate of said hig that tha;*esldu<!> of said estate be noon at said Court room be-a rpolnted said to have-connected thettvo.co4- June , in tl e year Ohe tho l^jnuud nine deceased fo(ri3ie purpose of paying Jisslgned to tte per«bn« entitled there- for examining j and allowltjg laid actinente at th it time, observes a writ- hundred a idv thii'ly-*4ne- *"resent JoA- tjjie, debts ofii«tld deceased and the to, lit is orde/ed, that the tw;lfthwday count-anil hearing said petition. And er-in the i m e r k a n , Wildlife in^ti- eph A, Mttiphy. Judge ot I'fohate. In diaries of adininislerlng said estate. of julyj next'i it t» n o'cJOek in the fore- 1 k 'is further! ordered,, that a copy ot tuie. Man, i cpifcparativ* newcptA- the ma^er of, the eistate of ]*AT&K*K Jt H ordered! that, the fifth day of noon at sabl • 3oUTtJ room be appointed this order be patillsbed threi success in the tore* J fm est minim aitdl blowing;. f»a|d uc- slve weeks jpt»vious to said time ot er had no^ yet (rnad^ Ws appear* CA'SHjlIOT, itocjased. The Wyandotte July( next at' on oVlock 1 Savings B ink, j administrato' of said noon, a t said Court rJoom be api»olnted coiiut aud l e a r n s ' said petition": hearing, in flh<> Wywndotte K erald, a arce' on earth, estate,, hai ing f-enderedMo hi« tt/urt forthearing said pet^ion, amd that all. And it is further otdered, that a copy1 'hewepaper, pj-lpted ahd circyl itlng Tin' ',• its Recoad and' final > acc#ii 11 in said per«»u» inter*.'ted in said estate a®- of this order be pttbllshed three sac- said County of Wayne. pearf5j)ef?Ws 4*14 Court at' said time jceesjive weeks previous td'said ti^ne of J^aBPH A. MURIHY, inntter dim /filed therewith tfs petition Mousey-beer Small'Ahiinal ' « of P obate. of sahl estate and place, t^ «1 tow cause why a license hearing,,in t]ie Wyandotte. Herald, a' |The. moufe^iee "t with Its some* praying tth ij, the residue 1 . ' cony) J| \ ?) Judge 1 . , I • (A• .true be tutgigbe I to the person <r pex^ns should not be | ranted to said exeeutor newspaper prated, and cintulatin^ iu what mouselike ijace| stands only, to sell real e l a t e is prayed for lp said County of \Taybe. , i , '' CHAR.LBS lf.'ILUtBIS, entitled thereto. It is ordered, that the. ibput 12 fo:hesjtalJV 1 , TH0M US O. MUBPtlY, i3w3 twentieth day of July:, nVict at ten said petltiopi Ii nd it is farther ordered Deputy Protyttc ittegl-ster. i 1-4 **_ thatla copy of this o|rder be published ' ., Judge .otProlmte, o'clock in the ft>re»ooft at said Court, 1 three saccew.ve weeks preriouB^.to ^ Uti-deeoi.y'} ' , . 1 |! I , Ships lit BbS«o Tea P a r t y ^ j room be appointed for exa*lining and, } |The ships involved in the Boston allowing s ild acoouiit and hearing said said time of bearing, kt the Wyqndotte M s . i . SEXTO,¢1 23w3 teja party were, jths' Eleanor, the petition. Hid it, '& '• fttrttodi ordered, Herald,, a pewjapapeif/prlnted and c«r- deputy Probate Register. MICHIGAN F M M S FOR t \k thai: a coi y of ttfbj or^ler btk piMtehed culatlni 1n saj* Conuty »t Wayne. »HBeaver and the ,]f)jartmouth. -r*-r ^ JO?BPfl A. MURPHY^. three- site* eefi)lve wceljs previous »to Improved farms for sale; f> f| ! 1 Jnldge of ProbateJ •4J»^%^%^%..V% No Pateat for Idea said time ;>f hearing. In the WyMndotte; acres, Monroe and1 Lenawee cou ities. No patenlt can b e granted on a Ilvrald. a .hew»i«iper prl'nteil, mid elr>. (A*true pop'),. We probably have what you (•nlating hi miti CotStty of y'uytie. , KAY HAFPU, | ere idea or suggestion. '' '" tng for at al reasonable prlci, .Ljet us mere 2»w3 JOSEPH A. Ml^J-'llY. . Dtqputy Pwi ate Bjsgist^r. send yon co^lcte descrlptfve i 'A ^ i Judge a( |L»rdtMte» photograirhs,: titap. JIo trades. " 8alt in Sea Water ^ , 1 i Rooa, '(A true copy) vtb. Address! IJept. «4, Each gallon of''sea water contain; OHAKLto* B. HAIllito, J i ^ W ^ f f S l •P* ^ff' *^T nmlaflii •11 _ 'irta^i & Vf> Bpik/St. Pittl, Mlnnj about ontj-fpwjth [pound pf s^l\. , Nm M M t a . Pqwity iVotoate/l^teter, -8*w3 •*•*** tkM !• PrewwU lf i ^ --.^-^== PRicEfe J 1' /- l i Here i your opportunity, Mr. (Eitizeiny.to assist in the work of doin^ something for,those mpre jUtifortunatc than youhclf 1 '• Michigan Alkali Club Park 'i> ; i 1 i ^f Notes frQm the **• 4 ^ *' "/'i : K J t Vr • ' fj'k <•- j J 'fri) I m 7t ,- W L i kt ^^ *«*- ..yvfa.'ik 'i , % ' ^ " H C .12.751 'c v j! 3?X! 'Mtt'|f| w>mjiiwi' ajw* f r ^ , w p « w i w s p ^ w « ^ ^ F ^ ^ w « p w s ? ' ^BSBBBB^lBpswB^B'S" /£k*Iw^*»r» ^•p^w^jreEsamTOwssjKfcsiMs^.i^^ji^w.ib^.'fS-f ^WfrpUMw^l! wmam « M I W H W i W M | M i ^ ^ Ufa \ I I 1' r f Y » i / i J 4* 1 r i , Odd Culture Is Found in Andes i it I ( THbikoi\Nipf4 « Trial Marriage, Infanticide, -. Gangsterism, Accepted By Inca Heirs. &t ^ mum ydu ne w r would have 1^ g o a g a n . I m e a n t i t C M c ^ l u r e N e w s p a p e r Syndicate. NEWiYORK.-VTrial marriage, irfanticidlc a n d g a n g s t e r i s m ' a r e established cubtom^-among the Que c h i i a Indiana of ^ P e r u , descendant? of t h e "prduti I n c u s , a c c o r d i n g t<D r , ' B e r n a r d M i s h k i n of C o l u m b i a u n i v e r s i t y ' s [department of anthropology, w h o h a s just returned from t h e n a t i v e v i l l a g e of K a u r i , where h e s p e n t e i g h t ' m o n t h s in r e s e a r c h . « I INDA t~*> A D D E S T of things, htve hia 1 ?%., c l u i j f i e d rtic, g i v e n m < | a|U t a b \>^J i n t o x i c a t i o n of h i g h h o p e s , a i d ! left m e c o l d w i t h t h e d e s c a n t to earth. * ^f a ! Dour f a n c y , mine, you do . make* m y love h o p e l e s s . You dr for m a t p i c t u r e - l a n d I s e e h o o m i n g j — i i t r c n g | h i n b i s a r m s aj I m e e t hi D o c t o r M i s h k i n , w h o s e i n v e s t i g a - c h i v a l r y , n hisi, s o u l . tion into t h e bizarre Culture of this \ s p m e w h a i breathless,,whe're-the pie1 b l o s s i m s s w e e p l o w — a n 0 1 t r i b e w a s t h e first i n 4 0 0 y e a r s s i n c e s h u t s o u t from! v i s i o n a l l b u t j the Spanish conquest, w a s the only Us t w o . A h — • f a n c y , t h a t i*. w w h i t e m a n In K a u r i , s i t u a t e d i n t h e 'j A n d e s ,at a n a l t i t u d e o f 14,000 f e e t . y o u d o for' m e . 1 j Leave me, fickle'Fancy. J po . Resentful of 2 m i s s i o n a r i e s and w a n t d r e a m ' s arid a i r y t h i n g s . T h a d a m a n t toward civilized religion, are n o apple ,blossoms down t h e n a t i v e s of t h e village regard N o r isj h e c o m i n g , irtri m a r r i a g e b y a priest a s "snobbish- skreet. a n d t r u e , 1 t o e f a s p m e i n h i s r ai ness"1 a n d "overrighteousness," the j F r o m m y 1w i n d o w in t h i s n o anthropologist reported. Moreover, t h e y a r e l o i t h t o t a k e t h e t r i p t o h o t e l , I s e e anlhr a r i d , s a n d y p e a t h e n e a r e s t capital district w h i c h a a n d noisy v e n d o r s of vulgar w a r ti. -*. ft; marriage would require. Instead the Quechuas counten a n c e .trial m a r r i a g e e v e r y A u g u s t 4 u k m g a celebration known a s the F i e s t a - Santiago, which is almost e n t i r e l y ' n a t i v e in c o n t e n t despite the Cathode namei tJ ' 1 Him Si Ten-Story Building on Roller Skates a NoVelty M o r n i n g — a t J a s t it is rriprhing! 1 plept. I d i d n o t t h i n k I w o u l d ! "f | m u s t s l i p i n t o m y b a t h i n g ' sifit a ^ d take a ducking before breakfast. M O N T R E A L — " A b u i l d i n g o n rolle r s k a t e s " is o n e of t h e s t r a n g e edif i c e s that t o w e r off t h e h a r b o r h e r e . - T h e b u i l d i n g , 130 f e e t h i g h , is-part o f a g r a i n ' e l e v a t o r , aitd h o u s e s a huge apparatus k n o w n a s "legs') w h i c h d i v e d o w n into the depths of a grain-carrying ship and unload the vessel's cargo. ', i I I * " I .Glorious, glorious ( day,' Arthur was on, t h e porch 'when I c i m e L Official P r o e e e d i n c s 1j W y a t h i o i l e , M k - h , J u n e 2 0 , 'l|fcH> ReKuLar L w s l o n o f tin* ttMiQiiJ- o f the City pf rtr>^iiulotte, t h e IIoiio,r<i<bU M a j o r T U o S . 0 8 A , D a via, o i i ' s u l i r t g . I l o l l O-tll a c h a n c e * to; r Prws^nii: < V i i w i h n e n tinorge iltclun, Louis Ifctfiuu B i o ' l i l , Ua-iiKi, \VaiBai', M y h ;art beat furjousli'—with an Wugner. V -ger. w e w s f e ^ n o w at the water . V l t o w i t : *P>' >ne. T h e r e fwere jfew oth^r f a t h e r s o n Muiatfk^ M o t i o n byl < V K i n o i l u i a u Li) 11b B i ' h l u , t h e s a i | d ; a r i d w e Wjere a d i s t a n c e s u i r i H i r t N i t»>j I V i i i n c i u i u m (,StH)igtf U o i i i u f r o m t l e m . j l t u r n e d or| A r t h u r , tit;i| tire jtuii| l l n « \>t tUie m l m i l OK Hf t h e s t a m p s i m y [foot. b e d i s b e n w d - w i t h ^ m l UM» "Artfur," ' I said, "ybu needn't Nlllll' vt.llllll loprovfeil i m r e c o r d e d . talk that w a y to m e . Y o u c a n h a v e Utwrgw Ijh'hin, Y < i i s . l O i |u«<'ilnieu •your 0 d 'frat' p i n back. Ydu can' ljrruhl, Mn-son, , W a g a i , LouLs ilvJvu g i v e it t o t o o t s g r o w n , I never Wuiru«'i\ w a n t t > s e e Syou ' a g a i n , n o r y o u r ' N a y s : N'oiie. 'toijlbl b y A«b<|U»<iif . . _ , - . 4 l » , « K M J . V * . ( X h ternbh 'Moaning LIZZH!.' I.dofi't O p e u h i g « ! Bi<ls i'Pbp'tlltW*l4iqill*vlwt h«* a d j o i n nod w a n t a n y c h a n c e s t o ' g o i n h e r . IB i d s f o r 1 h e p y < . h . n i e o f $:W.«KIOg0 ijiul &\q m\i« u i i w itUi\ul f o r UH> a s s e s s |iid<)ttif S y w i u l A.SHI-* mo^nt wouldn t g o ! " 1 C i t y o f W.VH .ait*ul;*ojf < W d * a t Mie*e f 111a! f J j p i n w W i t h t h a t I t u r n e d , a i d r a h , a s HUh'Wiilk B i f i d a . Htial ^ _ . ^ _ 4 , . _ ^ L _ . , . , 3 K30U.5TO.W f a s t a s j I1 c o u l d , b k toj t h Oaa c K n e hn o ti e li , I ' f i N u i n i l . ^ . „ 4 , ' „ _ ^ , _ . _ . L f>,IMO,72t».0t) up, to n y r o o m , a n d flung myself $ •5; down oh i t h e b e d . I c r i e d — I dried—i, T o L u r h y t t o u r d o f U t ' v i e w 4k,5;«»^li>-t.uo cat and t <ried s o m e more, ' r r S n t l a j j Ufbt|rt<tioit uuiia.f w i t h y o u r i^Then t w a s 1 a k n o c k a t | t h e d o o r . iimrrovuL I " W h < i s l\X" I a s k e d \ RfjfpecljCuUy, " H o i f e y , " s a i d A r t h u r ' jk v o i c e , " I ' ^ • H i d \ V . KiUl , ' •* , O i t y A-^epst*!' w a n t t f tell y d u Somethkng." I^.(x.jelve4l uttd I p h u v d r o n f l * " I wfon't l i s t e n , " s a i d I, w a l k i n g T o Uip UortonulHe, towards, the door. T h e ^ . l y o r u i u l CJity Oouti^ 11 3 '•I'll t e l l y o u a n y w a y , " h e r e p l i e d . V\ y i m d ) ^ t > > l u ( j i g a u 0O\" ^1 " L a s £ f l i g h t , w h e n I wa|3 -out With 0<'»th>iU(*0: an I f «9 T o p t s B r o w n , i t w^aS m e r e l y o n b u s i < Al |ln» yeifuWir m r a U f r x u i tl Uo Ifojird v ness. ' T w a s demonstratijng t h e ^ o s j^f lVlk-eS, m i d F i l e - l ^ n u u i l *(.u»m r-», I sibiliti< s o f t h e 1 4 M o a n j n g L i z z i e , * A r e "WHS dire<"U'd' 1*1 f o r w a r d , t o o u r ' l i o n 0 «3 you liitening?'' x.nnlbk> Jttxly, tfie a i l i u - l i i ' d o a h n u i u T , •rf » - 1 *~ m . d vi.u<)Jiuiion(] c h a t } t bv (inllopted. ' f ' N o , ' I said*. HtwV^ijtffully yoUrls, „ * w e i , " said h e / * n - s o l d ' i t to h e r W l U a i a P . Uuilj.'dKe, for tht|ty-flve dollars." , ithittf o f f i d n e I o p f n e d t h e door. "A h e r o c a n S ' * I U ( f 4 f c i r K t w Jouiw:iL *9 l i b k jutst a s i m p r e s s i v e i n a b a t h r •r» 1 l'ti)t> Ci^> l \ | i k , ! > i i j i > m i t t e l t h o t . i b u ing suit a n d bathrobe ^s in m o r e | L i i n « n » f b u d s u ^ rWjuestw tVi I h e fi.Mr.il niartia| attire. M i i r '<K-tM0er lj, 11K1D t 4 . s e f t t c i u b w 3i> t put m y a r m s round I his neck Jt>40,, T tght. § litefernMf t o C o a j i c i t ^ 1 fc "Dearest," I-said,' "ii's late for I ^ 1 ' IIoiu>Ri!l(ltf H u s o ? uudV|L)ou)icil, i y it) . breakfast, a n y w a y . ' L e t '> g o for o u r C i t y of] W ' y a i i i o t t e . > >>^ S ^ s w i m " a n d b u y s o m e f ' h o t d o g s ' on< CrenUeijieii: < t ^ ^ ^Q o|ur w a y b a c k . " 1 sb\^ I l i e f e b y piftNWit t o , >o)u f o r y o u r s j I reft s d m e s a c r i f i c e ( w a s n e c e s c o l i s i d e r u t i o n ' |il)e s i a f e u i i e i t o f t?a;»li , a n d J i a i i k F d t L * a n d B u i l g o t Aj>i>ro shry oil m y part. ] *-* I » l l R V S ^ i M OJ p f i a t i o n s f o r t l i e n i o n t l i o l ' .May, 1U31), a m i a l s o f o r t l w i)t>rio«i t'lf^iL t H ' t o b t T ^cienle Fights Corrosion 1, U)«H| t o M a : ! 3 1 . v m . • 1 O f Buried] Steel Pipes Vefjf t r p l y y o u CM, Lawireuce J . L^Coursc. S c i e n t i s t s "are m a k i n g l e a d w a y , i n •x City Clerk. t h e i r a t t a c k o n - t h e bjjfflir g c h e m i c a l c e r t if i e d uVll - , ^id<l<M s Kiibmittiwl K t s k ' i v e d nu<l p u i c e i l o n /He. problein of corrosion'of buried steel chctk'jj i l l »upi>aiU o f $ 7 « 0 00'. Uuf'tvcf.' "- ^ iej'tv<cf. p i p e •• e f f e c t i n g p i p e l i m s carrying A l t b i d s ) ' r e f e r w j i L U>< C o u n c i l . KwH>tiwiiin oil a n d ! g a s a l o n g h u n d r e d s of m i l e s B u l c - f V ^ n stt-JIfe t o tilie t^it.v o f W y Roll Call. of t e r r i t o r y , "says D r . ' W a l t e r f| j u s d o t U ' icrf1 <o1w ' T n i f t o r , m o u n t e d o n V r v s e u t ; Ooliu<.-ilrileu <»<?«rge|*Btihm, R o g e r s i n a r e s e a r c h r e p o r t t o t h e l o w jkrHsuty- i i r e ^ (.piiiMiraatic) for L o u i s Benin, jBrohl, Ma+ou, Wagar,' A m e r i f a n C h e m i c a l s o c i < t y . T h e in-> u s t h i t h e ^ r i b l u - S e i v k V D e i n i r t i u e u t . W'aguer. v e s t i g i t i o n a f f e c t s j m n u m s e i n v e s t - \ \ llliaiu j » r d Twlotior ' S a l e s ' >All>»eut i X o i f e i'o., V - i -fi-.-.11,047,51) m e n t s o f t h e o i l , g j a s a r t i w a t e r ih-» Ueijoliutions. , , ( U - i i t h e JUri)* , - ^ - I.501.W dustrit s. I n t h e oil i n d u s t r y a l o n e W y a u t ^ t t e t i M i i d i 1 . , ' J u n e ' £ 0 , 1U»1) 12COOO m i l e s o f p i p e r a n *in/g i n sifee K»>llcil TibWUn- & JjWiult h»«nt ' „ i i e s o h i t i o u , fiby C o u n c i l una 11 l>ouia Co ' _J w . - ^ , J— 1.52&00 frtfm • t o 20 inches, a r e c u s e d t o Behin. [ 1 ( , l u r l u k H u r i l W a r e t v d n j J N i n y . 1,.%5.U0 t r a n s p o r t p e t r o l e u m a n p iits| p f o d R e v i v e d Uy|tlie City Council of the ,Eiirle'!I'.»iiU.i>ment OoiapaH.v _ 1,52^5,00 ucts City 1 o f Wjruildotte, t h a t t h e s e v e r a l .1. I ) , k d i u n s i k i i i i p u i i y ' -.f. «. l'.tWi».85 t i k i s ir«H.v|v«ti f o r ; f u r o L s b l i i g a T r a c t o r D r . f l o g e r s d e s c r i b e s recen|t s t u d Al\ biti> r e f e r l e d t o Ctyuitoil. f o i vim h i tliel t ' u b l l e S e r v i c e D e p a r t ies w i i c h approach tie problefrt A l i . - c e l b i i i i ' o u s Bu.Mne.>«R iik-iit 1 b e a n d b * r e b y a r e r e f e r i l n l t o t h e from m e poiht of v i e w ef soil char-1 ' A n t U U t i L l o u f<^r M i l k U e a l e r ' s liacteriitics. I t w a s f o u n d t h a t W h i l e u » n s e riMvtu'ed f r o f u t h e D e t r o i t O i e a t n - C i t y K u g t u e e r j f o r m » t u h u l j u t i o n a n d l e t o i n w e l i d a t i q n b a c k t o CuU <.>>uucil. b o t h t i e e l e c t r i c ' r e s i s t i v i t y ar»d t h e cr> C o i u i m u y , "MX, T i l l m a n A u ' i i i i e 1 , I m o v e t h e jadoptloii o f t h e fote^o d e g r e e ! o f a c i d i t y o f S o i l s h a v e s o m e l o r a m i l k p l a n t liUonise a n d tlirei* m i l k i.ig riiiioltitkiu. e f f e c t o n s o i l c o r r o s i o n , t h e g o v e r n - tlll<-j£>. ' ( V m n e l f e i i a n LOUIM W . B e h m i n g factor, i s t h e Soil v o l u m e - w a t e r l i « ' f e r r e d ' ' tin' t.Viiuu-ll., SuiHiorti-d jh.v C^oiiiKtUiiiati J.otiN , Aiiplteurloti f o i Milk S c a l e r ' s Lk'oiixe Cohter| Btohl. , r c i o i v e d jfroni t h e \ V f ^ , w « o d D a i r y Soils] w h i c h become" a d m i x e d - with - Yeas: Cou4ciLuien Gnorge Behm, , oil a r e frequently highly c o r r o s i v e Competu^', pi2ia*Hi»h«ff« r A v i ' l U i e , M e l - L o u i s B c h i i i , f B t o l i l , M<t«ou, \Va«ar, \ i i u l a l e , Mr a m i l k ' p l u m Sk-once a i ^ l 1« 'W u g l i e r . t o t t i e ' p u r i e d p i p e , Dfr. R o g e r s f o u n d o p e r a t e tvfo m i l k t r u c k s in t h e C i t y . 1 When the soil particles b e c o m e coat' N a y s : None. l U ' f e r l i ' d To ( V u n c i l , W y a n d o t t e , M i d i . , J u n e . ? 0 . J9SU. ed witlioil, they d o not coalesce e a s , .Vppllijutloiiji f o n C l i u . s •%?* I t e i i t a i i - j ily, b u | r e m a i n in t h e a b n o r m a l c o n • I t c w i h i t l o i i , toy i L V i u u - I u i u i n . I^OUIN r a n t ^l|efi<ii'.s it'eiflvi'd, from Joweiihj d i t i o n j o f bein'g^ l o o s e l y p a c k e d a r i d ; i>eliiiK (Jja-'M <-(,)^-) .."1UI1 F o r d A v e i i u e 1 B e l u n . Itesolivt'd \*y\Uw C i . t y ' C ^ m u ' i l o f tliic p o s s e s s i n g a h i g h p b r o s i t y w T h e e f - iiixl A r t h u r t M f W t i t i i p r t'Ku>a.s>nt l i m > f e c t of, 6 i l t h u s c h a n g e s ^ h a t m a y 7 4 » ltliUHe A v o i l i i f , boti|i j h i l y u p i i n i r - C i t y - o f > V y a i u o t U \ , tjijit tiho r H p i e t t <»f 1:. l - ' i f d ^ l V r f f , P a s t o r ( ^ H i u C h r j K f l n u b e n o r a n a l l y ~h h o n - c o r r d s i v e s o i l t o c i i li> JUK 1 CounmiA-tioiK'r of llcaltti, a s o i l j i n a c o n d i t i o n s u s c e p t i b l e >of I i i . u i I n r j liH|io<-tor, l t i i l l d l l n g lin*l>oft(»i; Hud M1S<<|OIIII ;.v A l i l a l K i * C h t i i v h f o r tlu- 11«« otj'Bi'Mioji l ' . i r k oti WiuiiliKV o \ y p r o d u c i n g r a p i d ' c o r r o s i o n r a t e s o f *UKI r o l l l c e i ) e i M t t i i M * n t i 1 enriifts f P o f i i M K l o w y e l i o ' c l o c k P . M . ( , U c f i T l I'd t o <'i>inifll. 1\ ( buriedf Steel pipe o n JiUly '2, \U H, 2¾ a n d :)6, p r o v w l i i i n A o i i l l u i t i o i N f o r Clii.»« ''^V" t l e n u u i The most important conclusions U I Hit n MI id p a r k \\n uqi r e n r t l r e d i W c i v i c pitr ,r>itit l ^ r f i M - r w - i - l v e d frioln which may be d r a w n from these i i u N i s i l l i q u i d eveiiinifH, b e <uid h e u i b y l ^ r w u i i ' f t l t F o u r t h H t r w i , S , X. K r e x tests al w i t h t h e i r p r a ( t i c a l , v a l u e , I s i f i a i i t e d , a«* iM»r i » ' i | u e t . t ; i n l e t t e r o t lie C i m i i j i a i i j , ;iHfc.' H i d d l o > A v e n u e t M a WU accor- n g to Dr, R o g e r s , ft h a s 1*1 A* '>l$uii;<l ( A l l M e t a l ' i r a f e t o t h i i . l i m e 1 5 U I > 1 w o v e t h e , u d o i > t i o a o f Hit' f o r e g o been Q w n tlii^t t h e p h y s i c a l c o n d i 7 L i b a d U ' a n d F i i « t S t r c e t f i uiitl A . ,1. tion a soil , 3 * . r e g a i d s i t s ' s o i l W . I H M I . s j p s filuldle A M - U 1 ^ ' , a l l U l u l > 1114 resoPiMlttbii ' d i u i | ' l ] n a n LoUife ^V. B e l u u . volum waler C o n t e n ty <)yintroJs 1½ uviiity^ ltd 1 by the I'olhv i>t»i>afUnrnt,l • S u p p o r t n i ' li r- C<)ini<41j»Mlii W u g « u corrosion" rate. B y a r lficialjy or i.^ner o f H e a l t h , ^ i i i l t a r j I n • Yeas; Uou'i i f l l i n e n Owrgte Behm, ,. , n|id UiiUOliiii Uifrpivtor.' naturally controlling t i e s o f t I vo|l,l o u t s B e i i i n , |jBrohi| Matron, Wagar umet e r c o n t e n t * a n y j s o i l ca^n b e UelVrlMl i o t'ouiuil. \Ya«liei.] ' p u t i n a c o n d i t i o t i w h i c h w i l l a l t o w Wj,<ini(,b>ty> Vvti XJonucil, Nalyu. N o n e corros oh th occul \ V y i i u , d j t U \ iMJcb'. J u n e 2 0 . 1 » 3 » Si.}:, i « Besotation. b y I'ouwihuajti Loin o n r ehnrvl M a h o g a n y S u b s t i t u t e s V ; •• , w i l l j H u k i n d l y g f i m Behm. c IkTarl' w o o d s h d i v e m a s q u e r a d e d '11M- u * « l o f ^ S h o y l ' a i k 011 S u i f d i t j e v J i c M i l v e d ' b y t h e ( i l y . C o u n c i l o f He> u n d e r f t h e n a m e o f m a h o g a n y e v e r \ I ' l i n i W f M « * <»:Ot) t«. 7 . 0 0 1 V M - . t o f o n C i 1 y / i f VVraiKOtte, that i h e i r e u u e M o f ^llaiou>er\H'es» « nu»* t"h"e > er\ices HKirtug t h e f t PiitW«H.s C h o i r a m i U s h e r c l u b S i n c e m a h o g a n y b e c a m e rlecogiii^ed iluel lellidioux J f U J u l y , d i v j e s U > i n K J»»>' ^ l d ' f o r p e l m i <<i<*i I t o p a i n t s l g u s 0 0 t h e a s a Sfine c a b i n e t wocd. I n t h e vUWHtU Of, TOtWbrd' a w l » » h . • s i d M v a l k s t o a j w r t K * Lheir a n n u a l e x - , earliest days n o disti-lfctjori w a s J>tli It i H nSUViKto.nl t h a t w e <&> ¥>\Y * e u r a i o n hi a n I h e r e b y w g r d u t e u U « \ made]between m a h o g a i r a m i pe** t t n > m t l > a n , S u n d a y e v e n l y t j i « t jioi t'lieiv ivi|i:e.<4t i n t h e i r letter 0¾ dar, eoth going under the n a m e i„ r e e v e d f o r e l v i e j m r p ^ e , . lt J u n e 17J1JKW. f "cedar." The naihe '^mahogany" T h a i i l t i i t e j ' o u in" a n t i c i p a t i o n . >F m o v e t h e A d o p t i o n , o f t h e f o r e g o c a m e {into u s e a f t e r E n g l a n d t o o k ) ' V e r y .truly y o u r s , , irlgresolUclbui \ \ , v J a m a i j c a ui 1655 a n d t h u s w a s a b l e A K F r b d I'ugjf. , ' Coijimsiliniim Lcitife W . B o h u i , t o k n o w t h e t r e e s a s veil a; t h e Viii«t«» Uf thej C h r M i v n a n d .Supfxi^'d p CouncUmau George w o o d . |,*S|injce t h e n , p r i r r a v e r ? h a s ilivLtouiitiy A t l l a n c e C h u r c h . Behm. . / 1 . -. I been ialleo "white m a h o g a n y ' a)r R e f e r i r e d - t o 'poiUheU, Yoas: JGoi^ijiibmen George Boiun, tiiougll n b t la m a h o g a i W j a t a i l . T h e M i l y o r T . J A - D a v i s , ^ L o u i s Belnui, l*ro*il, M u s o u , Wag-^r, w o o d l o w g o e s u n d e r ftjii r e a l n a m e W y a s d o t t ^ . ' M i e h i £ « n . , VVagoer,^|. ' ,. p r i m i Vera.'* F o r n a n y year's, Desirillf. ,Nayi:;None -1 , I ' H i e $ 1 . 1 I'atrick'H C'hftir a n d U s h e r ^ b e f o m t h e d a y s of r e d e r a l Trade W y a n d o t t e ; < Ai<A\., jfunc! 2 0 , . 1 9 9 » . c o m m i s s i o n s and}"Be\%iv B u s i n e s s : < ! « ! > A W H H * - t o « o * k tlitf k i n d Aernul*>iteHotiil.iW, *y CVjnneiiuKfn ' t ^ m i a 1 bureafs1,Ipadoufc Wits k n o w n - W s i o n o f i h ^ u^Wriwi-ti o f the- G i t # | C o u n "East; Indian m a h o i a i y . " ' t h e ' c i l t o i i S W t sisjus o n t h e sldtnvalkff o n d l e s o l w d b y h e O t t * OoiMieil o f J t h e i<tain s t i r e e k c o r u y h i i n i i h e C i t y Jot most'lreoettt a n d extensive poach" .City o f \ y g i w n a o t t e . m a t t h e a p p l t o a f / 3 f f t n d o t t 4 » d v t n t i > i u s o u r A n n t u i m,i n g o f flie n a m * " m a h o g a n y " h a s ; ' t i o n s f o r iliterti A $' t o . o o n d o e t t a a f e « ' A " jfcsion, i w h i e b i s tojbj? held o n A u g . itestaurajilt, uii l e r t h o provision!* o f t h e been i n d e r the misnemer of "Philth. T h i s paiuttug, of eour6«, wi[uld h e O r d i a a u c e k » f fhe/ City, o f W y a i i d o U ^ ippine J Mahogany.", ;-his n a m e h a s ,«ne w l t h j w H t e r c q l o r p j i l u t . j t i - r t n d hejrpl>y a o p ^ o v e d t f "j - b e e n a p p l i e d t o a d>Z(!n o r m o r V A f s v o i w b l e devlttiou o n t ^ e w\*>i$-ie-'l , U l l l u u L a r s r o , ttti F o u r t h S t r e e t . T c i n d s j o f t r e e s o f t h * D i p t e r o c a r p ^ ktto*''-m\\ W , greatly appWduied m H. S . ' K K i g ' C o m i r a n y , S l t f a B i O d l e famiM, that g r o w in u i e P h i l i p p i n e . tho *1*W>^ v ] J v T h e s e ] ! * r « « s a r e ' "notfl r e n i » t e l y > j ^ e , p ^ e r y traly jfturb. ; ' alebet i B # « i ( A l l HetuV Oafeter l i o u k ' p , Aftli«llt»*/ S^tfeUtry, 1«) .Ijdaadte a t i i r t i A S t . 1^ -«.t uie^tinsr r"— fiS j Of m y love-dream a collegian " ver has made havoc—a collegi f l i v v e r , w h o s e r a t t l e / v t e s wit^i t n f t d f t h e B o s t o n ' ' E l e v a t e d , / A r i d , if lOver m u n c h e s ) " h o t d o g s ^ with] painted flappers • . " j Y e t , t h o u g h jmei s e t t i n g - b e coi monplace, hearts ache, and thet insulting Songs Mark Fiesta. rio c o n s o l a t i o n , j "During' this fiesta an ancient I H e doesn't u n d e r s t a n d . H o w co& d Inca or even pre-Inca custom i s one, with m y tender sensibilities, [go practiced," Doctor Mishkin related. With h i m i n , that h o r r i d , Ihorf id "Hundreds of beautifully dressed thing? All I said w a s : "Realty, A • m e n a n d w o m e n t r a v e l t o t h e c a p i - tihur d e a r , , I c o u l d n ' t g o i n t h a i w i t : t a l district for t h e p u r p o s e of c h o o s ^ d - l o o k m g , n o i s y t h i n g . ^ tys, c o l a s ing mates. T h e m e n a n d w o m e n ^ r e atrocjious, and, i t s n a m e ' M o M l i n e u p on o p p o s i t e s i d e s of a p l a z a n g L i z z i e * i s a d e s e c r a t i o n . O f (11s a n d s i n g i n s u l t i n g s o n g s t o one"~an> a t t l e I s h a n ' t s a y a w o r d , ] fori it other disclaiming chastity and indescribable." I p r o m i s i n g infidelity after m a r r i a g e : H e turned on m e then. "Editp,1" ' " A c t u a l l y this is t h e only t i m e o f e said, "this as the tenth t i m e t h e y e a r that a w o m a n m a y freely a v e s p o k e n s l i g h t i n g l y , o f rrjy insult a man. Wives w h o insult t i s t h e l a s t ? s t r a w / *U y o i * wi hujsbands during, a n y other period . o m e t o t h e d a n c e in t h a t , y o u si] would receive a good beating and Jever g e t a c h a n c e t o . g o | in b e thrown n a k e d out of their h o m e gain." . , t o die of exposure. H e "hesitated1 a m o m e n t . Ijm4de ao move. • | " T h e fiesta l a s t s f o r s i x d a y s , d u r - ' , J " G o o d - b y / ' ^ h e s a i d , a n d left. i n g which time a m a n or w o m a n ' Later ) s a w them come qut may try a number of different e t h e r , - h e a n d t h a t p l e b i a n i Ti m a t e s until a suitable o n e is chosen! rowp. Thefy b o u g h t " h o t , d o g T h e period of tnaJ m a r r i a g e then asty, c o m m o n " h o t dogs** fr ihi b e g i n s and m a y last a s long a s three m a n a,t a s t a n d , t h e n c r e p t i ijbo y e a r s before it is m a d e permanent Chat horrid, horrid tin, while! car b r e a k u p . I f t h e c o u p l e d e c i d e s Watched with breaking' heart. t o separate' there is no established ' N e v e r "did I l e t h i m e a t p r o c e d u r e a s to' what shall h a p p e n d o g s . " T h e .things will mafte t o children that have beqn b o m in sick. O h w h y , o b w h y , d i d I colxje the meantime. B a c h c a s e is indito a hotel w h e r e t h e r e a r e | people vidually settled." |ike Toots Brqwn! r I Land Shortage. Distressing'. • I s e e , in m y m i n d ' s eye,' 4»e, I n c a s e a m a r r j e d c o u p l e f e e l s i t i n g 1 b a c k t o t h e c i t y , l i V i n g , d a y a tis having m o r e children than its er d a y , dull, emqtionless. O n e r i id l a n d c a n s u p p o r t , it r e s o r t s t o i n - W e e k o f l o v e b e h i n d m e — c o u n t a e ;s •fanticide. T h e Indians contend that s a d years, stretching ahead. I sA; ill t h i s c u s t o m p e r s i s t s t o e a s e t h e d i s - Worjte t h e h a r d e r , t h e b e t t e r t o , d r m m t r e s s i n g p r o b l e m o f l a n d s h o r t a g e . piy sorrow. P e r h a p s i n a jjrear I ' K a u r i i s o n e o f t h e f e w p l a c e s ' i n S h a l l b e M r . L o r i n g ' s s e c r e t a r y . C '< r t h e w o r l d w h e r e i n f a n t i c i d e i s p r a c - tajinly I s h a l l b e n o V i c t o r i a n < i a , ticed on children several m o n t h s h e a r t - b r o k e n njiaiden b u t a w o n 1 in of t h e world wjio will g e t to t h e top after birth," fjoctor Mishkin said. p f t h e l a d d e r . I, ) '' Ironically, the Indians' chief conHe, a struggling lawyer with a c e s s i o n to civilization is to be found number of little Toots firowrfs in gangsterism, the e f f i c i e n c y of a r o u n d h i s k n e e , Will m a r v j e l a h d , w h i c h " w o u l d d o c r e d i t to a Chip a y r e g r e t f u l l y : " I m i g h t h a v e hi»d cago m o b , " Doctor M i s h k i n cont h e Joye of E d i t h M a n n i n g — a n d , I finued. phose: i n s t e a d T o o t s B r o w n . " ') "Because of the land shortaie, And I—I shall n e v e r forgot hltn, people w h o have been dispossessed though npne shall guess at the cano r w h o h a v e been unable to acqu k e r i n m y he^a'rt. W i s e w a s t h e p e r land a r e f o t c c d to turn to robbdry son who said: -I ( for a living,'' he said " lTis better to have loved a n d lost N e a r l y a l l w o r k in t h e " v i l l a g e Than never to have loved at all." done under an elaborate system - W h a t e v e r sadness love will'bring, co-operative labor called the " a m i y e t I Would n o t b e the b e i n g to w h o m Doctor Mushkm said. Each mefri t h a t s u p r e m e e x p e r i e n c e of l i f e h a s b e r of t h e c o m m u n i t y belongs.'to been demed. ' <• s - , , H work group a n d h a s the right to '- H u s h - j w h a t d o l h e a r ? C a d i t b e c a l l u p o n , ' a n d b e c a l l e d tfpon, b y that theV a r e c o m i n g h p m e a l r e a d y ? t h e group for labor. This borrowSurely riolhing but t h e ''Mloaning i n l a n d l e n d i n g of w o r k is recorded^ Lizzie** Solinds l i k e thar. 1 by e a c h individual a n d later repaid V c s , v t h e r e ' h e is, helping h e r out. in kind The w o m e n and children H e i s alf sr^iles, too Oh—they are u s e the s y s t e m a s well as the m e n . \ flaunting^ theJr h a p p i n e s s a t rn.e| \ .mud! not—I m u s t not cry. M y eye£-tt'tfl l o o k s o fuhny. ~>l ;, 'formal —; ri *• Received odj i p k i c e d o n f i l e . C o q u u p u i K b ^ t l ^ i ' r o i n Fre<j W . Ctyst'a Nn.t ¢ 1 0 1 ¾ i>f tbk> C i t y o0 p t f t r o i t reg a r x l i ^ g t h e b i l l isubjet'tuig 1 d i e D e l i a rtm e r i t * r j S i r ?et ItjUlwtfys t»» t h e rt>]i u f i t i o u d f t h e J l n l ' l u s u n j.*iiWn- S(*i vh<> OouiiiUAK)>iu<f(>i .it^s ^ l U i u n U h i innV - Updeivt'd iwuliiiwi-tid t m ' t i t e . g H o i i o i u M e ^l*ytj|r , i u d C o u m - l l ^ 1 ^ C i t y o f \Vviiu^|)'m-, > l i j H g i n i . (Seutlcuiioii: ' • 1 -I J_ ' l u ' itL>; V)m , n i n e t e e n Kufidrivl" 1 atuJ rliu tyJiiliio i ^ s L ^ u u - i i C roll : | ' 'l'be iiW't^11111 i | t l v l l ' f o r t h e <'ity <>„l iWyundil.tU' f o r 1SKM) w a s . j U i u i i d iii U i e t u s t o d y o f t i i e ItiMiil o f 1qu.nu1.Hzation u n d Kovltnui o n M . i y l i 1 ^ ¾ . f o r Un'ir ijicUou j u d api>H>val. ' T l l o dota a»!teMbliieitt^ ltd p ^ i ) . i r « i i)y tint sxf*a'«UM Ut d o j w r U m n t w e i f • i B e d l '--<- _ _ « , 1 L _ ' _ — v — 3 ^ » , l f i C ! . t > 2 5 <K> f o i w i u u l ^i-H-fu. f'rWujahOO THE CITY COUNCIL painted a n d s c r u b b e d het{—and riev/ e r , n e v i >r h a s s h e s t a l l e d dft a w k w a r d ', m o m e r t s , " j." H e p msed. I said nothing. I h a t j e d t h e " M o a n i n g ^Lizjjie" m o r e t h a n - e v e r , < n s e e i n g h o w h e l o v e d her% j H e c irftinuedi " W h e n y o u r e f u s e d j t o g o 11 h e r l a s t n i g h t , I d e t e r m i n e d ; S » s 3 3 fi Z t i*fcj IP. » „ »u - Ia| a \w «i i«#«3 \fis !• •PI:- jr f'l^p 8 si-Si if wjiiaiV Ilii*|is|slisl3lil Jp* ar»wa« TA *• * i f ^ l a < t f e »• i^/lSk * S. A a k l l I $S$»fE^M*iM*,,, «gi ^r«sj55»gfi & p ^ " ^ » ^ ^ * f ^ ^ r t * ^?m¾i.-¾¾ ^ ¾ ¾ ^ ^ 14 J'rt 1 - ^ - 1 'a1J !V 4a> M^*-"\ \ J-i V. fr < 1, V ht i t k r ttr ,>^>....~..., 4 ^ » 4 i w » . g ^ . '(?••* i :ug ruov^ t h e a l o p i t o a rijsoiiitl<Ai J^g^g h 1 L>X Lii.*I_/L. '.1 J.he/forogo1 of (/'l<llll/l • l'l LnlJl« t \ Behm ii]>inntiL<l ;, h\ C4111IM n u i u i i W . i K n e r . j / ^ Ill's i I'lAnK HUH'U tn'01 1 ;t' l l d i m , 1/( IliH rtoluiij H r o h r , Mas< >ii, Waf{ar» v\ <igik>r. N a y s : None 1 . W y a n d i l l 1 , (truli Jiin<> i(», HKW. J 'Uivsolutioii, Couiu-lh jllll lAKlih Behm ,! Uos<»Pvi»d liy C i t y i,t W.H|i«lott;0, t h a t t li' .(p'plu-ut i o n f o r MUjc D e . i i e r ' . s Llcij IIM>, t i n d e r Hit- ptovLslotiH n £ ' ; l i e Oldiit.uu.VH o f t h e < lt> o f W j J h d o t t e , U> , i n i b o i i 4 i y lH » i ' a i i i i t l t o \)1i"<twood I>uLry| C o m p n u y . 22l<» fikfluifSStr ilitdLW«i,v, K l ^ l v i i i d a l e , ffif, .M^chln.ni, tloU* osoperat«> a ' m i l C p & i n t m i d i\<*o t o o p e u i t t ^ t A ^ o m i l k t r j i r k w i n t h o 1 i t y o f WiMijjdotre, a n d t M C 4 t y ' C l e r k i>v a 1 id tit' l i e f t i b y i» / l u h o r l s j t ' d t o IHMUO . M i l k D e a l e r V lijifnat> t o t i n LIH)V<- n a m <d c o m p a n y jtt ith«> a b o v i ' '•')id r o w . I mow thfl- u d o p t l o u o f ^.he f o r e g o ni,? r e s o l u t i o n . C o n 11|* it m,|n I-OUIH \ f . B e h m . tiiip|H»rted-ji % C o 11 mil 11 a n ( S e o r g o Bi»tun (k^oitfe Ikdwn, \i'<«»: Ctjun U l u i e u Wagar, l^mis ' Belinl, BrolU, M a v | u , Warner. -j Nays: Noie W y a n d o t t e , M i d i , J u n e 120, v m . U('M>lllltl<>t( by ' C o u t w i l i u i n . 'Lou la ?&-. <.nty ('oi^wii of ;ins t, U i ' s o l v e d jiy t h ? C i t y C o i m c l l o f t h e ,City o f W y j a n d o t t e , Unit he appllca 1011 f o r M i j k r i v a l e r ' a LkjeiiM', u n d e r 1I10 p rr oo vviissl iooi L o f tt n he e 1/1 Dfiilinutw.-cj* of, 1110 p n ss oc t l U ' . C l t y o f W y a n d o t t e l i| ee ] a n d h e r e b y is sci''"neil U D o t t o i t O r e mia-y i.'M>m p u n y , :«KiT» T i l L m a n A v e n j i i ' , J ) e t r o i t M u - l i i p i u , t o o p e r a t e a Unlft p l a n t an< ilno t o o p e r a t e t h r o e m i l t l i e C i t y o f W y a n d o t t e , oh{l tttie, U t y C l d r k 1H> a k d toe l i o i e l » y i; nuthOii'izivl t<> Stsj«ie M i l k b i M l e r ' s . L u e u > e t<> O10 a b i f v e n a m e d c o m p a u y a t t i i e abovje a d d ' e«OB. jss , II, m o v e t h e a d o p t i o n o f t h e f o r e g o iug resolution. ' C o i i i K - i l m n n l i o u i s AlV. B o h i i i . Supported tby C o u u d i l n a n G e o r g e Befiin,' J • ». xi^as: 06unoihueil Gifrwe Behui, Louis Belun, Brohi, Ma.-on, Wagn'r, Wagner. , ; N a y s : None. \YyianiU>nti> M i d i , J u n e 'M, lOffl). Kosolutiofi, by ( V m n c i l m i n l^ouis W . BlflHU. 1 ' i t e s o U i i l ' b y U i e C } t y C« u i i d l o f tUie C i t y o f ^ W y a n d o t t e , t h a t tl e b i d o f tlu> .Mk"liijr!Ui A l k a l i C o m p a n y f o r t h e p u r < h a « f o f $:i}>,<KMl.Ot» C i t y or W y a n d o t t e .Sptxial AsM'shinent SidemUk Bonds t t i i t w l J u l y J, liKii), d u e w i t h o u t o p t l o h i f p r i o r p a y m e n t |7,<KKM«» J u l y 1 , ItMO t o J u l y 1 11)^1, b o t h l;u -ItisiVr, a n d .flO,0(KMK> J u l y ' 1 , ,UM4, a t i n t e r e s t r a t e o f o n e p e r , o e n l i i m p e r >; i i i i m m , pltus ] i - e i n i i i i i i o f $;.*S.3S b o t|i(M*pted, t h i s heiiiK t h e l o w e s t a n d , b e s t b i d . I X y •t And B e It - ' u r t h e r ^ s o l v e d , Itluat l h e C i t y Ch'>rk b|e a i t d h e l e r o b y i s I n v r r n e t e d t o Vett r a t h e c h e < k o f t h e u n Mliecetxtiil b i d d e r s , • > S p e c i a l Q r d e '. t'- " C o i i n c i l n m n ]X»IIH B i o h l re|>orled o n h i s v M t .to t h e N11r.se11y.7fc I100I t h a t We w « h v e i y p l e a * c d w i t h 111"• «<WKI w o r k l a l u g u w o i n p l i . ' h e d Mtutiiif! f h u t i t WUH 1. n u r s e r y vst'lioil u n d e r t h f s p o h s o r » h U ) of t h e Wl»A iiud t h e F a uily l»roteft>ve AiHodjiitil< U a n d re< u e n t e i l that the C i t y C l e t k be instnkst-<l t o W i l d W • oiumunicatjion e s t e n d l i u ; t h e tluiukS stff t h e C h y of W y n i n l o t t J , for the >f i l e m l l i l w o r k - h c l i i j j / a i v o n IIIIIKIHHI. - AdjoiimnieiH U j M o t M u t " ail J o n r n a t " j l i i V. M . . h.V C o u i i d h i i a i i lyoiilw B i ' h t i j , ;'u p o o r l e d b y ; Comiillniliu1 Wugrieiv Voas: (I'ouujellinen Gorge Bdimf 1/iuH B d i m , ^ Bfbbi, Mfliou^ Wagar, Wagnoi'. N a y s : Xeu«*. , '' 'LAWHtBJjfCE J LndoHJitaK, u City Olerk. n ( down. ,| I s *"Lo!" he called m that' cheery ^ I "voice "of his, and as though ilothing ' 1 T h e h a t c h e s o f t h e v a r i o u s s h i p s wereamiss. "You're late this mornI've waited an hour foir you. t h a t t i e u p i n t h e h a r b o r a r e n o t ing. a l w a y s i n t h e s a m * p l a c e , b e c a u s e o f Let's hustle, of we'll never be rack I , r! t h e d i f f e r e n c e i n s i z e o f t h e s h i p s in time* for breakfast." I looked ati hijhci coldly. rWhy," a n d s o m e type o f m o v a b l e a p p a t - a ^Hwi' r ''' ' , , «-J -4&HS w h i c h c a n - r e a c h t h e h o l d s ! i s said I, "didn't you,go ^owa to' the necessary. T h e . , 1 0 - s t o r y , b u i l d i n g 1 o n water with Toots Brown, initjead of w h e e l s w a s b u i l t t o m e e t t h e p r o b - waiting - for uninteresting the?" , o, Arthur1 can be very domiheering. lem", p W h e n a s h i p t i e s u p t o ' u n l o a d , t h e He loofted at rne in a stern! Way. "rtow. Edith," he said,; t«tofcg;my b|ui|ding d a n m o v e along the wharf ' ^ s p e c i a l l y , c o n s t r u c t e d t r a c k s , a n d hand, and meeting nie wejlk, beside y goofe.1 Toots I m m e d i a t e l y p r o c e e d s t o e m p t y t h f h|m,. "don't 3rown is nothing iii' my ybung life. s h i p a n d fill t h e b i n H o f t h e e l e v a t o r . Why when that girl comts. but of the ocean she and'her. complexion lated |to mahogany^ •it. fittrifk'jt choir awl t'»h«r c4ab A. J . l ^ i n l e O , « « 4 8 B l d d t e Avettue have parted company." '., 1 • ktfetiert th, council aNCii. . , LM&\& tjbe.'iltylfliei'k iwnnd kercW I*, Fori! Smith Ni Find Home I thought with complacence ]of my uVlttiition" an n a d A v « ^ < f l N | « K T a ^ t ) M ^ l c u - U M e ClSjjS'**'* J t w ^ U Coiiiroumui^um^ 1 Fori Smith, Ant.;- was so named own pink andt white skin, which suf. • And Assist Polk* fered umaaiK in honW of Gen. ThortjB'A. EJjmlth, }City TiiAf l«Meti no damage Ifiom waiei*J •libl lW>W,pf ;uq"s^,nftwd;^\ « » y lif'tiM1 miiiuite^ o f t h e L> jrblovo n d d r e w H * . ST. LOUISr-PcHice here were ."NevertheleM."; 1 replied with as* promiftent army ,o|Qct^)|arid Tand^f- » * m oi'iawt of %uallSHti^i |a*« W V,i^4tjMjiaWlo« ,0¾ *H l«fap> stomped wfeo ,Jhey recovered pkltrityw'mmt** Cotnpjarty suf- flee receiver during the territorial dm « f T t k « W ^ Wyandotfcfftir th# eight stolen horning pigeons from r ficiently to takie heV out in ymt atro- and -mat statehood dpys of Mis^ 4 a & W a « > * i i i s ' V , tiehil, boys who were, unable to ten cious tis^ CM*{ - ,\ sourlj General Smth was com- IMeriiMI »n»4 pfe«^i m\ flK, I M i ' 11 where they gdt the birds. . There was: a line if grim determi- msndir of the nintl military ,, . de- , jii«ntWr.sta<«n»«'»tfi<iri»«^M "rw *, "leM! psiuiWien tiehrge , lttkni, Finally they hit upon a solution. nation about Arthur's mouth a s he pfart4vnt of th> U n i y States " ' antf' " <joUtfc mkmfatti «f,dWwiBeiit i»m VW»*Wq&' They released' three of the pig- annwereo me-' ' • t arranied tor theereitiSin «Y» Wt f j ^Ttkte^tTiitfareW »!»•" «*ipip>& **$> I^OT^KTlM»». eons with eJnote iskirig the owjd* "Edith, when y«u speak of the the srfe 61 which had been suggested j iti»»; hi{ «m-u*t of mMM, *jpj.'ljlT 'MM f s t to come in and identify the •Moaning Liriie' if eak of her more by Ma). Stephen H.' Ling, in 1817. fc^eVfl^ »*m'*h;t%i i».li.* fc, f 1 others. • ' [ 1 kindly- She cost n e $100 last sum- Matorf Long suggested the name I shrtM *)$&*** *»*F\# , ¾¾ I The pigeons flew straight to mer, and she has keen my eoMtanfc; ^'9e l H * ^ i t t : 4 ^ ^CoSlWftWW! Lbulk their "home" loft Edward Par- companlbnante*tfifh. Wehav^gone" ad ltefaltt<"-' '•*• •*• •'• - ••' ' • " ' rtth, their owner, claimed tat five together where no eight-cyllndef osr,, 1 1838 and the iAwit of- mtH* IHJ Ut^elred fa iWn<3lty <09W«tt ofj«? other "homers." 11 • •insulin |i K V I Keartjnirants ' U n ^ e r t h e p r b v i s i o n s ' o f tlit> t ) i d i u » u < ) e > wf tin* C i t j f o f W y w n d<ftU^1)^,uudjHt l r(.iib.v a r e a p i f ' o v e d l o Arth,tfr «^-invi4t/.tM (Tif^xif.i I n n ) 74'.) B l d d l f i V W i . u e Ji>se[Hi i v 8 u > |.fov»V Cufd,) 0 ^ ) F o r d Avenui au<t tht> Cit.y l l i - i i k IK» i m l hpliohy 1« a t n b u u - A ' l r » I^MII' (."!-i-< ' j j - ' k u i i n u - f l U n i t , Lu-cii-t'J :, t h a - i l x i v i ' J i a n i j i ' d l > Q r - m i * a I M10 ,jilM;\t" addM'->,v j — » • » I ,'j ,.. Bridge drafting of Trees T h e art of bridge graft n g of treea W a s taughtj toj m a n b y m t u r e . Natural bridge grafting is 5 stdom s e e n in t r e e s . Artificial graft n g of t r e e s i s o n e , o f t h e ' o l d e s t a r t s oj! p l a n t craft. E a r i y ; , w r i t e r s s a y Ithat g r a f t i n g of p l a n t s orice w a s h e l d a s a p r o f e s s i o n a l s e c r e t . . F o r tinanjy y e a r s a r t i f i c i a l bjrid&e g r a f t i n g has been successfully practiced to s a v e treea g i r d l e d - byj r o d e n t s o r {injured b y disease. ' ' t h e ' a MiUtonalr^ ,,,; A n u l j ( I o t t a i r e i s a n u i d i / i d u a l h s » ing; Dkoperty $C000,00(J or and assets should valued be at distin- g u i s h e d f r o m a n inidividust w h o h a ^ an income of $i,d00,000 a year on which he Pays . M M ) l^aeralhr speaking, <i» indivMualji^o h a s . ^ , income of (400,000 a year or nwjre is consijclercd a mlUi^a^e» ^sbi^. this would probably mean, tbat^bfa,, property wjouldj, be Valued at $1,000,» ! Oro. Dk.eiw LeVed C^ers • Charles^jnickiena had, s fondness for clothe* more "cdhref* than "piain/ i)pv<t&t coM ireU lW»«i» to his frie&* ^ 4 ^ 1 ¾ ^ ^ ens that'he was pwJledJas/tojajTst use td moke of it, Was advlisw(.vo "Send it to Dickens; he 11 make a waistcoat of ilt* M I , •',I. • t tii>jm - Witty Sir WsKir The barker cam* to tbk Tower"jof Lon 5ndon to dress the imprisoned ftr M&m pending between me ani the kl?i' aboui this'head, end I jrion't intend to ley but 'any money U| ion it until the cause is tried and it is decided' which Ot.UBit is to belong to. 'i\l i