Spirit of Woodstock Festival Magazine 2013
Spirit of Woodstock Festival Magazine 2013
- ITALIANO FESTIVAL & RAINBOW GATHERING MAGAZINE ENGLISH FESTIVAL 2013 FESTIVAL EDITION and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 26.7.2013 - 4.8.2013 TEN DAYS WITH MUSIC, PEACE AND LOVE • CYBERROCK • DANCE-TRANCE • COUNTRY • POP • BLUES • NU-METAL • TEKNO • PSYCHO • PUNK • HARD CORE • NEW-TOPICAL • MICHEL MONTECROSSA AND THE CHOSEN FEW MIRAKALI DIANA ANTARA THE FABULOUS SOUND SISTERS SEAWARD BLUE VEIINS KIRBANU BRANDAFEU DEUXROB VIDI AQUAM VORTICE DI NULLA DUO INDABA FOX & FAMILY WASSERMANN‛S FIEBERTRAUM SUPERJAM NSJB ROCKFISH SICK OF SOCIETY LOST IN DESIRE BEHATED ALCHEMIA SUDDENLY HUMAN MENESTRELLO 2 BAN3 and D mo S re INTERNATIONAL BANDS PLAY EVERY DAY LIVE FROM 1900 - 2400 SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY: OMNIDIET RESORT AND BUSINESS HOTEL Via Monte Falò 8 • 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte • (Prov. di Novara) • Italy Phone: ++39-0322-999009, Fax: ++39-0322-999129 eMail: [email protected] INTERNET: www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com FESTIVAL 2013 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy is the leading European Festival of the FreeMusic Revolution with free entrance, free camping and friendly prices for food, drinks and Hotel accommodation. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy is combined with the hearty feastin’ and drinkin’ flavour of Mirapuri’s one and only Original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy as well as the love Flowerpower-Happening of the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri offers to visitors and participants great multicultural entertainment with international flair and an inimitable atmosphere of Love and Joy. Want to come to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival? Contact: Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel - www.Omnidiet-Hotel.com Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Provincia di Novara, Italy Phone: ++39-0322-999009, eMail: [email protected] www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com FESTIVAL 2013 e RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALIA THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, in Italia, è il principale festival di Free Music Revolution. Offre entrata libera, libero campeggio e ottimi, amichevoli prezzi per cibo e bevande nonché per alloggio in albergo. Lo Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italia è combinato con l’atmosfera unica per banchettare e bere di cuore dell’originale Oktoberfest bavarese in Italia, così come con il Love Flowerpower Happening del Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering. Lo Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri offre sia ai visitatori che partecipanti grande intrattenimento multiculturale con flair internazionale ed un’ inimitabile atmosfera di amore e gioia. A S S O TECR N O M L E MICH ERROCK RI CYB MIRAPU A GS AL-SON -TOPIC ND NEW Spirit of bring to the r a e y is th Actio n & Fe w ‘Lov e Wo rl d the Chose n ir d e n a th b f o is s h g d n te cross a an bra n d ne w so Mic h e l Mon irapu ri the M in l a f Mirapu ri iv st Fe d Fou n de r o 013’. n 2 a r r u Wo o dst ock o te T ri t r W ong rao rdin a r y ng e Conce r, Topic a l-S on s. The ext e ti ck si o o p Climate Cha rr e m b co y honic ll song te cross a , C nd 50 symp Fu sio n of a a r. s e g n th Mic h e l Mon r so fu 0 g 0 e r- and mov in re than 2 2 u nique Cyb con st a ntly is h is a cr e ate d m o rm ss fo o cr to h e l Monte ov ie s u nit e wo rk of Mic and mu sic m c si u n s h e is m ic n o ph w pro ductio e n n o style s, sym g in rk ta ra , io wo sic. li, Dia n a A n ka t in the stu d a o ir n is Topic a l-M u (M ’ a w ss e o v e -conce r ts se n F l Monte cr ng with his li nd ‘The Cho a ti b n is se W he n Mic h e h re h p it w s) me tr u e. hali tog e ther ong V is io n co , Ar tis Ald sc S ld le a fi ic r on the ro a d p e o tt T u d an ly . The ir , Dav id B o m onte, It a Cyb e r-Rock ir a o – C r Mirachandra a ri e u y p a ry g Actio n in Mir m ore e v e Topic a l-Son d are liv ing n d a n b a – fo r ty and is ck h o d R n e Om n idiet b e rte cross a a sic- H a ll of th e ss ag e, a Cy u m M g e in Mic h e l Mon th lv t o a v e live oss a R ock ntinuall y e y pe r fo rm h e l Monte cr th ic th M n e mu sic is a co o th m t a ry s e ll a n dship and tr u e. Ev e irapu ri a s w a life of frie d M a in dre a m come le l y te e o h H T ilitie s. a ny . B u sin e ss tu r e possib u n ic h , Ge rm fu d M n r Re so r t and a a e fe n li g f n ct o g s, ne w r in Gau ti ing the impa ate ne w son e ss cr re V is io n Din e y xp sl e u o y ll u d n ar tistic a e r-Rock an n Fe w conti exp e rience, is a ne w Cyb d the Chose n t a r ling of a e ce n ss fe o e co cr th ry t te and g e nce. Ev e m a e Mic h e l Mon rm th o f ce r n e e p a r t of a xp e ri style s of wo rl d but p inating to e n sc e li fa lyrics, ne w a is n a It . in y be ing m ore ted g Jou rn e h is not isola al way of life ic ic h ct w Topic a l Son c ra si p u a M d an Topic a lok o n thing s Cyb e r- and n ding ou tl o a kes xp . e y it ss e ival whic h ta t con fo rm st n e F con sc iou sn se ck re o p st to d - It alia n oo rnativ e in the No r th e Spirit of W th te d n d tha n a n alt e o te m r o a ir st o u ri’s one an ri- C te cross a g and Mirap st in Mirapu n u g ri e u Mic h e l Mon A th / a ly G u w ye ar in J pu ri R a in bo place e v e ry ith the Mira w r e . th d play along e g to Fe w sing an r fe st in It aly e n b Mou nta ins se to o k h O C n e a h T l Bava ri au die nce. cross a and on ly origina en th u sia stic ic h e l Monte d M n l a a y iv p st p e a F h ra D u ring the st-ba nds fo ation al gu e rn te in h it w idi-Guitar, sa (Vocals, Guitar, M os cr te on M l he ic M Band Members: ica, Piano, Percussion) • Mirakali (Guitar, Keybasoas)rd• , (B Keyboard, Harmon • David Butter field ls) ca vo d, ar bo ey (K ra ) vocals) • Diana Anta Aldschalis (E-violin s ti Ar • s) um Dr l ita Mirachandra (Dig www.MichelMontecrossa.com S R E T S I S D N U O S S U O L THE FABU I L A K MIRA OCK AND R R E B Y C RI MIRAPU E SONGS G N A H C CLIMATE MIRAKALI & DIANA: THE MIRAPURI WOMEN POWER DUO rite r singing from her Miraka li is a fantastic songw er, love and beauty . thr illing cor e of wis dom , pow Centur y songs go Her roc kin ’ and soothin’ 21st ativity as bre athtak ing along with her abu nda nt cre t and writer. cyb era rtis t, movie maker, poe guitar and key boa rd in Miraka li since 1992 is playing “The Chosen Few ” and Mic hel Monte crossa’s band with them she is on the his “Light sou nd Orc hestra”, cer ts eve ry yea r. roa d per for ming 40 to 60 con akali’s music: Michel Montecrossa says about Mir g writer with a warm and son ica tron elec “Mirakali is a stunning lf in her music and lyrics, brilliant female power expressing itse a deep sense of humanity. dedicated to love, peace, freedom and as her futuristic-dynamic Her orchestral arrangements as well ormity in the free air of vision creations are moving beyond all conf onality.” and the high art of a wonderful pers Band Members: Mirakali (Vocals, Guitar, Keyboard) • Michel Montecrossa (Guitar) • Diana Antara (Keyboard) • David Butterfield (Bass) • Mirachandra (Digital Drums) • Artis Aldschalis (E-violin) A R A T A AN DIAN B www.Mirakali.net D R A W EA S CK RO RI CYBER U P A IR M ONICA ELECTR www.myspace.com/seaward95 LY OM ITA ROCK FR us ic a, ma ne lla am anti de lla m i zz ga ra o tr o, tramit e à qu at zzi che ce rc an ne lla se mpl icit ga ra no o so tr d at ar qu aw ssibile di I Se sono ondo mus ic ale ce rc an o il più po m à l et de e tà an so non si ov es gi pl la com os tant e min o in trapre m on N ca il e. e ar ch ic e un ar tr il su on o, di com on al e pe r dim os ot tica pr ofessi ’ un in e o. ar oc tr en lo un gi considerar si so è pe r fo rza da Se aw ard i e ch cost anza e o gn pe im n È co e su on at o 08 ha nn o girato 20 o an nt lo l da on te rate, tra Piem in mol tissim e se essa st la mpr e con e Lom bardia , se voglia sa es st pr e con la m se , ne io ss pa pa ssione em ozioni. Una e ar ic un m co di et tu ar e to la band ad eff ot nd co ha e ch en a” di “Roc k n R oll ar date rile va nti: ” di ad ro e oc k on th Rom ag nano, “R “L eg en d , I) (M ” lu es Hou se “B , I) (M io es D ec ipazio ne unit e alla pa rt te da ; I) M ”( 54 k in Som ma” oni come “Roc zi ta es if an m a nc on o il nd”. Nel 2010 vi ke ee w or ot “M o con il bran o tt o da lla SIAE de in so or nc co ol tr e alle r not”; infatti, te et “B o it ed in inalità e trac ce e un ru ol o cuglio tra or ig is sv olge com unqu m nd un ba no la r, do ve ve co ri che i dai qu ali sono e di brani pr op 0, 70 e 80 (ann 6 on ni zi si an a po tr m , co ck di rd ro à tipica de ll’ ha de lla mus ic alit . r) le cove appu nt o trat te Diana Antara joined Michel Montecrossa and The Chosen Few and since then developed fully her musical yearnings in this field and grew into a keyboard and programming expert. Since then she is contributing her talent to the music of Michel Montecrossa and his unique TopicalCyberrock-Sound. One can experience Diana Antara live during the Michel Montecrossa Concerts. Her music is released by Mira Sound Germany. Diana Antara about her music: “Music for me is life: it is light, it is strong and wide. The dream that touches deep the heart and the energy, that turns you on and makes you happy and feel good. It’s great to play futuristic cyberrock and to dive into atmospheres of romantic trance songs. As a singer I express love and the experience of life. Music is for me the key to new ideas, strong feelings and the push to go higher.” Band Members: Diana Antara (Vocals, Keyboard) • Michel Montecrossa (Guitar, Harmonica) Mirakali (Guitar, Keyboard) • David Butterfield (Bass) • Mirachandra (Digital Drums) • Artis Aldschalis (E-violin) were fou nde d by Miraka li The Fabulous Sou nd Sis ter s ma n Pow er Cyb err ock . and Dia na for expressing wo and Members: Mirakali (Vocals, Guitar, Keyb oard) • Michel Montecrossa (Guita r) • Diana Antara (Keyboard) • David Butter field (Bass) • Mirachandra (Dig ital Drums) • Ar tis Aldschalis (E-violin ) www.Diana-Antara.com erra (Drums) • (Bass) • Pino Ins Band Members: Jolly Jumper Th e Lizard (Vocals) ncy Mark Redwood (Guitar) • Na S N I I E V E U L B P FROM OCK-PO INDIE R Y GERMAN com s. n i i e v e u l b . w w w e Indie Rock Band aus Blu e Veiins sind eine fünfköpfig Heilbr onn . chr ieb ene n eig ene n Songs Du rch ihr e im Jahre 2010 ges Benz auf sich aufme rksam ma che n sie schnel l Me rce des dem Me rce des Benz Ser vice und we rde n für zwei Tage auf Die Sym biose aus Me lan cholie, Gip fel in Han nov er gebucht. bew egt Me rce des dazu mit Na chdenklichkeit und Fre ude en. Die se Ihn en eine ers te EP aufzun ehm k an die bes ten wird als We ihnachtsg eschen 500 Ölkunden ver schenk t. res tlos Blu e Veiins spiele n nach ein er im folgenden aus ver kaufte n Rel easepa rty hla ndtour bis Jahr Ihr e ers te kle ine Deu tsc nkr eic h. hin zu zwei Konzer ten in Fra Fünf mit Da s Jahr 2012 beg inn t für die Blu e neue ein em Pau ken schlag . Na chdem nehmen und Einflüsse in ihr en Mu sikstil auf gte dur ch den noc h me lodischer wu rde n, fol tte nve rtrag Song “Genius” ihr ers ter Pla Singel err eic hte bei Coa st Rock Rec ords. Die nd (Da s Ding, ein ige Air plays in Deu tsc hla l spielte der uvm .), aber auch int ernationa UNO die se. Me xika nische Radiosender Rai ls unt er Als Folge teilen sie auf Fes tiva nn. andere m die Bühne mit Pohlma 2013 ang Anf int che ers um Ihr De bütalb eur opa weit im Handel . l Ab we chslung Twotw entytw o ver spricht vie antie. und eine Me nge Ohr wurmgar ro Band Members: Alessand uitar) • (Vocals, Guitar) • Marc (G ) Patrick (Drums) • Johnny (Bass KIRBANU kirbanu.co ICE YAGER INARY VO D LIAN VO R A O R T A S R U N EXT AN A E AND Abanu is an exceptional talent who is cur rently rising L Y T S H Kir WIT m a spe cia l cha risma, and within the mu sic wo rld . She has t. a unique ness am ong st the res win ning hum ility that give her ng (lyi le sty le ual , unm istakab This, com bin ed with her individ fol k, pop and blu es) allo ws of lms som ew here within the rea m the first sou nd. her to captur e audiences fro and the need to esc ape a ity ios Inspir ed by her own cur her banu dev eloped her sel f and con ser vative upbringing, Kir and ca eri Am a, ing thr oug h Asi craft over yea rs spe nt travell t is as colour ful , sen sitive tha sic mu Eur ope. The res ult is a ed with a lyr ica l det ail that and hon est as she is, com bin . sions of her adv enturous life wit tily expresses the impres one , ess rkin y and me lodic qui Thr oug h her skilled guitar pla 0’s Am erican songw rite rs. 196 at can hear traces of the gre der n pop and folk shimmer At other tim es ele me nts of mo se bump ballads that cut to thr oug h. How eve r, it is her goo r spe echless, which are her the cor e, render ing the list ene calling card. l, and expressive voice as a too Using her str ong , delightfu l her of rt hea the the skin to tou ch Kir banu’s mu sic goe s under list eners. l and refreshingly nat ura l, Fun ny, che erful, tho ughtfu ion of eve ryone before her. Kir banu com ma nds the att ent • Svilen cals, Guitar) Band Members: Kirbanu (Vo n) • Mike Dürigen (Steel Jeliazkov (Drums, Percussio on) • Phil B. Gray (Bass) harps) • Leo Or tega (Percussi U E F A D BRAN M ITALY O FOLK FR COMBAT Il ter min e „brandafe u“ è un più o pie mo nte sismo che sig nifica nificato sig Il . co“ me no „ attizza il fuo e dar „an è sivo nel contesto discor ega spi già e al ma ssim o!“. Il nom nasce ben e l‘indol e del gru ppo che di po sco lo ad ottobr e 2012 con nel e sica mu la dar e il ma ssim o nel chi li di e sti sici mu div ertime nto, dei seg ue. bat fol k, Il gen ere è il fol k-rock , o com sica e mu La . sso com e si usa dir e ade ima l‘an ndi qui o il div ertime nto son di e figg pre si che di que sto gru ppo di re cuo nel e ie cch ent rar e nelle ore , nno era roc inc che tut te le per son e o! min cam suo il vol enti o nol enti, (Accordion) • Marco Capello cals) • Fabio Ratto ti (Guitar) • Angelo Band Members: Luigi Allerino (VoGr ibaudo (Guitar) • Tommi Aliber ) (Drums) • Iwan Grossen (Bass Aimassi (Trumpet) • Ivo www.facebook.com/pages/Brandafeu/490662634289189 B O R X DEU ATIVE / ALTERN INDIE / P FROM OP PUNK Y GERMAN d eine r zu viel un r Bühne, 3 sind de f au ie am „Mon og ke in en Spaß!“ M us iker von al lein e mac ht ’s hr en die be iden fü n d te or W en de r Fab Four un Mit dies de r fünf Sinn e, s al he ei st R ch e nä di zu ob Deu xr fo rt . Was h sc gi lo en ch ei ra dika l de r dr ei Frag ez twic kelt e sich en , nn ga be kt je n Te xt en . Ava ntgardepro d mit deut sc he an -B op -P nk r- Pu tlic he in M us ik zu r Song w rite g auf das Wesen un nk ünstle r rä ch es B D ur ch die be iden Tonk n el nd bü g un tier Der nderer Weise. und In st ru men schaft in be so en als da s, id Le er d ig un en e w En er gi und nich t r eh m t ch ni t m ufna m en, Zuhörer be ko m it de m se lben R m n pe Ty ei w Z : f die sie se lbst was draufsteht er vo rt ra gen au ed Li on hr nc die sy abfa hr en . s 2 Alt meister de 2r ob dxb 2R , ... ha be n sich s op nkIndieP Pu ve ti na er lt nsam en Ja hr en Post A eins am -gem ei ch na , en sc hheit en ss lo en ts ch Pr ojek te die M d un ro rg de Un ler n. 1R ob und expe rimen tiel und zu erqu ic ke so uo D m le ia en anar chist mit brac hial-g w er ke r, Sa it en ag hl Sc b, dx ob xr fa hr ung in 2R ob sind Deu ute 80 Ja hr e Er G . er el Her z du rc h pi ts or und W s für Kop f und ng So en ug ze er Lärmästhetik n. ei B d un Mar k b o r x u e d / m o .c e c a p s www.my Band Members: LöRob (Saitenanarchie, LeRob (Drums, Vocals) Vocals) • VIDI / NEW GOTHIC M A U Q A LY ROM ITA T PUNK F k-wave band from Mil an Vidi Aqu am are a vet era n dar line -up cha nge s, since active since 1994 and , aft er few nde r Nik ita (voice, synth 2006 the band featur es fou la (since 1998: guitar, and programming), Da nie le Vio Fabio De gio rgi programming and voice) and mming) (since 2001: bass and progra e Wo rld Die s”, has “Th CD the e, The ir lat est issu a Sel vaggia Obscur e bee n rel eased on 2010 by Ros de by Frédéric Chapla in Lab el and ma ste ring was ma n pos itively rev iewed fro m Prikosnov enie; it has bee ve pre ss (Gr eat Britain, fro m the Eur ope an alt ernati land, Ma lta , Switzerland Spa in, Fra nce, Ge rmany, Hol rs the band has and Italy). Du ring the last yea m Italy, Ge rmany, fro es citi played live in differe nt ether with his tor ica l Switzerland and Ma lta , tog th and The Mu se, No rma nam es from the sce ne as Fai Loy and Stalingrad . iou s books abo ut dark The y have been quoted in var c To Die For “, „21st wave by Mick Me rce r („M usi Da rk: guida alla mu sica Centur y Goth“), and also „Il „The Goth Bible“ by osc ura“ by Iva no Ga llet ta and Na ncy Kilpatrick . CD “21 Dir ty RMXs” On 2007 the y featur ed in the s (on e of the ear liest fro m leg endary Dir ty Action ixe d ver sion of “Il Italian punk bands) with a rem cog raphy featur es mu seo di Lom broso”. The ir dis tap es and CDs, a also some min i-albu m, pro mo par ticipation to some 10 collec tion of rar itie s and the Sea” from Am erican compilations, including “Lu nar lab el Shinto Records. um have been Rec ording s for the new CD alb schedu led on sum me r 2012. OS WAVE / P uam yspace.com/vidiaq www.m cals, Synth, Band Members: Nikita (Vo la (Guitar, Programming) • Daniele Vio Degiorgi (Bass, Programming, Vocals) • Fabio Programming) A L L U N I D E C I VORT PE ELICA / S ED E / PSICH IV S S E R PROG M ITALY ALE FRO RIMENT Band Members: Ivano Nichetti (Guitar) • Luca Bandini (Bass) • Francesco Innocenti (Guitar) • Matteo Innocenti (Synth, Keyboard, Vocoder) • Daniele Macchi (Guitar, Synth, Vocoder) • Mattia Stringhi (Drums) inulla rticed o v / m o .c e c a p s y .m www Franc esco decidono di formare una band di I Vortic e di Nulla nasco no nel 2004 quando Ivano, Luca e e il gruppo inizia subito a compo rre i primi rock strumentale e psiche delico . A loro si unisce Valerio ament e da sfuriate noise. Col passare del brani, lunghi pezzi melodici che vengo no interr otti brusc do demo, „I‘m with Tortil las, throw ing tempo il sound della band si fa più ricerc ato e grazie al secon ria dell‘etichetta indipe ndent e milane se storse in the water“ la band entra a fare parte della scude Matte o come tastie rista, mentr e nel 2009 Traze roeun o recor ds. Nel 2008 si unisce ai Vortic e di Nulla ente. A questo punto alla batte ria arriva le strade della band e di Valerio si separano conse nsualm evoluzione ed i pezzi divent ano più aggre ssivi Mattia, il suono dei Vortic e di Nulla subisc e un‘ult eriore s mania“, disco che ottien e ottimi riscon tri ed immediati. Nel 2010 la band regist ra „The roundabout anno entra a far parte del gruppo dalla critica e da riviste specia lizzat e. Sul finire dello stesso regist rato l‘ep „Psyc hedelic Cabal leros“ e anche Danie le alla chitar ra e a synth . Nel 2011 la band ha regist rare nel 2012. attualment e è impeg nata nella stesura di nuovi brani da A B A D UO IN D om ola.c www.matteocrugn IC ACOUST USIC M WORLD ALY FROM IT a , con un le e sp e rienz vo te o n e le ca zion ali. a zion e mu si a rd in te rna rm d fo n a ta st i in n p o u lc ri isitate e d a e cu lt ure. i con una va tam e nte riv ce, en tra m b ra v erso va ri le vo tt p a e m a io co g rr g o a a d it n vi h C un a l mo che è anch e di mu siche d atm osfera e rep e r torio d n ra g i d u alità e o Crugnola (Guitar) M u sica di q Alessia Scesa (Vocals) • Matte Band Members: Y L I M A F & X FO Y OM ITAL dfamily n a x o f / m o .c e . R ock c a p s re del 2006 b m e ic www.my D l e n a sc e It alia . x & Fam ily n rse u nic a in ROCK FR L a Fo liare fo men te fam ig po n enti, il ba nd in te ra dei suoi com tà ci a p bre ve ca le e disce sa . E in in o it V is to le doti b su a st ato fin d a lc hi del n ord pe rc o rso è attiva sui p ià g ra e d n a ve te mpo si te mpo, la B ze ra . In bre z vi S a n lla Band ci vi che da n n o a ti r It alia e de ll a ce n co i a l locale tinaia d a ga ra ntire d o conta n o ce n d o m in BA N D solidità e u n a R O CK ch o st ruttu ra e ll e u q o de ll o blico tu tt il ità , e se n so b a d e a l su o pu b ffi A , a z Sic u r e z de v e av e re, . spett a colo ar) • Marco Band Members: Fox (Guit Cristiana (Bass) • Claudia (Drums) • (Vocals) M U A R T R E B E I F ’S WASSERMANN D AUSTRIA OM GERMANY AN ALTERNATIVE/POST-ROCK FR e raum.d t r e b e fi s n n a m r e s www.was er trau m is Wasse rman n’s Fieb ou p of four an ins tr umen tal gr n mu sic ians Ge rman and Au st ria aiming to or iginate d in 2011. Cl ug h fe eling s expr ess pure and ro in , love and su ch as sa dn ess, pa comm unicate s childish na ive ty, it and viv id on ly thro ug h soun d eating a spac e im ag es and thus cr ne, un til the final fo r the lis te ner alo awakening . NSJB OM THE ROCK FR Y OM ITAL ‘70 FR ‘60 AND .live jb s n / m o .c e c a p s y .m www ert orio di rock NSJB arr icchisco no il lor o rep già con osc iam o che zi ann i 60 e 70, olt re ai pez , Eag les, Jac kson ker Coc pre sen tan o bra ni di Joe Bro wn e, Neil You ng ... Alessandro Battista otti (Vocals) • Band Members: Gisella Gallar oard) • ass) • Fabrizio Battista (Keyb (Guitar) • Mario Carlevaro (B Rolando Maulini (Drums) M A J R E SUP www.myspace.com/superjammusic ANY FROM GERM IC S U M S T O OCK / RO REGGAE / R Superjam formieren sich erstmals im April 2007 aus einer Crew gestandener Berufsmusiker und auf Drängen von Sänger und Gitarrist Tommy Kaub. Tommy entsprang in den 80’s der damals bekannten Mannheimer Musiker-Schmiede “Alte Feuerwache“; wie auch die 3 Sängerinnen Aretha, Sista Steffi und Alessa, während Bassist Dozé der Neustädter/ Südpfälzer Musikszene zuzuordnen ist. Später können mit dem Ludwigshafener Keyboarder Werner Hammer und dem Drummer Olivier Piment aus Strasbourg 2 weitere Spezialisten in Sachen Reggae dazu gewonnen werden. In jungen Jahren von Scheiben wie “Bushdoctor“, “Babylon by bus“ oder “Uprising“ infiziert, sind es zunächst vor allem der Roots-Reggae-Sound der alten Meister Marley, Tosh, UB40, etc. und deren zahlreichen Hits, die zur musikalischen Basis von Superjam werden. Modernere Songs, Sounds und Dub- oder Dancehall-Beats von z.B. Diana King, Sean Paul, Alicia Keys oder Rihanna ergänzen das Programm zu einer extrem heißen Mischung und einem einzigartigen Reggae-Party-Mix; Superjam rocken zahlreiche Bars, Clubs und Festivals im In- und Ausland. Tommy Kaub Im Sommer 2008 präsentieren Superjam erstmals (Drums) • (Vocals, Guitar) • Tobi Zeller eigene Songs live vor ihrem Publikum, so daß Ende • Werner Smokey J. Dozé Weber (Bass) 2008 die ersten Drum-Tracks für ein erstes Album mit Aretha ausschließlich eigenen Songs entstehen. Im Juni 2012 Hammershock (Keyboards) • (Vocals) • endlich und 11 Songs später erscheint das hauptsächlich Haselbek (Vocals) • Sista Steffi im eigenen Ton-Studio produzierte Debut-Album Alessa Pedrotti (Vocals) “rEvolution pARTy“. H S I F ROCK RMANY OM GE ROCK FR Band Members: e .d www.rockfish-ulm Band Members: Dani • Flo • Joni cke nde Bass Drum und ein Sat te Git arr enr iffs, eine drü auf den Pun kt gespie lt. Das grollender Bass – alle s tig ht n Lin e-Up zeigen Da ni, Flo hie r ist Roc kfish! Im kla ssische 2000, den „al ten Her ren ” und Jon i, Jahrga ng 1999 und kt. Die drei You ngster s wie die nächst e Ge neration roc ponier ten Stücke n ver binden in ihr en sel bst kom oun ds zeitlose Rhy thmusg itarren-S en. ent lem mit mo der nen NuRoc k-E eln chs we s Knackige Single -Note-Riff ab, ds hor sich mit sch we ren Pow erc ibe nde dazu ver zer rte Bassläufe, tre Flo von als Dru ms und die coolen Voc gen jun die mit rot zfr echen Tex ten ! erk dw Fische beherr schen ihr Han d wir und d Seit 2009 bes teht die Ban ger zeu lag seit Juni 2012 dur ch den Sch . Die Da nie l Kotitschke ver stärkt sm usiker uch tal entier ten Ulm er Na chw auf ne ste hen leidenschaftl ich ger n rde we der Bühne, und die Bühnen h auc en hab imm er größer. Denn längst t: ann eta blierte Veranstal ter erk l Hie r wa chsen Künstle r mit vie nen wie Büh Pot enzial heran. Größer e , das hne die Blaubeure r Som me rbü das und Kul tur ufe r Friedr ichshafen sind t tad rns Obs tw iesenfestival in Do ße gro die d ßte s Hig hlight wir für 2012 ber eit s gebucht. Grö am z lat Ulm er Münst erp Sch wörm ont agspar ty auf dem den Zu hörern . Die neu e CD sen Tau 23. Juli um 17.30 Uhr vor auf den gängig en Do wn load „Going to get big ger ” gibt es w.rock fish-ul m.de. Por tal en oder dir ekt unt er ww Y T E I C F SO O K C I S K WITH UNKROC P METAL www.sickofsoc iety.de ANY M GERM FRO URITIES /HC IMP ALY FROM IT K C O R D K / HAR PUN cals) • B-Vo Oliver (Drums, : s r e b m e M Band i (Bass, Vocals) uitar) • Stein Fizzi (Vocals, G n people or just the The lar ge ma sse s, the com mo for t where in people ave rag e con sum er ... is a com just a daily rou tin e or like to hide. What is for many ed with while looking in what alm ost eve ryone is fac iety, since the day the mir ror. This for Sick of Soc er-ending sou rce of of fou ndation, has been a nev inspiration and drive. ns and fre ed from Ne ver bent by soc ial con ven tio -minded behavior and the straig ht jac ket of nar row and tac tile monument tho ught pat ter ns a hea rable Simple, stir ring and for fre e spirits was cre ate d: Res t” [trans lation: straig ht – “Niemals Wie Der Ne ver Like The Res t]! erous rel eases Aft er alm ost 20 yea rs and num s with the album the band bre aks new gro und t,” which has led to called “Niemals Wie Der Res e rls which are slig htly iety foc use d, for the first tim 16 unp olished Pun kRock pea . On its way the re, Sick of Soc nts me ele 2: re 201 dco in Har for and nds tal sta impure d by Me pla in what the band in order to ma nifest cle ar and ication. The y hold the mir ror eve r, on ma inly Ge rman lyr ics mising and have unlimited ded pro om is unc , ent sist con are o mu sic . In 2012 Sick of Soc iety Thr ee guys wh rt, fast and dir ty Pun kRock sho h wit ion ect refl d ace t!” o-f to soc iety‘s tw l “Niemals Wie Der Res n ever before and withou t fai harder and more tru thful tha N I T S LO E R I S DE CK / SY FROM NTHPOP ATIVE RO ALTERN AUSTRIA D E T A H BE www.lostindes ire.com Band Members: Mark • Sonja • Stephan • Dave aus Alt ernative Mit ihr em einzig artige n Mix Lost in De sir e sich n ele Roc k und 80s Wave spi zen ihr er Fan s. seit 2009 in die Ohr en und Her um s (2009) Na ch dem Erfolg des De but alb m (2010) lbu ixa Rem und dem zug ehörig en Im Juni h: eic Str e kom mt nun der nächst g Hom e” min “Co gle 2012 ersche int die Sin den neu en auf ack chm samt Video als Vor ges rmind , ste Ma or, Sut Longpl aye r. Stepha n h, ble ibt leic zug ent Songw rite r und Pro duz e” Hom g min “Co seinem Konzep t tre u. unden Sek en nig we h offenb art ber eit s nac nd die hre Wä ial. ent pot gew altige s Ohr wurm n, rge Mo n kei es e Git arr en roc ken als gäb er Hör den er siz the Syn bea me n die old school s Da re. Jah r 80e zur ück in die Disco der t in De sir e ist prägna nte ste Me rkmal von Los e die Mu sik lch we e, jedoch Stepha ns Stimm ichelt . me sch um ik mit düster er Rom ant Stepha n 2008 als Solopr oje kt. von e sir De in t 4 hau ptsächlich bei Ge gründet wu rde Los en Mu sik beg ann Stepha n 200 sch oni ktr ele der in en olg Mater ial für eig ene Songs. Na ch zahlre ichen Erf mit zuwirken und sam me lte ten jek Pro und nen tio duk dem De bütalb um von unt erschiedl ichen Pro en Stil, um schließlich 2009 mit kal uni nem sei und sich zu er möglic hst per sönlich e Mu sik, In die ser Pha se fand r es zu 100% me ine eig ene und wa l Zie ein „M en: ehr zuk für mich ges tar tet , ohne Los t In De sir e zur ück che n. Ich habe das Pro jek t nur ma zu te, ma For elle rzi me ohn e Rücksicht auf kom gefallen könnte“. t zu hab en, ob es irg end wem ein en Augen blic k daran gedach from BeHate d is a sick pow er trio thr ee by 3 201 ly Italy, for me d in ear ir The ns. era Pun k & Hardco re Vet er‘ s mb me ry eve of sou nd is a mix tur e old m fro d, differe nt bac kgr oun school /me lodic hardco re and Born and scr eam o to cru st and grind. at real wh ple peo gro wn up just to tell an. me ang er and sadness Ale (Bass, Band Members: ru ms) • Ale Vocals) • Tommy (D (Guitar, Vocals) A I M E ALCH Y OM ITAL DICO FR CK MELO RO e la Il gru ppo Alc hemia nasce, com l. Vie ne tra Mis dei eri fen ice, dalle cen o dic elo k-m roc e ma nte nuto lo stil ze uen infl no sco eri anc he se si ins ent e al blu es e ci si avv icina ma ggiorm . ato roc k più imp egn La tec nic a è sicu rament e una caratt eristic a por tan te e la garantita compon ent e me lodica vie ne e. dal pia nofort Per ma ngono le influenze nei tes ti, cantau tor iali, spe cia lme nte i pez zi ed k roc più a ent ma il suono div . nti lge nvo coi più brillanti e www.facebook.com/pages/Alchemia/328391070582228 Y L N E SUDD ATIVE ALTERN N A M HU Y MAN OM GER R F K C O R Suddenly Human wurde Anfang 2011 von Philipp Saaler (Vocals, Keys) und Fabian Haberkorn (Guitar) gegründet. Die beiden ut Montecrossa says abo Michelsich jammten, machten Gedanken und so entstanden nach und nach die ersten groben Entwürfe für die heutigen Songs. Kurz darauf lD action e Wor s oF loVund the Day kamen Thomas Wendt (Drums) Hannes cK FestiVal 2013 Dsto oF Woo sPirit sonG For the Kiesewetter (Guitar) dazu und nun konnte in MiraPuri, italy man es auch eine Band nennen. Nun fehlte nur feStivAl 2013 in WoodSto noch der Bass. Hier mit ck Konstantin Spirit ofman “At thewurde d 20 concertS bAn My With plAy i itAly , (Bass) fündig. MirApuri gS Son W d-ne brAn g urin feAt icAl-Song Und so ging es bereits des-top Jahres ongoing neW ourAugust froM im concert tour. And cyberrockStudio 2011 ins DAILYHERO Recordings it’S our cAll of the feStivAl. of nach Berlin, um die ersteit’S EPA cele Big brAt City Ants ion on.” ic revoluti the free MuS aufzunehmen. Diese erschien frisch gepresst im März 2012. DstocKFest.coM itoFWoo .sPir WWW Nach eigenen Angaben ist man mit dem Sound der EP noch lange nicht am Ende des musikalischen see Spektrums der Band. Jedoch inside for song lyrics steht fest, dass dies die Richtung sein soll, in der sich alles Weitere bewegt: Alternative Rock. Im Februar 2012 standen die ersten Konzerte der Band an. Seitdem traten sie unter anderem in Clubs in Dresden, Halle, Magdeburg und Leipzig auf. Außerdem nahmen die Jungs am Chesterfield Musikförderpreis teil und schafften es beim Emergenza Contest bis in das SachsenThüringen Finale. Man darf gespannt sein, was 2013 noch bringt. call oF the FestiVal d 1 Call of the Festival 2 CD Cover, vorne.ind ls, Keys) • oca Philipp Saaler (V : s r e b m e etter M Band Hannes Kiesew rn (Guitar) • • Thomas Fabian Haberko Brandt (Bass) in nt a st n o K • (Guitar) Wendt (Drums) www.facebook.com/suddenlyhuman O L L E R T S E MEN ’ ROLL ROCK ‘N ALY FROM IT estrello ‘CALL OF THE FESTIVAL – THE DAYS OF LOVE WORLD ACTION’ MICHEL MONTECROSSA’S NEW-TOPICALSONG-MOVEMENT AUDIO SINGLE AND DVD FOR ANNOUNCING THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2013 IN MIRAPURI, ITALY the FestiVal callDayoF s oF loVe WorlD action ‘Call Of The Festival – The Days Of Love World Action‘ Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single the and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, for announcing 2013 cK FestiVal sonG For the sPirit oF Woo,Dsto in MiraPuri italy the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy. Michel Montecrossa together with his band The Chosen Few during t en neW-toPical-sonG-MoVeM ten days (26th July – 4th August) presents 20 concerts featuring brand-new songs from Michel Montecrossa’s ongoing New-Topical-Song and Cyberrock concert tour. Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few play along with international guest bands creating together with them the stimulating and happy flair of the most important festival of the free music revolution. 29.06.2013 22:39:00 Uhr Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Call Of The Festival – The Days Of Love World Action’: “At the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2013 in Mirapuri, Italy I play with my band 20 concerts featuring brand-new songs from our ongoing New-Topical-Song and Cyberrock concert tour. It’s our Call of the Festival. It’s a celebration of the free music revolution.” Call Of The Festival – The Days Of Love World Action Come, ladies and gents from everywhere! I sing you my Call of the Festival! Come for the Days of Love World Action great! The Love World is there of the Bright Earth! L‘energia del rock‘n‘roll suonata per far ballare!! Menestrello, dopo avere militato in alcune band locali, decide di rimettersi in gioco cominciando proprio dalla strada, non è raro infatti incontrarlo d’estate nella piazza di qualche città remota, o sotto un porticato a improvvisare un disperato blues maledetto e notturno. Egli stesso si definisce on „One-man-band“ moderno,é solito lanciare le note della voce e della sua chitarra nell‘etere, con l‘aiuto di basi musicali prodotte da lui stesso e che hanno l‘effetto di avvolgere l‘ascoltatore con una presenza sonora tale come se si trovasse davanti ad una vera band. Band Member: Men Michel Montecrossa On wings of the wind over the deep blue sea the music is coming of Love and of Peace. Hear the wind singing of Love that’s true, see the Peace shining with the silvery hue. We are sisters and brothers from the same spring. We are together and together can sing of Love World Action, of you and me, of the good tomorrow, of the soul that sees. 1 llo e r t s e n e m / .com e c a p s y m . w ww Come, ladies and gents from everywhere! Listen to the Call of the Festival! The Call it is of Love World Action great! The Love World Action of the Bright Earth! Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany Available from: www.Mirapuri-Shop.com FESTIVAL 2012 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL Al-Kimiya from Italy Skipdown from Germany 27.7.2012 - 5.8.2012 NightTrain from Germany FLASHBACK tock Festival The Spirit of Woods y: 10 days of 2012 in Mirapuri, Ital and the feeling joy, coming together tanding that of borderless unders and happy international music s from Mirapuri, feastin’ gives. Band came along with Italy and Germany e various a groovy audience. Th ic, the variety atmospheres of mus ntributed with of individuals who co goodwill, the well their creativity and of the Omnidiet organized suppor t ira Sound Hotel, Filmaur and M the many happy Germany Team and ade the Spirit visitors once again m al in Mirapuri, of Woodstock Festiv irapuri Rainbow together with the M uri’s one and Gathering and Mirap an Oktoberfest only original Bavari experience of in Italy into a thrilling Peace, Love and Joy. Electrified Soul from Germany ossa and The Michel Montecrom Mirapuri Chosen Few fr One Step Further from Germany Mar tin Creek from Germany Pico from Germany Harry Gump from Germany Menestrello from Italy A Sleepless Mind from Italy Vortice di Nulla from Italy Karenina from Italy Bouncin‘ B.C. from Germany Poetry Fact from Germany ViolaShiva from Italy The Sunpilots from Germany Sniper Dogs from Italy FESTIVAL 2012 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 27.7.2012 - 5.8.2012 FLASHBACK FESTIVAL 2012 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST MIRAPURI RAINBOW GATHERING: AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 10 DAYS OF LOVE AND PEACE www.Mirapuri-RainbowGathering.com MIRAPURI RAINBOW GATHERING: 10 GIORNI D’AMORE E PACE FLASHBACK The Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering every year is the love and friendship gathering celebrating the harmony with nature and humanity. Based on the original ideal of the first Rainbow Gathering of following the truth of creation, the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering is the unique opportunity to come in contact with the Human Unity atmosphere of Mirapuri and the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and its awareness building outlook and meaning. The Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering every year takes place for ten days at the same time as the Spirit of Woodstock Festival. 2012 again brought peace of mind and love from the heart to all who joined the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering and enjoyed it together with the Spirit of Woodstock Festival at Mirapuri as a unique experience of the fusion of music, coming together and happiness. 27.7.2012 - 5.8.2012 FESTIVAL 2013 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 26.7.2013 - 4.8.2013 TEN DAYS WITH MUSIC, PEACE AND LOVE FESTIVAL 2013 MORE THAN 23 INTERNATIONAL BANDS PLAY EVERY DAY LIVE FROM 1900 - 2400 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL HOW TO COME TO THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2013 IN MIRAPURI ITALY: If you come by car go from Stresa via Gignese and Sovazza to MirapuriCoiromonte. At MirapuriCoiromonte you will see the Omnidiet Hotel where the Spirit of Woodstock Festival takes place. If you come by train go to Stresa and phone David at the Omnidiet Hotel (Phone: 0322-999009). He will help you to get a transport from Stresa railway station to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy. For finding out the proper Italian train connection go to: www.trenitalia.com SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY: OMNIDIET RESORT AND BUSINESS HOTEL Via Monte Falò 8 • 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte • (Prov. di Novara) • Italy Phone: ++39-0322-999009, Fax: ++39-0322-999129 eMail: [email protected] INTERNET: www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com
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