Presenter Disclosure Information Valentin Fuster, M.D., Ph.D.
Presenter Disclosure Information Valentin Fuster, M.D., Ph.D.
Transition From CV Disease To Health Motivation PCNA, Atlanta, April 10, 2014 No Disclosures Two Pathways of Translational Medicine 1. Basic Research Patient 2. Clinical Trials 3. Global / Guidelines European Advisory Committee on Health – July 2013 A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style Complex (4) – Subclinical Health 1970 1990 To CP-VD (3) -- Arterial To DBD-Aging (3) To Focal 1990 2000 CAD -- Global 2000 2010 2010 2015 2015 2020 1960 “YOU MUST STUDY MEDICINE AND BE A CARDIOLOGIST, NOT A TENNIS PLAYER, NOR STUDY AGRICULTURE “ 1960-1970, Platelets as Biomarker of Myoc. Inf. Sir H Sheehan 1960 – V Fuster, PhD Thesis 1970 A Arbab-Zadeh, M Nakano, R Virmani, V Fuster, et. al. Circ. 2012;125:1147 A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style (1/4) – Complex CAD To CP-VD Subclinical (3) -- Arterial To DBD-Aging Health (3) To Focal 1970 1990 1990 2000 -- Global 2000 2010 2010 2015 2015 2020 1a).1970-1990, Platelet Studies “In Vivo” 1). 1975, VWD Pigs 2).1976, CABG Dogs V Fuster et. al. J. Clin. Invest 1978;61:722 - Circ. Res. 1982; 51:587 V Fuster et. al. Circ.1979;60:1508 1b). 1970 -1990 - Benefit Of Periop. Asa + Dipyrid. On Early Postop. SVBG Patency Cumulative occlusion rates (%) 30 Distal Anastom. Patients 30 Placebo 20 20 Placebo 10 Days Treated 10 Treated 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 JH Chesebro, V Fuster et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 1982; 307:73 JH Chesebro, V Fuster et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 1984; 310:209 V Fuster, JH Chesebro et al., Circ 1986; 73:227 60 80 100 120 A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style Complex (2/4) – Subclinical (3) -- Arterial To Health (3) To 1970 1990 1990 2000 CAD -- Global 2000 2010 To CP-VD DBD-Aging Focal 2010 2015 2015 2020 2a). 1990 -2000, MRI – Non Invasive Native CAD – Re-Stenosis V Fuster, Circ 1994; 90:2126 - AHA Report Circ 1995; 92:1355 - HRP E Falk, PK Shah, V Fuster Circ 1995;92:657 - HRP J-F Toussaint, V Fuster et. al. ATVB.1995;15:1533 - Diffuse V Fuster, JJ Badimon,L Badimon NEJM.1992;326:242 &310 – Diffuse M Poon, JJ Badimon, V Fuster. Lancet 2002;359:619. Rapamycin 2b). 1990 -2000, Native CAD, Re-Stenosis VI PHASE 1 I-III PHASE 2 PHASE 4 Acute Syndromes Myocardial infarction Unstable angina Ischemic sudden death IV-Va VI PHASE 4 PHASE 5 Vb-Vc PHASE 3 VI No Symptoms Angina pectoris V Fuster et al., N.Engl.J. Med 1992; 326:242 –326:310 V Fuster, Circ 1994; 90:2126 - AHA Report Circ 1995; 92:1355 (modified) RAVEL (MC Morice, JE Sousa et al.) ESC- Sept 2001 –Stent Restenosis A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style (3/4) – Complex CAD To CP-VD DBD-Aging Subclinical (3) -- Arterial To Health (3) To 1970 1990 1990 2000 -- Global 2000 2010 Focal 2010 2015 2015 2020 3a). 2000-2010, High Risk Carotid Disease - PET/MRI RR Moustafa, J Rudd et. al. Circ Cardiov. Imag. 2010;3:536 R Corti & V Fuster EHJ 2011 (April 19) JD Spence. Circ. 2013;127:739 Diffuse, Inflammatory, Lipid Deposition 3b). 2000–2010, PCI/DES CABG Logrank P=0.005 30 Death/Stroke/MI, % FREEDOM– DEATH / STROKE / MI PCI/DES 20 CABG 10 5-Year Event Rates: 26.6% vs. 18.7% 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Years post-randomization New Engl. J. Med 2012; 367: 2375 6 A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style (4/4) – Complex CAD To CP-VD DBD-Aging Subclinical (3) -- Arterial To Health (3) To 1970 1990 1990 2000 -- Global 2000 2010 Focal 2010 2015 2015 2020 4a). Slowing Infarction on Time Metoprolol Administration (Pig)–CNIC (Humans) T2W T1 T2W / T1 B Ibanez, V Fuster, J Sanz, JJ Badimon et al Circ 2007;115:2909 B Ibanez, G Cimmino, V Fuster, JJ Badimon J Card 2011;147:428 4b) STEMI -Early Metoprolol On Infarct Size In Ant.MI Patients Undergoing 1ary PCI (N=220) METOCARD CNIC (B Ibanez, V Fuster et. al.) Circ 2013 . 4c). LV FAILURE – METABOLIC - GENE THERAPY Na+ 2 K+ NaCaX Ca ATPase Ca2+ NaCaX 3 Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Na-K ATPase 3 Na+ NaHX H+ DHPR RyR T-tubule SR DHPR PLB SERCA RyR Ca2+ H+ DHPR CUPID (M Jessup, RJ Hajjar et. al.) Circulation 2011;124:304. 4d) Calcium Up-Regulation by Percutaneous Administration of Gene Therapy In Cardiac Disease (CUPID Trial) Phase 1 & 2 Trial of Intracoronary Administration of AAV1.SERCA2a in Class III/IV Heart Failure Phase 1: Open-Label, Sequential Dose Escalation 1.4x1011, 6x1011, 3x1012, 1x1013 drp N=12 (3:3:3:3) Phase 2: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled. 6x1011, 3x1012, 1x1013 drp, & saline N=39 (8:8:9:14) RJ Hajjar. J Clin Invest. 2013;123:53 R Hajjar et al 2013 (In Press) 4f). MI -Stem Cell Fr. Gene Transfer Promotes Repair Via c-kit+ Cells (Rat) E Yaniz-Galende, V Fuster, RJ Hajjar Circ Res.2012;111:1434 A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style (4) – Complex CAD Subclinical (1/3) -- Arterial Health 1970 1990 (3) 1990 2000 -- Global 2000 2010 To To To CP-VD DBD-Aging Focal 2010 2015 2015 2020 2010 2015 PESA & AWHS 40-54y, n= 8,000 , FU 0,3,6 y Life Style & Imaging? Omics (Framingham) Telomeres (S.blot, qPCR, Fresh) HRP > 55y, N=6000 FU 8y Predictive ? Economics ? 1a). 2010-2015, Plaque Burden, Carotid 3D-US, Coronary Calcification H Sillesen, P Muntendam, E Falk, V Fuster JACC Imag. 2012;7:681. 1b) 2010-2015, Cross Interaction Between Carotid Plaque Area & CAC IMT vs Focal: + Ilio-Femoral: +++ (n = 1480) (n = 1477) (n = 1479) (n = 1478) Carotid Plaque Area Quartiles V Fuster, U Baber, R Mehran, E Falk, et al, 2014 (Subm) 1b) 2010-2015, 3D-US + CAC Impact on Events V Fuster, U Baber, R Mehran, E Falk, et al, 2014 (Subm) 2010 2015 PESA & AWHS 40-54y, n= 8,000 , FU 0,3,6 y Life Style & Imaging Omics (Framingham) Telomeres (S.blot, qPCR, Fresh) HRP > 55y, N=6000 FU 8y Predictive ? Economics ? A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style (4) – Complex CAD Subclinical (2/3) -- Arterial Health 1960 1990 (3) -1990 2000 Global 2000 2010 To VD To DBD - Aging To 2010 2015 Focal 2015 2020 2). 2010-2015 - Cortical Atrophy (Alzheimer’s), White Matter Abnormalities & Lacunar Stroke (?) JC Kovacic, V Fuster et. al. Circulation. 2011;123:1900 MA Lim et. al. Clin Geriatr Med. 2009;25:191. 2). 2010-2015, DBD / Alzheimer’s White Matter Abnormalities & Lacunar Stroke (?) Promoting Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health V Fuster, S Bansilal. Stroke 2010; 41:1079 Highlight Dementia Risk to Reduce CVD BM Mearns, V Fuster. Nature Rev Card 2010; 7:237 Cellular Senescence, Aging & Vascular Disease ( Part 2 of a 2-Part Review ) JC Kovacic, EG Nabel, V Fuster Circ 2011; 123: 1900 Complex Coronary Disease, Cerebrovascular Disease and Degenerative Brain Disease JC Kovacic, JM Castellano,V Fuster Ann. NY. Acad. Sc 2012; 2). 2010-2015, DBD / AD - MRI – Perfusion CV RFs, Lesion Volume, Cognitive Decline 1.V Novak, I Hajjar. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 2010;7:686(HMS) 2. HW Querfurth, FM LaFerla. NEJM 2010; 362:329 3. WB White et al.Circ 2011;124:2312 (Farmington,Yale) 4. AHA/ASA, Stroke 2011; 42:2672 5. WHO - Dementia report 2012 6. JB Toledo et al. Brain July 10, 2013 7. C Russo, RL Sacco Circ. 2013;128:1105 8. JR Kizer Circ 2013;128:1045 Ischemia affects 60 to 90% of patients with Alzheimer’s A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style Complex (4) – CAD Subclinical (3/3) -- Arterial Health 1960 1990 (3) -1990 2000 Global 2000 2010 To To VD DBD - Aging To Focal 2010 2015 2015 2020 3). 2010-2015, Aging: Frailty Non-specific Extreme fatigue, unexplained weight loss, frequent infections. Falls So-called hot fall is related to a minor illness that reduces postural balance below a crucial threshold necessary to maintain gait integrity. Spontaneous falls occur in more severe frailty. Delirium Rapid onset of fluctuating confusion and impaired awareness. Delirium is related to reduced integrity of brain function and is independently associated with adverse outcomes. Fluctuating disability Fluctuating disability is day-to-day instability. A Clegg et al., Lancet 2013; 381:752 3). 2010-2015, Aging / Senescence Cellular Stress (Oxidative Stress) on Telomere 2 3 1 4 B Niemann et. al. JACC 2011; 57: 577. R Madonna, R De Caterina et. al EHJ 2011;32:1190 (Houston &Chieti, Italy) JC Kovacic, EG Nabel, V Fuster – Circ. 2011;123:1650 Aging / Senescence Cellular Stress (Oxidative Stress) on Telomere 2 1 3 B Niemann et. al. JACC 2011; 57: 577. R Madonna, R De Caterina et. al EHJ 2011;32:1190 (Houston &Chieti, Italy) JC Kovacic, EG Nabel, V Fuster – Circ. 2011;123:1650 Molecular Pathways Implicated In Aging CB Newgard et. al. J Clin Invest. 2013;123:946 ENVIRONMENTAL OXIDATIVE STRESS Telomere Attrition & Shortening •Smoking •Obesity •Sedentary lifestyle •Mental stress •Alcohol abuse Inhibition Of Telomere Shortening •Healthy lifestyle F Fyhrquist et al., Nat Rev Cardiol 2013; 10:274 Promoting Health and Improving Survival Into Very Old Age The identification of strategies that can promote health and productivity into old age is one of the most important challenges facing public health. The current study’s findings, which suggest that modifiable social and behavioral factors increase survival among older people, but only when achieved early in life, preferably in childhood MM Glymour, TL Osypuk. BMJ 2012; 345:e6452 A Transition From Disease to Health Heart – Brain Integration Imaging / Omics / Regeneration / Life Style Complex (4) – Subclinical Health 1970 1990 To CP-VD (3) -- Arterial To DBD-Aging (3) To 1990 2000 CAD -- Global 2000 2010 Focal 2010 2015 2015 2020 1a)2015-2020, Promoting CV Health Worldwide x 35 35 2011 June 2014 Circ. 2011;123:1671 a. Behavior Risk, b. Lack of Policy NCD, 12 RECOMMENDATIONS: c. No Intersectorial, d. Mixt Health Delivery 1) 2015-2020, Science, Health, Education Powered by / for Three Ages 1 Research / Health 2 . 2 3 LICs / HICs DBD / Polypill “Extended healthy lives” in part due to medical research generates dramatic returns - Albert & Mary Lasker Found.- 2002 1a). CNIC - Academics of the Future Public CV Research Institution of The Spanish Government & Pro CNIC (13 Private Companies) 28,144 m2 For Research. Equipped With The Most Advanced Facilities &Technology 1a). For-Profit Private Corporations 15 14 10 1 11 2 12 3 4 13 5 6 7 8 Education: Intra & Extramural (15) Facilities: Imaging, Experimental SCIENCE July 8, 2005 & Sept 1, 2006 THE LANCET Aug 19,2006, CIRC April 2007 EUROPEAN HEART J 2010;31:2067, EUROPEAN HEART J 2013;34:1014, 9 1.- César Alierta Telefónica 2.- Ignacio Polanco Grupo Prisa 3.- Emilio Botín Fundación Marcelino Botín 4.- José Manuel Entrecanales Acciona, 5.- Valentín Fuster CNIC , President 6.- Isidro Fainé La Caixa 7.- Francisco González BBVA 8.- Luis Suárez de Lezo Repsol YPF 9.- Ignacio Garralda F. I. Médica Mutua Madrileña 10.- Carlos Martínez Echevarría Fundación Ramón Areces 11.- Salvador Gabarró Gas Natural 12.- Luis de Carlos Uría Menéndez 13.- Rodolfo Martín Villa Fundación Endesa 14.- Miquel Roca Fundación Abertis 15.- Pablo Isla Inditex 16.-Antonio Huertas Fundación Mapfre 1a).“CNIC–Joven” Training Plan 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 1b). Childhood Obesity & Oportunity 1. Childhood obesity increases BP & risk for stroke “substantially” in adulthood. 2. It predicts obesity in adulthood The Finish Study (S Mayor. BMJ) 2012;344:e3065 1ba). Non-Profit Private Foundations JM Santo Domingo 1ba). COLOMBIA – CHILDREN’S PROGRAM HOW YOUR BODY & HEART WORK HEALTHY FOOD HABITS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EMOTIONAL HABITS TO AVOID ADDICTIONS EDUCATIVE GOAL: HEALTHY HABITS FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN 3 & 5 YRS CHILDREN GENERAL PUBLIC 3-5 6-8 9-14 SESAME PROJECT KNOWLEDGE (70), ATTITUDES (20) & HABITS (10) Score (mean) 90 (p<0.0001) 85 (p=0.1197) ‡ (p<0.0001) 80 (p=0.0064) (p=0.7417) 75 (p<0.0001) p< 0.001 70 65 Intervention period 60 Baseline Teachers Parents 6 months Children 18 months Control ------ Céspedes J, Briceño G, Farkouh ME, Vedanthan R, Baxter J, Leal M, Boffetta P, Woodward M, Hunn M, Dennis R, Fuster V. The American Journal of Medicine 2013; 126, 27-35 36m-change In Children’s KAH Mean Scores* 100.0 Score (mean) 90.0 p< 0.001 80.0 70.0 60.0 p< 0.001 50.0 40.0 0 Knowledge 18 Attitudes 36 Habits (physical activity) The Amer J of Med 2013;126:27 Colombia – 25,000 Children, Spain 64 Schools – 20,000, US…… 1bb). Non-Profit Private Foundations 1bb). SPAIN - CHILDREN’S PROGRAM Cardona July, 2011 Madrid, October 2011- Cardona, July 2013 Madrid, October 2013 2013 Top 10 Advances in Heart Disease and Stroke Science American Heart Association/American Stroke Association AHA 1ba.COLOMBIA 1bb). SPAIN Dr V Ruster Jan 2, 2014 1bc)USA P = Pilot 1st Year; I = Intervention IP = Peers; II = Individual; O = No Intervention KAH-BEA = Knowledge, Attitude, Habit – BMI, Exercise, Alimentation; S = Sustained BEWAT = BP, Exercise, Weight, Alimentation, Tobacco; PPPI = Peer-to-Peer Program Intervention IIIP = Intensive Individual Intervention Program HEALHY COMMUNUTIES - CARDONA 2) 2015-2020, Science, Health, Education Powered by / for Three Ages 1 Research / Health 2 . 2 3 LICs / HICs DBD / Polypill “Extended healthy lives” in part due to medical research generates dramatic returns - Albert & Mary Lasker Found.- 2002 2a). 2015-2020 AMPATH Centers In Kenya BP Control / Non MD / High Technology R Vedanthan, V Fuster, et al NHLBI / Kenia Project, 2012-2015 2b). 2015-2020 - CARDONA INTEGRAL – “FIFTY-FIFTY” SMOKING 0 11 2 -- -- 2 OVERWEIGHT 0 12 2 -- -- 2 SEDENTARISM 0 13 2 -- -- 2 HYPERTENSION 0 14 2† -- -- 2 8 TOTAL HABIT SCORE SIX MONTHS 95% of the people have improved in one or more of the habits or RF. 3) 2015-2020, Science, Health, Education Powered by / for Three Ages 1 Research / Health 2 . 2 3 LICs / HICs DBD / Polypill “Extended healthy lives” in part due to medical research generates dramatic returns - Albert & Mary Lasker Found.- 2002 3b) 2015-2020, CNIC-FERRER POLYPILL, 2ary PREVENTION. FOOD INTERACTION FOCUS 1 & 2 Argentina Brazil Paraguay Italy Spain PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTION WITH ASPIRIN BIO-EQUIVALENCE ASA, Statin, ACE-Inhibitor PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTION WITH SYMVASTATIN PHARMACODINAMIC INTERACTION WITH RAMIPRIL FREEDOM AETNA EU 2020 Am. H J 2011;162:811 Semin.Thor.Cardiov.Surg 2011;23:24 Nature Rev Cardiology, 2014-In Press PHARMACODYNAMIC INTERACTION WITH SYMVASTATIN PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTION WITH RAMIPRIL PHARMACODYNAMIC INTERACTION WITH ASPIRIN - Approval in 7 UMPIRE: High Risk, Two Polypills as FOCUS +Hctz or Atenolol vs Usual Care 86% Adherence vs 65%, Lower BP and LDL-C - Events NS --- JAMA 2013;310:918 Transition From CV Disease To Health The Circle - Manhattan Motivation PCNA, Atlanta, April 10, 2014 No Disclosures The Circle of Motivation . Satisfaction Motivation Passivation Frustration 4 T’s – Mental - Time, Talent, Transmit, Tutoring 4 A’s - Society - Attitude, Accept, Authenticity, Altruism
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